Double consonant for the letter d. Double consonants. Words with double consonants. GIA tasks

Double consonants at the root are most often found in borrowed words, their presence is determined by the spelling dictionary:

A bb atstvo, abb revivatura, abyssins, aggression, acclimatize, accmodation, acc ompanement, acc ord, acc ord, accreditive, acc urate, acc urate, all ah, all egoria, all egro, all ergy, all eya, alligator, all ilya, all opat, all yur, amm iak, amm onal, ammonium, ann aly, annexia, ann ibalova (oath), annotation, ann ulirate, app arat, appeal, appendicitis, appli cation, artillery, assembly, assessor, manufac turer, assimilation, assimilate, assistant, assis tance, ass orti, asso ciation, atoll, attach ashe, attestat, attach r, affect.

B ack ara, score, hell score, score ast, score istika, score on, score ot, baroque, barrage, barr ikada, bass ein, bell adonna, bell eristics, bill ion, byss actress, brutt o, budd ism , buff onada, bullet eten.

In anna, vass al.

Gallicism, gall s, gall yucination, gamma a, hippopotam, gram, gram atica, flu, gross, gross meister, group a.

D ilemma, distillate, diff amation, differential, diffusion, dress.

I dillia, ill yuziya, ill yuminator, ill yustration, indifferent, intellect, intellectual, intermezzo, ipp odrom, irr igation.

C alligation, cashier, cassette, cashier, cash on, terminal, collectorist, col legy, collec tive, collector, collection, col oid, col ovium, column, columns of hell, colossus, commission , com and voyager, com unique, comm mute, com munique, compressor, congress, concession, coral, corrective, correct, correlate, corr id, cor rosion, correlation, coefficient, crystal.

Mass and mousse, mess, miss, mousse, mousse it.

N arciss, nett o, nipple spruce, short story a, nullify.

O kk opation, opposition, oppose, oppo ortunism, Ottoman.

Parall elepiped, pass already, pass ive, perr on, pessimism, press.

R ess ora, roll.

Satellit, setter, sill abic, sill ogism, symmetry, ss ora, ss ud, streptococcus, stell as much, sum a, surrogate.

T enn is, terr asa, terr ikons, ter ror, territory, troll eibus, tripp er.

X lorophyll.

Ts el yuloza.

E xcess, ell ips, essence.

With one consonant the words are written:

Acoustics, alogism, aluminum, ammunition, apatite, apathy, a priori, balustrade, barcarole, blooming, veto, variety show, gallery, haberdashery, hypertension, humanism, landing, decibel, imitation, impresario, cavalry, calorie, caricature, clinic corridor, midget, morocin, mason, mulatto, level, panorama, pilgrim, polite, privilege, producer, race (racial, racist, racist), rococo, wolverine, rusism, folio, elite.

It is not recommended to define a double consonant in a borrowed word by comparing it with a word of the original language, since during the assimilation of foreign language vocabulary, the second consonant in Russian can be lost:

Ag regatta (lat.agg regatus), address (fr.adress e), appartments ( artement), aprobation ( robatio), at aka (lat.att aque), attribut (lat.att ributum), scam (fr. aff aire), af isha (fr. aff iche), business (eng. business) - therefore a business man, but: congress man, cross man; buff er, vernis azh (fr.vemiss age), vignette (fr.vignett e), volleyball (eng.vol eyball), biscuit a (fr.galett e), dessert (fr. dess ert), can onada (French cann onade), of itzer (German Off izier), pud ing (English pudd ing), resources (French ress ourees), trot uar (French trott oir).

Lesson topic: Spelling words with double consonants.

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the spelling of doubled consonant words.

