Modern problems of science and education. Educational service: concept, specific features. Factors affecting the formation of demand for educational services The formation of the educational services market is influenced by needs

480 RUB | UAH 150 | $ 7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR," #FFFFCC ", BGCOLOR," # 393939 ");" onMouseOut \u003d "return nd ();"\u003e Dissertation - 480 rubles, delivery 10 minutes , around the clock, seven days a week

Perova Elena Yurievna. The market of educational services: features and tendencies of development in the conditions of information economy: dissertation ... Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.01 / Perova Elena Yurevna; [Place of protection: Vost.-Sib. state technol. un-t] .- Ulan-Ude, 2008.- 170 p .: ill. RSL OD, 61 09-8 / 790


CHAPTER 1. Development of the educational services market in the information economy 10

1.1. The market of educational services: the essence and specifics of development 10

1.2. The role of the educational services market in the information economy 28

1.3. Incentives for the formation of demand for educational services 38

1.4. Interests of subjects in the regulation of the educational services market 54

CHAPTER 2. Innovative changes in the educational services market 68

2.1. Trends of changes in the economy and the market of educational services in the region 68

2.2. Institutional framework for the development of the educational services market in the region 82

2.3. Integration as a factor in changing the educational services market 100

2.4. The innovative role of the education system in the development of the information economy 111

Conclusion 122

List of sources used 131

Applications 144

Introduction to work

The relevance of research.Economic and social
the development of society has led to an increase in the role of information services.
Large volume and variety of consumption of intangible goods
is a sign of the high standard of living of the information society.
A special place in the list of services provided and consumed
global and national economies, occupy educational
services that determine the role and place of a person in society.
Educational services other than vocational training

personalities at the stage of growth gradually take the place of a process that inseparably accompanies a person throughout his life, forming his labor and social status.

The industrial economy of the resource type is currently being replaced by an innovative, informational economy. This requires changes in the development of the education system and the educational services market. In recent years, the goals of the education system have undergone significant changes: from the formation of skills, abilities and knowledge in the field of advanced technologies, education is gradually moving to the formation of personal competence and the creation of new knowledge in innovative fields of science and technology.

Another factor of changes in the educational services market is the integration processes leading to the formation of a unity of approaches to the qualification requirements of a modern professional, ensuring the mobility of labor resources.

The reform of the education system, the growing commercialization of educational services, the humanization of technical education, the transition to new educational standards and technologies, the emergence of new formats of education make people think in a new way

mechanisms of functioning of the education system and the role of educational institutions.

An important factor in the development of the educational services market is also the change in the financial foundations of the functioning of the educational services market in Russia, which are increasingly determined by market mechanisms of demand generation. The role of business in the education system has grown, its economic and social responsibility for the training of highly qualified labor resources. The population is increasingly taking on the costs of financing their vocational training, which requires a change in approaches to forecasting a working career

All of the above determines the relevance of researching trends and mechanisms for the development of the educational services market.

The degree of elaboration of the problem.The theoretical basis of this dissertation research is the works of domestic and foreign scientists who considered various aspects of this topic.

In recent years, both in domestic and foreign literature, publications have appeared on the development of the educational services market. An important contribution to the study of the market of educational services was made by the works of domestic scientists S.A. Dyatlova, V.A. Zhamin, V.M. Zueva and V.I. Kapelyushnikova, S.L. Kostanyan, K.K. Colin, D. Shevchenko and others.

The development process and problems of formation of the educational services market in Russia are analyzed in the works of researchers B.C. Bazhenova, V.P. Borisenkov, V.G. Bylkova, E.G.

Gushchina, M.A. Lukashenko, I.A. Mayburova, A.P. Pankrukhina, L.I. Jacobson and others.

A necessary condition for the development of the educational services market is the attraction of extra-budgetary income and investment. The issues of investment development and commercialization of education are considered in the works of A.B. Bethlemsky, E.B. Kurkina, D.V. Maslova, E.N. Popova, O. V. Chirkina, V.V. Chekmareva, V.P. Shchetinina and others.

The role of educational services in the innovative development of society, as well as innovative processes in education itself, are discussed in the works of O.V. Satinova, A.N. Tikhonova, S.S. Sheveleva and others.

Information theory and the foundations of information economy are disclosed in the works of K. Shannon, D. Bell, M. Castells and others.

At the same time, it should be noted that a number of issues remain insufficiently developed concerning new qualitative changes in the educational services market, in particular, changes in the mechanisms of public and business demand for educational services and the role of the state in these changes. In existing studies, insufficient attention is paid to the need to resolve the contradiction between the information economy of society and the education system. The issues of the impact of integration and globalization processes on the development of regional markets for educational services have not been worked out, and strategic trends of changes have not been identified.

The above problems determined the choice of the topic, its relevance and the main directions of the dissertation research.

The purpose and objectives of the study.The purpose of the dissertation research is to identify the features and trends in the development of the educational services market in the information economy.

The achievement of the set goal of the dissertation research led to the formulation of the following main tasks:

to clarify the essence of the information economy and the role of educational services in it;

show the influence of integration processes in the information economy on the development of the educational services market;

to determine the incentives for the demand of individuals and businesses to receive educational services;

to reveal the specific features of the development of the education system as an element of the educational services market in the region;

to determine the main directions of the state policy of regulation of the educational services market;

to reveal the role of educational institutions in the development of the information economy.

Research objectis the educational services market.

As subject of researchare economic relations in the development of the educational services market.

Field of studycorresponds to clause 1.1. "Laws of evolution of socio-economic systems" of the passport of the specialty 08.00.01 - Economic theory.

Theoretical and methodological basethe dissertation research was based on fundamental and applied research of domestic and foreign authors on the problems of market relations in the field of education, as well as the modern market of educational services, materials of scientific and practical conferences, as well as legislative and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Buryatia.

In the course of the dissertation research, the methodology of the systems approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparative modeling were used.

The information base of the study was made up of official materials of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Buryatia, informational, analytical and

regulatory materials of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as materials from periodicals and official Internet sites.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation lies in identifying the patterns of functioning of the educational services market in Russia in the information economy.

Scientific noveltydissertation research is reflected in the following most significant results:

It is determined that the educational service in the information
economy is aimed at developing professional competencies for
initiation, generation and implementation of innovations and determines the external and
the internal status of an individual in the process of using his labor,
social and intellectual potential;

it is shown that the processes of integration in the market of educational services, leading to the growth of cooperation and the unification of innovative achievements of scientific and pedagogical schools, change the quality and mobility of labor resources of professional qualifications, which contributes to the realization of the economic and social interests of the individual and society;

it is determined that the basis of the population's demand for educational services in the information economy is the ability to predict a professional career, as well as the basic, variative and diversification levels of self-development, ensuring the competitiveness of an individual;

It was revealed that the development of the education system is based on
ensuring a balance of interests of economic entities based on
procedures for setting current and strategic development priorities,
ensuring participation in the process of social production
educational services;

It is shown that the state policy in market regulation
educational services is aimed at highlighting socially and personally
useful services, as well as changes in the training system of labor resources

by increasing the share of consumers of educational services of vocational education (private business and the population) in financing education;

It has been determined that the development of educational institutions in the information economy is aimed at the implementation of internal and external innovative opportunities and consists in the accelerated expanded reproduction of professional knowledge and their information.

Theoretical and practical significancedissertation research consists in the possibility of applying its results in the practice of public administration of education in terms of the formation of coordination mechanisms for the development of the educational services market.

The main provisions and conclusions of the dissertation research can be applied in teaching courses "Economic Theory", "Regional Economics", as well as a number of special courses.

Approbation of the results.The main provisions of the dissertation research were reported and discussed at scientific and practical conferences: Baikal International Scientific and Practical Conference “Economy. Education. Law "(Ulan-Ude, 2003); "Staffing of institutions of the social and cultural sphere Eastern Siberia: state and development prospects ”(Ulan-Ude, 2004); "Socio-economic problems of the region's development" (Ulan-Ude, 2004); V International Scientific Symposium "Education, Culture and Humanitarian Research of Eastern Siberia and the North at the Beginning of the XXI Century" (Ulan-Ude, 2005); international scientific-practical conference "Strategies for the development of regions of Siberia and the Far East" (Ulan-Ude, 2005); III International scientific-practical conference "Cultural space of Siberia and Mongolia" (Ulan-Ude, 2006); All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Sustainable development of the region: strategic priorities, mechanisms and tools" (Ulan-Ude, 2008), etc.

Publications.Based on the research materials, 9 printed works with a total volume of 3.35 pp were published, including 2 publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission.

Work structure.The dissertation work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used.

The market of educational services: the essence and specifics of development

The preparation of human resources for the economy includes an important process - the process of education. This process affects social, economic, cultural and other areas of activity. Education is one of the most important types of human activity, the process of education begins almost from birth and does not stop throughout a person's life. In the process of research, two approaches can be distinguished. On the one hand, education is "a purposeful process of upbringing and training in the interests of a person, society, and the state, accompanied by the statement that a citizen (student) has achieved educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state." Distinguish between general and special education. General education provides knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for every person, regardless of his future specialty, profession. Special education provides the knowledge necessary for an employee of a certain profession and qualifications.

On the other hand, education is a social institution that performs the functions of preparing and including the individual in various spheres of the life of society, familiarizing him with the culture of a given society.

