What is needed for success in Kung Fu. Library of international sports information. So what is kung fu

What you need to know the synoisuan engaged in the styles - Kung Fu (Wushu)

Time. It is best to engage in Sinyzuan at dawn and limited to one hour (should not be engaged too long). If there is little time, you can restrict ourselves to 30-40 minutes and do not take a break. If there is no time to occupy in the morning, you can do this day or evening. It is only necessary to remember that you can do only one or two hours after meals.
A place. It is permissible to engage in the room if there is enough space.
Breaks in classes. The time of classes and recreation time is usually divided into five-minute gaps. In general, the duration of periods of occupation and recreation depends on the state of the student.
Bans. When you are engaged in the room, you can open the windows to let the fresh air inside, make sure that the wind does not break into the room. During classes, the body is heated so much that sweat appears on it, all of its pores open, and if in such a state stand in the wind, you can still catch a cold. You can go out of the room only after you cool.
During a five-minute rest at the lesson, it is impossible to sit down. It is necessary to resemble a little around the room, and then the spirit calms down himself, and the forces will restore. In class it is impossible to talk loudly and laugh, there are even drinking tea.
What you need to know the study art
Getting Started, it is necessary to remove the contaminated energy and imagine clean energy, to warm up, develop muscles and tendons, to achieve unimpeded blood circulation in the body.
Bringing to classes should be done by natural need. You can not do, tightly singing or drinking wine. It is necessary to die their desires. If you do not comply with these requirements, spirit and physical strength will weaken.
Having made the preparatory exercises for several minutes, you need to take a long time without rest, then take a break, completely calm down and then eat and drink. You need to do every day, and if you rarely and remember, you can't cause yourself the harm.
During the lesson, the mouth must be kept closed and breathe through the nose. It is impossible to delay the breath, for it can damage the health.
Hands and legs when hit, should be similar to the arrow released from the bow; In the curvature look for a directness. The center of gravity must descend as low as possible. It is necessary to clearly observe the difference between shocks on the top, middle and lower levels, straight and lateral strikes.
It is necessary that the hands are in harmony with their eyes, the eyes were in harmony with the heart, the shoulders were in agreement with the lower back, the position of the body - in step, and the step is with their hands. Hands, legs, torso and loin should move in agreement, following the field of heart.
Hands of the Neva, the view is fast, consciousness quickly, the steps are also fast, but confident. The opponent does not move - I also do not move. When the opponent starts moving, I move before him. Sometimes before he makes movement, we shout loudly to embarrass him and not allow him to attack. This also means ahead of the opponent.
Hands should be either empty or filled, moreover, an empty hand can become filled, and the filled - empty. If I can hit the opponent with a blank hand, this hand can instantly become filled, and if the opponent escaped the blow or took his hand to the side, then the filled hand should become empty. Therefore, in confrontation should not be applied to the very power, but you need to act, confidential with the actions of the opponent. Strength should be alive, not dead, and she should not go into emptiness. Then the power in us will constantly increase and change in our will. If you just beat with all our strength, then the hands and legs will be apparent, and the opponent will subordinate you to his will.
You should know: if the opponent is stronger than you, then it is better to attack on the side, and if you are stronger than the opponent, you can attack the center.
It should be known: if the opponent creates emptiness and puts into it, then it is necessary to quickly fill it and strike. And if the opponent himself boldly attacks, it is better to lure him or bypass him from the side so that it falls into the void.
The legs should not be raised high, the kicks need to be applied without effort, the postures should change lightning, everyone see everyone, the ears are all hearing.
Without making a solid capture, do not pull down both hands right away. One who breaks away both legs from the ground immediately, the opponent will easily overcome.
Studyful art should be in a well-wired room for ten minutes to practice "late seat" for ten minutes. First you need to breathe a nose, removing all the soased, contaminated energy and absorb new and clean energy. Then sit, delaying the breath, looking at the tip of the leg and echoing from all thoughts. Willion to direct the movement of energy throughout the body. After ten minutes you need to click the jaws ten times, swallow the saliva accumulated in the mouth, and then get up and slowly walk for ten minutes.

Kung Fu is an ancient Chinese martial art. If you want to learn this art, but there is no sport school nearby, or you cannot afford to pay for classes, or you are too busy, you can master Kung Fu yourself. It will not be easy, but it is worth it.


Part 1

  1. Free place for training. Since you will jump a lot and make shocks with legs and hands, you will need free space. The size of 3 sizes 3 meters will be sufficient.

    • If you do not have an empty room for training, free one of the corners of any room (transfer all items from this angle that you do not want to break and which can injure you).
  2. Buy a boxing pear. First you can do without it (as you will strike in the air), but then it will still be needed to work out to work out.

    • You can hang a pear to the ceiling or buy a pear that is placed on the floor.
  3. Find the instructions. Of course, classes with a coach is the best way to learn kung fu, but you can master this martial art and independently (if you are a persistent and purposeful person). Buy a DVD, see online rollers or look for training instructions on Kung Fu school sites. On school sites you will find short videos that will teach you the main movements.

    • It is best to find instructions from several sources. There are various schools Kung Fu, so you need to choose the method of training that suits you best. Moreover, there are many "experts" kung fu, which are actually not in fact. Selecting several sources, you guarantee the correctness of the execution of movements and shocks.
  4. Choose what you will focus primarily on. Do not take immediately for everything - this is a rather difficult task. After we will master some racks, decide whether you want to concentrate on learning jumps, kicks or shock hands.