Lesson Objectives:

    Educational : to form the ability to write words of Russian and foreign origin with doubled consonant letters; to bring children to the understanding that its spelling also depends on the lexical meaning of a word and to teach to determine in which part of the word the doubled consonant is located;

    Developing : to develop oral and written speech of students, phonemic hearing, spelling vigilance; improve the culture of students' speech; develop mental processes, analytical thinking, memory, attention, the ability to self-control, the ability to follow the teacher's verbal instructions, draw conclusions.

    Educational : to foster a communicative culture of students; accuracy, perseverance, independence, discipline; to form an interest in the study of the Russian language.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, textbook “Russian language. Grade 3. " Authors: V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky; individual cards with assignments for students.

Contingent of participants: 3rd grade students

Lesson type: lesson of gaining new knowledge.

The objectives of the lesson are aimed at achieving students:

Personal results:

Acceptance and development of the social role of the student, the development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning;

Skills of cooperation with the teacher and peers in various social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations;

Setting for a safe, healthy lifestyle, motivation for creative work, for work for results.

Metasubject results:

Cognitive: find linguistic examples to illustrate the studied linguistic concepts; carry out analysis, comparison, classification, generalization of linguistic material on independently identified grounds; build simple reasoning, establish causal relationships, draw conclusions, formulate them, independently find the necessary information in the textbook and use it to complete educational tasks.

Regulatory: accept and maintain the goal and the learning task, build new learning tasks in cooperation with the teacher; plan, control and evaluate training activities in accordance with the stated
the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve the result.

Communicative: participate in dialogue, general conversation; are guided by the partner's position in communication
and interaction

Subject results:

Master the studied norms of the Russian language;

Compare, classify words by composition;

Parse words by composition;

Have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe variety of language norms;

Distinguish between spelling and grammatical norms;

Know the identifying signs of the spelling being studied.

Lesson stage

The teacher reads poems.Slide 1. We got up quietly, fell silent, You got everything you need. Prepared for the lesson There is no good in it otherwise.
- I invite you to a Russian lesson.
Eastern wisdom says:Slide 2.
Acquiring knowledge is courage. To multiply is wisdom. And skillfully apply art!
- I wish you to be active, thinking, efficient and friendly during the lesson. We checked it on the computer.- What word is superfluous? Whatspelling ? (The letter or syllable that requires the spell check rule) - What do you need to know to check the spelling in a word? (rule) - In which part of the word can you check the spelling?(fundamentally) - What rules for spelling roots do you know? (Slide 4 )
    Checked unstressed vowels. Paired voiced and voiceless consonants. Unchecked unstressed vowels (dictionary words). Unpronounceable consonants. Double consonants.
- Which topic interests us the most? Let's solve crossword . ( slide 5 )


    What do you need to put in the pie dough to make it rise?Yeast
    A group of friendly children.Team
    Sixth day of the week.saturday Amazing wagon!
Judge for yourself: The rails are in the air, and he Holds them with his hands.Trolleybus
    A device for receiving television broadcasts, usually installed on the roof of a house.Antenna
    I have twoto. Do not forget!
Always be like me I'm precise, clean and tidy In other words -orderly

7. Along the road on the sides Lindens, maples here and there. It's more fun for everyone to walk here. This path is called ... ...alley - Who will try to formulate the topic of our lesson? (Spelling words with doubled consonants) Slide 6. - What do you know about words with doubled consonants?They are written in words where a long consonant sound is heard during pronunciation. The spelling of these words must be memorized or checked with a dictionary.)

2. Read these words:sum, class, group, story, aspen tree. Slide 7. - What unites them? (these are all nouns,all have a doubled consonant) - What words would you exclude from this group and why?- Let's determine in what significant part of the word is the doubled consonant?- Try to explain what should be your actions when you meet with doubled consonants?- What should you learn in the lesson?(Learn to find words with doubled consonants, write these words correctly and not only recognize the spelling being studied, but also determine which part of the word it is in.) Slide 8.

