Heredity and development. Hereditary features, innate properties of the organism as a prerequisite for mental development Inborn hereditary property, which is the ability

The society specially organizes the process of transferring social and historical experience to the child, controls it, creating for this special educational institutions: preschool, schools, higher educational institutions, out-of-school institutions.

The child learns knowledge, forms skills and abilities in the learning process

... Learning - assimilation of knowledge by a child, mastering skills and skills, the ability to use them in life, the formation of a culture of knowledge, the creation of a fund "I can"

A child begins to learn from birth, when he gets into a social environment, and an adult, organizing her life, influences her with the help of objects created by mankind. Children's activity is often znozy, it depends on the circumstances, pedagogical influences, age, but in all cases it learns (O. Zaporozhets). If an adult sets a conscious goal for himself to teach a child something, selects appropriate methods and techniques for this, then training becomes organized, systematic and purposeful. During training, the nature of individual mental processes and functions changes, some contradictions are resolved and new ones arise.

Upbringing involves the formation of certain attitudes, moral judgments, i.e. personality formation

Upbringing - introducing a child to the system of values \u200b\u200bdeveloped by humanity, creating conditions for its spiritual growth, forming a value attitude towards reality, creating a "I want" fund

Like education, upbringing begins after the birth of a child, when an adult lays the foundations for personal development with his attitude to her. Raise a child by the lifestyle of parents, their appearance d, habits, not just special conversations and exercises. Therefore, every moment of communication with adults is important, every element of their interacting.

The child does not fall mechanically under the influence of external influences, he assimilates them selectively, refracts through the forms of his thinking, in connection with her interests and needs. This means that any external cart. See always acts through internal mental conditions (S. Rubinstein). The peculiarities of mental development determine the optimal terms of training, assimilation of knowledge, the formation of personal qualities. Therefore, the content, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing must be selected in accordance with the age, individual and personal characteristics of infants.

Development, upbringing and education are interrelated, they are links in a single process: "The child does not mature at first, and then is brought up and learns, the child does not develop and educate, but develops, educating and learning, that is, it is the maturation and development of the child in the course of education and upbringing. not only manifest, but also improve "(S. RubinsteinS .. Rubinstein).

Hereditary characteristics and innate properties of the organism as a prerequisite for the mental development of a child

You can become a man, having natural human prerequisites, a certain human heredity, a kind of biological, molecular cipher, in which the program of metabolism between the cell and the external environment is encoded, the hereditary inheritance is transmitted to the species and certain partial signs. Some of them affect the development of the human psyche. We are talking about the level of development and the ratio of the first and second signaling systems, natural moisture analyzers, individual variations in the structure and the degree of functional maturity of individual parts of the cerebral cortex.

Children are born with different individual characteristics of the structure and functioning of the body, its individual systems, receiving them hereditarily they inherit the type of the nervous system, the makings of future capable values, the structural features of the analyzers, individual parts of the cerebral cortex. For a full-fledged mental development, normal functioning of the brain and higher nervous activity is necessary. Due to their underdevelopment or brain injury, the normal process of mental development is disrupted.

From hereditary prerequisites, one should distinguish innate characteristics of the organism, which are formed in the process of intrauterine development. Changes in the functional, anatomical structure of the embryo can be caused by the mother's work and rest regime, diseases, nervous shocks, etc. Regardless of the will of adults, a certain percentage of children are born with congenital bodily disabilities. Sometimes physical defects occur after birth due to injury and illness (for example, curvature of the spine, shortened limbs, etc.). These features, at first glance, not associated with mental development, can negatively affect the formation of the personality through focusing attention on them of people who surround the child. Such a person, being healthy, may eventually become mentally ill, a feeling of an inferiority complex, as it negatively affects the formation of the personality. Such children require special attention, warmth, and a friendly attitude.

Hereditary and congenital features are prerequisites for mental development, certain capabilities, and not ready-made mental properties and qualities. By themselves, hereditary inclinations do not determine the processes that make up the personality, the achievement of its development, the originality of each person. For example, on the basis of natural inclinations, abilities and talent can be formed. However, the presence of inclinations does not yet guarantee their development. Mental qualities never depend on one factor, they do not simply complement each other, but are realized in organic unity. Mental development largely depends on the system of relationships, which includes the inherited trait, the attitude of adults and educators towards it. Of great importance is the relation to this feature of the infants themselves.

