Abstract Node in the II Junior Group Theme: Eared Hare. Node in the second youngest group on gender education Gender belonging in the second youngest group

MDOU "Kindergarten №18" nest ".
Abstract Node
in the II junior group
Topic: "Eared hare"
MDOU №18 "Nest"
Prepared: the teacher of Kosovo E.M.
Plan-abstract Node in the II Junior Group
Topic: "Eared hare"
Software tasks:
Educational: to educate love and caring attitude towards animals.
Educational: continue learning to draw with a rigid semi-dry brush. Teach imitate the animal fur. Continue to learn how to use the paint.
Developing: to intensify the cognitive and speech activities of children. Improve the ability to draw round shapes, depicting circles and with their size. Improve the ability to draw on the entire album sheet.
Wordwork: foot, tip, semi-dry, eared, sad, white, black, soft.
Form of carrying out: Exercise Situation.
Materials and equipment: pattern sample, paints: white and black, shining brush and brush №3, napkin, tinted album sheets, easel, hare-toy, sets of trees and stumps, coloring books.
Preliminary work with children:
Communication: conversation about the life of wild animals
Cognition: viewing paintings and toys
Reading fiction: reading poems, riddles about animals and animals.
Socialization: Movable, sedentary games.
Labor: making a toy hare from natural material.
Artistic Creativity: Improke "Bunny", Applique "Hares on the lawn".
Physical development: Fizkultminutka "Hares".
Creation of conditions for independent activities: the center of productive activities, the manufacture of dispensing material.
Interaction with family: collecting natural and stray material.
Building classes:
I. Introductory part: 2 minutes.
a) excursion to the forest;
b) viewing traces;
c) meeting with a hare.
II. Main part: 12 minutes.
a) the definition of the parts of the body of the hare;
b) show with an explanation of the educator;
c) independent work of children; Individual approach.
III. Final part: 3 minutes.
a) Analysis of children's work.
b) Surprise moment.
Children's organization: The group room is divided into 2 parts:
I - Forest, II - place for independent work of children.
1 part - children stand in a semicircle.
Part 2 - Children sit at 4 table.
3 Part - children stand in a semicircle.
Travel course:
(Children along with the educator enter the group.)
Educator: - Guys, and let's go with you together in the winter forest. Only in the forest is a lot of snow, how do we go there?
Children: - Skiing.
Educator: - Good. Then they got on skis and went.
(Children imitate skiing. Go to the forest.) Educator: - So came. Guys, look, at the snow some traces. Interestingly, whose traces?
Children: - Fox, hare, wolf, birds.
Educator: - That's right. Listen, I will make you a riddle.
"Summer gray, white winter." Who is it?
Children: - Hare.
Educator: - That's right, well done. (She notices the bunny sitting behind the foot). Guys, look, and the bunny is sitting here. Only he for some reason sad. (Bunny) - What happened, bunny? (Hare on the teacher's ear of the teacher whispers).
Educator: - Everything is clear. Guys, it turns out to be a bunny to play boring. (Bare). You do not worry, we will help you. (Children). - Let's help the hare?
Children: - Let's help!
Educator: - And we paint a lot of bunnies and our hare will not be bored. Guys, and what color of the hare?
Children: - White.
Educator: - And what else?
Children: - Soft.
Educator: - What parts of the body does he have?
Children: - torso, head, paws, tail, ears.
Educator: - And what is his ears?
Children: -Mine.
Educator: - And the tail?
Children: - Short, small.
Educator: - (Bunny) Bunny, you're sitting, please, and we will look at the children now.
(The hare puts on a penalty. And the children fit to the easel.) Educator: - Guys, today we will draw with a hard brush. Now I, I will show you how to draw, and you look carefully and listen. Bare must draw on the entire album sheet. Tassel I take in three fingers near the piece of iron "house" and Maca in paint. What color paint?
Children: - White.
Educator: - It is impossible to take paint a lot. Now I am a hare's sketch. I just touch the album sheet. If necessary, a paint brush in paint. And now what part of the torso draw?
Children: - head.
Educator: - That's right. Head is a little less to the body. And here is the ears. And the tail drawn. More, what part do you need to draw?
Children: - Paws.
Educator: - That's right, well done. And here is our bunny. But still something is missing. What do you think guys?
Children: - Eyes, nose, mustache.
Educator: - Moornika you are mine. And what paint need to draw them?
Children: - Black.
Educator: - That's right. Their I paint an ordinary brush. And draw the brush tip. After completing the brush, you need to rinse, dry and put in place.
And now show me, please, how to keep a brush.
(Children in the air show how to keep a brush correctly).
- Let's draw a bunny together.
(Children in the air together with the tutor "draw" a hare).
Educator: - Well done guys. In the forest it is cold. Let's warm together. Bunny is also cold, probably.
Jump, jump in the leaf
Hares - Gray Clubs
Hands near the chest, like paws at the hare; Jumping.
Jump - Skok, Jump - Skok -
Rushed on the pennies
Jumping ahead - back
I built everyone in order, I began to show charging.
Time! Step everything in place. Step
Two! Hands are mashed together. Mashed hands
Three! Sat down, together got up. Squat
All the ear scratched. Perform traffic
Four stretched. Made out
Five! Run and bent. Slopes
Six! Everyone got up again in a row,
They suggested like a squad. Step
Educator: - So warmed. And now you sit down in our place. (Children sit down, I remind the beginning of work). What brush take? How to keep it right? What kind of paint start drawing?
(I pay attention to the posture of children).
Educator: - We start drawing, just remember that the paint cannot be taken to take a lot.
(Children independently draw. I go between them and watch. I draw attention to the posture of children. I remind you that the brushes need to be changed. I suggest, encouraging and showing. I attract a hare. Ready works insert to the "clean". For 3-4 minutes before End of classes remind of this.) Educator: - And now, let's see our drawings together. And our bunny was delighted. Thanks you, praises. Dasha, Lisa, Denis Bunny painted on the whole album sheet. Vladik, Diana also tried. Bunnies you got beautiful and neat.
(The hare teacher says something and gives.)
Educator: - Guys, the bunny was so happy to your gifts. And he is no longer sad, did you notice? And he for your help prepared gifts. Says: - "You will paint in children's garden" What should I say a hare?
Children: - Thank you, you, bunny.
Educator: - Guys, and it's time for us to go back to our favorite kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to the hare and go home.
Children: - Goodbye!
(Imitation of ski putting on. And children with the educator leave.)

