How much does 1 m3 of asphalt weigh in tons. The main calculated and experimental dependencies with optimal structures of asphalt concrete. Transportation and acceptance at the site of asphalt mix

For the construction of roads and landscaping throughout the world apply asphalt concrete, which provides high-quality and durable coating. It is a mixture of natural minerals and road bitumen. Natural components ensure the strength of the coating, and bitumen binds them into a single consistency. The technology of its laying practically does not differ in different countries, but the quality pavement   Depends on modern components that add or do not add to the asphalt mix.

Until they are completed, attention must be paid to the requirements at the place of use. Completely environmentally friendly and harmless product! Absolute waterproofing; - extremely strong and wearproof; - resistant to oils and antifreezes; - coating thickness is only 6-8 mm; - Very high traction, both with the base and with the tires.

Wear-resistant and waterproofing coating: - roofs - parking lots - new and old concrete and asphalt pavement   in open and closed car parks. - sidewalks around buildings with basement floors. - alleys. The surface must be well leveled, with proper slopes, free from dust, greasy stains, construction waste, etc. cracks in the foundation with a depth or width greater than 10 mm must be pre-filled with a suitable mortar.

  Asphalt Composition

The quantity, quality and size of mineral fractions is determined by GOST 9128-2009. The coating itself consists of small gravel or gravel, which are so crushed that they are crumbs. The mixture also includes sand. Bitumen is a resin-like product and, like any resin, it has bonding properties only in a heated state. That is why asphalt is laid hot.

Remove the two components of the plastic bucket. Then again add component C with continuous stirring. Stirring is continued for 1 minute, obtaining a flowing homogeneous granular mixture. A well-dried surface of the substrate must be moistened with water immediately before installation. It is evenly distributed with suitable profile oars, then stitched and smoothed by a relief roller. Laying is carried out on strips 1 m wide, and the joints between adjacent strips are smoothed to get a common surface.

However, there is a technology due to which bitumen is obtained, which retains a viscous consistency up to + 5ºC. Modern oil refining methods have created a liquid bitumen that does not solidify to -30ºC. The content of mineral substances in the composition road mix   divided into 3 standard values:

  • 50-60% of crushed stone or gravel - group A,
  • 40-50% of minerals correspond to group B,
  • 30-40% of crushed stone or gravel belongs to group B.

The size of the gravel fractions is regulated by TU-5718.030.01393697-99, which was developed by SoyuzdorNII. In accordance with them, asphalt concrete is made using crushed stone with a particle size of 10-20 mm. This mixture is used to create the top layer. roadbed. The technology is considered traditional and is used everywhere, but depending on the complexity of the operating conditions, surfactants and polymers are added to the mixture.

The top layer of the cast coating in the wet state should be as smooth as a “water mirror”. The thickness of the laid layer should be about 6-8 mm. Sealing It is usually not necessary to specifically seal the applied layer, since the sealing of the applied coating is caused by the movement of vehicles. For objects with low traffic intensity, after curing the coating, it is recommended to seal several times with a car or light, hand rollers or tambours.

It is forbidden to move onto the applied coating until the mixture heals! The curing time depends on the temperature of the substrate and air, humidity, wind, etc. The mixture is not used in the rain or in the presence of rain. The mixture is not used in cases where, due to the high relative humidity, it is possible to significantly increase the time required for curing.

  Modern technology has changed asphalt

Pavement loads are increasing, and this has led to the search for new, modern materials to improve quality. As a result, cast asphalt concrete was created, which is used both for the construction of roads and for their repair. This technology is regulated and provides for laying the road mixture without compaction of the surface. The temperature of the resulting conglomerate should be from 190ºC, while its increase increases the plasticity of the mixture.

Tools are washed with water until the mixture becomes wet. After drying, gas, turpentine and other organic solvents are used. Wear gloves when handling. The skin on the skin is immediately removed and should be washed immediately with soap and water.

Link: procedure for receiving public order. Acting on the basis of Art. 92 sec 1 pt 1 Law on Public Procurement The Buyer informs that during the proceedings the most advantageous tender submitted. Acting on the basis of Art. 92 sec 1 pt 1 Law on Public Procurement The procurement organization informs that during the proceedings, the most advantageous tender submitted by the Customer for the construction of road and bridge works to the Customer is selected to fulfill the order and is within the financial resources that they order.

