Gas generator on firewood for home heating: device and manufacture with your own hands. Car on firewood? And is it possible to make such a car with your own hands? What gas generator on firewood is better on the car

December 11th, 2015 Admin.

Long ago, in the 1930s, the first tests of unusual - gas-generated cars were held in our country. Externally, they differed from ordinary in that they were equipped with a box-made design behind the cabin, but there were much more inside the differences, because wooden chocks were used as a fuel! They were not released from a good life, since the country lacked gasoline. Therefore, despite the fact that these cars had fewer than flaws, they were continued to produce. In the Great Patriotic, gas generator trucks were actively used in the rear. After all, all liquid fuel went to the front, and it was not enough for civilian vehicles.

After the war, the situation with the supply began to improve, and gas-generated cars became part of the story. However, to this day there are people who are trying to create similar devices with their own hands for household needs, and some craftsmen put experiments on their cars by installing gas generator on them.

Does it make sense to re-equip your "iron horse"? And how is it like a gas generator on firewood? We will consider these questions in today's article.

Initially, it will be advisable to figure out what is the scheme of the operation of the gas generator unit. Perhaps this knowledge is not useful to you, but if you seriously want to figure it out in this topic, without this information can not do.

The full name of the installation of this type sounds like a "pyrolysis gas generator". This device is intended to distinguish a mixture of gases by pyrolysis (thermal decomposition) of firewood, peat briquettes, charcoal or other types of solid fuel, to then use this mixture into a combustio.

Below we consider the principle of operation and the device of the gas generator installation, in which firewood is used as fuel.

The principle of operation is based on the fact that during the pyrolysis of wood, a mixture of several combustible gases is distinguished. It consists of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane and other unforeseen hydrocarbons.

The composition of pyrolysis gas from wood:

In addition, there are also non-combustible compounds, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor.

For example: We will calculate the caloric content of gas, when used as a fuel birch.

Q N R.\u003d 127.5 * 28.4% + 108.1 * 3.0% + 358.8 * 18,2 + 604.4 * 1,4 \u003d 11 321.62 kJ / m 3 \u003d 11.3 mJ / m 3.

And who is interested in how much it is in Kcal / m 3, then it is necessary to divide the calorie content of the gas on 4,187 . Hence Q N R.\u003d 2704 kcal / m 3. If you compare this indicator with natural gas, then its calorie content of the order of 8000 kcal / m 3.

However, just highlight the gas mixture, it is also necessary to make it so that it can be suitable as a fuel for the engine. For this reason, a whole technological process occurs in the gas generator, which can be divided into several stages:

1) On the first of them, the fuel (in our case - firewood) is not burned, but is thermally decomposed due to the deficiency of oxygen, which is supplied in the amount of 1/3 of the normal amount for combustion;

2) On the second, the removal of volatile particles, by means of a cyclone (in other words, a dry vortex filter);

4) Then the cooled mixture is sent to thin cleaning;

5) Ultimately, gas is fed to the mixer, and it enters the engine.

Below is a scheme of a gas generator of an industrial type, which differs from the car in that it has a scrubber (an additional coarse filter), and fuel is fed to the distribution tank:

The main unit, from among those represented in the scheme, is, of course, the gas generator. Externally, it looks like a column in the form of a cylinder or a parallelepiped, which smoothly narrows to the bottom. Several nozzles come out of the housing through which the air flows and the combustible mixture comes out. In addition, cutting the hatch, which opens access to the asht. At the top of the gas generator there is a large cover that opens during fuel boot. No chimney, since it is not needed. Below is a gas generator scheme:

Where 1 - bunker, 2 - Topial, 3 - Rolnik;

The remaining units presented on the overall scheme of the gas generator installation are necessary in order to clean the mixture of gases and make it suitable for use in the engine, since in its original form it is strongly contaminated with small particles and has too high temperatures.

Naturally, the installations that are made by the handicraft method are designed much easier than industrial, which, alas, the most dramatic manner affects their efficiency.

Interesting facts about gas generators - truth or lies?

Gas-generating plants are surrounded by a whole cloud of myths that roam from one log to another and are actively interpreted on the network. Sometimes there are quite fantastic statements. Do they have a real soil? Not always, and you will make sure that.

Myth number 1.

The statement about the allegedly incredibly high efficiency of the gas generator. The transcendental numbers are given in 90% or even more. In fact, due to the chemical reactions occurring in the process of pyrolysis, the efficiency coefficient does not exceed 75-80%.

Myth number 2.

It sounds as follows: gas generator installation can work without any problems even on wet fuel. Partially, this is true, so such a statement is not quite a myth. However, there is a small nuance - wet fuel reduces the volume of the resulting mixture. In some cases, the discharge of performance can reach 1/4, and everything is because the heat energy goes not to isolate gases, but to evaporate water vapor, which leads to a drop in temperature and slowing the pyrolysis process. So firewood is worth a pretty dry before bookmarking the bunker.

Myth number 3.

It is that when using a gas generator, you can save on the heating of the house, if compared with a traditional solid fuel boiler. It is possible to make sure that this thesis can be convinced of this thesis by producing simple arithmetic calculations of the cost of the boiler and the gas generator installation, which will still occupy a lot of space.

How to make cars on firewood do it yourself

If you want to try to translate your car on firewood, there will be many obstacles on your way. Constructing gas generator installation, you will need to make it simultaneously small, quite light and at the same time highly efficient. If finance is allowed, the best solution will go along the way of craftsmen from abroad and use stainless steel for the hull of the gas generator itself, filter and cooler.

This will give you a noticeable gain in the entire design, and without loss of strength. However, the stainless steel will cost you a penny, and therefore domestic masters often replace its usual steel.

