The topic of self-education in the Medium Group Mathematical Development. Self-education "Development of mathematical ideas in preschool age." Self-education. Formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers

"Ways of formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers! "

The development of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers is a special area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, in which, subject to consistent training, it is possible to purposefully form abstract logical thinking, increase the intellectual level. Consequently, one of the most important tasks of Pedagogues DOU is the development of a child of interest in mathematics in preschool age. Mathematics training should not be a boring occupation. It is that children's memory is selective. The child assisters only what he was interested in, surprised, pleased or scared. He is unlikely to remember something uninteresting, even if adults insist.

In determining methods and techniques, the physical and mental features of the child should be taken into account and training with preschool forms of educational educational workWhere didactic games, visual objectives, various types of practical activities are widely used.

The learning process should stimulate the activity of all children, to give the opportunity to argue, to communicate freely with each other in search of truth.

The most effective in kindergarten is the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of cognitive interests of children, bringing them to a joint decision of the learning tasks, summing up to independent conclusions, inclusion in the class of problem situations.

The main task of the teacher in the classes is to achieve that the child understand the essence of phenomena. .

If an adult fully fully discloses the content of the concepts of concepts, does not help make the right generalizations, clarify the essential signs of objects and phenomena, then children are formed incorrect mathematical representations.

During the class, the child should show as much activity as possible, reasoning, to do "discoveries," to express his opinion, not fearing at the same time. And each erroneous answer should be considered not as a failure, but as a search for the correct solution.

Mathematics - the science is accurate. There are many special terms in it that we use and in working with preschoolers. The teacher seeks the child to understand what is being discussed, and himself could competently formulate his thought.

In mathematics classes, you should constantly pay attention to speech job. At every occupation, we teach children to clearly express our idea, to conclude, explain, prove, use brief and complete answers.

The problem of learning preschoolers of mathematics is definitely not limited to affected moments.

For a child-preschooler, the main way of development is an empirical generalization, that is, the generalization of his own sensual experience. For a preschooler, the content must be sensually perceived, so the use of entertaining material is so important in working with preschoolers.

For modern programs for the mathematical development of children, the following is characteristic:

The focus of the mathematical content of the mathematical content for the development of their cognitive-creative abilities and in the aspect of the admission to human culture;

These technologies for the development of mathematical ideas in children who implement the educational, developing orientation of training and activity of students are used. Modern technologies are defined as problem-gaming;

The most important development condition, primarily, is to organize an enriched glass environment (effective educational games, educational and gaming benefits and materials);

Design and designing the process of development of mathematical representations is carried out on a diagnostic basis.

Effective didactic means in assimilation of the foundations of mathematics, in the development of speech and in the general development of children are the main forms of children's folklore, since they help children in studying educational material, achieve success in learning the material, with interest to solve problems and examples: quantitative relations are fixed (Many, little, more, as much, the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, orientate in space and time. Special attention is paid to the formation of the ability to group items on features (properties, first one by one, and then on two (shape and size). For this teacher Uses functions, riddles, counters, sayings, proverbs, patterings, fragments of fairy tales.

The riddle can serve first, source Material For familiarizing with some mathematical concepts (number, attitude, value, etc.). Secondly, the same riddle can be used to consolidate, specify knowledge of preschoolers about numbers, values, relationships. You can also offer children to recall the riddles in which there are words associated with these ideas and concepts.

Of the variety of genres and the forms of oral folk creativity, the most enviable fate in readers (folk titles: row, account, chute, recalculation, govarushki, etc.). It carries a cognitive, aesthetic and aesthetic function, and together with the games, the prelude to which it most often acts, contributes to the physical development of children.

Piece-numerics are used to consolidate numbers of numbers, ordinal and quantitative account. Their memorandum helps not only to develop memory, but also contributes to the development of the ability to recalculate objects, to apply in everyday life formed skills. Consistent are offered, for example, used to secure the ability to conduct an account in the forward and reverse direction.

With the help of folklore fairy tales, children are easier to establish temporary relations, learn from a sequence and quantitative account, determine the spatial location of the items. Folklore fairy tales help remember the simplest mathematical concepts (on the right, on the left, in front of the back, bring up curiosity, develop the memory, initiative, teach improvisation ("Three Bear", "Kolobok", etc.).

In many fairy tales, the mathematical start is on the surface itself ("two greedy bear", "wolf and seven kids", "Flowery-sevenceticism", etc.). Standard mathematical questions and tasks (account, solving conventional tasks) are outside this book.

The presence of a fabulous hero in mathematics classes or a tale class gives learning a bright, emotional color. The fairy tale carries in itself humor, fantasy, creativity, and most importantly teaches to think logically.

In the late XIX - early XX centuries. The ideas of learning mathematics without coercion and didacticity were widespread, but without superfluous. Mathematics, psychologists, teachers developed mathematical games and entertainment, constituted collections of tasks for the smelting, converting figures, solution of puzzles. Mathematical games were widely used in the training and development of children, during which a detailed and clear analysis of gaming actions was needed, the ability to show a mixture during searches, independence.

Creating problem situations in the process of forming elementary mathematical ideas as a means of developing logical thinking from preschoolers ...

One of the important tasks of education and training of preschoolers is to create situations that allow the child to become an active subject of activity. If a child himself overcomes something in himself (I do not know - I will find out, leaving; I start - it does not go out, but with an adult I can, for example, to solve a problem, then it develops as a person who can find the necessary ways of activity in various situations. In technology The developing learning of the child's development occurs in the zone of the nearest development. For the formation and development of cognitive interest, it is necessary to form a child with the experience of overcoming difficulties, the experience of the emotional experience of the results of their actions is to experience the success, the joy of knowledge, pride for their achievements, satisfaction. "I can do everything, I will succeed, "this should be the motto of children.

Preschool age is the beginning of a long road into the world of knowledge, in the world of miracles. After all, it is at this age that a foundation is laid for further training. The challenge consists not only in how to learn how to keep the handle, write, count, but also to think, create. A huge role in mental education and in the development of the intellect of the child plays mathematical development.

Considering this material, the child becomes looking, thirsty, tireless, creative, persistent and hardworking.

In mathematics classes, such forms of folklore are used as riddles, sayings, proverbs, patters, fairy tales, and such tasks are solved as consolidating children's knowledge about mathematical concepts with literary and artistic images; the creation of the most favorable conditions for the early detection and development of interests, inconsistencies, and the abilities of the child; Formation of internal learning motivation, other exercise motives through gaming activities and problem learning.

Organized work on the development of mathematical abilities of preschoolers, contributes to increasing interest in the process itself.

In conclusion, it should be noted that regular use in the study on the development of mathematical abilities of the system of a specially selected repertoire of oral folk art aimed at the development of cognitive opportunities and abilities is expanding the mathematical horizon of preschoolers, promotes mathematical development, improves the quality of mathematical preparedness, allows children to more confidently navigate The simplest patterns of surrounding their reality and more actively use mathematical knowledge in everyday life.

Self-education. Formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers

General information about teacher

F. I. O. Pestern Pechersin Victoria Vladimirovna

Date of birth 28.12.1984

Work experience in position 2 years 6 months

Education (the name of the educational institution and the year of graduation) in 2008 graduated from the State Educational Institution of the Middle vocational education Katae Pedagogical School in the specialty "Social pedagogy with additional training in the field preschool education"And the qualifications of" Social teacher, educator "Diploma No. 10164

Traffic raising courses for the last two years (indicate the form, the topic where the "Regional Institute of Education Development" from November 26, 2012 to December 4, 2012 - 80 hours on the topic "Comprehensive development of children in the context of pre-school education . Upgrading preschool education in the context of FGT. "

Awards (indicate the year, the nature of the award)

Honorary Matter - the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization of workers of the national education and science of Nadym and the Nadym district of the MCDOU "Kindergarten" Golden Petushok "- for professionalism, conscientious work, an active life position and in connection with the International Women's Day. _year 2013___

General information on self-education

1. The purpose and task of self-education on the topic

2. Studying the relevance of the use of gaming techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical representations from preschoolers.

3. Actively affect the comprehensive development of children:

4. Enrich new ideas and concepts; consolidate knowledge; Activate mental activity (ability to compare, summarize, classify, analyze).

The main issues scheduled for study.

Stages of development:

Analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.

To give overall characteristic Contents of the concept "Formation of elementary mathematical representations"

Explore the efficiency of using game techniques in the process of forming elementary mathematical representations from preschoolers.

Develop a card file in the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Plan of work on the subject of self-education

For 2013/2014 academic year

Self-education stages Contents Contents Performance Dates Notes

Organizational and diagnostic "shape and color"

1. Holding didactic games:

Lotto "Color and Form"

- "Pick up your color"

- "Wonderful bag"

- "Merry Matryoshka"

- "Geometric lotto"

- "pick up the figure"

- "Find the subject of the same form" (I show the triangle, then the square, then the circle)

- "We collect beads" (grouping of geometric shapes in two properties)

- "Find your own couple" (mittens)

2. Holding games - Travels scene games With mathematical content:

The game "Do not wet the legs" - you can come only on those bumps, where geometric shapes (triangle or square) are drawn, etc.

