Celery in baby food. Is it possible to celery children with celery children

An amazing plant, one of the few, in which everything is useful - and root and stems and leaves. But the main thing - it practically does not have contraindications

The vitamin composition of the root and the above-ground part of the plant varies somewhat, so the best option can be considered the use of their both. In addition, the root, as a rule, is undergoing thermal processing - it is boiled it, fry, add to soups, and the stalks and leaves are great for salads, where they can be added with raw, while retaining all vitamins.

Celery composition

This vegetable does not have records on the content of nutrients, but a large plus is a balanced composition. In celery there ( vitamin C) needed to strengthen the child's immunity, thiamine ( IN 1) - Water soluble vitamin, which does not accumulate in the body and must come regularly. Participates in the processes of growth and splitting of proteins and carbohydrates. Riboflavin ( AT 2) participates in metabolic processes and activates the work of vitamin B6 (contained in animal products)

There are in the root and green celery niacin ( IN 3) and a little bit ( AT 9), which is important for blood formation.

Celery Root (Photo: Fotolia)

Mineral Celery Composition:

Celery is rich enough kaliaHis content in 100 g root - 400 mg, greenery - 430, it is more than in such popular products like bananas, broccoli and the podcol. Thanks to this amount of potassium and a sufficiently coarse plant tissue, regular consumption of celery in any form contributes to the normal peristalsis of the intestine and the full work of the bacteria of the children's gastrointestinal tract, and simply speaking - helps to avoid constipation.

There is in this vegetable calcium (about 60 mg per 100 g), magnesium - Exceptionally important mineral, which also contributes to all its important properties and contributes to the absorption of ascorbic acid, phosphorus, sodiumwhich is also in celery, activates many enzymes and energy exchanges.

Celery Green (Photo: Fotolia)

Why the celery is a child

Balanced celery composition, both underground and overhead part of it, makes this vegetable extremely useful.

  • Thanks to the vitamins of celery, it is capable of maintaining the resistance of a children's body with all sorts of infections. This property is especially important during the autumn cold.
  • Like any other vegetable, celery is perfectly diversified by the diet of the child, which is assigned a necake-off-free diet.
  • The normal work of the children's intestine is extremely important for the health of the entire body. Thanks to the fiber, which is the main nutrition of the intestinal microflora, celery will help to avoid hardening of the wheel masses, and potassium will provide a normal intestinal peristaltics.
  • By virtue of its composition and the presence of essential oils of crude celery, as a rule, stalks and leaves, perfectly stimulate the production of gastric juice and thereby increase their appetite in the child.
  • Nutritionists recommend to give celery children in combination with meat dishes, because, thus improving the metabolism of important amino acids coming from meat.

Celery and Apple Salad

Celery stem
1 apple
1 tsp of lemon juice
100 g of soft cheese
Yogurt or sour cream

Clear apples from the peel and cut into a thin straw (you can grate on a large grater). Celery stalks wash, cut into small cubes, add to apples and sprinkle with lemon juice. Soft cheese (cheese, suluguni) cut into cubes, in size for celery pieces. Mix everything, salute and add sour cream or unsweetened yogurt. For decoration, you can use any fresh greens - parsley, dill, basil, thyme.

Bon Appetit!

Feature: In the children's diet can be administered from 1.5 years.

Celery- Common vegetable culture. The genus of grassy plants of the family is umbrella.

In 100 grams celery contains 13 kcal

Celery is the closest relative of Parsley. But they came to our garden with different ways: parsley - from the mountains, and celery - with swamps. In ancient Greece about a hopelessly sick person, they said: "He lacks only celery." In Europe appeared in the XVIII century. The appearance of celery in Europe immediately enveloped his mystery. Now a common culture is now.

Celery composition and nutritional properties

IN 100 g celery Contains:

  • Proteins - 0.9 g
  • Fat - 0.1 g
  • Carbohydrates - 2.1 g
  • Food fibers - 1.8 g
  • Organic acids - 0.1 g
  • Water - 94 g
  • Mono- and Disaccharides - 2 g
  • Starch - 0.1 g
  • Ash - 1 g

Useful properties of celery

Everything is useful in celery: and root, and stems. They contain the most valuable amino acids asparagin, tyrosine, carotene, nicotinic acid, microelements, essential oils.