The image below shows the scheme of the most perfect automotive gas generator plant, which was equipped with serial cars (we are talking about the Uralzis-352 truck, produced in the 1950s.). It is on its design that it is best to navigate when assembling your gas generator:

For a start, it will be necessary to make an outdoor capacity - for this purpose, a solid iron barrel or a rooted and boiled metal sheet with a thickness of at least 1 mm is perfect, the gas cylinder (for propane) or the receiver from the truck (KAMAZ, for example) will be used for the inside. Do not forget to cut through the door in the housing to access the ash ticker, otherwise you cannot clean it. At the bottom of the combustion chamber, the neck should be placed - resin will be deposited there. The grille is easily made from durable reinforcement, and for nozzles there will have to find pipes of suitable size and diameter. A 5 mm thick metal sheet is a great cover and a bottom. Use asbestos cord as a sealer (do not forget to apply impregnation in the form of graphite lubrication).

You can put your fire extinguisher on a coarse filter. In the lower part, it is equipped with a cap in the form of a cone with the fitting, and the pipe is boiled from above, through which the purified gas will be out. On the side, in the housing, the one more fitting is cut to feed the combustion products. The overall cyclone scheme is given below:

Since the mixture of gases has too high temperatures, it is impossible to use it in the engine. Therefore, gases need to be cooled. As a cooler, you can use both an ordinary "harmonic", used in heating systems, and a more advanced bimetallic radiator, placing it so that it is well blown by the incident air flow.

After the gas cooler, it is necessary to clean again using a fine cleaning filter. Here, too, the body is suitable from the old fire extinguisher, but choose the filter element at your discretion. Nodes and aggregates should be combined according to this scheme:

In addition, you will need 2 more details. The first of these is a mixer with which you will adjust the fuel and air mixture for the engine. The second is a fan with a relay required to force the gas during the ignition (after starting the motor in the system, a discharge appears, and the fan should be disconnected at this stage). By the way, the fan is installed in an air distribution box equipped with a check valve. The box is not part of the gas generator, but is installed separately.

Although the idea to translate the car with gasoline on firewood and seems very attractive, equivalent replacement will not work. With all the advantages of the gas generator, the engine operating on the mixture of combustible gases is simply unable to develop the power comparable to the engine on liquid fuel. As a result, the dynamics leaves much to be desired (even 70-80 km / h. The speed is almost unattainable). Another thing is if the gas generator plant is created in order to heating housing in non-gem settlements. In this case, this is a very good option, which is definitely worth paying attention to.

Auto rides on "firewood"
gas generator car

Create for 1 day the gas generator spending less than $ 50 and tomorrow we go on charcoal in the city and on the highway ...

A ever-growing price for gasoline is the main headache of motorists, and in order to somehow save, cars are transferred to gas, but it sometimes is not enough, because every year oil rental It will be tightened stronger and stronger.

My name is Sergey Lagunov

In May 2013, I came across one of the programs " Ecooisobers - car on firewood". In this series, the transmission on the eco-seizures of the National Geographic channel two leading with jokes and booms in front of the audience from the iron found on the scrap metal collected automobile gas generator and installed on a pickup - which from this moment has ceased to ride on gasoline, and began to ride on firewood.

Seen in this gear struck me very much, and I began to study information on gas generators in order to build it. But as it turned out, the drawings of gas generators were impossible to find And all the information had to be assembled on grains, and if not like-minded people in my city, I could not create a gas generator.

This day has come, and the gas generator was created and tested on the car

Press about me:

And here is the second model of the gas generator

Still do not believe that it is possible?

A bit of history

Bus In London with a gas generator in the form of a trailer 1941
Tractors 4DKT70. The historic Hurlimann plant was redone from a diesel engine to the firewood by the head designer Arista, due to the lack of oil during the 2 World War

ZIS-13 The NATO gas generator - began massively producing in the USSR in the early 1930s. This was possible thanks to the experiments in 1928, with foreign models of PIP and Imbert Dietrich

Who goes on firewood now

Finland: Yuha Sipila
Loading firewood is enough for 200 km run
The gas generator is made of stainless steel
Food consumption is 40 kg / 100 km
With a volume of 6.5 (compression ratio 11:01)
His car develops speed\u003e 140 km / h
Switzerland: Daniel Hagen
The gas generator is made of iron, weighs 80kg
Installed on Opel Cadett, engine volume 1.6 liters
Daniel found a ready gas generator produced in 1947
Wisco which lay in his collection for many years
and installed on his car, configured Daniel on this
rise in price of gasoline prices in 2005

Ukraine: Sergey Kalinovsky
i decided to translate my 20-year-old ZIL-131 on firewood
120kg firewood is spent on 100km
At the flow rate of it zila, 50 liters of gasoline per 100km
The gas-generator tank accommodates 5 firewood bags
Sergey 1.5 years studied old literature and
After ordered the manufacturer of the gas generator at the factory
Video: Sergey about his car

Who will benefit from installing a gas generator on the car?

Those who are forced to save
Who often has to ride
For people living in the countryside, to install on the work machine (for driving around the fields), a minitractor, motor-cultivators, etc.

And most importantly, it is not necessary to redo the engine to connect the gas generator. Your car, at the same time, at any time can work on gasoline and gas. If you wish, you can pull out the gas generator and use it for other purposes.

For something else can be used gas generator on charcoal

This gas generator is able to produce about 9kW / hour heat if you use it as a heating boiler, for home, production space, greenhouses, etc.
By connecting to the gasoline electric generator, you can get cheap electricity
By connecting the gas generator to the pump with the pump, it is possible to provide watering fields

Realizing that in our country people are not rich - It was decided to make a gas generator from very simple materials that are at hand and which are cheap - so that later anyone could find such materials and repeat our experience.

