The filter element for separating water from the oil. Cleansing the body with oil - proven ways to get rid of slags, toxins, parasites. Preparation for the use of water membrane

The main task of any cleaning structure is to reduce the concentration of harmful impurities to the limits of the permissible norm. For each industry, there are specific ways of removing impurities. As a rule, they include several stages and imply a thorough selection of multicomponent equipment. The presence of the theoretical knowledge base in physics and chemistry is also necessary when designing installations.

Among other issues included in the competence of the Vodnaya Center specialists, - wastewater treatment from concentrated oil-containing impurities of oil and fat and food industries. The company's employees more than seven years have been issuing water purification. Thanks to a great practical experience, we will be able to choose the best option for any customer, given the specifics of specific production.

  • Important aspects of wastewater treatment from emulsified fat.
    New technologies and improvement of production cycles, when cleaning fat-consuming wastewater.
  • How to start cleaning wastewater from dyes in the textile industry?
    Stages of processing the incoming reset with modern cleaning plants on the production line.
  • We represent ultraviolet cleaning of sewage from chlorination.
    Review of cleaning facilities for basic measures to extract pollution.
  • The main source of oil-containing discharges are mechanical engineering enterprises. The design of sewage wastewater treatment plants from fatty and oil drains depends on many factors, including from the concentration of pollution. The discharges of low concentration are the results of washing and lubricating metal parts with machine oils. To extract them from the water structure, methods of ozonization and coagulation are used.

    The principle of wastewater treatment in oil and fat industry

    For discharges with a high degree of contamination, cleaning the oil of sludge emulsion wastewater by an electric coagulator or coagulation using aluminum sulfate is not suitable due to its economic inexpediency. In the first case, there is an excessive sticking of resinous substances to the electrodes, and in the second - too much reagent is consumed. Therefore, it is recommended to consistently use individual installations for cleaning grinding and stormwatering for discharges of various concentrations.

    For primary cleaning, a mechanical method is used - compact installations of cleaning of grinding and stormless drains (oil traps) are mounted, and one of the coagulation methods is used to isolate dissolved impurities.

    High concentration discharges may contain up to 50 g of technological oils per liter of water. The main sources of these pollution are spent lubricating and coolant (coolant) on machine-building production. In the small business - waste car service. At such enterprises it is recommended to pre-clean the oil-containing flow of the oil collector in the sewer network. Slip-oil collectors perform a double task - help clean the waste fluids from oils and petroleum products that rise into the upper layer and separate solid impurities that settle on the bottom. After pre-settling, the fluid passes through a polyurethane filter to clean wastewater from oil and enters electrolysis or ion exchange plants. The activities following the separation of oil components depend on the further use of the components obtained.

    With water treatment of wastewater from oils in filters, a large number of waste materials accumulates, including organic, provoking the active growth of bacteria. If the number of bacteria is more than 100 million per 1 ml, then the regeneration of the product becomes impossible. In order to avoid decomposition processes, it is recommended to disinfect filters or the use of other systems for separating oils, for example, double flotation settings. Purification of wastewater with the content of vegetable oil using this technique is made as efficiently as possible and without loss of the quality of the material being processed.

    The rainbow is much more pleasant to observe in the sky after the rain than on the surface of the water raised from the well. The cause of the source contamination can be oil or other petroleum products that fell into the water. How to get rid of them?

    These beautiful divorces - a sign of the presence of oil in a well making water unsuitable for drinking

    Causes of oils in the well

    Most often the cause of water pollution is the depressurization of the pump. Some models have a camera in which up to 200 milliliters of oil is located. It is necessary to cool the elements, lubricating parts and extension of the service life of the mechanism.

    The reason for entering the oil into well water can be the depressurization of the pump

    Worse, when the cause of oil, gasoline, diesel fuel or other petroleum products is a leakage of gas stations or car washes. Substances could penetrate the soil together with her waters or as a result of intentional drain. It will be difficult to cope with such pollution.

    It's easier if the oil or other substance fell into the well by chance. For example, you have clumsy dropped a bottle with oil residues or it sheds next to the well and got into a source through cracks in the walls.

