Mysteries in Tatar about sports. Research work English and Tatar puzzles


English and Tatar riddles

Abdrakhmanov Amir

Tatar gymnasium №15, grade 7

Kirovsky district, city of Kazan

scientific adviser

Bikmukhametova Aida Ramilovna

Kazan 2013

general characteristics   work

  The relevance of this topic : First attempt to conduct a comparative studyriddles   the British and the Tatars.

A small principality located in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg recognizes three official languages: Luxembourgish, French and German. Although this may seem modest at first glance compared to the Swiss neighbor, it should be understood that German and French are compulsory at the elementary level and that official documents are systematically written in all three languages. Therefore, most residents of Luxembourg speak freely about this, which does not apply to the Belgians or the Swiss.

It’s even so rare that Luxembourg got our European winner title! Ashes of the former Yugoslavia were born in several countries, including Serbia. But you can still hear many languages \u200b\u200bthroughout the territory, a legacy of turbulent history. Due to its relative proximity to Serbian, which belongs to the Slavic language family, older generations still speak Russian. In some regions, especially in the border areas, they also speak Hungarian, Romanian, Slovak and Albanian.

goal   this study is to conduct a comparative studyriddles   Tatar and English people.

The maintasks   research:

1) reveal the storyriddles   in the languages \u200b\u200bwe study;

2) establish what are considered by usriddles ;

The administration of the province of Vojvodina recognizes, in particular, the six official languages: Serbian, Hungarian, Romanian, Slovak, Croatian and Ruthenian. When visiting Central Serbia, it is also likely that you will hear Bulgarian. The former Yugoslavia also spoke of Macedonian and Slovak, which explains why some people still speak idioms.

English is taught at an early age and is a compulsory subject at school from elementary school. German is optional, but also widespread and popular among the population, as the geographical proximity to Austria prompts many people to emigrate to this German-speaking country.

3) identify all the similarities and differences in the forms and values \u200b\u200bof the datariddles   in the languages \u200b\u200bwe study;

The mainresearch methods :

Comparative - typological, revealing similar, partially similar and different features;

The study of linguistic and methodological literature on issues related to the conduct of a comparative study;

Another interesting point: the Serbian language has two alphabets, Cyrillic and Latin. Both of them can be used interchangeably, and in both cases writing is very close to oral. The language closely follows the principle of "speak as it writes", which greatly facilitates the mastery of pronunciation and writing for those who study the language.

South Africa has a special status compared to other countries of this continent with a colonial past. Although in most of them local languages \u200b\u200bwere condemned and massively prohibited by the colonization of nations, they were treated differently in South Africa. They were never banned. In fact, local residents were even invited to speak their native language in order to strengthen cultural segregation by the inability to access institutional structures controlled by the white population.

The study of popular science, regional, methodological literature on the topic of research;

Inspection of the necessary facts;

A selection of material from the Internet.

Scientific novelty of work   lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to conduct a comparative study of the Tatar and Englishriddles.

As citizens of a country that officially integrate so much linguistic diversity, most citizens are truly at least bilingual. Located on two continents, this country is home to an incredible variety of idioms spread across seventeen million square kilometers of vast territory. Russian Federation. These idioms include: Adyghe, Bashkir, Ingush, Kabardian, Karachay-Balkar, Tatar, Kalmyk, Abaza, Nogai, men, Erzya and Mokh, Komi, Ossetians, Udmurt, Chechen or Chuvash.

The content of the work : the work consists of introduction, four chapters, conclusion and list of references.

1. Introduction. It substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, as well as scientific novelty.

2. The first chapter tells about the history of the origin and study of Tatar and English mysteries.

3. The second chapter describes the Tatar andenglish   riddles.

However, the Russian language remains the official language of the payment system. The geography of Indonesia is undoubtedly one of the reasons for the great linguistic diversity that characterizes this territory. It even happens that the inhabitants of the same island do not have the same language. Today it is the first language of 20 million people, and the second - about 140 million. Indonesia has 240 million inhabitants and many ethnic groups, which explains the presence of more than 725 languages \u200b\u200bthroughout the country. Unfortunately, many of these idioms are now endangered.

4. The third chapter deals with riddles in Tatar and English fairy tales.

5. The fourth chapter is a comparative analysis of Tatar and English mysteries.

6. Conclusion.

7. References.

1. Introduction

Riddles - an ancient genre of folk art. They arose in the distant time, and have their roots deep into the ages. Many of them appeared even when there was no written language. Therefore, the question of the source is still open. The riddle provides a substantive description of a phenomenon, the recognition of which requires considerable thought.

It is difficult to find official figures for the languages \u200b\u200bspoken in India. However, it can be said without hesitation that this is an indigenous multilingual country. The Constitution recognizes 22 languages, including Bengali, Punjabi, Hindi and Tamil. The official languages \u200b\u200bof the Indian government are Hindi and English. Inherited from British colonization, English is also spoken fluently by about 90 million inhabitants, usually members of richer and more educated social classes. About 40% of the population speaks Hindi, mainly in the center and in the north of the country.

A riddle is a special, interesting, fun world. Despite the complexity of the puzzles, guessing them is a game designed for fun, a comic mood, a joyful anticipation of the correct answer. Riddles are especially popular among children. In English classes, we often guess English riddles and it became interesting for me to study and compare English and Tatar riddles.

However, India does not have a specific national language. And to make things even more complex, it seems that many people have declared a language that they don’t actually speak, or confused the language with the name of their caste. A more recent and probably more reliable study identifies 780 languages \u200b\u200band suggests the existence of about 100 others. In addition to the official figures, non-governmental organizations have put forward a figure of 220 Indian languages \u200b\u200bthat would disappear in the last 50 years and 150 that would be threatened with extinction in the next 50 years due to the disappearance of their speakers and the lack of transmission to new generations.

2. The history of the origin and study of Tatar puzzles.

Historical materials about the origin of Tatar riddles have not been preserved. It is known that the riddle was called “yomak”, that is, “yomik-closed”, now it is called “tabyshmak” - i.e. "Help tab find." Initially, riddles were associated with magic, in pagan times shamans made their predictions in the form of riddles, they believed in the magic of the word.