    • We recommend to make a workout plan. For example, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays you will work out racks and kicks. And on Tuesdays and Thursdays you will work on equilibrium and flexibility.

    Part 2

    Basic preparation
    1. Work on equilibrium and flexibility. Equilibrium in Kung Fu is necessary in order to properly take racks. To control equilibrium, do yoga. Do not think that these are secondary exercises - they will help you achieve success when studying Kung Fu.

      • To develop flexibility, every workout start with a workout and stretching exercises. The warm-up may include running, jumping and pushups. Then go to the exercises for the stretching of the muscles. It will save you from injuries and make your body more flexible, which will allow you to strike your legs above, and the body is better to be curved.
    2. Perevete multiple racks. The correct rack is the basis of any martial art. You will not be able to move correctly if you have an incorrect rack. The first three of the described racks are not intended for the fight; They are designed to practice traditional kung fu and for combat use of weapons.

      • Pose rider. Bend your knees about 30 degrees, put the legs a little wider shoulders, bend your hands and press the elbows to the body. Fists Keep palms up. Straighten your back (as if you are sitting on a horse).
      • Front stand. Bend your knees and remove the left foot back. Hold the right fist in the face, and left at the chest level. Move your legs so that the left leg is ahead. After that, accordingly, stop the hands.
      • POST "DESHOOL NOG". Put the right foot a little back and transfer the body weight to it. Put the left foot a little further and touch the floor only with your fingers left. Keep fists by the face (as in boxing). If someone is attacking you, you will defend yourself with your left foot.
      • Combat Stand. Very similar to the boxer rack: one leg is a bit ahead of another, fists at the level of the face, knees are relaxed.
    3. Work out shocks with hands. The impact force depends on the position of the hips. Just as in boxing, in Kung Fu there are jabs, Uppercots and hooks.

      • Jeb. Take a combat rack, put the left leg before right, bend your knees, expand the thigh towards your opponent and throw away the left fist, and then immediately right (expand the right thigh).
      • Hook. Take the battle rack, put the left leg before right, expand the hips back and apply a blow to the left bent in the elbow right hand.
      • Uppercut. Take the combat rack, lower the fist and apply a blow from the bottom up the chin of the enemy. At the same time, turn a little hips.
    4. Work out blocks. Blocks vary depending on what strike you block. Any attacking break is blocked in a battle rack. In this posture, you are able to protect your face and reduce the effectiveness of opponent's blows.

      • Blocking jebes, Uppercotts and hooks is very similar to that in boxing. Block such shocks bent hand; With the other hand you can apply retaliatory strikes.
      • To block shocks with elbows and legs, use both hands. Keep them bent at the level of the face and deploy the thigh towards the opponent's strike. So you protect your face and cause the opponent's pain.
    5. Schedule kicks. Such strikes are one of the most exciting aspects of Kung Fu. Here are three major kicks.

      • Stick-step. Be in front of a boxing pear. Make a step forward with my left foot, and then apply the punch on the right side of the pear in the inner surface of the foot. Repeat the right foot.
      • Blow-toe.. Be in front of a boxing pear. Make a step forward with my left foot, and then lift (before the torso) right leg bent in the knee. Apply a sharp blow to the pear ("Turn" on it).
      • Side strike. Become in a combat rack, put your left foot forward. Transfer the weight to the left foot, and put the right foot to hit the pear at the level of your shoulder. Stay in this position (right foot raised) to stay to retain balance.
    6. Sports to apply combinations of shocks (in the air and in a pear). First learn how to correctly apply blows into the air, and then go to the application of blows on the pear. If you are tired, take a break.

      • After you spend the blows on the pear well, find a sparring partner. Do not forget to wear protection (if any), or ask the partner to wear special gloves so that you can work off on them (hands and legs).

    Part 3.

    Main moves
    1. "The Dragon". This movement serves to intimidate the enemy. During movement, you must look directly on the enemy. This is how it is done:

      • Become in the horseman's position, but put your feet wider and bend them more (deeper sway).
      • Throw out the wrist (as in Jab), but your fingers bend off the fist, but in the form of clawing.
      • Get out of the squat and apply a side blow to the stomach of the opponent.
    2. "Snake". This movement back with the head of the head up when the snake does).

      • Arrange your legs right back left. Transfer the weight on the back leg. Keep your knees bent.
      • Keep hands as if you want to break the opponent through. Throw right hand forward.
      • Block the enemy, capturing his hand, and apply shovel.
    3. "Leopard". This movement will allow you to retreat if necessary.

      • Become a battle rack, but put the legs wider, and transfer the body weight to the back leg.
      • Bringing a blow, move the body weight to the front leg, and strike the fingers of the outdoor palm (not a fist) knuckles. Perform such a blow carefully, or you will make an injury to hand.
    4. "Crane". Passive movement used when approaching the enemy to you.

      • Become a "fraudulent leg" pose, but put your feet close to each other to hide the "fraudulent" leg.
      • Raise your hands to the sides, distracting the enemy.
      • When the enemy approaches, apply the "fraudulent" foot (that is, the leg, which relies on the ground only with the fingers).
    5. "Tiger". Fast and efficient movement.

