What is educational planning? Planning the educational process in the discipline "planning at the enterprise" Programs in planning and organizing the educational process

Planning the educational processsubdivided into drawing up thematic and lesson work plans. Such plans are regularly published in various methodological journals. In the lesson plans, the teacher sets tasks (cognitive, developmental and educational), as well as the main questions used when learning new material, repeating and consolidating what has already been passed, marks exercises for practical activities in the classroom, assignments for homework and teaching materials that are used in lesson.

General organizational workteachers can be divided into two stages.

1. Preparatory.

2. Executive.

Preparatory stage - preparation of visual didactic aids, handouts, search and selection of the necessary reference literature, preliminary preparation of assignments and exercises to test the knowledge of students and the formation of necessary skills, selection and involvement of students in educational work to check the quality of mastering the passed material.

Executive stage - directly the teacher's activities in the classroom and the associated organization of student activities (both active and passive).

Planning of educational work.The essence of planning lies in the rational distribution in time of the collective and individual work of school workers, necessary to achieve the goals. It is designed to reveal the content, functions and interaction of both individual school links and the entire system of school work as a whole and indicate practical measures aimed at implementing the tasks.

Planning efficiencyand the implementation of the planned activities depends on the observance of a number of conditions, first of all, on the ability to analyze the results of the educational work of the school for the previous academic year. Here, an objective assessment of the quality of students' knowledge, their upbringing, abilities and skills of educational work and other types of activity, the development of the intellectual forces and abilities of students is of decisive importance. Particular attention should be paid to the analysis of quarterly tests of students, exam results, determination of the level of knowledge, abilities and skills, study of materials of methodological associations, pedagogical councils, production meetings, as well as the study of the ratio of quantitative indicators with the qualitative characteristics of the educational process and its results.

Long-term planning of school activities Is planning for a long period. An equally important condition for effective planning is a clear understanding of the prospects for the development of the school for the year and the next few years, the definition of the main goals and main tasks of the team, their real refraction on the scale of the district, city, region.

The development of the whole school collective is unthinkable without defining a long-term perspective of work, substantiating the long-term goals of educational activity, creative searches for its more effective forms and methods, and establishing stable features of the work of this school in the next five years.

The five-year work plan of the school provides for the most significant indicators: movement of the contingent of students; retraining and advanced training of teaching staff; system of pedagogical education of parents; transfer of students to the extended day mode. An important place is occupied by the development of measures to strengthen the educational and material base of the school, improve the living conditions, work and rest of teachers and students.

Particular attention is paid to the creation of an educational and material base of labor training and the organization of socially useful, productive work of students. When developing long-term plans, it is necessary to take into account the consistent complication of the content of all teaching and educational work and the age characteristics of schoolchildren.

The complexity of such planning lies in the fact that the educational process goes beyond the classroom, lesson, receiving its logical development in various forms of extracurricular and extracurricular activities and in the independent work of students. Life dictates the need for a holistic approach to the upbringing and development of a child, the construction of a unified, integrated system of educational influences of the school, family and community.

The main task of planning is the purposefulness of the teaching staff of the school to improve the efficiency of the quality of work.

Planning is the preparation of methodologically sound documentation that forms the system of the training and education process. Planning is carried out to determine the most effective means and methods of teaching, depending on the gender and age of the students.

When drawing up specific planning documents, a number of requirements should be observed:

* When planning, one should be guided by the general didactic and methodological principles of physical education.

* The plan for a certain cycle (quarter, year) should build on previous cycles and prepare for work in the forthcoming ones.

* Planning must be realistic. It is necessary to take into account the material and technical base and the time budget.

* The specificity of planning is expressed in a clear definition of the stage of training, and the correspondence to these tasks of the selected means and methods.

When planning educational work, it is necessary to create a coherent system of passing the program material, which would solve the problems listed in the explanatory note of the curriculum.

The planning of academic work in the subject "Physical culture" is significantly different in its content from planning in other academic subjects. This is due to the specificity of the process of teaching motor actions, the structure of the program and the need, along with the solution of educational and upbringing tasks, to purposefully influence the physical development of students. The planning of educational material on physical culture is carried out on the basis of the State Educational Standard.

The main planning documents are the schedule for the sequence of passing the program material in the academic year and the planning of the educational process in the classroom, which is carried out in the form of lesson quarter plans and summaries (plans) of individual lessons.

According to the distribution of study time for various types of program material of physical culture lessons in PMR, the following number of hours is allocated for sports games.

For educational institutions that have the opportunity to conduct swimming lessons from grades I to IV, the number of hours allocated for outdoor games is 18 hours.

The planning of hours by class, types of program material is carried out in two sections: the first is the basic, or republican component, mandatory for all schools, the second is the variable, or regional component, which depends on local conditions, culture, traditions.

Planning stages. Based on the GOST, the curriculum and the annual plan (government documents), the teacher in the school draws up an annual plan for the distribution of hours by type of training in quarters for each parallel of classes. In order to develop such a plan, the teacher must do the following preparatory work. First, you should analyze the capabilities of students and the conditions of classes, compare them with the program requirements and outline the number of hours that will be allotted in this academic year to study the material of each section of the program. The distribution of study time provided by the program for passing the sections of the program is approximate. Depending on the specific conditions, the teacher, in agreement with the school administration, can change the amount of time recommended for mastering various sections of the program. This takes into account the material and technical conditions, traditions and other capabilities of each school.

Based on the annual plan of the schedule, a quadruple lesson plan is drawn up, which is a sequential presentation of the content of each lesson of the academic quarter. It is drawn up on the basis of the annual schedule of passing the program material, taking into account the real progress of educational work in the previous quarters.

In our republic, sports games are mainly planned for the second beginning of the third quarter. The development of a quarter plan begins with the formulation of teaching and educational tasks. First, the core tasks of the educational process in this quarter are determined. The definition and planning of learning objectives is carried out on the basis of studying the section of the program called "Skills, abilities, development of motor qualities", which includes types of physical exercises, many of which are studied sequentially in several classes.

In this regard, in order to determine the core task of teaching motor action for the academic quarter, it is necessary to identify the knowledge, skills and physical qualities that students have before learning new material. Then familiarize yourself with the program for all years of study in order to establish which motor actions were studied in previous years, and which will be studied in subsequent years.

For example, the program provides for the following sequence of studying volleyball: V class - player's stance, movement, overhead transfer of the ball; VI class - moving with side steps, passing the ball from above in pairs in place and after moving forward, receiving the ball from below; VII class - passing the ball from above through the net, receiving the ball from below after moving forward, lower direct service through the net, etc.

The sequence of presentation of the material in the curriculum for all grades will make it possible to determine the core task of teaching and outline the requirements for the technique of the studied exercise in this academic year, taking into account the content of the curriculum for subsequent grades.

The schedule is drawn up on a separate sheet. On the left side, numbered general tasks are listed in the established order, on the right - in the columns denoting the numbers of the lessons, the numbers of particular tasks and specific educational tasks presented in the section "Methodological developments" are put (in pencil). If a lesson is canceled, working conditions change, or schoolchildren fail to complete scheduled tasks, the pencil note can be easily corrected.

In our republic, to help the teacher of physical education, a methodological manual "Planning technology" has been developed, containing quadruple plans for all parallels of grades from 1 to 11 on the basis of Gost and the program, taking into account the peculiarities of our region. This manual greatly facilitates quadruple planning, but in no way replaces it.

On the basis of the quadruple plan, the teacher draws up a lesson outline. The modern lesson is characterized by complex planning of educational, health-improving and educational tasks. This approach is the most important tool for optimizing learning, since it allows you to achieve great results at the same time without overloading students. Of course, not every lesson will solve all of these problems. Much will depend on the specifics of the topic, the characteristics of the students, etc.

After the complex of teaching and educational tasks of the lesson has been clarified, it is necessary to determine the composition of the educational material, taking into account that the selected exercises ensure the solution of all the intended tasks of the lesson. Then, in the content of the lesson, it is necessary to highlight the most essential. This is the most important element of optimization. For this, those exercises are selected that will lead to the formation of the necessary skills and at the same time will improve the physical abilities and educate the moral qualities of students.

Taking into account the above, when developing the content of the lesson, it is recommended to act in the following sequence:

* to determine the means and methodological techniques for solving each problem of teaching motor actions;

* determine the theoretical information that should be communicated to students in this lesson;

* to outline the place and clarify the ways of solving the tasks of improving physical development and health promotion planned for this lesson; if necessary, pick up additional funds;

* to distribute all educational tasks in the lesson taking into account the dynamics of the students' working capacity;

* to analyze the intended means and methods in order to determine their effectiveness for solving the problems of moral, labor and aesthetic education; if necessary, pick up additional funds; 6) develop methods for organizing educational activities, as well as outline the necessary equipment, inventory and manuals;

* to determine the criteria and forms for assessing the results of educational work.

First, the main part of the lesson is developed, and then, based on the characteristics of its content, the preparatory and final part.

