- Energy of the body. How to get more energy to get energy for the body

Often we complain about the lack of motivation, the decline of forks, the lack of energy. And not wonder - after all, we live in a world where so much happens per unit of time, so much you need to have time ... Therefore, it is often very difficult for us to induce yourself to do something. An important thing is or not important - without a difference, we will continue the infinite number of times.

But we do not notice that they ourselves got themselves in such a west.

No energy? Not a question, now I will fix it!

What to do? How to stop lazy and finally do what you need?

Friends, today Size it will open you a terrible secret * _ *

Answer: Start to act. Power and energy are given only to action!

See how it turns out: if we do not do anything, our body goes into low power consumption mode. We have nowhere to spend strength, so we get the energy at least (so that only enough to maintain the work of the body). It is the mode of reduced energy consumption and is the main reason for the lack of energy.

Therefore, guys, if we are not on what to spend your resources - we never get them.

True and reverse.

Strength always need a way out! And the energy is given only on the action.

As long as there is, where to go our energy, it will flow through us a powerful, rapid flow. Just have time to direct it in the right track!

But it is worth stopping, and the power of a powerful stream turns into a thin, almost dry rod. And it is completely justified from the point of view of our body, because otherwise we burn from the doubts, experiences and mental torments.? It's so difficult to want to do something, but not to be able to implement.

Thus, if we do not give out a strength, all the energy goes inside us, provoking hardenzy. To avoid this, the body artificially limits the influx of energy. Otherwise, we would just chollow.

It turns out such a closed circle: there is no case - no energy, no energy - no case. To get out of this circle, you just need to start acting.

The more large-scale our activity, the more energy we can get. The more reality around us, the more influence the world, the greater energy resources we have!

The goal is primary. Energy is secondary. Our goals determine our strength, and not vice versa.

The more an ambitious goal, the more energy on its execution we will receive. That is why you should not be afraid to desire something really global.

Yes, perhaps at the moment you do not have the right amount of energy (and not only) resources to implement the desired one. But you, just - and everything will twist so that you will be wondering!

With each step to your goal, we begin to feel the inner feet. Remember this rule? They apply here: to get energy, you need to start acting first.

Example: Did you have such that, having decided to take a little bit, do you suddenly find yourself doing general cleaning all over the house ?? But you just wanted to take a little bit, the dust is smeared there, the documents from the table to take off, throw out the garbage. In short, little things. But what happened in the end? You are so covered with a stream of energy that you have converted much more than they were originally going!

So you just need to act! Let your steps seem ridiculous and funny, let. But with each new step, your gait will gain hardness and confidence.? Why there is a gait, you naturally take off when you seriously decide to do something global.

There are also many energy practices that can increase human energy. They are useful, there is no dispute. Take the same - very cool practice.

But still the most effective in terms of energy acquisition is the acquisition of a true goal. ? I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles! Obstacles scare while we are inactive. But it is worth starting to act, as those who seemed earlier insurmountable obstacles turn into ridiculous obstacles, which explode from the inside of the power of our energy and purposefulness.

The force is given to the case ...

This simple, but the obvious truth is amazing to the depths of the soul, it is worth aware of us. And if you regularly apply it in practice, then be sure your effectiveness takes off to heaven. Please never forget about this simple, but wildly effective trick. No energy - start acting!

The case is soul

With how to instantly get energy, we figured out. But there is something else.

Energy for a favorite thing will always be found!

If you are forced to do the case from which you grind you, it is unlikely that you can get a lot of energy. Yes, the action will give you energy, but not too much.

How to get a lot of energy? Try to engage in the life of what you rushing.

Of course, it is not always possible, and completely exclude from your life what you do not like, it is unlikely to succeed. BUT! If you have, it will feed the energy even those things you do not want to do.

Do affect the soul, surround yourself with your favorite people, in the end, just be yourself.

Yes, it will not give us an instant result.

But in the future, we will get such advantages that for all for all forgive about the question, where to take energy. For what our soul will definitely give us what we need. This is the law of life, no more and no less.

Proper nutrition

Enemy №1, which takes our strength - this is an improper nutrition. Like a favorite business, this is no longer a quick way to get energy, but extremely effective in the long run. And we will not talk about the benefit of health, here everything is obvious.

