Double swim in warm water. "Get together what dreams in a dream? If you see in a dream, what does it mean? Swim in a dream in pure or muddy water

Find out from Dreamnik online, what dreams swimming, reading below the answer in the interpretation of the authors of interpreters.

Swimming in a dream: Interpretation of 100 dreams

Dream of the XXI century

What dreams swimming and what means:

Swimming in a dream - to joy or to a campaign. Swimming in a marble bath - to a joyful surprise, in Zinc - means that it is difficult for you to deal with your feelings, in the cast iron enamelled - to progress in affairs. Take a soul in a dream - means that you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances.

To swim in clean water - to carefree life, in the pond - to the troubles, in the dirty turbid water - to the charges. Children swimming see - to the joy of parents, dive - unfortunately, dangerous self-knowledge.

Dream Miller

What dreams swimming in a dream?

Bathing - Sleeping about bathing foreshadows success if you are having fun. Sony in a dream - to trouble. If the girl dreamed that she bathes with her girlfriend, which was skillfully floating, then she would love her for a pleasant character, and his friends would prevent her innocent flirts. Fly under water - to the fight and fear.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

What dreams of bathing?

Bathing in pure water - happiness, cold - health, warm - a close person will recover; swim in the bath - disease, in muddy water - troubles; See how someone bathes, - loss. Swim in dirty water - dirty business. If you see that you bathe in hot water, - you will endure the operation.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Bathing to see in a dream:

Bathing in the bath - getting rid of the disease and alarms; see in the room - take a good rich wife (husband); in the river - power and despusting; In muddy water - a small change in position; warm - benefits; swim in clothes - inheritance views; Wash your legs - have a good farm.

Swim - swimming, healing - success in any start

Vintage dream book

Dreamed Sleep - Swimming

Swimming - in clean water means success in the enterprise and health, and in muddy marks the death of some of his relatives and friends.

Dream of flowers

How does the dream of bathing?

Swimming - in the bath - disappointment.

Dream Wander (Terentia Smirnova)

Interpretation of bathing from your sleep

Swimming - Pleasure (if water is clean).

Lunar dream book

Swimming in a dream What does it mean:

Swimming - troubles.

Esoteric dream book

Swimming in a dream:

Swimming is cleaned. If you are tormented by remorse, they will let you go. Bathing someone for forgiveness. Bathing a child forgive you. Bathing old people - forgive you. Bathing the peers - do not be offended on others, you are to blame.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Swimming what dreams?

Swimming (see Water) - On joy, pay debts, visit, and even get drunk; in clean water - good luck, joy, health, success, happiness; In muddy water - failure, sadness, death of relatives, troubles, disease, dirty business; In cold - health.

Modern dream book


Swimming in clean water - health and luck; In muddy water - disease and failure.

Dream of Astromeridiana

What did you dream to swim

  • Bathing means first of all cleansing, getting rid of the dirt of spiritual and physical.
  • A person who dreamed of how he bathes in clean water, revealing will be successful in all his endeavors.
  • If when bathing you enjoy, in reality, he will establish contacts with people with whom she used to find a common language.
  • What was the dream in which you bathe in the pool? It means getting rid of the seals, anxiety and small trouble.
  • A person who is trying to build a career will need to show the courage in the near future and defend its principles if he saw a dream in which he bathes in the lake.

Psychological interpreter Fisterzes

By dreams Bathing

  • Swim - most often a dream in which there is a swimming, see people susceptible to diseases on nervous soil.
  • If you see that you bathe in the bathroom, you do not need to worry about your health. The dream predicts a quick healing, but only if the water was warm and transparent, and the process of adopting water procedures brought you pleasure.
  • You will have to swim in muddy water - you will have to make a lot of strength to overcome the difficulties that will occur when the goal is reached.
  • If in a dream a woman bathes along with his girlfriend, says that her position in society will rise, and the surrounding eyes will close their eyes.

