To instill something in a person. How to instill your thoughts in a person. How to make suggestion more effective

Transmitting thoughts at a distance even now sounds like an unnatural process. But it is possible. And you can do this not just by looking at the photo, but when communicating with a person by phone or Skype. This is what beginners usually do. In the article we will tell you how to inspire a person with a thought at a distance, what to do for this. Next, we will look at the features of how you can learn this ability.

Is it realistic to suggest thoughts to another person at a distance?

On this topic, the first thoughts of scientists and psychologists appeared in the 19th century. And the answer was yes. People who are not in a stable nervous state are most susceptible to this influence. For example, when a person falls asleep or wakes up, with severe nervous exhaustion or during a period of aggression.

But most of all, you can influence close people at a distance, since there is always an invisible connection with relatives. This is even expressed in how a person feels when a trouble has happened to a loved one. And for this access to the astral plane is not necessary.

They may not necessarily be blood relatives. This connection occurs in people who spend a lot of time together. Between best friends, lovers and so on. Sometimes the suggestion of thoughts at a distance is due to the fact that a person knows well the habits of the suggested one.

Sometimes this is not enough for a person. Then he wants to know how to instill a thought in a person at a distance. The following article will be devoted to this particular topic.

Suggestion technique. What does a person need to master?

This is a rather laborious process and requires constant training. It is recommended to learn how to control the power of thought first on close relatives. And only then switch to suggestion on strangers.

What is needed for this?

Yoga is also recommended. It will help you quickly concentrate and get rid of unnecessary thoughts. Body and soul will always be full of energy. It is yoga that will help to achieve the exit to the astral plane. This will allow you to learn to control other people's thoughts faster. Everyone can learn how to instill a thought in a person at a distance. There would be a desire, and, of course, the necessary training will be required.

An object. Who should you choose for suggestion?

As it was already written above, it is better to choose the closest relative as the object for suggestion. Then you can try it on other people.

The most common objects for suggestion are:

  • Beloved. For example, a girl really likes a young man, but he doesn't pay much attention to her. Every day she begins to inspire him how beautiful she is and how he likes. The young man perceives this as his thoughts and eventually falls in love with this girl.
  • Children. Mothers need this ability. Especially when the child is sick. They inspire the child that he is on the mend, that everything will be fine. Here the placebo action is triggered, the body itself begins to put more effort into recovery. You can also help children with their studies, but you do not need to try to take complete control over them. Otherwise, the child may lose himself as a person.
  • Just close and dear people. With the help of thoughts at a distance, you can give them confidence, strength, make it clear how much they are loved and expected.

How to convey thoughts?

How to transmit a thought to a distance to another person? Learning to influence the mind of a stranger is more difficult than learning to influence loved ones. But it's also possible. What needs to be done in stages?

  1. Free yourself completely from unnecessary thoughts. The head should be completely clear of all thoughts.
  2. After choosing the person to whom thoughts will be redirected, you need to learn as much as possible about him. His hobbies, tastes, communication style, voice, and so on. If possible, then get into the circle of his acquaintances.
  3. Before starting the suggestion of thought, it is necessary to imagine this person and try to revive his image.
  4. When the right thought has been chosen and attention is fully concentrated, you need to attach as much emotion as possible to the information sent.
  5. For a start, you can try to spend it in the evening or at night. It was during this period that a person is more open to outside interference.
  6. Additionally, you can inspire a person with the necessary information when communicating. But not directly, but with suggestive themes. Prepare the ground for receiving information from a distance.
  7. Do not quarrel with the person who will receive the information from a distance. Do not provoke aggression in him. On the contrary, during communication there should be only positive. Otherwise, even information sent at a distance may not just be rejected, but rejected.

Effective way

There is another method that is not quite standard. But it is also popular. You need to completely relax, close your eyes and imagine the disk of the sun. Wait until the disc is completely real.

Then you need to introduce the right person. And try to revive this image in your head. Next, in the disc itself, present an inscription of your message. And only then on this disk move the image of the person to whom this message is intended.

Important points to keep in mind for those looking to inspire thoughts

We have already figured out how to inspire a person with a thought at a distance. Now let's consider the important points of this case:

  • belief in yourself is required, even if it did not work out the first, second or third time;
  • daily training and not once;
  • send messages by the power of thought to different people;
  • correct breathing is important in the process of transferring information;
  • to be in a relaxed state, it is desirable that the recipient be in the same state (therefore evening time is recommended);
  • be positive, otherwise the negative can be transmitted with thoughts and harm human health;
  • be in a secluded room;
  • the light in the room should not be bright, should not irritate the eyes. You can carry out the procedure without light;
  • develop your imagination in order to imagine the person to whom the information will be redirected as realistic as possible.

Compliance with these points, and most importantly, persistence will help influence a person's thoughts at a distance.


You can spiritually be with a person and support him when he has an important event and there is no opportunity to be around. Feeling a close soul nearby, a person becomes more confident, which means that a positive result will be guaranteed.

Girls love to use this in order to make peace with their beloved in a peculiar way during a quarrel. But it is advisable not to instill in him a sense of guilt. On the contrary, send your feelings of remorse. Also, girls can also fall in love with the chosen one by the power of thought.

Mothers treat and protect their children this way. The main thing here is to fully imbued with the state of a person. Imagine how thoughts save children from ailments. You can be with the sleeping baby at this time. Guide him thoughts about recovery. And with a touch, imagine how the disease is concentrated in the hand. And you can do it at a distance. Here, a kind (presented) energy ball with thoughts should touch the child. It is he who must absorb the disease and send the child positive emotions and thoughts.

At the initial stage, you can simply try to inspire a person with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to call. And if you pay attention to this, this happens quite often (especially among gifted people). Sometimes a person will only think that someone has not called him for a long time and already wants to dial the number himself, when a call is heard from the desired subscriber.


Now you know how to inspire people with your thoughts. The most important rule is to be in the person's trust. Then the transmission of thought at a distance will definitely work.

How to instill something in a person?

