What is the difference of observation and experimental methods. The difference between experiment and supervision. Differences from experiment

Overview of methods in personality psychology. Methods of observation and experiment.

The main methods of research in psychology, as in a number of other sciences, are empirical methods that allow us to obtain specific data concerning the nature of mental phenomena, the main of which- observation and experiment.
Observation- This is a scientific research method, which is not limited to simple registration of facts, but scientifically explaining the causes of one or another psychological phenomenon. It is divided into everyday observations, which are limited to the registration of facts wearing a random and unorganized nature and scientific method of observing the transition of a description of the fact to explain its inner essence.
Experiment- This is the active intervention of the researcher in the activities of the subject in order to create the conditions in which the psychological fact is detected. The laboratory experiment proceeds in special conditions using special equipment. The natural experiment proceeds under normal conditions and is used in the study of cognitive opportunities at different age stages. Forming experiment (training and raising), models some parties to human activity.
The auxiliary methods of psychology include: analysis of activity products, biographical method, twin method, sociometry, modeling, surveillance, predictive and diagnosing tests.

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By B.G. Ananya in psychology is allocated four groups of methods:
I Group- organizational methods. They include a comparative method (comparison of various groups by age, activity, etc.); Longitudinal method (multiple surveys of the same persons over a long period of time); Comprehensive method (representatives of different sciences are involved in the study; at the same time, one object is studied by different means. Research of this kind allows you to establish links and dependencies between phenomena of different types, for example, between the physiological, psychological and social development of the individual).
II Group- empirical methods, including: observation and self-surveillance; Experimental methods, psychodiagnostic methods (tests, questionnaires, questionnaires, sociometry, interviews, conversation), analysis of activity, biographical methods.
III Data Processing Methods, including: Quantitative (Statistical) and Qualitative (Differentiation of Material in Groups, Analysis) Methods.
IV Group - Interpretation methods comprising genetic (analysis of material in terms of development with the release of individual phases, stages, critical moments, etc.) and structural (establishes structural links between all identity characteristics) methods.
Let us dwell on more detailed consideration of the most significant methods of psychology.
Observation method- This is a targeted process of perceiving certain events and their registration. Observation in psychology acts in two basic forms as self-surveillance, or introspection, and as an external, or so-called objective, observation.
By self-surveillance, we reveal the content of our mental processes. A genuine awareness of his own experience is performed by an act directed not directly to it, but on one or another task that is carried out by the action emanating from it. Allow it, the subject in the appropriate effect is external or internal, reveals itself. If there is a self-observation of the observation of yourself, his own psyche, then it itself includes the unity and interrelation of internal and external observation, internal and external data. Self-surveillance can only be a phase, moment, side of the study, which, when trying to check its data, inevitably goes into objective observation.
Objective, i.e. External observation is the easiest and most common of all objective research methods, by means of it we learn the phenomenon of objective reality, reflected in our mental processes. Description of observation-based phenomena correctly, if the psychological understanding of the internal psychological side of the external act in it gives a natural explanation of its external flow in various conditions.
The main advantage of the objective observation method is that it makes it possible to study mental processes in vivo; In particular, the child can be observed in school learning. However, when studying phenomena, in which the relationship between the outside of behavior and its internal psychological content is more or less difficult, objective observation, while maintaining its value, for the most part it should be complemented by other research methods.
With the help of the method of observation through Glass Glass (translucent mirror, behind which the researcher and equipment is located), Kurt Levin- American psychologist brought the concept of field behavior. Alone with him, the person carries out field behavior that is determined by the multidirectional effects of objects. After the emergence of another person, he begins to behave, obeying the norms of the social situation, the behavior becomes a volition.

Experiment method It is one of the main method of psychology. The main task of a psychological experiment, as well as observations, is to make the essential features of the internal mental process affordable for objective external perception. But from observation, the experiment is characterized by a number of features.

The main features of the experiment, resulting in its strength, are as follows. First, in the experiment, the researcher himself causes the phenomenon being studied in contrast to the observation, in which the observer cannot actively interfere in the situation. Secondly, the experimenter may vary, change the conditions for the flow and manifestation of the process being studied. Thirdly, in the experiment, it is possible to alternately exclude certain conditions (variables) in order to establish natural bonds that determine the process being studied. Fourthly, the experiment allows you to vary also the quantitative ratio of conditions, allowing mathematical processing of data obtained in the study.

The laboratory psychological experiment proceeds in specially created and controlled conditions, as a rule, with the use of special equipment and instruments. The initial object of the laboratory experiment in psychology was elementary mental processes: sensations, perception, reaction rate. A distinctive feature The laboratory experiment is strictly compliance with the research conditions and the accuracy of the data obtained. Of great perfection in the use of a laboratory experiment reached a cognitive psychology that studies human cognitive processes. Cognitive processes amounted to the main area of \u200b\u200blaboratory research of human psychology.

The scientific objectivity and practical significance of data obtained in the laboratory experiment reduces the artificiality of the conditions created. This is due to both the remoteness of tasks solved in the experiment from the real life conditions of the subject, and with the inability to fix the nature of the influence of the experimenter on the test during the study. Therefore, there is a problem of transferring data obtained in the laboratory for real conditions of human life.

Natural psychological experiment, a peculiar version of the experiment, representing an intermediate form between observation and experiment, proposed by A.F. Azure, removes marked limitations of the laboratory experiment. The main difference is in combination of experimental research with the naturalness of the conditions. The subjects involved in the natural experiment are not suspected that they act as subjects.

An example of an experimental method can serve as a study in which the same situations or events are called and two variables are entered controlled by experimenter- independent (X) - the circumstance that changes the researcher himself, and dependent (Y) - the answers that give the test under change circumstances, variables. The meaning of experimenting is to establish a connection between X and Y as y \u003d f (x). Built on it hickka method- Study of the reaction time to various situations. With the increase in the number of selection alternatives (n), the reaction time (TR) is linearly growing, TR \u003d F (N), with N<=7, так как законы в психологии носят ограниченный характер.

Scientific progress can not be stopped, and the methods of studying the environment have always been improved and became more complex. Observations and experiments are known for centuries, they are not only compared, but also identified. At the same time, between the indicated concepts - the colossal difference, which reflects the dynamics of the development of scientific thought.

Observations - These are studies under which scientist leads visual control over the object, allowing events to develop natural way and noting any changes. The result of the work is fixed on the media of information for subsequent analysis. Watching observations without equipment, as well as using special use.

Experiments - These are studies in which objects are placed in an artificially created or natural environment, and the scientist is included with the subject of active interaction. In the process of experiments, it is confirmed or refuted by the hypothesis, built on the basis of existing theoretical data.

Thus, observations do not imply active interaction with the object. The researcher is distancing from them by fixing the data obtained. This is the main goal - collecting information, which will then be analyzed. With experience, the scientist comes with an object to active interaction. The purpose of this action is to test the hypothesis, confirming its unlimited number of times.

Experience has a plan, observing it is absent. For the experiment, the researcher needs to recreate certain conditions. Observation is conducted in a natural environment, because interference with the objects studied will mean the beginning of experience. As the first and the second study method is extremely useful for science, they do not contradict, but mutually complement each other.

