Chinese vodka as it is called. RESOLUTION: Chinese vodka Bayju - Paul Litra on the floor China vodka 52 degrees in a red bottle

Most recently, the statement was thundered that the Chinese Vodka Motay was recognized as the most expensive world brand in the field of alcoholic beverages. Price for 1 bottle of this elite drink exceeds 300 dollars. Such a cost of this alcohol product is due to an unusual formulation, originating 20 centuries ago.

In the article:

Features of chinese vodka

Motay (also called Hange or Hanishi) is characterized by special transparency, cleanliness. Thanks to the special technology of production, it has harmonious thick taste and unforgettable saturated smell. This vodka is often drinking, combining it with green tea.

The consistency of the drink is slightly thick. The fortress varies from 35 to 52%. An inexperienced consumer needs to be careful, as 52 degrees are a serious challenge even for a person who is accustomed to. This drink is incredibly easily, but it is very strong. Inxication when he was drinking occurs in a short time.

A feature of this product is its fragrance. It is so steady that it can continue to turn the room in the air, where vodka was painted, within 3 days.

Motay due to its composition is considered a high quality product. This alcoholic beverage has a moderate negative impact on such internal organs as a liver or stomach. He is not characteristic of such a consequence like a hangover. This product is mentioned in the works of many artists and poets of China.

Hange or Motay Vodka History

According to historical data, Vodka Maotay takes its beginning in the second century BC BC. This date is the appearance of a drink Goatzian. Later, a modern drink was released on the basis of the recipe for this fastening drink. It happened during the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

Then peasants who worked in rice fields were constantly in the water. These working conditions prompted them to create a way to warm. So the famous Motay appeared. She became famous when she accidentally found himself on the emperor's table, who immediately ordered the start of production of this drink on his lands.

Over time, the cooking technology has undergone minor changes, in particular, the usual rice was replaced by such a component like sorghum. It gave a drink a deeper taste. But the main formulation and stages of production are stored since more times.

Drink Maotay today

This elite product is considered a luxurious gift. He is presented to persons engaged in high posts, large businessmen. The Chinese people have even a saying relating to Maota: those who acquire it, do not use it, and who uses - does not acquire.

Chinese vodka Motay

Many buy this vodka just for the collection to add chic to their home bar. Not a single high-level feast in the Middle Kingdom costs without this expensive drink.

This elite product has won the uncountable number of awards and titles. 30 years ago at the conference in Paris won 3 gold medals for their unique soft taste. After this conference, the popularity of the drink grew every year. Now she has already been awarded 14 medals. Chinese Vodka Motay is the first alcohol drink of this country, the release of which exceeded such a figure as 170 tons per year.

Manufacture of Kweichow Moutai.

Motay vodka recipe remains unchanged since its invention and has differences from traditional. Wheat and sorghum are used as raw materials, which are grown in the country. It is believed that such a taste of the drink is impossible to get if producing vodka elsewhere. The product is available only in the Chinese town of the same name. The characteristic qualities inherent in Maota are achieved through the local climate and the unique purest water in the river around the district.

Interestingly, in many corners of the world they tried to repeat the quality of Vodka Maotay, however, it was not possible to recreate analogue. Produced drinks have other taste, odor, consistency. For this reason, the real drink of this brand is made exclusively where its history began.

The cycle of the production of Chinese vodka lasts for several years. According to manufacturers, thanks to this preparation date, a specific aroma of the product is obtained and its deep taste.

At the beginning of the production of grain culture is subjected to fermentation in a special capacity. Provides the process of special start-up based on mold fungi. A yeast culture is also used when fermented. It is these ingredients that form sugar from the starch contained in cereals.

Grain wanders in 8 stages. The duration of each stage is one month. At the same time between the cycles need a break. Thus, fermentation, in general, takes about 40 months. This process occurs at high temperatures. The exact value of the temperature is kept in the strictest mystery. After being fermented, it is necessary to distill the mixture.

6 months after all fermentation cycles and distillation, the product is flashed. If the taste is not relevant to the high standards of this brand, the drink is sent to further fermenting.