From this gorgeous step-by-step material, making a gas generator for which even one who did not have experience in creating products according to drawings. By the way - blueprints were also made by our team at the highest level and attached to the video course.

From the video course on the manufacture of a gas generator on charcoal, you will learn:

Part 1

1. Making the bunker downloads
The base of the boot hopper is taken by a used gas cylinder. You can take by 40-50 liters. 50 liters are better because Wood coal placed more in it. This cylinder has a 3mm wall thickness. Cut the bottom, cut through the neck for the loading of the fuel. In our case, the hole is not much done, because Cover was already ready, you better make the lid wide to be comfortable to load the fuel bucket or bag.

2. Make a grate grid
The lattice accounts for the main thermal load - less than the furma, but still tangible. How to do it right - look in this part.

3. Make a hopper cover for booting charcoal
Our lid was pouring out aluminum, but you can cook it from a metal sheet. It is imperative to apply asbestos cord in the lid saturated with graphite. Graphic need the cord to be toned and did not break up with each opening-closing. Cord can be reached in boilers if you do not find on the business market. I managed to buy it $ 4 per meter. The cord has different diamenters 8mm and 13mm. 5mm and less suitable.

Part 2

4. Make furma
Furma will carry on itself the main thermal load - we will tell you from what material it will be more convenient to do it and how to replace it easily.

5. Making a filter cyclone
Riding on wood coal and on firewood (as well as on other types of fuel for a gas generator car with a brown of coal, wood coal, straw, peat) differs from ride on propane, methane and gasoline in that the woody gas contains a large number of suspended particles - dust. And it is quite a lot of it. If such dust falls into the carbureborn - it will give candles, pistons that will fail in a short period of time. To avoid this we will produce the filter.

6. Make the radiator
The radiator can be made of any material. In our case, the existing parts of the aluminum heating radiator were taken, you can cook it from conventional water pipes. The passage section of the entire radiator should be greater than the cross section of the gas pipes connected to it, to reduce gas resistance during its passage.

7. We make a fine filter and collect everything into a single whole
In the time of World War II and after it, thin filters of cleaning for gas generators were cumbersome and heavy boxes in which the materials that showed themselves were not effective. In the past, modern materials were not available that were unable to navigate. In this part, we create a thin filter of cleaning from modern, cheap, available materials that is very simply cleaned, tens of thousands of mileage kilometers are able to serve.

8. Fix the gas generator in the trunk
Remove the trunk lid and fix the gas generator in it.

9. Connect the gas generator to the engine
We supply the wood gas tube to the motor at the same time our main fuel - gasoline (and if someone else has a propane or methane) remains not touched. We make the caloric adjustment system of the mixture from the cabin.

10. Registration in the traffic police
The course applied a package of documents that will need to be submitted to register in the traffic police. The package of documents is intended for Ukraine. You will also learn about other ways to cover our automotive gas generator. Abroad, the gas generator can be bought simply, because For this, the corresponding GOSTS has already been prepared.

ATTENTION!!! The video course is divided into two parts. After purchasing the course, I send you the first part, you do on it and shoot on the video what they did and send me to [Email Protected] The link that you did through Emael from which you acquired the course. After that, I send you the second part. This was done to protect against pirates.

We are constantly improving your experienceand in the near future, you will see the output of video courses: a gas generator for a scooter, gazelle, zila, tractor. We bring all enthusiasts in the VKontakte group where we are discussing the associated with the creation and improvement of gas generators in this closed group where only those paid for the course.

Also paid the course will be able to receive additional advice on the construction of the gas generator. According to the above reasons, the pirated version of the course will be useful half.

How much is a video course?

Auto on "Firewood", version 1.0
(from the gas cylinder)


Auto on "Firewood", version 2.0
(hidden in the trunk)


How to purchase a ready-made gas generator working on charcoal

If you, by what, or reasons, can not make a gas generator, you can order its manufacture with us, to do this, write to us on [Email Protected] If you find it difficult to drive the car (Ukraine, Donetsk) In order for all work to be made on the spot, the mail is possible to send a gas generator with detailed video installation, connecting, settings and startup.

Sincerely, Sergey Lagunov

Car on firewood, myth or reality? And is it possible to make such a car with your own hands? Let's figure it out.

Looking at the gas station tablets with gasoline prices, then it is a desire to translate cars to a cheaper type of fuel.

One of the popular options is the remission of the car for gas. But here is not everything smoothly. Against the background of events in the gas and oil sphere, gas can rise in price, which will make the work meaningless.

There are no problems with energy resources and no one else knows how it will end for the end user.

If you are decided on the alteration, it is worth choosing independent and truly effective ways. And here the first place for savings overlook gas generator vehicles or in a simple - "Firewood Machines".

History of creation and development, examples of cars on firewood

Despite the slow progress of the topic of gas-generating machines, the history of such developments is very rich. So, in 1823, the Russian inventor Shepsyn I.I. Developed a wood distillation device. It was the most common "thermolampa" in its foundation.

The main feature of the installation was the use of main pyrolysis products in it, acetic acid and tar, as well as charcoal.

Almost after forty years (in 1860), Etienne Lenoir was made to science - Belgian waiter with engineering "inclinations". It was he who was the first to acquire a patent for DVS, functioning on a light gas.

But he was engaged not only by these developments.

Two years later, the installation of a new genius appeared on the 8-seater Open Omnibus.

But in 1878, when the public was presented a more powerful 4-stroke engine on Gaza Nicholas Otto, the development of Etienne Lenoara was quickly forgotten. At the same time, the new device had a higher efficiency: 16% of Otto against 5% at Lenoara.

Another two dozen years, in 1883 (from 1860), there was a new concept of a combination of conventional DVS and a gas generator.