For example, for a volleyball lesson in the fifth grade, the main tasks can be formulated as follows:

Educational: 1. To teach the technique of the top transfer of the ball on the spot. 2. Continue learning (further learning) the technique of movement in volleyball. Motor: 3. Promote the development of coordination skills. Educational: 4. Contribute to the education of discipline, independence, attentiveness.

The main feature of planning educational work on sports games at school is the need to allocate time between the basic types of sports games. Most often, the school focuses on its own capabilities, traditions, as well as the capabilities of the teacher and chooses one of the basic types as the main one, using the rest as a means of developing physical qualities. In addition, from the variety of technical methods of sports games, it is necessary to choose only the most basic ones that are available for study in a school environment, but, nevertheless, give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe kind of sport. At the same time, one should not be limited to the sets of techniques regulated by the curriculum, but creatively use one's knowledge and practical skills, thereby expanding the educational and upbringing potential of physical culture.

When planning educational work, it is necessary to create a coherent system of passing the program material, which would solve the problems listed in the explanatory note of the school curriculum.

Since the elements of sports games in grades V-VIII and optional sports games in grades IX-XI are included in the school curriculum for physical education, when planning and conducting lessons, the main attention is paid to mastering skills and abilities in the technique of playing techniques. When planning, it should be borne in mind that in sports games, the acquisition of skills is more successful with concentrated training, when you can avoid breaks between classes or reduce these breaks to a minimum. It is advisable to plan lessons in series.

At each lesson, new game techniques are taught against the background of consolidating previously passed material. This allows you to gradually increase physical activity and increase the intensity of exercise.

It is necessary to achieve a lasting assimilation of skills and abilities. For this purpose, the plans should provide for the repetition of the passed program material. Sports games are planned in different quarters of the school year, therefore, when drawing up a plan, natural conditions should be taken into account in order to avoid disruptions and postponements of lessons.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Stavropol State University


on pedagogy

on the topic: "Planning the educational process"

Completed by: Chaplina Galina

Stavropol, 2003

Introduction. 3

1. Concept and meaning of goals. 4

2. Diversity of educational goals. 6

3. The mission of the school and its implementation for specific educational purposes. nine

Conclusion. 12

Literature. thirteen


In scientific management, planning is recognized as the most important function. Many studies point to a strong positive relationship between planning and organizational success.

Plans are the primary means of managing the school's team. What results does the school want to achieve at the end of the school year and at intermediate stages, who, what and when will have to do for this? The answers to these questions are given during planning. Differences in specific educational goals and ways of achieving them between schools are found primarily in curricula.

Consider the issues of choosing educational goals in accordance with the strategic goals (mission) of the school.

1. Concept and meaning of goals

The goal is the image of the result that the subject seeks to obtain by performing certain actions. But not every such image is a goal. The goal is not just an image of the desired result (in this it coincides with beautiful-hearted dreams, projects, etc.), but the image of the result, first, with a fixed time of its receipt; secondly, corresponding to the needs and capabilities of the organization; thirdly, a motivating subject to act in the direction of its achievement (by declaring a goal, the subject may strive to obtain a completely different result, in this case the declared goal is a pseudo-goal), and fourthly, it is operationally defined (controlled).

Images of the desired future and, first of all, goals, as the most specific, clear and definite of them, perform many important functions in the activities of people, which makes us treat goals and their setting with special attention.

Fixing the image of the desired result in a clear and tangible form, the goals of the educational process orient the activities of teachers towards the choice of means and the creation of conditions necessary and sufficient for their achievement.

A well-grounded choice of priority targets makes it possible to concentrate efforts "on the directions of the main attack," not to be scattered, to rationally and economically spend time, effort and other resources.

Clearly formulated goals act as a benchmark, a standard against which intermediate results of work can be correlated, making operational and even anticipatory adjustments to it. It is equally important that the analysis of the achievement of the set goals can contribute to in-depth introspection, identification of problems of professional and educational activities, problems of competence.

In joint work, the presence of common, all accepted, agreed goals is a necessary condition for organization, cohesion, integration of common activities, multiplying the individual potentials of its individual participants, that is, the goal acts as a powerful coordinator and integrator. The lack of clearly defined desired results leads to many defects, overhead, poor quality of work and dissatisfaction of its participants.

Realizing this, many prominent teachers of the past, for example, N.K. Krupskaya and A.S. Makarenko, repeatedly appeared in print, criticizing the insufficiently serious and attentive attitude towards setting the goals of teaching and upbringing. In the second half of the twentieth century, in different countries and on different methodological grounds, studies were launched aimed at substantiating, typologizing, classifying, and specifying educational goals. These studies, of course, gave a lot of interesting and promoting the development of education results, however, the problem of the goals of the educational process in science and still has no satisfactory solution.

For the modern Russian school, the relevance of a clear goal setting is also enhanced because, having received broad autonomous rights in the early 90s of our century, educational institutions faced the problem of value and target self-determination, the choice of educational aspirations and goals that, reflecting modern achievements psychological and pedagogical sciences, to the greatest extent would correspond to the real and future social needs, expectations and capabilities of schoolchildren, the potential of the teaching staff.

2. Diversity of educational goals

In planning, in particular - planning goals, it is very important to find a reasonable balance between fundamental questions ("what should be obtained as a result?") And technical questions ("how to formulate goals?"). The great variety of “human images” in human studies and, in particular, psychological and pedagogical disciplines gives rise to a wide variety of ideas about what should be considered the main goals (desired results) of education.

An analysis of the practice of many schools shows that the main goals and objectives of education are formulated in the following areas - the general functions of the educational process:

· Cognitive, cognitive function, the output of which is: a system of knowledge, a system of special, subject skills and abilities, the ability to carry out educational and cognitive activities, including self-education. The exclusive orientation of education only to such results, to the so-called ZUN (knowledge, abilities, skills) can hardly be recognized as reasonable and in recent years has been sharply criticized from a humanistic standpoint;

· Value, educational function, the "output" of which are: the formation of the foundations of the worldview of schoolchildren, their views, beliefs, value orientations, self-concept and self-awareness in general; the formation of the motivational sphere, the orientation of the student's personality, his desires, aspirations, needs, interests; enrichment of personal experience, experience of activity, behavior, communication, relationships, experiences, experience of making choices, actions, etc .;

· The functions of mental development, the “outputs” of which should be real new formations in the intellectual sphere of students (their attention, perception, thinking, imagination, speech), in their emotional and volitional spheres;

· Functions of development of creativity, creativity of students;

· Health-improving function, aimed at preventing and, if possible, correcting the unfavorable somatic and mental development of children, ensuring readiness to lead a healthy lifestyle.

The search for the most important educational goals is accompanied by a search for their more specific and measurable formulations. One of the most famous worldwide attempts to streamline and concretize the set of possible educational goals is the so-called taxonomy of educational goals proposed by the American researcher B.S. Bloom in the mid-50s and then further developed.

Bloom's taxonomy defines a way of setting goals in the cognitive (cognitive) and emotional spheres of the learner. But this taxonomy is focused on the traditional type of educational process. Innovative approaches to building this process, in particular, developing learning, require other methods of goal-setting, which, however, are poorly developed today.

When setting educational goals, it is important to realize that different pedagogical systems and technologies have their own limitations and can ensure the achievement of only certain results. So, for example, the creator of the classroom system, Jan Amos Comenius, might have been very surprised at the attempts of our contemporaries to radically solve the problems of individualization of learning within this system, while the author was a principled opponent of differentiated education and believed that everyone should be taught everything (which, let us note, in the absence of universal education was very progressive and democratic).

It is especially important to understand the relationship between the goals of the educational process and its general orientation, properties, type of education. If the actually implemented type of education, the content, technology and organization of education corresponding to it, the position of the teacher and students are guided primarily by the assimilation of a certain set of knowledge and skills by schoolchildren (which we observe today in most educational institutions), then very noble and humane goals of education and mental development of schoolchildren, most likely, will remain only declarations. If, for example, the goal is to teach a child to learn, but conditions are not really created for him to be a subject of his educational activity, then the goal will not be achieved.

Therefore, with the holistic planning of the educational process at school, it is necessary to substantiate, prove the feasibility of the goals put forward with the help of the curriculum and training and education programs, "prescribing" the most important target guidelines, and real ways, methods, means, forms of achieving the desired results, using the appropriate teacher training, etc.

3. The mission of the school and its implementation in specific educational purposes

A rather long and winding path leads to the formulation of specific educational goals, which ideally should be determined for each student and with his obligatory active participation. Making it more direct, less painful, and, most importantly, leading to the desired end results is the concern of the subjects of in-school management.

Determining the goals of the functioning of the educational subsystem of the school requires certain external, social prerequisites. We are talking about studying and taking into account, firstly, the social order of the closest environment of the school and, secondly, state educational standards that set generally mandatory minimum requirements for the results of school education, and basic curricula that predetermine the planning of real educational processes at school.