    What can not be done?

    So, the oil film was formed on the surface of the water, and you do not know what to do. The first thing that comes to mind is to use a detergent that can attract and neutralize oil. In no case do this. Washing powder and dishwashing tools (for example, Fairi) contain surfactants (seals) - they will spoil water even more and make it unsuitable for eating.

    The second thing that can come to mind is to pump water from the well. No water - no oil. Also error. When water pumping, the oil mests on the stacks of the well and its day, which will also aggravate the problem.

    The third misconception that the oil is not dangerous and it will go away. If you do not immediately solve the problem, then the oil pollute the surface of the well. In this case, you will have to pump water and the whole well.

    If oil has formed on the surface of the water, then in no case use household chemicals and do not pump all the water from the well.

    How to clean the well from the oil?

    Remember the main rule: if there are traces of oil in well water, then such water cannot be used for drinking and planting plants. When contamination is detected, it is necessary to immediately stop using the liquid. If you have installed a source of pollution, then if possible, it must be quickly eliminated (for example, to get or a jar, accidentally falling into the well with oil residues).

    People's way: a small amount of oil is easy to collect sawdust. To do this, the surface of the well needs to be filled with dry sawdust. Wait a few minutes and collect them.

    The well cleaning algorithm looks like this:

    Collect the oil from the surface of the water with the help of absorbent substances that attract pollution (if you do not have special means, it will even suit the usual paper) / You can also use a small pump that is pumped up contamination from the surface; - Pour water on the meter from the level of pollution;

    Wash the walls with water under high pressure (constantly pumping fluid); - Clean the bottom of the well and replace the bottom filter;

    If water pollution is caused by a gas station or car wash, then close the seams in the rings of the well.

    If there was a strong contamination of the well, then the cleaning procedure should be repeated 2-3 times.

    The human body, depending on age and health, is 60-85% of water. Without food, a person can live long enough (under certain conditions - up to two months), and without water - just a few days. Scientists have long thought about why mountaineers in different parts of the planet are distinguished by excellent health and longevity.

    Studies conducted at the University of the American State of Georgia have shown that water drinking mountainous districts has special qualities.

    Water in mountain springs originate at the edges of the melting of snow and has a specific structure: the links between molecules in it are ordered, molecules are combined into macromolecules - clusters. She got a name structured.

    As a result of further research conducted by enthusiasts around the world, it was found that the structure of melt water is similar to the structure of the intercellular fluid of a healthy organism. Moreover, in the samples studied cells, surrounded by structured water, were absolutely healthy, the patients of the same cells were surrounded by a contaminated fluid with a chaotic structure.

    The intercellular fluid is surrounded by all cells of our body. It is from her cells that the nutrients (vitamins and minerals) are obtained, which are necessary to maintain their functioning, the products of the cells are also discovered in the intercellular fluid. When complying with the normal water balance, all this dirt from the body is washed away, but if the water is not enough, the intercellular fluid is thickened, the cells are aging and dying.

    Structured water is much easier penetrated inside the cage shell than the usual, it brings her nutrients and flushes slags. By the way, the usefulness of various fruit and vegetable juices is partly due to the same effect: being, in fact, the intercellular liquid of plants, they have the same structure as Tales (pay attention to the article "benefit and harmful water"), due to which it is easy to penetrate In the cage, delivering vitamins and minerals vital.

    The scheme contains the location of molecules in dead water (left) and alive (right) - structured.

    One of the active popularizers of structured water is academician of Raen I.P.Numumuvakin - a person, more than thirty years worked in space medicine and created unrelated space hospitals in the world, as well as the current cosmonaut nutrition system.

    I.P. Neumyvakin recommends consuming about 2 - 2.5 liters of water per day (not less than 30 ml per 1 kg of weight), and it is better that it is structured. Coffee, tea and carbonated drinks not only do not moisturize the body, but also "dried" it. Therefore, in such cases, the daily rate of water consumption should be increased. Water should drink an empty stomach, half an hour before meals or two hours after it.

