Victoria Butenko Green Cocktails Smoothies Recipes. Raw foods with Victoria Butenko - Green cocktails, their benefits and harm. Recipes for a variety of cocktails Victoria Butenko

A wave of a healthy nutrition swept the world and rushed to Russia - it has long been not news. But one thing is to know about the tendency, and the other is to hear about the personal experience of a person who changed his life in a more healthy party. Our reader Julia Salikov, under the impression of the books of Russian-American propaganda of raw food and green cocktails Victoria Butenko, decided to conduct an experiment on himself and drinking green cocktails every day for a month. That's what came of it.

It is no secret that greens or green leafy vegetables, as they are also called, are just a storehouse of valuable vitamins and trace elements. For example, spinach Contains vitamins A, C, E, K, as well as calcium, iron and magnesium. It is one of the main food sources of folic acid - vitamin B9. In terms of product, spinach belongs to the number of vegetables rich in nutrients. No wonder since ancient times he was called the king of vegetables. And well familiar to us parsley The content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is superior to many fruits and vegetables. In 100 g of young green shoots, parsley contained about two daily norms of vitamin C. It is almost 4 times more than in lemons. Parsley is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, folic acid, as well as potassium salts, magnesium, iron, enzyme substances. Petrushka also contains inulin, which regulates the glucose exchange in the blood.

But despite this, the greens takes a rather low place in the diet of the average Russian, and in winter it is sometimes completely coming down. So it was both in my life: the greens of greens, sell in summer dill and parsley, stands in Auchan a pot with a leaf salad - you can, of course, add to salad or on a sandwich, and you can not add. No one in my family in greens was seriously fond of and as a biologically valuable product did not consider it - except for the taste sensations to diversify.

And then I gave birth to a child and experienced all the "charms" of motherhood, like something: chronic inappropriate, fatigue, lethargy, apathy, irritability (lack of vitamins and trace elements was the same). The body has been signaled by all means to me that it cannot continue and need to change something. And in parallel, my life already entered the child's lore and the desire to grow it healthy and strong. In general, all the ways come together on nutrition.

I began to read the books that came across this topic. And found! Found a book Victoria Butenko "Greens for life". Everything that was written there seemed very logical to me: after all, the truth, the people of many millennia ate greens and only in the last hundred years, in the age of urbanization, moved to ready-made refined products. Just because it is more convenient and faster, but not because it is useful. The experiment was very convincing, which describes Victoria, and its results. She scored a group of people who agreed daily during the month drinking in a liter of green cocktail (fruit + greens), follow your well-minded and fill out the questionnaire after this period. Indifferent, as they say, no left. Green cocktails if they did not work miracles, they have positively influenced absolutely at all. And I decided to check it on myself.

Every day for a month I decided to drink a cocktail. And if there were no problems with fruit, then for greens sometimes had to run. Going around two or three stores, you can find spinach, Corn, Parsley, Dill, Kinza, Celery, Different Salads from Moscow, Arugula, Mint. In their quality I had to believe in the word. I still had no super powerful blender, so I used the most ordinary. She prepared a portion of a cocktail for breakfast or for dinner, by mood. Added greens in salads.

The results were not forced to wait long: from the ever-sleepy mother, I gradually began to turn into a completely awesome man, who easily rises in the morning and still feels good in the evening. My mood has improved. The great consumption of fruit led to the fact that I absolutely did not want to do not want to do not know that I could not affect the figure. And then the rule has worked: the more you eat, the more I want, and in a very positive side. I wanted to eat even more fresh vegetables and fruits, saturate your body with vitamins. Getting an invitation for a birthday, I didn't think about what a delicious cake will be ", but about the portion of fresh juicy salad!

Somewhere a week after the experiment, I got sick, the beginning of the throat. I did not want to grab myself with pills, and I decided to resort to folk remedies. I still saw a cocktail, and in addition to it, ginger tea with lemon and honey throughout the day in large quantities. Two days have enough to cure. My immunity turned out to be strong and with a minimum help coped with a cold.

Summing up, it can be said that the experience was definitely positive for me, and green cocktails became an integral part of my diet.

Share two of their favorite recipes:

  • 1 banana
  • 1st blueberries or strawberry defrost
  • 1grusha
  • 5 st. Such of coconut milk
  • 70g spinach
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 Spleel celery
  • 50g Korne
  • a little kinse
  • salt to taste

Microelline is not only salads and decoration for the second dishes. Perhaps the most convenient and tasty use of this superfood is to add it to drinks. The raisin is that the microeraine makes a cocktail not only more useful, but also adds bright notes. Contrary to the problem, far from each type of microgrin, the taste of grass, many of them have a special shade.

