The benefits of vacuum therapy. Vacuum therapy and vacuum massage What vacuum gradient therapy

About how today we can successfully use the methods of alternative medicine, which is based on a cannon (vacuum) therapy and in the treatment of what diseases it helps, tells the instructor-methodologist of therapeutic physical culture, a specialist in physical rehabilitation of the Family Clinic "Tanar" Dmitry Shilov.

- Dmitry Sergeevich, what led you to alternative medicine?
- Working the province (graduated from the Kazan State Medical University), I began to come to the fact that in addition to receiving medicines that are necessary at a certain stage, people are looking for some non-drug methods that will help them. This led to the fact that I received a second education - graduated from the Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism in the specialty instructor-methodologist of therapeutic physical culture.

In the process of its further activity, I was developed, Iproved and rehabilitated various healing and rehabilitation methods in such areas as manual techniques, medical physical culture, hirudotherapy, igloreflexotherapy - and work with paralysis (cerebral palsy, stroke), and with various pain syndromes (spin, Neck, joints, etc.), and with injuries, and diseases of internal organs ...

Helping people to restore and maintain health, I have been actively using the jam (vacuum) therapy in my practice for the fourth year, every time you have more and more improving them. These include not only the traditional setulation of cans, but also a combination with manual and osteopathic technicians, with psychosomatic correction, with techniques of shock-dynamic massage and hijam (blood treatment - one of the most ancient methods for the treatment of various kinds of diseases, which has been known before our era).

- What diseases are treatable?
- Thanks to an individual approach to each patient, accumulated experience, combinations of different approaches, began to be treated with rather complex diseases, including a musculoskeletal system.For example, He was diagnosed with horse-tail syndrome - this is the narrowing of the spinal channel in the loan area. Therapy occupied on average for two months during classes with the patient once a week. All manifestations of the disease disappeared to the tenth session. The second year after therapy, the patient does not complain about anything. Effective in this case were banks in combination with manual techniques.

Another example . A 66-year-old woman has intensified pain in the leg during the year. Unfortunately, the patient appealed to me when almost could not step on his leg. If a woman sat down, she did not work out on his own, she could not descend the stairs, was afraid to fall, if he went outside. At the same time, it was tormented by dizziness. All this led to the fact that the patient went to the hospital with the alleged subsequent dismissal. Treatment was carried out within two months once a week. Damage therapy was used in combination with manual techniques using elements of shock-dynamic massage. After the first session, the patient ceased to drag the leg. After the fifth sixth session, she went to work. And when she needed at work to raise something from the floor, the woman was able to burn and put on his knee, and then stand up. Dizziness also passed.

Often come to me with back pain . Ostly pain can be removed within one session. I stop the strongest pain syndrome either with hands or banks or needles. The needles are well "moved energy" in the body. How long will the adolescription, depends on the severity of the process. Chronic processes can be removed within a certain time. In any case, an improvement and period of anesthesia, improvement of mobility, the inclusion of a person will increase in full-fledged life will be improved.

Worked a lot with diseases of the hip joint. Therapy in this case takes from two or three months and more at frequency once a week.

Good treatable pain in the neck; In general, the diseases of the joints are always an individual and integrated approach to treatment.

Often engaged migraines. This disease has a lot of reasons, but, regardless of the reasons, the result is either visible immediately or some time after some time.

Damage therapy gives care of the disease of the entire musculoskeletal system. In the process, before and after you can use needles. At a certain stage, you can connect the peak therapy. But leeches need to be treated for a long time, because the function of the leech is not only cleaning the blood, but also the elimination of poisons, the restoration of various metabolic processes, in general, improving the entire metabolism.

- What is the root therapy based on?
- So what happens, thanks to dunning therapy? The most important thing is eliminated stagnation in the tissues. What it is? This is a violation of tissue flow, regardless of what is muscular fabric, leather, bone tissue, nerve, etc. In a healthy body - 100% fabric flowing. How much should come - comes how much should go - goes away. Flowing fabrics to the touch of elastic, and the muscles, when they put them in these places, painless.

A violation of the flow rate at a particular level or at the amount of levels leads to the fact that this area ceases to function normally. That is, in a certain section of the body, the "thickening in the tissues" occurs - it is possible to imagine how "cold" - and then through them heavier to pass through any fluid - blood, lymmones, interstitial fluid. Fabric to the touch becomes non-allastic, tough, painful when plugging.

In the special literature, this process is described as follows: if this happens at the level of blood vessels, then the blood vessels, according to which blood flows, in these conditions turn into deposit, the blood is simply stored in them. Stagnation in them changes its chemical properties and begins to poison surrounding tissues. All this becomes a favorable medium for various microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, fungi. They begin to multiply.

The body from this wants to defend himself, and in the end this site begins to encapsulate. "Khotel" begins to germinate with various connecting and intestinal structures, fibroted. At the last stage, this is already sufficiently tough, most often connecting, jannaya, adhesive education. It is considered incurable. But I believe that it is possible to compete and reverse and reverse. But it will take much more time.

Under the influence of hands, the cans occur not only to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes - there is a reverse process that led to the fibrosis of the tissues. Fibrous parts of the body begin to soften, in some cases dissolve.

There were a few cases when patients came with complaints on back pain, but they all had some cardiovascular diseases, in the process of treatment, the accumulation of stagnants in the heart nerve area was revealed, and we worked out this heart nerve, removing everything from there. In the process of work, they disappeared pain in the heart, the cardiac rhythm normalized, the indicators of the cardiovascular system were improved. This is not a panacea, but such cases were.