Correlation of these external requirements with the ideas about the real and potential capabilities of the school community gives grounds for making a decision on the mission of the educational institution. The mission does not determine the specific goals of the educational process, but the general purpose of the school and, in this capacity, involves answering the questions:

• on whose and what educational needs the school focuses its activities on (the choice of a mission is neither blind adherence to the social order nor the arbitrariness of the school itself: external and internal needs and opportunities must be balanced);

• for what contingent of students it is designed (it is clear that the answer to this question will be different for a mass school and, for example, a gymnasium);

· what level educational services undertakes to guarantee the school;

What functions of education will be priority for this school;

· What the school can offer children, besides the actual educational services;

· What the school is willing to do for its employees;

What is the school going to do for the municipal educational system of a wider social environment (it is important to note that the choice of the school's mission must necessarily be agreed with the subjects of the municipal education system, which express the interests of the entire population of the given territory)?

The ideas of the teaching staff about the required level of quality of the results of education of graduates of a given school, which, in essence, are like an intra-school educational standard, is recommended to be fixed in the form of a model (image) of a graduate. This model is already closer to the goals of the educational process than the mission of the school, but it is also not a specific goal, because the latter should be set taking into account the individual characteristics, needs and capabilities of the student.

Graduate models can be developed at two levels: a minimum program, which reflects the generally obligatory requirements for the level of education of students of a given school, and a maximum program, which is not normative in nature, but focuses teachers and students at achieving the maximum possible results, taking into account knowledge about the maximum educational opportunities of students of a certain age.

The presence of a school graduate model makes it possible to model the requirements for learning and upbringing outcomes by grade and year of study, which, along with the well-grounded general aspirations of the school and accepted in the school general requirements to curriculum, creates the prerequisites for setting specific educational goals.

When setting (and evaluating) educational goals, it is useful to consider the following requirements:

1. The main grounds for setting goals should be an analysis of existing needs and problems, on the one hand, and an analysis of personal capabilities, funds, resources, on the other.

2. The goals should be relevant, that is, they should correspond to the most significant problems.

3. The goals should be intense, but real, that is, be in the zone of proximal development of schoolchildren.

4. Objectives should be formulated so specifically (including determining the level of the desired result and the timing of its achievement) that it can be clearly determined whether they have been achieved.

5. The goals should be motivating, stimulating, motivating.

6. The goals must be consistent with the basic values \u200b\u200bof the school, its mission.

7. The goals of joint activities should be known to all of its participants, understood and consciously accepted by them, which requires special work to collectively develop and agree on goals.

8. Specific private goals should be subject to larger and longer-term guidelines and aspirations.

These requirements are of a general nature and do not affect the specific content of the goals of the educational process. Meanwhile, the definition of this content is a critical task to ensure the realism of educational goals.


We examined the main problems of planning education at school, the concept and meaning of goals, their diversity.

The main goals and objectives of education are formulated within the framework of the general functions of the educational process.

When setting educational goals, it is important to realize that different pedagogical systems and technologies have their own limitations and can ensure the achievement of only certain results. Therefore, the choice of goals by a specific educational institution should be carried out in accordance with its real capabilities.

The ideas of the teaching staff about the required level of quality of the educational results of the graduates of this school, along with the well-grounded general aspirations of the school and the general requirements for the curriculum adopted at the school, create the prerequisites for setting specific educational goals, the requirements for which were set out in this essay.


1. Gvishiani D.M. Organization and management. - M., 1972.

2. Lazarev V.S. Systemic development of the school. - M., 2002.

3. Lazarev V.S., Potashnik M.M. How to develop a school development program. - M., 1993.

4. Nikanorov S.P. Systems analysis and systems approach. - M., 1971.

5. Predictive concept of goals and content of education / Ed. AND I. Lerner, I.K. Zhuravleva. - M., 1994.

6. Management of school development / Ed. M.M. Potashnik, V.S. Lazarev. - M., 1995.

7. School management: theoretical foundations and methods / Ed. V.S. Lazarev. - M., 1997.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Stavropol State University ABSTRACT on pedagogy on the topic: "Planning the educational process" Completed by: Galina Chaplina

Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region

State autonomous educational institution of additional professional education

(advanced training) specialists

Samara Regional Institute for Advanced Studies

and retraining of educators

Final work on the refresher course

« FSES LLC: content and implementation mechanisms

(management aspect)»

on the topic of:

« Education quality management

In the context of the introduction of the FSES LLC»


Andreeva Tatiana Vasilievna


GBOU SOSH village Krotkovo

Krotkovo, 2013


Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of education quality management in the context of the introduction of basic general education at the FSES school.

Chapter II. Designing education quality management in the context of the introduction of basic general education at the FSES school.

§ 2.2. Quality management of education in the context of introduction to school

FSES of basic general education.


Used Books.


In determining the tasks of the development of modern education and its reform, the priority place is taken by the issues of ensuring itquality. In recent years, the problem of the quality of education has become extremely urgent.

In the modern sensethe quality of education - is not only the compliance of students' knowledge with federal state educational standards, but also the successful functioning of the educational institution itself, as well as the activities of each teacher and administrator in the direction of ensuring the quality of educational services. Speaking about the quality of education, we mean the assessment of what results teachers achieve in teaching students. However, in recent years, more and more often they mean the quality of the educational process itself and the conditions in which it is implemented.

For a modern educational institution, the concept of "quality of education" is associated primarily with its competitiveness in the educational services market. At the same time, it is considered as a complex of consumer properties of an educational service that satisfies the internal needs for the development of the teacher's personality.

In this regard, it becomes more and more conscious andactual the need to manage the quality of education at the school level.Quality management of education at school - the design process, that is, setting educational goals and determining ways to achieve them; it is the organization of the educational process and the motivation of its participants for quality work; control as a process of identifying deviations from goals and monitoring - a system for tracking changes in development; regulation and analysis of results.

The efforts of the teaching staff of educational institutions are aimed at improving the quality of the educational process. However, there iscontradiction : such efforts in many cases do not lead to the expected results, and the quality of education remains low.

The results of school research are development programs, basic educational programs, innovative technologies for organizing the educational process and new approaches to managing the quality of education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Considering the above, we have determinedtheme credit work: "Management of the quality of education in the context of the introduction of FGOS LLC at school».

Problem the research is formulated as follows: "What should be done by the school administration to improve the quality management of education in the context of the introduction of FSES LLC?"

The solution to this problem ispurpose of the study : to develop a model for managing the quality of education in the context of the introduction of FGOS LLC at school.

Object of study - management system of an educational institution.

Subject of study - management of the quality of education in basic school in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC.

In accordance with the object, subject and purpose of the study, the following are formulatedtasks :

  1. Expand the essence of the concept of "quality of education" and determine the content of quality management of education at school.
  2. Identify problems in the quality of education.
  3. To determine the main directions of improving the quality management system of education in the basic school in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  4. To substantiate a system of work that ensures the improvement of education quality management in the context of the introduction of the FSES LLC.

Research hypothesis: the effectiveness of quality management in education in the basic school will increase if the activities of the school administration and teachers in managing the quality of education will be carried out on the basis of a specially developed program.

The basic research for the development of the problem is the research of a number of authors: Lazarev V.S., Potashnik M.M., Tretyakov P.I., Shamovoy T.I., Shishova S.E., and others, devoted to the methodological aspects of the quality of education and considering various aspects

The solution of the assigned tasks was provided by variousmethods , among which the following groups can be distinguished:

  • theoretical - analysis of literature and the results of experimental research;
  • diagnostic - questioning, observation, analysis of the results of the activities of participants in the educational process,
  • statistical methods of data processing.

Expected results:

Added scientific knowledge about the theoretical foundations of quality management in school education;

The main indicators of the effectiveness of quality management of education at school are revealed;

Model developed quality management of education in basic school in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of OOO

CHAPTER I. Theoretical foundations of education quality management

in terms of introductionat the FSES school of basic general education

§ 1.1. Education quality concept.

The concept of “quality of education” is multifaceted. In a general sense, “quality” is interpreted as conformity to a specific goal; a set of characteristics of a product or service; conformity of the object as a result of labor to certain specified standards, etc. Thus, the quality of education is presented as “the ratio of goals and results as a measure of achieving goals " in the educational process.

In the dictionary of concepts and terms according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on education "Quality of education of graduates" interpreted as "A certain level of knowledge and skills, mental, physical and moral development, which graduates of an educational institution have achieved in accordance with the planned goals of training and education".

Quality is an ambiguous term for understanding by different audiences in the education system. Parents of pupils correlate it with the development of individuality, with the further educational success of their children. Quality for teachers means having a quality curriculum, the provision of teaching materials and aids, a normal working environment; students often associate quality with the school climate, with “comfort” at school. Future employers (business, industry) correlate the quality of education with an active lifestyle, knowledge, skills and abilities of graduates, allowing them to make optimal decisions, etc.