Abstract for gender education in the second youngest group: "Grandma - a fun at the guys"
Posted by: Keltsna Olga Viktorovna
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten №121" Mazan
Position: Educator
Description of the material: I present to your attention a summary for educators to a dow aimed at the polisopic socialization of children. This occupation in a game form contributes to the formation of ideas about their gender, the formation of the concept: "I am a girl", "I am a boy"
Purpose: Gender education of preschoolers.
Software tasks: 1. To form a child's idea about who he is: boy or girl. 2. Learning to find distinctions in the appearance of boys and girls. 3. Teach to determine the features of the gaming interests of boys and girls. 4. Develop thinking, educate accuracy and tidy in appearance. 5. Recompret the friendly attitude towards each other.
Preliminary work: viewing albums: "Boy, man, grandfather", "Girl, woman, grandmother", "family", "professions", group albums: "How our girls play," how our boys play ", plot pictures about Family, duties and rest of its members. Consider and reading books: "Toys" A. Barto, "That's what mom", "Baby Gollyst", "Girl Chumazay" E. Blaginina. Game in didactic games: "Sand of bears", "What do boys and girls love to play? "," What does Katya do, what does Kohl doing? "," Dress Masha "," Family "," My Home "," Professions ".
Priority educational areas: Socialization.
Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, fiction. Activities: Game, Communicative, Muscular, Cognitive-research.
Travel course:
Educator: - The bell, my friend, collect children in a circle (children are going near the teacher).-My favorite girls and boys, I really want to play our favorite finger game with you. Let's play? Friends in our group and boys are friends with you, little fingers. Smile smile together for each other together. I will tell you a secret that today a very interesting guest must come to us. Do you like when you come to visit? Children: - Yes. Equipment: - I want you to meet her. (Knock on the door. The teacher comes out and reincarnates into the image of grandmother-fun with dolls by a girl and a boy). Babushka-fun: - Hello, boys and girls! Let's get acquainted: My brush-fun grandmother is called. I have come to you not alone, but with my grandchildren Katya and Vanya (seats dolls). - My parents sent to the grandchildren of my gifts: all sorts of things and pictures. I am old, forgetting, not sieve, what things for Kati, and what for Vani. To dress, I wanted my birthdays, and they offended me and now they don't speak maybe you are me, children, tell me why they were offended? (showing dolls by mistake dolls: on the boy skirt and bow, and on the girl a panties and a shirt) .The: - You misunderstood them. Grandma-fun: - And how do you need? Well, tell me, forgetful, the guys, what girls wear, and what boys. Selection of clothing for Kati and Vanya. Grandma-fun: - Oh, thank you, helped me to figure it out. Now I will wear them correctly. Do you want to relax a little and play with me? Motor Pause: the game "smooth circle" with a smooth circle, we go to each other, go, go, in a circle wide all boys today we will call today. (We consider clothes, hairstyles, celebrate the features of boys and their common features) with a smooth circle, we go to each other, go, go, in a circle wide girls in the dresses we will call today. (We consider clothing, hairstyles, celebrate the features of girls) Grandma-fun: - And their parents sent pictures, but I confused them and now I don't know what to do with them. Could you help me? Children: - Yes! Grandma-fun: - Well, then disassemble the convertors with your icons (the children sit at the tables and fold pictures) grandmother-fun: - What did you work out, Vanya? - Tank. - Do you have? - Machine. - And what did you collect, Nick? - Matryushka.- And Nastya? - Yula.- And in one word that it is? Children: - Toys! Grandma-fun: - And who loves to play cars and cubes? Children: - Boys! Grandma-fun: - And girls than love to play? Children: - dolls, dishes, etc. Grandma-fun: - What are you smart, smart children, I will try to confuse anything now. And my grandchildren Katya and Vanya love to play the game, which is called "I love." The educator calls an offer - approval. And children, if we agree with the statement answer - yes! Yes! Yes! If you do not agree - no! Not! Not! 1. Girls love to play dolls! 2. Boys love to play cars3. Girls love to score nails4. Boys love to wear beads5. Girls love to play football6. Boys love to tie bows7. Girls love to be offended. Boys love to complain 9. Girls and boys love there are candy10. Girls and boys love to receive gifts. Grandma-fun: - Oh, what are you great. Answer all together. Together! Immediately visible - real friends! Choose yourself in a couple of one who is friends with. I suggest you tell and show the poem "If there is a good friend! »Children standing in pairs, face to each other, read the poem and perform actions. The mood fell, the head is lowered downwards. - shook hands and sharply lower down. But not everything is lost, - a good friend is threatened with each other - they will clap in his hands, I will handle it together, - take each other with a sigh of relief, - make a deep inspidation raise - raise your hands. - "shake out" hands, smiling at each other. Grandma-fun: - Well, thank you, guys, what are you friendly. I really liked you at your guest. Now I definitely do not confuse, what to wear girls, but what are the boys. Just now remind what toys to buy for Vanechka? (Children answer) grandmother-fun: - And for Katya? (Children answer) grandmother-fun: - Oh, I began to play with you and completely forgot that I prepared a surprise you! Balloons! Surprise moment with balls, girls - red, boys - blue.