In fact, congestive fabrics in the process of therapy - "come to life", improves blood and lymphotok, all "dirt" is carried out in the overall bloodstream and excreted from the body, and what is needed - it is involved in metabolic processes. But at first it goes under the skin and looks like a banal bruise. Note that the bruise derived from injuries is a break of vessels with blood outlet. There are also absolutely atraumatic techniques. The body resets unnecessary fluids under the skin, which is manifested in the form of bruises.

Further can be two ways. Either we leave this bruise under the skin. Then during the first sessions they themselves differ from three days before the week. With the following sessions, the process is much faster, because the exchange processes in the human body are enhanced. After the fifth session of bruises, it practically does not remain. The skin is clean, pink, man does not bother anything. Either cuts-punctures are made in the skin and these unnecessary fluids are eliminated to the jar.

What else happens when the dark liquid in the form of bruises remains under the skin? The strongest immune response: In essentially, this is autohemotherapy (autohemotherapy - a procedure carried out by subcutaneous or intramuscular administration to the blood patient taken from its own vein. This technique is based on the principle of "treatment of such like that". According to the assumptions of scientists, blood, the main part of which is Water, "remembers" information about pathologies available in the body and with a re-administration finds a source of illness and destroys it).

- And how do you determine the locations of the stoles?
- There are a number of diagnostic techniques, including manual, with which you can already determine where there are fibrous sections where there are more, where less.

It is not just a thoughtless body treatment, this is a well-thought-out system, without me created. Banks have already been used for many hundreds of years, a different approach to their use is to search the best of their use. Understanding this, I'm trying to use banks in my practice to improve the overall condition of the person who turned to me. Therapy is aimed at completely eliminating that stagnation that has revealed, and try to do so that this does not happen. In the process of treatment, first of all, the pain syndrome is removed, metabolic processes are improved. And if a person supports the achieved result, the effect of doubt therapy is preserved for a very long time. A number of patients with whom I preserve contact, remission is already the third year.

- How do you work with patients?
- In their approaches to person, I do not criticize other techniques and do not exceed my own. I believe that a person must continue the treatment he is appointed.

I always consider the two sides: what is the result of a person waiting for a doctor from the point of view of the disease and that he wants from the side of social life (for example, the patient wants to go to work, play sports, etc.). Those. This is not only the strengthening of health and enhance immunity, it is an increase in performance, improving the quality of life and, as a result, improving life expectancy.

Health techniques are based on strengthening and maintaining health, so the criterion of truth has always been and remains the result. Experience with heavy patients showed - the result is always achieving! Focused work, an individual approach, knowledge and experience allow you to work with any patient. Health and well-being is the main and only goal of my work, regardless of the severity of the condition and duration of the patient's disease.

Svetlana Maracha talked

One of the most popular wellness techniques is vacuum therapy. Specializing on it clinics promise that this method can be cured by anything. Yes, what is there to say: according to the assurances, the vacuum therapy even will postpone old age for later. Is it possible to believe that it is so effective? What is her features? What mechanisms and apparatuses of vacuum therapy are used and are they safe? Do bruises appear after a session? All these and many other questions are worried about those who only consider the option to sign up to a specialized institution. The approach is correct: you must first find out exactly what is vacuum therapy, and only after that spend money on paid medical centers.

general information

In wide masses, a set for vacuum therapy is more famous as banks, and the methodology itself is called the maybe. It implies an external influence on the patient's body. Practiced in our time, wellness methods are based on theories that came from East Medicine. Banks, vacuum therapy is such a direction that implies a positive effect on the human body by means of reflex reactions provoked by sparse air.

If you believe feedback, vacuum therapy helps against the widest range of diseases. A bed massage affecting reduced pressure can help in eliminating pathologies, including serious. At the same time, you need to understand: the method is more suited as a secondary, accompanying the main therapeutic program.

East is a delicate matter

Modern vacuum gradient therapy is based on traditions, techniques that have been practiced by Tibet's doctors from a long time. The main working principle of therapeutic impact is the relationship of systems and human bodies. Bay massage benefits, as the vacuum activates the work of the internal organs. But it is not necessary to apply it to the abilities as: the device for vacuum therapy of the Russian Academy of Sciences is placed strictly on biologically active points, each of which has a direct connection with a certain internal organ.

Positive influence: what?

According to experts, the proper use of the vacuum therapy helps to activate the bloodstream and restore the inner tissues, since the processes of regeneration are initiated. The passage of the therapeutic course will help get rid of toxins, slags, the body will become clean, and all organs will increase performance.

Applying vacuum laser therapy, you can cope with a wide range of unfavorable, disturbing syndromes related to poor health. Tibetan massage implemented with the use of special equipment will allow itself to return the quality of life without pain and continuous use of medicines, the passage of uncomfortable procedures in the clinics walls. At the same time, the patient will observe the improvement of systems and organs.

What to wait?

Do not count on a miracle. Certain diseases can really be cured by using interval vacuum therapy, and the course of others will become noticeably easier to transfer. This is not a panacea, which can help everyone and to return to everyone to fully. Before visiting a specialized massage office, you need to go through a full examination, to identify the cause of health violations, visit narrow-controlled specialists who will help to choose the optimal program. You can consult with them, what benefit will bring a vacuum massage. If a professional confirms that this technique will be useful, then it makes sense to spend money on it. If the doctor assures that such an event does not have any benefit in the circumstances, then spending will probably turn out to be empty.

How it works?

