Name for by date of birth. How to choose a name for a child by date of birth. Calendar by month

If the pregnancy goes well, then it leads to natural childbirth on time, and the child himself chooses when he comes into our world. But there are situations when, for medical reasons, you have to go for a cesarean section, and then the expectant mother, as a rule, is given the opportunity to choose on which day her baby will be born.

Someone chooses a date because it is beautiful (for example, 08.08.), Someone uses the description of lunar days, someone thinks about holidays or birthdays of relatives. And we would like to help you choose the date for your planned Caesarean more deliberately!

Is this date important? Of course yes! And not only because every year on this day you will celebrate your child's birthday. Chinese astrology, bazi, has been studying the connection between a person's character, abilities, and luck with his birthday for many centuries. With his first breath, your baby receives his destiny. The day and hour of birth will largely depend on whether he is calm or active, capricious or obedient, what diseases he can get sick, what he will love and what will not, and so on. Up to what profession he will choose, whether he will be happy in marriage and whether he will be rich. But what about education, you ask. Upbringing plays a huge role, but you will not bring up a "blank slate", but a little man with his own character and characteristics laid down at birth.

That is why the date of the child's arrival in the world is so important. Of course, choosing the correct exact time of birth for a baby is not easy, for this you need to know many nuances, especially to study Chinese astrology. Consultations on the choice of the date of birth are quite difficult, since it is necessary to reconsider several options for destinies, to check whether good luck will accompany a person during his adult life, not to forget to check whether the child is suitable for the parents, and whether it will have a bad effect on their fate, and much more.

What then can a person who is not engaged in Chinese astrology do on their own if everything is so complicated? Let's see.

1. There are days, in principle, unfavorable for any operations, which are definitely not worth choosing.

  • Day and month collide
  • Collision of day and year
  • Sha of misfortune of the year and month
  • Days "Danger", "Closing"
  • Days with the "Star of Sickness"

2. It is worth thinking about mom, because she needs to undergo a normal operation. Be sure to see that the day does not collide with the mother's year of birth, because on such days the body can tolerate the intervention worse, give some complications.

For example, if a woman was born in the year of the Ox, you should not choose the days of the Goat (on such days the calendar will say: "Not suitable for the Goat" - see the picture above).

3. Why you shouldn't choose the days of collisions yet - they will immediately put the conflict energy in your child's birth chart, attract ambiguous situations into his life.

Go to the bazi calculator and build an estimated birth chart for your baby - just enter the date you want to choose. You will see 8 different colored hieroglyphs. Each color means a certain element, there are only five of them. For a person, these elements mean friends, expression, support, power and money... Harmony and balance in a person's life is very important, so it is good to choose cards that contain all 5 elements, all 5 colors. Power and money are needed both in the boy's card and in the girl's card. For a future woman, an element of power can bring marriage, for a future man - fasting or high social status.

A more harmonious map, and, therefore, life:

This card is less harmonious, there is no power and wealth:

4. If you have the opportunity to choose the hour - then look again at the calendar and cross out the "unused" hours - it is also better not to use these hours for the operation!

A few of these simple tips will help you be on the safe side and choose the right day for a cesarean section, and, therefore, the fate of your baby.

Natalia Tsyganova, Anna Zaitseva

I remember, I remember, I promised to write an article about who has more chances to give birth in the Year of the Dragon. But now it is already August, so I will write an article about the possibilities for those who would like to give birth to the Snake in 2013.

Good luck to everyone, Natalia

When the first thing parents think about is what it should be called. Some call the child the first one that comes to mind, others try to come up with something interesting, and still others check with church holidays. Today we will talk about what meaning the name has for, why it is so important not to follow fashion, and whether you should pay attention to the middle name and surname.

The influence of the name on the fate of the child

Almost all parents come up with a name for a child even before his birth, or immediately after him, but this does not allow him to name the baby so that his nickname suits him. Since there is a belief that it is dangerous to reveal the name of a newborn until a certain age, you can take advantage of this and wait a little. If the baby does not have a nickname, then it is impossible to jinx him, no matter how strange it may sound.

