The husband fell in love with another like. My husband fell in love with another. Husband loves a friend: is it worth returning

When a man in whom you do not like soul suddenly falls in love with another woman, it can unsettle you, break your heart, but life does not end there.

It should be noted that men often return to their ex wives. Also, if he's just about to leave, you can hold him back. What if I fell in love with another? There is no need to wait for help from heaven, help yourself if you want to return love. Try to buy time first.

Buy time

Tell your loved one that you need time to get used to, ask him not to leave immediately... A man for sure will agree to wait if he sees that you are not causing a scandal, don't try to dissuade him. It's so masculine to give a woman a little pleasure before leaving the family.

Now put all your energy into figuring out the motives.

So, you bought timethat needs to be spent profitably - you need find out why your spouse wants to leave you, what does not suit him... To do this, you can turn to a sexologist, psychologist, perhaps even an astrologer - their advice will obviously not be superfluous. And now you found out what his ideal woman should be - go ahead, strive to become such so that a man realizes that you have changed for the better. As a result, he will understand that he has rushed to conclusions, and will stop even thinking about the fact that he recently wanted to leave you..

If he still left

No need for tears, self-flagellation, self-deprecation, just as you should not blame the man for everything, convince yourself that he is a bad person, since he dared to leave you alone. You will now have time to take care of yourself, put yourself in order, live a little for yourself, enjoying life, and not cursing the villainous fate for the fact that your husband fell in love with another.

Have you come to your senses? Try to get the man back

Did he clearly articulate all claims before leaving? This does not mean that it was so. Sometimes people replace the truth with fictitious stories, so as not to discuss once again topics that are painful for them. You need to analyze how your loved one reacted to certain actions on your part, what exactly upset him... So you can find out what were the true reasons for leaving in order to return your husband to the family.

Don't try to show him that you will always wait for him

In this case, he may never return to you. When he fails with another woman, the man will think that it is not time to return to you, because you will always wait for him. He will start looking for another pair. Again, nothing happened? He will postpone coming back to you again because you are still waiting for him. How, then, will you differ from your mistress? In fact, nothing. You better live your life, date men, in general, behave in such a way that you are resigned to the departure of your ex and now you live on.

Is the prodigal husband back? Don't throw yourself on his neck

Your ex wanted to return? Let him sweat let it conquer you again... If you give up without a fight, he will not appreciate your relationship and very soon may leave you again. A man must again go through the period when he had to deserve your attention with his actions, such as serenades under the windows, lush bouquets as a gift, love poems of his own composition... Then your serious relationship will flare up with renewed vigor and will be even stronger than before.

Dear experts! My husband and I lived happily, as they say, both in trouble and in joy for 13 years. My husband first cheated on me, I forgave, overcame my pain. And half a month ago, he admitted that he loves her all the same, but said that he loves me too, that he was rushing between two fires. This confession did not happen by itself, but I just pulled it out. Because you can see that he is rushing about: he is cheerful, joking, with children, then he sat down at the computer, loaded, gloomy. He tries not to maintain a relationship with her, but works together and sees every day. We talked all day, I asked to think about the children. He decided to stay with me and the children, I think that I pressed all the same, painted that with the other, over time, it will be the same, not every day you will fly on wings out of love, you will never be a dad for her child, and her two will be forgotten under her own pressure (no one will like that a husband will go to his first wife, even if it is meeting with children). He is with us, I took care of myself, I go to the gym, the youngest child has already grown up, my husband and I have the opportunity to go somewhere together. Now he already says that he had no love for her, but some kind of whim. He says that he loves me very much and has always loved only me. I try to be affectionate, gentle, kind, sincere with him, to pay more attention to him - after all, you, psychologists, write that the husband will not leave the calmness in the family. But in my heart I try to figure out how we’ll live without him, what we’ll do, I figure out how I’ll wake up alone in the morning, i.e. as if I'm getting ready, if he leaves, so as not to go crazy. I am a self-sufficient person, at work I head a serious department, I have always considered myself strong, I am beautiful, slender, smart. And it turns out that he cheated on me, loves another, and I am so all-forgiving, I care about him even more, show my love even more ... Is that right. Another thing - our second child is 3 years old, he always demands my attention, he whines all the time in the evening, almost screams, freaks out, he is restless, with a stubborn character. we give: neither watch a movie, nor play computer games. Although, of course, he loves him. And my husband doesn’t want to do anything at home either, he probably has depression. It turns out that I forgave everything, I carry the whole household on my shoulders. And I try to make him calm. And resentment happens, and anger, and I don't want to lose it. It's very difficult for me. Answer, please, I just have a few questions, but just know - I really, really love him and don't want to part with him. 1. Can a man love two women? 2. How to distract yourself in a small town at a time when nothing is interesting. 3. Should we try to keep such a family? 4. If the husband is loaded (and I, of course, think that at this moment he is thinking about her) - should I ask what is in his heart or not pay attention?