Divination by blood on the floor of the child Calculator. Paul child by the date of birth of parents and blood renewal. How to determine the sex of the child on the external signs of a pregnant woman

By blood to determine the floor of the future baby in cases where in the first trimester it is necessary to know who will be born. It may be a banal interest of mother and medical testimony. Namely - hereditary pathologies that are transmitted through sex chromosomes. There are diseases that apply only to boys or girls.

Is it possible to determine the floor of the blood of the blood?

There is a generally accepted opinion that the gender of the child is determined by the help of ultrasound. However, it is possible to be done only when re-ultrasound, that is, not earlier than the 19th week of pregnancy. It is at that time when the fetal is fully formed by the genitals.

In many cases (in the hereditary predisposition of the floor of the child to serious pathologies), this technique is not suitable, since in the second trimester it is artificially intermitted (to make an abortion) unwanted pregnancy is already impossible. Therefore, it is important to determine the floor in the early stages of the fetus.

It was possible to learn more about the sexual equipment on the blood fluid by non-traditional techniques, but today a technique has been developed, in which it is enough to collect the maternal biological material. In particular, this is a genetic analysis of blood, which can be carried out after a month and a half after the occurrence of pregnancy.

What are the techniques?

Main methods:

  1. Determining the blood of two parents before conception. To do this, it is necessary to thoroughly explore the components of the biological material.
  2. Calculate the gender floor can be based on the reference from the time of ovulation to the expiration date. For example, if both of these periods coincide for one day, then there is a big percentage of the likelihood of the boy's birth. It is possible to talk about the girl in the case when the conception occurs in 3 or 4 days before the activity of the egg for fertilization. This is due to the fact that chromosomes x (female) have a longer period of life.
  3. The floor of the baby can be found out to update the blood, what will be discussed further.
  4. You can use the blood group of mother and father, as well as the calorie factor.
  5. DNA test (fetal blood).

Reliability of methods

All 100% guarantee the accuracy of the detection of the floor of the child with the help of blood fluid is impossible, as they exist their shares of the error. If you make calculations based on the tables, the individual features of each organism are taken into account. The accuracy is influenced by such factors as too abundant monthly, bleeding wounds, low blood flowing level of blood fluid and even the presence of endometriosis, diabetes mellitus.

Other way - in the blood group of both parents. Many doctors are skeptical about it. The fact is that, in this case, the same couples can appear for the light of only one sex. Therefore, the most reliable methods are the renewal of blood and a genetic analysis, which is carried out in laboratory conditions.

Blood update method

It is known that cells in internal systems and organs are periodically updated, therefore the blood fluid can be old or new depending on the life cycle. Update can be compared with skin when dead epidermis cells are peeled. New ones appear new ones. It also happens with blood - its old cells are derived from the body, giving the opportunity to develop a new one.

Using the cellular composition of this biological material, you can learn about the state of the body of a particular person. But this is not the main thing - it turns out that blood cells carry information at the genetic level. Therefore, when conceived the fetus, genetic information about its parents is transmitted.

Men's and female physiological features differ, therefore, the cyclical of the renewal of the blood material has differences. Representatives of the strong floor, the blood is updated once in 4 years, and the beautiful half of humanity - 3 years. This is due to the monthly blood output by means of menstruation.

Method number 1.

The principle of calculation is simple. It is necessary to take the age of parents and divide it on the top three (for a woman) and, accordingly, on the four for a man. Next compares the resulting residue, based on which, and the floor is detected. So, if a woman has less residue, it means that blood is younger. Consequently, a girl will be born.

Example. Father at the time of conception is 27 years, and Mother - 22. We divide 27 to 4, it turns out 6, and the residue 3. Now we divide 22 to 4, it turns out 5, and the residue remains 2. Consequently, a boy will be born on this theory. There are other cases, for example, when the Father 26, and Mom 23. In this situation, the remains of the same - by 2. Consequently, there is a chance to give birth or a boy, or a girl, and maybe the diverse twins, because parents' blood is equally young.

Method number 2.

