Construction of a house for resettlement from emergency housing. To submit a document, the applicant. The procedure for recognizing housing emergency

The resettlement of citizens is carried out thanks to the program established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The program was created to implement comfortable and favorable conditions for the life of citizens of the Russian Federation. After all, the creation of a favorable environment is one of the main factors, the Government of the Russian Federation pays great importance to the program. It has a considerable amount of funds.

The program contains the following provisions:

  • the aggregate of the Foundation of Buildings to be demolished includes buildings related to emergency toast 2007;
  • finance Foundation allocates material tools to support this program;
  • a number of comprehensive measures to resettle citizens.

Finance, which were allocated to fulfill this program, stand out free.

The program must contain:

  • housing, which was recognized as emergency until the beginning of 2007;
  • the budget allocated by local authorities of this area to implement the program;
  • volume of this program;
  • ways to relocate and solve the problem according to the reform of housing and communal services.

The resettlement program must be fulfilled until 2017, the remaining cases are considered individually.

The legislative framework

Programs accepted at this level, Legislative Documents of the Russian Federation, Resolution No. 47.

The program for resettlement of housing is implemented by the main executive authority.

How to find out the list of houses for settlement

To find out whether your home has the standards adopted in 2015 - i.e. Whether it is in the list of resettlement, you need:

  1. Check whether documents are issued correctly.
  2. Appointed commission for checking housing.
  3. The work of the Interdepartmental Commission is estimated.
  4. After the assessment is the act and the conclusion of the Interdepartmental Commission is made.
  5. If the Commission approved the application, the house is included in the register of unsuitable housing.

The register of unsuitable housing - all buildings were concluded in it, which by 2015 were approved by an interdepartmental commission as a dilapidated.

The list of emergency housing should be available to all residents of the Russian Federation without exception and published on the official website of the administration of the settlement.

To find out a list of houses for resettlement, in the absence of the Internet, you need to contact local self-government.

Objects related to emergency housing:

  • premises in which permissible sanitary standards are exceeded;
  • near the building or premises a large concentration of harmful chemical or biological substances;
  • rooms that are close or inadmissible to the power line;
  • if a highway and noise indicators from it exceed the permissible rate next to the object.

Old housing is the condition of the room, the wear of which is seventy percent for the building from stone and sixty-five percent for the building from the tree. Even if the building designs provide rigidity, the building does not comply with housing standards. If more than 2/3 of its premises are recognized as not suitable for housing.

Wooden houses are recognized as dilapidated if their wear is 65%, stone houses are recognized as dilapidated if their wear is 70%.

If the percentage of building wear will reach seventy percent or more, this does not mean that the building will be subject to demolition. The interdepartmental commission decides which houses to be resettlement.

But unusable for housing are not:

  1. Buildings, one or two-storey non-sewage and hot water, premises in buildings that do not comply with housing standards.
  2. To identify a list of houses to be resettleged, an interdepartmental commission is created, it decides what further fate is waiting for the house.

Required documents

When applying, the owner of the house should attach the following documents:

  • copies for ownership of real estate;
  • solving a special organization on recognition of the house by the Old or emergency;
  • the solution of a project or engineering organization, which has the competence in this issue, on the recognition of the supporting structures of buildings not to the relevant standards;
  • if necessary, attach other documents.

In addition to these documents, the applicant must attach the complaints of the remaining tenants of the house, a period of 30 days is given under consideration of these documents.

To submit a document, the applicant:

  • can transfer a document a visit;
  • send document by mail;
  • placement of a document on the website of public services;
  • through municipal bodies dealing with this issue, their city.

After submitting the application, the Commission within five days is obliged to respond to the applicant - send a copy of the conclusion, if accommodation in this emergency room bears harm to the life of people living in it, the Commission is obliged to answer the next day.