Useful properties has, above all, crude celery. It is useful in stomach diseases, with rheumatism, obesity, urinary bubble diseases. Salads and juices from celery are an excellent tool to maintain well-being (clean the organism from toxins).

Celery has anti-allergic, antiseptic anti-inflammatory, wound-healing properties. The light laxative properties of celery and its ability to improve the overall tone of the body and enhance physical and mental performance.

Water infusions from celery roots are useful for gastritis with reduced acidity, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and duodenal intestine, with rheumatism and neuralgia, as well as a softening and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Celery root has a diuretic and a fitting effect, it is widely used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

It was noted that in the body of the child, the diet of which includes celery, the metabolism is improved and the appetite is enhanced. In addition, the use of this vegetable contributes to strengthening children's teeth, bones and improved brain.

Contraindications to use

To drink Celery Juice in no way in no case at obvious manifestations of any disease of the gastrointestinal tract and the problems with the kidneys.

Celery in a children's diet

Start introducing celery in the kid's diet is needed from one and a half years. Initially, in order for the baby to get used to his smell and taste, we need to put a small piece in a vegetable soup.

Cooking and consistency

To start the baby, you can offer a rubbed soup, in which a piece of celery will be pulled together with the rest of vegetables, and all this is diluted with vegetable decoction. When the child gets used to, you can offer a soup with not sophisticated, and finely chopped celery.

Culinary recipes from celery for children

Puree from Celery (from 1.5 years)


  • Celery root - 100 g
  • White bread crumb - 20 g
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Creamy oil - 1 tsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc
  • Salt to taste


  1. Celery root wash, clean and cut into cubes.
  2. Then you need to boil it in a small amount of slightly salted water.
  3. Bread, pre-closed in milk, add to celery. Then you can put a piece of cream oil and beat everything with a blender.
  4. Cut the egg, clean and cut into slices.
  5. Serve with an egg!

Celery with potatoes - from 1.5 years


  • Celery root - 100 g
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Bow - ¼ PC.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt to taste


  1. Potatoes and celery wash, cut into cubes and put in a saucepan.
  2. The onions clear, wash, finely cut and add to vegetables.
  3. All pour water (so that barely covered potatoes with celery).
  4. Then add vegetable oil there, a little bit into the low heat until ready.
  5. Serve can be served with pieces or as mashed.

Supach with celery - from 3 years


  • Water - 2.5-3 liters.
  • Cabbage white - 500 g
  • Celery Packers - 500 g
  • Pepper Bulgarian - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


  1. Put the celery pieces in boiling water and leave to boil on medium heat.
  2. At this time, cut onions and carrots (onions - cubes, carrots can be grate on a large grater).
  3. Vegetables are slightly, until soft, in no case fridge, distortion on 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  4. Cabbage to choke and throw to celery.
  5. Tomatoes seek, remove the skin, cut into the big and put in the soup.
  6. Bulgarian pepper cut, put in soup, cook for 10 minutes, then add a roaster, salt to taste, let go boil and remove from the fire.

Bon Appetit!

> How old is the child can be given celery

Celery belongs to those vegetables, when the use of which is not left. Everything comes from the leaves, and ending with the root. The pleasant fragrance of this plant is an excellent addition to almost any dish. The unique composition of the vegetable is huge benefit to the children's body. But the charm of this plant is not limited to its gastronomic qualities. It has both healing properties that are equal to ginseng. But will it be useful to celery children?

Useful properties are determined by its rich chemical composition:

The plant is rich in vitamins whose role in the body is known for a long time and is not subject to any doubt. Thiamine improves the conductivity of pulses by nerve fiber. Pantothenic acid contributes to the acceleration of wound healing due to traumatic damage, burns. Contains nicotine acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, other representatives of the famous vitamin set.
The plant contains a whole palette of various chemical elements. Among them, such rare elements like selenium and zinc should be highlighted. Not every plant can boast of their presence. In addition to them, the product is rich in iron, potassium, magnesium, other elements.
The plant has the pronounced properties of antioxidants. These substances brake the formation of free radicals, which show their damaging properties on the intracellular level. As a result, aging processes are moved.
Celery use is an effective means of combating overwork. It will be useful on the eve of the exam or competition.
The plant will eliminate minor nervous disorders. If the child is capricious, he is enough to add some celery to the dish, as parents about whims of their treasures will have to forget.
The presence of kumarins provides an anesthetic effect. This property can be successfully used to get rid of headaches.
Celery will help eliminate articular pain. Of course, this is not a diclofenac, but it will not cause side effects. It does not have a negative impact on the state of the digestive tract.
Celery removes urinary acid from the body and does not allow it to be deposited in the form of salts.
Entering various diets, celery promotes weight loss.
Vegetable increases appetite. If in this regard, the child is difficult, the problem is easily eliminated by the addition of celery in food.
Celery use contributes to increasing the concentration of attention.