So, under the wrong power, we understand:

  1. Regular eating dead food.?
  2. Lack of living food.?

Read more about living and dead food, well, we will highlight the highlights. Dead food is almost all supermarket synthetics. Live food is the gifts of nature without thermal processing: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, greens. Increasing in its diet share of natural food, we thus significantly increase the level of our energy.

Live food will definitely make you vigorous and energetic.

Of course, we will not see the instant result, but over time you will notice that they have become much more vigorous. Really, it even thinks easier!

The larger the proportion of living food in the diet, the more noticeable these positive effects.


To quickly get energy, you need to start acting, for the force is given to action.

Favorite business and proper nutrition are also very important, but the effect of them is manifested in the long run.

I will be very happy if you apply tips from my article in practice.

The body is constantly, without any effort from a person, absorbs and spends energy. However, with age, the body begins to absorb less energy and spend accordingly less, which leads to the decline of the forces and the emergence of various diseases. Therefore, to restore and strengthen health, it is necessary to increase the influx of energy into the body with the help of special exercises.

The set of energy and its movement is primarily carried out by the power of thought. When the set of energy, it is necessary to imagine how it is poured into the body, bottled throughout the body, revitalues \u200b\u200beach muscle, every cell, and the more robust and brighter, the more efficient the set of energy. It is possible to present an energy flow in the form of rain, the lowered waterfall, rays, the essential substance, etc. Everyone chooses the most affordable and imagined representation of the moving stream of energy.

I cite the simplest and most effective, experienced exercises in the energy set exercise, which you achieve real recovery and rejuvenation of the body.

1. One of the simplest energy set exercises in yoga is breathing in a triangle: inhale - delay - exhale and then repeated repetition of this cycle. It is best to use the same duration of the stages: for example, 6 seconds inhale, 6 seconds delay and 6 seconds exhale. If this duration does not cause difficulties to increase it. Breathing should be performed freely, without failures and tension. The exercise can be done standing, lying and while walking. When walking, the duration of the stage is regulated by steps. Performing this exercise daily, you achieve real success in restoring and promoting health.

2. Another same effective exercise on energy set in yoga is Jalandhara Bandha. It is performed as follows: Inhale, firmly press the chin to chest, delay your breath, keep in this position as much as you can, with exhale lift the chin. The number of exercises during the day for well-being. I personally do about 10 times a day.

According to yogis teaching, if you are able to hold your breath inside for five minutes, then you have the ability to predict the future;

if you are able to delay your breath for six minutes, you have the ability to read other people's thoughts;

if you are able to delay your breath for eight minutes - levitation;

nine minutes - psychometry, super-sufficient hearing, and so on;

for ten minutes - the ability to move is invisible;

for twelve minutes - the ability to enter the body of another person;

for thirteen minutes - eternal youth;

for fifteen minutes - Anima, Mahima and other Siddhi.

3. The most efficient exercise on the energy set in yoga is bhastrik. It provides a strong influx of energy into the body. No exercise gives for a very short period of time, such a number of energy like bhastrika. Take a comfortable position with a straightened back. Make a deep breath, then a sharp exhale and passive breath, sharp exhale and passive breath and so 20 times. After the end of the last exhalation, take a deep breath through the nose and keep your breath as far as possible.

Repeat the exercise two more times. Yogan sources believe that the accelerated exhalation should occupy about two tenths, and a passive breath from three tenths to eight tenths. If you are every day early in the morning to breakfast to do this exercise, then rehabilitation and rejuvenation of your body will become a reality.

4. Energy Breathing No. 1 (according to Yu. A. Andreev). The respiratory schedule resembles a drawing of a fortress wall: Take off of the teeth - inhale, the stage of the teeth - pause, movement along the teeth down - exhale, the gap to the next teeth - pause, etc.

Breathing is carried through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Mentally pulling the energy on the breath through the solar plexus. During a pause, we form an energy ball like a whitish cloud in the solar plexus. On the exhalation mentally we send it a cloud to the authority that we want to strengthen energy, for example, in the heart. During the pause, dissolve the energy ball in this organ. The greatest effect is breathing allows you to get during the movement, jogging.