Thus, the composition has good elastic properties, which endow it with polymer additives. Due to the fact that cast asphalt concrete contains more bitumen and polymer additives, the volume of minerals in it is accordingly reduced. So, the content of gravel fractions up to 5 mm in size can be from half the mass to zero. Thus, the mass obtains the smallest possible granularity and, due to this, acquires a viscous consistency that does not require compaction.

You can devote the execution of this order. The number of points received is 100 out of 100. The following proposals were submitted: ID of the offer: 1 Name of the company and address of the bidder. The selected contractor must contact the contracting authority to sign the contract within 7 days after the announcement.

Methods for determining the density of the coating

Acting on the basis of Art. 92 sec 1 pt 2 The rights of public orders The Buyer informs that during the proceedings no offer was rejected. Acting on the basis of Art. 92 sec 1 pt 3 Public Procurement Laws The contracting authority reports that the contractor has not been excluded from the proceedings.

The physical properties of the composition are improved due to the PBB - polymer-bitumen binder. That is why cast asphalt gives road surfaces high strength of the top layer, its integrity, wear resistance, and long service life without cracks. In the manufacture of pavement using this technology, it is important that the conditions and proportions are observed exactly. This is the vulnerability with which cast asphalt concrete differs, since a deviation from the norms changes its strength characteristics.

In the case of actions committed by the contracting party in the course of the proceedings, and in case of non-fulfillment by the administrative party to which it is obligated under the Law, a protest may be filed with the customer. The protest is filed within 7 days on the day you were taken, or you could take into account information about the circumstances that led to your submission.

How much does a cube of asphalt weigh?

Will all work related to their repair, cleaning, etc. be turned off? All work related to repair, cleaning, etc. Disconnected? In addition, after completing the local vision, we believe that the technical condition of the existing coating requires an average of 2 cm of foundation, considering the entire length of the cut, not 1 cm, as indicated by the customer.

  Dressing of pavings, sidewalks, platforms

An advantage also lies in the possibility of decorating this type of pavement. This has expanded the scope of its application: you can make beautiful sidewalks, paths, alleys. On the roadway, colored asphalt concrete is used to indicate pedestrian crossings, dividing strips, and other markings. The effects are achieved by embossing, corrugating, adding non-ferrous minerals. Coloring technologies include mixing the composition of the following materials:

Please make the necessary corrections to the robot design. Ad placement: required. Notice applies: public order. A detailed description of the subject of the order is contained in the invoice for the number of works, maps, sketches and drawings, which are annexes to the specification. Preparation should be considered as informational material. The contracting organization will fulfill the subject of the contract as described in the tender dossier. The Contractor is obliged to calculate the amount of work, having made an allowance in nature, before calculating the price in order to achieve the intended purpose of the Buyer.

  • colored gravel fractions up to 5 mm in size,
  • sand from granite, limestone, marble, clinker,
  • pigment colors: red lead, crown, chromium oxide, zinc white.

In order to obtain cast asphalt concrete in brighter tones, clarified and synthetic bitumen are used. This technology increases the cost of paving, so it is rarely used, but found a different way. Colored chips are not added to the mixture during its manufacture, but rubbed into the coating at the stage of road construction. It remains in the upper layer, which reduces the cost of work and achieve a sufficient degree of staining.

The ordering party declares that if it appears that it is necessary to complete work on the order that is not included in the quotation, this will not become the basis for increasing the contractor's remuneration beyond the amount of the remuneration received as a result of the proposal. As a result of asynchronous training, it seems that the actual working value was higher than the estimated workload. The Buyer requires that the Contractor make a local vision before making an application, and at the same time receive at its own risk all the information that may be needed to prepare the proposal, conclude an agreement and complete the order.

  Physical and mechanical characteristics

The quality of the coating depends on its physical parameters, which are determined by GOST 9128-97. According to the regulations, the density of asphalt concrete depends on the type of sand used. Depending on this, it is:

If necessary, the participation of a contract worker in a vision upon prior request can be done one day in advance. The required warranty period for construction work is 3 years. The Buyer authorizes the submission of partial offers in part, as in paragraph 1, and the Buyer does not allow submission of options. The customer organization does not provide for the selection of the best bid using an electronic auction. The contracting authority provides for the possibility of awarding additional contracts referred to in Art. paragraph. 1 paragraph 6 of the Law.

  • on slag sand 2300 kg / m3,
  • on quartz sand 2100 kg / m3.

The first indicator is higher due to better compaction of the composition with slag sand. These figures are important for calculating volumetric weight, and, therefore, for determining the amount of materials before paving. At the same time, the consumption rates by which asphalt concrete is laid depend on the thickness of the layer of a particular grade of mixture. You can look at these data in order to avoid errors in self-calculations.

