The benefits and harm of the Alexandrian loss leaf. Alexandrian Sheet - Help In the Cleansing of the body Alexandrian leaf Medical properties and harm

Alexandrian leaf is a small branching shrub with a long straight stem, whose height is about 1 meter. The plant belongs to the bean family, has small leaflets that are located in pairs. There are several such steams. In aggregate with leaves, Alexandrian leaf has yellow flowers that are harmoniously located in inflorescences. The plant has therapeutic properties, in particular, the healing force possesses the beans that are collected in October.

Territory of distribution

Alexandrian leaf can often be found in countries in Africa and Asian deserts. Shrub also sprouts in Pakistan and China. On the territory of these mill, the plant has considerable value. In Russia, it is grown only by an artificial way, in the greenhouses.

In addition to the fruits, the useful properties have the leaves of the plant. They are collected in order to make an effective pharmaceutical preparation. In frequent cases, therapeutic serums, teas are created, which is added to the extract of leaves or fruits. The leaves are going in the summer, about the end of August, in frequent cases they are mined when the fruits are already ripe, namely in early October.

Cases of use of drugs containing plants extract

For storage, they are laid out on a dry smooth surface in the shadow. It is better to use paper or cardboard boxes. Thanks to a rich chemical composition, which includes elements such as resin, phytostrins, anthraglycosides, made medicines have an impact on the intestines, improving its work. The pharmaceutical area produces a considerable number of laxatives. Alexandrian leaf is actively used to get rid of hemorrhoids, with liver and gallbladder diseases. The medicine is often used if there are skin diseases.

It cannot be said that the plant has an instant effect. His effect is noticeable for 3-4 day of use. In the pharmacy, you can purchase a variety of drugs: powders, tincture, therapeutic tea and others.

Alexandria Slimming Sheet

The plant helps to fight excessive toxins very well, effectively removes slags from the body. Thanks to the elements that are part of, the activity of the intestine is noticeably improved, the metabolism becomes better. This action contributes to the element entitled "Anti-Glycoside". It also has excellent antiseptic properties.

Contraindications to use

Before taking medications, you need to learn about the presence and absence of allergies. There are contraindications of consumption. For example, if a person has a too sensitive intestine, there are exacerbations in this area, the plant is categorically prohibited. In some diseases of the liver, it is also not recommended to take medicines containing an Alexandrian leaf. When cystitis and pregnancy also have contraindications to use.

Recipe for cooking at home

In traditional medicine there are many ways to cook at home. The most basic way: 1 tablespoon of plant fruits or its leaves poured 1 tbsp. boiling water. The tool must draw about 8 hours. After, it should be carefully strain. The broth is recommended to take 2 times a day before bedtime and in the morning.

The use of the Alexandrian sheet is widespread all over the world. In most cases, people buy it in order to get rid of extra kilograms in a short period. Medicines have a good impact on the activities of many organs, in particular liver and intestines. Before applying it, you must consult a doctor.

For a long time, it is used for therapy of many human diseases. He also has another well-known name - Ospret Cassia.

Dry Senna extracts are used as an effective laxative remedy with familiar constipation, Alexandrian leaf, in contrast to many other drugs, acts on the patient's body very softly, therefore, when it is used, a person, as a rule, does not have discomfort. He does not cause too strong Alexandrian leaf well exciting appetite. It is also used as a component of antihemmaid tea. Among the positive effects of this drug on the body should be noted the effect of Senna on antitoxic and biliary liver functions.

Alexandrian leaf, whose properties are determined by its chemical composition, contains a large number of anthraglycosides, sterols, flavonoids, organic acids and alkaloids. SENNE contains magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium, potassium, selenium and other micro and macroelements. Cassia is the ostrotiste is a perennial tropical plant (semi-staple, shrub) of the legume family. Its height reaches 1 m.