The palm of the most multilingual nation is awarded to the independent state of Papua New Guinea, associated with Luxembourg. In addition to four official languages   850 idioms are spoken on this territory, where about 7 million people are members of different tribes.

What are other Dickens fans thinking? The Mystery of Edwin Droyd: The Enigma of English Literature by Giovanna Siraki. The novel in question focuses on mystery: by the way, the disappearance of the boy, Edwin Drood. There are many questions that the lack of a conclusion has arisen and concerns, first of all, the fate of the missing boy and the identity of his probable killer, if you want to consider Edwin’s death a murder. The mystery of science fiction merges with the mystery of reality. This book seems to me crippled: many of the people who collaborated in its implementation were struck by misfortunes.

Ike akosh uzish,

Bersen-berse bump,

Җитә алмый. (Ay һәm koyash)

Over time, kingdoms, states formed, and riddles were already used in the speech of ordinary people. Riddles reflected the life and thoughts of people, showed how people perceive the world.

Gөl gөl echendә,

Gul pyecha eschend

Kүk tә tugel, җir dә tugel,

In fact, before Dickens, the first author of the cartoons accompanying the novel, Hublot Brown, after the start of work, there was paralysis. He was called in to replace Charles Alston Collins, who had just been able to complete the cover of the novel before he was seriously ill.

After the author’s disappearance, there were many attempts to understand what might be the last end of the novel, but this interest, of course, did not disappear. The most pretentious hypothesis is that Edwin died dead from his uncle Jasper, a respected choir dancer and regular opium smoker at night. Most of the assumptions that have been made are based on a simple reading of the novel, but this is not enough to solve this mystery. To understand how Dickens wanted to complete his story, in addition to the possible hints of the text, the context in which he was written, the images appearing on the cover of the book and summarizing the story, the author’s notes about the novel and the testimonies of people close to Dickens.

Дөня anyың эчендә. (Көзге)

Riddles were usually used in the works of folk improvisational poets (chichen, akyn), who organized competitions in riddles in front of the public (etish). Mysteries-aityshe have both an interrogative part and an answer must have a poetic form:

Dөnyada iң әche dә iң tөce neither? (Tel)

Reviews of people near Dickens. Starting with the testimony we came to, we know that Dickens showed his biographer John Foster that the novel was supposed to cover the murder of his grandson by his uncles; the originality of the story should consist of the final recognition of the killer, as if the crime was committed by another person. Rosa married Tartarus and Crisparkle, the sister of Bezzemlya, who would die to help the Tatars capture the killer.

They agree with this version of the two sons of Dickens, Kate and Charles Jr. While the former claims that the book cannot be considered a mystery, since the end is easily deductible, the latter instead claims that the same father revealed the end of his work to him, which coincides with what Foster presented. Added to this evidence is another equally important point made by the novelist Luke Fils, who tells Dickens that he specifically asked him to draw a black scarf around Jasper's neck that would serve them to kill Edwin: he must have been a criminal weapon.

Researchers, scientists, having studied the history of riddles, conclude that Tatar riddleswere a kind of folklore.   The recording of Tatar puzzles originates from 1303, it was then in the dictionaryCodecuscumanicus About 50 puzzles were introduced. The collection of Tatar puzzles began relatively late. The first printed puzzles appeared in the “Tatar Reader” by M. Ivanov (1842), prepared as a textbook for teaching the Tatar language in the Orenburg Neplyuyev cadet corps - a military educational institution.

Despite these revelations, various critics and scholars were not fully convinced of the possible completion of the story, especially because there was no clear and obvious evidence supporting the authenticity of these statements; Dickens also frequently changed the initial designs of his novels.

Conclusions found in the new text. Reading the novel seems two guilty of misconduct: Neville and Jasper. The first is a rather irritable and aggressive person, and theoretically the last person saw Edwin before his disappearance. There is not much sympathy between them, rather they often collide, sometimes even cruelly. The stick Neville uses for his walks is replaced with criminal weapons, and only the absence of Edwin’s body rescues him, but his alibi remains weak.

In 1871, with the aim of learning the language of the Kazan Tatars, the Hungarian linguist Gabor Balint came to the Volga region. He used the works of folk art that he recorded from the baptized Tatars in the city of Kazan in his work devoted to the study of the language of the Kazan Tatars, where 46 riddles are given.

In 1880, M. Salikhov released a small folklore collection entitled "Tabyshmaklar һәm һәrtөrle halyk arasynda әytelә torgan mәkallәr ”"(" Riddles and Proverbs "), where he placed 39 riddles. In 1884, K. Nasyri released a folklore collection entitled"Fәvakilһel җөlasa"Where he placed27   riddles.

The countless clues that the suspect Jasper makes, clues that may read the novel, can escape. In the evening, the quarrels between Edwin and Neville Jasper seems to want to smooth out the tension between them. He offers them a drink, but he prepares glasses of wine “turning their shoulders,” and the author points out that “mixing seems to be time consuming.” After drinking, they seem to have turned face to face as a result of the wine, returning to the canonical hall, Neville admitted to Crispark that the wine strangled him strangely and suddenly.

Is it possible that Jasper put something in the wine to turn the minds of two guys and turn them into a physical confrontation? So that would be the right motive to blame Neville for the disappearance of his grandson. An important opportunity to increase Jasper’s suspicion is the tour he takes with Durdles on the night of the cemetery and city cathedral near his home. It is on this occasion that Jasper recognizes the danger of lime lime, which, as Durdles explains, is so strong that it can “eat bones”.

In the collection   "Dә fgylksl min ssabi in sabiyat ”(“ Prevention of Sloth in Boys and Girls ”), compiled by Taip Yakhin, abovedshem   in Kazan in 1900 about88 puzzles.

N. Isanbet is widely known as a scientist, researcher of Tatar folklore.   They collectedbig   a collection of Tatar puzzles. In 1941, the book "Tatar folk puzzles" was published, where 1468 puzzles were placed. He collected these puzzles for a very long time. The book consists of 7 sections: mysteries about nature,spuzzles about a person and his life, puzzles about life, about education, weapons, puzzles, puzzles, puzzles, fairy tales, ancient puzzles, religious puzzles.In 2002, on the basis of this collection, the book "Tatar folk riddles" was edited by G. Validi.