Olga Bibnev
NOD in the second youngest group on gender education


1. To form the ability of children to see the external similarity and the distinction between boys and girls, 2. To form an adequate idea of \u200b\u200bits own sexuality, consolidate knowledge about the circle of hobbies, interests and different types activities guys depending on the floor; 3. Fasten the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dependence of the name of the person from its gender, 4. Intensify the dictionary children: Clothes (for boys, girls, people names (men's and female); 5. Develop logical thinking, smelting, attention, visual and auditory perception; 6. To form in children the ability to act according to the instructions of an adult; 7. Develop positive emotions. eight. Educate Children have a friendly and sensitive attitude towards each other.

Preliminary work:

Viewing paintings with boys and girls.

Listening songs "From what, from what ..." Yu. Chichkova, Ya. Helhemsky;

Didactic games "Dressing a boy and a girl for a walk"; "Find differences"

Material and equipment:

Two dolls (boy and girl);

Pictures with the image of boys and girls;

Cards with the image of toys;

Cardboard boys and girls and clothes for them;

Working sheets "Coloring toy for a boy, girls" for each child; colour pencils.

Song recording "From what, from what ..." Yu. Chichkova, Ya. Helhemsky;


Logic of educational activities.

1. Greeting: Children stand in a circle.

Now we will turn the top top. Then we will clap, clas-clap. And now we will turn. And smile to each other.

And now, with good mood I propose to go to visit with the help of magical words.

"Let the footman, in their hands, we turn around yourself, we will take my hands together. Eyes closing. Say: "Oh!" And we will be visiting "

Dolls appear on the table (boy and girl).

2. Riddles:

She has pigtails, long cilia, skirt with swans, dress with pockets. Who is this is: Squirrel, boy or girl? (Girl)

Whose favorite toys, tanks, guns and slappers who love pistols even more than candy? Who is always ready to shoot, climb, jump, catch up. Deft like bunnies are our ... (Boys)

This doll girl Masha and doll boy Misha. I propose to figure out where Masha, and where Misha. (Children answer).

3. Game "Hello guys!"

Hello guys! Are you guys, kittens? (Not.) Hello guys! Do you guys goat? (Children answer: "Not"). Hello guys! Do you guys piglets? (Not.) And who are you? What is your name? (Children call their name)

4. "Name the name"

Children call the names of boys and girls. If this is the name of the girl, then they take a pink bow and put in a box next to Masha, and if this is the name of the boy, then take a blue bow and put in the box next to Misha.

Children sit on chairs.

5. Game "Find a girl, find a boy"

I lay out pictures with the image of boys and girls in front of children. Children take turns first looking for boys and give the pictures of Misha, and then girls and give the pictures of Masha.

6. Fizkultminutka

We are funny guys, love to play together. We love a lot of chocolate, love to sing and dance. And now all girls jump like squirrels. And now all the boys jump like bunnies.

7. Work with cards. Didactic game "Who will give you?"

I propose to make gifts. Gifts will be different: For a boy and girls. I distribute to children for one picture. I suggest to look carefully what is depicted on it, and think who can give this subject - Masha or Mishe.

Questions for children: - What is painted on your picture? (a car). Who will give her? (Mishe) etc.

8. Game "The boy, a girl".

Work by couples. On the tables in children lies a doll from cardboard (boy or girl) and clothes. You need to choose your clothes appropriate boys or a girl.

9. Fingering gymnastics

"Friends in our girls group and boys. We are withdrawn with you little fingers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - We will play together.

