Middle hot water consumption per person. How many water cubes per person. Monthly water consumption standards per person. How to calculate the standing of the use of heated water

Resolution No. 75-PP that entered into force at the end of February 2014 states that the water rate per person without a meter in 2016 cannot be greater than 2 water consumption standards established in No. 566-PP from 1998. Namely:

  • the norm of cold water per person per month is 6.935 m3 - all residents prescribed in the apartment are taken into account;
  • Without a meter, it is based on the rate of 4.745 m3 per person.

The specified value of water consumption per person per month without a counter must be paid completely even if the owner of the apartment was absent and some period did not use water supply services. To calculate what amount for water consumption should be paid to the cashier, it is necessary to multiply the number of consumption by the number of people prescribed in the apartment or the house, and then multiply the cost (tariff) of 1 m3 of water.

We remember: the specified value of water consumption per person cannot be exceeded more than 2 times. That is, payment may be charged by Z6.935 m3 × 2 and 4.745 m3 × 2 - for water consumption, as well as no more than 11.68 × 2 - for drainage. At the same time, the cost of 1 m3 of water should keep track of utility payers independently - it is annually approved by the Government of Moscow, indicated in receipts.

How was it before, what happened now, or how to pay for water on new standards?

Until the moment the rate of water consumption per person without a counter was introduced, Muscovites were paid every month for the water spent by the house. What does it mean? The amount for the consumption of services was calculated in terms of volume, which in turn was determined as follows:

  • a total volume of water consumed by the water was established. If the counter is set and registered, then accruals are conducted strictly according to it. On the established standard, water is carried out without a meter - calculated separately on the cold and hot substance;
  • from it, the total volume of consumed substance was taken away, in whose apartments a meter is installed - the owner's testimony is submitted monthly during a pre-agreed period. In the presence of instruments of accounting, the standard of water without a meter is not taken into account in general - the readings of flow meters are transmitted to the ECC in fact;
  • according to the resulting volume, the total cost of services was calculated;
  • the expenses of the substance for general apparatus were added to it - until the regulations for water consumption per person without a meter were introduced, they accounted for 5% of the cost of cubic meters of substance by the house;
  • the resulting digit was divided between the tenants of an apartment building, which did not want to install or have not yet established water meters. But even the introduced value of the consumption of cold water per person per month without a counter did not make it easier for the material burden of utility payers.

Muscovites living in a high-rise building, whose engineering systems are in good condition, had to pay less than those who lived in a house with rusty and defective pipes. Before the cost of water consumption without a counter, the latter came for water for water 3-5 times more. In 2016, apartments without accounting instruments pay no more than 2 norms. The norms of water standards introduced by the Government of Moscow to a person without a counter protect citizens from overpayments, and also make public utter communals follow the state of trusted property, fraudsters. But even established in a legitimate standard of payment of water without a counter does not make it easier for sale by Muscovites, since the consumed volume of substance in one person can actually be less. Pay on fact will allow only the installed and registered water meter to cold and hot water.

The correct calculation of payment for water without meters in 2016

The introduced consumption rate of cold water per month per person (including hot) ensures that the owners of apartments without measuring equipment will not pay additional general cubic meters. Let's see for example, how water is calculated without a counter, if 3 people live in 1 apartment. The procedure will be as follows:

  • with a standard of 6.935 m3 (cold water) per person, the total apartment volume will be 6.935 m3 × 3 people. \u003d 20,805m3;
  • the second cost of water consumption without a counter is 4.745 m3 (hot substance), it means that the total apartment volume will be 4.745 m3 × 3 people. \u003d 14,235m3;
  • to find out how much you pay for water without a meter, you need to ask the tariff. They will be as follows (data is valid until July 2016) 30.87 rubles cubic meter housing. and 21.90 rubles Gor.V. At the same time, the accrual for water without a meter and in the presence of measuring equipment will be equally carried out, including. Therefore, the calculation will be as follows: 20,805 m3 × 30.87 rubles \u003d 642.2 rubles and 14,235m3 × 21,90 rubles \u003d 311.7 rubles. Consequently, the score for water without a meter will be 642.2 rubles + 311.7 rubles \u003d 953.9 rubles from the apartment. This is worth adding 5% for general work.

Water supply account with apartments where the counter is set to be below the percent of 35-55%. The amount depends on the actual consumption of water all people living on the living space. That is, the accrual for water without a meter is carried out with each person plus a general flow rate (cost × by 2), and if there is an accounting instruments - a common consuming volume.

Since June 2016, rates will change. To find out which water rate per person per month without a counter will act from the specified period, and what the cost of the cubic meter of water will be introduced by the government, visit the site http://informatio.ru/. Having learned the necessary information, you will easily calculate how much water costs without counter and with a meter (if it is installed).