Many people enter into disputes or discussions on a daily basis, but cannot convince their interlocutor of the correctness of their point of view. It is very difficult for an ordinary person who does not own the skills and tactics of suggestion, it is very difficult to convince a resolute opponent of the correctness of his opinion. Subsequently, they try not to enter into such situations, avoid them, or are completely afraid of discussions. Stop! Are there still ways to persuade? How to instill in a person your point of view? A few good tips will help solve this problem.

So, we want to understand the ways of suggestion, persuasion, in other words, influence on the opinion of another person. To begin with, let's find out what the main types of suggestion exist in principle. And there are two of them: direct and indirect.

Direct suggestion most affects people with a weak level of intelligence, while combined with negative emotions (for example, you can shout or gesticulate with vigor).

For people with developed intelligence, the tactics are reversed - the use of positive emotions. If a person is depressed or a little unsure of himself, the suggestion is pronounced in an imperative tone. The action is enhanced by facial expressions and / or gestures, using repeated phrases. sharp, loud, short, as if "hammered" (but here it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can frighten the person).

If the person is emotionally agitated or worried about something, then the suggestion is carried out in a soothing tone. Use repeated long, soft, soothing phrases.

An additional method of direct suggestion is a special, conceived "uncertainty" in the construction of phrases. You should construct a phrase so that it would seem to the person that his thoughts are being spoken aloud.

Direct suggestion does not work in all cases. Therefore, there is also a second type of suggestion - indirect ...

Indirect suggestion is divided into: informational, affectational, complimentary, figurative-emotional suggestion, suggestion through negation and allegorical suggestion.

Information suggestion is based on the principle of authority. That is, to influence the inner world of a person, they refer to the media. In general, it looks like a simple conversation. But the main thing in this method is that the fact is that a person's recollection of any information that has received universal approval works. Thus, suppressing alertness.

The method of affectational suggestion works when a person is in a state of passion or under the influence of emergency situations. In this state, a person is most exposed to suggestion. This is influenced by fear of danger, difficulty of choice in a difficult situation, excessive physical overwork, lack of experience in behavior in an unfamiliar situation. A person's volitional processes decrease, suggestibility increases, he behaves "imitatively". The model of behavior in this situation should start as calmness and understanding that wins the person's trust. And after a short pause, you need to give a supposedly "friendly" advice, which in such a situation has the greatest power, since the person's vigilance decreases.

Complimentary suggestion behavior is based on flattery and praise. A lot of people cannot criticize a person who flatters and praises them greatly. This tactic of processing a person in the special services is called "love bombing."

The figurative-emotional suggestion works at the expense. You must induce the person to imagine all the delights of the given object of suggestion. To convince him of the superiority of the suggested object in comparison with others. This method is very effective because it works through the subconscious. You must convince the subconscious of a person that the object of suggestion is necessary for a person.

Negative suggestion works on the basis of the "not" particle. In order for a person to imagine what he should not do, first you need to imagine the situation as if he is doing it.

The model of allegorical suggestion is based on an aphorism, analogy, joke, anecdote, a short story from personal experience or the experience of acquaintances, a situation from work, a parable, an example from a book, press, television, in a general metaphor. Their main goal is not just to evoke certain emotions, but also to induce a person to action. But the metaphors you use must match the person. For example, metaphors used when talking to strangers can be bad when talking to "old" friends, etc.

By following these tips, you can feel confident in any discussion and overcome your fear of losing the argument. By training these skills, you will better master the art of suggestion. We wish you confidence in your abilities.

There are three ways of mental impact on others.

First, it is direct suggestion. It uses voice, looks, look. This includes both voluntary suggestions and involuntary.

Involuntary suggestion is the impression we make on others.

Secondly, these are special thought waves that arise as a result of the efforts of the mind. One person sends them to another consciously, wanting to achieve a certain goal.

Thirdly, this is the so-called personal magnetism, that is, the attracting property of thought sent by a person.

We have already touched on the question of which people are more susceptible to suggestion. In this chapter, we will continue our conversation on this topic. Our mind has two main functions. The first, active, is characterized by conscious, volitional thinking. In other words, it is willpower, a person's ability to make independent decisions, analyze their actions. The second function, passive, is the exact opposite of the first.

The passive function is used much more often than the active one, and does not require any effort on the part of a person's will.

People who mainly use the passive function of the mind do not create their own thoughts, do not live by their own mind. These people rarely think, are subject to the herd mentality. Of course, they are much easier to manage: they are not always able to say "no", they are not used to thinking about their actions. A hypnotist can easily instill any thought in such a person.

And vice versa, difficulties can arise with people who are used to being responsible for their actions, living and thinking independently, analyzing events who are not afraid to go against the majority. Such people do not blindly take anything for granted, they are used to checking everything.

But even such people can be hypnotized by choosing a moment when they are very tired or too relaxed.

Of course, all people cannot be divided into two categories: active and passive. An ordinary person always combines the features of both types, just one function is more pronounced for him. One of the first tasks of the hypnotist is to lull the person's vigilance. This can be achieved by various methods of mental influence. You can develop the powers of your own subconsciousness and thought through the exercises that will be given below. Also, an important component of success is faith in yourself and your strength. Each person can learn to influence other people. Sometimes it just lacks self-confidence. It should be worked out. This will help solve many internal problems as well.

How to hypnotize a person and resist hypnosis

Now let's get down to practice. Hypnosis is carried out not with the help of some supernatural powers, which only magicians can master, but in very real ways that are available to everyone.

One of these ways is a conversation technique. It is necessary to conduct a conversation in such a way as to interest a person, to find common topics. When you manage to find a topic close to your interlocutor, you need to show the art of an intelligent and attentive listener. Getting a person to have a frank conversation is perhaps the most important thing in the art of conversation.

Making the right conclusions, it is easy to find a way with which you can influence the consciousness of another person.

The best intonation is similar to the intonation of your interlocutor. Don't try to outshout him if he speaks too loudly. On the contrary, it is better to lower your voice, and then your interlocutor will also begin to speak more quietly. With the help of a voice, you can bewitch a person, make you listen and, as a result, suggest anything. The main thing is to be able to use this tool.