The contractor may commission a subcontract. At the same time, the contractor must indicate in the application form the part of the order that he concludes with subcontracting. The customer requires the contractor to submit, together with a statement on the completion of the construction work, a geodetic inventory of the construction work. Tender bond information: the buyer does not need to make a deposit.

Description of the conditions for participation in the procedure and description of the method for assessing compliance with these conditions: Participants can participate in proceedings that meet the requirements established by Art. 22 sec 1 and are not subject to exclusion in accordance with Art. 24 sec 1 and 2 of the Law. They have or have the right to have: a person who has the right to manage construction work in the specialty "construction and construction" and has the latest evidence of belonging to the proper chamber of a professional body.

The formulas also take into account specific gravity   asphalt concrete, which is 2000-2200 kg / m3. These data are regulated by GOST 9128-97. At the same time, errors should be taken into account depending on climatic zones and brand of asphalt (I, II, III). The average consumption of the pavement is determined taking into account the thickness of the layer and the surface area, since the physical and mechanical parameters are practically the same.

Contractors participating jointly bear serious responsibility for the implementation of the contract and must establish an authorized representative and determine their competence. Assessment of the fulfillment of the conditions: Information on the documents and documents that must be provided by the contractor to confirm that the conditions for participation in the proceedings are met: The contractor must submit in the proposal: - confirm that he has the right to carry out certain activities or activities and is not subject to exclusion by Art. 24 of the Law: Contractor's Declaration - is filled out and signed by authorized persons to represent the Contractor or by the Plenipotentiary Representative, representing contractors who jointly require an order.

  Mixture consumption

For example, with a layer thickness of 15 cm (for walking paths, playgrounds) per 100 m2 of surface, 37.5 tons of asphalt concrete are required. If cast asphalt is used, this data will be less due to its greater elasticity and the ability to limit itself to a thinner layer without loss of quality.

Documents in which it is indicated that the persons who will participate in the execution of the order have the right to build, that is: - the right to manage construction works with a specialization in construction and construction and ongoing certification of belonging to the proper chamber of professional self-government. Documents must be accompanied by photocopies: - allowances for construction; - certification of membership in the competent chamber of a professional body. In the event that the Contractor has indicated to persons who will be available during the period provided for the execution of the order, it additionally presents a written obligation of other persons to provide persons capable of fulfilling the order.

Another formula for calculating asphalt consumption is even simpler:

  • 1 kg of road requires 25 kg of mixture with a layer thickness of 1 cm.

The given parameters are substituted into this formula, regardless of the grain size of the gravel. Errors in such simplified calculations can not be avoided, but to refine a small area, you can do this formula.

The list compiled by the Contractor within the last 3 years before the start of the procurement procedure, and if the event is shorter, during this period - construction work with a cost of at least 75% of the order, Values, execution dates and names with the address of the contractor - according to the model in Appendix 4 to the specifications, - and: filled out and signed by persons authorized to represent the Contractor. Lawyer - represent the contractor during the proceedings or represent the contractor during the production and conclusion of the contract, if the person representing the Contractor in the procurement procedure is not indicated as authorized to represent him in the proper register or register of activities Economic damage.

  Rugged, low cost asphalt concrete

To increase the surface roughness and better adhesion of automobile wheels to the road, an increased content of crushed crushed stone is added to the composition of the mixture. This indicator is also increased by the addition of car tires processed into powder, but more often crushed stone is added. Its content can reach 80%. Also, the composition provides for the use of up to 7.5% of mastic.

Documents confirming that the conditions for participation in the work of performers with a registered office or place of residence abroad are met: when the contractor has a registered office or place of residence outside the territory of the Republic of Poland, instead of the document mentioned in 2, he submits a document or documents issued in the country which has a registered office or place of residence, confirming, respectively, that: its liquidation has not been opened or declared bankruptcy; - issued no earlier than 6 months before the deadline for submitting tenders.

This technology allowed us to obtain a rigid web structure and increase the adhesion coefficient, strength, and service life of the coating. This composition is called crushed stone mastic asphalt concrete, and it is also stacked hot. The size and quantity of mineral fractions are regulated.

Modern technologies   improved this composition by adding a cellulose component. It has the shape of the smallest granules and allowed to obtain a mixture that reduced the cost of road repairs by 40%. Cracks, holes, potholes practically do not appear on them. ShchMA can be manufactured without the use of high-tech equipment, it is only necessary to ensure control over the dosing of components.