Green cocktails

Green cocktails were loved by those who follow health or figure for several reasons. Any smoothie with microerera does not add extra kilograms, does not contain sugar or fats and at the same time gives a feeling of satiety. The secret in the nutritional value of microelectrics, the abundance of fiber and its easy absorption. Feeding the body in this way, you follow the diet and do not deprive it necessary substances.

These necessary substances are contained in green cocktails in huge quantities, mainly due to the spikes of young plants. The fiber, which she is rich, excellent detox tool. Besides, a well-known fact - any microelline is superior to an adult plant in the number of vitamins, minerals and useful substances. And, as a rule, several times. For example, 15 ml of vitgrassa - the juice of wheat sprouts - replaces 1.5 kg of vegetables. What is easier for the body - eat half a vegetable fit or SHOT with Vitgrass?

Green cocktails are incomparably convenient in terms of food. Any snack, including the same night (the stumbling block of many diets), is successfully replaced with a useful drink. You will not notice how the preparation of green cocktails will enter your habit and gets into the stream. Mix all the freshest and useful, what you have in the kitchen, with a blender with me, look for ideal combinations for your body.

Recipes of green cocktails

Banana and Lucerne


  • Celery stem
  • Cucumber
  • Banana
  • 100 g of spinata
  • 50 g almonds
  • 100 g of water
  1. Grind greens, cucumber and banana for blender.
  2. Celery, spinach and microeraine put in a blender. Fill water and mix until the consistency becomes homogeneous.
  3. Plit almonds to the state of flour and add to the mass.
  4. Add a banana and cucumber. Beat again. If too thick, add water.

Strawberry and wheat


    Half avocado

    A glass of strawberry

    Vitgrass (necessarily fresh)


    Wash the fruit, remove the peel from Kiwi, tear off the strawberry frozen, separate the bone of avocado.

    Place all the ingredients in the blender and beat the minute.

Blueberry and Sunflower


    Glass of blueberries


1. Grind the pear.

2. Mix the blender pear, blueberries and sprouts.

3. Put into the glass and add chia seeds.

Cocktails Victoria Butenko

Green cocktail suggested the world Anna Wigmor in the 80s. It consisted of fruits, greens, avocado and seedlings. She called it the "energy soup". Victoria Butenko, Russian emigrant in the United States, developed a tendency, determined the rules for making cocktails and introduced Russia with green cocktails. She believes that found an excellent way to include useful "grass" in the diet. Microelline and seedlings are a huge gamma tastes, so no one can say that green cool cocktails.

In her books, she describes the personal experience of raw food and adapts recipes for our seasonality. Love seedlings or microelline Victoria Butenko considers useful, but in the summer she advises the maximum to use nature resources and search in parks, forests and meadows seasonal herbs.

Recipes of green cocktails from Victoria Butenko

Deep purification number 2

1 cup kinse

4 cups sliced \u200b\u200bpineapple cubes

1 ginger root (4-5 cm)

Juice of one grapefruit

3 cups of water

Persistent immunity

1 cup parsley

2 Oregano twigs

2 cups of black currant berries

1 apple

7 berries prunes without bones

Juice of one lemon

Victoria Butenko

Recipes of green cocktails for Russia

© Peter Publishing House, 2016

© Series "Without tablets. RU ", 2016

Dear friends!

With great pleasure I present to you this book, which I wrote specifically for residents of Russia. When selecting ingredients and drawing up recipes, I took into account the range of fruits popular in Russia, vegetables, greenery and wilderos, as well as the usual tastes to the Russians.

This book contains the most important facts and the latest research on the benefits of greenery, fruits and vegetables are presented. I tried to convey my main idea that the greens - the part of the plants you need, and it is desirable to use it daily. I hope my dream will come true, and soon you are on personal experience make sure that green cocktails are extremely tasty and amazingly helpful. Prepare them easily and quickly. Blender will appear in each Russian family, and you will begin to enjoy green treats. You will feel healthier and energetic. First of all, you can master a hundred recipes from this book, and then try to invent your own. Good luck to all, health and more greens!

Your Victoria

Part I. On the benefits of greenery

Chapter 1. How to Return Health

Truth is something that withstands testing experience.

Albert Einstein

Do you think whether greenery is enough in your diet? If you do not know, answer a few questions.

Do you often sigh?