  1. Impact on the object. Observations do not intend to actively interact with the object being studied, while experiments are built on such interference.
  2. Using special equipment. The study can be carried out by the naked eye, instruments and other scientific and technical means are always required for experience.
  3. Availability of a plan. Observation is done equally, experience - on a predetermined scenario.
  4. Wednesday. Observation proceeds in a natural environment, experience in artificial.
  5. Purpose. Observations are carried out for the sake of collecting information for subsequent analysis, experiments - to confirm the hypothesis.

Determination of the concept of "experimental method" in a wide and narrow sense.

Experimental method in the broad sense of the word, on TV. Cornilova is a change in any conditions when studying patterns in a particular area of \u200b\u200bempirical reality.

Experimental method in the narrow sense of the word, on TV. Cornilova is a checking of the scientific hypotheses of the causal (causal) nature on the basis of the application of the standards of the experimental method.

Material of subsequent lectures will be devoted to questions:

What is the difference between causal, or causal, hypothesis from other types of scientific hypotheses?

What is the experiment as a system of hypotheses inspection system?

1. The first method with which students are usually started - observation. In some sciences, this is the only empirical method. Astronomy is classical observational science. All of its achievements are associated with the improvement of observation techniques. Not less observation has in behavioral sciences. Main results in Etology (animal behavior science) were obtained by observing animal activity in natural conditions. Observation is of great importance in physics, chemistry, biology. With observation is associated so-called an idiographic approach to the study of reality. The followers of this approach consider it the only possible in the sciences studying unique objects, their behavior and history.

An idiographic approach requires observation and fixation of single phenomena and events. It is widely used in historical disciplines. He has important in psychology. It suffices to recall such research as the work of A.R. Luria "Little Book of Greater Memory" or Monograph Z. Freud "Leonardo da Vinci".

An idiographic approach is opposed nomomethetic approach- Study that detects general laws of development, existence and interaction of objects.

Observation is a method on the basis of which it is possible to implement or a nomethetic, or an idiographic approach to the knowledge of reality.

Observation the targeted, organized and certainly fixed perception of the object under study is called. The results of fixing the observation data are called a description of the behavior of the object.

Observation can be carried out directly or using technical means and data logging methods (photo, audio and video equipment, observation cards, etc.). However, with the help of observation, only the phenomena occurring in ordinary, "normal" conditions can be found, and for the cognition of the essential properties of the object, it is necessary to create special conditions other than the "normal". In addition, observation does not allow the researcher to purposefully vary the conditions of observation in accordance with the intent. The researcher cannot affect the object to know its characteristics hidden from direct perception.

The experiment allows you to identify causal dependencies and answer the question: "What caused a change in behavior?". Observation is applied when either it is impossible, or to interfere in the natural course of the process.

The main features of the method of observation are:

The immediate connection of the observer and the observed object;

Preissance (emotional painting) observation;

The complexity (sometimes is the impossibility) of re-observation. In the natural sciences, the observer, as a rule, does not affect the studied process (phenomenon). In psychology there is a problem of the interaction of the observer and the observed. The presence of the researcher, if the subject knows what is observed, has an impact on his behavior.

The limited method of observation caused other, more "perfect" methods of empirical research: experiment and measurement. Experiment and measurement allow you to objectify the process, for they are carried out using special equipment and methods of objective registration of results in quantitative form.

Unlike observation and measurement, the experiment allows reproduction of reality phenomena in specially created conditions and thereby identify causal dependencies between the phenomenon and the peculiarities of external conditions.

2. Measureit is carried out both in natural and artificially created conditions. The difference between the experiment is that the researcher seeks not to influence the object, but registers its characteristics as they are " objectively, "regardless of the researcher and measurement techniques (Last for a number of sciences impartially).

Unlike observation, the measurement is carried out during the instrument-no-indirect interaction of the object and the measuring instrument: the natural "behavior" of the object is not modified, but is controlled and registed by the instrument. When measuring, it is impossible to identify causal dependencies, but you can establish links between the levels of different parameters of objects. So the measurement turns into a correlation study.

Measurement is usually defined as some operation, with the help of which the numbers are attributed to the numbers. From a mathematical point of view, this "attribution" requires conformity between the properties of the numbers and the properties of things. From a methodological point of view, the measurement is to register the state of the object (objects) using the states of another object (instrument). In this case, a function connecting the state - an object and instrument should be determined. Object attribution operation The object is secondary: the numeric values \u200b\u200bon the scale of the device we consider not the instrument indicators, but the quantitative characteristics of the state of the object. Experts on measurement theory always more attention was paid to the second procedure - interpretation of indicatorsrather than the first to describe the interaction of the device and the object. Ideally, the interpretation operation should accurately describe the process of interaction between the object and the device, namely, the influence of the characteristics of the object on its testimony.

So, measurecan be defined as the empirical method for identifying properties or objects of an object by organizing the interaction of an object with a measuring device, whose states depend on changes in the state of the object . The device may not only be an external object with respect to the researcher. For example, a ruler is a device for measuring length. The researcher itself may be a measuring instrument: "Man is a measure of all things." And indeed, the feet, finger, the forearm served as primary lengths of length (foot, inch, elbow, etc.). Also with "measurement" human behavior: Features of the behavior of another researcher can be assessed directly - then it turns into an expert. This type of measurement is similar to observation. But there is an instrumental measurement when a psychologist applies some measuring technique, for example, an intelligence test. Features of the method of measurement in psychology will be discussed in the future. Here we only note that in psychology, the measurement is understood by two completely different processes.

1. The psychological measurement is considered to estimate the magnitude of certain parameters of reality or the assessment of similarities and differences in the reality objects that the subject produces. Based on these estimates, the researcher "measures" the features of the subjective reality of the subject. In this sense, the "psychological measurement" is a task given to the subject.

2. Psychological dimension in the second meaning of which we will speak in the future is carried out by the researcher to assess the peculiarities of the test. This is the task of a psychologist, not the subject.

Observation can be conditionally attributed to the "passive" methods of research. Indeed, watching people's behavior or measuring behavior parameters, we are dealing with what the nature of the "here-and-now" provides us. We cannot re-monitor the time convenient for us and reproduce the process in your will. When measuring, we register only "external" properties;

often, to identify the "hidden" properties, it is necessary to "provoke" a change in the object or its behavior, constructing other external conditions.

3. To establish causal relationships between phenomena and processes is carried out experiment. The researcher tries to change the external conditions so as to influence the object being studied. In this case, the external impact on the object is considered the cause, and the change in the state (behavior) of the object - the investigation.

The experiment is a "active" method of studying reality. The researcher not only asks the nature of nature, but also forces it to answer them. Observation and measurement allow you to answer questions: "How? When? How?", And the experiment answers the question "Why?".

An experiment is called Research in specially created, managed conditions in order to verify the experimental hypothesis of causal relationships. In the process of experiment, the researcher always monitors the behavior of the object and measures its condition. Observation and measurement procedures are included in the experiment process. In addition, the researcher acts as planned and targeted to the object to measure its condition. This operation is called experimental impact.The experiment is the main method of modern natural science and natural scientificly oriented psychology. In the scientific literature, the term "experiment" is used both to a holistic experimental study - a series of experimental samples carried out according to a single plan and to a single experimental test - experience.

Summing up the interim total, we note that observation is the immediate, "passive" study method. Measurement is a passive but indirect method. Experiment is an active and mediated method for studying reality.