This is the only moment in the book that refers to lime lime, which, according to Foster, had to serve to make Edwin's body disappear; Jasper seems very interested in this. After this, the owner of the choir prepares to go home without completing the tour, realizing that the key to the Temple of the Temple, in which he is the keeper, fell to the ground. But all this was really a dream or sleeping when she heard Jasper remove the key, and who knows after what operation he returned it to its place, causing it to fall by accident?

We know that the flash, from which both Durdles and Jasper drink during the tour, was taken by them, but while the first calmly tolerates the contents of the flask, the latter drinks a little to spit. Why does Jasper systematically repeat this operation every time he drinks from a flask?

3. History of origin and research english   riddles.

English puzzles are not part of English folklore, but most likely part of Old English poetry. English puzzles have a specific literary origin. The English riddle usually appeared in poetic form in Old English poetry or in Old English literature. The manuscript in Old English (The Exeter Book) has preserved about 60 poetic puzzles related to Old English literature. For instance:

I thought that was quite curious, that a mere worm,

a thief in the dark, ate what a man wrote,

his brilliant language and its strong foundation.

The thief got no wiser for all that he fattened himself on words.

Moth ate the words. I thought, very curious,

that just a worm, a thief in the dark, ate what a man wrote,

its magnificent language and material foundation.

The thief did not become wiser from the fact that he grew stout from words.

Answer: bookworm (bookworm)

In ancient English literature, riddles had two goals. First, to interest and intrigue the poet’s audience. Secondly, to provide information that would later be useful for the successful use or understanding of a poetic language.

The Anglo-Saxons felt addicted to the mystery genre. The riddle was not easy for the Anglo-Saxons
amusement, riddles was a method of teaching in schools.

English church leader and writer St. Aldhelm ( Alldhelm, Ealdhelm; 639 - May 25, 709), for pedagogical purposes, wrote the book "Riddles", which consisted of a hundred riddles - a method of teaching beloved by the ancient British. The riddles of Aldhelm reflected his love of nature, so characteristic of the spirit of the English. In The Mysteries of Aldgelm   the main place isbible theme. But in them
much is also said about animals, plants, stones, stars, various natural phenomena, as well as utensils, household items and tools.

I was a brave fighter; now a proud hero covers me
Young man, in gold and silver,
Curved into a spiral wire. They kiss me in puddles.
That I call for battles in a clear voice
Zealous comrades. Sometimes a horse carries me:
In the woods, or sea stallion (ship)

Lucky me on the waves, sparkling with decorations.
Sometimes a girl adorned with gold
Fills my chest; then I must, devoid of jewelry,
Wallow naked and headless;
Then I hang again, in wonderful jewelry,
Bliss on the wall, where the warriors feast (
bull horn)

The first collection of English true puzzles “The Demands Joyous” (“The Merry Riddles” ABC “Funny Puzzles”) appears in London in 1525. The puzzles in this collection were of French origin.

In the 30s XVI   century comes a collection of riddles by William Rastell (WilliamRastell) « AHundredMerryRiddles"ABC book" One hundred fun puzzles "containing 76 puzzles.

IN 1792 yearcomes out « nameless» compilationriddles   “A Choice Collection of Riddles, Charades, Rebuses”letters. "The best collection of puzzles, charades, puzzles."

An important role in the history of collecting and studying English puzzles was played by Archer Taylor, an American paremiologist (a person who studies proverbs). He was president of the American Folklore Society (AmericanFolkloreSociety) (1936-1937), a member of the London and Irish Folklore Societies (LondonFolkloreSociety, FolkloreofIrelandSociety), as well as the editor of the magazine of American folklore (JournalofAmericanFolklore) In 1939 he published his book “ABibliographyofRiddles"(" Bibliography of riddles "). And in 1951 his book “EnglishRiddlesfromOralTradition"(" English riddles from the oral tradition ")."

In 1983, the book "DictionaryofRiddles"(" Dictionary of Riddles ") edited by Mark Bryant (MarkBryant), which presents the history of riddles from ancient times to the present day, and also collects about 1,500 riddles in English, French, Italian and other languages.

4. Tatar riddles.

The genre of riddles in the Tatar language is mainly referred to by two terms: tabyshmak and somak. (They are found in almost all Turkic-speaking peoples in various phonetic variations.) The first of them is formed from the verb taboos “find, find” by adding the affix of a mutually joint voice -ysh and the suffix -mak. The ancient forms are tapzuguk (Mahmud Kashgari, XI century), tamysyk (Codex Cumanicus, XIV century). The term tamarsyk is very close to the latter. The root of the second name is the verb yomu "close, hide." Yomak (or shchomak) has a semantic affinity with the word yoshak "tangle". Starting to solve riddles, the Tatars sometimes say:Yomgak jibәrәm, akhyryn tap ”(I’ll shake a ball to you, find its end.”)

In folklore, there are three main types of Tatar puzzles:metaphorical (sometimes allegorical) riddles, riddles-questions (non-metaphorical)   and arithmetic (counting) puzzles.

- Metaphorical puzzles   are built on metaphors.

Alsu bitle kiz үste, stupid itep

kuaktan sikerep tөshte (apple);

Ike yangan yoldiz bar, ike kara kondiz bar (eyes, eyebrows) ;

Ike bugs, beers (nose, mouth).

Through images of riddles, a diverseworld.   The riddles metaphor( a word or expression used in a figurative meaning, which is based on an unnamed comparison of an object with any other on the basis of their common attribute) usually combined with hyperbole( in order to strengthen   and emphasizing the said thought) : an egg - a barrel, a candle - a pillar, a bee - a hawk, a crane and others. Not a mysterye   and litota( artistic understatement of the magnitude, strength of the value of the depicted object or phenomenon) : Mich Tula paramach, urtasynda ber kalach "It is full of intermittent ovens, in the middle - kalach." Here the sky, the moon and the starshoused in the stove of a peasant's hut.