10. Working with work sheets. (Song sounds "From what, from what ..." Yu. Chichkov, Ya. Helhemsky;)

The task: The contours of toys are drawn on the sheet. You need to choose to girl toy for girls and decorate it, and boys for boys.

Children say goodbye to Misha and Masha.

"Let the footman, in their hands, we turn around yourself, we will take my hands together. Close your eyes and come back in the garden "

After node

Horovoic game "Puddle"

purpose: Development of communication boys and girls, caring attitude towards girls.

Children are sitting in a circle. Pedagogue, bypassing them, he speaks: "I go, I go, my friend will find yourself!". Stopping in front of the child asks: "You want to play with me? Then let's go together. ". Takes a child by hand and go together to other: "Walk, we go, find a friend!", gradually collecting everyone in the chain and closure circle, taking the last child by hand. Children lead dance, squeezing with the last word.

Ai, Gugu, Gugu, Gugu, do not circle in the meadow.

(Lower the head, turn the face to the center, take their hands behind the head and swing their heads. With the latter word turn back to the puddle):

On the meadow, the puddle, the head will be spinning. Oh, water! Oh, water! That trouble is so trouble!

(Make several jumps from the center):

Jump, jump-skok! Jumping, jumped and jumping, right in the pool!

(Children squat, "Find in a puddle".

Boys are quickly jumping out of the floor, help girls climb. Girls gracefully squat, thank.)

Message on the methodological combination of educators of the junior groups preschool age 2010

Gender education in junior preschool age

Deputy Head of VMR Svetlana Evgenievna Kuvolov:

Initially, let's remember some parties of this issue.

IN modern science Two terms are used:

Paul - (From the Latin "SECARE" - to divide, share) - originally applies to anything else, as to the division of the human race into two groups: women and men.

Man is a creature either female or male.

Gender - (from Lat. Genus - "Rod") is a social floor that determines the behavior of a person in society and how this behavior is perceived.

The child is born with a certain biological floor, and genderly adopts in the process of socialization, i.e. In the process of communicating with other people.

Psychologists have proven that by 2 years, the child begins to understand who he is a girl or boy, and from 4 to 7 years old children are already aware that girls become women, and boys are men that belonging to the floor remains independent of the emerging situations or child wishes (that is, gender stability is formed).

Physiologists, psychologists and teachers believe that the formation of gender sustainability is due to sociocultural standards and depends primarily on the relationship of parents to the child, the nature of parental attitudes and attachment as a mother to the child and the child to the mother, as well as from education in a preschool educational institution .

Once in Russia, the polishet education of children was easily and naturally. Girls were spent most of the time with her mother or nanny, and the parents of the boys were led by the father or governer from 3 years. Children constantly saw their parents, communicated with them, and as a result they had stereotypes of behavior characteristic of men and women.

The experience of folk pedagogy also suggests that even in infancy, the education of children was carried out taking into account their gender features. So, for example, in lulled songs, Pestushki, Peshekov, Games, there is no appeal. little child, and to girls and boys. In accordance with the one who is addressed to the sweat or a penny, a girl or a boy, their future is predicted. The work of girls in the future is associated with the harvest, food preparation, tailoring, and boys - with hunting and fishing, logging, care for pets, etc.

In modern society, there is a variant of the upbringing: both girls, and boys most often brought up women: at home - mom or grandmother, and in kindergarten - women educators.

Social changes taking place in modern society led to the destruction of traditional stereotypes of male and female behavior. Democratization of flooring relationships led to the mixing of genital roles, feminization of men and the obstection of women. Now it is no longer considered from a series of won smoking and foul language of fair sex representatives, many of them began to occupy leading positions among men, the boundaries between the "female" and "male" professions are erased. Some men, in turn, lose the ability to play the right role in marriage, they gradually turn into "consumers", and all the obligations to raise children they shift on women's shoulders that we sometimes notice in the families of our pupils.

Against the background of these changes, the internal psychological positions of children are changing, their consciousness. Watching the pupils of our kindergarten, we noted that many girls are deprived of modesty, tenderness, patience, do not know how to peacefully resolve conflict situations. The boys, on the contrary, do not know how to stand up for themselves, weak physically, deprived of endurance and emotional stability, they have no culture of behavior in relation to girls. The content of children's games is also alarming: children demonstrate behavioral models that do not match the semi of the child, do not know how to negotiate in the game, distribute roles. In the process of work, children do not know how to independently distribute duties taking into account the partner sex.

It means that the problem of education and child learning in accordance with its floor is the urgent task of pedagogical work with children of preschool age.

The period of preschool childhood is the period in the course of which teachers and parents should help the child to reveal the unique opportunities that are given to him by Paul.

The task of teachers is to understand the essence of these issues themselves and explain to parents, as needed to do in various situations.

But in the software and methodological support of pre-school educational institutions, gender features of children are not taken into account, the topic of gender education in preschoolers does not stand out.