Where can I install water meters in Moscow?

Our company performs installation, maintenance, and any types of measuring instruments counting water consumed. According to our approximate calculations, even a fixed rate of water accrual, if counters are not installed, does not save from overpayments. We calculated that in fact 1 person spends a month no more than 2.7-4.5 m3 of water in total. With the cost of cold water without a counter per person, savings will be significant.

We are a certified company, which has the legal right to install and register accounting devices. To order, call our company or leave an application on the site. Since the rate of water consumption in Moscow per person without a counter above, the installation and purchase of equipment will pay off for ½ year.

Residents of the capital and region begin to study. On the Internet in a variety of forums are discussed, who, who spends an average monthly month on the instruments of water consumption.

All consumers have the same average water consumption in the counters

What factors depends on the volume of water consumed and what methods can it be reduced? This question interests every owner of the housing.

The state for its part of the rigid solutions beating on the pockets of users seeks to introduce in Moscow and throughout Russia the regime of economy of natural wealth. In particular, since 17 years, rates for regulatory expenses of water will rise by 60%.

Those who have no water meters in apartments will pay for each cubic meter of water 261 rubles. But the progressive citizens who have already established the counters will pay at another tariff - on average 200 rubles, including drainage.

At the same time, the consumption of standards does not always coincide with water consumption taken into account by water meters. Excess payment standards by KPU owners - emergency situation.

The following factors affect water consumption:

  • The presence of non-working citizens living in the apartment;
  • The presence of children;
  • Condition of water supply communications;
  • State of health of people;
  • The use of sanitary devices, irrationally spending water;
  • The use of washing machines operating in non-economic water consumption mode.

In a typical situation, the consumption of water is an order of magnitude less than the established standards. Our country has the following consumption standards: hot water - 6,935 cubic meters per person, cold water - 4.7 m 3.

(Figure - Water consumption rate table)

Calculate easily: Family of 4 people. Consumption is normal a huge amount of water - about 45 cubic meters. So much water can be used except if there is a small pool. It is almost tank every month. But on the counter, the average amount of water consumption will be completely different.

In economically, it is possible to save the cost of the "communal" costs. Without meter, the family of the example above will pay 5384 rubles on standards. But if you install accounting devices, then with the average water consumption, the owners will pay approximately 1527 rubles. Even with double water flow, the difference is obvious.

Water saving methods

It happens that by calculating the amount of fluid spent after the first estimated period of drainagers, the payers are conceived, where they could spend so much water. So next month, homeowners are already thinking about how to save.

There are many methods. But some methods, usual to Europeans, for Russians, to put it mildly, are too extravagant.

However, there are universal techniques:

  • Clean your teeth, turning off the cranes.
  • We do not leave the water while you wash your hair or use the washcloth.
  • Turn on the dishwasher at maximum loading.
  • Do not launch washing until there is enough linen.
  • Preparing food, carefully calculate the volume of the fluid consumed.
  • Monitor the functionality of the plumbing.

Gradually, all of these methods will include a habit, and you will follow the rules of savings automatically. But remember - if the house is a small child and a person who needs increased water consumption for medical testimony, should not think about savings.

The value of water consumption rate established by local governments is used in circumstances if the apartment has no consumption metering devices (meters). Information about the standard allows you to fairly accrue a monthly payment in accordance with the existing needs of the population.

Water consumption rate per person

Before the state was calculated by the norms of water per person without a counter, utility companies set a general counter to the basement. Thus, after a month, one of the tenants paid for the counter less than it should, according to consumption, someone is the opposite - more. To calculate the current water consumption rate of MinStroy, it was forced to calculate how much the standard is a person once a month:

  • takes shower and bath;
  • washes in the toilet;
  • erases;
  • trains;
  • enjoy the sink in the bathroom and the kitchen.

Important! The calculated average was installed back in 1988: it is still valid. Fixed costs allow you to not save on water, because after a month you have to pay all the same set amount.

Hot water

Hot water is more cold, but it is used in smaller quantities. According to estimates, the standard for hot water without counter - 3000 liters per month or 100 liters per day. This is approximately 4.745 cubes monthly. For competent payment of utility bills, the following features must be taken into account:

  1. In the case of a shortage, the housing organization produces recalculation. The monthly standard cannot be increased by more than 2 times.
  2. Accrual occurs regardless of whether anyone lives in the apartment or not. Pay for each of the prescribed faces in accordance with the standard.
  3. Calculation of hot water spent on heating is made separately. Accordingly, additional payment is carried out.

