Funny rhymes to cheer up your beloved man. SMS to a man to cheer up his beloved employee. SMS exercises for a good mood

Good mood everyone!

Funny and cool sms for a guy or a man will be a great addition to your good mood. After all, these SMS will cheer up the guy and set him up for positive communication with you.

So that funny SMS will cheer up your boyfriend and he will answer you, send them to him when you know that he is free and not busy with important matters.

  • Imagine, I went fishing today. I caught carp and perch. But only you are the fish of my dreams.
  • If you are in a bad mood, my SMS is meant to cheer you up! Did not work out? Then come, I'll pick up everything you need.
  • I want to propose to you. Would you like to come with me ... on vacation?
  • You and I, like Bonnie and Clyde, Winnie and Piglet, Harry Potter and his wand!
  • All I have to do is run a marathon and I'm ready for a marathon.
  • The nicest time of the day is when you meet me after work.
  • Darling, could you pick me up after work? I forgot the mortar and broom at home.
  • There are 8 hours, 480 minutes, 28800 seconds left until we meet. 28799 ... 28798 ... 28797 ...
  • When I am sad, I remember you and smile. I hope this text made you smile too.
  • Of course I understand everything, but I also need to work: how to drive away thoughts of you?
  • When you don't smile, there is only one penguin in the world. You don't want to torment the unfortunate bird, do you?
  • Today I learned that there is a belief that all thin are witches. I'll go eat before they burn it at the stake.
  • Today you and I will do something extraordinary, exciting, what you love to do for a very long time - we will be chopped into the console)
  • Not a single type of coffee charges me as positive and energetic as thinking about you.

Funny sms jokes for a guy are the same ones that cheer up and show a sense of humor towards each other for the two of you.

  • I want us to have more in common. Let's get ... a kitten?
  • I bought myself a T-shirt with a photo of the same football player who missed yesterday. You can avenge his loss tonight.
  • Today I will give you a suitcase of money. On "classmates" sale of animated gifts)
  • Darling, I don't know how to tell you ... Well, in general, I did the test ... and we are a perfect couple!
  • Today you didn’t let me sleep, you gently bit my ear and buzzed something passionately ... Where are you, my mosquito?

Briefly about me now: naked and waiting for you!

  • I want to be a ray that would illuminate your road even on the most rainy day.
  • You are my bunny, I am your ray! There is no better couple in the world with you!
  • I want you and me to become birds. It is advisable to fly. And flew to the sea for a couple of weeks.
  • Today I accidentally caught the bride's bouquet. Dont you want to say me something?
  • Today hugs, sweets and one never-ending "donimashka" are waiting for you.
  • Let's take it to the next level? We will "like" each other in VK!
  • I want it so much ... I want it very much, I can't help it ... I want to cheer you up ...!
  • Havemny. Lasky. Ssincere. Bthrifty. Huzhny. ANDmaned. WITHshallow. B
  • For your sake, today I'm even ready to watch how 22 men in shorts run across the field.

In addition to funny and cool SMS for a guy, there are other messages that also cheer you up. For example, see

If you want your chosen one to cheer up from communicating with you, but you do not have the opportunity to call him or meet, then you can send an SMS. Also, a text message will be appropriate if there is no special reason for the call, but you want to remind about yourself.

To cheer up a man - write him a nice SMS

You can send your loved one short SMS, but with meaning

Here are some examples of text messages that have a specific meaning. Surely, your chosen one will be pleased to receive one of these messages.

  • "I want to always be the main reason for your happiness!"
  • "Every time my phone rings, I hope it's you."
  • Lovers are two happy people in a world of loneliness. "
  • And let, at times, love takes away pride, but it gives wings ”.
  • "If you lose heart, then into the appropriate embrace."
  • "The heart does not choose just anyone, it feels native."
  • “Sometimes it happens: the body is in one city, and the heart is in another” - It is appropriate to write when you and your boyfriend are in different cities.
  • "Nothing warms you up on cold nights like thinking about you."
  • "I don't know what the end of our story will be, but I definitely like the plot."
  • "There is only room in my heart for one man, and he is reading this text right now."

Please note that not all guys are used to sending SMS. If you have sent your beloved some poetic message, then do not expect that he, too, will answer you with similar lines - for some young people this is simply unusual. Remember that your goal is simply to cheer up the chosen one, give him pleasant emotions, and not enter into a long correspondence. That is why, if a guy answers dryly or completely leaves SMS unanswered, but at the same time is benevolent with you in real meetings, do not be offended by him - it is simply easier for him to express his emotions “live”. And, of course, this does not mean that your efforts are wasted - kind and gentle words are pleasant to read to anyone, and if you just want to brighten up your beloved's day with tender confessions, then do it without waiting for a similar step in response. Be confident that your attention will be noticed.

