Left hand index finger value. What does the ring on the middle finger mean

A rigid set of rules on which finger to wear a ring and on which hand does not exist and anyone can wear rings, as he pleases, with the exception of wedding bands, but there are nuances. For example, most residents of South and North America, including the United States, and in most European countries wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of their left hand, and in accordance with the Orthodox tradition, they are worn on the ring finger of the right hand. However, men often do not wear them on any finger at all. But the trained eye will even see a trace of the ring. As a rule, the right hand is considered as a physical characteristic of a person - it is more active, dominant, more “gesturing”. The left is seen as a reflection of the psychological side of a person’s personality - it speaks of character and beliefs.

What will the symbolism of the rings tell us?


The thumb symbolizes willpower and reflects the inner essence of man. If you start to wear a ring on your thumb - be careful, changes will soon begin in your life. Also, wearing a ring on this finger helps to develop the will.

Rings on the thumbs are often surprising, but, in fact, this phenomenon is quite common throughout the world. In most cases, the ring on the thumb is perceived as a symbol of wealth and influence, while the rings on this finger are often worn wide and large. Previously, an engagement ring was often moved to this finger. Such a tradition existed, in particular, during the time of George I in England, in medieval Europe, wedding rings were generally worn on different fingers. This is also the usual choice of those people who want to wear several rings on one hand, but so as to slightly distance the rings from each other. The wedding ring, the rings on the little finger and the middle finger together can cause a feeling of excessiveness and in this embodiment they are not always convenient to wear. The thumb ring “offloads” the composition.

The thumb raised is a gesture of friendliness, so do not wear a ring on it that will annoy other people. There is nothing worse than an expensive and tasteless thumb ring. Best when it’s bold but simple. And although many authors believed that the thumb does not have astrological associations and does not have a patron among the ancient Greek gods, like all other fingers, it is often associated with Mars. It was believed that the thumb reflects character - strong straight fingers are characteristic of authoritative personalities, and curves were perceived as a sign of sinfulness. Astrology connects the thumb with a cornelian, pomegranate and ruby.

There is another important point - since ancient times, men have put on a thumb ring for archery. The wearing of such a ring among the ancients was associated with courage and the ability to wield weapons. Perhaps for this reason, wearing a rather large and wide ring on the thumb remains to this day a male prerogative and a symbol of masculinity.

  • Left thumb will not make statements about your status, profession, or other important part of life. But this is a great finger for a “statement” - choose a wide ring that will not interfere with your hand, and people will understand that you are a fashionable and confident person.
  • Right thumb   also does not speak about anything concrete - this is a great way to demonstrate your favorite ring or use it for a "statement". I heard, for example, that with the help of the rings on the thumbs such statements are made by non-traditional minorities.


The index finger represents power, leadership and ambition. It is believed that wearing a ring on this finger activates just this kind of energy. This was especially noticeable in those days when the famous and powerful kings wore a ring on their index finger. Wear a ring on this finger if you want to develop leadership kachetva and get an impetus for development in this direction.

Instinctively, we more often than others use the index finger in gestures (except for the thumb). But, it turns out, the ring on this finger bothers us less than on the average adjacent to it. In history, the wearing of rings (usually signets or rings) on this finger was the most common, except in cases where in some regions of Europe it was forbidden for persons below a certain status. Therefore, rings (especially men) were most often worn on this finger - often these were rings symbolizing belonging to some kind of fraternity, membership in an organization, etc. The ring on the index finger does not stand out so sharply as on the middle finger or little finger, but, thanks to gestures, is quite noticeable. Astrological Association - Jupiter, which symbolizes strength, leadership, authority and spirituality. Jupiter's metal is tin, but silver is also a normal choice for a ring. Astrological stones of index fingers - lapis lazuli, amethyst, blue topaz.

  • Left forefinger   It doesn’t have one-to-one symbolism, although it’s a good finger for demonstrating important rings. In order for your ring to be noticed, you can put on it your especially valuable or cocktail ring   etc.
  • Right index finger - A place for an engagement ring during a traditional Jewish wedding ceremony. As a rule, a simple gold ring is used for this purpose. After the ceremony, brides often move the ring to the familiar ring finger, but some continue to wear it on the index finger. So take a look before you hit on the girl you like. Earlier in Russia, it was also custom to wear a wedding ring on the index finger.


