You just do not eat people. What happens when a person does not eat normally? What happens when a person does not eat for a long time

Curd - attitude to peace and people as to the medium

The expression "there are people" means the perception of not only people, and around the world around themselves as a place that exists to meet your desires.

When the Holy Fathers, including the Rev. John Cassian Roman, reasoned about the main human passions and about mortal sins, was the most beautiful, the most important passion called gluttony. Why?

Everyone is clear that a person naturally love delicious food, not to love the tasteless; It is clear to preparing exquisite food, and not every borde. And one of the penalties for a person, including in prison, is the Balant, which he is issued instead of normal human food.

That is, it is good to eat, there is a tasty for a person normally. There is no glossy, there is nothing wrong with that. Czechodie is when you eat excessively when food becomes something most in life and overshadows all other joys.

But the question immediately arises: is it really so scary? Is it possible to seriously consider the most dangerous passion of a person if there are hatred, fornication, pride, lies, hypocrisy, and so on, and the like?

Under the word "curious" in Christianity is understood not only and not so much attitude towards tasty and healthy food, how much relevant to the world and space of life, which man surrounds. If you perceive the world around yourself as a means that you absorb you who eat, and this process of devouring the world, devouring everything around themselves is a basic life function for you, is a terrible, terrible vice.

When the strictest is charged for every misconduct from another and constantly justify itself; When they put the highest bar for another and reduce for yourself - this is eating people

As a matter of fact, the problem of consumer society is mostly lies in the fact that a person exists like a space consumption machine. Then every person and any live soul, which is surrounded by such a person, is considered as a means.

And the Great Kant said clearly: "A person can never be a means, he can only be the goal." When a person becomes a tool for you, then you also use it in pleasure. And then you spoil some bones from him. Sometimes something in the teeth is stuck.

You can hear such a cannibal attitude to peace and neighbor and can be heard in expressions like "she has been a whole life of the whole life."

Some signs of cannibalism

When the strictest is charged for every misconduct from another person and constantly justify itself; When they put the highest bar for another and reduce for yourself - this is eating people.

This also applies to relationships in the family (spouses to each other, parents and children), and attitudes towards work, attitudes towards friends, and human relationships to the church, and attitudes towards any space. "Here you are, you whitause. You're like you, you smear. " A person does not see himself, but vigorously sees another, looking for flaws in another, because it is so pleasant to feel innocent and unrequited.

A person should not put some high bar for others, even if he puts a high plank myself. It is always necessary to deal with love, because the person is still intended to love the near, like himself, and not demand from the near. The bar must be lowered for another, how much for himself.

Here I remember the case from the Catema. One monk, which, apparently, put such high planks for themselves and for others, appeals to the old man: "Father, what should I do if I see my brother, sleeping for everybody. Do not give me pink to him? " Abva is responsible for him: "If I saw another brother, sleeping, I would put his head my knees and would leave him."

There are a lot of such stories in Catema. This is one of the most beautiful books that read well during any post. She softens the heart, sets the right tone to the soul.

What if you are doing after yourself?

Often it is possible to hear the opinion that self-users, samopoposks - it is very humbly, and in general the only attitude to the Christian attitude towards himself. But to a healthy spiritual life it has nothing to do.

Infinite self-named, self-copying, attitude towards himself as a "wretched", which does not recognize any responsibility, but lives only a sense of guilt, - without any doubt the thing is spiritually dangerous. Selfhood - soul disease.

Samoystvo is not related to humility in his true sense. There are, as they say, humble farm, and there is a smysteritality. Selfhood and the humility is observed when a person is trying for the mask of humility (not always conscious) to hide his unwillingness to live in freedom, his reluctance to live responsibly, somehow to act, change.

By the way, there is an excellent marker for checking yourself: if you are self-justice, you say yourself and suddenly you have someone from the side the same thing and you will reproach this reproach, absolutely agreeing with your heart, take it, it will be the truth. But if you only yourself allow yourself to reproach yourself, and if someone tries to tell you the same thing, you explode - you are usual self-communisal.

