Barcelona separation from Spain. Spanish crisis: how and why Catalonia seeks independence from Madrid. Department of Catalonia from Spain

In the VIII century, this land belonged to the Franksky state. The territory of modern Catalonia and land along the Pyrenees were divided into separate counties, formally politically independent, but those in the sphere of influence of francs. All together they were called the "Spanish brand", which, in other matters, to Spanish itself, as an independent state, has little relationship. Among all counties, Barcelona was distinguished, which was already sought to hold a powerful independent policy. This allowed Barcelona to merge around himself other counties, and later, in 987, Barcelona Count Borrel II refused to recognize the power of France. Now 988 is called the year of the founding of Catalonia, although the word "Catalonia" itself was first mentioned in writing only at the beginning of the XII century.

Barcelona county continued to grow and develop. However, the columns have not ruled Catalonia. In 1137, Ramon Beringer IV married the daughter of King Aragon, after which he became king himself, and Catalonia became part of the Aragon Kingdom. Nevertheless, the rights of the right remained hotly beloved by the Catalonians, and therefore, no one embarrassed on Aragon.

Territory of the Kingdom of Aragon. (

Life in the kingdom of Aragon walked in his own man, but in 1469 the King Ferdinand did what the headache wrapped for Catalonia many years later - married Isabelle Castille, which resulted in the association of Aragon and Castile and, as a result, the appearance of the Spanish kingdom in 1516. Thus, Catalonia has become part of which Spain has been formed.

Nevertheless, from this point on Catalonia, it became harder to exist. Culture and language decline, the land lost her usual independence, Spain demanded more and more support and, finally, began the war of the reapers (1640-1652), provoked by the fact that the Catalan peasants were forced to feed the Spanish soldiers, at that time fought with France. It all started as a simple uprising, but later Catalonia declared himself the republic under the protection of the French state. After 12 years, Spanish troops again took Catalonia, and France received some of its territories. However, the end of all for Catalonia was the next war, the War for Spanish Legacy (1705-1714). After the defeat of the region, Spain destroyed the Catalan constitution, and the Catalan language was banned. All this lasted for almost 200 years. Only in 1932, Catalonia again received the status of autonomy. Happiness was shortly: Franco, who came to power, not only took away all his rights from the region, but also established a tough censorship and forbade the catalanoyature press. In the conditions of total dictatorship, Spain existed to the death of Caudillo in 1975. In 1978, autonomy was restored again, and more Catalonia did not lose it. Catalans finally determined as a nation, and their tongue was official for the region.

War of Rezoreov. (

The allocation of the Catalan nation is one of the most important milestones of this story. Just as Catalonia is not Spain, the Catalans are not Spaniards. Tourists are often surprised, seeing thoughtful blue-eyed blondes in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bmore similar to the Germans than in the Spaniards. Nevertheless, it is this way that the indigenous catalans looks like, and they are extremely skeptical to stereotypic Spaniards. In the 60s of the 20th century, when the area was deprived of all his rights, immigrants from other regions of Spain moved into it. Then the opposition of peoples has reached an absurd stage. The Spaniards did not want to learn the language and history of Catalonia, did not accept the ideals of the northerners, while the Catalans themselves, under any pretext, refused to be southerners in work and accommodation. About marriages between the Spaniards and Catalans and speeches could not be. Now, of course, the situation has noticeably improved, and Barcelona is a multinational city, but there is still hostility on the household level.

Catalansky is also important. It is mistaken to call him Spanish adverb - Catalan language is quite independent and has a lot in common with French. If you compare, then even Portuguese looks like Spanish more Catalan.

Catalans on a football match. (RTBF.BE)

Historical injustice and differences in everything, starting with appearance and ending with the mentality, prompted the Catalan authorities to organize a referendum on the independence of Catalonia in 2017. By and large, the Catalans had them right. Each nation has the right to self-determination until the branch, and Catalans, as we remember, were recognized as a nation. But Madrid suppressed these attempts using Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution, in which the government can take measures to fulfill its obligations to fulfill its obligations if the community of these obligations refuses or its actions damages the interests of Spain. As a result, the department of Catalonia did not take place.

Of course, but all Catalans dream of complete independence; Many suits the status of autonomy, and some are not careful about it. Nevertheless, the Catalans are not and will never be the Spaniards, and that they definitely do not take away.

