Jewish - Hasida - Proverbs. Jewish - Hasida - Proverbs Hasidi Proverbs Read

Hasidism is the resulting in the 18th century in the religious and mystical direction in Judaism. The founder of the movement of Hasidism - Rabbi Israel Ben Eliezer (Baal Shem Tov or Besht). The main idea of \u200b\u200bHasidism is that the religious service is introduced, emotion. By Besht- Even unaccustomed Jew ( a Aaen) can reach the highest level of approximation to the Creator, which was previously considered possible only with many years of deepest study Torah and Talmuda . Hasidism in Jewish history played a truly revolutionary role, putting the Creator to serve not so much in-depth study, how much the pure simple faith, emotionality, dedication.Very soon Hasidism, in accurately according to its name ( One of the meanings of the word "HED" in Hebrew - distribution), spread through Eastern and Southern Europe. Hasidi listened and passed further along the chain of parables, stories and speeches heard from the tsads.For a long time, Hasidan stories existed only orally, transmitted from the teacher to the disciples and further to the people. Later they began to record students and descendants of the tsadikov, and only in the later time they were recorded and published by professional writers.

It is impossible to treat Hasid's stories just as folk tales, although many of the elements of fabulousness are present in them. In them, the border between reality and the legend, between the material world and spiritual worlds, not that is blurred, but uncertain. The worlds flow one to another, and the person is always on the front edge, at the junction of worlds and realities, so that the Tsadika remains only quietly push - and his Hasid is already flying over the world as in the pictures of Shagal. Where the tsadik lives, the sky and the earth are closed. Where the tsadik lives, miracles are "lying under their feet", and it remains only to pick them up for yourself and others. Hasidic stories often resemble a magical fairy tale. Only in the usual fairy tale, the hero wins an external evil, and in the Hasida parable, a person wins the evil inner - yetter A RA.Although, I must say, in these stories there is no shortage of either evil sorcerers or in black spirits. Quite often, the tsard is fighting with himself Satan -the leader of the dark side of the world, which invariably turns out to be disappeared.

Next book Ezra Khovkina also contains the retells of the Hasid Proverbs - this« Fairy tales for adults » . From this book we will take a very short, but very characteristic of the author's style, the story:

« Sick wallet

- Once he was offered a large deal with the forest party. It was necessary to invest a lot of money, but if it was going smoothly, a fabulous profit was expected. And if not - everything disappeared ... I arrived in Lubavich to the Reb Sholom Dovbru And asked: "BUY?" He replied: "buy." I did it, but the wire began, the time was gone, and all my thousands disappeared ...
Reb Shmuel was silent. Several people, without preparing voltages, once exclaimed:
- And where is the miracle?
- The miracle is that after this incident I remained Hisid.

Ezra Hovkin introduces to Hasida parables, often known for books M. Bübera and Shd Agnon, Heat and Lorism, unusual academic retools. In his books you can find historical inserts allocated from the main text, Jewish signs, quotes from vintage books. Hovkin does not just say, it creates an atmosphere that helps the modern reader to immerse themselves in the long-lasting world of Jewish towns with their primitive and high spirituality. That's how he writes about it in his book« Mudreni driver ":

"Hummer's chickens, smeared Lime Domishko with a straw roof ... Why does the soul covers the thrill when you approach this house? Because there lives the Ribe - the righteous, the sage, the spiritual mentor of his Hasidov ... It doesn't matter how he is dressed, it doesn't matter how much Hasidov has it, it doesn't matter on what Diaract of Yiddish, Ukrainian or Lithuanian he speaks. The main thing is that this is a soul that descended to help us from the very top, the soul of diamond purity ... Now I will reflect the threshold and hear something unexpected, what will turn the soul to me. Maybe the guy will stretch my hand and says: "Shalom ..."

The book of the previous Lubavichsky Rebbe Yosef-Yitzhaka Shneerzone "Sefer Gazihreynes. The origins of Hasidism " - the source for which the book is written E. Khovkin "Westerns Boruch". The language of this book is strict, the places are even sensed, but its content is enough for a whole library. All his life, the edge collected stories about actually occurring events, and only such stories are placed in his book. Therefore, today modern writers create a lot of their books on the basis of this book. Nevertheless, the reader should appeal to the original source at least in order to find out with full reliability of the events of Jewish life, which took place four hundred years ago, feel the style of exposing the rebellion and the sage.

"The tone of the man who looks at the rabbi from top to bottom, told him an abdominal prince:" Let it see that the Torah prohibits the marriage of Coen on the divorced. But since Zeligman refuses the honorable title of Cohen, I order that you make the rite of wedding and gave him to live peace with a woman, the chosen of his heart. "
Old Krakow Rabbi - Gaon and Tsadik r. Itzhak did not scare the prince and his order. He calmly, but resolutely explained the prince:
- I would be happy to fulfill your order, but I have to fulfill the will of a higher power - the Lord of the world. Torah prohibits Coen to marry a divorced, and I will never go against the Torah, - to marry Zeligman from the divorced.
Hearing words, shouted an angry Prince:
- And I insist on the fulfillment of my order. You must obey my will.
Rabbi looked at the bride and groom and with unshakable determination said:
- I warn you that I am not a crime of the prohibition of Torah, even if I had it worth a life. I will not marry you, so that I would have happened to me.
Then he began his rabbi lifestyfully begging them so that they would refuse the criminal thought to marry. But Zeligman and divorced remained at their own. Seeing that they will not achieve anything, exclaimed loud rabbi:
- Lord of the world! They want to make me bear your ban. I ask you to consecrate your name, so that those who keep the covenants of your Torah and will hody your name in absolute and clean faith in you, the Lord of the world, strengthened in this faith.
The rabbi did not have time to finish his mental call for the Most High, as a horror cry came out in the air, broken from the breast of the bride and groom. The Earth opened, and a terrible abyss looked at them. They did not have time to move away from the edge of the abyss, as she absorbed them in her throat. A huge crowd, former witnesses of this terrible phenomenon, dumbfounded. All covered indescribable fear. After a few seconds, the bride and groom turned out to be completely swallowed abyss. Okrew the abyss again closed; Everything was erased from the face of the earth, as if nothing had happened. "

Read the continuation of the article.

Hasidic parables

Hasidism (from the IVR. hassy "Righteousness", literally - "the teachings of piety") - a widespread religious and mystical flow in Judaism, which arose in the XVIII century. Initially, the teachings of Hasidism covered the Jewish population of Ukraine and Poland, and at the beginning of the XIX century, Hasidism penetrates Belarus, Romania and Hungary, as well as the Baltic States.

Hasid is a follower of Hasidism; The Word of the Woman does not have a word, sometimes ancient-Russia "Hasidim" is used as a plural.

The basis of Hasidism is the idea that everything is there is a form of the existence of the Most High, so each person should be treated as a potential righteous. However, only the spiritual divine beginning itself is recognized by the only real entity, spiritualizing the illusory material world.

The feature of Hasidism is the idea that there are special righteousness in the world, thessias, who have a congenital gift to achieving mergers and unity with God and employees of the intermediaries between people and God. This presentation led to the emergence of the dynasties of Tsadikov in Hasidizma and their cult resembling the cult of saints.

The purpose of human existence in Hasidism, as in other mystical exercises, is the unity of the soul with God, carried out by ecstatic prayer and the study of the Torah; Serving God all material and everyday life manifestations.

One of the sides of Hasidism is a rather complacent attitude towards all sorts of "wonders" and manifestations of "parapsychology". It is believed that the Tsadik must heal the diseases, infertility and prove its divine essence of various wonderful methods. As the title of the Tsadik was transmitted only by the men's line not only sons, but also to nephews, chains, and even loyal students, then this obviously often led to a split.

Modern adherents of Hasidism are distinguished by a specific male suit consisting of a black long-grade caftana or coat, a black felt or velor hat, replaced on the holidays of black velvet ermolka with a fur neck, Straml. Married women shave headed head and wear a wig. Hasidi live almost everywhere in special neighborhoods or even individual settlements (for example, Kfar-Khabad in Israel), in everyday life, many of them retain Yiddish, while Hebrew is used only in the religious sphere.

Hasidic parables are filled with optimism and deep cardiac attachment to God. Most of those presented in this chapter Proverbs were widely known in the presentation of Martin Bober (ten steps: Hassid Proverbs. - M.: Gesharim, 1998); Shapiro Rami (Hasidic Proverbs. - M.: Sofia, 2005), as well as V. V. Lavsky (Hasidskaya wisdom. - M.: Publishing Center "March", 2006).

Friends Osla

The old monk was driving on a downtown with mountain pastures in the village and saw a group of young people who were drank from a spring. One of them, noticing him, shouted:

- Holy Father, go here, drink a glass of wine with us.

The monk drove up, tears from the donkey and sat down next to the pouring.

- Fill the glasses, "said one of them. - We will drink this glass for the health of the donkey that we are visiting, for his patient character. For your patient character, donkey! For your big eyes and long ears, for your short legs! We wish you forces and endurance! Well, drink.

Everyone laughs and with a cry "Hur" emptied glasses.

- Holy Father, and now you tell the toast, - with a grin offered an old man one of the pouring.

- Is it worth it? You, young people started well.

- No, no, the queue is yours! - Laughing, they exclaimed the choir.

- What can I say? - Rising from the place, said the monk. - But since you ask, I will not refuse. Eh, donkey, for your health, you are good donkey. You take me every day, but I'm offended at you. It turns out that you have such nice, cute friends, and you did not tell me about it. I thought these young people from distant edges.

Question price

There were no other rabbis from the morning to the evening, so he had no time left for her to read, nor for contemplation, nor for meditation. He did not know what to do while the magnificent idea did not come to his head. Rabbi hung on the door to the note: "For two questions - one hundred dollars." From this day he became much more free time. But one day, he came to him and asked:

- Rabbi, this is a hundred dollars, but don't you think that this is too much the amount for two questions?

- It seems. And what is your second question? - answered Rabbi.

Dumble oxen

Moisha bought a hundred dollars a donkey from an old peasant. The peasant was supposed to bring him a donkey the next day, but at the appointed time he came without a donkey.

"Sorry, but donkey died," said the peasant with bitterness.

- Well, then return my hundred dollars!

- I can not - I have already spent them.

"Ok, then just leave me a donkey."

- But what will you do with him? - asked the old man.

- I will play it into the lottery.

- But how can you play in the deceased donkey lottery? - Surprise asked the peasant.

"And I will not say anyone that he has already left this world," Moisha replied.

A month later, the peasant met Moisha.

- What happened to those oles? - he asked.

- I played him, as I said. I sold five hundred lottery tickets two dollars per piece and as a result received 998 dollars arrived.

- And what, no one protested?

- Only one guy. The one who won the donkey. He was very angry.

- And how did you do? - Curiosity asked the peasant.

- I just returned him two dollars!

The modesty of old rabbi

The old sick rabbi lay in bed. And the disciples talked near quietly, praising the incomparable advantages of the teacher.

"Since Solomon, there was no man wiser him," said one.

- What are you so annoyed?

- And his faith! Few people really believed in God! - Added another.

- And his patience! It can be comparable only with the patience of Job, "said the third.

"Only Moses could communicate so directly with God," the fourth sheltered.

Rabbi seemed to be worried. When the disciples left, the wife asked him:

- You heard them praised you?

- Of course he heard.

- What are you so annoyed?

"My modesty," the rabbi complained. - Nobody mentioned my modesty!

Interference Izeter Ha-Ra

Once the Rebbe Naftali caught his son on some pranks.

"I'm not guilty," said the boy. God is to blame. He gave me Yezer Ha-RA (the personification of natural strength - the tendency to evil), which only does, that pushes me to all sorts of leprosy. So scold not me, and God!

Rebbe naftali frowned, then smiled and answered his son:

- God gave you Yetsor Ha-RA as a mentor.

- Mentor? - the child was surprised. - And what can I learn from this villain?

"Resistance and perseverance," said the Rebbe naftali. - Look, how diligently makes my deed Yetzer ha-ra. Not knowing neither boredom nor fatigue, he performs a mission entrusted to him by God, to seduce people for egoistic actions. You should also tirelessly do what God created you, - to overcome the yetter ha-ra.

"But then you have to forgive me, dad, because the fate of a person is much harder!"

- And why is that? Father asked.