If parents had significant blood loss, surgical interference, miscarriage, abortions, or one of them is a donor, then the previous method of calculation is not suitable. The fact is that when the blood fluid loss is a minimum of 1 liter, the update is spontaneously. The same applies to cases when a person, on the contrary, poured such a number of biological material.

Example: If a man has blood loss occurred at the age of 29 years, then we can talk about updating, despite the fact that blood changed about a year ago.

How to determine the floor of the fruit in the blood group and the rhesus factor?

In total, there are 4 blood groups and 2 rees-factor, on the basis of which you can identify the floor of the future kid. For example:

  1. If mom has the first group, the dad is third or identical, a girl may appear.
  2. If a woman has 2 groups, and a partner 2 or 4, then the female sex will also be born.
  3. If a man has 1 or 3 blood type, and the mother has 2, then a boy will appear.
  4. With the presence of 3 groups of mom, and Pope 1, there will be a girl.
  5. If a woman has 4 groups, a man 2, then a girl will appear too.

Based on this, you can get the following:

Blood Group at Mother / Father 1 2 3 4
1 Child female Child male floor Female child child Child male floor
2 Baby male rhodation Child female Male children Child female
3 Child female Child male rhodation Child male floor Child male floor
4 Child male floor Toddler female Child male floor Baby male rhodation

An important role is played by the Rh factor:

The method of determining the floor of the upcoming child in the rhesus factor is not so justified, since the bulk of humanity has positive rezes.

Definition of the floor of the child on the laboratory blood test

The most reliable and accurate way is a genetic survey of blood in laboratory conditions. At the end of the past millennium, DNA of the fetus in the blood of the mother was discovered. They are located inside the cell core in chromosomes (spiral threads). Among the forty-six chromosomes of the human body are only two responsible for sexuality. These are X and Y. There is such a concept as a genotype, on the basis of which the floor is determined. Chromosome XX testify that the carrier of them is a woman. With a combination of HY - a carrier man.

For the first time, the fetal cells are found in the mother's blood fluid already at the beginning of pregnancy, but their share is insignificant. Therefore, it is necessary to apply highly sensitive techniques for chromosomes. So, if the fruit chromosome is detected with the value x, then there will be a girl if Y is a boy.

Since fetal DNA appears only on the 7th week of tooling the fetus, then up to 9 weeks can be obtained accurate result by a maximum of 95%. After this period, the accuracy of determination increases to 100%, since the amount of fruit chromosome becomes greater.

Doctors necessarily take into account factors such as the amount of childbirth, the features of a particular body of a woman, the term of pregnancy, multiplot, the process of the development of the future child. Based on this requires a highly qualified approach. That is, it is necessary to take a DNA test in a specialized medical institution, where the latest methods of sex diagnostics are applied according to biological materials.

How blood collection is harvested on the DNA of the fetus, and how the study is carried out, find out from this video.

The methods of determining the floor of the child in blood is much. You can use special tables located on the Internet spaces, calculate the floor in the blood group and the rhesus factor, the deadline for conception, etc. But you need to remember that the most reliable results can be obtained solely handing the blood for laboratory research.

Of course, it is important for each parent that his child is born healthy and strong. However, for many, the floor of the crumbs is not less important. Some dream of a boy, others, on the contrary, want them to be exclusively a girl. There are many methods for calculating when it is necessary to conceive that the family of a particular floor appear in the family. Whether they give an accurate result, the question is controversial. There is a way based on the renewal of the blood of parents.

What is the theory of blood update?

The method of predicting the sex of the child to update the blood of parents with its roots goes in ancient times (see also :). Already then people knew that human organism Periodically varies almost everything - from blood and tissues to mucous membranes and cells. These knowledge reached the modern world.

Such physical changes continue throughout life. However, women and men have such changes occur in a different period of time. A wonderful floor update is carried out every three years, but the strong floor updates its internal reserves less often - every four years. It is these temporary differences that give the ground to attempt to determine the floor of the child's child and father.

Let us dwell on the renewal of blood on the basis of modern research, and not a long time. Blood consists of a large number of varied elements and blood bodies. The title of the most long-lived by law is erythrocytes. The number of these blood cells in an adult reaches 25 trillion. The process of their update on average takes about 120 days, that is, they are updated in 4 months. As for platelets and leukocytes, their life cycle is only a few days.