Recognition by domestic psychologists of the important role of the environment in the formation of personality does not mean denying the importance of heredity in this process.
Domestic zoopsychologist NN Ladygina-Kots raised little chimpanzee Ioni from 1.5 to 4 years old in her family. The cub enjoyed complete freedom. At his disposal were a variety of things, toys. The adoptive "mother" tried in every possible way to teach him human actions and especially speech. All nuances of the calf's behavior were recorded in the diary. Ten years later, the researcher conducted exactly the same observations on her son. This is how the book “The Chimpanzee's Child and the Man's Child in Their Instincts, Emotions, Games, Habits and Expressive Movements” arose (Ladygina-Kots NN, 1935). Much similarity was found in the development of both babies, primarily in games and emotional manifestations. But the differences turned out to be incomparably greater: Ioni never mastered the upright gait, could not learn articulate speech and labor actions. The human child was formed into a human personality, the chimpanzee child remained a humanoid ape. The same results were obtained by other researchers (in the USA: the Kelloggs, the Hayes, etc.).
You can become a human only if you have natural human prerequisites, a certain human inheritance. Scientists consider heredity as a kind of biological, molecular cipher in which the program of metabolism between the cell and the external environment is encoded.

Both species and some more specific characters are inherited. Among the inherited inclinations, there are those that affect the development of the human psyche. V.A.Krutetsky, who actively studies human abilities, refers to the inclinations of the level of development and the ratio of the first and second signal systems, the natural properties of analyzers, individual variations in the structure and the degree of functional maturity of individual parts of the cerebral cortex.
A highly developed nervous system inherited from ancestors plays a particularly important role in mental development; the human brain is the material basis of mental activity. From hereditary prerequisites should be distinguished innate characteristics of a person. They usually form during intrauterine development. Regardless of our will, a certain percentage of children are born, for example, with congenital bodily defects; ! sometimes defects of the human body occur after birth due to injuries and diseases (for example, curvature of the spine, shortening of the leg, etc.). These features, at first glance not related to mental development, can have a negative impact on the formation of the personality in a special, indirect way, through the attitude of others to these defects. Such a person is initially mentally healthy, but as he grows up, the stamp of "inferiority" is imposed on his psychological appearance. Such children require special attention, [warmth. Pedagogical work with others is also necessary.
It is precisely as prerequisites for mental development that domestic psychologists consider the natural characteristics of the human body, preconditions, and not ready-made mental properties and qualities. By themselves, hereditary inclinations do not predetermine the formation of the personality, the specific achievements of its development, the entire originality of each person. So, for example, on the basis of natural inclinations, abilities and talent can be formed. However, the presence of inclinations does not yet guarantee their development. There is not a single mental quality that would depend only on one of the factors; moreover, they not only complement "each other, but act in organic unity.

Verification work on the topic: "VND"

Examples of tasks for monitoring students' knowledge

(differentiated tasks)

1. Set the correspondence:

1 signal system speech

2 signaling system perception of sounds, smells, images, impressions

Actions taken

2. Choose the correct answer: Higher nervous activity is:

A) The emergence of nerve impulses,

B) the ability to conduct nerve impulses,

C) the activity of the higher parts of the central nervous system, which ensures the most perfect adaptation of the organism to the environment

3. Write your answer:

A) What processes are related to GNI?

B) What are the features of human GNI?

Q) What is a reflex?

