What does it mean to donate in clash of clans. An overview and quick guide to the Clash of Clans universe. How it works

From Finnish developer Supercell. Most likely, the idea was not new - multiplayer strategies for mobile devices existed before, but thanks to attractive design, exemplary stability and rather moderate donation, Clash of Clans gained unprecedented popularity and won a multi-million army of loyal fans around the world.

It is the opportunity to fight with players all over the world and an optional donation (of course, when playing without investing real money, the development of your base will be much slower, but you will also get much more pleasure from the game than when buying in-game resources for your hard-earned) steel key success factors for the clash of clans.

What you need to know

  • Gold... A typical resource for most strategy games; is mined and used for the construction of modernization of most buildings, mainly defensive ones.
  • Elixir... The second major resource at CoC. Serves both for the construction and modernization of buildings (this time, responsible for your army), and for training soldiers for the army, creating spells and removing various obstacles at your base - for example, stones, trees, bushes, etc.
  • Black elixir... The third, free-of-charge resource. It is not available immediately, and is used to upgrade heroes (about them a little later), train special, dark, warriors and create dark spells. Due to its specificity, the black elixir is especially valuable, since it is obtained slowly and in small portions.
  • Crystals... The only resource that cannot be obtained in battles with other players. These same crystals can either be bought in the built-in store for real money, or received for achieving certain goals in the game, or "found" by eliminating the aforementioned obstacles at your base - the last option is the most budgetary, but you won't earn much. Crystals are a kind of analogue of a universal currency, for them you can buy the resources missing for any action, fill the storage of gold / elixir and, finally, speed up the training of the army.

Buildings and other structures

The main method of using all the described treasures is to build and improve the characteristics of buildings in your village. Not only the level of a building is important, but also its location in relation to the rest of the village. We propose to move from resources to considering the types of buildings, their importance and other nuances.

Here we will not list absolutely all the buildings, we will touch only the main ones.
Each village is headed by a Town Hall. This is the main building of each village, with each new level of the Town Hall, new additional buildings, heroes are opened and the maximum number of objects of one type or another increases. To participate in PvP battles, you need an army, and to train it, you need barracks, and for storage, you need military camps. With each new level of the barracks, new fighters are opened, and with each improvement of the camps, the maximum size of the army increases.

Naturally, resources are needed to maintain this entire economy, and for their extraction there are gold mines, elixir collectors and black elixir wells for each resource, respectively. In addition to the extraction of resources by the so-called farming, gold and elixirs can be won in the process of attacking enemy villages.

As mentioned above, it is very important to consider the location of buildings at your base in such a way that when other players attack you, the damage is minimal. First of all, you need to protect the resource stores and the Town Hall - as a rule, they are the targets of the attackers. For this very protection, you can use various devices: weapons, walls, mines and traps. On the Internet, you can find a huge number of all sorts of schemes for the arrangement of buildings on the base, however, in order not to scour sites of varying degrees of usefulness, pay attention to the applications that are issued by application stores for requests like “Clash of Clans maps” - these utilities are collections already proven tactics from many players around the world.

How it works

At this point, we will finish the review of the gameplay and move on to the technical component of the game. Clash of Clans exists in versions for and iOS, the application is distributed free of charge and weighs less than 100 MB. The graphics in the "clash" are made in a cartoon style, but this does not seem too childish. The game is filled with many animation effects, has a built-in chat and a powerful social system in the form of clans and inter-clan wars.

Clash of clans Is the only strategy game in which I left over $ 80. It tightens so that you can't stop. I would have saved myself a lot of time and money if I hadn't gotten around to the point from the start.

The goal of the game, as in many online strategy games, is to develop your base, repel attacks and attack other players. Clash of Clans I consider one of the best representatives in the App Store. It has all the criteria for a good game: beautiful graphics, fast loading and incredibly addictive gameplay.

1. Newcomers are dying because they are in a hurry

Many players, with the beginning of their playing career, immediately get out into multiplayer. Do not do this until your progress is over Lvl 8. Otherwise, stronger players will blow your base to smithereens. Up to the eighth level, play in the "offline sandbox", fight against the goblins and earn currency to upgrade your camp. After the eighth level, click on Attack -\u003e Find a Match. This is where the fun begins.

2. Revenge

As soon as you clicked on Find a match, then you go out into an open field, invisibility is removed from you and the visits of robbers begin.

Your base is constantly being attacked by other players. Sometimes you get by with little blood, but often raids to zero clean out the gold reserves and reduce the number of Victories Cups (the only one at the moment ...). This is very frustrating. You save, save, and someone came and took everything. Bastards, their mother!