Education is both a social institution, and a complex system, and a formal organization, and a special type of activity, and social value for an individual and society.

Education has a great socio-economic effect, since it is a complex good, both spiritual and material in nature. The first attempt to draw attention to the socio-economic efficiency of education belongs to W. Petty, who considered the value of education and knowledge of the population as an integral part of the kingdom's wealth. Later, A. Smith compared a person who has mastered a particular profession with an expensive machine: “It is assumed that after the installation of any expensive machine, the work performed by it until the onset of wear and tear will recoup the capital invested in it, bringing profit, at least the usual level. A person who has received an education at the cost of investment and time spent and mastered a profession that requires outstanding dexterity and skills can be compared to the expensive machine discussed above. It is believed that the work he has learned to do will be paid higher than the salary of ordinary employees and will allow him to recover all the costs of education, while generating a profit, which at least comes from the usually equivalent capital. But this must be done within a reasonable time frame, since the duration of human life is uncertain, just as the lifetime of a machine is uncertain. The difference between the salary of a qualified employee and a regular employee is based on this principle. "

F. List characterized the well-being of a nation not by the presence of wealth, but by the degree of development of the creative forces. He considered the main of these forces to be "mental capital" accumulated by success in science, art, discoveries, inventions, etc.

Marshall A. noted that education "serves as an important means of increasing the production of material wealth." "Education allows many, who could die in obscurity, to get the opportunity to unleash their potential abilities", "the most valuable capital is the one that is invested in human beings." In 1960, T. Schultz made an assessment of the cost of labor, including the cost of educational services and "lost" human time spent on training. "The most important economic resource is the people's educational opportunities, experience, people's abilities, as well as their health." T. Schultz emphasizes that "investment in a person increases not only the level of labor productivity, but also the economic value of time."

It seems to us that education cannot be separated from its object - a person, and thus, it is a specific process of selection, processing and transmission of information of a professional and general humanitarian nature, necessary for a person, both for the implementation of an economic function and for the implementation of a social function. This process, on the one hand, is a separate type of human activity (along with labor), on the other hand, it inherently accompanies other processes, providing the possibility and efficiency of their implementation.

Education is a process and result of assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities. In the process of education, knowledge is transferred from generation to generation of all those spiritual riches that mankind has developed, the assimilation of the results of social and historical knowledge reflected in the sciences of nature, society, technology and art, as well as the mastery of labor skills and abilities. Education is a necessary condition for preparing for life and work, as well as the main means of introducing a person to culture and mastering it.

Self-education, cultural and educational work, participation in social and labor activities play a significant role in the assimilation of knowledge, the mental development of a person.

According to the definition adopted by the 20th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, education is understood as the process and result of improving the abilities and behavior of an individual, in which he reaches social maturity and individual growth.

It seems to us that education is a type of human activity aimed at achieving a certain level of life by society and the individual and associated with the formation and implementation of the human potential of the individual and the economic potential of society.

Interests of subjects in the regulation of the educational services market

The orientation of education towards a market economy does not mean that the state refuses responsibility for the field of education. In the context of the differentiation of powers of different levels of government, the problem of identifying a new role for state regulation in the field of education arises. The influence of the state should imply transparent rules for the implementation of public investments in the education sector, ensure the solution of national tasks (including the issues of staffing large priority industries and the budgetary sphere, national security, social stability and DR-). Today, the country's competitiveness largely depends on the activities of traditional institutions professional education, so, equally (and perhaps more), and from the opportunity to improve the quality of skills used in the labor market. People who have received a professional education and want to improve their skills or acquire new ones are becoming a key resource of the economy. Lifelong learning is becoming a necessary and increasingly important element of the modern educational system. The methodology of state regulation of the educational services market is based on the following principles: - the state pursues a policy of providing free educational services of a professional nature within the framework of the minimum satisfaction of the needs of economic development; - the state encourages the entry of business into the education system, reserving the right to determine the standard of an educational product (service) and control its quality; the education system is developing with the separation of the basic state and autonomous public-private parts. The mechanism for regulating the market of educational services is reduced to ensuring a balance of interests of market entities, as well as ensuring its compatibility with other markets.

The main interests of the subjects include the following: - financial; - economic; - social; - political; - ecological. In educational activities, the following economic interests can be identified and implemented.

The investment interests of the property owner are the income and losses (loss of profit) of the owner that may arise in connection with the ownership of the property as a result of the educational process.

State interests - the interests of the Russian Federation and the regions of the Russian Federation in providing conditions for the sustainable development of settlements and inter-settlement territories; growth of living standards of the population and fulfillment of social standards; functioning of state systems of engineering and transport infrastructures; conservation of natural resources.

Public interest - based on the theory of "regulation in the public interest", the assumption that the purpose of regulation of the economy is to develop and protect society from inefficient use of resources.

As incentives for all subjects, there may be interests of a non-economic nature, for example, first of all:

Political interests expressed in the development of the state;

Social interests expressed in the development of society;

The interests of individuals, expressed in the development of the family and personality. Thus, all subjects participate directly or indirectly in the development of the education system. For effective development, it is necessary to ensure a balance of their interests.

The balance of interests is understood as the possibility of choosing the most effective option for the development of the economic process, at each stage that satisfies the interests of all participants. The main task of ensuring a balance of interests will be such an organization of the development process that will make it possible to establish common goals and selection criteria both for all participants in general and separately.

The change in the goals and criteria of the participants in the educational process occurs due to the change in the current and strategic needs of the participants.

The strategic needs of the participant are determined by the long-term goals of developing the education system and strengthening their place in it. With regard to the balance of interests, strategic needs are more easily amenable to regulation, since in many respects they coincide, based on the same logic of long-term development of all subjects of the education system and economic laws acting on the participants in the process. The regulation of the balance of interests is also facilitated by the fact that, in the strategic plan, such indicators of performance assessment for each of the participants, which do not lead to a conflict between them, come out on top. Although in this case, there may be fundamental differences in the assessment of the effectiveness and choice of options for the development of the education system.

The current needs of the participants are determined by short-term goals, which leads to tighter regulation of the process of achieving a balance of interests of all participants. Usually, such a procedure involves concessions of all or part of the participants in order to reach a general agreement.

Financial, economic, social, political, environmental and other needs can be identified as the main needs of the participants. The essence of the balance of interests procedure is as follows.

1. Implementation of strategic priority directions of development of the education system is based on the interaction of three systems - the state, society and organizations. Such relations are based on various pursued goals, the coordination of which, as well as finding compromises on social and market criteria, is a key stage in the coordination of interaction.

2. Depending on the temporal characteristics of interests, their ability to act for a long time and influence the stability of the processes that guarantee confidence in the future, the achievement of socio-economic guidelines, leading to the creation of reserves for effective development and functioning is determined.

Trends of changes in the economy and the market of educational services in the region

Modern trends in economic development are based on rapid innovative changes in all areas of activity. It is obvious that education should not only follow the changes, but also get ahead of them. The development of the educational services market in the regions has both general and specific features due to a number of factors.

The regional market for educational services is a part of the national market for educational services focused on serving the socio-economic development of a certain territorial-production complex.

At the same time, the main trends in market development are the same in all regions of Russia. As noted above, there are two main actors in demand for educational services. The first is industry and other sectors of the economy, the second is the population. As an example, consider the Republic of Buryatia, trends and prospects for the development of the educational services market, which can be extrapolated to other regions, since Buryatia has average Russian indicators for the development of the education system.

The socio-economic development of the Republic of Buryatia is characterized by a relative growth trend in almost all major macroeconomic indicators.

The main indicators of the socio-economic situation of the Republic of Buryatia in comparison with other regions of the Siberian Federal District, according to the assessment of 2006, are given in Table 2.1 5

Over the past 8 years, the gross regional product (GRP) has increased annually by an average of 6% per year, the volume industrial production - by 7-12% annually, retail trade turnover - by 12-14% annually since 2001, monetary incomes of the population - by 4-8% annually, since 2000. At the same time, practically in all major macroeconomic indicators (with the exception of industry), the Republic of Buryatia had relatively low growth rates.

The economic growth of the past eight years has been due to the presence of a large number of unused production capacities, laid down in the late USSR, as well as the republic's significant natural resource base. The level of GRP per capita in the Republic of Buryatia in 2006 was 104.6 thousand rubles. per person. After the 1998 crisis, the republic's economy developed for some time due to the high closure of domestic markets from imports, which made it possible to load the available reserves of free capacities and labor at enterprises (Table 2.2).

In the structure of industrial production in the Republic of Buryatia, mechanical engineering and metalworking occupy a leading place. This is due to the presence of a serious industrial base, formed during the Soviet era, and the growing demand for the republic's mechanical engineering products in foreign markets. The second largest industry in the region is the fuel and energy complex, which together accounts for over a third of the total industrial production of the republic. At the same time, the largest share of output (26-27%) falls on the electric power industry.

Non-ferrous metallurgy, fuel and woodworking industries should be distinguished among the industries with high potential for development, which is due to the presence of a significant resource base.

