Basics of scientific research studies allowance. Lectures at the rate basis of scientific research for undergraduates of specialties

The fundamental principles and elements of scientific research are considered in relation to the specifics of the technical operation of cars and systems of ground transport and transport equipment. The characteristic is given and are examples of work under consideration and active experiments. Separate questions of the preparation and processing of production research results with the ability to use the popular Statistica program (Versions 5.5A and 6.0) for the Windows environment are fairly presented.
For students of higher education institutions.

Characteristic features of modern science.
The following features are inherent in modern science:
1. Communication with production. Science has become a direct productive force. About 30% of scientific achievements serve as production. At the same time, science also works on itself (fundamental studies, search engines, etc.), although, as experience shows, this direction is not evolving enough, especially in the field of road transport problems. In the field of technical operation, more attention should be paid to prognostic and search engines.

2. Mass of modern science. Along with the increase in the number of scientific institutions and employees, capital investments in science are significantly increasing, especially in advanced Western countries. Despite the difficulties in this regard, related to the transitional period to the market economy in Russia's life, in the budgets of the country in recent times, there is a sustainable tendency to increase investments in fundamental studies with state importance.

Chapter 1. Basic concepts and definitions of the training course "Fundamentals of scientific research"
1.1. Concepts about science
1.2. Characteristic features of modern science
1.3. Definition and classification of scientific research
1.4. Scientific research methods for technical operation of cars
1.5. Choice of scientific research theme
1.6. Stages of scientific research
1.7. Main objectives and approaches Scientific research, the essence of the passive and active experiment
Chapter 2. The use of patterns of scattering of continuous random variables during the study of the operational reliability of cars and other indicators of their work on motor transport enterprises
2.1. Random variables and capabilities for processing experimental data based on computer programs
2.2. Treatment of random variables associated with scattering of the indicator under study, on the example of studying the durability of automotive parts, nodes and aggregates
2.3. Graphic interpretation of random variables and building histograms
2.4. Random variables distribution laws
2.5. Checking the compliance of the distribution law by empirical data based on the Person's criterion
2.6. The concept of a confidence interval and a trust probability with a statistical assessment of random variables scattering characteristics
2.7. Determining the size of the sample and organization of observations for cars when studying the indicators of their operation in operation
Chapter 3. Using Student's criteria, Fisher and Dispersion analysis when identifying the discrepancy of compared samples of random variables and justify the possibility of their association. Separation of mixed samples
3.1. The simplest case of testing "zero" hypothesis about the belonging of two samples of one general aggregate
3.2. Single-factor and multifactor dispersion analyzes as general methods for checking the discrepancy between average with a large number of statistical samples
3.3. The use of cluster analysis and method of selecting the distribution law in a limited data range for the separation of mixed samples
3.4. An example of using the principles of separation and combining samples to determine the standards for the method of diagnosing the environmental safety of carburetor cars in their tests for unloaded cross-country drums
Chapter 4. Smoothing of stochastic dependencies. Correlation and regression analyzes
4.1. Smoothing stochastic experimental dependencies According to the least squares method for the case of single-factor linear regression
4.2. The determination coefficient and its use to assess the accuracy and adequacy of a single-factor linear regression model
4.3. Matrix methods for determining the coefficients of the equations of multi-factor regressions represented by N-th degree polynomials
4.4. Evaluation of accuracy and adequacy of a multifactor regression model of linear and nonlinear (powerful) species
4.5. Implementation of the forecast on developed regression models and identifying abnormal initial data
Chapter 5. Application of active multifactor experiments when solving the tasks of technical operation of cars
5.1. The simplest case of statistical planning of an active single-factor experiment
5.2. Planning an active two-factor experiment
5.3. Orthogonal planning of an active experiment for a linear model with the number of factors more than two and the ability to reduce the number of basic experiments by using replicas of various fragments
5.4. Experiment planning when searching for optimal conditions
5.5. Nonlinear active experiment planning to obtain models of second-order multifactor dependencies and search for extremal values \u200b\u200bof the response function
Chapter 6. Features of component analysis and main prerequisites for its application when managing the process of technical operation of cars
6.1. Basic principal approaches in assessing influencing factors using multi-step regression and component analyzes
6.2. Method of the main component
6.2.1. General characteristics of the main component method
6.2.2. Calculation of the main components
6.2.3. The main numerical characteristics of the main components
6.2.4. Selection of the main components and the transition to generalized factors
6.3. Examples of using component analysis when solving the process of controlling the process of technical operation of cars
Chapter 7. Imitation modeling as a method for obtaining quantitative assessments of promising organizational and technological systems for maintaining car performance
7.1. The possibilities of imitation modeling in the study of options for applying external and built-in car transportation diagnostics
7.2. Basic strategies to maintain a good technical condition for a separate element (parts, assembly, assembly) of a car
7.3. Basic organizational and technological options for maintenance and repair of cars on general use ATP, subject to model research
7.4. The results of the simulation of the main options for organizing the repair and repair on the use of stationary and built-in diagnosis on motor transport enterprises
Chapter 8. Instrument and metrological support for scientific research on motor transport enterprises
8.1. Basic concepts and definitions in the field of metrology
8.2. Metrological service
8.3. Metrological Research Research
8.4. Normation of metrological characteristics
8.5. Measurement of physical quantities, sources of errors
8.6. Types of mistakes
Attachment 1
Appendix 2.
Appendix 3.
Appendix 4.
Appendix 5.
Appendix 6.
Appendix 7.

Brief course of lectures on discipline

"Fundamentals of scientific research"

Associate Professor of the Department of Theory

and history of state

Slavova N.A.

Work plan on the discipline "Fundamentals of scientific research"


Topic 1. Subject and course system "Basics of scientific research". Science and science.