After a while, the character of the child will appear, on the basis of which you can come up with a suitable nickname that will definitely suit him.

Separately, it should be said about fashion, which puts a stigma on children. For example, you like a sensational series, and you decided to name your daughter Daenerys after the main character. Now think about how her peers and teachers will call her at school, what the abbreviated name will be and how it will be combined with the patronymic and surname. After a decade, everyone will forget about the series, and the nickname will not go anywhere, so before naming your daughter or son in honor of the movie hero, try it on yourself.

Important! Remember that father and son or mother and daughter should not share the same name.

We name the child by date of birth

There are couples who want to give their baby a name that corresponds to a particular time of year, so next we'll talk about how to name a baby born in summer, winter, fall, or spring.

Winter. Children born in winter are characterized by persistent character and determination, however, they suffer from problems associated with finding a soul mate. Soft options are suitable for winter children (Ilya, Svetlana).

Spring. Spring children are selfish enough, and their main problem is indecision. They are not distinguished by firmness and perseverance, therefore they require a solid nickname in order to harmonize the inner world. These include Diana, Igor, Dmitry, Daria.

Summer. Summer children are distinguished by purposefulness and an active attitude. They are always in harmony with the inner world, so they can be called by any nickname.

Autumn. Autumn children are stingy with emotions, they are practical and tend to make quick decisions. To add softness to the character, you should use long romantic names such as Vladislav,.

Separately, it should be said that many parents are concerned about the question of whether their children are named after the months of the year. This was practiced during the Soviet era, but at the moment such nicknames have completely disappeared, so if you call a girl Sentyabrina or a boy August, then this will lead to ridicule and excessive attention.

Did you know? The longest name consists of 1478 letters, representing one huge word, which contains the names of historical places, famous personalities, as well as scientists. To read it, you need to spend at least 10 minutes.

Church calendar name

Many mothers are interested in what children's names can be used to name a child who was born on a particular church holiday. This practice is not something new, but it should be understood that most of the names are Old Church Slavonic, therefore they are not often used.

To choose a church name for a kid, you should look at the collection of saints. The church celebrates several saints every day, so you can choose from several options. However, it happens that a child is born during a big holiday, for example, on St. Andrew the First-Called, then it is better to give preference to this particular name, especially since it is common.

Important! Even if the baby is born before or after the holiday, the name of the saint can be used.

It is worth remembering that the church name should not conflict with the above principles of choice, that is, it is impossible for the son and father to have the same name, otherwise they will constantly swear.

Name for the child relative to the horoscope

Astrologers believe that the correct name, which corresponds to the sign of the zodiac, can protect a person, give him the strength to overcome obstacles. However, the problem is that most of the proposed options are Old Church Slavonic, respectively, outdated. For example, if you had a girl who, according to the horoscope, is Sagittarius, then you will be offered inappropriate options, such as: Aza, Alevtina, Louise, Seraphima, etc.

Also, many names that are popular today are repeated in many signs of the zodiac. For example, Victoria can be used for girls who were born under the zodiac sign Virgo, Libra, or Scorpio. It turns out that the most common names are simply universal, which is why many children and adults wear them.

Separately, it should be said that there are a huge number of similar tables of names compiled according to the horoscope. Everyone can write their own unique list, which will not be supported by anything. For this reason, you should not think that the strange nickname that the zodiac sign offers you can really help your baby succeed in life.

Now you know why you cannot call a child with strange names, as well as nicknames of people who are somewhat popular in our time. Remember that naming can break a person's life, so channel your creativity in a different direction. Remember that complex names are often mistaken, so your son or daughter may have problems with documents in the future. Use common sense, not the words of acquaintances and friends.

The waiting period for the baby is the best in the life of a young couple. A very short time will pass, and another member will appear in the family, who, by his mere presence, will completely change the life of his parents. Tiny legs flood around the house, and the hands will reach for everything that the baby likes.