In the battle history interface, opposite the description of each offender, there are four buttons: Replay (view the recording of the battle), (revenge), Visit (reconnaissance of the alien base) and View Clan (view the clan). Find out what the enemy's defense system is and attack. If the current level does not allow, then wait until you grow up. The perpetrator must be punished.

3. Away conscience - beat the weak

In the process of searching for online opponents, you will be offered different options - from those who are below or above you in the general rank table. If you see that the victim is weaker than you, attack and do not think about remorse. First, you will save on the size of your army, because a weak enemy has the appropriate defense; secondly, you are guaranteed a victory in 90% of cases. Having attacked a strong player, you will face pumped up magicians, dragons, you will only waste time and money: they will carry you forward with your feet.

However, this rule ceases to apply by the thirtieth level, where the boundaries of differences between the players are gradually smoothed out. For example, at my level 27, I can attack at 35 and win.

4. Join clans and fight harder

Clans allow you to expand your army beyond the established limits of built beachheads. As a rule, other players respond to your request to donate warriors. "Clan" soldiers live in a separate barrack with a corporate flag. It is important that these mercenaries can not only attack, but also defend the camp if you are suddenly attacked. In return, share your army with others. It is customary here to thank each other.

5. Don't get carried away with in-game currency

Although the game is in the TOP-1 of Cash Games (revenue per iOS user), it can be played without in-app purchases. It is longer, but possible. I could not believe when my level 35 "commander", when asked how much he spent rubles on pumping, replied that not a penny. True, it has been playing for the second month. I reached level 20 in a week, but left $ 80 on the battlefield. Why, one wonders? Unknowingly.

There is only one drawback: the game constantly needs the Internet. Without it, it will refuse to start.

iPhone + iPad: Freemium [iTunes link], crystals cost from 169 to 3290 rubles. You don't need to buy them!

UPDATED 24 MAY 2013:

Now my base looks a little different.

I will add 5 more tips:

6. Upgrade to the next level when in the present everything is raised to the maximum. Well, or almost to the maximum. Do not force things, otherwise you will become a laughing stock.

In the screenshot above, the dude spent a hundred bucks upgrading Town Hall to level 9, he thought it was cool. But I forgot about the guns, the fence, the buildings. As a result, he was surrounded by the same players with balanced villages and now he is being blown to shreds by all and sundry. And no one takes to the clan. Who needs such an idiot :)

7. Up to 2300 cups can be easily played economically with an army of Archers 6 lvl, Barbarians 6 lvl and Bombers 5 lvl. I was taught special tactics when my clan went to the TOP and at some point there were problems with resources: I did not have time to collect for the army, as 10 dragons flew in and took everything for themselves, leaving behind smoking bricks.

8. There are many clans in the game, but few good players. If you see that there are few warriors in the clan, and donate requests hang for half an hour, leave this clan. But if suddenly you are lucky (like me) and you ended up in a normal clan, then do not run around others: the old people do not welcome this. At some point, you simply won't be allowed back.

9. Strong players often sit on the so-called "farm", when the whole point of the game comes down to attacks on weaker bases and taking money there. Remember: you can improve martial art only in conditions of equal and stronger opponents. Nobody forbids farming, thousands of clans are engaged in this, but at least occasionally check your personal ceiling where you can reach with your wars. And do not just walk, but sit in the trenches for three days to understand, comprehend, analyze with what composition the masters of Clash of Clans attack you.

10. When you enter the game, first hand out wars to your clanmates, and then ask yourself - this is an unspoken rule of successful clans in the TOP 200. My clan reached 41st place in the overall rating, many of them could not stand their nerves, because the conditions of the game in battle and on farming are different from each other, like the ocean and the swamp. Good players are noticed in other clans and real headhunting begins. If you are not hantile, you are only at the beginning of your development path.

Game tips. Help. And everything that you wanted to know, but hesitated to ask!

All this and much more, you will find on these pages !!!

Welcome to the world of interesting, exciting and informative!

1. Be an adult! The most important advice if you want to stay in a decent clan: Before requesting a donation, distribute it yourself!

2. Be smart! Upgrade Town Holl to the next level only after you have pumped everything to the stop! (well, or almost everything!)

At least all the protection and wars in the laboratory, that's for sure !!! You can download mines when TX is pumping.

Never rush to improve TH until you have pumped all units to a stop at this level. Otherwise, you will look funny.