      • Become a battle rack, but put your feet wider. In essence, you should sit down.
      • Hands hold at the level of shoulders; Folded in the form of claw (which is directed outside).
      • Apply a combined Jab-Jeb blow, and then apply the side punch with the neck of the opponent.

    Part 4.

    1. Know - the main schools of Kung Fu two. On days free of training, read the classic literature on Kung Fu and martial arts, for example, Sun Tzu, Bruce Lee, so Va Ange, David Chow and Lam Sai Wine. You will receive an idea of \u200b\u200btwo kung fu schools.

      • Shaolin.. This is the oldest school of Kung Fu. She is known for "external" movements and training aimed at strengthening muscles, ligaments and tendons. This school symbolizes the fact that most people think about Kung Fu.
      • Wu Dong. This is not such an old school in which the original concepts of Kung Fu are interpreted. It is known for "internal" movements and training aimed at strengthening and managing vital power (chi). This school focuses on meditation, contemplation (Zen) and internal strength.
    2. Compare your movements with animal movements. Such a comparison is based on Kung Fu. It will also send your thinking to the right track, and make you use all your potential.

      • It is rumored that in New Zealand there is an athlete who once drew a hole in a depth of meter and jumped into her and from her. Gradually, he did a hole deeper and deeper and step over a step turned into a kangaroo man. You must think about animals not only during the fight, but also during training.
    3. Meditate . Japanese samurai used meditation to improve combat skills. They believed (and not without reason) that meditation would help them develop the tactics of future contractions. Meditation clarifies the mind and helps to gain peace of mind and strength, so it is recommended to meditate about 15 minutes daily.

      • Imagine a car accident. When it happens, the time as if slowed down. This is a state of meditation. Such a calm condition is very useful during the fight, because everything slows down, and you can react faster.
    4. Care, train and train again. This is the only way to succeed in Kung Fu. Moves themselves may seem useless. But if you train daily, meditate, read literature, it will be your way of life (then you will be surprised how you lived without kung fu).

      • Train your blows into the air, in a pear and with a sparring partner.
      • Correct errors in movements and blows. See the instructions to make sure you do everything right. Otherwise, you will learn something else, and not kung fu.

The tactics of conducting the fight in Kung Fu is complex and diverse. We will analyze some of the main tactical moments and principles of conducting the fight.
The following requirements should be performed in the fight: elbows from ribs, fists always at the heart. Hands, as a rule, should protect the upper and middle level, legs - lower.
Protecting from a powerful impact, it is necessary to evade, leave the attack line, and then use the enemy's defense formed in the defense of it.
All parts of the body in Kung Fu are agreed. A failed arm of hand is supported by a blow to the foot and vice versa.
The most important thing in Kung Fu is the right joint actions of the hands and legs. Each change in the position of the legs (position) should correspond to the action of the hands. Moreover, so that the technique worked effectively, it is necessary to fill the blow to the energy (that is, the effort - Jin should be born). This energy is born in the waist, intensifying the leg and is achieved. Blows are performed with a cry and without a scream. Sharp and powerful shocks usually accompany the cry, which enhances energy emissions during the strike.

The first, where to start learning tactics is a distance on which the opponent is located on you.
In hand-to-hand combat, without the use of weapons, there are four types of distances:
1. Fight closely with girth, that is, what is called struggle.
2. Fight closely without girth or distance between opponents is no more than hemisphere. This is a sphere of shocks with elbows, knees, heads, pain on the joints of the hands.
3. Distance 0.5-1.5 steps. This is the scope of shocks with fists, palms, fingers.
4. Distribution 1.5-2.5 steps. This is the scope of impact footsteps.
All these types of distances will be divided as:
1. Fighting close.
2. Middle distance.
3. Medium distance.
4. Far distance.
Of course, this separation is somewhat conditionally and largely depends on the individual characteristics of the enemy. For example, if you fight the opponent of high growth and possessing long legs, then you must take into account that one step is equal to your one and a half, or even two steps. If the opponent is low growth, then it is quite natural that its step will be equal to about 0.7-0.8 of your step. Therefore, when evaluating the distance, never be content with dogma, but always proceed from the real situation.
At the beginning of the battle, it is best to be located on the far distance (1.5-2.5 steps) from the enemy. This distance is optimal because it displays you from the immediate threat of impact of the fist, and you can only get a foot with a foot or thumb, and if you are attentive and moving, you can always respond to a similar attack.
With a closer place from the enemy, you can simply do not have time to react to his fast and rapid attack. And with more distant - you yourself can not carry out a successful attack.
The distance is so important that even a small mistake in reach can make an attack useless. You must make an attack for a moment before the enemy turns out to be within reach, and not after.
The distance is broken down with the steps, dousedocks and the flaws.

The attack or retreat must be quick and decisive. The enemy should not foresee your movements until it is too late.
Such distances estimates should be carried out by a fighter automatically (subconscious) throughout the battle.

Another major tactical principle of fighting is followed.
In the tradition of Military Art of China, the understanding of the "followation" is captured in the following formula: "Before the enemy moves, I am moving myself before the enemy stops moving, I stay myself; the opponent tires himself, and I rest; an opponent is cruel, and I am soft, the enemy retreats, And I attack; the enemy comes, and I retreat; the opponent in motion and I move. "
If the enemy makes any movement, it is necessary to react immediately on it. For example, if he takes a step forward, then you need to take a step back or to the side, leaving the attack line. If he takes a step back, then you make a step forward and with the slightest opportunity to spend a quick and decisive attack.