The experiment is one of the main methods. scientific research. In general scientific plan experiment It is defined as a special study method aimed at checking scientific and applied hypotheses, requiring strict logic of evidence and based on reliable facts. In the experiment, some artificial (experimental) situation is always created, the causes of studied phenomena are distinguished, the effects of these reasons are strictly monitored and evaluated, the relations between the studied phenomena.

The experiment as a method of psychological research corresponds to the above definition, but has some specifics. Many authors, as indicated by V.N. Druzhinin, as a key feature of the psychological experiment, the "subjectivity of the object" of the study is allocated. A person as an object of knowledge has an activity, consciousness and thereby can affect the process of his study and its result. Therefore, special ethical requirements are presented to the experimental experiment in psychology, and the experiment itself can be considered as a process of communicating the experimenter with the subject.

The task of a psychological experiment is to make an internal mental phenomenon available to objective observation. At the same time, the investigated phenomenon should adequately and unambiguously manifest itself in external behavior, which is achieved by targeted control of the conditions for its occurrence and flow. S.L. Rubinstein wrote:

"The main task of a psychological experiment is to make the essential features of the internal mental process available for objective external observation. To do this, varying the conditions for the flow of external activities, to find a situation in which the external flow of the act would adequately reflect its internal mental content. The task of experimental variation of conditions under the psychological experiment is primarily to open the correctness of the same psychological interpretation of the action or a deed, eliminating the possibility of all others. "

V.V. Nicandrov indicates that achievement main Goal The experiment - the maximum possible unambiguity in the understanding of the links between the phenomena of internal mental life and their external manifestations - is achieved due to the following basic characteristics of the experiment:

1) the experimental initiative in the manifestation of his psychological facts of interest;

2) the ability to vary the conditions for the emergence and development of mental phenomena;

3) strict control and fixation of the conditions and the proceeding process;

4) isolation of some and focusing other factors resulting in the studied phenomena, which makes it possible to identify the patterns of their existence;

5) the ability to repeat the experimental conditions for multiple checks of the obtained scientific data and their accumulation;

6) Variation of conditions for quantitative estimates of the detected patterns.

Thus, the psychological experiment can be defined as a method in which the researcher himself causes its interests that interests it and changes the conditions for their flow in order to establish the causes of these phenomena and the patterns of their development. In addition, the scientific facts obtained can be repeatedly reproduced due to manageability and strict control of the conditions, which makes it possible to check, as well as the accumulation of quantitative data, on the basis of which one can judge the typical or chance of studied phenomena.

A characteristic feature of the experiment as a special empirical research method is that it provides the possibility of active practical impact on studied phenomena and processes. The researcher here is not limited to passive observation of phenomena, and consciously interferes in the natural course of their flow. It can carry out this, or isolating the studied phenomena from some external factors, or by changing the limit conditions in which they occur. And in the same case, the test results are definitely fixed and controlled.

Thus, the addition of simple observation by the active impact on the process under study turns the experiment in a very effective method of empirical research. This contributes primarily to the closer connection of the experiment with theory. "Experimentation," write I. Prigogin and I. Stepgers, "means not only a reliable observation of genuine facts, not only the search for empirical dependencies between phenomena, but also implies systematic interaction between theoretical concepts and observation" 1.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe experiment, the plan for its conduct and interpretation of the results is much greater degree depend on the theory than the search and interpretation of observation data.

Currently, the experimental method is used not only in those experienced sciences, which according to traditions refer to exact natural science (mechanics, physics, chemistry, etc.), but also in the sciences studying living nature, especially in those that apply modern physical and chemical research methods (genetics, molecular biology, physiology, etc.).

In the science of the new time, the experimental method first began to systematically apply, as we already know, Galilee, although some attempts to use it can be found in antiquity and especially in the Middle Ages.

Galilee began its studies with the study of the most simplest phenomena of nature - mechanical movement of bodies in space over time (falling bodies, the movement of bodies along the inclined plane and the trajectories of the cannon nuclei). Despite the seeming simplicity of these phenomena, he ran into a number of difficulties of both scientific and ideological nature. The latter were mainly associated with the tradition of a purely natural philosophical, speculative approach to the study of nature phenomena, ascending to antiquity. So, in Aristotelian physics, it was recognized that the movement occurs only when force is applied to the body. This provision was considered generally accepted in medieval science. Galilee was first subjected to his doubt and suggested that the body would be alone or in a uniform and straightforward movement while external forces would not work. Since Newton, this statement is formulated as the first law of mechanics.

It is noteworthy that to substantiate the principle of inertia, Galileem was first used mental An experiment, which was later widely used as a heuristic product of the study in different branches of modern natural science. Its essence lies in the analysis of the sequence of real observations and in the transition from them to a certain limit situation, in which the effect of certain forces or factors mentally excludes. For example, when observing the mechanical movement, you can gradually reduce the effect on the body of a variety of forces - friction, air resistance, etc. - And make sure that the path passed by the body will increase accordingly. In the limit, you can exclude all such forces and come to the conclusion that the body in such ideal conditions will be unbounded evenly and straight or stay alone.

The greatest achievements of Galilee are associated, however, with the formulation of real experiments and mathematical processing of their results. It has reached outstanding results with an experimental study of the free fall of bodies. In his remarkable book, "conversations and mathematical evidence ..." Galiley describes in detail how it came to its discovery of the law constancy of the acceleration of freely falling bodies. At first, he, like his predecessors - Leonardo da Vinci, Benedetti, and others, believed that the rate of falling the body was proportional to the distance traveled. However, afterwards, Galilee refused this assumption, as it leads to consequences that are not confirmed by experience 1. Therefore, he decided to check another hypothesis: the speed of a freely falling body is proportional to the fall time. It flows from it that the path passed by the body was proportional to half the square of the fall time, which was confirmed in a specially constructed experiment. Since at that time there were serious difficulties with time measurement, then Galiley decided to slow down the fall process. To do this, he rolled through the inclined chute with a bronze ball well polished walls. Measuring the time of passing the ball of various segments of the path, he was able to make sure of his assumption about the constancy of the acceleration of freely falling tel.

With its huge achievements, modern science is obliged to be the experiment, since it was possible to organically associate thought and experience, theory and practice. In fact, the experiment is a question addressed to nature. Scientists were convinced that Nature responds to the correct questions. Therefore, since the time of Galileo, the experiment became the most important means of dialogue between man and nature, the method of penetrating into its deep secrets and a means of opening laws that operate in experimenting phenomena.

  • Podzhin I., Stengers I. order from chaos. - M., 1986. - P. 44.
  • Some famous historians of science, including P. Dugen, A. Kromby, d. Randel, argue that the emergence of experimental science occurs in the Middle Ages. To confirm your thesis, they refer to the fact that the experiments were conducted in the XIII-XIV centuries. in Paris, and in the XVI century. In Padua.
  • Galilers Selected Works: at 2 tons 1. - M.: Science, 1964. - P. 241-242.
  • See: Lipson Great Experiments in Physics. - M., 1972. - S. 12.

Federal Agency for Education

Federal State Educational Institution

Higher professional education

St. Petersburg State University

Faculty of journalism

Coursework on the topic

"The main differences of the method of observation of the experiment"

Discipline: Basics of Creative Activity Journalist

Performed: Student 2 courses, 7 groups of day branches, specialty "Journalism" Tsuman A.P.

