An abstract of classes on the topic: "shoes" in the younger group. Drawing clothes, shoes and hats in the older group: a variety of topics and methods of conducting the topic Shoes in the second junior group Drawing


Expand the knowledge of children and enrich the dictionary on this topic.

To acquaint children with the concept of "couple", generalizing the concept of "shoes".
To form sustainable ideas about color, magnitude, geometric shapes.
Improve drawing skills with paints, sticking, modeling.
To continue to teach children carefully listen to the poem and understand the meaning of what he heard.
Develop thinking, shallow motorcy, coordination of movements.
Brigade careful attitude towards shoes.


Chest, doll, puppet shoes.
Carriages cut from cardboard red, green, yellow and blue colors and furnishings of the same colors.
Cardboard silhouettes of boards with blended circles of different color and magnitude, buttons, suitable color and magnitude.
Silhouette image of shoes from dense cardboard with holes, multicolored shoelaces.
A picture and image of three bears of different sizes, ovals-shoes of the corresponding magnitude.
Pictures depicting various shoes and verges.
Multicolored clothespins, silhouettes of brushed brushes from dense cardboard.
Carved silhouettes of shoes, melted with shallow silhouettes; Wet sponges.
Cardboard silhouettes of boots with cut holes in the form of geometric shapes, the same figures.
Clip, color silhouette shoe images.
Picture "Sorry-tree", plasticine.
Coloring "Boots", brushes, paints.
Cut from colored paper boots and pictures (flowers, fish, tuchch, sunshine, christmas tree).
Audio recordings: "Sorry-tree", "big legs go on the road."

Travel course:

Greeting "How do you live?"

How are you? - Like this!
(Big fingers of both hands - up, the rest are collected in a fist)

And swim? - Like this!
(Hands depict the movement of the swimmer)

How are you going? - Like this!
(Walking in place)

How do you run? - Like this!
(Hands bend in elbows, move along the body)

Did you see? - Like this!
(Alternately apply palms to the forehead)

Mashech after? - Like this!
(Energetic movements of hands hands)

How do you take? - Like this!
(Grabbing movements palm)

How do you give? - Like this!
(Expand the revealed palm forward)

Do you sleep at night? - Like this!
(Palm under the head)

How do you threaten? -Like this!
(Show index finger, the remaining fingers are collected in the fist)

And shawl? - Like this!
(Futs of both hands slam on inflated cheeks)

Surprise moment "What in the chest?"

Children offer to open a chest and see what lies in it. (One subject of shoes from a pair by the number of children).
What is it? How to call in one word? This shoes.

Didactic game "Pick up a couple"

Here you have puppet shoes in your hands. (One subject from the pair). Only the coupling doll cried all shoes, you need to find a pair. Count. How many feet dolls? Two legs. So the shoes must be two. Here you have. Like doll, also two legs. And how many slippers on your feet? Two slippers. And you came here in two boots. When something is two, then they say "couple". Remember this word and repeat out loud: "Couple".
Now go to search for a couple to the shoes that you have in your hands.

Didactic game "Multicolored locomotive many shoes brought"

Choose a couple of each shoes and spread it into colored trays: yellow shoes - in a yellow trailer, red shoes - in a red trailer, green shoes - in a green trailer, and blue shoes in a blue trailer.

Didactic game "Patchwork for booze"

But this shoe shoe. Select each hole suitable in the form of a patch.

Game with buttons "Decok shoozhok"

But this boot should be decorated with multi-colored buttons.

Look carefully. What color and size circle on the boot, such a button to it and apply. At the big blue circle attach a big blue button. And put on a small yellow circle on top of a small yellow button.

Applique "Beautiful boots"

Here your boots are waiting for you to make them beautiful, decorate them with funny pictures. Select a picture. Which will be decorated with boots. Someone will decorate it with flowers, and someone fish.

Dynamic pause "Large legs go on the road"

Big legs walk along the road,
Top top top, top top top.
(Walking a wide step)

Little legs run along the track,
Top top top top top
Top top top top top.
(Running small step)

Didactic game "Pick up boots for three bears"

But our familiar bears. Show the biggest bear, the smallest, middle bear.

You have already selected the barrels with honey, and now you need to help the bears pick up shoes in size and put on their paws. The biggest shoes are put on the biggest bear, the middle boots are the middle bear, and the smallest boots - the very small bear.

Didactic game "Find an extra object"

Here you are pictures. What is drawn on them, name. And what's not shoes here, what do not wear on your feet? Mittens.

Exercise "My Boots"

To wear shoes for a long time you need to care for it, wash. Now we will take wet sponges and extreme dirt from the shoe.

Game with paper clips "Land slippers"

When the shoes wear for a long time, it happens that the sole of the shoes is dug. Then the sole is laid. Here you are trying to put the clips on the edges of the slipper, as if you are soles.

Drawing "Coloring boots"

Children are invited to paint shoes.

Imprette "Shoes for Sorry Town"

Skate the balls from plasticine, attach to the leg with the wax and press the shoes to the wax.

Music pause "Sorry-shirt"

Children are built up with each other, put their hands on the shoulders to each other and move to the music on the show of an adult.