- Ieker Ha-RA fulfills his task flawlessly, since he does not have his own Hayer Ha Ra, who would prevent him from making an assured by God. And the people are all very different, because whenever we open the door of a new experience, the yetzer ha-Ra is waiting for us at the threshold and wakes up for dubious practices.

Horses of one suit

Once, the emperor was driving in his luxurious carriage, which she was brought by six purebred horses purchased in different countries. The carriage believed in the quagmire, and how many Kucher did not steal horses, they could not move away. But here the peasant appeared on the cart, which was carrying the entire pair of horses, and with ease drove through the foggy.

The emperor was amazed and asked the peasant: "What is the power of your horses?"

- Your horses, though they are strong separately, but all of them are different breeds, and there is no connection between them, "said the peasant and continued:" Each considers himself a pursuit of another and clone to his side: you are very much rejoicing. " And my horses are simple, one suit - mare with your foal. A little threaten the whip of one of them, so the other all the forces applies to help the one that is near.

Tree on the toporische

Trees for the first time saw iron and fluttered in fear for their lives. "The man comes," they thought, "makes iron axes and destroy us all."

But iron said: "What are you scared? Live in the world, do not change each other - and you will not be afraid of the ax. For where then takes the tree on the toporishche? "

Two ways to warm up

Once, a very respected rabbi visited the younger colleague, known for its exceptional pivot. On the old man, he made a strong impression of the immersion of young rabbi in prayers, in the study of ancient books, and he was interested in the reason for such unshakable piety. As the welcoming owner explained, fully focused on his classes, he burned himself from external factors that could distract his attention. Indeed, Guest noticed that many neighbors of young rabbi tried to take his affairs, very far from piety. His commentary to the heard and saw it sounded like this: "When it is cold outside, you can warm up in two ways. The first is to wear a fur coat, the second is toggave fire. But warm fur coat will warm only one person, and the fire will warm anyone who approaches him. "

Warm fur coat will warm only one person, and the fire will warm anyone who approaches him.

Not true friendship

One rich man had the only son. The heir lived fun and without hassle. He had so many friends that the house was always full of people. Every evening the music sounded, and the table was leaving from abundance. Father was alarming such a carefree life of the Son, and in particular - such a large number of friends. He repeatedly tried to speak with his son about it, but he only answered that there were no friends a lot.

Soon the young man met a beautiful girl and decided to marry. Father offered his son his help in preparing for the wedding and volunteered to send invitations to friends. Son, of course, agreed.

It came a solemn day, but there were no friends. Not understanding anything, the son approached his father and asked if he sent invitations.

"Yes, I sent an invitation to all your friends," the father replied. "True, instead of a wedding message, I asked each of them to help you." And you see what happened from it.


Several travelers fucking the fireside hotel, every her rabbi praised.

One of them said that during the fifteen years he did not have children and his wife and only thanks to the blessing of the rabbi they had a daughter.

The other told that only the blessing of Rabbi was able to return their recalcitrant son home.

The third reported that Rabbi blessed his risky deal, he invested in her a large amount of money, but lost absolutely everything.

- What is the miracle? - asked his listeners.

"A miracle," answered the one, - that, in spite of everything, I retained faith in God and Rabbi.

Flood salvation

One old rabbi was very proud of his faith in God. That's what he repeated: "I believe in the Lord."

One day a flood happened in a year of larger rains. Water constantly arrived, and people began to evacuate. People came to the house of Rabbi:

- We leave this place. Let's go with us, they suggested.

"No, I stay," Rabbi replied. - I believe in the Lord and know that he will help me.

Water continued to arrive. The boat swam to the house, and people sitting in her said:

- There is another place here. I swam with us, because all the water arrives.

"No, I believe in the Lord and I know that he will not leave me in trouble," Rabbi answered them.

The boat sailed. And water all arrived and arrived. When she flooded the whole house, the old rabbi did not remain anything but to climb onto the roof and pray to God about salvation. Soon the helicopter flew out, and from there shouted:

- Old man, we will take you, climb the stairs! More help you wait for nowhere.

- Not. I pray to the Lord and I know that he will save me, "the old man answered them.

God replied:

The water continued to arrive, and the old rabbi drowned.

Having met in the heavens of God, Rabbi asked him:

- I really believed in you, Lord, how did you let me drown?

What God answered:

- I tried to save you three times: I sent people to you, directed a boat to you, and then I even sent a helicopter ...

Empty for master

The owner invited the masters to paint the boat. During the work, the boatman noticed a hole in the bottom, he embarrassed her, finished painting, received money and left. And on another day, the owner of the boat was rushed to him.

"Here you have money for repair," he said and reached the wallet with gold.

"For what," Master surprised, "I got full!"

"Yes," the owner confirmed. "But then there were money for painting a boat, and these I pay for her repair."

- For such a trifle? - The boatman was amazed. - It took me a little time. I did not think to ask you for money for such a trifle ...

"This trifle, as you call it, saved the life of my children," said the owner of the boat. - I forgot about the hole, paid to you and left for business. And in the meantime, the children took the boat and sailed into the sea. When I remembered the hole, I came to despair, I thought they died! And when the children returned safely, it turned out that we were obliged to save them.


Pupils asked Farida:

- What is fate?

- Fate is an infinite sequence of interrelated events, each of which affects others.

"And I believe not in fate, but for the reason and a consequence," said one of the young students.

"Very good," said Farid. - Yesterday on the square, the man who committed the murder was hung. Is the reason that someone gave him a silver coin to which he bought a knife who committed a crime; or in what someone saw him committed him; Or is that no one stopped him? Or is it a bad childhood or bad heredity?

Horsep logic

Once, a man came to Meiru for the guy. He fell asleep with bitterness that a competitor appeared in the city, who can ruin him.

- Did you ever pay attention to the fact that the horse, coming to the aquet, hits the hoof on the shore? Do you know why he does it? - asked Rebbe.

"No," the man replied, amazed, why he asks him about it.

"I will explain to you," Guy Meir continued. - When the horse bow the head to the water to drink, he sees his own reflection. It seems to him that this is another horse, and he begins to knock with hoof to scare the opponent and keep water for himself. We and I have such behavior seems stupid. We know that the fears of the horse are unreasonable and the water in the river is enough for everyone.

Everything that comes to you is given over.

All your competitors are only the reflections of you yourself, which you see in the river.

- But what does this have to do with my craft and my competitor? - asked with a look man.

- My friend, you are this horse! - Rebbe replied. "You imagined that the River God's Generosity may not be enough if you want to drink not only you, but someone else, and to you with your hooves along the shore to scare the imaginary competitor.

- Imaginary? - asked the man.

- Yes, imaginary! God gives wealth to each of us, and no one except him can take away what you are intended. Try to lead your business wisely and remember: everything that comes to you is given over. All your competitors are only the reflections of you yourself, which you see in the river.

People have forgotten how low lies

The young student asked the old rabbi:

"We heard that in the past, in the old good times it happened that people had seen God with their own eyes. He went on the ground, people met him, and it happened that God called people by their names and talked to them. What happened now? Why can't we see it now?

"My son, he is now where he was before," Rabbi replied. - But people have forgotten how to lean so much to see it.

I watched up

One beloved Rabbi lovers recalled how in childhood he played with other children. When they climbed up the stairs, then all, except for the future rabbi, were afraid to rise too high. Later, the grandfather asked him: "Why weren't you afraid to climb above others?"

"Because they, rising up, looked down," the boy explained. - They saw how highly climbed, and therefore they were afraid. I, rising, looked up on my goal. It seemed to me that I was still low, and it encouraged me to continue ascent.

Grief of old Rabbi

One rabbi parishioners considered man from God. And every day, his doors crowded people waiting for advice, healing or blessings. Among the parishioners often came the same person who did not miss the case to criticize the teacher. To the great embarrassment of others, he often laughed at the disadvantages of the old rabbi, and people considered him the embodiment of the devil.

It happened so that one day this critic fell ill and died. Everyone sighed with relief. But, to the great surprise of believers, at the funeral of Rabbi sincerely worried.

- Why are you so mourning about him? - asked Rabbi. "After all, he only did it all the time that she laughed at you and criticized all your statements."

- Why is it time to mourn the fate of a person who is now in paradise? - answered Rabbi. - I'm sad about myself. It was my only friend. The rest are only admirers. It was the only person who threw me a challenge. I am afraid that without it, I will stop growing and life will lose sense.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

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Time to look at the sky

One day Rabbi Nachman looked out of the window to the market square and saw one of his students, some kind of Haikel. He had a kind of very concerned. Nachman called him and invited to enter the house and talk. "Tell me, Haikhel," Nahman began the conversation, "did you see the sky today?" - No, Rabbi, I was not before. - And the street, Hykel, did you see the street today? - Yes, Rabbi.

And what have you seen, tell me.

Well, I saw people ... horses ... carts. I have seen merchants who praised your goods and waved his hands ... arcing the peasants ... running there and men and women ...

Eh, Haikhel, Haikhel, - shook his head dedictedly, - and fifty years later, and in this place there will be a street, and there will be a market. Other crews will carry other people, other merchants will swing their hands, and other peasants will argue among themselves. But neither me nor you, Haikel, will not be. So tell me what is the point in all this run, if you do not have time just look at the sky?


A Jew utters a prayer every morning, in which, among other things, asks to protect him from audacity. But on the other hand, the code of everyday Jewish law begins with the fact that every Jew must be a muster and asserts, like a tiger. This contradiction between the two commandments of Rabbi from Kotsk decided as follows: "There is a boldness of a tiger and there is a drying dog," he said. - Tiger kills his enemy instantly and in complete silence. The dog meets the enemy with a loud lament, but it is often not even daring to approach him. And that is why we pray that our audacity is likened by the audacity of the Tiger, and not the dogs. "

Cedar and Palma

In the book of Psalms, Tsar David said: "The righteous, like a palm tree, will spread the branches, like Cedar Lebanese, will be ascended." Mezhirechsky rabbi so interpreted these words: "In this Psalm there is a question of two types of righteous. Some of them are surrounded by people as if the palm tree palm in the oasis. The noise of the branches is similar to their voice addressed to the near. Other righteouss are like cedar growing in the mountains: their head is in heaven, and there is no soul around. Cedar looks much majestic than noisy palm tree. However, a little sense from him, because, unlike palm, he is free. "

Mysterious book

The famous Hasidian master had a book in which he did not allow anyone to peek. It took time, and he closed windows and doors, and his students thought: "The teacher, probably reads the mysterious book." When someone came to him at this time, he carefully closed the book and retaked her away. He even forbidden to touch her.

When the master died, the first thing his disciples rushed to the book - after all, no one could have forbidden to look into her. They thought that the moment came when and they would recognize some great secret, which only the Master knew about. But when they opened the book, they saw that all sheets in it were completely empty and only on the first page one sentence was written: "When you can distinguish the shell and content, then you will become really wise."

Money for repair

One person invited the masters to paint his boat. During the work, the master found a hole in the bottom and embarked it. The owner of the boat was calculated with the master, and they broke up. But the next day the owner of the boat came to the boatman and handed him an impressive wallet with gold.

This is to you, "he said, - Money for the repair.

What money? - Master was completely sincerely surprised - because you paid me some time yesterday.

That's right, "the owner replied," but then there were money for painting, and I pay this money for repairing the boat.

Do you mean that small hole that I froze? But it took me just a few minutes, and I did not think to take money with you for such a trifle.

I forgot to tell you about this hole, and if you didn't pay attention to this, as you say, trifle, then it is most likely worthwhile to my children. Yesterday, they took the boat without demand and sailed far into the sea. I was desperate and thought that I would never see them anymore. But they returned safely. Your attentiveness and selflessness saved them life.

New inventions and the opportunity to learn

Any thing teaches us something, "said his Hasidam once rabbi. - Everything that is in this world, exists to instruct us. Wisdom gives us not only the creation of the Lord, but also what is done by people.

One of the Hasidovs doubted:

Teacher, and then then can I teach us, for example, the railway?

The fact that if you are late for at least a few moments, you can lose everything, "Rabbi replied.

And Telegraph? - continued still doubting Hasid.

What is taken into account by each word or written by us.

And phone?

The fact that everyone is heard there that we are saying here.