Topic 2. The system of educational and educational qualification levels. System of scientific (scientists) degrees and scholars.

Topic 3. System of scientific institutions.

Topic 4. Preparatory Stage of Scientific Research.

Topic 5. Research Stage.

Topic 6. Methodology and methodology of scientific research. Types of methods.

Topic 7. Final Stage of Scientific Research

Topic 1. Subject and course system "Basics of scientific research". Science and science plan

    Item, tasks, goal of the course "Fundamentals of scientific research"

    The general characteristic of science and scientific activity

    Concepts of science

    Types of scientific works and their overall characteristics

    Ludchenko A.A. Fundamentals of scientific research: EDUCATION. benefit. - K.: Knowledge, 2000.

    Pilipchuk M.І., Grigor'єєv A.S., Shostak V.V. Basements of sciences Delivery. - K., 2007. - 270c.

    P'Yatnitsyka-Pozdnyakova І.S. The bases of the sciences are levily, the viable school. - K., 2003. - 270c.

    Romance VI. Basements of sciences Delivery. - K.: Center for Study Lіterac. - 254С.

5. Sabitov R.A. Fundamentals of scientific research. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of the Chelyabinsk State University, 2002. - 139c.

6. About INFORMAYYYYY: Law of Ukraine Vіd 2 Zovning 1992r. (IZ Zmіninov that dops) // Vіdomosti Verkhovnaya for Ukraine. - 1992. - № 48. - Art. 650.

7. About Scientific and Scientific and Tehnіchna Dyalnіst: Ukraine of Ukraine Vіd 13 Breasts 1991 r. (IZ Zmіninov that dops) // Vіdomosti Verkhovnaya for Ukraine. - 1992. - № 12. - Art. 165.

8. On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy: Law of the Russian Federation of August 23, 1996 (with changes and additions) [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

9. On information, information technologies and the protection of information: the law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 (with changes and additions) [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

"Fundamentals of scientific research" are one of the introductory learning disciplines preceding the fundamental study of jurisprudence. However, in contrast to other disciplines of an introductory or auxiliary nature, this course is the first stage not only and not so much in the study of legal science, as in the study of such a complex scientific field as lawy.

Subject of the course "Fundamentals of scientific research": Methodological foundations of the organization and methodology for the implementation of scientific research.

purpose: To form students from students a number of skills and skills necessary for independent creative activities in the science and writing of scientific (course, thesis and other qualifications) work.

Tasks: studying the general rules for writing and issuing scientific work, the sequence of actions performed by the researcher at each of the stages of scientific activities; familiarization with the basic methods of scientific research, logical rules for the presentation of the material; Acquisition of the skills of searching and processing legal scientific literature, output and referencing material, the preparation of annotations and theses, design of references and a list of sources used; Mastering the language of scientific work and familiarization with the conceptual apparatus of scientific research.

Modern society cannot exist without science. In the conditions of the economic, political, environmental crisis, science performs the main tool in solving the relevant problems. In addition, the economic and social position of the state directly depends on legal science, since the success of innovative development, financial stability, etc. It is impossible without scientific research in the field of jurisprudence.

Therefore, science is a productive force of society, the knowledge of knowledge accumulated by humanity, optimal means of impact on it, forecasting and the prospects for the progressive development of society, reflects the relationship between scientists, scientific institutions, and the authorities, and also determines the axiological value aspects of science.

The concept of "science" includes both the activities of obtaining new knowledge and the result of this activity - the "amount" of the scientific knowledge gained, which together create a scientific picture of the world.

The science - this is a knowledge system about the objective laws of reality, the process of obtaining activities, systematization of new knowledge (about nature, society, thinking, technical means in the use of human activity) in order to obtain scientific resultsbased on certain principles and methods.

Modern science It consists of various branches of knowledge that interact and at the same time have relative independence. The division of science to certain species depends on the selected criteria and the tasks of its systematization. Branches of science are usually classified in three main directions:

Exact sciences - mathematics, informatics;

Natural sciences: study of natural phenomena;

Social Sciences: Systematic Study human behavior and society.

In accordance with Art. 2 of the Russian Law "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy" (hereinafter referred to as the Law of the Russian Federation) n.auropean (Research) Activities- Activities aimed at obtaining and applying new knowledge, including:

fundamental scientific research - experimental or theoretical activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the basic laws of the structure, functioning and development of man, society, the environment;

applied scientific research - Studies aimed primarily to apply new knowledge to achieve practical goals and solving specific tasks;

search scientific research - Studies aimed at obtaining new knowledge for their subsequent practical application (oriented scientific research) and (or) to apply new knowledge (applied scientific research) and carried out by implementing research work.

Also, the Law of the Russian Federation determines scientific and (or) Scientific and technical result - This is a product of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities containing new knowledge or solutions and fixed on any information carrier.

The Law of Ukraine "On Scientific and Scientific and Technical Activities" gives the definitions of the following. Scientific activity - This is intellectual creative activity aimed at obtaining and using new knowledge. Its main forms are fundamental and applied scientific research.

Scientific research - A special form of the process of knowledge, systematic, targeted learning objects in which the means and methods of science are used, as a result of which knowledge of the test object is formulated. In turn, fundamental scientific research - scientific theoretical and (or) experimental activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the patterns of development of nature, society, humans, their relationships, and applied scientific research - Scientific activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge that can be used for practical purposes.

Scientific- researchactivity - This is a research activity that lies in the receipt of objectively new knowledge.

Since the goal of the course "Fundamentals of scientific research" to form students a number of skills and skills necessary for independent creative activities in the science and writing of scientific (course, thesis and other qualifications) work, it is necessary to pay attention to the organization of scientific activities when writing research, in particular course.

    Choosing the topic of scientific research. It is desirable that the topic of course work coincides with scientific interests.