The easiest method is static. The patient is placed in a convenient position lying, along the spine set several cans that leave for half an hour. The second option is dynamic when, during the therapeutic session, the doctor constantly moves the vessels by the body. For this, the skin is pre-lubricated with oils of plant origin.

What's happening?

According to professionals specializing in Tibetan massage, during such a procedure, the toxic components formed during metabolism are effectively derived from the body, stagnant phenomena exhaust themselves, the energy accelerates. At the same time, the metabolism, the processes of regulating the operation of the internal systems and organs are activated. A positive effect is also on the work of the blood vessels of the brain. The cannut massage is often recommended for violations of the functionality of the musculoskeletal system, the blood, respiratory functionality, one can also achieve positive dynamics in patients with the problems of the tract and neurological pathologies.

How does it all start?

Immediately before the procedure, the doctor explores the patient collecting information about disturbing phenomena and clarifies the location of biologically active points associated with patients. Professionals assure that such a technique is distinguished by a wide range of efficiency, so you can resort to it both during the rehabilitation after the injury gained and during operations, chronic and acute diseases.

When to try?

The indications include stagnant phenomena detected in a variety of tissues of the body, organs, systems. The device for Tibetan massage will help if the need for lymphatic and correction of organs. It is believed that the benefit of the technology of recovery will bring if the vascular channel was struck by pathology, the intestine shows too sluggish motility. The testimony for the jam massage includes colds, obesity, stress, including pathological, weakening immunity.

Tibetan massage is a rather effective measure of diagnosing blood flow, lymph circulation. It can be resorted to to adjust the activity of the stomach, intestines, restore the function lost due to diseases or injuries. Positive effect Impact will have a gallbladder, kidneys and many other internal organs. You can resort to vacuum massage as a cosmetic event, as the skin tone is restored, the covers look much younger.

When can not?

Restrictions on the possibility of using Tibetan massage to improve the body impose acute infections, feverish states, depletion without cause, sharp and unpredictable. It is not necessary to use the apparatus for vacuum therapy during tumors, regardless of the nature of the location of the neoplasm, also in the detection of strong sclerotic lesions of the vascular system.

Methodology is not applicable with pronounced neurosis, pathologies of vessels, hearts, thrombophlebitis, varicose limbs. Tibetan massage do not pregnant in the second half of the hatching period. Also, it is also impossible to resort to the technique if purulent, fungal lesions are detected on the skin.

Some features

A distinctive positive feature of a vacuum massage is the depth of the effect of the apparatus on the human body. In addition, the procedure is quite long, it not only has therapeutic effects, but can also be used as a method for the diagnosis of a number of pathological conditions. Spots, swelling, appearing during the imposition of cans, can tell a professional a lot about the state of the body.

When the doctor sets banks, the fabrics are gently expanded, while the vessels are stretched, which allows blood to penetrate outside the channel intended for it. Microscopic strictly dosed hemorrhages do not bring adverse reactions, but activate the body's immune system. When banks are removed, the vessels are returned to the usual look. This simultaneously trains the vascular system, increases the tone and elasticity of tissues, and also restores the organs.

The effect will be!

According to professionals engaged in Tibetan massage, with such manipulations provoking the stretching of the vascular system, the production of nitrogen oxide is activated, which is involved in regenerative processes. In fact, under the influence of such a procedure, the vessel channel is literally rebuilt again due to the emission of nitrogen oxide. It is believed that the event is an effective prophylactic measure, preventing the development of atherosclerosis, which reduces the likelihood of stroke, infarction.

When to panic?

The fact that there are serious problems in the body, indicate the negative consequences of putting cans. Microscopic hemorrhages may be quite strong - this is a characteristic indicator of venous stagnation. In addition, the doctor can conclude that the vascular system is insufficient, the low quality of the tissues forming the walls of the blood stream. If the stains after the cans are not left at all, in this area the blood flow is either absent or very oppressed, which also requires additional research and urgent medical intervention.

I'm afraid of pain!

There are cases when the attending therapist recommended the patient to undergo treatment according to the method of vacuum Tibetan massage, but a person diligently delays with a hike to a specialist, fearing painful sensations. According to those who work in this area, the procedure itself is completely painless, so you should not expect trouble. But pain syndromes, accompanying pathology, can be stopped - how much depends on the cause of their appearance and degree of neglection of the disease.

The advantage of a vacuum massage is the fact that non-drug therapy, which means that synthetic drugs do not fall into the body adherent to organs and systems.

How does everything look like?

After installing a special preparation under the banks due to the pressure drop, soft tissues are drawn into the vessel. This ensures deep elaboration of the organ. The stains characteristic of sessions are usually formed only the first 3-4 times visits to the doctor, after which they gradually disappear and when the course of therapy does not appear anymore.

Vacuum as a cosmetology

The use of Tibetan massage to preserve the beauty of the skin entered the use of relatively recently, it is currently more common in large cities, but the inhabitants of the depthings often seem to be Blazh. As noted by the past therapy, as the vacuum effectively normalizes the bloodstream, the skin really becomes elastic and smooth, and the shade is healthy.

Many cans are available on sale, including for independent home use. It is not worth treating with them a serious illness, but it is possible to use as a cosmetic event, however, observing the instructions for use. Models are presented on batteries and simple, productions of various countries. Experts advise the use of banks necessarily on a lubricated oil surface of the skin, otherwise not to avoid the appearance of ugly bruises, which are not at all on the face.