The best set of energy to produce in the solar plexus mentally from any powerful natural energy carrier, such as the sun, clouds, a plot of clean sky, the sea, rivers, mountain peaks, trees, etc. This exercise significantly increases human energy. If you constantly perform it, then healing from many diseases will not wait long.

5. Energy Breathing No. 2 (according to Yu. A. Andreev). This breathing is like a bilateral pump: the inhale is gaining energy and is sent to that organ, the energy of which you want to strengthen, and the exhalation is removed negative information from another body, which usually worries you, or eliminating what is excess, harmful to yours The organism (for example, the accumulation of fat in a particular place).

Inhale and exhale through the mouth. In the breath, we simultaneously protrude the peritoneum and pull the energy through two fists, folded by a tube one in front of the other near interburs (third eye area).

Inhale is recommended to do double. During this two-stroke breath, we ship the energy ball into that organ or that part of the body that require energy feeding. It may be a heart, any other organ, muscle group, etc.

During the pause between inhale and exhale, we dissolve this energy ball in the "addressee". Making a slowly slow exhalation, press the stomach and mentally push out what we would like to eliminate, through the surface of the body the closest to this place. Someone, let's say, prevents chronic cystitis in the bladder, and someone is a fat fold in a particular place. When removing the "dirty" energy, negative information is eliminated, which is subject to cells of this organ, and occurs; The process of normalizing its activities.

According to the experience of Y. Andreeva, there are fatal normalization of weight in obese people working for second energy breathing.

6. Standing, present a bright sun over your head. Raise your hands to the top, imagine how the sun goes into hand. Hold it above your head and watch the flow of its rays. Then we shift the sun on one hand, for example, on the left and imagine that it becomes liquid and in hand flows into the upper part of the body, we spend the sun on the body down, we lower it on the right foot to the foot and through it it returns to the sky. During the execution of the exercise, we present as the sun, passing through the body, fills with golden energy all the muscles and organs. Repeat, changing the hand and leg, respectively.

7. Exercise is done. Close your eyes and imagine that we stand on the ground with barefoot legs and that through the feet begins to flow a heavy warm and viscous liquid of golden color. Your body is an empty vessel, in which with pleasant sensations of heat and severity, this liquid flows. After filling, imagine that you shine golden energy. Stay in this state for a few seconds.

8. Zen-breathing. This breathing is used for a powerful set of energy and power. His practice has already has many centuries. The technique provides for the execution of four mandatory elements of the ritual. During breathing, the lower part of the abdomen in accordance with the breaths and exhaust go back and forth.

The eye should be focused on one fixed point. Breathing should be intermittent, i.e., jerks, with stops and in the breath, and in exhalation. All your attention, especially in exhalation, focuses at the bottom of the abdomen. You must clearly imagine that they pump yourself with the help of this breathing with the giant force, as if charging the energy is a very capacious battery. Zen-Breath is a favorite exercise of the giants-fighters of the Japanese Sumo system.

The next two exercises on the energy set must be performed on nature, in the country.

9. Stand up to the sun and pull out your hands with palms in the sun. Close your eyes and feel warm on your palms, imagining how the rays of the sun enter your hands, pass inside the body and gradually fill it from the inside with golden glow. Do it until the tingling appears in the palms, and in the body you will not feel pleasant warmth.

10. This is one of the ancient methods of increasing human energy. Need to sit down, crossed legs. Hands put on your knees, connecting the big and index fingers on both hands, and the remaining fingers pull out so that they touch the earth. Having established a deep breath and focusing on the thoughts that, when inhaling the energy of the Earth goes through the tips of the fingers into the body, and when exhaling it dissolves in it.

But it must be remembered that at the initial stages of training, there is no longer long-term sets of energy, as it can lead to energy overload, which pays the danger of the psyche disorder (especially for whom it is not too strong). The figurative representation should be developed in itself and in his mind gradually, day after day, from month to month. This psychological effort has a rapid impact - a person immediately admits the addition of vitality and health.

(3 estimates, average: 4,67 out of 5)

It is worth understanding that the subconscious will always give you the desired, and if everyone's thinking every day, joyful changes will begin in your life.

Your powerful internal "partner" will reduce you with people and focus on the circumstances necessary to implement your goals. "Thousand invisible hands", as Joseph Campbell calls them, will come to your aid.