And only when tasteners approve the resulting product, it is transported to ceramic dishes and will withstand in a dark place for 3 years. Then the liquid is filtered and connected with more exposure drinks. This is a very important stage affecting the quality of the product. Vodka is incredibly saturated and strong. But despite this, this liquid is fed very easily.

As already mentioned, Chinese vodka has an extremely resistant sharp aroma. It turns out due to the incoming ingredients. When preparing a wort for fermentation of grains, a special fermenting mixture is used, manufactured in China. It is called jiuqu.

This mixture contains specific bacteria, mold fungi and yeast culture. This ingredient is produced on the basis of substrate cereals and looks like a conventional powder.

China is considered that JIUQU not only contributes to the implementation of fermentation of the wort and the release of sugars, but also has a property to alleviate a hangmel syndrome.

Some consumers note the characteristic fragrance of vodka as a lack of this drink. But few will refuse to try this expensive product because of a pronounced smell.

How to drink vodka Motay

Vodka Maotay has not only rich history, but also its traditions and culture. Thanks to this famous brand in many countries already know how to drink Chinese vodka. In China, the good vodka is drove only from jade or porcelain dishes. The containers from which this product is used is called the piles. You can use wineglass, but necessarily made from the materials mentioned above.

Many copies of this alcoholic beverage include 2 small glasses. Invest them with a special purpose. It is believed that portion consisting of such a number of vodka allows you to feel its taste, but at the same time save a clear mind.

The culture of the use of this product implies that a glass is never empty. As soon as the drink drinks, the glass is filled again. At the same time, it is not necessary to immediately empty it, you can wait for the next toast.

Tusting in China also has its own traditions. Giving speech, you need to keep dishes with vodka in the right hand, while holding it with the left per bottom.

If the drink is shed into a purely male company, each new portion is sipped slowly, with pleasure. If there is a fair sex at the table, men are obliged to empty a glass up to the bottom.

To Vodka Maotay are filed, as a rule, sharp snacks. It will also be an excellent addition to the dishes of national Chinese cuisine. In this country, it is believed that vodka is not necessary to eat. To feel the aftertaste, many Chinese give up snacks at all.

China has a very extensive culture of drinking alcoholic products. It produces a huge range of alcoholic beverages. But it is the Chinese vodka called Maotai achieved great popularity around the world due to its qualities and traditions of production based on many years of experience.

"Only the sober rooms and yazmennikov do not drink," one of the heroes of the unforgettable Leonid Gaidai said that it happened. Drink everything. In any country in the world. The difference is only in the volume of alcohol consumed per capita in annual calculus. And there are no record drunks everywhere, and there will always be. And China in this sense is not an exception.

What to say, the image of the incomplete, forever "blue" fearful Chinese - the unsurpassed Master Karate always managed the "multi-profile" Hong Kong to fame, from the film to the film.

At the same time, it seems, and went to the first conversations in the Union that the Asian denti does not have any little immunity to a strong alcohol - no, they say, they have genes responsible for its processing and everything is there, and therefore, Like, "Kosette" this Asian public is quick, and they have because they are not so strong.

In fact, such genes, more precisely, enzymes, two groups of such enzymes - alcohology-dehydrogenase and aldehydehydehydrogenase, responsible for neutralizing ethyl alcohol and the conclusion of its residues from the "exhausted Narzan" of the body, without exceptions of people on the planet. And, it became, with the national biochemistry, the Asian peoples are certainly all right.

The last circumstance is understandable, the same Chinese only on the hand, and the fortress of the vodka - this is "their" sovereign business. And, here suddenly it turns out that they drink no less than our at all, and a huge range of alcohol products of the subway and that cleaner - he frankly falls under the definition "everything that burns", and even with an admixture of such a pronounced "identity" that inexperienced foreigners And did not dream at all.

By the way, the traditional Chinese alcohol is often much shuffler and the standard "forty revolts" of the world's vodka famous for the entire light of Russian vodka and in the fortress it can compete only that only the best samples of the domestic Pervas Made In House brand or rocket fuel on the Baikonur cosmodrome.

