Lacoste description. Lacoste women's perfume with a description of fragrances and reviews. Bottle design First edition

Lacoste (Lacoste, France) is a legendary French brand known primarily for its stylish and comfortable clothing for leisure and sports. Almost everyone knows the logo of the Lacoste company - a small green crocodile with an open mouth.

The founder of the brand is René Lacoste, a famous French tennis player. In 1927, Rene won the Davis Cup, and according to the "legend" for this achievement the coach of the French national team presented him with a suitcase made of crocodile skin, after which the nickname Crocodile was firmly entrenched for Lacoste. The athlete decided to support this comparison and next time he went to the court in a T-shirt decorated with an embroidery of a small toothy crocodile. Subsequently, this sign will become the trademark of a huge corporation Lacoste (Lacoste).

In the early 1930s, after retiring from sports, Lacoste, together with the owner of a textile factory, André Gilier, opened a small company for the production of clothing for intelligent sports - golf, tennis, yachting. Each piece was produced with a hand-embroidered green crocodile. The first batches of products were literally swept off the shelves. Subsequently, the convenience and style of clothing under the Lacoste brand were appreciated by fashionistas and women of fashion from other countries.

In the 70s, the first Lacoste perfume was released, which also found its fans. This is how the perfumery history of the Lacoste brand began.

Gradually developing, Fashion House Lacoste (Lacoste) opened representative offices and production facilities in various countries of the world, incl. in Italy and Spain. To date, the total number of branded stores of the fashion brand is more than 2000.

Now, with the suggestion of the new creative director of the Lacoste fashion house, Christophe Lemaire, Lacoste is trying to enter a new format. In this regard, the famous crocodile even changed its color from green to silver-gray. Well, we wish him success in this field, and we ourselves will continue to enjoy the quality, comfort and elegance of clothes and smells from the brand Lacoste (Lacoste).

Lacoste perfumes, perfumes and eau de toilette are distinguished by refinement, elegance and are designed to emphasize the style and impeccable taste of their owners.

Perfumery Lacoste (Lacoste) is represented by the following most popular fragrances: Essential, Love of Pink, Dream of Pink, Inspiration, Challenge.

You can buy Lacoste perfume, eau de toilette and perfumery (Lacoste) in the De-parfum online perfume store.

You can buy perfume, toilet water Lacoste Lacoste in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region in our online store at a bargain price with free shipping. Delivery in Yekaterinburg is carried out by courier, Russian Post and through pickup points with payment upon receipt.

Elite branded perfumery and clothing today is not only a guarantor of high quality, but an indicator of the wealth of a person purchasing these products. Surely everyone wants to have a haute couture thing, but not everyone is ready to pay big money for it. This is what manufacturers of fake products profit from, or as it is also called fake. However, a high price is not always an indicator of the authenticity of a product.

Eau De Lacoste L.12.12 bleu toilet water

How can you tell the difference between an original and a fake? I became interested in this question after buying eau de toilette "" in one of the online stores. It should be noted that this online store is quite well-known, in the search engines it is on the top lines. The design of the store's website itself does not raise any doubts either, there are even scans of various certificates proving the quality of the goods. Previously, I bought only clothes in this store, I was always happy with the purchase. The ordered eau de toilette, in general, also seemed to be genuine, however, upon detailed study, some doubts arose.

Packaging - this is the first thing to pay attention to when buying eau de toilette. The cellophane should adhere closely to the box, no wrinkles, defects on it can be. The seams are neatly connected using a thermal method, not gluing.

The packaging itself must be made of high-quality cardboard, all inscriptions on it are clearly visible. Inside the box there is an additional packaging made of soft cardboard. It protects the bottle, preventing it from hanging freely.

Bottle this perfume is smooth, made of high quality glass. Defects such as bubbles, discoloration, irregularities, blurred writing are signs of counterfeiting.

Cap should close tightly and match the design of the bottle itself. The sprayer must therefore be secured neatly and evenly. The pomp tube of this product only touches the bottom, but does not lie on it.

You can view the original packaging on the brand's official website, which is most often indicated on the product packaging. Otherwise, you can find the site through search engines.

So, comparing my bottle with the picture on the Lacoste website, I did not find any defects or differences. I paid special attention to company logo - crocodile. He always looks to the right (except for Lacoste shoes), has a white edging, red mouth and well-defined teeth and eyes. On a large bottle (100 ml) a textile crocodile flaunts, the same as on the brand's signature polos. On a small bottle (30 ml), the logo is drawn. Also on the site you can pay attention to the volumes of bottles of this series of eau de toilette, namely, presented only 30 ml and 100 ml. Therefore, containers with a volume of, for example, 15 ml can be considered a fake. By the way, bottles of this volume are not produced by elite perfumery manufacturers, with the exception of Salvador Dali.