The uninitiated may seem that such happy "coincidences" is the result of simple good luck, but in fact they have nothing to do with any other. This is a consequence of the functioning of natural laws that begin to act under the influence of your thoughts.

Explain the principle of their action.We live in a gigantic energy cobweb. When you start laying in your subconscious installation to success, it causes energy resonance in the entire energy network.

The subconsciousness continuously perceives the fluctuations of the energy of success, attracting people and the circumstances necessary to achieve your goal.

You should add that with the same success Subconscious can attract and fail, if you prevail negative thoughts. It does not distinguish and does not take thoughts, but only works with those desires, hopes and fears that are present in your brain.

Fortunately, people begin to understand the laws of the material world and the laws that the human brain obeys. A few years ago, it seemed the impossible idea that we can attract and create reality with the help of thoughts, today a look at these problems has changed, and people understand how this process takes place.

Being Circuits Energy, our thoughts (meaning only repeatedly repeated images, beliefs, visualization, views and desires) affect validity.By the way, if you stop and think about it, you understand what is different and can not be - everything in the world is interrelated.

Once again we repeat this very important idea. When you mentally associate yourself with the positive, what you want to achieve in reality, your subconscious mind responds accordingly. Your familiar image of thoughts and your prevailing mental images create a reality around you, forming your unique destiny.

If you firmly decided to make the first steps to a new, beautiful and harmonious life With the help of a positive thinking system (hereinafter referred to as SPM or PM system), let me give you several useful tipsSuppose to make your efforts in this direction much more efficient.

So, everything that happens to a person is a consequence of his thoughts and actions, in this and past lives. If someone falls into unpleasant situations, it would seem created by other people or nature, then even such situations are in fact provoked by the thoughts and actions of the person himself.

It is very important to understand that the persistent thoughts of a person about something will lead to the emergence of this particular, mentally created situation. The more often, more often, you imagine the situation, the more likely its implementation is in life. This is equal to the positive and negative thoughts.

It should be borne in mind that big the error is the concentration of a person on getting rid of the problem or an unpleasant situation.. In this case, all thoughts are spinning around the problem. Not only that he lives with negative thoughts, besides this, such thoughts, he "feeds" the existence of the problem.

It is much more correct to "release" the situation, not "looting" on it, but focus on your excellent condition after a successful way out of the unpleasant situation.

At the same time it is impossible "Cool" and waiting for a positive result. Hurry, impatience, a stress waiting for the result gives a bright negative effect. Our world knows much better, at what point the fulfillment of your desire will be most favorable for you.

Imagine that during the year you have a chance to get into an accident, sitting behind the wheel of your own car. Then the world is quite logical to postpone the fulfillment of your dreams about your car for a year.

What do you think will be the reaction of the world, if in a month you will begin to be angry at all and everything from the fact that your positive thinking has not yet led to the emergence of a car?

Remember that the PM system has an excellent feature: everything that really needs to be a person comes itself in his hands in the most acceptable way. This is very important, fundamental remark.

Therefore, do not scold the world for "slowness" performed by your desires, because it knows better than you to fulfill the desired most favorable way.

If it were not for this important feature, if it were about achieving the goal at all costs as soon as possible, then a person who dreams to quickly become the owner of his own apartment, could well receive her by the sudden death of his parents.

AND do not try to limit the world in choosing the best way for you.. For example, wanting to get married, do not dictate the world that the groom should be exactly the man you know. The world knows that it is better for you, because tomorrow you can meet your true fate.

And wanting to have more money, do not dictate the world that it should be just Jack Pope in the lottery. The world knows what method of obtaining a large amount of money for you is more favorable and safer.

We strongly advise "look after" for our own thoughts and emotions, because doubts, fear, uncertainty, disbelief in success is extremely weakened by your general positive condition and impede success. Therefore, drive away all negative thoughts and emotions, constantly thinking positively.

At the initial stage, it may not be easy for someone, but a small practice will help cope with this problem. After all, thinking is positive - it's so nice!

A man thinks images, so the figurative representation of the desired result (visualization) radically increases the effectiveness of your efforts.

It's one thing to think abstractly "I want a car", and completely different - imagine how you sit in a new sparkling car, gladly breathe the remaining factory smells in the cabin, gently spend your palm on the Baranka, carefully touch the numerous buttons, and then smoothly And confidently leaving the gate of the car dealership ...