Truck attack
It is very difficult to defeat the opponent if it is in a convenient position, the state of readiness and expectations of your attack. In order to win, you need to withdraw it from this position. And here the help comes to the rescue, as a fraudulent attack. Troubleshooting is the most important part of the theory of the fight in Kung Fu. In all the styles of Chinese martial arts, it is possible to meet the expression: "The voice is heard in the east, and the blow comes from the West."
This tactical method differs from other methods using fraudulent movements and shocks at the beginning of the attack. It is based on the fact that you start an attack with fraudulent shocks and movements. The essence of this method is that, causing a deceiving blow, you do not invest all the power in it, but only imitate. The opponent, not knowing this, reacts as a real blow, thereby revealing for your subsequent, already a real attack. And in this attack you are already investing all your effort, the whole potential.
Often, for a successful attack, it is necessary to apply not one deception, and several and only after that move to the present attack.
In order for the attack to be more successful and more efficiently, it is necessary to conduct it in different levels and strikes from different sides.

Principle of coordination of hands and feet
The old saying the masters of Kung Fu says: "If the hand reached the point of application of the strike, and the foot did not arrive, it means that you are just looking for a hassle. And if your look has reached the right point and arrived hands and legs, it means that you have suffered the secrets of skill."
One of the most serious flaws in the fight is considered the lack of coordination of hands, legs and views. If the dors of the hands are delayed behind the movement of the legs, in this case the blow will be ineffective. If the blows of the legs are ahead of their hands, even if the blow and reaches the target, it will be unsigned, as it is deprived of the strength coming from the legs. In addition, with such a blow, it is easy to lose equilibrium and an opponent can use it.

Principle of matching hands
Movements must be fused. Rotation of the shoulders when hitting should be fully followed the movement of fists (palms).

Strength goes out of the waist
This principle is one of the most important in Kung Fu. The source of movement is always in the lower back, and any movement is carried out by twisting the lower back and the whole body. The masters say: "entering into contact, every time you need to twist, turning and the appearance of changing, do not leave tracks!" The root of transformations is hidden in your step, you walk forward or backward - first of all the loin moving.

Voltage Principle - Relaxation
During the preparation of the stroke of the fist (palm), it remains completely relaxed and only at the time of the strike of the strike, thanks to the effort of Jin Kulak (palm), one elusive instant acquires an extraordinary hardness.

The principle of presence of softness and rigidity
Genuine skill consists in mastering the principle of intelligence and interpenetration of solid and soft. Before the rigidity of the spree will open at the moment of impact, it is necessary to close the relaxation and live emptiness within itself. The masters say: "Software to transform rigidity, stiffness to conquer softness."

Paint art
In martial arts, the view is one of the skill performance. A clear and quick look in the duel is no less important than trained hands and legs. In the view directly reflects this or that condition of consciousness. The view of the novice is usually carved towards the hands, legs or eyes of the enemy, issuing their insecurity or indecision. The question where to send a glance during the fight, always caused a feeling of bewilderment and confusion in inexperienced fighters. In principle, there is no unambiguous answer. Different masters interpret it in their own way.
Some recommend looking into the eyes, others - on the shoulders, the third - on the enemy's chest. But they all converge in one - in no case cannot concentrate their attention on some one point. Otherwise, you just do not notice the next enemy movement. For example, you concentrated on its impact by foot in the lower body and as a result they missed the punch in the head. In any martial arts, it is recommended to watch as far as possible to perceive the enemy as a whole, without being distracted by the details. Any moves and blows should "slide" according to your consciousness, not shooting there, which will allow you to adequately react to all its actions.
The art of Master Kung Fu in the past paid great attention. For this purpose, various exercises were performed - daily gymnastics for the eyes. One of the simplest exercises: without moving the face, drive out as far as possible up, down, right, left, in a circle. This exercise can be done at different speeds. If the eye muscles get tired, you need to slightly climb and quickly snorkered.
The next exercise can be done throughout the day. Wrap a bright lamp with a light green lampshade and place a distance of about 60 cm. Slightly sticking the eye, look at the lamp for 15-30 minutes.
Try to focus your eyes without giving a broken light source, it will require certain efforts of consciousness. Three months later, replace the lamp shade to the darker, at the same time, reduce the lamp heat and move it to 1.5 m. It is necessary to engage in a dark room. The exercise allows you to see the smallest details of items removed by 5 m and to instantly react to all the movements of the enemy. The final stage of this exercise is a swinging lamp. Attach the lamp to the rope, flashlight or other illuminating item and swing it. For 10 min. Carefully keep the subject, without turning the head. This will allow you to easily monitor all the movements of the enemy.
We can recommend another simple exercise on the development of peripheral vision. It is necessary to rush a calm look into the distance and, without fixing it on anything, slowly raise his hands forward. Making fingers any movements, gradually spread their arms to the sides. Try to perceive the nature of these movements, configuration, etc. Initially, movements should be simple and noticeable, and then increasingly complex and inconspicuous. The main thing is to develop the ability to catch the slightest movements on the periphery and immediately evaluate their character. Similar training can be carried out with partners.