Funny SMS to cheer up

Before you write funny sms, it is important to make sure that you have a similar sense of humor to your boyfriend. At the first stages of communication, try to avoid vulgarity - you may be misunderstood. Also, do not scribble such messages one after another - the guy may decide that you have stumbled upon a newspaper with anecdotes, and now you are sending him an SMS indiscriminately. It is better to send such messages periodically, not at the height of the working day, but when the man is most likely free.

  • “Don't look for the perfect girl. I'm at home".
  • "A hundred cute pandas cannot be compared to you in charm!"
  • "Of course, everyone has cockroaches in their heads, but yours are the cutest!"
  • “Honey, if you don’t answer me in 5 seconds, you will owe me 100 kisses when you meet. Well, I didn't have time! "
  • I dedicate to you, my cat, these beautiful lines: "Mur-muurr-meow, Mur-meow, Muuur!"
  • "Hello! I am an SMS beggar! Write something sweet to your beloved, she misses! "
  • “Dear subscriber! Your debt is 1000 kisses, please return. "
  • “Do you know why I love you so much? Because it doesn't work any other way. "
  • "A small, gentle hippo is looking for affection and something to devour ... Will you help me?"
  • "Looks like you're facing a prison sentence - someone stole my heart and you're the only suspect."

SMS to a man in your own words

We offer different options for SMS - some of them are quite appropriate to send at the initial stages of the novel, while others are suitable in the case when the couple already has a very close and long-term relationship.

  • Darling, could you just leave my thoughts for a couple of hours? I have to work, but I just can't concentrate!
  • I don’t have enough words to tell you how wonderful you are! One thing remains - to wait for you, and show it with your kisses! Come quickly!
  • I may not be a princess, but you turn my life into a real fairy tale! Thank you!
  • Only recently I realized that I do not care what the weather is outside the window - thanks to you, it is always sunny in my life!
  • You are like Bounty to me - my personal piece of paradise.
  • I hope that today will bring you many pleasant emotions! Love you!
  • As a child, I was told that there is nothing sweeter than honey, but then I still did not know about your kisses.
  • Having met you, I realized that after all I was born under a lucky star.
  • Favorite! You are more drunk than any alcohol!
  • Smile! I am sending you a thousand kisses with this SMS, I look forward to our meeting.

Of course, only you can know which SMS in your own words will be most relevant. However, try to be sincere and don't be afraid that you will seem ridiculous or ridiculous. If a guy is in love with you, then any of your messages will be pleasant to him, and especially if it turns out to be full of tenderness and various "favors". It is appropriate to write such messages after successful dates - to consolidate the effect.

Note that if you had only one or several meetings, then most likely the guy is not yet sure what impression he makes on you, and whether you are interested in general. In this case, text messages can be very helpful - they will cheer up the young person and give him an impetus to follow up. Surely, he will be pleased to receive an SMS after the meeting, in which you write that you really enjoyed the walk (dinner, going to the cinema), and you are still under a pleasant impression.

How to cheer up a guy who likes by texting on the internet

Make a person laugh with funny pictures and videos

Sometimes, communicating with a guy on the Web, a girl may come to the conclusion that the topics for communication have been exhausted, and in order to continue full-fledged communication, she often has to take a break for several days. Otherwise, the dialogue may simply become sluggish, which, of course, will not at all benefit the nascent relationship.

However, it is important to remember that when texting with a guy, you don't have to stick to only serious and ordinary everyday topics. The Internet does not bring people closer, but it provides undeniable advantages in communication in the form of such bonuses as funny pictures and various videos. In various groups on social networks, you undoubtedly come across interesting memes every day that simply cannot help but cause a smile. Save the most interesting of them and send them sometimes to your interlocutor - most likely, if you have a similar sense of humor, such messages can cheer him up.

It is important to note that if your relationship is not yet too close, then avoid vulgar videos and pictures - you may be misunderstood. Especially such material is inappropriate if in real life you are a very modest and calm girl. Also, do not send memes related to a topic that is unfamiliar to your interlocutor (about your favorite TV series, for example). Usually, funny pictures with animals, or those that illustrate typical scenes between a guy and a girl, are a safe bet.