The formulation of medical cans is a common and ancient procedure, which is attributed to numerous healing properties. The first for medical purposes the banks began to apply the Chinese. They believed that this procedure increases the body's resistance to the harmful effects of the external environment, activates the circulation of blood and the vital energy "qi".

The newest medicine does not give unequivocal statements about the benefits or harm of this technique, however, it is believed that in a massage complex, it can be used quite effectively for the treatment of a number of diseases. With the help of cans in the East treat skin diseases, infertility, blood disease.

When the bank touches the body of the patient, the skin is sucked inside. This leads to an increase in blood flow to this area. Banks actively stimulate blood circulation, updating the cells of the body, improve the metabolism.

Photographer Getty Images Suhaimi Abdullah (Suhaimi Abdullah) captured a Singapore version of vacuum therapy with skin piercing. Notice, before attaching the bank, the leaky punks the skin.

Singapore vacuum therapy looks very extremely, in sensations, probably also the procedure is not pleasant. Therefore, we have the usual vacuum therapy in Europe, effective and familiar "banks" in Europe.

- This is a painless, highly efficient method of therapeutic effects on the human body with special vacuum cans. This treatment method is characterized by the following features:

  • the method that allows you to quickly and safely stop pain syndromes, especially when osteochondrosis and radiculitis.
  • one of the most effective and physiological methods of non-medical and rehabilitation of the body, which is valid by mobilizing its own resources.
  • one of the effective ways to prevent a number of diseases.
  • the method activating the microcirculation of all liquid tools in the body, which is especially important for the update and rejuvenation of tissues.
  • the method that allows you to quickly and qualitatively clean the body from the accumulated slags.

What happens under the influence of vacuum cans?

Under the influence of cans, sufficiently strong pressure drops are created that affect the body. The skin and soft fabric are drawn into the banks, where there is a very deep study of soft tissues on a large area at the same time. Blood circulation and lymphs are improved, stagnant phenomena are eliminated, toxins and harmful substances are removed, the metabolism is improved, the processes of tissue regeneration are accelerated. The body is supplied with blood, oxygen and nutrients. The role of spots arising after the impact of the vacuum is very important. It can be said that the substances contained in the stains have an exceptional, therapeutic effect on the body. With the help of stains, you can accurately assess the processes occurring in the deep soft tissues. The process of formation of spots occurs during the first four sessions. In subsequent sessions, their development is inverse, that is, the stains are completely absorbed and no longer formed.

Vacuum therapy is carried out on different fields of human body. The choice of the treatment zone depends on the diagnosis and related treatment methods.

Spin vacuum therapy.


  • osteochondrosis of the breast and lumbar-sacacon
  • tension muscles of the back
  • malgia
  • shopping Periatritis
  • radiculites
  • lumbago
  • chronic fatigue
  • chronical bronchitis
  • bronchial asthma
  • bronchiectatic disease
  • hypertensional disease I-II stage
  • cardiopsychoneurosis
  • stomach ulcer
  • postoperative and post-tramium period for rehabilitation
  • moogelosis
  • correction of posture in children.

Vacuum - belly therapy.


  • constipation
  • chronic colitis
  • ulceal disease outside exacerbation
  • obesity
  • strengthening the muscles of the abdominal press.

Vacuum - chest therapy.


  • intercostal neuralgia
  • vegeto-vascular dystonia
  • chronic tracheobronchit
  • chronic pneumonia
  • stagnation in the lungs
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.

Vacuum - cervical therapy.


  • mositi
  • migraine
  • headaches
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
  • cervicalgia
  • root syndrome
  • cervico-Brachialyg with muscular-tonic or vegetual manifestations.
Vacuum therapy is a highly efficient method of therapeutic effects on the body

Vacuum therapy - Forgotten Babushkin Method

This method, despite the strict scientific name, is known to everyone. Well, maybe not everyone, but rather, people after 40 years - precisely those who, with bronchitis, prescribed medical banks in childhood. The procedure is painless, but, frankly, terrible. Recently, the banks were crowded with mustard pieces, some import ointments, such as "Dr. Moma", all sorts of antibiotics. Recently caught myself thinking that there were no cans in my first aid kit - they lost somewhere when moving. And I did not remember about them - but it turns out in vain. After what I saw and heard Dr. P.P. Mikhailichenko (vacuum therapist, as he calls himself), came to the conclusion that tomorrow I will go and buy pharmacy banks. If they, of course, still have in our pharmacies.

Brief information about Mikhailichenko Pavel Petrovic.

Mikhailichenko P.P., Doctor, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Education diplomas have received confirmation of compliance with world standards in WES. Until 1990, he worked at the Military Medical Academy, a researcher. Author of more than 55 scientific medical articles.

I developed and implemented a fundamentally new method of therapeutic and recovery effect on the human body - vacuum-gradient therapy - the method of deep teaching tissue. The use of the method allows diagnosis, prevention and treatment of many diseases associated with impaired structural and functional state of soft body tissues, blood vessels of the blood-lymphatic system and peripheral nervous system. As well as a suspender and training of body muscles, including muscles and face skin.

But first a little prehistory.