Therefore, it is not surprising that underquality of education some authors understand “the degree of satisfaction of the expectations of various participants in the educational process from the services provided by the educational institution, and others - the degree of achievement of the goals and objectives set in education».

The change in the educational paradigm entailed a change in the goals of education. It is focused on a different result, on a different quality.

In the process of analysis of scientific research, the existence of many definitions of the concept of "quality of education" was established.

According to Potashnik M.M. , "the quality of education is presented as the ratio of the goal and the result, as a measure of achieving goals, while the goals (results) are set only operationally and predicted in the area of \u200b\u200bpotential development of the student» .

A.M. Moiseev interprets the concept “quality of education at school" as " a set of essential properties and characteristics of educational outcomes capable of satisfying the needs of the students themselves, society, customers for education» .

V.M. Polonskiy understands the quality of education of graduates as “a certain level of knowledge, skills, mental, physical and moral development that graduates have achieved» .

V.P. Panasyuk defines the quality of school education as “such a set of properties that determines his ability to satisfy social needs in the formation and development of the personality in the aspects of her training, good manners, the severity of social, mental and physical properties» .

The group of definitions considered above isabout quality as a characteristic of the result educational process, but quality is not mentioned as a characteristic of the educational process itself.

So, in the psychological and pedagogical dictionary, this concept is interpreted as follows: “the quality of education is a concept that includes the quality of educational services and the quality of educational training of a graduate, an applicant. The quality of educational services is understood as a set of characteristics of the educational process, which is measured (assessed) by summarizing the results of final attestations of graduates.

Shishov S.E. and Kalnei V.A. define the quality of education as “a social category that determines the state and effectiveness of the education process in society, its compliance with the needs and expectations in the formationand the development of civil, domestic, professional competencies of the individual».

According to T.I. Shamova, P. I. Tretyakov "the quality of education is the resultant of the following components: the needs of the individual and society, target priorities, the predicted process and the result (standard) " .

T.M. Davydenko, G.N. Shibanova believe that the quality of education implies not only the identification of the final results, but also the quality of the conditions of education, the process of education.

In this work, we will also adhere to this position, that is, speaking about the quality of education, we will consider two sides: procedural and effective.

The relationship between these parties is obvious:without a quality process, a quality result is impossible.

In turn, the quality of the educational processin our opinion, it is also an integrative concept, and several components can be distinguished in it:

  • quality of educational content;
  • the quality of educational technologies;
  • the quality of the learning process (the activities of the teaching staff in general and each of its subjects in particular);
  • the quality of conditions (scientific and methodological, managerial, organizational, psychological, material and technical, etc.);
  • quality of teachers (qualifications).

So, the quality of education - an integral characteristic of the education system, reflecting the degree of compliance of resource provision, the educational process, educational results with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations.

Assessment of the quality of education - determination, using diagnostic and assessment procedures, the degree of compliance of resource provision, the educational process, educational results, regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations.

§ 1.2. Modern approaches to education quality management.

Quality management of an educational institution is seen as the main condition for its competitiveness. Today, we can talk about the existence of two complementary approaches to the quality of education: the practical one, which consists in defining quality as the degree of conformity to goals, and the second approach, organically continuing the first one and concerning the internal processes taking place within the educational process.

In the theory and practice of education quality management, there are also several main approaches.

Modern approaches to education in their totality form the basis for the formation of modern educational values.

Each approach assumes different school models.

Within each approach, there can be a large number of real-life incarnations of organizational forms.

Modern approaches to education.

1. Classic: passing on basic values \u200b\u200bto the younger generation.

2. Pragmatic:formation of basic basic knowledge and skills.

3. Developing: ensuring the development of educational results.

4. Liberal: consistent comprehensive consideration of the needs and requests of the child.

5. Socially-oriented:preparing the younger generation for life in society and solving problems.

The components of educational activities, which must be implemented in any approach and in any education system, must meet the following requirements:

1. Have an educational foundation on which students build their own knowledge and skills, competencies are formed, internal and external guidelines for the development of the surrounding world are recognized and systematized.

2. To bring knowledge and skills to practical application.

3. To help students identify knowledge, skills and competencies that are meaningful to them, which will enable them to develop themselves as much as possible.

4. To form critical skills and key competencies for life in a global world without discrimination.

Let's consider some featuresquality management of education.

1. In quality management of education, one cannot separatefunctioning and development.The active and practical manifestation of the quality of education requires the construction of educational work in such a way as to ensure the active participation of students in organizing and receiving their education.

2. Development of the ability toself-education. The formation of skills and competencies that help self-organization and self-education, the acquisition of socially and personally significant knowledge, for the development of values, norms of behavior, and the formation of relationships.

3. Highly organized thinking, ability to act in non-standard situations.Development of the ability of analytical and critical attitude to the surrounding reality.

4. Subject orientation is not the goal of teaching, but a means of mastering the methodology of education.Prescribed educational goals are included in a variety of educationalenvironment, which allows students to form internal motivation. The role of "situational pedagogy", the project method, case technology, self-educational activities, etc. is increasing.

5. Dependence of the quality of education on the pedagogical activity of the teacher, methods and technologies of organizing the educational process.

Quality management system model

Collecting information from potential social customers

Formation of a social order

Defining the mission of the school

Correlation of the selected option with the available possibilities

Selection of the type of control (per process or per result)

Determination of parameters for assessing educational outcomes

Diagnostics of the personality of students

Predicting student education outcomes

Correlation of the desired results with the available results and the regime of the school's life

Determination of factors, preparation and implementation of the school development program

Comparison of the obtained results of education with the set goals

Creature education quality management system requires a consistent solution of the followingtasks:

- definition and conceptualization of goals in the field of education quality;

Identification of labor market requirements and potential employers;

Establishing a basic set of processes as an open model;

Development and adaptation of process control methods to ensure

functioning and development of an educational institution;

Implementation of documentation of the quality management system;

Controlling processes through internal audit.

The introduction of a quality system in an educational organization consists in its transition to work in accordance with the prepared, approved and put into effect documents of the quality system. At workplaces, it is necessary to define the duties, powers and responsibilities of each employee within the quality system, develop and put into effect job and work instructions, check the implementation of documented procedures by personnel.

When creating a quality management system in an educational organization, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the final product that it produces.

Thus, quality products of an educational organization are not an educational service, but a graduate. The starting point for the formation of a quality management system should be the construction of a "model" of a graduate of an educational institution as a set of certain personal professional qualities, the development of which the educational process should be directed: its content, teaching methods, forms of organization, methods of monitoring and assessing the knowledge of schoolchildren. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the educational process is the basis of the activity of an educational organization.

In the context problems of education quality developmenta person is considered today as a subject of the labor market and labor relations, a citizen, a subject of family relations, a bearer and custodian of national culture, a keeper of habitat (ecosphere), a subject of his own development.

This is the most important thing in a person's life, and the formation of such a person should be embedded in the content of education.

It is necessary to help students:

Develop your spiritual, intellectual and physical inclinations;

Realize interests and inclinations;

Develop moral personal convictions, tolerance for other nationalities, religions, way of life;

Assimilate your future adult role.

Students should be taught:

Understanding knowledge and methods of activity in adult life, in conditions

market relations and a rapidly changing world;

Communication in foreign languages;

Self-educational activities;

Careful and caring attitude to the surrounding world.

The main directions of development of the quality of education

1. What and to what extent has a determining influence on a person?

2. In what areas is a person realized?

3. What functions should it perform?

The defining factors of the quality of education.

1. Initial (personal) characteristics: inclinations and abilities; basic knowledge (available); psychological stability; internal obstacles (barriers) to learning.

2. Educational conditions:

Educational-methodical and visual materials for teaching - teaching - self-education;

Material and technical equipment, information technology support of education;

Views and approaches to education of teachers, students, parents;

Pedagogical staff, ensuring the functioning of the educational institution;

Influence of territorial authorities on OS management;

Degree of participation of public councils and organizations in supporting education;

Parental support (assistance) for students.

3. The state general context of the functioning of the educational system:

State policy in the field of education;

Strategic priority goals and objectives in education;

Management structure in the general education system;

Education resources and their availability;

The position of the teacher in society;

Development and availability of the market for educational services and educational literature.

4. Federal state educational standard, public expectations, market requirements, involvement of education in the international community.

5. Economic conditions; socio-cultural conditions; national and regional factors; systems and structures of pedagogical activity; a strategy for helping and supporting teachers, children and parents.

§ 1.3. Introduction to the FSES school of basic general education.

The features of the introduction of FGOS LLC are due to the specifics of the standard itself and are associated with the features of the three components of the standard:

Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs;

Requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of basic general education;

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program.

Requirements for results.

Requirements are presented by a description of subject, metasubject and personal results and are specified in approximate basic educational programs in the form of planned results in academic subjects, results of mastering interdisciplinary programs (programs for the development of universal educational actions, programs "Working with text", etc.). If metasubject results in primary school meant mastered universal educational actions, key competencies and interdisciplinary concepts, then the middle level adds the ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice, independently plan, carry out educational activities, and build an individual educational trajectory.