Procedure for settlement of houses

The settlement is an important issue in civil law. The norms of settlement are not always carried out in reality. Due to the activities of the dominant government, residents of emergency housing continue to live in emergency conditions, although there is a possibility of resettlement.

What are the pros and cons of monolithic houses, you will learn in this material:

The Commission checks the package of documents, the housing is investigated, the premises are examined and concluded.

The higher authorities make a decision to recognize housing by the Old or to be demolished, the conclusion that the supporting structures of the building do not comply with the standards.

The Commission may issue the following conclusions:

  • conclusion about the suitability of housing for residence;
  • decision on the need to redevelop or change some parts of the building;
  • major building repair;
  • the decision to recognize the building is unsuitable for living, that is - emergency;
  • reconstruction of the building;
  • the decision to demolish the building, as its reconstruction or redevelopment is meaningless.

If the house is already in the LCD list on the resettlement program, you should simply wait for your turn.

You can also use the help of the Interdepartmental Commission - to write a statement or invite the Commission. After inspection by the Commission, the house will inspect the interdepartmental commission, which will solve the further fate of the house.

When solving and accepting a house emergencyThe resettlement must be implemented in the short periods specified in the resettlement program.

If the Commission recognized the house is not an emergency, but there are weighty evidence to consider the house an emergency need to appeal against the decision of the interdepartmental commission in court.


When relocation, citizens must provide:

  • housing should be provided in the same area where emergency or dilapidated;
  • in another area, housing can be provided only with the consent of the owner of the Old Housing;
  • the number of rooms must correspond to the former number of rooms in an old apartment or house;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe allocated premises should also correspond to the old area;
  • also in a new issued room should be attended by all communications - electricity or gas, hot water, heating, houses with large number of apartments mandatory elevator.

In addition, residents of emergency housing are provided with new housing instead of emergency, in some subjects of the Russian Federation to a new housing is accompanied by monetary compensation.

Resettlement to new housing is controlled by housing and communal services and is carried out on the basis of the Housing Code.

If the family lived in a communal apartment or a hostel, she is provided with a room with the same number of rooms as before.

The latest news about the resettlement of citizens from dilapidated and emergency housing in 2019 they suggest that the main points have already been revised and the procedure for the implementation of this procedure will be completely different than in past periods.

Today, the resettlement of dilapidated and emergency buildings is carried out at the expense of budget allocations, which makes it possible to owners, regardless of the size of their earnings, get a new apartment for free. This part made amendments did not affect this year, but significantly changed the procedure for recognition of high-rise buildings unsuitable for living. Consider new provisions in more detail and highlight those moments to pay attention to.

According to current legislation, in Russia, since next year, there will be another procedure for recognizing housing by the Old and Emergency.

The basis for the assignment of the structure to lifeline unsuitable for life can be the following characteristics:

  1. At the house there is a deformation of the foundation and is not subject to recovery or repair.
  2. There are no communications, for example, wiring or plumbing.
  3. The house is not connected to the central heating system, and each apartment is heated individually.
  4. There are no windows in the apartments that does not give enough light to maintain the normal state of health at the tenants.
  5. The housing contains a large amount of toxic substances, which is contrary to the norms of the Russian Federation.
If at least one of the characteristics is present in a certain structure, then the house is considered unsuitable for living and is mandatory to be demolished.

Rules for the settlement of tenants

As part of the state program, the settlement of citizens in the period 2016-2020 will be held according to the new rules:

  1. The new living space must correspond to the old on the area or established by the state criteria - 18 square meters. meters per living. For example, if a family of 4 worked in a room at 40 square meters. meters, then she can count on receiving a new housing with an area of \u200b\u200b72 square meters. meters and more.
  2. The relocation of citizens should be held at home, where the living conditions will not be worse than they were in the old apartment.
  3. First of all, the new housing receives persons who have no other accommodation options.
  4. If the owner of the housing lives elsewhere, and the structure in which the apartment is located is entered into the list of emergency houses, the new living space does not rely on him, and compensation is paid.