Not the word and the case

Once to the Rebbe Bunima, the Father of the five-year-old simphem of the bins, his colleagues came - Scientists Rabbi. Rebbe, as it should be, sat down at the table, filed food and, when they began to the meal, called His Son:

Simha, Son, find us a new interpretation of the laws of hospitality, so that there is something to tell our guests while they eat.

The boy went out to the next room, stayed there a few minutes, and then returned. Guests amazed him so fast return. Simha, despite his young age, showed non-cold abilities in the interpretation of the Torah, but even such a capable child, as it seemed, could not so quickly find a new interpretation of hospitality laws.

Well, son, did you find a new interpretation for us? - Son asked his father.

No, dad, tell me you nothing, "said Simha," but I would like to show you something.

It was seen that the rabbi was somewhat disappointed with the answer of the Son, the other rabbis was established in their doubts about the abilities of the boy. However, Symc continued to insist:

Let's go to the room, and I'll show you everything.

Entering the room, the rabbis saw that the boy was covered with each of the guests a bed, all the pillows were neatly whipped, on the beds lay blankets.

So tell us, the baby, - one of the guests turned to Simhe, - what is your new interpretation?

Everything is simple, teacher, "the boy answered the courtee," if I only told you a few new words, you would have rested exclusively in your imagination.

No one - besides you

Somehow a woman came to rabbi shaloma.

Rebbe, "she said, completing a story about some of his personal misfortune," I did everything in my power. Now it all depends on the grace of the Lord, and I can only get it through you. I ask you, pray for me to the Lord!

However, the rebbe refused to a woman in her request, saying only:

Vera is the most important thing.

Such an answer was completely upset by the staff. She was a honest woman who needed help, and it seemed to her that Rabbi had no reason to refuse her. She gained courage and said:

Do I really argue with such a respected man, how are you, Rebbe?

Still, you argue with me, "said Shalom. - Do you think you understand that you understand the situation better than me?

Let me be unacceptable, but I know something from the Torah, "the petitioner said calmly. "There, for example, it says that when our ancestors almost overtake the army of Pharaoh, God first saved them, and only then they believed in him. That is, salvation was before faith. That's the same me. If God helps me now, then I will undoubtedly take away too.

Such words were angry by the rebetes of Shaloma:

Who are you?! He shouted. - That I was not enough for some illiterate woman to teach me the interpretation of the Torah. I still could have surpass in this!

Woman stood silently. She no longer argued with the rebbe, but did not go away. And suddenly a smile appeared on an angry face, a smile appeared, and then he completely sincerely looked around.

However, what I say is that, "said Shalom through laughter. - Nobody - until today! That's it, no one - besides you, wise woman!

Then the guy prayed for this woman, and the Lord bestowed her happiness.

Why at the beginning of Matsa

Once at Rabbi Yitzhak-Meir asked:

Why do Jews first fall to Matsu, which is a symbol of freedom, and only then MAROR - a symbol of slavery?

Therefore, - answered Rabbi, - that because of a long stay in slavery, the Jews were joined by their feelings and they had already stopped understanding what the essence of their suffering. As long as the hope appeared on liberation, they did not even feel how bitter their fate. And only then they first felt the bitter taste of slavery.


One day, Baal Shem Goods and his students came the conversation about the successor. The teacher told the disciples that he would not directly specify the successor to them, and after his death to seek a new mentor on the side.

But how do we find out? - asked students.

You will ask all challengers the same question: "How to defeat vanity?"

And one who will answer, and will be our teacher?

Just the opposite. Go away from anyone who will tell you what knows the answer to this question. For such a person is a liar. Vanity always goes next to the feeling of his own "I". But can you free yourself from yourself? Think otherwise - and there is a peak of vanity.

One of the students remarked:

Teacher, but didn't we create on the likeness of God, didn't your image affect us? And since he is not vain, it means that we cannot be vain.

Baal Shem Tov replied:

It is said: "Lord, you are covered with glory and greatness." But the greatness of the Lord should be understood as humility. God is infinite, and endlessly humility. You are right, saying that God is displayed in humans. But both in the mirror turns over everything that is reflected in it, and the Divine is often turning into a person. Therefore, how great the humility of the Lord is so great the human pride.

Time passed, and Baal Shem Tov died. His disciples, as it was laid, grieved about him, and then went to search for successor. They met with many wise men and righteous, and everyone asked how to expel vanity. And from everyone they heard one or another answer. Finally, the pupils of Baal Shem River asked this question to Pinhasus. He shook his head:

I, like you, I'm afraid of vanity and can not say how to get rid of it.

Here is our new guy! - exclaimed delighted students.

Nice city Kotsk

Before moving to Kotsk, Rabbi Mendel and his students lived in the city of T. Mashov. But it was difficult for them to reconcile with cold indifferers of local residents, and they decided to look for a new place. They wandered for several months until finally arrived in Kotsk. When they entered the city, they were met by a hail of stones. "This is a good sign," said

Mendel. - We will stop here. In this city, at least the people are not indifferent. "

Ten principles of worship

Rebbe, - one day Rabbi Zusi to his mentor Dov I take, - I heard that there are some "ten principles of worship." But I don't know anything else about them.

I myself can not teach you. But I know those who can.

And who is it?

The first three principles you teach a child, and the rest of the seven are the thief.

According to the form of rabbi Zusi, it was clear that Dov Beres were extremely amazed him.

Look, - continued Dov Ber, - in the child you will learn to three things. The first is to have fun without any reason. The second is not to sit without a case, not a minute is invested. And the third is loud and persistently demand what you want.

Well, teacher, and what can I learn from the thief? - asked Zusi.

Do your job in secret - this time. If you did not finish my work at once, in one night, return to it to it - these are two. To love and respect the collections on the craft - three. Do not be afraid to risk life for the sake of achieving your goal - four. Do not be afraid to exchange everything you have, to some trivial, but new acquisition is five. Do not be afraid of any obstacles - six. Always stay faithful to your craft and never make thoughts about changing it to some other - seven.

Dancing Rabbi.

Residents of one Jewish town looked forward to the arrival of the rabbi. For them, it was an event of great importance, and therefore they, in addition to relying preparations, spent a lot of time to draw up a list of issues that intended to ask him. And this list turned out to be impressive.

Finally, the guy came. He immediately felt that people wait a lot from him, it was obvious that everyone would not wait to get answers to questions. But the rabbi did not say anything, but simply looked to people in the eyes and began to heal a song popular in those days. Soon someone became singing to him, and now we had already sang all the gathered. Then Rabbi began to dance, he rhythmically swinging from side to side, felt that he loved and knows how to dance. The came to the meeting followed his example. Soon, the dance seized people so much that they forgot about everything in the world - about their problems, adversity, everyday worries, as well as prepared issues. From the past tension that reigned at the very beginning of the meeting, there was no trace. All those present felt deep calm, settled in their hearts.

The dance lasted more than an hour. Finally, the rabbi stopped and uttered the words that were the only one for the whole evening:

I hope I answered all your questions.

Egyptian parables

True and krivda

There were no time for two brothers. The older called the truth, and the youngest - Kryvda.

Brother True was beautiful to all his body, and there was no equal in the whole country. I envied the Crimder, and he decided to destroy him. He took her beautiful dagger in beautiful sheaths, took ten breads with him, staff, a couple of sandals, Burdyuk and the sword and came to the keeper utensils of truth.

Take these ten breads, staff, a couple of sandals, Burdyuk and Sword, "Kryvda told him," but I will save my dagger while I do not return from the city.

Much time passed when the Guardian of the utensil truth decided to clean the dagger, who left him Kryvda. He sat down on the shore of the pond and began to clean it. Suddenly the dagger slipped out of his hands and drowned. How many I was looking for, they could not find.

Then Krivda heard that the Guardian of the utensils truth lost his dagger. He came to the keeper utensils and told him:

Where is my dagger? Turn it to me!

I haven't, I lost it, "utensil keeper answered him. - But all the daggers of the truth, and all of them are yours. What you want yourself.

Is there a second such dagger, what was me? - asked Krivda. - His blade - Mount El, Handle - Coptos Tree Barrel, Scabble - The Tomb of God, and the screaming of the sheath is all herds pasture.

The then said the Guardian Utensils:

Is it possible to be such a big dagger in the world, how do you say?

But Kryvda grabbed him, dragged him to the court to Enneada and said:

I tried my dagger, but he lost him. And the dagger was unusual! His blade is Mount El, the handle - the trunk of the Coptos tree, the sheath - the tomb of God, and the bug of the sheath is all the herds of the pasture of Kara. He can not compensate him!

And also said Krivda Enneada:

Grab the truth and blind it on both eyes. And yes there will be a gatekeeper at home my!

And Enneada did everything as Kryvda said.

After that, a lot of days have passed, when one day, Krivda raised his eyes, looked and saw the merits of his older brother. And then said Krivda to two slaves of Truth:

Grab your lord and give it to the fierce Lero and his lionesses. Otherwise, I will kill you!

Grab the slaves of their lord and dragged on the hills of the desert. But when they climbed down the slope, True said to his slaves:

Do not give me lions! Take someone else instead of me. Or better do this: one of you will go to Kryvda and say that his order is fulfilled, and the other comes to the city and bring me a little bread.

One of the slaves came to Kryvda and told him:

We threw our lord in the desert, and the lions ripped him.

Then he left the house, at least Krivda and called him to give a good award.

After that, many more days have passed. Once, one noble mistress came out of the house with his maids take a walk. And the servants saw the truth: he lay at the foot of the hill and was so beautiful that the maids returned to her Mrs. and said:

Go with us there and see myself. There, at the foot of the hill, lies blind. We give it to us and make it a gatekeeper of our house!

Then I ordered Mrs. Maulators:

Give it! I want to look at him.

When Mrs. saw how beautiful the truth was his body, she walked him with all his heart. True spent the night with her and knew her how a man would know a woman. And at the same night, Mrs. won the child.

Many days have passed after that, and gave birth to Mrs. Son. There was no equal to this child in the whole country, for he was in length in the elbow and his beauty he looked like a young man. He was given to school, where he knew the complex and honorary science of the letter. Everything that you had to be able to be able to young people, he was so skillfully that surpassed even the older fellow comrades who studied with him at school.

Then they began to talk to the comrades:

Whose son are you? You have no father! - they tormented and teased him. - Truly you have no father!

Then the boy asked his mother:

Tell me the name of my father, so that I could answer comrades at school. They donate me and ask: "Who is your father?"

See the blinder who sits at the gate? - answered his mother. - This is your father.

She said to this son:

For what you did, we should have to throw you a crocodile in front of everyone!

After that, the boy led his father to the house and sat him in the chair. He brought a bench for the legs and substituted her father, put her bread in front of him, fed him and drove him. And then asked his father's boy:

Tell me, father, who blinded you, who should I take revenge on you?

This is my younger brother blinded me, "answered the truth.

And he told him everything that happened to him.

Then the boy gathered into the way to take revenge on his father. He took a bull of the most beautiful suit, ten breads, staff, a couple of sandals, Burdyuk and the Sword and went to the shepherd of Kryvda.

Take these ten breads, staff, a couple of sandals, Burdyuk and the sword, "he said shepherd," but the posters of my bull, while I do not return from the city.

After that, a lot of time passed. Many months pass the bull shepherd Krivda, when a krivda went to the field once to take a look at her bulls. And he saw a bull, which was the most beautiful suit. Then Krivda said to his shepherd:

Bring me this bull! I want to eat it.

This bull is not mine. I can not give it away, "the shepherd replied him.

Then Krivda told him:

Look, here are my bulls, and all of them you. You can give any of them the owner of that bull!

And here heard the son of the truth that Kryvda took his bull. He came to the shepherd of Krivda and told him:

Where is my bull? I do not see him.

That's all the bulls of Krivda, and all of them are yours, "the shepherd answered. - Take yourself what you want.

Then the Son of Truth told him:

Is there a second such bull in the world, what was mine? When it is on the island of Amon, his tail is lying in papyrus thickets; One horn rests on Western Mountain, and the other horn - on the eastern mountain, the Little River serves him with a lie: Sixty calves are born every day.

Can there be such a big bull as you say? - asked the shepherd.

But the boy grabbed him and dragged him there, where was Kryvda. And he brought Krivdu to the court to Enneada.

Listened to his gods Enneada.

What you say is not true, "they said. We have never seen such a big bull, such just can not be!