E. Dawon's English scientist managed to combine two devices in one box.

The resulting device could be safely installed on any technique and calmly exploited. Over time, the development of E. Dawon was called "Gaza Dawon".

In 1891, Yakovlev Evgeny (Lieutenant of the Russian Fleet) distinguished himself. He managed to build a whole plant for the production of kerosene and gas motors. St. Petersburg became a place for construction.

Over time, the plant ceased existence due to the inability to resist in competition with gasoline and diesel engines.

The 1900th can be bolder to name the year of the first gas generator vehicle using charcoal and a tree in the form of fuel.

The device was developed in France by Frederick Winslow Taylor, and the patent managed to get a little later (in 1901).

Subsequently, more and more interesting developments appeared in this field. So, in 1919, Georg Imbert (Engineer of French Origin) developed a facing gas generator.

Already in 1921, the first cars with engines operating in this principle appeared. It was then that there were assumptions about the likely competition of gas generator car with diesel or gasoline engines.

Over time, Germany distinguished itself, where not only wood gas generators were distributed during the war, but also devices capable of working on special briquettes consisting of browning dust and crumbs.

The first cargo cars with gas generators were very slow - they hardly managed to reach a speed of 20 kilometers per hour.

Despite this, by 1938 the popularity of gas-generated cars was so large that the total number of such machines was about nine thousand.

After three years (by 1941), their number has increased even fifty times. For example, in the same Germany, the number of cars "on firewood" increased to 300 thousand copies.

I tried to keep up the Soviet Union. Here, the first tests of gas generator cars passed in 1928. Motor Naumova and the Fiat-15 chassis was involved in the car.

After another six years, the first large mileage of machines with gas generator engines from Moscow to Leningrad and back was organized.

Cars ZIS-5 and GAZ-AA took part in the "race". The success of the event was to adopt in 1936 a special decree of the USSR SCC on the development of gas generator tractors and machines.

The first batch of new gas generator machines appeared on the roads of the USSR in 1936.

Production was carried out at two plants - Gorkovsky (GAZ-42) and ZIS (Stalin Plant).

Five years later, the release of gas generator motors for tractors and ZIS machines was established.

The shortcomings of the power nodes could include multiple factory defects, high metal wear rate, minimal power, and so on.

On the other hand, gas generator plants helped the war and were actively used in the rear.

Gas beam on firewood for a car - device and principle of operation

The following elements include the following elements in the automotive gas generator

  • rough cleaners;
  • gas generator itself;
  • thin cleaners;
  • faucet and ignition fan.

A simple scheme looks like this.

During the movement, the air is suused in the gas generator using the thrust of the working motor.

The same traction contributes to the "reappearing" of combustible gas from the gas generator, as well as its submission to coarse cleaners, and after the fine cleaning filter.

After stirring with air in the mixer, the finished gas-air mixture is suused into the motor cylinders.

After leaving the gas generator, hot and contaminated gas requires additional processing (cooling and cleaning).

For this, it is passed through a special pipe, combining a gas generator with a fine cleaning filter.

In some structures, gas passed through a special cooler mounted in front of a water radiator.

Most often, a combined system was used for cooling and cleaning.

Its principle of action was to change the speed and direction of the flow of gas flow. At the same time, cooling and cleaning the latter was made.

The next step is a subtle cleaning for which special "ring" cleaners made in the form of cylinders were used.

The principle of the majority of fine cleaning filters was built on a water principle when the gas purification was carried out by water.

In the ignition process of the gas generator, a special centrifugal fan was used, equipped with an electric drive.

Due to the fact that the fan must be pumped through the entire cleaning system, the installation of the device was made in the maximum approximation to the mixer.

The formation of a combustible mixture is produced in a vehicle mixer.

The simplest type of device is a special tee in which air and gas flows intersect.

The volume of the composition of the composition is controlled by the throttle of the throttle.

The quality of the gas mixture is adjustable by air damper.

Principle of operation.

The main fuel for the gas generator installation is coal briquettes, peat or firewood.

The principle of operation of the system is built on partial carbon combustion. The latter during combustion can connect one or a couple of oxygen atoms, followed by the formation of two elements - carbon dioxide (dioxide) and carbon monoxide (monoxide).

If the carbon burns not completely, then you can get almost 30% of the total energy with full combustion of the material.

As a result, the formed gas has a lower heat transfer than the initial solid fuel.

It is worth noting that in the gas generator during the transformation of the tree or coal to gas, an exothermic reaction occurs, which occurs between water and carbon monoxide.

Due to such a reaction, the temperature of the obtained gas falls, the efficiency increases to 80 percent.

If the gas does not require cooling before use, the efficiency can reach 100%. As a result, there are 2-stadium fuel combustion.

The resulting gas has minimal calorie content due to its mixing with nitrogen.

Due to the fact that smaller volumes are needed for burning fuel, then a similar decrease in calorie content is insignificant.

As for the reduction of the power of the motor when working on gas, the reason is to reduce the charge of the fuel composition caused by the complexity of the cooling.

Car on firewood do it yourself

If desired, the car on firewood can be done with your own hands.

In a simplified version, the algorithm looks like this:

1. The bunker of loading is equipped.

As a basis, a conventional gas cylinder can be used about 40-50 liters. Thanks to such a capacity, large volumes of coal can be placed in the cylinder.

You can use other materials.

Make sure the wall thickness is at least three millimeters.

As soon as the appropriate cylinder is selected, cut the bottom in it and cut the neck to load the fuel. The cover for the lid should be wide to simplify the fuel boot process.

2. A grade grille is made, which takes over the greatest load.

3. A special cover for the bunker is created.

Through it will be loaded with fuel (coal). If desired, the lid can be made of aluminum, but theoretically, the use of any other type of metal is allowed.