Changes after 2019

Upon completion of the current year, the state program of resettlement will cease to act in the same form. With a new order for obtaining apartments for owners, an additional fee for the housing is provided.

The main purpose of such innovation is to increase the liability of the population for new apartments. In addition, the meaning of the imposition of payment involves the possibility of choosing a living space, where the owners of the dilapidated dwelling will be settled. For example, if a citizen wishes to stay in the old area, he will have to make some amount of the construction of new housing.

For residents of historical districts, the State Program provides for certain conditions for participation in which owners will be able to choose a new place of residence independently.

If the owners can not make the necessary amount?

The likelihood that owners will not be able to make the necessary amount of money are very high. In this case, another option is provided for the production of housing - the signing of the Social Agreement. This method involves the design of the non-profit lease of residential premises followed by redemption. In other words, the living person makes a fee only for utilities. This option will be able to count:

  • residents with disabilities;
  • poor families and large families;
  • persons retirement age.
All other groups of citizens who have chosen social services will be obliged to be in addition to the communal fee to make a monthly rent - up to 70 percent of the market rental of residential premises.

It is important to note that free new apartments from the state will cease to be provided since September 2019. The new order will be applied with respect to the housing, which will be recognized as unsuitable for living in October.

What is the essence of the changes

On the one hand, many people participating in the project will seem that these measures are very tough and adopted specifically for the deprivation of citizens of their living space, but there is also its own logic in the decision, too. Very often, people who specifically acquire old housing participate in the state panel to get a new apartment and profitably implement it.

The program is designed for providing people who really need this new housing. The innovations will solve this problem much faster and at the same time get an apartment to families, especially in this need, without addressing the bank for a mortgage loan.


Starting from next year, the resettlement program will act on other conditions, and people will no longer be able to get a new home completely free. Requires requirements for recognition of buildings with dilapidated and emergency. Persons who will not be able to make the necessary fee for new housing will be able to sign a social contract, but it will be necessary to pay for the use of living space anyway, but already monthly.

    Old housing, in contrast to emergency, safe for residence due to the lack of the possibility of destruction. First of all, residents from emergency houses are spread, and for resettlement from dilapidated housing, funds are usually not allocated.

    The resettlement from the dilapidated houses is possible only in the case of their demolition in order to liberate the place to build a new object.

    The effectiveness of the resettlement program from dilapidated and emergency houses

    The emergency housing demolition program is valid for a long time, however, due to the slow implementation of the program, during this period, a minor number of citizens were resettled from such houses.

    Features of the resettlement of residents from emergency houses

    With the demolition of a dilapidated or emergency house, the relocation of tenants should be carried out in the following order:

  • creating a program in each region aimed at implementing certain purposes;
  • creating a list in which dilapidated or emergency housing is listed. In relation to such housing, a decision may be made on its full demolition or reconstruction, and residents are provided with apartments in other houses. Everyone living in a dilapidated or emergency house may ask about making her house in the above list. To do this, it is enough to clarify the necessary information on a special public website.
  • the search for housing is equal to the previous one. It is carried out in order of focus to provide every person living in a dilapidated or emergency house, new housing. Usually housing is selected in the same urban area or settlement, where people lived earlier. Upon receipt of the consent of citizens and the submission of a special statement, a decision is made to relocate them to another place of residence (another area of \u200b\u200bthe city or the settlement). When resettlement from emergency and dilapidated homes, people can independently decide on the choice of the most convenient place of residence in the future.

If there is an apartment located in a dilapidated or emergency house, its owner can be offered compensation, i.e. Money paid instead of providing a new apartment.

The decision on relocation can be made with respect to the owners and tenants of apartments. When distributing apartments, housing area is taken into account, which the family occupied earlier. Apartments in new buildings or houses built earlier may be offered for relocation. In case of eviction from emergency or dilapidated houses, housing conditions cannot be improved by the state.