Do you feel painful solid muscles in the back?

Is your vision "blurry"?

Do you have many wrinkles?

Doesn't you have an eyelid?

Do you often want chocolate?

If you answered the affirmative on any of these questions, then most likely you do not eat enough greens.

Plants appeared on the planet Earth 4 billion years ago, long before the animals. It is logical to assume that the first animals had no other choice but to become vegetarians. In a further evolutionary chain, all living beings were fed either by plants or animals that consume plants.

It is noted that all living beings in one form or another shaped greens. You probably saw dogs and cats eating grass. Moreover, if you forbade cats at least sometimes to rummage herbs, they will start bodybuilding your indoor plants. I myself personally watched Lviv in Africa, who are happy if the grass. It is known that even white bears sometimes eat moss, and whales and seals - algae. Fish, birds and insects are also mostly feeding with greens.

Maybe during its multi-billion dollar evolution, the plants have learned to accumulate valuables? Today, science came to the final conclusion: dark green leafy vegetables contain an amazing abundance of nutrients that are vital for good health. For months in the works on history and anthropology, in the scientific literature I was looking for information about what people were fed. The results of these surveys I set out in our other books. Yes, there are many evidence that people regularly (at least in the warm season) consumed various green plants. Nevertheless, over the past two hundred years, who have passed since the industrial revolution, the human diet has undergone dramatic changes: fresh greens have almost completely disappeared from it. We strongly reduced the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and at the same time added a lot of refined and canned products. Industrial processed products are not only devoid of a number of important nutrients, but also contain preservatives and other chemical elements, harmful to health.

As a result, people began to experience a shortage of many nutrients, which over the years accumulated, inevitably causing serious health problems. Unfortunately, two hundred years ago, most people, including scientists and doctors, were convinced of the superiority of recycled food over fresh, as they believed that such food is easier to digest. The chemistry was relatively young science, therefore scientists, and doctors, and esciences pinned tremendous hopes. They boldly introduced products to the human diet, poor vitamins, but rich in chemical elements.

For example, in 1843, the German pharmacist Heinrich Nestle created the first dry dairy mixture for infants. It was made of wheat flour, cow's milk and sugar. It was a profitable business from which the company grew up Nestlewhich in the early 1900s ruled its plants in the USA, England, Germany and Spain. Later to soluble baby food, the first condensed milk and milk chocolate were added to the Nestle assortment.

Thus, refined food ate all, including children and old people. People who consumed predominantly semi-finished products began to suffer from serious illness as a ration, rickets, take, take and Pellage. Today we know that these four athells are caused by a disadvantage of certain vitamins. For example, Pellagru provokes a chronic niacin deficiency (vitamin B3), and the ration is the result of a lack of vitamin C (it can be cured by simple lemons consumption). Nevertheless, until the end of the XIX century, these ailments carried out thousands of lives year after year.

For example, in Russia from 1849 to 1958, several tens of thousands of people died from Zinggi, and in the US only in 1915 more than 10,000 people died from Pellagra. Interestingly, until the end of the XIX century, the Vitamin C was not discovered, the doctor was treated with a cing method by bleeding, at the same time registering patients with large doses of mercury, lead and vomit preparations.

Nowadays, we continue to consume a huge amount of semi-finished products. And therefore should not be surprised that only 4.3% of the entire population of the Earth can be called truly healthy. At the same time, about a third of all other people in the world (about 3.2 billion people) are sick at the same time five different diseases, and 52% suffer from ten or more ages.

At the same time, every person, like any living being on the planet, has the right to health. To be healthy naturally. So how can we return our health in the original condition? Can the greens help us?

Nowadays, we continue to consume a huge amount of semi-finished products. And therefore should not be surprised that only 4.3% of the entire population of the Earth can be called truly healthy.

Over the past decade, we have become much more likely to hear about research on the influence of greenery on human health. Recently, WHO began to recommend adults to eat at least 400 g of fruits and vegetables per day, first of all, dark green leafy vegetables. Honored Cardiologist from Cleveland Dr. Caldwel Esselstin prescribes his patient-cores salad salad from green leaves, which you need to "take" six times a day.

At first, it may seem that every day to eat enough greens is too difficult, especially if you try to use it only in the form of salads. Children do not want to hear about green salads at all, but also an adult anniversary from time to once. Therefore, the reception of a green cocktail is the best way to observe a healthy power mode. Green cocktail is the easiest, fastest and most delicious way to consume the amount of greenery, which is enough for a healthy lifestyle.