Children answer questions and fill out an assistant card.- Where are the doubled consonants in wordsclass, amount, group? (at the root of the word) Slides 10 - 11. - At the junction of which significant parts are the doubled consonants in the wordstory ? (at the junction of the prefix and root) Slides 12 - 13. - And in the wordaspen ? (at the junction of root and suffix) Slides 14 - 15. Conclude: - Where does the doubled consonant occur in the word?- Compare your findings with the textbook entry on page 123. Read. Tell each other.

    Textbook work. Slide 16.
TeamworkP. 122 ex. 236- Read the words in alphabetical order.- Distribute in three columns, depending on the place of the spelling in the word. ͡ ̚ ͡ ͡ ˄ starless picture platform bath import sailor highway tell aspen neat quarrel suffix collective

Teacher. Stand up please. Identify words with doubled consonants by ear, while raising your hands up and clapping your hands twice. Slide 17.

Ask without raising your tone:

What is more, centner or ton?

Salt and cereals are needed

To cook porridge for groups.

Who will get low score,

Will not come to the school ball.

The radio wave goes through the wall.

We will catch her on antenna.

If you drink kvass at school,

Do not splash the whole class.

If there is a lot of litter in the house,

Can erupt in the house quarrel.

It is more pleasant to find a mushroom under the tree,

How to get a sore throat or flu.

Sit down. Let's rest our eyes too.

Eyes see everything around
I'll circle them.
To see everything with an eye
Where is the window and where is the movie.
I'll circle them around
I will look at the world around.

R - accept and retain the goal, educational task. Carry out educational activities according to the planned plan; adequately perceive the assessment of their work by the teacher, comrades. P - independently find the necessary information in the textbook and use it to complete educational tasks

TO - are guided by the partner's position in communication and interaction.

Etc. - perceive the meaning of the texts being read, highlight the necessary information.

L - carry out the prevention of fatigue, focus on a healthy lifestyle, adhere to a healthy daily routine, actively participate
in physical education
    Work on the formation of related words.

Read the words. Slide 18. What do they have in common. What is the difference? Find cognate words, adjectives. Group - group Lemon - lemon

Revealing how the new word was formed, where the double consonants are. (Double consonants are at the root of the word and at the junction of the root and suffix) .

    Replace phrases with an adjective synonym. Determine where the doubled consonants are in the words.Slide 19.

A man without conscience, dishonest, arrogant - unscrupulousLife without care - carefreeA sky without stars starless

As you understood: in what cases are doubled consonants found?

3. Independent work with the use of level differentiation. - I offer you independent work with a choice of tasks by levels.Slide 20. Level 1: workbook p. 65 exercise. 164

Level 2: replace these interpretations with words that have doubled consonants. Write them down in a notebook. Determine which part of the word contains the doubled consonant. and) Salt water for pickling vegetables. b) A collection of paintings or stones. c) Small piece of art. d) The sixth day of the week.

Level 3: restore deformed sentences, write them down in a notebook and mark the spelling being studied.

Inna, the story, long, reads.

guys, group, collects, leaves, autumn, collection, for .

The works will be checked and graded by me.

Etc. - have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of language norms, distinguish between spelling and grammatical norms, know the identification signs of the spelling being studied.

Regulatory: - the ability to act according to plan and plan their activities;- the ability to control the process and the results of their activities, including the implementation of anticipatory control in cooperation with the teacher and peers;Cognitive: - search and selection of the necessary information;- analysis, construction of a logical chain of reasoning.Personal: - willingness to cooperate, provide assistance, distribution of roles;- assessment of the assimilated content, providing personal moral choice;Communicative: - planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

Words with double consonants are some of the hardest to spell. The point is that these letters are not pronounced as a pair. As a rule, only one sound sounds in their place. Hence the difficulty - the inability to notice the spelling. That is why the spelling of words with double consonants begins in elementary school and ends only in grade 7. There are a lot of rules governing this spelling: they relate to the spelling of various parts of the word. Particular attention should be paid to those words where doubled consonants are at the junction of morphemes.