Beginning in 2002, the nature of the republic's economic growth began to change. By 2003, the republic's economy finally underwent a transition from an internally oriented type of economic growth to an export-raw material type. Over the next years, up to the present moment, about 60% of the increase in the republic's GRP was ensured by increasing the physical volume of exports, which was due to a favorable foreign economic situation for the main export goods (fuel and energy resources, timber, food products). Until recently, similar trends were traced for the machine-building complex of the republic (primarily from the developing countries of East Asia - mainly China and Mongolia). Nevertheless, to date, there is a noticeable decrease in demand for mechanical engineering products of the republic, which forces us to look for ways to diversify industry and increase the competitiveness of enterprises in the region on a global scale.

Integration as a factor in changing the educational services market

The key factor influencing the process of economic development is interstate integration. It demonstrates the interconnection of economic, political, scientific, educational and cultural processes, which are increasingly becoming supranational and supranational.

The dominant process of Russia's gradual adaptation to the new geopolitical, ideological and economic conditions has become the internationalization of the Russian economy. Russia is more and more actively involved in the processes taking place in the world economy, the main focus of which over the past decades has been the formation of a global economic system.

Industrial investment ties are growing within the framework of transnational corporations, and there is an active diffusion of technologies, know-how, management, marketing, etc.

The interconnected ability for technological and social innovation, the ability to act effectively in a rapidly changing transnational environment, the scale of informatization of society, the level of intellectual and political freedom come to the fore.

In the context of the innovative stage of world development based on scientific and technological progress, one of the driving forces of interstate integration is the international exchange of knowledge and technologies.

The process of interstate integration leads to a number of integration processes in the field of education:

firstly, the policy of standardization of qualification requirements for the quality of education is being actively pursued, which contributes to the unity of approaches to the knowledge and skills of labor resources;

secondly, the processes of interstate recognition of educational diplomas are developing;

thirdly, the processes of unification of scientific and pedagogical schools and directions are underway (Fig. 2.4)

Currently, there are a number of important institutional changes in education, which are legal, organizational and economic in nature.

In the legal aspect, regulatory documents have been prepared and are being implemented concerning the transition to a two-tier system of higher education, the development of new generation standards, changes in the system of general and vocational education.

In the organizational aspect, there is a tendency towards the consolidation of universities, the creation of regional innovative university centers with powerful budgetary support. Minister of Education and Science A. Fursenko, speaking at a meeting on the development of scientific and educational centers at MEPhI, announced his intention to radically reduce the number of universities. Of the nearly 1,000 existing higher educational institutions, about 50 universities and 150-200 other universities should remain. The rest will have to become branches, technical schools or colleges, and the weakest will be completely closed. Universities with less than 10,000 full-time students are likely to be the first to be cut. “World practice shows that higher educational institutions with a smaller number of full-time students, as a rule, cannot provide a good material base, organize the educational process at a high level,” A. Fursenko noted. Another criterion may be the scores of the Unified State Exam, with which applicants come.

President Dmitry Medvedev proposed to form a network of scientific and educational centers in Russia, which will include the emerging federal universities, leading research universities in Russia, as well as the largest universities. ...

In the course of the creation, development and dissemination of innovations in the field of education, a new, modern educational system is being formed - a global system of open, flexible, individualized, creative knowledge, continuous education of a person throughout his life. This system is a unity:

new educational technologies - technological innovations;

new economic mechanisms in the field of education - economic innovations;

new methods, techniques of teaching and learning pedagogical innovations;

new organizational structures and institutional forms in the field of education - organizational innovation.

The management of the new education system in Russia is based on the principles:

solving the problems of the development of the education system at the level of not only the educational system, but also the national policy, as well as at the international level;

implementation of the principle of consistency in education management at all levels;

revising the role and functions of the state in financing and organizing education;

development of the market for educational products and services;

revising the role of various social institutions, primarily businesses and families, in the education system;

revising the role of educational institutions and students themselves in the organization of the educational process.

Modern higher education requires the development of fundamentally new educational standards that ensure the universality, fundamental nature of education and its practical orientation.

Since today the higher education system faces challenges related not only to meeting the current needs of the country's economy for qualified personnel, but also to the integration of the Russian Federation into the global educational space, the introduction of bachelor's and master's degrees will significantly expand the export of educational services.

At present, formally different types of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (technical schools, colleges, vocational lyceums, vocational schools) often implement the same set of educational programs. Thus, the structure of vocational education is being eroded. At the same time, due to the loss of close ties with enterprises and organizations and the aging of the material and technical base of the institutions themselves, they are often unable to provide training of personnel with the necessary qualifications for the modern economy and social sphere. Thus, it is necessary to restructure the system of primary and secondary vocational education.

An educational service is:

1) educational and pedagogical activity;

2) providing an educational institution with an opportunity to obtain an education that increases the cost of the consumer's labor force and improves his competitiveness in the labor market;

3) a system of knowledge, information, skills and abilities that are used to meet the various educational needs of the individual, society, state;

4) in a particular case, training a specialist of a certain qualification for a consumer organization.

Features of educational services:

Like all services, they are immaterial and cannot accumulate, but their results accumulate as actions aimed at forming human capital:

The educational service has a significant length of time;

A consumer of educational services must have a certain set of qualities (level of education, amount of knowledge, abilities, skills, norms of social behavior, sometimes compliance with additional requirements for health status, gender);

Educational services are produced and consumed simultaneously, they are provided to the consumer entirely by the manufacturer himself, without intermediaries, although they allow, using computer technologies, the use of distance learning methods;

The active participation (intellectual) of the consumer is obligatory in the consumption of educational services;
the quality of educational services ultimately affects the development of society, hence the interest of the state in their quality and the need for the latter to comply with the requirements of state control - even in a market economy.

In accordance with the definition of educational services, the following classification can be proposed;

By the duration of rendering: short-term - from one day to a month; medium-term - from a month to a year; long-term with different levels - incomplete secondary, secondary, specialized secondary, higher, advanced training courses, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies;

According to the statement of achievement by a citizen (student) of the educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state: e obtaining documents confirming the achievement of an educational level; without receiving;

By the method of reimbursing funds for training: educational services provided free of charge (at the expense of budget funds); paid; with partial cost recovery.

Allocate the range of educational services and their nomenclature. The range can be defined as a set of areas and specialties defined in the state educational standard. The nomenclature is a set of all offered services: training of specialists (of different levels); retraining of specialists, including a second higher education; advanced training, etc.

The development of educational services is influenced by a complex of demographic, economic and socio-cultural factors. Mono-industrial cities of Russia, most of which were created during the Soviet period, are characterized by a cyclical nature of the demographic structure. Since the consumer of higher education services is mainly young people, and higher education is financed mainly by households, the volume of demand for educational services by universities depends on the age structure of the population. The activity of the city's higher school depends on the population's ability to pay for educational services. The population's ability to pay is determined to a large extent by the economic well-being of the city-forming enterprise. In a mono-industrial city, most economic relations are associated with a large industrial enterprise, therefore, specialists in the production, technical, economic and service profile prevail in the city. An insufficiently developed network of cultural and scientific institutions leads to poverty in social life and a low intellectual resource, which limits the creation of new educational services, specialties, areas of training, educational programs.

Sources of educational law: concept, international legal and domestic levels in the system of sources of educational law. Basic laws in the field of educational law. The Constitution of the Russian Federation as the basis of legal regulation in the field of education.

Educational law - is a branch of law, a system of legal norms governing relations regarding the organization and implementation of the educational process between:

* subjects of educational activitiesdifferent states regarding the recognition of various educational institutions (human rights to education, the legal status of institutions and the basis for their cooperation, recognition of training courses and educational documents, etc.);

* state authorities and subjects of educational activity (regarding the creation, management, licensing, certification, accreditation, material and financial support of activities, etc.);

* educational institution and consumers of educational services (students, parents, society).

In the system of sources of educational law, two levels are distinguished - international legal and domestic (national).

International law and domestic law do not exist in isolation from each other. The formation of norms in international law is influenced by national legal systems, which are reflected and taken into account in the foreign policy and diplomacy of states. International law, in turn, influences national legislation.

By itself, the rule of international law creates rights and obligations only for its subjects, that is, primarily for states. Official bodies of the state, its legal entities and individuals are not directly subject to the norms of international law. In order to ensure the actual implementation of international obligations at the domestic level (implementation), measures are taken to incorporate international legal norms into national laws and regulations (transformation) or to incorporate these norms into national legal systems.

On the other hand, subjects of international law, in principle, cannot invoke their legislation to justify their failure to comply with international obligations. The international obligations assumed by states must be observed by them in good faith.

In a number of states, ratified international treaties automatically become part of national legislation. The laws of many states establish the rule that in the event of a discrepancy between the provisions of the law and international obligations, international obligations prevail.

Domestic legislation of the Russian Federation. The educational legislation of Russia is a very complex and ramified regulatory system, which includes regulatory legal acts of various legal force and competence: acts of the federal level, acts of the regional level (subjects of the Russian Federation) and acts of local government bodies.