Permanent metaphors can be revealed in Tatar riddles. For example, pronounүsee "Myself":Үsee kүrenmi, yula өzelmi (thought); Үze su, үze katy (ice);

Especially numerous puzzles with a constant metaphorsandyk "chest":Altyn sandyk eschendə achylmagan Hatim Bar (brain and memory); Астir astynda - yabyk sandyk (grave);

Tatarriddlesnegative comparison is characteristic, where no comparison is giventwo subjects, and contrasting one subject to another:At tүgel - chaba, urman tүgel - shaul

(brook); Үze tүgərək, stupid tүgel, koyrygy ozyn, tychkan tүgel (beet); Үsee yomry - ai tүgel, tөse

sary - may tүgel, koyrygy bar - tychkan tүgel (turnip).   In such riddles, the resemblance is formally deniedthe item to be hidden with another item, essentially the same object is a hint of dykesa guess.

N metaphorical - s “Patsha kemgә bashya?” (Hairdresser)

Usually in   riddles, questions, artistic imagery is absent. To guess them, it is necessary to correctly understand the meaning of the question, to catch its tricky side, which is not so simple.   3puzzle-tasks are very close to riddles-questions of a comic nature.

Nәrsә өstәl yanynda bigrәk kirәk? ( Avyz)

Nindi savyttan echep bulmy? ( Bush savittan.)

Kai wakytta kuyan it tәmle bula? ( Ashaganda.)

TO aichan Bernindi Tavysh Ishetep Bulmy? (Typ-tyn wakytta)

Arithmetic puzzles   deal with numbers. Unlike ordinary tasks, they are built in a fun way. The score itself is not complicated, but on the way to the right decision of the guesser various traps await. In other words, the solution of such puzzles requires not only arithmetic, but also guessing a joke, a secret meaning.

Ber keshe meң sumga yөz bash mal algan. At - illle sum, syr - utyz sum, saryk bish sum tora. Bu keshe nichә bash at, nichә bash syr әm nichә bash saryk algan? ( Un at, ike syer, siksәn sigez saryk algan).

Utyra, di, dүrt mәche,

Һәr mәche aldynda - өch mәche,

Һәr mәcheneң koyrygynda - ber mәche,

Barysy nothing more than a bulgan? ( Dүrt mәche bulgan. Alar өyneң dүrt pochmagynda utyralar. Әr mәche үzenene koyrygynda utyra).

Most of the Tatar riddles are puzzled about household items, labor, nature, the environment of the Tatars. Studying the riddles, we can get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow and with what tools the Tatar worked, what animals and birds surrounded him in the household, and what wild animals he most often encountered, what grew in the field and garden, what the village looked like, what household utensils , objects of labor and

household goods surrounded him, what and how was manufactured on the farm. The choice of substitution in riddles is subject to its own laws. The most common is the selection of a replacement item that is suitable for those signs that they want to emphasize in the riddle, which are reported in the riddle as a clue for guessing. So, for example, a riddle about haymowing, a scythe: Үлəн

astynda ut yөgerə; Elan shua kilə, yary җimerelə kilə (Scythe crawls on the grass like a snake, quickly as

fire, therefore, the scythe is most often replaced by the words snake, fire)

The thematic wealth of Tatar puzzles includes the following sections:

1) Nheavenly luminaries;

N әrsә tөnne yaktyrta,

Nәrsә yana-yandyrmy? (Ai)

2) 3earth and its relief, minerals, water;

Borynsyz chypchyk boz tishәr (tamchy)

3) seasons, year, month, week, day;

Ak syer trip kitә,

Kara syer yatyp kala (yaz)

4) natural phenomena;

Ayagi yuk, kuli yuk,
Sөylәshergә tele yuk,
Koyash kebek nury yuk,
Kүrergә kүze yuk,
Һich җithmәgәn җire yuk.

5) trees, fruit trees, forestry;

Җәy kienә, shishhenep is rotten.

6) herbs and plants, haymaking;

Kiynamy, sukmy, үze elata.

7) tillage;

8) vegetables;

Tәrәzәse yuk, ishege yuk,
Eche Tula Halyk.

9) insects;

Kany bar yes kany yuk,
Yөk tartirlik hәle yuk.

10) fish;

11) birds;

Ber koshom bar: tynym,
Agachka oia feed;
Җыры - күктә.

12) animals;

Timerce dә tүgel,
Balta ostasy yes tygel,
Үze avylda berenche esche.

13) person;

Үзе сөяксез, Сөйләгән сүзе хисапсыз. (Keshe)

14) family, family relations;

Bulgan, di, ber kart belәn karchyk: alarnyң ber kyzy, ber malaylari bulgan; shul malaylarnyң - kart belәn karchyklary, shul kart belәn karchyknyң ber kyzy, ber malaylari bulgan. Bu nichek?

15) village, buildings;

Tүbәn өydә dүrt bүre,
Dүrtese dә kүk bүre.
(Өy nigese, pochmaklara)

16) the house and its parts;

Ishektәn kergәn dә suzylyp yatkan.

Bagana yana, kүmere-kөle yuk.

18) the decoration of the hut;

Meң tugan ber kaesh bugan.

19) dishes;

Bәlәkәy genә ak tana
Borynoy Bar Deep Mactan.

20) food, food;

Su tүgel - syek,
Kar tүgel - ac.

22) clothing, jewelry;

Bash Ayaksyz - buoy bar,
Gәүdәse yuk - kula bar.
( Kүlmәk )

Ike Tugan Suga Bar,
Bersen-bersa Uza Bar.
(Ike chilәk belәn suga baru)

Kүze yuk, teze yuk,
Yөrmәgәn җire yuk,
Kermәgun kula yuk.

25) literature, letter, letter;

“Belme, keshedә shameful.” (Nadan)

Үlchәүlәrdә үlchәnmi,
Bazarlard satylymy.

26) musical instruments;

Avyzy bar - tele yuk,
Tavyshi bar - sүze yuk.

27) weapons;

29 ) about the letters of the alphabet, metagram and charades;

Kazannyң urtasynda no bar? (n)

Nindi sүzdә alty “n” bar? (altyn)

Kүlmәkne ikegә aersaң, nәrsә kilep chyga?

Kүldә bar, elgada yuk.
Үrdәktә bar, kazda yuk.
Ү "hәrefe)

Barda yuk, yukta bar.
Yu "hәrefe)

The Tatar mystery, to this day, remains an independent genre of folklore. Riddles have mobility and are in constant motion. New ones appear and obsolete ones are constantly added to them.