The final assessment takes into account the formation of skills in the implementation of individual projects. The final grade is formed from two components: the results of the intermediate certification and the state (final) certification of graduates.

Moreover, the results of the intermediate certification (including the accumulated assessment - a portfolio of achievements, or portfolio) indicate the dynamics of the individual achievements of the student, and the second component records not only knowledge, skills, skills, but also the level of mastering the main educational program, including the main methods of action , the ability to solve educational-practical and educational-cognitive tasks.

Requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of basic general education.

FGOS LLC, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 1897, imposes the following requirements on the structure of the main educational program of LLC:

The main educational program of basic general education determines the goals, objectives, planned results, content and organization of the educational process at the level of basic general education and is aimed at the formation of a general culture, spiritual, moral, civil, social, personal and intellectual development of students, their self-development and self-improvement, ensuring social success, the development of creative, physical abilities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of students.

The main educational program of basic general education is implemented by an educational institution through lesson and extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities are organized in the areas of personality development (spiritual and moral, physical culture and sports and health, social, general intellectual, general cultural) in such forms as circles, art studios, sports clubs and sections, youth organizations, local history work, scientific and practical conferences, school scientific societies, olympiads, search and scientific research, socially useful practices, military-patriotic associations, etc.

The main educational program of basic general education contains three sections: target, meaningful and organizational.

Target section defines the general purpose, goals, objectives and planned results of the implementation of the PLO LLC, as well as ways to determine the achievement of these goals and results.

The program for the development of universal educational actions at the level of basic general education, including the formation of competencies of students in the use of information and communication technologies, educational, research and project activities;

Programs of individual academic subjects, courses, including integrated ones;

The program of education and socialization of students at the LLC level, which includes such areas as spiritual and moral development and education of students, their socialization and professional orientation, the formation of an ecological culture, a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle; correctional work program.

Organizational section defines the general framework for the organization of the educational process.

The organizational section includes:

The curriculum of basic general education as one of the main mechanisms for the implementation of the basic educational program;

The system of conditions for the implementation of the main educational program in accordance with the requirements of FSES LLC.

The main educational program of basic general education developed by an educational institution should ensure that students achieve the results of mastering OOP LLC in accordance with the requirements established by the Standard.

The system of conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education developed on the basis of the relevant requirements of the Standard and ensures the achievement of the planned results of the development of OOP LLC.

Requirements to the conditions for the implementation of OOP are represented by five components: informational and methodological, material and technical, financial and economic, personnel and psychological - pedagogical support. Added only psychological and pedagogical support, the rest of the components are similar to the standard of primary education.

Personnel conditions have been brought into line with the new procedure for attestation of teaching staff. Continuity of professional development of teaching staff is ensured by their mastering additional professional educational programs in the amount of at least 108 hours and at least once every five years.

Requirements for financial and economic conditions have been brought in line with Federal Law No. 83FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with Improving the Legal Status of State (Municipal) Institutions". The standard defines the “per capita” financial security ratio.

The specifics of the requirements for material, technical and informational conditions are associated with the strengthening of requirements for school infrastructure, equipment, information and educational environment. If they are divided into two blocks, then the first specifically states what an educational institution should have: information and library centers with a media library, classrooms with a workstation for a teacher and a student and premises for extracurricular activities, technical equipment and complete sets of equipment for all subject areas and extracurricular activities, digital educational resources, ICT equipment, communication channels. In the second block, it is spelled out that the conditions created in the educational institution must ensure: the possibility of implementing OOP, achieving requirements for results, implementing management, and implementing new SanPiN. This takes into account the landmarks characteristic of the main stage - the formation of ICT - competencies, preparation for specialized training, career guidance.

Scientific and methodological support for the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education.

1) Approximate basic educational programs of basic general education.

2) Instructional and methodological letters of the Department of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

On the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education (dated 19.04.2011 No. 03-255).

On the organization of extracurricular activities with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education (dated 05/12/2011 No. 03-296) 11.

Clarifications on the application of the Procedure for attestation of pedagogical workers of state and municipal educational institutions (dated 18.08.2010 No. 0352/4612 and dated 15.08.2011 No. 03515/5913).

On the methodology for assessing the level of qualifications of teaching staff (dated November 29, 2010 No. 03-33914).

Recommendations for equipping educational institutions with educational and laboratory equipment necessary for the implementation of FSES LLC, the organization of project activities, modeling and technical creativity of students (annex to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 24, 2011 No. MD1552 / 03).

Chapter II. Designing education quality management in the context of the introduction of basic general education at the FSES school

§ 2.1. Management of the introduction in the school of FGOS LLC.

Fundamental changes in public life make new demands on the personality of a basic school graduate.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is a complex and multifaceted process. The most important factor ensuring its success is the consistency of preparation for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and the complexity of all types of support (provision) for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The most important requirement for the preparation and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is constant scientific, methodological and informational support, including advice to all participants in this process.

Management of the introduction of FGOS LLC is a purposeful, specially organized activity that ensures the transfer of an educational institution to a new level of functioning and development. The main tasks that must be solved when organizing the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in an educational institution are aimed at ensuring

regulatory, financial and economic, personnel, material and technical, organizational and other conditions for achieving the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.

2013-2014 account of the year. The teaching staff was actively involved in the process of introducing FGOS LLC. As part of this process, a lot of preparatory work was carried out, which included the following activities:

  • study of the regulatory framework for the introduction of FGOS LLC in the classroom of a theoretical seminar;
  • familiarization of parents with the main provisions of FGOS LLC;
  • development of local acts governing the introduction of FGOS LLC into school practice;
  • information card creation;
  • development and examination of OOP LLC, courses of extracurricular activities.

Various questionnaires and diagnostics are carried out to analyze the demand of students.

The structure of the curriculum for FSES LLC contains a compulsory part and a part formed by the participants in the educational process. The compulsory part is 70%, and the part formed by the participants of the educational process is 30% in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Federal State Educational Standard of OOO.

According to SanPiN 2.4.2. 2821 - 10 at least 3 lessons of physical culture are held per week, provided in the amount of the maximum permissible weekly load, and also subjects of a motor-active nature are included in the curriculum to increase the motor activity of students.

Curriculum for the 2013-2014 academic year

for students of the main stage of general education (grade 5)

Subject areas




Number of hours per week

Mandatory part


Russian language


Foreign language (German)

Mathematics and Computer Science


Social Science Subjects


Social science


Fundamentals of spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia

Natural science subjects







Physical Education and Fundamentals of Life Safety

Physical Culture


Part formed by participants in the educational process

Maximum permissible weekly load

at a 5 day week

Distribution of hours of extracurricular activities of grade 5 students


Names of circles, sections, programs

Number of hours

Physical culture, sports and health

"Young tourists"

Spiritual and moral

"Green Planet"

General cultural

Know thyself

General Intellectual

"Computer and us"

"Entertaining linguistics"


"Skillful hands"

"Green Patrol" (social project)


Management model for the introduction of FGOS LLC

"Management of an educational institution

in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard "

Full name of the director: Andreeva Tatiana Vasilievna

GBOU SOSH v. Krotkovo m. Pokhvistnevsky of the Samara region


Implementation Action Plan


Implementation period

  1. Regulatory support for the introduction of FGOS LLC


Creation of a working group in GBOU SOSH on the introduction of FGOS LLC.

Order on the creation of a working group for the introduction of FGOS LLC and approval

Regulations on the working group.

Order on the distribution of responsibilities for the development of a project for a modernized educational system of the second stage of the school.

Head teacher

August 2013


Formation of a bank of normative legal documents of the federal, regional, municipal, school levels.

List of documents included in the bank.

The address of the school site page where the documents are posted.

Deputy Director for Internal Affairs.

Responsible for website design

September-December 2013

Changes and additions to the Charter of the school.

A meeting of the school council, at which the issues of making changes and additions to the school charter should be considered.

Order on amendments to the Charter.

Charter with the additions and changes made, certified by the founder.

School Director, Chairman of the School Council, Chairman of the TC Council

December 2013

The decision of the school council to introduce FGOS LLC in the educational institution.

Minutes of the meeting of the school council, certified (agreed) by the founder.

Head teacher

August 2013

Development of a draft of the basic educational program of basic general education of an educational institution, developed on the basis of an approximate basic educational program of basic general education.

Minutes of the meeting of the working group on the approval of the draft of the basic educational program of basic general education.

Basic educational program of the basic general education of the school.

Meeting of the pedagogical council on the approval of the basic educational program of basic general education.


on the development of an educational program for2013-2017 account year;

on the approval of the educational program for2013-2017 account year;

on the approval of the curriculum.

Working group

September, December 2013

Plan in the curriculum hours for the organization of extracurricular activities.

The curriculum of a general education institution.

Deputy Director for OIA

August 2013

Creation of the Program for the Development of a General Education Institution for 2013-2017.

