Thematic week of folk crafts in the middle group. Calendar plan of educational - educational work of the preparatory group Theme: folk crafts (Gzhel, Khokhloma, Gorodets, Zhostovskaya, Dymkovsky painting). Calendar-thematic planning

Olga Normochk
Subject week In the preparatory group "Folk culture"

3 week 13..03.17 – 17.03.17.

Subject: « Folk culture(folk traditions, crafts, folklore, carnival)»

Education cultural- Gygienic skills, self-service. Practical exercise "The most accurate"

purpose: Improve the ability to clean the footwear from snow, cook clothes for drying.

Speech development:

Articulating gymnastics: The exercise "Soccer"


Building game d / s "Magic Designer".

purpose: Teach children to build on the plan to develop imagination, fantasy, creative abilities.

SR game. Mobility p / s. "Swan geese"

purpose: Develop attention.

Sensory development.

DI "Get a saucer to cups"

purpose: Develop logical thinking, eye meter, the ability to relate objects in size, form and color. Make B. group: Consider objects and illustrations

OOD 1. Cognitive development. Acquaintance with the subject's environment and phenomena of public life.

Subject: "Let us remember our old"

purpose: develop love and respect for Russian people, his culture, oral folk creativity, introduce a national costume and history.

Equipment: Big and small chest "Wisdom Tree", Cards with a tree-tree. Chest, books, golden hands, proverbs and sayings.

M / P game "Skate Kegle"

2. Artistic and aesthetic development. Implock / Application.

Subject: "Dymkovo toy"

purpose: Secure already acquired knowledge about the Dymkovsky toy and introduce folk culture.

Material: Plasticine, stacks, boards, illustrations.

culture(For a walk according to an instructor on physical education).


Watching alive nature.: "What do we know about the spring?"

purpose: To form in children the ability to draw up a descriptive story on the observation results, to give the characteristics of spring phenomena and their features.

N / and. "Not getting off"

purpose: Teach children to follow the rules of the game, contribute to improving the performance of jumps on two legs with advancement forward; Develop coordination of movements, leg muscles.

P / I. "Snake"

purpose: Improve the ability of children to easily run on socks, act in accordance with the rules and tactics of the game, enrich motor experience.

Ind. Work on development movements:

with Anja Shch., Alice B., Sergey B. Restress in height jumps.

Remote material:

sports inventory, subject and plot toys.

Hardening events

Health gymnastics after sleep. Harding procedures. Walking on massage mats.

Walking reading fairy tales and epics "Do not spit into the well-useful water drunk"

purpose: continue to acquaint with folklore, genre features of the fairy tales, teach children to comprehend the characters of the tales characters, educate love folk genres.

Constructive-model activity.

Baby making « Folk fishing» (Favorite fun, folk fishing) .

purpose: form an idea of people's Fishes of Russia. Teach children design a book from paper. Develop a shallow motorcy, attention, memory, thinking, imagination. Educating prudence, accuracy, purposefulness, independence.

Ind. Work on the burden. from group Children consolidate the rules of behavior on the site during a walk.

Labor activity.

"Help children younger groups in the cleaning of the site»

purpose: Teach children to act as mentors of younger preschoolers, explaining how to perform various labor operations. To form a bona fide attitude to work, focus on the feeling of joy and pride in a qualitatively performed job.

Work with parents

Consultation for parents "Influence folk Fishes on the aesthetic education of preschool children. "

Morning reception and inspection of children. Morning gymnastics.

Speech development.

Articulating gymnastics. The exercise "Swing"

purpose: To form the ability to manage the language, generate the mobility of the language, strengthen its muscles.

Learning of poems E. A. Nikonova "Semenov Matryoshki"

purpose child

MUZ. -dactic game d / z.:

Horovoic game "Merry Dudge".

purpose: imitate the game on a pipe, invent movements in the text.


purpose: Strengthening the muscular-ligament apparatus Stop, agility development, and attention (remember the text).

Conversation according to safety rules on the railway.

purpose: Secure safety rules.

Subject: "Drawing up tasks within 10 for addition and subtraction".

purpose: Continue to learn and solve arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction, exercise in the ability to make a number of two smaller numbers and lay out the number into two smaller numbers; consolidate the ideas about coins worth 1,2,5,10 rubles; develop the ability to refer to the sheet of paper into the cell; Exercise in the ability to determine the weight of the items by weight.

M / P game "Associations topics» .

purpose: Develop memory, attention, associative thinking, replenish the vocabulary.

Subject: "Fair. Painting of Kargopol toys "

purpose: to introduce children with features and peculiarity of Kargopol toys; Learn to paint prepared template; Learning to make a story description on a toy made.

Material: paints, paper, brushes, illustration

3. Physical development. Physical culture.


Acquaintance with traffic rules. Subject: "Crosswalk"

purpose: Fasten knowledge about road rules.

P / I.: "Whose link will be gathered faster?"

purpose: Improve the ability of children to act across the signal, promote the automation of proper performing movements when walking and running; Teach to coordinate your actions with the actions of comrades.