Cheer up with smiles and easy dialogue in VK

Sometimes, to raise the mood, a person just needs to chat with someone. If you suspect that your interlocutor is upset about something, then start a subtle and light distracting dialogue with him. You can talk about events that may interest him - for example, an upcoming concert or the release of a certain film. You can tell that you have been to some event, and you think that it would be interesting for him to be there too - briefly tell us about where you were. React to his jokes vividly, send in response surprised or laughing emoticons. However, with the latter it is better not to overdo it. Sometimes emoticons become the end of any conversation, since not every interlocutor can navigate the answer. That is why use emoticons mainly in conjunction with any phrase. Also, you may well amuse a young man with a fresh anecdote found on the Internet.

Submit your favorite song and find out about his musical preferences

When the interlocutors start looking for "points of contact", they often try to find out more information about each other's tastes, to determine in which areas they have the most in common. Of course, musical preferences are an important aspect of many people's lives, and for many it is indicative.

Send the guy one of your favorite songs, accompanied by the question: "Do you like to listen to this or is it not your style?" If it turns out that the young man likes this composition, then you can send something else in the same spirit. Also, ask what kind of music he prefers to listen to, show interest in his musical preferences! However, do not forget about politeness and a sense of tact - if a guy names you groups or compositions that you absolutely do not like, then you do not need to answer something like: “Oh, I can't imagine how you can listen to this” or “No, no , such horror is not for me! ". Be tolerant and respectful of other people's tastes, and in the mentioned situation you can answer like this: “Interesting music! I usually listen in a different style, but there is definitely something in these songs too. " Believe me, guys don't react very well when they start making fun of their tastes or anything related to them, as well as girls.

If you really like the music that the young man is passionate about, do not hesitate to write openly about it. Ask if there are any other similar compositions in his "arsenal". Subsequently, you can mention that on the road you listened to the songs that he sent you and now you often put them on "repeat" - such a confession will undoubtedly please any guy.

If it's sad, turn on the music soon
And circle around the apartment in a dance!
And dance to those magic sounds
It will save you from blues, longing and boredom!

We will replace a sad mood with a joyful one!
If you don't want potatoes - so cook dumplings!
I don't want to ride like a bunny along the path,
Then imagine that you are a heron and stand on your left leg!
I don't want to cook food - don't cook it,
I do not want to get sick - go away pain!
If you don't want to look, close your eyes quietly!
If you don't want to sing, then read us fairy tales!
If you want to cry, we'll make you laugh in a moment!
If you want to be sad, we won't let you !!!

Every woman with her husband
You still need a lover
To replace her husband
Could love on the day shift.

When, taking off, you fall down
Hold on to my hand.
Don't you dare to be afraid to take a step! -
Then you will understand who is a friend, who is an enemy.
And if suddenly trouble comes,
Do not be discouraged ever.
I ask you not to suffer
And do not tear your heart to pieces.
And know: go ahead, there,
Where only your star shines:
Dance, play, walk, dream
Live, learn, love, fly!
And if it suddenly becomes hard
Remember that there is a friend nearby!

Three maidens by the window
We drank vodka, juice and rum.
Only one girl could
Enter the parlor without any problems.

Prepared food -
It will be a great evening!
I'm waiting for a guest today
He seems to agree.
Met yesterday
Online chat.
Worked like a bee
Since dawn
The table was set: goose, salad,
Lard, two herrings,
Cake, uzbek grapes
And a bottle of vodka.
I wait, I sat down at the table,
I took out the mirror ...
I looked, I realized -
Not enough vodka.

Give smiles! Meet with warmth!
Always fill your home with love!
And there will be smiles, warmth and love
Back to come back to you again and again!
And happiness will be for many years!
Nothing will spoil your Life of the weather!

Do not be sad, do not be sad, -
The mood is on the way!
Rushing, not sparing legs,
To please you!

On a KAMAZ, on a moped,
On a deer, on a bear
Pretends to be a pilot
Traveling by plane

It will not slow down to hide its,
Will make you laugh
Sing, dance and smile
To enjoy life!

There is a simple axiom -
Do not sit at home girls.
It takes butts
To twirl tudy-syudy.

Let's talk about the good !!! Let it be like in a fairy tale:
Smiles and joy all around!
Let everything blossom and the world shine!
Let's sing a good song !!!
Let the cheerful wind pick up the song
And let the Sun sing along with us!
Let the dream become a joyful reality
And the sadness will quickly go away !!!

Where was I at night?
What's your head disheveled?
Mom, I didn't conceive
I say - conceived ...

I'm not married ... yet,
But I'm not upset
At least over thirty ... slightly,
I enjoy life!