It is also recommended to pay attention to barcode goods. There are many sites on the Internet where you can check its authenticity and find out the country of the manufacturer from it. So, after checking the barcode on the bottle of my eau de toilette, I found out that its manufacturer is the USA. Although the packaging indicates a different manufacturer (UK). Of course, this is not always a sign of a poor-quality product, since a company may have many branches and factories in different cities and countries. But still, I decided to find out the reason for this discrepancy from the seller (there is a forum on the website of the online store). And also asked to show a certificate for this product (the package of documents contained certificates only for Lacoste shoes). I was politely replied that they would definitely clarify the information and provide documents. Look forward to.

Now the most important thing is flavor... Each elite perfume consists of top notes, heart notes and base notes. At the first acquaintance with the product, the top notes come off, the rest are revealed gradually after the product is applied to the skin. Fake makers copy only the top notes, so fakes are always unstable. Also, scammers save on cleaning the aromatic liquid, as evidenced by the pungent smell of alcohol and various chemical impurities.

In my case, there are no complaints about the aroma. At the first breath, a bitter mint smell is felt, then sage and other notes are clearly manifested. There are no foreign unpleasant chemical odors. The aroma lasts for a long time.

And one more aspect - price... As I wrote above, you can check the prices on the official website of the brand. I bought my Eau De Lacoste L.12.12 bleu toilet water for 1,350 rubles. (30 ml). Of course, in different stores the price may differ slightly. Still, the difference should not be too big. For example, if you come across the action "All fragrances for 500 rubles", then this is a clear sale of fake perfumery. Moreover, fraudsters often offer eau de toilette in large-volume bottles at such a modest price.

So, I still consider the purchased Lacoste eau de toilette genuine, although full confidence in this will appear only after reading the certificate of conformity.

Perfume has long become something more than a simple cosmetic attribute. Just a couple of drops of a fragrant agent are able to complement the image, tune in a certain way and turn into a real part of the body and soul of its wearer. Choosing the right bottle is often very time consuming. Girls have been looking for something suitable for months or even years! The search becomes much easier when a person has a favorite manufacturer. For many, it is Lacoste that becomes such. In this article we will tell you about the Lacoste women's perfume, among which there is definitely something that you will like.

Manufacturer details

Now everyone knows the name of the French company, but it all started back in 1933 from the day when the founder of the legend presented his first shirt for sports games. A few decades later, the first perfumery products appeared, new polo shirts became incredibly popular, but in the distant thirty-third there was only the presentation of the first product, which later became the “face” of the entire company. Now it is a very popular brand, the name of which has long become a household name. Every year he delivers to the market more than fifty million different products, which are successfully bought by connoisseurs and laymen. In 1984, the first men's perfume appeared, which gained popularity among the stronger sex. In 1999, perfumers working in the creative department of the corporation introduced the world to the world of Lacoste's women's perfume Pour Femme.

The novelty came out truly feminine, gentle, alluring, unobtrusive, but very attractive. The oblong, dirty green bottle contains a delicate mix of flowers, spices and other ingredients that form a single composition. Interestingly, many products from Lacoste “fit” very well on a wide variety of skin: both cold and warm. Girls who have had to look for something that will sound steadily on their bodies for more than one year often stop at this option.

Classic perfume Lacoste for women: description

What is this: "the smell of a true girl"? What should a real well-groomed lady smell like? To many, this ideal feminine mix of rather non-standard ingredients reminds of a typical "girly" scent. A thin high hairpin, a flying silk scarf, a blush on the cheeks and a slight smile, caused not by something specific, but by life itself ... A small handbag, an elegant walk. Passing by, the young lady leaves an invisible fragrant trail that eats into memory.

As for the compositional pyramid, it appears in a rather unusual mixture of various oils and extracts. The top is made up of the essence of white freesia, apple extract and pepper. That is why from the very first seconds of acquaintance you will become a part of a very unusual waltz of sweet flowers, fruits and a little bitterness. In the heart, fresh buds still win the battle with pepper. Among them are hibiscus, pink, jasmine, heliotrope, violet notes. Moving to the base, they become a little smoother and more unobtrusive, but still persistent. So, on the lower floor of the pyramid, which is represented by the women's perfume Lacoste Pur Fem, there is tart suede, gentle labdanum, as well as incense and sandalwood.