Ordinary self-called is a huge distrust of God, because the person cannot understand anywhere, believe that God loves him as it is. And the man is trying to be who he is not. He is trying to turn out something from himself, trying to come up with some special mask for himself, in which he could be accepted. Man is scary to be himself. And all this sifune occurs because a person fails to become better, and he is so self-recognition.

And when this mask flies when a person finds himself in the eyes of others, who wants to introduce themselves, then he is feeling a strong annoyance. The feeling of annoyance is not at all like a feeling of repentance. The feeling of annoyance is a feeling of a vulnerable pride. And that is why a person begins to eat himself. And so - in a circle, instead of stopping, recognize your dismaintration and start moving from yourself unworthy to such yourself, how did the Lord conceived you.

How not to get to the ledder on the teeth

A person cannot let "eat" himself and other people. A person should not be an object for manipulations. And in general, a person should not agree with the fact that it is an object, with the fact that it is used, with the fact that it is humiliated, so that it is constantly terrorizing. There is no humility. We must be able to stop it, leave these relationships. Leaving skillfully, with dignity, not angry.

We must be able to resist. This is what we, by and large, do not know how. We immediately fall into hatred, confrontation, malice, enmity, war, but to resist in a good way, kindly, with dignity we have not yet learned. This is a very important Christian science.

What will deduct the cannibal gust?

With your permission, I will give another quote from the Catema: "The brother came to Avaves Pimenu and, with some, the former praised one brother for the fact that he hates evil. "What does it mean hate evil?" - He asked HVVA Pimen. Brother was embarrassed and did not find what to answer. Then she got up, started stairs and says: "Tell me, what is hate to evil?" The elder responded: "Hatred for evil is if someone has hated his sins, and his neighbor honors the righteous."

It is necessary to resist cannedness. Do not fall into hatred, confrontation, malice, enmity, war, and resist in good way, kindly, with dignity

Stopping the way of eating the world to a person can always help the gospel. When a person discovers the words of Christ when he starts to truly look for the voice of God, facing him personally, when a person suddenly, completely unexpected for himself, on some kind of evangelical parable or history, or on some Word Christ suddenly He will feel that his heart squeezed because these words were about him. And the entire Gospel is about each of us, it is just necessary to learn to hear.

And when a person retracted the gospel, as a kind of home, exercise in the Holy Scripture, he does not perceive the Word of God as a personal appeal. He may disassemble the gospel for quotes, or some notions to overtake in a convenient context.

The words of the law of the books and Pharisees for themselves were interpreted, tried to find a loophole. It was the legist before Christ voiced the most important thing, most importantly, that later became the center of the Gospel Main Commandment: "Lite of the Lord God of your God, with all your heart, your thoughts, all your thoughts" and your neighbor as yourself. " But immediately asked: "And who is my neighbor?".

Ecology of life. You create a problem to feel strong, because without them you will feel helpless

Question:I feel some confusion about my problems. When I first came to the group, I realized that I wanted to be a man, and now I don't even know what a person is, and whether he exists at all. My problems are changing day by day, but when they are not, it scares me even stronger. This morning I felt strong fear because I do not understand what my problem is! I know just inventing problems to protect yourself.

It is good that you began to realize it. This happens to everyone.

There are no problems, there are only people, but we create problems from our neurosis, because we are afraid to stay alone. We are accustomed to permanent employment: one problem leaves, but even before she leaves us, we create a different problem. We immediately replace one problem with another to always be something busy. Otherwise, life will seem so empty and so huge that we will feel lost.

If you won't be busy with solving problems, then all this infinite god of existence will fill you up to the edges. You will feel like a tiny, almost empty place - and it scares you. When you create a problem, you forget about the whole world, because you focus on this problem.

You are something more than any of your problems, and with you everything is in order, as you understand that you need to do something. You feel very strong, once you continue to play with it.