Reading the poem "Boots"

Bought Mom Dimka
Excellent shoes.
Beautiful shiny!
Leather! Real!

Considered them for a long time.
He put them on the shelf.
Beautiful shiny!
Laces are real!

When the baby went to bed,
Boots put under the bed.
New, shiny!
Leather! Real!

Game-lacing "Lace Boots"

Children are invited to put the shoelaces into the holes and tie.

Game with clothespins "Shoe Brush"

But this is a shoe brush to start shoes. And you try to make your brushes. So you need to attach clothespins to get a shoe brush.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

"Kindergarten compensating type number 21"

Abstract of direct educational activities for the implementation of the educational region

"Art Creativity"

(in senior group For children with speech impairment)

drawing "Spring boots"





Snezhinsk 2012-2013


In the educational field "Artistic Creativity"

  • Learn to use in work 3 colors (yellow, green, blue).
  • To develop in children an idea of \u200b\u200bdrawing up a pattern by painted threads.
  • Learning to place the elements of the pattern in accordance with the form.
  • Fold the drawing treads.
  • develop imagination, artistic taste.

In the educational area "Communication"

Fasten the dictionary on "Shoes"

Fasten the ability of children to answer questions with a complete proposal.

Learn to use nouns multiple numbers in a dutiful case.

In the educational area "Socialization"

Bring up the careful attitude to shoes

In the educational region "Cognition"

Create children's knowledge about shoes

Develop a shallow motility of hands.

In the educational field "Health"

Save and strengthen the physical and mental health of children using finger gymnastics.

In the educational field "Physical Culture"

Develop a dexterity, eye with a game with a ball

Integrative qualities of children: form curiosity, mental and speech activity, independence, dialogic speech, the ability to manage their behavior.

Methods and techniques Tape recorder, viewing illustrations, Didactic game "Brave Tail" didactic game "Multicolored strings", analysis and sample show, finger gymnastics, exhibition of work.

Health-saving technologies: Fingering gymnastics (Sudzhok balls)

Individual work: Vanya, Artem - help when choosing a color of colors

Differentiated approach: For 1 PRR. - Suggest 2 colors

Directly educational activity

1. Organizational moment:

Educator: - Hello, guys!

I looked at each other, winked, quietly sat down ...

(Tape recorder with Spring Song:)

Three sons of the month

I have - Kudesnitsa

Just like all others.

Many days of spring in them.

And now I remember, this is March, April and May.

For each other, everyone goes.

Love them and find out.

2. Main part

(Children are offered things, winter, summer, spring), you need to choose clothes that spring might wear, and wear one of the children.

Educator: - How can you call all this in a word?

Children: - Lowering

Educator: What can be wearing Spring?

(Illustration view).

Educator: - Look, and answer, do we picked up?

Educator: -And why did you forget?

Children: -Emns.

Children are offered a choice of shoes: felt boots, sandals, glass shoes, slippers, plastic shoes, rubber boots, shoes.

Educator: Is it what?

Children: -Emns.

Educator: - Would you suggest from shoes for spring and why?

Children: rubber-suproles

Educator: Why not felt boots?

Children: - It is winter shoes

Educator: Why not leather sandals?

Children: in the spring it will be cold

Educator: -And crystal shoes can not be put on?

Children: Shoes from glass do not

Educator: Why are the shoes so called?

Children: - Because they are from crystal.

Children attach shoes to spring illustration.

Educator: - Guys, and if you were fashion designers, what would you add?

3. Sample Analysis:

Educator: - And today we will come up with a pattern for Spring boots for spring Look like methat did it.

Educator: - Do you like?

Educator: - How many colors I used in work?

Children: - 3 colors

Educator: - Who can assume, with what I painted it? Educator: -How is the pattern?

Educator: - But before starting work, we are practicing. The game "Spring string" is held.

4. Work with paints.

Educator: - Operations are dipped into the paint and gently on the template the pattern is laid out,then the sheet of paper is covered and the hand is stroked. Sheet and threadclean. The same is done with paint other color.

5. Outcome:

Educator: - Look at what wonderful work you have turned out.

Educator: - Let's follow the Spring boots.

Pupils of the eldest group already have a fairly rich touch experience, developed figurative thinking and well understand that in the figure you can portray a variety of items and phenomena of the surrounding life, such as clothes, shoes and hats. Preschoolers already have a whole side skill, allowing them to create beautiful and interesting compositions on various topics. It is easily given drawing items of different (rounded and rectangular) shapes, decoration by their intricate details.

Drawing on the topic "Clothing, shoes and hats" in the older group: we understand aspects

If in the middle preschool, the guys drew clothes, shoes and hats predominantly on the finished pattern, then in the older groups they themselves draw and paint it silhouette. Children 5-6 years have a fairly developed feeling of form, color, proportions. Looking at the wardrobe, they quickly determine his shape and recreate it on a sheet of paper. In addition, they are easily drawing things over memory or on the presentation.

Children of this age are successfully mastered by composite skills: placed the subject on paper according to its proportions: for example, if it is a long sundress or dress, then a sheet of paper is located vertically, if the item is pulled in width (a pair of veasions) is horizontally.