- "Coding of geometric shapes"

- "Travel around the sea to the island of geometric figures"

3. Holding games - Competitions.

- "Whose team will find it faster? "(Different Forms) during the school year

"Number and score".

1. plot - role-playing games Using the Didactic material on the FMMP:

- "Scroll to equalid" (a lot, one, equally)

- Zoo (score)

- "Considering" (how many dogs - so many plates - equally)

- "Travel on the ship"

2. Game mathematical knowledge with theatricalization:

- "Mathematics in fairy tales"

- "It is in the field of teremok"

- "Kolobok is looking for friends"

"Orientation in space."

"Orientation in time."

1. Table - Print Games:

- "Parent pictures"

- Domino

- "Color Mazaic"

- "Puzzles"

2. "Orientation on a sheet of paper"

- "Gifts for kittens"

3. Didactic games:

- "Run in order"

- "Who will find the differences? "(2 steam locomotive, 2 dogs, etc.)

- "Cut and boil" (cut out the shapes and glued to the picture)

"Steamer", etc. "House"

- "When does it happen? »-Higr with ball (sleep? -How, etc.)

To disclose the dynamics of the formation of integrative qualities of pupils when studying this section, I conducted a system for monitoring the work on this issue at the beginning of the year. In my work, I used a guide to assessing the achievement of children edited by T. I. Babayev, A. G. Pogoberidze "Monitoring the quality of development of the main educational program of pre-school education", taking into account the FGT in DOU.

The purpose of this monitoring is to study the process of achieving children planned the final results of the development of the educational program on the basis of identifying the dynamics of the formation of integrative qualities. The formation of each integrative quality is a table reflecting the individual dynamics and the degree of integrative qualities in levels and points. Tables are filled at the beginning and end of the school year.

Theoretical report "Subjectual development environment in the DOU in the second junior group Taking into account FGT "; (on pedset)

Display of an open activity on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas on the topic: "Traveling with a kolobkom" (at the district level);

seminar: "Formation of elementary mathematical representations through theatrical activity"

An exhibition of children's work: created a presentation on the topic: "First steps in mathematics".

Conclusions: The study of the chosen topic helped me in an organization on the FMP. I tried to make innovations to these classes, began to use non-traditional forms of training. That I could interested children, children had an interest in mathematics classes. Sophisticated FMMP topics began to digest children much easier.

Personal promising plan

For self-education for 2013-2014 academic year

The timing of the results on the subject of self-education - May 2014.

Form and place of summing up - 2 ml. Group "Cheburashka"

Month of Directions of the work ways to achieve the analysis of achievements

September Work with documentation.

Study of the Law "On Education", others regulatory documents

Acquaintance and analysis of documentation.

Planning work with children for a new school year.

October Planning work with pupils requiring special attention.

Study of literature on the problem, creating a work plan.

Preparation for certification:

Selection of literature on self-education.

Work with personal library, Internet.

November Studying the theory on the topic: "The use of game techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical representations from preschoolers."

Acquaintance with literature on this topic.

Visiting the training of educators on the FMP.

Exchange experience on the problem.

December work on the modernization of the room.

Registration of a group of group

Work on the creation of methodical folders. Selection of material on topics.

January Development plan on, month, year. Selection of material.

Studying the theory of children's learning elementary mathematical ideas on the basis of entertaining material in young children of the section of the educational program: the area "Cognition" is familiar with the literature.

February Preparation Presentation on FEMP Selection of Material

Creating a new group passport. Conducting a complete inventory of the group.

March Creating Methodical Development Literature Study

Development of card files for FMPS selection of material

April Preparation of the holiday Victory Day. Rehearsal.

Protection of methodological development Speech with a presentation on the method of destroying.

May Seminar on FMP through theatrical activity. Generalization of the experience of the colleagues of the city

Development of a self-education plan for a new academic year. Selection of methodical literature.

Literature on the topic:

1. Boguslavskaya, Z. M. The world around the world in the didactic games [Text] / Z. M. Boguslavskaya, E. O. Smirnova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

2. Wenger, L. A. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children [Text] / L. A. Wenger, M. O. Dyachenko. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

3. Wenger, L. A. Education of the sensory culture of the child [Text] / L. A. Wenger, E. G. Pilyugina. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988.

4. Dyachenko, M. O. What's not [Text] / M. O. Dyachenko, E. L. Ageev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

5. Childhood: Approximate basic general education program for preschool education / T. I. Babayev, T. I. Gogoberidze, Z. A. Mikhailova [and others]. - St. Petersburg. : LLC "Publishing House" Childhood -Press ", 2011.

6. Raising children in the game: Handbook for the teacher Children. Garden / Sost. A. K. Bondarenko, A. I. Matusik. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Enlightenment, 1983.

7. T. A. Falkovich, L. P. Barykina "Formation of mathematical ideas": classes for preschoolers in institutions additional education. - M.: Vako, 2005 - 208 p.

8. "Plot - didactic games with mathematical content" - A. A. Smolentseva.

9. "Sensory Education" - E. Pilyugina.

10. "Playing in numbers" - a series of benefits

11. "Develop perception, imagination" - A. Levin.

12. L. G. Peterson, N. P. Holina "Player". Practical course of mathematics for preschoolers. Guidelines. - M.: Balam, 2003 - 256 p.

13. Ed. B. B. Finkelntein. "Let's play together." Set of games with Dielesh blocks. C-PB, Corvette LLC, 2001

14. Althauses D., Dum E. Color, shape, quantity. M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

15. Belousova L. E. Once, two, three, four, five, we begin to play. Spb. : Childhood-press, 2004.

16. Cheplashkin I. N. Mathematics is interesting. Spb. : Childhood-press, 2006.

17. Smolentseva A. A., Suvorov O. V. Mathematics in problem situations for young children. Spb. : Childhood-press, 2004.

18. Pavlova L. N., Mavrina I. V. Games and exercises for the development of sensory abilities of children 3 - 4 years. M., 2002.

19. Zobigina E. V. The first story games of the kids. M., 1988.

Formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers through didactic games

"The game is a spark, lighting fire

inquisition and curiosity "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

The mental development of the preschooler is the most important part of its general mental development, preparations for school and to the entire future life. In the development of thinking of preschoolers, didactic games play a major role. Solving the tasks set in the didactic game, the child learns to lay out separate signs of items, phenomena, compare, group, classify according to a certain general feature. Children learn to reason, draw conclusions, generalizations, while they train their attention, memory, an arbitrary perception is developing.

The educational area "Cognition", and in particular, the formation of elementary mathematical representations has a unique developing effect. And learning mathematics of preschool children is unthinkable without using didactic games.

The didactic game requires adhesion, serious attitude, the use of the thought process. Only in the game the child is happily and easily reveals his creative abilities, develops observation, fantasy, memory, learns to reflect, analyze, overcome difficulties.

In this regard, I was interested in the problem: it is possible to increase the motivation of preschoolers in the formation of elementary mathematical ideas through the use of didactic games.

Purpose: Use of didactic games in the formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers.

To achieve the goal, a number of tasks should be solved:

Research tasks:

1. Analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.

2. Give the overall characterization of the content of the concept formation of elementary mathematical representations.

3. Explore the effectiveness of the use of didactic games in the process of forming elementary mathematical representations from preschoolers.

4. Develop a system of classes

To solve the tasks were used

Analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature on the issue of research;



Mathematical data processing.

Novelty is that the work proposes a detailed study of the problem and the system of work in accordance with modern requirements.

The study was conducted in three stages.

Terms of work:

Stage 1 - Preparatory (July - August);

Stage 2 - the main (September - May);

3 Stage - Analytical (May).

At the preparatory stage, a systemic complex of classes related to the formation of elementary mathematical ideas in children is being developed senior group Using didactic games.

The main stage involves conducting classes for the formation of elementary mathematical ideas using didactic games during the school year.

At the final stage, the results of the work performed are analyzed and its improvement and continuation in the preparatory group are planned.

NOD on development in children of elementary mathematical ideas passes

1 time per week. And the steps of the event are several parts united by one topic. In the structure of each class I enter fizminutka for removing mental and physical tension, pick up the subject of the day, month. It can be a dynamic speech exercise or "finger gymnastics", eye exercise or relaxation exercise.

Conditionally, didactic games for the formation of mathematical representations can be divided into the following groups:

1. Games with numbers and numbers

For an integrated approach to the development of thinking, the organization of an object and development environment is important, while safeness, availability,

Brightness, attractiveness, freedom of choice, saturation, should

corresponding to age features and interests. The structure of each lesson includes a new stage, a mobilizing, which includes a system of exercises, with the help of which at the beginning of classes is given a high level of child involvement in activities ("answer quickly", "quickly pick up", "Find a couple", "Find your place")

All this is necessary and is important for the development of the following functions of the body:

Spectator perception, visual memory, visual analysis and synthesis

Spatial orientation, optical-spatial analysis and synthesis

Humor perception and attention, hearing memory, phonderatic hearing

Sensory-Motor Coordination

Accurate and differentiated finger movements and hand brushes

In the formation of the children of mathematical ideas, entertaining in the form and content of various didactic gaming exercises are widely used.