P / I.: "Who is the most damage?"

purpose: Develop a dexterity, speed of reaction, endurance, eye meter.

Individual Work on Environmental Education

"Divide on groups»

purpose: Suggest Masha O., Nastya K., Yule R. classify houseplants On different reasons, to activate in the speech of the names of the plants. Labor activity. Labor order.

Remote material: Sports inventory, inventory for labor activity.

Evening. Reading Russian folk fairy tale"Masha and three bear"

purpose: continue to acquaint with folk traditions and folk creativity. Including a fairy tale.

Plot role-playing game : "Workshop"

purpose: Continue to learn children to play yourself, follow the plot, carry out role-playing interaction, conduct dialogues.

Di "Collect the subject"

purpose: To form the ability to collect a whole subject from individual parts; develop visual perception, imagination; Learning to make a self-test, comment on the course and result of work.

ARTISTICAL ACTIVITIES. Drawing on stencils "Khokhloma toy"

purpose: continue to acquaint with a variety folk fishing, bring up a sense of pride in Russian culture.

Morning reception and inspection of children. Morning gymnastics.

Conversation « Folk traditions and crafts»

purpose: To form in children cognitive interest in Russian traditions and culturethrough familiarization with folk Russian fishing people.

Physical development.

Game with ball "Catch, throw, fall do not let down".

purpose folk games

Game on the development of shallow motility d / s. "Spring Ship"

purpose: Develop a fine motility of fingers.

The game of medium mobility P \\ s. "Alenushka and Ivanushka"

purpose: Develop the ability to act across the signal (voice of Alenushka, coordinated, develop dexterity, speed of movements.

Di "On a visit to Matriuska"

purpose: Exercise in the score in direct and reverse order within 20, from the specified number; Exercise in the ability to combine parts into a whole set, compare the integer and part of the set; learn to compile the verification tasks; Relieve moral and patriotic feelings.

OOD 1. Speech development. Speech / Literacy learning.

Subject: "Call and consonant sound b (b, letter B, B"

purpose: To acquaint with the new consonant sound B and B, to acquaint the letter B, continue to form the skill of sound-letter analysis, to learn carefully listen to the text of the poems, select words not only close on the sound, but also suitable, teaching to read syllables with letters. Exercise in writing covered letters, stimulate visual and search activity.

M / P game "Forbidden Movement".

2. Artistic and aesthetic development. Painting.

Subject: "Filimonovsky painting. Festive plate »

purpose: continue to acquaint with Filimonovsky painting; Fasten the ability to create patterns on a circle using characteristic elements and flavor.



Observation of inanimate nature.: "Wind observation"

purpose: expand and deepen knowledge of inanimate nature in the spring, form interest in natural phenomena.

P / I. "Zhmurki"

purpose: Improve the ability of children to play Russian folk Games.

P / I.: "Beads"

purpose: develop the ability to quickly scatter

Individual work on sound culture of speech. Differentiation of sounds of Bd.

The game "Finish the word".

purpose: Differentiate sounds B and P.

Labor activity. Labor in nature. Offer group Children bring order on the veranda. Remove winter toys.

purpose: to educate a desire to help adults and follow the order on the veranda. Walk reading thin. Literature.

Reading a fairy tale - Legends "Flower lights and a snowflake flower" (Zhostovsky fishery).

purpose:. To acquaint children with Russian folk folklore: songs, sweatshops, games; Develop speech, memory, cognitive and motor activity. Educating love for animals.

S / r. the game "Hoping Matryoshki tea".

purpose: To form in children moral and patriotic feelings; introduce the tradition of tea drinking, the hospitality of the Russian people.

Games outdoors.

Individual work on activities: Offer Nika R., Nastya K., Yule R. to play d / and "Collect Gzhel Rose".

purpose folk fishing; Rip the aesthetic perception of works of art.

Morning reception and inspection of children. Morning gymnastics.

Aesthetic development. "Ah you hussley, my hussley"

purpose: Development of musical and rhythmic abilities by playing musical instruments. Maintain the desire of children to transmit the nature of movement in music.

Didactic game d / s d / and "Guess the fairy tale"

purpose: continue to acquaint children with folk fishing; consolidate children's knowledge about folk art fishers, their signs; Rip the aesthetic perception of works of art.

The game of medium mobility P \\ s. "Matryushki and mouse"

purpose: To introduce children with manifold folk games. To learn some of them. Rail a friendly attitude towards each other.

Familiarization with the world of nature, ecology.

"Natural motifs".


OOD 1. Cognitive development. FAMP.

Subject: "Combine parts of the set"

purpose: continue to learn yourself, to compile and solve problems for adding subtraction within 10; Exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper into a cage; compare the integer and its part based on the account; Improve the ability to see in the surrounding objects of the shape of geometric shapes.

3. Physical development. Physical culture(according to the instructor on physical education).


Observation of the objects of the nearest environment.

People's clothing observation

Goal: To form ideas about the adaptability of a person by winter (appearance, behavior in different weather: blizzard, strong wind, severe frost, sunny winter weather, etc.); Secure the ability to classify clothes.