Unfortunately, the figurative representation works in a negative side. The most frequent example is the experience of the mother about the late return of his daughter home. My mother herself cools itself, imagining the terrible paintings, one is more terrible. Someday, these imaginary images may be incarnated in a real situation.

The following Council echoes the rules for the formulation of desire.The sure way of not getting the desired is to think about the fact that the performance of your dream will happen in an indefinable future: "I'll ever buy my car."

Thus, you move the desired event in a certain abstract future that never comes. On the contrary, it is necessary to imagine the desired way as if this happens at the moment, with all the bright emotions and sensations.

Another advice: choose only your real desires and dreams.It is impossible to deceive the world, he knows well that you wanted to become a great musician only in favor of your mother, and in fact dreaming completely about the friend. Therefore, it will not help.

If some kind of trouble happened to a person, then the most stupid and harmful, that he can do is be offended at all around and even on the whole world.

Troubles may well occur with each and now in the future. There are no ideal people, so a person may well provoke a problem with their thoughts and actions. You need to be able to quietly take these situations and learn to them.

If you have a problem, ask "three magical questions". Remember them well, because they will help you, it would seem in hopeless situations:

1st question:What happened in what happened? (No wonder they say that there is no way without good)

2nd question:What can I learn? (once the trouble is a consequence of the errors performed by you, then it's time to think that you did wrong, and not allow it further)

3rd question: How can I fix the situation and get pleasure at this?

Based on the principal law of our world, the law of freedom of the will of the person - an attempt to use a system of positive thinking in a good person will not lead to the desired effect.

Maximum that can be made to help the other - it is to imagine an effectively helping another person in some exciting question.

The next rule goes without saying, but still worth reminding it. Your desires, quite naturally, should not make harm and damage to someone else.

Another, a little unexpected, but an extremely important advice: do not belong to the world and to yourself too serious. Much more efficiently when you feel, for example, the viewer in the theater, who is happy to observe what is happening. It is better to be somewhat relaxed and carefree.

And let's get after the theory to a small practice:

Secrets of successful visualization

1. Decide what you want to achieve: Pass the exam, get a raise, to meet someone, earn a lot of money, get your own housing.

2. Relax. A few minutes later distracted from affairs and move the spirit, resting the body and soul.

3. For five to ten minutes mentally imagine the desired reality.

Think more about what you do something or acquire, and not about what could with a greater or lesser degree of probability occur. Live in your thoughts as if it already happens to you. Create a small internal video.

Imagine yourself what you want most. On the one hand, you aware that in fact this is not happening with you and has not yet become a reality.

But the mental paintings that we are drawing, about which you constantly think, become a springboard for our purposes, a form that is filled with energy. These pictures are a real force that will work for us.

When visualizing, emphasize yourself with any necessary qualities. If for your mental image is needed talent, courage, determination and perseverance, be sure to turn them on.

Sometimes you will clearly see that you reach the desired goal, as if watching the movie. In other cases, you will have only the most common picture of your goals.

Good and more. You can alternate accurate and free visualization, doing each of five minutes, or to concentrate on something one thing that you like more.

Accurate visualization: M.get the exact paintings and scenes of what you want to achieve. Follow in advance prepared scenario, mentally losing it several times.

Free visualization: Allow the images and thoughts to freely replace each other, without directing them, but only until they show a positive way to achieve your goal.

Use both methods, remember that the main thing here is practice. Many have difficulty in the initial stages of visualization. Their brain can not create and draw the desired scenes.

Do not worry, if the same happens with you. The picture does not have to be complete and completed. Regularly engaged in visualization, you will soon notice with surprise that your brain learns to generate mental pictures at your request.

It should be noted that it is not enough to imagine anything once or even twice.The results will appear if only the image is imprinted in consciousness again and again for weeks and even monthswhile yours the goal will not be implemented. Do not attempt to evaluate the results after one or two visualization attempts.

If you suddenly have doubts - And they will necessarily arise - just ignore them. Do not try to resist them and fight them, let them easily arise and disappear in your mind. Continue to engage in visualization - and everything will fall into place.