The guys enshrines knowledge of basic colors, they recognize new colors (purple) and shades (lilac, light green, etc.) and actively use them in their works. Children distinguish tones dark and bright, pale and rich. It should be noted that the educator should draw the attention of preschoolers to the fact that not only multicolored compositions are attractive, but also monochrome (sometimes it can make a drawing more expressive). However, when drawing clothes, the teacher does not impose his opinions into children: gives them the opportunity to express their own preferences.

Drawing clothes, shoes and hats, although it belongs to the subject, in fact very closely intertwined with decorative drawing: after all, the kids do not just depict dresses, boots, mittens, but also decorate them with different, sometimes intricate, patterns. The task of the teacher is to help them seek the rhythm of the construction of the ornament.

Materials used and base

When drawing items, the wardrobe is mainly used standard base (sheets of paper A4 paper). When painting paints, it is toned in pale pastel shades. As for the ready-made patterns, they are offered by the guys only if the focus on the lesson is set to decorate the clothes with any specific pattern (for example, when depicting the clothing of the ancient Slavs, or if the topic is indicated as a "tissue painting"). Here are evaluated, above all, the decorative skills of preschoolers. We also note that work with templates is also more appropriate when classes with children with SPR.

If collective work is assumed, the teacher prepares a large-sized pattern in advance and the necessary form.

Preschoolers paint elements to their taste

The workpiece that several preschoolers will fill in the details

As for drawing tools, it is not only colored pencils and paints (gouache and watercolor) in the senior preschool (gouache and watercolor) - wax chalk and simple graphite pencil (graphic compositions) are often used.

Techniques and drawing techniques that need to be used

In the senior group, there is a further improvement of all the visual skills. The finest of them are the different position of the pencil and the brushes depending on the methods of drawing.When painting big parts, the tool is leaning more to the paper - the strokes are wider. When drawing small elements, the brush or pencil must be kept almost vertically closer to the base. All these techniques produce ease and freedom of movements, which makes it possible to exercise creative fantasy.

Pupils of the senior group are also working out push regulation skills on a pencil. Conducting lung lines makes it possible to draw a more accurate realistic form by adjusting it as needed. On the other hand, clear lines are needed to obtain intensive color.

If on the middle of the kids, the children portrayed the objects of a complex shape, separating them to simpler components, now the teacher teaches them to draw the contour of one line. For this skill, you need to work out a free turn of your hand in the image process (you do not need to rotate the paper). This skill is formed gradually (drawing multidirectional arcs, wavy lines, curls).

When working with paints, preschoolers learn to independently receive new colors and shades, to light the color of watercolor paint, diluting it with water.

Additional types of visual activities used in drawing objects of wardrobe, relevance of an individual approach

An image of clothes, shoes and hats is a largely decorative drawing, so the use of various additional types of decorations here will be very appropriate. This may be an applique as familiar, so non-traditional materials. For example, drawn and painted caps will decorate paper geometric shapes, and real plastic buttons can be glued to the painted gouache coat.

Drawing is organically combined with appliqué

It is interesting to look at the drawing applicative elements from fabrics. For example, a drawn girl is dressed in a glued fur coat from a velvety material, which adorn paper buttons.

Soft fabric coat passed on a drawn silhouette of a girl

For decorative purposes, plasticine, forming various elements of the pattern from it, it is possible for decorative purposes.

Since preschoolers in the older group are already different from each other in terms of the development of artistic abilities, it is quite possible to individualize tasks for the degree of complexity. You can offer a well-prepared child to decorate your drawing in any of the methods listed above or offer another one sheet of paper or a template to create a new composition (already differently).

Specific options for compositions in the framework of the topic "Clothing, shoes and hats"

In the first half of the year (October), the pupil of the eldest group is offered drawing on the topic "Girl in an elegant dress". However, this attention is paid not to so much shape and decoration of clothing, how much to transmit the correct proportions of the human figure. By the way, a little later, in December, the modeling "Girl in a winter fur coat" is held.

It is advisable to periodically offer preschoolers an image of individual items of clothing. It should be drawing for the season (for example, in winter - mittens, cap, coat, autumn - dress, spring - sundress). Some topics, for example, affecting the clothes of the ancient Slavs are appropriate at any time of the year. It is desirable that the drawing precedes the appropriate lesson to familiarize themselves with the outside world.

Drawing specific items of clothing Ideally should precede a lesson on a decorative painting of the fabric on which the guys are decorated with a beautiful pattern of dresses, sundresses, sweaters. The task of such activities is that the children understand that the materials are not only monophonic, but also decorated with a beautiful print.

Denote specific classes in the subject:

  • "House of models" (or "Atelier").
  • "Slavs' clothing" ("What in Russia").
  • "Elegant boots" ("Sapots for the doll"), "boots".
  • "Coat for doll" ("Cooker for doll").
  • "Elegant dress for mom."
  • "My hat" (or "cap and mittens" kit).
  • "Beautiful mittens" ("Mittens for Snow Maiden").