Making conclusions from this, we can say that the theory of blood updating every 3 and 4 years is erroneous. Despite this, many mammies continue to calculate the sex of the child before conception in a similar way, and often they manage to correctly determine the sexuality of the crumbs. According to statistics, the chance to learn the floor of the future kid is 68-88%, and these are impressive numbers, especially for an erroneous approach. For this reason, the technique still remains popular among future mothers and dads.

How, using the method of blood update, plan the sex of the child?

What is the basis of the method, understandable, but how such the theory apply to the definition of the floor before conception? The main idea is that the kid will "choose" the floor of that parent, whose blood is younger. If the mother recently updated the blood, then a daughter will appear in the family, if the dad is a son.

The main task is to determine who at the time of the pregnancy planning is younger blood - in a man or a woman. There are two ways to calculate who will appear after childbirth, boy or girl:

  1. The use of special tables based on an age update calendar. They reached us from very long time. Horizontally in the table indicates the full age of the future dad, vertically - mothers. The intersection of these lines will answer the question of interest. For example, if at the time of the child planning, the mother turned 32, and Dad 36, then after childbirth a boy will appear. This is an easy way, but whether to trust such a test, solve parents.
  2. Payment. Do not use the table, the sex of the child can be counted on its own. Counting will also not take much time and effort. To determine the floor, you need to divide the number of full years of moms by 3, and the dad is 4, after which it is simply compared to private from division. Which of the parents will have less result, he will give its floor to Krook. For example, mom 22, and dad - 27. 22 We divide for three and we get 7.3, and 27 divide on 4 and get 6.75. Papino value is less than my mother, it means that the likelihood of the boy's appearance is great. If the values \u200b\u200bturned out to be equal, that is, the chance to become parents twins. This is possible if blood from both parents has been updated in one year.

There is a third option to calculate those who will be born, a boy or a girl. To calculate this, you need to know the year of birth of each of the parents and the year to which the family wants to schedule conception. For example, Mom was born in 1994, which means that her blood was updated in 2015, dad - in 1998, his blood change occurred in 2016. If you conceive in 2016, the son will be born, since the blood is pope younger.

What do scientists think about the calculation of the floor of the future child to update the blood of parents?

Although many parents manage to calculate the sex of the child, and tabular tests also give a high percentage of coincidences, scientists do not perceive this way seriously. The view is that it is realistic to calculate the sex of the child by changes in blood, doctors consider superstition.

The method based on blood renewal, as well as tables and calculations in accordance with it are not able to take into account even all the nuances concerning this valuable biological fluid. If you rely solely on such a test before conception, it will be worthwhile to take into account the factors of blood loss, which influence the blood change process, leading to its earlier passage.

The process of blood update is influenced by:

  • transfusion and delivery of donor blood;
  • operational intervention;
  • injuries;
  • childbirth;
  • spontaneous and artificial abortion.

Doctors believe that even minor injuries or cuts are able to provoke blood renewal. Without laboratory research it is impossible to say exactly when blood was updated, and therefore, the result of the calculations is also controversial.

Such opinion of specialists does not prevent ordinary people to consider the technique of reliable, trust it and calculate. Women around the world are often resorted to the help of a blood update test to calculate the sex of the future kid in a few minutes.

From what actually depends the floor of the kid and is it possible to "order"?

In accordance with the research of biologists who have a scientific justification and received worldwide recognition if the spermatozoa, fertilized eggs, was a carrier of the H-chromosome, then there will be a female kid, if the Y-chromosome, the boy will appear on the light. On this process, blood or age mom and dad do not have any influence.

Those who wish to give birth to a certain sex "By request" it is worth considering that spermatozoa - carriers of y-chromosomes are more mobile, but less absenteeism, and their congratulations carrying x-chromosomes move more slowly, but live longer. Therefore, to conceive a boy, a man and a woman need to enter into sexual contact on the day of ovulation, and for the appearance of a girl - 3-4 days before it.

However, this method can be missed. Absolutely, the "order" of the son or daughter can be "order" only in the case of an extracorporeal fertilization and the subsequent substitution of the esbrion of the desired floor.