Make the calculation more accurately allows the so-called "transgrity" indicator, which slightly increases the consumption standard without counter. The described indicator depends primarily on the recommendations of the house management, however, may not exceed the state standard.

Cold water

According to observations, cold water, the population is consumed up to 2 times more than hot. Accordingly, this figure is 6000 liters, a day - 200 liters. This amount is approximately 7 cubes. Consider what kind of water standards, if there are no meters, is provided for by the state:

  1. For minor one-time spending (which in normal conditions can be avoided) the rules set consumption up to 800 liters per year without counter.
  2. Water from the crane used for washing hands, shave, teeth cleaning. According to the norms of drainage, this indicator is approximately 200 liters per week.
  3. For residents of an apartment building, consumption is possible for overpayment of the toilet in case of its leakage or breakage (up to 260 liters per day). Such a problem must be configured by the Master.

Middle Consumption per month

  1. Cooking. For the preparation of food, there are 3 liters of water consumption per person per month.
  2. Flowing water flow from under the tap. Additionally adds up to 200 liters. Without a counter per person.
  3. Daily showing shower. Depending on the needs requires from 15 to 30 liters.
  4. Wash. Requires up to 100 liters monthly.
  5. Bath reception. Requires up to 200 liters. Without counter in accordance with the size of the bath and the duration of reception.
  6. Additional needs. Up to 500 liters on the use of toilet and unforeseen events.

The list of organizations regulating existing standards includes local authorities (urban, edge, regional), as well as the organization of the federal level.

Important! The main regulatory document, which provides for the norms of water consumption on a person in Russia, is SNiP (norms and rules of construction). Construction standards and rules are united throughout the country and do not change in the regions.

Differences in regions

The standard of water use varies in different parts of Russia, respectively, the need to regulate existing water consumption standards. This is due to the following factors that direct impact on the volume of use by consumers:

  • climate in the region and norms installed there;
  • prevailing temperatures;
  • the quality of the sewage operation;
  • season;
  • serviceability of installed equipment;
  • equipment of the apartment;
  • savings from tenants.

For calculations of the average number of resources used without a meter, other factors are used to be used for a particular area. This information can be clarified on the official resources of municipal authorities.

Calculations per person per month

The average amount of water consumed is locally, however, it uses the same formula in which there are 3 important components:

  • current cost per cubic meter;
  • increasing coefficient;
  • average consumption testimony for the average home.

The raising coefficient when paying has an impact for such persons who have the ability to establish counters, but prefer not to do this. When making calculations, benefits and benefits for preferential categories of citizens are taken into account.

How to save a budget when paying housing and communal services

There are two ways to save their costs on the HPW and DHW, if you use the counter. They are successfully used as in enterprises and in residential buildings.


If counters are installed in the room, this gives tenants the following advantages:

  • the possibility of personal control over how much resource was spent;
  • lack of need to overpay the tenants of other apartments;
  • no need to pay for an increase in the coefficient.
  • there is no need to pay for the service if the water supply is not used.

On average, in public conditions, the counter allows you to save almost 2 times when compared with payment according to the standard. That is why today the accounting devices are established both in most residential buildings and in offices and public areas. Often they are mandatory to install.

Special equipment and equipment

In addition to the counter, reduce the costs and costs of this part of the housing and public utilities, guided by the following recommendations:

  1. No bath. Using solely soul allows you to reduce consumption up to 125 liters per person from 300 possible.
  2. Eating special drinking water allows you to save up to 40-50 liters per month.
  3. Use a dishwasher. On average, reduces the use of the sun to 20% monthly.
  4. Washing exclusively using a washing machine reduces consumption by 7-10%.
  5. Economical faucet and a drain tank of an economical type reduce consumption by 10-13%.

It is important to monitor the health of the equipment in the bathrooms, the toilet and in the kitchen. Often, a significant overpayment for the accounts becomes a result of the problems with household appliances.

Despite the fact that the regulators of water consumption per person are calculated as objectively as possible, they cannot provide comfortable conditions for all residents. The result of this becomes inevitable overpayments for services. In order not to overpay and be able to save on this to save, the hot or cold water consumption instruments are used. Thanks to them, most people manage to reduce their expenses on the aircraft more than 1.5% monthly.

If there are no accounting equipment in the residential premises, water consumption per person per day is calculated according to the standards established by local administrative authorities. Similarly, calculate the norms of drainage.

Every month, residents of apartment and private houses come services. In the receipts you can find the Count "Watering".

What is the daily water consumption for 1 person?

Under this concept, the sewage is often implied, which is not entirely true. Water used by man before getting into sewer pipes, cleared and disposed of - this is water disposal.

