What biomaterials are suitable for the DNA paternity test. Is it possible to believe the results of DNA analysis for paternity and how the study is carried out Material for DNA analysis

There are situations in which a man begins to doubt whether he is raising his child. Questions like this often arise during or after a divorce. A DNA paternity test allows you to identify or disprove the biological relationship with the child. Analysis can be done even before the baby is born.

DNA test - what is it?

A DNA paternity test is a special procedure carried out using modern methods, as a result of which the degree of relationship between a child and his alleged father is determined.

Before the advent of DNA testing, it was probably impossible to test for relationship. People were guided only by outward signs. Now almost with 100% probability can be determined whether the child is related or not.

People have 46 chromosomes - 23 couples. Some of them are passed on to the child from the mother, some from the father. Chromosomes contain DNA molecules that have a genetic code.

For the test, loci are used (special regions of a DNA molecule with a length of 1 gene). A certain number of them are compared with the genetic samples of the father, mother - if necessary.

If there is a similarity between the biological materials of the tested, then the laboratory gives a positive answer. If there is no match, the result will be negative.

Possible results and their accuracy

DNA tests are carried out in special laboratories. Based on the results of the study, one of the following decisions is made:

  1. Paternity is confirmed with probability 99,9% ... Let it not 100% but DNA is enough for test results. 0,1% occurs in situations where 2 different people have the same DNA. This is possible, but in exceptional cases.
  2. Negative answer. Chromosome mismatch always gives 100% the probability that the test takers are not related.

In case of improper collection or the provision of low-quality samples, the laboratory may give an answer about false results due to insufficient material for DNA collection. In this case, the test will have to be repeated.

What is it needed for?

A DNA paternity test may be required for both the mother and the child's father, depending on the situation. Usually we are talking about the following cases:

  • the mother goes to court for a DNA test to confirm paternity and;
  • the man wants to make sure that the child is his;
  • an unrecognized child wants to confirm the paternity of a man for further inheritance.

The DNA test itself can also be used to study the Y chromosome, identify possible genetic diseases, and in other cases.

Medicine does not stand still. Today, a DNA test can be carried out not only after the birth of a child, but also during a woman's pregnancy. The last option should be resorted to only in extreme cases, since an examination in an unborn fetus can provoke premature birth or even cause an urgent need to have an abortion.

DNA test of an unborn child

A DNA test during pregnancy is usually carried out in order to identify genetic abnormalities, defects, if the doctor suspects this. Establishing paternity before birth is dangerous - it can cause death or deterioration in the health of the unborn child.

It is possible to carry out a DNA test on the fetus only with the woman's consent to this procedure. During the collection of material, a needle is inserted into the umbilical cord, fetal bladder or embryo. There are several ways to collect data for analysis:

The level of risk of fetal disease depends on a combination of factors: the professionalism of the doctor performing the procedure, the quality of the instruments used and the health of the pregnant woman. The research itself is one of the most complex, far from any clinic is taken to conduct it.

Genetic test in a born child

It is best to collect material from an already born child. In this case, there is no risk of complications. Today there are several methods of DNA sampling:

  1. Taking blood... Now it is used extremely rarely, since other methods have appeared that make it possible to quickly and painlessly collect material.
  2. Inside cheek swab... This is the most common option. Saliva contains DNA, just like blood. The reliability of the results obtained in both cases is the same.

Taking a smear is also popular because a person can collect DNA material on their own and provide it to the clinic for analysis. To do this, it is enough to remove the saliva from yourself and the child from the cheek in the mouth with a clean cotton swab, place it in a special container and transfer it to the laboratory.

For the materials to be suitable for research, before collecting saliva, it is necessary that both test participants do not eat, drink or smoke for a 2 hours.

There are also less standard options for collecting DNA samples. They are not used in all diagnostic centers. Such clinics accept as material:

  • hair;
  • teeth;
  • semen;
  • nails;
  • saliva (not collected from the cheek);
  • tissue obtained after biopsy.

But additional requirements are put forward to their fence. For example, hair should be with bulbs, since they contain DNA. If a woman wants to conduct the test in secret from the alleged father, she can provide the center with the man's personal belongings, such as a toothbrush, cigarette butt or tissue. However, the possibility that someone else has used them must be excluded.