Scientific adviser:candidate polit. Science

Baikchik A.V.

St. Petersburg

Introduction 4.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of methods 6

1.1 Observation method 6

1.2 Experiment 11.

Chapter 2. Publications Analysis 16

Conclusion 20.

References 22.

Appendices 23.


In the most general value, the method is the path or method of achieving the goal, a certain way ordered activity. This is also a system of intangible means of knowledge and transformation of reality; A method of knowledge and practical activity, which is a sequence of certain operations. The methods of processing and analyzing the content of the studied phenomenon is also methodologized. Today, under the method, the method of knowledge, studies of the phenomena of nature and public life.

Some researchers believe that journalism has no own methods, it binds them from other sciences of sociology, psychology, logic of literary criticism, economics 1. An unambiguous answer to the question is whether it is worth allocating the specifics of journalism as science and compare its methods with other areas of scientific activity, not yet. However, in this paper we will try not to concern such "pitfalls".

A journalist in his creative work uses various ways to intervene the situations and phenomena, whose witness he explains or comments on the facts faced with. It deals with various forms of knowledge - scientific, unscientific, empirical thus mastering reality and knowing the world around him. In the ideal version, the main goal of the knowledge of the journalist is to find the truth and the exact transfer of this truth to the reader, so the question of the accuracy of the facts set out may not arise. In many ways, the objectivity and truth written by a journalist depends on the degree of possession of the development methods of reality. Bright representatives of such methods are observation and experiment. Both of these methods belong to the group of rational and cognitive methods, and if more specifically, the empirical level of knowledge 1, and their result appears in journalism as a flow of information publications 2.

So, finding the differences between the observation method and the experiment causes interest and actual For research because:

FirstlyToday there is a tendency to complement and interpenetration of methods, which increases the level of culture of journalistic labor.

SecondlyIt is still important to understand the borders of the use of methods and techniques and prevent the possibility of their overlay.

Purpose The work is the analysis and finding the main differences between the two methods of journalism - the method of observation and experiment.

The target is disclosed through the following tasks:

    explore each method separately;

    analyze examples of using these methods in journalistic creativity;

    find distinctive features of each method;

    make conclusions for research.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of methods

1.1 Observation method

Observation is one of the methods for collecting sociological information, which allows to study the object multifaceted, therefore it is distinguished among the traditional methods first of all. The use of this method is associated with obtaining preliminary material on the social object and to obtain primary information on any problem. As G. V. Lazutin writes, a key link here is the "human ability to perceive the subject-sensual concreteness of the world in the process of audiovisual contacts with him" 1. Journalistic observation can act as the role of the main and the role of an additional method and, unlike the ordinary, there is always a goal and a clearly defined character. "It is precisely the deliberation of perception and awareness of tasks allows you to look - and see" 2. It is no coincidence that this is one of the very first methods that students explain.

The subject of the journalistic observation is the person, his appearance, character, like what he says, his behavior, as well as the reaction to what is happening, including a variety of aspects of the relationship and interaction of the personality and the team. The nature of communication, and the level of culture of the individual, and the means of communication (such as gesticulation, facial expressions, word, speech), and even the surrounding object and material environment are also honored. Therefore, the observation method is very often used in the work of the reporter, which there are many more reasons: a journalist, including a certain event, has the opportunity to trace its dynamics. The material creates an atmosphere of an involvement of what happens in the eyes of the reporter. The journalist can identify some of the most significant characteristics of the event and determine the factors under the influence of which the characteristics of the objects observed in the event are changed. Also, direct observation of people's behavior allows you to see inconspicuous, at first glance, details, characteristic personal features 1.

There are several types of journalistic observation. They are classified, based on different criteria, such as methods of organization, subject, the nature of interests of interest.

On the first reason, the observation is divided into hidden and open. A distinctive feature of open observation is that the journalist, arriving to fulfill the task, suppose in any organization, declares its goal, the editorial task, which he may need help from the staff of this organization. So, the people with whom he will communicate are knowing that among them there is a journalist collecting material for publication, can imagine the nature of this performance (positive or negative) and behave accordingly.

Unlike the open hidden observation, it implies that the journalist does not tell people for a certain time, for whose actions he watches that he is a journalist and collects the information they need, as well as what kind of information is interested in it. Moreover, they may never know that among them there was a journalist. Hidden observation is most often used in the study of any conflict situations in separately taken groups or during journalistic investigation. Before the investigation, the journalist possesses a fragment of an informational picture, checks it, reconstructs the picture again. Often a journalist conducting an investigation becomes a participant in an event, affecting its move and forming an outcome.

Depending on the conditions for studying the subject to which the journalist's attention is directed, observation can be classified as direct and indirect. In the first case, the author observes the subject directly, in the second (due to its remoteness, hiddenness or other conditions) - using indirect data, that is, indirectly.

Observations are divided into temporary sign: short-term and long. If the publication needs to be prepared as soon as possible, short-term observation is used. Long-term observation is used in the case when it is necessary to study the object thoroughly and detail. Long-term observation is not necessarily disposable: the journalist can repeatedly return to the life of some kind of team, observe the changes that occur for several years. This type of observation is widely used when working in analytical genres.

IN structuralized observation the journalist records events to a clearly specified plan, or, more precisely, the procedure, and in nonstrulyzed - leads observation in a free search, focusing only on general ideas about the situation. But the journalist should adhere to the observation indicative plan. Such a plan helps to correctly determine the aspect of the observation, its order and conditions.

Field observation involves work in natural conditions, and laboratory - In some constructed by journalist situations.

Systematic Observation involves the conversation of the journalist to a particular situation at certain periods of time, and non-systematic - Spontaneity in choosing the observed phenomenon. one

Features of journalistic observation can be predetermined and such a factor as the degree of participation of the journalist in the event that he monitors. On this basis, observation can be divided into included and included. How it described this division A.A. Territical, "In the first case, the journalist becomes, for example, a member of the crew of a fishing trawler and works on board along with other fishermen. Included observation is a study of some kind of activity from the side, in preparation, for example, a report on the eruption of a volcano, about sports competitions I.T.D.. 1 Indeed, in the second case, the correspondent tries not to interfere in the course of what is happening, quite consciously occupying a neutral position. It is usually located outside the situation and does not contact the events with participants. This type of observation is most often used in order to better describe the social atmosphere, for example, around the elections, public actions, reforms. Included observation involves the participation of a journalist in the very situation. He goes to it consciously, changing, for example, a profession or embedded in a certain social group to make an object from the inside. "Clearing of the profession" is possible in cases where the reporter is confident that he will not cause people or physical or moral damage with its unprofessional or unqualified actions. For example, media employees are contraindicated with doctors, lawyers, judges, government officials. This kind of prohibitions are provided for by both the relevant norms of journalistic ethics and certain articles of law. A well-known journalist N. Nikitin gives novice journalists a specific practical advice: "... the main principle - whether for whom they give out" 2. Thus, the journalist seeks to identify and show the reader some situations that are characteristic of the Implementation Environment. He confronts the reporting task - to participate in action along with his heroes or experience some difficulties. A report made using the enabled method may become a winning form of material feed. However, this should not be a simple hyserid, game with "dressing up". It is important that the journalist stood a professional goal - to positively influence some situation or find ways to solve the problem.