And therefore, within The Joint Activities of UNESCO and the Office of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow was created the project "Moskva Education: from infant to school", where the work on the topic "Development of educational technologies, taking into account the gender features of children of early and preschool age in a kindergarten and family."

The result of the project was the book of the so-called. Doronova "Girls and boys 3 - 4 years old in a family and kindergarten", which we want to present to you, expensive participants of MO. The book covers the methods and forms of working with the pedagogical team, children and parents of pupils on the topic "Gender education of girls and boys 3 - 4 years."

Also these issues are devoted to the article by "hoop", "pre-school education", which are presented at the exhibition.

In order for the pre-school educational institution, the education of children was carried out taking into account their gender features,pedagogues and specialists should be formedgender competence thatsuggests Passing teachers Organizational, psychological and pedagogical and didactic aspects of the leadership of children's activities with an emphasis on gender identity.

First of all, teachers and specialistsof our kindergarten studied and analyzedbook of the so-called Doronova "Girls and boys 3 - 4 years in a family and kindergarten",consultations and seminars were also held with teachers:

· "The role of a kindergarten in the gender education of preschool children" (the relevance of gender education).

· Accounting for preferences and interests of girls and boys of junior preschool age when creating an elevated gaming environment in kindergarten and family.

· The originality of the gaming activities of girls and boys of junior preschool age.

· Folklore with an emphasis on gender.

· Organization of plot-role games.

· Features of readiness for school boys and girls.

· Meeting of the Pedagogical Council on the topic "The introduction of new forms and methods of work on education for the features of the future family man in children of preschool age (with an emphasis on Gender)."

In the methodical office of the preschool educational institution, an exhibition of literature was organized and a stand was issued with materials on the content, forms and methods of working with children, taking into account their gender features.

An effective means of engaging the pedagogical team to work on self-education and reading scientific and methodological literature was to conduct collective discussions read and monitor children of junior preschool age. As a result, we came to the conclusions about girls and boys 3-4 years.

Many people call the age period of children 3-4 years gentle. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the kids of this age are very externally attractive. Adults, fascinated by them, may not be admired by an open look, living facial expressions, funny actions and immediate actions. Wasting only to them and rejoice!

At the same time, precisely at this age, problems and parents, when communicating with children, problems begin to appear: do not listen to adults, cannot occupy himself, it requires constant presence of the mother, exhibits aggression towards adults and children, etc.

This is explained by the manifestation of the crisis of three years, i.e. The fact that the crisis of social relations arises between adults and the child, in the process of which the child is separated from an adult, a desire appears to show its "me", resulting in a certain dynamics of the desire and the desire of a child to act as adults: in games Boys imitate the men in the family: Father, Grandfather, girls imitate mom and other women who cause admiration for them. So, by 3-4 years, children clearly distinguish and recognize their gender features: I am a boy, I am a girl.

By the end of the younger preschool age, the child begins to deliberately distinguish people on the floor, relying on exterior signs (Clothes, hair length, etc.)

Experience in the upbringing of children of junior preschool age, taking into account gender features in a kindergarten and family, a teacher of Vera Anatolyevna will tell.

Educator II. Junior Group Vera Anatolyevna Gulia

In preschool age, the main type of child activity is the game, we consider , What exactly in the plot game is mastered by children of gender behavior. It is no coincidence and today's occupation game was built using this form of work.

Younger preschoolers 3-4 years old for the deployment of the story play need in the entire set of plot-forming toys defining the "complete imaginary situation", and the most significant objects for this age. Operations.

We noticed that in the practice of preschool educational institutions, an imbalance of the subject medium is noted towards the prevalence of "girls" materials and benefits. Doll furniture, attributes for girls games closer to a woman tutor. Beautiful puppet life is more pleased with the eye unlike technical toys, boxes with designers or sets for games with the rules for agility, accuracy. In addition, materials and equipment for girls games create a sense of security in contrast to toys that boys love to play.

Therefore, we have great attention to work on the upbringing of children, taking into account their gender features, we pay the selection of gaming material and equipment for gaming activities and boys and girls.

Having accepted the summer of this year of our kids from the nursery, we put a lot of effort so that the kids fell in love with a new group. Initially, to cause children interestto the game corner, the desire to act with toys, offered to girls and boys to point to those toys with which they would like to play. After the boys and girls made their choice, girls came up with namesdolls, and boys - cliche animals.

Also with girls We discussed the placement of furniture in the game corner and agreed wherein playing corner they will storebedding,clothing, dishes, "Products" and other substituable items.

Under the guidance of the teacher of the girl of this age, care for the doll- "daughter" in the imaginary plan, "cook lunch", wing dolls underwear.

When the game will be achieved, the level of development will be achieved, which is characterized by the role and the ability to implement role-playing actions in a certain sequence, we will be able to move on to solving issues related to teaching girls in the game of social functions.

For girls, games as "future fashion designer" were acquired, "Domino for girls", in which girls are glad to play free from time.