Taken as a whole, the educational legislation of the Russian Federation regulates the following main types of relations developing in the field of education: 1) the relationship between the teacher and the students (teacher and student, teacher and student); 2) the relationship between educational institutions and students; 3) the relationship between parents and their children for training and education; 4) the relationship that develops between educational institutions and the parents of students, primarily and mainly students of educational institutions of preschool and school age; 5) the relationship between education authorities and educational institutions; 6) relations between local self-government bodies and educational authorities, educational institutions, families with children; 7) the relationship that develops in the process of implementation of individual pedagogical activity.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is one of the main, together with the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation, the political and legal foundations of the entire system of Russian educational legislation. But if the National Doctrine, which is discussed in the next paragraph, establishes and determines the strategic vectors of educational policy for a certain historical period (from 2000 to 2025), then the Constitution, despite its clearly expressed political nature, is nevertheless intended to establish, first of all and mainly it is the legal principles, the foundations of the structure and activities of the state, its relationship with society and the individual. Thus, the Constitution, the principles, norms and provisions established by it act as a truly legal basis for any branch of legislation, including education.

Chapter 1 of the manual has already given a general description of Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which enshrines and partially discloses the right to education. It is this constitutional provision that constitutes the most important basis for all educational legislation. In this case, let us pay attention to some other constitutional provisions that underlie the country's educational legislation.

The constitutional provisions of the principle of federalism of the Russian Federation form the basis, the initial regulatory framework for the implementation of this principle in the field of education, first of all, in the rule-making activity of authorized federal and regional state and municipal bodies on education.

The complex, complex nature of the subject of legal regulation of educational legislation in the Russian federal state made it necessary to solve the problem of determining the competence of the Russian Federation and its subjects in the field of education at the constitutional level. So, according to paragraph "e" of Part 1 of Art. 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, general issues of education are under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its subjects. This means that, for example, the content and structure of state educational standards of various specialties, which have federal and national-regional components, are coordinated by the federal educational authorities and the corresponding educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The problem of financing education from various budgets, etc., has the same "joint" character.

By-laws governing relations in the field of education can be combined according to the principle of decreasing legal force into the following groups:

Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, among which two main groups can be distinguished: a) decrees adopted exclusively to regulate relations in the field of education (for example, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of July 11, 1991 No. 1 "On priority measures for the development of education in the RSFSR"; of December 24 .1996 No. 1759 "On Bringing the Normative Legal Acts of the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law" On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education ", etc.) and b) decrees containing certain provisions concerning education issues (for example, the foundations of public administration of the education system are fixed in the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 09.03.2004 No. 314 "On the system and structure of federal executive bodies" and of 20.05.2004 No. 649 "Questions of the structure of federal executive bodies").

Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dedicated to the regulation of education (for example, Resolutions dated 05.07.2001 No. 505 "On approval of the rules for the provision of paid educational services", dated 18.10.2000 No. 796 "On approval of the Regulation on licensing educational activities", dated 05.04.2001 No. 264 " On the approval of the Model Regulations on an Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education (Higher Educational Institution) of the Russian Federation "), or containing separate provisions regulating certain relations in the field of education (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.09.1994 No. 1047" On the organization of retraining and advanced training of civil servants federal executive bodies ").

Normative legal acts of federal executive bodies adopted on education. This extremely numerous and diverse array of regulatory legal acts can be grouped as follows:

1) normative legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (until March 9, 2004 - the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation) (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 25, 2003 No. 1154 "On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for the practice of students of educational institutions of higher professional education", etc. .);

2) normative legal acts of other federal executive bodies, including: a) "profile", i.e. adopted to regulate relations developing exclusively in the field of education (joint order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia No. 31 and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 31 of 09.02.1999 "On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for organizing the acquisition of basic general and secondary (complete) general education by persons serving sentences in the form of deprivation freedoms in correctional colonies and prisons ") and b)" non-core ", which contain only certain provisions directly or indirectly related to education issues (order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated July 26, 2000 No. 284" On special examinations for persons who have received medical and pharmaceutical training in foreign states ", order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2000 No. 575" On the training of national military personnel and technical personnel of foreign states in military units and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ", etc.).

The regional level of legislation on education (legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation), as well as the federal level, is characterized by a plurality and variety of types of legislative and by-laws. In the literature, the following main groups of regional laws and regulations are distinguished:

Regional laws governing general issues of educational activities, based on the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Law on Education (Law of the Sverdlovsk Region "On Education");

The laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation concerning general issues of educational activity, the regulation of which at the federal level, according to the regional legislator, is clearly insufficient for its successful implementation;

Laws regulating economic relations in the field of educational activities (the Law of the Irkutsk region "On temporary minimum social norms and financial standards");

Laws regulating labor, social and other relations of employees of educational institutions regulated by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Law of the Belgorod Region "On social guarantees for medical workers of educational institutions of the budgetary sphere of the region");

Laws and other normative legal acts that carry out legal regulation of the activities of educational institutions in areas related to education (laws "On scientific activities and scientific and technical policy in the Amur Region" science and scientific - technical policy in the Perm region ", etc.).

8. International legislation on education: the concept, regulations that define educational relations, their content.

International law - a set of various international treaties (agreements, conventions, pacts, protocols, letters, notes, statutes).

International law consists of public international law, which regulates relations between states, and private international law.

International law is divided into branches, for example: space, air, maritime, educational, etc.

International educational law consists of institutions: 1) recognition of studies and diplomas; 2) international education; 3) physical education; 4) resolution of disagreements between states in the field of education; 5) the legal status of students; 6) the legal status of teachers; 7) vocational education; 8) general education; 9) standardization in education; 10) combating discrimination in education; 11) the status of educational institutions.

International educational law can be divided into two parts: general and specific.

The general part sets out the tasks of legislation, its principles, functions, relations, etc.

A special part regulates relations in the field of education. Among the normative acts that determine educational relations, of particular importance are:

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989);

Discrimination in education

Discrimination in education covers any distinction, exclusion, limitation or preference on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, economic status or birth, which has the purpose or effect of the destruction or violation of equality of relations in the field of education. In Art. 1 of the Convention lists four types of discrimination:

Closing access to education of any level or type for any person or group of persons;

Restricting education for any person or group of people with a lower level of education;

Creation or maintenance of separate educational systems or educational institutions for any person or group of persons;

A position that is incompatible with human dignity in which a person or group of persons is placed.

Standardization in education

Standardization of education - activities for the development and application of regulations that provide an optimal solution to recurring problems in this area.

Education statistics is a branch of practical activity that includes the collection, processing, analysis of mass data in the education system and the publication of the results obtained.

International standardization of education makes it possible to improve the world education system, helping national systems to orient themselves in the directions of development.

Rights, duties, responsibility of students

in secondary specialized educational institutions

Students in secondary specialized educational institutions include students and listeners. A student's legal relationship with an educational institution arises on the basis of the director's order to enroll a student for mastering vocational education programs. The legal relationship is terminated by the fact that the student has been issued a certificate of education.

The rights, duties and responsibilities of a student are determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", a standard regulation on an educational institution, the charter of a secondary specialized educational institution, internal regulations, a student's contract with a college for training and other local acts provided for by the charter.

Students in secondary specialized educational institutions have the right:

To receive education in accordance with state educational standards and the acquisition of knowledge adequate to the modern level of development of science, technology and culture;

For training within the framework of state educational standards for individual curricula;

For an accelerated course of study;

To receive additional, including paid, educational services;

To participate in the discussion and solution of the most important issues of the activities of a secondary specialized educational institution, including through public organizations and governing bodies of a secondary specialized educational institution;

Freedom of conscience, information, free expression of one's own views and beliefs;

Full-time students have the right to work in enterprises, institutions and organizations of any organizational and legal form in their free time;

For free use of library and information resources, etc.

Students are required to:

Comply with the requirements of the charter of an educational institution;

Fulfill the requirements of the educational program;

Observe internal regulations, etc.

Students are responsible for failing to:


Obligations stipulated by the charter;

Obligations established by the internal regulations.

The disciplinary measures applied to the student are established in the charter and internal regulations. First of all, it is a reprimand, a severe reprimand, an exception.

Rights, obligations, responsibility of employees of the secondary school

Employees of the college have the right to:

On the material, technical and educational and methodological support of their professional activities;

To participate in the management of the secondary school in the manner prescribed by the charter;

To participate in the discussion and solution of the most important issues of the activity of the secondary school, including through public organizations and management bodies of the secondary school;

To protect their professional honor and dignity;

To use, in the manner prescribed by the charter of the secondary school, the information funds of the educational institution, the services of scientific, educational, social, medical and other subdivisions of the secondary school;

For the employee to perform other work and duties, paid for under an additional agreement, etc.

Employees of the college are obliged to:

Comply with the charter and internal regulations;

Strictly follow the norms of professional ethics;

Qualitatively perform the assigned functional duties and work specified in job descriptions, contracts, qualifications and other regulations;

Ensure the necessary professional level of their activities, which guarantees the observance of the rights of students and contributes to the successful implementation of educational programs;

Refrain from actions and statements leading to a complication of the moral and psychological climate in the team of the educational institution;

Do not use anti-pedagogical methods of education associated with physical or spiritual violence against the personality of students, etc.

Employees of colleges and universities are disciplined for failure to fulfill their duties under the Labor Code, the charter, and internal regulations.

9. Domestic legislation on education: the concept, regulations that define educational relations, their content. Institutes of Pedagogical Legislation.

The core of Russian legislation is pedagogical. legislative, cat. creates conditions by providing. human rights for education.

Institute ped. legislative: 1 institution of conclusion, change, termination of the contract, form. institution and student; 2institute of study time and rest time; 3Institute for Labor Discipline; 4 learning content; 5 Institute of Learning Conditions; 6 institute of guests.