In accordance with the demolition program of emergency housing, to obtain an apartment of a larger area, residents living in emergency and dilapidated homes, must be supplemented with a certain amount.

To make relocation from emergency or domestic home independently, if representatives of local authorities deliberately delay the solution of this issue, it is quite difficult. Today, you can get advice on issues related to the relocation from dilapidated and emergency housing, in the online mode and at competitive prices, using the services of qualified lawyers of the Internet resource

Since 2002, there has been a relocation from dilapidated and emergency housing to new buildings in the state program. The issue of resettlement of emergency houses worries both the government and property owners have long been. Residential buildings are currently worn, tools are collected for a long time, so the problem is very relevant.

Legislative issues

For fifteen years, which passed from the basis of the program of resettlement from emergency housing, the legislative acts were given a definition of dilapidated and emergency housing. This is recognized:

  • when the degree of wear of the supporting structures reaches 70 percent;
  • the house has changed the form of the foundation or wall;
  • natural disasters hit the house;
  • the house was destroyed or suffered from fire.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe new apartment, which migrants received in return for the dilapidated room, less, then they pay the difference in cost. Such compensation payments provide citizens after the members of the Special Commission decided about the need for such a compensation.

When resettlement from dilapidated housing, conflicts of the interests of owners and municipalities may occur due to not entirely clear instructions in legislation that you can express bicon. Therefore, the appeal of immigrants to the courts and the prosecutor's office for settlements from the dilapidated housing is quite projected.

Stages of making decisions for settlement

The program is performed only in those houses that were recognized by worn or emergency and listed into a schedule for further examination. After that, the following actions are organized:

  • force a commission that will check the condition of the house to the question of the resettlement of the Old Fund;
  • make a conclusion following the results of the inspection;
  • old house, when he is recognized as such, brought to the settlement and demolition;
  • municipal authorities provide other apartments to owners and removals;
  • residents of the apartment building move to a new place;
  • the building is demolished.

At all stages there are controversial situations that the MKD tenants often have to be resolved in the courts and prosecutors. Many complaints come to the municipal regional bodies, because of this, the state program of resettlement from dilapidated and emergency housing is carried out with wires and difficulties. One of the interesting moments - when the house is estimated like a dilapidated, then even with such a situation, residents must resettled. To do this, you need to prepare acts and convene a commission, it recognizes the home of the Old Finally and confirm the need for eviction.

All this Volokita slows down the process of resettlement of citizens and demolition of the building, to all of the time, in each house there are preferential categories of citizens who are being obtained from obtaining all the goods out of turn. Many of them are rightfully deserved. Also all residents of multi-storey houses can make money for apartments that have a large area. In addition, there are still many subtleties that arise when the resettlement of all citizens from emergency housing is required. To solve issues, the principle and activity of representatives of local authorities are necessary. There is a program "Old housing" and in rural areas.

Since 2019.

After completion of the program of the 2002-2010 year, the head of our country signed a federal law, which regulates the eviction of citizens from the Old and emergency housing. It was assumed that people who live in worn and unfastened houses will move to new and comfortable buildings with more suitable and quality conditions for life. But in some republics and cities of the country, the program of resettlement of dilapidated and emergency housing is simply failed.

The regional address program for the resettlement of citizens from the emergency fund was rapid in some regions for many reasons that did not allow it to complete it in the allotted period. The most basic ones are as follows:

  • impracticability of requirements for the equivalence of new housing due to the fact that this in the area is not available;
  • evaluation of residents of communal apartments for many reasons is difficult, such a plan is no longer built anymore, and no one agrees for the subsidence of other people in their apartments;
  • permission for free privatization of apartments, which are derived from a revolving housing of the municipality, makes the construction of new houses unprofitable.