The decision was taken by secretly named voting. 70 deputies voted for the exit, against - 10, two parliamentarians abstained. Before the start of the willing of the meeting room, the parliamentarians from opposition parties coming to the unity of Spain were abandoned. In total, in the Catalan legislative assembly of 135 places, more than half voted, so the decision was recognized by the entered into force.

Prime Minister of the Government of Spain Mariano Raha in connection with the decision of the Catalan deputies convened an emergency meeting of the Council of Ministers. It will begin at 19:00 local time (20:00 Moscow time). It is supposed to discuss how to fulfill Article 155 of the Constitution of Spain, which provides for the introduction of temporary direct management of autonomy and regional power structures. "Spain is a serious country and a great nation, and we will not be careful that several people try to eliminate our constitution," Raha has declared before the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. Senate of Spain is already on deprivation of rebellious Catalands independence.

The main issue will be the actual removal from the post of Chapter Catalonia Carles Puchdemon and the members of the regional government

Formally, the decision was raco on October 21. "The autonomy of Catalonia is not suspended, only the power is removed from power, due to which the government was outlawed and outside the Constitution," the Prime Minister stressed. According to Rahoe, this measure pursued several goals. Among them are the restoration of the Constitution in the territory of the region, the return "to normal life" and the former relationship with the autonomy, the restoration of the economy and the holding of elections in "normal conditions".

Representatives of the Catalan government refused to obey the Decree of the Spaniards

The speaker of the Parliament of Catalonia Karma Furkadel called the actions of the crown "coup" and "attack on democracy". In the same tone, Puchdemon himself, adding that the government of autonomy is much older than the modern Spanish Constitution of 1978. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200babout 450 thousand people participated in the mass event in support of the regional authorities. Activists of various groups protruding for the separation from Spain turned to civil servants to the shares of civil disobedience and sabotage instructions from Madrid.

In Madrid, did not rule out the use of force against the rebellious region, the conflict may grow into a civil war

The Spanish government is ready to use the strength to restore order in Catalonia if the inhabitants of the region do not support the measures to resolve the situation. This was announced on October 24, the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, the official representative of Madrid Iniigo Mendez de Vigo. He noted that the Central Government "does not want acts of violence, but the Cabinet of Ministers should ensure compliance with the law." "There are people on the other side who do not want to obey the law," explained Mendez de Vigo, having allowed power action. He also noted that the leadership of the Catalan police will be replaced by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kingdom. Both parties do not intend to retreat. As the Foreign Policy Magazine noted, everything can turn into battles on the barricades and a full-fledged civil war.

The European Union has refused to contact the Government of Catalonia

The head of the European Council Donald Tusk confirmed the position of Brussels: the EU does not interfere in this crisis. "The decision of the Catalan parliamentarians does not change anything. We will talk only with Madrid, "he said. At the same time, the tusk proposed the parties to use in the negotiations "the force of the argument, and not the force argument." Earlier, on October 20, Tuska said that he did not see the foundations for mediation between the parties to the conflict. "The position of the EU institutions and member states is clear: there is no place for mediation or international initiatives or actions. I do not expect extensive discussions about the situation, "said Tusk. He clarified that he was in constant contact with the Prime Minister of Spain Mariano Raheoch and that the situation in the country was worried. Tusk also added that Brussels have no formal reason for the intervention in the crisis. Independence plebiscite took place in the region on October 1. More than 90 percent of those who voted spoke out for the exit from Spain. The central government tried to prevent a referendum, including power methods. 893 people were injured. Madrid of the results of the will does not recognize and considers its results to be insignificant.

What is the referendum?

Today (October 1) in Catalonia is a referendum on independence. Spain's authorities consider him illegitimate - the police blocks polls for voting, the collisions of protesters with the police occur on the streets. In Barcelona and other cities of Catalonia, promotions are held in support of independence, in Madrid against.

Historical reference

The territory of Catalonia was part of Spain as a result of the dynastic marriage of the King Ferdinand II Aragon and Isabella Castilskaya. Since then, the Catalans have repeatedly tried to achieve independence, and once they succeeded (in 1640), but sovereignty lasted only 12 years.

In 1979, after the fall of the Franco regime, Catalonia received the status of autonomy, the rights of the Catalan language were restored. It is worth noting that the Catalans, who advocate for the separation from Spain, to the fall of the regime were repressions.

What are the chances that Catalonia is separated?

These chances are small. In 2014, Catalonia's authorities have already planned a referendum on the creation of a sovereign state, but the voting was blocked by the decision of the Constitutional Court of Spain. In addition, last year the resolution of the Catalonia Parliament on the Office from Spain was suspended.

