Why swelling on the legs how to remove them. Why the legs are swollen: causes and methods of treatment. Causes of leg swelling

You can ignore swelling in the ankle area or under the eyes only if you were carried away by pickles and watching melodramas the day before, or you simply drank a lot of water before bed. In all other cases, you need to establish the reason for their appearance.

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, which we notice due to the increase in the volume of some areas of our body. If there is a violation of the outflow of lymph or blood from a particular part of the body, blockage of blood vessels, delay in the excretion of sodium or water from the body, the circulation of fluid is disturbed and edema develops.

By the way, lymph has its own vascular network: it begins with small lymphatic capillaries in the tissues, is filtered through the lymph nodes and only after that it flows into the large veins of the circulatory system. The heart does not pump lymph: it moves through the vessels due to the contraction of the muscles of the body and the work of muscle cells in the walls of the vessels themselves. The direction of its movement - strictly from the periphery to the center - is maintained thanks to special valves that block its reverse current.

Why does edema appear?

Mild puffiness is not always a sign of a serious illness, it can also be caused by some lifestyle or diet features:

If you spend the entire working day sitting or standing;
- wear tight shoes that interfere with blood circulation;
- eat excess salt in food;
- you experience PMS (fluctuations in the level of sex hormones are to blame for edema);
- gained weight;

In this case, the swelling is not very pronounced, is located on the legs and disappears after a short warm-up or rest with the legs raised up. If there is no clear reason for the appearance of edema, they are very noticeable and do not go away, most likely they are associated with serious diseases.

Swelling as signs of illness

Edema can indicate disturbances in the work of the heart, kidneys or lungs, venous insufficiency or hormonal disorders, in the end - about general depletion of the body. Sometimes they are associated with taking medications: hormonal contraceptives, heart medications, or steroid hormones.

We analyze the most commoncauses of edema and tell you how to recognize them:

1. Heart disease

If the work of the heart does not allow for effective pumping of blood throughout the body, heart failure develops, in which fluid is retained mainly in the legs or in the abdomen. The swelling gradually increases in the evening and almost disappears overnight: when we lie down, the heart does not have to drive blood to the height of our growth, and the outflow from the veins of the lower extremities is much easier. Other symptoms of heart failure are weakness, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat.

2. Kidney disease

Violation of filtration in the kidneys leads to a slowdown in the excretion of fluid from the body: more and more remains to circulate through the bloodstream. Gradually, this fluid penetrates into the tissues - renal edema looks like evenly distributed and loose deposits on the hands, fingers and feet. In the morning, swelling on the face is especially pronounced: it becomes puffy, pale, swelling occurs under the eyes and on the eyelids. Other symptoms of kidney disease are weakness, thirst, urinary problems, and shortness of breath.

3. Insufficiency of the veins of the lower extremities

If the special valves of the veins stop closing hermetically and allow a return flow of part of the blood, not all blood returns to the heart and accumulates in the lower leg area. Sometimes this can be seen by the varicose expansion of the subcutaneous veins. Other symptoms of deficiency include discoloration of the skin (redness or bluish tinge), pain or itching, rashes or sores in the lower leg.

4. Diseases of the lymphatic system

Lymphedema is swelling caused by a blockage of outflow in the lymphatic system. The system consists of lymph nodes and the vessels that connect them. The lymph nodes are the ones that guard the infection and swell when we get sick - at this time, active immune cells catch foreign bacteria and destroy viruses, concentrating in large numbers in one of the nodes. Lymph washes the tissues of the body to filter their metabolic products, then it enters the bloodstream through the lymphatic capillaries. If the outflow through the lymphatic system is impaired, edema occurs. They differ from others by a gradual increase, bursting pain and discomfort.

To understand the cause of edema,necessary consult a therapist. The doctor will ask you to take a biochemical blood test, undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys, a chest X-ray and a study of the vessels of the lower extremities. This will help assess the functioning of the heart, kidneys and liver, and identify possible vascular diseases.

It can be difficult to understand if the legs are swollen - experts call this condition "hidden edema". A common test to identify them is to assess whether the skin retains pronounced marks from the elastic of socks, tight-fitting clothing, or when pressed with a finger.

How to get rid of edema

The main thing is to engage in therapy for the underlying disease, if any. In addition to treatment, or if you are healthy, tryrecommendations for the prevention of edema:

Add movement

If you have a sedentary lifestyle, add a mandatory warm-up to your daily routine; to train your heart, engage in cyclic sports - swimming, jogging, walking. Change uncomfortable shoes or rest your feet a few times a day by removing your shoes and lifting your feet higher.

Maintain optimal weight

Try to lose weight: this is a heavy load on the cardiovascular system. Large volumes of tissue require increased blood circulation, which the heart sometimes cannot cope with.

Limit the amount of salt

According to wHO recommendations The daily amount of salt consumed should not exceed 1 teaspoon (5 grams). Therefore, add less salt to food and do not consume excessive amounts of marinades and sauces, remove processed foods from the diet - bacon, ham, cheese - and some baked goods. We don't even notice how much salt is hidden there.

Contact a specialist

If you cannot cope with the swelling, seek help from a therapist - the doctor will suggest the necessary medications or recommend compression underwear.

Be careful - taking diuretics on your own to get rid of excess fluid is dangerous enough - they can damage the kidneys or cause dehydration. Compression underwear should also be worn only on the advice of a doctor: this method helps with insufficient lymphatic and venous vessels, stimulating the tone of their walls and increasing the outflow from the lower extremities. If the edema is caused by peripheral arterial disease or is accompanied by ulceration, wearing such underwear is dangerous.

Do not attribute swelling to weather, fatigue, or heredity - seek help from a therapist. He will help you establish the cause and, if necessary, refer you to a narrow specialist.

Swollen legs are a medical and aesthetic problem. If a healthy person's leg is swollen, it is ugly and unpleasant. Legs can swell during menstruation in women, after a long flight, prolonged exposure to the sun, or alcohol abuse, as a result of sleep disturbance. To relieve puffiness, healthy legs only need to rest for a couple of hours.

If your legs are swollen and swollen too often, you should take care and seek the advice of a doctor. - a symptom of a number of pathologies and a serious problem requiring medical attention.