Speaking about the included observation, it is important to pay attention to some difficulties associated with this species and with the whole method of observation in general. First, it is important to understand that most often we are dealing with some particular and unique situations that can not always be re-playing. The main problem is the irreversibility of certain phenomena of social life. The journalist has to deal with human emotions, sometimes complex and even conflict interpersonal relationships. Secondly, subjective assessments of people can affect the quality of primary information, their value orientations, established views, stereotypes and interests. "The reaction of people to the presence of an observer is not always unequivocal. But in most cases, people react negatively to the presence of unauthorized persons (especially journalists), which are observed as closely. People can change their behavior tactics if they feel or what they are observed behind them. " one

That is why the information and impressions received by the journalist are extremely needed to be mandatory rechecked, in order to make sure not so much in their accuracy as in objectivity. Sociologist V. A. Poadov offers the following rules that should be followed to increase the degree of validity and sustainability of data:

    Madely smoothly classify elements of events to be observed using clear indicators;

    If the main observation is carried out by several persons, they compare their impressions and coordinate estimates, interpretation of events using a single record technique, thereby increasing the stability of observation data;

    The same object should be observed in different situations (normal and stressful, standard and conflict), which allows you to see it from different sides;

    It is necessary to clearly distinguish and register the content, form of manifestation of observed events and their quantitative characteristics (intensity, regularity, frequency, frequency);

    It is important to ensure that the description of the events is not mixed with their interpretation, therefore, in the protocol, there should be special graphs for recording factual data and for their interpretation;

    With inclusive or not included observation, performed by one of the researchers, it is especially important to monitor the validity of the interpretation of the data, seeking to double-check your impressions through various possible interpretations 1.

So, based on these features of the observation, it can be said that as an independent method, the observation is best to apply in studies that do not require representativeness of the data, as well as in cases where information cannot be obtained by any other methods.

1.2 Experiment

In its overall value, the experiment is a set of actions performed to verify the truth or falsity of the hypothesis or scientific research of causal relationships between phenomena. The researcher tries to change the external conditions so as to influence the object being studied. In this case, the external impact on the object is considered the cause, and the change in the state or behavior of the object is due.

Translated from the Latin word "experiment" means "sample" or "experience". In general, the experiment is an integrated method that combines various methods of collecting material. 1 With it, it establishes the reaction of the object being studied to the experimental factor, under which one or another activity of the object being studied is shown. The experiment is divided into the following steps:

    Collection of information.

    Observation of the phenomenon.

    Developing a hypothesis to explain the phenomenon.

    The development of the theory explaining the phenomenon based on assumptions is in a wider plan. 2.

The experimental factor may be made from the outside, and may be contained in objects and becomes those under the control and control of the experimenter. The experiment itself can pass both in the natural environment and in artificial. The latter is called "Laboratory Experiment", and helps to achieve greater accuracy, controllability and preserves of its conditions. The regularity of the manifestation of certain events can be identified when comparing the facts, their systematization.

For a journalistic experiment, the object of which is various human relations, characteristic, as in other sciences about society, an abundance, complexity of factors that affect the state of the object. The journalistic experiment has nothing to do with the already perfect action and can be carried out according to any occasion. It often carries a certain intrigue. It arises because not all the participants in the experiment know that they are involved in it.

The method of experiment in journalism is often identified with the method of enrollment, and there is no reasons for that:

    As in the observation included, the experimenter journalist supports direct relationship with the object of study.

    Experiment, as well as observation, can be held secretly.

    The experiment relates to visual means of studying social reality.

However, despite the fact that the main signs are general, the experiment has its own special features and characteristics. "Under the experiment, the study method based on the management of the object with the help of a number of factors affecting it, the control over the action of which is in the hands of the researcher." 1 I would also like to indicate that the experiment is the "active" method of studying reality. That is, if the observation allows you to answer questions "How?", "When?" And "How?" The experiment answers one question "Why?".

In the experiment, the object is a means to create an artificial situation. This is done so that the journalist in practice can test his hypotheses, "lose" some everyday circumstances that would allow him to better know the object being studied. In addition, in any experiment, not only the cognitive interest of the research journalist, but also managerial. If the correspondent is more like an event registrar, then participating in the experiment he has the right to interfere with the situation, affecting its participants, managing them and accepting some decisions.

According to V.P. Talov, "Impact on the observed objects during its / experiment / not only is permissible, but just assumed. Contribution to experimentation correspondents are not waiting for people, certain officials, entire services will reveal themselves spontaneously, i.e. Arbitrary, naturally. This disclosure is deliberately called, purposefully "organized" by themselves ... The experiment is observation, accompanied by the observer intervention in the processes and phenomena, under certain conditions - artificial challenge, conscious "provoking" these last "1.

Thus, the experiment is associated with the creation of an artificial impulse, designed to show certain aspects of the object being studied. The journalist has the opportunity to conduct an experiment on herself, introducing into the social group you need, that is, to become someone like a "fake figure". At the same time, he not only affects the situation, but also seeks to bring to the experiment of all of those interested in his persons.

Experiments may be different in the degree of its complexity. Often, the journalist is limited to the simplest task and accordingly applies the elementary form of the experiment. However, when the journalist puts a significantly more complex task, then it is quite problematic to conduct an appropriate experimental verification of the initial assumption at the desired level, therefore, when planning and conducting an experiment, the following points should be taken into account:

    Determine its goals and tasks before the experience of experience (well explore the situation, collect preliminary information about the likely participants, to work out available documents and other sources, as well as outline the subject of study, which will especially be interested in the study object).

    Determine the place of action (whether the experiment will be implemented in natural or in laboratory conditions).

    Prepare both yourself (journalist) and other participants in the operation.

After the journalist determined, in what conditions the action will take place, it should be formed working hypotheses and choose an impact indicator on the experimental situation. And only after that, it is solved by which methods to fix and control the process of research. In the structure of the experimental situation, L. V. Kashinskaya allocates the following elements:

the initial state of the object Factor acting The final state of the object

"The initial state of the object from a journalist is usually fixed, that is, there is a specific starting information. But in the same information contains those encouraging motives that cause the need to create an experimental situation:

    Insufficiency with the necessary journalist information for checking or clarifying its hypothesis.

    The inability to get such information by ordinary methods.

    The need to obtain psychologically reliable arguments "1.

I would also like to pay attention to the fact that the experiment requires special qualifications and mastering with special tools, and this is often possible only with the participation of an experienced consultant.

When the description of the stroke of the experiment becomes the main content of the publication, the experiment method can act as a dominant genre-forming feature. Therefore, relating to the publication to the genre of the experiment, it should be emphasized that it is about artificial, specially organized by the journalist itself of the subject-practitioner 2.

Recently, the experiment is increasingly used in journalism, especially electronic. The reconstruction method of an artificial situation in which unsuspecting people fall, you can meet in various television programs (for example, the "town" and "Raigry"). These experiments are carried out in order to identify any behavioral reactions of people to extraordinary situations. Publications in the genre of the experiment winning for a journalist in that they usually allow you to create texts with dynamic features, "lively" clear outlining material. They allow you to combine the beginning of analysts and reports. In other words, the author of the experiment not only analyzes some phenomenon, but also applies a detailed description of the created situation. But still experiment in journalistic practice it is advisable to spend only in some cases when it is worth the task of deeper penetration into life. At the same time, it is necessary to control all stages of preparation to it as closely.

