How to give injections to a child. How to inject a child yourself? We give an injection to a small child at home

In many cases, the drug is recommended to be administered intramuscularly. With this method, the gastrointestinal tract is not injured, the drug is quickly spread by the blood throughout the body. By the word "intramuscularly" in relation to adults, they mean an injection into the gluteus muscle, but when it comes to children, everything is not so simple.

Technique for performing injections for young children

How successfully the first injection is made to the child depends on his attitude to this procedure for the rest of his life. Therefore, if you decide to make it to your baby yourself, be calm and confident. He will certainly feel any excitement. Act quickly, clearly and accurately. Then the procedure will be the least painful for you and your baby.

Choose syringes based on the volume of the drug to be injected. Prefer thin and short needles. If you need to inject 1 or 2 ml, insulin syringes are available.

Psychological preparation of the baby

First, let's get acquainted with the syringe. Buy them with a margin so that you can entrust the baby to open the package on his own and put the needle (closed with a protective cap!) On the syringe. Show how the piston moves, draw in water and release it. Then give the plush toy a shot.

Never leave your child alone with the needle. At the end of the game, check all the medical equipment you used. For example, you can tell your child that the doctor must report the materials used. Review them before starting the game, pack them right after the game and make sure everything is in place.

If you are confident in your patient's response and behavior, suggest that he gently touch the tip of the needle. Explain that it is so sharp so that the injection is least painful to the patient.

Be honest. Do not underestimate the pain of the injection. It is better to focus the baby's attention on the benefits of it. For example, vitamins will help him grow faster and move down the big slide that he wants to climb on a walk. The cure is to get better and go for ice cream as soon as possible.

Preparation for an injection

Immediately before the procedure, do the following:

  • wash your hands with soap and water;
  • prepare a cotton swab, alcohol (or buy disposable wipes from the pharmacy in advance for treating injection sites), a syringe in a sealed factory packaging, an ampoule with the drug;
  • open the syringe and ampoule;
  • draw the drug into a syringe and release excess air;
  • process the place where the needle is inserted;
  • secure the child securely, be prepared for the fact that he begins to resist;
  • quickly inject the needle, slowly inject the drug and remove it, pressing at the end with a cotton pad;
  • treat the wound.

If you make an injection in the leg, then sit the child on your lap, press his arms to the chest with your hand, fix the legs. If in the buttock, then put the baby on your knees with the booty up, with one foot press his legs, and lightly press on his back with your hand.

When you're done, praise your baby. If he did not behave as you agreed, he did it anyway. Analyze how he felt, at what point something went wrong. Next time everything will definitely be better!

Where to prick?

The injection site depends on the age of the patient. In the first years of life, the injection is placed only in the upper thigh. As a rule, the phrase "first years of life" means infancy up to 3 years. It depends not only on age, but also on physique and weight. Small and skinny children will be injected into the thigh for longer than their larger peers.

Such a place for the kids was not chosen by chance. The fact is that in babies, blood vessels and nerves are located closer to the skin simply because they are small both in age and in size. Injections are placed in the thigh to reduce the risk of the needle entering the sciatic nerve or vein. It's safer this way.

An intramuscular injection in a child over 3 years old should be given in the buttock. To do this, half of the priests are mentally divided into 4 squares, and the syringe needle is inserted into the center of the upper square, which is closer to the edge of the priests.

If you are injecting regularly, alternate the insertion sites. That is, if today you prick your right leg or right buttock, then tomorrow you will inject into the left side of the body. When you again inject into your right leg, then step back from the previous wound by 1-2 cm in different directions.

How to insert the needle and drug correctly?

Before inserting the needle, you must grasp the skin with two fingers, as if you wanted to pinch a child. The distance between them should be about 3-4 cm. When you are already holding the child with one hand, and you are giving an injection with the other, ask someone to help you.

The needle should be inserted quickly and accurately, perpendicular to the baby's body part. If you hesitate, it will only intensify the patient's torment. Press the plunger slowly and smoothly so that the drug enters the body gradually.

Removing the syringe

Before removing the needle, squeeze a cotton swab soaked in alcohol near the injection site and then quickly pull the needle out. Massage lightly around the wound. This will disinfect it and disperse the drug through the capillaries in the muscle, preventing it from accumulating at one point. Then you can cover the wound with a plaster for 15 minutes so that no dirt gets into it.

How to learn to give injections yourself at home?