In the process of installation, pay attention to the selection of the cord - it must be asbestos with mandatory impregnating graphite.

This is necessary to protect the cord from burning and accidentally damage in case of closing or opening.

You can get a high-quality cord on the market or in the boiler room. The optimal diameter of the suitable cord is 13 and 8 millimeters.

4. Furma is done.

The task of this device is to take on the main temperature load. In the process of installation, everything is done in such a way that it is easier to replace.

5. The cyclone filter is manufactured.

The use of wood or brown coal, peat, straw or other substances for car trips has a characteristic feature - the presence of dust.

If you do not make a high-quality filter element, then the dust can get into the carburetor, pistons, candles and other nodes (including in the salon).

You can find a ready-made solution.

6. Production of the radiator (cooler).

Here any material can be applied. Alternatively, the use of a standard heating radiator made of aluminum is allowed.

You can construct a device from plumbing pipes. At the same time, keep in mind that the cross section of the radiator is usually a bit more cross-section of pipes connected to it.

Let's notify immediately: if the car goes on firewood, this does not mean that he is a steam locomotive without rails. Low efficiency of steam machine with its separate furnace, boiler and dual-triple expansion cylinders left steam cars among the forgotten exotic. And today we will talk about "wood" by transport with the usual DVS, engine burning fuel inside ourselves.

Of course, shook the firewood (or something similar) into the carburetor instead of gasoline, but no one else was able to anyone, but the idea right on board the car to get combustible gas from wood and serve it into cylinders as fuel accumulated for many years. We are talking about gas generator vehicles, machines, whose classic DVS works on a generator gas, which is obtained from wood, organic briquettes, or coal. From the usual liquid fuel, by the way, such cars also do not refuse - they are able to work on gasoline.

Holy simplicity

Generator gas is a mixture of gases consisting mainly of carbon monoxide CO and hydrogen H2. It is possible to obtain such gas, burning the wood placed by a thick layer in a limited amount of air. On this simple principle, a car gas generator is also working, easy to fit the unit, but bulky and structurally complicated by additional systems.

Also, in addition to the actual production of generator gas, the automotive gas generator plant cools it, cleans and mixes with air. Accordingly, a structurally classic installation includes a gas generator itself, coarse and fine filters, coolers, an electric fan to accelerate the ignition process and pipelines.


The simplest gas generator has the form of a vertical cylinder, which almost home fuel is loaded - firewood, coal, peat, pressed pellets, and the like. The burning zone is located at the bottom, it is here, in the lower layer of burning fuel, a high temperature is created (up to 1,500 degrees Celsius), which is necessary to release from the more upper layers of future components of the fuel mixture - carbon monoxide and hydrogen H2. Next, the hot mixture of these gases enters the cooler, which reduces the temperature, thus increasing the specific calorie content of the gas. This pretty large node usually had to be placed under the car body. Located next gas, the filter cleaner eliminates the future fuel mixture from impurities and ash. Next, the gas is sent to the mixer, where it is connected to air, and the finally prepared mixture is sent to the combustion chamber of the car engine.

Circuit System ZIS-21 with gas generator

As you can see, the fuel production system directly on board the truck or the car held quite a lot of space and weighed a lot. But the game cost the candle. Thanks to its own - and to the same Darmovoy-fuel, enterprises located hundreds and thousands of kilometers from the supply bases of the supplies can afford its autonomous transport. This dignity for a long time could not eclipse all flaws of gas-generated cars, and there were a lot of them:

Significant reduction in the mileage at one refueling;
- reduction of car carrying capacity by 150-400 kg;
- reduction of the useful body volume;
- the troublesome process of "refueling" of the gas generator;
- an additional range of regulatory service work;
- The launch of the generator takes from 10-15 minutes;
- a significant reduction in engine power.

ZIS 150Um, an experienced model with gas generator installation by us 015UM

There are no refueling in the taiga

Wood has always been the main fuel for gas generator cars. First of all, of course, where firewood in excess - on logging, in furniture and construction production. Traditional forestry technologies for industrial use of wood in the heyday of Gazgenov, about 30% of the mass of the forest, were debited. They were used as automotive fuel. Interestingly, the rules of exploitation of domestic "Gazgenov" striculose the use of business wood was prohibited, since the waste of the forest industry was excess. For gas generators, both soft and solid wood species were suitable.

The only requirement is the lack of rot on chocks. As Numerous Studies, held in the 1930s in the Scientific Auto Tractor Institute of the USSR, are best suited as fuel to suit oak, beech, ash and birch. Chocks, which fled the boilers of gas generators, most often had a rectangular shape with a side of 5-6 centimeters. Agricultural waste (straw, husk, sawdust, bark, bumps, etc.) pressed into special briquettes and also "filled out" gas generators.

The main disadvantage of "Gasgenov", as we have already said, you can consider small mileage at one refueling. So, one loading wood chocks by Soviet trucks (see below) there was enough no more than 80-85 km of mileage. Considering that the "reference" manual recommends that the tank is 50-60% when the tank is emptying, the mileage between refills is reduced to 40-50 km. Secondly, the installation itself generates generator gas weighs several hundred kilograms. In addition, the engines operating on such gas are produced by 30-35% less power than their gasoline analogs.

Refinement of cars for firewood

To work on a gas generator, cars had to adapt, but the changes were not serious and sometimes available even outside the factory conditions. First, in the motors increased the degree of compression so that no power loss was not so significant. In some cases, even turbocharging was used to improve the filling of the engine cylinders. Many "gasified" cars were installed a generator of electrical equipment with increased impact, since a fairly powerful electric ventilator was used to blow air in the furnace.