If desired, you can also organize collective work, for example, a "beautiful warm scarf".Children are divided into subgroups of about seven people. Each of them the educator offers a large foundation in the form of a scarf and individual paper fragments that make it up on the principle of puzzle. Each child paints its element, and then they are glued to the base - the original multicolored accessory turns out.

Accessory composed of decorating paper fragments

Another original version

Possible options for motivating start classes: viewing pictures, conversation on issues, fairy tale, poem, etc.

Although the students of the eldest group are already clearly separated directly educational activities from the game, still the game motivation of drawing is important for them. And the teacher should not forget about it when thinking out the structure of the classes.

You can offer the following options. For example, there is crying behind the door. It turns out that it flies the doll Katya - she goes to visit and wants to give his girlfriends dresses, but they are ugly. The task of children is to decorate monophonic silhouettes.

A cat in boots came to visit the guys, with whom the trouble happened - his favorite boots were broken, even got off the sole. And on the street it is cold, the paws are frozen, and you can catch a cold. The kids will be happy to make new beautiful boots for the cat, and before that they will tell him about a variety of types of shoes.

Soft toy acts as a guest, which comes to preschoolers

Another example of motivation is a telephone call. This calls an old ladder from the forest. He can't find his boots - neither under the oven, nor under the shop - there is no them anywhere. How can he go through the woods now, bypass his possessions? He, of course, has sneakers, but it is better that the guys give him new beautiful boots.

Children can come a letter from Santa Claus himself, who had trouble - when he was driving on a sleigh, the cap was blown by the wind. Now Grandpa can not get out of the house, because it is afraid to stand ears. Baby with great joy will agree to draw him a warm hat.

The teacher tells the guys that every year the fashion designers arrange the showing of their new collections of clothing. Children are invited to reincarnate in designers and create their original models to give their dolls. By the way, before that it will not be superfluous to tell the children and about other professions related to the production of clothing: the crucian, the seamstress, the smooth-owner, the artist on the tissues.

Fabric painting activities can be started with the children carefully consider their clothing, as well as the outfits of the educator and one-laugher. At the same time, it is noted that someone has a mononal fabric, someone with an ornament (strip, cell, vegetable motifs). After a small discussion, the guys create their own unique pattern on clothing.

Since children 5-6 years have already perceived cognitive information well, it can be included in the lesson. For example, you can tell the preschoolers interesting Facts From the life of the ancient Slavs. It turns out that the newborn they dressed in a shirt, which was sewed the oldest woman in the family. It was believed that in this case the child would live for a long time. Parts of parents' clothing were used as a diaper, so that the kid would inherit their good qualities.

Looking at the clothes of those times, it was possible to determine which position in society a person occupies, what is his age, it was possible to say for sure, married a woman or not.

National Clothing of Slavic Women

The guys will be interested to learn about the history of Wovenok - traditionally the Russian type of shoes (foreigners acquire them as souvenirs). They were also called Pima, Katakans, Chesanki. No better shoes for junior frost. Wovenka more than once saved Russian people, for example, during the Great Patriotic War. Without them, it is difficult to imagine the development of the Far North. In our same days, the boots inspire fashion designers, and they are creating on their basis real works of art.

Note that a large number is connected with the theme of boots literary worksWith which you can introduce preschoolers. For example, this is a story M. Privina "Grandfather Valenok".The hero of the work recalls that his grandfather constantly walked in the boots. The boy even it seems that everything in the world has the end, besides them. Once the old man has a lot of legs. The doctor advised him not to walk more fishing, because it is impossible to water the legs. But the grandfather could not refuse his beloved classes, and began to wear fibers in the water. Lomotation in the legs from this was held, however, the boots crackled from constant friction about water pebbles. The surrounding people began to tell her grandfather, that it was time to throw up the boots, but he did not listen to anyone. But once in the winter, grandfather got sick, forgot to remove the boots and climbed into them to the stove. The ice in triggers broke the wool and the boots turned into a duch. Grandfather from the annoyance threw one boots in the bushes, and the other gave the hunter. In the spring, when the birds began to twist the nests, they disassembled Grandfather Wovenok on the nurses. And a long time hero of the story, when he went through the forest, met bird nests with a litter from felt. Fucks were, indeed, immortal.

Illustration for the story M. Privina

This kind story not only enshrines the knowledge of children about the traditionally Russian shoes, but also leads them to the idea that everything in the world is interrelated.

We also recommend modern short fairy tales about boots and other shoes. In the fairy tale Lydia Kovaleva "Valenki and Kalosh" two types of shoes argued, standing in the hallway, which of them is more important. When the boots went for a walk, they plugged in a puddle, weddro and began to look slightly. And Kalosha, when they slipped and also got into the puddle, they became like an old boat. So two things understood that they should complement each other.

The photo serves as an illustration for the fairy tale Lydia Kovaleva

In the fairy tale Dmitry Ushakov "Wovenok, boot and shoes" shoe items also could not decide which of them more like people.Wovenok was soft and kind. The boot, stitched from good skin, is very important. The shoe was lightweight, elegant and used to it that she was admired. And the cold winter came - and all the people worked in warm and practical felt boots. When spring came, the time of boots came. And in the summer, when it was hot, people moved to shoes, sandals and sandals. Valenok was thoughtful, the boot frowned, and the shoe just spread his arms. And only a shoemaker who pass by, allowed their dispute - said that everyone is indispensable at one time of the year.