The middle finger is a person’s personality. The ring located in the center of the hand symbolizes a balanced life. And wearing a ring on the middle finger helps make life more harmonious.

If you do not take into account the well-known gesture, then the middle finger is the largest, strongest and boldest finger. The rings on it are surprisingly rare, partly, apparently, because it is next to the index and the rings become an obstacle to various small actions. So that the ring does not interfere - it is better to wear simple and small rings on the middle finger. However, wearing the ring on the middle finger is very convenient, especially when you first put the ring on it. In addition, unlike the nameless, or, for example, the little finger, the symbolism of this finger is the safest, it does not create any secret meaning or confusion. Due to its central location, the middle finger symbolizes balance, It is connected with Saturn, the metal of Saturn is lead, simple gray metals are well suited for this finger. Saturn stands for balance, justice, law, responsibility and introspection. Its stones are soothing, such as rose quartz, coral, aquamarine.

  • Left middle finger. If the ring is worn on this finger, this may not mean anything. But since it occupies a central place on the hand and this is the longest finger, the ring on it can symbolize power and responsibility. This finger is a good choice if you want to show the ring without making any statements about your life.
  • Right middle finger,   just like the left one has no definite meaning and is open to interpretation. You can choose your own symbol and value for the ring.


The ring finger of the left hand has a direct connection with the heart. For this reason, a wedding ring is worn on this finger in most countries of the world. Wearing a ring on this finger will add positive emotions and affection to your life, as well as increase creativity and a taste for creativity. Wearing a ring on your right hand will make you more optimistic.

In most countries of the world ring finger   most often associated with a wedding ring - in the USA, a ring on the right hand indicates an engagement, on the left it symbolizes marriage. Most people choose plain gold or silver ring, in particular, because the ring is worn constantly and it is simply more convenient. This does not mean that people do not wear rings with large stones or clearly artistic and decorative rings on the ring finger. Most likely, they simply will not be perceived by the rings associated with marriage. At the same time, the rings are quite simple in shape, if they are made of different metals or have inscriptions, they will most likely be.

It is symbolic that the ring finger is associated with the moon, beauty and creativity, as well as, obviously, with romantic relationships. The metal of the moon is silver, so it is a natural choice for rings worn on the ring finger, if it is not a wedding ring. The finger is connected with Apollo. Gemstones - moonstone, jade, amethyst, turquoise.

  • Left ring finger.   In most cases, this finger is worn wedding ring. Many believe that this custom stems from the belief of the ancient Romans that blood flows through the veins from this finger directly to the graft (in Apion it is a nerve). But the ring on this finger may mean that its owner is only about to marry (engagement ring). On the same finger can wear a promise ring (romantic promise), despite the fact that the finger is assigned the status of an official proposal. Many young people prefer to wear a purity ring on this finger. (chastity ring). The wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand is worn in France, Italy, Great Britain, Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia, Sweden, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan. And also in Japan, Korea, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Canada, USA, Cuba and others. According to tradition, the wedding ring in Russia after a divorce is moved to the left ring finger, and the widows and widowers wear two wedding rings (theirs and their spouse).
  • Right ring finger.   Although in many countries it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the left ring finger, there are countries in which the right ring finger is used for the same purpose. This applies to the legal tradition and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe - Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Poland, Moldova, Ukraine. On their right hand they wear a wedding ring in Germany, Spain, Austria, Greece, Norway, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Chile and several others.

5. Little finger

The little finger combines all the relationships and communication with the outside world, as well as communication with other people. Wearing the ring on the little finger helps to improve relationships, especially in marriage, but also in the business sphere. The little finger is also responsible for success in creativity, harmony in the emotional sphere, as well as in the material world.

Little finger it often becomes the choice of the person who wants to “declare” something, since the little finger with the ring will attract the most attention - it is less associated with religious or cultural traditions and associations, therefore it carries your pure idea. That is, they wear rings on the little finger when they want to draw attention to this fact. People who are fond of astrology and palmistry will perceive this symbolism through a connection with intelligence and beliefs. The little finger symbolizes mercury, but this does not mean that you need to wear a ring of this metal - it is liquid at room temperature and is also highly toxic to humans. Patron - Mercury, who personifies intelligence, communication, beliefs and intuition, he patronizes crafts and commerce, traditionally wearing rings on the little finger is associated with business. Stones - moonstone, amber, citrine.

