Mushroom Reisi where to get. Raisses Mushroom: Useful properties, contraindications, benefits and harm. Rush Mushroom - Medical Properties and Contraindications

It is not a secret that the legendary, revered for his therapeutic properties of the Risha Mushroom (Handerma) is growing not only in China, Taiwan, Japan - those countries of the Asia-Pacific region, in which he was erected into the rank of superlast, but also with us south of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory.

Surprised? There is nothing surprising. If you look at the globe, it is impossible not to see that the Krasnodar region is located in the same latitudes as the countries mentioned above, and the unique climate of the Caucasus allows the raishes mushroom to fully ripen during the summer. Rutter calmly, slowly, in natural natural conditions. In these natural terms, the Raisse is gaining strength to then give it to people for the benefit, for their health and strength.

Naturally, you have to work hard to find a mushroom. After all, it does not grow like cucumbers on the beds! But it's worth it! It is worth at least in order to receive electronic rows of gratitude from all over Russia! In addition, the Mushroom has a rash here's so easy to meet in some park of Krasnodar!

In the forest, the Risha Mushroom, as a rule, settles on the trunks of dead trees, like all the drove mushrooms. You can meet it and growing out of the ground if this substrate is a mixture of land and rotting tree. The treasure activity of the Raisse is very large - he likes the sponge sucks out of wood all the power, destroying it. I was able to observe how in a few years a dry tree lost its strength and fell. Therefore, it is not for nothing in the construction of shed houses use various antifungal materials to protect logs from the destruction of drove mushrooms. Well, it also remains to remember the places of finds and systematically attend them to collect new Risha mushrooms. Under favorable conditions, 3 waves of ganoderma collection are possible. Therefore, summer for me is time to actively search and collect. In early May, with the first real spring sunny days, the visible growth of the raishes mushroom begins. The conditions conducive to the growth of mushroom can last until September.

Of course, in vivo, in vivo, the collection of the raishes mushroom is limited. Let them have to wear around the mountains and forests of the Caucasus in search of new places, but I am sure as a natural mushroom. Confident of this and my clients!

Well, if you are very lucky, you can find such an instance!

Rise Season 2015 Growth Growth

I want to say that the growth rate of the raishes mushroom is different and depends on many factors. Therefore, on one site of the Caucasus, Reishi can almost already be collected, and on another site it looks on June 12, 2015

Meanwhile, on another site, the situationJune 26, 2015 Looks like this:

Well...... The first harvest of the Mushroom Raisse the 2015 season!

On July 17, 2015, Risha Mushroom in some places looked as follows:

On July 24, 2015, the acquisition time was to collect the main harvest, and the photos of a new growing wave look like this:

Unconditional Leader in the size of 2015 - Giant Ganoderma!

After another drying on 07/282/2015. The intermediate Hanoderma catch in a dry weight amounted to 2.2 kilograms. And here's the results of the next catch:

The active ganoderma collection continues. At 27.08.2015, the situation in the forest looked like this:

Another drying. Intermediate outcome of the dry mushroom of the September 2015 season at 08/29/2015. amounted to 3.2 kilograms:

09/01/2015 year. Planned departure to the mountains. New photo session Reishi:

Well, here is the result of a new collection. After drying, the general intermediate result of the streets of the Rishi in 2015 at 09/06/2015 amounted to 4.2 kilograms:

So comes to the completion of the 2015 Reasters. The mushrooms left in the forest did not grow much, and the decrease in temperature and the cyclone threaten them by damage. I had to be satisfied with small. Situation in the forest at 0909.2015:

After the next "catch" of Reishi and further drying, the interim outcome of the ganoderma collection in 2015 amounted to 4.7 kilograms. Photo of the dried "catch":

09/12/2015 year. Ganoderma collecting smoothly switched to autumn. I hope that you will get something else to gather.

On September 17, 2015, the total weight of Hanoderma amounted to 5.5 kilograms:

After a couple of days, the daytime temperature drops below 20 degrees of heat, which means that the Reish collection season this year it is possible to close a quiet. In the cold I will master new areas to collect 10 kilograms of this wonderful mushroom in the next season! And the overall result of the collection of REISES in 2015 amounted to 5.9 kilograms. Left still grow up in one place a small family. Maybe thanks to her, the result will translate for 6 kilos! Photos from 02.10.2015g.:

October 9, 2015 I close the 2015 Reach collection season with a total outcome of 6 kilograms

What treats Mushroom Reishi (Hanoderma)

Rush Mushroom is a type of woody mushrooms, which is also called a lacquered clutch, widely known in Eastern medicine and used in the food industry and in the manufacture of biologically active additives to food.