Didactic games are divided into:

Games with objects


Verbal games

Plague Modeling Games


Slide 13 - Catics

Slide 14 - Catics


In September, I was diagnosed on the level of mathematical development of Art. c For the following topics:

On September 5, 2009, it was revealed:

The experiment is still in the study stage, but based on the data of the table, we see that even an intermediate result gives the positive dynamics of the development of educational material by systematic use of didactic games in working with preschoolers.

The study showed that the use of didactic games in classes has a beneficial effect on the assimilation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers and contributes to an increase in the level of mathematical development of children.

Didactic games give a really big charge of positive emotions, help children consolidate and expand knowledge in mathematics.

Node suggests various forms of children's unification (pairs, small subgroups, the whole group), depending on the objectives of educational and cognitive activity. This allows you to bring up in preschoolers the skills of interaction with peers, collective activities.

Slide 16, Slide 17 - opening mini-site

I often use the sites of the pre-school world where I exchange information with colleagues throughout the Internet network. Created her mini site on

Work with parents

I have great help in working with children. They are provided by their parents, I, in turn, I prepare presentations on the topic studied and show at the parent meetings, also prepare joint entertainment.

Slide 19, 20 - my achievements

In 2011 In the city competition "Let the children are happy on the entire planet" - a diploma of 2 degrees in the "Dance" nomination,

My children became the winners in the republican contest "Klyazhant 2012" in the nomination "The strongest".

Marked by a diploma for conscientious labor by the administration of kindergarten.

I have a certificate from trade unions of education workers for activity

Slide 21 24 - Photo

I consider it important to inspire the child, strengthen and develop the cognitive interests of preschoolers, help the child to believe in yourself in their abilities.

I try to make an educational process to make rich, deep, attractive, and methods of cognitive activity of preschoolers a variety of, creative, productive.

Teaching young children through the game, I strive to ensure that the joy of gaming activities gradually moved to the joy of knowledge.

Thanks for attention!


Verbal games

Also, when forming elementary views from preschoolers, you can use: games for plane modeling (Pythagoras, tangram, etc.), puzzle games, jokes, crosswords, rebuses, educational games.

The widespread use of special training games is important for waking up at preschoolers of interest in mathematical knowledge, improving cognitive activity, general mental development.

Practical part

1. Method of work on the formation of elementary mathematical representations with the help of didactic games

Work on the development of elementary mathematical ideas in children is organized in classes 2 times a week. Classes consists of several parts combined with one topic.

Duration and intensity of classes throughout the year increases gradually. The structure of each occupation provides for a break for removing mental and physical stress lasting 1-3 minutes.

It can be a dynamic speech exercise or "finger gymnastics", eye exercise or relaxation exercise. At each occupation, children perform various activities in order to consolidate in mathematical knowledge.

Didactic games for the formation of mathematical representations are conventionally divided into the following groups:

1. Games with numbers and numbers

2. Time Travel Games

3. Games for orientation in space

4. Games with geometric shapes

5. Games for logical thinking

Didactic games, such as "Say the number", "the number What is your name?", "Make a sign", "Make a figure", "Who will name first, which did not become toys?" And many others are used in class time, in order to develop in children attention, memory, thinking.

The second group of mathematical games (games - travel in time) serves to dating children with the days of the week. It is explained that every day of the week has its name.

In order for children better remember the name of the weeks of the week, they are designated by circles of different colors. I spend a few weeks. I spend a few weeks, denoting with circles every day. This is done specifically so that children can independently conclude that the sequence of the week of the week is unchanged.

The third group includes orientation games in space. Spatial representations of children are constantly expanding and fixed in the process of all activities.

To secure knowledge about the shape of the geometric shapes, children are invited to learn in the surrounding items the shape of a circle, triangle, square. For example, it is asked: "What kind of geometric shape resembles the bottom of the plate?" (Table cover surface, sheet of paper etc.). The game of the Lotto type is held.

Children are offered pictures (3-4 pieces for each), on which they find a figure like that that is demonstrated. Then, offered to children to call and tell what they found.

2. Research results, diagnostics.

The work of MBDOU on the development of elementary mathematical ideas in preschool children is one of the priorities in the holistic development of a child-preschooler.

To examine the level of development of elementary mathematical representations of children of my group, the following control methods were used:

analysis of the activities of children in classes;

analysis of children's activities in the Didactoichigr process,

analysis of the communication of children in the process of games, independent activities.

On September 5, 2009, it was revealed:

Senior Group (from 5 to 6 years)

68% of children know the sequence account.

68% - know geometric shapes and their signs.

87% of children are able to count the items according to the named number or sample.

75% of children are able to compare items in length by overlay, determine the value of objects (long, short, identical).

Only 50% of children are able to determine the position of the subject in space.

Elementary ideas about the time and parts of the day are formed in 56% of children.

68% know how to lay items to increase or reduce length, are called and showing a circle, square and triangle.

56% of children are well dominated by the concept of length, widths, heights, compare the objects with imposition and visually.

62% of children are consumed in speech terms, denoting the value: heavier, lighter, smaller, thinner, deeper, thicker.

In 56% of the children of the middle group, spatial-temporal views are formed.

62% - can determine the finding of items in relation to themselves: the right is lower, between, etc.

68% - Ready know how to navigate the sheet of paper

On 09/03/13 It revealed:

Preparatory group (from 6 to 7 years)

87% of children own quantitative and sequence account up to 10.

In 81% of the children of the Group, the concepts of height, width, length are formed, with the help of conditional measurement measure the volume of bulk and liquid substances.

93% - know geometric shapes and their signs.

100% of children are able to count the items on the named number or sample, own the concepts of "many", "little", "one", "several", "more", "less", "equally".

81% of children are able to determine the position of the subject in space.

81% can determine the finding of items in relation to themselves: the right is lower, between, etc.

86% of children are able to compare items in length by overlay, determine the value of the objects (long, short, identical).

94% are able to lay out items to increase or reduce length, are called and showing a circle, square and triangle.

In 75% of children, temporary performances were formed: children know the seasons, months, days of the week, part of the day.

75% of children are consumed in speech terms, denoting the value: harder, lighter, smaller, thinner, deeper, thicker.

81% of children are able to navigate on a sheet of paper.

68% of the middle groups have a space-time representation.

75% are able to solve simple tasks, with solutions, the arithmetic effects of addition (+) and subtracting (-) are consciously chosen with a support for visual material.

1. The study showed that the use of didactic games in classes has a beneficial effect on the assimilation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolery and contributes to an increase in the level of mathematical development of children, which confirmed our hypothesis.

2. Elementary knowledge of mathematics defined by modern requirements is mainly absorbed by children, but it is necessary to deepen and differentiate individual work with each child, which may be the subject of our further research.

3. Update and qualitative improvement of the mathematical development system of preschoolers allows teachers to look for the most interesting forms of work, which contributes to the development of elementary mathematical representations.

4. Didactic games give a large charge of positive emotions, help children consolidate and expand knowledge in mathematics

1. Continue further work on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers through didactic games.

2. Using logical Dienesh blocks or logical set

geometric figures makes it possible to introduce children to performing simple gaming actions to the classification by joint properties, and both in the presence and in the absence of a property.

3. Games and exercises with non-ferrous calculating chopsticks Kyizurer most successfully contribute to the knowledge of the values \u200b\u200band numerical relationships.

4. The purposeful development of elementary mathematical representations should be carried out throughout the preschool period.

I was developed (from personal experience and methodological literature) a complex of didactic games that contribute to the formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers.

Create 2 equal triangles of 5 sticks

Create 2 equal squares of 7 sticks

Create 3 equal triangles of 7 sticks

Create 4 equal triangles of 9 sticks

Create 3 equal squares of 10 sticks

From 5 sticks to make a square and 2 equal triangles

From 9 sticks to make a square and 4 triangles

From 9 sticks to make 2 squares and 4 equal triangles (from 7 sticks are 2 squares and divided into triangles

Drawing up geometric figures

Objective: Exercise in the preparation of geometric shapes on the plane of the table, analysis and examination by their visual tangible way.

Material: Accidents (15-20 pieces), 2 Thick threads (length 25-30CM)

Create a square and triangle of a small size

Make a small and large squares

Create a rectangle, the upper and lower sides of which will be equal to 3 wands, and the left and right - 2.

Make up the thread sequentially shapes: a circle and oval, triangles. Rectangles and quadries.

Chain of examples

Purpose: Exercise in the ability to produce arithmetic action

Game stroke: Adult throws the ball a child and calls a simple arithmetic, for example 3 + 2. The baby catches the ball, gives the answer and throws the ball back, etc.

Help Cheburashka find and fix the error.

The child is invited to consider how geometric shapes are located, in which groups and what feature are combined, to notice the error, correct and explain. The answer is addressed to Cheburashka (or any other toy). An error may be that a triangle can be in the square group of squares, and in the Blue Figures group - red.

Only one property

Purpose: Secure the knowledge of the properties of geometric shapes, develop the ability to quickly select the desired figure, characterize it.

The course of the game: in two playing on a complete set of geometric shapes. One shapes any shape on the table. The second player must put a figure on the table, different from it with only one sign.

So, if the 1st laid a yellow triangle, then the second puts, for example, a yellow square or a blue big triangle. The game is built by Domino type.

Find and name

Purpose: Secure the ability to quickly find a geometric figure of a certain size and color.