The norms establish depending on the region in which the person lives. For example, a resident of the Southern Regions pays for the service of drainage more than Northerner.

Also affects the degree of improvement of residential premises:

  1. availability / absence of a bathroom;
  2. centralized heating;
  3. water heater;
  4. devices designed to save, etc.

To date, the rate of drainage is almost 11.7 cubic meters per person per month. In this case, the temperature of the water consumed does not matter - both hot and cold are taken into account.

This indicator can be enlarged twice, but only provided that the company supplies the service to present documents that will confirm the need to increase.

Each resident has the right to request a documentary justification, and apply to the court if there is no such. As practice shows, the chance to restore justice is small, but still exists. Judicial bodies in most cases are on the side of municipal services.

Previously, the norms were calculated otherwise. In an apartment building installed a general apther. At the end of the month, the testimony was removed. The number of cubic meters spent by residents who have a water meter in the apartment were subtracted from the testimony of a common counter. The resulting digit was distributed between the remaining apartments - it was the norm.

It is not quite honest to calculate the norm in this way, since the spending of resources is unevenly - a family consisting of 5 people enjoys a service in one apartment, and in the other - from 2.

Water consumption per person per day

To determine how much water is about consumed by a resident of an apartment building, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • consumption rates that operate in any region of Russia;
  • consumption rates set by local authorities;
  • how much water (according to the meter) spends a family with the same number of people.

It was mentioned above that the standard is established depending on the human residence region, respectively, the time of year also affects the volume of water spending: in the summer - higher, in winter - below.

If there is a good appliance and plumbing in the apartment (economical crane, a drain tank for toilet and other) a person saves water, respectively, the consumption rate can be reduced.

The flow consumption of the fluid, on the contrary, increases when the technique passes water, the faucet or the toilet tank is leaking. If this fact is detected and documented by a housing officer, human consumption rate per person can increase.

For cold, hot water supply people pay according to tariffs installed by local authorities.

In apartments where the accounting equipment does not mean, the cost of consumed water is calculated as follows:

  • instead of the readings of the apartment water meter, take the average rates of use of the home service (separately on hot and cold water);
  • multiplious to the tariff for one cubic meter;
  • and if there is a presence of an increase in the coefficient.

Increased coefficient, as a rule, apply to those residents that do not install, although they have such an opportunity. But the state will not be able to deceive - water overrun is paid accordingly.

What is the normal water consumption per person per day?

In addition to the fact that water is used for personal needs (hygienic procedures, washing, washing dishes, cooking, etc.), the owner need to water green areas adjacent to the house - the garden, a vegetable garden.

Water consumption increases if there is a pool and other benefits of civilization in a private house.


  • if for an hour continuously use water, then the person will spend about six cubic meters of fluid;
  • for watering green spaces adjacent to the house, about two cubic meters of water are required;
  • watering a garden, in one hour a summer house consumes up to four cubes of liquid.

This data is approximate, are designed for houses with standard equipment and ordinary engineering networks.

Counting water costs in apartment buildings

A day, each person consumes different volumes of water. It is possible to calculate it by the formula:

Volume per day per person \u003d value of the estimated number of residents * value of specific water consumption / 1000

In addition, there are corrective coefficients for residents of cities with greater and smaller population.

In order not to score people's heads with superfluous numbers and indicators, a consumption standards have been created, which take into account when paying utility bills. When the accounting device is absent, the accruals are made on the basis of the number of residents registered officially.

If the apartment is installed, for example, a water heating device, unnecessary water expenses on this technique are distributed between all the equivalent porovna. Accordingly, the more tenants are spelled out, the higher the water supply and drainage fee will be.

on water

If residents of the apartment lay the installation of water meters, unnecessary spending is unlikely to be avoided. Standards are installed for each home separately, or the average water consumption rate is calculated according to a particular microdistrict.

You can offer each resident of the high-rise building, which has no water meter, do not waste excess water, but it is unlikely that everyone will agree to comply with this rule.

Sometimes people are trying to judicially prove the unreasonableness of introducing an increase in the coefficient, but in practice few people achieve the desired result.

Some tenants establish special devices that save water. But such "tricks" do not affect the numbers specified in the receipt. All because accruals are based on the number of people prescribed in the apartment.

The best way to reduce this cost of expenses is to establish a liquid consumed accounting device. Then you will pay only for those cubic meters that really spent. No one will look at the number of registered in this area, do not have to pay for water consumed by the neighbor.

For information! If in an apartment building in most residents, the water resource "save" special devices, then the rest of the tenants overpay the service overwrite services over the norm. Such rules are established by regional governments.