    Planning. Subtractive planning (maintenance of scientific work) and temporary (execution of the calendar plan).

    Orientation for scientific result.

Each of the sciences has its own conceptual apparatus. All scientific concepts reflect (formulating) a static or dynamic objective, generally accepted reality. These concepts have a certain internal structure, comparative characteristic, and therefore concrete. They are usually generally accepted and in a certain sense of reference. It is from these concepts that any idea should be built, carrying objective information, scientific theory or discussion, other concepts.

It is necessary to pay attention to that the primary concept in the formation of scientific knowledge is scientific idea. Materialized expression scientific idea is hypothesis. Hypotheses, as a rule, are probabilistic and undergo in their development three stages:

Accumulation of actual material and extension based on it;

Formulation and justification of the hypothesis;

Check the results

If the resulting practical result matches the assumption, the hypothesis turns into scientific theory. The structure of the theory as a complex system is formed by the associated principles, laws, concepts, categories, facts.

Scientific work - This is a study in order to obtain a scientific result.

Types of scientific works:

    course work. In the first or fourth years of study, students perform this type of work. It is an independent educational and research work of a student who confirms the receipt of theoretical and practical skills on the disciplines that student studies.


    master's work;



    research Article;

    Basics of scientific research


    Science - Sphere research activitiesaimed at obtaining new knowledge about nature, society and thinking. Currently, the development of science is associated with the division and cooperation of scientific labor, the creation of scientific institutions, experimental and laboratory equipment. Being a consequence of public division of labor, science arises after the department of mental labor from the physical and transformation of cognitive activity into a specific nature of the special group of people. The emergence of large machine production creates conditions for the transformation of science into the active factor of production itself.

    The basis of this activity is to collect scientific facts, their continuous update and systematization, critical analysis and, on this basis, the synthesis of new scientific knowledge or generalizations that not only describe the observed natural or social phenomena, but also allow to build causal relationships and, as Consequence - predict. Those natural science theories and hypotheses that are confirmed by facts or experiments are formulated in the form of laws of nature or society.

    Scientific research, research based on the application of the scientific method provides scientific information and theories to explain the nature and properties of the surrounding world. Such a study may have practical application. Scientific research can be financed by the state, non-profit organizations, commercial companies and individuals. Scientific research can be classified according to their academic and applied nature.

    The main purpose of applied research (in contrast to the fundamental studies) is the detection, interpretation and development of methods and systems for improving human knowledge in various branches of human knowledge.

    Fig. Generalized scheme (algorithm) research

    1. Awareness of the problem

    The scientific problem is awareness, formulation of the concept of ignorance. If the problem is designated and formulated in the form of an idea, concept, then this means that you can start setting the problem to solve it. When introduced into the culture of the Russian language, the concept of "problem" has undergone transformation. In Western culture, the problem is the task of requiring solutions. In Russian culture, the problem is the strategic stage of solving the problem, at the ideological-conceptual level, when implicitly many conditions, the list of which can be formalized and taken into account in the formulation of the problem (list of conditions, parameters, boundary conditions (values \u200b\u200blimit) which are included in the terms of the problem).

    The more difficult the object of consideration (the more difficult the selected topic), the greater the ambiguous, uncertain issues (problems) it will accommodate, and the more difficult to formulate the task and to search for solutions there will be problems, that is, the problems of the scientific work must accommodate the classification and placement of priorities in the direction .

    The object of the study is a specific process or phenomenon of reality generating a problem situation. The object is a kind of carrier of the problem, what research activities are sent to.

    The subject of the research is a specific part of the object within which the search is conducted. The subject of research should be characterized by a certain independence, which will allow you to critically appreciate the hypothesis related to it. In each object you can allocate several research items.

    2. Decision on the study

    Under the research is usually understood as small scientific tasks relating to the specific topic of scientific research.

    The choice of directions, problems, themes of scientific research and the formulation of scientific issues is an extremely responsible task. The direction of study is often predetermined by the specifics of the scientific institution, the branch of science in which the researcher is working. Therefore, the choice of scientific directions for each individual researcher is often reduced to the selection of the science industry in which he wants to work. The specification of the direction of the study is the result of studying the state of production requests, social needs and the state of research in one or another direction on this period of time. In the process of studying the state and results of the already conducted studies, ideas of integrated use of several scientific directions may be formulated for solving production problems.

    1)Statement of the study. The wording of the object and the subject of the study.

    The purpose of the study is the general focus of the study, the expected end result. The purpose of the study indicates the nature of the objectives of the study and is achieved by solving them.

    The objectives of the study are a set of target attitudes that formulate basic requirements for the analysis and solving the problem under study.

    The object of the study is a field of practical activity to which the research process is sent. The selection of the research object determines the boundaries of the application obtained.

    The subject of the study is the essential properties of the object of the study, the cognition of which is necessary to solve the problem within which the object is studied in this particular study.

    The formulation of the problem and its preliminary study - the initial stage of the process of analytical work, on which the goals, objectives, subject, objects and the information base of the study are finally determined, the main results, methods and forms of implementation are predicted.

    The problem of research is a kind of issue, the answer to which is not contained in the accumulated knowledge, and its search requires analytical actions other than the information search.

    From an organizational point of view, the result of the stage must be a brief document, briefly reflecting the goals, objectives and basic parameters of the study. In a typical case, such a document called the study plan must include:

    Research goals. The problem of research should be described, its main tasks, describe the most important information that the producer hopes to get in the process of research. In conclusion, it is necessary to describe how this information can be used.

    Market segment and descriptions of the surveyed populations. This is a very important question, since, in a typical case, the object focus - group research is not all population, but only some key segments (electorate, population or demographic groups, etc.). The principle of allocating key segments defined by the objectives of the study should not be confused with the methodological principle of dismembering these segments on homogeneous groups (about it below).