At the end of winter - in the influenza time - in the pharmacy it is always not to break through. And the young oven young man who immediately climbed to the window, naturally caused irritation from patiently standing in line. "Yes, you calm down," he dismissed, "I just ask me, and he turned to the pharmacist - a girl, do you have medical banks? I need sixty pieces." "How much?" That was surprised - you have such a big family? We have never happening so much - now nobody is treated with them. Take better "Faringosept" or Pastille from cough. " "Yes, I do not have a cold, but osteochondrosis, and a strong, I don't need a loyalty." "Bulk," the old woman appealed to him from the line, you all confused - banks in our time were set from cough and bronchitis, and osteochondrosis is not treated with them, especially for such quantities. "

"Cold, grandmother, treat - he answered him already at the exit. And I was cured - this is me banks I am looking for a" homework ", for the prevention so to speak. And osteochondrosis is treated, and sinusitis, and cereals, and pressure is removed - what is just Do not treat. About Dr. Mikhailichenko did not hear unless? "

Next time I heard about Dr. Mikhailichenko something like a medical joke - how he cured from a sneaky for many years to them, a very famous otolaryngologist with all sorts of degrees.

But what does the main transfusion of the Military Medical Academy says from St. Petersburg, Candidate of Medical Sciences S. Sidorkevich:

"The method of vacuum gradient therapy was first sufficiently skeptical. And two months ago, the shoulder-painting periantritis was aggravated. He turned to Mikhailichenko. Already after several sessions, the pain in the spine was completely disappeared, and after 5-6 sessions and I did not notice how my mine ceased. Left shoulder. On my personal experience I was convinced of the effectiveness of this method. Such a deep study of tissues and muscles, which is achieved by the method of vacuum gradient therapy, it is impossible to achieve any known physiotherapeutic methods: "

But this is so to speak the highest pilot - the treatment of complex diseases. Here the doctor connects the whole system of its special cans, and the skills of classical massage, and some vacuum systems. But the most interesting thing is that it turns out at home, it is quite possible to use banks yourself and remove pain in osteochondrosis, arthritis, muscle pain, reduce pressure, output slags and much more. But, more details, about this method in an interview with Pavle Petrovich Mikhailichenko himself

Always believed that banks are a fairly bulky way of treatment - and it is difficult to put, and stains remain, even scary becomes .

Mikhailichenko : Well, of course, the tablet take much easier. And then one more and even to smooth the harm to smooth. The fact that any chemical invasion of such a thin and fragile system, as a human body, is fraught with a multitude of negative consequences, people, alas, do not think. For some reason, man does not want to work in his own health. And forgets those methods that were developed by the healers of antiquity. When I became seriously engaged in the method of vacuum gradient therapy, was simply amazed - it is able to mobilize the internal reserves of the body and treat a mass of diseases, and not just colds.

Do you know that the scientific interpretation of this procedure is the setting of cans - was given before the war therapist V.Kh.vasilenko? Already in the sixties, the method was tested, checked, studied, was recognized as "extremely necessary and effective" and called "vacuum therapy". This title is obliged to Velhovover, who described the effect of the use of "cans" - immediately after the procedure decreases the systolic (upper) pressure of about 25 mm RT. Pole, the pulse frequency slows down on 20 shots. The picture pattern changes - by 15 percent the number of leukocytes decreases, the number of lymphocytes increases by 20 percent. This increases blood coagulation. It was then that an attempt was made to the deep study of soft tissues and the exceptionally beneficial effects of such procedures on the body were proved.

Vacuum therapy uses ordinary medical banks?

Mikhailichenko: And ordinary, that is, well-known everyone, medical, and the most common - mayonnaise (250 ml), half-liter, sevencomothgram (in this case, it is necessary to watch the edges to be smooth, without sterbin) - but it is, of course, rather, for home use . By the way, do you know that the form of pharmacy cans is the same as the cans of the doctor of the school of gladiators - the famous Galen?

And only recently - twenty years ago, pharmacy banks changed their form and only thanks to the clinician-neuropathologist E.S. Velhower. They created banks of different functional purposes - different volumes, diameters and configurations (for example, for vacuum massage of the thyroid gland, testicles, sigmoid guts, etc.) See how many different cans and jars (really there were a very different configuration on a spacious table - From huge bottles to tiny "kings" - special "finger cans" - approx. author)

But, of course, for home use you can use precisely medical banks - a little further, I will give the methodology as they use with various diseases.

Why does this case have a fairly injured skin procedure?

Mikhailichenko: Here you are mistaken - this procedure does not injure the skin!

Well, what about these crimson-red hematomas on the back after the procedures? Because of them, people even shame to undress.

Mikhailichenko: Well, first, it is not hematoma. Hematoma is a limited accumulation of blood in the tissues due to the rupture of the walls of the vessels. At the same time, a cavity containing liquid or coarse blood is formed.

And the spots on the skin after the procedure is the "effusion" of blood through the walls of the vessels, and not the gap! And in this "effusion" there are not only elements of blood, and also protein substrates of blood plasma, physiologically active substances, such as histamine, spinners, neuromediators, hormones, etc. These elements - already spent their age, so they have enough unstable - as now Call slags. And as soon as they are removed (vacuum vacuum cleaner), the body immediately begins to produce new life elements with double energy. Blood, lymph, tissue fluid updated. The mechanism of intensive production is launched. And all systems are turned on, up to this time "idle".

Moreover, from the intensity of this "effusion" can be judged by the degree of painful processes in the body.

You want to say that in the color of the stains after the procedure you can say how far the disease has come?

Mikhailichenko: And how gluked the body. Moreover, now I first make express diagnostics to look with what degree of illness and with what slack is dealing with.

Comparing the picture of the spots with the character of the disease, I came to the conclusion that dark-bugs with a blue-violet tide with spicy edges - This is a sign of powerful congestive processes in the depths of the fabric. Red spots with fine-point hemorrhages, But without swelling point to more superficial changes in deep tissues. Hard to believe?