Analysis methods

Depending on the purpose of the analysis, there are 3 ways to obtain results:

  1. Anonymous... The results of such a test cannot be used in court as evidence. Typically, research in this format is conducted to personally verify paternity. The costs of paying for the test are fully borne by the customer.
  2. Standard... It is carried out voluntarily with the consent of the mother and father of the child. Before the procedure, the baby's parents provide their own and a birth certificate for the baby. The expenses can be covered by one of the parties or both at once in equal or different shares - it is discussed and decided in advance.
  3. Judicial... This option is used if one of the parties does not want to donate materials voluntarily. Then the DNA test is carried out on the basis of a court decision. Initially, the plaintiff pays for the research, and upon recognition of paternity, the male defendant must reimburse the costs incurred, including legal costs. If paternity is excluded during the test, the respondent does not return anything to the plaintiff.

DNA testing is regulated by Article 79 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. The document also states that a man can be recognized as the father of a child without an examination if he avoids collecting tests. This decision can be reversed only after the study.

DNA paternity tests are performed by independent medical centers. Research cost depends on a number of factors:

  • how many loci are compared;
  • how many people are involved in the examination;
  • what kind of biological sample is represented (if it is not blood or saliva, then the cost rises by 5 thousand rubles, plus the duration of the test increases, since additional time is required to isolate genetic material from the obtained sample);
  • urgently (within 1 2 days), urgently (from 3 before 5 days) or not urgently (about 10 days) results are required;
  • in which city the study is being conducted;
  • which center conducts the DNA test.

The final price may vary from 12 before 65 thousand rubles and higher. In Moscow, for example, there are clinics conducting research even for 90 thousand rubles.

Can I take a paternity test for free?

Due to the high cost of a DNA test, parents of a child sometimes wonder if this study can be taken for free. Such a possibility exists, but only if the court initiates the examination. Similar situations happen if:

  1. it is necessary to establish paternity for the subsequent recovery of alimony from the child's father;
  2. immigration is assumed;
  3. the child or mother wants to receive the right to inherit the father's property for her child.

In other cases, one or both parties will have to pay. Moreover, in the presence of a statement of claim, the initiative of the court is excluded.

Not every DNA test result can be included in the case. To do this, you must follow the existing requirements:

  • when contacting the diagnostic center, parents' passports and a child's birth certificate must be presented to establish the identity;
  • all documents are copied and must be certified with a seal;
  • before collecting materials, all test participants are photographed;
  • information about the DNA paternity test is entered into a special protocol, which specifies the time and place of taking biological samples, passport data, the protocol must be signed by an expert and more 2 witnesses, certified by the seal.

Failure to comply with any of these points will not allow the results to be accepted for consideration in court. Moreover, the judge himself chooses the diagnostic center for the study, it is to him that the parties will have to contact.

If, according to the results of the examination, it turns out that the man is the father of the child, then he continues to bear his parental responsibilities. Otherwise, he is exempt from the need to pay alimony. Other rights, including inheritance rights, will also be terminated.

According to experts, DNA analysis to establish paternity is the most demanded type of DNA research. The situations of people who go to the laboratory for genetic tests are different: young parents want to know exactly who the father of the child is, adults are trying to find relatives. Now this analysis is available to everyone at an affordable price.

How is DNA analysis done for paternity: stages of genetic research

DNA analysis for paternity is based on the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction). As we all remember from a school biology textbook, a child inherits half of the genetic material from his father, and half from his mother. With the PCR method, many copies of DNA are created, and then a specialist using special equipment compares certain sections of DNA - loci. The more loci are compared, the more accurate the result, since a single coincidence may be a simple coincidence, but if, for example, 15 loci coincide, then this is almost a complete guarantee of kinship.

DNA analysis for paternity is a high-tech, painstaking and very complex process. Usually results have to wait 10-15 working days, although in special cases they can be obtained in 4 working days, but for an additional fee. The duration also depends on the number of compared loci - usually there are 14 of them, but some laboratories analyze 20–30: this makes the result even more accurate, but it takes more time.

Can the results of a DNA test be trusted?

DNA analysis for determining paternity is very accurate. According to the most pessimistic data, its reliability is 99%, although in fact this figure is even higher. 100% accuracy is impossible for the reason that it cannot be guaranteed that the father does not have a twin, because, as you know, the DNA of identical twins is identical.

Interesting fact
The PCR method is used not only to establish relationship. In the same way, today they diagnose infectious diseases at the earliest stages, only in this case, not human DNA is replicated, but the DNA of bacteria or RNA of viruses.

Instructions for those wishing to establish the fact of relationship

For patients in clinics, paternity analysis is a very simple procedure. You need to contact a laboratory or medical center offering such services and donate the biomaterial. Material is collected from both the child and the alleged father. Sometimes, for even greater reliability of the result, the biomaterial is taken from the mother, but this is not at all necessary.