After reading this fairy tale, you can offer children to draw any item of shoes, which is mentioned there and decorate it to your taste.

At the beginning of the drawing, the teacher children can make a mini-story about some kind of wardrobe on a specific plan:

  1. Clothes color.
  2. The fabric from which it is sewn.
  3. What details are?
  4. For what time of year is meant?
  5. Is this a thing for a boy or a girl?
  6. How to care for this clothing.

You can play with children in the verbal game "Fourth Superst": the child must find a word that is not related to clothing:

  • Shirt, jacket, slippers, dress
  • Suit, fur coat, scarf, boots
  • Sarafan, Skirt, Pants, Hat
  • Sweater, jacket, shoes, shorts.

We also give riddles on seamstress tools that can be used in class:

  • On finger one
  • Bucket upside down. (Thimble)
  • I am the same old old woman.
  • I jump on the canvas,
  • And the thread is long from the ear,
  • As a web I pull. (Needle with thread)
  • On clothes he floats
  • Like a hot steamer.
  • All linen on Divo
  • Very smooth and beautiful!
  • For linen reliable friend
  • Electric ... .. (Iron)
  • Two rings, two ends,
  • And in the middle of the carnation. (Scissors)

We offer physical workers on the topic "Cardheck Items", which can be used in the classroom in the senior group:

This is a dress for Nataski -4 turn to the right and left, hands on the belt
Red peas.4 jump on both legs
And on the dress two pockets"Draw" on the stomach two pockets
Hide in them palmsapply palms to the tummy
These pants for Ilyushitwo times to keep, right, then with the left foot
She sewed grandmother from plushshow like grandmother sewn
Walks in them to walk Ilya,
He is big as you and meraise hands up, stretch on socks
Here are marink bootstwo times to keep, right later with the left foot
Not shoes, but pictures4 rhythmic jumps on both legs
To walk to walk in them,go in a circle holding hands
Run, jump and in a circle, make 2 jumps on both legs

Movable game - Dance "Shoots dance"

Abstract classes

FULL NAME Name of abstract
Savelyeva O. "House models"

Educational tasks: To introduce preschoolers with the profession of the fashion designer, learning to create your own clothing models, based on templates, decorate it to your liking.
Developing tasks: Fasten the knowledge of the wardrobe items.
Educational tasks: to educate aesthetic taste, the ability to see beauty in the outside world.
Integration of educational regions: "Artistic Creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demonstration material:attributes for the game "Atelier", "Clothing store".
Handout:sheets of tinted paper according to the number of children, patterns of clothing parts, watercolor, smaller cups, tassels, stands for them, napkins.
Travel course:
The educator informs preschoolers that they have a house of models in the group. The specifics of the profession of the fashion designer profession, the teacher tells about people who still work in Atelier.
Children are invited to turn into fashion designers and create a collection of clothing for home models. It may be things for all occasions: for work, recreation, sports or festive outfits.
Independent activities of preschoolers, after which the fashion shows is organized. The educator announces the name of each fashion designer, and it presents his outfit (tells, from which fabric you can sew it, as decorated).
After classes, all the work is issued in the mod log.

Kanarikina M.L. "Mom dress"
(drawing with wax crayons)

At the beginning of the classes, the educator reads the poem of the city of Demikina about Mamu:

  • Mom's dress is not counting directly.
  • There is blue and green there
  • There are blue with big colors
  • each serves her mother in his own way.
  • She goes to work.
  • In this the theater and the guests goes,
  • This is sitting, busy drawings.
  • Each serves her mother in his own way.

Children discuss the poem, as well as the question: why mom needs different outfits.
The teacher offers the guys to draw a festive dress with an unusual pattern for her mother. There is a discussion on the topic: how the elegant dress should look like. Children express different opinions: magnificent, long, with a bright pattern, "like a princess". Pedagogue tells preschoolers, from which parts the dress is: bodice, skirt, collar, belt. Possible elements of the pattern are discussed: stripes, points, circles, curls, etc.

Fizkulimnutka is carried out:

  • Mom need to relax. (sneeze)
  • Mom want to sleep.
  • I walk on tiptoe. (Walking on socks)
  • I do not wake my mother.
  • I'm in the kitchen prompt, (seven step)
  • A gift to make a start.

Children embark on painting dresses patterns. First you need to circle, so that the silhouette is on the sheet of paper. Along the way, the teacher explains how to pencilize folds on the skirt.

At the end of the occupation, the teacher proposes the guys to close his eyes and imagine how Mom was delighted with such a wonderful gift.