I do not exchange
For longing and pity
I proudly carry myself
Radiating joy.

I believe that fate is given
Everything I want
And your love wine
I will sip - I know!

Destined to become a loved one
And burn with passion -
Impossible to be late
To meet me happiness!

Parting with another
I'll cry quietly
Remember baby, I'm not a schmuck
I am a Sentimental macho ...

In some shorts, the husband went out onto the balcony.
So skinny, ribs all out:
“Cover up the skeleton, what a style!
-Wife, seeing, shouted to her husband. "
- "You, swallow me a song do not sing.
Let everyone see, let the whole district know,
How hard it is for me to live with you
And how do you feed your faithful spouse !!! "
- "You shut up and calm down your ambition.
Look boldly as you perform in public.
You better take off your panties
And everyone will understand why you are starving!

Not in the mood? More like nature!
Here is beauty at any time of the year!
Kohl summer, right by the river
We will make a fire, we will grill kebabs,
Let's catch a fish, a pike, a perch!
And the mood will scream: "Hurray!"
In spring nature comes alive
And with her the mood blooms!
In winter, white snow falls like a carpet
And the mood swirls like snowflakes!
Autumn will give leaves of bright colors,
And the mood will be like in a fairy tale!

Who hung his nose?
Who is in no mood?
I'll start again now
Angelic singing!

Well and let that bear to me
I drove over my ears
I'm not aiming today
To resounding success!

I want a close friend
Just smiled
To finally come to life
Joyful returned!

Let the blues come to you
Who doesn't happen to?
I know for sure that her
Songs are dispersed!

Hungry husband in an unwashed shirt
I brewed "Doshirak" in the kitchen ...
Realizing a terrible mistake, Whispered:
“What a fool I am, after all!
I wanted the best, it turned out - as usual ...
Damn, apparently, pulled to show his wife
With my own hand, personally,
How to go to the damn Internet! "

Madam, I am purely fascinated,
I am a slave, in nature, of your eyes.
There is no bazaar, I am bewitched,
I love your image specifically.
I don't understand what the fuck
What the hell happened to me ...
In my soul, blah, change
Specifically, they shook everything up!
I fucking hit, I have no salvation -
The tower has been torn down, blood is boiling ...
I entered the topic - no doubt about it
Love struck me!

Everything! I’m not a go-to woman anymore!
I was not expecting this end!
I'll calm down! I would fucking live a little ...
I will buy a fur coat for my wife ...
In the spring we will rush to her parents in Baku ...
I will love her alone to the grave ...
How many nonsense came to my head
While flying from the balcony to a snowdrift!

You just have to BELIEVE
You just have to LIVE
MEASURE a hundred times
And one CUT TO,
Do not hide Grudge
Do not store SADNESS,
Throw out of LIFE
EVERYTHING that is a pity ...
Only then VICTORY!
Only then JUST!
Completely new

Who with uneven steps
Runs up to our mom?
Who tries to walk
Hitting along the way
Stools, piano,
Curtains and a basket?
Who could it be?

Who looks like a bully?
Who grabbed the dog by the tail?
Like a real floor polisher
Did you rub the floor with your knees?
Who tries to bath
Dragging your pajamas?
Who could it be?
This, after the restaurant,
Dad is learning to walk!

I want the sunbeam stealthily
Slid down your cheek to your scarlet lips -
He's the sweetest kiss from me
I would give you, and through your hair

I would stroke gently for a smile
You couldn't already let go
Agree, it would be a stupid mistake
To be sad on this beautiful morning!

I smeared my face with a cucumber
And hung an egg on her eyebrows.
Sour cream in the mouth, on the forehead, on the chest, on the pelvis,
Strawberries, honey with nuts under the eye.
Some piercings on nostrils, arms, legs -
A neighbor came in and collapsed on the threshold ...
Well, what is so terrible to take and die?
Such beauty - REFINE!

I wish, friend, a carefree life,
Do not know potholes, potholes, holes!
Be the bird of superior flight
To the envy of the little sparrows!

Soup is very simple to prepare:
First you need to take:
Meat (but bones will also come off)
And about five potatoes,

Salt and pepper, two carrots,
Be sure to take one
Bow middle head,
And then ... call your wife.

I found myself in the mood to be lucky:
Yesterday everything was good, but today it is better!
I will repeat it a hundred times, the clouds will disperse:
Today everything is so GOOD, but tomorrow it will be BETTER!
And let life plunge into shock, I conjure more:
I am doing well, and it will be even better!