Yөrtәlәr ani һәrvakyt
Katy-katy tipkelәp,
Җан-фәрманга йөгерә ул,
Tormy ber dә үpkәlәp.
(Soccer tubes.)

Kosh ta tegel, at ta tegel,
ҮNee ocha, yөk tashy.

Keshelәrne ochyrta,
Үze cat okshamy;
Umbrella kebek җәelsә dә,
Җил-яңгырдан saklam.

5.English riddles

The Tatar word is a riddle, i.e.Tabyshmak corresponds to English riddle, which means "asking someone a question that is difficult to understand, having an unexpected answer (riddle - a question that is difficult to understand, and that has a surprising answer, that you ask somebody as a game).In English, there are the words enigma, mystery and puzzle, also translated into Russian as a riddle. Enigma - a person, thing or situation that is mysterious and difficult to understand). Mystery and puzzle - something difficult to understand and explain   (Mystery, puzzle - something that is difficult to understand or to explain).

English puzzles are not part of English folklore, but most likely part of Old English poetry. More generally, the English riddle is any confusing question. Today, it is most likely a funny, humorous game for children, rather than literary workas it was in ancient times.

In the English riddle, a description of some phenomenon or object is given, the recognition of which requires considerable thought. In the riddles of all peoples, the most ancient and most common form of “verbal shelter” of well-known concepts about objects is a metaphor. Metaphor   (from - “transference”, “figurative meaning”) is a word or expression used in a figurative meaning, which is based on an unnamed comparison of an object with any other on the basis of their common attribute.

There are English puzzles. Mystery Puzzles   represent the originality of this genre. After all, a riddle is not just a asked metaphorical question, but a very cleverly composed question. for instance   "What is it that we often return but never borrow?"(thanks). When reading this riddle for the first time, you might think that we are talking about some subject. But in fact, the answer will not be the subject, but the word thank you, which, if you think carefully (and this turns out to be obvious), we will never borrow (... never borrow), but we always say thanks to someone (... that we often return ) The riddle text itself does not contain a metaphor. However, if we know the answer, then both the riddle and the answer take on a metaphorical meaning. Here are other examples of English metaphorical puzzles: “What is always coming but never arrives?” (tomorrow); "What is broken when you name it?" (silence); "What lives on its own substance and dies when it devours itself?" (a candle); "What is it that you must keep after giving it to someone else?"(a word); It can be concluded that English puzzles are often metaphorical in conjunction with guesses.

Metaphor-free puzzles, are perceived not as riddles proper, but as jokes in the form of riddles. To solve them requires no less ingenuity and ingenuity than when guessing metaphorical puzzles. Usually the answers to such puzzles lie on the surface or lie in the text of the puzzles. for instance , "What do people in Europe call little gray cats?" (little kittens); "What makes a Dalmatian dog spotted?" (his spots); "What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn’t a cat?" (a kitten); "Which one of our President had the largest shoes?" (the president with the largest feet);rhine English. In English there are also such riddles-questions with comic guesses. for instance , "Some months have thirty days and some months have thirty-one days. How many months have twenty-eight days? ”Answer : “All twelve months have 28 days. Some have more as well. " "When is a yellow dog most likely to enter a house?".The question arises, what is a “yellow dog” (“a yellow dog”), and the answer is actually not even related to the dog. Answer: "When the door is opened."

Actually in English there are a lot more riddles than question-allegories. For example, “What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail lake a cat, but isn’’t a cat?” (a kitten).

The next type of puzzles are puzzle puzzles. They are very similar to riddles from school books, if not for one circumstance. For example, one of these puzzles: “A flock of geese flew, one goose met them. “Hello,” he says, “one hundred geese!” “No, we are not a hundred geese. As much as so much, so much so, and a quarter as much, you, goose, there would have been one hundred geese. ” How many geese flew? " Answer: “36 geese”

There are a lot of puzzles of this type in the English language, they are represented by groups of puzzles called “Number Riddles” and “Letter Riddles”. Here are some examples of “numerical riddles” "(Number Riddles):" When do 2 and 2 make more than 4? " (when they make 22); "Why is 2 times 10 the same as 2 times 11?" (because 2 times 10 is twenty and 2 times 11 is twenty-two (twenty, too)); "Make five less by adding to it?" (add the Roman numeral I (one) to V (five) and you get IV (four));

Now look at the English puzzles using the letters   (Letter Riddles): “What 3 letters make a man of a boy?” (a, g, e: age); "Why is the letter A like noon?" (because it is in the middle of DAY); "Why is the letter E like London?" (because it is the capital of England); "What ends with E and begins with P and has a thousand letters?" (postoffice); "How do we know that S is a scary letter?" (because it makes CREAM SCREAM); "What starts with T, ends with T, and full of T?"(teapot);

We see that the riddles-tasks, as well as the riddles-questions mentioned above, are extraordinary; these are really quick-witted tests that develop and activate our mental activity.

By topic, English tasks are divided into the following sections:

Mysteries about animals (Animal riddles)

Why are dogs such poor dancers? - Whydogssuchbaddancers? - They have two left feet. (Because they have two left paws).

Classic Riddles (Classic Riddles)

What always ends everything? - What always ends up?- The letter \\ g \\. - Letter | g | (in the Russian version would be ё)

Mysteries for children(Kids riddles)

Can giraffes have babies? “Can giraffes have children?” -No, they only have giraffes .   - No, they may have small giraffes.

Mysteries about letters(Letter Riddles)

Which alphabet is a hot drink?   - Which letter of the alphabet is a hot drink? -T (tea) . - T and tea are pronounced the same ‘ty’.

Medical puzzles(Medical Riddles)

Why is an eye doctor like a teacher? - What do the optometrist (eye doctor) and teacher look like? -They both test the pupils.   - They both test pupils - the pupils.pupil   - student, pupil)

Mysteries about numbers   (Number riddles)

When do elephants have eight feet? Whenelephantshaveeightfeet? - When there are two of them . - Whenelephantstwo.