P / I.: "Strong, deft, fast"

purpose: To introduce children with manifold folk games, learn some of them, raise a friendly attitude towards each other.

P / and "Gate"

purpose: To introduce children with folk games, teach act according to the rules.

Individual work on the development of speech with Vika D., Vika E., Grisha P., consolidate the pronunciation of words with hissing.

Hardery activities Health gymnastics after sleep. Harding procedures. Walking on massage mats.

Evening. Walk reading Russian folk fairy tale"Fear has big eyes".

The goal of learning children to understand the emotional-shaped content of the work, introduce the proverbs, (fear eyes are great, hare and pencils - wolf); educate attention to the listening of the work; Negative attitude towards cowardice.

Socio-economic development. DI "Who's doing what?"

purpose: expand the knowledge of children about professions and employment; Rise interest in new professions, respect for the work of adults.

Independent activities of children in activity centers.

purpose: Teach children to find a lesson for interest, organize game interaction, develop free communication skills.

Games outdoors.

Individual work on learning literacy

D / game "Guess and tell".

purpose: promote speech development child: enrich the dictionary, increase the expressiveness of speech; Develop individual emotional manifestations in all activities.

Individual work S. group of children"Formation of the basics of security"

Conversation "We warm up samovar"

purpose: continue to acquaint children with people's fishery of Russia, the tradition of drinking tea from samovar, teach to exercise caution, attentiveness, diligence in different situations, bring up self-confidence in children; Develop the ability to find a way out of the situation.

Morning reception and inspection of children. Morning gymnastics.

Introduction to the outside world

Consider illustration various species mural "Natural motifs".

purpose: to educate love and careful attitude towards nature, teach children to explore products from natural materials, independently draw conclusions.

Consider albums and visual demonstration material.

purpose: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe materials and their properties, to develop interest in cognitive development activities, consolidate knowledge of children about objects national creativity and the process of their manufacture.

Development of educational research activities

"What materials did our ancestors make toys"

purpose: consolidate the idea of folk toy and Russian folk traditions; To form the ability to explore toys and determine the materials from which they are made; develop cognitive interest; Reliable K. folk masters.

The game of medium mobility P \\ s. "Fishing rod"

purpose: Develop the speed of the reaction.

"Traditions of Russians"

purpose: Cause children interest in the history and national traditions of Russia; show what role plays cultural - The historic heritage of the country in the life of modern people. Reveal the value of national traditions (Holidays, games, etc.) For formation culture, moral qualities of the Russian people.

OOD speech development. Speech development.

Subject: Reading epics Nikita Kozhemyaka

Purpose: Remember Russian children folk tales, introduce Russian folk fairy taleNikita Kozhemyaka, help identify fabulous episodes in a fairy tale, develop attention to educate interest in national Eposu..

Cognitive development. Acquaintance with the world of nature. Ecology.

Subject: "What about what?" (Matryoshki tree, Khokhloma; Cheek clay, Filimonovo; Porcelain - Gzhel; Metal - Zhostovo).

purpose: To form a presentation of children about the beauty of the nature of Russia; Teach children to determine natural materials from which toys are made; develop thinking, memory; Briefing the feeling of pride for living in such a beautiful country.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development. Music (according to the plan of the musical leader).


Observation of natural phenomena:

"Observation of the standing of the sun"

purpose: Fasten knowledge about the effect of solar energy on the life of plants, animals and man.

P / I. "Chizhik"

purpose: Learning to perform actions according to the rules of the game, develop dexterity, care.

P \\ I. "Keys"

purpose: Develop the ability to distribute attention, agility speed reaction. Individual work by Famp:

"What is more?"

purpose: consolidate the ability to compare groups Objects for their number.

Evening. Walking the waging of poems E. A. Nikonova, "Dymkovo toy", "Gzheli Patterns", "Golden Khokhloma".

purpose: promote speech development child: enrich the dictionary, increase the expressiveness of speech; develop individual emotional manifestations in all activities;

"Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle"

Conversation « People's pharmacy» . Conversation about the chamomile.

purpose: To form a presentation of children about medicinal plants that our ancestors treated our ancestors, consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe chamomile, as people's symbol of Russia, medicinal plant, teach finding a chamomile image in patterns people's painting.

DI: "Divide on groups» . (Gzhel, Khokhloma, etc.).

purpose: consolidate knowledge about folk fishery.

Conversation "Masters-Pistoderies", Viewing pictures with the image of carpentry tools.

purpose: To introduce children with the art of wooden architecture, introduce children with the life of Russian horses and the traditions of Russian people. Form ideas about the appearance of the Russian village, summarizing and systematizing Knowledge of children about the subjects of an old life.

Work with parents

Registration of the exhibition drawings and crafts "Our crafts people» , "Baby-baby" (Fees, fairy tales, epics)

Purpose: To introduce children to the history and culture of their people through acquaintance with the people's folk fishing. To form knowledge of children about popular fishers, the traditions of the Russian people, to educate love for folk culture

Tasks: To form in children the ability to distinguish between the types of Russian applied art for the main stylistic features. Develop the ability to apply the knowledge gained on decorative art, use the style of the color features inherent in Russian paintings. Rail in children aesthetic feelings, artistic taste.