In accordance with the program, all actions for resettlement from emergency housing after 2017 are paid from the federal treasury. Moreover, the management bodies are obliged to create their programs for three-year settlement terms. Since since 2007, evictions and overhaul are under the control of the Housing and Communal Services Fund, then only this organization convenes regional commissions engaged in checking the state of buildings and the possibilities that the resettlement program from the emergency fund is carried out.

Emergency accommodation

The federal resettlement program concerns only those buildings on which the deliberate commission made a conclusion about their dilapidation and accidents, that is, the impossibility of living in them. On the conditions of recognition of dilapidation of the house already written above. In order to establish the level of the building of the building, it is necessary to assemble the interdepartmental commission, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation regulates it. All recognized as unfoundatory buildings are demolished or repaired.

The Interdepartmental Commission examines only those buildings that consist in the list of an individual resettlement program carried out in the region. But in practice, after complaints and appeals of citizens living in a physically obsolete house, these buildings are checked and contributed to the program after a survey, which revealed the impossibility of residence. To verify the members of the Commission, it is necessary to provide plans for the building, the technical system of the premises, copies of the right-pointing securities for real estate.

The provision of housing instead is carried out only for the inhabitants of emergency buildings, because living in such houses, they are dangerous to their well-being. In addition, it is dangerous for life. Eviction is not carried out in buildings that were recognized only by dilapidated. But at the same time, when the dilapidated housing is extremely worn, it can be put into order to demolish when approving it by the Commission in the status of a worn object.

How to enter the program

When residents of multi-storey houses are confident that their accommodation does not meet the standards of high-quality building, then they need to send access to local executive bodies. After that, the staff of this organization send citizens to the institution, which specializes in conducting expert opinions after checking houses under the "Old Housing" program.

In order to contact this institution, you need to collect the following papers:

  • plan at home;
  • photocopies of documents on the rights of ownership, who assured the notary;
  • powerport house;
  • conclusion about the state of the house;
  • statements of residents about the windiness of the object.

After the survey, the Commission decides on the thirty-day period of the Old Lie House. But with dangerous risks for the inhabitants of the worn building, the ruling should be accepted within one working day. When the housing commission is not recognized by the Commission, the citizens have the right to apply to courts that will appoint an independent expertise to address the issue.

Emergency settlement conditions

When recognizing the building, emergency governing bodies must complete the eviction of citizens as soon as possible. But for this comply with the following resettlement conditions:

  1. All employers and owners are provided with equivalent apartments that have the same area as previous emergency accommodation. In the new apartment necessarily the presence of a bath, soul, cranes, toilet, gas stove, drainage and water supply, heating, electricity.
  2. When relocation from the dilapidated room, three options are offered to choose from, but the requirements of the owners are not taken into account.
  3. Just like the owners, tenants who concluded the contract of sociality.
  4. The area of \u200b\u200bthe future apartment is calculated in accordance with the current regulatory acts on the residential premises, which is provided under a social hiring agreement. For example, a married couple moves to an apartment from one room, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is from 44 to 50 square meters. Three residents consisting in family relationship will move to the room, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is from 62 to 74 square meters. According to standards, one citizen of the country has no less than 18 square meters.
  5. When a resident of the house, to be evaluated, was part of the register of waiting for the expansion of the housing, he will move to the premises, taking into account the lacking pattern. There are rare situations when there is no room with the premises of the required size in the local housing. Then an extra apartment is issued.
  6. Retailing from dilapidated and emergency housing in commune is prohibited.
  7. The granted apartment is located in the same district as the building to be demolished. However, if the inhabitants agree, they settle them in other districts.
  8. The resettlement of dilapidated and emergency housing in 2017 occurs only when there is a written consent of the tenants.
  9. The settlement from emergency housing of citizens is carried out in a one-year period after recognizing it as such.
  10. There is a detailed agreement between the owner of the new housing and the host of the building. Basically, the owner of a residential building is the local authorities who are launched to fulfill the municipal address program for the relocation from dilapidated housing.
  11. When an alleged migranet wants to compensate in the form of cash for an emergency object, he writes such a statement. But the decision on this issue is assigned to local municipal authorities. Everything else, compensation payments are not beneficial to the owner of the apartment, which is subject to demolition.
  12. Emergency housing resettlement is carried out at the expense of local municipalities. But it should be noted that trucks for moving provide once.
  13. After the building recognized the emergency, the owners of residential premises cannot sell or exchange them. Such manipulations with the apartment will be recognized outside the law.
  14. After the contract was signed between the owner of the emergency room and the host of the building, eviction occurs within a month.
  15. When the property owner lived in an apartment, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is much less than the current standards, then at the settlement it will be given a separate room with a standard area, that is, the value of housing instead of the emergency will be more.
  16. The inhabitants of communal apartments provide a separate apartment when resettlement from emergency room.