But it is so. The most interesting thing is that with a re-session of vacuum massage, the stains are no longer formed by such color. Work on cleaning the body - already spent.

And in children, the stains are formed? They also have a slapped organism?

Mikhailichenko: Different children and stains of different intensity are. In sick children - bright stains, because even in infancy, the products of metabolism for illness are formed, in healthy children - slightly noticeable spots, but also formed, because with our ecology, the immune system often does not work as it should work in a healthy body .

So, the main task of vacuum therapy is the improvement of the body, cleansing slags?

Mikhailichenko: I would formulate the possibilities of vacuum therapy as follows: First, the powerful study of soft tissues is the removal of stagnation due to the "raising to the surface" of slags. In other words, the improvement of the body is its prevention. Secondly, the treatment of many diseases, since the procedure gives a powerful impetus for the intensive work of all organism systems.

This is a universal method that allows you to cure a variety of diseases. No medicine affects the way this method.

What diseases treat vacuum therapy?

Mikhailichenko: very and very many. But let me name only those diseases on which you can act independently with the help of pharmacy cans imposed on the back area, that is, at home.

It - osteochondrosis, muscle spasms, radiculitis, lumbago; in the chronic fatigue of the body, bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma; diseases of the cardiovascular system - hypertensive disease 1-11 degrees, angina, in the restorative period after myocardial infarction, with a vegetaryous dystonia; Ulcery disease of the stomach and duodenal intestine in the remission phase.

And, besides, any healthy person with the aim of preventing these and many other diseases, for deep cleaning of the body, it is recommended to receive regular vacuum therapy sessions.

How often do preventive vacuum-therapy sessions do?

Mikhailichenko: Once a month, after the course of procedures. With regular conducting vacuum therapy (the initial course with subsequent preventive sessions), there is a noticeable restructuring of soft tissues of the body for six months - it is rejuvenable. The skin becomes elastic, mogelosis (muscle seals) disappear (muscle seals), the so-called "humps" - tissue seals in the seventh cervical vertebra area. The body weight is reduced, the joints begin to work "without crunch".

Is it possible to spend the healing session of vacuum therapy at home?

Mikhailichenko: Of course, complex diseases can be cured only by a specialist - a vacuum therapist. And eliminate pain syndromes (pain arising in the neck, back, lower back, with elevated arterial pressure, insomnia, headaches, overwork) is possible.


It is advisable for a patient before starting the procedure to take a warm bath or shower, if there is an opportunity - a sauna. The massable areas of the body are lubricated with heated vegetable oil or vaseline. Initially, the usual classic warming massage is carried out: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. Then the vacuum massage begins. To do this, you will need - pure alcohol or medical ether, at worst - cologne, wool, medical clamp, set of cans of different sizes. You can use standard medical banks, as well as cans with a capacity of 0.25 and 0.35 (mayonnaise), 0.4, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9l.

The technique of setting cans: in the right hand clamp with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Fitil set fire. In the left hand take the can, keeping near the back plot to which you need to impose a jar. The burning torch makes inside the jars, hold it 1-2 seconds, then remove and very quickly apply the jar to the skin of the back. The edges of the cans should synchronously touch the skin, then the bank is slightly pressed.

Banks for the first time should stand no more than 1 minute.

Banks should be applied not only in the pain zone, but also nearby, you need to work as a large surface nearby. For example, with bales in the lower back or in the field of blades - banks put over the entire surface of the back, starting with the cervical region and ending with the berium. When headaches - on the surface of the top of the back.

It is advisable after the procedure to take a shower to wash off the body distinguished sweat. Remember, vacuum therapy causes a temporary increase in temperature - this is a normal response of the body, when blood, lymph and the interstitial fluid are adhered not only to the surface of the skin, but also to internal organs.

After the patient's procedure is wrapped and give him a rest for half an hour. You can give cranberry juice, floral tea, mineral water.

Stains do not need to be afraid: on the one hand, this is a kind of indicator of stagnant phenomena in the body, and on the other, the stains, or rather biologically active substances that come out with slags begin to have a healing effect.

In subsequent sessions, and they are carried out after 1-2 days, the stains are gradually absorbed, the edema disappear and no longer arise.

The procedures of vacuum therapy with a duration of 15 minutes spend on the second time, the course of treatment on average is 9-11 procedures. Even if the pain disappeared, it is necessary to make several more procedures to secure the result. And regularity is very important.

Are there any contraindications in this procedure?

Mikhailichenko: Sure. The first rule is not to put banks if the body temperature is higher than the norm, with feverish states, with inflammatory processes in the acute period!

Absolute contraindications:

tumors of any nature and localization, body exhaustion, acute infectious diseases, sclerosis of blood vessels, vessel thrombosis, neurosis with convulsive seizures, diseases of the cardiovascular system: acute inflammatory processes in myocardium, endocardium, pericardia, heart disease, hypertension 3-4 degrees, heart attack Myocardia in acute period, frequent angina attacks, acute cardiovascular insufficiency, varicose veins 2-3 degrees, thrombophlebitis, purulent and fungal lesions of the skin, the second half of pregnancy.

Relative contraindications:

Unclear diagnosis, condition after severe physical activity, after a hot bath (before the leisure procedure for two hours), infant or senile (after 80 years) age, alcohol intoxication, mental disorders, as well as the negative attitude of patients to the procedure.

Vacuum therapy- The method of external influence on the body, widely used in the practice of Eastern medicine. This is one of the therapeutic directions consisting in the local reflex effect on the human body with discharged air. Such a method of treatment is known in the people as "banks" or "cansage".