Why are you, my friend, sad?
Look around faster!
Nothing bad will happen -
The main thing is to smile with your heart!

And it doesn't matter what's going on around -
Is it snow, sun, or maybe haze ...
Let the mood soar like a bird!
And in the soul so that the rainbow rose!

So what happened?
And hell you understand ...
I remember I passed the bottles ...
My wife cooked a fat borscht ...
And for the second - chops ...
And I, having devoured from the belly,
"Thank you, Lena, delicious!"
And then ... further - darkness
And the echo of a plaintive crunch.
The doctor says I'm weak
I lie for a month like a piece of wood ...
However, he himself is to blame:
The wife is Tanya, not Lena!


You and I can handle this world
We will achieve everything we wanted
Will be in our life: and Paris,
And Miami, and coffee in bed.

There will be princes on white horses
Resent our peace with you,
Our enemies will be out of rage
And only squeak from envy.

You and I are full of optimism
And with a smile we go through life,
Our happiness is already very close
We'll find him very soon.

I will tell you, I will not keep silent,
I always want this.
I want even in the field, even in the den,
I want to be in the tundra or in the den.
I want it everywhere, and wherever necessary.
Let the sun shine, rain down.
I want when I go to sleep
And in the morning before getting up.
On the nightstand and on the couch
Squatting and upside down
On land, in the air, in the water.
I want to go to Moscow and Kostroma.
And in the cold and summer heat ...
I always want to chat with you!

The man's blood boiled with passion ... ..
And a woman, with a smile on her lips,….
Said she would allow herself
Kiss, but only in 2 places.

Oh, men - holy simplicity!
He moved closer to the woman
And asked to quickly name the places.
She said: ... in Rome and in Paris.

A girl lies in a snowdrift, laughs,
Her hysterics leads to ecstasy.
So what, stupid, isn't there?
Yes, she just got drunk, an infection!

Everything will be: both smiles and flowers,
And all dreams will surely come true
And our life, as in a fairy tale, will blossom,
The soul in the chest, as in childhood, will sing.

And old friends will support us
And new ones will be found in a good hour.
Fate, smiling at us, winks
Good luck will immediately visit us.

I am a GIRL and it means I am beautiful
Sweet, tender, beautiful and smart
I'm a GIRL and so I'm like a lioness
Strong, fast, dangerous and cunning
I'm a GIRL and so I'm like a bird
Inimitable, deceptive, pure
I am a GIRL that cannot be compared
All unearthly and earthly beauty
I am a GIRL and should be proud of me
After all, you are a poet, an artist anywhere
I AM A GIRL to strive for me
I'm a tempting star
I'm a GIRL you can fall in love with me
Giving fire of love, happiness and warmth
I'm a GIRL and I can't sleep at night
You only see me in your dream
I am the GIRL in your dreams
I am a dream, I am an ideal, I am a Queen !!!

One day, apparently asleep,
Got a mouse in a beer keg
And the beer began to sink.
-Tonu! Save someone!
I'm dying in Zhiguli beer,
Oh, how simple is my death,
I would be 100 times happier
Dying in the paws of the cat !?
-Well, - said the cat from the window.
-I can get you out, but
You will turn into food!
-Save quickly, I'm going to the bottom,
Death in freedom is a hundred times dearer to me!
And a mouse from death in alcohol
She was happily saved.
But finding himself in terrible paws,
Trembling to the tip of my tail
Beer spreading the smell
The mouse escaped the cat.
-Where is your word ?! Your Honor?!
You promised to give you something to eat.
-Ah, what are you? - the mouse squeaked,
I promised it with pyanu!
Morality is knocking right at the door
Do not trust a drunk woman !!!

It's okay, tell yourself in the morning
And the day will succeed, be sure of this / a.
And if you start to limp in vain,
You will turn a good day into a loss.
Try to see the miracle in the little things:
Living leaf, butterfly, flower.
Throw away the grain of doubt
And do not keep this kind of you.
Meet the sunrises, see the sunsets
Do not be afraid to love and be able to forgive
And don't turn your life into loss,
Be able to appreciate the acquisitions in it.

Taken here:
best humor and funny gags

May the positive wave hold you at a triumphant height today, dear! And let her velvet spray smoothly take you into the world of our evening romance.

Be today, dear, like a cheerful, hardworking bee looking for a flower with the most delicious nectar! In addition, in the evening, you will be greeted by the trembling rose of my love!

Let your indestructible male tenacity sweep like a hurricane through everyday chores, decomposing all your undertakings into an ordered multi-colored mosaic of success!

