Eastern parables read. Proverbs about love beautiful and wise. Parable of real love

Proverbs - short and entertaining stories express the experience of many generations of lives. Special popularity has always been used by parables about love. And it is not surprising - these stuff-filled history can be taught a lot. And the right relationship with a partner too.

After all, love is a great strength. She is able to create and destroy, wrap and deprive, give the insight and deprive the mind, believe and jealous, make feats and push to betrayal, to give and take, forgive and revenge, to bury and hate. So with love you need to be able to handle. And instructive parables about love will help this.

Where else to draw wisdom, as not in proven in the years of stories. We hope that short stories about love will answer many of your questions and teach harmony. After all, we are all born to love and be loved.

Parable of love, wealth and health

Parable of love and happiness

- Where does love go? Little happiness asked her father. "She dies," the father replied. People, son, do not shuffle what they have. Just do not know how to love!
Little happiness thought: I grow big and help to help people! Years passed. Happiness has grown and has become big.
It remembered her promise and struggled to help people, but people did not hear him.
And gradually, happiness from the big began to turn into a small and stupid. It was very frightened, as if not to disappear at all, and went to the far path to find a medicine from his illness.
How long was happiness, without meeting anyone on his way, just became very bad.
And it stopped to relax. Chose a spreader tree and faced. Just bent, as the approaching steps heard.
He opened his eyes and sees: the shallow old woman goes through the forest all in the rags, barefoot and with the staff. I rushed happiness to her: - Sit down. You probably tired. You need to relax and eat.
The old woman had a legs, and she literally collapsed into the grass. A little rest, the wanderer told happiness his story:
- It's a shame when you are considered such a stray, and I'm so young, and love is my name!
- So are you love?! Surrected happiness. But I was told that love is the most beautiful of what is in the world!
Love looked at him attentively and asked:
- And what is your name?
- Happiness.
- That's how? I also said that happiness should be beautiful. And with these words, she took a mirror from their lochmotyev.
Happiness, looking at his reflection, sharpened loudly. Love hooked up to him and gently hugged her hand. - What did these evil people and fate with us? - sobbed happiness.
"Nothing," love said, "if we are together and become taking care of each other, then quickly become young and beautiful."
And so under the spreading tree, love and happiness have concluded their union never separated.
Since Love leaves from someone's life, together with it and happiness, they do not happen.
And people still can not understand this ...

Parable about the best wife

Once, two sailors went to the lighter to find their destiny. They sailed to the island, where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. Senior - Beauty, and the youngest - not very.
One of the sailors told his friend:
"Everything, I found my happiness, I stay here and marry the daughter of the leader."
- Yes, you are right, the eldest daughter of the leader's beauty, clever. You made the right choice - marry.
- You did not understand me, friend! I get married to the youngest daughter of the leader.
- Are you crazy? She is so ... not very.
- This is my decision, and I will do it.
A friend swam further in search of his happiness, and the bridegroom went wobbies. It must be said that in the tribe it was customary to give a redemption cow. A good bride was worth ten cows.
He drove ten cows and approached the leader.
- Leader, I want to marry your daughter and give ten cows for it!
- It's a good choice. My older daughter is beautiful, clever, and she costs ten cows. I agree.
- No, the leader, you did not understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.
- Are you joking? You do not see, she is so ... not very.
- I want to marry it on it.
- Well, but as an honest person, I can not take ten cows, it is not worth it. I will take three cows for it, no more.
- No, I want to pay ten cows.
They merried.
Several years have passed, and a wandering friend, already on his ship, decided to visit the remaining comrade and learn how his life is. Sayer, walks along the shore, and towards the woman of unearthly beauty.
He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. It comes and sees: his friend sits, they run around the kids.
- How are you?
- I'm happy.
Here is the most beautiful woman.
- Here, meet. This is my wife.
- How? What have you married again?
- No, this is the same woman.
- But how did it happen that she changed so much?
- And you ask her myself.
Came to each woman and asks:
"Sorry for tactlessness, but I remember what you were ... not very." What happened that you became so beautiful?
"Simply, I once understood that it stands ten cows."

Parable about the best husband

Once a woman came to the priest and said:
- Two years ago married me with my husband. And now ruin us. I do not want to live with him anymore.
- What is the reason for your desire to divorce? - asked the priest.
The woman explained so:
- All husbands return home in time, my spouse is constantly delayed. Because of this house every day scandals.
The priest, surprised, asks:
- Cause only only in this?
"Yes, I don't want to live with a person who has such a disadvantage," the woman replied.
- Dissolve something I will reconnable, but under one condition. Come back home, baked big delicious bread and bring me. But when you break the bake of bread, do not take anything in the house, and salt, and water, and the flour is asking for neighbors. And be sure to explain to them the reason for their request, "said the priest.
This woman went home and, not postponing, began to go.
I went to the neighbor and said:
- Oh, Mary, lend me a glass of water.
- Do you have that, the water is over? Does the well dies in the yard?
- There is water, but I went to the priest, to complain to my husband and asked us to dilute us, "the woman explained and as soon as she finished, the neighbor sighed:
- Eh, if you knew what my husband I have! - And began to complain about your spouse. After a woman went to the neighbor Asse to ask salt.
"You have a salt ended, ask just one spoon?"
"Salt is, but I complained to the priest on her husband, asked the divorce," the woman says, and did not have time to finish, as a neighbor exclaimed:
- Eh, if you knew what my husband I have! - And began to complain about your spouse.
So, to whom this woman did not come in to ask, all of all heard complaints on her husbands.
Finally, she baked a big delicious bread, brought a priest and gave with the words:
- Thank you, taste my work with my family. Just do not think to breed me with my husband.
- Why, what happened, daughter? - asked the priest.
"My husband, it turns out, is best," the woman answered him.