Rules of fighting.
Communication rules in Kung Fu are collected in figurative sayings:
1. Elegant, like a cat.
This rule suggests that it is necessary to move during the fight easily, as easy and elegant, like a cat.
2. Military, like a tiger.
Tiger personifies courage and priesthood. Therefore, having met with the enemy, seek at once to overturn enemy courage. Keep forward, back down without confusion, appreciating the real setting, brutally bates, sharply rushing to the opponent.
3. Stepping like a dragon.
The dragon in China is a symbol of power and power. Therefore, steps should be strong, powerful and confident. If the steps are unsure, then the fists are not in order. Step is not a quick - a fist careless. Thus, steps should be strong and solid. It is necessary to reduce the step level when a stable base is needed, a step should be a body movement, the step ends its action and the body too.
4. Active like lightning.
It is necessary to be quick as lightning, instantly responding to any changes. It is important for a person in a duel to perform shocks, like flashes of lightning. You have to strike hands with such speed so as not to feel the moment of application of impact, and if your blow reaches the goal, you should not feel it. Shaolin monks say: "It is necessary to strike, without feeling manifestation, if you feel the manifestation, it means that the blow is applied without energy.
5. Screaming like thunder.
During the duel, the most powerful blows are accompanied by a cry, helping even more ejection of Jin's efforts.
6. Moving like wind.
It is necessary to move rapidly like a fierce impulse of the wind. Having entered into a fight, go straight into the frontal attack, let the strength of the left and right, follow the principle of "fist see - the blow to the invisible" and "if you won't see the hand forward, then you will not see it, you will no longer see it."
7. Standing like a nail.
On one leg you need to keep confidently like a robbed nail. .
8. Heavy like a mountain.
In the racks it is necessary to maintain stability, like a grief that cannot be moved from the place. To work sustainability, you need to train the seat in the face of the MABU (rider) or standing,
post. These two exercises are the most important ways to train the leg strength and respiratory control. Traveled them - and in the movements you will be stable like Mount Taishan.
9. Light as goose down.
But at the same time, you must quickly and easily move, instantly reacting to the actions of the enemy, just as the fluff moves easily at any, even the smallest, dungement of the breeze.
10. Soft, like cotton.
Before the stiffness of the whole light will open at the time of the strike, it is necessary to close the relaxation and live emptiness within itself.
11. Solid as iron.
The body, the arms and feet of the fighter using certain methods of packing should become solid, like iron, and when entering contact with the enemy to influence it, as when contact with the metal object.

Magazine "Martial Arts Planet"
AV Popov

So what is Kung Fu?

This term came to Russian from the West. It comes from a distorted Chinese word "Gunfu". In China, this word has always been used in two values \u200b\u200b- direct and portable. The direct meaning of the term "GUNFU" is desirable: "work on yourself", "improving skill in something", this is "skill". Portable - "Military arts" (in the sense of self-improvement practice).
In the West, and after that in the CIS countries, the term "Kung Fu" began to be used to designate Chinese martial arts.
In addition to the name "Kung Fu", military art in China had many names that changed with the equipment and philosophy: "Quan-Shu" - the art of a fist combat, "Quan-Fa" - a fist technique, "Tsuan-Jon" - a fist Fight, "Shu-by" - a fight with hands, "Xian-software" - a common fight, "Dzu-Dzhi" - the technique of the fight, "Jewie" - the struggle, "y-yi" - martial art. "U-Shu" ("U" - Military, "Shu" - art) - This name was applied to Military art as a military craft: possession of weapons, archery, horse riding, and the battle technique. "U-Dzin" - military equipment: weapons, onions, handling hand-to-hand combat.

What is the essence of kung fu?

The most accurate essence of Kung Fu passes the term "Jan-Shen-Shu" (the art of extension of life). One of the main goals of classes is to preserve life, protect yourself not only from external enemies, but also from the inner. The first step is the ability to protect yourself from yourself, as from the most dangerous enemy (temptations and temptations, i.e. delicious food instead of useful; comfort instead of peace; entertainment instead of perfection).

Health, strength, endurance is that it should give classes first. If there is no health, it makes no sense to learn to defend yourself from enemies. The rules of life created by the current society do not allow a person to think about health. Today, all the forces are given to lose it finally and get a career in return, money, power, i.e. Get everything that is not a criterion of a happy life in terms of mentally and physically healthy person. Health can be easily lost, without even noticing this, because we have accumulated many habits that destroy it. It is only human nonsense. You must learn to put priority, see the difference between necessity and desire.

The immediate task of technology is to learn to own your body, to realize its anatomical capabilities. Managing his body, we develop a mind on the speed of thinking and concentration. Martial art is intended to save life. Technique should be primarily effective, because in Kung Fu there are no sports competitions, everything is acceptable, which gives an advantage and leads to victory.

"Navigation" in Kung Fu. Zeal. Self-realization.

To class Kung Fu, you need to free yourself from empty reflection, no extra "clarification" should not interfere with classes.

Kung Fu is primarily zeal.

It is necessary to strive not to achieve the result and victory in competitions, but to the infinite improvement of your psychophysical state. It is necessary to get rid of all that superfluous, which prevents focusing in class: extra thoughts and problems should be left behind the walls of the hall. It is necessary to get rid of the bustle, unnecessary voltage, stop waiting for the result (as the Chinese say, "to achieve everything is not necessary").