The look is also of great importance in hypnosis. Everyone knows about the existence of the concept of "magnetic gaze" with which you can hypnotize a person.

The power of the influence of human eyes is great: after all, they are called the mirror of the soul, the power of the thought of their owner is reflected in the eyes.

You can charm with a look, or you can repel. The human eye can even influence animals. The magnetic gaze directly transmits strong mental vibrations to the brain of another person, which are capable of producing an effect close to hypnotic.

When talking with another person, you should look him directly in the eyes. However, you should not bite into the interlocutor with your eyes, as if in order to drill a hole in him. The look should express strong will, firmness and concentration. Try to keep the other person's attention all the time. Only by keeping his gaze can one make an effective suggestion.

When a person is under the pressure of a magnetic gaze, it is difficult for him to think and reason - he is easier to suggest.

In the course of hypnosis, a dishonest person can not only rob you, but also suggest some action, lure you into a sect, etc.

Remember that in no case should you succumb to suggestion from an unfamiliar person.

If you find that someone is looking at you with the intent of hypnotizing, tell yourself that you will not be influenced. Create a barrier in your mind that will prevent the hypnotist from putting you into a trance state. Try to avoid an attractive gaze, do not look in any way the interlocutor in the eyes. It is best not to talk to dubious people at all, so in every possible way avoid dating on the street, in public transport.

Magnetic gaze technique

Let's turn to the technique of the magnetic gaze.

Magnetic gaze is not an inborn gift. It can be learned. There are several specific exercises to help you do this. If you constantly and persistently train, then soon you will notice that under the influence of your gaze, people become somewhat confused, insecure.

Almost anyone can learn the technique of the magnetic gaze. It is enough just to have a strong desire to influence people.

Having mastered the technique of the magnetic gaze, use it only when it is necessary, since the impact on the human psyche never passes without a trace for anyone. At the moment of hypnotic influence, you take responsibility for a person who is subject to your will.

However, while you are just practicing, you can test the power of your gaze on others.

Exercise 1

The exercises described below may seem a little boring to you, but they will bring real results if you practice them systematically and seriously.

For the first exercise, you will need a piece of paper. Draw on it a small, about 1 cm in diameter, circle and paint it black. Hang the sheet on the wall at the height of your eyes in a seated position. Then sit on a chair at a distance of 1 m from the sheet and gaze intently at the circle. It is necessary to watch, without blinking, for 1 minute. After that, rest a little, and then repeat the exercise. In total, you need to complete five approaches.

Then move the sheet to the right a short distance (about 80 cm) from its original position. Sit down in your seat and look at the wall in front of you without looking at the paper. Then, without turning your head, shift your gaze to the spot and look without blinking for 1 minute.

Repeat this exercise 4 more times.

Move the paper the same distance to the left of the original position, look at the paper for 1 minute. The number of repetitions of the exercise is 5 times.

This whole complex must be performed for 3 days, and then the time for looking at the circle should be increased to 2 minutes. Do the exercise again for 3 days, and then increase the time to 3 minutes. Continue to exercise daily, increasing the time by 1 minute every 3 days.

This exercise, despite its apparent simplicity, is very important on the way to the technique of magnetic gaze, as it teaches you to look into the eyes of another with confidence and conviction.

You can look without looking into the eyes of another person for 30 minutes. But even 15 minutes is quite enough to make any suggestion you need.

Exercise 2

The second exercise is similar to the first, but complements it and makes it more effective.

Stand in front of the mirror and, as intently as before that on the circle, look into your eyes. Increase the time gradually, as in the first exercise. Through this workout, you will learn how to endure other people's gaze and give your eyes expression.

Your eyes will be able to acquire the expression you need at one time or another.

The second exercise must be combined with the first. This will help you achieve optimal results.

Exercise # 3

For the third exercise, stand against a wall at a distance of 90 cm. Place the piece of paper with the drawn circle at eye level. Then, without taking your eyes off the circle, start moving your head, rotating it. At the same time, the eyes should always look at the circle: this will help develop the optic nerves and muscles.

The exercise should be carried out without tired eyes.

Exercise 4

Look at the opposite wall and begin to quickly look from one point of the wall to another in all directions: right, left, up, down, zigzags, etc. As soon as you feel that your eyes are tired, stop doing the exercise. Stop your gaze at a point, and then complete the exercise.

Exercise 5

This exercise is necessary to develop confidence in the gaze you have already learned to create. You will need the help of another person to complete this exercise. Sit him down in front of you, sit down yourself and start staring into his eyes. He should do the same. After a while, you will put him into a hypnotic state.

Experience the power of your view of pets. You will see that they also cannot stand your gaze and try to look away.

At first, due to exercise, your eyes will get tired and watery. Wash your face with cold water for instant relief. However, after several days of training, you will no longer experience pain, as your eyes will get used to such loads.

Power of thought

A person's ability to suggest is in direct proportion to his willpower.

The greats of this world had the ability to rule people. They could conquer the people with the power of their minds. Many of them often did not even realize for what reason people worship them, what is the secret of their power.

All great people possessed some kind of power that allowed them to influence the mass consciousness, dictate their will, and lead.

The power of thought is a conscious manifestation of will that causes certain mental vibrations aimed at an object. In other words, the hypnotist has a developed power of suggestion. He sends mental impulses to a person, and he fulfills the requirements that are addressed to his subconscious. Thought vibrations can be sent during a conversation, that is, over a short distance or over a long one.

Transmitting mental vibrations over long distances is telepathy, which will be discussed in the next chapter.

A person endowed with inner strength is aware of himself as a person, he perfectly knows all his capabilities and abilities. Remember: our body is only an external, physical shell, and our true essence is hidden inside. Using your inner strength correctly, you can win over any person and make him submit to your will and do what you need to do. If this person does not have sufficient resistance, you can easily subdue him.

To influence the consciousness of the interlocutor, it is necessary to send him a powerful mental demand with the help of consciousness, and do this with a firm belief that it will be fulfilled. If you begin to doubt the possibility of fulfilling your desire, then nothing will be achieved. And naturally, you need to develop your abilities: mastery is achieved through a lot of hard work and constant training. In order to transfer your will to another person, you also need the ability to focus. Below are exercises to help you learn concentration.