From what age children can be celery

Considering the multifaceted benefit of the plant, mommies ask, from what age children can be celery. Thoughtful mom simply does not wait to find out the answer to this question. After all, if this plant bears such a huge benefit, she certainly want to suggest him to his baby.

Children give celery no earlier than 1.5 years. However, the celery child in go can be given in the form of juice, gradually adding it to another vegetable juice products.

You can give celery to a child up to the year. This is done when it has already been entered with lures, and he is used to the puree. You can graze celery and introduce a little part of the dish. Not trouble, if at first the baby will reject such food. It follows a week to refrain, and then try to repeat.

Celery to the child in two years involves more widely applications. Kroch got used to soups and with pleasure eats them. You can have a small piece of celery root add to soup. The taste will change insignificantly. A child may not even notice this.

An important is the question of how to introduce celery to the child. It is necessary to do this gradually, in small portions, observing the state of the kid. This approach is necessary when introduced into the diet of any new product, especially since it is possible to allergic to celery in a child.

This plant has edibles are all parts. Therefore, you can offer not only leaves and stiffs, but also the root of the celery child.

Soup with celery

Surely likes such a dish as soup with celery for a child. The dish is designed for children aged 1.5 years.

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White cabbage - 250 g;

250 g celery cherrykov;

One Bulgarian pepper;

One head of the onion bows;

Vegetable oil - tablespoon.

All vegetables must have medium sizes.

Stay in a saucepan, pour water and boil on medium heat.

Onion cuts into cubes, rubbing carrots on the grater.

Prepared vegetables fry on vegetable oil.

Cabbage to choke and add to the soup.

Tomato blanched, after removing the skin from it.

Add Tomato and Bulgarian pepper to boiling with celery, which should be chopped.

After 10 minutes, fried onions and carrots add.

Feeding on the table, the dish fill with greens.

Mashed Celery

Root part of celery - 50 g;

Buton flesh - 10 g;

Milk - tablespoon;

Butter creamy - 5 g;

One chicken egg;

Salt and spices in accordance with taste addictions.

Celery root is cut with the formation of small cubes. Then they are boiled in the water.

Bread is soaked in milk.

The broth is filtering, celery are removed. Bulcon add bread and creamy oil. Everything is carefully necessary to beat the blender.

The egg is cut into 4 equal parts.

When applying on the table, greens and part of the egg are added.

Celery and Apple Salad

It takes one celery petiole, a sweet apple of medium size, soft cheese in an amount of 100 g, lemon acid to taste. Clear apple and grate. Celery and cheese cut into cubes. Mix everything. To refill use yogurt or sour cream. The dishes are obtained very tasty, and most importantly, useful for the body. Kids eat him with pleasure.

Parents must remember the gradual introduction of celery into the diet. It is necessary to do this with small amounts. We should not forget about the possibility of developing allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the child to the product.

Celery is an amazing vegetable, it can be said without free. In fact, the plant has nothing to throw out, everything is going to move: and stems, and leaves, and roots. The saturated fragrance of this product is so pleasant that even the simplest meat dishes become much more tasty if you add at least a bit of the greenery or celery root. The vegetable is extremely useful for children, as it has a unique composition.

According to the healing properties of celery equates ginseng. In addition to vitamins with minerals, it contains a set of valuable amino acids, including asparagin, tyrosine and some others, there are still essential oils and fiber. Find out why he is kids, what dishes from it can be prepared for the smallest and how it can help in the treatment of certain diseases.