The likelihood is that today's referendum, as well as the previous one, will not receive legal recognition in Madrid. Actually, by this, the actions of the police are explained: the Civil Guard of Spain protects the law, preventing illegal voting.

What will happen to football if the department still happens?

Today, three clubs from Catalonia appear in the Spanish example - "Barcelona", "Espanyol" and "Girona". When independence catalonium acquires, there are several possible scenarios. The word Minister of Sports Catalonia Geraar Figuene:

"In case of independence, the Catalan clubs acting in La League will have to decide where they want to play. It can be a Spanish Championship or one of the neighboring countries - Italy, France or even England.

Such examples in Europe are enough: clubs from Andorra play the Spanish football leagues and basketball. In the French league 1 is "Monaco", and Welsh clubs represent England. I do not think UEFA will be against. "

The most obvious option - "Barca" will continue to play in the example even in the case of a successful referendum. If Catalan clubs still come to leave the league, they will definitely not create a separate Championship of Catalonia in football. This is not in the interests of "leopard", which is needed constant competition. Attaching the blue-garnet to another top league (for example, to the APL) will create a serious resonance and bring us to the appearance of an elite championship, where all the best clubs play.

How do Barca players refer to a referendum?

The former Captain "Barca" Carles Puyol and the defender of the club of Gerard Piquet were already expressed on this topic. Puyol wrote in his tweet as follows: "The right to vote is democracy." And the peak published his photo from the polling station with the signature: "I have already voted. Together we will protect democracy. "

The legend of "Barcelona" Havi called the actions of the police shame and urged to give citizens of Catalonia the opportunity to freely vote:

"What is happening in Catalonia is a shame. For a democratic country, it is unacceptable that people do not vote. I express support to all people who want to express the right to vote. "

Right holder illustration Getty Images Image Caption. Catalan leaders declare that 42% of voters took part in the referendum about independence

Political turbulence in Spain due to the Catalan referendum about independence gives rise to remember that this is the edge, what is his story and why Catalans generally believe that they have a special position in Spain.

The ancient inhabitants of the Pyrenean Peninsula were the Ebers, which some researchers consider Celts, others from North Africa.

Civilization went to Iberia from the East and touched upon the first Mediterranean coast.

  • Catalonia Leader: We won the right to independence
  • "Spanish democracy did not work": Russian TV about Catalonia
  • "Serious failure": what writes the Spanish presses about the referendum in Catalonia

The history of the region, subsequently became Catalonia, began in 575 BC. E. When the Greeks created Emporion's colony on the sea coast. Modern port cities of Alicante and Cartagena, lying south, arose about the same time.

Following the elements and the Greeks, Carthaginians appeared.

Who founded Catalonia?

The legend attributes the foundation of Barcelona Hercules. In fact, it was laid in 237 BC. e. Carthaginsky commander Hamilkar, father Hannibal.

Hamilkar everyone knew under the nickname of Barka ("Lightning"), obtained by him for rapid transitions. The warriors devoted to their leader allegedly wanted to name the new city in his honor Barsina, and he did not mind.

According to the results of the second Punic war, 218-201 BC. e. The Pyrenean Peninsula became the Roman province. Its the most prosperous cities were Tarragona and Barcelona.

Eberes reacted to change power ambiguously. Some have rated rapidly, because they considered Carthaginian to oppressors, and Roman orders are more favorable. Others did not want any power over themselves and resisted in mountainous areas about 200 years.

In the V century, after the great resettlement of the peoples and the crash of the Western Roman Empire, militant Westges and Alans, ancestors of modern Ossetians visited the fertile land.

Westgeots called her Kingdom of Gotalani, from where the word "Catalonia" went.

Theoretically Catalonia could be called all Spain, but the top of the Carthaginian word "and-pile", which meant the "country of rabbits" (or the "coast of rabbits"). Roman geographer StraBon mentioned the word "Hispania" adapted to Latin.

Start of separation

In 711, the Arabs crossed the Gibraltar and conquered the entire Pyrenean Peninsula in two years, including Catalonia.

The central and southern part of the modern Spain of 700 years were under the control of the Cordin and Granada Caliphs and Emirov, and the Northeast less than in 100 years was disgusting with Franks and since then was not the eastern, and French influence.

In 798, Karl the Great helped his approximate Sunifred Count Barcelona. Under his authority was part of Southern France (Carcassonne, Him, Bezier). Radical Catalan Nationalists call the French Department of Eastern Pyrenees "Northern Catalonia".