Parable of real love

Once the teacher asked his students:
- Why, when people quarrel, they scream?
"Because they lose calm," said one.
"But why scream, if another person is with you next?" - asked the teacher. - Can not be quiet with him? Why shout if you are angry?
Pupils offered their answers, but none of them arranged the teacher.
In the end, he explained: - When people are unhappy with each other and quarrels, their hearts are moving away. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to scream. The stronger they are angry, the more they are moving and screaming louder.
- What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they say quietly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is quite small. And when they fall in love even stronger what is happening? - continued the teacher. - They do not say, but only groppy and become even closer in their love. - At the end, even the brave it becomes not necessary. They just look at each other and everyone understands without words.

Parable about a happy family

Two families live in the neighborhood in one small town. Some spouses constantly quarrel, the winning of each other in all the troubles and finding out which of them is right. And others live together, nor quarrels with them, nor scandals.
The raining the hostess of the happiness of the neighbor and, of course, envies. Says to her husband:
- Go, consistent as they do it so that everything is smooth and quiet.
He came to the neighboring house, plucked under the open window and listens.
And the hostess is just an order of magnitude in the house. Vaza dare wipes from dust. Suddenly the phone rang, the woman was distracted, and Vaza put it on the edges of the table, and so that it was about to fall. But here her husband needed something in the room. He hooked the vase, she fell and crashed.
- Oh, what will happen now! - Thinks neighbor. He immediately introduced what scandal would be in his family.
Wife came up, sighed with regret, and he says to her husband:
- Sorry honey.
- What are you, honey? I am guilty. Hurried and did not notice the vase.
- It's my fault. So inaccurately supplied Vaza.
- No, I am guilty. Anyway. We would not have more misfortune.
Painfully grated a heart from a neighbor. He came home upset. Wife to him:
- Something you quickly. Well, looked?
- Yes!
- Well, how are they?
- They are all to blame. That's why they do not quarrel. But we are all right ...

Beautiful legend about the importance of love in life

It so happened that various feelings lived on one island: happiness, sadness, skill ... and love was among them.
Once the premonition was notified by all that the island will soon hide under water. Hurry and hurriedness were the first to leave the island on the boats. Soon everyone went away, only love remained. She wanted to stay until the last second. When the island has already had to go under the water, love decided to call himself to help.
Wealth sailed on a magnificent ship. Love tells him: "Wealth, can you take me away?" "No, I have a lot of money on the ship and gold. I have no room for you!"
Happiness sailed past the island, but it was so happily that I didn't even hear how love calls him.
... And after all, love was saved. After his salvation, she asked the knowledge who it was.
- time. Because only time is able to understand how important love is!

History of real love

In one village there lived a girl of incomparable beauty, but none of the young men came to her, no one sought her hands. The fact is that one day a sage, who lived next door, predicted:
- The one who will decide to kiss the beauty will die!
Everyone knew that this sage was never mistaken, so dozens of brave jigitis looked at the girl from afar, not deciding to even get closer to her. But one day, a young man appeared in Aul, who at first glance, like everyone else, fell in love with beauty. Without pondering a minute, he passed through the fence, came up and kissed the girl.
- Ah! - cried in residents of Aul. - Now he will die!
But the young man kissed the girl again, and yet. And she immediately agreed to marry him. The rest of the jigs in bewilderment turned to the sage:
- How so? You, the sage, predicted that a kissing beauty would die!
- I do not refuse my words. - replied the sage. "But I didn't say exactly when it would happen." He will die sometime later - after many years of happy life.

Story about a long family life

One elderly couple, who celebrated their 50th anniversary of the wedding, asked how they managed to live so long together.
After all, it was all - and difficult times, and quarrels, and misunderstanding.
Probably their marriage was repeatedly on the verge of decay.
"Just in our time, broken things were cleaned, and did not throw out," the old man smiled in response.

Parable about fragility of love

Somehow, the old wise man came to one village and remained. He loved the children and spent a lot of time with them. He also loved to make gifts, but given only fragile things.
Nor tried children to be neat, their new toys often broke. The children were frustrated and cried bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile.
Once parents could not stand and came to him:
"You wise and wish our children only good." But why do you make such gifts? They try, as they can, but toys are still breaking, and children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it is impossible not to play with them.
- It will pass quite a few years, "the old man smiled," and someone will give them his heart. " Maybe it will teach them to handle this priceless gift at least a bit neat?

And the morality of all these parables is very simple: love and appreciate each other.

Crazy comforted past

larous - future,

smart - real.

Eastern wisdom.

From a long time, fell in love with Rus Proverbs, interpreted biblical and their composed. True, sometimes they were confused with bass. And already in the XVIII century, the writer A. P. Sumarokov, the book of his Bassen called "Proverbs." Proverbs are really similar to Basni. However, the fable differs from parables.

Parable is a small moral story, like Basni, but without morality, without direct instruction.

The parable does not say, but gives a hint of a teaching, she is a delicate creation of the people.

In the parables in the usual, everyday case hides a general meaning - a lesson for all people, but this meaning is not given to everyone, but very few.

Proverbs plunge us into a fed world, where everything you can, but, as a rule, this world is simply a moral reflection of reality.