    Benefit and harm

    If the body lacks water, then to ensure the work of the heart, he himself begins to take water from those organs that are not so important: first of all, from bones, teeth, hair and skin. It is from here - the so-called "age" fragility of bones, hair loss and early wrinkles. You can use the most expensive creams, but if your body lacks fluid, the appearance of wrinkles is a natural consequence of dehydration and linakes of the skin. Bone fragility, hair loss and teeth is also a large degree of consequences of chronic dehydration.

    Structured water is ideal for cleaning the body and restoring its water balance: due to the special structure of clusters, it is much easier penetrated into the cells, literally washing the intercellular space.

    Thanks to this property, it significantly improves the nutrition of the cells with vitamins and minerals, and also enhances the effect of drugs. Regular reception dilutes blood, which prevents the formation of blood clots and contributes to the normalization of blood pressure. It is noticed that it helps and patients with inflammation of the joints: due to the moisturizing of the articular bag, the joints are less wearing, pain relief removed.

    It has been proven that the admission of structured water brings significant relief in the following diseases:

    In her clinic I.P. Nesimevakin receives excellent results using it in a complex with other means, for the treatment of diseases such as diabetes and chronic bronchial asthma. In particular, it can even be significantly reduced to the insulin dependence in diabetes mellitus.

    On the video below, the lecture fragment of Anatoly Wasserman on this issue:

    How to make structured water at home

    The fact that prevention always costs much cheaper treatment, well known. Therefore, many people who learned about the healing properties of such water begin to drink it. However, not everyone was lucky to live at the edges of the melting of the snow, and the quality of tap water was literally the arrival in the towns. How to get it at home? The process is simple, but rather enough:

    1. Water from the tap should be to settle at least within a few hours (it is permissible to clean it with the filter).
    2. Then it should be pouring into the enameled container that you need to put in the freezer. Salts of heavy metals will be frozen first, so the formed first fragile ice film must be removed, and the container is to put on a further freezing.
    3. When it is frozen about half of all the water, you need to break through the ice, pour the liquid. Disagreeable and will be the most structural water.

    It will maintain its healing properties for about twenty hours. Of course, in the conditions of a modern apartment, the right amount of water is not frozen for the whole family, and, frankly, many of us simply do not have time. Therefore, it makes sense to look at what trade offers us.

    Can I buy structured water?

    The structured water from various manufacturers has now appeared on sale. It is quite a road, and, given that it retains its properties for a sufficiently small period of time, the feasibility of acquiring is very doubtful.

    Method of structuring method with various magnets and filters is much more interesting. Various vitalizers, magnetic circles, instrument called Aquadisk are distributed. With their help, it is possible to obtain structured water in the desired quantities.

    Our people, whose smelter someday there will be a monument, manages to pass through magnetic filters even alcohol. The alcohol is indeed purified from harmful impurities and sigh oil.

    Of course, the use of structured water is not at all a panacea from all diseases and does not cancel traditional treatment methods. However, its benefits are undoubted. Starting the reception, it should always be remembered that the health itself is given to us as a gift, but its preservation requires painstaking, daily labor.

    Clean the body with water

    Recall once again that we are all almost 70% of water. And water, in fact, is the basis of good well-being. And here it is important to understand that the water not only "cleans" the body, but also saturates it with everything necessary. The lion's share of vital substances enters the bodies with liquids, the foundation of which is the essence of water. Therefore, it is so important that the water is saturated with the body in due quantity. The best way to fill the lack of fluid in the body and protect it from dehydration - drink water. In addition, drinking solves our main task - the problem of purification. We drink, water saturates organs and fabrics and parallel flushes from them all the accumulated "garbage" and takes it during the natural excretory processes.

    Test. Will your water body grabs

    The amount of water contained in the body correlates with life forces. Here is one of the ways to check whether the water is enough in your body. Press your finger to the middle of the palm. Hold it so seconds ten. As soon as you release it, the skin immediately straightened and returns to the original state. This means that you have enough water in the body. If the skin does not straighten the skin immediately or on the palm of one or two seconds the dent will remain, it means that the body sends to you unequivocal signals. Immediately drink a glass of pure water.