Some people, having only willpower and not knowing how to resist another mind, become tools in the hands of other people.

Exercise 1

The first exercise should be done while walking. Choose any person walking in front of you at a short distance - about nine meters - and start looking at the back of the head without looking up. Your gaze should be firm, intent, and persistent. Do not look away and mentally wish the person to turn around. After a short time, he will indeed turn his head.

Women are much more susceptible to this influence than men.

Exercise 2

This exercise is very similar to the previous one, but you need to train in some public place - at a concert, in a theater, in a store. Focus your gaze on the same area, that is, the back of the person's head, and watch carefully, mentally giving the order to turn around. Soon, the person will begin to worry, nervously looking around. Eventually he will turn in your direction. The exercise is carried out more successfully on your friends - they will turn to you faster than strangers.

You may not succeed the first time. But after hard training, results will appear.

Exercise # 3

On the street, select the person on the opposite side of the road. It is better that he is not standing directly opposite you, but slightly to the right or to the left. Do not look directly at it, but keep it in sight. Then send a suggestion to the person to look at you. After a while, your chosen subject will look in your direction. In this case, his face will be somewhat absent-minded, even stupid.

The look thrown at you will be unconscious, as if he was forced to do this.

Exercise 4

This exercise will be especially useful for people who are going to take an oral exam, interview, or an activity that requires speaking to others to make a good impression.

Many successful businessmen are fluent in the science of persuasion.

When you are having a conversation with a person and you see that he cannot find the right word, direct a magnetic look at him and suggest the necessary word. And the person will suddenly remember him. An important requirement in this case: your word must be suitable, otherwise the person will find another, more consistent with the purpose of the statement. Speaking is especially helpful in oral exams.

Students with sufficient power of thought suggested to the examiner those questions, the answers to which they already knew. Of course, in written reviews, such a gift will not save.

Exercise 5

In this exercise, you need to force the person to change the direction of movement. It is convenient to do this while walking along the same street with another person.

Walk behind the selected subject and do not take your eyes off him. When this person meets an obstacle on his way (for example, a post), you can inspire him to go around him to the right or left; you may wish it to turn right or left, or stop.

Exercise 6

Stand by the window and look at the passers-by. Pick any person and want them to look at you. When you have enough experience, seven out of nine people obey your call.

All these exercises will help you learn how to instill your thoughts in other people, dictate your will to them. Remember only that you cannot use this skill aimlessly, for the sake of entertainment. The power of our subconscious mind is enormous, and it must be treated with respect and caution.

Principles of persuasive speech

The main instrument of suggestion is the word, speech. This chapter focuses on just that. Having mastered the technique of persuasive speech, you can most successfully use suggestion in your life. Persuasive speech is the process by which a person conveys a message designed to reinforce a certain belief in others, change it, or motivate the audience to take action. Let's look at specific techniques that are designed to help you achieve your persuasion goals.

The principles of persuasive speech can help you make the most of the power of words.

Principle 1

You are more likely to convince people if you can clearly and clearly articulate what they should believe or what they should do.

Your words will most likely be aimed at shaping or changing people's opinion, or at prompting them to take action. You say out loud a desire for your listeners to do something. Here are two statements of purpose that express the drive to achieve action:

“I want my listeners to agree to go to a charity concert that I’m hosting”;

"I want my listeners to approve the project that I present to them."

Principle 2

You will be more likely to convince listeners if you formulate goals and present information based on the attitudes that your listeners adhere to.

Attitude is dominant or persistent feelings, positive or negative, that are associated with a subject, thing or question.

Thus, the phrase “I think it is important to keep the apartment clean” is an opinion that reflects a person's positive attitude towards maintaining order in the house.

Attitudes are expressed by people most often in the form of opinions.

To successfully conduct a suggestion, you need to find out what attitudes your prospective listeners hold. The more information you can get about the audience and the more experienced you are in its analysis, the more likely it is that the main attitudes of the listeners will be correctly predicted.

Despite the fact that the opinion of the majority usually prevails, there will always be a few people in any audience who do not share it.

Audience attitudes, expressed as opinions, can be categorized on a continuous scale, from the most positive to the most negative.

In general, audience opinions are usually grouped around a specific point. This point of concentration is the generalized attitude of the audience towards the subject.

Audience opinions can be ranked on a scale with the following divisions:

- hostile;

- disagreeing;

- medium disagreeing;

- neutral;

- moderately supportive;

- supportive;

- extremely supportive.

On the same scale, in general, any audience can be attributed to one of three types.

1. Audience with a positive attitude (listeners already hold this point of view).

2. Audience without a definite opinion (listeners are not informed, neutral or indifferent).

3. An audience with a negative attitude (listeners hold the opposite point of view).

Each of the three types has its own strategy of speech behavior.

1. Positive attitude of the audience. If you think that the audience already supports your opinion, then you should consider rethinking your goal, focusing on a specific program of action. That is, you can revise and increase the number of goals that you want to achieve by resorting to the help of verbal suggestion.

By determining which of the three groups your intended audience belongs to, you can develop a strategy for adapting your speech to that attitude.

2. Lack of a definite opinion. If you find that listeners do not have a definite opinion on your topic, you can set yourself the goal of forming their opinion or persuading them to act as you see fit.

If you think that the audience has no opinion because they are not informed, then your main task is to provide as much information as is necessary so that the audience understands the essence of the matter, before you challenge them to accept some opinion or commit certain actions.

If you think that listeners are neutral about the subject of the conversation, then they are capable of objective assessment and the perception of reasonable arguments. Then your speech should contain the most logical and weighty arguments and support them with the most accurate and verified information that you can find.

If your assessment of audience dominance is correct, you have a high chance of success with this strategy.

If you think that the audience does not have a definite opinion, because the subject of the upcoming conversation is indifferent to them, all your efforts should be aimed at moving them from a position of indifference. In this case, you need to focus not on specific information, but on motivation. Use less material to support the logical chain of your evidence, and more material that is directly addressing the needs of the listeners, affecting their feelings.