Darling, you are sweeter than an oriental delicacy, you are softer than the sea breeze, you are hotter than all the stars of the Milky Way, your embrace is more comfortable than a heavenly cradle. Have a nice day!

Even when you devote a day to work, my beloved, I continue to feel the boundless warmth of your adoration on me! I look forward to new contacts with your tenderness.

Let the mood of your beloved man be stable and impeccably positive, like the eternal balance of cosmic diversity, in which comets light up your sweet smile!

Let no nasty beaver undermine your optimism today, dear! Let the dam of your success withstand all the tricks of these toothy rodents!

My beloved, be vigorous and active in the morning like a moth. During the day, be decisive and valiant like a lion. And in the evening I hope to meet you gentle and romantic, like a kitten.

Dear, you are the reliable basis of my heart harmony. I want her spark, embedded in this SMS, to illuminate your day with perfect radiance!

Darling, let your wonderful mood, like a golden-bright field sunflower, follow the warm sunbeam today, bypassing the gray clouds of adversity!

You are my indestructible superman, dear! You are perfect and irresistible, like Mr. James Bond! You are successful as a benchmark from the Forbes cover! Your day must sparkle with prosperity!

Kitty, I tried to find flaws in your exemplary male image, and I found one ... When you don't smile, the world around me becomes colorless and dim ...

Darling, let today's endeavors go without stress and taking valerian. Let everything be so cool that you celebrate your successes with a glass of Hennessy!

All day long, I crave a delicious dessert. I reviewed the entire list of sweets, darling, and I will say one thing - in it you are the undisputed leader among my favorite sweets!

My dear, my rainbow moth, your orchid has bloomed as magnificently as possible today, and is impatiently waiting for your arrival on its tender petals!

My only one, you are so impeccable that I begin to wonder, from what transcendent star galaxy did you come to make my heart happy?

How lucky I am to find such a treasure as you, dear! My soul is now strewn with diamonds of happiness, my heart is illuminated by the ruby \u200b\u200bof love, and my house is shining with an emerald of harmony!

A fragile princess asks her mighty knight: are you ready for evening exploits after a fantastic and romantic warm-up with my passion?

Thanks to the unlimited traffic given to me by the mobile operator, I can send my loved one an unlimited number of hot kisses, for every centimeter of my body!

My fearless Don Quixote, let no spiteful critic force you to fight in vain with windmills! Better to defeat the dragons of the work you have begun and hurry to your queen for a reward!

You dear, I will remind you in this message that you need to be distracted from work, being transferred to the world of your own fantasies. I am already waiting for you among the rainbow dreams of fabulousness!

So, the shirts are all ironed, the dishes are sparkling with cleanliness, the house is in complete order, a delicious dinner is prepared, and I am Miss Perfection, speeding up our date with a tender kiss!

In a bright day, let the charm of your smile not fade away, dear! Her divinity captivated me, her sunshine is a guarantee of your individual male success!

You are a hero who came from colorful legends and past, my dear! Thanks to you, the seething ocean of happiness fills me, and I share it with a crystal drop, so that your positive will be endless!

Let the amorous letter remind of the feelings boiling in me, beloved! Let the spring of the soul, sent in it, make your day colossally successful!

Dear, you quenched my thirst in the emptiness of the heart, and I am so filled with tenderness that by sending sparks of it in love SMS, I will not waste even a millionth part of it for a whole eternity!

Oh, how stupid my blonde girlfriends are to think that love is a waste of time! There are no miracles in their lives. And in mine - an endless love tale, because you, beloved, are a real wizard!

Darling, may the optimism of your undertakings be as bright as scarlet strawberry glades in the arms of a velvet forest, and the taste of each today's achievement will be like the sweetness of my kiss.

My only one, let the immensity of your male inspiration fill with unique achievements as rapidly as the number of the Chinese nation grows!

Even in the deepest diamond mines you cannot find as much brilliance as there is in your mysterious look, dear. Remember - you are able to illuminate the endless space with this unearthly radiance!

Let the tricky ill-wishers shy away from you, dear, let the arrows of failure fly away from courageous decisions, and of course, let the sweetness of my immense adoration not melt in my soul!

Beloved, let the avalanche of success seethe in your plans, like an amber heat bubbling in the throat of an unremitting volcano! And let this hot inner ardor not cool down before our romantic meeting!

Even the Arctic ice floes turn into rainbow colors in your hands, dear. And I, selflessly melt, transforming myself into burning drops of heartfelt passion and love!