The first green cocktail turned out in August 2004, when I experimented, trying to find a way there is more than greens. I started drinking several glasses of this delicious drink every day and immediately felt a tide of energy, ease of body and signs of general rejuvenation.

Inspired by positive results, I wrote an article " Oda green cocktail"And sent it to all familiar from his address book. And very soon received a large number of enthusiastic and detailed reviews. The number of people drinking green cocktails began to grow rapidly. Little, I got fascinated by the collection and careful study of all the data on the nutrients contained in the green leafy vegetables at that time.

At that time, there was extremely scarce information on this topic. There was no, for example, information about the presence and composition of proteins and fats in the leaves of different salads, on the nutritional composition of the leaf of arugula, mangold, cress, salad, nettle, dandelions and many other plants. It seemed paradoxical that it was not exactly the data that people were needed.

When in 2005 I wrote the book " Greens for life", At first, most doctors met her in the bayonets, and I could not not only be published to publish a book, but also to give an interview in any newspapers or on the radio anywhere. When I asked familiar doctors to write a review, they answered that my ideas would conflict with the official course of medicine and they fear to lose their licenses. At the same time, they liked green cocktails and they drank them with pleasure. Even paid advertising agents refused to help me.

Magic health drinks are the most simple cooking, but at the same time extraordinarily useful for health. The main component is greens, fresh vegetables, fruits. It's enough to grind all this with a blender and in a few minutes you will have a magnificent cocktail. The result of such nutrition is: persistent immunity, good health and incredible tide of vital energy.

Cocktails with greens are very nutritious they give a feeling of satiety, but do not cause a feeling of gravity in the stomach. Due to the high content of proteins and amino acids, you will rather have a small portion of the cocktail to be satisfied. Drinks are rich in mineral salts and microelements, vitamins and chlorophyll, in addition they contain a fiber that provides normal intestinal operation. Toxins and other harmful substances are derived from the body.

Cocktails with greens are very quickly absorbed by the body, so you faster get rid of the feeling of hunger. It helps purify the body from slags, as well as when dealing with extra kilograms.

They give ease and charge the energy, so necessary to modern man.

They can be prepared for children, use pregnant women and older people. Children these cocktails can be given as feeding already from the semi-annual age.

Simple recipes of green cocktails from Victoria Butenko

Simple recipes for green cocktails of Victoria Butenko and tips, how to make these delicious and helpful drinks properly, help you return not only health, but also youth.
The general principle of cooking is suitable for all recipes.

Greens of any and vegetables are mixed in proportions: 2 parts of greenery and 3 parts of vegetables or fruits. Products need to be washed and crushed in a blender. If necessary, you can add clean water - it will help make a thick mass more like a cocktail. If you love any thick food, you can not add water, then on your desk there will be naked fragrant soup mashed soup.

In green cocktails you can add juices - it is desirable that they were fresh, prepared no later than 2 hours before it.
Greens for drinks It is advisable to use a dark green - it contains a greater amount of useful substances. To achieve a better healing effect, try to alternate greens using various recipes.

In the finished form, the cocktail is best to immediately use in food, but if necessary, they can be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, simply shift them into the container and close tightly. They are stored in this form no more than 3 days.

Use Green Cocktails Victoria Butenko is needed several times a day. The optimal number of techniques is 3-4. Start with small portions - as the cocktails are quite concentrated, an allergic reaction may occur. Green Cocktails Victoria Butenko can also drink before eating or replace one of the food meals.

  • Apple - 3 pcs
  • Banana - 2 pcs
  • Lemon - ½ pcs (sorrel leaves)
  • Salad - 5 leaves
  • Water - 1-2 cups
  • Strawberry - 1 cup
  • Banana - 2 pcs
  • Salad - 4-5 leaves
  • Water - 1-2 cups
  • Banana - 2 pcs
  • Salad - 5 leaves
  • Dill (parsley, sorrel) - a few twigs
  • Water - 1 cup
  • Pear - 3 pcs
  • Salad - 5 leaves
  • Mint - a few twigs
  • Water - 1-2 cups
  • Banana - 2 pcs
  • Parsley - beam
  • Nettle (swan, dandelion) - a few fresh leaves
  • Water - 1-2 glasses.

Victoria Butenko is the author of the popular and world famous bestsellers "twelve steps to raw food" and "greens for life." Today the book "Greens for life" is translated into 24 languages, and its total circulation in the world is 400 thousand copies.