The course of the game: on the table in front of the child fold out in a disorder of 10-12 geometric shapes of different colors and size. The presenter requests to show various geometric shapes, for example: big circle, small blue square, etc.

Name a number

Playing becomes against each other. An adult with a ball in his hands throws the ball and calls any number, for example 7. The child must catch the ball and call the adjacent numbers - 6 and 8 (first less)

The game "Live Week". Severe children at the board built and recalculated in order. The first child on the left take a step forward and says: "I am Monday. What day next? "Comes the second child and says:" I am Monday.

What day next? " The second child comes out and says: "I am Tuesday. What day next? " etc. The whole group gives the task of the "Days of the Week", makes the riddles.

They can be a variety of: for example, call the day, which is between Tuesday and Thursday, Friday and Sunday, after Thursday, before Monday, etc. Name all the days off of the week. Call the days of the week to which people work. The complication of the game is that playing can be built from any day of the week, for example from Tuesday to Tuesday.

Game "Find a toy".

"At night, when there was no one in the group, the teacher says, Karlson arrived to us and brought toys as a gift. Carlson loves to joke, so he hid toys, and in the letter wrote how to find them. "

Print the envelope and reads: "You need to get up before the table of the teacher, go straight." Someone from the children performs the task, goes and comes to the closet, where the car lies in the box. Another child performs the following task: Suitable for the window, turns left, squats and behind the curtain finds a toy.

Game "Find your house".

Children get on one model of a geometric shape and run through the room. At the signal of the lead, everyone is collected from their house with an image of the figure. You can complicate the game by moving a house.

Children are taught to see a geometric shape in the surrounding items: ball, watermelon ball, plate, saucer, wrap, table cover, wall, floor, ceiling, rectangle window, handkerchief-cvadrat; a triangle whip; Glass-cylinder; Egg, bobbing.

Game "Value"

Game "Find the subject of the same form"

In adults there are geometric shapes drawn on paper: a circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, etc.

It shows a child one of the figures, for example, a circle. The child must call the subject of the same form.

Game "Guess what hid"

On the table in front of the baby card with the image of geometric shapes. The child carefully considers them carefully. Then the child is offered to close the eyes, adult hides one card.

After the conditional sign, the child opens his eyes and says what is hidden.


The purpose of the study was to study the problem of using didactic games in the formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers. To achieve it, we analyzed psychological and pedagogical literature on the issue of research, considered and analyzed the features of the use of didactic games in the process of forming elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers, conducted a study on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers using didactic games.

It should be noted that regular use in mathematics on mathematics of didactic games aimed at the development of cognitive opportunities and abilities is expanding the mathematical horizon of preschoolers, promotes mathematical development, improves the quality of mathematical preparedness to school, allows children to more confidently orient themselves in the simplest patterns of surrounding them and more actively Use mathematical knowledge in everyday life.

So that the child of preschool age studies in full strength of his abilities, you need to try to call him a desire for learning, to knowledge, help the child to believe in your abilities.

On this topic:

Material from


The program for the formation of elementary mathematical representations by means of taletherapy.

The tale teaches us to open your heart to good. Preschool age - a unique period for the acquisition of personality properties. At this time, its model is laid.

And the fairy tale can in an exciting form and accessible to understanding with the words to show the lives of people, their actions and fate. To help the child to become a sensitive, responsive person, distinguish good and evil, to realize itself, to show its individuality in different types of creative activities.

Probably there is no such psychological, in life. Use fairy tales. Exchange of stories, as well as exchange, life experience, the natural form of interaction between people.

Therefore, fabricotherapy is a natural form of communication and transmission of experience.

Mathematics occupies a leading place in the pre-school education system, because it helps to navigate in life, develops thinking and logic. The task of the teacher is to make the learning process entertaining and interesting. And for this, a fairy tale is very well suited, which is a red thread through all the childhood of a child - a preschooler. Yes, and in many fairy tales, the mathematical start is on the surface itself ("three bear", "three pigs", "wolf and seven goats", "seven sevenons", etc.).

In the older preschool age, the FMPS is aimed at finding independent ways to solve the tasks of tasks in which search and practical activities are combined. This allows you to develop cognitive abilities from a child, general mental development.

At this age, children show an increased interest in performing arithmetic actions with numbers, to sign systems, modeling, to independence in solving creative tasks and evaluating the result. And the fairy tale is a special kind of reality capable of designing life sense on the emotional and value level. The use of talekotherapy makes it possible to decipher the knowledge of the world and the system of relationships in it, which often allows you to find the right decision


The practice of pre-school education has shown that the success of children's learning, not only the content of the material proposed, but also a submission form, which can cause the interest of children and cognitive activity. And the fairy tale is a natural component of everyday life. The teacher can help the child to learn the mathematical material, to realize the creative opportunities in the knowledge of the surrounding in a more interesting and fascinating form, using such methods when knowledge is not given to children in the finished form, and comprehend them by independent analysis, comparing essential signs of objects and phenomena, establishing interdependencies.

Such an organization of directly educational activities, the free activities of children contributes to the fact that the child turns into an active participant, it contributes to the creation of a sustainable positive motivation from preschoolers to the study of mathematics.

Children, being in a fairy tale, interact with many fabulous heroes and how in life are looking for ways to solve problems that arise before them. Thus, the fairy tale contributes to the organic entry of the child into the world of mathematics.

Novelty program:

Innovative orientation:

The use of new forms of the teacher's work on the formation of elementary mathematical representations by means of talette therapy: various methods of modeling a fairy tale (serial, spatial, matery, through mathematical concepts - a form, quantity, number and numbers.),

use of their life experience in the inventing of its special fairy tales.

Creative orientation:

1) Help the child in awareness, why he needs to do this;

2) training in a fascinating game form;

3) motivation to self-fulfillment;

4) the inclusion of folklore in the process of upbringing and learning (directly educational activities, game activity).

Integration of educational areas:

Socialization, health, knowledge, artistic creativity ..

Usefulness: the simultaneous development of the intellectual abilities of children, gaining knowledge about the world around the world, admission to socio-moral reality.

Target orientations:

1) the formation of the need to acquire knowledge in the field of mathematics: "I want to be smart."

2) the acquisition of moral qualities: "I know how to do."

3) Education of confidence in their own knowledge: "I can cope with any task."

Practical significance

The presented program was tested in practical activities and can be recommended for introducing into an educational process in pre-school educational institutions of various types.

Practical significance is determined by the possibility of using developed interaction plans with participants of the educational and educational process, the abstracts of directly educational activities, benefits, games, didactic materials, advisory and methodical recommendations in the work of educators of preschool institutions of the city and parents.

The program provides support for methodological developments in the formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers by means of a fairy tale.

Program construction principles

The principle of development reflects the clear influence of the search and cognitive activity on the development of the person.

The principle of differentiation and individualization involves the creation of conditions for the complete manifestation of the abilities of each child and the relevant educational and educational work.

The principle of nature appearance indicates that the educational process corresponds to both internal nature and external conditions.

The principle of dialogic communication as an integral condition for the interaction of actuators of search and cognitive activity, which reflects the close relationship between mutual and counter openness, sincerity, mutual understanding of the educator and child, and projects the installation for a reasonable assimilation.

The principle of accessibility implies the correlation of the content, nature and scope of educational material with the level of development, the preparedness of children.

The principle of the sequence is to gradually increase the requirements in the process of search and cognitive activity.

The principle of continuity is to form the growing generation of sustainable interest in the constant replenishment of its intellectual baggage and the improvement of moral feelings.

The principle of the system approach. This principle is implemented in the process of interrelated formation of mathematical representations and moral feelings of the child in different types Activities and effective attitude towards around the world.

The principle of stimulating activity that promotes the practical application of the knowledge gained.

Expected results

When implementing a program for the formation of elementary mathematical representations, the following results will be achieved by means of talekotherapy:

The interest of preschoolers will increase to the study of mathematics, children will actively use mathematical concepts in informative - speech, creative and gaming activities, in everyday life.

There is an active attitude of preschoolers to their own cognitive activity in the field of mathematical ideas, the ability to allocate the goal, the basics and ways to achieve, arguing about them, objectively assess their results.

The level of mathematical abilities of senior preschoolers - future first graders will increase.

A general readiness for further successful schooling will be formed.

Conditions for assimilation of elementary mathematical ideas will be created, ensuring the successful development of intellectual abilities of children of senior preschool age.

The competence of parents will increase in matters of the mathematical development of children by means of talekotherapy.

The level of practical knowledge and skills of teachers on the use of fairy tales in the formation of elementary mathematical ideas of children will increase.

Program implementation means

Directly educational activities of the program of the Talegotherapy as a means of FMPS are included in the implementation of the tasks of the educational area "Knowledge" section "The formation of elementary mathematical representations" of an exemplary main educational program of pre-school education "from birth to school" and are held 4 times a month for a promising-thematic plan.

The topics of the program are integrated into various moderate moments: game, walk, individual work, independent activities of children.

Organization of the subject - developing medium in accordance with federal state standards Education to the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of pre-school education, which contributes to the mathematical development of children of senior preschool age.

Working with parents implies systemic and systematic interaction of participants in the educational process of the parent-child teacher.