    The scale of the study, i.e., the total number of groups and the number of geographic locations with a justification based on the objectives of the study and the cost of it.

    2)Collection of starting information

    To begin with, we will understand what information is.

    Information is a general scientific concept associated with the objective properties of matter and their reflection in the human consciousness.

    In modern science there are two types of information.

    Objective (primary) information is the property of material objects and phenomena (processes) to generate a diversity of states that are transmitted by other objects by interactions (fundamental interactions) and imprinted in their structure.

    Subjective (semantic, meaningful, secondary) information is the semantic content of objective information about objects and processes of the material world, formed by the consciousness of a person with the help of semantic images (words, images and sensations) and recorded on any material carrier.

    In the modern world, information is one of the most important resources and, at the same time, one of the driving forces of human society. Information processes occurring in the material world, wildlife and human society are studied (or at least taken into account) by all scientific disciplines from philosophy to marketing.

    The increasing complexity of scientific research problems led to the need to bring to solve large groups of scientists of different specialties. Therefore, almost all the theories under consideration below are interdisciplinary.

    Collection of information before designing one of the most essential and important steps. Let's see, why it is necessary and what actions can be included in it.

    The meaning of information collection is to get the maximum data on the area of \u200b\u200bthe problem. It helps to understand what has already been done by other people, as done, why it has been done that they are not done that users want. As a result, after collecting and processing information, we get fairly extensive knowledge for the next stage.

    3. Formulation of the hypothesis. Choosing a methodology. Drawing up a program and research plan. Selection of information base for research

    In science, ordinary thinking, we go from ignorance to know, from incomplete knowledge to a more complete. We have to put forward and then justify various assumptions to explain the phenomena and their connection with other phenomena. We put forward hypothesis that can go when they are confirmed into scientific theories or in separate true judgments, or, on the contrary, will be refuted and will be false judgments.

    The hypothesis is a scientifically reasonable assumption of the reasons or natural links of any phenomena or events of nature, society, thinking. The specificity of the hypothesis is to be a form of knowledge development - is predetermined by the main property of thinking, its constant motion - deepening and development, a person's desire to disclose new patterns and causing connections, which is dictated by the needs of practical life.

    The main properties of the hypothesis:

    · Uncertainty of true value;

    · Focus on the disclosure of this phenomenon;

    · Nomination of assumptions about the results of solving the problem;

    · The ability to put forward the "project" problem solving.

    As a rule, the hypothesis speaks on the basis of a number of confirming its observations (examples), and therefore it looks plausible. The hypothesis later or prove, turning it into an established fact, or refute, translating false statements into the discharge.

    The methodology of science, in a traditional understanding, is the doctrine of methods and procedures of scientific activity, as well as the section of the general theory of knowledge, in particular the theory of scientific knowledge and philosophy of science.

    The methodology, in an applied sense, is a system of principles and approaches of research activities, which researcher is based on during the preparation and development of knowledge within a specific discipline.

    Drawing up a program and research plan.

    An analysis of the work done should be carried out not only on the basis of the existing reporting documentation, but also through specially conducted sample statistical studies.

    The statistical study plan is drawn up in accordance with the planned program. The main issues of the plan are:

    · determination of the purpose of the study;

    · determination of the observation object;

    · determination of the work period at all stages;

    · specifying the type of statistical observation and method;

    · determining the place where observations will be carried out;

    · the clarification of which forces and under whose methodological and organizational management will be conducted.

    The research information base is an integral part of the preliminary study of the problem, within which the sufficiency of information materials, paths and methods of obtaining it is revealed, is a bibliography on sources.

    Collecting the main information array. Staging if necessary experiment.

    After determining the information sources, the creation of the main information array begins, i.e. The process of collecting and accumulating specific information. In this case, it is advisable to initially provide a qualitative classification of the main elements of the information array. Thus, the information included in it can be primary or secondary. In the first case, the information is a weakly ordered set of facts, in the second - the result of a certain logical understanding by direct participants in events or external observers. Each of these types of information has its advantages and disadvantages from the point of view of applied use prospects. The collection of primary information is always very laborious, although it attracts the opportunity to include in the development of interesting and original material. The selection of secondary information takes relatively less time, since it has already undergone a certain systematization, but, based on it only, the researcher risks in captivity of the previously established ideas.

    Search studies include:

    · preparatory stage, uniting the analysis of literary sources and experience of other organizations, search for analogue, feasibility study of the feasibility of research, determination of possible areas of research, development and approval of the technical task;

    · development of the theoretical part of the topic consisting of the preparation of research schemes, calculations and modeling of the main processes of research, the development of technologies for experiments and methods of laboratory testing;

    · experimental work and testing and adjustment of theoretical calculations by their results;

    · Acceptance of work.

    Applied research can be performed in the same sequence as search, but they are characterized by an increase in the share of experimental work and testing. In this regard, the task of planning experiments is becoming essential in order to reduce the number and recent to a rational minimum.

    Research developments include steps:

    · development of technical specifications;

    · selection of research directions;

    · theoretical and experimental studies;

    · design results;

    · Acceptance.

    From a methodological point of view, creating an information array involves ensuring the reliability, reliability and novelty of selected data. The use of the three specified criteria is a necessary condition for the adequacy of the final conclusions that can be obtained based on further analysis. The degree of novelty of selected data is usually determined situationally. As for reliability and reliability, they are provided by, firstly, compliance with certain rules in the development of search criteria, secondly, by fixing data. IN modern conditions Information arrays can be created as a result of phased preparation of information within a specific project, and by accessing already available and accessible data banks.