But maybe there may be such a big dagger, how did you say before? - asked the Son of Truth. - You said if his blade is a mountain El, the handle - the trunk of the Coptos tree, the sheath - the tomb of God, and the screaming of the sheath is all the herds of the pasture! Judge between truth and krivda. I am the Son of Truth, and I came to take revenge on him.

Hearing these words, Krivda swore the name of Pharaoh, and he will be alive, healthy and mighty, and said:

I swear by the eternity of Amon and the life of the lord, what he says is false! Let them find the truth alive, and let them blind me on both eyes, and let them make me a gatekeeper at home!

Then the Son of Pravda also swore the name of Pharaoh, and he will be alive, healthy and mighty, and said:

I swear by the eternity of Amon and the life of the lord, everything that I say is true. And if they find my father alive, let the cruelly punish Krivdu! Let him give him a hundred simple blows and will bring him five torn wounds. And then let him be blinded on both eyes and make the gatekeeper in the truth house. And he will serve him forever!

So the son of the truth was revenged for his father, and so the dispute was decided between truth and krivda.

This is happy about the story, as his wrist of the temple of Amon, whose hands are chosen.

Korshun and cat

There was no time Korshun, born on the top of the mountain, and a cat lived, born at the foot of this mountain.

Korean did not decrease for a long time to fly away from the nest for food for his chicks - he was afraid that the cat would get them and eat. But the cat was also afraid to go beyond food for her kittens, fearing that the Korshun would take them. So it was as long as the Korshun cat once said:

Let's now live like good neighbors! Let's give an oath to the great God of RA and say: "If any of us goes for feeding for your children, another will not attack them!"

And they swore, and promised before the God of RA, which would not retreat from their oath.

But one day, Korean took a piece of meat from the kitten and gave it to his root. It saw a cat and decided to take meat from the Korshukenka. And when he turned to her, the cat grabbed him and won his claws into him.

I swear, it is not your feed! - Digured the root, when I realized that he did not break out. "Why did you see my claws in me?"

But the cat answered him:

Where do you have this meat? After all, I brought it, and I brought my kitten, and not you!

I did not fly to your kittens! - answered the root. "And if you take revenge on me or my brothers and sisters, then Ra will see that you have broken an oath brought to him."

Then he wanted to take off, but the wings could not carry him back to the tree. As if dying, he fell to the ground and said the cat:

You can kill me, but then your son will die and the son of your son will die.

And the cat did not touch him. But the Korshun flew and found his chick on Earth. Covered him angry and he said in the hearts:

I swear, I will find out! I will do it when Retribution returns here from the far lands of the country of Syria. Then the cat will go for food for his kittens, and I attack them. And they will become kittens for me and my children!

However, the Korshun did not fall out for a long time to attack the house of the cat and destroy all her genus. He watched every step of his enemy and thought about his revenge during the day and night.

And once the cat left his kittens. Korshun saw it, attacked them and buried. And when the cat returned, she did not find a single kitten. Then she turned to the sky and appealed to the Great Ra:

Learn about my grief and judge us with the root! We both gave a sacred oath, but he broke it. He killed all my children!

And Ra heard the cat and sent heavenly power to turn the Korshun. Heavenly power went and found retribution, which was sitting just under the tree, where the nest of Korshun was. And heavenly strength handed over the retail of Ra to turn the Korshun for making with kittens.

One day, Korshun saw one Syrian, who fry mountain dyk on coals (he did not know that all this was specially arranged by retribution to shove it). Grabbed the Korshun a piece of meat and took it into his nest. But he did not notice that burning coals were stuck to meat.

And here the nest of Korshun was dressed, all his children were frozen and fell to the ground to the foot of the tree.

Then the cat came to the tree, where there was a nest of Korshun, but the chicks did not touch.

I swear the name of RA, you have hunted my children for a long time, and so you attacked them and killed! She said to Korshun. - And even now I do not touch your chicks, even though they roasted on fire!

Lion and mouse

He lived on a might mighty lion. He was so powerful that all the beasts of the mountains were afraid of his strength.

He met once a lion to the panther. Her whole skin was amazed, and fur hung with flocks. It was barely alive.

What happend to you? - asked her lion. - Who broke your skin, who hazard your fur?

And Panther answered him:

This made a man.

And who is a person?

There is no one man's cunning! Never get into his hands!

Hearing such words Panthers, she thwaped the lion of the malice per person and went to look for him.

He met on the way of donkey and a horse. The muzzle emitted the ultrasound, and in the teeth they were loving.

Who tied you so much? - asked Lion.

This is our master, man! - answered him in one voice donkey and horse.

Is man stronger than you? - surprised Lion.

He is our owner. No in the light of anyone smarter than man. Never get into his hands!

Then the lion broke into man even more and left the donkey and horse.

He walked his way when he met a bull and a cow. Their horns were covered, the nostrils of puncture, and they had a yoke on her neck. He asked their lion who did it, and they answered him, as they answered before the ass and a horse, which made it their master, man.

Is it really stronger than you? - exclaimed the lion.

And the bear replied:

Yes, stronger. Once there was one person in my service, he brought me food. But one day he told me: "Your claws are too long, they prevent you from getting food. Your teeth are so weak that they do not give you to coming what you want. Let me snatch them, and I will bring you twice as much food! " And I let him do it. And then he took my teeth and claws, threw me in the eyes of the sand and ran away. And I could no longer hold it.

Lev even more angry. He left the bear and continued to look for a person. But he soon saw another lion, whose paw was climbing a mountain tree.

He asked his lion who came:

How did you get into such a misfortune? Who did it with you?

And another lion answered him:

Made it a man. Beware of him and never believe him if your life is your life. Man Chiter, very hither! Never get into his hands! I met a man and asked him: "What craft are you doing?" "My craft is to warn old age," he answered. - I can make you such a mascot that you will never die. Want, I sleep the trunk of a tree and let you touch this talisman? After that, you will live forever! " And then I went to this tree. He spill him, broke the trunk by the Wedge and told me: "Blocks here your paw!" I climbed the paw in the gap, and he knocked out a wedge, and the tree pushed her. And the man when he saw that I could not run behind him, threw me in the eyes of the sand and left.

Hearing it, the lion cleared, who came, and said:

Oh man, you will ever fall into my paws, and I will repay you immediately for all the insults caused by the beasts of the mountains!

Do not give me me, my lord! You can eat me, but I still won't be satisfied with me. If you let me go, your hunger will not be stronger. But but if you give me life, I'll ever give you life. Do not hurt me, and someday I save you from trouble.

What can you do? - Looking at the lion said. - After all, no one can cope with me and cause me evil!

But the mouse swore to him:

I swear that I will get rid of you from death when your very black day comes!

Of course, the lion did not accept the words of the mouse seriously, however thought: "If I eat this mouse, then I really don't really become!" And he let her go.

It happened so that the hunter, caught animals in the Western, dug the pit just on the path of the lion. He fell into the pit and got into the hands of the hunter. The hunter lowered the lion with the network and tightly knitted with dry straps, and from above bandaged raw straps.

The lion lion lay in the mountains and burned. But fate squeezed over him and did so that the mouse oath would become true. Forgotten the words of Leo, and fate led a small mouse at night. She said the mouse lion:

Do you know me? I am the smallest mouse you gave life. I came to return the debt today. You caught a man in hand, but I will get rid of you from death. You need to be grateful to those who made you good.

Having said it, the mouse began to nibble a lion's way. She overwhelmed all the dry belts and all the raw materials, which he was connected, and freed him from Path. Then the mouse hid in the Merve of Leo, and together at the same time they went to the mountains.

Think about the little mouse, the weakest of all the inhabitants of the mountains, and about Lion, most strongly of all who live in the mountains! Think about the miracle that happened at the destruction of fate!

KORSUANS Ogrant Eyes and Korshun Cute Ear

On the mountain vertices there was no time Korshun, whose name was a keen eye. Once he met another Korean, whose name was sensitive ear.

My eye sharp and vision is perfect than you, "the keen eye told him. "This gift is given to me that there is no other bird."

Then he asked his cruise sensitive ear:

What is this gift?

And he answered him the keen on the mind:

I see everything to the limits of darkness, I see through the sea to the original waters. He asked his cruise sensitive ear:

Where did you have this gift from?

This gift is given to me because I lived in a treasurer, and fed me priest, the keeper of the treasure, - the keeper of the tearful eyes. - He prepared me food and said: "I cook the wonderful food!" All my life I fed only with this feed, and besides him only drank sunlight.

And the Korshun is a sensitive ear retained these words in his heart, and then said:

It is so, your eye sharp and vision is perfect than me. But the fate of this gift is given to me, which there is no other bird. I comprehend the secrets of the sky and hear even what is being done in heaven. I even hear what preprovers the God of the Sun of RA, the king of all the gods.

Where did you have this gift from? - asked the Kornki's eye.

This gift is given to me because - answered the cruise of a sensitive ear, - that I never slept at noon, did not drink, like you, nothing but sunshine, and when I went to peace at night, my throat remained dry.

And the keen of a tearful eye retained these words in his heart.

But the Korshun is sensitive ear laughed.

Why are you laughing? - asked his keen on the tearing eye.

Yes, I told me now something else, the name, who is a sensitive ear of RA, soaring in heaven high above the ground, and it will be blessed! Now he told me this, and it will be so that I will tell him something. And he told me this: the oat, the most annoying of all creatures,

swallowed the lizard, the lizard swallowed Varan, Varan was devoured by the snake. And the snake grabbed the falcon and threw it in the sea.

Then he said the KORSHUV sensitive ear KORSHUUS TOOLS:

You see through the sea, and you see everything that is being done in the water. Tell me, what happened then with the snake?

Everything you told, - True, - answered the root eye. - So it was really. Watch a snake that Sokol threw in the sea! Here it grabbed her pike, and now the snake in the mouth. Look, sensitive ear, pike litter a snake. And now the pike swallowed som! Here he floats to the shore. Look, I came to the sea lion and pulled out the cattle ashore. But they saw the griffin. He looked in them claws and carried them into heaven, to the radiance of a sun disk. But he threw them to the top of the mountain and confused on the part. If you do not believe me, we fly with me in the mountains among the desert, there you will see them all. The lion and som, torn, lie before the griffon, and he devours them.

And now both Korshun flew to that mountain and saw that what the keen eye told the keen eyes is true. Then the KORSHUANS TOO KORSHUE KORSHUUS KORSHUME PERSONAL EF:

Everything that happens on Earth is predetermined over. God on the sky does only good, but on earth it turns into evil.

Then he asked the Kornki's eye:

But what will happen to the griffin, who overcame even a lion? What will happen to him?

Do not you know that Griffon is the most mighty of all animals? - answered him a crucible ear. - He is the Lord of everything on Earth. He is the Lord, over which no one owns. He has a beak of falcon, a man's eyes, a lion's body, the ears like fins of sea fish, and his tail is serpent. Five creatures merged together in it! He is like death with all on earth. He commands everything that is, he is one punishment everyone!

So he answered the cruise sensitive ear to the root of a temper eye.

True, who kills, that someday will also be killed! Whoever orders to kill, will also be killed by order. These words should reach your heart. Remember: Nothing is impossible to hide from RA, God of the Sun, the king of all the gods. He gives merit and affairs to everyone who lives on Earth, from a fad, insignless of all earth creatures, to Griffin, the very mighty of all creatures. For all the good and everything is bad on this earth by the will of the God of RA.

Rides in Ipouser

Eature and rebellion swept the country. When everything was adjusted, urged the Pharaoh to himself wisdom of the Ipouser and commanded him:

Tell me about what is, and what will happen! Strange and terrible things are worked around. Tell me about everything and do not hide anything!

And the sage of Ipouser spoke. He told about everything without a rustle.

Those who are pressed to guard the gate, shout themselves: "Let's go robbed!" Bakers do nothing bake. Bundoras do not return clothing. Birds are underwent fights. Residents of the delta walk with shields, brewers - with weapons. Nobody rejoices life, because everyone sees the enemy even in his son. Everywhere, people speak each other: "Come with a sword!" What was predicted during the time of God the Mountain, during Enneada. Only valiant people will grieve about what is happening in the country. Aliens have become Egypt everywhere. What was concluded by the ancestors.

Truly, captured the thieves the best lands, and therefore paharesses go on the field with shields.