Parable is not an invented story, it is primarily a story about the real events that took place at all times. From the generation to the paradleity generation, as oral folk creativity were transferred from mouth to mouth, supplemented with details, some details, but did not lose their wisdom and simplicity. At different times, in different countries, many people when making responsible decisions, were looking for an answer in the parables and instructive stories of reached to this day.

The parables describe the stories that occur with us in everyday life every day. If you pay attention, then probably notice that many events described in the parables are very similar to our everyday situations. And the question is how to react to it. Parable teaches to look at things sober and come wisely, without excessive emotionality.

At first glance, it may seem that the parable does not bear any useful information, but it is only at first glance. If I did not like the parable, it seemed incomprehensible, stupid or meaningless - this does not mean that the parable is bad. You just may not be prepared enough to understand this parable. Rereading parables, every time you can find something new in them.

Proverbs collected in this book came to us from the East - there people gathered in tea and a cup of coffee or tea listened to the storytellers Proverbs.

Truth of the life

Three important questions

The ruler of one country sought every wisdom. Rumor reached him, which is a certain hermit, who knows the answers to all the questions. The ruler arrived at him and sees: a decrepid old man, digging a bed. He jumped off his horse and bowed an old man.

- I arrived to get an answer to three questions: who is the most important person on earth, what is the most important thing in life, what day is more important than everyone else.

Hermit did not answer anything and continued to dig. The ruler took him to help him.

Suddenly sees: a man goes on the road - all the face is flooded with blood.

The ruler stopped him, the goodwalie comforted, brought water from the stream, was wrapped and tied the wounds of the traveler. Then she took him to hermit shack, laid himself into bed.

Outloes looks - the hermit is seeded.

- Hermit, - the ruler pleaded, - Surely you will not answer my questions?

"You yourself answered them," he said.

- How? - the ruler was amazed.

"Seeing my old age and dismorting, you made it necessary to help me and volunteered," the hermit said. "While you pipped a garden, I was for you the most important person, and I was the most important thing for you." The wounded appeared - his need was my sharper. And he became the most important person for you, and help him is the most important thing. It comes out, the most important person is the one who needs your help. And the most important thing is good that you do him.

"Now I can answer my third question: what day in a person's life is more important than the rest," the ruler said. - The most important day is today's day.

Most valuable

One person in childhood was very friendly with an old man.

But time went, school and hobbies appeared, then work and personal life. Every minute, a young man was busy, and he had no time to recall the past, nor even be with loved ones.

Once he learned that the neighbor died - and unexpectedly remembered: the old man taught him a lot, trying to replace the boy of the deceased father. Feeling his guilt, he arrived at the funeral.

In the evening, after burial, the man went into the empty house of the deceased. Everything was as many years ago ...

That's just a small golden box, in which, according to the old man, was kept the most valuable thing for him, disappeared from the table. Thinking that someone from the few relatives took her, the man left the house.

However, in two weeks he received a parcel. Seeing the name of the neighbor on her, the man flinched and opened the parcel.

Inside lay the same gold box. It turned out to be pocket gold watches with engraving: "Thanks for the time he spent with me."

And he understood - the most valuable for the old man was the time spent with her little friend.

Since then, a man tried to devote his wife and son as much time.

Life is measured not by the number of breaths. It is measured by the number of moments that make us delay your breath.

Time breaks away from us every second. And it needs to be useful to spend right now.

Life as it is

I will tell you a parable: in the old days it came to Gautama Buddha killed by a woman who lost her son. And she began to pray for the child's almighty to return her. And he ordered a Buddha to a woman to return to the village and collect on the mustard grain from each family, in which they would not burn at the funeral fire at least one of her member. And bypassing his village and many others, did not find the poor fellow of any such family. And I understood the woman that death is a natural and inevitable outcome for all living things. And the woman accepted his life as it is, with her inevitable care in oblivion, with the eternal roundstream of lives.

Butterflies and fire

Three butterflies, flying to a burning candle, began to argue about the nature of the fire. One, flew to the flame, returned and said:

- The fire shines.

Another flew closer and paled wing. Arriving back, she said:

- He burns!

The third, swelling quite close, disappeared on fire and did not return. She found out what she wanted to know, but the remaining remained could not tell about it.

The knowledge gained is deprived of the opportunity to talk about him, so knowledgeable is silent, and saying does not know.

To understand fate

A wife died at Zhuang Tzu, and Hui Tzu came to mourn her. Zhuang Tzu sat in squatting and sowed songs, hitting in the pelvis. Hui Tzu said:

- Do not mourn the deceased, who lived with you to old age and raised your children, is too much. But to peel songs, hitting in the pelvis, - just not good anywhere!

"You're wrong," said Zhuang Tzu. "When she died, could I initially not be sad?" Sorrow, I began to think about what she was at the beginning, when it was not born. And not only was not born, but was not yet a body. And not only was not a body, but was not even breathing. I realized that she was scattered in the emptiness of a vast chaos.

Chaos turned - and she became breathing. Breathing turned - and she became a body. The body turned - and she was born. Now there is a new transformation - and she died. All this changed each other, as alternate four years of year. The person is Sonorlen in the abyss of transformations, as if in the rest of the huge house.

Money can not buy happiness

The student asked the Masters:

- How true is the words that not in the money happiness?

He replied that they were completely completely. And prove it simply.

For the money can be bought for money, but not sleep; food, but not appetite; medications, but not health; servants, but not friends; women, but not love; dwelling, but not homely focus; Entertainment, but not joy; Education, but not mind.