Words with at the root, as a rule, belong to the category of dictionaries (their spelling should be remembered). In Russian, this combination lj and ss.

So, the words "burning", as well as "reins" or "yeast" must be remembered - they do not obey any rule. Here you need to be especially careful and keep in mind that consonants - zg (d) / - zzh-, with a prolonged pronunciation of [f], one should still write [zzh]. For example: squeals (n., unit h.) - you squeal [lzh] and.

As for the combination - ss-, then it is used in the word "quarrel" and the words derived from it ( quarrel). You should also write - ss- fundamentally - ross-: Russia, western Russian, Little Russia.

Remember that - rus- should be written with one - with- if there is no suffix after - sc-: russian expertbut Russian... An exception - Belarus.

Do not forget about the numerals. So, in the word "eleven" in the root is written doubled n... The thing is that the lexeme originated from the phrase eleven (ten).

At the junction of the prefix and root

Words with double consonants at the junction of a prefix and a root in Russian are quite numerous. There are several rules to consider here.

Firstly, if the first sound of the root is voiced, at the end of the prefix it is necessary to use a letter denoting a voiced sound: starless, provoke, eve.

Here, too, alternation plays an important role, so the word "heartburn" will not be written double f (although it is heard), because there is a special alternation.

And the exact opposite principle: a double voiceless consonant is used if the root begins with a voiceless: b insomnia, disperse, shameless, dry out... It is important to adhere to the basic principle of using double consonants: they can be used exclusively in pairs, in no case in triplets. If it provides for a confluence of three identical letters side by side, one of them is truncated.

Let's look at an example: quarreled... This word is derived from the verb quarreled using the prefix races... Accordingly, there should be three in a row with: two from root quarrel and one from the prefix races... However, according to the well-known spelling principle, one of them is truncated.

It should be remembered that in the word "calculation" one with. The same rule holds true for derived words, for example: calculating, calculated.

In the suffix

Words with double consonants in a suffix are adjectives and participles. So, words like provocative or cranberry will be written with doubled n... It's all about the suffixes - enn- and - he N-.

Let's give as an example 3 more words with double consonants in the suffix: constitutional, positional, revolutionary... Note that all these adjectives are derived from s from nouns to - tion: constitution, position, revolution.

Two -n- have three exception words in the suffix: glass, pewter, wooden.

In adjectives ending in - oval / -watched and derivatives from them (for example, adverbs) are also written double - n- (exclusion words - forged, chewed): stuffed, spoiled, uprooted, agitated (agitated),

As for the participles, then in these parts of speech there is a suffix -nn-. It takes place if we are in front of us in the past tense. This rule is often confused, because the data can be distinguished from verbal adjectives that have one letter n.

Let's look at similar words with double consonants. Examples are: read book a book read all evening (participle) - finished book (participle). Another example: wounded soldier (verbal adjective) - heavily wounded soldier (participle) - wounded soldier.

Looking at these examples, it is easy to conclude that the participle with a double -n- in the suffix is \u200b\u200bdistinguished by the presence of dependent words or a prefix. These signs can be present both collectively and separately: badly wounded soldier.

On the border of the root and the suffix

Words with double consonants can have them at the junction of the root and suffix. This applies, first of all, to adjectives and adverbs formed from them. Teachers say that schoolchildren are most often confused in this rule.

As an example, let's analyze word-formation chains: fog - foggy - foggy. As you can see, the adjective foggy is formed from a noun whose stem ends in -n-. hence - a double consonant in a word, which remains in an adverb formed from an adjective - hazy.

Sleep - sleepy - sleepy - here also the formation of an adjective from a noun with a stem on -n- using the same suffix ( sleepy). Moreover, double n is also present in the adverb.