Let strong coffee cheer you up, dear, awakening a fountain of activity in any male endeavor. And let the gentle kiss hidden in this SMS complement the positive moments.

No matter how many gladiatorial examples, dear to you, today is prescribed, come out victorious from each, and visit the luxurious mansions of your Cleopatra, that is, mine!

My beloved cardiologist forbade me to be too worried, but he didn’t forbid me to sail with you in the middle of the seas of exciting pleasure. I am already preparing our boat for this enchanting journey!

I will never tire of reminding an ideal man what a treasure of my destiny your smile and your love have become. I'll write you about this a thousand times a day, unless my phone overheats!

Just as a hardworking hedgehog collects the most delicious apples on multiple needles, so you, dear, replenish the list of started cases and initiatives with the most grandiose triumphs!

Let only white-maned horses plow the labor field today, and you, beloved, effortlessly complete the planned tasks and projects, and in the evening, hurry to me with a cheerful disposition!

In the intoxicating wave of my sunny feelings, let all the worries of your day melt, dear. And spiteful critics, being poisonous scorpions, let them sting only their own soft spots!

Let the strong-willed character, aristocratic nobility and titanic determination, combined in you, beloved, be the standard for all men of the Universe! Have a good mood!

Let the crystal of doubts about your individual success scatter to smithereens, my dear. You are the superhero of today's era, who will conquer the stellar heights of bold ideas!

The most juicy cherries are chosen in the garden by sweet-voiced birds, bypassing spoiled berries. And you, dear, now choose win-win paths in order to end the day as fruitfully as possible!

Every moment I feel like a fairy princess, because my castle and my heart are guarded by the noblest knight of the magical worlds, who found me in vain modernity! Adore you!

In the purple infinity of flower gardens, a single flower has blossomed, whose beauty is more amazing than a thousand wonders! This is the embodiment of my desire to meet you as soon as possible, my romantic!

The whirlpool of your wonderful smile, the abyss of inexhaustible male tenderness and the cycle of solar optimism, melted the ice of my female peace. Enchant me by answering SMS, my irresistible hero!

My friends insist that not all men are perfect. And I am sincerely glad that you, my beloved, real ideal, sparkling with thousands of facets of dazzling masculine virtues! Let them envy!

Precious, may the positive balance of your mood never fall, and not only him. Let the rating of success in business rise, and not only it. Let SMS add a positive heart, and not only to him!

Let the lines of the virtual letter convey to your beloved the softest touch of my embrace. But know, it is woven of golden sparks of passion, burning between us! May the day be wonderful!

I will share the biggest female secret in a tiny SMS. Coals of passion burn in me every moment, dear! I can't wait for the meeting when I can share this enchanting heat with you!

Dear, you, of course, are a real hero for me and you are distinguished by indestructible damask health! But for some reason I wanted to take care of you, dressed in a modest nurse's outfit!

How far will the winds of dreams and fantasies take you, dear, if I hint at a romantic date with a certain "zest"? And while you are dreaming sweetly, I prepare carefully!

Dear, let the boring work bustle not take away your solar energy, so that in the evening you will return home full of energy for a romantic adventure! ... Let the solution ...

Express your feelings with text messages. The beloved man will appreciate it and rush to meet it.

Today you can easily remind yourself and please your loved one who is at a great distance. SMS helps to express your feelings and please your loved one.

Spouses use this method and bring variety to the daily routine of their relationship. Send gentle SMS messages in verse or prose, which will surely cheer you up and remind your loved one of your concern.

Tip: Express yourself in SMS in an original way. Banal words are always boring and predictable. Let your significant other think how lucky he is with such a sensitive and gentle woman.

If your beloved man has a birthday, and because of the circumstances he is far from you, then send him poems or words in prose. This will delight her husband, he will be pleasantly surprised and startled.

Any man, having received a message from his soul mate, will be in seventh heaven. Please your husbands, tell them words of tenderness and love.

In prose, you can write something from the heart in your own words, so that a man understands how much you love and appreciate him. For example:

Today is your birthday, and I want to congratulate you and wish you a lot of joy. May all plans come true, and the whole world will help you with this. May there be only success in our home, and wishes always come true. Your hands have become stronger, and I want them not to get tired of bringing profit.

If the message is addressed to a man after 40 years, you can add the following words:

Years for a man only add attractiveness!

May you always be in order, because I do not have a soul in you. Be strong and healthy, and be with me for a hundred years!

May only joy await you today. May all desires and cherished dreams come true. Be happier than everyone else in the world and love only your family.