Almost every woman at the very beginning of pregnancy is wishes to find out who will be born - a boy or a girl.

Sometimes it is nothing more than curiosity and desire to raise the veil of secrecy earlier than this will make a planned ultrasound.

Since ancient times, people have come up with many ways to get around nature and find out what was to find out after 9 months. One of them is the clarification of the floor to renew blood.

The idea of \u200b\u200bdetermining the floor of the child to update the blood appeared in the East. Similarly, a century later, she overtook various scientific and accurate justifications. The idea on the constant change of blood is based.

Already with antiquity it was known that the blood in the body is constantly changing.

There is a suggestion that after a certain period of time in the body, the old blood is completely changed to the new one. And the sex of the child may depend on how the composition was blood from his parents at the time of his conception.

In women, a complete change of blood occurs every 3 years, and in men - every 4. Such a difference is due to the fact that women naturally lose blood every month during menstruation, so all processes have more intense and blood is updated earlier.

The meaning of the blood update technique for determining the sex of the child is that it is necessary to compare, who from future parents blood is more new.

If, by the time of conception, the blood turned out to be more new from the mother, then the likelihood of the girl's birth increases, if the father increases the likelihood of the boy's birth.

At the same time, we must take into account the variety of nuances. The blood loss is influenced by blood styling. Therefore, it is necessary to very scrupulously calculate all the events available in the past associated with blood loss:

  • operations;
  • childbirth;
  • bleeding;
  • accidents with blood loss;
  • blood delivery as a donor.

If you do not consider all this, then the calculation will be incorrect, and the result is wrong.

The calculation is made from the moment of blood loss for these reasons for each parent.

Of course, blood loss should be significant - near a liter, no less. If there were no such situations, then the calculation is conducted from year to birth.

It is necessary to take into account both the Mom factor. If the rhesus factor is negative, the test result changes to the opposite.

Rules for calculation

It is necessary to accurately calculate the age of mother and father, which was during the period of conception of the child.

Then it is divided into periods for which blood changes allegedly occur: the age of the mother is 3, and the father is 4.

Which of them in the remainder will be smaller, the blood has a newer. And, accordingly, its floor and determines the sex of the child.

Example: if the mother is 26 years old, and Father 30, then we get: 26: 3 \u003d 8.6 and 30: 4 \u003d 7.5. The residue is more than 5, respectively, the mother's blood updated later and she's newer. Most likely the girl will be born.

Even if the father's birthday, which testifies to the change of blood, will be in a few days, and the mother has changed for a long time, for these calculations still the victory remains behind the mother and there will be a girl.

If the digit remains are equal, then to say exactly who will be born is impossible.

And how to find out the floor of the child to update the blood, if the rest is 0? If 0 is one parent, then it is compared with the rest of the other on the same principle. If 0 it turns out in all results, it is growing likersion of twins.

Example: Mother's age is 33 years old. Father's age is 36 years old. 33: 3 \u003d 11.0. 36: 4 \u003d 9.0.


With this method, you can try. To do this, it is necessary to produce exactly the same calculations, but for the future years, calculating in which year most likely for a particular couple the birth of a boy, and in what - girls.

Example: Father was born in 1983. Mother - in 1987. Consider the years in which completely blood in organisms will change. It will be for a man in 2003 and 2007. At this time, you can plan the birth of a girl, before and after this period is more likely the birth of a boy.

Reliability of results

No medic in the world considers this method as reliable. From the point of view of medicine, this is akin to despondency on the coffee grounds - the reliability of the method according to the theory of probability is 2%.

From the point of view of a simple person, the accuracy of the method is 50% - he is either guessing the sex of the child or not. Since there are only two floors of the floor, it is always possible a 50% hit in the target.

As for the birth of twins, here the method is extremely unreliable.

If you recall the biology, then the sex of the child depends on the combination of X and Y chromosomes. In this carrier Y chromosomes is only a man. Next, the combination of these chromosomes depends on the lifestyle, cycle time, ovulation and other nuances. But the exact connection with blood quality, its composition and nutrition, so none of the scientists has yet discovered.