Bottle design First edition

The very first bottle with fragrant contents, which appeared on the shelves, had an elongated shape. It is a long yellow-green cylinder. At the top there is a mirror cap, which fits snugly enough to the base and prevents the contents from leaking even after the largest "shocks". The liquid is supplied to the dispenser through a thin tube. Drops of perfume are evenly distributed.

Second edition

2003 was remembered by the popular company and its fans for the release of an updated version of the beloved Pur Femma. This time, the “swampy” color of the jar, condemned by the critics, was replaced by a transparent one, which seems peachy due to the shade of the most fragrant liquid. The cover has also changed. It has become more interesting in terms of design, ribbed patterns have appeared on it, but the closure cannot be called as convenient in use as the previous one. The dispenser remains the same: the same tube attached to the sprayer.

How users see the scent

Lacoste eau de parfum can lead you to a variety of thoughts. Probably, it will evoke a certain associative array for everyone, but some features will be the same for everyone. First, she is, of course, a symbol of eternal femininity. These are flying dresses, and heavy jewelry, and neat hand movements, and a curl falling on the shoulder ... Soft feminine power is manifested not so much in her full image as in individual trifles. And one of them, albeit invisible, but very tangible, is spirits.

Perfume Lacoste Pur Fam belongs to the group of floral greens. This means that it is ideal for spring and summer. Weightless drops will fall like a light veil on your wrist and neck, thereby helping to bring to life the image of a “spring girl”. To some, on the contrary, the smell seems invigorating, bright, and memorable. Not cute and romantic, but cocky and sexy. Well, both analogies can be quite true. Their main common feature is the invariable girlish energy that Pour Femme carries.

Packaging and bottle

A little higher, we have already talked about how a bottle looks like, which contains a mixture of odorous essences and oils. Now it's time to talk about the branded box in which the perfume is sold, because knowing what it looks like can help you keep yourself from being counterfeited.

So, all perfumes from Lacoste are stored in boxes made of thick high-quality cardboard. This material does not wrinkle, does not lose its appearance over time. The company logo is imprinted on it. Most often this is not a flat, but a relief inscription. A protective film must be put on top of the case.

How not to buy a fake

  1. Look carefully at the labels on the bottle and packaging. Large firms do not allow themselves to make the slightest spelling error. If you are not strong in foreign languages, then check the basic spelling of the company name. Options such as “Lacost”, “Lakost”, “Lakoste”, “Locost”, “Lokost” and so on are not allowed.
  2. Examine the glass bottle. There should be no seams on it, and if there are, they should be even and well sanded. Ideally, a bottle of Lacoste Pour Elle women's perfume, the description of the fragrance of which is presented in this article, always has a rather soft, smooth, streamlined shape.
  3. Pay attention to the box and compare its appearance with the description above, as well as with the photos given by the official representatives.
  4. Look at the tube that conducts liquid from the container into the spray bottle. In the original, it stands exactly, directly perpendicular to the bottom. In a fake, it is curved.
  5. Turn the bottle of perfume over. The serial number should be printed on the bottom. If you wish, you can punch through the global database and see if the manufacturer has released a product with exactly these letters.

Who suits and what to wear

1999 version

Here we will talk about the very first "Lacostes", which have become a real classic. Their uncomplicated bouquet literally sings hymns to eternal beauty and femininity. However, this song is not frivolous, not easy. There is some depth and wisdom in it. That is why the best "L. for Wumen "is very well suited for ladies over thirty. It is best worn with a small heel and a casual dress. Also, it can be "put on" for a sports and office look. This fragrance will add some completeness and light romance to any image.

2003 version

This is already something brighter and more interesting than the calm first option. Who should wear it? Girls who are already tired of all the flower arrangements. Flowers, of course, in "Pur Femm" are available, but they are arranged together so interestingly that you have no choice but to sniff and out of curiosity to break the pyramid into the smallest components. The description of the fragrance Lacoste Pour Femme is reminiscent of summer and spring, warmth and cool breeze.


The "Crocodile" brand most often produces spring-summer collections, and therefore it is better to put them in a suitcase with cosmetics or on a separate shelf for the winter. The most comfortable time of the year for wearing is chosen for a reason. First, attention is drawn to the composition. All the flower essences that Lacoste perfumers love to use and mix with each other simply perfectly harmonize with the singing of birds and the lightest breath of a warm breeze. Secondly, all spring-summer ingredients begin to bloom best on warm skin, warmed by the sun's rays. That is why the description of the Eau De Lacoste fragrance, as well as the texts about other Lacoste perfumes, contains information that they are best suited for the spring.