To acquaint children with crafts and adult classes in Russia (Pacher, Tkachch, Potter, etc.). Based on these knowledge, to show the significance of labor for a person. Educate hard work, the desire to become skillful, understand the personal significance of labor.



Tasks for a week

Purpose: To introduce children to the history and culture of their people through acquaintance with the people's folk fishing.To form knowledge of children about popular fishers, the traditions of the Russian people, to educate love for folk culture

Tasks: To form in children the ability to distinguish between the types of Russian applied art for the main stylistic features. Develop the ability to apply the knowledge gained on decorative art, use the style of the color features inherent in Russian paintings. Rail in children aesthetic feelings, artistic taste.

To acquaint children with crafts and adult classes in Russia (Pacher, Tkachch, Potter, etc.). Based on these knowledge, to show the significance of labor for a person. Educate hard work, the desire to become skillful, understand the personal significance of labor.

Active Dictionary

Nouns: craft, blacksmith, plower, baker, potter, carpenter, weaver, master, art, painting, pattern, tools, symbolism, folk costume, Khokhloma, Matryoshka, material, color, plot, features.

Adjectives: wooden, bright, beautiful,gorodetskaya, Dymkovskaya, Bogorodskaya, Filimonovskaya, Zhostovskaya.

Verbs: plows, bake, knew, sow, paints, tinting, decorates, whiz, pulls out, tket, burns, marster, creates, creates.

Educational plan

Group of gnomes theme of the week "Folk Fries"

Final event - Exhibition of children's work and crafts: "Golden hands of masters"

Centers of activity

Days of the week






Morning collection

The conversation "Russia Masters is famous."

Consider ancient dishes (from which they did, as used);


illustrations of the toaste

and the story about their appointment. Purpose: to acquire children by folk art, expanding knowledge about adult labor.Formation of ideas about the life of our ancestors

D / and "What is it?"

Objective: to expand the knowledge of children about the labor guns of the past. Develop thinking.

Etude "Transfer of Sensities." Purpose: Learn to transfer various emotional states with an unbelief way.

Consider dolls in the national Russian dress. Conversation about symbolism

red and black

colors in Russian patterns

popular costume.


illustrations with an image of ancient

russian clothes.

Familiarity with labor

Didactic game "Mysteries from Matryoshka" Purpose: Develop speech, teach to determine the subject on its signs, to intensify the dictionary on the topic.

D / and "who needs it?". Objective: Fix in children ideas about objects and their use in labor processes.

Conversation: "Russian folk toy", "What did our grandmothers play?"Consider with children of illustrations of folk toys: Dymkovsky, Bogorodsky, Filimonovsky.

Purpose: To acquaint children with folk crafts.

Suggest children to paint paper silhouettes of Dymkov and Filimonovsky toys. Show children the beauty of Russian nature. Give ideas about the role of a person in violating the integrity of ecosystems, proper behavior in nature.

M. recognizing Rhythmic Games, Exercises

"Determined which tool." Purpose: Development of hearing perceptions

"Journey to the Magic City"

(Tag of the teacher about Gorodetsky painting.)

Objective: to introduce children with city products, develop the ability to highlight the elements of the city painting (buds, bats, roses, leaves), see and call the colors used in Gorodetsky painting.

"Cutting pictures"

Purpose: teachwhole from parts.

N / and "Mosaic" Make a pattern - the development of shallow motility

Consider with children illustrations of Dymkovsky toys. Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about Dymkovsky toys.

Game "Beads for Marusi" Suggest stripped large beads on the lace.

Purpose: develop small muscles of hands.

D / and "find out the pattern" fastening the elements of the painting Dymkovskaya, Gorodetsky painting.

Center for Art

Coloring the silhouette of the Dimkov toy. Purpose: To form the ability of children to create decorative compositions based on the Dymkov patterns.

Production of filament dolls. Purpose: To form the ability to work according to plan, develop a motorcy and a desire to make toys.

Collective work in the technique of punching appliqué "Zhostovskaya tray". Purpose: To form skill to work together.

"Decorative painting toys" Cat "(based on Filimonovsky whistles).

Purpose: Teach children to paint the bulk figures of Filimonovsky painting. Secure painting elements: dots, stripes and colors used in painting: red, yellow, green.

Barynie decoration based on Dymkov's toy.

Purpose: Continue to form the ability of children to create decorative compositions based on Dymkov patterns.

Secure the ability of children to keep the brush properly, wide lines to carry out the entire brush, and the narrow lines and points - the end of the pile of the brush.

Literacy Center

Drawing up descriptive stories about Dymkovsky toys.Purpose: enrich the dictionary, promote the development of a connected speech.

The game "What is first - that then." Purpose: Consider the knowledge of children about the sequence of the day of the week, parts of the day, seasons, etc.

Create a descriptive story about Gzhel's dishes. Purpose: expanding knowledge about popular fishery.

D / and "Find the sound of the sound" sh "in the word" Purpose: Development of phonderatic hearing

The game "What the word I got lost."Purpose: To form the ability to select accurate words in the meaning of the word.