The causes of swelling of the legs are different: allergies, trauma, vascular somatic and endocrine diseases. The infection often leads to swelling of the lower extremities: abscesses, cellulitis, and some skin diseases. Only a doctor, after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis, will be able to determine the etiological factor of pathology in each case.

Ankle edema can be unilateral and bilateral. Swelling of two limbs is a sign of advanced pathology that needs to be treated. If only the right or left leg swells, it is most likely that there is an injury or local lesion.

Heart disease is the cause of swollen feet

Swollen legs with heart failure

manifestations of severe heart failure

Treatment of venous leg diseases is complex and serious.

Renal pathology

Kidney disease is also a cause of swollen feet. The inflamed kidneys cannot handle excess fluid and swelling forms. They are localized on the face around the eyes and gradually spread down to different parts of the body. Pathognomonic symptom of kidney pathology - arising from edema. The reason for fluid retention in the body is the lack of albumin protein, which is excreted in the urine. Renal edema is mobile, when squeezed, they can shift. Externally, the edematous area is slightly paler than the surrounding skin.

  1. Nephrotic edema due to a disturbed ratio of proteins in the blood. They are accompanied by swelling of the face, lower back and are dense.
  2. Nephritic edema are associated with impaired blood circulation in the kidneys. They are localized on the face, feet, are soft and develop with glomerulonephritis.

Edema is always accompanied by other symptoms of the disease: oliguria, pain in the lumbar region, characteristic changes in the urine. With the improvement of kidney function after the treatment, the edema quickly disappears.

For the treatment of renal edema, patients are prescribed diuretic drugs "Lasix", "Veroshpiron", "Mannitol", etiotropic drugs - antibiotics and NSAIDs, diet therapy, the introduction of saline solutions.


Severe thyroid dysfunction is often manifested by leg edema. With hypothyroidism, little thyroid hormones are produced. In patients, the leg swells up in the ankle area. When pressing on the swollen area, no pits remain. This is a characteristic sign of edema when the thyroid gland is affected.

Myxedema occurs when the thyroid gland is severely affected. In this case, almost all body tissues swell. The skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe swelling becomes rough, flaky, and yellowish. In patients, body weight increases. Edema is well pronounced on the face, which becomes mask-like: puffy and lifeless. The general condition of patients worsens: hair, eyebrows and eyelashes fall out, nails break and exfoliate. With myxedema, the skin, muscles, ligaments, nerves and even internal organs swell. Treatment of the disease consists in the additional administration of thyroid hormones.


Injuries are one of the common causes of leg swelling. If the leg is swollen after a fall, you should find out the nature and result of the injury.

Swelling, increasing pain, hematoma, dysfunction and abnormal position of the limb are signs of a fracture. With a bruise, swelling of the injured area appears and gradually subsiding pain. A hematoma forms a couple of days after injury. The swelling does not allow full movement of the injured leg.

Traumatic edema of the foot can be determined visually: it swells and increases significantly in size. The toes become swollen, and the skin becomes bluish. Patients have a feeling of heaviness in the legs, discomfort, pain.


Allergic reactions develop on taking certain medications, insect bites, and food. One of the manifestations of allergy is local swelling of the legs. To get rid of it, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen: stop taking medications or eliminate other sources of irritation.

Allergic edema of the legs is a pathological condition also called allergic arthritis. This is a clinical sign of Quincke's edema or other allergic reaction, as well as any joint pathology.

Symptoms of allergic edema include swelling of the limb, skin redness, a small rash, and severe itching. Pain syndrome is another clinical sign of pathology. The pain intensifies after a long stay in an uncomfortable position, physical activity, and lifting weights. In severe cases, swelling can spread to surrounding tissues and internal organs. Such changes are quite serious and can lead to fainting and even death.

Swelling of the extremities is caused by hormones, antidepressants, steroids, beta-blockers and other antihypertensive drugs.

Liver disease

swelling due to portal hypertension

Cirrhosis or liver cancer leads to liver cell death and organ dysfunction. In the body, metabolism is disturbed, fluid is retained in the body. Affected hepatocytes cease to fully produce albumin protein, blood stagnates in the systemic circulation, and ascites develops. With cirrhosis, connective tissue fibers prevent the outflow of venous blood, it stagnates in the veins of the legs, which is manifested by edema. In patients, the skin turns yellow, the chest increases, palms turn red and breathing becomes difficult.

Many men and women suffer from swelling of the legs. Swelling of the extremities is not only an unpleasant sensation, but also a sign of the manifestation of certain diseases. For this reason, it is imperative that you consult with your doctor to start taking the right remedy for excessive leg swelling.

There is no definite answer to this question. Each case is different. Remedies for leg edema are prescribed by the attending physician based on the state of health and the underlying disease that the patient suffers from. For treatment, the doctor may prescribe medications in the form of tablets or ointment and anti-edema cream. But all patients without exception should switch to a healthy lifestyle, reduce fluid intake and change their diet.

To prescribe a treatment regimen, a doctor is diagnosed. For this, the following techniques are used:

  • ECG and EchoCG - for diagnosing diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Ultrasound - to determine the presence of blood clots in deep veins or thyroid nodules.
  • Lymphoscintigraphy - to diagnose problems with the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes.
  • MRI - to get a more accurate picture of the deep veins.
  • A general urine test, a blood test for the presence of electrolytes, sugar and albumin.

The required examination is prescribed by the attending physician. Determining the cause of the appearance of edema in the early stages will save the patient from many problems in the future.

Diuretics for edema

The attending physician should select diuretics for edema of the legs based on the results of the examination and the test results obtained. Each such drug has certain contraindications. They cannot be ignored so as not to exacerbate health problems.

The main types of diuretic medicines:

  • Thiazide. Eliminate edema on the lower extremities only for a short period of time with prolonged use. Taking such drugs, you do not need to limit yourself in the consumption of table salt and water.
  • Loopback. They have increased effectiveness and are taken only in the morning. For such funds, the excretion of nutrients from the body is characteristic. They can only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor.
  • Osmotic. Remove excess fluid from the skin. A distinctive feature is the excretion of fluid through the kidneys. Therefore, it is contraindicated in patients with kidney problems.
  • Potassium-sparing. They have a rather low efficiency. When they are taken, trace elements are not excreted from the body. Usually prescribed in combination with other medicines.
  • Combined. They combine the beneficial properties of several medicines.