All methods of Tibetan medicine are based on the principle of the relationship of all internal human internal organs, therefore the principle of therapeutic action of the junny massage is the useful effects of vacuum on the biologically active points of our body associated with certain organs.

Vacuum therapy has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, restores the body tissues and contributes to the removal of toxins. With the help of Tibetan massage, a whole set of painful symptoms is eliminated, allowing you to enjoy life in its entirety. After the course of vacuum massage, you will feel an explicit improvement in the work of the body as a whole.

Principle of operation of vacuum therapy

With static vacuum therapy, the banks are put along the spine for 15-30 minutes, and with a dynamic (sliding) method, the doctor moves the jar along the patient's body, focusing on the energy meridians. With a cannon massage from the body, the toxic products of metabolism are displayed, metabolic processes in the body are activated, stagnant phenomena are eliminated, the "acceleration" of energy. As a result, the procedure also improves brain circulation. In addition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, the bronchopulmonary system and the gastrointestinal tract, the cannon massage is widely used in the treatment of neurological disorders.

Therapeutic action of cans

At the heart of treatment with the method of setting the cans underlies the preliminary definition of treatment goals and the impact on the relevant energy points associated with the internal bodies. Vacuum therapy has an incredibly extensive field of exposure - from sports injuries to post-traumatic rehabilitation.

Indications for use

Removal of stagnant phenomena in organs and tissues

Conducting effective lymphodroenaga

Correction of the position of internal organs

Restoration of the affected vascular bed (varicosera, hemorrhoids)

Restoration of sluggish intestinal motor

Regulation and restoration of the function of the stomach, gallbladder, kidneys and other organs

Diagnosis of the condition of the lymph and blood circulation of the body

Immunity Stimulation (non-invasive autohemotherapy)

Treatment of colds

Removing stress and pathological cellular memory with structural connective tissue and eliminating the causal chain of some chronic states

Reducing excess weight

Cosmetic effect (increase skin tone)


Tumors of any character and localization

Acute infectious diseases and fever

Strong sclerosis of vessels with a tendency to hemorrhage and thrombosis

Neurosis with affective states and convulsive seizures

Cardiovascular disease

Fungal and purulent skin lesions

Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins of the second and third degree

Second half pregnancy

Features of the procedure

At the depth of exposure, vacuum massage is not equal, has a long impact and at the same time is a good diagnostic method. By the nature of stains or edema, it is possible to judge the inner state of the organism with high accuracy.

When setting the jars, a soft extension of tissues occurs, and the vessel acquires the type of tensile tissue and through the holes that appeared elements fall beyond the bloodstream. These dosage microculine are not a side effect, and the main means activating their own resources of the body (immunity).

Results of vacuum therapy in the clinic "Naran"

After stopping the impact, the vessel acquires the initial appearance. Thus, there is a vascular training and restoration of their elasticity.

Also, stretching the inner sheath of vessels produces the production of nitrogen oxide, which is a regulator of regeneration processes, as a result we get a new vascular channel, and this is the best prevention of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.

If we consider the extreme states from the impact of vacuum cans, then strong microculine on the skin speaks about the venous stitching and poor condition of the vessel walls, and the absence of a spot indicates the full or partial disappearance of blood flow.

It should be noted, the procedure for vacuum therapy in the Naran clinic is carried out by a qualified specialist, taking into account the psychophysical state of the patient. Mobilization of the internal reserves of the body using vacuum therapy leads to a resistant improvement or deliverance from many diseases. This is a good prevention of aging and premature fading of the body.

  • general recovery of the body as a whole
  • treatment without chemistry, hormones and operations
  • Doctors of the Naran Clinic are confident: in order for the treatment to be as efficient as possible, surgical operations and chemicals are not needed. Treatment can be soft, natural and efficient!

    Olympic swimming fans everywhere talk about vacuum therapy in our days: this is a discussion caused by purple spots on the shoulders of Michael Phelps and Cody Miller. Such similar on the spots sitting were discovered at the Olympic gymnast Alex Nadur and many other world-class athletes are recognized in the use of jam massage.

    According to Reuters, the sale of equipment for doubt therapy increased by 20 percent over three days after the great victory of Phelps.

    The International Vacuum Therapy Association also announced a "50 percent increase in the number of practitioners interested in obtaining certificates of domestic therapy" during the same period of time. Acupuncture doctors also noted an increase in the number of information about therapy information.

    What is vacuum therapy?

    Vacuum therapy is an ancient medical appliances; It is rooted in Chinese medicine 300 or 400 years. It is also documented in Egyptian and Middle Eastern cultures.

    Banks are still regularly used in traditional Chinese medicine in Chinese hospitals and other places. Supports of different sizes are joined to the body, and suction pulls blood to the surface of the skin. Thus, similar to the bruises traces are formed.

    It is said that this treatment improves blood circulation, thereby speeding up healing, reducing and relaxing pain in the muscles. According to Dr. Guman Danesh, a specialist in eliminating pain in the hospital Mount Sinai in New York, banks help "accelerate the process of natural healing of the body."

    Phelps and Nadur hotly advise this treatment. At the recent press conference, Phelps said he spends vacuum therapy before the majority of meetings, and Nadur told USA Today, that vacuum therapy is his "secret ... optimal health. This is the best thing I spent my money. "

    Do banks from pain help?

    Although some media make fun of athletes for the promotion of quantity, research, as a rule, support their use. For example, in a review conducted in 2014 on 16 studies of vacuum therapy, it can be assumed that it can really be useful from pain. According to the authors:

    "Vacuum in combination with acupuncture exceeded the use of only acupuncture with intensive pain after treatment ... The results of other individual research showed significant benefits from cans compared to conventional drugs or ordinary care ...