If no eau de parfum is sitting on you, then the matter is most likely in your skin and the proximity of blood vessels to the epidermis layer. Someone has a "warm" body - oils and essences are easily heated on it, and therefore they sound bright, powerful and plume. And there are people with a "cold" type. It is on them that sometimes even very expensive, luxury perfumes and colognes do not "fit". Things are going well with the Lacostes. Many girls admit that at one point the products of this company became a real salvation! Indeed, most of the bottles on the market have such qualities as good hold and sillage. So the women's fragrance Lacoste (Lacoste) can be a real discovery for girls!

ATTENTION! The correct barcode does not yet give a 100% guarantee of the originality of the product. However, an incorrect barcode is a clear sign of a forgery.
To verify the authenticity of the barcode, you can use the form below.

Enter 13 digits of the barcode: Verify

Prestigious perfumery and expensive clothing are considered a guarantee of good quality and characterize a person's financial condition. Everyone wants to have designer clothes and perfume. In pursuit of what they want, many people spend a lot of money. In most cases, counterfeiters get rich on this. Genuine perfume is a sign of great taste and wealth. An original perfume is every young lady's dream.

Lacoste Is a world-renowned perfumery brand. The birthplace of the brand is France... The brand can be recognized by the logo with the picture crocodile.

The brand was created in 1984. The worldwide popularity of Lacoste provokes the release of a large batch of fakes. Counterfeit products can be found in a cheap kiosk, market and high-end store. Without any special skills, you can determine the original from a fake. But for this it is already necessary to use the original.

Before buying perfume, it is important to be aware of myths such as "Customs confiscated" or "Licensed perfume"... Name "Customs confiscated" applied to perfumes sold in online stores. In fact, such a phrase does not exist. These names cover sellers of online stores for the sale of fakes. Perfumes with other names are sold in large quantities. At the same time, they have a cheap cost.

Visual differences of the Lacoste perfume counterfeit



Differences in the bottom of the bottle

The color of the perfume is different

The fake has an uneven seam on the cap

Differences between spray guns

The quality of the inscriptions varies



What you need to know to distinguish a fake

To determine the original, you must adhere to some tips:

  1. It is necessary to examine the external perfume packaging... You cannot open the wrapper during inspection. The cheapest counterfeit is identified by the box; the original has no mistakes in the name. A potential purchase must have polyethylene cover... A high-quality film is characterized by its thinness, accuracy and the presence of even seams. In this case, the seams should be in the middle. Some copies of Lacoste perfumes do not have an outer film; the box must be made of high quality cardboard. The original lettering is legible and straight. Moreover, it is applied by extrusion. During production, the embossed letters are filled with tone. When scratched, the paint is not erased at all. Also on the original perfume there is a returnable container sign in the form of 2 circular arrows.

    Availability barcode indicates the country of production. In addition to the code, the category of spirits is written. The date of manufacture is always written on Lacoste perfumes.
    All perfumes are attached stickers... The sticker is separately made of matte or glossy paper.

    The original is not produced with atomizers in size 25 ml... Selling perfumes of such volumes is a counterfeit.

  2. Checking the price of the product. The discount is only conditional. A 50% discount is set only for a narrow edition. The original cannot be sold at a low price.
  3. When buying, you must require a document of quality and warranty. Each perfume must have a certificate of conformity. The certificate is a guarantee of quality control and safety. A certificate is provided when purchasing perfume.
  4. The bottle can be inspected after purchasing the perfume. In some cases, the boutique sells open boxes without film. In the manufacture of fakes, glass of poor quality, inexpensive plastic is most often used. The original bottle is made of colored glass. To feel the aroma of Lacoste, you must first make a few puffs in order to release the air. The length of the atomizer and the tube should not exceed the length of the bottle.
  5. Before buying, be sure to check the suitability of the aroma. Every brand, especially Lacoste, has a structured scent. The original contains initial, heart, base notes. The top note gives a complete description of the fragrance and lasts for about 2 minutes. The heart note retains its scent for up to 2 hours. The last base note is weak, but will last up to 3 days. Counterfeit can only appear on the initial notes and lasts only half an hour. When checking a scent in a store, you need to be aware of certain nuances. The smell of perfume changes upon contact with the skin. Also, the smell can be influenced by illness, the use of fatty and spicy foods and smoking. Sometimes the human sense of smell gets used to the smell of perfume. The composition affects the stability of the perfume. For example, summer perfumes do not have a pungent smell and quickly disappear. Cold fragrances have intense notes that affect longevity. Therefore, low durability is not evidence of counterfeiting.

All of the above tips will help you not to be mistaken with the choice of the original perfume.