To save traction characteristics, in particular, it concerned the trucks, with the reduced engine power, the transmission gear ratios were done higher. The speed of movement fell, but for vehicles used in the forest wilderness and other deserted and remote areas, it did not have a decisive value. In order to compensate for the weighting changed due to heavy gas generator, in some machines the suspension enhanced.

In addition, due to the bulkness of the "gas" equipment, partly had to reincubate the car: change, move the truck to the truck or cut off the car, refuse the trunk, to transfer the exhaust system.

Golden Era "Gazgen" in the USSR and abroad

The heyday of gas generator cars fell on the 30-40th of the last century. At the same time, in several countries with great demands in cars and small explored oil reserves (USSR, Germany, Sweden), engineers of large enterprises and scientific institutions took up the development of vehicles on firewood. Soviet specialists have succeeded more in the creation of trucks.


From 1935 to the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War at various enterprises of the Ministry of Forest Industry and Gulag (the main management of the camps, alas, the realities of the pore) "half-timers" GAZ-AA and the "three-shoes" ZIS-5, as well as buses on their basis reworked To work on firewood. Also separate batches of gas-generated versions of trucks were made by the manufacturers of machine manufacturers themselves. For example, Soviet auto studies lead a figure of 33,840 - so many gas-generated "half-one" gas-42 was produced. The gas generator zisov models of ZIS-13 and ZIS-21 in Moscow more than 16 thousand units were released.


For a pre-war time, by Soviet engineers, more than 300 different variants of gas generator plants were created, of which 10 reached mass production. During the war, the serial plants prepared drawings of simplified installations, which could be manufactured in places in the auto repair shop without the use of complex equipment. According to memoirs of the residents of the Northern and Northeastern regions of the USSR, wood trucks could be found in the outback until the 70s of the twentieth century.

In Germany, during World War II, a sharp deficit of gasoline was observed. KB of two companies (Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz) got the task to develop gas-generated versions of their popular compact machines. Both firms copefully coped with the task. Volkswagen beetle and Mercedes-Benz 230 stood on the conveyor. It is interesting that the serial cars have additional equipment not even played for the standard dimensions of the "car". Volkswagen went even further and created an experienced sample of the "wood" Army Volkswagen Tour 82 ("Kübelvagen").

Volkswagen Tour 82.

Wood cars today

Fortunately, the main advantage of gas-generated cars is independence from the gas station network, today it has become lowact. However, in the light of modern environmental trends on the forefront, another dignity of cars on firewood - work on renewable fuel without any of its chemical preparation, without additional waste of energy for the production of fuel. As theoretical calculations and practical tests show, the motor on firewood harms atmosphere with its emissions than similar engine, but already operating on gasoline or diesel. The content of exhaust gases is very similar to the emissions of the DVS operating on natural gas.

Nevertheless, the topic with cars on firewood lost its former popularity. Forget about gas generators do not provide mainly enthusiast engineers, which for the sake of fuel economy or as an experiment refubinate their personal machines for work on the generator gas. In the post-Soviet space, there are successful examples of "Gasgen" based on AZLK-2141 and GAZ-24 passengers, GAZ-52 truck, minibus RAF-2203, etc. According to designers, their creations can pass at one refueling up to 120 km at a speed of 80- 90 km / h.

Gas-52 gas generator

The only country to date is massively used cars on firewood, is North Korea. Due to total world insulation, there is a certain deficiency of liquid fuel. And the firewood again come to the revenue to those who found themselves in a difficult position.

In search of an alternative energy source, an understanding was understood that it was not necessary to produce gas in mines in order to then burn it in the boilers and internal combustion engines, combustible gas can be obtained from production and wood waste. The gas generator or as it is also called the gases generator by burning local fuel - firewood, peat, charcoal, sawdust and other wood waste, and sometimes other organic residues are capable of separating / generating combustible gases, such as CO, CH4, H2 and others. Options for using the obtained gas are several, but in any case, the basis of each device is the principle of the gas generator. About how the gas generator works, from which elements it consists, as well as what processes are undergoing inside it, we will tell in this article. We will also consider options for the further use of the obtained gas and place where you can install similar aggregates.

So, what are the options for using gas obtained in the gas generator?

The first - combustible gas goes to the gas stove in the kitchen and is used for cooking. The second - combustible gas is burned immediately in the pyrolysis boiler of heating with a gas generator, respectively, used for home heating or greenhouses. By the way, such boilers can be referred to as a gas boiler on firewood, a solid fuel pyrolysis boiler, a gas generator boiler on firewood. All of them can be used for both domestic needs and for heating huge industries and workshops or enterprises. Third - combustible gas can be sent to an internal combustion engine that serves as a drive station or generator of electricity. The gas generator on firewood allows you to receive electricity in those regions where there is no possibility to carry out the power lines, perform gas pipeline gasket and the supply of gas in cylinders is difficult. In addition to autonomy, gas generators have other advantages that we will reveal below.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas generators

As an example, consider the advantages and disadvantages of gas-generating boilers of heating. Pyrolysis boilers belong to the category of solid fuel, but differ significantly from conventional firewood furnaces or coal, where the usual fuel combustion process occurs.

Advantages of gas generator boilers:

  • The efficiency of gas generator boilers is in the range of 80 - 95%, while the efficiency of a conventional solid fuel boiler rarely exceeds 60%.
  • Adjustable burning process in the gas generator boiler - one wooden laying can burn from 8 to 12 hours, for comparison in the usual boiler, burning lasts 3 - 5 hours. In gas-generated boilers with upper burning, the combustion of firewood lasts up to 25 hours, and the coal can burn 5 - 8 days.
  • Fuel combines completely, so it is not often cleaned by a roller and the gas duct.
  • Due to the fact that the combustion process can be adjusted (power is adjusted in the range of 30 - 100%), the operation of the boiler can be automated, such as gas or liquid fuel.
  • The emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere from the gas generator is minimal.
  • Gas generator boilers are economical than usual.
  • Fuel for gas generators does not have to be dried up to 20% humidity, there are models of boilers, in which wood can be used to 50% humidity and even freshly serum.
  • The ability to load into the boiler of uncomplicated mannings to 1 m long and even more.