    Here is another little test. Want to understand that we use a sufficient amount of water, and dehydration does not threaten your body? Then try honestly answer questions such a short test:

    1. Do you feel fatigue in the morning, even if you sleep well?

    2. You sleep badly, often wake up?

    3. Do you feel permanent, irresistible fatigue?

    4. Are you not very hardy physically?

    5. Are you prone to frequent mood or irritability shifts?

    6. Do you often catch up?

    7. Do you suffer allergies?

    8. Are you often tense or feel on the verge of a breakdown?

    9. Do you often have constipation?

    10. Do you often hurt or shoulders?

    11. Do you have problems with weight?

    12. Are you a big sweetness lover, soda, alcohol?

    If you have a positively answered four questions or more, you, despite your convictions about well-being, suffer from dehydration! So your body asks water. Listen to him!

    This text is a familiarization fragment.

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    Cleaning wastewater from oil-containing impurities depending on the composition and concentration of impurities is carried out by setting up, processing in hydrocyclones, flotation and filtration. When defending, the particles of oil particles with a density of a smaller water density, according to the same laws as the deposition of heavy particles. The process of settling is carried out in sumps, as well as in oil leaders with a minor concentration of mechanical pollution. The design of the oil leaders is similar to the design of the horizontal flow sump (see, Fig. 46). With an average of the time of sewing water in a maslchik, equal to two hours, the speed of its movement is 0.003-0.008 m / s. As a result of settling the oil products, contained in water, float to the surface, from where they are removed by the oilborne device (Fig. 53). To calculate the oil traps, it is necessary to know the rate of pop-up oil-products, which is determined by formula (10), and wastewater consumption. Then the calculation is reduced to the definition of the geometric dimensions of the trap and the time of settling wastewater.

    For the purification of concentrated oil-containing wastewater of machine-building enterprises, for example, wastewater processing of metal-cutting machines, wastewater treatment with special reagents that contribute to coagulation of pollution in emulsions are widely used. Na 2 CO 3, H 2 SO 4, NaCl, A1 2 (SO 4) 3, NaCl and A1 2 (SO 4) 3 and others are used as reagents.

    In tab. 28 shows the values \u200b\u200bof cleaning efficiency from the sewage oils of the Chelyabinsk pipe rolling plant in septiles without processing and processing reagent. The concentration of oil at the inlet to the sump varied from 0.05 to 0.63 kg / m 3.

    Customs of wastewater from oils with increased viscosity and high density is produced in hydrocyclones, the principle of operation and characteristics of which are described in § 22.

    Purification of wastewater from the oil flotation is to intensify the process of pop-up oil products, fats when enveloping their particles with bubbles of air supplied to waste water. The basis of this process is the molecular sticking of particles of oil and bubbles of fine-drigped air in water. The formation of the aggregates of the "particle - air bubbles" depends on the intensity of their collisions with each other, the chemical interaction of substances in water, excessive air pressure in sewage water, etc.

    Depending on the method of formation of air bubbles, several types of flotation are distinguished: pressure, pneumatic, foam, chemical, biological, electrophling, etc.

    The highest use in wastewater treatment systems obtained pressure flotation (Fig. 54). Contaminated wastewater in pipe 1 enters the receiving tank 2, from where the suction pipe 3 is supplied to the saturator 6. Through the pipe 4 to the wastewater comes with compressed air with a flow rate of at least 3% of the volume flow of wastewater. In the saturator there is stirring of water with air. This process occurs at an overpressure of 30-50 Pa, the residence time of the liquid in the saturator 2-3 minutes. From the saturator, a mixture of water with air is discharged through a pipe and through nozzles 8 is sent to the flotation chamber 7, in which there is a pop-up to the surface of the chamber of the aggregates "Oil - air particles". To remove oil-products, a peeled semicircuit is provided, and purified wastewater is removed by pipe 10. The efficiency of wastewater treatment from oils in such installations reaches 0.85-0.95.