In disagreement of the owners of apartments and employers with the decision of the Interdepartmental Commission on the resettlement of citizens from the emergency housing stock, it is necessary to file a claim to the court. For the appeal, it is necessary to provide the results of independent experts who recognized the object with an unsuitable for accommodation during measurements and technical examinations.

Evaluation of owners

When there are apartments in the delayed housing, the local executive bodies must complete the following procedure for emergency settlement:

  • indispensable written warning of each property owner;
  • examination of emergency housing of the owners, which is subject to resettlement, in order to assess its value;
  • conclusion of a treaty with the owner of the property.

The last item is needed when the owner as compensation chooses the payment for cash with cash, and independent estimation is carried out. Next, the owner make a proposal, voicing the amount of redemption. In this case, it is necessary to bargain, since the current legislation supports real estate owners. But more often, nevertheless, choose the receipt of a new apartment with the same area. Many prefer to redeem additional meters, thus increasing their living space. This is a profitable deal, because the price of square meters redeemed from the municipality is less than on the free housing market. Also owners can get state support. The order of relocation from the Old Fund is similar.

Research of the employers of municipal housing

Housing accumulations on a social hire agreement live in the apartments of a high-rise building. When evictions in a new home of such tenants, the municipalities provide landscaped apartments in accordance with the number of persons who are spelled out in the emergency. Similar housing standards for resettlement from the emergency house give space for fraudulent actions by the tenants and their relatives.

When the emergency building recognition occurred, they register a lot of citizens, in order to subsequently move to the housing of a larger metratema, and then privatize it. When municipal authorities detect the fact of fraud in such manipulations, they may refuse to provide a new apartment. Emergency housing resettlement program after 2017 is acting differently, now it will not be allowed to privatize any migrants to privatize a new apartment. Perhaps this is only provided that the future owners of housing are co-investors for the construction of a new house.

But many investors do not wish to invest in building buildings that are asking for state money. When making such changes, the immigrants that did not become for various reasons of the co-investors will move to new apartments only when concluding a social hiring agreement, the new program contributes to this. It will be difficult to get accommodation in social hire, it will be able to make only certain categories of residents:

  • recognized by poor;
  • having three or more children;
  • pensions;
  • other socially unprotected citizens.

Retailing of dilapidated housing It is carried out to liberate an apartment building from persons living in it. The procedure is carried out in cases where it is necessary to carry out the demolition of the structure, its reorientation or improvement of the housing conditions of third parties. The state provides for the possibility of resettlement of citizens holding premises regardless of the form of ownership or hiring. Power also forms commissions and regulatory bodies that carry out emergency houses and structures with a worn infrastructure that inform the population and carrying out the transfer of housing or cash to persons deprived of the former housing.

The legislative procedure is fixed under. In the Housing Code, there are also norms providing legality under the procedure: regulates the obligation to evict the owners. According to the main role in the implementation of the settlement, regional authorities and territorial units of the Ministry of Economics play. The subjects of the Federation, the city of federal significance take local laws that reveal the essence of the process for individual lists of houses, taking into account the quality and improvement of the property fund.