Cassia has all-acy, lanceal, pointed leaflets. They are leathery and short-flower. The leaves of this plant are complex, the next, parallers, have up to 8 pairs of leaves. They are precisely the drug raw materials, popular in many countries of the world. The Alexandrian leaf collected in the brush (styling inflorescences). Blossom occurs from June to August. Fruits (small beans with a lot of seeds) ripen in late September. The birthplace of this plant is considered to be the coast of the Red Sea, the valley of the Nile and

Alexandrian leaf cannot be taken without consulting the attending physician, since he, like most of the folk drugs, can cause a number of side effects. So, when using dry sand extract, harsh abdominal pains, meteorism, a strong rumbling may occur. Although such phenomena are observed extremely rarely and disappear after the use of this means is stopped, it is impossible to take an uncontrollable Alexandria. With prolonged use, it is often noted by addiction to the body to cassia preparations that reduce its effectiveness.

This popular popular laxative is produced in tablets or in the form of crushed dried leaves in packs and briquettes. Tablets consume 1-2 pcs. Daily before meals or night.

The chain of the sheet is prepared from 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials, which is placed in a small enameled dishes and beanged with a glass of boiling water. Capacity is closed with a dense lid and heated for another half an hour. Ready infusion cooled. After that, it is filled with, the sheet is pressed and the volume of infusion of up to 250 ml of warm boiled water is adjusted again. A ready-made means is stored in coolness up to 2 days. Typically, this infusion is taken in the morning and before bedtime on 1/3 or 1/2 cup.

Botanical Characteristics of Alexandrian Sheet

Senna (Kassia is narrowly, senna) refers to the family of legume plants. The semi-staple has a reprehensive, branched stem. Complex leaves, regular. Their peculiarity is in the presence of several pairs of lanceath-like leaflets (maximum - up to five pairs).

For Alexandria, bright yellow color flowers are characteristic. Flowers are assembled into the stubborn, cysterious inflorescence. The fruits of the plant are flat beans with parchment sash, which houses from 6 to 8 seeds. Blossoms medicinal plant in the period from June to September. Beans ripen in October.

In height, Alexandrian leaf reaches no more than 1 meter.

The birthplace of wild plants are the most arid places of the world - East Africa and the deserts of Asia. It is worth noting that in the countries of South China, Central Asia, Pakistan and India, Kassia narcollar is considered a valuable medicinal plant.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the Alexandrian Sheet in the wildlock does not grow. It is grown artificially, on specially equipped plantations.

Useful properties of the Alexandrian Sheet

Alexandrian Sheet - Medicinal Plant. Its leaves are particularly valuable, it is most often used as medicinal raw materials. Some recipes involve the use of fruits.

The leaves are collected twice in one season: in August, as soon as the bottom (roasting) leaves please, then after 1-1.5 months. They are laid out with a thin layer and thoroughly dried outdoors in the shade. Special attention is paid to the storage of leaves. An ideal is considered a box of cardboard or tight paper.

The fruits and leaves of the Alexandrian leaf are interesting in the content of anthraglycosides (sennidine, -emodin), as well as flavonoids, anthra-produced, alkaloids, resins, organic acids and phytosterols.

Alexandrian leaf has a positive effect on the motor function of the thick bowel, for this reason it is used as a laxative and choleretic agent. It is used in the form of infusions and decoctions at, the cracks of the rear pass, with some diseases of the liver and gallbladder. The beneficial properties of the medicinal plant are effective in acute conjunctivitis, pyodermia and various skin diseases.

The laxative effect after receiving the bravery with the Alexandria Sheet, as a rule, is observed on the second or third day of reception, however, the first results will be noticeable not more than 6-8 hours.

Official medicine offers aquatic infusion of plants, extracts, solid dosage forms and powders.

You can cook infusion at home, it is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of raw materials is poured with 1 glass of hot water, they insist eight hours, filtered and take 0.5 glasses before bedtime.