Romantic dreamnik

Bathing to what dreams

  • Swimming in clothes - a bad sign. Sleep predicts troubles in family life, slots and scandals arising due to material values.
  • To swim in the sea married woman - the dream promises the joy that the career success of her husband will bring. For a young unmarried girl, a similar dream means the proximity of the meeting with an interesting and secured man.
  • If in a dream dreamed in a dream to swim in the warm summer sun, in the future you are waiting for warm spiritual relationships with your beloved.
  • A woman who in a dream has to swim nude, the dream of promises passion that will arise between her and man much older.

Dream Interpretation Nancy Vagaymen (Rus.Pernode)

What dreams of bathing dreams?

  • Swimming in a dream in clean water - to health and success.
  • Dried dangerous bathing in muddy water - to failures and illness.
  • To enjoy swimming - to peace and harmony.
  • Testing discomfort when bathing - to dissatisfaction with themselves and others.
  • Swim in a bath in a dream - to disappointments and small troubles.
  • Get together and wash in the river - to the troubles, payment of debts.

Most often, the dialing bathing predicts "cleansing" from the cargo of problems and trouble, the dreams are pleased. But it is worth noting that such an interpretation of sleep is appropriate only if you happened in a dream to swim in water, the purity of which did not cause doubts. Otherwise, before deciphering, what dreams of such a plot, be sure to specify which temperature was water, and what exactly it was - an open reservoir or an artificial "bowl".

What Miller predicts

In the dream interpretation of Miller, you can find a lot of interpretations dedicated to water. So, for example, if you dreamed that you bathe in the water, with a pleasant temperature for the body, then this means that love and well-being will "settle" in your home.

See in a dream, how is a warm driver in which you float, gradually heats up and becomes hot? This dream can mean glowing passions between spouses. If you were comfortable at the same time, you can prepare for the repetition of the "honeymoon". But feel pain in a dream - a sign of the scandal.

And yet: Digested swimming in a calm warm reservoir promises getting rid of fears. And if you saw the waves on the sea or the river, then you will also have to wander.

Tell the difficulties "So far!"

Deciphering, what dreams of a sea journey to which you went after swimming, Eastern dream book pleases: You will become richer.

Did you dump in the water transparent and blue, but very cold? This means that you are on the right track, whatever you do. However, be prepared for the fact that your success will be associated with increased attentiveness.

And if the dream has seen that he decided to swim in cold, but clean and transparent water right in clothes, then you can hope for an increase.

Love joy

To see a lonely girl in a dream, how she bathes in the water with a man - a sign that she will very soon find her "half." If the action of a dasioned plot occurred at night, then it was at that time the day she will meet his narrowed, suggests the Italian dream book.

And if the guy sees in a dream, as he bathes in the water with a naked girl, then this speaks of his desires to diversify his sex life. The young man is worth a hint of the elect about his erotic fantasies.

Health will please

Those who are sick, a good sign is the dreaming of Guest about how they bathe in water with ice. You will very quickly go to the amendment, assures Gypsy Dream Interpretation, decrypting, what dreams swimming in an ice water.

Also good in a dream to swim in the holy source. Such Guest promises the strengthening of not only health, and the strength of the Spirit, assures the interpreter. But the diving in a dream into the ice hole carved in the form of a cross, or the laundering of dirt in the waterfall "promises" to get rid of evil thoughts and anxiety.

An English dream book broadcasts about possible problems, explaining what the plot is dreaming, in which you swim in the water with snakes. You have enemies that are waiting for a convenient case to "bite", tells the dream book. Especially bad if in a dream you see around yourself black and dark water surface - you are on their territory, so looking for yourself comrades.

It is not very good to swim in a night vision in salty icy water. According to the dream of Pastor Loffe, it means possible cooling relations between a dream and a person, from which he dependent.

Dream Longo So identifies diving in a dream to a large depth: you are afraid to get under someone else's influence, so sometimes ignore the standing advice. Do not do that!

It turned out that you bathe in the water, poured into the bath, but in the process of washing, do you understand that she is salty? Intetracting, what dreams of such dreams are shot, dream interpreters offer to clarify, clean and blue was a water or dirty and muddy.