If the swelling manifests itself for no reason, the reason may be hidden in the patient's physiology. To get rid of this type of swelling, diuretics are prescribed. It is a powerful anti-edema remedy designed to remove excess fluid from the body.

The most popular diuretics offered by modern pharmaceuticals.

Medicines for leg edema, which belong to the group of loop diuretics. When consumed, there is a rapid, strong and short-term urination.

Adults are prescribed the drug at a dosage of 1500 mg. This is the maximum daily dose. For children, a dosage of 1 mg is determined for each kilogram of body weight.

The average price of a drug in a pharmacy is from 18 to 28 rubles. Sold without a prescription.

A remedy for leg edema, which is a combined antihypertensive drug. It is characterized by an excellent antihypertensive, diuretic and vasodilating effect.

The doctor prescribes the drug to be taken once a day, 2.5 mg. Indapamide should be taken before meals in the morning. If after 8 weeks the result of therapy has not come, the doctor must replace the medicine with an analogue. It is strictly forbidden to increase the dosage.

The average price for a medicine is from 29 to 92 rubles.

It belongs to the group of loop diuretics. It is often prescribed for long-term treatment of puffiness.

It is prescribed for oral administration. The tablets must not be crushed or chewed. The daily dosage is 2.5 mg. If after 2 months the proper result of therapy has not come, you can increase the dose to 5 mg. With severe edema, you can gradually increase the amount of the drug to 20 mg per day.

You can buy a medicine at the pharmacy at a price of 100–320 rubles per pack.

Potassium-sparing diuretic. Due to the diuretic effect, it acts on the body as an antihypertensive agent. The manifestation of a diuretic effect can be seen 2–5 days after the start of treatment.

The drug is prescribed for internal administration at 0.3 g per day. You can divide the medication intake into 4 approaches. If the general condition improves, the doctor lowers the dosage to 0.025 g.

You can buy the medicine at the pharmacy for 90–300 rubles without a doctor's prescription.

Reception of the listed medicines normalizes the water-salt balance, blocking the excessive concentration of fluid in the legs. These drugs are prescribed in combination with the treatment of the underlying disease.

To determine the appropriate course of taking the medication and its dosage, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Remedies for edema with varicose veins

Diuretics can help with swelling of the legs with varicose veins. But we should not forget that this problem must be addressed in a comprehensive manner. In this situation, phlebotonics are most often used - Detralex or Eskuzan.

Thanks to the intake of these medicines, the walls of the vessels are strengthened, and the microcirculation of blood is normalized. Swelling is removed quickly enough due to blood thinning. Taking these medications prevents blood clots from forming.

Detralex tablets are used to treat venous insufficiency. The drug is prescribed for complications of the disease.

To relieve negative symptoms, the doctor prescribes 1 Detralex tablet 2 times a day. You need to take the medicine with meals. After a week, you can increase the dosage to 2 tablets per day. The medicine relieves pain and cramps in the muscles. The patient has edema and trophic ulcers.

The average price for a drug is 600–800 rubles per package.

The medicine does an excellent job of treating chronic venous insufficiency. The drug relieves swelling in the limbs, fights against severe cramps. Excusan is prescribed for varicose veins and hematomas. The medicine copes with pain syndrome in venous disorders.

The drug is produced in the form of a solution for oral administration. Patients are prescribed 15 drops three times a day. The medicine is taken before meals. Aescusan in pill form should be taken 1 piece three times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months.

You can buy the medicine at the pharmacy for 200-300 rubles without a prescription from your doctor.

Anti-edema ointments and creams

When treating puffiness, local medicines are also used to relieve swelling in the lower extremities. The use of ointments and creams stimulates the drainage of fluids from the feet and relieves tension. These drugs do not eliminate the disease itself, but only relieve discomfort, swelling and heaviness in the lower extremities.

The most popular topical remedies for swelling in the legs.


Preparations for edema of the legs, which tone the veins and improve the recovery processes in the tissues. They have anti-thrombotic and anti-protective effects.

Troxevasin gel is applied to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe legs twice a day. You need to rub in with light, massage movements.

The average price for a drug is from 300 to 700 rubles.

Vein tonic. When using it, the stagnation in the venous vessels and the accumulated fluid in the integument are reduced, and the appearance of puffiness is also blocked.

The drug is available for external use only. It is necessary to apply the product in a thin layer to the damaged area on the legs. Can be used 3 times a day.

You can buy it in a pharmacy at a price of 200-250 rubles per pack.

It is used to eliminate bruising and swelling, as well as to prevent the formation of thrombosis and fight varicose veins.

The ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe legs. The drug is used 3 times a day. Apply 1 g of ointment to a 5 cm area of \u200b\u200bskin.

The average price for a drug is from 48 to 75 rubles.

Lyoton 1000

It is prescribed as a prophylactic agent, as well as for the treatment of varicose veins and its complications.

The doctor prescribes 5-10 cm of gel to be applied three times a day. Apply the product only to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe legs.

The price of the drug is from 500 to 800 rubles.

Folk remedies for getting rid of edema

With a little swelling at the initial stage, traditional medicine recipes can be used. Herbal decoctions for removing excess fluid, relieving puffiness on the lower extremities and kidneys.

To relieve leg fatigue, the following baths are used:

  • 100 grams of juniper berries, infused in a liter of water.
  • 100 g of sea salt diluted in 100 g of water.
  • 1 tbsp. l. dilute dry mustard in a liter of water.
  • 2 tsp dilute baking soda in a liter of water.

These traditional medicine recipes help fight leg swelling.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

Many women in position face problems in their legs such as heaviness and swelling. Treatment of leg edema in pregnant women in the absence of diseases that can create problems is carried out by taking medications that contain natural ingredients. Medications that are usually prescribed can harm the developing fetus.

Most often, women in a position to relieve puffiness are prescribed the following drugs: Canephron, Eufillin, Fitolizin. Other medications are not recommended, since fetal pathological development is possible.

When treating as a diuretic, cranberry juice helps. It can be added to the diet to combat edema. Just cook cranberry compote and drink it instead of water.

It is strictly forbidden to use non-traditional methods. After all, some herbal preparations, even pharmacy ones, can lead to miscarriage. So it is better to contact a specialist to prescribe treatment.