Lapsakova V.« Kota boots»

A toy cat in boots comes to the group to children, who had trouble - his favorite boots broke out. And on the street it is cold. The teacher explains the guys that the cat wore his boots and in winter, and in the summer - here they were proud.
Children guess the riddles about different types of shoes and introduce them to the cat:

  • 1. If the rain is not tusk
    Boy run on puddles.
    It will be a sun shine
    We stand under the hanger. (Rubber boots).
    2. Do not go to the street in the summer or winter
    But without us, no step when you come home. (Slippers).
    3. Neither boots nor sapozhki.
    Very warm legs
    We run in winter
    In the morning in the garden, then home. (Felt boots).
    4. What summer on the legs?
    Summer is hot in boots,
    To be glad to be legs
    I put on ... (sandals).
    5. Quickly the leg dives in them.
    After all, there are no heels, nor clasp. (Flip flops).

The following questions are discussed: why do you need so much different shoes? Is it possible to put on the heels on the holiday for the holiday? How to choose the right shoes?

The dance game is held "Scale dance".
Didactic game "Repair Workshop" - collect puzzles with the image of boots (4 subgroups of children).

The educator offers the guys to become fashion designers and come up with new beautiful boots for the cat.
At the end of the work, the cat thanks children and returns back to the fairy tale.

Moiseeva L.M. "We are Slavs"

At the beginning of the classes, the teacher talks with children about that such appearance than the outward boys and girls differ. Pictures with the image of a girl and a young man, men and women, grandparents are considered.
In one picture, children are depicted in different national costumes. Children are invited to find a Russian national costume. The educator informs the guys that they are also Slavs, and today will draw themselves in Slavic costume.
The teacher reminds children to draw a person's figures. Asks the guys to imagine himself next to the old, on a green lawn. Girls are dressed in sundresses, and boys are in wide pants and sprues-spaces. On the legs of the Napty.
Independent work of children. Pictures analysis.

Examples of finished works of pupils with comments on work

Children like to invent their unique patterns. Just and tastefully decorated "Dress with yellow-blue ornament". Stylishly looks like a blouse in ethnic style (drawing "Beautiful blouse").

Photo Gallery: Fabric Painting

Figure watercolor drawing watercolor drawing watercolor drawing watercolor drawing watercolor

Pupils of the older group create very original clothing models: stylishly looks top and breeches, decorated with a golden strap. Charming outfit - "dress with a lantern". Many young "fashion designers" developed beautiful models of open sundresses ("fashionable sundress", "Sarafan with fringe"). Conquer a cheerful colors "Skirt and Top".

Photo Gallery: House Models

Drawing watercolor drawing watercolor drawing watercolor drawing watercolor drawing watercolor drawing watercolor drawing watercolor

Young artists are always trying very much when they create work as a gift for loved ones. So, very brightly and attractive looks like a pattern of large colors on a photo exhibition "Festive dress" and "elegant dress", and the "Cell" print will never come out of fashion.

Photo gallery: Mom dress

Figure watercolor

Figure watercolor

Preschoolers love to draw mittens or paint their ready-made patterns. The charming pattern is drawn up in the "Beautiful ornament" track: a combination of strips, dots, christmas trees, wavy lines, chains. In the New Year's style, the mittens in the picture "Winter motives" and "mittens for the Snow Maiden" are withstanding. Spring motifs are presented in the work of "mittens with floral ornament".

Figure watercolor drawing gouache drawing watercolor

A whole range of boots for every taste is presented on the photo exhibition "Favorite boots". They are decorated with snowflakes and bells, and other intricate flowers, and cherries, and even with such a neodynicted pattern as a traffic light. The guys fully showed their creative fantasy.

And boots on the photo exhibition "Ay, yes boots!" They look just fabulous. We see the most intricate patterns, including even imitation of lace.

Photo Gallery: Shoes

Figure watercolor

Figure watercolor

Very realistic men's ethnic style shirts are presented in the works "Men's Shirt" and "Kososotka". Charming turned out to be a sundress in the drawing "Clothes of Slavica". Variations on the topic of Dymkovsky Sarafan we see in the compositions "Dymkovsky Sarafan" and "Sarafan of the Dymkov Baryshni". A very interesting photo exhibition is presented on the stand "What's in Russia": these are luxurious shawls, and cute hats, and old good felt boots.

Figure Watercolor Figure Watercolor Picture Pencil and Flometer

Drawing in kindergarten's gardening items is a very exciting topic, which in the older group goes to a new level. Children depicts clothes, shoes and hats are very realistic, giving them the most unusual coloring. After all, the kids love to reincarnate in representatives of various professions, in particular, in the fashion designer.

Task: introduce children with clothing types, details of clothing, shoes and hats, taking connection clothing with time of year.

Software content: to summarize and expand the knowledge of children.

To acquaint children with clothes with the properties and quality of the fabric.

Develop the mental activity of children, continue to learn to examine objects to form sensory standards.

Develop an active speech of children to enrich the dictionary.

Continue to acquaint with Tatar national clothing and shoes.

Learn to make up complex suggestions calling the main types of clothing, its parts, who sews it and from what; Shoes and its types. Dating with the "seamstress" profession.

Continue to acquaint children with the meaning of the words "costume, dress, outfit, toilet", and also introduce the concepts of "Fashion Designer, Sketch, Cutter, Tailor, Mannequin, Podium".

Reliable respect for people who create and sew clothes.

Develop aesthetic taste, memory, imagination.