Have you ever had to watch a cat that plays with the mouse? Sometimes it allows the mouse to run away for a short distance, then suddenly jumps and grabs her. And again she lets the mouse, and then, jumps and catches it, starts playing with her. This is how the human mind behaves: he plays a cat-mouse, And let you have a real mouse, but you have a plastic or rubber mouse, or a mouse from your fantasy, a mouse created by your imagination.

You create a problem to feel strong, because without them you will feel helpless. You are trying to resolve your problems - and you know that you are on the shoulder, since problems are your creation. If you allow them to stay for some time with unresolved, it is also good because you give them the opportunity to do for some time; Otherwise, you could commit them immediately. Cat can be divided with the mouse at any time, but she gives her a little freedom to play with her.

When you do not have any problems, you have nothing to focus on. And when you are not focused on anything, you suddenly begin to realize the infinity of existence, and this inflicitness has a paragance effect on you. Anyone is not averse to forget about heaven and stars, and the best way for him to do it is to create problems: small, minor, stupid ... for example, what dress to wear today.

So, you stand on the wardrobe and try to decide which dress to wear today. You are superbly cope with this game. It is designed exclusively for you, because your dresses are not going to all this. You can decide to wear any of them, what do you like, no one stands on your way ...

You can continue to live, worrying about trifles, but it's just a trick - a way to escape from existence, from your own insignificance. Man is a very tiny creature, and while you do not accept this fact, you will continue to fool yourself with your problems. But as soon as you accept the fact that the person is very small, the problems will disappear. You feel your insignificance just because you do not want to take this fact. Accept it, and you will see that you are not separated from this infinite whole; You are part of the whole, you are this whole.

So all these games are created by you. You got a wonderful insight, something very important and significant. If you want to continue your games, go on. But if you no longer want to play, you can discard games.

If you throw the game, then for the first time in my life you will become truly alive. If you drop them, you will be for the first time in life you can become accessible to unlimited energy that surrounds you. This life can be completely amazing, completely fantastic, and you continue to play with all this unnecessary noise of your imagination. If you see the reason for this, it is easy to stop. Do not try to become strong; Just be the one who you are. Do not try to deal with the existence, run away from him - just take it.

Take - it means to be strong. Take - it means to be religious. To take without any estimates, without any conditions means moving into a completely different measurement - call it "divine" or anyhow. And this opportunity suggests you on every corner, you can discard your problems at any time.

I continue to answer your questions, I continue to solve your problems, knowing well that you have no problems. You can ask me why then do I continue to answer your questions? I can just say that all this is devoid of any sense. But then you can not understand anything.

You bring me a problem, I decide it. You ask me a question, I answer it. I became part of this game. If you are interested in this IGE, I will play. Gradually, you begin to realize what you do. And remember: you are squanding only your time, not mine, because I have nothing to reach. Nothing is not cleaned here, except for your time. As soon as you understand this, you drop all the problems and start enjoying and celebrating. Instead of thinking about your problems, you will dance, sing, perform long walks, swim in the river.

You can enter existence using many ways; Only through thinking it is not available, as thinking is a way to avoid it.

Try to survive this glimpse of the insight and do not be afraid. I know that fear occurs, incredible fear. I know how difficult it is to live without problems. I myself went through it.

In the morning I was very frightened, so my head got sick - and it was a problem.

It was the problem you could create. You can create yourself a thousand and one problem. And when you have a problem, life is no longer a problem - you are busy with something. But in all this your employment there is no hint of some kind of activity. Look at it carefully, and from one thing you pay attention to this, the node will unleash.published

© Osho, from the book "The main thing is not impact"

The body uses food as fuel for all important organs and cells. What will happen if not there, the body does not receive fuel for the need that is transformed into organs and parts of the body. Without energy, all organism organs will begin to suffer from lack of energy.

What happens when a person does not eat for a long time?

Internal organs of man will be if not there is a long way to gradually lose their main functions.