Another case when a double consonant stands at the junction of a root and a suffix - words with a root -sk-... Only in this version will it be written -ss-... For example: Odessa - Odessa (third -with- truncated on the principle of the impossibility of the confluence of three identical consonants) Gudermes - Gudermes; Rus - Russian, Kotlas - Kotlas... As you can see, the rule applies to all kinds of toponyms.

Dictionary loan words

Dictionary words with double consonants, as a rule, belong to the category of foreign languages. It should be remembered that in the derivatives of these tokens, the doubled letter remains.

Here are some examples:

- group - group;

- compromise - compromise;

- point - ten-point;

- ton - two-ton;

- corrosion - anti-corrosion;

- mass - massive.

Algorithm of writing and transfer

To correctly spell a word with a double vowel, you must:

  1. Determine which part of the word it is in.
  2. Find out how this word is formed.
  3. Check if a consonant is at the junction of morphemes.
  4. Determine the part of speech (participle or verbal adjective).
  5. Find out the lexical meaning. The fact is that there are words whose doubled consonant at the junction of the root and the prefix depends on the meaning. These are, for example: fake (copy) - and craft (handmade product). In the first case, two letters d at the junction of morphemes, and in the second - the prefix by-... Another example: run around (run several times) - run around (be in several places in a short time). In the first word, the prefix about-, in the second - about-

The hyphenation of words with double consonants obeys the following rule: one letter remains on the line, the second goes to the next: morning, dedicated, fog-but, angry-angry.

Place in the school course

In the school course, the topic of doubled consonants is introduced gradually: in elementary school, children are introduced to vocabulary words and their derivatives, such as "group", "gram". Also, younger students learn the rules for their transfer.

Further, in high school, when studying morphology, the topic is introduced when studying the spelling of one or another part of speech. In the 8-9 grade, the studied material is consolidated, its systematization (for example, the topic "N and NN in different parts of speech"), knowledge deepening (analysis of the most difficult cases).

It should be noted that in the GIA and USE tests, one of the questions is always devoted to this topic.

Methodical development of the Russian language lesson

"Right-pops of doubled consonants."

Grade 3. "School of Russia"

Hello. Guys, today I will teach you a lesson, my name is Marina Vladimirovna. - We turned to the guests, greeted. They sat down.

Tell the secrets of the word
I am always ready for you.
But in class, be ready

Uncover the secrets of words yourself.

Are you guys ready to make new discoveries? Then let's get to work.

I bring to your attention the words

(writing on the board : group, story, lunar, winter )

Read them. What did you notice in the words the same?

Name the extra word.(remove the word - winter)

What do the rest of the words have in common?(two consonants)

Formulate the topic of the lesson.Spelling words with doubled consonants.

What is our goal?

Discover when doubled consonants are written.

Learn to write, define words with doubled consonants.

We have set a goal for ourselves and today we will go to a city called "Doubled consonants". You will not be just travelers, but word explorers.

So, what part of the word is the doubled consonant in the words on the board?

Let's check our assumptions and find a way out of the difficulty.

How to do it?You need to highlight the roots in each word

What do I need to do?In order to select the root of a word, you need to pick up a single-root word or a word from which it comes

Parsing the first word at the blackboard

Group -group- root-groups

What part of the word is the doubled consonant in?Fundamentally

How to check a doubled consonant in the root? by dictionary

It means writing a word with a doubled consonant at the root is….ORPHOGRAM word on the board

Story -tell-tell-tale-tale-root-tale


Where is the doubled consonant in the word story?in prefix and root

What is the name of the place where two ends meet, the edges of something?Junction - word on the board

At the junction of which parts of the word are the doubled consonants located? (At the junction of the prefix and root)

If in the word story the prefix of races, then it occurs in other words. For example:untangle melt, timetable

Why in a wordstory do you spell doubled consonants?

Write down the parsed word for the second example. Underline the doubled consonant.

Let's makeoutput: double consonants are written at the junction of the prefix and the root, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant letter.