And on top of everything else, it will be more difficult for you to extract resources! And that means making improvements! Think about it!

3. Earn more than you spend! In other words, try to spend as little as possible on building troops, and take as much as possible in battle !!!

It is easy to reach the master of the league with an army consisting of Barbarins 4+, Archers 4+, Goblins 4+ and Blasters 3+. I know from my own experience. (Sometimes I added two 3+ lightning bolts to destroy the enemy Martyra or the Mage)

for reference, lightning 2+ destroys the 8th lvl martyra with two shots exactly in the center of the martyra

This is called PHARM (resource collection). We drain the cups and earn gold, elixir and do not forget about the black elixir)))

And this is called PHARM plus earning cups !!!

Please note that PHARM takes place in the second crystal league, and not where many supposedly farm, in silver or gold!

Farm is everywhere, but in the crystal it also has a dark elik in addition! You decide where to farm!))

4. To invest or not to invest real money in the game ?! Many people are asking this question! You start investing, then you won’t stop!

Is it possible to really rise in the game without investing a dime ?! YES!!! CAN!!! But everyone decides for himself.

How to do it? You ask! Easy! Remember! Or write it down if you don't hope for memory)))

From the very beginning of the game! From the first seconds, you will be asked to spend crystals to speed up the construction of something! Don't get fooled!

Only spend crystals on builders!

4.1 Where and how to earn crystals ?! Everything is very simple! For the first two builders, you already have enough crystals.

The third can be thrown out by climbing 1250 cups and receiving 450 crystals for this, you will earn another 50 by completing quests during this time.

The fourth builder will already cost you 1,000 crystals - this is exactly the bonus for entering the master league, and the fifth builder will cost you 2,000 crystals. Of course, you can buy them, but think about it! Does it make sense ?!

As practice has shown, after all the updates, earning crystals has become much easier! And now, in order to poke the 4th builder, you don't even have to enter the crystal league! Proven by more than one generation of recruits who are not too lazy to pump correctly!

5. How do you know the place your clan occupies ?!

He is either in the TOP-200 or slightly lower. This is the place where our clan was on 01/20/2014 at 23:59 GMT)))

6. How to find out what place you occupy! In your country, and maybe in the world ?!

7. Sit in mines or fight?

Only you yourself can answer this question! In many clans it is customary to fight at least daily with a positive result! Finding out this result is easy! At the beginning of each new session (once every two weeks), it is reset to zero. And you have to start all over again. In your profile, in the upper right corner there is the following sign:

Attacks Won just speaks about the number of battles in which you won! And if you do not add at least one trophy to your piggy bank a day, then you are a fan of feeding from mines, and this is not welcomed in all clans!

To be continued...

Information for those who join the clan:

The entrance to the clan is possible only after going through the Academy! At least one full session !!!

Player age 18+ (if less, it is considered individually, at a meeting of the founders of the clan)

Experience from 60+

Town Hall Level-7 minimum, but TX-8 is desirable

KV - twice a week! Attendance is required !!!

Cups for entry 2.300 If less ?! Welcome to our


Donate can be distributed only from the fourth lvl !!!

Ask, preferably the same lvl as yours, at least one lvl higher (i.e. if you can ask for Luke 4th lvl no higher than 5th lvl) If you do not meet the minimum requirements for the entrance to the clan, and your donation has not been pumped to the 4th lvl, which means you have no moral right to write in the lvl donation request! Because by default, you will receive 4 lvl!

For insults and checkmate immediately Kick Out!

For being in a clan for more than 10 days without a Kick Out league!

Clan founders:

Alex-DruiD - Lider

PozitiV_ArroW: D - Elder

iKeougн - Elder

maksimus - Elder

I.T.F. - retired, reduced the time spent in the game by 80%


In connection with the opening of the Academy and the responsibility that we have taken upon ourselves! In order to motivate the "youth" and wake up the "oldies"! Now, at the end of each session, say on Saturday (this issue is still under discussion) at 23:59 Moscow time, the 5 bottom players of the base go to the Academy! And 5 players of the Academy (subject to meeting the minimum clan requirements) go to the Foundation. This can be done both independently and under duress! With a related note. The only exceptions are the founders of the clan, who descended on the FARM. They are free to choose! And nobody and nothing can force them! Except for the climb! Then no exceptions apply! (Until this rule works)

TOP-3 of Our clan on 04.11.2014 23:59 GMT

And don't forget to visit the Academy page! There will be many interesting links there soon !!!

Welcome to our clan and academician!