Chapter 2. Analysis of Publications

So, for more visible identification of the differences between the method of observation and experiment, we compare two publications: "How much is politeness? Or wrap me a kilogram of peaches into separate bags "(see Appendix 1), published on the site http://www.myjulia.ru and" Komi-Wargoers ", published under the heading" Trends "in №43 (073) of the magazine" Russian Reporter "(see Appendix 2).

Speaking about the first publication, it is safe to note that it falls on the definition of an experiment. First, the author is intentionally introduced into the social group, acts as a "fake figure", namely appears in the image of an ordinary consumer. Secondly, the journalist itself determines the factor of influence on the object of the study (sellers), consciously provoking them, for example, offering driving exactly 143 grams of kvass or one candy of each species. And the characters of trade workers are revealed in the most natural way: "Do you? Maybe I'm putting it in bed? " Or "Girl, what? Not! Nooohet !!! I have a job so stand. We will not weigh. This is all on the calculator must be considered. Not. I do not want".

The author clearly defined the purpose of his research - to show the attitude of the sellers to the usual buyer and understand the reasons for such a relationship. His task - to penetrate deeply in the seemingly ordinary situation (a festive shopping trip). Naturally, at the end of the study it follows the conclusion: "I was ready to cut, wrap, wrap and do anything with food purchased by me, which was in the forces of sellers. Only those in which laziness prevailed over other human qualities. And I also realized that it was not necessary to be afraid to ask the seller to help you. "

The genre of this publication can be defined as a journalistic experiment, because the subject and practical situation here was created artificially and is specially organized by the journalist himself, which most likely could not use any other methods and needed reliable psychological arguments. Thus, the creation of an experimental situation is fully motivated.

Now consider the second publication called "Komi-Voyagers". Here the author shows us one of the most acute problems of Russia and, especially the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - the problem of transport links. The journalist had insufficiently indirect information for full coverage of this problem, so he travels on a trip to the "stalkers" truckers on the "bad road in Russia".

So, we see the observation method in action. He, in our opinion, acts here as the main method. The publication itself is written in the reporting genre (as mentioned earlier, observing one of the key methods in the work of the reporter). The journalist pays a lot of attention to the description of the characters of the people with whom he faces. It accurately notes the features of the speech of everyone, leads examples of "Stalker Zhargon": "Nyasha", "Serpentine", "Washing board", etc.

The speech of the author as a whole has a narrative-descriptive character. Details of the road, such as an overwhelmed truck and a drunk driver in the insole, pulling out the truck stuck in the mud, as well as the abundance of the dialogs make the reader with a part of the event, the dynamics of events are very well traced.

The journalist transmits us only a subjective vision of the situation, and not even his own, but the heroes of history. Can I believe or not, the reader does not know.

In the nature, the observation of the open (truckers most likely know that there is a journalist among them), structuralized (journalist records events to a clearly specified plan), is carried out in field conditions and included (the author does not observe the situation from the side, and with the truckers and truckers 70-kilometer off-road raid, that is, his task is to experience all the difficulties, and also shows the reader of the situation characteristic of the environment in which he has implemented: the mutual assistance of drivers, the struggle for the place on the ferry).

Summing up the analysis of publications, you can immediately identify the main difference between observation and experiment from each other. In the first case, the journalist himself creates a situation in which it works, and its task is to confirm the hypothesis and the corresponding conclusion. In the case of observation, the situation is different - the author is included in a natural event, which it cannot be controlled in any way. The main task here is the lighting of events or problems, as well as the exact and accessible transfer of informative details to the reader.


So, by analyzing the scientific works of many authors and thoroughly comparing two recent publications in the media, it is safe to say that the method of observation and experiment, despite its external similarity, have a number of fairly significant differences, namely:

    during the surveillance, the journalist deals with events that it is often impossible to repeat, play again; In the experiment, the journalist himself creates the situation that he needs to explore;

    the purpose of the experiment is to verify the hypothesis put by the journalist at the beginning of the study, and the purpose of the observation is a description and accurate transfer of the details of the situation under study;

    when observed, the journalist cannot interfere with the study of the study, being only a registrar of an event or phenomenon, and at the experiment - on the contrary - uses a set of funds provoking the object of study on certain actions, thus driving them and making decisions;

    the result of the observation can be based on the subjective view of the journalist about the event and require additional verification, while the result of the experiment is actually objective and is a confirmation or refutation of the hypothesis proposed by the journalist;

    works written using the method of observation are an informative character, in contrast to work written by experiment, which are representatives of analytical genres.

Summing up under the study, it should still be noted that both methods are important tools in the arsenal of a professional journalist, as well as the main methods of research and knowledge of the reality around us. Their use in publications introduces a sense of involvement, empathizing situations described in them, and from some reader can extract specific practical benefits for itself. But it is not necessary to forget that they require special training and having a not strict, but fixed action plan. It is also necessary to be careful, working in the field of human relations, for one of the fundamental principles of the journalist's work is "not harmful."


    Kashinskaya L.V. Experiment as a method of journalistic activity // Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. 10. Journalism, 1986. №6.

    Kim M.N. . Technology for creating a journalistic work. St. Petersburg., 2001.

    Lazutin G.V. Technology and methods of journalistic creativity. M., 1988.

    Melnik GS, Kim M.N. Methods of journalism. SPb.: Publishing house Mikhailova V.A., 2006.

    Nikitin N. Option of work - unlashped // Journalist. 1997. No. 2.

    Smirnov V.A. Levels and stages of the process of knowledge // Problems of the logic of scientific knowledge. M., 1964.

    Talov V.P. Journalist's work: Methods and technique of journalistic communication. L., 1983.

    Terrtyomy A.A. Periodic print genres. M.: Aspect Press, 2000.

    Poys V.A. Sociological study: methodology, program, methods. Samara, 1995.


1 Melnik GS, Kim M.N. Methods of journalism. SPb.: Publishing house Mikhailova V.A., 2006.

Experiment is different from observations In the first ...

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    Having placed two methods obtaining facts to be further analyzed - methods observations and experimentthat, ... basic The supplier of psychological knowledge and the basis for many theories. IN difference from observations psychological experiment ...

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    Coursework \u003e\u003e Sociology

    ... experiments this method - One of the leading. How selfless method, observation ... Middle maintenance Advantages and disadvantages method observations " (Table ... differ from Natural, if observation Open (effect observations) The complexity of application observations ...

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    Cheat Sheet \u003e\u003e Philosophy

    What is given in sensual experience. Experiment and observation are basic method knowledge. 2. There is a real genuine knowledge ... laws for the world and its component. Basic difference O.P. from N.P. Scientific knowledge involves its result ...

  • Maintenance Tasks of psychology and pedagogy

    Tutorial \u003e\u003e Psychology

    Components of the personality structure is different from some other it ..., sociometric methods And social psychological experiment. In pedagogy distinguish maintenance and auxiliary methods. TO basic include method observations and method experimentTo ...

  • Looking after his little son, I constantly see how he makes new discoveries for himself, watching the world and spending small experiments. Now he does not know what these concepts mean, and what they differ. But when he grows a little, that's what I will tell him.