Truly, humble people say: "There are now robbers, fierce face."

Truly, the faces are now full of fierce. Everywhere villain, and nowhere there are no people in yesterday.

Truly, grow robbers everywhere and everywhere. The one who wants to have a servant to himself, just kidnaps slaves.

Truly, the Nile is raised, as before, but no one thinks plowing the bay fields. "What happens in the country? We do not understand!" - They say everything.

Truly, women became fruitless, they no longer cause. Do not create more people of people because of the troubles in the country.

Truly, the poor became the owners of jewels. Whoever could not buy even Sandals to buy himself, now owns all wealth.

Truly, the new owner sadness of the head of slaves. And if the servants eat, then the owner is sad.

Truly, cruel steel of people. Death and sea throughout the country. Blood everywhere. The Savans of the Dead are typical of the burial.

Truly, the bodies of many are now thrown into the river. For them, Nile became a tomb, and the river flow is a place of embalming.

Truly, those who were impressive, now grieve, and rejoices. In each village they say: "Extract all rich!"

Truly, people walk black, like Ibis. Dirt across the country. Now you will not see a person in bright, clean clothes.

Truly, the country turned over, as if a potted circle. The robber became rich, the rich was a robber.

Truly, the Nile's waters are painted with blood, but these waters drink all the same. The taste of blood pushes people, they will contain clean water, but in vain.

Truly, all columns, gates and the rest of Palace Pharaoh, may it be alive, healthy and mighty, burned, and only the walls remained from the palace.

Truly, the rebellion covered the whole ship of the south. Cities are looted, and the upper Egypt appealed to the desert.

Truly, the crocodiles were already resurrected by their prey, because people themselves rush into the river. Wise talk to them: "Look, do not go there, there is death!" But they rush into the water, as if fish, because they do not distinguish between the river, where the land is.

Truly, the Egyptians became small, and a lot of murderers. And when hear about it, then the timid flew without looking back.

Truly, notable comes with commoner, the son of the lady comes with the son of the slave.

Truly, the whole Egypt empty. Nomes are ruined, strangers came to the country. Truly, the Egyptians nowhere left.

Truly, gold and lapis, silver, turquoise and carnelians are shiny on the neck of slaves. And noble women and housekeepers of houses think only about one thing: "What will we have for dinner?"

Truly, unhappy women! Their bodies suffer from chuck, and their hearts are grieved when they have to go to those who have bowed them before.

Truly, their straws are broken from black wood, and the siest's precious tree is cut into the wood.

Truly, the builders of the pyramids became pahars. Those who floated on the courts of Pharaoh are pronounced in a plow. Shoots are not floating today to the North in Bible. Where will we take a cedar for sarcophagi? Do not bring more cedars to us, for we have no gold. The Palace of Palace, he will be alive, healthy and mighty! And how many bags with incense herbs, how many birds for sacrifices were delivered earlier in the inhabitants of oasis!

Truly, rebellious Tanis and Elefan-Tina and Noma Nizhnegipetsky do not pay more filters. There are not enough grain, coal, there is not enough fruits of the trees of Mau, chick and shells, there is not enough artisans for the palace. What is the treasury, if it does not come in it? After all, the Lord's heart is truly rejoicing only when offering to him. And now, any foreign country says: "These are all our possessions! It's all our good! "

Truly, no more laughter is heard, no one else laughs. Only crying and wedding are heard throughout the country.

Truly, everyone owns the one who had nothing before. The Egyptians are now similar to mobiles, departed on the road.

Truly, they became all hairless, and do not distinguish the son of a noble husband from the one who does not know the Father at all.

Truly, all because of noise. No noise is mounted in these years. And there is no end to this noise.

Truly, everything from Mala to Great say: "I want to die!" Even children say: "Why did father give me life for me?!"

Truly, children noble people break about the wall.

Truly, mummy thrown out of his tombs. All secrets of balsam holders became known to everyone.

Truly, those who lived yesterday, are dead today. The land is provided by itself, as if escaped with the root of Len.

Truly, all Delta Nile remained without protection. Strengthening, formerly supported by Lower Egypt, became now a row. What to do now? This has never happened.

From everywhere hears: "Aside by the secret sanctuary, because they are captured by the uninitudes who changed the dedicated". After all, now the alien are skilled in the works of the Egyptians.

Truly, people are pressed now to the manual mills. Those who used to wear clothes out of the finest fabric, today beaten by sticks. Slaves, who did not dare appear in the afternoon, go to the streets. Noble women are now sleeping in tritons. I say: "To see them there - worse than seeing a barge for a mirrah, loaded by vessels with unclean!" As for the servants, let the most terrible diseases form them! For they are tormented by noble women, like ordinary maid.

Now, if the end of the human race came, there would be no more conceptions or births! Then they would have fallen cries in the country and there would not be rebels.

But now, truly, everyone eats the grass and wash it with water. Do not fruit trees, there is nothing to eat birds. People will take away from pigs!

Now you will not see wonderful people - all of them are disfigured hunger.

Truly, the grain disappears on each road, there are no people or the clothes, nor incense. Everyone says: "Nothing remains! Stores are empty, and their guard lie dead on earth. " My heart grieves, there is no consolation ah, if I could raise my voice in this hour of despair, if I could find salvation from the troubles that struck the country!

Truly, plundered the records of the judicial chamber. Stolen everything that was in this storage of secrets.

Truly, magic spells now became known to everyone. Shem spells and segne became dangerous now, for everyone knows.

Truly, the chambers are disclosed and the applying lists are abducted. Because of this, slaves became the owners of slaves.

Truly, scribes are killed, and their papers are stolen. Gorky me! Sorrow filled to the edges these days!

Truly, all the records of scribes counting the harvest are exterminated, and the residents are disclosed for everyone.

Truly, a scroll of the laws of the judicial chamber was thrown into the streets; Pour them all legs, break them and tear them.

Truly, the poor raised to heaven and became like Enneada, because all the secrets of the trill of the thirty became known to them.

Truly, the Great Judicial Chamber turned into a passage yard. Poor, as they want, walk along it.

Truly, the children of those who were impressed, thrown out on the street.

The sage will confirm that all this is true, the fool will be denying everything, because he does not know what is happening, and everything that is happening seems to him beautiful.

This is what Ipouser Pharaoh said, the Lord of the Earth.

Sufi Proverbs

Hell Fire

Once, Garun Al-Rashid met the yurody.

Where are you going from now? - asked Khalif.

I mean? From hell himself.

And what did you give there?

I was looking for fire to open my phone, and decided to ask the local residents if they would not share with me.

And how did they give you fire?

No, the ruler told me that they don't have him. "How so?" - I asked. And he answered me: "We have no fire here, everyone comes here with their own."

Greed, waters and impossibility

Sufi, instructing his student, told him:

No one will understand the essence of a person, while not aware of the relationship between greed, ash and the inability.

Teacher, "said the student, - this is such a puzzle that I do not comprehend.

The decision of the puzzles does not find understanding. It is better to look for it by achieving experience.

And so that the student is better understood by his words, Sufi led him to the market, to the place where bathrobes were sold. Going to one of the shops, the Sufi asked the owner:

Dear, show me the best robe, and moreover, the most expensive.

His desire was fulfilled, brought a luxurious bathrobe, and the price for it was called high.

This is exactly what I want, "Sufi said," just it would be even better if the rod collar was squeezed with sequins and bother fur.

Oh, this is not a problem, - answered the shopkeeper, - just such a bathrobe and waiting for you in my workshop, there, behind the bench.

He thoroughly left, and after a few minutes he returned. It was seen that he carries the same bathrobe to which the sequins and fur were not sewn.

And how much do you want for this bathrobe? - asked Sufi.

The shopkeeper called the price, ten times bigger than he asked for a robe without fur and sequin.

Perfectly! - exclaimed the Sufi. - Then I take both.

Big world

One person was tired of his life in the village, and he was fascinated by the stories of the wanderers about the big world, more and more wished to enter this world and free himself from all restrictions.

Finally, he decided that the time came, and the village came out early in the morning. Soon he met a fellow traveler, a famous sage and a wizard, who, perhaps, as no one is aware of everything that concerned the big world. They continued their way together.

After some time, they found a ball on the sidelines.

See what it is? - asked the sage. - What can you do with it?

The traveler looked into the ball and saw that this is a bee swarm, attached to the old pni.

We take it with you, "he said," maybe we will be able to sell it profitable. "

He removed his cape, made something like a bag of it, gathered bees into him and wounded on his back. But some bees managed to get out, and they, the viciously of the buzz, they pounced onto the traveler and prestructly bitten him. The man jumped out of pain, dropped the bag, and then grabbed him and began to beat him about the stone, until he knocked out of him all the bees.

Calm down, calm down! - tried to stop his sage. - Let's sit down and see what happened.

And what should I have done? After all, the bees bit me.

But isn't it correct to punish everyone for what only some of them did?

I think that anyone in my place would not reflect, and did the same thing.

And let's listen to what the Bee speaks about this, "the sage suggested and made a magic sign that allowed them to listen to the conversation of three bees, sitting on the tree quite close to them.

About the wise bee of the era, - one of the bees to another appealed. - Maybe you can explain to us what happened?

Sure. The creature from the big world tried to capture us. Some of us have bitten it, which was quite a normal reaction, and the creature in anger began to beat us about the stone.

They, these creatures, always behave like this?

They act equally under the same circumstances. But, I tell you, that would not happen if some of us did not seek anything to get into a big world, not knowing what awaits us in it.

Then one of the bees said:

If so, if this is this big world, then I leave all the search for this world and leave your school, even though you are the wise bee of the epoch ...

So you, - said the sage to his fellow traveler. "You want to get into the big world, but by making the first steps, make any actions that regret."

Sound slap

Dervish sat on the banks of the river, he contemplated slowly the current water and indulged in his reflections. Suddenly someone painfully hit him around her neck. It was a passerby, which, having seen the bare neck of Dervish, could not resist and slammed her on her. Dervish, of course, jumped up to answer the offender.

Wait, "the misornik said," you, of course, have the right to hit me. But first tell me, what caused the sound of a slap: my hand or your neck?

But Dervish was not going to indulge in such reflections.

I'm not talking to conversations now, I just hurt me. This is how you want to build any theories, because you do not feel what I had to feel. Now I'm hit you, and you can answer my question yourself.

Attention and inattention

One day such a conversation occurred between two students of the Sufi school:

I probably will die soon if our mentor will continue to ignore me. After all, he is doing so for ten years! From this I feel ignorant. I came here to learn, but I do not allow it to do.

Another student did not agree with him:

And I will rather die, "he said," if our teacher will stop making fun of me. " I also feel ignorant, but it moves me on the way to truth.

After that, the dispute broke out between the students, which lasted until the evening, until the teacher came. He reassured the disciples and asked them to set out the essence of the dispute. At that moment, one of the students sat down between the disputes and raised his hand.

Speak, "said the teacher.

I would like to ask you to continue to ignore someone who sits on the left of me until he dies. And I also ask you, teacher, start ignoring someone who is right from me, and with the same purpose. And then everyone else can perceive your desires, and we will be able to learn something and will be delighted with hysterical beginners.

Sparrow and chicken

Once talked sparrow and chicken. The sparrow was sitting on a stone fence, and the chicken settled down.

Listen, chicken, - Began conversation Sparrow, - Isn't you tired of going to walk and walk on the ground and peck grain? After all, you even went to fly.

Not true, did not happen! - It was offended by chicken, caught his best with wings and soared to the fence.

Satisfied, she in turn asked Sparrow:

But now you say: you are not tired of flying and look for me impregnation? I here live in the chicken coop, the hostess every day slips the grain into the feeder - the keys and keys, and no worries.

At that moment a strong wind flew. The chicken tried to stay, but no matter how hard it tried, still flew down. The sparrow took off calmly, flew around and, as soon as the verse of the wind, sat down back to the fence.

You see, "said Sparrow," you, so big, hope only for a feeder. " So you now wanted to rely on the stone wall, I rely only on my wings and myself in the life of a support.

Unreal Sufi

A man walked around the city, with a dishwashed ward, unwashed hair, in a hooded raincoat and with rosary on the neck. To each conversation, this man proudly stated that "he supports and knew the Sufi science."

Why are you doing like that? - asked a person real Sufi.