A special Catalansky language began to form, which is not quite scientific, but still refer to the Spanish mixture with French (in Russian, the adjectives of Catalan "are distinguished - relating to the province, and" Catalan "- related to the language).

Three centuries of independence

In 985, the famous Cordin Caliph Al-Mansur (Almanzor) captured Barcelona for a short time, but after three years Arabs were again expelled, and without any help to experienced the best times of France. Graf Borrel II announced his own ownership of an independent state.

Supporters of Catalan independence consider this event "Birth of Catalonia".

In 1164, Barcelona county through a dynastic marriage became part of the Aragonian kingdom, which in the XIII-XV centuries was a powerful power and controlled, in addition to the considerable part of the Mediterranean coast of Spain, also Naples, Sicily, Sardinia and Mallorca.

Since 1359, a parliament has existed in Aragon (Cortesa), which made it by the standards of that time by one of the most democratic states in Europe.

In 1469, the young Aragon King Ferdinand married the only heir to the throne of Castile Isabelle.

Spouses, known as "Catholic monarchs", created a single Spain, existing Donyn - from the point of view of Madrid, performed the age-old dream of the people, but not everyone thinks in Barcelona.

Ferdinand and Isabella remained in history, on the one hand, thanks to the support of Columbus's expeditions, on the other hand to the Jews and Muslims and the institution of the Inquisition.

Old insults

A single state from the very beginning was not created on the principles of parity. It is actually not about combining two equal subjects, but on the inclusion of Aragon into the composition of the Castile.

The Aragon Kingdom formally existed before 1714, when as a result of the All-Eway War for the Spanish Inheritance King of Spain under the name Philip V became the grandson of Louis XIV. His descendants occupy the throne of Spain and soy.

Aragonians and Catalans in that war basically supported another challenger, Karl Austria, and, according to some historians, were because of this kind of submitted second grade.

Since 1869, when the liberal constitution was adopted in Spain and supporters of Catalan independence were able to publicly declare themselves, this idea was relevant, it went to the background, but did not die.

Right holder illustration Public Domain. Image Caption. The Aragon parliament was one of the first in Europe

The mode of General Franco was especially strengthened, because of which, in the eyes of the parties of the Spanish provinces, Madrid began to be associated with suppression, and the separation - with freedom.

Although Spanish left separatism also did not welcome. When on October 6, 1934, the Catalan Parliament voted for independence, the Republican government of Spain declared it to be treated and answered arrests.

Nevertheless, the Catalan nationalists who began two years later, the Catalan nationalists supported the Republicans, believing that military dictatorship was even worse. Their leader Louis Company was shot by Frankists, which had existed from the beginning of the 20th century Catalan autonomy abolished, the language is prohibited in public sector.

After the transition of Spain to democracy in 1979, autonomy was restored, and Catalanis received official status.

In 2006, the central government significantly expanded the rights of local governments and provided Catalonia the right to dispose of all local taxes and half the central taxes collected in the provinces.

Nevertheless, part of Catalan citizens and politicians believe that this is not enough.

In the referendum on October 1, 2017, according to the Catalan authorities, 2.2 million people took part (5.3 million voters were registered in total). More than 90% of the voters spoke in favor of independence.

Catalans walk along the path of Croats and Slovenians, Slovaks and Macedonians, while having much more significant differences from the dominant ethnic

Events in Catalonia put in a deadlock of ordinary Russians, accustomed to looking at this autonomy from the tourist's point of view, who likes the Barcelonets restaurants and the beaches of Costa Brava, but which it is unclear how in such a cute land there may be any disputes and impulses to independence. In order to understand this, you need to refer to the history and culture of not only Catalonia, but also Spain.

Neyny State

Let's start with the fact that in this country its official language is not called Spanish. There is Castilian language. Thus, it is emphasized that not all residents of Spain are Spanish and that they have no common language. Spanish for many of them sounds as if Russian called Russian. This is a clear example of the fact that the difficulties of self-identification in the Pyrenean Peninsula are superior to those in Russia, where it is sometimes difficult to catch the difference between Russian and Russian.

Spain as a single state arose at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries at all as the National State of the Spanish People. It was the result of the unification of the Kingdom of Castile and Aragon, whose part of which was Catalonia (geographically, but not politically), as a result of dynastic union. Later, part of the Kingdom of Navarre was added to them. It was largely formal: until 1707-1716, there were two governments - Castilsk and Aragon, and their laws were kept on the territory of each former kingdoms, their own coin was minted, etc.