Learning how to give injections correctly is not difficult at all. This issue, however, like any other, requires practice. You can train on grapes - they have a delicate skin and small size.

You can find special training videos. Including those on which future doctors are taught. They will help you better understand where and how the injection should be given. With each new injection, you will act more confidently and faster. By observing the child's reaction, you will select the optimal rate of drug administration.

Possible errors and complications after injection

Unfortunately, even experienced nurses do not always give injections to children without consequences. No one is immune to mistakes, but this is not a reason to refuse injections. When you have the information and know how to react in different situations, you can help your baby.

ComplicationWhy did it happen?What to do?
Hard ball or seal at the injection siteThe drug did not dissolve or, due to the wrong injection technique, it was injected subcutaneouslyApply Traumeel, Levomekol or iodine mesh to the seal
Abscess (suppuration of the wound)Dirt got into the wound or sterility was not observed during the procedureSee a doctor (surgeon)
Bruise (hematoma, hemorrhage)The needle touched the vessel or the drug was injected too quicklyThe hematoma will go away by itself, to speed up this process, it can be smeared with heparin ointment
Air infiltration (lump, lump)There is air in the syringeThe painful seal will go away on its own, but you can lubricate it with Traumeel or Levomekol
The needle hits the sciatic nerve (instant burning pain)The needle is too long or the injection site is not selected correctlyWithdraw the needle immediately and consult a doctor

There are few complications after injections. Seals are not terrible, in most cases they go away by themselves, without giving young patients any tangible discomfort. The most serious complication is an abscess. Body tissues literally dissolve into pus, but this happens in advanced cases.

How young children are given injections at home

Unfortunately, there are situations when during the treatment of the baby you cannot do without injections. It is not always possible to leave a sick child in the hospital, to hire a professional nurse, in addition, there are situations when the baby needs immediate assistance. And mom has to solve this problem. This article will talk about how to behave in such an unexpected moment.

It is not difficult to give an injection to a child - the main thing is to properly prepare

What is needed for the procedure

First you need to stock up on everything you need for this procedure.

Disposable syringes should be taken depending on the volume of drugs

  • it is necessary to take the drug itself, naturally prescribed by a doctor, in addition, you need to make sure of the dosage of the drug indicated in the prescription and on the package. When buying injections, you should pay attention to the expiration date. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the solution in the ampoules and described in the annotation;
  • medical alcohol;
  • sterile cotton wool;
  • sterile disposable syringes. When buying syringes, you need to pay attention to whether there is a needle in the package.

You can buy rubbing alcohol at the pharmacy

How to choose the right needle

When buying a syringe for children, no less attention should be paid to the choice of a needle. The choice of a syringe and needle depends on the complexion of the child, the drug itself and its dosage. A correctly selected needle easily enters the muscle; if it enters incorrectly, then instead of an intramuscular injection, a subcutaneous one will be obtained. Typically, needles and syringes are selected for children based on the following characteristics:

  1. Infants in the first year of life are given injections with 1 ml syringes.
  2. For babies from 1 to 5 years old, 2 ml syringes are needed. with a 0.5 by 25 needle.
  3. Children from 6 to 9 years old are given 2 ml injections. syringes using a 0.5 x 25 or 0.6 x 30 needle.

Before giving injections to children, you need to pay attention to the consecration, it should be bright, and you should also choose a convenient place for both the baby and the mother.

The syringe for children has a very fine needle

Advice: before giving an injection, you should once again pay attention to the shelf life of the drug, its dosage and name.

How to prepare for manipulation

Before giving an injection, you need to carefully prepare for this procedure. To do this, you should carry out the following simple measures:

You need to wash your hands thoroughly

  • first of all, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, then dry them with a towel. Then you need to treat it with medical alcohol;
  • children are usually given injections in the buttock. To determine the intended area of \u200b\u200bneedle insertion, you should mentally divide the area into 4 parts. It is not necessary to divide the whole ass, but each buttocks. Therefore, for the right buttock, the upper right square is selected, and for the left, the upper left;

Choosing an injection site

  • it is necessary to remain calm ourselves, because mother's panic will instantly pass to the baby. If the mother remains calm, acts confidently, then it will be easier for the baby to survive this manipulation;
  • after removing the ampoule from the packaging, you need to treat it with alcohol. Then an incision should be made on the ampoule along the line of the future break. For these purposes, you can use the nail file in the package; you cannot use another tool for this, since there is a risk that glass fragments will remain inside the ampoule;
  • it is recommended to open the syringe from the piston side;
  • when putting on a syringe, you need to leave a protective cap on the needle;
  • if the drug is in dry form, then it should first be diluted, based on the doctor's recommendation. For this, water for injection is most often used;
  • after which it is necessary to remove the needle and draw the recommended amount of medication into the syringe;
  • then you need to remove the air. For which it is necessary to direct the syringe upwards. Tap the syringe so that the air bubbles rise as close to the needle as possible. After that, you should push the piston to expel the air outside.