Legal ways to reduce water consumption

To save as much water as possible, you must follow the following rules.

Install fixtures that save. These include:

  1. special nozzles for cranes;
  2. aerators that put on shower watering cans and thus reduce water consumption;
  3. two-button discharge systems that equip the barrels.

If there is household appliances or plumbing in the house, which skips water, you need to fix it in urgently. This concerns:

  • dishwasher, which failed and constantly proceeds;
  • continuously dripping cranes;
  • toilet bowl, in which water flows with a thin flower and so on.

It will not be superfluous to acquire a modern model of the washing machine. Such a "helper" in addition to high-quality washing will save. For washing linen, the car takes the water half smaller than the old car machine.

We have to introduce new habits:

  • overlapping the crane, (for example, when the dishes are for washing, soaping under the shower, during the cleaning of the teeth, etc.);
  • give preference to swimming under the shower, i.e., filling the bath with water in rare cases;
  • reduce the time of "water procedures".

Sometimes people do not use hot water at all or save it using the stove - heated fluid as needed.

Advantages and disadvantages of water metering

In this question, people disagree. At first glance it may seem that the benefit is obvious.

Economic and drinking water consumption in settlements is calculated taking into account the number of people and the norms of water consumption per person per day, which in turn depends on the climatic conditions, the degree of improvement of buildings. Individual water norm per day for a person is specified by the consumer by actual consumption, which is associated:

  • with personal preferences (the choice between the shower and the bathroom, the duration of the procedure, etc.),
  • requirements and needs (requirements for frequency procedures related to increased watersome),
  • arrangement and technical equipment of sanitary nodes in the house (availability of economists, limiters, automatic timers, etc.)

Norms of water consumption and calculation formula

The average water consumption per person per day is represented in the table, where smaller values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to the water consumption of the northern regions with a cold climate, and large values \u200b\u200bare characteristic of warm climatic zones.

Water consumption by man changes both in time (in the afternoon more than at night) and seasonally (in the summer more intense than in winter).

Calculation of the amount of water per day (day) for a person is made by the formula:

Here, the quantity of specific water consumption, and the NG is the value of the estimated number of residents.

For the stabilization of accounting, the rate of daily unevenness (KSUT) is introduced - the ratio of the maximum water treatment to the average - which is taken equal to (M3 / day):

  • Max \u003d 1,10-1,30 (Large values \u200b\u200bfor cities with a large population).
  • MIN \u003d 0.70-0.90 (Large values \u200b\u200bfor cities with a smaller population).

Thus, the calculated daily water sewage of the greatest consumption is defined as the Max \u003d QCT Max Max; The smallest - qt min \u003d qt M * MIN (M3 / day).

These data that finds their expression in SNiP tables, VNTP, become the basis for creating documents of local governments that determine the cost of the consumption of cold and hot water per person per day in the absence of a counter or its testimony. For ease of calculations are rules for a month. For example, the ratio of hot water consumption in 2016 for most of the Moscow administrative districts was 4.745 m3, "cold" - 6.935 m3.

Actual water consumption per person per day

For individual calculations, water consumption per day are most often focused on the testimony of counters or on average values \u200b\u200bfor the implementation of basic domestic needs. To calculate the daily flow, one consumer is based on the value of the water loss for the procedure that is multiplied by the number of procedures during the day.

So, subject to the adoption of the morning soul, evening bath (1500 mm), a three-time washing of dishes, products, hands and five-time visits toilet, an estimated watership a day will be about 450 liters / people.

Water consumption formula - an example of calculating consumer water consumption

In fact, 1 person can spend a much smaller volume without a noticeable reduction in the overall level of comfort due to:

  • abandoning the daily adoption of the bath and replace her shower
  • bathing time cuts
  • introduction of economical modes (overlapping cranes during the washing, cleaning of teeth, washing dishes, etc.),
  • installations of saving tap (http://water-save.com/) and aerator leeks on the shower (with the preference of the flow regime),
  • introduction of two-button drain tanks, etc.

So consumer:

  • daily receiving shower with a manual watering can within 5 minutes - about 35 liters,
  • attending a toilet equipped with economical drain (without leaks), 5 times a day - 4 * 5 \u003d 20 l,
  • washing after myself dishes with overlapping the crane during washing three times a day or using a dishwasher - 5 * 3 \u003d 15 l,
  • washing in the quick mode Products and hands 5 times a day - 2 * 5 \u003d 10 liters.
  • making wet cleaning - about 15 l,
  • flowers pouring daily - about 5 l, -

it comes to the average daily volume of 100 liters. These data do not take into account the washing, however, when using the washing machine, the daily consumption increases by an average of 8-10 liters. (When conducting the procedure once a week). Such calculations are confirmed by the testimony of individual devices.