Pedagogical examination "The formation of elementary mathematical representations", developed by the authors of the approximate basic general education program "from birth to school".

Program development perspective

In the future, the idea of \u200b\u200bupbringing and development through talekotherapy will develop, implement, update and replenish the experience of experience in various educational areas of the main educational program of pre-school education ("Communication", "socialization").

The main directions of work on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers by means of talekotherapy.

The effectiveness of the results of formation in preschoolers of elementary mathematical representations is achieved in the interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process (children, parents, teachers) on the implementation of the program of talekotherapy as a means of FMP. To implement the tasks and the content of the program, directions of work and the function of interaction in the formation of elementary mathematical representations are determined.

Detection of the level of achievement in the assimilation of elementary mathematical representations.

Drawing up a promising work plan for the formation of elementary mathematical representations by means of a fairy tale.

Organization of forms of training in cooperation with other activities (game, walk, individual work, independent activities of children).

Attracting children to joint activities with adults.

Holidays, entertainment, leisure.


Development of a joint promising work plan for teachers and parents

Consultation, master classes on expanding and enriching theoretical knowledge and practical skills of teachers in organizing work with children to form elementary mathematical representations by means of talentherapy.

Organization of exhibitions of didactic games and benefits, theatrical dolls, on mathematical development of children by means of talekotherapy.

Show open events.


Organization of advisory activities and the development of recommendations to improve the competence of parents in the formation of elementary mathematical ideas with the use of fairy tale characters.

Assisting the parents in the manufacture and design of didactic, wall-printing games, benefits for the formation of elementary mathematical representations through the fairy tale and enrichment of the subject-developing environment of the group.

Show open events, holding parental meetings.

Attracting parents to the organization and participation in leisure activities and festive events.

Questioning of parents to study the opinion on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas using fabulous characters.

The basic principles of organizing work with the children of senior pre-school age on the formation of elementary mathematical representations by means of fabricotherapy.

The principle of psychological comfort

This is, first of all, creating conditions in which children feel "like at home", the removal of stress forming factors, the orientation of preschoolers for success and, most importantly, the feeling of joy, getting pleasure from the process of knowledge.

Principle of variability

Modern life requires a person's ability to make a choice - from goods and services to friends and life path. This principle involves the development of children "variational thinking, that is, understanding the possibility of various options for solving the problem." The principle gives the freedom of creativity and the teacher himself, helps him find an endless set of different options for the implementation of the desired content in working with children.

The principle of minimax

This principle allows you to take into account the individual features of children and provide them with progress forward by their pace. So, one child will be limited to a minimum, and the other will take everything and go on. All the rest will spread in the interval between these two levels in accordance with their abilities, opportunities and cognitive motives, that is, the children themselves will choose their level in their possible maximum.

The principle of integitivity

The principle of integability of all processes of educational space - training and education, development and self-development, natural and social sphere, individual and joint space, children's and adult subculture, which ensures equilibrium and stability of space. This principle involves the joint and creative activities of the teacher and a child, a child and a child, a child and the products of culture, specially organized and free activities of the child.

Principle of systemism

Work should be carried out throughout the academic year with a flexible distribution of content, in an inseparable sequence so that all knowledge and skills obtained by children in the process of work are fixed in regular and systematic further activities.

Principle of accessibility

Implies accounting for age-related features of children; Adaptation of material to age.

Principle of clarity

It is taking into account the features of thinking of preschoolers.

Principle of Differentiation

Suggests accounting of age-related features; Creating a favorable environment for mastering the content of the educational area "Knowledge" of the section "Formation of elementary mathematical ideas" by each child.


It is a process aimed at the development of the child's personality as a subject of creative activity. Humanization is the most important characteristic of the lifestyle of teachers and children, involving the establishment of genuine human, equal and partnerships aimed at preserving social and emotional health.

The principle of identity value and its uniqueness

It is recognized by the value of the identity of each child, the unique individuality, the ability of children and, accordingly, the need to build an educational process oriented to the maximum realization of this individuality.

The results of the implementation of the program of the Talegotherapy as a FMP means make it possible to conclude that this course focused on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers through a fairy tale is intended to help educators and parents in organizing work on intellectual development, training for school and to form them sustainable positive Motivation to the study of mathematics.


1. The program of upbringing and learning in children's garden "From birth to school" Moscow 2011

2. Literary material with mathematical content. Mikhailova Z. A, Non-Qurability R. L., St. Petersburg 1993

4. School 2100. Program for the preparation of preschoolers in mathematics. L. G. Peterson.

5. times - step, two - steps ... Part 1 and 2. L. M. Peterson, N. P. Holina. Balam. - 1998

6. Mathematics to school. A. A. Smolentzova, O. V. Emighty. St. Petersburg: Accident - 1998

7. Logic alphabet for children 4 - 5 years. V. Gogolev. St. Petersburg: Childhood - PRESS - 1998

8. Mathematics for kids. A. N. Kharchenko. Krasnodar: 1995

9. Holiday number. V. V. Volin. M: 1993

10. Cheerful arithmetic. V. V. Volin. Ekaterinburg: 1999

11. And study, and the game: mathematics. T. I. Tarabanina, N. V. Elkina. Yaroslavl: 1997

12. Children about time. T. I. Tarabanin. Yaroslavl: 1996

13. Training with passion. S. I. Ageev. M: 1991

15. Logical thinking. A. Dorofeeva. M: 1997

16. Game, tasks and exercises of mathematical content. L. I. Ermolaeva. Irkutsk: 2000

17. Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers. Z. A. Mikhailova. M: 1990

18. Mathematical development. Educational system "Kindergarten 2100" O. V. Matrosov. Volgograd: 2011 19.

Kuklotherapy in the work of a psychologist, teacher and speech therapist. A. Yu. Tatartseva St. Petersburg 2006.20. Classes for the development of a connected speech of preschoolers and talekotherapy. O. A. Shorokhov.

Moscow: 2010. 21. Talegotherapy as a means of developing the speech of children of preschool age.

O. F. Vaskova, A, A, Politikina St. Petersburg: 2012. 22. Games with numbers S. Berezina.

Moscow: 2010. 23. The best games with the words I. Agapov, M. Davydov. Moscow: 2006. 24.

In the world of children's emotions, T. A, Danilina, V. Ya. Zedgenydze, N. A. Stepina, Moscow, 2007.

Legal children in kindergarten deserve special attention, because Many of them may have a set of learning difficulties. The left-handed child is not so easy in our world, because Everything is adapted ...

Scenario classes with the help of which you will tell the preschoolers about the yabedy. The speech therapist teacher conducts an occupation together with the teacher-psychologist. For whom, why and as participants: Children of senior preschool Age Objective: to form moral ideas about the good and evil in the context of the problem of the problem: I exercise syllable analysis, synthesis and selection of synonyms; develop ...

What parties readiness for school are especially important this ability to accurately perceive and perform the task; remember the sequence of actions necessary for its implementation; Development of shallow motility and visual and motor coordinations; Ability to carry out sound analysis ...

Competition of readers on the topic: "Book - source of wisdom" of the problem of the competition: creating conditions for cognitive-speech development of children; upbringing a positive emotional attitude to literary poetic works; Development of artistic performance performing skills when reading poems; Identify the best readers ...

Municipal pre-school educational institution Child development center - kindergarten № 161

Self-education plan on the topic:

Gladysheva Evgenia Igorevna


tver, 2014

Individual self-education plan

For 2014-2015 academic year

Subject: "The use of game techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical representations from preschoolers."

The purpose and task of self-education on the topic goal

    Studying the relevance of the use of gaming techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers.

    Actively influence the comprehensive development of children:

    Enrich new ideas and concepts; consolidate knowledge; Activate mental activity (ability to compare, summarize, classify, analyze).

    The main issues scheduled for study.

Stages of development:

    Analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.

    Give the overall characterization of the content of the concept "Formation of elementary mathematical representations

    Explore the efficiency of using game techniques in the process of forming elementary mathematical representations from preschoolers.

    Develop a card file in the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Getting Started on 01.09.2014

Literature on the topic:

1. The program "from birth to school" is ed. N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

2. "Orientation in space" - T. Musaneov - Candidate of pedestrian sciences.

3. "Supply - didactic games with mathematical content" - A. A. Smolentseva.

4. "Sensory upbringing" - E. Pilyugina.

5. "Playing in numbers" - a series of benefits

6. "Develop perception, imagination" - A. Levina.

7 . L. M. Peterson, N. P. Holina "Player". Practical course of mathematics for preschoolers. Guidelines. - M.: Balam, 2003 - 256 p.

8. T. A. Falkovich, L. P. Barykina "Formation of mathematical ideas": classes for preschoolers in institutions of additional education. - M.: Vako, 2005 - 208 p.