  • In addition to woodwood and waste industry in pyrolysis boilers, you can dispose of rubber, plastic and other polymers.
  • The high safety of the boiler compared to a conventional solid fuel boiler is provided by automation and materials from which the unit is made, and in particular the combustion chamber.

If we talk about gas generators that are used for the production of electricity, they possess exactly the same advantages, such as environmental friendliness, efficiency, high efficiency, high octane number 110 - 140, versatility in terms of fuel used and greater efficiency in winter.

Disadvantages of gas generator boilers:

  • On the gas generator, the price of 1.5 - 2 times higher than on a conventional solid fuel boiler.
  • For the most part, energy-dependent gas generators, as a fan is used for air supply, but there are also models that can work without electricity.
  • If you use a gas-generator power boiler below 50%, then unstable burning is observed - as a result of the fallout of the race, which accumulates in the gas duct.
  • The temperature of the heating repetition should not be below 60 ° C, otherwise condensate will fall in the gas duct.
  • Typically, gas generators are demanding of the moisture content of fuel, but as already written above, there are models in which even freshly cut wood can be burned.

Other significant flaws of gas generators were not detected.

By the way, gas generators are not such a new invention. Back in the middle of the last century, when most of the German oil resources went to armared, firewood was used as fuel for cars. Even on trucks installed gas generators. Modern aggregates are not too far in their design, but, nevertheless, it is thoroughly improved.

Principle of operation of the gas generator - gas generator

In solid fuel gas generator, combustible gas is produced from solid fuel. The main secret is that air is supplied to the combustion chamber, the volume of which is not enough to completely combust the fuel, while the high temperature of the order of 1100-1400 ° C is observed. The resulting gas is cooled and sent to the consumer or internal combustion engine, if, for example, electricity is planned. In more detail, the principle of operation of the gas generator Consider below, specifying which process in which element of the unit occurs.

Gas generator device on wood

Consider the domestic gas generator device. Immediately I would like to note that pyrolysis boilers with a gas generator differ from the proposed scheme, since the combustion of gas occurs inside the boiler in the second combustion chamber. We will consider only the gas generator itself, at the exit of which the combustible gas is obtained.

Body gas generator Made of sheet steel and has welded seams. The most common shape of the hull is cylindrical, but it may well be rectangular. To the bottom of the case, the bottom and legs are welded on which the gas generator will stand.

Bunker or camera filling It serves to load inside the fuel gas generator. It also has a cylindrical shape and made of small-carbon steel. The bunker is installed inside the gas generator body and is fixed by bolts. On the lid of the hatch leading to the bunker, an asbestos seal or gasket is used on the edges. Since asbestos is prohibited for use in residential premises, there are models of gas generators, the cover seals are made from another material.

The combustion chamberit is located at the bottom of the bunker and made of heat-resistant steel, sometimes the inner surface of the combustion chamber is trimmed with ceramics. In the combustion chamber, fuel burning occurs. In the lower part of it, cracking is a resin, for which a neck, made of heat-resistant chromium steel, is installed. Between the case and the neck is a gasket - a sealing asbestos cord. In the middle part of the combustion chamber are furma for air supply. Furma is calibrated holes that are connected to an air distribution box associated with the atmosphere. Furma and distribution box are also made of heat-resistant steel. At the outlet of the air distribution box, a check valve is installed, which prevents the outlet of the combustible gas from the gas generator. To increase engine power or be able to use high humidity firewood (more than 50%), before the air distribution box can be installed fanwhich will be injected inside the air.

Grateit serves to maintain hot corners. It is located in the lower part of the gas generator. Through the holes of the grille of the ash from burnt coals fall into the ash bar. So that the grille can be cleaned from the slag, its middle part is made mobile. For the rotation of cast-iron grate, a special lever is provided.

Booting hatchesequipped with hermetically closing covers. For example, the upper loading hatch is folded horizontally and is compacted asbestos cord. In the cover of the lid there is a special shock absorber - spring, which lifts the cover in case of overpressure inside the chamber. From the side of the case there are also two booty hatch: one from above - to add fuel to the recovery zone, the second bottom - to remove ash. Gas selection is made in the recovery zone, therefore most often in the upper part of the gas generator, but it is also possible to lead the gas and from the bottom of the unit. Gas selection is made through the nozzle to which the pipeline pipes are welded. It is not necessary to immediately remove the gas outside the gas generator housing while it is hot, it can be used to heal and dry firewood or other fuel in the download chamber. For this, the discharge gas pipeline is carried out along the ring around the chamber, between the gas generator body and the bunker.

Filter "Cyclone" and filter of fine cleaning located behind the gas generator housing. They are made of pipes filled with filter elements.

Before entering a fine cleaning filter, gas passes through cooler. And after the fine cleaning filter, the purified gas enters mixerwhere mixed with air. And only then the gas-air mixture enters the internal combustion engine.

A more clearly sequence of combustible gas movement, after it released from the gas generator, is shown in the diagram below.

Firewood or other fuel is on the combustion chamber, oxidizing the air entering the combustion chamber through the furma from the air distribution box. The resulting combustible gas enters the cyclone filter, where it is cleared. Then cooled in a coarse filter. Then the chilled gas enters the fine cleaning filter, and then into the mixer. From the mixer, the resulting mixture enters the engine.