Heart and blood circulation

The heart is a muscle that will reduce and weaken its power when a person does not eat. This may create blood circulation problems and irregular and very slow heartbeat. Blood pressure can fall during starvation and man will feel dizziness when it rises or physically works.


The stomach becomes less when a person does not eat, so when he starts eating again, the stomach can feel embarrassed (abdominal pain and / or gas formation). In addition, the stomach will lose control of the need for food, as if a person is no longer needed.


The intestine will move food if food is not enough, then slowly, which often leads to constipation (problems with defecation) and / or stomach, pain or spasms after uneven meals.


The brain controls the remaining functions of the body and will not work properly without food. For example, a person may have problems thinking and will also experience anxiety or depression.

It is still important that it will be if not there is long, it will lead to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels. Since the brain requires blood sugar levels to function optimally when it begins to fall, one of the first victims of cognitive processes is self-control. The ability to exercise self-control allows you to control attention, regulate emotions, cope with stress, resist and refrain from aggressive behavior.

Body Cells

Balance of blood electrolytes can be changed with malnutrition or starvation. Without food, the amount of potassium and phosphorus can be at a dangerous low level, which can cause problems with muscles, changes in the functioning of the brain and cause the problems life-threatening heart and rhythm.


When a person does not eat, its bones often become weak due to the low calcium content and low levels of hormones, which increases the risk of broken bones and the development of weak bones with age.

Body temperature

The body naturally reduces its temperature during hunger to save energy and protect vital organs. When this happens, it will begin to reduce the circulation (blood flow) to the fingers of the hands and legs that will look bluish and feel the cold limb.


The skin becomes dry when the body is not well moistened, and when it does not get enough vitamins and minerals from food. The skin will naturally protect the body during periods of hunger by balding soft thin hair called Lano, which covers the skin to keep the body warm.


When the hair does not get enough nutrition from vitamins and minerals, which are naturally found in healthy food, they become dry, thin and can even fall out.


Nails require nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals from the diet. When a person does not eat, they deny their body and nails become dry, fragile and easily break.


Teeth need vitamin D and calcium from food. Without both of these minerals, a person may eventually have dental problems, such as the loss of teeth and teeth and gum disease. Teeth cleaning can also destroy dental enamel.

When answering the question: what will happen if not, then the answer is necessary.

archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko.

In the "Leno trio" says: "Taking a body, let's post and spiritually." This is the main goal of the post. Sometimes saints expressed their thoughts very brightly and paradoxically, for example: "You eat meat, even eat meat, don't eat each other."

For the Lord, of course, our peaceful spirit of the Spirit is much more important, our warm attitude towards each other, our generosity, our condescension to the shortcomings of the neighbor or even to the insults, if they are applied to us. This is the Lord. If you did not eat something - it is a disciplinary measure that contributes to internal mobilization and gives the strength to fast spiritually. After all, the church does not say that it is not necessary to fast bodily, no, fasting bodily, let's post and spiritually. But the goal of the post is a spiritual post. And the physical post is a great agent, the gracious tool given to us by the church from the Lord so that we achieve this high goal.

It is necessary to strictly follow yourself, so as not to be offended by anyone, did not condemn anyone, did not annoy anyone. If you feel that the sinful wave is overwhelming your soul, immediately pray, see, turn to the Lord and pray so that this wave retreated. Let her and again surpasses (the cramped alone never leaves anyone), from us some sinful thoughts may not be dependent. If we do not allow yourself somewhere staring where it is not necessary, then, as a rule, do not depend. Ask any person: do you need any nastiness? Of course, no, she is needed. In thoughts, we are not free, but in relation to them are free. If the rubbish climbs into his head, then it is not necessary to get into a panic, nor in hysterics and, especially, you do not need to savor them, and in no case you can not talk with them. You need to immediately repent: Lord, help, Lord, Save and humbly sinning, my soul is unclean and stretches to sin, just me, Lord, clean my soul sin, get rid of these dark, dirty, sinful thoughts. And pray so that the Light of God's Grace again excused in your soul. And these thoughts will leave you for some time. Again the sword will attack.