The book "Twelve Steps to Source" opens up new opportunities for beginners Syroedov. In this book Victoria Butenko For the first time raised the topical topic about the dependence of many people from boiled food.

Victoria Butenko lives with his family in the city of Ashland, Oregon. Victoria teaches classes for raw food And a healthy lifestyle at the University of South Oregon, as well as travels around the world with his lectures. Victoria Butenko conducts scientific research In the field of human natural recovery. Results Research divides in his books.

Victoria Butenko resorted to raw food in 1994, hoping to cure himself and relatives from chronic diseases.

Victoria suffered and cardiac arrhythmia, her husband - arthritis, children - diabetes and asthma. New power system - raw food, allowed the family of Victoria Butenko to overcome health problems.

Victoria Butenko considers the base of the diet of cocktails from greens. Her recipes for green cocktails are popular all over the world.

Victoria Butenko highlights a number of advantages of green cocktails to maintain human health:

  1. Green cocktails are very nutritious. Optimal ratio for a person: 40% of fresh greens to 60% ripe in.
  2. Green-based cocktails in the body are quickly digested and digested. In the period of grinding fruit and greens, most of the cell membranes are broken, and valuable substances are absorbed by the easier by our organism.
  3. Unlike juices, green cocktails contain fiber, therefore are a full, balanced food. The fiber is necessary for the proper functioning of our excretory system, prevention of cancer and heart disease.
  4. Green cocktails - nice food for people of different ages. Green drinks are very tasty.
  5. Three glasses of green cocktail in the day will provide your body with the necessary daily nutrient rate. According to the teachings of the famous Dr. Ann Wigmor, the use of chlorophyll is similar to healthy blood transfusion.
  6. Cocktails from greenery are easy and quickly prepared. To prepare two liters of green cocktail, you will spend less than 10 minutes, including cleaning.
  7. Green cocktails love children very much. Kids Cocktails can be administered from six months, but gradually and carefully not to cause food allergies.
  8. If you will use greens in the form of green cocktails, it will be significantly reduced in the daily diet the amount of salt and fats.
  9. The daily use of cocktails based on greens and fruits, forms a habit, to include more raw foods in the diet. If within two weeks you will drink green cocktails, then you will have a natural need for the use of greenery.
  10. It is best to drink a coined cocktails, only cooked. At low temperatures, the useful properties of cocktails can be stored for three more days. It is very convenient if you need to go to work or on the trip.

Cocktails better Total prepare in blender. You can also use forcooking greendrinks mixer. Before grinding, fruits purified from the peel and cut finely, the greens wash well and also crushed. After cooking drink desirable strain.

Recipes for a variety of cocktails of Victoria Butenko.

Do not be afraid to replace the proposed ingredients with your favorite fruits and greens.

Sweet cocktails

Family green cocktail: A bundle of spinach, you can use parsley or, two ripe middle apples, juice of one lemon, a glass of water.

Spring green cocktail: Two beams of swans or other wild herbs, banana without peel, mango and two glasses of water.

Freshness: Eight green lettuce leaves, a glass of red grapes, a banana, orange and two glasses of water.

Joy: Three celery stems, banana, four purified kiwi and two glasses of water.

Fragrant cocktail: Half of the spinach beam, half of the lime with the skin, banana, four apples and two glasses of water.

Children's favorite cocktail: Two oranges, two any frozen fruit.

Safety cocktails

Russian green cocktail: Salad - six leaf, lemon half juice, celery - two stems, half of the red bulbs, half avocado and two glasses of water.

Italian green cocktail: Salad - five leaves, half a bundle of basilica, lemon juice, two tomatoes, three slicks of garlic and two glasses of water.

Thai green cocktail: Kinse beam floor, one slice of garlic, half of sweet red pepper, three tomatoes, lemon half juice, spinach beam floor and two glasses of water.

Cocktails for children

Cheerful gorilla: Eight spinach leaves, banana, peeled orange, tea spoon, vanillin, two glasses of water.

Banango: Eight lettuce leaves, banana, mango, three without seeds, two glasses of water.

Simple recipes for the daily menu

Milk of nuts: 200 g cloued in water seeds or any nuts, 400 g of water, 3 dates or tablespoon of honey, salt at will. All components mix and strain.

Raw porridge: 200 g of closed oatmeal, 50 g of dates or freezes without seeds, a tablespoon of any non-purified vegetable oil, salt. You can add berries or fresh fruits.

With the components of green cocktails can be experimenting. Green cocktail - very valuable, nourishing and delicious drink To your daily menu, which will bring you a lot of benefit and joy.