Lunar -moon-root-moon

At the junction of which parts of the word are the doubled consonants located?(At the junction of root and suffix)

Let's makeoutput: double consonants are written at the junction of the root and the suffix, if the root ends and the suffix begins with the same consonant letter.

What do you think “DOUBLE CONSENT ON THE JOINT OF PRESETS AND ROOT, ROOT AND SUFFIX ISspelling? Yes, because writing difficulties arise.

What are the difficulties in writing?Write two consonants or one

Output: Where does the doubled consonant occur in the word?Doubled consonants in words are found at the root of the word, at the junction of the prefix and the root, at the junction of the root and the suffix.

Well done! Are you satisfied with your job?

Then I suggest we practice.

The first task of "Young Explorers"

One file per table. Open it, examine it, read it.

What do words have in common? (doubled consonants)

What assignment can you suggest?(Distribute words into groups according to the place where the double consonant is written in the part of the word)

According to the algorithm of work, complete the task in pairs. After completing the task, the couple raise their hands.

Work algorithm:

    Read the word.

    Select the root.

    Highlight the prefix (suffix)

    Determine the place of the doubled consonant.

Prove that the words in the first column have a doubled consonant at the root.



Prove that the words of the second column have a doubled consonant at the junction of the prefix and the root.

starless - starless

bring in, take away, transport

Prove that the words of the third column have a doubled consonant at the junction of the root and the suffix.



- Shake hands



The LOSI brothers ask for help to descend to the ground. Will we help you?

The task: distribute words into groups. Words with doubled consonants at the root, at the junction of …….

The task "CAPTURE THE WORD" Physical minute.

- if a word with a doubled consonant, clap your hands 1 time,

and if with one - sit down and stand up.



- How were doubled consonants identified by ear? (Spoken for a long time)

- Are doubled consonants always pronounced for a long time?(well no)

Let's check it out.- Let's complete the task on a pink sheet on everyone's desk.

Read it. - Read the first sentence.

1) If there are many (s, s) ora in the house,

What are the similarities and differences between the words litter and quarrel?Same in sound, different in lexical meaning.

What is a synonym for the word litter.
- Explain their meaning (litter - garbage,quarrel - discord, disagreement)

How to determine in which words, similar in sound, should double consonants be written, and in which not?(know the lexical meaning of the word)

Tone - the sound of a certain pitch.

Ton- measure of weight.

Masquerade ball, dance evening

Score - a digital mark of success in studies, sports

Underline only those letters that need to be inserted into words.

check yourselfby slide

Are double consonants always pronounced for a long time?(No, therefore it is not always possible to determine by ear which consonant to write)

And how, then, to find a way out of the situation?

Output. Know the lexical meaning of a word.

A GAME. "Learn a word by its lexical meaning"

Replace these interpretations with words that have doubled consonants

Origin of words .

Did you know that almost all words with doubled consonants are FOREIGNERS? In their homeland, they were written with double consonants, which is probably why they were left with double consonants, as a connection with their homeland. As a result of communication between the peoples of the world, people share not only the achievements of science, culture, but also borrow words.

There is another interesting fact - STRIKE in French words. In almost all words with double consonants, it falls on the last syllable. But there are also exceptions to the rule.


You can find out about the origin of words by referring to a special dictionary, which is called the "Dictionary of Foreign Words" (show).
And the etymological dictionary (show) will tell you from which word it was formed, or with which expression it is associated.

Many words with double consonants are borrowed from other languages, so you need to remember their spelling.

Our lesson has entered the home stretch. Let's summarize our research. "WHAT HAVE LEARNED ABOUT THE SPELLING OF DOUBLE CONSENT?"

    Spelling of doubled consonants at the root, at the junction of the prefix and the root, at the junction of the root and suffix is \u200b\u200ban orthogram,

    you need to know the lexical meaning of the word,

    most words with doubled consonants are of foreign origin.