The hierarchical structure is formed. legislate incl .: - constit.RF; - laws of federal and subjects of the federation; - sub-law. standard. acts; - local acts will be formed. institutions.

In the Russian Federation, the right to education is secured by Konstit. Article 43.

Everyone has the right to education.

The availability and free of charge of preschools is guaranteed. basic general and intermediate professional. images. in the sovereign. or to the municipality. images. institution and enterprise.

Everyone has the right to receive higher education on a competitive basis for free. form. in the sovereign. or municipality. images. institutions at the enterprise.

Basics. general images. certainly. Parents or persons replacing them providing. Children receiving basic general education.

RF installed. federal sovereign images. supporting standards. different. forms of education and self-education.

The adoption in 1992 of the RF Law “On Education” laid the foundation for self-government. branches of Russian legislation.

The forecast of future demand is always approximate, but more effective, and the demand of consumers - parents with preschool children.

We conducted an experiment in which more than 500 parents were interviewed, and on the basis of the survey data and statistics, we noted the factors influencing the activities of preschool institutions. As a result, various models of the preschool education system have been built in the new economic conditions. The design of the models took into account the nature of pre-primary education policies.

First model was built on the assumption that the state policy in relation to the field of preschool education will be focused on protecting the preschool education system from negative influences during the transition period.

Second model suggests that the state budget will continue to be in critical condition and the state will be forced to transfer preschool institutions to private ownership. The developed project "Reforming a state municipal preschool educational institution into a non-state preschool educational institution" corresponds to this model.

Third model was based on the assumption that the state will not only take on the functions of protecting preschool education from the negative influence of the market, but will also create conditions for preschool institutions to be competitive in labor markets and to use the opportunities of these markets for their development.

The mechanism of functioning of the preschool education system in the conditions

Market economy

Preschool institutions, functioning within the framework of a market economy, will focus primarily on actual demand, which, in principle, can subordinate their activities to the interests of consumer services. In this case, the processes of the formation and use of income will become the direct objects of managerial influences. The management, first of all, should provide financial support for their activities and aim at solving problems that, for one reason or another, are not completely satisfactorily solved by the market.

The regulatory role of the state in relation to preschool institutions in the future will not necessarily be to help each of them balance revenues with expenditures, at the same time it is enough to use the funds remaining in the budget, but to create conditions under which the logic of market behavior of institutions will most fully induce them satisfy consumer needs.

The most important condition for the development of the education system in Russia is reasonable and stable financing of preschool educational institutions. The current Russian legislation provides for funding of preschool institutions from various sources. The predominance of one or another source of funding gives a specific form of the existence of a preschool institution: state, private, departmental.

The leading sources of funding can be identified:

Budgetary and extrabudgetary funds;

Parents' own funds;

Voluntary donations, targeted contributions from individuals and legal entities;

Bank loans.

Financial security problems have always been extremely acute for preschool education. The notorious residual principle is applied on a particular scale here. Budget funds were allocated only for “simple reproduction”, “functioning of the educational process, or, at best, partially covered traditional educational services”. The modern system of preschool education cannot work in this mode.

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, preschool institutions can independently carry out financial and economic activities, at the same time, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" assigns to the competence of local governments the organization, regulation and control of the activities of preschool institutions in order to implement state policy in the field of preschool education.

Since most of the preschool educational institutions existing today are state or municipal, budget funding plays an important role in providing, even when the preschool institution has significant own funds (from the provision of additional services).

In recent years, preschool education has undergone major changes in the regulatory, administrative, economic conditions, which have allowed preschool institutions to really carry out a reform of their activities.

The education management strategy and the mechanism of its financing have really changed, forcing educational institutions to seek additional financial resources. The status of a preschool institution was directly dependent on the opinion of parents and the quality of education that it will provide. Market relations have penetrated into the sphere of education, led to the fact that in conditions of economic and economic freedom, freedom of creativity, many preschool educational institutions began to fight for the "consumer" - children and their parents, introducing various additional services.

In our difficult, unstable time, entailing financial difficulties in material terms, we, the leaders, want to somehow change the life of the team, increase material interest, so we must look for something new in the development of the material and technical base of a preschool educational institution ... Life itself told us these ways.

Using the example of the kindergarten "Alenushka" - the Child Development Center in the village of Mokhsogolloh, we will show the transition of a preschool institution to new forms of management.

For ten years, the preschool institution was under departmental subordination, since January 1, 1994 it was transferred to municipal ownership. Time has shown that if the kindergarten is subordinate to the village administration, it will not be able to gain independence. At the request of the team, the administration went to independent funding. A special account was opened in the cash center, two accountant units were introduced into the staffing table, one of which is a senior. We independently made an estimate of income and expenses, guided by the approved standards of budgetary financing and deductions of funds to economic incentive funds.

When developing the estimate, the following tasks were solved:

Determined the amount of financial resources for the coming financial year;

Determined the sources of attracting the necessary funds;

Identified the possibilities of mobilizing the internal reserves of the institution.

The staffing of a preschool institution is a means of improving the economic activity of the preschool education system, and therefore ensuring its life. How to attract children and parents to kindergarten, if exactly the same preschool institution operates nearby?

We were faced with the question: how to gain a leading position in the developing market of educational services and not just keep the existing contingent of pupils, but also attract new children?

Striving for the stability of the situation, we developed our own plan for "introducing" educational services to parents, realizing that it is necessary not only to make a lot of efforts to preserve and ensure the life of our preschool institution, but also to work successfully on creating the image of a preschool educational institution in the educational space of the village and ulus. In order to update the content of education, they have chosen one of the priority areas of their activities: artistic and aesthetic direction.

The next step was to develop the regulatory framework of the institution, since they became a legal entity:

Charter of a municipal preschool educational institution (in a new edition);

Memorandum of association;

Agreements with the parents of the pupils;

Contracts with enterprises for the provision of heat energy, electricity for the supply of products;

Cooperation agreement with sponsoring organizations.

Thanks to administrative independence, they had the opportunity to more flexibly, it is expedient to solve the issues of staffing a preschool educational institution within the framework of the staffing table. Independence in the distribution of financial resources made it possible to introduce the position of a pastry chef into the staff. It was from this moment that they began to provide paid services to the population for baking cakes to order and began to earn money, which they transferred to a special account.

Without reducing the number of children in the preschool educational institution, one group was converted into a children's cafe "Lakomka", where children were eagerly seeking to watch cartoons and enjoy delicious straws and baskets from the confectionery shop.

The cafe worked on a paid basis, the parents rented a certain amount.

These were the first tentative steps towards the transition to an independent financial

activity. Realizing that new forms of economic activity are

the dictates of the time, at the Council of the labor collective decided that in order to

to start doing business, you need to decide:

At the first stage:

Weigh your current and perceived capabilities;

Define consumers in certain services;

Analyze the condition of the premises, equipment, raw materials, teaching aids necessary for the provision of services, make calculations;

Modernize the premises and the subject-development environment;

Solve the issue of providing the necessary personnel;

Conclude contracts with consumers;

Modify the existing Charter of a preschool educational institution, taking into account the listing of all types of entrepreneurial activity, in the prescribed manner re-register with state bodies.

At the second stage:

Pass licensing for the right to engage in a particular activity;

Open your own bank account (or subaccount in a general account);

Determine the cost of goods and services, adding up the real costs of raw materials, materials, rental of premises, depreciation of equipment, wages of all participants in the process per unit of goods and add up to 40% of profit to the result (cost), thus obtaining the price of the goods;

Through the mass media (oral and written) to advertise the services and goods of a preschool educational institution;

Think over a system for collecting orders, applications, applications;

Develop a working schedule for studios, sections, circles for the provision of additional paid services (shop, hairdresser, cafe);

Draw up the necessary calculation for services, goods;

Organize work with personnel engaged in certain activities (conduct testing, psychological trainings);

Develop a scheme for processing blank documentation, ensure strict reporting to supervisory authorities.

At the third stage:

Develop a strategic planning program for 5 years;

Draw up a "Business plan" for 5 years with the calculation of economic, financial


Determined the following:

Modernized business and commercial activities by introducing new paid services in a preschool educational institution;

We performed the services provided in a quality manner;

Calculated reasonable prices for additional services for consumers;

Made employees an additional payment of 10-15% for expanding the service area;

We used funds from entrepreneurial activity for the development of a preschool educational institution (toys, equipment, teaching aids), training employees in universities, bonuses.

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, educational institutions independently carry out financial and economic activities. Practice shows that certain contradictions arise when legislative acts determine the independence of preschool institutions in new economic conditions, and the founders limit the functions of their institutions, including managers.

The contradiction that arose was removed when approving the constituent documents of the preschool educational institution, which delimited in detail the functions of the parties in matters of their administrative and economic impact. Our founder delegated part of his rights to a preschool institution. As a result, a "zone of joint activities" was formed, one of which is economic planning. As a result, it became possible to maneuver material and financial resources in order to ensure the highest efficiency of their use. Even with a minimum of funds, they could be distributed with the calculation of specific situations, this is the optimization of management, if we consider the financial and economic aspect of management.