But the waiting period for a future miracle is usually fraught with one problem - what to call a treasure that will very soon appear? Such a way out, by date of birth (a girl or a boy is not so important), although it seems simple, is actually quite a difficult task.

In such a matter as choosing a name for a future baby, it is necessary to take into account some very important nuances in order not to spoil the child's life in the future with his shortsightedness and not make him suffer for many years because of a rash and haste decision.

What influences the choice of a name?

Parents-to-be have a lot of controversy about this. Numerous friends, relatives and acquaintances are involved in resolving the issue. Everyone seeks to contribute to the choice of a name, because it is not in vain that it is believed that it determines the future life of a little man.

Moreover, it is not only consonance with the surname and patronymic that is important. It is believed that, to some extent, the name can influence the character and health of the future member of society. His correct choice, in the opinion of many, will give the baby the opportunity to acquire better character traits and achieve more in life.

Tribute to fashion trends when choosing a name is a mistake of parents

A lot depends on how to name the child (not all parents choose a name by date of birth, a lot depends. For many years, since the beginning of the era of building communism, it was fashionable to give the baby ridiculous-sounding names reflecting the events of that time. !

It is scary to even imagine what it was like for Dazdraperma Ivanovna, who was born on May 1 and received such a terrible name - a derivative of the name of this holiday ("long live May 1"), brought into our lives by this era! The lives of Electrification, the Five-Year Plan, the Stalins were no better, although in those days such absurdities were original, and at the same time provided the child with a ghostly "bright future."

What options are there?

But times change, and at the same time stupid innovations recede into the background, returning to the world the old, centuries-old traditions when choosing a name. Of the huge number of ways that address the issue of how to name a child (by date of birth, for example), several of the most common can be distinguished.

Very often, when choosing a name for a newborn, a tribute is used. In this case, the baby is given the name of the person who played a big role in the life of the parents. It can be either a fairly close friend or relative, or a popular person, athlete, politician, singer or actor. But when deciding on this method of choice, it should be borne in mind that there is a risk of the child repeating the fate of the person in whose memory he received his name.

Also, quite often babies are called according to the holy calendar, or the Orthodox calendar. This method has existed since ancient times, and many parents turn to it. The solution to the question of how to name a child by date of birth according to the church cadendar is very simple in this case, because there are a huge number of beautiful, cute-sounding and still relevant names.

On a day suitable for the date of birth, the memory of many saints is honored, which makes it possible to select the name you like. By this method, you can choose the names of those saints whose memory is honored not only on but also on the 8th or 40th day. After all, the "eight" is a symbol of eternity, and the number 40 is intended to mean How to name a child by date of birth? The church calendar will help young parents decide.

The mite added by astrology and numerology to the question of choosing a name

The selection of a suitable name in accordance with the signs of the zodiac or its numerical value is also very popular. Many parents rely on numerology and astrology when solving such a burning question as to name a child by date of birth and some other data. From the point of view of these sciences, the combination of sounds in the name, as well as the appropriate sign of the horoscope, can both enhance and weaken some features in the character of the child.

Many people pay great attention to the meaning of the name. In this case, parents use dictionaries of personal Russian names, containing all the necessary information about the meaning, as well as the origin of one or another of them. The most useful and most popular in this case were the publications of such authors as A. V. Superanskaya, N. A. Petrovsky.

The secrets of the popularity of Old Church Slavonic names

Now the meanings of most of the old names that were popular with the ancient Slavs, both female and male, have ceased to be a secret behind seven seals. Any person, even at the level of intuition, understood their meaning.

For the most part, they carry a positive meaning and good energy. Take, for example, such names as Yaroslav - "bright glory", or Lyudmila - "cute for people." They are not only known to everyone without exception, but also very popular.

What meanings are hidden in the names that came from antiquity?