With boys, we discussed the location of the toy "fleet" and sets of toy tools for small "auto show". In many families of our pupils there are cars, sothe boys of this age willingly perform playing actions with a striped rod, put on a cape, cap, cap, in the older preschool age, the boys take on the role of a traffic police officer who Stops "Machines" and asks Drivers to present documents. For exceeding speed, those who are not fastened with a belt to the seat of the machine and for other violations - the policeman "Ponaroshka" discharges a fine (from the observations of the game of children preparatory group last release).

For gaming activities, we constantly replenish and update such plot role-playing gameslike "hospital", "hairdresser", "Atelier", "Shop", "Set Salemary" ...

An important role in the development of gaming activities of children 3-4 years has been designing from a large building material. The boys of this age, at the beginning under the guidance of the educator, and then independently welcome for collective games. We offer to construct a large car, aircraft, steamer, train car, etc. The boys are glad that they are instructed by "heavy" work: "ride" material on the machines, set the main major parts, etc.

Often adults blame the behavior of boys when they run, shout, playing war. But we take into account that the boys physiologically need more space for games that in the game they develop physically, they learn to regulate their strength, the game helps to discharge accumulated energy, and therefore do not interrupt their games, but onlywe guide the games of boys in the right direction. We acquired games like a dart, boxing gloves,sets for games with rules for agility, accuracy, game "Fisherman", "Lotto for boys", "Domino for boys" ....

Regarding the machines should not think that they can only be interesting to boys. Pedagogians are important to give knowledge about the technique and boys, and girls. In preschool age, technical toys form a child to inventiveness and technical design.

The game in the machine gives the presentation: on the rules of road traffic and the foundations of driver's ethics; On the appointment of various machines, about distinctive features external view Different models.

If the boy sometimes plays in the doll, and the girl disassembles the typewriter or adores the designer, there are no pathologies, it is a stage that can be useful for the formation of certain features - caringness in boy, curiosity and development of logical thinking In the girl.

Also in the group is equipped with a corner of rude, a puppet theater was created, allowing children to lose various social roles (doll-mother, doll grandmother, doll-grandfather, baby doll, master doll, military doll, etc.).

The role of the teacher, we see the role of the teacher to participate daily in children's games. 3-4 years old. At the same time, we led by the games in which all children participate at the request, and playing with girls and boys, thereby presenting the opportunity to lose male and female behaviors.

An equally important task that we solve when raising children 3-4 years old is to introduce various markers with an emphasis on gender identity, and the complement of the environment with specific materials for girls and boys to The little child had the opportunity to repeat the fact that she is a girl, and he is a boy.

In the manufacture of gender markers for children of our group, both the staff of the pre-school educational institution and parents.

Tags for "houses" for clothes.

We are educators talking to parents that in the process of communicating with children, they must constantly pay their attention to the fact that there are girls and boys in our group. Together with their parents, we decided to make marks on the cabinets for clothes that children call "houses" for clothes. For girls, pictures with the image of dolls were selected, and for boys - cars. Photos of children can be used as labels on the cabinets.

After the labels were made, the parents together with the children attached them to the cabinets. The same colorful markers were made for beds and towel lockers.

Towels for girls and boys.

Castellian kindergarten Natalia Vladimirovna came to visit children and said she learned that in our group there are wonderful girls and the boys with whom she would like to meet.

The educator introduced the Castelian at first with every girl, then with each boy. Natalia Vladimirovna said that she really liked the girls and boys, and she picked up the towels of one color for all girls, and for the boys - the other, then handed each girl and every boy on the towel. Children waved towels in a washroom.

We select bags for shoes girls and boys.

Svetlana Evgenievna's musical leader Svetlana Evgenievna explained to the parents about the need to storing the cheek in a special bag and asked them to pick up bags of the same color for all the girls of the group, and the other - for boys, parents responded to a request with pleasure.

In a short time, we plan to replace cups for rinsing the mouth and physical education for girls and boys shape taking into account their gender features (in color, emblems, etc.).

In the senior groups on the doors of the toilet room, we plan to put plates with conditional signs that will allow you to determine who at the moment you can enter: boys or girls.

Mastering the experience of male and female behavior in household activity contributes to labor orders, which are also distributed depending on the floor of the child: the boys perform work related to the use of physical strength, girls- with accuracy. With children, we spend specific classes. So, for example, the carpenter of our kindergarten Nikolai Vasilyevich gladly teaches boys to work with a hammer and other instruments, and the educators of senior preschool children teach girls cutting and sewing dolls.

We pay special attention to the status of book corners.

In many fairy tales, stories, poems and other works of literature for children, images of grandparents, grandparents, moms, dads, daughters, son have been created. The heroes of Russian folk fairy tales, girls, possess a natural mind, persistent character, resourcefulness and dexterity. And the boys, the heroes of Russian folk fairy tales, hardworking and economic, assistants at work and in everyday life.

Long ago, our wise ancestors divided the methods of upbringing girls and boys. In the boys developed masculinity, and in girls - femininity.