    This review implies a potential positive short-term effect of vacuum therapy to reduce pain intensity compared with the lack of treatment, thermal therapy, conventional care or ordinary medicines. "

    Vacuum therapy can ease many painful states

    In a study published in Evidence-Based Complementation and Alternative Medicine At the beginning of this year, it was found that vacuum therapy significantly reduces chronic neck and shoulders, compared with the lack of therapeutic intervention.

    In the group of vacuum therapy, the intensity of pain in the neck decreased from the gravity estimate of 9.7 to 3.6. In the control group, pain decreased from 9.7 to 9.5. The study also estimated the measurable physical effects of therapy, including changes in skin surface temperature and blood pressure.

    Both measurements showed statistically significant improvements among those who passed vacuum therapy. An earlier study, which was compared with vacuum therapy with progressive muscle relaxation, revealed that both procedures ensured similar to relief in patients with chronic pain after 12 weeks.

    Nevertheless, those who have passed vacuum therapy reported a significantly larger sense of "well-being" and a higher global threshold than those who practiced the progressive relaxation of the muscles. The study published in 2012 also reported positive results for patients with arthyroidic pain in the knee.

    "Meta-analysis has shown that vacuum therapy in combination with other TCM methods significantly exceeds other types of treatment in increasing the amount of cured patients with a shelling herpes, facial paralysis, acne and cervical spondylosis. About serious side effects in studies were not reported. "

    Basics of vacuum therapy

    Miofascial decompression therapy is so called vacuum therapy in athletic coaches.

    Practitioners TCM Therapists usually use glass jars. First, oil is applied to the skin to prevent excessive friction and pain, since the flesh is absorbed inside. When using glass cans, a vacuum is created by igniting a cotton ball, impregnated with alcohol, and holding it inside.

    The fire burns oxygen inside the jar, so when the flame is removed and the bank is placed on the skin, the resulting vacuum creates suction. If the suction is too strong, you can ease it, carefully pressing your finger next to the edge of the cans, inlet a little air.

    Banks can be left in place or slowly move, in which case it is called a junny massage; His effect is similar to the effect of deep fabric massage. Banks are usually left for three to five minutes. The resulting scars, as a rule, disappear in a couple of days as ordinary bruises.

    Vacuum therapy can affect your innate immune response

    Leonid Caulman, doctor of philosophy, Senior University Lecturer. Ben-Gurion in Negev in Israel, wrote more than 150 works on physiotherapy and rheumatology. He believes that, causing localized inflammation, the relief helps to stimulate the production of cytokines that modulate the reaction of your immune system.

    In a recent review of the research of vacuum therapy, published in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Calutman and his co-author of Efenia Rosenfeld celebrate:

    "Mechanical vacuum therapy increases blood circulation, whereas physiologically, it activates the immune system and stimulates the meh-sensitive fibers, which leads to a decrease in pain.

    There is a scientific evidence that dry vacuum therapy is able to reduce pain in the musculoskeletal system. Since vacuum therapy is an inexpensive, non-invasive and low-risk (if performed by trained practice) therapeutic method, we believe that it should be included in the arsenal of musculoskeletal medicine. "

    Unconfirmed species

    While more research can help explain the exact mechanisms of therapeutic force of vacuum therapy, many patients are satisfied with the fact that it helps them - no matter how and why. As Jessica McLen noted, acting directors of the International Vacuum Therapy Association:

    "When people receive treatment, and they are restored very quickly, they do not need scientific data - they just need to work to work."

    The following unverified success history reported Desert News Utah:

    "Therapy helps 33-year-old Mary, which was at the Master Lou ... on therapy acupuncture and banks from several hernias of intervertebral discs at the bottom of the back. She said that he tried many options, but the pain becomes unbearable from time to time, "as soon as I passed the therapy, I felt immediate relief," she said, "I never returned to anything else."

    Maria ... damaged his back, lifting and moving many boxes. She said that in addition to the immediate and long-term relief of pain, the needacking procedure and vacuum therapy "relaxes", in the process. Lou said that she will have about three procedures for a week, and then you don't need to put banks anymore, until the pain returns. "

    Are you ready to try vacuum therapy?

    Vacuum massage is easy to do alone, and vacuum sets can be bought on the Internet for only $ 30. Nevertheless, I strongly recommend contacting the TCM trained practitioner. TCM licensed doctors take place at least 3,000 hours of training and know how to perform vacuum therapy safely and efficiently.

    Excessive suction should be avoided when treating certain parts of the body. While the back and hips can safely cope with heavy absorption, on certain sections of the neck vacuum therapy to conduct risky if you do not know what you are doing.

    Vacuum therapy is also not held on his head or face, so if you have, you need to treat muscles neck, shoulders and / or back; Banks are not placed on temples or forehead. Banks are also contraindicated in certain serious diseases.

    So, can vacuum therapy help you? You just need to try it before you write off bills. Research and unconfirmed evidence suggests that vacuum therapy may be a useful addition to other methods of treating pain. In some cases, it can even work as an independent treatment, although this is not the norm. Good news is that if it works, you will notice the difference. And if not, no harm will bring you to you.

    The procedure itself is usually painless (if excessive absorption is not used), and bruises that indicate that the stagnant blood was removed from the tissue to the surface, usually disappear within a few days. If you have no stagnation of blood, you will not have any bruises at all.