And what is called, does not exhaust the list.

Walk straight!

Once upon a time there was a lumberjack, who stayed in a very distinguished position. He existed on the insignificant cash issued for the firewood, which he brought to the city on himself from the nearest forest.

Once Sanyasin, who passed on the road, saw him at work and advised him to go further into the forest, saying:

- Go ahead, go ahead!

The woodcutter listened to the Council, went to the forest and went ahead until she had reached sandalwood. He was very pleased with this find, quit a tree and, capturing so much pieces of him as he could carry, sold them in the bazaar for a good price. Then he began to be surprised why Good Sanyasin did not tell him that there was a sandalwood in the forest, but simply advised to go ahead.

The next day, reaching the deserted tree, he went further and found copper deposits. He took with him so much copper as he could carry and selling her at the bazaar, recovered even more money.

The next day, he found gold, then - diamonds and finally acquired enormous wealth.

That is exactly the position of a person who seeks to true knowledge: if he does not stop in his move after it reaches some paranormal forces, then, in the end, will find the wealth of eternal knowledge and truth.

Two snowflakes

It was snowing. The weather was windless, and large fluffy snowflakes slowly circled in the bizarre dance, slowly approaching the ground.

Two snowflakes flying nearby, decided to start a conversation. Fearing to lose each other, they took hands, and one of them fun says:

- How to fly well, enjoy the flight!

"We do not fly, we just fall," the second one answered sadly.

- Soon we will meet with the ground and turn into a white fluffy bedspread!

- No, we fly to meet death, and on Earth it will just make us.

- We will become strengths and bypiring the sea. We will live forever! - said the first.

"No, we melt and disappear forever," the second one objected her.

Finally they are tired of arguing. They crushed their hands, and each flew towards the fate, which she chose.

Great Good

A rich man asked Zen-Masters to write something good and encouraging, something that will bring the great benefit of his family. "This should be something that every member of our family thinks about other," said Bogach.

He gave a large leaflet of snow-white dear paper, on which the master wrote: "The father will die, the son will die, the grandson will die. And all in one day. "

Bogach came to rage, when I read that I wrote a master: "I asked you to write something good for my family so that it brought joy and prosperize my family. Why did you write what it grieves me? "

"If the Son dies earlier than you," the wizard answered, "it will be irrelevant loss for the whole of your family." If the grandson dies earlier than your son dies, it will be a great grief for everyone. But if the whole is your family, generation by generation, die in one day, it will be a real gift of fate. This will be great happiness and good for the whole of your family. "

Heaven and Hell

There was one person. And most of his life, he spent to find out what the hell differs from paradise. He pondered on this topic for days and nights.

And once he dreamed of an unusual dream. He fell into hell. And sees people there who are sitting in front of boilers with food. And everyone has a large spoon with a very long handle. But these people look hungry, thin and emaciated. They can scream from the boiler, but they will not fall into the mouth. And they swear, fighting, beat each other with spoons.

Suddenly another person runs to him and shouts:

"Hey, let's go faster, show the road leading to paradise."

They arrived in paradise. And they see there people who sit in front of boilers with food. And everyone has a large spoon with a very long handle. But they look fucked, satisfied and happy. When I looked at, they saw that they felt each other. Man to a person must go with good - that's paradise.

Secret happiness

One trader sent his son to seek the secret of happiness at the very wise of all people. The young man was walking along the desert and, finally, went to the beautiful castle standing on the top of the mountain. There lived the sage he was looking for.

However, instead of the expected meeting with a holy person, our hero entered the hall where everyone was bullied: people were born and went out, people chatted in the corner, a small orchestra played sweet melodies and stood a table stood down the most exquisite dish of this terrain. The sage was talked with different people, and the young man had to wait for about two hours to wait for his turn.

The sage carefully listened to the explanations of the young man about the goal of his visit, but said that he had no time to reveal him the secret of happiness. And he invited him to walk through the palace and come again in two hours.

"However, I want to ask for one favor," the sage added, stretching the young man with a small spoon, in which he drowned two drops of oil:

- During the walk, keep this spoon in your hand so that the oil does not come out.

The young man began to rise and descend on palace stairs, not showering with the spoon. Two hours later he came to the sage

- Well, how? - asked the one. - Did you see the Persian carpets that are in my dining room? Have you seen the park that the chief gardener created for ten years? Have you noticed beautiful parchments in my library?

The young man in embarrassment was to confess that he did not see anything. His only care was not to shedding the oil drops that the sage entrusted him.

"Well, come back and get acquainted with the wonders of my universe," the sage told him. - You can not trust a person if you are unfamiliar with the house in which he lives.

Soothed, the young man took a spoon and again went for a walk on the palace, this time paying attention to all works of art, raised on the walls and ceilings of the palace. He saw the gardens surrounded by mountains, gentle flowers, the refinement, with which each of the works of art was placed exactly where necessary. Returning to the sage, he described everything in detail everything he saw.

- Where are those two drops of oil, which I trusted you? - asked the sage.

And the young man, looking at the spoon, discovered that the oil turned out.

"This is the only advice that I can give you: the secret of happiness is to look at all the wonders of the world, never forgetting about two drops of oil in a spoon.


Once Mullah decided to turn to believers. But one young horse came to listen to him. Mullah thought about himself: "Should I talk or not?" And he decided to ask the groom:

- Besides you, there is no one here, what do you think, should I talk or not?