Chemical composition

In the fruits of the raishes mushroom are present:

  • Amino acids (replaceable and indispensable);
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Organic acids;
  • Kumarina;
  • Triterpenoids;
  • Beta glucanis polysaccharides;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Saponins;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Vitamins (mainly C, D, B3 and B5);
  • Various micro and macroelements (selenium, calcium, silver, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, germanium, sodium, manganese, sulfur, copper).

Beneficial features

His medical and prophylactic properties of the Rush mushroom primarily obliges the high content of triterpenoids, polysaccharides and Germany.

Thus, beta-glucan polysaccharides have pronounced immunomodulatory and antitumor actions, which makes the use of the Raisse fungus very effective in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, and also helps to reduce blood sugar and blood pressure.

Germany, the high concentration of which is observed in the Risa mushroom, activates metabolic processes, has an antitumor effect, increases immunity, and also has a pronounced antifungal, antibacterial, anesthetic, antiviral and radioprotective action. In addition, Germany takes an active part in the transport of oxygen from the lungs in the body, thereby preventing the development of hypoxia in the tissue level.

The high content of triterpenoids also causes the therapeutic properties of the raishes mushroom. Due to them, hepatoprotective, anti-allergic, antitumor, antioxidant, anesthetic action has it to food. The use of the Raisher mushroom prevents the appearance of thrombus, improving the composition and properties of blood, helps to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol content in the blood.

Indications for use

  • Cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart failure, refruding endarteritic, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, ischemic heart disease, stroke, heart attack);
  • Various allergic diseases (prevents the development of allergic edema, effectively eliminates the skin dermatitis, itching and burning skin);
  • Viral diseases (acute respiratory viral infection, stomatitis of viral nature, herpes, etc.);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, such as the ulcer of the stomach and 12-rosewood, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis (the use of the Rush fungus effectively eliminates the colic concomitant states, has anesthetic and antispasmodic action, restores the normal microflora in dysbacteriosis);
  • Autoimmune diseases (bronchial asthma, systemic red lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, atopic dermatitis, sclerodermia);
  • Liver diseases (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatter hepatosis). Introduction to the ration of the Raisher mushroom prevents the development of liver life and prevents the development of such a dangerous disease as cirrhosis;
  • Diseases of the lower respiratory tract (pneumonia, orz, bronchitis);
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis);
  • Prostate diseases (adenoma, prostatitis).

Thanks to the numerous useful properties of the Raisshi mushroom, its regular eating contributes to:

  • An increase in physical and mental activity, the sustainability of the body to the effects of negative environmental factors, such as heat and cold, climate change, atmospheric pressure changes, ionizing radiation, low oxygen content in air, unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • Improvement of psycho-emotional background and functional state of the central nervous system due to the activation and synthesis in the body of the so-called "joy hormones" - endorphins;
  • Purification of the body from any kind of harmful substances (slags and toxins, salts of heavy metals), the protection of the body from ionizing radiation;
  • Improving the state of the endocrine system during mastopathy and nodal goiter;
  • Reduce blood sugar levels, which, in turn, prevents the development of obesity;
  • Rejuvenation of the body. This property of the Raisse mushroom is due to the high content of natural antioxidants, which are effective in combating free radicals that cause premature aging of the body;
  • Enhancing immunity, suppressing the development of benign and malignant formations. The highest efficiency of the Raisher Mushroom showed a comprehensive treatment of oncological diseases of the esophagus, lungs, intestines, mammary glands, uterus and prostate.
  • Old age;
  • Asthenic and immunodeficiency states;
  • Long-term physical, stressful, psycho-emotional or mental loads;
  • Accommodation in an ecologically unfavorable area;
  • Treatment of alcoholism or drug addiction (as part of comprehensive therapy);
  • Work in harmful production;
  • Accommodation and work in adverse climatic conditions (increased humidity, conditions of severe heat or cold, underground, underwater, high-altitude works).


Rush Mushroom should not be included in the diet in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy period and baby breastfeeding;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Children's age up to 7 years.