Moscow and St. PetersburgBeing the largest carriers of municipal housing, have legislation on the resettlement of such apartments. The general essence of the laws comes down to improving the quality of life among citizens and control the safety of apartment buildings.

Which housing is recognized by the Old

The cost estimation procedure for non-compliance with standards is initiated by the appeal of citizens and state structures responsible for the support of housing stock. Citizens can contact both personally and on the face of self-government forms ( Tszh., UK).

The Commission defining whether the building is veterging or not, consists of specialists from the department of architecture, housing inspection, utilities and improvement. During the analysis of the bearing walls, overlaps and communications, the characteristic of the residential premises is published, issued to every citizen living in the structure.

Resolution No. 47. Regulates the criteria for recognizing housing Vetchim:

  • Natural wear of the walls and floors was 65-70% And it cannot be corrected within the framework of overhaul. This wear indicator is manifested in the crepe of individual parts of concrete (brick) structures, rotting wooden elements;
  • Communications do not provide a sufficient level of power supply, hot water receipts (only for houses, more than 2 floors). Operation in this form can lead to technogenic accidents and complete failure;
  • Worn led to a violation of sanitary standards in terms of noise, the presence of a bacteriological and chemical threat. Due to the further operation of the structure, negative consequences for the health and life of citizens are possible.

The Commission, assessing the degree of wear, should also make a conclusion on the impossibility of large-scale repairs. This circumstance is implemented in homes that have significantly exceeded the amortization resource ( 60 -70 years old).

A citizen who decided to apply to the recognition of the structure unsuitable for living should:

  1. Convene a collection of residents where and get the decision of the partnership;
  2. Optionally - order an independent examination;
  3. Write statement In the name of the head of the municipality, which requires the convening of an interdepartmental commission. View and download sample document You can here :.
  4. To the application to make a technical plan, the decision of the owners (employers), documents of technical expertise. Submitted complaints of structural disadvantages can also be taken into account.

Options for settling from dilapidated and emergency housing

If, according to the results of the work of the Commission, it was decided that the house is to be demolished as old or emergency Building, residents are awarded notifications and characteristics. Further actions of citizens depend on the reason for the use of the apartment.

The owners of the apartment, who have consolidated their right in the federal registry possess the greatest independence. On the basis of the article 32 LCD RF.The state is obliged to offer monetary compensation or an alternative apartment that is not inferior to the parameters of the previous one. Monetary compensation must be appointed based on the results of the market assessment: the cost of an apartment with a similar area, a level of improvement and in the same area is taken into account.

In case the person is not according to the appointed compensation, the dispute is solved by the global judge. If the apartment is selected at the settlement, then monetary compensation is counted as payment. The lack of funds for full payment may establish the regime of the share ownership of a citizen and the state (part of the apartment is provided under the social contract).

The employers of the apartment have a smaller list of opportunities: a person is obliged to conclude a new contract of hiring. Refusal of imprisonment will also admit: if the apartment does not correspond to the level of comfort, improvement and square, and also worsens the quality of life. Based on the refusal, the state provides another apartment. Otherwise, the case is also solved by judicial review.

Apartments offered by the residents of the Old Building are erected in the framework of regional settlement programs. State bodies that produce control at all stages of construction are required to prevent violations and ensure a high level of improvement. In rare cases (less 2,5% According to the statistics of the resettlement program), the purchase of apartments in the secondary market is allowed.

The order of settlement from dilapidated and emergency housing

According to the type of property, as well as the selected option, the list of actions that must be performed in order to implement reliance of owners of dilapidated housing. In particular, if the owner preferred to obtain monetary compensation, it is required:

  1. Apply to the head of the municipality on obtaining compensation for the apartment. Contracts are attached to the statement, certificate of ownership. View and download sample document You can:;
  2. Wait for the decision of the Commission on the provision of cash payments. Notification must be sent within 5 days From the moment of submission of the application;
  3. Conclude an agreement with the administration on the transfer of property;
  4. Make actual departure from the apartment, which must be recorded by the employee of the local administration in the form of an act;
  5. Provide your own calculation, which also indicates other expenses incurred during a forced move. The administration is obliged to cover all proven costs, including temporary rental of premises;
  6. Get the calculation of the apartment. Money is listed on a bank account. Their further appointment depends entirely on the will of the owner, unless he took on any obligations (for example, improving the housing conditions of the child).