When deciding how to name a child by date of birth (a boy, for example), many modern parents will prefer to call him Vladislav (who owns fame), Vsevolod (omnipotent) or Lyubomir (loving the world, peace-loving). And for the girl, no less euphonious names will be selected - Svetlana (light), Snezhana (white-haired), Milana (sweet). Such names have a very kind energy, and they are pleasant to the ear.

Old names, known from the history of the ancient Slavs, are very flattering for most parents. After all, if you follow these traditions and name the child by date of birth, boys can be called such magnificent names as Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Rostislav, Mstislav, Igor and Vyacheslav. These names are great Russian princes. In addition, they are also included in all church calendars.

The connection of the first name with the last name and patronymic

When parents ask themselves the question of how to name the child, it is better to navigate by date of birth and patronymic first. It should be borne in mind that the name must be combined with the middle name so that they not only sound decent, but also be pronounced easily, without any distortion.

After all, such difficult-to-pronounce combinations, such as, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich, are often remade into the simplest ones - San Sanych, changing this, from the point of view of numerology, and the fate of the person named so, as well as causing him some inconvenience.

In addition, the chosen name should go well with the surname and sound harmonious at the same time. After all, such a combination as Juliet Ivanova or Rodrigo Gorshkov is completely unsuccessful, and will not bring the person wearing them anything but ridicule. Any exotic name will go well with a surname rare for Russians.

Affectionate form of the name and initials. Is it important to take them into account?

You should also pay attention to the fact that the chosen name should have several diminutive variants that sound quite euphonious. For example, Tatiana - Tanya, Tanyusha, Tanechka. If there is no short name, the kids will come up with one anyway. Only it is absolutely not a fact that such an invention will please the bearer of the name.

The initials, which are always present when a person writes their data, also have undeniable importance in the case when the future parents decide how to name the child. They are guided by date of birth or not, it is not so important. Although, it would seem that this is a trifle - initials. But this little thing can bring very big trouble.

Be sure to pay attention to whether the initials add up to something indecent or ugly.

Psychologists researching how a name affects the character of a particular person make the following recommendations.

  1. For children who were born in the winter, the most suitable names are melodious and soft, containing a large number of vowels, and Names bearing such consonance are designed to smooth out the "severity" that is present in winter children. And when deciding how to name the child (you should also be guided by the date of birth here), for children born during this period, you should dwell on such names as Benjamin or Liliana, Miroslav, Arseny, Vitalina and others like them ...
  2. For spring kids, harder names are best suited to give strength and confidence. Sounds such as z, p, f, g, d should stand out in them. Good options would be Grigory, Rostislav, Zlata, Bozena, Robert.
  3. For babies born in the summer, the best option would be voiced and, for example, Nazariy, Maryana, Zlata. They add purposefulness and activity to the character of the person wearing them.
  4. For autumn, simple and calm names should be considered. Children of this season are real realists, so the warmth and calmness that give the names Polina, Ippolit, Antonina and Vadim will certainly please the baby.

There are many ways to choose a name for a child, but in any case, do not forget that with him the child receives his further destiny.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, a person turns to the help of numerology, having already reached adulthood. At the same time, he already quite well understands the characteristics of his personality, soberly evaluates his merits and demerits. He takes the numerological description of his character for granted. Indeed, the numbers that form the name and date of birth have already deeply and firmly penetrated all spheres of his life, shaped his environment, set the necessary directions for development. In this case, there are no more ways to influence fate, you can only understand yourself deeper, become more flexible and learn to reliably cover up those personality traits that, by definition, cannot be developed.

The fate and character of the child by name date of birth

A completely different situation arises in the case of an unborn child. Future parents have a fantastic opportunity to give their baby something that they cannot do for themselves. A competent approach to choosing a child's name allows you to lay the foundation for the development of outstanding and vivid qualities of the future personality, to make his character balanced, to significantly reduce the risks of unwanted deviations (alcohol, drugs, mental trauma, etc.).