If you think listeners are mildly disagreeing with your proposal, feel free to present your arguments to them, hoping that the weight of those arguments will make them accept your opinion as correct.

3. Negative attitude of the audience. If you find that your future audience is likely not to support your opinion, your speech strategy will depend on whether their attitude is moderately negative or completely hostile.

When speaking to a negative audience, pay special attention to presenting the material objectively and presenting your case clearly enough so that people who disagree with you want to think about your proposal, and those who completely disagree at least understand your point of view.

If you feel that your audience is completely hostile to your goal, you might be better off approaching the topic from afar, or consider modifying or transforming your goal somewhat. You should not think that you will be able to achieve a complete revolution in relationships or in people's behavior at the end of one speech.

Once the idea has taken root, you can invite listeners to take the change even further.

If possible, spread the achievement of your main goal over several "sessions." If you start by making a proposal that makes the audience at least partly change their attitude towards the subject, you may make your listeners think that your message has some value.

Principle 3

You will more quickly convince your audience if your speech contains logical and reasonable arguments and evidence in support of your goal.

You can use people's commitment to rationality to convince the audience. We rarely do anything without a real or imagined rational reason. To play on this need of listeners, the main points of your persuasive speech must be formulated in the form of arguments.

Arguments are statements explaining why an offer is justified.

In this case, the question arises of how to find good arguments. Arguments are statements that answer the question of why we should believe in or do something. If you are familiar with your subject, then it will not be difficult for you to find reasons for each provision of your speech.

Make a list of plausible reasons, study them carefully, and evaluate them impartially.

When preparing your persuasive speech, you will surely discard many of the arguments due to the fact that they do not have sufficient support.

Then choose three or four of the best, most compelling ones.

There are the following criteria for assessing alleged reasons:

1. Arguments must be based on facts. Many of the arguments may look impressive enough, but cannot actually be supported.

2. The arguments must be relevant to your subject. Some statements look like arguments, but in fact they do not carry any valid evidence of what you intend to say.

3. Arguments must influence your potential audience. Even with the first rule, the argument will not fulfill its persuasive role in the audience, which does not consider the criterion you have chosen to be the most important for assessing the situation.

While it is impossible to predict with absolute certainty how the audience will react to an argument, you can roughly estimate its impact based on your audience analysis.

You should pay attention to three more aspects, three points of view from which you need to evaluate your chosen arguments.

1. The source from which the information was taken. Just as the opinions of some people are more trusted than the opinions of others, so certain printed sources are more reliable.

2. The modernity of information. If your speech uses some ideas or statistics, then it is better that they are sufficiently close to the present moment. What was true 5 years ago may not be true today.

If your evidence comes from an unreliable or biased source, look elsewhere for evidence, or exclude that evidence from your speech.

3. The relevance of the information. You need to make sure that the evidence is a direct basis for your arguments. If it is not, it should not be used in your persuasion speech.

Principle 4

You will convince your listeners more quickly if you structure your arguments based on the intended reactions of the listeners.

The most commonly used persuasion schemes are the following:

- method of presenting rational arguments;

- method for solving the problem;

- method of comparative merits;

- method of motivation.

Rational Reasoning Method

Rational Reasoning is a straightforward pattern in which you present your best-argued arguments to your audience in the following order: the strongest argument at the end, the second strongest at the beginning, and the rest in between.

Rational reasoning will work best if the audience does not hold any particular opinion about the subject, is indifferent to it, or is only partially inclined towards for or against.

Example sentence: “I want the audience to collect funds for the needs of the office:

- the funds raised will help improve working conditions by purchasing new equipment (the second most powerful argument);

- The collected funds will be partially used to pay off debts;

"The real costs for each office worker will be very small (the strongest argument)."

Problem solving method

You can clarify the problem and clearly explain why the proposed solution is the best. The structure of speech, built according to this method, is often organized on the basis of the following provisions:

- there is a problem that requires action;

- this proposal will help to solve the problem;

- this proposal is the best solution to the problem because it provides positive results.

This method is straightforward presentation of the arguments, and therefore it is best used when the subject is not too familiar and understandable to the audience, when they simply do not know about the existence of the problem, or when the audience has no opinion or moderately for or against the proposed solution. ...

Sample sentence:

“I want the audience to collect funds for the needs of the office:

- lack of money leads to problems in the work of the institution (problem statement);

- the estimated income from fundraising will be enough to solve these problems (solution);

- Today fundraising for office needs is the best method for solving problems (positive results). "

For a speech that is built according to the scheme for solving a problem, the logic connecting the arguments and the goal of the speaker can be expressed as follows: if the existing problem is not solved or cannot be solved by the measures applied, and this proposal is able to solve the problem in practice, then the proposal should be received.

Comparative Merit Method

The comparative merit approach enables the speaker to shift the focus to the benefits of the proposed course of action. Rather than presenting the proposal as a way to solve a complex problem, this method portrays it as something that should be chosen simply because of its advantages over what is being done at a given time.

The approach to the issue of introducing a school tax from the standpoint of comparing merits would look something like this.

This scheme is most effective when listeners agree either that there is a problem that needs to be resolved, or that the proposal is better than all others, even if there are no specific problems at the moment.

Sample sentence:

“I want the audience to collect funds for the office needs.

- fundraising will allow the office to improve the quality of work (dignity 1);

- the income from this tax will allow schools to invite the best professionals in our field for consultation (dignity 2);

- this fee will allow purchasing modern equipment (merit 3) ”.

For a speech that is structured according to a comparative merits scheme, the organizational logic linking the reasoning and the purpose of the speech can be expressed as follows: if the arguments presented show that the proposal provides a significant improvement over what is being done in be accepted.

Motivation method

This method combines problem solving and student motivation.

A motivation scheme usually includes the following five steps:

- to attract attention;

- statement of the need, revealing the nature of the problem;

The motivation method is carried out according to the problem solving scheme. It also contains the necessary steps to enhance the motivational effect of speech.