Elimination of puffiness in the elderly

In elderly people, metabolic failure often occurs, which leads to swelling. Swelling is temporary and permanent. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of the swelling. For this, the doctor prescribes an examination.

The most common causes of edema in the elderly are:

  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic lung disease;
  • kidney disease.

Therefore, self-medication is not worth it. This can aggravate the course of the pathology.

When diuretics are prescribed to a patient at an advanced age, it is necessary to control the water-salt balance. If the patient loses a lot of potassium, there may be interruptions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, older people should not drink diuretics for long periods of time. At the end of the course, a break is needed so that the body can cope with the load.

People in old age are most often prescribed such drugs: Oxodolin, Indapamide and Diuretin. Additionally, vitamins and glucose are prescribed to normalize potassium in the body. As a supplement, Asparkam, Potassium Oratat and other analogues are prescribed.

An important component in the treatment of edema in elderly people: daily physical activity (you should not lie on the couch all the time), as well as reducing the consumption of pickles, canned foods and table salt.

How to eat with edema

If you suffer from leg swelling, include in your diet:

  • turkey or chicken meat, rabbit meat and beef;
  • seafood, river and sea fish, seaweed;
  • cereals or cereals, sprouted cereals, and whole grain breads;
  • dairy products;
  • foods containing fatty acids in large quantities: nuts, sunflower or olive oil, red fish, cauliflower, flaxseed, potatoes, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, herbs from the garden, watermelons, grapes, black currants, apples, apricot, cherries and citruses.
  • green tea diluted with milk;
  • freshly squeezed pumpkin, carrot and beetroot juice;
  • rosehip and hawthorn broth;
  • lingonberry and strawberry compote;
  • water with lemon.

Prevention of edema

If edema rarely bothers you and does not cause problems, you need to take care of your legs and take preventive measures:

  • Buy shoes with small heels. This will help prevent swelling and reduce leg fatigue.
  • Minimize the consumption of table salt as it retains fluid in the body.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. This will help to avoid not only puffiness, but also varicose veins. Exercise in the morning.
  • When sleeping or resting, place your feet on a pillow or roller.
  • Before taking medication, consult your doctor to avoid complications.

Many suffer from swelling of the lower extremities. Do not be afraid to contact a doctor with this problem, because the cause of the appearance of edema can be quite serious. And self-medication can lead to serious health problems.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

general information

Swelling of the feet - this symptom, which is manifested by visible swelling of the lower extremities, an increase in their circumference, as well as, as a rule, other symptoms and discomfort.

There are many reasons edema legs. These can be general diseases (for example, cardiac edema of the legs), as well as directly pathologies of the lower extremities. Swelling of the legs can be unilateral and bilateral, with varying degrees of severity (swelling of the fingers and toes, or up to the thigh). Based on these signs, as well as additional symptoms, the doctor can diagnose the patient.

Below we will look at the most common causes of leg swelling.

Excessive fluid intake

Sometimes leg swelling can occur in perfectly healthy people. They are associated with excessive water consumption and salt... Most often, such swelling of the legs occurs in the summer heat.

During hot weather, a person consumes a large amount of fluid, which enters the bloodstream, and does not always have time to be excreted from the body with sweat and urine. If, at the same time, a large amount of salt is present in food, then entering the body, it contributes to the retention of fluid in it. As a result, the heart ceases to cope with a large amount of blood, and, first of all, it stagnates in the lower extremities.

Many other factors can contribute to stagnation:

  • overweight: overweight people often have swelling of their legs in summer, since it is more difficult for the heart to push blood through a large amount of adipose tissue;
  • the work of many people involves a long sitting or standing position: in this case, the blood flow is less intense, more often blood stagnation occurs;
  • sedentary lifestyle.
In this case, swelling of the legs may not indicate any disease. It is enough to reduce the volume of consumed liquid and salt, and they will pass on their own. But still, all people who have this problem need to visit a doctor and consult.


Swelling of the legs may be due to certain medications.

For many autoimmune, allergic diseases, adrenal insufficiency and tumors, adrenal cortex preparations are prescribed - glucocorticoids. If taken for a long time, this can cause swelling of the legs, since glucocorticoids also affect the work of the heart and blood circulation.

Female and male sex hormones are capable of retaining fluid in the body and leading to edema of the legs:

  • female sex hormones estrogens are part of some contraceptives;
  • male sex hormones are prescribed for violation of male reproductive functions, with male obesity.
Some medications that are prescribed for high blood pressure can cause swelling of the legs.

If you are taking any of the above remedies, and your legs are swollen in the evenings or during the day, then it is worth visiting your doctor and consulting. Most likely, the doctor will change the drugs for others, or change their dosage.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are pathological overstretching of veins and stagnation of blood in them. The most common is varicose veins of the legs.

This is facilitated by the following reasons:

  • the walls of the veins and their valves include connective tissue, which in some people, especially those prone to varicose veins, is too weak and capable of stretching strongly - perhaps this is the most important answer to the question of why the legs swell with varicose veins
  • stagnation of blood and overstretching of veins with varicose veins contribute to all of the above factors: overweight, sedentary lifestyle, excessive intake of water and salt;
  • the course of the disease is always aggravated by heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus;
  • sometimes varicose veins are based on a malformation of the veins, when they incorrectly flow into each other; however, often only the left leg swells.
Swelling of the legs is, as a rule, the initial manifestation of varicose veins. They most often appear in the evenings, with various unpleasant sensations, a feeling of heaviness, pain, numbness or tingling of the fingers, severe fatigue of the legs.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities are divided into four stages:
1. Heaviness, fatigue and other discomfort in the evenings. Often, many people attribute these manifestations to fatigue at work, unaware that it is a harbinger of illness, and it is at this stage that it is easiest to treat.

2. Swelling of the feet and toes that occurs from time to time. At this stage, many patients also do not think about why their legs swell. Dilated veins may be visible under the skin and this may force a person to visit a doctor.

3. At this stage, not only the legs swell a lot in the evenings, but also the sinuous dilated veins that are under the skin are clearly visible. At this stage, most likely, surgical methods of treatment will have to be applied.

4. At the fourth stage, leg edema fades into the background, and disorders caused by impaired blood flow in the lower extremities become more significant. The color of the skin becomes dark, severe pain is noted, up to the fact that lameness may develop. Trophic ulcers may appear.