    In the installations of a pneumatic flotation, the saturation of water by air occurs due to the epjection of air supplied through the ejector. The process of foaming fluidation is to intensify the process of pop-up oil with foam, which is raised by foaming with the introduction of flotation reagents of foaming agents. With chemical flotation, the formation of bubbles of air flows as a result of the reaction of the chemical interaction of special reagents with wastewater. With vibratory flotation, air bubbles are released from water under the influence of vibratory loads. Biological flusation is based on the separation of air bubbles from waste water as a result of its interaction with a biologically active mass. However, all these types of flotation in the practice of wastewater purification are still very rarely due to their technical complexity.

    In recent years, the electrophling method has been introduced into the industry. The advantages of this method are that electrochemical oxidation-reducing processes occurring during electroclocation provide additional neutralization of wastewater. In addition, the use of aluminum or iron electrodes causes the transition of aluminum or iron ions into a solution, which contributes to the coagulation of the smallest particles of pollution contained in wastewater.

    Cleaning wastewater from oil-containing impurities by filtration is the final phase of purification. This is explained by the fact that the concentration of oil products in waste water at the outlet of sumps or hydrocyclones is 0.05 ÷ 2 kg / m 3 and significantly exceeds the permissible concentrations of oil products in water bodies.

    The adsorption of oils (as well as any oil products) on the surface of the filter material is due to the forces of intermolecular interaction and ionic ties. The electrical phenomena occurring on the surface of the quartz section - aqueous medium associated with the occurrence of the difference of electrical potentials on this surface and the formation of a double electrical layer has a significant effect on the precipitation of oil-products for filter materials. Also-active substances (surfactants) contained in wastewater also affect the process of adsorption of oil products. Paving anions are fastened to the surface of quartz through metal cations, as a rule, located on the surface of quartz. As a result, the quartz particle becomes hydrophobic, which contributes to the deposition of oil films on it. The interaction of oil droplets with dissolved oxygen is also affected on the oil adsorption process, as a result of which oil oxides are formed, the adsorption capacity of which is significantly higher than that of the oil drops. In addition to these physicochemical factors, the rate of deposition is influenced by the speed and direction of filtration. At elevated rates of rapprochement of the oil drops with the surface of the filter material, the adsorption intensity decreases. Studies of wastewater filtration processes containing oil-cells showed that quartz sand is the best filter material. The use of reagents increases purification efficiency, however, at the same time, the cost of wastewater treatment facilities is significantly increasing and the process of their operation is complicated. The precipitate formed at the same time requires additional devices for processing it.

    As filtering materials, except quartz sand use dolomite, clamzite, glauconite. The efficiency of wastewater treatment from oil-containing impurities is significantly increased by adding fibrous materials (asbestos and waste asbestos-cement production).

    Listed filter materials are characterized by a number of disadvantages: low filtering speed and complexity of the regeneration process. These disadvantages are eliminated when using foam polyurethane as filter materials. Polyurethane foam, possessing a large oil-absorbing ability, ensure the effectiveness of purification to 0.97-0.99 at a filtering rate to 0.01 m / s, the nozzle of polyurethane foam is easily regenerated by mechanical pressing of oil products.

    In fig. 55 shows a diagram of a polyurethane filter to clean wastewater from the oil-windmeam. The wastewater in the pipeline 1 enters the distribution chamber 2 and through the control valve 3 and the water distribution windows 4 are fed into the filter 5, filled with polyurethane foam 6. Walking through the layers of filter materials, the wastewater is cleaned from oil and suspended substances and through the mesh bottom 13 is retracted via pipeline 14. . To maintain a permanent level of water purified in the filter, an adjusting valve can be provided in the filter 11. The regeneration of polyurethane foam particles is carried out by a special device installed on a mobile trolley 10, which allows the entire filter volume to regenerate. Oil-saturated particles of polyurethane foam chain elevator 7 are fed to squeeze drums 8 and, having freed from oil and suspended substances, is re-fed into the filter. Dispodted pollution for the gob's gutter 9 are removed for further processing. In tab. 29 shows the characteristics of the polyurethane filter.