It all sounds like fantasy, but what about Destiny? - You ask. And you will be absolutely right. The thing is that we cannot influence many parameters. First of all, this concerns the date of birth, as you know the exact moment of birth is impossible to predict. Secondly, do not forget about the child's surname and patronymic, they are already predetermined and very few are capable of such an ambiguous act as changing these components of the baby's future name.

How to choose a name for a child taking into account patronymics and surnames of parents ?

Each letter of the full name (last name, first name and patronymic) corresponds to a numerical value that contributes to the character, abilities and talents of the child. A large number of the same numbers indicate qualities that will manifest themselves brightly, missing numbers determine the weaknesses and pain points of the personality. The total value of the numerical series of the name sets the capabilities of a person, his predisposition to certain areas of activity and professions.

You can choose a suitable name for your child by filling out the following form. Calculation is free, no SMS is required.

Name selection by date of birth of the child or by month of birth

If your baby has already been born, but you have not yet chosen a suitable name for him, we suggest using the service for selecting the name of the child by date of birth. This is the most accurate method that gives the most complete characterization of the future personality.

If your baby has not yet been born, you can only indicate the month and year of birth. Calculation is absolutely free, no SMS is required.

Man has always been curious to look into his future. If such systems of divination as tarot, runes and palmistry made it possible to obtain information about the nearest affairs, then numerology and Kabbalah were the first to propose a universal system for predicting a person's fate... For the calculation, characteristics were used that distinguish us at the mystical level: date of birth, name, eye color.

At the center of many mystical teachings is the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman harmony with the world around him. For this reason, in ancient times, special attention was paid to the name of the baby. The future, which is predicted by birthday and external features, should not contradict the fate calculated by numerologists or astrologers in his name.

The influence of the day of the week on the fate of the child

Astrology recognizes the decisive influence of the Earth's satellite on the fate of a person, therefore, the day of the week on which the baby appeared is important to consider when choosing a name, profession, hobby. It is known that the duration of the lunar cycle is 28 days or 4 weeks. This means that on Monday of any month or year, the moon is in one of four positions.

  • Monday - day of fidgets and adventurers. It is believed that Monday children are freedom-loving, risk-taking and travel-inclined.
  • Tuesday - the day of the god of war Mars. Associated with strength and disobedience. The life of those born on Tuesday cannot be called easy, but their exceptional willpower allows them to achieve great success.
  • Wednesday patronizes the smart and cunning. Great scientists and successful entrepreneurs are born on this day. Children of the environment know how to manipulate people and lead.
  • Born on Thursday prefer theory to practice. They are cautious, calculating and a little lazy. They show themselves well in the role of writers and church leaders.
  • Friday - a day of love and passion. These boys do not have problems in their personal lives. They are not used to hearing refusals and always follow through with what they have begun.
  • On Saturday children are born, inclined to mysticism and religion. Outstanding philosophers and psychics were often born on this day.
  • Boys born on Sunday, a fun and eventful life awaits. In the Slavic tradition, the day was patronized by the supreme god Yarilo, who was also considered the god of holidays.

How to choose a male name by date and month?


Ancient astrologers issued a name book, analyzing the fate of people who lived at that time and determining auspicious names. The connection with the zodiac sign was established partly experimentally. (many people came to the court astrologers, whose names and horoscopes were preserved and made it possible to see the pattern between fate and name according to the sign of the zodiac), partly on linguistic grounds.

So the name Victor is of Latin origin and the Winner is translated. War and aggressive energy of struggle is patronized by Mars, which astrologers associate with the sign of Aries. Therefore, for those born in late March and early April, the name Victor is recommended.

Some astrologers associated the design of the name with the zodiac symbolism... This approach was most popular in the Eastern tradition: some names in hieroglyphic notation look like animals patronizing a certain sign. Modern astrologers use lists of names according to the horoscope that have come down from their ancestors, only adding modern names.