Asphalt concrete is widely distributed throughout the world as a material for the construction of roads and landscaping. It is a mixture of road bitumen and natural minerals. Next, we will consider its composition, and find out the weight of asphalt concrete 1 m3, which is important when performing various calculations.

Material Composition

So, the coating consists of the following ingredients:

  • Fine gravel or gravelwhich are crushed into crumbs;
  • Sand   (quartz or slag);
  • Bitumen   - resinous substance.

Natural components of this material provide strength, and bitumen is their binder component. Like all resins, bitumen has a viscous consistency only when heated. Therefore, the mixture is laid only in a heated state.

It should be noted that there are technologies by which it is possible to obtain bitumen that retains its viscosity up to +5 degrees Celsius. In addition, some modern methods   Oil refining allows you to create liquid bitumen that does not freeze at temperatures up to -30 degrees Celsius.

Note! The technology of laying the pavement in different countries is approximately the same, however, the quality of the canvas depends largely on the composition of the mixture, to which modern components are added to improve its characteristics.

In the photo - small crushed stone

Depending on the content of mineral components in the mixture, it is divided into 3 groups:

As for the size of the fractions, this parameter is regulated by TU-5718.030.01393697-99, which was developed by SoyuzdorNII. In accordance with it, I add crushed stone with a particle size of 10-20 mm to the mixture. Such material is used to apply the top layer of the roadway.

It should be noted that there is still coarse-grained asphalt concrete in which crushed stone of fractions up to 40 mm in size is used. It is also used in road construction. This technology is considered traditional, as a result of which it is used everywhere.

True, depending on the operating conditions of the roadway, polymers and surfactants can be added to the composition of the mixture, giving it certain properties. In many ways, the price of the material depends on the additives.

Physical and mechanical properties

Weight and density

The quality of the coating largely depends on the physical and mechanical properties, which are regulated by GOST 9128-97. According to these standards, the density, and hence the weight of 1 m3 of asphalt concrete, depends on the sand that is used in its composition.

Depending on this, the weight is:

  • On quartz sand, 2200 kg per cubic meter;
  • 2350 kg per cubic meter on slag sand.

The second indicator is greater as a result of the fact that the mixture on slag sand is more compacted. Of course, the specific gravity of coarse-grained asphalt concrete is different, since crushed stone of a larger fraction is used in it. It is very difficult to obtain the exact value, however, on average, the weight is 2100 kg per cubic meter.

These figures are important in calculating the required amount of material for the performance of certain works. In addition, data on weight may be required when disassembling the pavement, which will allow you to calculate the carrying capacity of the equipment and the number of cars for the removal of the old pavement.

  The consumption rates according to which this material is laid depend on the brand of the mixture.
  These data can be found out from SNiP 3.06.06-88, which will help to avoid errors when performing calculations and do-it-yourself jobs.

It must be said that to increase the roughness of the road surface and, accordingly, better adhesion of car tires to the road, an increased amount of crushed crushed stone is added to the asphalt mixture. Its content can reach 80 percent. Grip is sometimes improved by adding recycled tires to the composition.

A change in composition, of course, is reflected in the material. Therefore, accurate values \u200b\u200bcan only be obtained from the manufacturer of the mixture.

Material consumption

If you decide to improve the territory by completing paths from asphalt concrete or covering the site with them, first you need to calculate its consumption. This will allow you to find out the quantity and cost of the material to carry out the planned work.

The instructions for calculating the flow are extremely simple:

  • First of all, it is necessary to measure the area that is planned to be covered with asphalt concrete. For example, it is necessary to cover a site of 50 square meters, with a layer thickness of 1 cm.
  • To cover one square meter of the road, 25 kg of mixture will be needed, respectively, for 50 meters 25x50 \u003d 1250 kg will be needed
  • Since in 1 m3 there is an average of 2250 kg of asphalt concrete, to cover the site you will need 1250: 2250 \u003d 0.55 m3 of asphalt concrete.

I must say that when using cast asphalt concrete, i.e. mixtures, which include polymers and plasticizers, consumption decreases, since the coating can be used with a thinner layer, as a result of its ductility.

  When landscaping with asphalt concrete pavement, it can be decorated.
  To do this, color is usually added to its composition.
  Also a popular way of decorating it is embossing and the use of colored crushed stone with fractions up to 5 mm in size.


The weight of a material such as asphalt depends primarily on the components that are used in its composition. However, averaged data can be obtained from the reference literature. This information is sufficient to perform basic necessary calculations when performing various tasks.

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