Minutes of the meeting of the school council, at which the issues of making changes to the current development program or creating a new one should be considered.

School development program.

School director, chairman of the school board

December 2013

Creation of a reasonable timetable for the educational process in accordance with the goals and objectives of the main educational program of the basic school.

Schedule approval order.

Unified timetable for organizing educational and extracurricular activities.

Deputy Director for OIA

August 2013

Selection of a list of textbooks for the implementation of FGOS LLC.

Provision of educational institutions with textbooks in accordance with FSES LLC.

Formation of other educational and didactic materials, including COR.

Formation of an application for the provision of a general educational institution with textbooks in accordance with the federal list.

Order on the approval of the list of textbooks and teaching aids used in the educational process, the list of teaching materials.

Information on the provision of textbooks with an indication of the percentage of provision for each subject of the curriculum.

An application for providing a general education institution with textbooks in accordance with the federal list.

Librarian, Chairmen of the School

May 2013


The change job descriptions employees of the educational institution, revised taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC and the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees.

Order on the approval of new or revised job descriptions.

School director, chairman of the trade union committee of the TC council

August 2013


Creation of orders regulating the introduction of second generation standards in a general educational institution:


about the transition of the educational institution to training according to FGOS LLC;

on the approval of the project and the schedule for the introduction of FGOS LLC at the second stage of the school;

on the conduct of in-school control over the implementation of FGOS LLC;

on the approval of the annual plan (schedule) of the school during the transition to FSES LLC.

Head teacher

August 2013

  1. Financial support for the introduction of FGOS LLC

Amendments to local acts regulating the establishment of wages for employees of an educational institution, including incentive allowances and surcharges, the procedure and amounts of bonuses.

Regulation on incentive and compensation payments.

School director, working group

Conclusion of additional agreements to the employment contract with teaching staff.

Labor contracts.

Head teacher

Determination of the amount of funding from the subvention of educational expenses in the amount that meets the requirements for the material and technical support of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC.

Analysis of the budget of the educational institution in terms of financing the state subsidies.

Chief accountant

Determination of the amount of financing at the expense of the founder of the current and major repairs, equipping the premises in accordance with the SanPiN standards, safety and fire safety rules, the requirements for the material and technical support of the introduction of FGOS LLC.

Analysis of the budget of the educational institution in terms of financing at the expense of the founder.

Chief accountant


Determination of the amount of expenses required for the implementation of the PLO LLC and the achievement of the planned results, as well as the mechanism for their formation.

Information on the calculations and the mechanism for the formation of costs necessary for the implementation of the PLO LLC, certified by the founder.

Chief accountant


Calculation of standards for financing extracurricular activities.

Financing order for extracurricular activities.

Head teacher

  1. Organizational support for the introduction of FGOS LLC

Drawing up a schedule for the preparation and introduction of FGOS LLC

Order on the approval of the schedule.

Schedule for the introduction of FGOS LLC.

Deputy Director for OIA

May-August 2013

Implementation of models of interaction with institutions of general and additional education children, culture, sports, etc., providing the organization of extracurricular activities.

Agreement on the interaction of a general educational institution with cultural, health, sports and tourism institutions in order to create a developing and health-saving environment.

Deputy Director for BP

September 2013


Creation of a program of extracurricular activities in the areas and types of activities recorded in the standard, their consistency with the school-wide forms of educational work.

Order on the approval of the program of extracurricular activities.

Bank of programs.

Deputy Director for BP

September 2013

Planning a model of the organization of the educational process.

Description of the model of the organization of the educational process.

  1. Staffing for the introduction of FGOS LLC


Implementation of advanced training for all teachers of grades 5-9 (possibly in stages as the FGOS LLC is introduced).

Order on the approval of the long-term plan (program) of professional development of educational institutions.

Plan (program).

Deputy Director for OIA

may-September 2013


Development (adjustment) of the plan of scientific and methodological seminars (in-school advanced training) with a focus on the problems of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard of OOO.

Plan for methodical or scientific-methodical work.

Deputy Director for OIA

During 2013-2014 academic year

  1. Information support for the introduction of FGOS LLC


Organization of public opinion studies on the introduction of new standards and possible additions to the content of the main educational program of basic general education, including through the school website.

Sociological surveys.

School council meetings.

Parents' meetings.

Interview with parents of fifth graders.

Publications in the media.

Director of the school, deputy director for OIA, deputy director for BP, senior teachers of 5 grades

During the 2013-2014 academic year.

Updating the website of an educational institution in order to ensure wide, permanent and sustainable access for participants in the educational process to information related to the implementation of the PLO.

School website.


  1. Material and technical support for the introduction of FGOS LLC


Analysis of the equipment of a general education institution in accordance with the requirements for the minimum equipment of the educational process and the equipment of classrooms.

Equipment information
educational institution.

Action plan to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

Deputy Director for AHP

During the 2013-2014 academic year.


Analysis of the feasibility of using premises for the implementation of OOP LLC.

Compliance information.

Deputy Director for AHP

During the 2013-2014 academic year.

Analysis of the conformity of the material and technical base of the implementation of PLO LLC with the current sanitary and fire safety standards, labor protection standards of employees of an educational institution.

Compliance information.

Action plan to eliminate the identified inconsistencies.

Deputy Director for AHC, Deputy Director for Security

During the 2013-2014 academic year.

Analysis of the sanitary and hygienic well-being of the educational environment:

conditions of physical education;

provision of hot food;

availability of a licensed

medical office;

dynamic training schedule;

A curriculum that takes into account the multi-activity space.

Compliance information.

Action plan to eliminate the identified inconsistencies.

Deputy Director for VR

During the 2013-2014 academic year.

Analysis of ensuring the restriction of access to information incompatible with the tasks of spiritual and moral development and education of students.

Compliance information.

Action plan to eliminate the identified inconsistencies.

Deputy Director for VR

During the 2013-2014 academic year.

Analysis of the completeness of the OU library with printed and electronic educational resources for all academic subjects of the OOP LLC curriculum.

Information about the staffing of the library, indicating the share of the provision of subjects of the curriculum of the PLO LLC.

Head of the library

Analysis of the provision of controlled access of participants in the educational process to information educational resources on the Internet.

Information about the system of restricting access to information incompatible with the tasks of spiritual and moral development and education of students.

Deputy Director for VR

During the 2013-2014 academic year.

Control over the implementation of FGOS LLC

Control functions (tasks): corrective, motivating, prevention of possible crises, accumulation of information for decision-making, identification and generalization of valuable experience.

Types and tasks of control:

1. Preliminary: to identify the degree of preparedness for the introduction of FGOS LLC.

2. Current: identify deviations from planned results; process correction; maintaining the performers' motivation to complete the work.

3. Final: results of work; final assessment of the work of the performers; generalization of management experience.

Four levels of controlintroduction of FGOS LLC:


Deputy School Director;

Leaders of working groups, methodological and other associations of teachers, class teachers;

Teachers, specialists, educators, class teachers, work groups, creative groups.

Sequence of tasks for development and implementation of the systemintroduction of FGOS LLC:

  1. Curriculum development.
  2. Development of work programs.

3. Development of programs for extracurricular activities.

4. Examination of programs of courses of extracurricular activities.

5. Interviewing students on the choice of courses for extracurricular activities.

6. Development of a schedule of activities to inform students.

7. Conducting a system of events to inform students and parents.

8. Scheduling training sessions and extracurricular activities.

8. Implementation of courses of extracurricular activities.

9.Evaluation of effectiveness systems extracurricular activities.

Tasks for the formation of motivation of teaching staff

  1. Clearly define goalsintroduction of FGOS LLC, include them in the plans for the methodological work of teachers.
  2. To develop a system of rewards for high results in the implementation of FSES LLC.
  3. To develop and introduce a system for assessing (examining) the quality of extracurricular courses.
  4. Establish regular informing of the teaching staff about the results of teachers' work on the implementation of FSES LLC.

5. Create an effective system of control over the results of implementation and implementation of FSES LLC.

6. Create all the material, technical, organizational, methodological and other conditions for the successful introduction of FGOS LLC.

7. Conduct the necessary training for management and teaching staff.

8. Introduce the assessment (certification) of the teacher's work, taking into account his work on the implementation of the FSES LLC.

§ 2.2. Management of the quality of education in the context of the introduction of basic general education at the FSES school.

Work on quality managementeducation at school was based on the analysis, coordination and correction of the educational process.

The components quality management of educationunder the conditions of the introduction of the FGOS LLC in the school, the following criteria and indicators are included.

Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of quality management of education at school based on the implementation of the system-activity approach in the educational process in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.