Features of the use of game techniques in the process of forming elementary mathematical representations from preschoolers

The assimilation of mathematical knowledge at different stages of school learning causes substantial difficulties in many students. One of the reasons that generate difficulties and overloading students in the process of learning knowledge is the insufficient training of thinking of preschoolers towards the assimilation of these knowledge. Therefore, according to its content, mathematical preparation should not be exhausted by the formation of ideas about the numbers and the simplest geometric figures, accounting, addition and subtraction, measurements in the simplest cases. From the point of view of the modern concept of learning the youngest children, no less important than arithmetic operations, to prepare them for the assimilation of mathematical knowledge is the formation of logical thinking. Children need to be learned not only to calculate and measure, but also to reason

Training is most productive if it goes in the context of practical and gaming activities, when conditions have been created under which the knowledge gained by children becomes necessary for them, as it is help to solve the practical task, and therefore are learned easier and faster.

An analysis of the state of teaching preschoolers leads many specialists to the conclusion about the need for training in games. In other words, we are talking about the need to develop educational functions of the game, involving training through the game.

The game is not only a pleasure and joy for the child, which in itself is very important, with its help you can develop attention, memory, thinking, the imagination of the kid. Playing, the child can acquire, new knowledge, skills, skills, develop the abilities, sometimes not guessing about it

Gaming training is a form educational process In conventional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in all its manifestations: knowledge, skills, skills, emotional-valued activities.

The most important properties of the game include the fact that in the game the children act as they act in the most extreme situations, at the limit of overcoming difficulties. Moreover, such a high level of activity is achieved by them, almost always voluntarily, without coercion.

High activity, emotional painting of the game generates a high degree of openness of the participants. It was experimentally shown that in a situation of some scattered attention, it is sometimes easier to convince a person to take a new point of view for him. If something is insignificant to distract human attention, the effect of belief will be stronger. Perhaps this, to some extent, the high productivity of the educational impact of game situations is determined

You can highlight the following features of the game for preschoolers:

1. The game is the most affordable and leading activity of children of preschool age.

2. The game is also an effective means of forming the identity of the preschooler, its moral and volitional qualities

3. All psychological neoplasms originate in the game

4. The game contributes to the formation of all sides of the child's personality, leads to significant changes in his psyche

5. The game is an important means of mental education of a child, where mental activity is associated with the work of all mental processes

At all the steps of preschool childhood, a big role in the occupation is given a big role. It should be noted that the "Educational Game" (although the word learning can be considered synonymous with the word didactic) emphasizes the use of the game as a method of learning, and not consolidate or repetition of already learned knowledge.

In class and everyday life, didactic games and game exercises are widely used. By organizing games outside of classes, secure, deepen and expand the mathematical representations of children, and the most importantly, training and game tasks are solved at the same time. In some cases, the game is carried out the main training burden. That is why in class and in everyday life, caregivers should widely use didactic games and game exercises.

Didactic games are included directly into the content of classes as one of the means of implementing the software tasks. The place of the didactic game in the structure of classes on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas is determined by the age of children, the purpose of the purpose, the content of classes. It can be used as a learning job, exercise aimed at performing a specific task of forming representations. In the younger group, especially at the beginning of the year, all lessons must be held in the form of the game. Didactic games are appropriate and at the end of the lesson in order to reproduce, consolidate the previously studied.

In the formation of the children of mathematical ideas, entertaining in the form and content of various didactic gaming exercises are widely used. They differ from typical learning assignments and exercises with the unusual description of the task (find, guess), the surprise of presented it on behalf of any literary fairy-tale hero. Gaming exercises should be distinguished from the didactic game in structure, appointment, level of children's independence, the role of the teacher. As a rule, they do not include all the structural elements of the didactic game (didactic task, rules, gaming actions). The appointment of them is to exercise children in order to develop skills, skills. In the younger group, ordinary learning exercises include gaming character and then use them as a method for familiarizing children with a new educational material. Exercise conducts an educator (gives a task, controls the answer), children are less independent at the same time than in the didactic game. There are no elements of self-learning in the exercise.

Didactic games are divided into:

Games with objects


Verbal games

Also, when forming elementary views from preschoolers, you can use: games on plane modeling (Pythagoras, tangram, etc.), puzzle games, jokes, crosswords, rebuses, educational games

Despite the diversity of games, their main task should be the development of logical thinking, namely the ability to establish the simplest patterns: the order of alternation of figures in color, shape, size. This is also facilitated by playing exercises to find the figures missed in a row.

Also, a prerequisite for success in work is the creative attitude of the educator to mathematical games: varying game action and issues, individualization of requirements for children, repetition of games in the same form or complicated. The need for modern requirements is caused by a high level of modern school to the mathematical training of children in kindergarten, in connection with the transition to school training from six years.

Mathematical preparation of children to school involves not only the assimilation of children of certain knowledge, the formation of quantitative spatial and temporary representations. The most important is the development of thinking abilities from preschoolers, the ability to solve various tasks.

The widespread use of special training games is important for waking up at preschoolers of interest in mathematical knowledge, improving cognitive activity, general mental development.

Consultation for parents "Play with children"

Parents know that children love to play, encourage their independent games, buy toys and games. But not everyone is thinking about what the educational value of children's games. They believe that the game serves for fun, for the entertainment of the child. Others see it in it one of the means of dyeing the baby from pranks, whims, filling it out of his free time to be in case.

Other parents who are constantly playing with children are watching the game, appreciate it, as one of the important means of upbringing.
For the child of preschool age, the game is the leading activity in which it passes mental development, Personality is formed in general.

The life of adults is interested in children not only with their outer face. They are attracted to the inner world of people, the relationship between them, the attitude of the parents to each other, to friends, to other close, the child himself. Their attitude to work, to the surrounding subjects.
Children imitate parents: a manner to handle the surrounding, their actions, labor actions. And all this they transfer to their games, thus fixing the accumulated behavior experience, the form of a relationship.

With the accumulation of life experience, under the influence of training, upbringing - children's games become more informative, diverse in plots, topics, by the number of executable roles, participants of the game. In the Games of the child begins to reflect not only the life of the family, the facts directly perceived by him. But the images of the hero reading fairy tales read to him, the stories that he needed to create on the presentation.

However, without manuals from adults, children even senior preschool age do not always know how to play. Some weakly own skills to apply having knowledge, do not know how to fantasize, others who can play independently, do not own organizational abilities.

It is difficult for them to deal with partners, act together. Someone from the senior family members, including the game, can become a link between children, teach them to play together. Partners organizers can also play together. Usually everyone imposes its own theme of the game to another, striving to be in the lead role. In this case, without the help of an adult can not do. You can perform the "main role" in turn, an adult can be taken a secondary role. The joint games of parents with children spiritually and emotionally enriches children, satisfy the need for communicating with loved ones, strengthen faith in their forces.

The authority of the Father and Mother, all knowing and knowing, is growing in the eyes of children, and love and dedication is growing with him. Well, if the preschooler knows how to independently try the game, choose the right gaming material, build a mentally plan of the game, deal with partners in the game or will be able to accept his idea and jointly fulfilling. Then you can talk about the ability of the preschooler to play. But these children require attention and serious attitude towards their games. They need to consult with mother, father, grandmother, elder brother, sister. In the course of the game, ask, clarify, get the approval of your actions, actions, approving, therefore, in forms of behavior.

The independence in the game is formed gradually, in the process of gaming communication with adults, with older children, with peers. The development of independence depends largely on how the life of the child in the game is organized. Wait until he himself starts to play independently - it means knowingly slowing down the development of a childhood personality.

One of the important pedagogical conditions contributing to the development of the game of a small child is the selection of games by age. But toys that like adults do not always have educational significance for children.

Whatever the game for the child (and for an adult, who, most likely, will often be a partner to him), it should be quite understandable and simple and logical according to the rules. The goal of the game should also be simple, understandable and in principle achievable. At the same time, it should have a very large managed variable development of the plot of the game, events. And the player (even small) should consciously choose and try to realize some particular, winning from its point of view, option. But at the same time there should be a big element of chance that makes the game emotional, leveling skills and makes it possible to win even a newcomer. After all, if one player wins all the time, and the second loses, the "eternally losing" quickly disappears the hunt to play. And if the "master" all the time is forced to succumb - disappears the hunt to play with him. Accident sets players in almost the same conditions. Good luck gives the chances to everyone, but who managed to implement them? And when the child beats the "dad himself" and not because he succumbed to, but in the "honest battle" - there is no limit to delight.

It is impossible to discount the developing side of the game. The child, playing a board game, even the most simple, develops his fantasy, learns to quickly believe, learns to take some decision and begins to understand the relationship between the decision-making, with its actions and their result. His erroneous actions are obvious to himself and he is already beginning to think how not to repeat or avoid them, understands what the situation is bad, but what is good. It develops not only tactical, but also strategic thinking.

By purchasing the game, it is important to pay attention not only to novelty, attractiveness, cost, but also on pedagogical feasibility. Before making another purchase, talk to my son or a daughter about what kind of game he needs. Often girls play only with dolls, so they are often deprived of the joy to play such games in which there is an inexperience, resourcefulness, creative abilities. Girls with dolls play or alone, or only with girls. With boys, they have no common interests and there are no prerequisites for the emergence of friendly relationships between children. Boys usually play with machines, with baby weapons. Such toys also limit the circle of communication with the girls. Better when we are adults, we will not share the game on the "Girl" and on the "boyfriends".

Sometimes adults need to help so build a particular construction, together think, what details are needed, what color, how to fix what to add missing structures, how to use the construction in the game.
Games: "Lotto", "Domino", "Paired Pictures", open before children the opportunity to enjoy the game, develop memory, attention, observation, eye meter, small muscles of hands, studying excerpts, patience.