  • Little finger of the right hand   - in the XIX and early XX centuries in a number of countries, 2 rings on the little finger showed that the person was married (divorce ring) . The bottom ring was engagement, a ring was put on over. Now this tradition is forgotten, some historians believe that such rings were worn by American President Franklin Roosevelt. Sometimes wearing a ring on this finger is associated with the traditions of organized crime (mafia rings)   wore such rings clan Soprano, in particular. In the UK and other Western countries, men but with the left little finger wore a signet ring, the age of this type of antique rings is more than 100 years. Usually such rings have a coat of arms and in many families they have been passed down from generation to generation (family rings with a coat of arms) .
  • Little finger of the left hand   often used for rings indicating professional status. This is typical for engineers in a number of industries, for example, engineering, where a ring can indicate the achievement of a certain educational level. Graduates do not wear the ring on the leading hand so that it does not interfere. Professional rings can be simple iron, silver, stainless steel and other materials, often they have inscriptions or signs. All of the above is typical for right-handed people, left-handed people sometimes confuse this entire symbolic system.


It depends on the rings. For example, a set of several thin rings is perceived as one. A safe maximum can be considered 2-3 rings scattered on both hands. It is necessary to try so that the rings as a whole do not look too bright, so that this is not perceived as a caricature. Men are better off wearing one “declared” ring and nothing else, or in combination with an engagement ring. But I repeat - there are no rules in this regard, here only a sense of proportion and taste can become advisers. For a long time I went over the paintings of artists of different eras, because jewelry, including rings, are depicted in most portraits. Interestingly, most often the rings are worn on the little finger, or on the little finger and index finger. On the ring and thumb, the rings are found almost equally and least often on the average. I hope you enjoy these illustrations, selected from among the old paintings of masters of painting.

We owe the “thumb” that we differ from animals, even from monkeys, which also have it, but are located in the palm of our hands quite differently from ours, from a different angle, respectively, which do not give opportunities like ours work with objects.

The thumb corresponds to the energy center located on the crown of the head, which connects us with the world of ideals, this is our individual channel with the energy egregor, called GOD.

That is why in ancient times, high priests, archbishops and popes had the right to wear rings on this finger. This finger is connected with those who went beyond the limits of “good and evil”, achieved enlightenment, and found their individual path to God. The “thumbs up” gesture means: “good”, “cool”, “super” - that is, a certain situation, business or circumstance in its harmony reaches its ideal state.
Often a person who is not confident in his opinion or is physically or mentally weakened hides his thumb in his fist, protecting it with other fingers. This is a gesture of protecting one’s personality, one’s path in life and one’s own destiny. On the right hand, such a gesture will help protect oneself from adversity, secure your path in business, your goal, sincere desires and hopes. The left hand in this gesture will provide an opportunity to find a path to your unique mission on this Earth, as well as understand and accept what is happening to you.


The index finger is the "guide" finger. It is associated with the energy center located in the center of the forehead, which determines spiritual values. From childhood, we remember the index finger threatening us at the time of our pranks and disobedience. Also showing us the right path. Setting the production task: "... from the fence to dinner ...", - or choosing us from the line of peers to perform any task ...

The connected thumb and forefinger in our culture means: “OK!”. Everything is fine, everything is fine.

You can meditate by connecting these fingers in a ring. The thumb is a connection with God on an unconscious, individual level, here it is connected with the index, connected with the "third eye", the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof a person, in his request to set the right path, to help not make mistakes.
The index finger was decorated with rings by great commanders, rulers of peoples and countries, famous sages and philosophers who understand the meaning of life. In our world, this corresponds to cool businessmen, politicians, artists and scientists of a national scale.
By invisibly connecting the thumb and forefinger of the right hand at the moment of an important conversation, you will be able to successfully promote your arguments and ideas. On the left hand, this sign will help you understand the true intent of the partner and your place in his plans. “Accented” with a ring or signet, this finger will give you solidity and authority: on the right hand - in practical activity, and on the left - in the realm of feelings and spirituality.