And very briefly about the local culture of Pythy. They pour alcohol for the great Chinese wall almost "with a slide", not stupid. And they drink the Chinese for the health of the "tossed" and extinguishing, to the bottom, cool - when a wide part of the glasses of the youders concerns the legs of the older glasses, Rakhmat, they say, old men and all that ... And if they are not physically able to reach, they just tap the knuckles on the dinner The table, as it were, let's know the others about themselves: ale, I'm still here, and not somewhere there, under the table. For it is a Chinese under the table in the "Stream of Grand" - the shame will not be wrapped.

Halp devastating the "container", the residents of the Middle Kingdom put it upside down - here, they say, admire everything drinks to the last drop.

They know how to drink and be friends with alcohol, it is very thorough - without him, not one celebration does not happen, regardless of him, then you mean celebrations, rank: Whether it is some kind of public holiday or a quiet homemade feast on "minutes" persons about countertime anniversary Beloved Chinese grandfather.

And the most common national Chinese fun is to drink an expensive overseas guest until a powerfulness, to the position of Reese. And from the soul, and not the sake of some touch. And after all, the worst thing is that it is impossible to refuse to participate in this cute native native game, the owners will offend. How can not be refused to drink with the bosses - such a refusal can turn into a corrupted career. And in the first and in the second case, the exception is made only for young species female.

However, the Chinese themselves, until the very "green devils" try not to get drunk - indecent.

We understand in the concepts: how in China is called alcohol

Alcohol, as such, is strong or not very, anyway, it is indicated in China by the hieroglyph "Tszyu" - it became, "BUCH" it and in the subwayed "bodies".

What the Chinese drink are Chinese alcoholic beverages

And upon closer examination, it becomes immediately clear that, as well as the rest of the rest, the newly discovered Chinese men fit very thoroughly, again, traditionally dividing it for as many as five categories:

  • "Shaosyn-Tszyu" - they say, Raiso right rice bug, Shaosinsky rice wine, which is similar to the taste of Japanese sake;
  • "Mao-Tszyu" - no, it is not a favorite bid of the comrade Chairman of Mao, and the national, again Rovoo is right, rice vodka is a fortress to 58 "revolutions";
  • "Ergotou" - varieties of strong vodka, obtained by distillation of raw materials from Gaalian fermentation products (sorghum), chumyza or corn, also referred to in the Far East "Hangehog", in a word - Moonshine Vulgaris;
  • "Putao-Tszyu" or "Putai-Tszyu" - you mean grape or fruit drink, grape or fruit wines in general, with the addition of local "exotic" like snakes; And finally
  • "Pi-Tszyu" - no, the author is not lying, just so in China called light, faint beer.

By the way, the beer is gaining increasing popularity in China, and they drink its local diagonal aborigines for the pretty soul - to remember and with great pleasure.

Vodka Bidzu or Bai Jiu

Strong vodka Bai-Tszyu - up to 60 "revolutions", rice and not very grain. In short, the most real moonshine. They drink it, more precisely, it is fenders with small glands, but in almost non-stop mode. Of the peculiarities are called an unusual Russian man spicy flavor and taste, which appear in the drink as a result of adding different herbs into it.

By the way, in the Chinese name of the beverage "stitch" adjective "White" - "Bai": Literally, "White Claw" - it became, in our opinion it is the most native to us "whlen".

Coconut vodka or Coconut Wine

If we talk about traditions, then this variety of national Chinese vodka is a fortress of no more than 38% traditionally very popular from foreign tourists; It turns out by distillation of fermentation products of coconut milk. There are several steps of cleaning from masonry oils and other harmful impurities. It is used both in its pure form and is added to Cola or tea - to the American or European manner.

The elite variety of the old "registered" Chinese vodka from Gaolyana is long-term grass, standing by a mansion from all others. Aroma sharp and rich. Fortress from 35 to 53%. It is produced in the south-west of China in the multinational Guizhou province in the town of Motay. The subject of the state monopoly with the official status of the National Drink. Also passes several cleaning steps, then withstands for five years. As a result, it is subject to use in particularly solemn cases. For example, on anniversaries and weddings. Or even during diplomatic and secular receptions.

A truly folk vodka, the fortress of which usually "walks" within 38 - 56 "revolutions". For some reason, especially popular in Beijing and in the north of the People's Republic of China. It has a peculiar taste and aftertaste. The experts of Chinese national alcohol call it a "excellent moonshine" and reported that after she does not happen like a hangover.