4. Set the correspondence:

Reflexes: Features:

A) Unconditional 1) unstable, fade out during life, individual, B) Conditionals for the development of a necessary condition

2) are congenital, passed from generation to generation, constant, do not fade

Throughout life, species-specific

5. Choose the correct answer: The doctrine of the reflex principle of the body's activity was developed by:

A) I.P. Pavlov,

B) P.K. Anokhin,

C) I.M.Sechenov,

D) A.A. Ukhtomsky

6. Experimentally proved the reflex principle of the body's work, introduced the term "higher nervous activity", believed that it was equivalent to the concept of "mental activity":

A) I.P. Pavlov,

B) P.K. Anokhin,

C) I.M.Sechenov,

D) A.A. Ukhtomsky

7. Created the doctrine of the dominant:

A) I.P. Pavlov,

B) P.K. Anokhin,

C) I.M.Sechenov,

D) A.A. Ukhtomsky

8. Developed the doctrine of functional systems:

A) I.P. Pavlov,

B) P.K. Anokhin,

C) I.M.Sechenov,

D) A.A. Ukhtomsky

9. Enter the term.A specific state of the brain and the whole organism, characterized by muscle relaxation, a weak reaction to external stimuli and a number of other signs, is ...

10. An adult needs to sleep on average: A) 5 hours, B) 8 hours, C) 12 hours11. For the rest of organs and systems, adolescents need to sleep 8 hours, and for a full recovery of the brain's performance: A) 4 hours, B) 8 hours, C) 10-12 hours

11. Enter the term. The English philosopher G. Spencer described it this way: "An innate hereditary property, which is the ability of animals and humans to adapt to difficult environmental conditions, characterized by the following features: the ability to know, universality, heritability ...". What feature of GNI are we talking about?

12. Explain the fact: “This was the first time a young child was shown a lemon and showed interest in it as a new subject. A lemon was served to an adult, and he started salivating. "

13. What is the material basis of GNI?

Notes: 1- 6, 9, 12-13 tasks of the basic level

7-11 - increased


In modern psychology and throughout the history of its development, you can find different definitions of the concept of "ability":

· The definition that abilities are properties of the human soul, understood as a set of all kinds of psychological processes and states, is the broadest and oldest of all those proposed in the process of studying this concept.

· Abilities represent a high level of development of general and special knowledge, abilities and skills that ensure the successful performance of a person in various types of activities. This definition was widespread in psychology of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

· Abilities - properties and qualities (individual characteristics) of a person, making him fit for the successful performance of any types of socially useful activity (S. L. Rubinstein).

· Abilities are something that is not limited to knowledge, skills and abilities, but explains (ensures) their rapid acquisition, consolidation and effective use in practice. (B.M. Teplov).

This is just a small part of the definitions of this concept available in modern psychology. It is generally accepted that abilities are such a peculiarity of the mental characteristics of a person that allow him, with varying degrees of success, to master activities and improve in it.

There are, for example, abilities on which success in learning depends. They are determined by the speed and quality of knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by a person. There are also musical, visual, literary, linguistic, mathematical, organizational and many other abilities. They are a product of a person's socio-historical practice, the result of the interaction of his biological and mental characteristics. The number of human abilities corresponds to the variety of activities in which people are involved.

Abilities and knowledge, skills, skills are interconnected, but not identical. In relation to knowledge, abilities, skills, mastery, a person's abilities act as an opportunity to acquire and increase them with varying degrees of speed and efficiency. Abilities are found not in knowledge, abilities, skills and craftsmanship, but in the dynamics of their acquisition and development, speed, ease and strength of mastering and building up skill. Ability is an opportunity, and one or another level of skill in a particular business is reality.

Human abilities are found only in activities, while only in those that cannot be carried out without the presence of appropriate abilities. Ability is personality in its productivity. As soon as a person begins to engage in any activity, his abilities are actualized, manifested and developed.

Abilities should not be opposed to other individual mental qualities, personality traits: qualities of the mind, characteristics of memory, character traits, volitional readiness, emotional characteristics of a person. If any quality or set of personality traits meets the requirements of activity or is formed under the influence of these requirements, then this gives reason to consider this individual psychological personality trait as an ability.

When studying this problem, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the abilities of different people for the same activity may have a different structure due to the individual originality of mental qualities and their combination. For example, in the structure of organizational abilities, some people may have such qualities as practicality of mind, observation, efficiency, independence and self-control, while others may have a general level of mental development, criticality, and the logic of influencing employees.