Interested in what is the dream that the bath to the edges is filled with dirty and muddy liquid? Take yourself to give any comments in someone else's address. And if the dirty driver in your eyes becomes crystal-clean, then this is a sign that you can clear your reputation.

Swim in a turbid water pool - a signal that you "narrowly" think. Try not to stick out where you do not shit awareness, otherwise lose your authority, recommends Medele's dream book.

Bathing in clean water symbolizes in a dream cleansing conscience, exemption from unnecessary, apparent, entry into a new period of life.

Swim in dirty water is a dream to unhealthy, deception, unclean conscience. Dirty water is always a bad sign in a dream.

A very important point is your feeling of comfort. Suppose, bathing in ice water in a dream can have an absolutely opposite value depending on whether you liked it or not. For example, a dream in which you went to swim in ice water for Christmas, directly indicates the cleansing of the soul, the update period, and the sleep in which the sleeping turned out to be in a hole or under the ice shower against his will and experienced extremely negative feelings, talking about the coming Stressful situation, fright, shocking news.

It is not always pleasant to swim in hot water in a dream. It is one thing - to be in a hot tub with frost, and completely different - after the grueling stay on the hot beach. In the first case, sleep reflects warm relationships, friendly support, help, participation, in the second - unwanted oversupply of attention, too intrusive invasion of personal life.

If in a dream you bathe in salted water is the health and calming of the nervous system. Additional information is the place where you do it. Swim in salted water in the sea or in the bathroom - to restore your strength in vivo or with the help of medical procedures and medicines.

Child swimming in a dream indicates the desire for leadership, superiority.

It dreams that children are bathed independently, but in the presence of sleep, it means that he is trying to keep control over some situation.

If a child, whose bathe you gathered in a dream, refuses to do it, sleep will experience opposition from those among whom he seeks to lead. In addition, sleep may indicate some problems with personal hygiene.

Swimming with a loved one will dream of parting with him, water in this case is a symbol of oblivion. If you both happened in a dream in a dream in the mud - parting will be ugly, scandalous, with mutual insults.

If dreamed of bathing in the dream dream book

Swim in water in a dream for pleasure, and not for the sake of cleansing the body - to loss of money, you can rob you.

Swim in dirty water - to debts or illness.

Bathing in cold water dreams of loss.

If you swim in cold water, someone forced you - a dream indicates that person, as to the source of your future alarms.

Bathing a child in a dream - to independence, personally accepted an important decision. At the same time, the bathing of the kid sponge says that it should be extremely careful, since excessive principle in this matter may not benefit.

Swim at night in a dream - to strong remorse.

In clothing - to the struggle for hereditary right.

For unmarried girls swim with a guy - a dream to a close parting.

If a married lady happened in a dream to swim in the water with a man, she is unfamiliar - she will change its moral principles.

Bathing dreams of a sick person to recovery.

Swimming the deceased in a dream - the end of the alarms and fruitless troubles.

What a bathing is dreaming - Esoteric dream book

Swim in clean water - to health and success.

Twencing under the pressure of water - such a dream says that both health and success will cost you a considerable amount of money.

If the water was dirty - awaits disappointment.

Swim with fish in a dream - for a woman to pregnancy.

Swimming in clothes dream of new clothes.

For a woman to swim, leave the water nude - to dissatisfaction in intimate life.

Getting pregnant - to easy childbirth.

Bathing a child in a dream - someone will forgive you.

Swim in the water of unnatural color - to the disease, deception.

Bathing, English Dream Interpretation

Swim in clean water - to wealth.

In the dirty - to the disease or theft.

Walking in warm water and feel that it began to grow rapidly - such a dream says that sleeping can lose respect in society.

What dreams of bathing is a modern dream book

Swim in clean transparent water - happy sleep, you will leave recent alarms.

In muddy water - to illness and disappointment.

To see how someone was bought - get an interesting news.

In winter, swim in ice water - such a dream says that you will be able to show exposure and patience, thanks to which you will achieve the desired.

Swim in cold water in a private bath - to solitude, lack of near close people.

Swimming a child dreams of obtaining inheritance.