- satisfaction of the need, explaining how your proposal resolves the existing problem in a positive way;

- a visual representation showing what the proposal will bring personally for each listener;

- a call to action, highlighting a certain direction that the audience needs to follow.

The motivational scheme of the speech in defense of the proposal to hold a cash collection at the enterprise would look like this.

Sample sentence:

“I want the audience to collect funds for the needs of the enterprise:

- comparing the results of our products with the same products made by professionals from different countries, makes us pay attention to our production system (attention);

- the lack of money, which is the result of measures to reduce costs, negatively affects our work and the quality of our goods (need, statement of the problem);

- the proposed fundraising will give an income sufficient to solve this problem, since after that it will be possible to direct more funds to work needs (satisfaction of the need, as the proposal solves the problem);

- it will be your contribution not only to the enterprise, but also to bring production to the level of world standards, which it once corresponded to (visual representation of the meaning of the proposal for each person personally);

Since the motivational scheme is only a variant of the scheme for solving the problem, the logic of constructing a persuasive speech here is mostly the same: if the measures applied do not solve the problem, then the proposed proposal that is really capable of solving it must be accepted.

Principle 5

You will convince your audience faster if you speak in a way that motivates them.

Motivation is the forces that affect the body from the outside and from the inside, which initiate and direct behavior.

Motivation often comes from the use of incentives and expressive language. For an incentive to have any value, it must mean something.

The significance of the stimulus means that it evokes an emotional response. The impact of an incentive is strongest when it is part of a meaningful goal.

The power of incentives

People are more likely to perceive incentives as meaningful when those incentives indicate a favorable cost-reward ratio.

For example, you instill in your audience the idea of \u200b\u200bspending an hour a week of your own time doing charity work. The time you spend is likely to be perceived as a cost rather than a reward. But you can schedule this work in such a way that it becomes perceived by the audience as an incentive that provides a reward.

So, you can ensure that your listeners, spending time on such an important and necessary matter, feel like people doing their civic duty, socially responsible or noble helpers.

If you make it clear that these rewards or incentives outweigh the costs, your listeners are more likely to be willing to participate in the proposed program.

Applying incentives that match basic needs

Incentives are most effective when applied to basic needs. One of the most popular needs theories was developed by Abraham Maslow. According to his theory, people show a greater tendency to act when the stimulus offered by the speaker is able to satisfy one of the important unmet needs of the listeners.

What is the point of this analysis for you as a person who wants to inspire thought or action in the audience?

First, this theory describes the kinds of needs that you can address in your speech.

Secondly, it makes it possible to understand why some line of development of the topic of conversation can work successfully in one audience and lead to failure with another audience.

For example, in a difficult period from an economic point of view, people are more interested in meeting physiological and safety needs, and therefore less responsive to appeals to their public feelings and altruism.

Third, if your speech message conflicts with an existing need, you must prepare in advance a worthy alternative from the same or from a more fundamental category of needs. So, if the implementation of your proposal will cost people money (fundraising for the needs of the enterprise), you must show that these measures satisfy some other, comparable in importance, needs (for example, increase their safety).

Principle 6

You will convince listeners more quickly when they see you as a trustworthy person.

In order for your persuasion speech to be successful, the listeners trust in you is important.

If you intend to persuade with your speech, in addition to being well prepared, you need to emphasize your interest in the well-being of the audience with your appearance and manner of speaking, show enthusiasm, and behave ethically.

Speaking the truth means more than avoiding deliberate, outright lies. If you are not sure if the information is true, do not use it until you have verified it. Ignorance does not always excuse wrongdoing.

The following four rules are at the heart of ethical persuasion speech.

1. Speak the truth. Of all the rules, this is perhaps the most important. People who have agreed to listen to you trust you and expect you to be honest with them. Therefore, if people think that you are not telling the truth, or later find out that you have lied, they will reject not only you, but your ideas as well.

2. Put your information in perspective. Many people are so excited by the content of the information they receive from a speaker that they unnecessarily exaggerate its significance. While a slight exaggeration may well be perceived as natural, when it starts to look distorted, many tend to perceive it as a lie.

3. Do not allow personal attacks in your speech against those who do not support your ideas. Insults to the adversary negatively reflect on the image of the speaker as a trustworthy person.

4. Provide sources of any negative information. The roots and origins of ideas are often as important as the ideas themselves, especially if the statement contains accusation or incriminating information. If you intend to discuss any wrongdoing of a particular person or organization, or subvert an idea based on words or opinions you have gleaned from somewhere else, indicate the source of your information and arguments.

Such tactics do not add strength to the speaker's evidence and is an abuse of the opportunity to speak from the podium.

Tell me, do you use self-hypnosis? If not, then in vain - say the doctors. Doctors assure that with its help patients achieve weight loss, rejuvenate the body and even treat diseases. Self-hypnosis, psychologists confirm, makes us beautiful, strong, happy and positive, despite life's troubles and everyday problems.

Self-hypnosis: what is it?

As you can see, experts from different industries offer it as an alternative to the usual methods. And they explain: self-hypnosis is a self-assurance process. With its help, the level of self-regulation increases, which allows a person to evoke certain emotions in himself, skillfully manipulate memory and imagination, and control somatic reactions. In short, this is one of the forms of the so-called mental control of oneself, one's own body and feelings.

Self-hypnosis against diseases helps especially well: using its various methods, patients overcome internal negative attitudes, while helping with professional therapy aimed at healing. They are taught to convince themselves that the disease will surely recede, and you can easily and permanently get rid of it. Doctors say at the same time: confidence reaches such a high level that even seriously ill people begin to recover just before our eyes. Their depression disappears and the strength is reborn to fight for life.

What can be achieved?

Self-hypnosis treatment is as old as the world. Even ancient thinkers - Aristotle, Plato and Hippocrates - noticed the peculiarities of the impact on human health of his thoughts and words. They found out: the more impressionable and emotional a person is, the faster and more effectively the principle of self-hypnosis acts on it. In addition, children lend themselves well to winding: being too susceptible, they react vividly to the situation, rebuild without problems and give in to influence.