Saliva or scraping of cells from the inner surface of the cheek is usually used as a biomaterial. It is a simple and painless procedure. Hair and blood are also suitable for such research, but they are taken much less frequently. Blood is more often used to determine paternity even before childbirth - today's technology allows such research. Previously, amniotic fluid was used for these purposes, the collection of which was associated with a risk for both the mother and the child, but now it has become possible to isolate the child's DNA from the mother's blood.

DNA analysis for paternity does not require special preparation. If you donate blood, the test should not be performed earlier than six months after the blood transfusion. Saliva and scrapings are usually given in the morning on an empty stomach.

You can even take a sample of saliva or oral mucosa cells at home using a sterile container and a cotton swab. Home sampling kits are sold online. The sample is packed in a container and sent to the laboratory, and in a few days you will receive a response. If everything is so simple and can be analyzed anonymously, why do laboratories offer DNA testing for paternity? Why go to the medical center?

The fact is that such an anonymous result has no legal effect. This is not surprising - the specialist does not know whose sample was sent for research. If you need such an analysis not to satisfy curiosity, but for business, you still have to come to the laboratory in person. And not just any medical facility is suitable: you need a laboratory that has the appropriate license. When collecting material, you will need to present a passport (or other identity document), and this is also mandatory for the child. Only then can the specialist confirm that the tests were taken from specific people.

Research, the results of which can be recognized by the court, is always carried out only on the condition of the free consent of all participants involved. Before the start of the analysis, the customer - the one who pays for the research - concludes a written contract with the laboratory.

How to decipher the results of a DNA test to identify paternity

After the analysis has been performed, the customer will receive a form in which all persons who donated the biomaterial and the estimated degree of relationship in percentage terms will be indicated.

When identifying the degree of kinship, doctors avoid categorical statements and, if the result is positive, write that "kinship cannot be ruled out." The probability is indicated as a percentage, and when a relationship is found, it is usually 98-99.9%. As we have already said, there cannot be 100% coincidence, since it cannot be completely ruled out that the father has a twin brother. However, such a probability is, in principle, small - and it is absolutely incredible that his father did not know about him. Such turns are more typical for the plots of low-budget TV series, but in reality such cases do not happen.

The negative result is formulated more unambiguously. If no match is found, then the child's father is definitely not the person whose DNA sample was tested. No error is possible here.

Issue price

DNA paternity testing was once very expensive, but now it is much more affordable. At the same time, it is not easy to give an exact figure, since the price of a DNA analysis for paternity is made up of many factors.

  • Firstly, this is the laboratory's pricing policy. Some position themselves as economy-class medical institutions, while others work for a wealthy clientele. Interior, convenience of location, level of service affect the price of analyzes.
  • Secondly, the cost depends on the biomaterial. Modern technologies make it possible to analyze non-standard samples: hair, nails, even cigarette butts with traces of saliva. But this is not done in all laboratories, and the cost of such a study is much higher.
  • Third, the cost depends on the number of participants in the analysis. If all three are present - mother, father and child - the price will be higher, if only samples of the child's and father's biomaterial are examined - lower.
  • Fourthly, the deadlines. There is nothing strange that you will have to pay extra for express analysis.
  • And finally, fifth, the thoroughness of the DNA test. The more loci, the more expensive.

On average, the price of a DNA test for establishing paternity starts from 17,000 and can reach 40,000 rubles.

When talking about DNA testing for paternity, one cannot ignore the fact that this study touches upon sensitive areas of privacy and often becomes a difficult test for the family. However, there are situations when it is impossible to avoid it. The results of a DNA paternity test done in a certified laboratory are accepted as evidence in court. They are also needed if organ transplants are needed. Finally, some already quite adults want to take this test to find their parents. Whatever the reason that prompted you to undergo this analysis, choose a serious and responsible laboratory.

Wednesday, 28.03.2018

Editorial opinion

The customer of the DNA analysis for paternity can be not everyone who wishes, but only the legal representative of the child (parent or guardian), the intended parent (only in the presence of the legal representative of the child) and the child himself after he reaches the age of 18.

The questions are most relevant when the parents of a minor cannot peacefully resolve the difficult situation of kinship and the responsibilities associated with it. Often such problems concern those and question the accuracy of their assumptions about paternity. How to do (how it is done) and what is needed for this.

How to apply to court and determine paternity?

Both the mother of the child and the alleged father himself can apply to the judicial authorities with a request to establish paternity, this occurs in a number of cases:

  • the need for other responsibilities in relation to the child;
  • and participation in his life. Often, if a man is sure that he is the biological parent of a minor, he wants to exercise his legal rights;
  • when threatened, the question of transferring the child to an orphanage arises. In this case, confirmation of paternity means that the man has the right to raise a minor.