Grandmith replied:

- Mr., I am a simple person, I do not understand anything. But when I come to the stable and see that all the horses fled, but only one left, I still give her to eat.

Mullah, taking these words close to the heart, began his sermon. He spoke more than two hours, and, having finished, felt relief in the soul. He wanted to hear confirmation as his speech was. He asked:

- How did you like my sermon?

"I already said that I am a simple person and do not really understand all this." But if I come to the stable and see that all the horses ran away, but only one left, I still feed her. But I will not give her the whole feed, which is designed for all horses.

Parable about positive thinking

Somehow the old Chinese teacher said to his student:

- Please inspect this room well and try to celebrate everything in it is brown.

Young man looked around. There were a lot of brown items in the room: wooden frame frames, sofa, curtain cornice, desks, books and many more different little things.

"Now the eyes cluster and list all the items ... Blue," the teacher asked.

The young man was confused:

- But I did not notice anything!

Then the teacher said:

- Open your eyes. Look only what many blue things are here.

It was true: Blue Vase, blue photo frames, blue carpet, blue shirt of an old teacher.

And the teacher said:

- Look at all these missed items!

The student replied:

- But this is a trick! After all, I was looking for brown on your poop, and not blue items.

The teacher sighed quietly, and then smiled: "This is what I wanted to show you." You searched and found only brown color. It happens with you and in life. You are looking for and find only bad and miss good.

I was always taught that we should expect the worst, and then will never be disappointed. And if the worst does not happen, then a pleasant surprise awaits me. And if I always hope for the best, then I only subjected yourself to the risk of disappointment.

Do not lose sight of everything good what happens in our life. If you expect the worst, then you will receive it. And vice versa.

You can find such a point of view with which each experience will have a positive value. From this moment you will look for everything in every one positive.

How to achieve goals?

The Great Master of Archers from Luca named Dronus taught his disciples. He hung the target on the tree and asked each of the disciples that he sees.

One said:

- I see a tree and a target on it.

Another said:

- I see a tree, ascending sun, birds in the sky ...

All others answered about the same.

Then Drona approached his best student Arjuna and asked:

- What do you see?

He answered:

- I can't see anything other than the target.

And drone said:

- Only such a person can get into the goal.

hidden treasures

The poor man lived in ancient India, whose name was Ali Hafed.

Once a Buddhist priest came to him and told him how the world was created: "Once the earth was a solid fog. And then the Most High spread his fingers to the fog, and he turned into a fireball. And this ball was rushing along the Universe until the rain fell to the ground and did not cool her surface. Then the fire, hacking the earth surface, broke out. So there were mountains and valleys, hills and prairies.

When the molten mass flowing over the ground, cooled quickly, it turned into granite. If she cooled slowly, it became copper, silver or gold. And after gold, diamonds were created.

"Almaz," said the sage Ali Hafeda, is a frozen drop of sunlight. If you had a diamond in the size of the thumb, "the priest continued," you could buy the entire district. But if you owned diamond deposits, I could put on the throne of all our children, and all this thanks to enormous wealth.

Ali Hafed, this evening he learned about the diamonds, everything that could be found. But lay down in bed, as always, the poor man. He did not lose anything, but he was poor because he was not satisfied, and was not satisfied because he was afraid that he was poor.

All night Ali Hafed did not climbed the eyes. He thought only about diamond deposits.

Early in the morning he woke up the old Buddhist priest and began to tend to tell him where to find diamonds. The priest first did not agree. But Ali Hafed was so persistent that the old man finally said:

- Oh well. You have to find the river, which flows in white sands among high mountains. There, in these white sands, you will find diamonds.

And then Ali Hafed sold his farm, left the family to a neighbor and went to look for diamonds. He walked farther and farther, but never could find a treasure. In complete desperation, he committed suicide, rushing at sea.

Once a person who bought the farm Ali Khafeda, decided to drink a camel in the garden. And when the camel pinned his nose in the stream, this man suddenly noticed a strange sparkling, emanating from white sand from the bottom of the stream. He lowered his hands into the water and pulled out a stone from there, from which this fiery radiance proceeded. He brought this unusual stone home, put it on the shelf.

Somehow the same old Buddhist priest came to visit a new owner. Opening the door, he immediately saw shine over the fireplace. Throwing to him, and exclaimed:

- This is a diamond! Ali Hafed returned?

"No," the successor Ali Haped answered. - Ali Hafed did not return. And this is a simple stone that I found in my stream.

- You're wrong! - exclaimed the priest. - I recognize the diamond from a thousand other gems. I swear to all saints, it is diamond!

And then they went to the garden and rummaged all the white sand in the stream. And in it they discovered precious stones, even more amazing and more valuable than the first. The most valuable is always near.

And they saw God

Once it happened so that the three saints walked together through the forest. All his life, they have worked selflessly: one was a follower of the path of devotion, love and prayer. The other is the path of knowledge, wisdom and intelligence. Third - actions, ministry, debt.

Despite the fact that they were selfless seekers, they did not achieve the desired results, did not know God.

But the miracle happened that day!

Suddenly rains began, they drove to a small chapel, squeezed inwards and pressed each other. And that moment, when they touched each other, they felt that they were no longer three. Starting from surprise, they looked at each other.

It was clearly felt the highest presence. Gradually, it became more visible and emitting. It was such an ecstasy - to see the divine light!

They fell on her knees and prayed:

- Lord, why did you suddenly come? We worked all my life, but did not win such a honor - to see you, why did it happen today?