"NEWS" is not to do anything, it means not to wait for the result, just to do, and the result is a natural award for work. It is necessary to abandon self-affirmation in favor of self-realization.. Europeans believed that the one who received a profit was realized by the case, which is engaged, i.e. The artist is not the one who knows how to draw, but the one who is expensive sells its paintings. The more expensive the painting, the fact that "talented" the artist. Money is equivalent of skill.

Military art can not be traded. This is the skills of each. This is the key to harmony and health. It's priceless.

Many who are just starting to engage in trying to prove to themselves and others that they are capable of. Each lesson for them is a struggle (self-affirmation). It is necessary to refuse this and make efforts to self-improvement. Due to this, the attitude towards classes is changing, together with the "struggle" disappears the tension, unnecessary effort, useless waste of forces. Instead, meaningfulness, patience, peace. Then you can enjoy not the rapid result, but the process itself. The result will be natural award-winning effort. Classes by itself, it will be possible to carry their health throughout life, making them an integral part of it.


Perfection relies on the laws of nature. It is necessary is the state of the naturalness (zijan) and natural relaxation (Fansun). All schools Kung Fu are one. There is one main style - man style. We strive to develop our capabilities by removing distortion.

Positions of the brush, racks and basic methods

Today, when you get acquainted with the first combinations of Kung Fu, including some major techniques, the basic positions of the brush and the main racks, you will make the first step in the area of \u200b\u200bfundamental centuries-old knowledge collected together and saved by human experience and wisdom.

For many centuries, Master Kung Fu painstakingly figured out exactly how it is best to use certain methods of attack and protection in various specific situations. For example, they discovered for themselves that the blow from the belt level is much more efficient and has a greater power than shoulder-level impact. By supporting a constant good balance of your body, you can spend kicks more neatly and strongly than from an unstable position. By making circular mahs with hands, you can minimize all the actions of the enemy, completely blocking his blows with your hands. Rejointing back torso and having accepted a certain rack, you can avoid a kick by foot without moving. All the movements of this kind, helping the person to win in hand-to-hand combat, were properly recovered and folded and collected in the system that we now call the receptions of Kung Fu.

The very first kung-fu techniques were created by multiple trial and errors. Later, when the hand-to-hand combat masters gathered a sufficient number of various techniques for creating the main theoretical rules and principles of their application, in the development of the art of hand-to-hand combat battle, their targeted learning and research began to play a major role. For example, our ancestors were able to establish that the enemy can not apply not only straight blows with fists, but also to strive with his wrist and elbow blows. In addition, they realized that such shocks were effective, only when their hands have sufficient physical strength, and the opponent is at a remote distance. If you do not get the strength of the hands, and the opponent is close enough, then you should use the elbow. So, little, and the theories of modern hand-to-hand combat battle were created, on the basis of which the art of Kung Fu could continue to develop independently, that is, drawing new knowledge and creating new rules not based on "spying" for real battles, but by targeted experimentation In classroom in a friendly atmosphere, involving mutual exchange of experience.

Old Master Kung Fu was also guessed to borrow a lot of valuable for studying the material among their nature, that is, watching the behavior and movements of animals, birds, insects and reptiles. Do not underestimate the possibilities of our smaller brothers: with the exception of the ability to think abstract, we, that is, people, in many ways very much inferior to beasts and
birds, especially when it comes to such things as physiology and anatomy, the development of the senses and the instinct of survival and self-preservation. The power of the tiger, the endurance of the o'clock or the rapidness of the eagle has long become a nucleating concept. Even very small and innocuous creatures can teach a person very important for hand-to-hand combat things. Rabbit or protein, for example, possess phenomenal abilities to predict the approach of danger and instantly disappear from the field of view of the enemy, showing the wonders of resourcefulness and dexterity. Therefore, the old Masters Kung Fu not only created their techniques based on animal monitoring, but also tried to notice the main qualities of "character" inherent in these creatures. Based on these "animal", the devils in the future and the new ways of training for those or other human abilities, such as "tigrine" of the power or "rabbit" tigner, are found.

All these techniques and skills accumulated and improved many centuries in a row, transmitting from generation to generation. The Shaolin Monastery became the first social and cultural institution, in which these ancient arts and individual skills in the field of external form, internal filling or theoretical information began to be improved and developed on a targeted systematic basis. This palm of the championship is herself to the monastery's traditions of the monastery and to this day.
For example, while in most martial arts in the world to apply shocks, only a compressed fist is used, in Kung Fu there are more than 20 different forms of the attacking brush. In other martial arts, there are little importance to how the fighter is worth and in which it is position, while in Kung Fu there are more dozen of various special racks, which pay special attention in the process of training. Therefore, today you will not just get acquainted with the first combinations of Kung Fu, including some major techniques, basic positions of the brush and main racks, but take the first step in the area of \u200b\u200bfundamental centuries-old knowledge collected together and preserved human experience and wisdom.

The meaning of the values \u200b\u200bof the shape and informality

For a beginner, kung fu techniques, with their different positions of the brush and unusual racks, may first seem "unnatural". Of course, in the event of a real combat situation, any person who is not familiar with at least with the basics of Kung Fu, it is unlikely to be able to stand up on the "Luk-and-Strela" stand and spend a straight blow to the right of reception "black tiger pulls out a heart." For a beginner, especially for the Europeans, it seems a much more natural to take the position of the sambo wrestler or judo and hit the boxer. However, all these "unnatural" techniques have a lot of technical advantages over the usual arbitrary movements. For example, when using the same reception "Black Tiger pulls out the heart" your blow has a much greater force, and the position of the body is greater stability. Therefore, in order to learn how to use all these advantages, a novice student must conscientiously examine everything that seems to him at the beginning "unnatural" movement and racks so well so that over time they became his "second nature" over time.