How to treat leg swelling caused by varicose veins? First of all, it is worth visiting a doctor who will conduct an examination and diagnose, determine the stage of the disease.

For leg edema caused by varicose veins, an ultrasound scan with Doppler ultrasound may be prescribed to assess the blood flow velocity in the veins of the lower extremities. If the doctor suspects that the patient has deep vein thrombosis, phlebography may be prescribed: injection of a contrast agent into the veins and X-rays.

In the first and second stages of varicose veins, you can use a special ointment for swelling of the legs. Your doctor may advise you to wear elastic bandages or stockings. It is also worth periodically doing gymnastics, doing cold baths and foot massage, and during sleep, put your feet on an elevation to ensure a normal outflow of blood and reduce the load on the veins.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

Almost all women have swollen legs during pregnancy. Swelling of pregnant women is usually temporary and goes away very quickly.
They can have various reasons:
  • Most often, leg edema in pregnant women occurs due to the fact that the enlarged uterus presses on the veins located in the pelvic cavity, into which the veins of the lower extremities flow. In this case, the outflow of blood is disturbed. Such edema goes away very quickly. Being in a lying or sitting position, a woman needs to take a comfortable position in which the uterus does not squeeze the vessels and internal organs.
  • Often, a pregnant woman's legs swell if she consumes excessive amounts of salt. A woman preparing to become a mother often changes her appetite, she is "drawn to salty foods." In this case, you just need to limit table salt in the diet.
  • The most unpleasant reason associated with swelling of the legs during pregnancy is gestosis in the second half of pregnancy, characterized by pronounced disorders in the body of the expectant mother. At the same time, there is an increase in blood pressure, headaches, in some cases, convulsions occur. The swelling can be very severe - sometimes there is swelling of the arms and legs, and even the face. A study is carried out by an obstetrician, during which it turns out that the level of protein in a woman's urine is increased. This condition requires hospital treatment.
As a rule, swelling of the legs during pregnancy is a normal physiological phenomenon. But still, a woman should visit a doctor to conduct an examination and, possibly, prevent the onset of the disease.

Some women take a diuretic on their own during pregnancy for swelling of the legs. It is not recommended to do this without a doctor's prescription. Each medicine acts not only on the mother's body, but also on the child. For example, many diuretics flush out minerals from the body that are necessary for an actively developing fetus.

Swelling of the legs with heart failure

Swelling of the legs with heart failure is a very common phenomenon, since pathologies of the cardiovascular system are generally very widespread in modern society.

Heart failure is not an independent disease, but a syndrome (a set of individual symptoms-manifestations) that accompanies many diseases, such as atherosclerosis, inflammatory diseases and heart defects, hypertension, coronary heart disease, certain types of arrhythmias, etc.

Heart failure is accompanied by the following characteristic symptoms:
1. Swelling of the legs in the evening ... This sign of heart disease is different from kidney disease, in which swelling always occurs on the face, and in the morning. In a person with heart failure, the main function of the heart - pumping - is weakened. Therefore, it is more difficult for the heart to raise blood from below, from the legs. During a night's sleep, a person is in a horizontal position, so the load on the heart is reduced. But a person spends the whole day sitting or standing. By the evening, the resource of the heart is depleted, therefore, swelling of the legs occurs. When, with heart failure, the legs swell in the evening, their skin becomes bluish. Edema can only affect the fingers and feet, but can spread very high - it all depends on how the heart is not coping with its function.

What to do if your legs are swollen and you are concerned about other causes of heart failure? It is worth visiting a cardiologist or therapist. The doctor will examine you and prescribe additional studies: ECG, ECHO cardiography, chest X-ray.

Treatments for leg swelling caused by heart failure include:

  • the use of diuretics;
  • prescribing drugs that affect the work of the heart;
  • fight against the underlying disease: atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic heart disease;
  • gymnastics;
  • normalization of nutrition
  • wearing elastic bandages or elastic stockings.
Cardiac swelling of the legs should only be treated with the participation of a specialist doctor.


Sometimes the cause of leg edema is deep vein thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. This is a pathology, which is based on the formation of a blood clot in the lumen of the vein, and inflammation of its wall.

Thrombophlebitis and leg edema can be caused by:

  • transferred infections;
  • slowing down of blood flow caused by varicose veins, heart failure and other reasons;
  • postponed pregnancy, surgery, tumor;
  • increased blood clotting.
During thrombophlebitis, severe swelling of the legs may appear, which are accompanied by pains, other unpleasant sensations (numbness, tingling, "creeping"). There is an increase in body temperature, general malaise. In the absence of adequate treatment, thrombophlebitis can manifest itself with more serious symptoms than leg edema. One of the complications of the disease is pulmonary embolism, when a detached thrombus enters the vessels of the lungs.

Treatment of leg edema with thrombophlebitis is carried out by a phlebologist. If the disease is caused by an infection, antibiotics are used. In some cases, surgical intervention is prescribed.


This disease belongs to the pathologies of the lymphatic system.

Due to the high pressure of blood in small arterial vessels, it sweats through their wall and enters the surrounding tissues. In contrast, the pressure in the veins is lower. Therefore, all the blood that has entered the tissue from the arterial capillaries is absorbed by the venous. But this does not happen completely. Some of the fluid still remains in the tissues. Its absorption should be carried out by lymphatic capillaries. This fluid becomes part of the lymph. When lymphedema a violation of this process is noted, since the outflow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels is impaired. Swelling of the legs is formed.
This condition can be caused by:

  • frequent erysipelas of the skin of the legs: as a result, cicatricial changes are formed that disrupt lymph flow;
  • tumors in the pelvic cavity;
  • overweight (obese).
With lymphedema, there is severe swelling of the legs, usually both. Sometimes only the right or left leg swells. Once formed, later lymphedema usually remains for life. Treating leg edema caused by lymphedema is a long and difficult process.
Methods used are:
  • drug therapy;
  • wearing compression underwear;
  • surgical operations - can be performed, but often have a weak effect;
  • there are also physiotherapy procedures, but almost all of them have disadvantages.
The last stage of lymphedema, when very severe swelling of the legs is noted, is called elephantiasis (elephantiasis) - the lower limbs become very thickened. Depending on the cause, swelling of the legs and arms may occur with lymphedema.