Often, when carrying out a particular activity, a person does not have the ability to do it. If he is forced to continue to engage in this activity, then consciously or unconsciously he will compensate for the lack of abilities with the strengths of his personality (for example, volitional readiness), other more developed abilities. So, the average and even low level of mental abilities can be compensated by the breadth of knowledge, high efficiency, etc .; insufficient organizational skills - a high level of self-organization, etc. The property of compensation of some abilities with others, notes A. V. Petrovsky, opens up inexhaustible opportunities for each person, pushing the boundaries of choosing a profession and improving in it.

Considering the specific mental characteristics of various abilities, it is possible to single out a set of general personality traits necessary for the successful mastering of many types of activity - general abilities. These include, for example, mental abilities, subtlety and accuracy of hand and other movements, developed memory, attentiveness, memory, imagination, speech, etc. At the same time, there is also a set of special qualities necessary for a particular activity - special abilities: musical, artistic, mathematical, technical, literary, sports, etc.

There are several levels in the development of people's abilities:

· Giftedness is a combination of several abilities, which determines the successful activity of a person in a certain area and distinguishes him from other persons. Usually it manifests itself in the presence of versatile abilities;

Indicators of giftedness:

The pace and ease of assimilation of the material

Transfer latitude

Development time

Correlation of results with conditions.

Giftedness, according to N.S. Leites, it is, first of all, the ability to work, the irrepressible need for activity, as well as an intellect exceeding the average level. Gifted people show tremendous tenacity in their area of \u200b\u200binterest. Therefore, one of the earliest indicators of giftedness is the time during which a 2-3-year-old child can focus on one activity. Gifted children are absorbed in their business for several hours in a row and return to it within a few days, unlike an ordinary child of the same age.

· Talent - a set of abilities that allows you to get a product of activity, distinguished by originality and novelty, perfection and social significance. A feature of talent is a high level of creativity in the implementation of activities;

Genius - the highest degree of talent development, allowing to implement fundamentally new things in a particular field of activity:

Uncommonness in various areas + dominant side

Awareness of ability

Incorporation of ability into character.

The creativity of a genius person has a historical and necessarily positive meaning.

A pathological decrease in abilities is called oligophrenia.

Some people develop abilities very early under favorable conditions. Usually, the talent for music and painting is manifested first of all. So, M.I. Glinka, even at the age of 3-4 years, was very fond of this game: he hit with a stick on various sounding objects (copper basins, pots). At the same time, to the surprise of adults, he produced harmonies that were pleasant to listen to. Subsequently, this boy became a great Russian composer. Somewhat later than the talent for music and painting, people show literary abilities, but some talented poets show them very early. So, Pushkin, Lermontov and Nekrasov began to write poetry when they were not even ten years old. Quite early (usually in childhood) the ability for mathematics is also discovered. There are many examples of the manifestation of early giftedness of people who become talented figures in one area or another. But it also happens that in childhood, people showed exceptional abilities, however, as adults, they lost them. But such cases are relatively rare.

In psychology, the so-called creative abilities are also distinguished, which allow you to create a new one that has never existed before. Human creativity is manifested in any activity: scientific, artistic, industrial, political, legal.

Also, abilities are usually divided into actual and potential. Potential abilities are not realized in a specific type of activity, but are able to become actualized when the corresponding social conditions change. The actual, realized abilities include not only those that are realized and developed in certain types of activity, but also those that are necessary at the moment and are implemented in this particular type of activity. Potential and actual abilities are an indirect indicator of the nature of the social conditions in which the individual's abilities develop. It is the nature of social conditions that hinders or promotes the development of potential abilities, provides or does not ensure their transformation into actual ones.

Considering the ratio of abilities and profession, E.A. Klimov identified 4 degrees of professional suitability:

Unsuitability for this profession;

Fitness for a given profession or group of professions;

Compliance with this field of activity;

Vocation for this professional field of activity.

Thus, summarizing all of the above properties and characteristics of abilities, in modern psychology, the conditions of development and factors influencing the development of abilities have been identified.

Conditions for the development of abilities:

It is necessary to take into account the sensitive periods of development of various functions

The presence of a favorable social environment (environment that possesses knowledge, etc.)