And God said:

- Because today you are here all together. Touching each other, you became one of the whole and therefore saw me. I have always been with each of you, but you could not show me, because you were only fragments. A miracle comes in unity.

Eastern parable - in essence, a short story set out by a simple, understandable language. This is a special form of transmission of vital information. What is difficult to describe as usual words is filed in the form of history.

Features of perception

An adult has a well-developed logic, habit of thinking with words, abstract categories. This method of thinking diligently mastered throughout school years. In ornament, he more actively used the figurative language - alive, informal, the resources of the right hemisphere of the brain responsible for creativity, creativity.

Eastern parable, bypassing logic and pragmatic, turns straight to the heart. On a certain example, something very important is revealed, but usually escaping from attention. With the help of metaphor and the allegories, the imagination is activated, the depths of the soul are crushed. A person does not think so much as it feels at this moment. It can even be true, and even cry at all.

Insight as a consequence

A small instructive story, which is the Eastern Parable, can completely incomprehensible to start the reboot of the usual thinking process. The man suddenly realizes that for a long time could not break through his mind. He happens insight.

Due to the illusion, a person changes the self-perception, a minority. For example, oppressive senses of debt or guilt are transformed into a deep acceptance of themselves. The feeling of hostility and injustice is to understand that the world is beautiful and multifaceted. Conduct the reasons for any difficult situation, finally find out the way out of it.

Proverbs' value

Eastern cultures have always been famous for special atmosphericism, mysteriousness, a tendency to contemplation. Philosophical views were distinguished by a holistic approach to life. Ancient spiritual teachings focused on the balance of human relations with nature, the expansion of the mental and physical capabilities of his body.

Therefore, the eastern parable is impregnated by the harmonizing truths. She seats people with irreversible life values. Since ancient times, it is used as a form of support in Word. This is her big gift.

She shows the way

Eastern affaution of life is placed in the focus of human attention, some patterns, rules, instructions; Show the multifaceted world relativity total. Such is the parable about the elephant and the blind elders studying it from different sides - a trunk, a talent, back, ear, leg, tail. Despite all inconsistencies, even frank contradictions in judgments, everyone turns out to be right. Such examples help to overcome categoricality, develop an understanding, tolerance both to itself and to others.

Eastern draws human attention to his inner world, contributes to reflection. Makes intently at its priorities, carried out every day the choice, identify the presence of a tendency to negativism, destruction or structures and creating. I contribute to understanding which motives are managed by actions: fear, envy, pride or love, hope, kindness. By analogy with the parable of two wolves, which is fueled, it will increase.

Eastern helps a person in this way to arrange emphasis in his life so that he finds more reasons and the reasons to feel happy than the opposite. Always remember the most important, appreciate, protect and enjoy him. And because of the secondary, do not grieve, do not fall into the despondency. Come inner calm, establish a balance.

Wisdom's storehouse

Interesting stories - a rather stable tradition of mankind. This is a fun and fascinating pastime. Often even very informative. So the exchange of experience proceeds, knowledge is passed. Proverbs about life are popular today. It's great, because indiscreted treasures are hidden in them - gravitative wisdom grains.

Proverbs carry many benefits to people. Simply, unobtrusively, they contribute to the refocusing of attention from the secondary to the main thing, with problems for positive moments. Teach the desire for self-sufficiency, the achievement of equilibrium. Remind you to take yourself, others around the world as it is. Call on to relax and simply be ourselves, because it should be.

Changes begin with parables

Wisdom, packed in parable, allows you to look like some separate event or life as a whole. And as a result, redistribute accents in the perception of familiar situations, change priorities, see hidden patterns, causal relationships. Thanks to this, it is possible to appreciate your beliefs, actions and if desired, to make adjustments.

Life consists of small things. By changing small habits, a person changes actions, behavior, character. Then his fate is changing. So a suitable parable at the right moment is able to work wonders.

For many years, collecting wise, beautiful, instructive stories. Surprisingly, the authors of most of these masterpieces are unknown. Probably the depth and inner beauty of these miniatures turns them into a modern folklore transmitted from the mouth to the mouth. I bring to your attention the ten best parables about the meaning of life and that is important, which allows you to check life guidelines, distinguishing the true greatness and spiritual wealth from a limited Mirka everyday bustle, although sometimes looking solemn and magnificently. I chose to your taste, of course.

Full bank.

Professor of Philosophy, standing in front of his audience, took a five-liter glass jar and filled it with stones, each at least three centimeters in diameter.
- Is the bank full? - asked Professor of Students.
"Yes, full," students answered.
Then he opened a package with peas and poured his contents to a large jar, a little shocked her. Peas took free space between the stones.
- Is the bank full? - Once again, the professor asked students.

"Yes, full," they replied.
Then he took the box filled with sand, and poured him into a jar. Naturally, the sand took fully existing free space and closed everything.
Once again, Professor asked students, is it full of bank? They answered: Yes, and this time it is definitely, it is full.
Then, from under the table, he pulled out a mug with water and poured it into the jar to the last drop, swinging the sand.
Students laughed.
- And now I want you to understand that the bank is your life. Stones are the most important things of your life: family, health, friends, their children - all that you need, so that your life still remains complete, even if everything else is lost. Peas are things that they personally have become important: work, house, car. Sand is everything else, little things.
If you first fill with sand with sand, there will be no place to stay, where we could accommodate peas and stones. And also in your life, if you spend all the time and all the energy for trifles, there is no place for the most important things. Exercise happiness: Play with your children, give the time to spouses, meet friends. There will always be time to work, make a cleaning at home, repair and wash the car. Do, above all, stones, that is, the most important things in life; Determine your priorities: the rest is just sand.
Then the student raised his hand and asked the professor, what value is water?
Professor smiled.
- I'm glad you asked me about it. I did it just to prove to you that, no matter how your life is busy, there is always a little space for idle idleness.