Strategic planning

quality of education

The policy and strategy for the development of the quality of education in educational institutions has been determined;

The presence of a clearly formulated system of goals, objectives, concept of educational institution development;

A philosophy of the quality of education in educational institutions has been developed;

Orientation to the requests of all interested parties;

The requirements for achieving the quality of education have been established.


quality of education

The requirements for a graduate of all levels of education and professional competence of teachers have been determined;

Socio-pedagogical conditions for improving the quality of education have been designed;

A system of monitoring studies has been developed for the general management of the quality of education;

Results of innovative activities aimed at improving the quality of education;

The "technological chain" of continuous improvement of the educational process is used.

Quality availability


Accessibility of education in general (dropout rate, number of schoolchildren who have not received basic general education);

The presence of variability of educational programs for different groups of students, the completeness of satisfaction of educational needs;

Completeness and continuity of implemented programs;

Availability of affordable, additional education for children;

The variability of the content of education at the request and choice of students.

Educational potential


The level of professional competence of teaching staff;

Material and technical support of the educational process, the presence of new infrastructural elements for

current period;

Involvement in innovative activities of the teaching staff;

Interaction with social partners;

The positive dynamics of the level of training of students in intermediate and final control.


Quality of teaching


The share of teachers with higher education, among them working outside the specialized education;

The share of those who underwent retraining and advanced training in the past year;

Generalization and dissemination of work experience (master class, open lessons, etc.) at school, municipal, regional, all-Russian,

international level;

Number of publications by educators.


information and

educational and methodological


The number of units of computer equipment per 1 student;

Proportion of lessons delivered using ICT based on the teacher's work program;

Percentage of students using ICTs in subject learning activities;

Provision of digital educational resources;

Provision of textbooks, compliance with the list of the approved state list and the year of publication.

Quality of teaching technologies

The total number of modern pedagogical technologies used by teachers in the classroom;

The level of proficiency of teachers in modern educational technologies;

Percentage of educators trained in modern educational technologies;

Use of distance learning elements in the learning process;

Adequate assessment of the educational achievements of students.

Methodological support

innovative work

Conducting training seminars, master classes, pedagogical councils, production meetings raising the level of professional

the competence of teachers in the implementation of the system-activity approach in education;

The proportion of teachers who implement the system-activity approach in classroom activities;

Normative - methodological support for the implementation of the system - activity approach in the educational process of the school;

Generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience in the implementation of the system-activity approach in

educational process of the school.


Quality of educational


The quality of learning outcomes in core subjects in primary, middle and high school, positive

dynamics of the quality of learning outcomes;

The level of formation of key competencies of students;

Increase in the number of students participating, winners in subject Olympiads and other competitions at school, municipal, regional, all-Russian and international levels.

Evaluation of the lessons attended by the school administration;

Completeness and quality of implementation of plans and programs.

Educational quality


Lack of delinquency, absence of students registered with the juvenile affairs department;

The absence of students who do not attend classes without a valid reason;

The involvement of students in social and social design activities;

The level of education, socialization of students;

The inclusion of students in student government.

Healthcare for students

Creation of a health-saving educational environment, the proportion of students participating in sports activities;

Lack of traumatism of students during the EP;

Physical development indicators;

Dynamics of the preservation and development of students' health.

In the course of theoretical comprehension of the problem, we put forward a hypothesis that requires verification in the course of the practical activities of the introduction of FSES LLC.

The purpose of the experimental search work was to test the hypothesis put forward:the effectiveness of quality management of education in the basic school will increase if the activities of the school administration and teachers in managing the quality of education are carried out on the basis of a specially developed program.

The analysis of the results of the implementation of the structural-functional model of education quality management allows us to make a conclusion about the positive results of education quality management in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the school.

The introduction of FGOS LLC in our school is carried out with2013-2014 account of the year for the first time, therefore we can only analyze the results of training and the quality of knowledge of fifth-graders for the 1st half of the 2013-2014 academic year.

The results of training and the quality of knowledge of fifth graders in the 1st half of the year in comparison with the results primary school



4th grade

Grade 5





Russian language






To improve the quality of education, it is necessary to: reconcile the conceptual and target settings of educational activities, adjust the school development program, strengthen work with gifted children, introduce workshops on the targeted development of students' cognitive interests into the curriculum.

Thus, in the course of our work, we found that the implementation of the structural and functional model of education quality management contributes to an increase in the level of management efficiency, which in general confirms the correctness of the hypothesis put forward.

The experience of approbation of the FSES of primary general education showed that without purposeful, systematic, comprehensive scientific and methodological support of the process of introducing the FSES, it is impossible to ensure that the educational system reaches a new qualitative level of its development and functioning, to avoid the risks of formalizing the complex and multifaceted process of introducing the FSES of basic general education and to make the new standard is an effective tool for modernizing the entire education system.

Analysis of risks and ways to minimize them during the transition of an OS to the Federal State Educational Standard

in order to preserve the quality of education in the new conditions.


Minimization methods

Negative attitude

the public for the introduction

new educational


Failure to implement variable

curriculum models,

involving inclusion in

him hours after school


Communicating the process and results to the public

transition of primary school to a new standard. Motivation

the public to participate in the process of introducing the standard

Ineffective governance

introduction process


Organization of analytical and diagnostic support

assessing changes in the conditions for preparing for the introduction of a new


Non-compliance with principles


when moving from


general education to basic general education.

Elaboration of an action plan to ensure the continuity of the formation of child child management

primary school age and schoolchildren.

Insufficient for performance

requirements of the standard

school funding.

Budgeting an educational institution taking into account

requirements of the standard.

Attraction of additional funds at the expense of

providing paid additional educational

services, voluntary donations and earmarked contributions

individuals and (or) legal entities.

Insufficient external

methodical and motivational

training of teaching and

leadership to

introduction of the standard.

Updating the program of methodological support


Organization of an effective intraschool system

professional development of teaching staff with

focus on the problems of introducing the standard.


At the present stage, the level of education of each person and the intellectual and professional potential of society as a whole are considered as a strategic resource.

And as international studies show, graduates of Russian schools have deeper knowledge than their foreign peers, but are less able to apply this knowledge. A similar picture is emerging in the labor market, when a number of vacancies are occupied by incompetent specialists who have mastered a certain amount of knowledge, but in practice cannot fulfill their professional functions at the proper level.

However, education is still viewed as one of the most important values, as evidenced byintroduction to educational institutions of FGOS LLC.

Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) is a set of requirements that are mandatory in the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education by educational institutions that have state accreditation.

The Standard is based on the system-activity approachwhich provides:

formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education;

design and construction of the social environment for the development of students in the education system;

active educational and cognitive activity of students;

building the educational process taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.

The standard should be the basis for the activity:

educators who develop basic educational programs for basic general education;

heads of educational institutions, their deputies, who are responsible within their competence for the quality of implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education;

employees of organizations that assess the quality of education, including public organizations;

developers of model basic educational programs of basic general education;

heads and specialists of state executive bodies and local self-government bodies that provide and control funding for educational institutions of general education;

heads and specialists of the state executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising management in the field of education, control and supervision over compliance with legislation in the field of general education;

heads and specialists of state executive bodies, ensuring the development of the procedure and control and measuring materials for the final certification of graduates of the basic school;

heads and specialists of state executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, developing regulations on the certification of teaching staff.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bschool reform is to improve the quality of education. But it is impossible to improve the quality of the educational process without changes in the management strategy.

The theoretical study of the problem and the results of research work confirmed the productivity of the proposed research hypothesis and made it possible to make the followingconclusions:

1.Relevance the problem of managing the quality of education is due

the need of society for a competitive personality, adaptable to the conditions of a rapidly changing environment, capable of mastering new technologies for self-education.

2. Management of the quality of education is a purposeful

the activities of the school administration to create conditions that ensure the effective functioning, improvement and development of the educational process.

3.We have developedmodel of quality management of education in the context of the introduction of FGOS LLC at school.Developed model is considered as structural and functional, built on the basis of naturally and functionally related elements that ensure the creation of a set of conditions aimed at improving the quality of education.

4.In the course of the study, it was found that the implementation of structural

functional model quality management of education at school, contributesimproving efficiency quality management of education.

At the same time, the results Our research work allows us to state that the possibilities for improving the quality management of education have not been exhausted. There are a number of issues that require deeper and more serious study. These are the management aspects that determine the predictive and strategic decisions for managing the quality of education.

Used Books.

  1. Innovative development of the education system in the Russian Federation: Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, February 11, 2011. - M., Paganel Publishing House, 2011.
  2. Concept of long-term socio-economic development until 2020, section III "Education" (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 1, 2008, protocol No. 36).
  3. Priority national project "Education" for 2009-2012.
  4. Federal State Educational Standard of General Education Moscow, 2010.
  5. Yu.I. Bezuglov Quality management of education. Collection of scientific articles / OIPKRO /. Orenburg, 1999.
  6. Bespalko V.P. Monitoring the quality of education is a tool for managing education. - M., 1996.
  7. Bolotov V.A. The main approaches to the creation of an all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education in the Russian Federation. Educational issues. 2004. No. 3.
  8. Intraschool management: Questions of theory and practice. - Edited by T.I. Shamova. –M., "Pedagogy", 1991.
  9. L.M. Golubeva Quality management of education on a diagnostic basis.
  10. Gromova T. Criteria and assessment of the quality of education.// Scientific and methodological journal "School Director".IF "September", No. 5,2006.
  11. Dyakova, T.M. Problems of transition to new federal state educational standards [Text] / T.М. Dyakova // Methodist. - 2011. - No. 6. - S.51-54.
  12. Krainova E.B. Criteria for the quality of education: main characteristics and methods of measurement. - M., 2005.
  13. Polonsky V.M. Glossary of terms and concepts according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on education. M., 1995.
  14. Potashnik M.M. Quality of education: problems and management technologies.