Useful properties of celery

Celery is appreciated for its ability to reduce the intensity of aging - this effect is achieved due to the unique composition of this vegetable. What kind of minerals in it are not: selenium and zinc - rather rare trace elements - there is not in each product, it also contains iron, magnesium, potassium and other substances. He is rich in both the vitamins of the group in (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, nicotine and pantothenic acid. By the way, the latter has the ability to accelerate healing of wounds and burns, is part of almost all means for sunburn.

The celery greens are very good when overworking: if serious exams or competitions are coming, be sure to include it in the child's diet. She also helps to cope with light nervous disorders - try the capricious baby regularly add it to the first, second dishes and salads, and your child will become a little calmer. Croha is inclined to swelling? Then this vegetable must occupy an honorable place in its diet.

Other useful properties:

  • reduces headache - an anesthetic effect provides kumarins;
  • it has brightly pronounced anti-inflammatory properties - it helps to cope with pain in the joints, of course, it cannot be compared with diclofenac, but celery has no side effects and it will certainly not definitely have a negative impact on the digestive system;
  • contributes to the removal of uric acid salts;
  • it helps to cope with overpressing body, is part of the most popular diets - if the kid is inclined to complete, celery will help to reduce weight;
  • increases the ability to concentrate.

Celery due to the antiseptic effect is very useful in diseases caused by the activities of pathogenic bacteria: at the earliest stage of development will help them stop them if the infection has already been "separated," and will become a good addition to drug therapy. Due to the vitamin and mineral complex increases immunity and helps to get rid of slags. If a healthy baby regularly uses celery, with a high probability he will not have problems with appetite: a vegetable helps to increase interest in food.

Medical recipes based on celery

Other Medicatics from Celery:

From what age do children can be celery?

Celery not only does not cause allergies, but also helps to cope with it. In a small amount, it can be offered from 7-8 months when the baby is already used to meat and vegetable puree. For the first time, cut a tiny piece of the root and add it to the soup - the taste of dishes will change insignificantly. See how the child responded. Some kids can refuse food - do not be mistaken, postpone tasting for the next week.

Later, when Krocha becomes accustomed to first dishes with a walled celery, try to teach it to greenery - it is necessary to cut it finely. To prevent her fragrance better, and valuable substances have not lost activity, put it in a saucepan before completing the preparation - then it will be subjected to minimal heat treatment.


If the child has diseases of the digestive system, the celery can only be offered after consultation with the pediatrician. The vegetable is contraindicated with a stomach or duodenal ulcer, harmful when gastritis with increased acidity. With caution, it should be used in exacerbation of pyelonephritis and jade, as well as other problems with the genitourinary system. To refrain from this vegetable, with hemorrhagic vasculitis and other problems with vessels. In the presence of chronic diseases, consultation with the doctor is obligatory.

Asya now for a month eats well only soups with celery. The husband is already jumped when I say to him that the porridge does not always eat well, answers: there is no celery!)))

I decided to rummage in the internet on the subject, and whether it is generally a one-year-old child, and that's what I was accumulated.

Celery consists of a root, stem and leaves and all of its parts contain a huge amount of useful substances. The leaves contain carotene, which increases immunity and vitamins of group B (regulate the metabolism) and C (powerful antioxidant). In addition, it improves blood clotting, reduces inflammation and soothes.

Everything else it improves appetite and enhances the release of gastric juice. Therefore, it is recommended to give celery to children before dinner, then the baby will surely eat the main dish with pleasure.

The root of this vegetable contains important trace elements.: iron, potassium, mineral salts and enzymes that are simply necessary for children. After all, all these substances contribute to the normal growth and development of crumbs, they have an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthen the bones and teeth, improve digestion. And the magnesium and phosphorus contained in it improve the brain.

Especially useful to celery children after winterWhen they have a capital care in vitamins. Until the rest of the vegetables appeared, you can replace them with celery. Considering that all of its parts are useful, you can come up with a lot of dishes with him. Various salads, stew, casserole - the choice is just huge. In addition, leaves can be used as decoration. They will give sophistication dishes. You can only experiment. And the baby will surely come delight from such a variety.

Please note that for celery salads it is better to use in raw form, and for the second dishes - in fried and stew. But he has a kind of taste and not every child. Therefore, if Krocha did not appreciate it from the first sample, do not be discouraged. It is better to show fantasy and prepare something new. For example, a salad of celery and apple root or vegetable soup. Perhaps in this form they will fall into the baby.