Chinese liqueur

Another alcoholic drink, which enjoys in high demand among foreign guests of the Middle Kingdom - first of all, as a souvenir in memory of staying in China. It is explained by the design of the bottle and colorful gift packaging of this product - the same liquor in a red bottle. Regardless of the initial raw materials, a strong alcohol varieties are classified.

Due to its relative high cost, the Chinese themselves acquire it extremely rare - mostly for holidays and various celebrations.

How much is vodka in china

Elite alcohol can cost in China very expensive - from 50,000 yuan. That is, for a bottle of such alcohol in the Middle Kingdom will have to post from 465,650 rubles. This is explained very simple - the fact that the demand for such drinks has stably exceeds the offer.

Vodka "Family" Bai-Tszyu is also expensive, much more expensive than a truly popular Ergotou. This circumstance in turn is due to the duration and high quality of cleaning.

"Budget options" can cost within 100-200 rubles. In this case, it is clear, no one will instruct the quality of the goods.

The whole alcoholic assortment, the quality of which a priori should not be questioned, sold in China exclusively in large specialized stores.

As a souvenir in memory of China, coconut vodka is usually driven - what we have already spoken above. A small addition: it can be purchased at the airport, on the day of departure from the subway, in the stores "Duty-Free" for the price of 30 yuan or 279 rubles with kopecks, however, there is pleasure there will be three times more expensive than in the city feature.

Motay vodka recipe remains unchanged since its invention and has differences from traditional vodka technology. Wheat and sorghum are used as raw materials, which are grown in the country. It is believed that such a taste of the drink is impossible to get if producing vodka elsewhere. The product is available only in the Chinese town of the same name. The characteristic qualities inherent in Maota are achieved through the local climate and the unique purest water in the river around the district.

Interestingly, in many corners of the world they tried to repeat the quality of Vodka Maotay, however, it was not possible to recreate analogue. Produced drinks have other taste, odor, consistency. For this reason, the real drink of this brand is made exclusively where its history began.

The cycle of the production of Chinese vodka lasts for several years. According to manufacturers, thanks to this preparation date, a specific aroma of the product is obtained and its deep taste.

At the beginning of the production of grain culture is subjected to fermentation in a special capacity. Provides the process of special start-up based on mold fungi. A yeast culture is also used when fermented. It is these ingredients that form sugar from the starch contained in cereals.

Grain wanders in 8 stages. The duration of each stage is one month. At the same time between the cycles need a break. Thus, fermentation, in general, takes about 40 months. This process occurs at high temperatures. The exact value of the temperature is kept in the strictest mystery. After being fermented, it is necessary to distill the mixture.

6 months after all fermentation cycles and distillation, the product is flashed. If the taste is not relevant to the high standards of this brand, the drink is sent to further fermenting.

And only when tasteners approve the resulting product, it is transported to ceramic dishes and will withstand in a dark place for 3 years. Then the liquid is filtered and connected with more exposure drinks. This is a very important stage affecting the quality of the product. Vodka is incredibly saturated and strong. But despite this, this liquid is fed very easily.

As already mentioned, Chinese vodka has an extremely resistant sharp aroma. It turns out due to the incoming ingredients. When preparing a wort for fermentation of grains, a special fermenting mixture is used, manufactured in China. It is called jiuqu.

This mixture contains specific bacteria, mold fungi and yeast culture. This ingredient is produced on the basis of substrate cereals and looks like a conventional powder.

China is considered that JIUQU not only contributes to the implementation of fermentation of the wort and the release of sugars, but also has a property to alleviate a hangmel syndrome.

Some consumers note the characteristic fragrance of vodka as a lack of this drink. But few will refuse to try this expensive product because of a pronounced smell.

Where alcohol is sold

Some people are misleading such an opinion: no one saw the Chinese to drink alcohol directly on the street. It is impossible to see it even into large holidays, but it does not mean that this nation does not exist national alcohol. On the contrary, they love to drink a hot, but prefer to do it in specially designated places for this, for example - bars, restaurants and other entertainment facilities. But most often they drink at home in the circle of their family. I would like to note that in ordinary eaters and cafes it will not be possible to find a hottest. To try alcohol you need at least to visit a party or home celebration. By the way, the Chinese are very welcoming people and happily accept guests especially from Russia.