Bathing diskeding to a person often has a close relationship with the moral state of the dream and its financial position. Sleep variations can be diverse: from the ordinary intake of the bath to a bright plot that has developed on the shore of the tropical sea. The ablution in the bath and swimming in the pool is quite unique types of dreams that decipher somewhat differently than the usual bathing.

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Turning to different dreams, you can get a lot of information on this topic. Interpretation will be more accurate if a person manages to note the various details starting from the place where the action develops, ending with the water temperature and its feelings at the moment of contact with the water element.

    General interpretation

    In general, understanding to swim in a dream is a positive sign that commences the occurrence of the period in the life filled with bright emotions and impressions. In the near future, there is a high probability of getting a new acquaintance, which will later become an excellent friend or even a loved one.

      If the ablution did not bring the expected result, and after this process a person still feels dirty, then in reality the dreams are not used to completing the started. Because of this approach, people are dissatisfied with its life path. To change the situation in a more favorable side, you will have to do with self-analysis and learn to bring the case to the end.

      If a person in a dream bathes in clothes, then his physical health threatens. There is a danger of detection of a serious illness. It should be more carefully taken to your well-being.

      See yourself dressed after bathing is a good sign. Such a dream predicts improvements in the working sphere. The dreams will be seen by higher managers, which will entail a quick job. The nomination of his candidacy for leading post is not excluded.

      Place of ablution

      The battery process can occur in a completely diverse setting, depending on why the interpretation of a dream is formed. The most common variations of sleep:

      • Wash in Ban Dream interpreters are interpreted as an unfavorable sign. Bath in a dream symbolizes a dismissive attitude to his well-being. Probably, a person noticed health problems, but did not pay due attention.
      • Bathing in the bathroom predicts the disorder in the relationship of a young couple, accompanied by strong experiences and disappointment. For a married woman, such a dream is a warning: the likelihood of treason from the spouse is great.
      • Taking a soul - a good sign. He means an inspiration that will help to achieve special success in conceived. During this period, fate herself smiles at the dream. It's time to start implement the most bold ideas.
      • Swimming in the pool is interpreted as climbing up the career stairs. At the same time, if the bathing occurs in a company of some person, then in a short time a familiarity will be acquainted, which will bring strong friendships. And, which is important, a new friend can greatly affect the life of a dream.
      • If the action unfolds in the waters of the river, the man in reality expects harmony. Entry into the river symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in life, which will bring a large number of impressions of a positive character. If it is possible to sail in a rapid flow of water, then the same rapid changes occurring in the life of a dream will be. You should try to suck for change.
      • Swimming in a beautiful lake on the background of a picturesque landscape will marry the acquisition of new useful experience. For a girl, a dream in which she bathes with a more successful friend, means that the surrounding will notice its merits, and will be absolutely blind to its disadvantages.
      • Washing sea water dreams of people who overcome conscience. Swimming in the sea foreshadows a good attempt to correct old errors that are the cause for concern recently. This will make it possible to noticeably improve the position of the person.
      • Interpretation of sleep, in which the dreams bathes in the ocean, depends on the behavior of water stroit. Quiet water means tranquility and prosperity in real life, if you had a chance to swim during a storm, it indicates a high probability of quarrels and misunderstanding among relatives.

      Water condition

      Special attention should be paid to what water had to swim. Clean and transparent symbolizes the approach of happiness and getting rid of long-standing concerns. If a person at the time of sleep suffers from any disease, he will soon recover. Also, bathing in transparent water during a dream means that soon an important thing will be safely completed and will bring expected satisfaction.

      Wash in dirty and muddy water - a sign unfavorable in all respects. According to the interpretation of most dreams, swimming in such a water promises deterioration of the state of the dream. And also he risks becoming a target for fallen wovers of envious. If the ablution takes place in the bathroom with dirty water, the dream signals the presence of a detractor in the nearest environment, who wants to blacken the reputation of a person. A fall in muddy water warns of a major mistake in revealing, which will entail significant losses. For this reason, after such sleep, one should not make serious solutions.

      Stormy water flows, for example, in the river mean a quick change of events in real life, and in order to suggest them, you will need to make some efforts. Calm water promises the same calm and serenity in life.