In addition to those listed, there are other reasons for which it is required. For it is necessary to draw up the text of the application and attach all possible evidence of the defendant's paternity. It is advisable to indicate in the claim that it is required to establish paternity, as well as the position of the defendant on this matter.

The court may determine that it is necessary to conduct a DNA test, then there are two possible scenarios for the development of events:

  1. the alleged father agrees to the research. The court decision is made after receiving the expert opinion;
  2. the defendant does not agree to DNA testing. In this case, no one has the right to compel him, but the court makes a decision based on other circumstances or evidence.

Other confirmations may be:

  • joint photographs of the mother and the alleged father;
  • testimony of witnesses about the period of the expected date of conception;
  • recording video, audio, etc.

If the DNA test showed a positive result, then it is the basis for the recognition of paternity.

How to do a DNA paternity test and what is needed for this?

It becomes the main task for the stakeholder, which enjoys authority and a proven track record. For the test, the consent of the person from whom the material is being collected is required. It is drawn up in writing, and the research cannot be compulsory.

If it is a question of establishing paternity in relation to an adult child, then his mandatory consent will be required.

For a successful DNA study, biological material will be needed, which can be:

  • saliva;
  • nails, etc.

The listed types of materials allow you to get the result of maximum accuracy.

Additional preparation for the analysis is not required.

What documents are needed?

For DNA testing, when contacting the clinic, you only need a person's passport and. If the procedure is carried out anonymously, then the documents are needed, but the data from them will not be indicated in the public domain.

Preliminary identification

To obtain information about a person through the submitted material, to exclude errors, he is subjected to a thorough check.

The identification is based on an amplification method, which involves the expansion of specifically duplicated sequences.

Upon reaching a sufficient number of analyzed DNA fragments, the sample is visualized with a control for comparison. Thus, a preliminary identification of the alleged biomaterial of the father is carried out.

If the material is submitted incorrectly or in insufficient quantity, then it will not be possible to isolate the DNA profile or it will be inaccurate. That is why it is important to entrust the sampling of the sample to a professional.

How is biomaterial delivered?

For the accuracy of the analysis, it is necessary to hand over the material in the laboratory. This will help avoid mistakes and present the material in a form that meets all the requirements.

If there is no opportunity to come to the laboratory, then you can. However, it is better if a specialist conducts it on his own, since there is a high probability of making mistakes.

The presence of an expert at the time of taking the material will avoid a situation where the result will be deliberately distorted.

Checking research results

According to statistics, the percentage of men who have doubts about paternity is quite high. Studies have shown that at least 10% of children born in marriage are not genetically related to the official father indicated on the birth certificate. The paternity test has long been a common test. It can be carried out not only after the baby is born, but also during pregnancy, starting at 9 weeks.

Deoxyribonucleic acid is a long, coiled molecule. It is contained in every cell of the body and performs the most important function - the storage of genetic information about the individual. It is the chromosomes, of which there are 23 pairs in the DNA, that determine the characteristics, nationality, etc. When a cell divides, it is the DNA that makes the exact copy of it. This ability of deoxyribonucleic acid formed the basis of cloning.

Before making a DNA paternity test, you need to clarify that identical twins can have an identical DNA strand. If we talk about parent and child, then the chromosome set always consists of maternal and paternal genes. In other words, the analysis takes into account only the fraction of the presence of the father's gene in the child's DNA.

A DNA paternity test is prescribed in the following cases:

  • In case of father's doubts. If the father has doubts about the genetic relationship with the child, he can take the test on his own. All that is required is his and the child's DNA. However, mothers often resist testing. Also, this can lead to psychological trauma for an already grown up child.
  • Judicially. If a father refuses alimony upon divorce, claiming that this is not his child, judging by the obligation to pass a DNA test for paternity at his own expense. If the plaintiff refuses the procedure, he is forced to pay alimony.
  • Upon adoption. A father who found out about the existence of his child after a while, but in the absence of a mother or her death, can facilitate the adoption procedure by passing a paternity test.

A feature of this test is its high accuracy. It is not required to take the analysis several times. It is enough to contact a trusted laboratory and pay for the analysis. There are also home tests for paternity. But their essence is only to collect the material at home and send it to the laboratory in an envelope. It is impossible to establish paternity without resorting to the services of a laboratory, since this is a rather complicated procedure.

Who is involved and what is being analyzed?