    The data bank differs from the usual information array not only by the fact that it is implemented in electronic form, but also functional features. Creating specialized data banks, usually provide for the performance of two target functions: information and information and logical. The information and search function is implemented when considering issues related to the semantic content of data, regardless of the methods of their presentation in the memory of the system. At the design stage of this function, part of the real world is allocated, defining the information needs of the system, i.e. its subject area. In this regard, questions are resolved:

    · what phenomena of the real world it is required to accumulate and process information in the system;

    · what the main characteristics of phenomena and interrelations will be taken into account;

    · How will the characteristics of concepts entered into the information system be clarified.

    The information logic feature provides data presentation in the information system's memory. When designing this feature, data presentation forms are developed in the system, as well as models and methods of presentation and data transformation, the rules of their meaning interpretation are formed. The value of the data bank in the accumulation of comprehensive unique information, allowing to trace political chronology, determine causal relationships, trends, establish the types of information carriers (books, magazines, statistical reports, analytical studies).

    The creation of an information array in a traditional documentary or electronic form completes the process of obtaining source for analytical data. In principle, in the future, this array can expand and even transform, but the introduced changes should not dramatically influence the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the entire set of included materials. Otherwise, the information array may lose its systematic qualities and stop responding with the methodological requirements of functional compliance.

    In order for the experiment to be perfect, it is necessary to comply with such principles as:

    · focus - i.e. determine why the experiment is carried out; its goals should be clearly formulated;

    · "Cleanliness" - implies the elimination of the influence of distorting factors;

    · borders - mean a clear framework of the scientific direction, within which the state of the object under study is analyzed;

    · methodical development - implies already existing knowledge in the studied area.

    In addition to compliance with these principles, the effectiveness of the experiment still affects the existing provision, its fullness and quality. Allocate the following types of collaters:

    · scientific and methodological - includes a scientific substantiation, theoretical provisions and concepts, hypothesis and ideas that need to be checked during the experiment;

    · organizational - implies the definition of experimentation objects, participants in experiment, instructions, rules and procedures for conducting the experiment;

    · methodical - provides for the development of methodological materials for all stages of the experiment;

    · personnel and social - determination of the composition of the experiment participants, the level of their preparation and qualifications, compliance with the established requirements, the event to explain the experiment;

    · informational and managerial - implies the presence of a certain amount of certain quality information, and also discloses the process of managing the experiment;

    · economic - reveals the conditions of use of resources necessary for the experiment: financial, material, labor (issues of stimulating the labor of the experiment participants).

    At the stage of theoretical and experimental studies, a set of methodical documentation necessary for the organization and implementation of research is being developed, and technical documentation on experimental samples or model products, technological processes, measurement tools, etc. Theoretical and experimental studies are underway in the required amount, the development and manufacture of objects and material resources of the study are carried out.

    The result of the experiment is always a useful category. Even if the innovation does not confirm its effectiveness, the results obtained can serve as a starting point for new directions of work.

    Processing the information collected, the results of the experiment. Confirmation or refutation of the hypothesis

    The processing of the collected information in accordance with the objectives and objectives of the study is the main stage of the analytical work, on which the material is understood, developing a new output information, the formation of proposals for practical application and document the results of the study.

    Analysis of information is a set of actual data forming methods that ensure comparability, objective assessment and development of new output information.

    The purpose of any experiment is to determine the qualitative and quantitative communication between the parameters under study, or the assessment of the numerical value of any parameter. In some cases, the type of dependence between variables is known for the results of theoretical studies. As a rule, formulas expressing these dependencies contain some constant, the values \u200b\u200bof which and must be determined from experience. Another type of task is to determine the unknown functional relationship between variables based on the experimental data. Such dependencies are called empirical. It is unknown to determine the unknown functional dependence between variables is impossible even if the results of the experiment did not have errors. Especially one should not expect this, having the results of the experiment containing different measurement errors. Therefore, it should be clearly understood that the purpose of mathematical processing of the experimental results is not to find the true nature of the dependence between the variables or the absolute value of any constant, and the presentation of the results of observations in the form of the simplest formula with an assessment of the possible error of its use.

    Development and testing of the hypothesis.

    The phase of the development of the hypothesis is associated with the receipt of logical consequences from it. This is as follows: it is assumed that the extended position is true, and then it takes effect deductive path. The resulting consequences should take place if there is an estimated reason.

    Under logical consequences are meant:

    · thoughts about the circumstances caused by the studied phenomenon;

    · thoughts about the circumstances that precedes the time to this phenomenon, accompany him and follow him;

    · thoughts about the circumstances with the studied phenomenon in direct communication.

    A comparison of the consequences obtained from the assumption with the already established facts makes it possible to refute the hypothesis or prove its truth that is carried out in the process of testing the hypothesis.

    Direct confirmation (refutation) lies in the fact that the alleged facts or phenomena during the subsequent knowledge are confirmed (or refutation) in practice through their direct perception.

    Logical evidence and refutation of hypotheses are widely used in science.

    The main ways of logical evidence and refutation of hypotheses in science:

    inductive way - confirmation of the hypothesis or derivatives of consequences from it with the help of arguments, including indications of facts and laws;

    deductive path - removal of hypothesis from other, general and proven provisions; The inclusion of a hypothesis into a system of scientific knowledge in which it consistently consists with other provisions of this system, as well as a demonstration of the predictive force of the hypothesis. In the dependence on the method of its rationale, the logical evidence or refutation can be carried out in direct or indirect form.

    Direct evidence Or refutation of the hypothesis is carried out by confirming or refuting the logical consequences obtained by the newly discovered facts.

    Indirect proof or refutation is often used if there are several hypotheses that explain the same phenomenon and are carried out by refuting and eliminating all false assumptions, on the basis of which the truth of one remaining assumption is approved.

    5. Drawing up a model of the process being studied, phenomena. Verification of the model

    At the stage of the formation of the theoretical model, it should be based on the full model, justify the optimal model, in which the sides of the process are excluded that can be neglected to solve the tasks. As follows from the theory of operations, the degree of understanding of the system is inversely proportional to the number of variables appear in its description.