Educating the prishability, the ability to listen to information and draw conclusions.


Health Piz. Culture

The conversation is "we bring order in the closet for clothes."

Purpose: Secure the ability to independently keep clean and order in your closet.

Conversation "How to take care of your clothes"

Objective: Learning to dry and clean your clothes, wash, wipe and clean shoes.

Reading fiction "Kyan Kyzy".

Purpose: clarify the value and role of shoes to preserve health.

Conversation on the topic: "Where should I buy shoes? "

Objective: "Move children to keep a dialogue with parents about (material, strength, convenience) before buying shoes» Didactic game "Classification of clothes and shoes"

"What is done from? "

Purpose: Learn to recognize sports shoes, shape (Czech, sneakers, clothing)

Conversation "Why we dress Czechs for charging and to physical. classes"?

Conversation "Why a sports form needs. What does it differ from other clothes?

Sports relay "Boots - Skorversals"

Objective: Develop speed and attention.

Game-dance "Tubeti"

Purpose: perform movement in sample or picture.

Didactic game "Choose shoes for charging"

Purpose: intensify motor activity and psychological comfort.

Social and personal development

Socialization work safety

Scenery "Clothing store",

"Salon mod" "Atelier"

Purpose: develop dialogic speech, learn to make proposals using clothing and footwear in the vocabulary stock.

Didactic game "Clothing or shoes".

Purpose: clarify the name of the subject and their purpose.

Theatrical Games "We Actors", "Guests came to us"

Purpose: clarify the names of clothes, headdress, accessories. Develop attention, be able to call the object of clothing and its details.

Didactic game: "Winter or Summer".

"What the boys and girls are worn"

Purpose: classification of clothes and shoes. Clarify the material of the subject and its purpose.

Conversation "National clothes, shoes".

Purpose: to form a horizon in children, be able to recognize clothing by nationality, pay attention to the Tatar ornaments used in the sewing of national clothes, bring up a sense of pride in their people.

Teach children to follow their clothes, bring up a careful attitude towards clothes.

Collective work (washing puppet clothing).

Conversation on the topic "Where does the clothes come from who sews them?

Objective: to introduce children with difficulty seamstress, shoemakers, knitters, familiarize with the tools used at sewing. Expand the knowledge of children about these professions and its significance.

Conversation: Package in creating clothes (designer work, artist, cruel, seamstress).

Purpose: expand the horizons of children with the concepts of different professions and their significance in the life of every person.

Productive activities "clothes for dolls."

Purpose: Teach children invent different styles of clothing, using fantasy and be able to draw them. -Bested "Comfortable Open and Shoes"

Purpose: continue the conversation with children about the inconvenient shoes, which can lead to damage to the foot foot, focus as much as attention on uncomfortable clothing (narrow, with various checked items, etc., which can lead to various injuries, as well as inconvenience.

Watch the film on the topic "Novishness in children's clothes preschool age»

Purpose: Introductors children with clothing, which is intended for the safety of the movement of children on the road in the evening. (Various glowing tapes, emblems). Cross children in acquiring such clothes.

Conversation on the topic: "Clothes in the kitchen and nature."

Purpose: To acquaint children with a form of clothing, which is necessary when we are in the kitchen near the gas stove or fire outdoors. Learning to distinguish synthetic quickly flammable clothing. Continue to form children's knowledge, about clothes that you need to wear when we are going outside the city on a picnic. Create knowledge about fire safety.

Didactic game "Cotton or Synthetic".

Objective: to acquaint children with environmentally friendly natural materials (cotton products) and artificial raw materials.

Cognitive-speech development

Cognition Communication Reading Artistic Literature

Didactic game "Pick up a button to clothes." "Load boots."

Purpose: Development of shallow motility hands using clothing items.

Origami "Shirt. Sweater".

Purpose: Develop a fine motor skill, form constructive activities when creating types of clothing from paper.

Didactic game "What is the clothes made from?"

Objective: Teach children Recognize clothing materials (leather, cotton, synthetic, silk, etc., form logicality, educate accuracy.

Didactic game "What has changed? "," Fourth extra ".

Purpose: develop the attention of children, logicality. Learn children to answer the question: "How much? "And" What is the account? "

Didactic game "Clothing of the Peoples of the World".

Purpose: repeat the clothes of the peoples of Russia and the countries of the neighboring countries. To introduce children with the nationwide of the world (Yakuts, the British, Africans, Indians, etc.) to bring up a feeling of pride in children.

Conversation "I have new clothes».

Purpose: to develop a dialogical speech, be able to draw up common offers on the topic and respond to them.

Didactic game "" We are in the clothing store, on the market. "

Teach children to propose proposals to properly, using the correct names of clothing, shoes, hats, accessories. Pay attention to the correctness of the stagnation of the words of clothing and words of foreign-speaking origin. Work on the enrichment of the vocabulary in children, continue to learn to make syntactically correct common offers. Didactic game with the coloring book "Open Masha".

Purpose: to form interest in the book, to the perception of illustrations, learn to pick up clothes for appointment (sports, home, elegant clothes).

Reading the book "Moydodyr".