A paternity test is a complex process of reading information from a DNA strand. Since it will not be completely identical for the father and the child, individual fragments of the chain (from 10 to 30 sections) are taken and carefully compared. The more sites examined, the higher the reliability of the test.

This analysis has several features:

  1. Only father and child DNA is required for the test. A DNA sample of the alleged father and child is sufficient to conduct the test. Usually mothers in their relationship with the child do not doubt for obvious reasons, but if there are such doubts, you can take a test to establish motherhood. If there are several alleged fathers, it is necessary to collect genetic material from all.
  2. It is possible to carry out the test before the baby is born. Some time ago, such a procedure was difficult. It was necessary to wait for the birth of a child or to carry out a complex and traumatic procedure for puncturing the fetal bladder for the collection of amniotic fluid. Now there is no such need. Scientists have developed a method that can be used to extract a baby's DNA directly from the mother's blood.
  3. Mother's involvement is not necessary, but desirable. The mother's participation in a DNA test is not required to establish kinship, but to determine part of her genes passed on to the child. This will help to avoid overlaps in the event that some of the genetic material in the father and mother is similar.

For the analysis, you can donate blood, saliva, but more often laboratories work with buccal epithelium. This is a smear from the inside of the cheek mucosa. To do this, just hold a cotton swab behind the cheek. It is easy and painless for a small child. The accuracy of the analysis is independent of the material.

You can also use blood, saliva, hair, nail particles.

It is worth remembering that only the test carried out with the indication of the personal data of both subjects will have legal force. Home tests, as a rule, serve to satisfy the father's curiosity, but the result of the analysis is not suitable for presentation to the court.

Preparation and interpretation of results

When donating blood for DNA, standard preparation is required: refrain from taking alcohol, fatty foods a day before the test. Blood is donated on an empty stomach to avoid premature clotting. The time of day does not matter in such an analysis.

If a smear is taken from the inside of the cheek, preparation is not required. When conducting a home test, you need to take a sterile cotton swab, which will be included, and run it several times along the inside of the cheek. The stick is put in a bag and sent in an envelope to the laboratory.Deciphering is done by a doctor or laboratory assistant.

The result comes in the form of a sheet of paper with the specified percentage of matches.

When decrypting, the following points should be considered:

  • The maximum match percentage is 99.9%. This does not mean that the probability is lower, it is just that laboratories adhere to the principle of objectivity. There is always the possibility that the child's father has a twin brother. Despite the fact that such cases are very rare, physicians take this probability into account when interpreting. With this percentage (about 100%), an error is excluded.
  • The reliability depends not so much on the quality of the collected material, but on the professionalism of the laboratory technicians and the number of studied loci (sections of the DNA chain). If the laboratory guarantees the analysis of about 30-33 loci, there is no doubt about the reliability of such a test.
  • If the child's father is the subject, then the result will be indicated "biological paternity of patient 1 (father's full name) in relation to patient 2 (child's full name) is not excluded," and then the percentage of matches is indicated. If the child being examined is not the father of the child, the result will be written that no similarities in the genetic material were found. An error is excluded in this case.

Very often, the result is still questioned, especially if it does not match the expectation. However, modern laboratory research methods are accurate enough to avoid such errors. The father can always retake the test again if he wishes, however, as a rule, this is not necessary.

More information about the analysis can be found in the video:

The DNA paternity test primarily has a social and psychological aspect. This is not just an analysis that reports on the state of health, the further life of the family and the particular child depends on the result.

The main advantages of this analysis include:

  1. High reliability. As mentioned above, the test is quite reliable and does not require repetition of an expensive procedure. As a rule, the result is unambiguous - either a 99.9% match, or no match.
  2. Legal aspect. With the help of a paternity test, a woman can collect child support from the child's father. Also, the child will have equal legal rights with the other children of the father. This is very important when property disputes arise.
  3. Informativeness. The test is used not only by fathers, but also by children who are looking for their father or simply want to establish his identity.

Disadvantages of the analysis:

  • Quite a high price. Not everyone can afford to carry out such an analysis, let alone duplicate it.
  • You also need to wait about a week for the result. Such a test is not carried out instantly. This is a complex and painstaking procedure, so the subjects will have to be patient.
  • Among the disadvantages is the psychological aspect of the procedure. If the child is already an adult, this can cause him psychological trauma. Also, there are frequent cases of a depressive state in men when receiving a negative result.

However, mothers who use such tests need to remember the negative aspect of the legal aspect. For example, child support may be less than a single mother's benefit. The father will have equal rights to the child and his financial resources. He can also apply for a joint residence with a child.