Myxedema - mucous edema, which develops when the normal function of the thyroid gland is disrupted. This condition is known as hypothyroidism, which also causes impaired thinking, weight gain, lethargy, lethargy, and depression.

Due to myxedema, facial features change, the tongue becomes too large and does not fit in the oral cavity.

Swelling of the legs is associated with the so-called pretibial myxedema, which is located on the anterior surface of the legs.

Hypothyroidism can be congenital and acquired. To detect congenital hypothyroidism in all newborns, special screening tests are required. In adults, blood tests for thyroid hormones are done.

With hypothyroidism, and the associated myxedema, it will not be possible to get rid of leg edema without treating the underlying disease. Pathology is in the competence of an endocrinologist.

Liver disease

Often, leg edema is associated with liver pathologies. Most often, edema occurs with cirrhosis - a pronounced dysfunction of the organ.
A number of reasons can lead to cirrhosis:
  • long-term viral hepatitis, especially hepatitis C;
  • alcohol abuse for a long time - the so-called alcoholic cirrhosis;
  • improper intake or excess dosage of certain medications that negatively affect the liver, poisoning it with toxic substances.

In severe liver pathologies, leg edema has the following reasons:
1. In the liver, albumin proteins are produced, which provide normal oncotic blood pressure, that is, they are able to retain fluid in the bloodstream. When this process is disrupted, the amount of proteins in the blood decreases, and water rushes into the tissues.

2. The liver hosts the portal vein, which allows blood to drain from the entire intestine. If the outflow is disturbed and the pressure in the portal vein increases, the normal outflow of blood from the entire lower half of the body is disrupted.

With cirrhosis, leg edema may be accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of liver diseases: jaundice, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity and other body cavities, itching, exhaustion, and impaired brain function (the so-called hepatic encephalopathy).

Patients with liver pathologies should be constantly monitored by a hepatologist (specialist in liver diseases) and an infectious disease specialist (if viral hepatitis has been diagnosed).

Infectious and inflammatory edema

Very often, swelling in the legs occurs due to infectious and inflammatory diseases.

The main infectious and inflammatory diseases, accompanied by leg edema:
1. Rheumatism... This is a pathology that is caused by a separate species of streptococci. These pathogens have one interesting feature: their cells include molecules that are very similar to the substances of human connective tissue. It is part of the articular cartilage and heart valves. As a result, the immune system begins to destroy both harmful bacteria and the body's own tissues. A characteristic manifestation of rheumatism is rheumatic arthritis - inflammation of large joints (most often the knee), in which pain, impaired movement, and swelling of the legs in the joint area develop. Swelling of the legs and pain are characterized by the fact that they last for a short time and quickly disappear, arising from one or the other joint. In the future, rheumatism leads to the formation of heart disease. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by laboratory methods. For treatment, antibiotics, various anti-inflammatory drugs are used, which are prescribed by a rheumatologist.

2. Erysipelas ... It is caused by streptococci. It also often affects the lower extremities. In this case, swelling of the legs appears, in the place of which red spots with clear boundaries are found. The spots are painful, the skin in this place has a warmer color. At the same time, the general condition of the patient is disturbed: the state of health worsens, the body temperature rises. Antibacterial drugs are used to treat erysipelas. In the absence of adequate therapy, more severe infectious complications may develop.

3. Osteomyelitis - an infectious and inflammatory process in the bone, which is very often accompanied by edema of the left or right leg, depending on where the pathological process is located. In addition to edema, osteomyelitis is accompanied by severe pain in the limb, impaired movement. The patient's body temperature rises, and general well-being may deteriorate sharply. Very serious complications can occur without adequate help.

4. Swelling of the legs is almost always accompanied by such purulent-inflammatory diseases as boils, carbuncles, phlegmons. With such pathologies, antibiotic therapy or surgical treatment is required. The decision is made by the surgeon after examining the patient. Also, felon - purulent inflammation of one of the toes can lead to edema.

5. Infectious arthritis - severe infection of the joint, in which swelling of the legs can also develop. The causative agents of the disease can enter the joint either directly during the injury, or with the flow of blood or lymph. After that, the skin over the joint turns red, swells, severe pains appear, movements are sharply difficult. The body temperature rises, the state of health worsens. If you experience joint pain and fever, you should consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment. Infectious arthritis is treated with antibiotics.


Many injuries are accompanied by the development of leg edema:
1. Bruises are soft tissue injuries. Elementary blows lead to injury. At the site of the injury, swelling, hemorrhages are always determined, the feeling is painful. In the first 3 days, ice is applied to the site of the injury, compresses with cold water are made. Subsequently, you can make alcohol compresses, apply iodine nets.

2. Dislocation. Dislocation of the patella is most common. People who have congenital weakness of the ligamentous apparatus are especially susceptible to this injury. In this case, the patella is displaced outward from the joint, severe pain is noted, the leg is fixed in a bent position, and further movements become impossible. Treatment for patellar dislocation is reduction, usually under local anesthesia. This is done easily - just straighten the leg and put a little pressure on the patella. X-rays are then taken to rule out a more serious injury, such as a fracture. Swelling of the leg persists for several more days, and a plaster cast is applied to the leg for up to three weeks.

3. Hemarthrosis - injury, which is accompanied by hemorrhage in the joint, most often in the knee. In this case, pain, impaired movement, swelling of the right or left leg are noted. The diagnosis of hemarthrosis can be made most accurately during the arthroscopy procedure: during it, the joint cavity is examined using special endoscopic equipment. During arthroscopy, blood can be removed from the joint cavity. It can also be done with a puncture, when a needle from a regular syringe is inserted into the joint under local anesthesia. Then a plaster splint is applied to the leg. All procedures are performed only in a specialized medical institution.

4. Swelling of the leg is very common after a fracture. The most common fractures are: tibia and fibula, ankles, foot bones (including fingers). Fractures of the femur are somewhat less common, since it has a very high strength. The most dangerous fracture of the femoral neck, as it is often accompanied by impaired blood flow to the bone. The characteristic symptoms of fractures of the lower extremities are pain, leg swelling, impaired movement, visible deformity, hemorrhage under the skin. The final diagnosis of a fracture is made in the emergency room after radiography. If necessary, the fragments are set under general or local anesthesia, a plaster splint is applied to the limb for a certain period. As the acute period of the injury subsides and the bones grow together, the swelling of the leg subsides.