About clan wars:

Clansmen! Talking about the tactics of conducting Clan Wars (KV)

On the first day of the announcement of the KV, you can thoroughly study the enemy bases, their strengths and weaknesses, in a day the Clan Wars will begin directly! The tactics of our clan and academy are extremely simple!

The first attack on the enemy must be made in the first 8 hours of the announcement of the HF. In this case, the first attack must be made strictly on your mirror! If you have number 1 on the military map, then you should attack at number 1 on the enemy's map. Etc. No. 2 to No. 2, No. 3 to No. 3 ... No. 40 to No. 40 Those who make their first attack on another enemy will greatly let their fellow clansmen (((

The FAQ allows clash of clans newbies quickly get answers to frequently asked questions. Reading it will save you from unnecessary mistakes.

What is Donat? Answer: Donat is a donation of your own troops at the request of clan members. Usually, clans require donation 1 to 1, i.e. how much you took, give as much to your clan members.

Who is Rusher? Answer: Rusher is a clash of clans player who develops (pumps) the level of the Town Hall in proportion to other buildings, structures and troops.

Who is "Noob"? Answer: Noob is a player who does not know well the rules of the game and does not understand well enough what its meaning is, does not understand the intricacies. At the same time, his messages, as a rule, can be characterized by the words "out of topic". Noob climbs where it is not necessary and asks stupid questions. In other words, he is a bad, inexperienced player or a beginner who brings the team more problems in the game than good.

Who is Cancer? Answer: Cancer is a player who, due to a lack of skills and experience in the game, by constant mistakes reduces the overall results of the team's game. Hinders his team from developing dynamically. In other words (symbolically), backs away as the team moves forward.

Clan wars - how to agree / refuse? Answer: In the upper left corner, click on the blue icon, on the "My profile" tab in the upper left corner, click on the button Clan Wars - consent, Clan Wars - refusal. At the same time, in the "My Clan" tab, your serial number will be reflected in the corresponding color.

When and in what quantity is a bonus given for participating in Clan Wars and where can I get it? Answer: The bonus for participating in the Clan Wars is credited at the end of the HF. The bonus is provided for each attack in HF, carried out at least 1 star and is displayed when attacking the enemy in the upper left corner of his base. In case of victory, the bonus is credited in full, in case of defeat, its insignificant part is credited. You can pick up the bonus in the Treasury of the Clan Fortress.

How can I see the results of my clan's participation in Clan Wars? Answer: In the upper left corner, click the blue icon , select the "My Clan" tab at the top of the window and click on the button The course of the war . To view the attacks of previous Clan Wars, click the button Details .

What needs to be downloaded (developed)? Answer: You need to download everything that is provided for by the game. At each level of the Town Hall, you must first develop everything to the maximum allowable leveland only then go to the next level of the Town Hall (IT IS IMPORTANT!!!).

What to develop (download) first of all when moving to a new level of the Town Hall? Answer: Laboratory, spell factories, Military camps, Clan fortress, defensive structures of mass destruction (Mage Towers, mortars, bombs), everything else and a fence.

How to learn to attack 3 stars in Clan Wars? Answer: View attacks of clan members in Clan Wars by 3 stars. Watch the tutorial video on YouTube. Farm an opponent of equal strength, with the composition of the troops that you use in attacks on the enemy in Clan Wars.

How to become a co-leader of a clan? Answer: The co-leader of the clan is the assistant to the head who helps to lead the clan and practically does not differ in rights from the Head of the clan. The head appoints co-leaders if he himself cannot cope with the leadership of the clan. Usually at the rate of 1 co-leader for 10 clan members. The co-leader must meet the requirements of the Chapter (each clan has its own requirements). A co-leader is not only a title, but also a duty, so don't ask Soruk. The head himself knows who and when to appoint him as a co-leader.

How to farm correctly? Answer: Look for villages with 100 thousand or more of each type of resource. Resources should be found in Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors. To release the Giants first, and then the Archers (Sorcerers, Barbarians) to the resource-extracting structures. The giants take the blow, and the rest of the troops destroy resource structures.

How do you know if there are resources in Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors? Answer: When filling the Gold Mine with gold, the wooden box to the right of the cart is filled with gold, the more gold in the Gold Mine the more gold in the box. When the Elixir Collector is filled with an elixir, a transparent flask is filled, according to the filling level of which, it is possible to determine how much the Elixir Collectors are filled. At the Black Elixir Well, a transparent cube-shaped flask is filled at the top of the rig. By the level of its filling, one can judge the amount of Black Elixir stored in the well.