Game "Pyramid"

Purpose: Teach to determine the number of sounds in the words spoken out loud by the child.

Drawing up descriptive stories about Khokhloma dishes.Purpose: learn to make a story according to the plan proposed by the educator.

The game "What happened?".Purpose: clarify the name of the objects of the dishes, exercise in the formation of a genitive case, develop visual attention and memory.

Independent retelling fairy tales "Zayushkina Hope".

Purpose: Teach children retell familiar Russian folk tales using the theater at will.

Lotto "Call a picture and find a vowel sound"

purpose : Teach children to find a given sound in the word at the stage of loud pronouncing the word by the child himself.

Center mathematics

Topic: "Account within 10", orientation in space, knowledge of geometric shapes.

The game "Live numbers". Purpose: Exercise in the account (direct and reverse) within 10.

The game "Find similar".Purpose: develop visual attention, logical thinking.

Game "Who is rightwill go, that toy will find. " Purpose: Learning to move in a given direction and count the steps.

The game "which toys did not?"Purpose: develop visual attention and memory.

The game "Pattern". Objective: Develop the ability to analyze a sample, spatial perception.

Game "Name"

Playing becomes against each other. An adult with a ball in his hands throws the ball and calls any number, for example 7. The child must catch the ball and call the adjacent numbers - 6 and 8 (first less)

The game "Name in order." Purpose: Exercise children in the order of the account.

Dictation in cells. Objective: Develop the ability to navigate the sheet plane into the cell.

"Construct chopsticks" game

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes, the development of logical thinking of children.

The composition of the number 2, 3, 4, 5.

Scene-role-playing center

"Guests came to us" Objective: to educate hospitality, explain the meaning of the words "Hospitality, pleased."


Purpose: To bring children to independently creating a game design.

"Beauty saloon" Objective: Improve the ability of children to unite in the game, distribute roles independently, perform play action.

"Family of artisans from the city". Objective: Help children distribute roles, explain that folk crafts is a family business and each performed their work.


Purpose: learn to transfer the situation of outdoor fair trade.

Center of Science

Multicolored wolf Objective: to develop the ability in children to observe, introduce the mechanism of color.

Experiments with clay. Purpose: Experienced by finding out the properties of clay and determine why it is used in the manufacture of dishes.

Salted water is denser with fresh, it pushes items.

Purpose: Prove that salted water is denser with fresh, it pushes objects that are drown in fresh water.

Water is a solvent. Purification of water

Purpose: to identify substances that dissolve in water; introductory with the way water purification - filtering

Travel droplets

Objective: to introduce children with a water circulation in nature

Center for Construction

Theme "Rustic Izba"

Theme "Parts"

Theme "Parts"

Objective: Teach children to work with natural material (wood), to properly use a screwdriver.

Theme "Parts"

Objective: Teach children to work with natural material (wood), to properly use a screwdriver.

Theme "Rustic Izba"

Objective: Learning to build a miniature model of farming, focusing on the scheme.

Cooking Center

Purpose: Learning children to work with a knife, smear the bread butter evenly, remove the surplus of oil with a knife about the edge of the cereal piece.

Outdoor field

Observation: "For melting ice." Purpose: Fasten knowledge about ice properties. Labor: Provision of satisfaction aid to the janitor in clearing the tracks from snow. Purpose: to bring up a desire to come to the rescue, bring the work started to the end.

Folk Game "Burleys"

Purpose: Development of children's skills to play folk games.

P / and "Skiers"

Purpose: Development of coordination of movements.

Observation of the weather

Purpose: Continue to acquaint children with natural phenomena.

P / and "Two Frost"

Purpose: Defense Development, the ability to quickly run, orient in space.

Bird observation goal: clarify the presentations of children about the winter birds, the conditions of their lives; The role of a man in the life of birds. Educate the desire to take care of birds in winter

Games experiment. "Color ice"Purpose: develop curiosity, observation, imagination.

P / and "Fathers with snowballs." Objectives: develop the accuracy, dexterity. Rail confidence.

Suggest children to clean the tracks from snow and ice

Purpose: Visit love for work.

Observation of snow

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about snow properties.

Russian folk game: "Zhmurka with a bell". Objective: To introduce the rules of R.N.Gag, to develop a sense of collectivism, dexterity, speed.

Labor: Snaging snow in the wells of trees. Objective: to give children the concept that the snow warms the trees does not allow them to die.

Watching a change in the duration of the day.

Purpose: to hold the next stage of comparative observation, help children reveal the change in the position of the sun in the sky.

Play games. "Who is first?" Purpose: Develop attention, speed of the reaction, to bring up goodwill.

Games-fun. "Snipers", goal: to promote the development of orientation in space, accuracy.

Individual work


Repeat the sequence and quantitative account. Purpose: Development of account skills


D / and "say right".

Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus, attention, logical thinking.

"Nazis affectionate" Objective: Learning to form nouns with diminishing suffixes.

Cognition Exercise "Name winter phenomena of nature" goal:fastening the knowledge of children about the phenomena of nature.