It will be interesting for you:

It remains in the conclusion to add that it is easy to engage in visualization and the PM system, without getting up with a favorite sofa. God has no hands except yours.

Even if the world decided that you can win in the lottery, then you will need to buy a ticket yourself.

Therefore, you can not lie on the sofa! The world only provides amazing opportunities, but you can only use them!published

© John Kekho

Intellectual and psychological loads without a break, a frantic pace of life, which does not match the temperithm of a normal person, stress, homemade troubles ... and it is not surprising that most people feel squeezed lemons and wonder where to take strength and energy for life. It is quite possible to find it.

Energy thieves

Before you understand where to take energy to live, it is worth aware that it steals it. Our life often consists of energy thieves. Here are some of the most "talented" criminals:
  1. False. The more often we lie, the less we have creative energy;
  2. Unfinished cases. If we leave something unfounded, it sucks from us all the vitality. Steal energy outstanding promises and debts that you do not plan to return;
  3. Difference and fear. Just takes away a lot of strength. This also includes experiences and negative emotions, as well as love for winding themselves;
  4. Attempts to prove their right, quarrels and conflicts on this soil;
  5. Talking about nothing, gossip;
  6. Resentment. We are offended by us and thus stealing energy. Take goodbye others and do not be demanding to them;
  7. Inland and bad habits. No comments;
  8. Disorder sex and sex without love. In bed, we exchange the energy of our feelings, and if there are no, there is no exchange.
Now let's talk, where to take strength and energy for life.


But only with those who bring you positive emotions. Minimize contacts with whots, energy vampires of different types, scandalists and those who destroy your faith in yourself. Look for friendship with those who live on a positive and loves to work on themselves. Try to live on the positive and show an example with your home;

Fit right

Health is also energy. Proper nutrition is not only a rejection of harmful food, gas production, snacks, fast food and alcohol, but also the use of fresh and freshly prepared products, the correct thermal processing (better minimal or for a couple. Baking is also suitable) and the correct combination of carbohydrates, protein and fats . Vitamins are better to take from pharmacy, too;

Contacts with nature

Yes, we are catastrophically lacking nature. Therefore, instead of the club, bar and television on weekends, it is better to choose a forest or a lake outside the city. Water gives a particularly much energy and takes a negative with fatigue. Good and weekend hiking. If there is no desire to go with family or friends, ride alone and be with the forest alone. And most importantly, do not turn communication with nature in a break: it just takes your strength. Communication with animals can be attributed to contacts with nature, as well as work in the country. Pets generously divide with you with your energy, so take and rejoice!

Sport and physical education

We will not tell how much it is useful. That's just the main thing: this is health, and health is energy. And the physical culture helps the body to produce endorphins. This is also an energy source. The main thing is to find the lesson you really like. Those who do regularly know that energy after occupation is added.

Plan all your activities

Energy will not add it, but you will know exactly what to do, so you will not have to rush without, spending your strength. In addition, so you will find time and rest. Write plans for tomorrow and rejoice when you can fulfill everything. Well, and reward yourself Do not forget: Positive also adds energies. Here you can attribute the day of the day. Less energy will be wasted if you make your workspace convenient, with sufficient air and light.


A sufficient number of hours. Sometimes an incredible advice is given like to go to 10 and wake up at 5-6 hours. It is not real, but without the right amount of sleep you definitely do not get energy. Determine how much sleep you really need and do this norm.

Relax, meditation and yoga

15 minutes of meditation is enough for a day with a head, and yoga can be engaged in the sports club, where you go to fitness or in a simulator. Just know that this is one of the best ways to add energies;

Make your list

List of 10-30 actions bringing joy to your life. It does not matter what it is: food, movement, sleep, walk, rest, communication. Record what really brings joy, and should not be it according to your mom. Let you have at least five sources of joy per day.

Do not get energy with artificial way

We are talking about energy and coffee. It is only an illusion of the tide of energy and the exhaustion of the body in essence. In addition, energy is very harmful. There is much more energy in Fresh and Grass juices, for example, Echinacea, Robyola Pink, Ginseng or Aloe.


It is not only air, a pleasant physical load, but also a sea of \u200b\u200bimpressions, and also - a natural antidepressant, and depression is one of the main thieves of energy. It is best to walk slowly and enjoy all impressions.