You can comprehend the direction and maintenance of femininity and masculinity, if we finely explore the so-called female and male fairy tales, that is, fairy tales in which there is a story about the girl, a girl, a woman ("Cinderella", "Tinch-Hovhead", etc.), In which there is a certain set of tasks for the heroine. First, it should sort out mixed seeds. Secondly, to take into the house or perform a task that requires tricks, smelting, but without applying physical strength. And fairy tales in which we are talking about a boy, a young man, a man, such as "Zhikharka", "Two Ivana", "as a man's guy Delil."

The spiritual and practical education experience captured in books is important to preserve and comprehend at the present stage of human development.

When organizing and conducting classes, we try to take into account the psychological features of boys and girls: preschool girls are ahead of boys in terms of mental development, while the boys overtake them in physical. In this regard, the girls are more successful in educational and creative activities, boys - in rolling games and at physical education. Therefore, we build educational work in such a way that everyone has a field of activity, where the child will be successful, since constant criticism and the persistent lack of success negatively affect the development of self-esteem. According to researchers, boys self-esteem is more stable than the self-esteem of girls. In addition, girls are very sensitive to how criticism or praise (intonation, form of evaluation, publicity) is expressed. For boys, it is significantly why you are scolding or prased. Therefore, we, appreciating the performance of the boy, make an emphasis on specific success. We are talking to the boys: "Well done, Artem, you made a good craft", "You are doing progress, Pasha, today you have learned to draw a house), assessing the results of the girl's activities make an emphasis on how well she fulfilled anything. "Umnitsa Nastya, beautifully painted the house", "Well done, Christina, gracefully danced Polka).

Cognitive activity is aimed at ensuring children with knowledge of the representatives of two opposite sex, the professional activities of men and women, family-household and moral and ethical culture, customs and traditions of popular education.

We take into account that girls need incentives, to a greater extent built on the basis hearing perception. Boys do not perceive the explanation of the teacher for rumor, and for them it is preferable to use visual funds built on visual perception.Therefore, in the learning process, we not only tell, but also actively use visual demonstrations, as well as be sure to give children the opportunity to touch, hold in hand or connect new information with the movement.

When we appeal to the children, they are the first to always raise the girl's hand. When answering the question, they try to be full of their answer, look into the eyes of the teacher, etc. The boys are developed worse than girls, so the boys do not hurry with the answer, and more carefully think about it, and therefore spend more time by choosing the necessary words. We try to take into account this, and listen to the answers of boys after the answers of girls.

We found that at the age of 3-4 years, sexual and gender affiliation are intensively formed and visual activities.

Drawing promotes sexually identification of the child, manages its emotional-semantic behavior.

At this age, the theme of children's drawings is due to many factors. One of them is a child's belonging to a certain sex and the degree of its sensitivity to sexual differences.

The general focus on the similar floor gives certain content of the drawings of a child: the boys draw roads with rushing cars, airplanes in the sky, ships in the sea, construction of houses, as well as war and fights. Girls are painted "beautiful girls", princesses, flowers, gardens, all kinds of ornaments, as well as moms walking with daughters.

At physical education and musical goal and tasks of classes are also formulated taking into account the sexuality of children (at physical education there are different dosages of exercises and various basic types of movements.

At the music sessions, the repertoire, musical instruments and dance numbers are chosen taking into account the gender of children).

In the free time when conducting an individual work with children to consolidate the material passed in mathematics classes, we suggest choosing that distributing material that is interesting for children: girls want to count dolls, boys - cars, etc.

The boy and the girl are two different worlds.

We believe that if educators and parents are interested in raising children, taking into account their gender peculiarities, they can successfully solve these tasks.

Natalia Aristarhova
Planning for gender education in the second youngest group

Perspective plan of work on gender education in the second youngest group

for 2013-2014 uch. year

Month the topic of the task of the form work

September Kindergarten for children 1. Fasten with children names and patronymic educators and a younger educator, children in group, meet again arrived in group of children.

2. Secure the ability to navigate group.

3. Diagnostics "Formation gender Identity» 1. Excursion "I will introduce a little one with our group»

2. Target walk along the site.

3. Conversations: "What ours group» , "How we play toys".

4. Reading art literature: Z. Alexandrov "Katya in the nursery", E. Yankovskaya "I go to kindergarten", "What children in our group»

5. Scene-role game "Kindergarten"

6. Productive activity "Build a kindergarten".

7. Little-moving game with a ball "What's your name".

October and we have boys and girls. 1. Fastening the knowledge of the names of children in group.

2. Acquaintance with marking "For girls", "For boys"

3. Orientation in some children's premises garden: Musical, Physical Rooms, Comparison with home furnishings.

1. Didactic game "Who is who".

2. Viewing stickers on lockers, on towels, on cribs, viewing pictures in the toilet room "Toilet for girls", "Toilet for boys".

3. "Journey to the country of toys with a little one" (Acquaintance with gaming zones for boys and girls).

4. Loading game "my favourite toy".

5. Scene-role-playing games "A family", "Kindergarten", "Automaster".

6. Tour of kindergarten, acquaintance with the music director.

November we are different - girls and boys. 1. Determination of the differences in the appearance of girls and boys, mothers and dads, grandparents.