Sufi replied that he follows the instructions recorded in the book for everyone who rises to the Path of Sufia.

But this book is written a hundred years ago and has long been outdated! - exclaimed the real Sufi when I saw a book.

Well, that, - replied "Sufi," - maybe. But I found it only last month!

Time, place, people and method

Once the ruler invited to the Sufi Dervish Palace.

From ancient times, the path of the dervis, transmitted from the generation to generations by continuously replacing each other by the masters, serves as a powerful and eternal source of light that even my reign is no more than its weak reflection.

It is so, "answered Dervish.

If so, as I know this and all the might I want to learn to those truths that you know, then teach me.

Dervish plunged into deep meditation for a while, and then said:

However, the wisdom is not transmitted. So we will wait for a favorable moment for her knowledge.

Every morning, Dervish, as if serving, was a ruler's courtyard, but the ruler did not give lessons. Each time, seeing the entrance to the palace, a figure of Dervish in a fallen coat, the king thought: "This person does not want to return to our conversation about learning and knowing the truth, although every day comes to me, takes part in many cases of my yard, talks, Laughs, eats and drinks. What is he waiting for, maybe some kind of sign? "

But one day, someone from the courtiers during the conversation in the throne hall said:

Daud, the singer from singers, whose talent is not equal on this earth, stopped in our city.

The king caught fire to listen to his singing, but when his messenger came to Daud, he answered:

If your ruler wants me to come to him, I will come. But if he wants to hear my singing, he should, like everyone else, wait until inspiration disappears on me. I managed to beat other singers because I know when I need to sing and when it should not be done.

When the king handed over the words of Dauda, \u200b\u200bhe exclaimed:

Is it really impossible to make him sing for me?!

The courtesies were silent, they really did not know the means that would make to sing the Great Singer when he did not want it. But Dervish approached the king and said:

Oh my lord, we will go to the Dauda, \u200b\u200bonly rejection into the clothes of a simple citizen.

Soon the king, who looked like an ordinary resident of the city, and Dervish were at the house where the "Great Solovy Daoud" stopped. They knocked, and because of the door there was an annoyed voice of the singer:

Go your dear. I do not sing today.

Then Dervish sat on the step and sang one of the most favorite songs of Dauda. His voice was so clean and melodic that the ruler was fascinated by his singing. But in the mid song, Dervish flashed, quite a little bit. The king didn't even notice this, but the fake note did not slip away from the sensitive ear of Daud, who also heard this singing. He immediately opened the door, corrected Dervish and soldered. When Daoud graduated from the song, the king gave him a gift, and Dervish suggested the place of advisor.

My lord, "answered Dervish," you could hear this amazing song only if you are present, there is a singer, and there is also a person who can create such conditions under which the singer is singing anyway. This is the coincidence of time, places, people and methods. As for your offer, it is very flattering. But I chose the path of Dervish and should pass it to the end.

Rider and Snake

People who knew the truth say that sometimes the cruelty of the sage is much better and more useful than the kindness of a fool. In the example of this, they lead such a parable.

One day the rider who drove on the road saw how a small poisonous snake was crawled in his mouth under the roadside tree. Sleeping did not notice this, and the rider realized that if they were delayed, then soon the poison would kill the unfortunate. He jumped to the man and began to mercy mercilessly. He from fright and pain jumped up, having staring at the eyes on the aliens. The rider, without giving him to come to his senses, slept a person to an apple tree, under which many rotten apples were lying around, and made them. Then he drove him to the river and forced the water with great sips.

For what you beat me, for what you do?! - Steamed man under the blows of the whip. - Let me go, because I did nothing to you.

But the rider was inexorable. For several hours, he tied a man, forced there to have rotten apples and drink river water. So far, he finally fell to the ground. He began to tear, and a snake came out with rot and water. Only then man realized that the rider, mocking him, saved his life. He began to ask for forgiveness from his Savior for all the gracious words uttered and said:

If you immediately explained to me what happened, I would understand everything and would have accepted your treatment.

I'm afraid everything would be wrong, "the rider answered," if I immediately told you that you swallowed the snake, then you probably would not believe me. And if you believed, the fear would be sowed and you would just fall asleep, but this time forever. So it was necessary to act just like this: cruel, but reasonable.

Having said this, the mysterious rider jumped to the horse and rowed away.

Like - do not like

One famous Sufi, writing a lot of books and instructions, was also a simple peasant who bred all a variety of living creatures. One day a man came to him, who considered himself the seeker of truth, and said:

I read all your books, teacher, and I must tell you that with some of them I agree, but I do not agree with others. In some of them, I understand some parts and I can not figure out at all in others. Something from you like I like something - no.

When a person finished his speech, the sage Sufi took him to the barnyard, where there were many animals and feed for them, and said:

See, here are apples and carrots. Some animals like apples, and some love carrots. Also, the animals that are here. Someone loves chicken, and someone gives exclusively kozdyatin. "Like" or "Do not like" in this case is not a common denominator. All this is food.

Fool and camel

They met somehow a fool and camel.

Look at this humpback freak! - shouted a fool, showing a finger on a camel.

You allow yourself to judge and thus create an opinion, "answered camel. - But do you know that this way do you doubt the meaning of God created by God? My hump - not flaw, not deformity, it is created for the sake of a completely definite purpose. As a string should always be straight and the bow always bent. You're just a fool and understand no more stubborn donkey!


When the time was the coronation time of one prince inherited the throne, the court astrologers were ahead.

Lord, "said the most important of them," the date of your coronation can be assigned only after the horoscope of this event is drawn up, otherwise all your reign will be marked by troubles and troubles.

The ruler agreed, but here the famous Sufi appeared, who said:

My prince, because if you need to make a coronation horoscope, then the horoscope of the moment is to be made up when this horoscope is compiled. After all, otherwise astrologers can make their work at that moment, which is not suitable for this.

Is it so? - asked the prince of astrologers.

Yes, they answered those - and it means that we need to make such a horoscope.

But, dear, - again intervened in the conversation of Sufi, - then we need to make a horoscope of the appearance of a horoscope, which determines the right time to compile the coronation horoscope. And how do we do it?

No one could answer this question. As a result, the rules of coronation were changed and the prince climbed the throne without a horoscope.

How to ship right

One day, a certain ruler came to the well-known Sufi master, wisely Bahauddina Nobcbadi to watch the meeting of his students. After the meeting ended, the ruler said:

About teacher of eternity, I saw that your students are sitting by semicircular rows. Similarly, my courtiers are also sitting during the State Council. Maybe there is some sign in this coincidence?

Lord, "said Bahauddin," and in what order your courtiers are sitting? "

The first circle is a place for the most worthy, to whom I feel a special location. The following is important venoms, judges, the warlords of my state, the ambassadors of other countries. The third circle is a place for those who do not have the situation, those whose opinion is not interesting to me.

You simply noticed the ruler, "Bahauddin answered," that we have people during the meeting divided by different signs. In the first row, those who are poorly heard, almost deaf, so that only in this way they can comprehend the doctrine. The average group consists of ignorant, so they can focus on my words. And then they are sitting enlightened. For them, the proximity of this kind has no value.


Once teacher-Sufi told his disciples:

I am poor and weak, the time released in this world is coming to an end. I teach you, young, and your duty - to find money that will ensure your teacher worthy old age.

What do we do, teacher, tell me? - asked students. - Residents of this city are very stupid, and even if we all go to collect alms, I will not bring home several coins.

My children, "the teacher answered," but there is a wonderful way to get money, and without much trouble. We just need to take them in what they have.

We deserve money more than anyone, will it really be in that sin? But alas, I'm already too weak to become a thief or robber ...

Teacher, teacher, - killed him student. - We are ready, we are young, we will handle it! For you and your well-being, we are ready to commit anything. Tell us what to do, and we obey!

You have a lot, and you are strong, you will just just take a wallet from some rich. Make this: Late in the evening, find some kind of secluded place where no one will see you, then grab the richly dressed passerby and care for him. Just do not cause physical harm to him.

Now just the right time! - dressed the disciples. - Let's quickly get together and go to look for a secluded place.

They have noticed the rooms, and only one of them stood on the spot and was silent, dropping his eyes. The teacher approached him.

Look, - he said, - how the eyes of other students caught fire, how much they want to help me. And what are you standing, do you not care about my suffering?

Forgive me, teacher! - answered the young man. "But I can't go to what you offer, that's why I'm silent."


But, the teacher, in this world there is no such place where no one will see. After all, even when I am alone, I myself see. No, Teacher, I'd rather go on the world with a sum asking for a challenge than I will see myself with stealing.

When the teacher heard these words, his face was spawned. He hugged the student and exclaimed:

I am happy that at least one of my students understood what I taught you for many years!

Then the rest of the disciples understood that it was a test. But it did not go out for nothing, from the day that some of them came to the head unworthy thought, he recalled the words of his comrade: "I myself see." And so they all have achieved perfection.

How to legend

In ancient times stood near the river city. The streets in it were only two, but they were very big, so this city was considered large. And once, Dervish moved from one street to another, and the inhabitants of this, the second, the streets saw that his eyes were full of tears.

I tell you, "said one person," the unfortunate street happened on the next street, someone died!

In fact, the tears in the eyes of Dervis were because he recently cleaned the bow. But it was not interested in anyone. Women and children who were near, having heard the words "someone died," immediately sang. The cries heard people from the neighboring street, the "where the misfortune happened," and soon, and there was a stir, everyone was confident that some trouble had happened to the neighbors.

Only one wise man went from the street to the street and tried to find out what really happened, but no one had listened to him, everyone shouted: "In misfortune, we know that our neighbors had a big misfortune!"

Panic spread with incredible speed. Soon no one no longer doubted that the neighbors had trouble, and then the inhabitants of both streets decided that it would be better to leave the city immediately to save their lives and life of their relatives. Residents of two streets starred from their founded places and headed in opposite sides.

The blooming city depcomted, only after a century, two small villages appeared in his place. From generation to generation, people in these villages convey a legend that once in these places stood a big city and that an unknown disaster collapsed on him, which forced all the inhabitants to leave him overnight ...

How to find the necessary doctor and cause illness

Once the son of the Bukhara Emir is very sick. Father called on all famous doctors to him, but they only diluted with their hands:

Your son, about the Great Emir, melts in front, but we do not know the cause of the disease.

They tried to talk to the sick, but he was silent stubbornly, did not eat, did not drink, just lay on the bed.

Finally, the famous Ibn Sina arrived at the courtyard of Emir. He did not need a lot of time in order to understand what happened to the young man - he was very in love.

Emir and Courtnic, having learned about it, worried. Everyone understood that only his beloved could cure the young man, but how to know her name?

Emir begged Ibn Sin to come up with some way, and he, not long thought, ordered to find a person who knew everything to one Bukhara Street.

When this person led to the palace, Ibn Sina entered the patient with him and ordered to list all the names of the streets. The great doctor himself kept his hand on the young man's pulse. Finally, the name of the street, on which a girl who conquered the heart of the son of Emir lived. At this moment, the heart of the young man was hampered.

After that, the palace was delivered to a man who knew the names of all the inhabitants of the street. And again, Ibn blue helped the heart of the young man who scored faster, when the girl's name sounded. After that, it was not difficult to find a girl. She came to the palace, began to care for the sick, and he recovered in a few days.

Dervish and scientist

One famous scientist from the bass came once every time in a modest abode of the old dervish. Dervish was sick and lying in bed. The scientist hooked up to him and started a conversation about how terrible and vicious this world in which he had long been no place for pious and humility.

Dervish never interrupted a long speech of a scientist when he finished, he said:

In fact, you love this world too much, although you speak the opposite. Whether you are indifferent to him, you would not remember it so often. The buyer in the bazaar also behaves. He sees the goods that he likes, he really wants to buy it, but at first he covers the chosen thing and only then buys. If you completed all your affairs in this world, you would not talk about him nor good nor bad.

Komar Namus and Elephant

A long time ago he lived in the world of Komar, whose name was Namus. Among the mosquito tribe, he was considered a mosquito smart and subtle, and therefore it was called him an insightful Namus. Once, guided by certainly, good and gloomy reasons, Namus decided to change its habitat.