Homemade Drugs from Raisher Mushroom

2 teaspoons of crushed raishes mushroom pour the glass of water, boil, hold on the fire for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. It is half an hour to give a decoction of half an hour, cool and take three times a day half an hour before meals.

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Gunoderma lacquered mushroom, a representative of the genomoderma ganoderm family, is distinguished by unique medical properties that have already been actively used in folk and traditional medicine of Korea, Japan and China for more than 2 thousand years. Mention of it has been preserved in ancient medical treatises as an agent that gives eternal youth and longevity. It can be used to treat and prevent practically any diseases. Among other names, the mushroom has gangooderma brilliant, the blotch lacquered, the sacred mushroom, the Raisher Mushroom (translated from the Jumping Mushroom), Lingzhi (translated from Kit. "Mushroom Immortality").

In nature, this mushroom is distributed in many countries around the world, in moderate latitudes less often than in subtropics. The droverik lacquered is rather demanding for the conditions of growth, so it is difficult to find real mushrooms in vivo, in connection with which it used to be very expensive and inaccessible for each product.


Hanoderma lacquered is a saprophite. The substrate for it can be weakened, dying or dead trees, mainly deciduous (oak, alder, beech, birch), very rarely coniferous rocks, where Mushrooms are raishes and grows in Russia and other countries (China, Japan, North America, Korea and Indochina ). The trees are located closer to their foundation, often occurs on the stump. Sometimes fruit bodies are located right on the ground, while mycelium turns out to be underground roots of trees. Russia meets in the North Caucasus, in the Stavropol, Altai and Krasnodar Territory.

The fruit bodies annual, rarely two or three-year-olds are formed in summer.

Hanoderma's hat lacquered flat, has a rounded wardrobe or fan-shaped form, in diameter from 3 to 18 cm. From above, it is covered with a smooth shiny wavy skin, divided into a plurality of concentric zones of growth, each of which has its own coloring, from reddish-orange to brown Bura. The edge is sharp, can be wavy, slightly bent to the bottom.

The leg, like a hat, is covered with glossy skin, dense, uneven, has a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 1 - 3 cm, its length is 5 - 25 cm.
The pulp of yellow-brown, tough. According to the structure, first sponge-cap, then as the mushroom groves it hard and becomes rustic. Does not have a pronounced odor and taste.

The hymenoform is located on the bottom side of the hat, consists of short single-layer tubes up to 1.5 cm long, cm. The pores are small, rounded shape, first whitish, as the fungus groves it turns yellow and drill. The spore powder has a brown color, the dispute size is 8 - 10 microns.

Interesting: The appearance and the chemical composition of the lacquered rotor differs depending on the substrate on which it grows.

Chemical composition

The drumper lacquered has a complex chemical composition, which was studied by Japanese and American scientists. The following connections were found in fruit bodies and mycelium fungus:

  • amino acids (including indispensable);
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins (C, D, B3 and B5);
  • alkaloids;
  • kumarina;
  • glycosides;
  • polysaccharides (beta-glucans and others);
  • phytoncides;
  • organic and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • macro- (Mg, k, Ca, S, Na) and trace elements (GE, MN, ZN, MO, FE, CU, SE);
  • steroids;
  • lipids;
  • triterpenoids.

The most important biological significance of them has Germanium, which is in the form of carboxyethyl-sesquoxide, polysaccharides and triterpenoids (ganodermic acids). Basically, due to the presence of only these compounds of the Raisse Mushroom and has such valuable therapeutic properties.

Medical properties

The spectrum of the biological activity of therapeutic agents obtained from the clutch lacquered is extremely wide. Rush Mushroom is effective for the treatment and prevention of very many diseases, strengthening and purifying the body, improving memory, well-being and physical forces, improving performance, helps to get rid of chronic fatigue and poor mood.

The Beta-glucanis polysaccharide polysaccharides available in the mushroom have an immunomodulatory and antibacterial effect, contribute to a decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood. They also have a hypoglycemic effect and increase the susceptibility of tissues to insulin, which is very important for the treatment of diabetes. Of great importance is the polysaccharide lacquered clutter. It has an anti-allergic effect, preventing the production of antibodies and mediators of allergic reactions. As a result, such symptoms of allergies, such as itching, rash, swelling disappear or disappear.