After dialing the medicine, you need to remove air from the needle

Advice: preparation must be carried out in such a way that the child does not see all the manipulations.

How to give an injection

To relax the area of \u200b\u200bthe injection and disperse the blood, you should warm your hands, massage your buttock. For psychological preparation of the crumbs, you can try to turn on his favorite cartoon, give him a syringe without a needle, so that the crumbs about three give an injection to the bear cub. You need to try to distract the baby in such a way that he does not notice the syringe applied over him. In this case, the buttock will not be tense, and the needle will enter faster and easier.

How to insert the needle correctly - diagram

Then you should wipe the required square with a cotton swab, previously treated with alcohol, from left to right and remove the cap from the needle. In children, with your free hand, you should collect the skin in a fold, when put to adults, then the skin, on the contrary, stretches.

With a quick and confident movement, the needle should be inserted at a right angle to 75% of its length, this is necessary for better administration of the drug. When the drug is injected to a shallower depth, the therapeutic effect will decrease and a lump may appear. The thumb must be placed on the plunger, and the syringe must be held between the middle and forefinger. By gently pressing the plunger, you need to slowly inject the drug.

Observing all the simple rules, it will be easy to give injections to the baby, after the procedure, you need to remember to praise the baby.

Video. How to give injections to children - video guide.

How to give an injection to a small child?

All children and even adults are afraid of injections. This unpleasant procedure is very important for the formation of the child's immunity, especially at an early age. Therefore, it is necessary to vaccinate, despite all the whims of the child. We will tell you how to give an injection to a small child, without bringing him great mental and physical torment.

How to prepare your child for the injection?

Whether it is a trip to the clinic for vaccinations, or you are going to give an injection to a child at home on your own, the child must be psychologically prepared for this procedure. Try to explain, and it is better to show your kid everything in a playful way, so that he treats this as another adventure. In no case should you deceive the child with the phrases "it will be completely invisible" or give an injection on the sly, in which case you can lose the child's trust. It is better to honestly tell and show everything to him.

During the vaccination at the clinic, hold your child well so that he can feel your support. A child's fear of being vaccinated must be respected - everyone has their own fears, and that's okay. If you poke fun at your child's fears of others, the child may later withdraw from you and the doctors. Also, you cannot scare a child with an injection, a doctor or a hospital - for a child in any case it is stress, and so the fear of injections can develop into an unmotivated phobia. The best thing you can do for your child is to help him get the injection as comfortable as possible.

Doing an injection to a small child at home?

It is not always possible to go to the clinic or call a doctor at home. In some cases, you can do the vaccinations yourself at home.

For this you will need:

  • ampoule with medicine;
  • disposable syringe for injection;
  • alcohol;
  • sterile cotton wool.

Choose a syringe with the thinnest possible needle to minimize pain during the injection.

Before the injection, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and wipe them with a sterile napkin to avoid getting infection at the injection site. Massage the baby's buttocks.

Open the ampoule with the medicine with sterile cotton wool, unpack the disposable syringe. Fill the syringe with the medicine from the ampoule, make sure that there is no air in the syringe, and there is a sufficient amount of medicine.

Place the baby on a flat surface or on your lap. It is important that the child does not wriggle or twitch when the needle is inserted. It is best if you have an assistant who can monitor the stable position of the child.

The injection site should be in the upper outer part of the buttock, where there are no vessels and nerves that cannot be touched. When the injection site is determined, wipe the skin with a cotton swab and alcohol. Insert the needle gently at right angles to the buttock. After inserting the needle, slightly lift the plunger of the syringe, if the medicine begins to seep into the blood, then you have entered the artery and you need to change the injection site. If there is no blood, slowly inject the medicine, then remove the needle from the buttock and wipe the injection site with alcohol.

How to inject a child into the buttock correctly?