Having expanded the framework for additional receipt of financial resources, the manufacture of cotton candy has not found long-term use, although they bought a unit and mastered the technology; services for washing linen dispensary (according to the contract). Having weighed all the arguments, we settled on the following activities:

Growing seedlings (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc.);

Growing and selling flowers;

Services of the children's cafe "Lakomka";

Sale of garments;

Mini-printing services (lamination, photocopying);

Hairdresser services;

Confectionery shop services (cakes, dough, pastries);

Wellness services (oxygen cocktail, massage, herbal medicine);

Dentist services;

Implementation of greenery from the winter greenhouse;

Photography services.

Funds are received on a special account, which are subsequently spent in accordance with the cost estimate for extra-budgetary activities. Using our own funds, we purchased:

Hitachi video camera;

Music Center;

Fitness equipment in the gym;

Children's furniture;

Equipment for children's theater and circular shower;

Fashion fabrics;


Furniture for medical and methodical offices.

They mastered all the elements of the business from scratch, did not borrow any

ideas. In the future, we will expand the scope of providing additional services.

What results did the business give us?

1. The preschool educational institution acquired the ability to independently financially improve the institution during the transition to market relations.

2. The practical significance of the experience with which we share with colleagues and recommend it in the practical activities of an educational institution in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Russian Federation, increases the status of a preschool educational institution and its image.

3. A new management mechanism: a business plan, strategic budget planning, modernization of premises entailed a rational organization of labor, which had a positive impact on the quality of the team's work.

4. At the expense of their own funds, the subject-development environment and the material base of the preschool educational institution were modernized.

5. The quality of food and the range of products has improved.

6. The interest of the team in material incentives has increased.

7. The high level of financial and economic activity allowed the CRD "Alyonushka" to move into an autonomous preschool educational institution.


Loan manager

The transition of preschool institutions to economic independence entailed changes in the content of the manager's managerial activity. For the first time in many years, the manager becomes a full-fledged loan manager on behalf of his institution.

The loan manager is a legal entity at the disposal of which funds from the state budget have been allocated for their intended use in accordance with the approved cost estimates. An official (as a rule, a manager or his deputy), who has the right to dispose of funds in accordance with their purpose, acts on behalf of a legal entity. The loan manager (first signature) and the chief accountant (second signature) have the right to sign documents for the use of funds. Without these signatures, documents are considered invalid and will not be accepted for execution.

Having become the manager of loans, the manager, on the one hand, significantly expanded his administrative and economic rights, on the other hand, he took upon himself serious responsibility for organizing the work of the institution, faced the need to manage the financial and economic activities of the kindergarten.

Sources of financing

The main sources of funding for preschool institutions are the local budget (or departmental budget) and parental fees. According to the current legislation, the size of the parental payment should not exceed 20% of the cost of maintaining a child, and for large families - 10%. In addition, there are a number of benefits for various categories of families, according to which parental pay is significantly reduced or completely absent. Therefore, the total share of parental funds in the budget of an ordinary kindergarten, as a rule, does not exceed 10%. Thus, most of the costs of maintaining children in a municipal institution are covered by the local (city, district) budget.

In addition to the main sources of funding, additional sources are singled out, the importance and role of which in ensuring the life of institutions increase after reaching economic independence. At the same time, opportunities for attracting additional funds are expanding. These include:

Payment of enterprises for the share maintenance of children (in those territories where it was introduced);

Parents' fees for additional educational services;

Institutional income from entrepreneurial activity;

Charitable donations from businesses and citizens;

Cash payments from various public funds and others.

Funds received from additional sources are called off-budget.

Attracting additional sources of funding is a special area

work of a manager, the success of which is largely determined by the level of competence and professionalism of the leader, his ability to establish contacts with other people, the ability to be resourceful, convincing, charming.


The management of financial and economic activities begins with a detailed study of the individual cost estimate of the preschool institution.

The cost estimate is drawn up according to a single standard form on the basis of regulatory documents and guidelines for the preparation of estimates, as well as performance indicators for a particular institution.

Production indicators reflect the number of groups, the number of children, the number of days one child is in an institution.

According to the budgetary economic classification, entered into force on January 1, 1995, all expenses in the estimate are grouped by expense items:

The code Name
Basic salary of civil servants
Salary allowances for civil servants
Additional pay for civil servants
Freelance pay
Other payments to civil servants
Contributions to state social insurance from wages of workers
Pension fund contributions. Compulsory Health Insurance Fund. State employment fund with wages of workers and employees.
Stationery, materials and items for current household purposes
Medicines and dressings
Soft equipment and uniforms
Other consumables and supplies
Compensation payments to employees
Other expenses on business trips and business trips
Payment for the services of research organizations
Payment for maintenance of equipment and inventory
Payment for maintenance of buildings and premises
Other running costs
Payment of pensions and benefits
Other transfers to the population
Overhaul of social, cultural and household facilities

The cost estimate is divided into three sections.

The first section indicates the name and address of the institution, the section of the budget classification for which funding is carried out and a summary of expenses is given with a quarterly breakdown.

In the second section, production indicators are calculated and general information about the institution is provided (the number of buildings, their area, volume).

In the third section, calculations are brought to an estimate.

The cost estimate is approved by the head and is the main document that determines the volume, target direction and quarterly distribution of funds intended for the maintenance of the institution.

Budget allocations (allocation of funds) are established by the main managers of loans on the basis of cost estimates or in accordance with the norm of budget financing per child in those territories where such a norm has been approved.


The analysis of the influence of factors on the effectiveness of educational services. The need for this analysis is caused by changes in legislation on higher education in Russia, as well as a change in the guidelines of society and its requirements for university graduates. A modern university is placed in a framework in which it must prove the possibility of its existence in the education market. In this case, the proof will be the effectiveness of the services he performs, which is influenced by many factors. To determine the most significant factors affecting the effectiveness of educational services of the university, as well as all existing opportunities and threats, the SWOT analysis method was used. According to the results of the study, the main factors are the amount of state funding, the possibility of independent financing by the university of its resource potential, as well as the compliance of managerial decisions with the mission of the university. Only by knowing all the factors that affect the efficiency of services, as well as using all available opportunities, a modern university will be able to actively develop, provide those educational services that society and the real market now expect from it.


educational services

modern university

1. Analytical information on the results of monitoring the application of the Federal Law of August 2, 2009 No. 217-FZ (based on materials of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) [Electronic resource] / SMAO. - 2009. - URL:

2. Astafurova I.S. Market analysis. - Vladivostok: Publishing house of VSUES, 2008 .-- 120 p.

3. Bondarenko T.N., Latkin A.P. The effectiveness of interaction between educational institutions and the business environment: theory, methodology, practice. - Vladivostok: Publishing house of VSUES, 2010 .-- 188 p.

4. Kulakova M.N. Higher education in Russia: current trends and the possibility of strategic analysis // Territory of new opportunities - Vestnik VSUES. - 2010. - No. 2 (6). - S. 199-205.

5. On state support for the development of innovative infrastructure in federal educational institutions of higher professional education: Decree of April 9, 2010 No. 219 [Electronic resource] // ATP "Consultant plus".

6. Poletaev V.E. Government and business in Russia. - M.: INFRA-M, 2010 .-- 281 p.

7. Poleshchuk T.A. Improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the reproduction of the active part of the fixed assets of the industry: dis. ... Cand. econom. Sciences: specialty 08.00.05 "Economics and National Economy Management" [Vladivostok. state University of Economics and Service]. - Vladivostok, 2006 .-- 187 p.

8. Terentyeva T.V., Kulakova M.N. Methodology for assessing the sustainability of the development of an entrepreneurial university // Sat. scientific. works of SWorld based on materials of international. scientific-practical conf. "Modern problems and ways to solve them in science, transport, production and education." - Odessa, 2011. - T. 21. Economy. - S. 46-50.


The social reforms being carried out in Russia, undoubtedly aimed at maintaining and developing socially significant systems, have given rise to many problems. As the established practice shows, such an important part of the country's social life as higher education has faced the greatest number of state reforms. Legislatively, amendments are made to the goals and objectives of the functioning of the university, to the methods of teaching disciplines; social and market realities began to dictate their conditions in terms of the structure of graduates in the areas of training and their relevance in the labor market. The question of the effectiveness of educational services of the university, their adaptation to the requirements of the market and society, arose sharply. In line with this issue, economists began to investigate the factors affecting the effectiveness of educational services.

The purpose of this study is to analyze and identify key factors affecting the effectiveness of educational services of a modern university. The research materials are the works of Russian scientists on the stated topic. Research methods are observation, modeling, abstraction and deduction.

A factor (from Lat. Factor - doing, producing) is considered as a cause, a driving force of a process, a phenomenon that determines its character or individual features. The complex analysis of factors was carried out, along with many scientists, and T.A. Poleshchuk. and Astafurov I.S., who proved in their works that the analysis of factors serves as an information basis for assessing the effectiveness of any economic system, including educational services of a university in modern society.

By their nature, all factors, regardless of the object of study, are initially subdivided into factors of the internal and external environment.

The factors of the internal environment are a set of variables that are in the area of \u200b\u200bthe university's activities and are the area of \u200b\u200bdirect influence from its management. Directly factors of the internal environment can be divided into economic and social factors.

The basis for determining the economic factors of the internal environment is the presence of the economic potential of the university. Economic potential is understood as a set of resources and capabilities of a university that determine the prospects for its activities under certain scenarios of external conditions.