Note that alcohol in China will vary greatly, for example, from European "counterparts". Those who can't live without a day without alcohol better to take a hot-and-free car from Dutichi, but if you came to this country to tasting them alcohol, we will tell you where and how to buy it at an affordable price so as not to choose .

As a rule, the hottest can be bought at any grocery store, and at any time of the day and night. Of course in stalls and small stores you will not find anything other than beer. But if you decide to try more "noble", then you'd better visit some major supermarket. In such stores, you can find whiskey, elite brandy, as well as rice vodka and wine of European quality and production.

The cost of the hottest for our standards is too high, for example whiskey will cost more than in Russia.

In addition, the Chinese argue that European alcohol is much better than their own, therefore the price turns out too overestimated:

  1. Chinese production beer is not distinguished by special quality and taste. One single peer feature that it is low alcoholic. The strongest, probably, the variety among beer is Budweiser. The content of alcohol is about 2.5%, all the rest of the beer is still weaker. Therefore, if you expect to be injured from beer, you will have to drink a lot of it. By the way, you can not even visit China to try, today such a drink can be pitched in Moscow.
  2. Rice vodka. This product can be purchased only in China, you will not find it. The most common variety of rice-based vodka is called Bright, it has a blue bottle label. This is the best gift that can be brought from China. The price category is different and costs about $ 50. Of course, there are cheaper varieties, but it all depends on the manufacturer's company. I would like to warn you, the fact is that rice vodka has a special smell that can not like everyone. For example, Europeans simply cannot carry this smell, and it really likes the Chinese! And what is the most interesting than the brighter and the saint will the smell, the better the drink is. To taste, vodka there is nothing worse than our domestic, but naturally has a certain taste not similar to any other. The Fortress of the drink also depends on the company, mainly vodka has from 40 to 60 degrees. In turn, Rice is a favorite raw material for vodka, but not the last. The Chinese are comprehensive people and love experiments, so it can be done not only from rice, but also from other cereals.
  3. Rice-based wine. Also is quite popular and favorite drink of tourists. Such wine is not ashamed to be presented as a gift (this is noting you). Wine, as a rule, is sold in beautiful bottles of ceramics with amazing paint paints. Of course, such wine looks very impressive, yes, this wine also has a peculiar smell, so it's better not to sniff! And so the drink is very tasty and pleasant if you are gourmet, then you must try it.

Secrets of production

Motay - Chinese vodka of the highest class, which will definitely affect everyone who will hear information about its production. But this process takes as many as 5 years. Each stage of cooking this wonderful drink continues a certain number of months or years. For example, the initial stage lasts about 8-9 months.

Alcohol of the highest class

In a special container, which is intended for fermentation, fall asleep grain. For 30 days its fermentation occurs, then it is distilled. Such an event must be carried out 8 times every month. As a result, the resulting mixture is stored in the basement for about 3 years. After that, the production process continues, after which the drink is saved another year.

China is one of the most fascinating and bright countries in the world. It is here that the traditions that have established centuries, which are proud to be transmitted from generation to generation. The ancient foundations and memory did not bypass the love of the Chinese to strong alcoholic beverages, which are famous for their uniqueness and excellent taste.

Chinese alcohol

In China's vocabulary, there is such a comfortable console as jiu (JIU, 酒), Which simultaneously means alcohol, wine and liqueur, so it is used in almost all the names of alcoholic beverages. All Chinese alcohol can be divided into 5 main species:

Huang Jiu, 黄酒) - Includes wine from rice, millet and wheat.

Putaojiu (Putao Jiu, 葡萄酒) - grape wine.

Guozi Jiu, 果子 酒) - fruit wines

Bayjiu (Baijiu, 白酒)- Strong distilled drinks.

Each of these species has its own popular brands, features, purpose and relevance.

Most Popular Brands of Chinese Alcohol

Despite the huge range of alcoholic beverages produced in China and consumed even behind its borders, several brightest representatives can be distinguished, which enjoy the greatest demand among local residents and among tourists.