Interestingly: Currently, in the medical centers of Japan, America, France and Canada, work is actively carried out on the study of therapeutic properties and the possibilities of using the Risha Mushroom in official medicine for therapy and the prevention of oncological diseases.

An important biological role for the human body is also played with lacquered triterpenoids, which have structural similarities with steroid hormones. They have an anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, painful, antitumor effect. Triterpenoids reduce blood viscosity and prevent the formation of thrombus, so very effective for preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system and their heavy consequences in the form of heart attacks and strokes.

Funds and drugs from the Raisshi mushroom found use for oncology in folk and sometimes traditional medicine in comprehensive treatment, as well as for prevention. They have a pronounced antitumor and immunostimulating effect, help patients easier to carry chemotherapy and irradiation, provide long-term remission.

The healing properties of the raishes mushrooms listed above make it possible and highly efficient use of the following pathologies:

  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty infiltration) and gastrointestinal organs (gastritis, ulcerative disease, Pipeticity, enteritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis);
  • violations of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis);
  • infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, diabetes of the first type, thyroiditis, sclerodermia);
  • impotence and reduced libido;
  • diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • immunodeficiency states.

Rush Mushroom is effective for weight loss, which is due to the acceleration of metabolism, the normalization of metabolic processes, a decrease in appetite, the purification of the body.

Preparation of raw materials

For treatment, the fruit body of ganoderma lacquered is used. The collection and harvesting is produced, starting from the middle of the summer and ending in late autumn.

Over the past 20 years, for medical purposes, the terminal is successfully cultivated on an industrial scale at special plantations in individual countries of Southeast Asia.

If desired, it can be raised at home. To do this, you need to buy mycelium on wood chopsticks, take a fresh carved log from the deciduous trees and drill in its edge, without affecting the cores, holes in a depth of 5 cm in a checker order. Then insert sticks with mycelium into the resulting holes and close them with wet sawdust. Infected in this way logs leave for germination of the mushroom. To carry out landing and growing, you need to choose a pure raw place, protected from drafts and direct sunlight. The temperature should be maintained in the range of 18-25 ° C, and to check the soil moisture daily, not allowing to dry or overvoltage.

IMPORTANT: Considering that the drummer lacquered is quite difficult to find in the wild, especially without having experience, but to grow it independently can be problematic, for therapeutic purposes it is preferable to buy ready-made dry raw materials of good quality from proven manufacturers.

Methods of application

Of the dried fruit bodies, the crushes of lacquered is prepared alcohol tincture, water infusion, decoction or tea.


Dried gangoderma fruit bodies lacquered chopped into powder with a coffee grinder. Take 10 g of the resulting powder, pour out into the glass jar and add ½ liters of vodka. Insist the composition in a dark place for 45 days. Then it is filtered and taken daily before breakfast in an amount of from 5 to 20 ml.


Grilled mushroom (1 tsp.) Pour ½ cup of water, leave for insteading. When the remedy cools down to room temperature, it needs to be filtered and drinking before eating. Repeat the procedure three times a day. This method of application of the Raisse fungus is suitable for weight loss. The duration of reception is 2 months.


Place in a saucep 1 tbsp. l. Carefully crushed mushroom, add ½ liter of water and cook the composition for half an hour. Then cool, filter and take 20 ml before eating at least three times a day. Store the resulting decoction follows in the refrigerator.


To prepare tea, you need to take 2 hours l. Raw, pour 1 l of water and insist 15 - 20 minutes. Use as an ordinary tea drink. The brutalik lacquered can be added when brewing a conventional black, fruit or herbal tea at the rate of 1 h. per liter of water. This ingredient will give a drink specific interesting taste. In the absence of contraindications such mushroom tea will benefit and will not cause harm to the body, as it will contribute to its strengthening and rehabilitation.


Raisher Mushroom has a big list of useful properties. However, for some categories of people, its use is contraindicated. These include:

  • pregnant and nursing women;
  • people with blood clotting disorders;
  • children under 7 years old;
  • people with identified individual intolerance or allergies on the brothing lacquered.

IMPORTANT: For its own security, before the start of use of the Raisse Mushroom in therapeutic or preventive purposes, it is better to consult with the doctor.

Costain, segments, medical properties:

All materials on the site site are presented solely for informing information purposes. Before applying any means, consultation with the doctor is obligatory!