Allergic reactions

Many allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases have characteristic manifestations in the form of edema, including of the lower extremities:
1. Allergic arthritis - a large group of allergic diseases that are accompanied by joint damage. Most often they are a complication of any other articular pathologies. These can be infectious processes, injuries, metabolic disorders, etc. In allergic arthritis, there is swelling of the legs, which passes quickly enough. It usually occurs after a limb has been in one position for a long time. In this case, the edema is accompanied by redness, pain. It is often possible to remove such edema on the legs with antiallergic drugs, but in any case, treatment of the initial disease with an appropriate specialist doctor is indicated.

2. Quincke's edema is an allergic edema of the skin and mucous membranes, which occurs upon contact with allergens. Most often it is located on the face, but in some cases it manifests itself on the legs. This condition passes very quickly. It is immediately eliminated after taking antiallergic drugs. All patients with allergies are diagnosed and treated by an allergist.

Insect and snake bites

The saliva of some insects and snakes is poisonous or contains allergens, resulting in swelling after a bite in the leg.

Swelling of the legs and other parts of the body can develop after the bites of bees, wasps, arachnids, poisonous snakes (viper, copperhead, snakes, gyurza, cobra, etc.).

First aid for an animal bite is provided in accordance with the rules, which depend on which animal the victim was bitten.

General principles for the treatment of leg edema

In modern pharmacies, a large number of remedies for leg edema are presented. But in most cases, they are designed to relieve swelling caused by heat, excess fluid and salt intake, fatigue, the initial stages of varicose veins and heart failure.

Treatment of the initial diseases that cause edema is carried out only by a specialist doctor. Timely seeking medical help will help to timely identify diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs. And timely effective treatment will help get rid of the symptom and prevent more serious complications.

Before use, you must consult a specialist.


Swelling of the legs is a symptom that can be caused by a variety of reasons. With edema, the circumference of the lower extremities increases, there is a possibility of the simultaneous manifestation of other unpleasant signs. General diseases or certain pathologies can provoke swelling of the legs. If they appear on the legs, then they can differ in varying degrees of severity (only the toes are affected or the hips are also affected).

Swelling in the legs is divided into several types:

  • Stagnant. Such edema is formed with an increase in vascular permeability, an increase in pressure in the capillaries, and a decrease in the level of protein-albumin in the blood.
  • Hydraemic edema. They occur as a result of the accumulation of a large amount of excess fluid, which can occur with certain kidney diseases.
  • Neuropathic. They can form in the presence of diseases such as diabetes mellitus and alcoholism.
  • Cachectic edema will manifest itself as a result of severe exhaustion of the body or in some cardiovascular diseases (for example, stroke).
  • Allergic (quincke). They represent deep cutaneous edema. They develop instantly and also quickly dissolve if timely and correct treatment is provided.
  • Mechanical edema develops as a result of injury, which can manifest itself in the presence of tumors or during pregnancy.

The main causes of limb swelling

Swelling in the legs can occur for a variety of reasons. This could be:

  • violation of the correct metabolism in the body;
  • drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day;
  • the presence of a variety of immunological diseases;
  • severe burns;
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • the habit of constantly crossing your legs when sitting;
  • being overweight;
  • manifestation of acute thrombophlebitis of superficial, deep veins;
  • the presence of certain kidney diseases;
  • sitting for a long time on low or too soft seats causes puffiness;
  • malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • the development of varicose blood vessels.

The foot may swell due to improperly fitted shoes, increased stress on the leg, or flat feet. If such a phenomenon was triggered by thrombophlebitis, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, otherwise there is a possibility of developing serious health problems. In the case of constant swelling of the legs, it is important to first determine the cause and only then start treatment, otherwise this problem will soon appear again.

Heart failure

Swelling of the legs is a common symptom of heart failure. In people suffering from this disease, there is a significant weakening of the main function of the heart - pumping, it becomes difficult for him to distill blood from the legs to the upper body, which often causes the appearance of edema.

During sleep, the body is in a horizontal position, which significantly reduces the burden on the heart. When you spend a whole day in a standing or sitting position, in the late afternoon, the resource of the heart is severely depleted, which causes swelling on the legs, and the skin acquires an unhealthy bluish tint. Only the foot can suffer from such edema, or it spreads to the entire leg, up to the level of the thigh.

After taking medications

Taking certain medications can also provoke the appearance of severe swelling of the legs:

  • If glucocorticoids are taken for a long time (drugs that are prescribed in the treatment of allergic, autoimmune diseases, tumors), there is a possibility of developing edema. These drugs affect the heart, as well as the blood circulation.
  • The cause of edema can be male and female sex hormones, which retain excess fluid in the body. These substances are part of contraceptives. Reception of male sex hormones is prescribed for obesity and reproductive disorders in men.
  • High blood pressure medications can also cause swelling. If such a problem occurs, you should consult a doctor.

Varicose veins

The initial sign of the development of varicose veins is swelling in the legs, which occurs for various reasons:

  • The walls of the vessels are very thin and easily stretched.
  • A sedentary lifestyle, the presence of overweight.
  • Eating large amounts of salt and water provokes swelling not only of the lower extremities, but also of other parts of the body.

Liver disease

The legs may swell due to certain liver problems. The most common cause is cirrhosis, in which there is a pronounced disruption in the work of this organ. In this case, you will not be able to cope with the problem on your own. It is necessary to undergo an examination to determine the cause that caused the swelling, after which the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.


Injuries can provoke the appearance of edema in the leg area:

  • dislocation;
  • contusion of a limb;
  • fracture (ankle, ankle, foot bones, fibula and tibia, toes);
  • hemarthrosis.