- Illogical riddles (Paradox Riddles)

How is seasickness like an auction? - Than are similar marine disease and auction? - One is the effects of a sail and the other is a sale of effects. - One - influence swimming, other - sale impressions ( this a riddle built, apparently, on the consonance words sale and   sail , which are at translation give such here paradox)

- Ridiculous riddles (Ridiculous Riddles)

What kind of can never needs a can opener? - Which tin the bank not need opener? - A pelican - Pelican. … Absurdity! and the point is this:Can - can (from canned food, for example, or Pepsi),peli can   ends oncan ... that is, for the British, the Pelizhestyanka does not require a bottle opener))

-Puzzles about words(Word Riddles)

What kind of clothed do lawyers wear?   - What clothes do lawyers wear? -Lawsuits   - court suits. (law - the lawsuit   - a suit, and   lawsuit - a court case).

-Puzzles about work   (Work Riddles)

Why was Count Dracula glad to help young vampires? -Why Count Dracula was glad to help young vampires -He liked to see new blood in the business.   - He liked to see new blood in business. (The point here is sustainable turnover "New blood in the business" (new to business)

Having considered examples of English puzzles in this section, we should highlight their feature, which is inherent in most English puzzles. Namely: many English puzzles have a purely interrogative form (“What is ...?” Or “Why ...?”) And the answer begins with the words “because ...”. for instance , "What dose everyone have that he can always count on?" (his fingers); "Why was Washington buried at Mt. Vernon? " (because he was dead).

6 riddles in fairy tales

The next type of puzzles are puzzles in fairy tales.   The riddle in the tale is a mixed phenomenon. Researchers distinguish between

riddles and difficult tasks that are divided into 3type:   1) labor

n tasks that heroes perform with the help of magic assistants; 2) difficult tasks performed thanks to the knowledge of the hero, his participation in previous events; 3) solving riddles or allegory.

The tasks of the first two groups are carried out by means of any magical properties, objects or assistants, and the latter require the hero to whom they are envisioned, a sharp mind, quick wit and ingenuity.

The riddle is one of the means guiding the action of the tale, reviving it. Both in Tatar and in English such riddles are found. In the Tatar fairy tale “MӘGANӘLE KYZ

(“Sensible girl”) the groom comes to look at his future bride and concludes that she is crazy because she does not understand that she is talking in riddles that show her mind. (Burychka җylarga kitү - үlek өstandend élau ul, yaki ata-ana kaberenә baru; yөz tәңkәne bish tieng alyshtyru - kyznyң сеtise auga kitkәn digәn sүz, yagni yөz tәңkәlek aigyrga atlanyp bish tienlek kyan artynnan kua-kua atna yandyryp harap itәrg mөmkin. Atyңny kyska yaki җәyәә bәyәүәү - ishegaldyndagy arba yaәә canaga bәyәүәү bula. “Matcha ikeshurlәp menderdek” (deep, kyz sineә әdәpsезlezegңnәn - koymakny ikesәrlәp ashavynan kөlgәn.) For example, in the tale "The Peasant’s Wise Daughter",

literally “The wise daughter of a peasant,” the king asks the girl the following riddle condition: “Come to me and not dressed, and not naked, not on foot, and on nothing, not on the road, and not without a road”("Then said the King, - Come to me not clothed, not naked, not riding, not walking, not in the road, and not out of the road, and if though can do that I will marry her) .

7. Conclusion

A riddle is more than entertainment. For clues, it is necessary to show ingenuity, innovative thinking, patience and logic, and yet these qualities are very important for development. Thanks to riddles, one can learn to think. The subject of riddles is very diverse, which means they help to learn more about the world.

Tatar riddles

English riddles

There are no certain historical materials about the occurrence of Tatar riddles. It is known that the riddle was called “yomak”, that is, “yomik-closed”, now they are called “tabyshmak” - that is "Help tab find." Initially, riddles were associated with magic, in pagan times shamans made their predictions in the form of riddles, they believed in the magic of the word.

Over time, kingdoms formed, states and riddles were already used in the speech of ordinary people. Riddles reflected the life and thoughts of people, showed how people perceive the world. Researchers, scientists, having studied the history of riddles, conclude that Tatar riddles were a kind of folklore.

English riddles are not part of English folklore, and, most likely, part of Old English poetry. English puzzles have a specific literary origin. The English riddle usually appeared in poetic form in Old English poetry or in Old English literature. In ancient English literature, riddles had two goals. First, to interest and intrigue the poet’s audience. Secondly, to provide information that would later be useful for the successful use or understanding of a poetic language.

Both the Tatar and the English riddles describe some phenomenon or object, the recognition of which requires considerable thought. In the riddles of all peoples, the most ancient and most common form of “verbal shelter” of well-known concepts about objects is metaphorbased on the transfer of similar features from one subject to another.

Both English puzzles, and Tatar, are metaphorical and non-metaphorical.

M metaphorical:

“Mich tula pәrәmәch, urtasynda ber kalach” (Ay һәm yoldyzlar)

"What is broken when you name it?"(silence) (But, English puzzles are often metaphorical in conjunction with guesses.

N metaphorical - s metaphor-free agadas, are perceived not as riddles proper, but as jokes in the form of riddles. To solve them, it takes no less ingenuity and ingenuity than when guessing metaphorical puzzles:

Patsha kemgә bashya? ”(Hairdresser)

"What do people in Europe call little gray cats?" (little kittens)

Actually, in English there are a lot more riddles-questions than riddles-allegories. For example, “What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail lake a cat, but isn’t a cat?”(a kitten).

Unlike English, Tatar puzzles are presented mainly as an indirect question. Most often, the question is not outwardly expressed in Tatar riddles, and they have a metaphorically descriptive character.

Tyshka Kuydym - Tash Bulda,
Әйгә kerttem - su bulda.
Inde nihl ittem,
Duck Kuysam - bu bulda.
(Boz )

Many English puzzles have a purely interrogative form (“What is ...?” Or “Why ...?”) And the answer begins with the words “because ...”. For example, “What dose everyone have that he can always count on?” (his fingers);

Related Tatar riddles richer   and are divided into the following sections:

1) heavenly bodies;

2) land and its relief, minerals, water;

3) seasons, year, month, week, day; 4) natural phenomena;

5) trees, fruit trees, forestry; 6) herbs and plants, haymaking;

7) tillage;

8) vegetables;

9) insects;

10) fish;

11) birds;

12) animals;

13) person;

14) family, family relations; 15) village, buildings;

16) the house and its parts;

17) objects of heating and lighting;

18) the decoration of the hut;

19) dishes;

20) food, food;

21) weaving, sewing, needlework;

22) clothing, jewelry;

23) life, wealth, poverty, money;

24) road, means of transportation;

25) literature, letter, letter;

26) musical instruments;

27) weapons;

28) religion, myths, clergy;

29) about the letters of the alphabet, charades;

31) riddles-questions;

32) arithmetic puzzles.