The situation can be compared with the association in the same 1707 year of England and Scotland, when the latter, losing political independence, retained its system of law and jurisprudence (and after 300 years, simultaneously with the Catalan, the problem of Scottish independence reappeared again).

None in the XVI, nor in the XVIII century it was not about the rights of Catalan as a nation. The mentality of that time did not consider politics in such categories. The kingdom of Aragon was not in any case the Catalan state, because the Spaniards and Italians lived in it. Similarly, Zaporizhia Sich was not in the same years, the "Ukrainian" state, but appears only in retrospection of romantic nationalist authors.

The National Day of Catalonia, celebrated on September 11 in honor of the fall of Barcelona in 1714, has a little attitude towards genuine events of that time. The centralization policy of the Spanish monarchy can be considered as a progressive business: for example, customs duties were destroyed when moving from one part of the country to another.

What really had the consequences for the Catalon culture, so it is a ban on the use of their language in official institutions. Catalansky language is the closest relative of Oksitan (Provencal), on which South France said to the Language "genocide" of the 20th century. In other words, Catalan / Oksitsky belongs to both Spanish and French, approximately as Ukrainian to Russian. Catalansky speak except Catalonia in Valencia, where the regional self-consciousness is stronger, because it is called Valencian, and on the Balearic Islands. Cultural and historically Barcelona closer to Marseil, than to Madrid or Seville. Catalonia is a natural continuation of the Mediterranean community, which includes the southern coast of France with the Cote d'Azur.

As in cases with the Ukrainian and Belarusian, in the modern centralized state, Catalansky is a language that is not state-owned, he died. By the end of the 20th century, it was spoken only in the deep province. And the reasons for this were rooted not so much in repressive measures, as in the radiance of the language.

However, since the XIX century, there was a powerful nationalist movement in Catalonia, which was based primarily on the economic achievements of the province. Barcelona was by that time became the most developed city of Spain, but because the Catalans could not claim a wide participation in the government due to the numerical superiority of other regions, their efforts focused on obtaining possible greater autonomy. This impulse during the 20th century has repeatedly led to sharp formats of confrontation, up to armed.

Hope for Catalonia.

When after the death of Franco in Spain, autonomous regions were created, Catalonia, having received appropriate rights, calmed down for almost 40 years. Catalan was restored in his rights. However, the logic of the existence of nationalist parties, and the local parties in Catalonia are increasingly or less - nationalist, pushed to the nomination of new requirements.

In order to stand out among other parties, and inside the party - the leader, it was necessary to declare louder about independence as the ultimate goal. Gradually moderate leaders, such as Jordei Gubol, 23 years old who led Catalonia, were replaced by more radical, as the current Carla Puchdemon, and they themselves switched to more decisive positions.

Our conservative perception of Spain as a single state should not blame the reality. Catalans walk along the path of Croats and Slovenians, Slovaks and Macedonians, while having much more significant differences from the dominant ethnos. The current borders of Spain are in many ways random. So, Catalonia in the XVII century for ten years passed under the power of France, and its northern part, Roussillon, there remained. From 1581 to 1640, Portugal was annexed by Spain, that is, the story is in a different story, Portugal and now could be the Spanish autonomy (and the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding independence would be terrified), and Catalonia would be part of France or a long time ago.

Madrid persists in his non-recognition, because it does not want to create a precedent, because in Spain there are still Galicia, where they speak Galician - in the language close to the relative Portuguese. There is a mysterious Basque, the most ancient language of Europe. If Catalonia succeeds independence, the country of Basques will disappear from Spain, where nationalism is even stronger and militant, then Galicia, after Valencia. In the depths of the soul, Madrid politicians perfectly understand the patchwork character of their country.

But this problem goes beyond Spain. It turns out that in the European Union, other provinces do not see the meaning in intermediary instances among themselves and Brussels. The inhabitants of Scotland or Catalonia are able to do well without London and Madrid in solving their problems. They do not threaten military invasions as last centuries, the tasks of defense and foreign policy, they may well be handed over to the EU, and with internal understanding independently.

Therefore, today I look at Catalonia with the hope of who with fear and in Corsica, and in Wales, and in Brittany, and in Flanders. From the outcome of the local events will depend on the fate of multinational European states. On the horse is the question - whether they will preserve a single whole or peaceful self-seep care?