In the early stages of training, the student must repeat all the movements and techniques of the instructor as clearly and carefully, the greatest attention is paid to the external exercise. This stage of learning is usually called "from formlessness to form."
At more in-depth stages, when you have already acquired some experience with the external forms of Kung Fu, you can begin to modify them depending on the requirements of a particular combat situation. For example, instead of attacking the "black tiger" strike, stand strictly right in the "bow-and-boilers" stand, you can, if the situation requires a slightly leaning forward to increase the range of your impact. This stage is called "from the form to formlessness", that is, it is meant that, mastering the standard forms of Kung Fu, the student can already give the will of fantasy; Without leaving for the general boundaries of the standard form, it is possible to vary and modify how the use of hands, legs and all other parts of the body can be varied when conducting certain intake of Kung Fu. Many experienced masters sooner or later move away from the standard form Kung Fu, without taking care of its observance in battle, because the art of them is already so great that, no matter how they experiment with the enemy, the victory will observe themselves. This is the same as a fight of an adult man with a three-year-old child. An adult has such a tremendous superiority in strength and experience that the child does not have a single chance, even if a man had fallen over in the middle of the fight!

However, each student needs to thoroughly know all the forms of Kung Fu, which is achieved only at the expense of daily "hard workouts. But before you begin to study the techniques and combinations, you need to master the art of correctly keeping your hands in certain basic" Kung-Kung. Fu ", as well as maintain balance in the main" Kung Fu racks ".

Some Solin Style Brush Provisions

They say that it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. In fig. 6.1 and 6.2 depicted several basic positions of the brush.

Fig. 6.1
Positions Brush 1-9 Style "Kung Fu Monastery Shaolin"

Fig. 6.2.
Position Brush 10-18 "Kung-Fu Monastery Shaolin"

1. "Smooth fist."
2. "Sun-shaped", or "vertical" fist.
3. Punch "Leopard".
4. Punch "Phoenix Eye."
5. "Elephant" fist.
6. Palm "Swallow Wing."
7. Dragon palm.
8. "Dragon Lap."
9. "Tigrin Paw".
10. "Orlin Claw."
11. "Snake Head".
12. "One finger Zen".
13. "Finger Sword".
14. Crab Crab. "
15. "Beak Crane".
16. "Lap Monkey".
17. "The foot of the mantomole.
18. "Hand-hook".

Some of these provisions of the brush are basic for their respective names of Kung Fu styles. That is, for example, in the style of "Monkey" or in the style of "mantomol", respectively, are used mainly or "Monkey's paw", or "mantom foot". "Beak Crane" and "Hand-Hook" appear to appear in the same way, but they act absolutely differently. As it can be seen from the very name, "Cravyl beak" used mainly among the styles of Kung Fu South Shaolin, it is "pecking", for example, in the vital points of the enemy, while "hand-hook" used more in Northern styles, "cling", for example, for legs or hands.

Wealth and diversity of Kung Fu techniques are clearly expressed in more than a dozen of various percussion techniques designed only for the use of "smooth fist". These technicians are shown in Fig. 6.3-6.5.

1. A straight blow.
2. Wanted strike.
3. Blow "Horg".
4. Diagonal blow.
5. Slowback.
6. Punch "whip".
7. Wave-shaped blow ...

8. Cut.
9. Hansy blow.
10. Immersion blow.
11. Middle hit.
12. Thrown.

Other brush positions for shocks are applied less often, and the technique of these blows is not so diverse.

Shooting techniques "Smooth fist"

Pose "Rider" and other racks

In fig. 6.6-6.9 shows the main racks adopted in Kung Fu Monastery Shaolin.

1. Pose of "Rider".
2. "Loke-and-boom."
3. "Deceivers Leg".
4. "The pitch of the unicorn."
5. "Step by Ring."
6. Stand one foot.
7. Side Stand ...

8. Inclined rack.

9. J-shaped rack.

Shaolin Monastery Racks (1-3)

Shaolin Monastery Racks (4-8)

The horseman's posture also moves your center of gravity from the shoulder level on the level of the stomach, making you "fresh from above, resistant bottom," that is, sensitive and balanced, equally and physically, and mentally. These two qualities, and much more than special techniques you learn later are the main distinguishing features of the Kung Fu Master. Finally, the pose of "Rider" forms a clot of energy in your abdominal tribute to Trian, that is, the energy field. Only when there is enough energy in your tribute to be enough, you will be able to work out in yourself, because this force stems from our energy fields and depends entirely on their condition.

In general, the Pose "Rider" is a fairly complicated form of Dzan Dzuan ("art of sustainable provisions") Ki-kung Monastery Shaolin, and therefore doubly deserves the time and strength that are discharged on her work. One of the main reasons why many students, despite the like long years of classes, do not succeed in Kung Fu, is the poverty of the sources of their internal energy in the fields of tribute to Trian. As a rule, this lack of energy is usually caused in initially small and incorrect workouts in those areas and varieties of Dzan Dzuan, which are prescribed by the features of the Kung Fu elected style.