At every moment of time, the activity should be in the zone of optimal difficulty:

Simple activity - reducing interests;

Very difficult activity - slowing down the pace, motivation

Factors affecting the development of abilities:

- the initial premise - congenital inclinations

- detection time

- development of abilities for activities in which there is interest

- comprehensive development of interests and abilities

- rivalry and cooperation


The inclinations are innate anatomical and physiological features of a person: the predominant type of higher nervous activity, the peculiarities of the development of individual structures of the brain, right and left hemispheres, etc., thanks to which a person can successfully form and develop abilities.

Good abilities are impossible without corresponding inclinations, but inclinations are not always a guarantee that a person will necessarily have good abilities. People differ from each other in their inclinations, and this explains why, under equal conditions of training and education, some people develop abilities faster. It is important to understand that, despite the biological conditioning of abilities, their specific development is determined by social. For example, not everyone who has sufficiently developed musical inclinations becomes a musician, vocal - a singer, artistic inclinations - a painter, etc. VG Belinsky wrote well on this topic that nature creates man, but develops and forms his society. In pre-revolutionary Russia, there were many people among the people who had good natural inclinations, on the basis of which they could develop great abilities. However, as V. I. Lenin writes, "these talents perished under the yoke of want, poverty, abuse of the human person." It was only after the Great October Socialist Revolution that the broad masses of the people were given the opportunity to learn and develop natural inclinations, to form abilities on their basis.

An exceptionally large role in the development of the corresponding abilities is played by the need-motivational sphere of the individual, the desire and desire of a person to do this or that business.

In general, the formation and development of a person's corresponding abilities are determined mainly by three circumstances:

1) the presence of the appropriate inclinations, predisposition;

2) need-motivational personality traits;

3) social circumstances, which in a certain sense of the word are of decisive importance.

The main differences between inclinations and abilities are as follows. The inclinations are given (given - hence the name) to a person from birth or arise due to the natural development of the body. Abilities are acquired through training. In order to have the makings, a person does not need to take any effort on his part. The inclinations do not "require" that a person be actively involved in those activities with which these inclinations are functionally connected. Abilities without the active participation of a person in the activities to which they belong are not formed.

The inclinations, like the abilities, can be different. There are inclinations that are associated with general and special abilities, central and peripheral, sensory and motor.

The general inclinations include those that relate to the structure and functioning of the human body as a whole or its individual subsystems: nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, gastric. The special ones include the inclinations correlated with the work of the cerebral cortex sections: informational (visual, auditory, motor, olfactory, tactile, and others) and motivational (strength and specificity of emotional processes and needs of the body). The central inclinations relate to the anatomical and physiological structure of the central nervous system and internal organs of a person. Peripheral inclinations are associated with the work of the peripheral parts of the sense organs. Sensory inclinations characterize the processes of perception and processing by a person of information perceived with the help of various sensory organs, and motor ones refer to the work of the muscular apparatus and the central nervous system departments that control it.

Heredity and ability

The fact that the natural prerequisites for abilities - the inclinations - are contained in the features of the structure and functioning of the nervous system, makes the assumption that they, like all other morphological and physiological qualities, are subject to general genetic laws. At the same time, the hypothesis of possible inheritance of inclinations should not be identified with the idea of \u200b\u200binheritance of abilities.

This problem has a long history. Back in 1875, a book was published by the English anthropologist and psychologist F. Galton, "Heredity of Talent. Its Laws and Consequences," maternal line. However, Galton's conclusions had no scientific validity. He could not give any convincing evidence of the inheritance of the talents of judges, politicians, generals. The only conclusion that can be drawn from Galton's materials was that families of wealthy, noble and educated people constitute a favorable environment where the qualities necessary for intellectual work can develop. No conscientious researcher will dare to draw any conclusions about a hereditary predisposition to certain professions on the basis of Galton's data.