Purpose: Continue to teach children with accurate handling with clothing and shoes, form to perceive the content of the book and be able to analyze. We instill cultural and hygienic skills.

Reading Sh. Galiev "Our boots dance".

Purpose: Continue to teach children to listen to the artistic literature with interest, be able to answer questions.

Consider mod logs.

Objective: to introduce children with the word "fashion", enrich the vocabulary of the names different species and clothes elements (cuffs, ruffs, collars, lace, etc.)

Productive activity "We draw a festive outfit."

Purpose: be able to highlight elements of clothing, develop fantasy in the picture.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Artwork Work with parents

Drawing "Apron".

Objective: Continue to acquaint children with Tatar national clothing, with its elements, shape and patterns. Relieve accuracy.

Applique "Ichegi"

Purpose: Teach children cut out the shape of the shoes, decorate it with elements of the Tatar ornament, continue to learn to pick up colors, cut symmetrical forms of paper folded twice.

Lajk "Tubeti"

Purpose: continue to learn to sculpt a rounded form, use the reception of recess and plugging. Learning to make ornaments using beads, bring up love and respect for your people.

Didactic game "Decorating Clothing".

Purpose: develop fantasy and logical thinking.

Consider illustrations to the tale "Cinderella".

Purpose: to introduce the children of love for art, continue to be able to call the types of clothing and shoes, be able to compare the clothes of that time and present. Conversation with parents' tidiness in children's clothing.

Purpose: advise parents about comfortable clothes and shoes, accuracy and cleanliness of children's clothing.

Homework for parents "We sew things for doll"

Purpose: Joint activities of parents with children when creating clothes for dolls. Exhibition of dolls in clothes made by parents and children. Activate the career in the life of the group.

Maria Somodergin
Abstract Prediction Classes in the second junior group "Matryoshka boots"


1) To form the ability to dip a brush in the paint, removing excess paint about the edge of the jar, continue to develop the ability to keep the brush correctly, learn to make a whole of parts, group shoes.

2) Develop the ability to distinguish and call color.

3) Create a joyful mood, satisfaction from the results of work.


Couple of children and a couple of adults boot

Cardboard boots different colors

Gouache Krasnogr Color

Paper layouts sapozhkov

Toy- matryoshka

Preliminary work:

1-2 days before classes, going for a walk, ply on boots.

Structure occupation

What in the group has changed?

What in the group has happened?

What is not today, children?

Look, who noticed?

(Children inspect the group, notice the absence of dolls in the game corner, find matryoshka in the middle of the group room.)

Yes, matreshka our sad

Because in group empty.

Dolls went walking,

Fresh air breathe.

BUT matryoshka did not go,

After all shoots did not find.

Not i have boots,

Help me, friends.

-Boots show you,

And we will tell you about them.

The educator shows children a few pairs of shoes.

What is it? (Boots)

Where boots are big(Children show big boots, educator asks repeat the word"big")

And where small (children show small boots, repeat the word"Small")

For adults

Large sapozhki.,

And small

For children's legs!

Phys. Minute:

Big legs walk along the road,

And small legs run along the path (Children walk on group Large and small steps.)

And for toys

We have boots of pieces,

Whole gather

Can we have friends?

(On the table every child collects a whole boots of pieces.)

Tried and collected

AND sapochk color called.

(The tutor alternately asks to call his color sapozhka.: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Black, White)

The educator brings children to Siol for drawing. On the table on each RBEEN cooked paper layout sapozhka., Gouache, brush. Under the verbal support of the teacher, children rhythmically apply strokes, decorating sapoch. The tutor follows that the children work carefully. Children's work show matreshka, she rejoices and thanks children.

Publications on the topic:

"Glass for kitten." Abstract drawing classes in the second youngest group The abstract of drawing classes in the second youngest group "Tells for kittens" Purpose: Learn to draw children the fusion lines with circular motions.

The abstract of integrated classes in the second youngest group on speech development and drawing "Matryoshki came to visit us" Software tasks: educational: expand the vocabulary of children, develop a coherent speech. Fasten the ability to describe, decorate a toy.

Summary of classes "At Matryoshka - housewarming" on the development of speech in the second youngest group A summary of the development of speech in the second youngest group Narenko E. L. Topic: "Matryoshki -News" goal: to promote the formation.

An abstract classes in the second youngest group "Matryoshka. Big concepts are small An abstract of classes in the 2nd youngest group "Matryoshki" Education area: Cognitive development FMP has developed an educator: Babinskaya.

SUMMARY Classes on drawing in the second youngest group "Merry Matryoshki" MBDOU. kindergarten "Vitimak" held: Zhigmitov Love Namdikovna Abstract Classes in artistic creativity (drawing) in the second younger.

SUMMARY Classes on drawing "Beautiful balloons for mom" in the second youngest group in the framework of the project "My Family" Appendix No. 2 "Beautiful balloons for mom" (abstract Node on drawing in the second youngest group) Purpose: Create drawing skills.

Abstract Watercolor paints in the preparatory group "Russian Matryshki" Purpose: - to attach children to national cultural traditions through the deepening and expanding knowledge about the Matreshka - the symbol of the Russian People's Symbol.