I would like to give you some useful advice on the work of the Rider's rack. Your torso must stand absolutely straight, the shoulders are stripped, the hips are almost parallel to the ground. Remember that it is impossible to blend a little and stretch
up when you get tired - most novice students are automatically sinning by this, without even giving themselves the report. Despite the possible tension and even light pain arising from an unusual uncomfortable posture, try to completely relax muscles and consciousness. Concentrate only on your abdominal field tribute to Triani, that is, on the abdomen area. You can close your eyes or open, at your discretion, but most importantly - nothing to think about anything. Most people first can not stand in this position and minutes, however, if you want to achieve something, find the strength sooner or later hold out in the horseman's posture, without changing the situation and not making yourself a cross, at least five minutes. In order to achieve at least this minimum, you need to work out the pose "Rider" daily for at least three months.

If you want, when you are too tired of being in the pose of "Rider", you can smoothly move from this to other racks, for example, in the "bow-and-boom" rack (in which the body weight is evenly distributed on both legs) or In the rack of "fraudulent legs" (where there are more than 95 percent of body weight on the back of the leg). Just turn the torso and change the position of the legs without relaxing and without taking the natural position. When we rest and prepare to endure another "workout", also return back to the Rider's Poster. In addition, spend some time and on the workout of the "single leg" struts and a "sicoon step" (in which 60 percent of the weight is distributed on the front leg, and forty percent is on the back). These five of the above racks are essential in the art of Kung Fu, and therefore they are called "basic".

After working out the racks, you should deal with leg exercises developing not only their strength and stability, but also their flexibility and mobility. In fig. 6.10 and 6.11 show six exercises, in our school kung-fu monastery Shaolin "Vanam" are collectively referred to as "art flexible leg". (This is only our own name; in other schools for stretching and developing legs, completely different exercises can be used.) Each exercise should be performed at least 10-20 times.

Basic Shaolin Style Takes

Once you familiarize yourself with the positions of the brush and the Kung Fu racks of Shaolin directions, you can move to the study of the next eight simple techniques. In Kung Fu, Shaolin Monastery, each admission has its own deep meaning and a very poetic name. I give the names of all techniques in direct translation, despite the fact that most of the lyrics in this case is lost. You can train in the development of these techniques, looking in Fig. 6.12-6.15.

1. "Black Tiger pulls out a heart"
2. "Lonely Tiger appears from the cave"
3. "Poisonous snake throws poison"
4. "Beauty looks in the mirror"
5. "The precious duck sails through the lotus"
6. "Mach hand from a rack" fraudulent feet "»
7. "Golden Star in the corner"
8. "Immortal appears from the cave"

Every time you memorize one reception and work out his day after day until we fully wipe it technique before switching to the next one. Remember that the meaning of the study of Kung Fu lies in an equal development of force and skill, under which in this case it means skillfully and skillfully conduct familiar techniques, and not the ability to learn them as much as possible, focusing only on the quantity, and not on quality.
The figures are depicted only or "left", or "right-wing" forms of receptions, but you should work equally many times to work out every reception in both of its options. Each reception at first start with "posture posture", that is, stand straight and relax, keeping both fists compressed at the belt. Spend reception, then return to the "willing posture". Later you can start and complete the workshop of techniques in any arbitrary position.
First, all the techniques should be worked out in the sequence that was shown in the picture, but then you can do them in any order. As a rule, it takes about three months of daily workouts to accurately memorize all the shown techniques, provided that each "working out" (not counting the time of the other class kung fu!) It lasts about one and a half hours.
As I have already explained to you in the previous chapter, if you want to achieve the best results as soon as possible, you should properly arrange all the goals and schedule coming tasks.
For example, it would be nice to devote the first three months of the occupation of daily work on all racks and techniques and call this course "the foundations of Kung Fu Monastery Shaolin." In this case, the term "bases" means that all your future successes are entirely dependent on how successful you are the shelter-deet of these basic racks and receptions. And even if you already have some experience in other martial arts, but not in Kung Fu, you still should spend three months on his "bases".
The main purpose of this course, of course, there will be a solid foundation for the further development of your "own" kung-fu monastery Shaolin, including all theoretical information, and the importance of the Rider's posture, and the principles of differences in the basic positions of the brush, and the reasons For which you need for a long time, first work out all the techniques alone, and not with a partner. (If you have not yet found a response to all these questions, read this chapter again.)
The course tasks at this stage include familiarity with specific racks and positions of the brush, adopted in Kung Fu Monastery Shaolin, the ability to properly and skillfully take those or other racks and conduct studied techniques, lowering the center of gravity to gain greater sustainability, as well as skill accumulate vital energy in the abdominal tribute to Trian - to prepare for development in itself in the future of internal force.
You should schedule a range of priority personal tasks, agreeing with your personal capabilities and requests. As an example here, I can give you only very approximate recommendations:
. 1. Suit in the "rider" posture at least 5 minutes.
. 2. You will be able to pass fifteen kilometers, without feeling fatigue.
. 3. Perform in a row all the eight base techniques of Kung Fu without a single flaw.
. 4. Fog in a row three series of all eight base techniques of Kung Fu, without feeling fatigue.
At the end of this learning stage, you can compare all the results achieved with the course and personal tasks and correctly evaluate all the efforts spent.