Such games have an organizing action because they offer strictly execute the rules. It is interesting to play such games with the whole family so that all partners are equal in the rules of the game. The little one also gets used to the fact that he needs to play, observing the rules, comprehending their meaning.

The manufacture of the entire family of flat figures from cardboard, other materials make it possible to children independently play the familiar works of fiction, invent fairy tales.

Adult participation in children's games can be different. If the child just bought the game, and he knows how to play it, it is better to give him the opportunity to act independently. But soon the child's experience is depleted. The game becomes uninteresting. Here you need the help of older, prompt a new game action, show them, offer additional gaming material for the current game. Playing with the child, parents are important to follow their tone. A smooth, calm, friendly tone equal to a partner's game instills the child confidence that they understand him, they want to play with him.

If the preschooler, especially the small, has a game corner, then from time to time he should be allowed to play a room where the family is going to in the evenings, in the kitchen, in the room of the grandmother, where the new setting, where everything is interesting. The new environment creates new gaming actions, plots.

The child is very happy for a minute donated to him by his parents in the game. Communication in the game is not fruitless for the baby. The more expensive minutes in the society of people close to him, the greater the relationship, common interests, love between them in the future.

Plan of work on the subject of self-education

For 2014/2015 academic year

Stages of self-education

The content of the work




"Form and Color"

1. Holding didactic games:

"Persay the subject of geometrical figures" (both sample, and without it)

"Help Cinderella decorate mittens" (geometric shapes)

"Pick up the key to the lock"

"Help Linking to find geometric shapes"

"Not mistaken" - fixing color (squares coloring, blue, circles - red)

"Find the subject of the same color" (I show that red, then yellow, then the green circle)

"Make a chain of one color items" (select: Christmas tree, grasshopper, leaf, etc.)

"Find your own couple" (mitten)

2. Holding games - travel, scene games with mathematical content:

The game "Do not wet the legs" - you can come only on those bumps, where geometric shapes (triangle or square) are drawn, etc.

3. Holding games - Competitions.

"Whose team is fasteridentue items? "(Different shapes)

During the school year

Number and score. "

1. Scene - role-playing games using Didactic material on FMMP:

"Toy store" (a lot, one, equally)

Zoo (score)

"Walk to the forest" (how many birrors - so many birds - equally)

"Travel by ship"

2. Game mathematical knowledge with theatricalization:

"Mathematics in fairy tales"

- "It is in the field of teremok"

- "Kolobok is looking for friends"

During the school year

"Orientation in space."

"Orientation in time."

1. Table - Print Games:


"Parent pictures"


"Color Mailing"


2. Didactic games:

"Collect a fabulous hero" (from parts)

"Who will find the differences? "(2 steam locomotive, 2 dogs, etc.)

"Cut and boil" (cut out the shapes and glued into the picture)

"Steamer", etc. "House"

"When does it happen? »- Playing with a ball (sleep? - At night, etc.)

During the school year

Exhibition of children's work: "Step into mathematics".

April 2015.

Conclusions: The study of the chosen topic helped me in an organization on the FMP. I tried to make innovations to these classes. That I could interested children, children had an interest in mathematics classes. Sophisticated FMMP topics began to digest children much easier.

Personal promising plan

By self-education for 2014-2015 academic year

Timing of results on the subject of self-education - May 2015


Areas of work

Methods achievements

Analysis of achievements


Work with the documentation.

Study of the Law "On Education", other regulatory documents

Acquaintance and analysis of documentation.

Planning work with children for a new school year.


Planning work with pupils requiring special attention.

Study of literature on the problem, creating a work plan.

Selection of literature on self-education.

Work with personal library, Internet.


Study of the theory

Julia Sukhova.
Self-education plan "Formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers through didactic games"

Subject: «»

"There is no game without a game, and there can be no full-fledged mental development.

The game is a huge bright window through which a lifeful stream is poured into the spiritual world of the child. representations, concepts.

The game is a spark, igniting the light of inquiry and curiosity. "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Explanatory note:

In the context of the development of variability and diversity preschool Education in the last decade takes place in practice work preschool educational institutions of alternative educational programs and technologies implementing various approaches to the issues of education and child development preschool ageTherefore, with theoretical and practical points of view, the problem is increasingly updated. mathematical education of preschool children. Modern psychological and pedagogical science indisputably proved that the absorption of the system mathematical Knowledge has a significant impact on mental and mental development. preschooler; determinedWhat for children pre-school age mastering elementary mathematical Knowledge has cognitive, educational significance, and is also one of the conditions of the readiness of the child to school. Mathematical views Serve as a means of intellectual development of a child, his cognitive and creative abilities. From efficiency mathematical development of a child in preschool The success of learning depends mathematics in elementary school.

A prerequisite for high-quality updating of society is multiplication of intellectual potential, insufficient development of logical thinking in children and interests of teachers to new forms Development of logical thinking in children.

Improving quality preschool Education at the present stage is confirmed by the interested party to the issues of the education and development of children preschool age. An example is the adoption of the federal state educational Standard preschool education(GEF to) and federal law "On education in Russian Federation» ; Development concepts mathematical education in the Russian Federation

GEFOD quality of the basic principle preschool Education is considering formation Cognitive interests and cognitive actions of a child in various activities. In addition, the standard is aimed at the development of intellectual qualities preschool children.

Should remember what to teach children preschool age love mathematics, to keep their interest in intellectual activity, encourage to solve search for tasks, it is necessary to work creatively and with interest to the organization of the learning process, use the variety and variability of educational games with mathematical content.

Dispute data solution is carried out in the search for new paths, methods and form Organization of the process of raising children in preschool institutions, as well as the use of the potential of educational games and copyright benefits in working with children on the FMP. And here on the first the plan goes gameas the main activity of children preschool age. In developing games, targeted intellectual development of a child inextricably related to development occurs elements logical thinking. After all, to solve the gaming task, preschool children It is necessary to compare features objects, establish similarities and distinction, generalize, draw conclusions. This develops in turn the ability to judge, conclusted, the ability to apply their knowledge in different conditions. Exciting educational mathematical games create preschoolers interest in solving mental tasks: A successful result of mental effort, overcoming difficulties brings them satisfaction and desire to comprehend new. All this makes a developing game an important means formation of elements logical thinking in children of senior preschool age.

purpose: Increase its theoretical level, professional skills and competence on this topic. Mastering methods for designing an educational process.

Problems of the Program of Professionally - Personal self-development

1. Analyze its pedagogical capabilities, creative potential.

2. Examine educational, reference and scientific and methodological literature on this topic.

3. To comprehend and analyze the system bases providing modern professional-pedagogical activities.

4. To summarize pedagogical experience on the topic " Formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers through didactic games».

Directions self-development:

1. Study of regulatory legal documents.

2. The study of methodical literature.

3. Acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience.

4. Participation in the methodical work system (pedsovets, consultations, seminars, creative groups, open views, mutual recommendations, exhibitions, stands).

5. Working with children.

6. Raising qualifications.

7. Work with family, society.

8. Enrichment of developing subject - spatial environment.

9. Certification.

Expected results:

Registration own methodical developments in form information Pedagogical modules (Generalization of work experience.)

Improving pedagogical skills, increased professional activity.

Development of adaptive ability in the context of modern development trends.

Perspective plan Events for 2014-2016 uch. G.

Forms Work Contents of the work Terms of the Mark of implementation

Study of regulatory documents 1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) from October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education".

3. Order of the Government of Russia dated December 24, 2013 No. 2506-p. Development concept mathematical Education in the Russian Federation. During

2014-2015 academic year


2015-2016 academic year

Studying methodical literature, acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience.

1. A. Wholesale " Preschool age: formation and development of mathematical abilities». Pre-school education-2000-№2, from. 74.

2. Vavilov, Yu. P. Games for attentive and intelligent. - Yaroslavl 2000. - s. 122.

3. Wenger L. A. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in children preschool age. M.: Education 1989.

4. Dyachenko O. M., Agaeva E. L. What does not happen in the world? - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

5. E. N. Mikhina "Educational games for children 2-7 years old" Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.

6. E. V. Serbina « Mathematics for kids» / Publishing house: Moscow Education, 1992.

7. E. N. Panova « Didactic Games in Dow» TC. "Teacher", 2006

8. Erofeeva T. I. et al. « Mathematics for preschool children» . - M., 2006.

9. Leusin A. M. "Classes in mathematics in kindergarten» , - M.: 2005.

10. Metlin A. S. « Mathematics in kindergarten» Education, 2006.

11. B. P. Nikitin "Stairs of creativity or educational games", Moscow, Enlightenment, 1991

12. Pozin V. A., Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012. - 80c.

13. Smolentseva, A. A. Supply didactic games. - M.: Education, 1987. - 96 p.

14. Sorokina A. I. Didactic game in kindergarten. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982. - 98 p.

15. Stolyar A. A. "," - M.: 2006.

16. Stolyar A. A. Let's play / m. Education, 1996.

17. Fidler M. A. « Mathematics already in kindergarten» , 3rd edition. - M., 2006.

PPO G. Sarova:

MBDOU. "CRR - kindergarten №16"

I. F. Nietaykina "The influence of the development of sensory abilities on formation of elementary-mathematical ideas in preschool children»;

MBDOU. "Kindergarten № 30" Sukhova Yu. I. " Formation The concept of the number in the process of learning an account in children of the younger preschool age;

MBDOU. "Kindergarten № 19" Serkova T. V. "Using non-traditional didactic means in mathematical Development of children of the Central Group "

Use of innovative technologies with FMP MBDOU "Kindergarten number 45"Filippova S. V.