    My observations and experiments

    It is best to explain on the example.

    I always loved watching the world around me. So, it is very interesting to watch the ants behave depending on the weather and time of day.

    But even more I love to conduct experiences.

    Once in my childhood I spent an amazing experience. From the children's encyclopedia, I learned that the belly was transparent in ants. This assumption was my hypothesis that it was necessary to confirm or refute. I prepared sweet syrups of different colors and placed small droplets near the anthill. It's funny, but when the ants drank, their tumids were painted in the color of the sirop drops. This confirmed my hypothesis.

    Have you guessed what was the difference between my simple observations of the anthill life from the experience?

    • In the first case, I just watched (watched) for the behavior of insects. Conducting experience, I myself needed to interact with the subject, placing colored drops in an anthill.
    • Conducting experience I had a hypothesis (from the children's encyclopedia) and the action plan.
    • Observations did not require any equipment (although it is not always true, for example, to monitor space objects, you will need a telescope). For experience, I needed sugar, water, dyes and other means for cooking syrup.

    Monitoring the cat

    Watch your pet's pet. You can notice a lot interesting features. For example, that cats and cats are able to publish many unlike each other.

    Experience "Lava"

    This interesting experience can be checked by the hypothesis that the oil is lighter than water, but the salt is heavier oil.

    1. Take a glass. Fill it with water and vegetable oil (2: 1). Butter will remain swimming on top.
    2. Add a food dye.
    3. Pass the salt spoon.

    "Lava" in the bank

    Enjoy the "lava" in the glass.

    Determination of the concept of "experimental method" in a wide and narrow sense.

    Experimental method in the broad sense of the word, on TV. Cornilova is a change in any conditions when studying patterns in a particular area of \u200b\u200bempirical reality.

    Experimental method in the narrow sense of the word, on TV. Cornilova is a checking of the scientific hypotheses of the causal (causal) nature on the basis of the application of the standards of the experimental method.

    Material of subsequent lectures will be devoted to questions:

    What is the difference between causal, or causal, hypothesis from other types of scientific hypotheses?

    What is the experiment as a system of hypotheses inspection system?

    1. The first method with which students are usually started - observation. In some sciences, this is the only empirical method. Astronomy is classical observational science. All of its achievements are associated with the improvement of observation techniques. Not less observation has in behavioral sciences. Main results in Etology (animal behavior science) were obtained by observing animal activity in natural conditions. Observation is of great importance in physics, chemistry, biology. With observation is associated so-called an idiographic approach to the study of reality. The followers of this approach consider it the only possible in the sciences studying unique objects, their behavior and history.

    An idiographic approach requires observation and fixation of single phenomena and events. It is widely used in historical disciplines. He has important in psychology. It suffices to recall such research as the work of A.R. Luria "Little Book of Greater Memory" or Monograph Z. Freud "Leonardo da Vinci".

    An idiographic approach is opposed nomomethetic approach- Study that detects general laws of development, existence and interaction of objects.

    Observation is a method on the basis of which it is possible to implement or a nomethetic, or an idiographic approach to the knowledge of reality.

    Observation the targeted, organized and certainly fixed perception of the object under study is called. The results of fixing the observation data are called a description of the behavior of the object.

    Observation can be carried out directly or using technical means and data logging methods (photo, audio and video equipment, observation cards, etc.). However, with the help of observation, only the phenomena occurring in ordinary, "normal" conditions can be found, and for the cognition of the essential properties of the object, it is necessary to create special conditions other than the "normal". In addition, observation does not allow the researcher to purposefully vary the conditions of observation in accordance with the intent. The researcher cannot affect the object to know its characteristics hidden from direct perception.

    The experiment allows you to identify causal dependencies and answer the question: "What caused a change in behavior?". Observation is applied when either it is impossible, or to interfere in the natural course of the process.

    The main features of the method of observation are:

    The immediate connection of the observer and the observed object;

    Preissance (emotional painting) observation;

    The complexity (sometimes is the impossibility) of re-observation. In the natural sciences, the observer, as a rule, does not affect the studied process (phenomenon). In psychology there is a problem of the interaction of the observer and the observed. The presence of the researcher, if the subject knows what is observed, has an impact on his behavior.

    The limited method of observation caused other, more "perfect" methods of empirical research: experiment and measurement. Experiment and measurement allow you to objectify the process, for they are carried out using special equipment and methods of objective registration of results in quantitative form.

    Unlike observation and measurement, the experiment allows reproduction of reality phenomena in specially created conditions and thereby identify causal dependencies between the phenomenon and the peculiarities of external conditions.

    2. Measureit is carried out both in natural and artificially created conditions. The difference between the experiment is that the researcher seeks not to influence the object, but registers its characteristics as they are " objectively, "regardless of the researcher and measurement techniques (Last for a number of sciences impartially).

    Unlike observation, the measurement is carried out during the instrument-no-indirect interaction of the object and the measuring instrument: the natural "behavior" of the object is not modified, but is controlled and registed by the instrument. When measuring, it is impossible to identify causal dependencies, but you can establish links between the levels of different parameters of objects. So the measurement turns into a correlation study.

    Measurement is usually defined as some operation, with the help of which the numbers are attributed to the numbers. From a mathematical point of view, this "attribution" requires conformity between the properties of the numbers and the properties of things. From a methodological point of view, the measurement is to register the state of the object (objects) using the states of another object (instrument). In this case, a function connecting the state - an object and instrument should be determined. Object attribution operation The object is secondary: the numeric values \u200b\u200bon the scale of the device we consider not the instrument indicators, but the quantitative characteristics of the state of the object. Experts on measurement theory always more attention was paid to the second procedure - interpretation of indicatorsrather than the first to describe the interaction of the device and the object. Ideally, the interpretation operation should accurately describe the process of interaction between the object and the device, namely, the influence of the characteristics of the object on its testimony.

    So, measurecan be defined as the empirical method for identifying properties or objects of an object by organizing the interaction of an object with a measuring device, whose states depend on changes in the state of the object . The device may not only be an external object with respect to the researcher. For example, a ruler is a device for measuring length. The researcher itself may be a measuring instrument: "Man is a measure of all things." And indeed, the feet, finger, the forearm served as primary lengths of length (foot, inch, elbow, etc.). Also with the "dimension" of human behavior: the peculiarities of the behavior of another researcher can evaluate directly - then he turns into an expert. This type of measurement is similar to observation. But there is an instrumental measurement when a psychologist applies some measuring technique, for example, an intelligence test. Features of the method of measurement in psychology will be discussed in the future. Here we only note that in psychology, the measurement is understood by two completely different processes.

    1. The psychological measurement is considered to estimate the magnitude of certain parameters of reality or the assessment of similarities and differences in the reality objects that the subject produces. Based on these estimates, the researcher "measures" the features of the subjective reality of the subject. In this sense, the "psychological measurement" is a task given to the subject.

    2. Psychological dimension in the second meaning of which we will speak in the future is carried out by the researcher to assess the peculiarities of the test. This is the task of a psychologist, not the subject.