It is the easiest to work with such individuals, doctors say. Self-hypnosis in their body can really achieve positive changes, which is confirmed by clinical tests. For example, if a patient convinces himself that he is hungry, his level of leukocytes in the blood instantly changes. And in an individual imagining cold and winter, the so-called temperature drops, gas exchange accelerates. If you conduct self-hypnosis sessions every day, you can subdue all the important functions of the body.

Cause of disease

Where do ailments come from if you can get rid of them so easily - by the method of ordinary suggestion? Is it really our spiritual world, and not the physical body, that is the main cause of their occurrence? Indeed it is. Many diseases begin to destroy our body, forming as a consequence of a painful imagination, which is absolutely possible to heal with the help of phrases and thoughts. Psychologists say: sentences during such a kind of auto-training must be necessarily short, they should be pronounced in the first person, without using the negative particle "no".

If you construct the text correctly, self-hypnosis against diseases will work with a bang. The main thing is that your speech contains affirmative phrases "I can ...", "I am strong ...", "I will definitely overcome ..." and so on. The voice must be firm, confident, even harsh. Thus, a person will not only cope with the disease, but also revive his working capacity, improve his health, and correct his mood.

For what diseases is self-hypnosis most effective?

It is clear that you will not be full with auto-training alone. If you do not use the medications prescribed by your doctor, avoid the necessary procedures and do not adhere to any words, you cannot heal the patient. Phrases can only be an addition to the main therapy. In this case, they will become effective, especially in the following situations:

  • During a long-term or chronic illness.
  • When a person is undergoing rehabilitation after an accident, injury, heart attack.
  • The patient suffers from psychological problems, neuroses, depression for a long time.
  • He was diagnosed with bronchial asthma, cancer, gastritis, sexual dysfunction, angina pectoris, and so on.

A competent attitude in self-hypnosis against a specific disease is a powerful weapon of the patient. In this case, the best time to study is late evening or early morning. During these periods, a person is relaxed, in a semi-drowsy state, and his brain is the least excited, which means he is more open to the perception of fresh and necessary information.

Placebo secret

Considering all of the above, doctors began to actively use suggestion. They came up with a placebo - a so-called pacifier (solution, injection or pill) that does not contain medicinal substances. They were given to patients, assuring that with the help of a miracle cure, they would certainly be able to overcome the disease. Taking placebo, people really got better - such was the effect that self-hypnosis had on recovery. The pacifier was first used by the American anesthesiologist Henry Ward Beecher in 1955. He fed simple sugar pills to patients, telling them that it was a powerful pain reliever. Indeed, in a third of the cases, the pain went away, people felt better.

Or the practice of the Italian physician Fabrizio Benedetti can be cited as an example. He treated them for only instead of the usual medicine he gave the patients a solution of table salt. The effect was similar: most of the people showed positive dynamics. It is clear that before starting such an experiment, doctors weighed all the pros and cons, held consultations so as not to harm the health of the subjects.


How does self-hypnosis work? It helped against diseases more than once, so scientists decided to conduct a detailed analysis of its effect on the body, which occurs at the physical level. When they scanned the patients' brains, they found the following: in response to taking a placebo and reassuring them of the effectiveness of therapy, neurons began to produce endorphins - natural drugs that can extinguish pain by blocking nerve endings. As a result, the person immediately felt much better.

People use only a small part of the capabilities of their own brain, so it is not surprising that ordinary self-hypnosis can sometimes truly work wonders, saving patients even from a complex form of cancer. Of course, auto-training does not always help. For example, he is completely powerless in cases where people with a mediocre mind have suggested to themselves that they are geniuses. One way or another, but there are hidden reserves in each of us, so you need to try in practice any method that promises to get rid of an obsessive illness.


The basis of any self-hypnosis are thoughts, ideas and sensations. Based on this, psychologists identify several of the most effective methods:

  1. Affirmations - repetitions out loud of stable phrases or verbal formulas: "I will overcome allergies ..." or "I will have strong immunity ...".
  2. Visualization - presenting yourself as healthy, vigorous, energetic.
  3. Meditation is a long stay in a trance, when a person combines the first two above-mentioned techniques.
  4. Self-hypnosis is a powerful technique for allowing the patient to go into a trance and program themselves to heal.
  5. Recaping - re-experiencing the situation. If a person is injured after an accident, he mentally replays the event in his head, coming up with a happy outcome. Thus, he makes it clear to the body that nothing has happened.
  6. Shichko's method is a written statement of one's desire or aspiration.

These are the most popular ways in which self-hypnosis can be performed. Self-hypnosis methods will program your mind for the fastest recovery.

Where do they teach?

Autosuggestion cures all diseases ... One can argue with this statement: sometimes the situation is critical and nothing can save the patient. But in most cases, self-hypnosis still bears positive results. The main thing is to master his technique, the main components of which are will and patience. In order to correctly conduct therapy sessions, it is better to be trained by a specialist: the basic methods are taught in rehabilitation centers, oncological dispensaries, specialized hospitals. These institutions employ qualified psychologists who will help you master the basics of self-hypnosis and purposefully use them at home.

The young fighter course lasts about three weeks. After their completion, you can independently apply in practice all the above types of self-hypnosis. It will be good if close people, relatives and friends support you in this uncomplicated game and will constantly emphasize that you will definitely succeed in getting rid of the ill-fated disease.


Convincing yourself that black is white is very difficult, you say. And you will be absolutely right. How can you convince yourself that you are healthy as a bull, even if it is difficult to pronounce words, and the body aches from pain and physical suffering? In fact, you can achieve what you want, for this you just need to sincerely believe in the power of the phrases being spoken or the effect of the taken remedy. The result will depend on how convinced you are of miraculous salvation.

As an example, let's do a little experiment. Lie on a comfortable couch, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and imagine a sultry July day: the sun is at its zenith, its rays are mercilessly burning the green grass, there is nothing to breathe. Is there sweat on your forehead and your throat is dry? Why? Because the imagination is the most effective tool that uses self-hypnosis against disease. Exercise: soon you will be able to perform real miracles with the power of thought alone. Remember that faith is the starting point leading to the point of attainment, and fantasy is itself and is not always simple.