In discussing Galton's materials, one caveat must be made. Along with dubious evidence of the talent of families of judges, writers, military leaders, etc. he gives information that cannot but give the impression of a certain persuasiveness. In the Bach family, for example, musical talent was first revealed in 1550 and manifested itself with particular force five generations later in the great composer I.S. Bach and dried up after a certain Regina Susanna, who lived back in 1800. The Bach family had about sixty musicians, of which twenty were outstanding. Galton cites other facts: there were nine prominent musicians in the Benda violin family, five in the Mozart family, and two in Haydn's family.

All this allows us to draw some general conclusions. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the study of the genealogies of outstanding people (if we are talking about really outstanding people) testifies not to biological heredity, but to the heredity of living conditions, i.e. those social conditions that are conducive to the development of abilities. Obviously, if everyone in the family lives by music, if the whole structure of life prompts the child to the need to engage in it, if musicality is recognized as the highest dignity of everyone, then one should not be surprised that musical talents arise in this family. However, the example of the Bachs gives some reason to assume that there is also a certain heredity of musical inclinations. It is possible that some features of the structure and functioning of the auditory analyzer (partial typological features) were hereditary among members of this family from genus to genus. Galton pointed out that musical inclinations were transmitted by the Bachs exclusively through the male line.

We can talk about hereditary professions, occupations that help to identify the appropriate abilities. Famous dynasties theatrical (Sadovskie), circus (Durov), scientists (Yakushkin, Fortunatov), \u200b\u200betc. Famous dynasties of sailors, steelworkers, woodcarvers and many other wonderful craftsmen. Naturally, the son chooses the profession of father and grandfather and succeeds in this field. But at the same time, one can name countless outstanding people, whose children and grandchildren do not adopt the special abilities of their parents and do not choose their path in life.

Serious statistics do not provide any evidence of the inheritance of abilities and talents. The idea of \u200b\u200bheredity of abilities contradicts scientific theory. It can be recognized as scientifically established that since the appearance of a modern type of man, i.e. Cro-Magnon, who lived about a hundred thousand years ago, human development does not occur through selection and hereditary transmission of changes in his natural organization - the development of a person and his abilities is governed by socio-historical laws.

Hereditary characteristics and innate properties of the organism as a prerequisite for the mental development of a child.

You can become a human if you have natural human prerequisites, a certain human heredity, a kind of biological, molecular cipher, in which the program of metabolism between the cell and the external environment is encoded. Hereditarily transmitted species and certain partial characters. Some of them affect the development of the human psyche.

We are talking about the level of development and the ratio of the first and second signaling systems, the natural properties of analyzers, individual variations in the structure and the degree of functional maturity of individual parts of the cerebral cortex, an important form factor in child psychology.

Children are born with different individual characteristics of the structure and functioning of the body, its individual systems, receiving them by inheritance. They inherit the type of the nervous system, the makings of future abilities, the structural features of the analyzers, individual parts of the cerebral cortex. For a full-fledged mental development, normal functioning of the brain and higher nervous activity is necessary. For their underdevelopment or brain injury, the normal process of mental development is disrupted.

It is necessary to distinguish from hereditary premises congenital features of the body that are formed during development... Changes in the functional, anatomical structure of the embryo can be caused by the mode of work and rest of the mother, diseases, nervous shocks like that. Regardless of the will of adults, a certain percentage of children are born with congenital bodily disabilities.

Sometimes physical defects occur after birth due to injury and illness (eg curvature of the spine, shortened limbs, etc.). These features, at first glance, not related to mental development, can negatively affect the formation of the personality through focusing attention on them of the people around the child. Such a person, being healthy, may eventually become mentally ill for feelings of an inferiority complex, which negatively affects the formation of the personality. Such children require special attention, warmth, goodwill. Hereditary and congenital characteristics are prerequisites for mental development, certain capabilities, and not ready-made mental properties and qualities.

By themselves, hereditary inclinations do not determine the process of the formation of the personality, the achievement of its development, the originality of each person. For example, on the basis of natural inclinations, abilities and talent can be formed. However, the presence of inclinations does not yet guarantee their development.

Mental qualities never depend on one factor, they are not easy complement each other, but are realized in organic unity. Mental development largely depends on the system of relationships, which includes an inherited feature, the attitude of adults who are raising it. Of great importance is the relation to this feature of the child himself.