Daily needs of the body

The statistics are influenced by seasonal changes in the water consumption mode, associated with an increase in the rate of drinking water on a person per day in the summer and the frequency of taking water procedures. Additionally, on the calculation of how much water to drink water per day, affect:

  • dietological factors (presence in the diet of coffee, alcohol, proteins),
  • lifestyle intensity (training, physical work),
  • health and specific factors (pregnancy, breastfeeding).

Thus, by collecting the recommendations of various health organizations, they can be reduced to the table, where the daily rate of the water drilled per day for a person in liters and glasses is indicated (one schematically depicted bottle corresponds to a volume of 0.5 liters).

The way out of this range is possible, taking into account the circumstances and individual characteristics of the body. And although the reduction in water consumption is particularly dangerous and accompanied by a direct threat to life, excessive water consumption can also be a threat to health, leading in some cases to the edema and brain edema.

In general, the daily rate of water consumption by the human body corresponds to the volume that the body loses per day, and averages 2-3.5 liters.

An ordinary person who constantly consumes water throughout the day rarely correctly answers the question of the general amount used. When polling, this value is often significantly less than the real figure.

Engineering Help

Residents of apartments and houses connected to the central water supply are easier to observe the dynamics of water consumption using accounting equipment. And by the way, this number of cubic meters grows together with the expansion of the range of home appliances consuming water. For example, Moscow residents have passed the way of evolution from 10 to 600 liters for 125 years.

Forgot in the kitchen turn off the water? Keep up the good work and work only for water)

In general regulations for water consumption per day with one person, there is a gradation that takes into account the type of building or organization, the presence and type of heating, the arrangement of the bathroom, etc. As practice shows, these indicators have proven to be understated.

My home is my castle

Among the main advantages of private home ownership, the possibility of arrangement of a separate source of water and the creation of an individual water supply and a decoration of waste on it is based on it. The specific advantages of this approach are already described more than once, it remains only to choose where water will be closed: from a well or well. Both have several types. Choose an option for the geological features of the site and budget will not be difficult.

It is also necessary to focus on the maximum amount of water consumption by all farming, given the possible way: house, watering garden or lawn, pets, car washing, construction work, connecting additional home appliances, filling the pool or landscape water and fountains.

The figure of 700 liters of water first seems incredible, but it is just as much as one resident of an urban apartment can spend per day. But if you count all the devices, personal hygiene and cooking, then it turns out about such a figure. It is logical that water consumption in a private house can be more and a half or twice.

The amount of water consumed depends not only on the scale of the household and the number of living in the house, and from the region in which it is located. In the southern regions, similar home ownership will take more water

You might think: what's the difference, the water goes free of charge from your own well. But it's not just a price of water, or rather:

  • In the form of a water source;
  • In the power of pumping equipment;
  • In the diameter of the water pipes;
  • In the volume of the hydroaccumulator;
  • In the sewage arrangement;
  • In the species of septicism and technology of its service.

Contradictory standards

Snip are not only the cost of consumption for private houses, but also the norms of removal of used water. It is reasonable to assume that if a person spends 300 liters of water for a day, then the rate of drainage should be similar, that is, the ratio of 1: 1. In fact, there are inconsistencies: a resident of the house with all the amenities (sewage, water supply, bath) can use up to 500 liters, and the gap rate is slightly more than 200. It turns out that it is far from planned numbers.

  • Drinking;
  • Technical (cleaning, watering);
  • Household (shower, bath, wash);
  • For heating system (radiators, warm water floors).

Ideally, for each type of water, its water treatment and water treatment system is assumed. Drinking should be cleaned from harmful impurities, for household - softeners are used.

Do you like to stand under the warm shower? Pull out the cost of 40-50 liters of water from your budget!

How much water needs a person for a comfortable life

Approximate calculation of the amount of water used looks like this:

These norms are approximate, nor are not taken into account factors such as the pool, aquariums, watering lawns or car wash. Water consumption depends on the time of year and the working day mode. It is clear that when a person is in the workplace, the water consumption is regulated otherwise, depending on the type of building and the availability of amenities in it.

Russians ultimately consume water almost 2 times more than residents of European countries. Our daily rate of hot water is 3 times more than them. This is due to the very high payment tariffs, so they try to save water as much as possible.

  • Kitchen washing is used 100 times;
  • Shower cabin - 25;
  • Crane in the bathroom - 107;
  • Toilet - 120;
  • Washing machine - 15.

The number of operation cycles is given averaged for the apartment with all amenities, and they can also be used to calculate consumption in a private house, because water fence points are similar.