The recipe rate of the beam is simple and efficient: 2 tablespoons of the raw materials of the Alexandrian leaf must be pouring 1/4 liters of hot boiled water, withstand 30 minutes in a water bath, cool, strain; By adding boiled water, bring the volume of fluid to the initial level. Take 0.5 glasses of therapeutic beam in the morning and in the evening.

Contraindications for the use of Alexandrian Sheet

The range of application of the plant is quite wide, but before proceeding with independent treatment, it is strongly recommended to obtain consultation from a qualified specialist.

Alexandria Slimming Sheet

Cassia Alexandria is effectively used to combat overweight (including obesity), with toxins, wheel deposits. Laxative teas prepared on its basis are popular for a long time. The herb of the Alexandrian leaf is known for the content of valuable biologically active substances (anthraglycosides), due to the laxative and antiseptic properties of which the intestinal peristalsis is enhanced, its motility is stimulated and, that is particularly important, the likelihood of fat suction is significantly reduced. Food residues are easily and gently released from the intestine. The use of Alexandrian Sheet is efficient and safe. Slimming is due to the normalization of the intestinal work.

Taking a decoction, it must be remembered that in everything we need a measure. In large doses, such a medicine can lead to unpleasant consequences: due to the resins contained, the stomach and intestines, spastic pain, intestinal dystrophy may occur.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna | Phytotherapist.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "Therapeutic business" and "therapy" was obtained at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the department of phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples (2008).

Alexandrian leaf, still known to the names of the hay, the cassia is narrowly, the bean family. This type of plant is a semi-staple, has a vertical and branchy stem. Leaves are complex and regular, have lanceal leaflets. Alexandrian leaf has yellow bright flowers, they can be collected in a creeping and stubby inflorescence.
Fruits are flat beans, they contain up to 8 seeds. Coloring this type of plant begins at the beginning of summer, finishes in autumn. Beans are ready in the middle of autumn. The plant can reach a height of one meter.

Description of Alexandria Lyta

You can meet plants in Asia, in the east of Africa, also in South China, Pakistan, Central Asia and India, this plant is valued for its medicinal properties.

In Russia, Alexandria list is only cultivated, does not grow in a wild form. It can be grown artificially, plantations can specially equip.

Useful properties of the Alexandrian Sheet

Plants are a medicinal species, the most leaves are valued, therefore they are used as medicinal raw materials. Also apply and fruits. It is necessary to collect leaves twice in the season, it is best to do this in August when the leaves at the roots begin to turn yellow, then in a month. They need to lay out a small layer, to dry well in the air. It is very important to keep the leaves properly, it is best to do it in a cardboard box.

The fruits and leaves of the plant contain a large amount of chemicals - flavonoids, organic acids, phytosterols, alkaloids. Due to their Alexandrian leaves, it helps to cure diseases in the thick intestine, this is one with the best choleretic and laxatives. It can be used to prepare informations, ragger with hemorrhoid, which is accompanied by the appearance, with problems with the liver, bubble. Medicinal plant will help heal acute conjunctivitis, piederma and other skin diseases.


The laxative effect after a ragger based on the plant will notice only three days after taking it inside. Traditional medicine uses extract for the treatment with Alexandria, infusion on the water. It is not difficult to cook it yourself, for this it will take a tablespoon of plants, glass boiling water, insist until 8 o'clock, strain and drink overnight.

A decoction based on the Alexandria sheet is a simple and effective view of the plant so that it is necessary to take two tablespoons of the plants, 200 ml of boiling water, all boil half an hour, cool.

Alexandrian leaf will help to overcome, relieve obesity, toxins, felling deposits, slags. Since a long time, laxative teas are valued based on this type of plant, it is not only an effective laxative, but also a good antiseptic agent, with which you can establish intestinal peristaltics, improve its motorcy, so fats will not be so absorbed, and the residue , slags can be easily removed from the intestine. This type of plant is a safe way to lose weight, with its help you can normalize the intestinal work.

But remember that when taking a decoction, it is very important to observe the dosage, because if this does not do, the stomach and the intestines can be very irritated, the dystrophic process will appear in it and pain of spastic nature.