Thanks to your inquisitiveness and observation, you have discovered another little secret of the Russian language. Try to speak in one sentence about what you learned and how you worked.

choose a start phrases on the screen :

1. Today I found out ... 2. It was interesting ... 3. It was difficult ... 4. I completed tasks ... 5.I realized that ... 6.Now I can ... 7.I acquired ... 8.I learned ... 9.I succeeded ... 10.I could ... 11.I will try ... 12.I wanted to ...

Have we reached our goal?

What tasks seemed the most interesting?

What difficulties did you experience in the lesson?

Those who are satisfied with their work in the lesson, praise yourself, pat on the head. I am also pleased with your work. I want to express to you, children, my gratitude for your active work, for your burning eyes. Thank you for the lesson.

Attachment 1.

Assistant card

Doubled consonants meet

Examples of

    At the root of the word.

    At the junction of the prefix and the root.

    Not the junction of root and suffix.

Young explorer

Exercise 1.

Starless, tennis, import, neat, team, aspen.

Task 2. Read it.

1) If there are many (s, ss) ora in the house,
May break out in the house (s, ss) ora.

2) Ask without increasing then (n, nn) \u200b\u200ba:
What is more than a centner or that (n, nn) \u200b\u200bah?

3) Who will get low ba (l, ll),
Will not come to the school ba (l, ll).

- Underline only those letters that need to be inserted into words.

In the roots of Russian words, only double consonants are used ss and lj ... There are few such words.

Letters ss written in a word quarrel and related words formed from it, for example: by ssyell, by ssorient; and also in words Ro ssand I (from outdated ross), ro ssiysky, Beloru ssand I (but Rus, Belarusian).

Letters lj written in words in ljand, draw ljand, zhu ljoh, mo ljevelnik and related words derived from them, for example: zhu ljanie, mo ljevelovy... Letters lj are also written in words and forms derived from the verb burn (harness), eg: ljenie, with ljienie, ljeat, ljno, with ljno.

Double consonants at the junction of a prefix and a root

Double consonants in Russian words are written at the junction of the prefix and the root, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant, for example: be ssporno, in ssmelting, in zzrhenium, by ddhold, oh ttexaggerate.


1.With letters ss words formed from the root are written -check- using the prefix races -, eg: ra ssread, ra ssto read... Words with the same prefix and root - even - written with one with , eg: calculating (but countless, from no account).

2. Double consonants can occur in suffixes and at the junction of a root and a suffix, for example: traditionally nnoh, unity nnoh, matro sscue... We will consider these cases later.

Double consonants in foreign words

Most double consonants are found in foreign words, for example: appeal, intellectual, occupant... These words, like words with unverifiable spellings, need to be memorized. Below is a list of the most common double consonant words.

Words with double consonants

  • aggressor
  • apparatus
  • association
  • allegory
  • appetite
  • attaché
  • annotation
  • artillery
  • certificate
  • annul
  • assistant
  • attraction
  • appeal
  • ballad
  • barricade
  • fiction
  • vote
  • pool
  • bulletin
  • group
  • discussion
  • thesis
  • differentiation
  • illusion
  • illuminations
  • illustration
  • classic
  • comment
  • concession
  • collective
  • communism
  • correspondent
  • colloquium
  • communiqué
  • crystal
  • column, colonnade
  • compromise
  • crystalline but crystal
  • colossus
  • congress
  • cross
  • commission
  • weight
  • metal
  • mission
  • an occupation
  • opposition
  • opponent
  • parallel
  • pessimism
  • progress
  • passive
  • press
  • profession
  • platform
  • program
  • producer
  • spring
  • repression
  • symmetry
  • surrogate
  • telegram
  • territory
  • track
  • tennis
  • terror
  • troupe
  • terrace
  • ton, but five ton
  • tunnel and tunnel
  • hockey
  • celluloid
  • cellulose
  • chassis
  • highway
  • expression
  • the effect

(39 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)
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