The first and most important factor is the availability of the university's own sources of financing for its technical development; availability of material and scientific and technical base, modern technologies. This will allow, firstly, to keep up with the changing market conditions and competitors in the provision of educational services; secondly, to attract new entrants to our walls.

The listed factors will not play their role if there is no compliance of management decisions with the economic laws of the development of the university and the strategic positioning of its services. These factors are an indicator of what the university is striving for in its endeavors, what it wants to achieve, what tasks it sets itself. Without setting a competent goal and knowing it, it is impossible to competently manage a university, and even more so to achieve the effectiveness of educational activities.

The effectiveness of the educational activities of the university is also influenced by the presence of stable relationships with partners: suppliers, consumers of services and other counterparties. A university cannot “stew in its own juice”. He needs reliable connections with the outside world, thanks to which he will not only be able to provide the educational and business process, but also position himself in a real business environment.

The basis for determining the social factors of the internal environment is the psychological environment and the level of social security of the team. Therefore, the social factors of the internal environment, in particular, include:

  • the level of competence of the management of the university and its employees;
  • creation of a system of social support for employees;
  • availability of a system of incentives and work with personnel;
  • providing opportunities for self-realization of employees;
  • normal psychological climate in the work collective.

Precisely how the university staff feels, what goals each employee sets for himself, such will be the return to the treasury of the effectiveness of educational services. Therefore, it is extremely important for the management of the university to provide a favorable environment for finding each employee and the possibility of his implementation.

As for the factors of the external environment, they mean any factors that are outside the control of the university, i.e. the whole set of factors that influence or can influence in a certain way on the university and its goals and which should be taken into account when assessing the effectiveness of educational services.

Environmental factors influence each other. If earlier attention was focused mainly on economic and technical circumstances, then the change in the attitudes of people, social values, political forces and the scope of legal responsibility forced to expand the range of external influences requiring consideration.

The external environment is traditionally divided into direct and indirect impact environments. The factors that have an immediate impact on the university are related to the environment of direct impact, all others - to the environment of indirect impact.

Factors of direct influence are understood as external sources, forces that directly affect the activities of the university and for the requirements of which the university needs to adjust its activities or, if possible, change such a factor to another, equivalent to it. External factors of direct influence include: state bodies (including local government bodies), their regulations or laws; partners and partnerships; competitors.

As for the factors of the external environment of indirect influence, they are understood as external sources of power that have an impact on the university either indirectly (through some other factors), or under certain conditions. These factors include political factors and social factors (the situation in society).

In addition, the effects of factors may vary in duration. A one-time impact can be, for example, obtaining a government order or a contract for the training of specialists for a large enterprise.

Such factors in most cases are not predictable factors of the external environment and can have both positive and negative effects.

If factors have an impact on a certain period of time (for example, seasonal nature), then such factors are combined into a group of temporary factors. These factors are predictable factors of the external environment.

Most of the factors are permanent. Constantly acting factors are predictable factors of the internal and external environment.

Factors can also be controlled and uncontrollable.

Controllable factors are always predictable and refer to factors of the internal environment. Uncontrollable factors are not subject to any influence on the part of the university, and the negative effect of their influence can be reduced only by taking into account their influence in development strategies. Uncontrollable factors can be predictive or unpredictable, but they all refer to environmental factors.

Many factors influence each other, strengthening or weakening the effectiveness of educational services of the university. For the most vivid demonstration of the influence of factors, we will analyze them using the SWOT analysis method.

Table 1 - SWOT analysis for the effectiveness of educational services of the university

SWOT-analysis for the effectiveness of educational services of the university


  • A wide range of training areas
  • A large amount of research and development under contracts and grants
  • High level of material and technical base
  • Competence of teaching staff and administrative staff
  • Continuing education opportunities
  • The possibility of attracting extra-budgetary funds through the provision of paid services
  • The widespread use of information technology in educational process
  • Wide network of branches
  • Using modern methods assessing the quality of education and the effectiveness of the university
  • Positive image of the university in the region
  • Cooperation with enterprises and organizations of the region
  • Contacts with foreign universities
  • The presence of motivation among employees and teaching staff
  • Strategic approach

Weak sides

  • Lack of training space
  • Aging of the material base
  • Conservatism of the teaching staff
  • Low efficiency of activities in the field of intellectual property
  • Deficit of teaching staff
  • Insufficient use of active teaching methods - business games, etc.
  • Lack of a system of constant monitoring of labor markets and educational services
  • Insufficiently active work in neighboring regions
  • Lack of understanding of the teaching staff of the necessity and expediency of the transition to a competence-based approach due to poor pedagogical training
  • Lack of clear criteria for achieving the set goals


  • - Expanding the range of educational programs and services
  • Opening new areas of training for the region
  • Capital construction of a training and laboratory base
  • Development of doctoral studies
  • Housing construction in order to attract and retain qualified personnel
  • Additional attraction of extra-budgetary funds through the development of a system for the implementation of additional educational services and the expansion of consulting activities
  • The use of modern mechanisms for the formation of commodity and price policies
  • Expansion of cooperation with secondary vocational educational institutions
  • Transition to the path of innovative development


  • High competition in the educational services market
  • Lack of demand for graduates in a number of areas
  • Outflow of qualified personnel
  • Reduced budget funding
  • Demographic and social crisis in the country and its consequences
  • Increasing the cost of education
  • Changes in legislation on higher education, military service and demography
  • Scattered employer requirements for graduate competence
  • Lagging competence of teaching staff from technical progress

According to table 1, we can conclude the following. The undoubted strengths of the university are a wide range of training areas, a high level of material and technical base, information technology in teaching, a strategic approach, the presence of motivation among teaching staff, a positive image, etc.

However, there are also weaknesses of the university. The main weaknesses of the university, according to the author, are the low efficiency of activities in the field of intellectual property, insufficient use of active teaching methods and, most importantly, the lack of clear criteria for achieving the goals set by both the university leadership and its employees. These weaknesses must be overcome for the university in the first place in order to develop along the path of innovative development, to which society and the state are now leading it.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in order to overcome weaknesses, to improve the efficiency of educational services, a university needs to use all existing opportunities. Realization of opportunities will reduce, or remove, many of the threats that educational services are exposed to today. However, according to the author, the main threats facing the university are budget cuts and changes in legislation on higher education, military service and demography. The university is not able to influence these factors. Their negative impact can be reduced or replaced by a stronger positive impact of the opportunity being realized.


  • Solodukhin Konstantin Sergeevich, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Modeling, Head of the Strategic Planning Laboratory of Vladivostok state university economy and service (VSUES), Vladivostok.
  • Mazelis Lev Solomonovich, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor; Head of the Department of Mathematics and Modeling, Director of the Institute of Informatics, Innovation and Business Systems (IIBS), Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service (VSUES), Vladivostok.

Bibliographic reference

Terentyeva T.V., Kulakova M.N. FACTORS AFFECTING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF THE UNIVERSITY IN MODERN SOCIETY // Modern problems of science and education. - 2012. - No. 5 .;
URL:\u003d7123 (date accessed: 01/15/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Currently, education is becoming one of the main resources for the development of national economies. The harmonious development of the personality and creative abilities of a person, the creation of the intellectual, cultural and moral potential of the state are the most important prerequisites for the successful socio-economic development of the state and its worthy position in the international community.

Modern education is characterized by a large selection and high competition of educational services provided by both state and non-state educational institutions. In many regions, there is a fairly large number of educational institutions that provide an opportunity to get secondary vocational, higher or additional education with the issuance of a state diploma in the same specialties.

The special role of education is confirmed by the fact that the average literacy level of the adult population is the most important indicator of the development of a country, a guarantee of its prosperity and stability. It is the educational potential of the state that forms the basis for determining the human development index and determines the country's place in world rankings.

Education is one of the branches of the national economy, which is part of the complex of branches of the social sphere.

Education, like any branch of the economy, fulfills its own, only inherent specific role - it carries out educational activities.

Educational activity is a kind of activity related to the organization in the state of the process of teaching and educating people, carried out in the interests of the individual, society, state and aimed at: preserving, increasing and transferring knowledge to new generations; intellectual, cultural and moral education of a person; training of qualified personnel for all sectors of the economy.

The product of educational activity is educational services - a system of knowledge, skills, information that have their own value and are in demand in the market for goods.

The subjects of educational activities are:

The state is the customer of educational services;

Educational institutions - producers of educational services;

Individuals are consumers of educational services.

A general educational institution can be viewed as an enterprise with a team of specialists, an appropriate material base, which creates, replicates and offers the population specific products - educational services.

Economic relations in the educational sphere can be interpreted as the relations of a seller (general educational institution) selling a product (knowledge, skills, information) to a buyer (individual or state).

The educational services market has its own specifics, since the quality of educational services as a product cannot be fully assessed even in the process of its consumption, not to mention a preliminary assessment. In addition, the quality of educational services directly depends not only on the conditions of their production (the use of modern educational and educational technologies, the availability of highly qualified teachers), but also on the individual abilities of children accepted for training.

At the same time, educational services are highly liquid (its production allows you to quickly return the resources spent) and socially significant (important not only for an individual - a consumer of educational services, but also for the whole society).