MBDOU. "Kindergarten № 3" Denisik Yu. P. "The use of educational games with mathematical content for the development of intellectual abilities of children of senior preschool age»;

MBDOU. "Kindergarten № 30" Aksenova O. I., "Organization of educational work with children preschool agehaving a tendency to mathematics».

Internet resources;;;;;


2014-2015 academic year


2015-2016 academic year


2014-2015 academic year


2015-2016 academic year

Open views, mutual recommendations.

1. Node on design "Zyushkina Hut" (Kuizher's sticks, early age) Kozina I. V.

2. Visit to NOD on the FMP at the educator Danilova L. V.

3. Visit to NOD on FMP "Space flight" (Blocks Dwish preschool age) (Aksenova O. and)

4. Journey to the city of geometric shapes " (Kuizher's sticks, preschool age) (Balueva M. M.)

5. Visit KMO.

Outdoor show NOD on FMP "On the guests in Winnie Puhu" (middle group).

Exhibition Review didactic and methodical material.

Outdoor show NOD on the pictorial activities with the children of the Central Group "Aquarium with fish" (Graduate equipment).

(d / Garden number 5)

6. Interactive event "Traveling around the fairy tale V. Kataeva "Flower seven specials" (Sergeeva Y. a). February 2014


January 2015.

February 2015

April 2015.

Participation in the methodological system

(Pedsovets, consultations, seminars, creative groups, exhibitions, stands) 1. Participation in the seminar "Use of methods and techniques "TRIZ - Technologies" (Cat N. N., Lydyaeva I. N.)

2. Preparation and conduct of the workshop "Organization and conduct of plot logical mathematical games»(Dienesh blocks") (Sukhova Yu. I., Guseva E. S.)

3. "Visible didactic Manuals for games with chopsticks of cueizer "

(Gushchina N. V.)

4. Workshop "Use modern technologies in the educational process " (TRIZ, the use of mnemotable when retolding and memorizing poems).

5. Consultation "Intellectual Development of the Child When using Logic Dienesh Blocks and Kuizher's Chopsticks."

6. Registration of the exhibition: « Mathematical Games and exercises for preschooler»

7. Business game "The use of multimedia presentations in joint activities in the regime moments." (Art. Supporters Sukhova Yu. I., Kitty N. N.)

8. Theoretical seminar "Use information Technologies to solve professional tasks "

(Art. pro. Sukhova Yu. I.)

9. MICROSOFTPOWERPOINT workshop in the work of a kindergarten teacher "

(Art. pro. N. N. Kitty)

10. Workshop "Technology of cooperation, as a key technology in the educational process of DOU in the conditions of implementing GEF to" (Razumkova I. A., Kalyakova I. A.)

11. Round table "Features formation of initiative and independence children in different activities » (Senior tutors cat N. N., Sukhova Yu. I.)

12. Consultation - Dialogue " Formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers»

(Art. educators, teachers of Lydyeva I. N., Aksenova O. I.) December2014.

January 2015.

February 2015.

January 2015.

October 2015.

October 2015.

November 2015.

December 2015.

February 2016.

Equipment of the pedagogical process.

1. Develop promising plan of work circle"Color Logic" For children of the second youngest group.

2. Develop promising plan of work circle"Color Logic" For children of the middle group.

3. Replenishment of developing subject-Stracted medium of a group of cueiser sticks, Dienesh blocks, nikitin cubes (on the subgroup of children)

4. Registration of an entertaining mathematics in a group.

5. Prepare a card file of presentations for children by FMP

6. Creating a FAMP game card files

7. Replenishment of a personal page on the MAAM website.

8. Replenish the pedagogical piggy bank by demonstration material(acquisition of methodological literature, handout material).

Work with family, society

9. Production of folders - mobile " Formation of elementary mathematical ideas in children 3-4 years».

10. Prepare a presentation Consultation for parents about development mathematical abilities from preschoolers.

11. Making Folder-Movement« Entertaining mathematics Houses in everyday life ".

12. Registration Exhibitions for parents: « Mathematical Games and exercises for preschool children" August 2014.

August 2015.

During the training

Raising qualifications 1. Course training in GEF to.

3. Participation in webinars.

4. Visit KMO. 2014-2016 uch. G.

Form report. Certification for the first qualifying category 2015-2016 uch. G.


for 2016-2017 uch. G.

1. Continue work on topic: « Formation of elementary mathematical representations» (according to the age group).

2. Continue work on the development of new games and game exercises on this topic.

3. To explore the novelties of the methodical literature.

4. Distribution of experience.

5. Publications on the site "Maam" and other sites. Representation Your pedagogical experience.

6. Participation in contests, conferences, Olympiads.

7. Attracting children to manufacture didactic and handout. 2016-2017 uch. G.

Gulsina Farddinova
Plan of work on the self-education of the educator of the senior group "Development of mathematical ideas in preschool age"

Work plan for self-education teacher of the senior group on the topic:

"Development of mathematical ideas in preschool age"

for 2016-2017 academic year

Purpose:create optimal conditions for the mathematical development of preschoolers; Combine the efforts of teachers and parents for the development of the mathematical abilities of children.

The relevance of the chosen topic

Throughout life, a person is formed and developing in activities. Preschool age is a short, but very important period of the formation of a person: It is at that time a child acquires initial knowledge of the world around him and he has an adequate behavior skills. The acquisition of mathematical ideas is of paramount importance for mental development, since mathematics is necessary for the knowledge of the surrounding world and solving various practical tasks and, of course, for successfully learning in school.

As part of the concept of the development of mathematical education in the Russian Federation, the topic "The development of mathematical representations in kindergarten" becomes very important and relevant. The purpose of the concept is to eliminate Russian mathematical education to the leading position in the world. "Mathematics in Russia should become an advanced and attractive area of \u200b\u200bknowledge and activities, obtaining mathematical knowledge - aware and internally motivated process," the concept is so read.

The formation of mathematical ideas, according to the educational program of the pre-school educational institution, begins in the younger group of kindergarten. But at an early age, caregivers are working on the sensory development of children, thus creating conditions for the successful development of mathematical concepts in the future.

Acquaintance with mathematics should not be a boring occupation for children. After all, as you know, the memory of the child is selective. The child remembers only that he is wondering that he was surprised, caused any emotions. It is, so the task of teachers and parents to cause genuine, living interest in mathematics classes.

It should be noted that not always kids understand the meaning of the action they performed, do not know what to consider, measure, compare. To avoid this, it is necessary to properly select methods and forms of working with children, based on objective and sensual activity. The educator needs to search and apply learning methods in addition to formation in children of mathematical ideas, the development of mental functions - perception, memory, thinking, imagination. This will be the key to the successful training of children to learning mathematics at school.

Work plan for the year on this topic for the year

1. Study of methodical literature september - May 1. Arapova - Piskareva N. A. "The formation of elementary mathematical ideas in kindergarten", Mosaic-synthesis Moscow, 2008. 2. Yerofeyeva T. I., Pavlova L. N., Novikova V. P. "Mathematics for preschool children", Moscow, 1997. 3. Wenger L. A. More, less, equally, "pre-school education", 1996 No. 6. 4 . Metnina L. S. "Mathematics in kindergarten", Enlightenment, Moscow, 1977. 5. Mikhailova Z. A. "Game entertaining tasks for preschool children, Moscow, 1985.- Analysis of the studied literature.

2. Work with children september-May. Gaming activity of mathematical orientation in the group, for walks. Games during independent and joint activities in the group and walks.

september-May.Reflection and consolidation of knowledge gained in creative activity. Mathematics in the visual activity (modeling, appliqués, drawing).

january Inventing fairy tales about geometric shapes. Storybook.

marchGaming activities using mathematical tasks. Entertainment "Merry Mathematics"

3. Work with family september Attracting parents to making benefits and games for mathematics for equipment of the mathematical corner. - Creating a corner "Entertaining Mathematics".

octoberConsultation for parents "How to instill interest in mathematics?" Parental Assembly "The main areas of work for the school year"

marchOpen show of the educational situation. Open Day.

aprilInformation into a corner for parents "Mathematics around us" Movement folder.

4 .Samorealization novemberDrawing up card files for the development of mathematical representations. Representation of the card files on the pedassome.

januaryConsultation for teachers "Queen Sciences - Mathematics" - Speech at the Pedagogical Council.

Report and presentation on the topic "Development of interest in mathematics in children of preschool age" -tending at a workshop workshop.

mayReport on self-education. - Speech at the final pedsovet.

Publications on the topic:

Plan of work on self-education "Organization of project activities in preschool age" Plan of work on the self-education of the educator of the Central Committee of the Group of MBDOU D / C No. 8 "Golden Key" Gorbatovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna Topic: "Organization.