The middle finger is known to us by the famous “hooligan” gesture, when all fingers are clenched into a fist, and the middle is extended upward. This is a gesture of action, movement, volitional manifestation and is associated with the center located at the base of the throat, realizing the spiritual aspirations of a person, his ethical values \u200b\u200band morality. The fact that this is an “action finger” can be easily verified by trying to click someone on the forehead with different fingers. The strongest click will turn out average.

The combination of the thumb and middle finger in the ring on the right hand will give you strength and pressure in the fight, on the left - it will help you to feel the course of events and prepare for their turn in any direction.
Here the Divine principle is combined with action, the will of man, a concrete act, tension. This finger is connected with warriors. Now these are executive directors, managers, military, police, people of duty and honor, employees, executors of plans. Jewels and rings this finger was marked by large warriors and people who want to gain self-confidence.

The ring finger is connected to the center that is in charge of our heart affairs and located at the level of the heart. That is why we wear the wedding ring of fidelity on this finger. If you carefully look at the images of Christ on the icons, you will notice that on his right hand his thumb and ring finger are connected as a sign that God (thumb) is Love (ring finger). Sensitive natures, people of art and emotions “accent” this finger on their hands with rings.

The “ring” of the thumb and ring finger on the right hand will help you to show your feelings much more intensively, and on the left it will help you fill the vessel of your soul with cosmic love, understand whether you are truly loved or is it just a game.


The smallest of the “five brothers” on our hand understands the intricacies of communication. This is the finger of the center, located at the level of the "solar plexus", connected with the mind, negotiations, the ability to speak and listen, thinking and any symbolic systems of our life. You have probably seen the “call me” gesture more than once when the hand is raised to the head, with the thumb pointing to the ear, the little finger to the mouth, and the rest are bent.

A real toastmaster, uttering a healthy toast, holds a wine glass in his hand, "protruding" the little finger to the side, however, as does the socialite, who has an easy conversation over a cup of coffee. This is the finger of people who can think, negotiate, count and compare. Previously, merchants had the privilege of wearing jewelry on this finger, now they are businessmen.
If you want to defeat your business partners with your arguments or suggestions, you need to connect the big and little fingers of the right hand into a ring, and on the left hand this gesture will allow you to understand the situation and make the right decision in business or study.

However, there are seven centers, and five fingers! A “falling out” of a pair of two is connected with the right and left hands. Rather, with “working” and “non-working” hands, since left-handed and right-handed people are encountered in life. The working hand (let's call it right) is connected with the material, bestowing, practical world, action, and the center located on the tailbone. A non-working (left) - with an energy and emotional, perceiving world and a center lying just below the navel. To advance in the practical sphere of being, you need to use the right (working) hand. If you are more interested in feelings and perceptions - the left.

In general, as you can see on TV, for example, all psychics, basically, try to feel something from a photo and from a person with their left palm, and the effects are done only with the right hand. Therefore, if you do exercises on extrasensory abilities: vision, reading information, etc., then there is a 90% chance that you need to do this, namely, with your left hand, opening your palm and directing its center to the object for feeling.

Most jewelry does not carry any practical burden.

Information about determining the character of a person by a ring worn on a finger is partly superstition and does not have a scientific basis.

general information

Ring worn on ring finger   of the left hand says: its owner has a lover or lover (and today it is a sign of family ties among Catholics). Ring on the little finger   reports that the owner does not want to marry,   on the index   - only looking for a wife. Ring on the middle finger   gives out a lover of "platonic" relations. But before the new reckoning, rings were only an ornament, a symbol. And they became an obligatory attribute of the wedding ritual of Christians in historical churches only around 900. They wear wedding rings and wedding rings on one finger - first wedding, then engagement. Spouses who have lived together for 25 years sometimes wear both gold and silver wedding rings.

Orthodox spouses wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the right hand. Widowers wear their wedding rings and spouse on the ring finger of the left hand. Divorced wedding rings are worn on the same hand and the same finger.