The life cycle of an educational service, like any product, includes 5 stages:

1. implementation - a period of slow growth, when the service is just beginning to master the market; at this stage, the new educational service becomes marketable for the first time, people can be careful, so the costs are high, but there are not many competitors;

2. growth - a period of rapid market conquest; if the new educational program satisfies the market, then it attracts consumers; during this stage, it is necessary to maintain a rapid growth in demand, improving the quality of programs and focusing on their new features, finding new sales markets, using advertising and other ways to attract additional attention to the educational service;

3. maturity - a period of slow growth, due to the receipt of educational services by the majority of potential consumers; this, along with the next, the longest stage, with which the greatest efforts are associated with the organization of marketing;

4. saturation - other educational institutions begin to offer the educational program, demand falls, overproduction arises, which leads to increased competition between educational institutions and a decrease in sales;

5. recession - a period when consumer interest falls; it can be fast or slow.

Promotion (distribution) of an educational service is the process by which an educational institution makes its programs and services available to its target markets.

It should be noted that the market of educational services has expanded significantly and economic relations in education today are being formed in the context of a reduction in state funding for education and the development of market relations in the field of education. Therefore, in a competitive environment, an educational institution that will be able to provide demanded educational services supported by qualified personnel and a reasonable pricing policy will be in the leadership position.

2.2 The education market in the Republic of Belarus

Currently, the vocational education market is actively developing, which determines the need to use marketing methodology:

Analysis of the vocational education market;

Theoretical foundations of marketing education;

Education marketing research;

Marketing environment of educational institutions;

Consumer behavior of educational services;

Marketing communications in education;

Marketing management in an educational institution.

Training of specialists with higher education in the republic in the 2005-2006 academic year was carried out in 43 state and 12 non-state universities. The number of educational institutions providing this type of training has a positive trend. Compared to 1990, they increased by more than 1.5 times. This speaks of the prestige of higher education in the public consciousness, since the persons who received it occupy high places in the social hierarchy and are more in demand on the labor market. This is also confirmed by the analysis of the structure of unemployment in terms of qualifications and education. For example, in 2006 the share of unemployed with higher education was the lowest and amounted to 9.8% of their total number. This significantly affects the desire of students to study at universities in the country and not change their aspirations, even if they do not enroll on a budgetary basis. The resulting contradiction - the need for education and the possibility of obtaining it - is resolved through the deployment of a system of paid educational services. In recent years, there has been an increase in students willing to pay for their education on their own. So, in comparison with 2000, their share in the total number in 2005 increased by 18.4%.

An increase in the need for highly educated personnel in the labor market and the ever-growing possibilities of the population to pay for educational services lead to an increase in the number of students in higher educational institutions. Compared to 1996, the number of university students in 2005 increased by 94% and amounted to 383 thousand people. The fastest growing contingent of students using correspondence education. At the beginning of 2005, their number in the country amounted to 188.5 thousand people, while admission to correspondence departments of universities in this academic year was almost equal to admission to full-time departments. At present, the share of part-time students in the total contingent of students at universities is 49.3%. The provision of services in the field of distance learning creates favorable opportunities for continuing education, continuous expansion and renewal of knowledge, constant growth of professional level, although it must be admitted that the general level of theoretical training of part-time students is lower than that of hospital students. This disadvantage of the correspondence form of study is leveled by a deeper connection of students with real socio-economic processes taking place in their work collectives, at specific workplaces (in this case, it is important that students work in the specialty chosen at the university).

However, in the presence of these positive trends, there are certain shortcomings in the sphere of higher education, associated, first of all, with inadequate structural training of personnel in universities in the professional context. Today, in connection with the transition to an innovative way of development, with the formation of a "new economy" in the labor market, there is an increase in demand for engineering and other natural science specialties due to the introduction of new information technologies in the real sector of the economy. In this regard, based on the demand in the labor market, it is necessary not only to increase the training of personnel in the country's universities, but to optimize its structure based on the priorities of economic dynamics. The relevance of solving these problems is confirmed by the results of the analysis of the latest trends in the structure of highly qualified specialists trained in the country's universities. So, for all groups of specialties, except for the humanitarian, the increase in the number of students is, at best, several thousand people, in the sphere of public and humanities this figure is already in the category of tens of thousands.

All of this has led to the fact that in 2005 the number of students in the humanities exceeded the number of natural, technical, medical and agricultural specialties combined.

The share of graduates in natural science specialties in the total volume of graduation from universities has decreased over the past decade by 27.6%, and in economic specialties increased by 11,774 people, that is, more than 3 times. However, it should be noted that many university graduates cannot find a job that matches their qualifications and do not work in their specialty or in workplaces that, in principle, do not require such a level of education. Therefore, today it is obvious the need to create an effective mechanism for interaction of the education system with the sectors of the economy in the formation of the structure of training and employment of youth.

In Belarus, by 2010 it is planned to increase the education level index in the country to 0.96, and by 2020 - to 0.98 against 0.95 in 2003. This is stated in the National Strategy for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus until 2020.

To achieve these goals, the strategy notes, it is necessary to increase the social status of the teacher and his role in society.

In particular, in 2011-2020. the goal is to bring the national education system to a level that meets international standards. The development of higher education will be of particular importance. It is planned to improve the quality and improve the structure of training specialists, bring it as close as possible to the requirements of the labor market.

In addition, a number of organizational measures are to be implemented: to optimize the network of institutions providing general secondary education, taking into account the emerging demographic situation, to develop a network of educational institutions of a new type, to create university complexes, to form an effective mechanism for the transfer of scientific and technical developments into production by sectors of the economy and regions. ... It is also necessary to develop systems of distance learning at all levels of education, monitoring the quality of education and upbringing of young people, to improve the qualified level of teachers and the efficiency of personnel use.

However, in order to achieve the goals and objectives set for education, it is necessary to ensure its necessary funding, create conditions for attracting investments in the education sector, and strengthen the role of market mechanisms of management. It is necessary to create a civilized market of educational services, to include the education system of Belarus in the world educational process.

According to UNESCO, in 2003 the education level index in the republic was 0.95 and compared with such countries as Switzerland, Poland, Latvia. By this indicator, Belarus holds a leading position among the CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine - 0.93; Kazakhstan - 0.92; Uzbekistan - 0.91).

Currently, educational organizations provide paid services for:

Training of specialists with higher and secondary specialized education, bachelors, masters, highly qualified scientific personnel;

Retraining and advanced training of specialists;

Additional (in excess of the hours established by the curriculum) training in individual subjects, disciplines, courses;

Study (in excess of those established by the curriculum) of additional subjects, disciplines, courses;

Training in institutions that provide vocational education for persons with qualifications for workers and employees;

Training at the preparatory departments of educational institutions providing higher education;

Additional preparation (beyond the curriculum) of children for primary school education;

Conducting classes in associations of interests in excess of curricula implemented in institutions of basic and additional education, etc.

The Ministry of Education has developed a regulatory legal framework necessary for the organization and provision of paid educational services.

Income from the provision of paid educational services by subordinate educational organizations in 2001-2005 in comparable prices increased 2.5 times (2001 - 63 billion rubles, 2002 - 103 billion rubles, 2003 - 155 billion rubles). rubles, 2004 - 177 billion rubles, 2005 - 251 billion rubles). The growth in the provision of paid educational services for the specified period amounted to 161.1%. The bulk of the provision of paid educational services falls on higher educational institutions.

Over the course of 5 years, the growth in the volume of paid educational services was achieved due to the growth in training of specialists on a paid basis. In paid educational services, the share of training specialists on a paid basis increased from 73 to 85 percent. The share of retraining and advanced training of specialists during this period was 3 percent, training at preparatory departments, courses - 3.5 percent, training of foreign citizens - 1.5 percent.

In 2001-2005, the proportion of students on a paid basis from the total number of students in state educational institutions of the republic increased from 35 to 46 percent.

In recent years, it has been possible to increase the volume of paid educational services by training specialists in specialties that are in high demand among the population (lawyers, linguists, psychologists, economists), and reimbursement of the real cost of training by students in these specialties.

Due to the emerging demographic situation in the republic (the number of school graduates in 2006-2008 will decrease by half), a decrease in the contingent of students on a paid basis is predicted. In addition, in accordance with the license for educational activities, each educational institution has a maximum number of students.

For 2006-2010, it is necessary to ensure the growth rate of paid educational services in comparable prices at the level of 138.9-145.5 percent (2006 - 109-110 percent, 2007 - 106-107 percent, 2008 - 106- 107 percent, 2009 - 106-107 percent, 2010 - 107-108 percent).

Our country has accumulated a significant university potential, which allows us to occupy high positions in the world educational system. However, in order not only not to lose, but also to increase these achievements, it is necessary:

Optimize the structure of training highly qualified personnel in a professional context in the context of economic development priorities;

To develop a system of analysis and long-term forecasting of market needs for highly qualified specialists, on whom the innovation-oriented restructuring of the economy depends to the greatest extent;

To improve the mechanism of the existing target training of graduates, gradually building it in the direction of students studying at their own expense, but to build relationships with them on a purely contractual basis;

Expand scientific communication opportunities for students;

It is necessary to target such a strong instrument of state incentives as the allocation of legal educational grants and loans, first of all, to those areas of training specialists that best meet the needs of innovative development.

Thus, the market of educational services in the Republic of Belarus is actively developing, goals and objectives, ways of improving the development of the market are defined.