Spiritual level

We also need spiritual energy. Its sources are:
  • Thoughts. The most powerful source of energy. And if more negative thoughts, then the energy is taken away, and if more positive - adds;
  • Feelings. Like thoughts, there may be your energy potential to increase or destroy you;
  • Emotions. No less strong in this sense than thoughts and feelings.
There is an important point here. Do not make yourself think positively and do not hide negative feelings and emotions. The easiest way to spill them up and free the place for something better.

Do not live on a false positive, it also takes energy. Positive thinking (if you do not have it) you need to learn for a long time. It is just just with the perception of things what are there, without painting. Over time, you will only perceive in a more positive key.

Energy lacks everyone. To fix it, do not waste the forces on trifles, do not abuse negative and emotions, harmful food and alcohol, and even - please yourself daily. Positive only gives energy, and does not take it.

Everyone knows that energy is moving everything in the world. A full-fledged and happy life depends on the inner, biological energy. She is responsible for you to cope with all the tasks, both daily and future aimed at the future. The power of human energy is fuel, the level of which needs to be maintained and raised.

In this regard, there are many questions: how to increase the invisible energy volume? What will happen if he is weakening? How to enhance this value so that life beats the key every day. Answers to these questions enclose the secret of success and health, both physical and psychological.

What is human energy

What is the inner incentive of human life? From the point of view of philosophy is a force that drives all of our lives, makes it possible to exercise conceived and rejoice every day. The principle of life sources can be reduced to biochemistry, characterizing it as a generalization of all necessary components for the correct flow of physiological processes.

In general, the body gets fuel from food, but internal energy is a more complex structure that has many nuances. We constantly hear conversations about "spiritual food." Many thinkers believe that it is it that is the source of obtaining strength and the desire to live. Based on the opinions of philosophers and biophysicists, it can be concluded that the energy of life is an important phenomenon without which no one can exist.

Effect of energy on human life

Most of all about the inner energy, those who are engaged in esoteric, yoga and spiritual practices similar to Hinduism speak. In this worldview, the inner force is quite tangible thing we receive from the environment. Sun, earth, plants and people, all that is around us is divided by a part of themselves.

According to more accurate sciences for a full and healthy existence, only physiological needs are not enough to satisfy. Need feeding other internal threads. This circumstance significantly distinguishes us from animals. Strong spirit and energy make it possible to achieve any goals. Therefore it is important to strengthen and increase your internal energy level.

Signs of weak energy

Determine that your spiritual level is thinned and weak is very simple. There are a number of faithful signs pointing to it.
  • Lost and drowsiness during the day, despite sufficient sleep time.
  • Loss of concentration when performing a task that requires any effort. Even the simplest classes may seem impracticable.
  • Apathy and tendency to frequent depression.
  • Frequent outbreaks of anger and aggression in response to any mental or body contact.
  • Ugly without visible reasons, the absence of a sense of humor.
  • Increased tendency to anxieties and unrest.
If you find these symptoms - it means it's time to replenish the level of charge. By the way, it is possible to determine your inner potential and the tendency to deplete energy using DNA research. Achievements of scientists in this area allow you to read the information embedded in us at the genetic level. The energy of the human body also applies to these data.

Energy structure of man

The first classification of vital energy received thanks to the ancient philosophical and religious teachings, especially Hinduism. These works allocated seven major bodies of consciousness and the body:
  • Physical. What we see, looking at yourself in the mirror.
  • Essential. There is a vital energy.
  • Astral. In this area are our emotions.
  • Mental. The place where any idea is born.
  • Karmic. Definition of fate and consequences of actions.
  • Buddhic. Soul of each of us.
  • Atmich. Level of spirit and life goals.
All bodies of our existence are interconnected. Only the harmonious development of each party will be able to be a happy and full-fledged member of any society. In the modern world, there are a lot of factors that can destroy the energy foundations of the person. It is necessary to make efforts to resist these influences of the negative.

Sources of human energy

We are all arranged so that we can get a feedback from almost everything that surrounds us. The only question is to be able to separate useful resources from harmful and destructive. This skill is worth developing every day. Then the human body energy will be strong enough to cope with all life aspects. This applies not only to obstacles, healthy energy is also very important to perceive positive emotions.