According to the Orthodox calendar

In the Orthodox and Catholic traditions, there is also a connection between the name and the date of birth. According to the calendar month, the days of veneration of the saints were determined, which were considered a holiday for those who bear their name. Until now, there are rules for naming at baptism for the owners of rare foreign names who do not have the same saints.

Those whose birthday fell on the name day deserved special respect from the church. Information about the holidays is published on the website and in the official publications of the Russian Orthodox Church, including church calendars.

According to numerology

Numerological tradition is closely related to astrology... To predict the fate of a boy, the bridge number is considered according to the following rule:

  • Name and surname are written in Latin according to transliteration rules.
  • The first letter corresponds to the number 1, the second 2, and so on. All numbers add up.
  • For the resulting number, the sum of the digits is considered. Then the sum of the numbers as a result. The process is repeated until a number from 1 to 9 is obtained.

This characteristic determines the zodiac sign favorable to the name. So the sign of Pisces corresponds to one, two - Aquarius, six - Pisces and Taurus.

Another method involves comparing the number of the first name (without the surname) with the number of the date of birth (the numbers in the date are added until you get a number from 1 to 9). If they match, then the name suits the child.

It is also proposed to count the numbers of the name, surname and patronymic separately and associate them with different aspects of the child's life. It was believed that the number of first names affects the spiritual sphere, surnames - on a career, and patronymics - on family relations.

Calendar by month

Even in the era of Ancient Russia, month calendars were compiledhelping parents to name the child correctly. Modern and old Russian male names suitable for months, even if beautiful and rare, can have an unfavorable numerological meaning for a child, so their interpretation must be taken into account. The same goes for church calendars.

In order not to check each name several times, modern esotericists publish lists of the most suitable names for a set of signs.

Over time, the information becomes outdated: names lose popularity or the principles of calculation change (for example: a new horoscope with shifted dates). therefore it is important to use a recently released calendar.

Below, the current data of astrologers, numerologists and the Christian church about favorable children's male Russian (and not only) names by month are divided into two lists: the first includes simple names, usually of Slavic or Greek origin, and the second includes outdated and foreign names for those who wants to name a child with a rare and beautiful name.


  • January: Anton, Pavel, Artyom, Daniil, Egor, Ivan, Konstantin, Maxim, Nikita, Nikolay, Sergey, Stepan, Yuri.
  • February: Alexander, Alexey, Valery, Vasily, Victor, Vitaly, Dmitry, Eugene, Kirill, Semyon.
  • March: Alexander, Anton, Georgy, Denis, Ilya, Makar, Maxim, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Taras, Yuri, Lev.
  • April: Andrey, Artyom, Vadim, Vasily, Victor, Georgy, Daniil, Egor, Ivan, Maxim, Nikita, Sergey, Pyotr.
  • May: Alexander, Anatoly, Boris, Vasily, Victor, Vitaly, Georgy, Gleb, Denis, Ivan, Konstantin, Cyril, Roman.
  • June: Anton, Alexey, Valery, Vasily, Vladimir, Denis, Semyon, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Fedor.
  • July: Anton, Anatoly, Denis, Ivan, Konstantin, Leonid, Pavel, Roman, Stepan, Stanislav, Yuri.
  • August: Anton, Alexey, Alexander, Boris, Vasily, Gleb, Grigory, Dmitry, Ilya, Maxim, Nikolay, Stepan.
  • September: Alexander, Andrey, Gleb, Gregory, Daniil, Ivan, Mikhail, Pavel, Peter, Semyon, Sergey, Timofey.
  • October: Anton, Andrey, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Ivan, Maxim, Mikhail, Oleg, Roman, Sergey, Stepan.
  • November: Anton, Artyom, Victor, Denis, Dmitry, Eugene, Egor, Ivan, Kirill, Konstantin, Mikhail, Yuri.
  • December: Alexey, Vasily, Valery, Grigory, Gennady, Georgy, Egor, Maxim, Mikhail, Roman, Stepan, Yuri.