In case the owner is the state, and the apartment was previously transferred on the basis of the social contract, it is necessary:

  1. Apply for inclusion in the settlement program;
  2. Confirm the documented composition of the family, the number of prescribed persons;
  3. Wait to solve the interdepartmental commission. When making a decision, an apartment is appointed, similar to the area, but on the improvement of relevant standards in the region;
  4. Despite the fact that the answer comes in 15 daysIn practice, apartments are transmitted on the basis of the schedule, often with a delay;
  5. To inspect the apartments and fix all the shortcomings within the acceptance and transmission act.

Emergency resettlement in 2015 Does not oblige to register - it is enough to provide evidence of residence in the emergency house. The choice of the apartment does not affect the current Norms SanPiN: the apartment is provided in accordance with the former area and cannot be increased on the basis of an increase in the number of residents. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between the queue for the improvement of housing conditions and the settlement.

List of necessary documents

During the settlement are provided:

  • The contract of socialism, sales and other documents confirming the legality of the property;
  • Certificate of ownership (exclusively for owners);
  • Statement Requirements for resettlement within the program. The document records information about the applicant, members of his family and address;
  • Documents certifying the consent of interested persons (lenders, spouses, guardianship);
  • Rehabilitation program (for people with disabilities, which require special living conditions);
  • Certificate of family composition and prescribed faces;
  • Applicant passport.

Nuances at the resettlement of dilapidated and emergency housing

During the settlement, it should be borne in mind that the state should improve the place of residence, while not violating the requirements Housing Code. A frequent problem with which tenants are faced is to move them into residential arrays located in other administrative units. According to the latest news, the contradictions between the geographical and administrative definition of the outlines of the settlement are interpreted in favor of citizens.

The consequence of corruption, schemes of fraudsters and lack of control can be an unfinished home or structure erected with violations. When settled, it is necessary to reflect all the disadvantages associated with the local area, the entrance and the apartment itself. The developer is given 3 days To eliminate deficiencies or motivated response. It should be borne in mind that the provision of an apartment is the duty of the state, and with the poor-quality provision of the service, it is responsible in court.

Current programs were installed on 7 years in 2010.. Thus, accurate information about the settlement after 2017. Not published. It is noteworthy that privatization, which is the only possibility of obtaining funds for the apartment, ends in 2016..

The most popular questions and answers to the settlement of dilapidated and emergency housing

Question: Hello, My name is Cyril. Before resettlement, they lived in three-room apartment with an area 70 square meters. Since the apartment was obtained under the social contract, the administration gave an apartment as the same area, but two-room. How legally it is?

Answer: Kirill, in this case, the action of the state is legitimate. Requires only saving area. Requirement, according to government Decree No. 47., only the goals of preserving the rights of citizens, but not to improve housing conditions. Based on this wording, the norms requiring the number of rooms do not apply when receiving a new apartment.


The settlement procedure is applied when providing legitimate rights of citizens living in the Old and Emergency Fund. The administration of the settlement, which is engaged in this procedure, is obliged to follow the standards that regulates the law on the resettlement of dilapidated and emergency housing in 2015:

  1. Evaluate the depreciation of real estate, independently setting the risk of accidents;
  2. Provide an apartment or monetary compensation within the agreed period;
  3. Monitor the improvement of the apartment hand;
  4. Re-enter into social Contract with tenants;
  5. Keep the total area of \u200b\u200bthe former apartment when relocation.