Parents are always very worried when their baby is sick with even the most common cold. In any case, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician so that he can examine the child and prescribe an appropriate treatment course. Often in practice, there are situations when even babies need to be injected. Few parents know how to inject a child into the buttock. It is simply necessary to master the rules and techniques of such manipulation, since parents sometimes have to give injections on their own.

Do not forget that pharmacological preparations intended for intramuscular administration can only be prescribed by the attending specialist. In no case, do not choose medicines for injections yourself, as the wrong choice or inaccurate dosage can only harm your child.

The pediatrician, after a full-scale examination, will prescribe a treatment course. If intramuscular injections are included in it, then he will definitely tell you in detail about the dosage and frequency of such manipulations.

What is needed for an injection?

First of all, get the necessary pharmacological drugs. If you purchase ready-made injections in liquid form, then you do not need additional funds. There are a number of drugs that are sold in ampoules in powder form. For such injections, you need to purchase a special liquid, for example, lidocaine or novocaine. Do not choose an injection solution on your own, it is best to consult with your doctor.

In order to perform manipulations at home, you need the following materials and items:

  • flat horizontal surface (bed, couch, sofa);
  • antiseptic hand sanitizers or soap;
  • alcohol or solution;
  • cotton pads;
  • a special file for opening the ampoule;
  • medicine;
  • syringes in sealed packaging.

In order to give an injection, it is imperative to purchase syringes in a sealed package. Remember that you can use the syringe only once and then dispose of it. The volume of the syringe should correspond to the nominal volume of the drug being administered. As a rule, injections of children can be given with insulin syringes or with a nominal value of 2 cubes. They have a short and thin needle.

Intramuscular administration of the drug is better for several reasons at once: the gastrointestinal tract is not injured, the drug begins to act faster. There is not always a material opportunity to hire a professional worker, since the services are not cheap. Every parent should know how to give injections to children with their own hands correctly.

Rules and features of the procedure

It is not difficult to do an intramuscular injection correctly if you follow the recommendations. The procedure is carried out in several stages, each of which must be approached with seriousness.

What is needed for the injection

Before giving intramuscular injections to children, it is necessary to purchase the drug. Your doctor will tell you the dosage. We do not recommend taking a higher dosage drug and dividing the ampoule, since each medication must be stored in its own way. A person without knowledge can harm his child, but it is necessary to do everything right.

The second important component is cotton wool. Correctly take sterile at the pharmacy. But it is more convenient to use cotton pads. Price in the store from 20 rubles.

The procedure is carried out correctly under sterile conditions, so alcohol must be purchased. It can be replaced with vodka, but we do not recommend it. Vodka does not kill all bacteria, since the alcohol is diluted in it. You can buy ready-made liquid for injection at a pharmacy, it costs from 70 rubles.

Syringes with a fine and sharp needle. For children under 3 years old, you can take two cube syringes; for older children, the needles from a small syringe may not be enough to make an intramuscular injection into the buttock correctly.

If the medicine is administered not intramuscularly, but subcutaneously to the child, then complications are possible: a lump, abscess.

It is better to purchase an imported syringe with a rubberized piston. The medicine is injected so smoothly and the medicine will dissolve better, and it will be easier to do the procedure in the buttock.

Preparing for the injection correctly

Before giving an injection into the buttock, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. If not, wipe them with alcohol.

An intramuscular injection is given to the child in the buttock. To determine the place where the needle is inserted into the buttock, conditionally divide the muscle into 4 parts. You need to inject into the upper right side of the buttock. If there are several injections, then the buttocks are changed.

The needle should be inserted into the buttock with a confident and quick movement, it depends on how painful the child will be.

The ampoule with the drug is wiped with alcohol and opened. If there is no breakage point, then use a special knife. The tool is included in the package. The syringe is unpacked, the needle is put in its place.

Dry medication is diluted with a special composition for injection or anesthetic (icecaine). The better to dilute the powder, the specialist will tell you. You need to stir directly in the bottle without opening. For this, another needle is taken and liquid is collected, poured into a bottle and everything is shaken well. It is drawn into a syringe and the needle is replaced.

A different needle is used to draw the medicine from a vial with a tight rubber cap, as the tip may become blunt and when injected, it will experience pain.

The medicine is drawn into a syringe. It is turned upside down with a needle and lightly tapped on the walls. This procedure will help expel air. Then tear the plunger so that the medicine comes out of the needle a little.

You can start the procedure.