    Observation can be conditionally attributed to the "passive" methods of research. Indeed, watching people's behavior or measuring behavior parameters, we are dealing with what the nature of the "here-and-now" provides us. We cannot re-monitor the time convenient for us and reproduce the process in your will. When measuring, we register only "external" properties;

    often, to identify the "hidden" properties, it is necessary to "provoke" a change in the object or its behavior, constructing other external conditions.

    3. To establish causal relationships between phenomena and processes is carried out experiment. The researcher tries to change the external conditions so as to influence the object being studied. In this case, the external impact on the object is considered the cause, and the change in the state (behavior) of the object - the investigation.

    The experiment is a "active" method of studying reality. The researcher not only asks the nature of nature, but also forces it to answer them. Observation and measurement allow you to answer questions: "How? When? How?", And the experiment answers the question "Why?".

    An experiment is called Research in specially created, managed conditions in order to verify the experimental hypothesis of causal relationships. In the process of experiment, the researcher always monitors the behavior of the object and measures its condition. Observation and measurement procedures are included in the experiment process. In addition, the researcher acts as planned and targeted to the object to measure its condition. This operation is called experimental impact.The experiment is the main method of modern natural science and natural scientificly oriented psychology. In the scientific literature, the term "experiment" is used both to a holistic experimental study - a series of experimental samples carried out according to a single plan and to a single experimental test - experience.

    Summing up the interim total, we note that observation is the immediate, "passive" study method. Measurement is a passive but indirect method. Experiment is an active and mediated method for studying reality.

    The experiment is one of the main methods of scientific research. In general scientific plan experiment It is defined as a special study method aimed at checking scientific and applied hypotheses, requiring strict logic of evidence and based on reliable facts. In the experiment, some artificial (experimental) situation is always created, the causes of studied phenomena are distinguished, the effects of these reasons are strictly monitored and evaluated, the relations between the studied phenomena.

    The experiment as a method of psychological research corresponds to the above definition, but has some specifics. Many authors, as indicated by V.N. Druzhinin, as a key feature of the psychological experiment, the "subjectivity of the object" of the study is allocated. A person as an object of knowledge has an activity, consciousness and thereby can affect the process of his study and its result. Therefore, special ethical requirements are presented to the experimental experiment in psychology, and the experiment itself can be considered as a process of communicating the experimenter with the subject.

    The task of a psychological experiment is to make an internal mental phenomenon available to objective observation. At the same time, the investigated phenomenon should adequately and unambiguously manifest itself in external behavior, which is achieved by targeted control of the conditions for its occurrence and flow. S.L. Rubinstein wrote:

    "The main task of a psychological experiment is to make the essential features of the internal mental process available for objective external observation. To do this, varying the conditions for the flow of external activities, to find a situation in which the external flow of the act would adequately reflect its internal mental content. The task of experimental variation of conditions under the psychological experiment is primarily to open the correctness of the same psychological interpretation of the action or a deed, eliminating the possibility of all others. "

    V.V. Nicandrov indicates that the achievement of the main objective of the experiment - the maximum possible unambiguity in understanding the links between the phenomena of internal mental life and their external manifestations is achieved due to the following basic characteristics of the experiment:

    1) the experimental initiative in the manifestation of his psychological facts of interest;

    2) the ability to vary the conditions for the emergence and development of mental phenomena;

    3) strict control and fixation of the conditions and the proceeding process;

    4) isolation of some and focusing other factors resulting in the studied phenomena, which makes it possible to identify the patterns of their existence;

    5) the ability to repeat the experimental conditions for multiple checks of the obtained scientific data and their accumulation;

    6) Variation of conditions for quantitative estimates of the detected patterns.

    Thus, the psychological experiment can be defined as a method in which the researcher himself causes its interests that interests it and changes the conditions for their flow in order to establish the causes of these phenomena and the patterns of their development. In addition, the scientific facts obtained can be repeatedly reproduced due to manageability and strict control of the conditions, which makes it possible to check, as well as the accumulation of quantitative data, on the basis of which one can judge the typical or chance of studied phenomena.

    From the very beginning of civilization people Called reality. Many methods were developed over time for this purpose, among which the observation and experiment occupy a special place.

    What do they differ as they use and what are they used for?


    Only the observation gave primary data on the subject matter under study or subject. These were the facts that were going to observers at different times. Observation could be spontaneous, and could be targeted.

    There was no hypotheses, scientific assumptions that should be confirmed. Observation is used only for collecting information that is sometimes collected in grains. Facts are always distinguished by reliability, ease of presentation.

    Thus created The initial characteristic of the subjectIt is described by its reactions to interaction with the environment in vivo.


    This method is applied when it is necessary to prove, refute any hypothesis. It is divided into theoretical and practical part. During the experiment, the subject matter, object, the subject is covered from the environment of familiar habitats and are subjected to various impacts.

    Conditions can change, but they are always manageable. The object reactions are seriously studied, fixed.

    • the relevance of its topic;
    • research Problem;
    • object of study;
    • target;
    • tasks;
    • implementing results;
    • hypothesis;
    • significance.

    The experiment is always divided into several stages. It is conducted in the form of a scientific project.

    Preparation for the experiment

    Since it is a big and long-term scientific event, it is advisable to hold Preparatory stage, which includes:

    1. Organization and implementation of the project.
    2. Identification of the algorithm of the organization and implementation of the project, following him (the design of the "passport", which is made by the name of the experiment, data on the head, researchers, the topic of research, methods, hypothesis, timelines).
    3. Description of conclusions.


    Work begins from research scientific papers on the chosen theme. Diagnosis is carried out, scientific intelligence, which will help determine how disclosed this topic is currently in time.

    Proceedings are determined, where the selected object of the study is mentioned. The volume of disclosure of the chosen theme is investigated, as far as it is covered in science and literature.


    Before conducting an experiment Fixed theme, hypothesis, confirmation and refutation hypothesis by other scientific researchers. Concepts are described, definitions are given, assumptions are made.

    The theoretical part is very important, as it is the necessary base. When the topic in the theory is disclosed, the hypothesis is carried out, proceed to experiments.


    it practical component experiment. A series of experiments are carried out, which is a focused action. When implementing experience, confirmation or refutation of the hypothesis occurs. Sometimes special equipment is required.

    Experiments are the creation of certain, managed conditions for the subject of the object, the study of its reactions.

    The experience is designed to confirm the hypothesis in practice, and the experiment enshrines it.

    Differences from experiment

    Observation is considered to be the method of knowledge when the object is examined In natural conditionswithout affecting it. The experiment is called the method of knowledge when the subject is immersed in a specially created medium, where it is controlled by its reactions. This makes it possible to confirm or disprove the scientific assumption.

    Observation may be component experiment, part of it, especially at the initial stage. But the experiment will never be part of the observation, since its exposure zone is much wider.

    In addition, observation does not require conclusions, it only states facts. Upon completion of the experiment, the conclusions that are based on the results of the experiments are required.

    Difference Between observation and experiment, quite significant:

    • When interacting with the environment, the observer avoids interventions, the experimenter actively interacts with it, modifies it.
    • The conditions for conducting the observation are always natural, and with experiments artificially created.
    • Special equipment is necessary with experiments, but do not need an observer.
    • Differences goals. Observation mined new information, experiments confirm, or refute the hypothesis, put forward speculatively.
    • Wednesday with observations is always open, natural, natural, and when conducting experiments closed, artificial.

    The experiment appeared much later than observation.