Vodka Maotai 茅台酒

One of the oldest beverages of the country, which was mentioned in the old annals back in 135 to our era. His name vodka has gained in honor of the small town of the town, in which its production began. At one time, many famous rulers of China preferred preferences, and even Mao Zedong himself admired her magnificent taste.

Such a rich history and status of the people's property allowed us to achieve the highest possible concentration, in connection with which Motay refers to the category of expensive alcoholic beverages. It is often called "drinking diplomats" and it is a mandatory attribute of large events or holidays.

Kweichow Moutai Company, whose headquarters is located in Shanghai is successfully engaged in its production. Employees of the company do not disclose the secrets of cooking, but it only warms the interest of consumers, in connection with which there is a significant increase in sales of the product both in China and abroad.

Tsingtao beer 青岛 啤酒

Qingdao is the most famous representative of China's beer industry and is the country's leader in the country. Its production was launched back in 1903 in the same city. A characteristic feature of beer is the presence of unique sourness with a harmonious combination of bitterness.

In addition to the city of Qingdao, the beer of the same name is made in Shandong, which made it possible to significantly expand the sales indicators. Now Tsingtao is sold in more than 62 countries and regions of the world, as well as more than 50% of Chinese exports of beer.

Drug wine Xueji Meijiu, 雪姬梅酒

Plum wines are a traditional Chinese drink. It uses delicious fruit berries to its production, thanks to which the wine has a pomegranate and a rich taste. Locals use it both in its pure form, and use for the preparation of various cocktails. One of the most popular manufacturers from under the Xueji brand

Every year, millions of bottles come to the counters of shops in China. Wine is very popular not only among the Chinese, but also in most European countries.

Grape Wine Great Walls 长城 酒

The brand Great Wall is the most popular in China. For several decades, it occupies a leading position on sales, as it is distinguished by a unique taste and careful control of production. His distinctive feature is a collaboration with France and Great Britain. These world powers bought part of the rights to Great Walls and began its production on its territory.

The Great Wall has one of the largest storage facilities in Asia, which accommodates thousands of wine barrels. This made it possible to significantly increase productivity, which allowed the company to produce about 10 thousand tons of product per year. The profits of the brand is at least 100 million yuan annually.

Yellow wine Shaoxing 绍兴 酒

This is a national drink of Chinese, which is made exclusively in China. His story has deep roots, because the first references to yellow wine were found 4,000 years ago. Its unique is yellow with an amber tint, which is achieved through the use of rice. The Chinese are convinced that this drink has healing properties and perfectly improves appetite. Without it, it is impossible to submit any holiday, as it is a national heritage.

The main center for the production of Shaosinsky wine is the city of Shaoxing, located the province of Zhejiang. It is here that about 40% of all China's wines are produced. In addition to consuming in pure form, the wine Shaoxing is actively used to prepare meat dishes. It is known that it was a key ingredient of Mao Jedun's favorite dish - stew pork tummy with greens. According to him, it was "brain food", which helped him defeat his enemies.

China is one of the first countries of the world that has opened alcohol.

According to the Chinese themselves, their alcohol is much worse than European counterparts. As a result, the price of alcohol its own production is noticeably lower.

Yellow wine is a real popular wealth, which are proud of the locals. Until now, one old tradition has been preserved: at the birth of a child, parents buy several vessels with this drink and keep it before the wedding of the child. It is believed that over the years the wine becomes only tastier and enriched with healing qualities.

Despite stereotypes, the Chinese also love to drink and each local holiday is necessarily accompanied by a large number of alcohol.

Chinese alcoholic traditions and culture

China is a country of contrasts, in which the time of the centuries are harmoniously combined by the echoes of the past and the modern world. Despite significant progress and rapid development, the locals do not forget the traditions of the ancestor and betray them from parents to children. These include:

On the holiday of double nine, everyone drinks wine from chrysanthemum. According to legend, it will drive the evil spirits and contributes to the longevity of old men.

All wedding ceremonies must be accompanied by drinking wine. Newlyweds with knitted hands squeeze the drink, which symbolizes mutual love and raise the toast for their parents.