The tincture with the leaf of Alexandrian is used in articular pain, if a person has a light shape losing, constipation, epilepsy, worried strong headaches. With fresh leaves, you can cook such a useful infusion, but it will take one liter of Kagor. Insist this medicine you need three weeks, do not forget to mix. Drink 50 ml before meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Infusion from the leaves is recommended to be taken with a chronic character constipation, for this you need to grind dry leaves, pour it with one glass of water, strain. The tea based on Alexandrian Sheet will help hemorrhoids. But for this, such components are also needed - the crust crust, yarrow, fruit. Everything needs to be poured boiling water, insist until 20 minutes.

For the preparation of laxue, tea will need Alexandria, Krushshka, licorice root, Anisa fruits. Drink up to three times a day.

You can prepare a healing remedy for constipation, it will take a drill, a finely chopped Alexandria sheet, all mixed, pour water.

Also, with the help of such a collection, atherosclerosis can be heal, it will not allow the harmful cholesterol to be absorbed, in order to make it you need to take 15 grams of rose rose, birch leaves, peppermint, fruits of carrots, kidney tea (grass), Alexandrian leaf, mix well, Pour a liter of boiling water, one hour is insist. Drink up to three times a day after eating.

When collecting spastic nature, it is recommended to take such a collection, for him you need to mix the fruits of Fennel, cumin, gray aulh, the grass of mint peppermint, the root of Altea, St. John's wort, the pharmaceutical chamomile, the crushed Alexandria sheet, all pour boiling water, insist.

Contraindications for the use of Alexandrian Sheet

The plant is widely used in therapeutic purposes, but this does not mean that it is possible to deal with self-treatment, it is very important to first consult with the phytotherapist so that he told in detail about the peculiarities of the plant, how to use it correctly, in what situations it is contraindicated. You can not drink a broth, infusion based on Alexandrian sheet, if inflammation in the intestines, with liver diseases, cystitis, in cases of violation of the exchange of both electrolyte and water, is also contraindicated by Alexandria pregnant women. It is very important to take breaks between treatment so that it does not have addiction.

Thus, the Alexandria sheet is one of the best means for cleansing the intestines and weight loss.

The plant cassia is a narrow, or alexandry leaf, often use herbalists in their drugs. Not surprisingly, this plant of the legume family is favorable to work the gastrointestinal tract, helps purification of the body and helps reduce weight.

Alexandrian Cassia reaches a height of one meter. The plant has a branched stem, on which complex, narrow leaves are located. Flower shrubs with yellow flowers.

The Latin name of the plant Senna Alexandrina, but in the people it is called the American Sennaya, Cassia of the Ostrotiste, Egyptian Sennaya. Medicinal raw materials (leaflets) are collected in summer. The Fruits of Sennes also apply in medicine, they receive cafiol.

In the leaves of SENNA contain resinous substances, sennozides. The composition of the plant contains flavonoids, anthraglycosides, phytosterols, resins, alkaloids.

For a long time, the medicinal plant was actively used in pharmacology, but recent studies have shown that a long and uncontrolled reception can lead to liver diseases and the immune system.

Useful properties of the Alexandrian Sheet

The main advantage of Medicinal Senna is a laxative effect. Therefore, the plant is actively used to purify the intestines, weight loss. From the dried leaves prepare chasters and infusions, powders and extracts.

Alexandrian Senna favorably affects the motor function of the thick bowel. The decoction has a choleretic and diuretic effect.

The Alexandrian Sheet is applied under the following diseases:

  • with inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes;
  • under cholecystitis;
  • with acute conjunctivitis;
  • with purulent skin damage;
  • with difficulties with defecation;
  • with dysentery;
  • with eye diseases;
  • under swells.

After using a healing beverage based on Senna, the effect can be felt in 6-8 hours. The advantage of using Senna is that this grass acts gently, without causing abdominal pain. The suction process in the small intestine is not violated at regular reception. At least five hours an intestinal emptying occurs.