He decided to equip his new house in the ear of one elephant. Since Namus was a mosquito courteous and brought up, at the entrance to the new house, he overtook all the convention and ceremony. He regained the owner of the ear, to elephant about his decision:

Dear elephant, I, the one whom my tribesmen for the mind and prosecution call Namus insightful, I declare you about your decision to settle in your ear.

Since the elephant answered nothing, Namus decided that silence means consent. The sake of fairness must be said that the elephant simply did not hear a squeak of mosquito, and his interior was passed for the giant unnoticed.

Living in the ear, Namus made a lot of new generations of mosquitoes. The ear was not just his home, it was his fate, the place where Komar thought his great accomplishments, and it was not surprising that his very creature was inextricably linked with this place, as was connected with him and the history of the comlar tribe. The ear was so cozy, so spacious, so warm ...

But it's time to come, and the impossible Namus, prompting, as always, some good and urgent reasons, decided to think about changing the dwelling. Of course, he, as a Komar, a courteous, decided that this time, in accordance with the tradition established and sanctified centuries, should inform the elephant. All day, he rehearsed his farewell speech, in which he explained to Elephant's reasons for his decision and thanked for cooperation. And now it's time for goodbye. Namus insightful registed his monologue, but did not receive any answer. He shouted several times, but the elephant was silent. Finally, gaining a full air breast, Namus in the ear, the most in which he once lived, shouted his eloquent words:

About an elephant, know that I, Namus, insightful, intends to change its habitat and leave the residence, which I have equipped in your ear. What do you say about it, what is your opinion, do you not regret?

The elephant finally heard a peak of Namus and protruded in response:

Go yourself with the world. Your care has the same meaning for me as your appearance.


In one country, a certain one was damaged to his leg and was forced to buy crutches. They helped him very much when walking, and soon he was so used to them that when the leg healed, still continued to use them. Wellex gradually taught them and all members of his family, and then their courtiers. Over time, all residents of the country sought to acquire the crutches. The workshops for the production of crutches worked across the country. Rich ordered themselves crutches from ivory, covered their gold and precious stones. For training walking on crutches, special schools were opened, and at universities, the multi-dimensional scientists investigated the highest aspects of this science. Without crutches continued to do only very few. This behavior seemed to the majority, those who are used to walking on crutches, ridiculous and unreasonable. In vain single tried to prove that the crutches need to be used only by necessity. "You see, we can calmly walk without crutches." To which opponents answered them: "This is not the case. All this is just the fruit of your imagination. "

Lying and wealth

Once a monkey said to a person:

Look at how I am asleep, don't you see it? I have no roof over your head, nor good food, no clothes, like yours. Neither furniture, no decorations, no land - nothing. You, on the contrary, you have all this, and even more than that!

Man from such words was ashamed and gave a monkey all that had. He himself became a beggar.

It is time a monkey is officially engaged in possession of human property.

So what will you do now with all this? - asked man.

Here else, I will talk to a fool without a penny in your pocket, like you!

Row one oars

One day, when the Sufi Master Ha-San and his student sailed in a boat, the young man asked him:

Teacher, I understand that there is a joy, because God is our Father, and naturally, he gives the joy and enjoyment to his children. But why then there are sadness and misfortune?

Instead of response, Master Hasan began to row one oars, which is why the boat has skidded in place.

Teacher, what you do if you rare this, then we will never reach another shore! Do you have a second paddle mad or a hand got sick? Give me a celler!

And you are much smarter than I thought, "Hasan replied.

Master in the palace

A very rich man invited the Sufi masters to his palace. This palace was incredibly luxurious, from the floor to the roof, it was packed by various treasures: furniture, carpets, paintings, luxurious dishes and the like. The owner led the sage from the room into the room, for several hours he boasted his treasures. The rich is pleased with themselves and satisfied. Finally, showing the Sufi all his huge palace, he, looking into the wizard's eyes, asked:

Well, dear, what is your impression, are you satisfied with what you saw?

The master grinned and said:

I am impressed and satisfied that the world is so durable that it takes the severity of such a huge palace, and you are citing you!


One sage lived in the world, whose wisdom was so great that people came to him for advice from the farthest edges. He listened to everyone, and then told them history. These stories were so wise and instructed that there was an insight on people and they successfully solved all their problems. He had many disciples, they all tried to comprehend his art, but it did not succeed.

Finally, one of them once again asked the Master:

Teacher, tell me how you manage to find exactly the story that is exactly suitable for everyone who appeals to you for help?

Well, "the master replied," since you want to know this, I'll tell you the story.

Sometime, a young ruler was ruled by one large and strong state. He was a good ruler, did a lot for his state, and in his spare time he loved to shoot from Luka. He was the first here - in all his kingdom, there was no arrow equal to him. And besides this, the ruler loved to travel, and more often he changed in the clothes of a simple wanderer, so that no one could learn him.

Once, during their wanders, he wandered into one caravan-shed. The time was already quite later, and therefore there were no free places in the house. The owner offered a traveler to spend the night on the hay in the stable. The ruler agreed and slept firmly all night.

In the morning, waking up and going out on the street, the ruler saw that all the walls were cooked by arrows. And each arrow was exactly in the center of the target - there was not a single mishah! An unknown shooter at least did not inferior in mastery to the ruler. Naturally, he immediately wanted to find out who this man, and asked about the master-archer at the Karavan-Saraj owner.

Master? - the owner was surprised. - Yes, this is a fifteen-year-old boy, son of my bray.

Now there is a turn to surprise the young ruler. How can it be that a fifteen-year-old young man shoots no worse than him, the best arrow of the country? He found a boy and, referring to him with great revelation, asked him to show his skill. He took onions, pulled the tent and, practically not aiming, released an arrow into the wall. And then took the chalk and outlined the target arrow stunned into the wall. The arrow, of course, was exactly in the center.

Master and Tea Cup

One very famous Sufi master traveled with his disciples. Teacher, not wanting to attract unnecessary attention to himself, strictly tagged his disciples not to say anyone who he, and not to show him signs of attention and reverence. In one village, they stopped in a caravansea for the night. In the morning the owner began to give them tea and suddenly became knees and fell asleep to the legs of the master.

Seeing this, the disciples were very surprised and worried: who opened the mystery of the master, as the owner of the caravan Sarah could find out which of them the master? The teacher, seeing a mute question in his student's eyes, laughed and said:

Do not be surprised, it is better to ask this person how he recognized me.

How did you recognize our master? - asked the disciples from the owner.

But I could not know him. After all, I have been making tea for many years for my guests, during this time I have seen thousands of people. But I have never met a person who would look with such love for a regular tea cup.

How much in the light of the truth seekers?

One person who in this world only saw himself and appreciated only his opinion, but at the same time, as he argued, striving for the Higher Consciousness, came to the Sufi school and stopped at the gate to talk to the guard.

I think, he said, "few of us know how much really there is in the light of genuine truth seekers ...

I stand from these gates fifty years and I can tell you something about this, "said the watchman.

Yes?! And how much are they?

In fact, one is smaller than you think.

Heavenly fruit

One woman, piety and honest, he glad about heavenly fruit and walked him. She asked Dervish, whose name was Sabur:

Assign, wise man, how can I find this fruit to achieve higher knowledge?

The best advice will be like this: learn from me, "Dervish said. "If not, then you will have to go around peace for a long time, at times without any rest, and look for another sage."

The woman left the sabur and went to travel through the light. She found another sage, whose name is Arif-wise, and then met the Khakim-Wisdom, then - Majuda-Mad, then - Alima-scientist and a lot, many other ...

Thirty years later, a woman was looking for a teacher who would tell her about where heavenly fruit was stored, until she finally found the garden, where he stood the Tree of Heaven and hung a bright heavenly fruit on his branch. And about Tree stood dervish Sabur.

Why didn't you tell me when we met for the first time that you were

Guardian of heavenly fetus? She asked. "After all, I spent thirty years in search of thirty years."

But you would not even believe me. And besides, the tree brings the fruit only once every thirty years and thirty days.

No, no, no sadness

Once at the Sufia asked:

Dear, why is it never seen on your face?

Because I don't have something to be sad, "answered Sufi.

Prosecutor Sufiis

He lived in the light of the young man, he was quite a smart and at the same time he always responded badly about the Sufi, accused of accused of each other in every prerequisites. One day the Sufi Master came to him, took a ring with a stone from his finger and said:

A young man, you feel bad about Sufi, and this is your right. But here you are a ring, go to the bazaar and try selling it for one gold coin.

The young man did. He walked around the bazaar all day and tried to find a buyer who would give him one gold coin for the ring. But he was offered for the decoration at best, several mediquels. Having heard the price he called, people either laughed at him, believing that the young man is simply not in herself, or immediately drive him away.

The young man returned to the master and returned to him the ring:

You slipped me unsuccessful! He said to indignation. - No one gives anything for him!

Well, youth, maybe you are right. But I ask you, go to the jeweler and rather evaluate the ring.

When the young man showed a ring of jewelry to Master, he immediately appreciated him in a thousand gold coins.

Here is your ring, dear! Said the young man, returning to Sufi. - Jeweler gives a thousand gold coins for him.

The child is mine, "the Sufi said," in fact, you know about Sufi as many people in the bazaar knew about this.

After that, the young man understood how much he was mistaken about the Sufis, and since then began to read them.

Learning submissions

Once upon a time he lived, who had students, and followers, and admirers. Nevertheless, he often visited one Sufi Masters and led a long conversation with him. Once he, as usual, came to Sufi and said:

Teacher, I have been constantly fulfilled by the post more than thirty years, and I read prayers at night, so I almost do not sleep. Although I did not find a trace of that intimate, what are you learning about, but I still believe in your teaching and loved him.

Even if you are destined to pray and fast all three hundred years old, "the Sufi replied," then you still won't be wise. For you yourself bargain your way to the truth.

But is there a means to overcome it?

There is, but you will never agree to take advantage of them.

About the teacher, you do not know me, I will do everything you say!

Okay. Then take the Suma and fill it with home nuts. Remove clothes with yourself, wrap in sheepskin and go to the bazaar. There they create everyone who can, and promise them to give a nut to everyone who will give you pink. Then go around the whole city and do the same while you will not end all nuts. First of all, do it where you know well. So you will healed.

But, teacher, it is impossible! I can not do it! Give me another advice!

And I said that you will refuse, - quietly said the Sufi.

Gift Imam

Once the Sufi Master wrote a small book and ordered one of his students to attribute her imam as a gift. By giving a student a book, he ordered him to carefully observe the imam response.

This book may seem an orthodox mind offensive, may cause an anger and negative emotions from Imam, "the master of the student rushes. - But remember: everything you have to do is keep calm, watch and accurately convey me your observations.

The student found imam in the garden of his house, next to him was his wife.

Who wrote this book? - asked Imam.

The student called the name of his teacher. And as soon as he did it, the face of Imam twisted from anger, he threw the book away and angry said:

Such a book will never get into my house! She is meaningless and nonreliginal! Your master is dangerous for our blessed society, he is the cause of chaos and destroys our religion.

Hearing such words, the student immediately wanted to argue, but, remembering the instruction of the master, took himself in hand. Leaving, he heard the wife of Imam tried to calm her spouse:

Why are you so smaller than my precious spouse? After all, you could throw this book a little later when this young man leaves. Was it necessary to demonstrate his rage? Such unemployed behavior is not at all attached to your position. You have a big library, even if this book was standing there, since you do not want to read it.

The answer of Imam Youth did not hear, but he understood (so, at least it seemed to him) that the woman was much more compassionative and humane than her spouse. But at the same moment he remembered the words of the teacher that he should be just an observer and not bring his emotions to events. He hurried to the teacher and reported to him about everything he saw. True, at the very end of his story, he still could not stand and said:

It seems to me that the teacher that the wife of Imam is a woman just wonderful, and perhaps she understands you and can perceive your teachings ...

He did not have time to finish how the master interrupted him:

Wait, I did not ask you to comment on what happened, I only told you to watch. I tell you this is not for the sake of reproach, but because you are really wrong. I am sure that very soon imam comes to me, although you have seen with your own eyes that he is angry at me. He will feel that he was wrong, take the book and read it. As for the woman, she will never show interest to us and our teaching, because it is indifferent and nothing but his everyday worries is not interested. So go back to Imam's house, see what he is doing now.

The student went to Imam's house again. And - about a miracle, entering the garden, he saw his teacher was right. In the fertile shadow of the spreading tree, Imaam was sitting and carefully read the book of the Master ...