The process of converting fuel in gas

And yet: how is gas from solid fuel? Inside the gas generator occurs a certain process of transformation, which is divided into several stages occurring in different zones:

Zone Pefa Located in the top of the bunker. Here is the temperature of about 150 - 200 ° C. The fuel is dry by hot gas, which moves along the annular pipeline, as described above.

Zone dry distillationlocated in the middle of the bunker. Here without air access and at a temperature of 300 - 500 ° C, fuel is charred. Acids, resins and other elements of dry distillation are distinguished from wood.

Zone burning It is located at the bottom of the combustion chamber in the zone where the furma is located through which the air flows. Here, when air supply and a temperature of 1100 - 1300 ° C, the charred fuels and the elements of dry distillation burn, resulting in the CO and CO2 gases.

Recovery zone It is above the burning zone between the grate and burning area. Here, CO2 gas rises up, passes through hot coal, interacts with carbon (C) coal and gas is formed at the output - carbon monoxide. In this process, moisture from fuel is also involved, so in addition to CO2 and H2 is formed.

The burning and recovery zones are called an active gasification zone. As a result, generator gas consists of several components:

  • Combustible gases: SO (carbon oxide), H2.(hydrogen), CH4 (methane) and Snm(unsaturated hydrocarbons without resins).
  • Ballast: CO2. (carbon dioxide), O2. (oxygen), N2. (nitrogen), H2O (water).

The resulting gas is cooled to the ambient temperature, then purified from formic and acetic acid, ash, suspended particles and mixed with air.

Types of gas generators

Three types of gas generators are distinguished: the direct process of gas generation, reverse and horizontal.

Can burn coal half-beds and anthracite - fuel nebituminous. The constructive difference of this type of aggregates is that the air goes through the grate of the grid below, and the gas fence is made from above. In the gas generators of the direct process of moisture from the fuel does not fall into the combustion zone, so it is applied specifically. Enrichment of generator gas by hydrogen from water increases the generator power.

Tipped gas generatorsor processed process Designed for burning resinous fuel - firewood, charcoal and waste. Their constructive difference is that air is supplied to the middle part - to the burning area, and the gas fence is produced below the burning zone - in the aswn. Usually in the aggregates of this type, selected hot gas is used to heat the fuel in the bunker.

Horizontal gas generatorsor transverse processgasification is distinguished by the fact that the air in them is supplied on the side - at the bottom of the case, and it is supplied at a high blast rate through the tunts. Gas selection is performed opposite the touffer through the gas trap grille. The active zone of gasification in the horizontal process gas generator is very small and is concentrated between the end of the tuner and the gas and chiblon. The start time of such a generator is much smaller, it also easily adapts to the change of operating modes.

Place installation of a gas generator

Gas generators and gas-generating heating boilers can be installed both inside residential premises, for example, in basements and ground floors and on the street.

So-called pellet boilers are most often installed in the house, since their loading is not associated with a large number of garbage, as well as bags with pellets weigh a little and can be stored somewhere near the boiler.

Gas generators on firewood, and especially on long-length firewood, it makes sense to install on the street not far from the storage location. So it will be possible to ride firewood on a wheelbarrow directly to the boiler or a gas generator and not to descend them into the basement at home. The boiler standing on the street eliminates the dirt and ash in the basement. This is especially true for wooden houses, where elevated fire safety standards. The outer housing of the boiler is made of stainless steel, which is not subject to corrosion. Also, the boilers are thermally insulated with bulk heat insulation so that the ambient temperature has minimally influence the gasification process and the boiler start speed. The regulatory system is placed in the steel cover under the lid so that there are no precipitation on it. The smoke tube has a double wall. If you are interested in how to connect a gas generator, if it stands on the street, then the answer is simple - pipes are placed in the ground so that they are minimally cooled, if it is a heating boiler. The heating pipes are suitable for the boiler below, and the boiler itself is installed so that with long interruptions to use it does not freeze.

By the way, as already noted, the duration of the fuel burning process in the boiler can be from 12 hours and reach 25 hours. Depending on the power of the boiler and the area of \u200b\u200bheated premises, it will have to turn it once every two days, and sometimes once a week. To keep the heat generated by the boiler to such a long period, the heat acceumor is used.

Wood gas generator with their own hands

In order to make a gas generator with your own hands, there is nothing superpower. Many use such an assembly for household needs or installed on a car. Before starting to make a gas generator independently, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the principle of its action and choose a suitable scheme of work.

You will need - barrel, pipes or old radiators battery, fine and coarse gas filters, fan. On the other hand, the set of elements can be the most different, it all depends on the imaging of the artist.

Look below the video example of an independent manufacturing gas generator.

Scheme of gas generator:

On the Internet you can find both photos and drawings on the installation of gas generators and pyrolysis boilers. There are even craftsmen who take the prepared checked boiler as the basis and completely repeat it at home. It turns out cheaper much.

The difference between the pyrolysis boiler from the ordinary gas generator is that it consists of two combustion chambers: in one fuel burns and gas is formed, and gas burns into the other - the heat exchanger is burning. The device and the principle of operation of the gas generator, we have already considered, add to it only the second combustion chamber, which should be located above, and the heat exchanger from above. Sometimes the heat exchanger is located on the side. Also do not forget about different types of gas generators, so that the second combustion chamber can be located not only from above.

When collecting the chimney, try to collect it in the sequence, inverse smoke movement, so on its walls there will be less misery for any nasty. The chimney itself is better to make easily impassable so that it can be easily and quickly cleaned. The space around the heating boiler should be free, as it heats up in the process. After mounting the boiler, you will have to study his "habits" and pick up the optimal mode of operation at which all the resins burn.

I would like to note that the gas generator can be viewed not only as the burner of the useful wood, but also as waste disposal. It can burn the remnants of linoleum, packages, bags, rubber, plastic bottles and other domestic garbage.