Starting C12 months, add some celery when cooking juices. Especially such cocktails will be useful in hypovitaminosis. But before that, be sure to consult the pediatrician so that the baby does not have allergies.

You can also combine graceful celery with apple, dried up, nuts and raisins. And if you pour this mixture with yogurt, you will get a wonderful dessert.

Try to combine it with various vegetables and meat. Boil or make a pair. In general, experiment more. Then dishes will be not only more diverse, but also tastier. The essential oils contained in it will make dishes fragrant and have a beneficial effect on the health of the kid.

Types of celery

Celery refers to the family of umbrella. Celery species about 20, the most famous of them - the celery odorless or cultural. Cultural celery can be root, leaf and cherry.

Celery benefit

Celery contains vitamins A, C, E, K, folia, oxal, ascorbic acid, fatty and essential oil, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus. The green of the village has soothing properties, roots and stems activate the secretion of gastric juice.

Celery improves water-salt exchange, and also slows the processes of the body's aging. It contributes to the absorption of protein, prevents accumulation of gases, so it is useful to add it to meat dishes. Celery is useful in gastritis, chronic colitis, ulcer stomach disease.

Celery contains few calories, it normalizes the metabolism and promotes weight loss. More calories are spent on mastering celery than enters the body.

Celery juice is useful for the normalization of metabolism, improvement of blood formation and digestion, launching stones. It is recommended to use in diseases of the kidneys, pancreas, intestines, rheumatism.


Celery and preparations based on it are contraindicated during pregnancy after the 6th month, during breastfeeding. The optimal daily rate for a healthy person - 150 g of celery, and if there are problems with the kidneys - 80 g. With varicose veins, it is not recommended to use more than 60-70 g of celery.

Using celery

Celery stalks can be equipped with raw, stew, cook, cook for a couple, bake and fry. Celery root can be added to salad, cook and bake. Dried and powdered celery can be added to broths, sauces, a bird dishes baked on the grill. Celery is combined with potatoes, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, eggplants, beans.

Fresh celery root combined with apples and carrots. The grated celery root is added to vegetable juices. In addition, celery root can be added to soups, broths, vegetable and meat dishes. In order to preserve vitamins, celery root needs to be lowered into boiling water and cook in a tightly closed container.

Green celery leaves can be used as seasonings for the first and second dishes. The leaves can be mixed with salt (at the rate of 200 g of salts per 1 kg of finely chopped leaves), while maintaining them in this way for the winter.

Celery recipes for children

Fresh Celery Salad with Apple

Age: 4 years

  • celery root - 100 g
  • (sour) - 1 pc.
  • apple juice - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • salad leaves (optional)


Celery root and apple wash and clean from the peel. Clear apple and from the core.

Grate celery and apple on a large grater, shifting into a bowl and sprinkle with apple juice.

Add vegetable oil in salad and mix.

If you wish, you can lay out celery with an apple on lettuce leaves.

Mashed Celery

Age: 2 years

  • celery root - 100 g
  • (water) - 50 ml
  • - 1 PC.
  • - 1 h. Spoon
  • white bread crumb - 20 g


Celery root washed and clean from the peel.

Cut into cubes and cook in a small amount of salted water.

Bread to soak in milk and add to celery.

Add creamy oil and beat puree blender.

Swim the egg, cool and clean.

Cut eggs with slices and decorate the mashed potatoes from Celery.

Celery with potatoes

Age: 2 years

  • celery root - 100 g
  • (Medium) - 1 pc.
  • (Medium) - 1/4 pcs.
  • - 1 tbsp. the spoon


Celery root and potatoes wash and clean from the peel.

Cut into cubes and folded in a saucepan.

Onions clean and finely cut, add to celery and potatoes.

Pour vegetables with water so that water is barely covered with celery and potatoes.

Sleet a little, add vegetable oil.

Stew on a small heat vegetables until readiness.

Ready vegetables can be whipped by a blender in a puree.

How to choose and store celery

When buying celery, you need to pay attention to the fresh and fortress of the roots and stems. Stems and leaves should be pale green and shiny. If the stems are dark green, then they are more coarse, but it contains more vitamin A. You cannot take a sluggish yellow stem with a hollow core and dark streaks - such celery contains carcinogenic substances.