Recipes of herbalists

Herbalists and characteristics advise to use Alexandria Cassia in different forms.

Tincture Senna

For cooking take fresh leaves of Alexandrian Senna. They are poured with good red wine, better than "Kahore" in the number of one liter. The tincture is insisted for three weeks, the contents are periodically shaking. The finished tincture is taken 50 ml before eating three times a day.

Cooking ins

With constant constipation you need to cook infusion. Senhal chopped leaflets are poured with cold water and leave for the night. In the morning, infusion is filled. Drink this drink is needed during the day.

For the preparation of infusion with raisins, it is necessary to take 250 g of Senna leaves, pour the liter of boiling water. Separately pour a liter of boiling water a glass of raisum. For an hour, insist, then two mixtures strain and mix. Add a tinnistant tincture in the infusion. For weight loss, this infusion take 14 days in the amount of 100 ml per night.

Decoration from Senna

Grinding leaves are poured with water, boil about 12 minutes, then insist about 50 minutes. After the filping, you can take a remedy on the tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Cooking tea from Senna

With hemorrhoids, you can prepare herbal tea from several medicinal components. To do this, mix the bark of the crash, the leaflets of the Senna, the millennium inflorescences, the root of licorice and the fruits of the coriander. About 30 g of the mixture is poured with boiling water, about 20 minutes insist. Drink at night 100 ml.

In chronic constipation, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of the jester berries, anise fruit, the leaves of the Senna and the roots of the urchine and licorice. Tea need to drink three times a day.

Senna-based paste

To get rid of constipation, you can cook a delicious paste based on the Alexandrian sheet. It will take prunes, kuraga, figs, all this needs to be boiled and scroll on the meat grinder. To the resulting mixture add finely chopped leaflets of Senna. The remedy on the tablespoon is diluted in 120 ml of water and take once a day.

Preparations of Cassia

Based on Alexandrian leaf, they are produced in capsules and pills. The composition is usually extract of Senna leaves, sometimes there are additional components.

Alexandrian Senna when weight loss

It is not worth starting independent treatment of obesity by the Sennaya without consulting a doctor. For weight loss and the need to obtain a laxative effect, tablets or capsules are usually taken in the evenings. Dosage should pick up a specialist.

This method has side effects and a number of flaws.

With overdose, long-term reception can occur:

  • bloating;
  • incessant diarrhea;
  • stomaching pains;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • signs of dehydration.

It is necessary to take into account that Senna will have a permanent laxative action. It is better not to go for a long time from the house at the time of such weight loss. The course is usually 5 days.

If any adverse signs appeared, painful symptoms that are not passing over the day, you need to contact a specialist, and the reception of Senna stop.

Course cleansing the body

For the cleansing of the body, after consultation with the doctor, you can go through a seven-day course.

To do this, cook a decoction, boils the Senna spoon in a glass of water. The decoction insists half an hour. Take it need according to the scheme:

The first day is one third of the glass. Every day the dosage increases by 20 ml. On the seventh day you need to drink one brand glass. Every day you need to cook fresh drink, since it is not stored for more than one day. Take the infusion two hours after eating.

Who can not be taken by Senna

There are a lot of chronic diseases under which no funds cannot be taken with the leaves of Senna:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • internal bleeding;
  • diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • acute inflammation of the peritoneum organs;
  • diseases of vessels and hearts;
  • pregnancy;
  • cystitis;
  • postpartum period;
  • diarrhea;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy.

It is impossible to drink an Alexandrian leaf in children and adolescence, as well as in individual intolerance.

Do not forget that the reception of tea with Alexandria is possible only after agreeing with the attending physician, eliminating all possible contraindications. Only so you can achieve the correct purification of the body, a slight weight loss. Long taking grass is contraindicated to everyone, otherwise the intestine will work out to work itself, problems with the withdrawal of fees without laxatives.