Silver ring on the left hand   - a girl of marriageable age, on the right   - swept through. gold ring on the right hand   - married on the left   - divorced. Two golden rings on the left hand   - a widow, since the second ring is the ring of a deceased husband.

Ring finger (finger of the sun)

Rings on the ring finger - Naturally, the most popular column is “marital status”. It is filled with a ring on the ring finger of the right hand (or left, as is customary for Catholics). For the first time, this custom of the ring appeared even among the ancient Egyptians, who believed that it was from the ring finger that the "artery of love" begins, leading directly to the heart. With these thoughts, the people of the pharaohs wore wedding rings from a wide variety of metals, glass and even ceramics. Certainty with the material arises in the days of Ancient Rome - there is a tradition to give a spouse an iron or bronze ring as a sign of the inviolability of marriage ties. More familiar to us gold wedding rings appeared on hands only in the 3rd-4th centuries.

The decoration worn on this finger (with the exception of the engagement ring) emphasizes a passion for beauty, exquisite things and luxury. The ring on it, especially the gold one, is the key to a cordial connection, helps self-expression, the acquisition of celebrity and wealth.

  • If a person constantly wears a ring on his ring finger, he strives for pleasures, a pleasant pastime, sensual pleasures. Moreover, he is a tireless romantic. When you see a ring on the finger of the Sun on a date with your chosen one, know that he has a great mood, good intentions and the most romantic plans. The rings on both fingers of the Sun show that the person is at the peak of positive emotions.
  • If the decoration is small, then the person is calm, harmonious, self-confident.
  • If the decoration is large or bright, then this indicates violent, even hysterical behavior of the owner.
  • Wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger shows that marriage for its owner (no matter what the person says in words) is a familiar, significant and quite acceptable condition.
  • If a married man with a wedding ring on his right hand says how unhappy he is, you can believe that. But if he swears that he wants to break the bond of marriage, do not believe in any case, for the ring on his hand is evidence of his lies.
  • Women sometimes put on a second ring over the engagement ring, usually gold with a precious or semiprecious stone. The subconscious meaning of this sign is to emphasize the importance of marriage for her and the desire to further strengthen it.
  • In a familiar environment, an “alarm” is not needed, so many ladies do not wear wedding rings in everyday life or at home.
  • On the left hand, the wedding ring is often worn consciously, and usually this sign, like the green light of a taxi, indicates that the owner is free.
  • Other rings worn on this finger indicate the mental state of a person at the moment.
  • Small and unremarkable rings indicate a calm, relatively indifferent and stereotypic attitude of their owner to the world around him.
  • Large and extravagant are designed to attract attention to the owner (often the owner) and emphasize the desire to be noticed. This can be a manifestation of an exalted, excitable or hysteroid personality, especially if the holder of the ring is male.
  • Less often, large rings are worn by women with great modesty and an equally great desire to draw attention to themselves. They cannot or cannot show themselves in a different way.
  • Forefinger(finger of jupiter)

    The entry in the column "power" is made on the index finger. A finger decorated with a ring is a sign of strong-willed character, pride and desire for power. The “ring of power” on the right hand indicates prudence, the rings on the left hand are more likely to be megalomania and a penchant for hysteria. The rings on the index finger were worn by many famous rulers and commanders - Caesar, Ivan the Terrible, Cardinal Richelieu, Henry VIII. The latter, by the way, wore rings only on his index fingers, but on both of them at once - this great monarch, reformer, sixth and paranoid was imprinted on all portraits.

    The ring on this finger indicates that its owner is a timid, shy and indecisive person by nature. Having difficulty communicating, he is easily influenced. However, putting a ring on his index finger, such a modest person gains confidence in his abilities and, possibly, even strives for leadership. A man who has come on a date with a ring on this finger is ready to conquer and conquer; he has the most serious intentions. If both fingers of Jupiter (on the right and left hand) are humiliated, then your new acquaintance will not stop at nothing in an effort to achieve his goal.

    The ring on this finger enhances self-esteem and helps the implementation of ambitious plans, especially if it is made of tin - the metal of Jupiter and Perun, or, in extreme cases, gold, metal, friendly to Jupiter. Any size ring indicates arrogance, self-confidence, arrogance, authority of the owner.