Therefore, the method is quite suitable for satisfying your curiosity and to entertain a woman waiting for a child.

How to consider it is not worth it and hope for him, if we are talking about the possible birth of a child with genetic disabilities.

Blood planning, including on its update - is curious method. But it is meaningless to expect reliable results from it. However, a boy or a girl is not the most main questionwho worries a pregnant woman. It is much more important that the child is born and grew up healthy.

At the current age of a reasonable approach to all key issues in the life of a couple more responsibly look at the child planning a question, since the birth of a baby is an important milestone in the existence of a family. In the event that there is a boy, and I want a girl, or vice versa - a girl grows, but I also want a boy, the baby caresses mom and dad very much. And as soon as a woman begins to torment the main question -: son or daughter?

One of the options to do is to carry out a specialist of ultrasound diagnostics, but the first results are not always true. It happens that the doctor reports the appearance of the heir, and the girl is obtained, or the reverse situation. If the desire to find out which replenishment comes, great enough, I do not want to wait a few tricky months, there is a way to determine the sex of the child to update the blood. Let us calculate possible options? How reliable the results obtained? Details are given in the article.

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According to the theory, we have been rejuvenated with blood, tissues and mucous meters with a certain periodicity, as a result of which people become physically updated. It happens all the time while man lives. The term, after which the update occurs, is different for both sexes: in a strong half of humanity - after 4 years, in excellent ladies - through 3. This data is based on the basis of the assumption that there is a chance of finding the floor of the child to update the blood.

How much does this theory correspond to reality and can it predict something?

In fact, the most "long-lived" among the uniform elements of blood is the erythocyte. In the body of an adult, it contains about 25 trillion of these blood cells, but all this astronomical number is updated on average for 120 days (4 months). Other uniform elements of blood - platelets and leukocytes - "live" at all long (a few days).

Thus, the assumption of blood renewal for 3 or 4 years does not correspond to modern scientific data and is not true.

Theoretical Justification of the method

There is the theory of determination of the child to update the blood of parents. The essence of this superstition is: the kid repeats the floor of his parents whose blood at the time of fertilization was younger. If a parent means, a son will appear. If the parent is a daughter.

Determine the blood that is younger, you can take the receptions described below in the article. It is recommended to compare the timing and to update the blood to learn the floor of the child. It is required to make small calculations or use the results specified in the table, or determine the calculator, introducing the age of parents and the date of fertilization. There is an opportunity to find out, paint a children's room in a pink or blue color. Below we consider in more detail how to determine the sex of the child's blood of the parents by the update method.

According to scientific research biologists who received recognition worldwide, if in fertilization took the participation of the Y-chromosome of the father together with the X-chromosome of the mother, then the fruit will be a male. In the case of the X-chromosome of the father and the H-chromosome of the mother - female. And blood or age does not affect it.

The theory that it is possible to determine the sex affiliation of the fetus by updating cells or liquids, with complete confidence should be called superstition.

How to determine?

Two ways are offered to determine who will appear at the family pair - using the table and the calculation.

Table for determination of the child

The application of the scheme allows you to learn the sex of the child to update the blood of parents. The horizontal shows the full age of the father, the vertical is complete. How to determine the sex of the child to update the blood? At the intersection of lines there are cells with the answer.

Definition of Floor Child on Blood Update Table and Parental Age

Let us give an example as the sex of the child to update the blood of parents to calculate on the table. When his father was fulfilled to the offensive of the planned fertilization, and 36 years old, and the mother of 32 years, it is necessary to determine the desired intersection of the vertical column under the value of "36" and the row opposite the value of "32". Table of blood update to determine the child's floor shows the result that the boy will appear.

How to calculate?

The main provisions of the theory, how to determine the sex of the child to update the blood of parents, the following: the fruit inherits the sexual affiliation of a more "young" ancestor. How to calculate the sex of the child to update the blood? It is required to produce the following calculations to determine.

The amount of the full years of each adult should be divided into such numbers: for men per digitage 4, and for girls - on the figure 3. Then the arithmetic are compared: who can get less private from division, half of that parent will have a newborn baby.