How to remove leg swelling at home

Swelling on the legs is often not the most pleasant sensation and discomfort. To completely get rid of them, you need to accurately determine the reason that caused them to appear. If you want to fix this problem, follow these simple tips:

  • You cannot sit for a long time in one position, tucking your legs under you.
  • Try to change your shoes throughout the day so that your feet can rest (this primarily applies to girls who wear heels every day).
  • If you have to be upright all day, in the evening you need to lie down for at least half an hour, raise your legs higher to ensure the outflow of stagnant blood. Then give a gentle pinching massage to quickly relieve the swelling of your legs.
  • Diversify your daily diet with foods that contain potassium (bananas, lettuce, honey, apricots, dried apricots, peaches).
  • In summer, try to eat more diuretic berries (watermelons, lingonberries, strawberries), which prevents puffiness.
  • When you sleep, place a roller or a small pillow under your feet so that they are above the level of your heart, and then in the morning you will not face this unpleasant problem.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is used quite successfully to relieve edema. The best therapeutic effect against puffiness is achieved when using foot baths and compresses:

  • Wraps with birch leaves. We take simple cotton bags (old pillowcases are fine too), the height of which should cover the knee. We put a lot of fresh birch leaves in them, put bags on our legs. The foliage should fit them tightly in a thick layer so that the legs begin to sweat. We wait until all the leaves are completely wet, and then remove the bags. It is necessary to carry out 2-3 procedures, and you can forget about edema forever.
  • Kalanchoe leaves tincture. Fill with vodka (500 g) finely chopped leaves of the plant (250 g), leave the medicine to infuse for 14 days. After the specified time has elapsed, rub the tincture into problem areas for the night. In the morning, the swelling and pain that they cause completely disappear.
  • Garlic. Grind 1 head of garlic, pour boiling water (1 tbsp.), Leave for at least half an hour. As soon as the garlic gruel cools down to room temperature, rub the swollen legs with it, wash it off after 25-35 minutes with cool water, and the swelling completely disappears.
  • Compress. We take a piece of plain cotton cloth and moisten it with warm water, wrap our legs, put on a plastic bag on top, and leave the compress overnight. In the morning we do a light massage. This remedy helps to quickly get rid of edema.
  • Turpentine. Mix turpentine and castor oil (warm) in a 1: 2 ratio. We rub the mixture into the skin, working through each joint well, put on warm socks, and leave the compress for the whole night, in the morning the swelling disappears.
  • Sea salt. We collect warm water in a basin and dissolve a little sea salt in it, keep our feet in the water for about 25-33 minutes, then rinse with cool water and do a light massage. This method helps to quickly remove swelling in the legs.
  • Peppermint oil. Dissolve a couple of drops of oil in cold water and lower the legs into it for a couple of minutes. Regular procedures will help you forget about the problem of puffiness forever.

Tinctures and decoctions will help get rid of edema:

  • An excellent diuretic is the herb knotweed, which helps to quickly remove excess fluid from the body. Pour boiling water over the raw materials (1 tbsp. Spoon) and insist for exactly one hour. During the day we drink the filtered medicine and forget about the swelling.
  • Fill with a liter of water flax seeds (4 tablespoons) and boil over low heat for about 12-14 minutes, leave for an hour in a warm place. We drink the filtered drink against edema of the legs warm every 2 hours for ½ glass. After 14 days, you can forget about this problem.
  • Fill with boiling water (2 tablespoons) birch leaves (2 tablespoons) and its buds (1 tablespoon). We introduce soda (1/2 tsp) into the solution, and infuse the decoction against swelling of the legs for at least half an hour, then filter and take 1/3 cup every day before meals (3 times a day).
  • Grind the root and parsley in a meat grinder. We take exactly 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the resulting mixture and pour boiling water (2 tbsp.), leave for at least 10 hours. We drink a ready-made drink against leg edema, 1 tbsp. spoon throughout the day. After a few days of treatment, the problem disappears completely.

Before using this or that folk remedy in the fight against leg edema, you need to know that not all of them are safe for health. If the swelling was triggered by varicose veins, pregnancy, diseases associated with the genitourinary system, or other diseases, such treatment can harm your overall health.

Drug treatment

Modern medications will help to relieve swelling, which should be used taking into account a characteristic health disorder. If the swelling was caused by heart or kidney disease, your doctor may prescribe a diuretic. With varicose veins, creams, gels and ointments containing blood thinning and venotonic components will help. If the calves of the legs are very sore with edema, when buying creams, give preference to those products based on horse chestnut extract or leeches.

How to deal with swelling during pregnancy

In almost all cases, as soon as the pregnant woman eliminates the cause that provokes swelling in the legs, they disappear on their own in a couple of days. It is necessary to limit the consumption of table salt, do not forget about good rest, and minimize exposure to the sun. Some women mistakenly believe that to get rid of edema, it is worth drinking more fluid, but on the contrary, its amount must be reduced, not forgetting about the daily rate.

It is advisable to drink plain clean water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice. Lingonberry and cranberry juices, which have a diuretic effect, are also beneficial. It is necessary to completely exclude coffee, other factors provoking the appearance of leg edema, from the daily diet. For example, do not eat salty, spices, foods containing a large amount of sodium (nuts, seeds, etc.), carbonated drinks, smoked and fried. Increasing the amount of protein in your diet will help.

It is not recommended to sit in one position for a long time (a common cause of leg edema), walk in the heat, or exercise. To avoid this problem, arrange for yourself more frequent walks in the fresh air and good rest. During the daytime sleep, it will be useful to put your feet on a small hill. Traditional medicine methods can also help relieve swelling during pregnancy (but it is strictly forbidden to use them without a doctor's permission):

  • Dried apricot decoction. Pour dried apricots with boiling water and leave overnight. We drink the resulting compote in the morning about 35-45 minutes before the start of the meal.
  • Diuretic herbs for leg edema. Decoctions from the leaves of lingonberry or bearberry, bear ears, kidney fees, hawthorn berries and flowers, cherry stalks, horsetail help to cope with this problem. The treatment lasts no more than a month and no more than one glass of medicine is taken in one day.

It is not recommended to resort to self-treatment of edema in the leg area using modern medicines. The use of alternative methods and other means of treatment must be agreed with the doctor. Cool foot baths can help with swelling. By doing a regular light foot massage, you can make it easier to fight puffiness.

All of the above methods help to get rid of the physiological edema of the legs, which are considered normal and occur in about 77-82% of expectant mothers. They are completely safe, do not pose a threat to the health of the child, but such puffiness must also be eliminated. However, edema during pregnancy is not always harmless, therefore it is necessary to pay attention to them in time and take appropriate measures in a timely manner to treat them.


If, after a tiring day at work or during hot weather, your legs get very tired and swelling appears, a simple set of exercises shown in the video below will help you.


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