Reishi - Japanese name of a very famous medical mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum. He is also called Mannentak, Lin-Zh. In our country, he often has the name of the clutch lacquered. For many centuries, it is used in the eastern folk medicine of Japan and China to treat a variety of diseases. There he is considered to be a mushroom of the immortality, which gives man eternal youth, longevity.

In natural conditions, the fungus will meet infrequently. Therefore, for a long time, it could only be very prosperous families. Now, Reisi successfully cultivate, growing on special farms, and anyone can buy it.

What is so valued by the Raisse, properties, the contraindications of him? Today we will talk to you about this wonderful plant, consider recipes for the preparation of therapeutic agents based on it.

What is the values \u200b\u200bof the Roshi mushroom? Structure

It must be said that its composition is quite complicated. The mushroom is rich in microelements, especially such an element as Germany. It also contains a large amount of organic acids, polysaccharides. Many in its composition of various vitamins, kumarins and phytoncides. Nevertheless, the healing properties of the fungus are due to the high content of triterpenes, polysaccharides, as well as ganodermic acids, element of Germany.

Eastern medicine uses therapeutic raishes under therapy of almost any disease. Just for each disease group there is a recipe, a specific dosage.

What is valuable woody mushrooms? Medical properties

It has the most positive effect on the human body. In particular, it has a soothing, antispasmodic effect. His anti-allergic, immunomodulatory properties are known. It is recommended to use hypertensive, since its ability to reduce blood pressure is known.

Thanks to the properties to activate the immune system, the mushroom has antitumor properties, therefore it is used for prophylaxis, and also used in the treatment of various tumors, including malignant.

It also has an expectorant, antimicrobial properties. Regular use reduces the level of harmful cholesterol, adjusts the blood sugar content. It has a powerful hepatoprotective effect, namely, protects the liver from adverse effects. In addition, the Risha Mushroom suppresses, reduces the autoimmune reactions of the body, which facilitates the course of autoimmune diseases, eliminates the symptoms of allergic processes.

Currency use of the fungus improves blood circulation, which contributes to a better supply of organs and tissues.

The valuable biological composition makes the rash especially useful people suffering from gastritis, ulcerative disease, as well as pancreatitis, colitis. It is recommended to be taken in cardiovascular, hormonal, infectious diseases, pathological conditions of the respiratory system, immunodeficiency.

It is very important that the Rush Mushroom can be used not only for treating diseases. It is recommended to be used to improve the overall condition, organism recovery. This contributes to a rich biological composition, whose value is confirmed by modern scientific research. It contains rare substances necessary for our organism daily.

It is usually used in the form of healing decoctions, alcohol tinctures that are prepared from dried raw materials. Pharmacies offer medical preparations based on it, you can buy dried mushrooms.

How to take the strength to keep a rash mushroom? Application, recipes

- Decoction: Grind the dried mushroom. Put 1 tbsp. l. In a small saucepan. There are also pouring half liters clean, drinking water. Boil, boil at a very low temperature, about 1 hour. After that, let me cool the brave. Take 1 tbsp. l. before eating. Store the refrigerator on the shelf.

- Dry mushroom powder: Mushroom Grind to powder condition. Add powder into finished dishes by pinch: soups, sauces, even tea (5-10 minutes before readiness).

- Alcohol tincture: Grind 1 tbsp. l. Reishi. Pour into the clean bank. All pour half liters of vodka. Put in the refrigerator for 6-8 weeks. Prepassed tool take 1 tsp. or 1 tbsp. l. (Depends on testimony and age) in the morning, on an empty stomach. Preload with clean water (a quarter cup).
Alcohol tincture is recommended to be taken in the treatment of tumor diseases. In this case, it is taken by 20-25 or 40-50 drops (depends on the diagnosis, age, the state of the patient). Take 2-3 times per day, before meals.

Who is dangerous than mushrooms? Contraindications

Like most serious medicinal products, Reishi has some contraindications. True, they are quite a bit. These include the individual intolerance of the composition of the mushroom. It can not be taken with the leaning of the body to bleeding. There are contraindications on the use of pregnant women, nursing mothers.

In addition, if you plan to get pregnant, for 2-3 months. Prior to this, the mushroom should be discontinued. Also, it is also impossible to give it to children up to the year. Be healthy!