For an accessible perception of calculation of calculations, we give an example in numbers how to determine the field of the fetus for a regular couple. How to calculate the floor of the child to update the blood when the girl is 22 years at the date of conception, and man 27:

  1. Objectives the number 22 to the figure 3, we will see that its private from the division is equal to the number of 7.3.
  2. Its private when divided into digit 4 will be equal to number 6.75.
  3. The value is 6.75 less than 7.3, it means that a boy will appear in the family to give birth to a child at the moment in the family.

The only clarifying question arises: if equal values \u200b\u200bof the parents come out on the basis of calculations, how then to calculate the sex of the child? With this situation, it is even easier to identify: in this family a great birth chance of twins.

Based on the calculated numbers of the table and calculations, a convenient service was created, allowing the floor to find out the calculator. Source variables, remain the same as considering the floor to update the blood of parents: the number of years per month when fertilization happened or planned.

How to plan the floor based on the theory of hemoregeneration?

Going close to the birth issue, you can use any of the two above methods to understand - a son or daughter will appear.

But there are some conditions affecting the results of calculations. These are transplant operations, injuries, childbirth, abortions, transfusions, resulting in a decrease in blood volume by more than one liter. Calculations on the definition of the floor The table is recommended, given the operation date when the update cycles are reset. To confirm or refutate this information, the blood update test is carried out to determine the sex of the child.

How reliable is this method?

The probability of obtaining the right answer, that is, coincidences, is about fifty percent, as they say feedback on the definition of sex by updating. Representatives of science are inclined to the version that the process of biological hemoregeneration is much more complicated, and it is connected with the information recorded in the Macromolecule of a human DNA, independent of the periods of the update.

To determine the floor, a confirmation of the sexual definition test is carried out, the meaning of which is reduced to the following fact: in the blood of a pregnant woman there is a genetic material of the enhanced fetus. When male chromosomes are found, it means that there will be a son when not detected - daughter.

Trust or not the update method, calculate the floor or spend the test - there is a choice. It is possible that to determine the coincidence of the gender of the baby with the outcome of the calculations produced is to simply identify the accident. The number of such hits is growing every year. But if you decide to take advances, how to calculate the floor in the table, you can get an answer, and then, comparing it with the fact, become a commitment to this theory, how to plan the floor of the child.


  1. Definitely correct way to determine the planned pregnancy before the onset of the planned pregnancy, who will appear with the probability of about one hundred percent, except for artificial intervention (ECO), currently not.
  2. Despite the antique basis, the described reception, which makes it possible to calculate the child's sexual affiliation, is distributed due to some number of hits.
  3. Using everything together or one of the recommendations in the table posted in this article, how to calculate the floor to update the parents of parents, you can determine, expect a kid or baby. But serious about this theory is not worth it.

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This article will tell you whether it is possible to plan the floor of the future kid. Is there really a chance to predict the gender affiliation of the child in advance to update the blood, what is the probability of such an event?

Many couples wishing to acquire offspring, dream of daughter or son. They sit on diet, visit doctors, psychologists and even psychics. Science does not confirm the fact that the planning of sexuality is possible, but does not refute it, since many couples sought the results they need.

It all depends on which chromosome spermatozoa will fall into the egg, ready for fertilization. The X-chromosome is responsible for the female floor, U-chromosome - for male. The egg itself also contains X-chromosoma, so if it is joined by X - a girl will be born, and a boy.

Scientists have confirmed that spermatozoids with a y-chromosome live only 24 hours. Therefore, for pregnancy, a woman in sexual intercourse should take place 12 hours before the peak of ovulation or during it. After ovulation it is worth refraining from sex contacts for 3-4 days.

Also, special diets will help to prepare the future organism of the Mother to conceive a child of a certain sex. For example, for pregnancy a boy, the future mother should use meat products, and a dairy girl.

Theory of blood renewal

Such a theory has existed for a very long time. After a certain period of time, the lymphatic fluid in the human body is updated. Thanks to the simple knowledge of their own dates, you can calculate or predict who will appear.

According to WHO statistics, in 80% of the surveyed steam, which used this method, it turned out to plan the gender affiliation of the child on the theory of blood renewal.