Amusement games.


Objective: Develop the ability to jump over two legs through the bar of obstacles.


We study consistently draw according to the scheme

Educational environment

"Reading fiction."

Reading Russian folk tales "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"

Purpose: Learning to carefully listen to a fairy tale, the proposals are correctly replied to the questions.

Table game


Purpose: Development of sensory abilities, logical thinking.

"Live - not alive"

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about animals, their habitat in nature.

Drawing elements of various Objective paintings: Develop an aesthetic vision in children to encourage interest in folk art, to popular holidays.

D / and "Whose souvenir?" Purpose: deepen the knowledge of some types of folk crafts and crafts, awakening interest in the talents of folk craftsmen.

Games with construction materials.

"We build a Russian hut"

Purpose: develop structural abilities, independence in work.

Coloring "Gzhel Kettle". Objective: Develop protection and accuracy.

Theatrical activity.

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Objective: to promote the development of dance and game creativity, teach children to invent movements reflecting the content of the song.

Interaction with parents

Consultation for parents "Folk crafts and crafts"

Thematic folder "Russian Matryoshka"

Folder moving "Development of the creative abilities of the child"

Consultation "Acquaintance of children with Khokhloma painting"

Folder-moving: "We introduce children to Russian folk culture"

"Russian folk games with children at home and walking"

Oksana Petrov
Calendar Planning B. medium group. Thematic Week "Folk Fishes"

Subject week

« Folk fishing» .

Monday Morning gymnastics

Playing for the development of positive emotions "Caterpillar"

purpose: Promote the cohesion of the children's team.

Observation and work in the corner of nature. Watering plants.

purpose: Attracting children to the way of watering; To form an understanding that plants need light and water, you need to care for them; teach together with the educator equipment: bring canoeing, pour water in watering can; Rail a desire to care for plants.

Di "Cheerful cook".

purpose: Exercise in the ability to keep dialogue.

Sri. "Travel to the forest"

purpose: stimulate creative activity; Develop the feelings of the team, the ability to achieve the goals acceptable ways to communicate. in

One Detergery

Subject: "Russian nesting dolls" The abstract is attached.

OD physical culture


Observation of birch.

purpose: Give an idea of \u200b\u200bBirch blossom.

Di "Find a tree by name"

purpose: develop knowledge about trees; Clarify the knowledge of the names of the trees growing on the site of the kindergarten.

Goal: Learn to jump in length from running.

Labor activity. We collect dry grass.

purpose: To form a desire to work, the ability to fulfill the main labor processes.

The second half of the day gymnastics awakening walk along the health paths

Reading and conversation on the fairy tale N. Bazhov "Silver Kopytz"

purpose: To acquaint children with the work of the Ural Writer N. Bazhov.

Ind / r, drawing "Berries, mushrooms in a bodywork"

purpose: develop the desire for knowledge; Exercise in the ability to circle stencils; draw up the plot.

Conversation « Folk fishing»

purpose: To acquaint S. folk fishingThrough the ability to guess riddles to develop visual-shaped thinking.

An evening walk

Di. "And what then?"

purpose: Secure the knowledge of children about parts of the day, about the activities of people at different times of the day.

P / I. "Delicious berry".

Goal: captivate children with game; Continue to acquaint children with berries and mushrooms, develop attention.

Draw small on asphalt. « Folk toys»

purpose: expand children's knowledge about folk toys.

Interaction with parents: Consultation: "A place national Arts in the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution. "

Morning gymnastics

Morning joyful meetings. "I give you a smile"

purpose: To form a benevolent attitude towards each other.

View presentation on theme: « Fishes of the peoples of Russia»

purpose: To acquaint and expand the knowledge of children about people's Fishes of Russia.

Di "It will be not enough!"

purpose: Exercise in the formation of a plural number of seals; Develop attention, speech.

Finger game " "There are toys from me"

Goal: Develop a shallow motorcy, coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm.

One musical

One knowledge of the FAMP.

Subject: "River Journey" The abstract is attached.


Sand observation.

purpose: We continue to acquaint with the component of inanimate nature - sand and its properties.

P / I. "Delicious berry".

Goals. captivate children with the game; Continue to acquaint children with berries and mushrooms, develop attention.

D \\ and obzh "If the baby hurt"

purpose: To introduce children with elementary techniques for first aid.

Horovoic game "We Matryoshka"

Purpose; Exercise in the ability to perform movements in the text.

Labor activity: Cleaning the territory.

Goal: to educate hard work; Learning to help each other.

The second half of the day of the gymnastics of awakening. We go to health tracks

Consider with children Slide Presentation "Painted toy"

purpose: Continue to talk about folk fishery; Consider toys folk craftsmen.

Reading for children fairy tales "Birth of dolls" Kotova I. N., Kotova A. S.

purpose: Develop attention and interest in folk toys; the ability to listen.

D. I. "Open doll for a holiday" (paper)

purpose: Continue to introduce with elements folk costume.

Ind to the applique. "Russian doll.

purpose: We continue to acquaint children with the subject people's - Applied art - Matriotka.