Most valuable

One person in childhood was very friendly with an old man.
But time went, a college and hobbies appeared, then work and personal life. Every minute, a young man was busy, and he had no time to recall the past, nor even be with loved ones.
Once he learned that the neighbor died - and unexpectedly remembered: the old man taught him a lot, trying to replace the boy of the deceased father. Feeling his guilt, he arrived at the funeral.
In the evening, after burial, the man went into the empty house of the deceased. Everything was as many years ago ...
That's just a small golden box, in which, according to the old man, was kept the most valuable thing for him, disappeared from the table. Thinking that someone from the few relatives took her, the man left the house.
However, in two weeks he received a parcel. Seeing her neighbor's name on it, the man flinched and opened the box.
Inside lay the same gold box. It turned out to be pocket gold watches with engraving: "Thanks for the time he spent with me."
And he understood - the most valuable for the old man was the time spent with her little friend.
Since then, a man tried to devote his wife and son as much time.

Life is measured not by the number of breaths. It is measured by the number of moments that make us delay your breath.Time breaks away from us every second. And it needs to be spent right now.

Footprints on the sand(Christian parable).

Somehow once a man dreamed of sleep. He dreamed that he was walking with the sandy coast, and next to him - the Lord. The pictures of his life flashed in the sky, and after each of them he noticed two chains in the sand: one - from his legs, the other - from the legs of the Lord.
When in front of him flashed the last picture from his life, he looked back on the sands on the sand. And he saw that often only one chain of traces was stretched along his life path. He also noticed that it was the greatest and unhappy times in his life.
He greatly saddened and began to ask the Lord:
"You can't tell me: if you are the last way, you will not leave me." But I noticed that in the most difficult times of my life, only one chain of traces stretched in the sand. Why did you leave me when I most needed you?The Lord answered:
"My cute, cute child." I love you and never leave you. When they were in your life of the mountain and test, only one chain of traces stretched along the road. Because in those days I used you in my arms.


Driving an aircraft on one of the routes, the pilot turned to his friend-partner:
- Look down on this beautiful lake. I was born not far from him, there was my village there.
He pointed to a small village, which, exactly on the petroleum, is located on the hills near the lake, and noticed:
- I was born there. I often sat by the lake and caught fish. Fishing was my favorite activity. But at the time when I was a child, catching fish in the lake, airplanes always flew in the sky. They flew over my head, and I dreamed of that day when I could become a pilot and manage the aircraft. It was my only dream. Now she was fulfilled.
And now I look down the lake every time and dream about the time when I retire and go fish again. After all, my lake is so beautiful ...

Chrome kitten.

The seller of one small shop attached an announcement from the entrance "Sold Kittens". This inscription attracted the attention of the kids, and a boy entered in minutes to the store. Having greeted the seller, he timidly asked about the price of kittens.
"From 30 to 50 rubles," the seller replied.
Sighing, the child got into his pocket, took out the wallet and began to recount the little thing.
"I have only 20 rubles now," he said sadly. "Please, I can at least look at them," he asked the seller with hope.
The seller smiled and took out kittens from a large box.
Once on the will, kittens are pretty jumped and rushed to run. Only one of them, for some reason, explicitly lagged behind. And somehow strangely pulled up the back leg.
- Tell me, what about this kitten? - asked the boy.
The seller replied that this kitten had a congenital paw defect. - This is for life, so told the vet. - Added a man.
Then the boy for some reason was very worried.
- That's what I would like to buy it.
- Yes, do you, boy, laugh? This is an infallible animal. Why do you need it? However, if you are so merciful, then take a gift, I will give it to you, "said the seller.
Here, to the surprise of the seller, the boy's face stretched out.
"No, I don't want to take it in a gift," the child said intense voice.
- This kitten stands exactly as much as others. And I am ready to pay the full price. I will bring you money , he firmly added.
Having amazedly looking at the child, the heart of the seller drown.
- Son, you just do not understand everything. This poor thing will never be able to run, play and jump, like other kittens.
With these words, the boy began to wrap his left leg to his left leg. And then the affected seller saw that the boy's leg was terribly twisted and maintained by metal hoops.
The child looked at the seller.
- I can never run and jump. And this kitten needs someone who would understand him, as he is hard, and who would support him, "the boy said a trembling voice.
A man for the counter began to bite his lips. Tears overwhelmed his eyes ... Having silent a little, he forced himself to smile.
"Son, I will pray that all kittens would have such beautiful heart owners like you."

... In fact, it is not so important who you are like the fact, is there anyone who will truly appreciate you for what you have, who will accept and love you without any reservation. After all, the one who goes to you, at the time how the whole world leaves you, and there is a true friend.

Cups of coffee.