33) riddles in fairy tales

On the subject of English riddles are divided into the following sections:

1) Riddles about animals (Animal Riddles)

2) Classic Riddles

3. Riddles for children (Kids riddles)

4. Puzzles about letters (Letter Riddles)

5. Medical riddles (Medical Riddles)

6. Number riddles

7. Illogical riddles (Paradox Riddles)

8. Ridiculous Riddles

9. Puzzles about words (Word Riddles)

10. Work Riddles

11 ) Riddles in fairy tales

There are riddles in both Tatar and English   in fairy tales.

The Tatar mystery, to this day, remains an independent genre of folklore.

Kosh ta tegel, at ta tegel,
ҮNee ocha, yөk tashy.

Keshelәrne ochyrta,
Үze cat okshamy;
Umbrella kebek җәelsә dә,
Җил-яңгырдан saklam.

The English riddle is any confusing question. Today, it is most likely a funny, humorous game for children, rather than a literary work, as it was in ancient times.

What can you count on no matter what? (Your fingers or toes (or both!))
  What teaches without talking? (A book)

A riddle is more than entertainment. For clues, it is necessary to show ingenuity, innovative thinking, patience and logic, and yet these qualities are very important for development. Thanks to riddles, you can learn to think. The subject of riddles is very diverse, which means they help to learn more about the world.

List of references

1.N. Isanbet “Tatar folk riddles” Tatar book publishing house, Kazan, 1970.

2. A certain Isәnbәt Tatars halyk tabyshmaklaraYar Challa "Idel Yort" Nәshriyat2002

2.   Titova N.G. History and study of folk riddles in domestic and foreign linguistics // Modern Philology: international materials. extramural scientific Conf .. Ufa: 2011.

3.http: // www .justriddlesandmore .com.

4. .

5.Old English riddles laura Digan Department of English language Faculty of arts University of Glasgov, February 2011

Tatar folklore - page №1 / 1

Tatar folklore

The national culture of the Tatar people, like other peoples, was created over many centuries. One of its parts is a variety of types and genres of poetic creativity. The folklore of each nation is important in that it reflects its thoughts, views and experiences. The very development of folklore and its specificity is determined by the historical conditions of the existence of the people.
Tatar folklore reflected specific historical features of the life of the Tatars. Magical epics, animal tales show the features of the economic life of the ancestors of the Tatars, their rites and customs, philosophical views of the patriarchal clan and early feudal society. Historical legends and legends reflect the main epochs and significant events: the foundation of the Bulgar city, the invasion of the Mongols, the heroic struggle of the Volga peoples for freedom and independence. Wedding poetry managed to preserve some information about the ancient forms of family-marriage relations.
National creativity also reflected the national psychology of the people, their way of life; qualities such as love for one’s homeland, nature, respect for work, despise and hatred of injustice, honesty, integrity, kindness and hospitality. To verify this, it is enough to turn to the images of the good characters of fairy tales, songs, bytes, to proverbs and sayings.

Exploring Tatar folklore, you can find that it already laid the foundation for the flourishing of all traditional forms of art: music, choreography, painting, architecture. The richest and richest variety is poetry and music. This is explained by the undemanding material costs of these types of folklore, and not by the limited ability of the people in other areas of creativity. Indeed, for songs and fairy tales you need only a wealth of spiritual and creative energy.

Tatar folk tales


In one chicken coop there was a rooster. A rooster walks around the courtyard, walks, looks around on all sides, looks at order and importance. The cock jumped on the fence and shouted:

Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku! I am the shah-cock, the padishah-cock and the khan-cock, and the Sultan-cock! My little hens are cute, black, white, motley, golden, who is the most beautiful in the world? Who is braver than anyone in the world?

All the hens — blackies, pies, gray, white, and golden — came running around their shah, the great padishah, their bright khan, the mighty sultan, and sang:

Ku-da, ku-yes, ku-yes, clear khan, ku-yes, ku-yes, ku-yes, wondrous sultan, ku-yes, ku-yes, ku-yes, bright shah, ku-yes, ku -Yes, yeah, bright ladies, I’m equal to someone with you! There is nobody in the world braver than you, there is nobody smarter than you in the world, there is nobody more beautiful than you in the world.

Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku! the rooster sang even louder. - Who in the world has a voice louder than a lion? Who has powerful legs, who has a colorful dress?

You, our check, have a colorful dress; you, padishas, \u200b\u200bhave strong legs; you, Sultan, have a voice louder than a lion’s, - the chickens sang.

The rooster pouted out of importance, raised its high crest and began to sing with all his might:

Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku? Come closer to me and say louder to me: who has the highest crown on his head?

The chickens approached the fence itself, bowing low to the important cock, they sang:

The crown on your head glistens like heat. You are our only check, you are our only padish!

And the fat cook crept up to the rooster and grabbed it.

Ku-ka-re-ku! Aw, woe! Aw, trouble!

Kud-ku-yes! Where where? cried the chickens. The cook of the mighty padishah caught the right leg, stabbed the cook of the great shah with a sharp knife, plucked a colorful dress from the light khan, cooked a delicious soup from the invincible sultan.

And people eat and praise:

Ah yes delicious cock! Ah yes fat cock!

« Three sisters"

Once upon a time there was a woman. She worked day and night to feed and clothe her three daughters.

And three daughters grew up, swift, like swallows, their faces resembling a bright moon.

One by one they got married and left.

Several years have passed. The old mother was seriously ill, and she sends a red squirrel to her daughters.

Tell them, my friend, to hurry to me.

Oh, ”the elder sighed, having heard sad news from a squirrel,“ oh! ” I would be glad to go, but I need to first clean these two basins. -

To clean two basins ?! - got angry squirrel.

So be with them forever inseparable!