Verbal game "Who knows the polite words more?"

purpose: Exercise children in the pronunciation of polite words, intensify the dictionary on this topic.

An evening walk

Observation "For God's cow".

purpose: expand knowledge and ideas about the features external view God's cows.

P / I. "At the bear in Bor"

purpose: Learn to navigate in space; Develop attention

Di "Wood, shrub, flower"

Goal: Secure the knowledge of plants, expand the horizons of children, develop speech, memory.

Interaction with parents. Master class for parents « Folk doll do it yourself»

Wednesday Morning gymnastics

Observation of different types of transport.

Goal: Enchanting knowledge that a person uses a bicycle that does not require gasoline.

Di "Find out the description" (transport)

purpose: Secure the ability to recognize the transport tools by description.

Work with a poem. Heading poems for graduates.

purpose: Promote memorizing words; Develop memory and speech.

SR I. "Ambulance"

Goal: Forming the ability to display in the game of knowledge about the surrounding life, show the social significance of medicine.

One child and the world

Subject: Chatting "Kuban fisks» The abstract is attached.

OD physical culture


Insect observation

secure children's knowledge about insect life, their habitats at different times of the day and different weather.

Di "What are you like?"

purpose: Exercise in the ability to compare the subject with a geometric figure.

P / I. "Butterflies, frogs and herons"

purpose: Develop motor activity, attention.

D / and on traffic rules. " "Learn Road Signs"

purpose: Continue to consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs, traffic lights.

Ind / R movement. "Improved logging technique"

purpose: Fasten the skills of equilibrium in the walking log.

Labor activity. Sweeping tracks.

purpose: to cultivate the desire to work.

The second half of the day.

Entertainment "Kuban sites"

purpose: expand knowledge about the Kuban crafts, continue to acquaint with folk Kuban games.

Ind to the construction of paper (origami) "Doll"

purpose: With the help of the teacher, learn to add a doll from paper; Develop the ability to work with your hands.

Display of cognitive films. "Gingerbread"

purpose: The cartoon tells the story of the forest inhabitants, who found a gingerbread in the forest and wanted to divide it equally.

Conversation: "The origin and history of the Dymkov toys"

purpose: Tell the children about the history of the Russian fisherman"Dymkovo toy".

An evening walk

Observation "For the flower bed"


P / I. "Carousel"

purpose: Exercise simultaneously move and speak, quickly act after the signal.

Sand and Water Games "Merry Competitions"

purpose: Exercise in coordinating the movements of the fingers of the hands with the words; Develop the spirit of competition in children.

Interaction with parents. Memo "Education of friendships in the game"

Morning gymnastics

Di "It happens - no" (with a ball)

Goal: Develop memory, attention, thinking, speed of reaction.

Work with a poem. We study the poems for graduates.

purpose: promote expressive reading; Develop memory and speech.

Picture game "Collect samovar from parts".

purpose: Learning to collect a whole image of parts.

One musical

OD Drawing

Subject: "Painting Tray" Abstract attached


Observation of the work of the teacher in the flower bed.

Goal: Activate cognitive activity, maintain persistent interest in observations.

P / I. "Gori, Gori clear!"

purpose: Develop in children an exposure, orientation in space.

D / and " "What is planted in the garden"

purpose: - Teach children classify items on certain features (at the place of their growing, according to the method of their use).

Labor activity: Bringing in order of flower beds, explosion of land, planting seedlings.

purpose: Learning to work together.

The second half of the day.

D / and K-TRIZ "What can I say about the subject if there is ..."

purpose: Develop thinking and memory.

Ind / R on the modeling "Once mushrooms, two fungi."

purpose: fix familiar techniques of modeling; Develop aesthetic perception, fine motor skills.

MUZ. Education. Music repetition repertoire to the graduation point.

purpose: Promote memorizing words, teach sing and dance together.

An evening walk

Observation of the plantain.

Goal: Continue acquaintance with the medicinal plant - Plantain.

P / I. "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

purpose: Develop an excerpt in children, the ability to navigate in space and move along the signal.

Di "Name family" (word formation)

purpose: Exercise in word formation; Develop attention, speech. D.

"How to strengthen the immunity of a child"

Friday morning gymnastics

Presentation « Folk Fries in Kuban» ICT

Goal: To acquaint children with folk crafts, their diversity.

D / and " "Magic Cube"

purpose: develop thinking memory and speech.

Sri "Rescuers"

purpose: Develop the ability to take on different roles in accordance with the plot of the game.

One artistic creativity. Lrack.

Subject: "Duck" T. S. Komarov p. 47

OD physical culture


Observation of the flower garden

Goal: Continue observation of the growth and development of colors.

Intemeric activity: "Air works"

A task: To give children an idea that the air can move objects.

Di "What do you know?"

Goal: consolidate knowledge of wild and pets, insects and birds; Develop attention, memory.

P / I. "Sunflowers"

purpose: Develop the ability of children to play in folk Games, develop attentiveness and dexterity.

.Trudovaya activity: Guidance of order on the plot.