    Middle finger(Saturn's finger)

    The longest and most central, it best demonstrates jewelry and how much we ourselves like. The aggressive superiority of the ring on the index finger gives way to a more polite self-esteem and excusable narcissism. It was on the middle finger that Marilyn Monroe wore a ring when she sang about diamonds. The size of the diamond in this case also matters - the larger and more noticeable the ring, the stronger its owner strives to convince others of his irresistibility. It is curious, but it was on the middle finger that the legendary ring of omnipotence from the Tolkien trilogy was worn.

    As a rule, family decorations are worn on this finger to emphasize the connection with the ancestors. Thus, putting a piece of jewelry on Saturn’s finger, he accepts as an inevitable influence of fate, he believes in his karma and higher destiny. The ring "tames" the negative influence of rock and liberates thinking. Having met such a person, be sure that he has tremendous spiritual strength. And if he came to you on a date, it means that your meeting (for him certainly!) Is predetermined from above. The rings on both fingers of Saturn endow a person with a certain degree of fatalism and some detachment from everyday life.

    The ring on the middle finger increases common sense and helps to overcome life's difficulties, bestows devotion, constancy and wisdom, especially if it is made of lead, Saturn metal, or, in extreme cases, iron.

    Small, elegant and inexpensive and artistically executed rings testify rather to self-esteem, and large, shiny, often tasteless - a sign of pride and vanity.

    Thumb(Mars finger)

    Thumb rings deserve special attention, especially if the hand is male. With these fingers, as in a hitchhiking, men give a signal "I ask attention!". According to psychologists, the main desire of the owner of such a ring is to assert itself by any means, and first of all, sexually. Opinion on this subject has not changed for the past two thousand years. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans considered the thumb a symbol of the phallus and wore iron rings on it to protect their male power.

    The ring on the finger of Mars reveals a person who is expansive, emotional, possessing tremendous energy. In his hearts, he is able to say such that others will remember for a long time what he heard as a bad dream. Convincing something of such a person is a waste of time.

    The owner of the ring himself understands this, therefore, purely intuitively with the help of jewelry, he seeks to curb his ardent temperament.

    However, don’t be afraid if a person comes to a date by putting on a massive ring on his thumb. Most likely, the “lord of the ring” wants to pacify his aggression and make the communication process more harmonious.

    Decorating the thumbs of both hands, he seeks to increase his chances of finding mutual language   with others.

    According to psychologists, the main desire of such ring-bearers is to assert themselves by any means, and first of all - in the sexual plan. Opinion on this subject has not changed for the past two thousand years. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans considered the thumb a symbol of the phallus and wore iron rings on it to protect their male power.

    Little finger (finger of Mercury)

    Little finger - the smallest finger. According to the women's magazine, the rings on the little finger are a frequent companion of actresses, artists, fashion designers. Marlene Dietrich preferred such rings to everyone else. But even if you see a person who is not connected with the art world, the ring on the little finger will tell you that its owner is interesting and able to go beyond the generally accepted framework.

    Mercury personifies a sophisticated mind, a passion for subtle intrigues. The constant presence of the ring on the little finger emphasizes the variability of nature, narcissism and coquetry. The little finger was associated with the writer's art, mathematical abilities, medicine, trade and diplomacy - that is, with those areas for which Mercury was responsible.

    Mercury was the metal of mercury, but because of its toxicity and unusual properties - it is the only metal that is liquid under ordinary conditions, it is not used in the manufacture of rings. True, Mercury is friendly to almost all metals, it will be able to "negotiate" with almost everyone.

    Moreover, this is an accurate sign of a penchant for gambling and constant readiness for flirting. In this case, a ring or other jewelry is designed to calm or even suppress these sometimes very disturbing qualities. What to expect from a person who has come on a date with a ring worn on his little finger? Most likely nothing good. He (she) will be fooling his head, flirting and constantly telling lies.

    The only thing that can at least somehow reason such a person is the rings worn on both little fingers. However, there is no absolute guarantee, of course.

    If the jewelry is of an unconventional and aesthetic nature, this means that their owner is looking for new, original, unusual sensations and impressions.


    • 1marriage.ru - magic of the rings;