After congratulations, you can send words of gratitude to your beloved man via SMS:

You and I met a long time ago and I thank fate for this. I admire your pure and true love for me, the sparkle of your loving eyes, ardor and affection. I even thank you for the short-term sadness, because in these minutes, I understand what you mean to me. I keep in my heart all your words of tenderness and love. I thank you for every moment we are together. You are my favorite man!

SMS to your man should always be written, and not only on birthdays or when your husband is at a distance from you. If you remind him of yourself in this way, he will be pleased.

Take a moment and send cool SMS to your husband when you need something and you can't do without his help:

Dear husband, I need money!

I am writing here, not daring to tell you personally.

I ask you, help!

I need more shoes, but they are decent

I just went to the boutique alone.

Found so many necessary things!

I forgot the code

Such is the unpleasant twist!

On the eve of some kind of joint holiday, you can send an SMS to your husband and remind you of the date and the gift:

My dear, don't forget - the anniversary is coming soon ...

You can't shirk a gift

After all, you are my best man!

I love you and don't forget

I want something gold, expensive!

A woman is always unhappy with something, but psychologists do not recommend expressing her indignation openly. Therefore, use the possibilities of mobile communication and write a cool SMS to your husband:

Honey, I tell you in a letter

I'm tired of the mess in the house!

I clean everywhere all day

And you are causing a pogrom!

Therefore, get ready, we will agree later!

People in love want to talk about love constantly. Men like it when their beloved women confess their love to them in an original way.

Use SMS to send a declaration of love to your loved one. Let him know that there is such a man in the world who thinks about him every minute.

You can write your words from the heart. A man will definitely appreciate it. After all, what comes from the soul is always perceived by the heart, and is remembered for a long time.

Each couple in love is separated during the day for several hours or longer. Loving people experience their separation from their soulmates. At this moment, they want to tell the whole world about their suffering. This can be done via SMS.

Remind your loved one of yourself and your experiences. Tell us how dear he is to you, and then the moment of separation will pass faster.

Romantic messages touch the heart of any man. He will hasten to meet you to comfort you. I miss SMS to my husband in poetry, prose, in my own words:

Choose the words you like and send to your man. Let him smile and remember you.

When the husband is far from home, he wants family warmth and affection. Write to him about your love and how bored the children are. Such words will touch a man's heart, and he will try to quickly come home.

My beloved dear

We are waiting for you with the whole family home

Children, I am suffering

We count the days, wait.

Come quickly

Sail or fly!

Bring gifts for children

And the more of them - the better!

The world is not nice to me

When you're not around

We need you at home

You know about it yourself!

You can not write poetry, but just send one line in SMS:

I just want you to be there!

Sadness ... Parting ... Loneliness ... Anxiety ... Come back soon!

Wherever you are, I know for sure that in my thoughts you are with me now. My angel - I miss you!

I love you, I think about you. I want to be with you and I don't need anyone else!

Before such words, a man will not be able to resist. The husband will hasten to speed up the meeting, and at any opportunity he will try to go straight home.

Psychologists say that feelings need to be constantly warmed up. Therefore, write your beloved messages, reminding you of your love.

Men love to be gentle with themselves. A woman shouldn't be persistent. She was created for romance, so she must be able to arrange surprises for her beloved man.

Messages on her mobile phone will help her in this - quickly, accessible and pleasantly. Short sms to husband:

Short sms to beloved husband

Short sms to husband - just two lines

Short SMS to my husband - you also need to be able to ask for forgiveness

Messages to your beloved to cheer up should be written in any life situations. For example, when he has problems at work, or he is upset about losing his favorite football team.

Important: In particular, a woman should give her husband a lot of attention if he is offended by her. A pleasant SMS will delight him and warm him with love.

Do not think that only women like such romantic "things", men are also sentimental. They are pleased when a woman shows feelings in an original way. SMS to your beloved man to cheer up in poetry, prose, in your own words:

The morning will be sure to be magical and kind, if your loved one gives words of love. A man will wake up, see an SMS from his beloved, and gentle words will warm his soul.

If he is near, after such words, the beloved will surely reciprocate. If the beloved is far away, after receiving a message from his wife, he will rush to meet her.

Warm words to the future sleep help to fall asleep faster, remembering the moments spent with loved ones. The night will pass and the long-awaited meeting will come faster.

Simple SMS good night to your beloved man in poetry, prose, in your own words

Try to be subtle, but at the same time show concern by sending one SMS. Darling will remember you, and think about how much he loves!

Video: Affectionate words to your beloved man.