    It should be noted the need for a more clear docking of solving model problems with the task of the final objectives of the study (the bunch of "model is a goal"), meaning the need for a clear limitation of the resulting goals, although it is impossible to refuse to bind the goals of the current solution and long-term planning. In the process of conducting hydrogeological modeling, special attention should be paid to improving the level of qualifications and mutual understanding of users and creators of models, which requires well-thought-out organizational solutions to carry out business contacts of specialists of various profiles, up to the highest management link.

    A careful substantiation of scientific forecasts is particularly important when studying multifactor processes that are manifested in solving environmental problems.

    Model experiments

    A powerful tool of quantitative studies is to conduct mathematical modeling as a simulation system used to analyze the patterns of the simulated (imitated) process. Since such an operation is usually carried out on computing machines, then it uses the name "numerical", "computing" or "mathematical" experiment.

    Close to such a content of such an experiment, the concept of "simulation system", which is defined as reproducing the processes occurring in the system, with an artificial imitation of random variables, on which these processes depend on the sensor of random and pseudo-random numbers.

    The main direction of the model experiment is the rationale for optimal models of the processes under study, taking into account the reliability of model solutions of the forecast tasks. Such a substantiation is carried out by modeling the nature of the development of the simulated process (in time and in space) in the face of the uncertainty of the source information on the parameters of the system. In this direction, the initial operation is the creation of a permanent model of the process being studied, behind which the property is recognized quite reliable - at least from the point of view of the goal - reflection of the invention.

    Verification of the model - checking its truth, adequacy. In terms of descriptive models, the model verification is reduced to comparison of the calculation results on the model with the corresponding validity of reality - facts and patterns of economic development. Regarding the regulatory (including optimization) models, the situation is more complicated: under the conditions of the current economic mechanism, the simulated object is subjected to various controls, not provided for by the model; It is necessary to put a special economic experiment, taking into account the requirements of purity, i.e., eliminating the effect of these effects, which is difficult, in many respects not yet resolved task.

    6. Model experimentation. Prediction of the behavior of the object of the study

    An interesting opportunity for the development of the experimentation method is the so-called model experimentation. In this case, it is not experimenting with the original, but with its model, a model similar to the original. The original behaves not so clean, exemplary, as a model. The model can have a physical, mathematical, biological or other nature. It is important that manipulations with her give the ability to transfer received information on the original. Nowadays, computer simulation is widely used.

    Model experimentation is especially appropriate where the object being studied is not available to the direct experiment. Thus, the hydrostrolences will not erect the dam through the stormy river in order to experiment with it. Before you build a dam, they will produce a model experiment in the native institute (with a "small" dam and "small" river).

    The most important experimental method is the measurement that allows you to obtain quantitative data. Measurement A and B assumes:

    · establishing quality equity A and B;

    · introduction Unit of measurement (second, meter, kilogram, ruble, score);

    · comparison A and B with the indication of the device, which has the same quality characteristic as the B;

    · reading instrument readings.

    Thus, the model can serve to achieve two goals: descriptive if the model serves to explain and better understanding the object, and prescribing when the model allows you to predict or reproduce the characteristics of the object that determine its behavior. The prescription model can be descriptive, but not vice versa. Therefore, the degree of utility of models used in the technique and in social sciences. This largely depends on the methods and means that were used in the construction of models, and in the difference in the end targets that were raised. The technique of the model serve as auxiliary means to create new or more advanced systems. And in the social sciences, the model explains the existing systems. A model suitable for system development should also explain it.

    7. Literary registration of research materials

    The literary design of the research materials is a time consuming and very responsible business, an integral part of the scientific research.

    To identify and formulate basic ideas, positions, conclusions and recommendations available, quite fully and accurately - most importantly, what should I strive to researcher in the process of literary design of materials.

    Not immediately and not all this turns out, since the design of the work is always closely related to the improvement of certain provisions, the refinement of logic, argument and the elimination of gaps in justifying the conclusions made, etc. Much here depends on the level of general development of the personality of the researcher, its Literary abilities and ability to draw up their thoughts.

    In the paperwork of research materials, general rules should be followed:

    · the name and maintenance of chapters, as well as paragraphs, must comply with the topic of research and not go beyond its framework. The maintenance of chapters should be exhausted, and the content of paragraphs is the chapter as a whole;

    · initially, having studied the material for writing the next paragraph (chapters), it is necessary to think over its plan, leading ideas, a system of argument and fix all this in writing without losing sight of the logic of all work. Then hold a refinement, grinding of individual semantic parts and proposals, make the necessary additions, permutations, remove unnecessary, conduct editorial, stylistic editing;

    · check the design of links, make a reference device and references (bibliography);

    · do not allow a hurry with the final finish, look at the material after a while, let it be "searched." At the same time, some reasoning and conclusion, as practice shows, will be unauthorized, small and insignificant. It is necessary to improve them or omit, leave only really necessary;

    · avoid scoring, games in erudition. Bringing a large number of references, the abuse of special terminology makes it difficult to understand the thoughts of the researcher, make the presentation is unnecessarily complex. Style of presentation should combine scientific rigor and businesslikeness, availability and expressiveness;

    · the presentation of the material must be argued or polemical, criticizing, brief or thorough, deployed;

    · before issuing a finishing option, to test the work: review, discussion, etc. Eliminate the shortcomings identified by testing.

    List of used literature

    scientific research experiment

    1) Kozhuhar V.M., Workshop on the basics of scientific research. Publishing house "ASV", 2008. - C5.

    ) Shestakov V.M., (concluding lecture of the course "Hydrogeodynamics")

    ) Krutov V.I. "Fundamentals of scientific research." Publishing House "Higher School", 1989. - p. 6, 44, 79, 88.