If for some reason you are unable to conduct a home therapy session, you can seek help from a psychologist. Usually he uses hypnosis to give the patient certain guidelines aimed at his early healing. Experience shows that in a particular state of consciousness, it is best to instill psychic reactions or beliefs. During hypnosis, even the most complex and technically difficult suggestions succeed.

It should be borne in mind that the method can be used only when the person is not very deeply immersed in an artificially induced sleep. A strong degree of hypnosis, called the lethargic phase, is absolutely incompatible with suggestion. On the contrary, light hypnosis can convince even the most unresponsive person. Before plunging the patient into this state, the doctor conducts conversations with him, studying life positions, emotional background, temperament and other characteristics of the individual. Hypnosis, self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis in writing, auto-training in front of a mirror and other methods are effective only if the person really sincerely wishes to recover and forget about the problem that is poisoning life forever.


After reading the above information, you were able to see what the power of self-hypnosis is. With its help, you can not only eliminate the character, but even some physical conditions. Self-hypnosis destroys diseases, helps to gain self-confidence, to achieve love from the opposite sex and success at work. It is present in every moment of our life: on the street, at home, with friends. Without noticing it ourselves, we easily succumb to suggestion from the environment, which can instill not only certain beliefs, inclinations and sympathies, but also radically change the behavioral model.

Psychological exchange with representatives of society is permissible if it has a positive content and is designed to facilitate your existence. In the event that the environment by means of suggestion tries to lead you on the wrong path, it is necessary to fight against external influence. All the same methods of self-hypnosis, about which so much has been said.

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers of my blog! I am sure that events have taken place in your life, for example, when you thought of some person whom you have not seen for a long time, and immediately he calls you, or when you became anxious about your loved one, and, as it turned out, he that moment was very bad ... This feeling of each other is called the suggestion of thoughts at a distance, and today we will learn to do this consciously.

The object of suggestion should be at the time of performing the technique in a state when his consciousness is relaxed, for example, when he is sleeping or under the influence of alcohol. Only not drunk at all, but slightly drunk. The bottom line is that in this case he lacks logic and the ability to criticize information, the subconscious mind does not know how to assess and filter for what is necessary and unnecessary. Or, in the case of training, when there is an agreement, he is set up to receive messages from you.

By photo

This technique is suitable when the intended subject is at a great distance from you. And also for beginners, because there will be no need to imagine and hold the beads for a long time the image of another person. It is enough to have his photograph. You should make sure that no one bothers you, sit comfortably in a chair or chair, you can even lie down, as long as it is comfortable and you do not feel stress. Relax and focus on the photo, when you feel confident in your capabilities and you are as concentrated as possible - start saying one command to yourself, many times, with each pronunciation feeling more and more confidence as a result.

At a short distance

Also for beginners, for practice purposes. This will require a person who agrees to be the test subject. You can sit in different rooms, the main thing is that he gives himself the installation that he is ready to accept what you will send him, also relaxed, closed his eyes and clearly introduced you. Accordingly, you should do the same and follow the recommendations above. By the way, this technique is of mutual benefit. If your partner is interested in how to read minds, then at the same time you can practice this.

Animals and plants

An interesting method with which it is possible to heal an animal or plant, as well as communicate with it. The only condition is that it must be yours and that you have been taking care of for a long time. To do this, sit opposite, enter a state of light trance, that is, when thinking is slowed down, you are relaxed, breathing is deep, and the effect of emptiness in your head. Look closely at your pet, close your eyes and clearly reproduce his image.

Repeat this several times, closing and opening your eyes, until the inner picture begins to completely coincide with the real one. When this happens, it means that you have managed to establish a telepathic connection, and now you can proceed directly to the suggestion. As I said, on the exhale, from the area between the eyebrows, we give a certain message. Then listen to your feelings of what is happening to you. This will be a response from a pet, in the form of a picture or even a sound. When finished, thank your animal or plant for the answer and willingness to communicate with you. By the way, over time, with practice and strengthening of telepathic communication, you will be able to contact him with some questions.

Human treatment

The same can be done with a person, I mean heal him, improve his well-being, provide support and even help to cope with something. This method is called positive telepathy. By the way, loving and very close people use it unconsciously in relation to each other. But the most powerful are the mothers who worry about their child, they sometimes really are able to work miracles with the power of thought, even if their child is on another continent, they can feel that something was wrong in advance, and even help to recover, survive only by the power of their desire.

So what to do. Imagine how a ball is sent to a conceived person, which consists of energy, warm and healing, both soul and body. He breathes it in through the eyebrow point, and this energy fills him, every cell and organ. As his mood changes, he smiles and feels that you are near. How the messages you have conceived get into his mind. It is very important that at this moment you yourself feel the state that you want to convey to him.

Step-by-step instruction

How to influence the actions of a conceived person or make him feel love for you.

  • Sit comfortably, relax each part of the body in stages, then take 3 deep breaths and exhales.
  • Close your eyes and think about the text you want to convey, it is important to keep it clear and short.
  • Then imagine this person as if he is now near, and you really feel him, right down to the smell.
  • Begin to articulate your order or belief. For example, so that he now writes you a message.
  • Ignore ideas that will pop up in your head on their own.
  • Now start visualizing what you want him to do. That is, as he picks up the phone, opens the necessary application and begins to write you a message.
  • Want it very strongly, and then the suggestion will reach him, because his brain will pick up your purposeful messages.
  • Pay attention to this exercise every day for at least 15-20 minutes, and over time, you will definitely learn telehypnosis.

Message to man

And the last, for those who are interested in the question of how to transmit a quick, so-called, message about yourself. When there is no time and opportunity to tune in to the performance and so on, but you urgently need to make yourself known. To do this, think about the message the person needs, then take a deep breath and a very sharp, strong exhale, on which your message flies to the addressee.


In the article, I said that everything negative comes back to us, only tenfold. Be careful in your intentions and take care of yourself, and also do not forget to subscribe to my blog, there will be many more interesting things to come!