Who is Cheater? Answer: A cheater is a player who uses cheats (programs are designed to exploit game flaws) to gain an advantage over other players.

What is "Trainer"? Answer: Tpayner is a program that, through RAM, simulates the player's actions or locally replaces the values \u200b\u200bof the game variables (for example, money, health), unlike a cheat, it works locally, without access to the game server.

What is Mod? Answer: Mod is a software add-on (additional module to the program) that adds new features and functions.

What is "Xmodgames"? Answer: Xmodgames is a mobile game assistant (Trainer) that allows you to use mods for various games, including for Clash of Clans.

What is Ban? Answer: Ban is blocking the access of the game account to the game server. As a rule, a player is banned for gross violation of the rules of the game.

What is "Root Rights"? Answer: Root rights (or Superuser) are rights that give the owner of an Android device full control over the system, which allows you to edit and change system files and folders.

How to get a legendary card in Clash Royale and gain an advantage in fights.

In recent years, real-time strategies have become very popular among fans of games on mobile devices. The most popular of them are considered to be Clash of Clans and Clash of Castles, which recently received the Path of the Brave update. Specifically, these two games are trendsetters in the genre.

Crazy donation in Clash Royale

Developers of other games are trying to keep up and create their own products that are able to impose competition on the two favorites of the genre. The Clash Royale game is gaining immense popularity. But there is something that connects all these strategies together. Each player, especially those who do not invest real money in the game, thinks about how to get a legendary card. It's harder to do this in Clash Royale than in already promoted games. A prerequisite for this is the fact that the game has just appeared and does not have a large audience, therefore the creators cannot afford to distribute legendary cards to the right and left. For example, in the Battle of Castles, you can get at least 2 famous heroes for free.

There is no other method to ensure a comfortable game for yourself other than how to get a legendary card. IN Clash royale This is done by opening chests when reaching large levels of the arena. There are eleven types of arenas in the game. In order to open new ones, you need to take part in battles and win them, thus earning cups.

How to get legendary card in Clash Royale?

There are three methods for obtaining a Legendary Hero. First, you can get supermagic chests. The main drawback of this method is that such chests are very expensive, and there is no guarantee that the legend will drop out. All the same, the chance to knock out a suitable card by buying such chests is a couple of times higher than in other chests that are in the game.

2nd option of how to get legendary card in Clash Royale without donation means buying it in a store. The main advantage is that buying a card in the store for gold is a more profitable investment of virtual resources than buying supermagic chests. This method also has a drawback. In order for the famous card to appear in the store, you need to reach the ninth level of the arena.

If you want to have a good warrior at your disposal, but do not understand how to get legendary card in Clash Royale, you can just rely on your luck. The card can be found in any of the common chests. But you need to keep in mind that such a hero can fall out only in the event of the opening of the fourth arena.

How to get a legendary card in Clash Royale without donation in arena 5?

After collecting more than 1400 trophies, the 5th arena is revealed, and together with it the famous hero card. This hero is the ice wizard. You can open it in chests. The closer to the last arena, the more resources you can earn. This already means that it takes less time to accumulate the required amount of gold and gems.

Gems are some form of in-game currency. The main source of their receipt is donation, but they can be earned without investing real money in the game. Every day the player will get up to 28 gems, which can be converted into gold and spent on buying the famous card in the store.

Do not forget that the chance to get a famous hero grows in direct proportion to the level of the arena. The higher the arena, the higher the chance to get a sacred card. But you need to keep in mind that in order to open a new level, you need to earn more cups, that is, to defeat more competitors in fights.


Clash Royale - deck and donate | GoldClan. What Donat in Game Clash Royale…. When I join some clan, they always write:, Old man for 200 donats. "So that's what it is. The main definitions of the game Clash of Clans. Clash of Clans - What is DONAT? what is donate. Creator: The Asterc. How to donate to Clash royale via Kiwi, Beeline. What donate? How to join a clan in Clash Royale, change the name or promote. Clash Royale Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia. If this is your first time on a wiki, if you need something the Clash Royale Wiki is FANDOM on. Clash Royale - GlobalTournaments / Donate in Description. and how to buy crystals in Clash of Clans. There are times when you just need to buy crystals in Clash of Clans, in this article we. Clash Royale Tips | All about Clash Royale. Very important in Clash Royale This happens in Clash Royale Join the Clan, ask donate. Clash royale: Tips for beginners, frequently asked. What is donation? in Supercell games, donating troops to Clash of Clans or cards to Clash Royale.