Low bow

Sufi passed by the scaffold, where they were about to hang the thief, the criminal bowed low.

You are a wise person, why did you do it? - asked him.

I bowed to his dedication, "answered Sufi. "He had a goal, and he gave his life for her."

Last straw

The Khalifa Baghdad had everything that could dream of a person: power, indispensable treasures, loyal subjects. But, in all this, Khalif suddenly realized that his life is aimless, he ceased to understand what is the meaning of his stay in this world. Monotonously stretched overnight days. Advisors tried to take it by the affairs of the states, wise men and travelers - stories about distant countries and incredible wonders. But everything was useless: the gaze of Califa remained scattered, and the thoughts were dark. Life bored him, and he painfully tried to find a way out.

One day, a certain traveler told Califu about one wildwash, who was openly intimate, who knew what the meaning of life was. And for the first time in many years, the Khalif's eyes caught fire, the heart beat the heart. He immediately warned the courtesy, which is sent to the distant path and that he will take only the old faithful servant who served him from childhood.

The path of the wanderers ran through the Arabian desert, and she, as you know, cruelly punishes those who relate to her without proper respect. Without a conductor, the travelers quickly lost, and during the sandy storms lost camel and most of their baggage. All that they have left is a small Burdyuk in which there was a little water.

The terrible heat and thirst soon did their job - the old servant lost consciousness and fell without feelings. He suffered from a thoroughly fat sun and caliph. He looked at Burdyuk, in which there was a precious moisture.

Now he will open it, refreshing his lips, will overcome the belly sip. And then, perhaps, it will also fall on the sand, like his servant. But here he looked at the servant. This man who went badly with him in the distant path, dies here, in the distant desert, dies, fulfilling a duty in front of his lord. And really this person in the last minutes of his life did not deserve gratitude from him? Caliph realized that for many years this servant was just the necessary thing, which is never destined to hear a good word.

Caliph took a bag and poured the remnants of the water in the opened lips of the servant. Soon he stopped throwing and fell asleep with a calm bed. A pacification appeared on his face, and a caliph, looking at him, experienced an incredible joy, the moment of happiness, which he never experienced before. And then a miracle happened - it rained, which happens in the Arabian desert every few years. The servant woke up, and the travelers filled the Burdyuk with water to the edges.

My Mr., "said the old man," forgive me for my weakness. Now we can continue our way.

No, "Khalif shook his head," I no longer need a meeting with a sage, I do not need revelations. The Most High has already opened me the secret of being.

The follower of the prophet

One warorior began to issue himself for the prophet. He was grabbed and led to Sultan. Sultan interrogated him in the presence of Cadi and said:

This person allowed himself sacred, brazen and shameful. What does the law say, what car is provided for this?

If he persists in his own - to dare his death.

Have you heard that this respected person said? - asked the Yurodya Sultan. - How do you turn to call yourself a prophet? If you are a prophet, show us a miracle!

Ok, "the one replied. - Let a sharp-prestaining sword bring here.

What for? - Sultan was surprised.

Lord, you wanted a miracle, and it will be. At first I cut off the head of Cadi, and then resurrect him from the dead.

About the venerable! - Cady shouted, having heard these words. - I surely believed in you! From now on, you can count me with your follower!


Once an impatient student began to reproach his teacher:

Why do you do that? You do not give us, those who want to learn, engage in books. You do not demonstrate any rituals and secrets. You do not answer our questions that we have more and more. You ignore both praise and swearing your address.

I am a gatekeeper, "the teacher replied. - And the job of the gatekeeper is to make sure that the door is open when it should be open, and slammed when she should be slammed. The gatekeeper allows you to enter everyone who should enter, and does not allow those whom the owner ordered not to let. Do you wish the gatekeeper kicked on the door, wore too rich or, on the contrary, too poor clothes, was crying, took bribes, talked with visitors to those who do not have the topic - and all this instead of working?


A certain person who ranked himself for Sufi and announced to every conversational one who announced, but in fact, there was no one who was not going to the mill to grind his wheat there.

Hey you, Melnik, dared to me wheat, but do it now, and live out! He shouted with an arrogant Melnik, as it is inherent in all the charlatans trying to make others work on themselves.

I don't have time for your wheat now, "Melnik replied.

If you do not do what I'm telling you, I curse your mill, - threatened pseudosuphium.

Great, - said Melnik, who was actually true Sufi, - I will be very interested to see how it will work. "If you knew how to seek the fulfillment of desires in this simple way, then you would not stand in front of me and did not try to make me smashed your grain."


One person who considered himself very wise, studied the language of animals. Once he walked down the street, as suddenly he saw the donkey, in all the throat of roaring a dog. That, in turn, that there is the forces of the barking on the donkey. The man went closer and began to listen.

All you say to, concerns only herbs and pastures, "said the dog," I want to tell you about meat and bones, because it's my food.

Donkey objected, said that the animal can be saturated with grass. The man did not restrain and intervened in the argument:

You will never understand a friend, do not come to something common, if you do not understand that the usefulness of the hay is like meat utility.

Animals turned to the uninvited guest. The dog fiercely lay on him, and then sharply rushed and bit the leg. Donkey, in his own place, quickly turned around and felt so much with his rear legs that a person fell off without feelings. After that, the animals that no attention no longer paying for him continued their dispute.

Talk about God

Dear, let's talk about God, - asked once some of the Sufia.

It will be better if we will quillerate about him, "the Sufi said.

But why?

If you will talk about God, then for him it will be an insult. And if I am talking about God, then for me it will be too big honor, unworthy of me.

Saving lies

One young man helped his neighbor-old man a small amount of money. And after some time, the old man, coming out of the house, saw the soldiers led the young man for the execution of the crime he did not. The old man immediately shouted: "Padishah died, our great ruler left us!" Hearing it, the soldiers were lazy, and the young man got the opportunity to run. The old man failed to hide, and he especially did not try to do it. He was grabbed and led to the palace to Padyshah himself.

Tell me, honorable old man, "Padishah turned to an old man," why did you do it, why did you shout that I died? " After all, you know perfectly well that such an act should deal with death!

O my lord, "said the old man," you only died in my words, the same unfortunate young man was really waiting for. My words, that you are dead, no one caused harm, but saved life.

The wise words of the old man were so struck and surprised Padishah that he ordered to reward him and immediately let go home.

Does the bone enter the contrast of dogs?

One day, two students of the Sufi school straight on the street were argued about the person and about the ways to comprehend the truth.

A person comprehends the truth through his own efforts and indifferent search, "said the first. "He starts with full ignorance, but then progresses and becomes knowledgeable."

The second student objected:

A person may comprehend the truth only under the guidance of an experienced master, another way is not given.

They argued so violently that the case was almost reached the fight. Fortunately, at this moment, the famous Sufi Master was held on the street, and the disciples turned to him with a request to resolve their dispute.

Do you want me to spoke on this? - asked the master.

Yes, teacher, we would be very grateful.

Okay. I think that each of you saw how dogs fight for bone, right?

But did you ever see the bone to enter their dispute? Think about it ...

Substantial difference

Once the famous Sufia asked:

What gave you grace?

Waking up in the morning, "the Sufi replied," I feel like a person who is not sure to live to the evening.

But it can say everyone.

Yes, "said the master," it really knows everything. " But not all feel. No one else was drunk from the word "wine".

Happiness and tail

Adult, experienced by the experience of the dog saw a puppy, chasing his tail, and asked:

And what, baby, you will be chasing the tail?

I studied philosophy, "Puppy replied proudly," I have suffered the problems of the universe, which has not yet been able to any dog \u200b\u200bbefore me. I realized that the best for us is happiness and that our happiness in the tail. Therefore, I chase after him, and when I catch, he will be my and my happiness will come to me.

Baby, "said the adult dog," I was when I was the same as you were now, who was also interested in the problems of the universe and amounted to her opinion about it. And you know, I also realized that happiness is perfect for the dog and that it is in my tail. But then I noticed that wherever I went, whatever did, the tail always follows me.

What did you learn from the Sufia?

A man came to the Sufi and asked him to him in the disciples.

If I say, "My Father's Son, but not my brother," the teacher asked the coming, - who I mean?

That long thought, but never could answer.

Man returned home. He was met by the crowd fellow villagers.

What did you learn from the famous Sufia? They asked them.

If I say, "My Father's Son, but not my brother," who I mean?

Himself! - Chorus said fellow villagers.

No-e-e-t! - said proudly man whose face glowed joy. "Stupid," My Father's Son "is the Sufi from the neighboring city. He himself said it!

Philologist and dervish

Sufi went home somehow in the evening when he heard screams. They came from an abandoned crown well.

Hey, who is here? - shouted the Sufi, going to the well. - What happened?

You see if the answer rang out, - not finding the road, I, to my huge misfortune, fell into this deep well and now I can't get out of it.

Hold on, friend, "Sufi said," I will help you, give me just a time to get a rope and a staircase. "

Wait a minute, "said man fallen into the well. - You see, I am a philologist. You are illiterately express, and it is quite obvious that your pronunciation is not suitable anywhere. I really ask you - be so kind, correct it.

Well, if for you at the moment, the correctness of words is more important than their meaning, then it is better for you to stay there for some time where you are now, while I do not learn to speak correctly and I will not correct my pronunciation, - the Sufi replied and went by their own business.

Turtle and scorpion

One day, Scorpio asked the turtle to transport him to the other side of the river. The turtle refused for a long time, realizing that Scorpio could not be believed, but still lost. Scorpio climbed on the turtle, and they swam. Almost all the way, Scorpiiro behaved commemorant, but in front of the shore, he still could not have resisted and stung a turtle.

Oh, you are treacherous! - exclaimed with indignation of the turtle. - My nature suggests that I must and strive to help everyone. Including you. You sturned me, how could you?

But listen, - answered Scorpio, "you say that your nature is to help. But my nature is stiff, and you, and I know about it. So what do you think your nature is a virtue, but you call my meanness? And where then justice?

Four consolations

By order of the ruler of the city, the tutor of the Sufi school was thrown into prison. A few days later his students came to spend it. To their surprise, the teacher did not change at all, did not look depressed or distressed, he happily welcomed them, as if the case was happening in their native school, and not in prison.

Teacher, you completely calmly carry imprisonment. What serves as a consolation here, in this house sorrow?

Four sayings, "Teacher replied. "First:" No one to avoid evil, for everything is predetermined by fate. " Second:

"What can a person do in misfortune, how not to patiently endure his suffering? After all, not only you experience something similar. " Third: "Be grateful to the fate for not the worst thing happened, because it is always possible." Finally, the fourth: "Relief can be close, although you do not know about it."

As soon as the Sufi said this, the guard entered the camera and announced that since the accusation was false and the liar in everything confessed, the Sufi could be free.

I choose bliss

One Sufi Master was always happy, the smile never went with his face, and his eyes were fun, they never appeared sadness. Not once the disciples that he always had a lot, asked:

Teacher, you always laugh and never be sad. How do you manage it? Even when you are sick, you still laugh, although what can be funny in the disease?

For a very long time I came to my master. It was already a very old man who had no grandparents, but he still smiled, just so, without any reason.

And I asked how you asked me now: "Master, how do you manage to always smile?" "Inside, I'm always free in the shower," Teacher answered me. - Just once I made such a choice and always followed him. Every morning, opening my eyes, I ask myself a question: "What should I choose today - bliss and joy or suffering? And so it happens that I choose Bliss every time. After all, it is so natural ... "

Black slave and dog

A rich merchant owned, among other things, a luxurious fruit garden. Once he went to walk in him, and when he passed through the vineyard, he saw a black slave. He is located right on the ground, with a piece of bread in his hands, and a dog was sitting opposite him. The slave trampled a piece of bread and threw it a ps. Then also, until finally, all that he had.

The merchant approached him and asked:

How much bread do you get per day?

That's all I had.

Why do you give your dog bread?

She came running from somewhere from afar, and it is immediately clear that it is very hungry. Therefore, I decided to feed it.

But what will you be today today? - I asked the merchant.

Nothing. But everything is in order, I will suffer.

Hearing these words, the merchant thought: "I am known in the whole district as a generous person, and indeed, I helped very many. But this man surpassed me, although he just rained her hungry dog. " After that, the merchant gave slave freedom and gave him the whole big fruit garden.