A group of graduates of a prestigious university, successful who made a wonderful career, came to visit their old professor. During the visit, the conversation went about work: graduates complained about numerous difficulties and vital problems.
By offering their guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a coffee pot and a tray, styled with the most different cups: porcelain, glass, plastic, crystal. Some were simple, other expensive.
When graduates disassembled cups, Professor said:
- Please note that all beautiful cups disassembled, whereas simple and cheap remained. And although it is normal for you - just want the best for yourself, but this is the source of your problems and stress. Understand that the cup itself does not make coffee better. Most often it is just more expensive, but sometimes even hides the fact that we drink. In fact, everything that you wanted was just coffee, not a cup. But you deliberately chose the best cups, and then looked at someone who got it.
And now think: life is coffee, and work, money, position, society is a cup. These are just tools for maintaining and maintaining life. What kind of cup we have does not determine and does not change the quality of our life. Sometimes, concentrating only on the cup, we forget to enjoy the taste of the coffee itself.

The happiest people are not those that have all the best, but those that extract all the best of what have.

Your cross(Christian parable).

One person seemed that he lives very hard. And he went once to God, told about his misfortunes and asked him:
- Can I choose myself another cross?
God looked at a man with a smile, started him in the repository, where the crosses were, and says:
- Choose.
The man went into the repository, looked and surprised: "Which there are no crosses here - both small, and large, and medium, and heavy, and lungs." Long walked a man in the repository, looking for the smallest and light cross, and finally found a small-little, lonely lonely cross, went to God and says:
- God, can I take this one?
"You can," God replied. - This is your own and there.

A glass in an elongated hand.

Professor began his lesson with the fact that he took a glass with a small amount of water. He raised him in such a way that everyone saw him, and asked students:
- Do you think how much this glass weighs?
- 50 grams, 100 grams, 125 grams, - Students answered.
- I really do not recognize until I have been taking it, "said Professor," but my question is: what would happen if I would hold it, how now, for a few minutes?
"Nothing," said students.
- Good, and what would happen if I would hold it, how now, for an hour? - asked Professor.
- Your hand began to hurt, "said one of the students.
- You are right, well, what would happen if I kept him all day?
- Your hand would have numb, you would have a strong muscular disorder and paralysis, and just in case it would have to go to the hospital.
- Very good. But while we discussed here, did the weight of the glass changed? - asked Professor.
- Not.
- And what makes it hurt your hand and causes muscle disorder?
Students were puzzled.
- What do I need to do to fix it all? - asked Professor again.
- Put a glass, "said one of the students.
- For sure! Said Professor. - With life problems always. Just think about them a few minutes and they are with you. Think about them longer, and they will start itching. If you think even longer, they paralyze you. You can not do anything.
It is important to think about problems in life, but more important to be able to postpone them: at the end of the working day, the next day. So you are not tired, you wake up every day fresh and strong. And you can manage any problem, any kind of challenge going with you along the way.

All in your hands(Eastern Parable)

A long time ago in the old city there was a master surrounded by students. The most capable of them once thought: "Is there any question to which our master could not give a response?" He went to the blooming meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between the palms. The butterfly clung to his paws for his hands, and the student was seekly. Smiling, he walked over to the master and asked:
- Tell me, what butterfly in my hands: Live or dead?
He touched the butterfly firmly in closed palms and was ready for any moment to squeeze them for his truth.
Without looking at the student's hands, the master replied:
- All in your hands.

Fragile gifts(parable from M.Shirkina).

Somehow, the old wise man came to one village and remained. He loved the children and spent a lot of time with them. He also loved to make gifts, but given only fragile things. Nor tried children to be neat, their new toys often broke. The children were frustrated and cried bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile.
Once parents could not stand and came to him:
"You wise and wish our children only good." But why do you make such gifts? They try, as they can, but toys are still breaking, and children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it is impossible not to play with them.
- It will pass quite a few years, "the old man smiled," and someone will give them his heart. " Maybe it will teach them to handle this priceless gift at least a bit neat?

Plutarch says that Alexander Macedonian waited for a long time, while Diogen himself comes to him to express his respect, but the philosopher quietly spent the time. Then Alexander decided to visit him himself. He found Diogen in Krai (in gymnasium not far from Corinth), when he was heated in the sun.

Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, was a simple and beautiful man. He had only one student he had never taught anything. He just sang inspired, and the student sang him and played on a simple musical instrument.

Talk to such a story. Once Nanak went to travel. He went around Arabia and got to Mecca, where the shrine of Muslims is stored - the Kaab's black stone. It was too late. Nanak prayed and arrive to rest. But the guardians of the shrine approached him and they said that such behavior seems incredible to them:

During the month of the post, Ramadan Mullah, usually after a common prayer, was read by parishioners a sermon. He excited about the community of believers and the duties of Muslim. During this month, one person sat at these meetings of believers every day and cried. Plated throughout the sermon. Mullah thought about himself: "Surely my speech touches to the depths of the soul of this person. He sheds tears of death. "

Two young people found out about the great sage, living in their terrain. They found him and asked for disciples. The sage agreed. Then they asked him:

- And what did you do before the famine?

- wore water to his owner - replied the sage.

- Then make a sip from this stream and describe me the taste of water. - Teacher told him.
"I've already heard and understand this truth," the seeker said a little disappointed.
- Tell me what you understand? - asked the teacher.

He lived in the Indian kingdom-state Old Monarch, who all his life solved one purely oriental question for himself: What is the essence of force? And he ordered in the end to find the strongest person in his possessions to learn from him, what is the essence of power. As a reward, this hero, the Indian king appointed a horse from his stables, and at the request of the winner of the announced competition: he wants white - he will get a white horse, wants black - he will receive a black horse as a gift. To solve this difficult task associated with the eternal problem of choice, he gathered the wisest people of his kingdom and sent them to the inspection by cities and weighs.