We put an intramuscular injection in the buttock

An intramuscular injection of a child into the buttock can be done by the following actions:

The child was given an intramuscular injection. And how they talk about the procedure in E. Malysheva's program, let's look at the video:

Repeat the procedure every day on different buttocks, otherwise the child will have bumps from the accumulation of medication. If the bumps hurt, lubricate the place with traxevasin and draw an iodine mesh.

Forewarned is forearmed

  1. Before the procedure, you need to play with the baby. You can buy a doctor's kit with plastic syringes and show on toys how the injection will be given. The kid should not be afraid and strain the muscle, otherwise the needle will break. If this happens, call an ambulance immediately.
  2. The child needs to carry out all the manipulations confidently, children should not see the fears of adults. Otherwise, the baby will become even more nervous.
  3. If an intramuscular injection causes fear in a child, calm him down and distract him.
  4. Do not deceive your baby by saying that the procedure is completely painless. On the contrary, say that it will hurt, but he is strong and courageous, how proud you are of him.
  5. Throw away the needle, after closing the cap. The syringe can be washed in hot water and given to the child. Let the baby also treat his dolls or bears. So, psychologically, the procedures will be easier.
  6. After the injection, praise your baby and give him something, such as candy or a toy. This will be a great motivation to be patient next time.

Follow the rules and intramuscular injections for children will not be difficult to put with their own hands. A little practice and the procedure will not cause fear.

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Reading time: 7 minutes


Unfortunately, situations when a mother is forced to undergo "express training" in the technique of intramuscular injections are not uncommon. Someone cannot leave a sick child in the hospital, someone simply does not have a hospital nearby, and another mother is not able to pay for the services of a nurse. Here the question arises - how to give injections to a child. By the way, this "talent" can come in handy in the most unexpected situation. Therefore, we remember ...

What is needed for injections of a newborn in the ass - we are preparing for manipulation.

First of all, we buy everything we need for injections at the pharmacy:

  • The drug itself ... Naturally, prescribed by a doctor, and only in the dosage that matches the prescription. Checking the expiration date is a must. It is also worth correlating the contents of the ampoule and the description in the instructions (must match).
  • Medical alcohol.
  • Sterile cotton wool.
  • Syringes.

Choosing a syringe for injections for a child correctly:

  • Syringes - disposable only.
  • Intramuscular injection needle usually comes with a syringe. Make sure the needle in the kit is suitable for injection (they are different for water and oil injections).
  • Choosing a syringe with a needle depends on the age and complexion of the baby, the drug and its dosage.
  • The needle should fit easily under the skin, therefore, we choose it correctly - so that the injection, instead of intramuscular, does not turn out to be subcutaneous, and after that we do not have to treat the lump-seal. For babies up to a year: 1 ml syringes for babies. For babies 1-5 years old: syringes - 2 ml, needle - 0.5x25. For children 6-9 years old: syringe - 2 ml, needle 0.5x25 or 0.6x30

Find a place in advance where it will be more convenient to give your baby an injection: the lighting should be bright, the baby should be comfortable, and so should you. Before you unpack the syringe, one more time check the dosage and expiration date of the medicine, drug name.

Preparation for intramuscular injection for a child - detailed instructions.

  • First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. and wipe them with medical alcohol.
  • Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, we give the injection into the gluteus muscle. ... It is not difficult to determine the “point” for the injection: mentally divide the buttock (and not the whole ass!) Into 4 squares and “aim” at the upper right square (if the buttock is right). For the left buttock, the square, respectively, will be the upper left.
  • Keeping calm otherwise, the baby will instantly sense your panic, and it will be very difficult to give an injection. The more confident and relaxed you yourself and, most importantly, the baby, the easier the needle will enter.
  • Wipe the ampoule with alcohol , dry cotton wool or a piece of sterile gauze. We make an incision on the ampoule - along the line of the alleged break. For this, a special nail file is used (usually attached to the package). It is strictly forbidden to beat off, break off, "bite off" the tip of the ampoule without this tool - there is a risk that small fragments will get inside.
  • Unpacking a disposable syringe from the piston side.
  • We connect it with a needle, without removing the protective cap from the needle.
  • If the medicine is in an ampoule - in dry form, we dilute it, according to the instructions and the doctor's prescription, with water for injection or another drug prescribed by the doctor.
  • Remove the cap from the needle and recruiting the required amount of the drug in the syringe.
  • Be sure to remove air from the syringe. To do this, lift the syringe with the needle up, lightly tap the syringe with your finger so that all the air bubbles rise closer to the hole (to the needle). We press on the piston, forcing the air out.
  • If everything is correct - a droplet of the drug appears on the needle hole. Remove the drop with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, put on the cap.