    ) Pahuctivities B.K., Concepts of modern natural science. UMK, Novosibirsk, Sibugs, 2003.





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    It is a form of existence and development of any science. Research activity is such an activity that is aimed at obtaining new knowledge and their practical application. Despite the fact that science is classified depending on the scope of knowledge, subjects and the foundations of scientific research are an integral part of any science.

    The concept of "scientific research" determines the activity that is aimed at the comprehensive study of the object under study, phenomena or process, their internal structure and links, obtaining on this basis and the introduction of useful results for human existence into practice. In order for scientific professionals to properly hold the necessary scientific research in the study of science, in almost all higher educational institutions, the discipline "Fundamentals of scientific research" is studied.

    This discipline is an integral part of the training and is an important step in the preparation of a scientist for independent research activities. The course of the discipline "Fundamentals of scientific research" is aimed at creating knowledge that help the solution of the following typical tasks:

    Mathematical modeling of objects and processes; their research and development of the algorithm for implementing this method;

    Building models of processes and objects in order to analyze them and obtain the most optimal parameters;

    Drawing up experimental research programs, implement these programs, including the choice of necessary technical means, obtaining and processing results;

    Drawing up reports on the results obtained during the research.

    The process of studying the discipline "Fundamentals of scientific research" consists of the following main sections:

    1. Methods of scientific knowledge.

    2. Means of theoretical and empirical studies.

    And their stages.

    4. Department of Development and Design New technical objects.


    6. The construction of the models of physical processes and objects.

    7. Experimental research and processing their results.

    For research in various fields of science, both general and specific methods are used, possible only in specific specific sciences. For example, the fundamentals of scientific research in agronomy will be fundamentally different from the methods that such studies are carried out at however, existing research methods can be classified according to a single general classification:

    1. Films that can be determined by subsections:





    Dialectical principle of contradiction;

    2. General methods and approaches.

    3. Included methods.

    4. Disciplinary methods.

    5. Meetings of interdisciplinary research.

    Thus, the whole methodology cannot be reduced to some one method, even if it is most important. This scientist and researcher cannot rely only on one single teaching and cannot be limited in its thinking only the only philosophy. Therefore, everything is not easy to develop from individual possible methods, and their "mechanical unity".

    The basis of scientific knowledge methodology is a dynamic, solid, complex subordinated system of receptions, methods and principles of different levels, of different spheres of action and orientation, contents and structures. In addition to conducting scientific research themselves, it is important to patent results obtained. Therefore, such disciplines as patent learning and fundamentals of scientific research are extremely important for the preparation of modern highly qualified specialists.

    Series "Training editions for bachelors"

    M. F. Skilar



    4 Edition

    Publishing a trading corporation Dashkov and K °

    UDC 001.8 BBK 72

    M. F. Skylya - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.


    A. V. Tkach - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation.

    Skill M. F.

    S66 Fundamentals of scientific research. Tutorial for bachelors / M. F. Shklar. - 4 e ed. - M.: Publisher SKOR trading corporation "Dashkov and K °", 2012. - 244 p.

    ISBN 978 5 394 01800 8

    The textbook (taking into account current requirements) describes the main provisions related to the organization, formulation and conducting scientific research in the form suitable for any specialty. In detail the methodology of scientific research, the work technique with literary sources and practical information, especially the preparation and design of course and thesis.

    For students of undergraduate and specialist, as well as graduate students, scientists of a scientific degree and teachers.

    Introduction ................................................... .................................................. ........................................

    1. Science and its role

    IN MODERN SOCIETY...........................................................

    1.1. The concept of science ................................................ .................................................. ..............

    1.2. Science and philosophy ............................................... ...............................................................

    1.3. Modern science. Basic concepts .........................................

    1.4. The role of science in modern society ............................................... ..........

    2. Organization

    Scientific (research work ................................

    2.1. Legislative basis Management of science

    and its organizational structure .............................................. ...........................

    2.2. Scientific technical potential

    and its components ............................................... .................................................. ........

    2.3. Preparation of scientific

    and scientifically pedagogical workers .............................................. ...............

    2.4. Scientific degrees and scientists ............................................. .................

    2.5. Scientific work of students and improving quality

    training of specialists ................................................ ...........................................

    G l and in a 3. Science and scientific research .......................

    3.1. Sciences and their classification .............................................. ...............................

    3.2. Scientific research and its essence ............................................. .....

    3.3. Stages of holding

    scientific research work.......................................................................

    Control questions and tasks .............................................. ...

    G l and in a 4. Methodological foundations

    Scientific research............................................................

    4.1. Methods and methodology of scientific research .............................

    4.2. Universal and general scientific methods

    4.3. Special methods of scientific research ................................

    Control questions and tasks .............................................. ...

    G and in a 5. Selection of the direction

    And justification of the topic of scientific

    Research ................................................... ..................................

    5.1. Planning

    scientific research ................................................ ...............................................................

    5.2. Forecasting scientific research ........................................

    5.3. Choosing the topic of scientific research .............................................. ........

    5.4. Technical Economic Justification Topics

    scientific research ................................................ ...............................................

    Control questions and tasks .............................................. .

    G L A V A 6. Search, accumulation and processing

    Scientific information..............................................................

    6.2. Search and collect scientific information ............................................. ...........

    6.3. Maintaining work entries ................................................. .................................

    6.4. Study of scientific literature ............................................... ..................

    Control questions and tasks .............................................. .

    G l and in a 7. Scientific work........................................................

    7.1. Features of scientific work

    and ethics of scientific work ................................................ ...............................................................

    7.2. Couchers .................................................. .................................................. ..

    7.3. Thesis works .................................................. ................................................

    The structure of the thesis

    and the requirements for its structural elements ............................................ .