  • Malignant tumors (cancer sarcoma, melanoma, leukemia, etc.);
  • Benign tumors (adenoma pituitary gland, prostate adenoma, polyps, cysts, etc.);
  • Autoimmune diseases (allergies, bronchial asthma, systemic red lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, sclerodermia);
  • Immunodeficiency states, frequent colds;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart attack, stroke, hypertension);
  • Light diseases (chronic bronchitis, pneumania);
  • Overweight;
  • Diseases of diabetes mellitus of the 1st and 2nd types;
  • CNS diseases. Sleep disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension and many other diseases.

Basic effects:

  • Large antitumor activity: increases the body's ability to resist tumor cells;
  • Reisa contributes to the normalization of fat metabolism, decrease in cholesterol;
  • Decrease in blood pressure;
  • Reduction of oxygen starvation myocardial;
  • Helps to reduce the manifestations of heart failure;
  • Correction of carbohydrate disorders; enhances and extends the effect of insulin, increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin; With long-term reception of the RESH, there is a decrease in the level of sugar, the stabilization of the flow of diabetes and a decrease in the dose of hypoglycemic drugs;
  • Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect; Reishi reduces swelling and pain associated with inflammation;
  • Improves performance, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Effective anti-allergic effect;
  • Regulates the activity of the nervous system, gently soothes, without causing drowsiness;
  • Powerful antioxidant activity.

Thanks to the presence of a whole spectrum of biologically active substances in the body, the use of the Raisse mushroom has a very wide therapeutic spectrum. Reishi is one of the most famous medicinal mushrooms used in folk medicine.

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Weakened immune system;
  • Autoimmune diseases, allergies of all kinds;
  • Type 2 diabetes - impaired carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Toxic and viral liver damage (hepatitis, hepatosis, liver dystroin);
  • Chronic obstructive lung diseases.

Scope of extract / tincture for oncological practice:

  • Prevention and treatment of oncological diseases (malignant tumors);
  • Prevention and treatment of benign neoplasms;
  • Use of fungus, as an additional means for chemo and radiation therapy.

Our video about Mushroom Reis

Description and History:

Reishi - Japanese name of the mushroom, c. China is known as "Lin-Zhi", in Russia - as a "lacquered drum". The Chinese and the Japanese thousands of years have used Reishi with health problems.

All the strongest drugs of Chinese traditional medicine are listed in the book "Big Pharmacopoeia". And the Reishi is subject to one at number one, immediately after the Raisse, should be ginseng - a plant with unique medicinal properties. The special healing properties of the Reishi for four thousand years made it incredibly valuable: the mushroom could be part of the attached and was inherited. By decree of the Chinese emperors, the flesh mushroom found should immediately pass into the imperial treasury.

In the wild, the mushroom met extremely rarely. Only in 1972, Japanese Sigaaki Mori opened a way to cultivate the Reishi in artificial conditions. Mushroom ceases to be the rare and becomes available for mass use. In addition, the presence of a large number of raishes mushroom gives impetus to the beginning of serious scientific research of its properties. From China, Mushroom moves to Japan and is currently exported to the United States.

We present the extract from the spore of the Risha Mushrooms. He has a more pleasant taste and smell - without bitternessbut it has more antitumor agents than in a fruit body and has a stronger action.

The mechanisms of exposure to the Reishi in cancer cells on cancer cells.

So let's look at how rash is the cancer tumor wins.

1980 Japan. The National Center for the Study of Cancer and the Department of Agrochemistry of the University of Sudouk will make the opening in the body of the Raisher's Mushroom of one of the most potent in Glucanov. It got the name GL-i-2a-?, That in translation means - immunomodulator.

In the human body there are three types of cells: cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL), natural killers (NK cells) and macrophages. They contribute to the destruction of mutated cells and prevent the formation of tumors.

Each type of cells carries its function:

  • Macrophages eat a mutated cell;
  • Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) with the help of a powerful emission of perforos polymers and "grazes", align the osmotic pressure inside and outside, thereby destroying it;
  • NK cells are a special kind of cell that recognizes any modified cells, even those that did not recognize macrophages and CTs and destroys them.

On cancer patients, all three types of cells are in the oppressed state and cease to perform their functions.