      Swimming can occur in the waters of different temperatures, and well, if a person succeeds in to remember such a detail. Dreaming with ice water is considered a good omen. Sleeping will heale not only physically, but also morally, as carefulness and anxiety will retreat, and harmony and well-being will be replaced. Bathing in hot waters carries the exact opposite sense: risk the risk of diseases.

Swim in the bath - getting rid of the disease and alarms; see in the room - take a good rich wife (husband); in the river - power and despusting; In muddy water - a small change in position; warm - benefits; swim in clothes - inheritance views; Wash your legs - have a good farm.

Swim around Dmitry's dream book and winter hopes

Swim in a clean river - a sign of everyday joy and pleasure.

Swimming in the pool with clean water - the head of the fact that the result of your deed will make you.

If you bathe in the bath - such a dream, on the contrary, foreshadows troubles and problems.

Swimming in the sea - warns that strong emotions and deep feelings threaten to captivate you. If the atmosphere of such sleep is negative - this is an explicit call not to lose his head from surging feelings, otherwise everything can end in sad.

Muddy water when bathing - the forever. Often such dreams indicate the launch of the disease.

Swim around the dream from A to Z

If in a dream you bathe in the pool - Introduces it foreshadows getting rid of disease and alarms. Swim in the sea - you will be happy to successes, and for a young girl - such a dream foreshadows the wealthy groom. Swimming in the river - will experience strong pressure from the head, manifesting the courage and exposure, do not change its principles and interests. Swim in the lake - foreshadows minor changes in the material situation and in relations with the chosen one.

If in a dream you bathe in ice water in winter - in real life, you will experience with nothing with any comparable pleasure that will be unexpectedly interrupted in the most peak moment. Swim in warm summer water - promises material benefits and heart attitude of the lover.

Swim in a dream in milk - means wealth and success that I expect you ahead. If you swim nude in your dream - it means that you will give a person with all passion, much superior to you by age. See naked swimming men - means that you will have full fans and adorables; If you see bathing naked women - unfriendly people will try to draw you into a scandal or some non-deposition.

To see in a dream, how to swim a newborn - foreshadows the happy way out of their difficult position.

Swim by esoteric dreamy

Swim - clean. If you are tormented by remorse, they will let you go.

Bathing someone to forgiveness.

Bathing a child - you are forgiven.

Bathing old people - forgive you.

Bathing peers - do not be offended on others, you yourself are to blame.

Swim in the dream of Azara

in muddy water - a small change in position

Swim in the dream book Evgeny Tsvetkov

Swim in the bath - disappointment.

Swim in clean water - health and luck; In muddy water - disease and failure.

Swim in the eastern dreams

A pleasant bathing in calm water - dream of success in all endeavors.

Swim in the bathroom - to disappointments.

Swim by Schiller Schoolchildren

in clean water - health and success; In muddy - illness and failure.

Walking in the dream of a healer shark

You dreamed to swim to what it was (in the lake, river, the sea) - getting rid of disease and alarms. Imagine how you happily splash in clean, fresh, transparent water.

Swim in modern dream

Swim in clean water - health and luck; In muddy water - disease and failure

Swim by the Big Dream Interpretation

Swim - all diseases and ailments will be held, you won't need to worry about health. Imagine the shore of the sea, lake or river. Summer warm weather, sunny and windless. Water in the reservoir is flawlessly clean, transparent. Shore is smooth covered with perfectly clean white sand. You enter warm water and with pleasure there is as much as you want.

Swim in the old Russian dream book

Swim - in clean water means success in the enterprise and health, and in muddy marks the death of some of his relatives and friends.

Swim in the Russian dream

What means in a dream to swim - in clean water - to health, joy; In dirty or muddy water - to illness and failures.

Swim in the dream interpretation E. Erixon

What means in a dream to swim in the bath - get rid of the disease or anxiety, in clothes - to have inheritance views.

Swim in the ancient Russian dream book

in the bath - disappointment.

Swim in the dream of the future

Swimming in clean water - to health, to joy; In dirty or muddy water - to illness and failure.