In this system, it did not cost without a few "but". There is no similar scheme for a middle house equipped with a dishwasher, which is more economical than the usual washing manually. Different washing machines consume different volumes of water for one washing cycle. There are several more such nuances.

Where to connect water for a private house

In general, the rationality of several options is estimated:

  • Connecting to central highways with all flowing problems and payment;
  • Well arrangement;
  • Drilling well;
  • Water supply on its own and storage of it in special tanks.

Before the decision to use the urban water supply and sewer, evaluate the cost of laying pipes from the nearest water-based point, as well as how much will have to pay monthly for the volume of water. Approximate figures are listed above.

If you think that the pipe stuck in the ground to you will flow clean drinking water - mistaken, here is the exact calculation and mathematics!

Such a plan is justified if groundwater is unsuitable for use or water supply is performed from a general well, and it has high quality. In this case, you need to put meters to pay for actually spent cubic meters. For houses without meters and with an adjacent garden or garden, a separate volume on watering is added, although it is possible to water in real life and assembled rainwater, for example.

In Russia, over the past year, the norms of water consumption have increased significantly, thus, the state stimulates the inhabitants to set accounts in order not to overpay. Also developed penalties for "water" fraudsters

The option to equip your own well or well looks very attractive, ensures independence from interruptions in the urban network and water can be consumed as much as you need, without regard to communal tariffs.

The well is cheaper, but cannot compete with a well in terms of performance and the absence of organic and industrial pollution. But in the water from deep horizons, many dissolved iron, magnesium and calcium are often contained, and it is impossible to use it without preparation.

In the country and cottage villages, the collective use of one well is practiced. Its power is enough for the needs of all residents, and the cost of arrangement is divided into several households, and it ceases to be in force. In this case, the cost of the water supply is laid in the water supply project and powerful pumping equipment.

The well is good, but not necessarily. If the ecology and state of aquifer allows, it is quite possible to organize the Abyssinian Well, whose arrangement will go only one day.

Reverse side of individual water supply

Water in an unlimited volume and free of charge will require a leading of household waste, home sewage equipment. The optimal solution is the septic tanks with active biological preparations that split the drains on the neutral il and technical water. It is much more convenient for the regular call of the assessing agents to serve a cesspool.

Technical innovations for savings

Plumbing market offers many devices to reduce water consumption. These are familiar two-mode toilet tanks, cost-effective taps for cranes and shower, which allow you to reduce water consumption for everyday needs.

The critical situation with a deficit of clean water makes it catchy and start consuming rationally.

When choosing a pump for a well, one of the tasks is the calculation of the required water consumption, that is, the definition of which amount of water is enough to ensure water of the country house. The demanding consumption depends on the number of waterproof points - water consumers.

The calculation of the required flow of water is needed to determine the necessary pump performance, therefore it is carried out for the case of maximum water consumption. Normal consumption for plumbing devices is given in the table.

The total water consumption is obtained by summing the costs of individual consumption devices.

For example, the house has a washbasin, a toilet, shower and washing, in this case the required flow will be

Q \u003d 0.432 + 0.36 + 0.432 + 0.51 \u003d 1.764 m3 / hour.

There are cases when it is obvious that all devices will not be used at the same time. For example, when the submission submission in the bathroom is switched between the shower and washbasin, or when people living in the house are smaller than water consumption devices. In this case, from two mutually exclusive instruments, consumption must be taken into account only one - with a large consumption.

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    Calculation of water pressure loss in the pipeline

    To select a pump for a well, you need to know the needed pressure, and one of the parts of the definition of the formal pressure is the calculation of the pressure loss in the pipeline. This article is devoted to this article.

    Calculation of a pressure pump for well

    In order to properly choose a pump for its well, you need to know the pressure is needed - i.e. The pressure, which is necessary for the housewater system at home. This article will discuss the calculation of the need for pressure and calculation of pressure losses in the pipes of the water supply on the example of a small country house.

    Water Pumps for Wells: Submersible and Surface Pumps

    Water pumps are used to supply water from well to the water supply system.

    Calculation of water consumption

    Water pumps are designed to pump clean water, which does not contain contaminants in the form of a large concentration of suspended particles, such as sand or yl. If used by water pump in order to pump dirty water for a long time, the pump may fail. Depending on the principle of operation, the pumps for wells are divided into surface and submersible (they are depth).