2. Formation of ideas about the immutability of its gender.

3. Fastening the names of children groups, Friendly attitude towards each other.

4. Formation of ideas about family: family members, their classes, care for each other, family traditions and holidays. 1. Definition of the differences in the appearance of girls and boys: Clothing, hairstyle. Album viewing "Mir girls", "World of boys".

2. Didactic game "When I grow up", "Good Lord"

3. Consideration of competitive works on the topic"Family traditions": viewing family photos, illustrations, drawings.

4. Conversations "Who do you live with", "How dad help your mother".

5. Reading: S. Marshak "About girls and boys", Russian folktale "Three Bears", K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with family"

6. Story-role-playing games: "Kindergarten", "A family", "Bears Birthday".

7. Productive activity "Mom's handkerchiefs", "Pancakes for grandmother".

December Friends Girls and boys 1. Fastening the differences in the appearance of girls and boys.

2. Distribution of roles between boys and girls in plot games.

3. Learning game actions in plot games.

4. New Year in my family: Family members, their concern for each other, preparing gifts for loved ones, traditions of preparation and holding New Year holidays in the family. 1. Consider the children in the mirror. Selection differences: In the clothes in the hairstyle, shoes.

2. Conversation on the topic "Favorite toys girls", "Favorite boys toys". Consider the favorite toys of children.

3. Scene-role games: "Mother's daughters", "Move to a new apartment", "Sailing boys go swimming, Mom-girls with children are accompanied by dads," "New Year celebration. Give gifts".

4. Consider the story pictures on the topic "How we are preparing for the new year with my mother and dad".

5. Moving games "Flowers and bees", "Find your own couple"

January We read about girls and boys. 1. Formation of ideas about the qualities of girls and boys by means of fiction.

2. Mom, dad, I am a friendly family. 1. Reading Plees, conversation content: "Sleep, Vanyusha", "Sight, dull, little son", "A, Vanyusha, Bunch!", "Our daughter in the house", "Our Katya is small".

2. Conversations: "As we celebrated New Year's holiday", "Small helpers", "Winter fun".

Reading: E. Uspensky "If I were a girl."

February holiday boys, culture of behavior of boys and girls. Formation of ideas about the holiday on February 23, as about the festival of boys, dads, grandfathers and soldiers who have such qualities as bravery, courage, dexterity, physical force.

Call the boys to be the assistants of their dads. 1. Consider album "Our Pope", "How I helped dad".

2. Conversation "Congratulations to our boys".

3. Didactic game « Pupil boys and girls» , "Tell me about dad. What is he? ", "Dressing a boy, dress girl".

4. Plot role-playing games: "Soldiers go to the parade", "The most deft".

5. Productive activity: "Ship", "Postcard for dad".

March Holiday Mom and Girls. 1. To introduce children with the customs of the celebration of the Day of Mom and Grandmothers. 2. To form a caring attitude to moms and grandmothers.

3. To introduce children with difficulty mom. 1. Story educator"Our girls also have a holiday".

2. Album viewing "Mamina profession", view photos.

3. Productive activity "Flower for mommy".

4. Preparation for the matinee.

5. Reading: G. Vier. "Mother's day".

6. Plot-role-playing game "A family", "Dads help mothers", "In the bus".

April appearance boys and girls. My grandmother and grandfather. 1. Fasten the idea of \u200b\u200bthe immutability of the floor over time.

2. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe classes of grandparents, affectionate and caring attitude of grandchildren to grandparents.

3. Fasten knowledge about the differences in boys and girls' clothing. Learning girls to follow the beauty of the appearance, boys - for accuracy and cleanliness of clothing. 1. Viewing items of clothing.

2. Didactic games: "Open a doll Masha", "Open Mishutka", "When I grow up".

3. Panna's viewing "My family".

4. Reading: S. Kaputichyan "My grandmother", L. Kwitko "Babushkina Hands", D. KHARMS. "Ivan Ivanovich Samovar".

5. Productive activity: "Mittens for grandmother", "Scarf for grandfather".

6. Plot-role-playing game: "Visiting Grandparents".

May we are helpers. 1. Fastening the rules of behavior in childhood garden: in group, physical culture and musical halls, corridors, plot.

2. Estimated participation in the cleaning of the site. "We make our plot beautiful". 1. Monitoring the games of senior preschoolers.

2. Conversation "How to behave in kindergarten".

3. plot role-playing game "On the subbotnik" (girls plant flowers, boys repair a house on the plot).

4. Productive activity "My toys".

5. Didactic game "Who needs something" (about professions).

June-August How boys and girls have grown fixing knowledge about themselves, family members and their occupations. 1. Consider photographs of children in dynamics.

2. Story educator"That's what we are big".

3. Consider illustrations from the series "A family".

4. Conversations "We are a friendly family", "How I help at home".

5. plot role-playing game "Post office", "Shofira", "Hostess".

6. Productive activity: "Portrait of Mom, Pope", "We walk with mom".

I apologize for the inconvenience when reading my planningSince the original is decorated in the table.