    Control questions and tasks .............................................. .

    8. Writing scientific work..............................

    8.1. Composition of scientific work ............................................... .........................

    8.3. Language and style of scientific work ............................................. ........................

    8.4. Editing and "Clear"

    scientific work ................................................ .................................................. ...............

    Control questions and tasks .............................................. .

    G l and in a 9. literary design

    And protection of scientific works................................................

    9.1. Features of the preparation of structural parts

    9.2. Registration of structural parts

    scientific works ................................................ .................................................. ..................

    9.3. Features of preparing for protection

    scientific works ................................................ .................................................. ..................

    Control questions and tasks .............................................. .

    Applications ................................................. .................................................. .......................



    The duty to think - the sat down of the Council of the Modern Man; About everything that falls into the orbit of science, he should think not otherwise, as in the form of strict logical judgments. Scientific consciousness ... - Unblem-lemble imperative, part of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe adequacy of the modern person.

    H. Ortega and Gasset, Spanish philosopher (1883-1955)

    In modern conditions of the rapid development of scientific and scientific progress, the intensive increase in the scope and scientific technical information, the rapid replaceability and knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of highly qualified specialists who have highly general scientific and vocational training are of special importance, which are of highly scientific and vocational training, To introduce into the production process of the newest and progressive results of the Tatov.

    For this purpose, the discipline "Fundamentals of scientific research" is included in the curriculum of many specialties WS, are widely implemented by elements of scientific research in the training process. In extracurricular time, students take part in the scientific research work on the cults of the RAX, in the scientific institutions of universities, in student unites.

    In the new socio-economic conditions there is an increase in the interest in scientific research. Meanwhile, the desire for scientific work is increasingly encountered on under sufficient mastery of the system of methodological knowledge. This significantly reduces the quality of student scientific works, not allowing them to fully realize their capabilities. In this regard, the benefit of special attention was paid, but: analysis of methodological and theoretical aspects of scientific research; consideration of the problems of entity, especially the steps and logic of the process of scientific research; The disclosure of the Todic plan of research and its main stages.

    Acquisition of students to scientific knowledge, readiness and SPOs them to carry out scientific research works - an objective prerequisite for successful solving educational and scientific tasks. In turn, an important direction for the improvement of the theoretical and practical training of students is the fulfillment of them of various scientific papers, which make the following results:

    - contributes to the deepening and consolidation of students of the existing theoretical knowledge of the disciplines studied and on the science of science;

    - develops the practical skills of students in conducting scientific research, analysis of the results obtained and you work recommendations for improving one or another type of activity;

    - improves the methodological skills of students in the substregnation with sources of information and the corresponding software technical means;

    - opens students with ample opportunities for highlighting additional theoretical material and accumulated practical experience in their interests of interest;

    - promotes professional training for students to fulfill their duties in the future and helps them master research methodology.

    IN benefits are summarized and systematized by the whole of May, information related to the organization of scientific studies - from the choice of the topic of scientific work to its protection.

    IN this manual contains the main provisions associated with the organization, formulation and conducting scientific investigations in the form suitable for any specialty. This is different from other teaching benefits of this type, predicted for students of a particular specialty.

    Since this manual is intended for a wide range of specialties, it cannot include an exhaustive Mate Rial for each specialty. Therefore, teachers who lead this course may applie to the profile of training specialists to supplement the material of the manual with the presentation of specific issues (examples) or to reduce individual sections in terms of the volume if it is advisable and regulated by the time plan.

    Chapter 1.

    Science and its role in modern society

    Knowledge, only knowledge makes the person a century free and great.

    D. I. Pisarev (1840-1868),

    russian philosopher materialist

    1.1. The concept of science.

    1.2. Science and philosophy.

    1.3. Modern science. Basic concepts.

    1.4. The role of science in modern society.

    1.1. The concept of science

    The main form of human knowledge is science. Science Nowadays, it becomes an increasingly significant and significant component of the reality that surrounds us and in which we should normally navigate, live and act. The philosophical vision of the world suggests a fairly defined ideas about what science is how it is arranged and how it develops that it can and what it allows you to hope, and what is not available to it. Philosophers have passed, we can find a lot of valuable fores and tips, on the facial orientation in such a world where the role is so important on

    uki. They, however, was the real, practical experience of the massive and even dramatic impact of scientifically technical achievements on the daily existence of a person century, which has to be understood today.

    Today there is no unambiguous definition of science. There are more than 150 in various literary sources. One of these definitions is interpreted as follows: "Science is a form of spiritual activities of people aimed at the production of knowledge about nature, society and the very knowledge itself, which has the right to comprehend the truth and the opening of objective laws on The basis of the generalization of real facts in their minds. Other definition is also widespread: "Science is and creative activities to obtain a new knowledge, and the result of such activities, knowledge given to a holistic system based on certain principles and about the process of their production." V. A. Kanke in his book "Philosophy. The historical and systematic course "gave the following definition:" Science is a person's activities to develop, systematize and verify knowledge. Scientific is not all some kind of knowledge, but only a well-tested and reasonable. "

    But, in addition to many definitions of science, there are many perceptions of it. Many people understood science in their own way, believed that it was their perception that is the only and loose definition. Consequently, the occupation of science has become an act alive not only in our time, - its origins begin with to outbill ancient times. Considering the science in its historical development, it can be found that as the type of culture tours changes and when moving from one socially economicistic formation to another, the standards of presentation of scientific knowledge, methods of vision of reality, the style of thinking, which are formed in the context of culture and test The impact of various socio cultural factors.

    Prerequisites for science appeared in the country of the Ancient East: in Egypt, Babylon, India, China. Eastern civilization are perceived and recreated tanya in a slender theoretical system of ancient Greece, where