Celebration of 100 days after the birth of a child cannot be imagined without drinking wine drinks.

In South China, in the case of the birth of a girl, parents buy a bottle of liqueur and give it to the basement, where they keep his daughter before the wedding. At the wedding ceremony, the bottle is painted by chambers and is solemnly handed to newlyweds.

On etiquette, all glasses of guests at the festive table should be filled. Even the minute lack of alcohol in a guest glass is regarded as a sign of disrespect of the owners.

Chinese vodka has a fortress about 40-60 °. The drink is made in the city of Motay. It was made in the Emperor Qing.

How and from what Maotay do

Chinese rice vodka is made of wheat and sorghum. Raw materials for the future beverage are fermented. In the manufacture of yeast apply. After the fermentation is completed, the liquid is subjected to multiple distillation. Then spill in ceramic tanks and leave for storage for a period of at least 3 years. Only such vodka will be fragrant, tasty and high-quality.

At the end of 3 years, the liquid is passed through a special filter. Young varieties are stirred with a older drinks. Some alcohols that are used for cooking are withstanding for a period of 50 years. Unlike other varieties, Maotay drinks easily and gently in the absence of a snack.

The taste of the beverage is associated with water that is used in the production process, it is gained from the Chishuich River. Climatic conditions also play an important role, giving the drink a unique fragrance. Different varieties are obtained by adding cereals. At the same time, the aftertaste and aroma change.

Varieties and brands Motay

Vodka brands in China and varieties are classified by special parameters. The most common variety is Bayju. It is made of wheat, corn, rice and other cereals. To taste, reminds high-quality Russian vodka, but feeling a little softer than its fellow. The drink is transparent, without extraneous impurities.

Another variety is Ergotou, produced by Hunsin. The fortress reaches 65 °. It is made of sorghum, cheating and corn. This brand is the fiscal and common in China. To the taste is reminded of the boring beans. Such a product should be used with peanuts, meat or cucumbers.

Differences Motay from classic vodka

The main difference is the taste. The Chinese production product is obtained when exposed to high temperatures, while classic vodka is made at low and averages. Another difference is the fragrance. By smell in the classic product, it is unlikely to be able to feel something. The smell of Maotai is softer, there are notes of cereals, which make up the manufacturer.

To get an unsurpassed taste and aroma, the Chinese have long withstand the product. The classic drink is chained immediately and deliver to the market, so quality indicators do not meet all the requirements and inferior to foreign vodka.

Differences can be found in the production process. The Chinese are used by yeast, cereal cultures are carefully taken, use the water of special purpose, and the standard product is produced by diluting alcohol to the desired parameters. For the use of a classic drink, you can use any glasses. Motay provides a special size container.

The original drink from China is expensive, unlike other brands. Classic vodka can be purchased at an affordable price. The difference is that for Maotay there is a special set of snacks, while the standard drink can be loved by the fact that the soul wishes.

Before delivering the product to the market, test and test quality. All parameters must comply with the stated: taste, smell, color, etc. Packaging also distinguishes Motay from other products.

Glass containers are carefully sealed and placed in a cardboard box for greater solidity. Bread vodka is popular, but is expensive pleasure and is considered the best gift, which is not to say about the classic drink.

How to drink Chinese vodka

Motay is taken to drink from special porcelain dishes, resembling the form of the Pile. The name of the beverage seems to cuddle it slowly. However, with women, the liquid is drinking with a volley. Often, in a set with vodka there are also special glasses, which allows you to enjoy the taste and aroma, without disturbing the traditions.

The drink is well combined with sharp and spicy dishes, as if disclosing all the notes. Gourmet argue that if you drink Maotai leisurely, you can feel 155 shades of taste. If you wish, you can combine the product with meat dishes and nuts. The drink cannot be diluted and add ice into it, otherwise taste changes change.

If the product is consumed with salty or fatty dishes, then a rich bouquet is lost. Vodka of this brand is more suitable for the male company. Although the product is considered soft, but women relate to it skeptically.

The combination of Motay with seafood is extremely not desirable. The saturated taste of shrimps and mussels interrupts fragrant notes of the beverage, which does not allow them to be completely. If still pulls a snack, then a combination with vegetables is permissible.