Goal: organize collective work; individually give specific assignments; We instill a sense of satisfaction from the result of labor.

The second half of the day.

Ind. slave By design. "Build Matreshka Domik"

purpose: Develop children interest in constructing.

Reading fairy tales "Tinch - Havroshchka"

purpose: Teach children carefully listen and answer the questions of the content teacher.

Pictures "Find too much"

purpose: learning to find objects of a certain field among the proposed; Develop attention.

Game - Staging "Matryoshki - housewarming"

purpose: Having exercised children to keep in memory when performing any action is a simple condition, shows the ability to unite with children for joint games.

Ind / p on drawing "Coloring the pattern"

purpose: develop the skills of children carefully paint the drawing; Properly pick up colors.

An evening walk

Observation of the weather

purpose: Consolidate knowledge of seasonal changes in nature.

Sand and Water Games "Merry bubbles"

purpose: Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of water.

P / I. "Gori, Gori clear!"

purpose: Develop in children an exposure, orientation in space. Exercise in a rapid run.

Interaction with parents. Consultation "The role of parents in the revival of Russian traditions"

One of the tasks of education and learning in is the acquaintance of children with decorative and applied art, various types of painting. In the second week of November, work continues on acquaintance with and much attention is paid to the expansion of knowledge about Khokhloma painting. Opening a mini-museum in a group, an adult invites children to consider and tell about the beautiful dishes, introduces the history of the fishery and teaches to draw different elements: herbs, autocol, curl, etc. Contents of the conversation about Khokhloma, didactic games, poems and fizminuts, games-fun on the topic you will find in the appendix to the plan "Thematic Week" Golden Khokhloma ".

Socio-communicative development

In the field of socio-communicative development are scheduled scene-role gamesIn which children consolidate the rules of behavior, the foundations of the etiquette and the ability to kindly treat each other.

Cognitive development

Solving the tasks of cognitive development adult organizes a comparison of the fruits of different trees, games to consolidate knowledge about numbers, pets and their cubs, and also introduces signs of movement.

Speech development

Children find out why November Pegii, remember Favorite fairy tales, perform articulating gymnastics, exercise in the selection of rhymes, which contributes to the speech development of preschoolers.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Work continues on the formation of the ability to work with scissors, the development of theatrical abilities through the desktop theater. The artistic and aesthetic development also contributes to the hearing of the work of the "Guy with Harmonic", modeling the fairy tale "Zayushkina Hug".

Physical development

In the field of physical development, the teacher plans to manufacture attributes for game games "Cookies", repetition of folk rolling games, examination of herbarium and conversation about the edge medicinal plants.

Check out the fragment of the thematic week


OoCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 pdReplacing towels. Purpose: Fasten the ability to fulfill labor orders.The conversation "Where did Khokhloma come to us?" Purpose: expand knowledge of decorative and applied arts, the history of Russia. The game "What of what". Purpose: Exercise in the use of attractive adjectives.Opening of the exhibition "Golden Khokhloma". Purpose: consider the products, allocate the characteristic features of the painting.Production of attributes to the game "Cups". Purpose: attract children to the manufacture of game equipment.
S.R. The game "We came to the theater." Purpose: To form etiquette, remind the rules of behavior in the theater.Cognitive-research activities "Comparison of the fetus of Clean and ash". Purpose: Fasten the names of trees, develop thinking.The conversation "How we held a holiday weekend." Purpose: talk about the festival "Day of People's Unity", expand knowledge of Russian holidays.Domino "Musical Instruments". Purpose: Fasten the names of the tools, remember the rules of the game.P.I. "Needle, thread, nodule." Purpose: Learning to follow the rules in the game. P.I. "Good and jumping." Purpose: Exercising children in jumping.
2 pdPresentation "Applied Art of Kuban". Purpose: Continue acquaintance with folk crafts.The game "What a figure is not". Purpose: Continue familiarizing with numbers.Reading the fairy tale "Tinch-Havroshchka". Purpose: learn to answer questions about the content of fairy tales.Drawing "Khokhloma herb". Purpose: Learning to draw seeds, droplets, mustaches and curls with brush.Exercise at the accommodation "Flower". Purpose: Develop eye muscles.


OoSocio-communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 pdBoard games for traffic rules. Purpose: Fasten the ability to follow the rules of the game, remember the traffic rules.Interactive game "Nazis cubs." Purpose: consolidate knowledge of wild animals and ways to prepare for winter, intensify speech.The game "What Strip". Purpose: learning to differentiate the word and offer.Game-fun "Funny old man-lady". Objective: Learning to use different intonations.Fizminutka "On the table Khokhloma samovar". Purpose: learning movement and words.
Cleaning on the veranda. Objective: Learning to distribute duties, bring the work started to the end.Monitoring changes in nature. Purpose: Find out signs of late autumn.Finger game "Such different things." Purpose: learn words, expand knowledge about professions.Desktop Theater "Winged, Shaggy and Oil". Purpose: remember the work, develop fantasy and speech.P.I. "Pass silently." Purpose: develop endurance. P.I. "Needle, thread, nodule." Purpose: Learning to follow the rules in the game.