    Publication Date: 06/07/2013 17:01:15

    Calculation of water consumption for watering

    Introduction ................................................... .................................
    1 Water supply and drainage of settlements ................... ......
    2 Calculation of water supply ................................................................
    2.1 Calculation of the population of the neighborhood .............................. ..
    2.2 Calculation of Economic and Drinking and Firewater Water Supply ...
    2.2.1 Calculation of economic and drinking water supply ........................
    2.2.2 Calculation of water flow to watering ..................................................
    2.2.3 Calculation of water consumption for fire extinguishing ..................................
    2.3 Sources of water supply ....................................... .. ............
    2.4 Loose subsidences ......................

    Water consumption: Calculation of the required water consumption to select the pump


    2.5 Rose pumping station. .......................................... 2.6 Water pipes and trunk networks .......................................... 3 Calculation of drainage .................................................................. 3.1 Costs of wastewater .............................................................. 3.2 Sewage Scheme ......... .. ................................................................. Conclusion ............................................. .. .............................. .. List of sources used ................................................


    Water supply and drainage of settlements

    Calculation of water supply

    Calculation of the population of the neighborhood

    Number of designed houses:

    - blocked two-three-storey residential buildings, the total area of \u200b\u200bapartments up to 200 m2 - 24 at home;

    - one-two-three-storey residential buildings of the manor type, the total area of \u200b\u200bapartments up to 260 m2 - 10mov;

    - one-two-three-storey cottages, the total area of \u200b\u200bapartments up to 160 m2 - 45doms.

    We accept the number of people in the same apartment of blocked residential buildings - 5 people, in one house of a manor type - 5 people, in one cottage - 4 people. Number of people in designed residential buildings:

    5x24 + 5x10 + 4x45 \u003d 350 people.

    The total area of \u200b\u200bthe residential foundation of existing homes on the design site is 30840 m2. The estimated standard of the total area per person is taking on regional standards of the city planning design of the Krasnodar Territory (Table 2) - 20 m2 (Social Level of Housing Comfort). Number of people in existing residential buildings:

    30840: 20 \u003d 1542 people.

    The total number of people of the projected microdistrict:

    350 + 1542 \u003d 1892 people.

    The population density of the projected microdistrict:

    1892: 14,51 \u003d 130Hell / ha

    Calculation of economic and drinking and firefare water supply

    For uninterrupted economic and firefare water supply, it is envisaged to join the existing water pipeline of the settlement of a new microdistrict low-rise residential building.

    Calculation of economic and drinking water supply

    The estimated number of the population is 350 people living in buildings equipped with water supply, sewage and hot water supply from local water heaters. Layout development of 1-3 floors.

    The calculated water consumption of a new microdistrict low-rise residential buildings is defined on the basis of SNiP 2.04.02-84 *, water consumption data is reduced to Table 1.

    Estimated (average per year) The daily water consumption for economic and drinking needs is accepted according to paragraph 2.2, SNiP 2.04.02-84 *:

    Qt.t \u003d s quI 'NG / 1000, (1)

    where: quantity - specific water consumption received in Table 1.

    NG - the estimated number of residents in residential areas

    For buildings equipped with water supply and centralized hot water supply:

    350x180 \u003d 63 (m3 / day)

    Estimated water costs per day largest water consumption QCut.max M3 / day is determined by the formula:

    Qt. Max \u003d kcut. Max 'QCute, (2)

    where ksut. MAX - the rate of daily unevenness of water consumption, taking into account the lifestyle of the population, the mode of operation of enterprises, the degree of improvement of buildings, changing water consumption for the season of the year and the days of the week. For buildings equipped with water supply and centralized hot water supply. Max \u003d 1,2

    Qt. Max \u003d 63x1.2 \u003d 75.6 (m3 / hour)

    The estimated watch consumption of water QH, M3 / hour is determined by the formula:

    qH. Max \u003d Kch. Max 'QCute MAX / 24, (3)

    qH. Max \u003d 1,95'75.60 / 24 \u003d 6.14 m3 / hour

    The coefficient of clock unevenness of the water consumption of KC. Determined by the formula:

    Kch. Max \u003d a max 'b max

    where A is the coefficient, taking into account the degree of improvement of buildings, the mode of operation of enterprises is accepted according to Table 2 SNiP 2.04.02-84 *;

    b is a coefficient that takes into account the number of residents in the settlement; B Max for buildings equipped with water supply, sewage and centralized hot water supply, is accepted according to Table 2 SNiP 2.04.02-84 *.

    Calculation of water consumption for watering

    Water consumption on watering take 60 l / day, according to Table 3 SNiP 2.04.02-84 *, Note 1:

    60 x 350 \u003d 21.00 m3 / day

    In this case, it is assumed that 50% of the watering consumption is used during the day from 6 to 22 hours evenly, the remaining 50% - 3 polyvilks for 3 hours.