And the pots suddenly jumped from the table and grabbed the eldest daughter from above and below. She fell to the floor and crawled out of the house with a large turtle.

Squirrel knocked on her second daughter.

Oh, ”she answered,“ I would run to my mother now, but I’m very busy: I need to weave at the canvas fair. ”

Well, wee now all my life, never stopping, ”said the squirrel.

And the second daughter turned into a spider.

And the youngest kneaded the dough when the squirrel knocked on her. The daughter did not say a word, did not even wipe her hands, ran to her mother.

Always bring sweetness and joy to people, my dear child, ”the squirrel told her,“ and people will take care and love you, and your children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. ”

Indeed, the third daughter lived for many years, and everyone loved her. And when it came time for her to die, she turned into a golden bee.

All summer, the bee collects honey every day. And in the winter, when everything around dies from the cold, the bee sleeps in a warm hive.


Once upon a time in one village there was a lumberjack. He once arrived in the forest. He cuts himself firewood, sings songs. Suddenly out of the dark thicket came out to meet him shurale (goblin). All of it is covered with black hair, a long tail wriggles, long fingers move, long shaggy ears also move. I saw the lumberjack shurale and laughed:

That’s who I’ll play with now, that’s with whom I’ll laugh now! What's your name, man?

The lumberjack realized that things were bad. Need to come up with something. And says:

My name is Last Year.

Come on, Last Year, we’ll play with you, we’ll tickle you, ”says Shurale,“ who will cross whom. ”

And all shurale oh master tickle! How to get away from this?

I have no time to play, I have a lot of work, says the lumberjack.

Ah well! - Shurale is angry. “Would you like to play with me?” Well then, I'll swirl you in the forest so much that you will never get out of it!

Okay, ”the lumberjack says,“ I’ll play, only you first help me split this deck. ” - He waved and planted an ax in the deck. She cracked. “Now help,” the lumberjack shouts, “stick your fingers into the crack as soon as possible so that it doesn’t close, and I will strike again!”

The stupid shurale put his fingers into the crack, and the lumberjack quickly pulled the ax. Then the goblin’s fingers were tightly pinched. He jerked, but there it was. But the lumberjack grabbed an ax and was like that.

Shura shouted at the whole forest. Other shurales ran into his voice.

What is it that screaming?

Fingers Last Year jammed!

When did it jam? - ask the shurale.

Now pinched, Last year pinched!

You won’t understand, ”says one shurale. - Immediately you have now and last year.

Yes Yes! shouts to the shurale, and he pulls his fingers. - Last Year, Last Year! Catch it up! Punish him!

How can you catch up to last year? says another shurale. “How can he be punished?”

In the past year, he pinched, and now he suddenly screamed. And what was silent last year? - the third Shurale asks him.

Now can you find the one who pinched you? It was so long ago! - says the fourth shurale.

The stupid shurale could not explain anything to them, and all the shurales fled to the forest. And he put the deck on his back and still walks through the woods and shouts:

Fingers Last Year jammed! Fingers Last Year jammed!
Tatar riddles

Full of cheesecake oven,

The old joker In the middle there is one kalach.

She doesn’t order to stand on the street,(Sky, stars, month).
Pulling home by the nose(frost).

Winged but not flying ”(mill). "Eats fast,

Chews finely

She doesn’t swallow herself

“Four boys under one hat”(table). doesn’t give to others ”(saw).

“Two brothers went swimming”(buckets).

Tatar folk proverbs and sayings

Without a sweet homeland you will be a wingless bird

You lose good - again,

If you lose a friend, you won’t return it.

For lodgers and the sun comes out on time.

With a good dzhigit, every thing in his hands burns.

You can’t catch a hare without labor.

How many do not whisk water, you can’t make butter.

What is the owner, such is the cattle.

There will be no rain without a cloud, and things will not be done without people.

Tatar folk games


The players, holding hands, make a circle. Choose a driver - Timerbay. He becomes in the center of the circle. The driver says:

Five children at Timerbay,

Friendly, fun to play.

We swam in the fast river,

Stuffed, splashed.

Nice laundered

And beautifully dressed up.

And neither began to eat nor drink,

They ran into the woods in the evening.

Looked at each other,

They did it like that!

With the last words, this is how the driver makes some movement. Everyone should repeat it. Then the driver chooses someone instead of himself.

Rules of the game.

Movements that have already been shown cannot be repeated. The movements shown must be performed accurately. You can use various objects in the game (balls, pigtails, ribbons, etc.).

"Ayu-bү re

("Grey Wolf")

One of the players is Gray Wolf. Children go "to the forest" to pick berries. One player asks:

You friends, where are you in a hurry?

Children in chorus:

We go into the dense forest.

What do you want to do there?

We’ll pick raspberries there.

Why do you need raspberries, children?

We will make jam.

Should a wolf meet you in the forest?

The gray wolf will not catch up with us.

Children come to the place where the gray wolf is hiding and singing:

I will pick berries and make jam.

For your beloved grandmother there will be a treat.

There are a lot of raspberries, all and not to collect!

But wolves, bears cannot be seen at all.

Here the gray wolf rises, and the children run beyond the line. Whom the wolf stains, that leads away to itself.

So he can stain 4-5 children, and the latter becomes a gray wolf.

"Aksak tө lke »

(The Lame Fox)

One of the guys is the “lame fox”, the other is the “master of the house” - the bear, all the other guys are hens. "The owner of the house" - in a circle, next to which - a large circle - "chicken coop." "Fox" - below the line, in the "hole".

From its hole, the fox on one leg jumps to the "master of the house." The fox and the bear start a conversation.

Where are you going, lame fox

Are you hobbling on a dark night?

Grandma is waiting for me, dear,

Don't you know that?

Why rush to her?

The fur coat is dried on the stove.

And if the fur coat lights up?

I will dip a fur coat in the river.

Suddenly rush her water?

It will be difficult for me then.

Well, and how, the fox is lame,

Will you live without a fur coat?

Don’t worry, sleep master

As you wake up, you will understand!

The "master of the house" goes to bed, and the fox jumps into the chicken coop. Hens wake up and scatter in different directions, and the fox, jumping on one leg, tries to tarnish someone. Those who are spotted become a fox.