In war, as in war, nothing can be done. From the fact that you say the enemy: I'm not nice that you attack me - he will not stop attacking you.

I also want to remind a wonderful thing, also aphoristically pronounced. The old man of Paisius Svyatogorets said that sometimes, when people begin to pray, repent, this invisible brand increases. This is normal. Keep in mind that for the enemy (the old man of Paisius contemptuously called "Tangalashka" - a very successful word) Your prayer, your repentance is like sharp bullets and spears. But do not think that if you are a swift in the enemy with sharp spears and bullets, he will answer you to throw marmalade and chocolate. This is normal. If this break is enhanced, it means that you get the ivel. It is very good. Only again, it is impossible to rush, you can not fall into a panic, you need to strengthen, you need to strengthen, you need to pray, you need to crawl into God's fertile armor so that it does not allow the soul to get closer to your soul. We can maintain this reservation, this defense can only be prayed, we appeal to the Lord, without letting themselves relax. Or, if everything is fine on the shower, do not forget to thank: thank you, Lord, what happiness, you are pretty me and give such joy.

As the apostle Paul spoke, always rejoice. Christianity is a religion of joy, and the Lord told His disciples: Rejoice.

But one joy is not enough, because it is very easy for this joy to turn into a kind of duty American smile.

Mustaintly pray. But this joy becomes real and deep. But this is not enough.

And just thank the Lord. But then, if you have such an arrange in your heart, you will be happy, pray, you're not at yourself, but for helping God and thank Lord for hearing your prayers and loves you. That's then you have the right, harmonious dispensation of the soul. Then really thank God. And God forbid the result of the post, in which we set out from day to day, it became such a fertile, joyful prayer state of the soul, connected with sincere gratitude to the subservant of all the benefits to the Lord to our Jesus Christ.

Archpriest Alexei Uminsky. Photo: Diacon Andrey Radkevich

Curd - attitude to peace and people as to the medium

The expression "there are people" means the perception of not only people, and around the world around themselves as a place that exists to meet your desires.

When the Holy Fathers, including the Rev. John Cassian Roman, argued about the main human passions and the death sins, then the first passion called the vigoria. Why?

Everyone is clear that a person naturally love delicious food, not to love the tasteless; It is clear to preparing exquisite food, and not every borde. And one of the penalties for a person, including in prison, is the Balant, which he is issued instead of normal human food.

That is, it is good to eat, there is a tasty for a person normally. There is no glossy, there is nothing wrong with that. Czechodie is when you eat excessively when food becomes something most in life and overshadows all other joys.

But the question immediately arises: is it really so scary? Is it possible to seriously consider the most dangerous passion of a person if there are hatred, fornication, pride, lies, hypocrisy, and so on, and the like?

Under the word "curious" in Christianity is understood not only and not so much attitude towards tasty and healthy food, how much relevant to the world and space of life, which man surrounds.

If you perceive the world around yourself as a means that you absorb you who eat, and this process of devouring the world, devouring everything around themselves is a basic life function for you, is a terrible, terrible vice.

As a matter of fact, the problem of consumer society is mostly lies in the fact that a person exists like a space consumption machine. Then every person and any live soul, which is surrounded by such a person, is considered as a means.

And the Great Kant said clearly: "A person can never be a means, he can only be the goal." When a person becomes a tool for you, then you also use it in pleasure. And then you spoil some bones from him. Sometimes something in the teeth is stuck.

You can hear such a cannibal attitude to peace and neighbor and can be heard in expressions like "she has been a whole life of the whole life."

Some signs of cannibalism

When the strictest is charged for every misconduct from another person and constantly justify itself; When they put the highest bar for another and reduce for yourself - this is eating people.