How to raise vital energy?

To fill the missing number of power units is thought thoughtfully. First of all, remember that the relationship between the physical and mental side of the individual is very strong. To give a tone to a physical body - you need a good meal. For the subconscious and nervous system, the food is also needed, but another character.

Healthy nutrition

Do not believe those who say that for any only sunlight is enough to exist. Any physical organism needs food. But the nutrition needs to be seriously and without fanatics. Remember, a person must eat to live, and not live so that there is.

The digestive system should not be overloaded so as not to prevent you from feeling easily and be healthy. Fit often, but in small portions. Prefer porridge, fresh vegetables and fruits, sea fish. These products give a fast feeding for the body. More dense food, like meat, nuts and beans are saturated for a longer time. They are worth it in front of long trips or cases that will not give you time for snack.


Ideally, everyone should sleep 7-8 hours a day. But we will be honest, few people are available for such a luxury. Too fast and tense rhythm of life deprives us such an important thing as a healthy dream. This negatively affects energy fluxes inside a person. As a result, the body does not have time to restore all the resources spent per day.

We ourselves often aggravate the movies of films and TV shows instead of full sleep. Such behavior leads to anxiety, irritability and increased tendency to stress.

To prevent such consequences, allocate at least 4 days a week when you sleep at least 7 hours. Refuse to use any digital technology per hour before sleep. Better this time to spend on reading book, spiritual exercises or yoga. So you can more clearly tune in to rest, which will bring the necessary relaxation and body, and subconscious.

Walking and sport

Oxygen entered into the body helps speed all metabolic processes. The same applies to the update of internal energy. Therefore it is very important to give its body enough air. Take a rule to arrange daily walks in the park. Detach this lesson at least 30-40 minutes. It is very correct to go to such a promenade in the evening, it will give an extra holiday and the opportunity to leave the whole negative outside the house.

Sports classes help significantly develop not only physical strength, but also self-discipline. It is very important to maintain a high level of inner harmony. Choose the sport to which you have a predisposition. Remember that you choose jogging if you are drawn to swimming in the root incorrectly.


The best way to know your body and put in order internal harmony is meditation. Its principle is to learn to lead his thoughts. You can fight this ability to protect yourself from any unwanted influence from the outside. In addition, there is a settlement of conflicts that can occur inside, where energy intersects with the rest of the personality. The ability to negotiate with it is no less important than to interact with others.

Exercises for human energy recovery

You can fill the lost energy with the help of special exercises. Almost all of them are taken from yoga, because it is precisely the best means of adjusting energy flows.

  1. Breathing "Triangle". You need to take a breath, delay your breath for a few seconds and calmly exhale. Gradually increase breathing delay time, but make sure that it does not cause discomfort.
  2. Bakastric breathing exercise. Make a deep breath and sharp exhale, after inspire how you breathe usually and again breathe. Alternate these actions, you just need to perform 30 breaths. After dial the maximum amount of air through the nose and hold your breath so long as soon as you can. Exhausted after that it is very slow.
  3. Imagine a calm and sunny day. Raise your hand and make you feel like the sun goes into your palm. Focus on the feeling of heat and caress from sunlight. It becomes liquid, and after again rises into the sky. Pay this exercise for at least a minute.
  4. Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing barefoot on cool land. The streams of force come out of it, which in your feet rise and fill the whole body. It starts glowing. Secure this picture in the imagination and keep in such a state as longer as possible.

Avoid energy vampires

The main threat of your inner strength is energy vampires. This type of people used to get the missing resources from others. Often it happens unconsciously, but not uncommon and quite informed invisible vampirism. It is important to learn to allocate such individuals and reduce communication with them to a minimum.

An obvious sign of the energy vampire is good next to those who are bad. If in the usual atmosphere it is not noteworthy people, then it is worth it to be near the source of a surge of energy, they themselves fill the inner light. The strongest feed for them is anger, fear, psychological pain. Communication with them tires and depletes.


It is important to monitor the level of its internal energy. It is directly related to physical and psychological health. The insufficient amount of this resource leads to the development of new diseases and the exacerbation of chronic. Controlling the level of fullness to live thirst, anyone is able to change their fate and the future. Success and well-being are impossible for someone who launched or waste all energy flows.