And here to help in-glucani Reishi come:

  • 1. They accelerate the maturation of macrophages, natural killers (NK cells) and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL);
  • 2. increase their life term;
  • 3. All three types of cells are activated, after which macrophages, natural killers (NK cells) and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) begin to exhibit increased cytotoxic activity and are able to destroy any malignant cell.

Clinical studies have been proven that patients taking Rishi mushrooms are better to transfer chemotherapy courses and radiation therapy. They do not have a pronounced drop of leukocytes and immunological indicators.

In our online store "Russian roots" you can buy a rash mushroom extract and consult on its use. Our managers will be happy to answer all the questions you are interested in concerning our products, they will tell you where to buy a rash mushroom extract as it costs. A large range and great prices will pleasantly surprise you.

Various extracts of medicinal mushrooms can be bought at the pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, as well as order by mail. What is useful than the Raisse of Mushroom Extract, which treats how they take it, you will learn by contacting the page of our site.

Why do the extract hood?

Indeed, there were no hoods before, and there were no laboratories for this. To produce nutrients and vitamins, the foods used themselves directly into food either prepared with them various healing decoction, tincture, etc. But not everything is so simple, no wonder on production began to receive extracts.

So, for example, the mushroom contains a lot of adhesive chitin. Hitin creates the so-called frame, that is, it enters the structure of the cells, thanks to which the mushroom becomes a solid, stable. It is precisely because of chithin, which is practically not absorbed by the human body, the mushrooms are poorly absorbed. But at the same time, they contain a very valuable component - glucan, which is closely connected with chitin. To break this connection, you need to damage the last.

So what did before? Folk Healers of the East mined glucans as follows. They did a mushroom decoction, as a result of cooking chitin lost its properties, freeing the glucan. In this case, a negligible amount of active substance fell into the solution - about 4%.

Under the conditions of modern pharmaceutical production, it is possible to obtain a highly concentrated extract with a content of about 50% glucan. In this case, the extract is easily absorbed by the human body, it is quickly absorbed by the intestinal walls, it falls into direct blood flow and is distributed throughout the body.

Composition: Extracted shape of the raishes mushroom.

Reisi contains a large percentage of active ingredients in the body of the mushroom: famous in glucans with antitumor and antibiotic properties; more than a hundred ganoderic acids - bitter triterpeneoids that contribute to a decrease in blood sugar levels and preventing the occurrence of allergic reactions; The LZ-8 protein contained in the Reishi blocks the effect of autoimmune processes; Hanoderic acids are attached to the tincture of a bitter taste; Adenosine nucleotide as part of the Rush fruit body, stimulating the cardiovascular system.

Method for preparing and applying Rush Mushroom (dispute extract):

For medicinal needs, both powder made of dry mushrooms and extracts (extracts) from the argument of mushrooms. The spores of the raishes mushroom do not dissolve in water (only in gastric juice) so when taking them to mix with a spoon.

Tincture wood mushroom

Package contents (2 gr.) Pour 1/2 cup (100 ml) hot water, stir, insist for 15 minutes. Adults take 1/2 cup (100 ml) 1 time per day 1 hour after meals. The duration of reception is 1 month.

In severe and active forms of cancer progression:

4 Packages per day (combine 2 types of mushrooms see treatment course Prime (method of consumption of mushroom extracts), where all the questions about the effects of medicinal mushrooms are affected. Course 6 months. Control after 4 months. With a positive dynamics, repeat the course after 1-2 weeks.

Treatment of benign tumors: Recommended 2 bags per day. Course 4 months.

Immunomodulator: 1 sachet 1 time per day.

To improve the process of fermentation and more rapid assimilation of the fungus, doctors - fungotherapists recommend when taking mushrooms not to swallow immediately, and to hold 2-3 minutes in the mouth - this will speed up the process of receipt of active ingredients in blood.

To enhance the therapeutic action of mushrooms the joint use of fungal powders is recommended. and candles Fungonko (effective means when dealing with oncology at all stages of the disease!) on a mushroom basis. It accelerates metabolism. Since with rectal administration, the values \u200b\u200bof the fungus fall into the hollow vein, and, therefore, directly into the liver and in blood.

Want to increase the efficiency of mushrooms and faster overcome the tumor? Apply to the course of treatment with mushrooms Digidrocivercetin - Natural antioxidant, source of vitamin C and phytooflavlov.