This also applies to relationships in the family (spouses to each other, parents and children), and attitudes towards work, attitudes towards friends, and human relationships to the church, and attitudes towards any space. "Here you are, you whitause. You're like you, you smear. " A person does not see himself, but vigorously sees another, looking for flaws in another, because it is so pleasant to feel innocent and unrequited.

A person should not put some high bar for others, even if he puts a high plank myself. We must always come on love, because the person is still called be in lovemiddle like itself, and not demand from the near. The bar must be lowered for another, how much for himself.

Here I remember the case from the Catema. One monk, which, apparently, put such high planks for themselves and for others, appeals to the old man: "Father, what should I do if I see my brother, sleeping for everybody. Do not give me pink to him? " Abva is responsible for him: "If I saw another brother, sleeping, I would put his head my knees and would leave him."

There are a lot of such stories in Catema. This is one of the most beautiful books that read well during any post. She softens the heart, sets the right tone to the soul.

What if you are doing after yourself?

Often it is possible to hear the opinion that self-users, samopoposks - it is very humbly, and in general the only attitude to the Christian attitude towards himself. But to a healthy spiritual life it has nothing to do.

Infinite self-named, self-copying, attitude towards himself as a "wretched", which does not recognize any responsibility, but lives only a sense of guilt, - without any doubt the thing is spiritually dangerous.

Selfhood - soul disease.

Samoystvo is not related to humility in his true sense. There are, as they say, humble farm, and there is a smysteritality. Selfhood and the humility is observed when a person is trying for the mask of humility (not always conscious) to hide his unwillingness to live in freedom, his reluctance to live responsibly, somehow to act, change.

There is a great marker for checking yourself: if you spend yourself and suddenly you someone from the side says the same thing and you reproach, agreeing with your heart, accept, it will be humble.

But if you only yourself allow yourself to reproach yourself, and if someone tries to tell you the same thing, you explode - you are usual self-communisal.

Ordinary self-called is a huge distrust of God, because the person cannot understand anywhere, believe that God loves him as it is. And the man is trying to be who he is not. He is trying to turn out something from himself, trying to come up with some special mask for himself, in which he could be accepted.

Man is scary to be himself. And all this sifune occurs because a person fails to become better, and he is so self-recognition.

And when this mask flies when a person finds himself in the eyes of others, who wants to introduce themselves, then he is feeling a strong annoyance. The feeling of annoyance is not at all like a feeling of repentance. The feeling of annoyance is a feeling of a vulnerable pride. And that is why a person begins to eat himself. And so - in a circle, instead of stopping, recognize your dismaintration and start moving from yourself unworthy to such yourself, how did the Lord conceived you.

How not to get to the ledder on the teeth

A person cannot let "eat" himself and other people. A person should not be an object for manipulations. And in general, a person should not agree with the fact that it is an object, with the fact that it is used, with the fact that it is humiliated, so that it is constantly terrorizing. There is no humility.

We must be able to stop it, leave these relationships. Leaving skillfully, with dignity, not angry. This is what we, by and large, do not know how.

We immediately fall into hatred, confrontation, malice, enmity, war, but resist good, with dignity, we have not yet learned.

Stopping the way of eating the world to a person can always help the gospel. When a person discovers the words of Christ when he starts to truly look for the voice of God, facing him personally, when a person suddenly, completely unexpected for himself, on some kind of evangelical parable or history, or on some Word Christ suddenly He will feel that his heart squeezed because these words were about him. And the entire Gospel is about each of us, it is just necessary to learn to hear.

And when a person removes the gospel as a kind of home, exercise in the Holy Scripture, he does not perceive the Word of God as a personal appeal. He may disassemble the gospel for quotes, or some notions to overtake in a convenient context.

The words of the law of the books and Pharisees for themselves were interpreted, tried to find a loophole. It was the legist before Christ voiced the most important thing, most importantly, that later became the center of the Gospel Main Commandment: "Lite of the Lord God of your God, with all your heart, your thoughts, all your thoughts" and your neighbor as yourself. " But immediately asked: "And who is my neighbor?".