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  1. Rozova N.K. Quality control. - "Peter", 2003.
  2. Dictionary of concepts and terms according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on education. M., 1995.
  3. P.I. Tretyakov Shamova T.I. Management of the quality of education is the main direction in the development of the system: essence, approaches, problems. // Head teacher, No. 7, 2002.
  4. Education quality management. Edited by M.M. Potashnik. Moscow: Publishing House: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2006.
  5. Khutorskoy A.V. Personally oriented direction of modernization

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  1. Shishov S.E. Kalnei V.A. Monitoring the quality of education at school. M., 1999.

P.I. Tretyakov Shamova TI Management of the quality of education is the main direction in the development of the system: essence, approaches, problems. // Head teacher, No. 7, 2002. - P. 69.

Training planning

As Fig. 1.1, learning planning is central to the learning process. A training plan is a systematic conclusion about what training should be delivered, in what way, what should be achieved and how it should be assessed. The plan can cover the entire organization or parts of it. In any case, it will contain information on the following sections:

Figure - 1.1 The key role of learning planning

Objectives of the training program - a basic statement indicating what purpose a particular training program pursues (for example, “the purpose of this program is to improve the skills of delegation of authority and priority setting by department heads”).

Target audience - those for whom training is provided (for example, "all 4th grade managers and other management personnel responsible for production").

Target audience size - the planned number of participants.

Program evaluation - provisions on the assessment of learning outcomes in terms of performance indicators and the impact of learning on organizational performance.

Administrative Issues and Costs - training program schedule, location, release of staff from regular duties during training, costs and costs.

Training staff - identifying those who will be involved in training. Depending on the circumstances, these can be both certain teachers and specialists, and personnel holding various positions in the organization. Also, if necessary, external consultants can be hired (for example: training outside working hours can be carried out by third-party consultants; upon returning to duties, their immediate supervisor can advise employees; and the chief training specialist can be responsible for training the managers themselves).

Personnel training methods

Let's describe the methods of professional training in the workplace. This form of training is carried out with a specific formulation of the task at the workplace (Table 1.3).

Table 1.3- Methods of training personnel in the workplace

Teaching methods

Directed gaining experience

Systematic planning of on-the-job training, the planning is based on an individual vocational training plan, which sets out the training objectives

Production briefing.

General information, introduction to the specialty, adaptation, familiarization of the student with a new work environment

Change of workplace (rotation)

Gaining knowledge and gaining experience as a result of a systematic change of workplace. As a result, for a certain period of time, an idea is created about the versatility of activities and production tasks (special programs of the young generation of specialists)

Employee use as assistants, trainees

Training and familiarization of the employee with the problems of a higher and qualitatively different order of tasks, while taking on a certain share of responsibility


Co-operation between mentor and learner, where the mentor provides continuous, impartial feedback and periodically reviews the performance level of the mentors' work. The application of the method is effective in cases when something goes wrong or someone does something wrong and there is a need to correct this state of affairs. The method can be practiced as a systematic

Preparation in project teams

Collaboration for educational purposes in project teams created in the enterprise to develop large, time-bound tasks


Part of the responsibility is transferred to a lower-ranking official.

Method of multiplying tasks

Use of teaching methods, instructions.

Methods of vocational training outside the workplace are intended primarily for obtaining theoretical knowledge and for teaching the ability to behave in accordance with the requirements of the working environment (Table 1.4).

Let us dwell on a detailed description of the latter method of teaching outside the workplace. Recently, the importance of training methods for qualified personnel has significantly increased, according to which members of working groups in regular meetings (up to 10 people) outside the workplace discuss the working situation and together are looking for ways to solve the problem (we are talking about the Japanese method of "quality circle", which is used in the USA and Europe). In Germany this method is called “instead of study”. Both methods have a number of similar, similar characteristics: the teams want to manage themselves. The production hierarchy in the working group does not matter; the results of the group's work are presented to higher authorities. Groups differ from each other primarily in setting goals. The quality circle tendentiously tries to emphasize the result-oriented cost-effectiveness of training skilled workers, while the group “instead of learning” puts personality-oriented elements of training for a qualified worker at the forefront. development of demeanor, ways of communication.

Besides on-the-job and off-site training, a combination of both methods is possible. These forms of education include:

Experienced or experiential learning - learning through independent work, but in some logical order;

Table 1.4. - Methods for training personnel outside the workplace

Teaching methods

Characteristic features of the method


Passive teaching method, used to present theoretical and methodological knowledge, practical experience

Programmed training courses

A more active teaching method, effective for obtaining theoretical knowledge

Conferences, seminars, round table talks, excursions, discussions, meetings with management

An active teaching method, participation in discussions develops logical thinking and develops ways of behavior in various situations

The method of teaching executives, based on the independent solution of specific problems from production practice

Modeling an organizational problem that the participants (listeners) of the group must solve. Allows to combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills, provides information processing, constructive-critical thinking, the development of creativity in decision-making processes

Business games

Learning how to behave in various production situations, when negotiating, and the role holders must develop alternative points of view

Daily learning, during which one instructs or coaches another about the basics of his activities through intensive learning, demonstration and hands-on work to improve performance


The simplest type of training, for which neither an instructor, nor a special room, nor a certain time is required: the student studies there, then and in the way that is convenient for him, but this requires the consciousness and desire of the student to master new knowledge

Methods for solving production and economic problems using models

Modeling of processes occurring in competing enterprises. The listeners distribute among themselves the roles of competing fictitious organizations. With the help of the initial data, students must make appropriate decisions for several stages of production of products or services (production, sales, financing, personnel issues, etc.)

Quality circle ("instead of study"), working group

Young specialists develop concrete solutions to the problems of managing an organization by joining in working groups. The proposals developed in the working groups are transferred to the management of the organization, which considers the proposals, makes decisions on them and informs the working group about the acceptance or rejection of its proposals

Demonstration and practice under the guidance - the trainer shows the trainee how to do it, then the trainer gives the opportunity to do it to the employee himself, but under his guidance;

Programmable learning - a book or machine that "guides" the reader and periodically tests his knowledge by asking questions;

Computer-assisted learning - actually programmed learning by interacting with a computer, using the Internet;

Learning by doing - learning by doing, for example, participating with others in the development of a project or group assignment, or working “on the side” of another department.

Speaking about the economic and social efficiency of training of qualified personnel, the following should be noted. Training of qualified personnel is effective if the costs associated with it are in the long term, lower than the costs of the organization to increase labor productivity due to other factors or costs associated with errors in the hiring of labor. Since it is difficult to determine the results achieved by training qualified personnel, there is a cost-effectiveness of training in the form of cost savings that can be accurately calculated. Training of qualified personnel affects important factors of social performance. Improving professional skills has a positive effect on guarantees of job retention, on opportunities for promotion, on expanding the external labor market, on the size of the organization's income, on self-esteem and opportunities for self-realization.

Positive aspects of workplace learning methods:

1. The method of directed gaining experience plans on-the-job training, according to the plan, there is a systematic training of personnel, that is, according to a specific program.

2. Production briefing, it is intended for introduction into the specialty, that is, the new employee gets acquainted with the order of work at this enterprise.

3. Change of workplace allows to broaden the outlook of the employee.

4. Using workers as assistants, trainees This method allows transferring experience from a bottom worker to another.

5. Mentoring, a big plus of this method is the control over the employee's development.

6. Training in project teams, in such groups, employees borrow knowledge and information from each other.

Disadvantages of workplace learning methods:

1. Method of directed acquisition of experience, this method involves drawing up an individual plan, which in turn takes a lot of time.

2. Production instruction, the method is not an effective way of training personnel, it can be as an application to the main method.

3. Change of workplace, may cause disruption in the production process.

4. Using workers as assistants distracts workers from work.

Positive aspects of teaching staff outside of the working meta.

1. Programmed training courses, this method is effective for studying the theoretical part of the work.

2. Conferences, seminars help to consolidate theoretical knowledge.

3. Leadership training method is effective for leadership training.

4. Business games, gives the skills necessary for negotiation, behavior in various industrial situations.

5. Training, effectiveness lies in the use of intensive training.

Negative sides:

1. Self-training, not an effective method of training personnel, since the employee is not interested in the training process.

2. The method of solving production and economic problems does not fully cover the real situation.