Does the blood type depend on

The theory is designed that the parents' chances of pregnancy or a girl increase from parents of parents. If both parents have a positive, then the probability of pregnancy is a girl \u003d 100% worth noting that the Rh Factor also plays a very important role. If the rhesus has a negative mother, and the dad is positive, then the boy is likely to be born.

Definition method

In men, blood is updated once every 4 years, and in female once every 3 years. On such a theory and constructed further methods for calculating the gender of the baby.

There are several methods for determining gender Future child:

  1. Who has younger blood. In this case, it is better to explain on the example. For example, spouses for 28 years. With the help of the handle and paper, it is possible to calculate that the man has blood from this year, and in a pregnant woman (or at the pregnancy planning) was the update for 27 years. Accordingly, the couple will wait for the boy, since the future dad is the erythrocyte "younger".
  2. Update. As stated in the second theory, the girls begin to update the blood from 15 years every three years, and in guys from 16 years after 4 years. Accordingly, if a girl is 18, then her blood was updated this year. And if her husband 21, then the update occurred at 20 years. Thus, he "genetically older", and the pair is pregnant with a boy.
  3. Calculations by age of future parents. In such a way the calculator will be required. For example, a man is 26 years old, and a woman 25. 26/4 \u003d 6, a 25/3 \u003d 8, (3). The woman's coefficient is higher, it means that the boy will give birth to a boy.

If someone from the parents conducted surgical intervention, the methods may not work, since blood renewal is considered from the year in which the operation was carried out.

How to calculate

Calculations on the update are fairly simple, they do not require special skills and do not take much time. All you want to know is the age of both parents and when each of them is updated blood.

Doctors will not be able to help you in the calculation in this way, since the theory has not been proven.

Mandatory conditions

In order for the calculation to be correct, family pairs use not only in such ways, but also connect all possible options to achieve the goal. For six months, each of the spouses feeds only those products that increase the likelihood of pregnancy by a boy or a girl. Plus, such methods still do not give 100% guarantees of what will be as planned. Sometimes, nature decides everything for you.

Example calculation on the table

Also, there is a specific table, based on which you can calculate the gender belonging to the baby in the age of the future mother and by the month of conception. A detailed example of combustion on the table is lower in the calculation examples.

Those pairs that are not sure about the veracity of one of the ways check the likelihood of conception also on the Chinese calendar or Japanese. At the time when all methods show the same result - the probability of the appearance of a certain gender increases to 92%.

An example of calculating the table to determine the gender belonging to the baby in a family pair planning conception.

Table with rhesv factor.

Special cases

Missing on tables and calculations may be in several cases:

1. Transferred surgery, during which a person lost a certain amount of blood (more than 1-1.5 liters). From the moment you should consider a new update period.

2. If one of the parents have a birthday at the end of the year. Accordingly, if you conceive a child up to birth, then unreliable data are obtained.

Alternative planning option

On the Internet there are a lot of alternative methods for calculating the gender of the baby. One of the most common is the calculation by the date of birth of spouses and the month of conception. There are special calculators online. After entering correct data, you need to wait to determine the result online.

For those who just started planning pregnancy, this is a great way to calculate the appearance of your future kid. Such calculators also do not give 100% guarantees for success, but it is worth trying. Many couples noted that their calculations were correct, they were able to plan the floor of the future child.


The efficiency of calculations directly depends on the correctly entered information in the calculator or the correct count on the paper sheet. Due to the abundance of methods, you can get confused in the answers. Couples that used such theories say that only with the aggregate of all methods can be more likely to calculate the gender of the baby.

Opinion of parents

Among 10,000 pairs used in such ways, a survey was conducted by the Working Group on the Program "Obereg" of sociological work with the population in Russia, the effectiveness of the use of such methods. Analysis of the survey results showed that 7,000 pairs were confirmed - the calculation of the sex of their child coincided. Almost 2000 couples, the answer did not coincide, as they were tested only according to one of the ways or did not take into account certain circumstances. Another 1000 pairs abstained from the answer, as they do not remember that they were shown these ways.

Of course, each pair wants to know in advance who will have them. Today there are a lot of gender definition options, but what sex would have been not, parents will love him very much.

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