Swim online dream book

By dream, if you swim in an unlucky reservoir - you are guaranteed to succeed absolutely in all life spheres.

If he is muddy and littered - the fate is now not to dreach for you except for trouble and deprivation.

You swim in the pool, where the water is well filtered - you will be satisfied with your own achievements.

If the water in it is very cold - you will be able to establish your superiority and prove with the unintentioners that the jokes are bad.

It dreams that you bathe in your own bath - be prepared for all sorts of difficulties and bustle.

Dive into the hole - you are waiting for a very pleasant pastime, but your joy will be short, something must overshadow it.

If the water is heated with a hot sun - you are waiting for well-being and happiness in your personal life.

Swim in seawater - you can completely succumb to your experiences and lose weight.

A girl in a dream bathes without clothes - revealed to fall in love with a much older than you.

Stumble into men floating nagi - there will be no penny from the boyfriends.

Watch the process of swimming a breast child - to cope with all the troubles, and your benefits will benefit.

Swim in the dream dream

Swim yourself - you need physical and spiritual cleansing; To see the bathing of the face of the opposite sex - to sexual dissatisfaction.

Swim in the old english dream book

The dream in which you had a chance to swim in clean and transparent water - promises you a lot of good. Success in work and love victories are provided.

But if the water in which you bathe, dirty and muddy - then you have nothing to wait from life, except for the sorrow and trouble, poverty and disease.

Swim on the female dream

Sleep, in which you swim in the lake along with your girlfriend, which surpasses you in your skills - means that your image and undoubted charm will be appreciated by others, but no one will notice the contingents.

Swim on the lunar dream

Swim - troubles.

Swim in the Russian dream

Get together - carefree life.

Swim on the snorker of 1829

Walking in clean water means success in the enterprise and health, and the death of any of his relatives and friends marudifies.

Swim on psychoanalytic dream book V.Samamhwalova

Swimming - moral cleansing.

Swim in the Islamic dream

The one who sees in a dream that she makes swimming and goes into new clothes - means that if he was removed from power, he will return to the previous post.

It is known that Ayub (new) (peace to him) after swimming was closed in a new robe. Allah returned him to his people, made it an example for imitation. His anxiety disappeared, the body was cleared, and he became healthy again.

If, someone in a dream he will see what the various clothes redeemed and put on themselves - his alarms will disappear, but some need will appear.

One who in a dream performed a blunt, but did not bring him to the end - he would not be able to complete his affairs and would not receive what he wanted to get.

If someone sees a dream, it seems that he makes a blunt or bathe not one - will find the thing that he used to be stolen.

Performed the ablution and began to execute prayers in a dream - expects liberation from alarm. He will thank the Most High for the assistance rendered.

Who will see a dream that it will be perhapsing, although it is not allowed to him - he experienced anxiety, hopes for his liberation from this feeling. However, the fulfillment of his desire does not achieve.

Swim around the dream for bitch

Swim in clean water - good health, successful affairs.

Muddy, opaque water - malaise, advise with the doctor not to launch the disease.

Swim in the dream of the XXI century

Swim in a dream - to joy or to the campaign.

Swim in a dream in a marble bath - to a joyful surprise, in Zinc - means that it is difficult for you to understand your feelings, in the cast iron enamelled - to progress in matters.

Take a soul in a dream - means that you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances.

To swim in clean water - to a carefree life, in a pond to the troubles, in dirty muddy water - to charges.

Children swimming see - to the joy of parents, dive - unfortunately, dangerous self-knowledge.

Swim in the dream bed

Swim - on joy, pay debts, visiting be, and even get drunk; in clean water - good luck, joy, health, success, happiness; In muddy water - failure, sadness, death of relatives, troubles, disease, dirty business; In cold - health.

Swim in the Ukrainian dream

Swim in clean water - happiness; cold - health; warm - a close person recovers; swim in the bath - illness; in muddy water - troubles; see how someone bathes - loss; swim in dirty water - dirty affairs; If you dream that you bathe in hot water - you will endure the operation.