Advice: we carry out all the preparatory manipulations so that the baby does not see them - do not frighten the baby in advance. We leave the prepared syringe with the medicine (and with the cap on the needle) on a clean saucer on the shelf / table and only then call / bring the child into the room.

Intramuscular injection technique for young children - video how to give a child an injection.

  • With warm hands, massage the buttock "For an injection" - gently and gently, to "disperse the blood" and relax the gluteus muscle.
  • Calm down the kid, distract so that he is not afraid. Turn on the cartoon, call dad, dressed up as a clown, or give the kid a toy syringe and a teddy bear - even at this very moment, "give an injection" - for "one-two-three." The ideal option is to distract the baby so that he does not notice the moment when you bring the syringe over his butt. So the gluteus muscle will be more relaxed, and the injection itself will be the least painful and quick.
  • Wipe the injection site with cotton wool (a piece of gauze) moistened with alcohol - from left to right.
  • Remove the cap from the syringe.
  • With your free hand, collect the desired gluteal "Square" in a fold (for adults with injections, on the contrary, the skin is stretched).
  • Fast and abrupt but controlled movement insert the needle at a 90 degree angle. We insert the needle to a depth of three quarters of its length. The injection is intramuscular, so when the needle is inserted to a shallower depth, you reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug and create a "soil" for the appearance of a subcutaneous lump.
  • Thumb - on the piston, and with the middle and index we fix the syringe in the hand. Press the plunger and slowly inject the medicine.
  • Next is the place where the needle is inserted , lightly press with cotton wool dipped in alcohol (prepare in advance), and quickly remove the needle.
  • With the same cotton swab we press the hole from the needle , gently massaging the skin for a few seconds.

Do not forget to draw a fun kid iodine mesh on the pope (at the injection site) so that the medicine is better absorbed, and regularly massage the buttock, to avoid the "bump".

And the most important thing - praise your baby, because he with dignity, like a real fighter, withstood this procedure.

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Unfortunately, situations when a mother is forced to undergo "express training" in the technique of intramuscular injections are not uncommon. Someone cannot leave a sick child in the hospital, someone simply does not have a hospital nearby, and another mother is not able to pay for the services of a nurse. Here the question arises - how to give injections to a child. By the way, this "talent" can come in handy in the most unexpected situation. Therefore, we remember ...

What is needed for injections of a newborn in the ass - we are preparing for manipulation.

First of all, we buy everything we need for injections at the pharmacy:

  • The drug itself ... Naturally, prescribed by a doctor, and only in the dosage that matches the prescription. Checking the expiration date is a must. It is also worth correlating the contents of the ampoule and the description in the instructions (must match).
  • Medical alcohol.
  • Sterile cotton wool.
  • Syringes.

Choosing a syringe for injections for a child correctly:

  • Syringes - disposable only.
  • Intramuscular injection needle usually comes with a syringe. Make sure the needle in the kit is suitable for injection (they are different for water and oil injections).
  • Choosing a syringe with a needle depends on the age and complexion of the baby, the drug and its dosage.
  • The needle should fit easily under the skin, therefore, we choose it correctly - so that the injection, instead of intramuscular, does not turn out to be subcutaneous, and after that it is not necessary to treat the lump-seal. For babies up to a year: 1 ml syringes for babies. For babies 1-5 years old: syringes - 2 ml, needle - 0.5x25. For children 6-9 years old: syringe - 2 ml, needle 0.5x25 or 0.6x30

Find a place in advance where it will be more convenient to give your baby an injection: the lighting should be bright, the baby should be comfortable, and so should you. Before you unpack the syringe, one more time check the dosage and expiration date of the medicine, drug name.

Preparation for intramuscular injection for a child - detailed instructions.

  • First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. and wipe them with medical alcohol.
  • Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, we give the injection into the gluteus muscle. ... It is not difficult to determine the “point” for the injection: mentally divide the buttock (and not the whole ass!) Into 4 squares and “aim” at the upper right square (if the buttock is right). For the left buttock, the square, respectively, will be the upper left.
  • Keeping calm otherwise, the baby will instantly sense your panic, and it will be very difficult to give an injection. The more confident and relaxed you yourself and, most importantly, the baby, the easier the needle will enter.
  • Wipe the ampoule with alcohol , dry cotton wool or a piece of sterile gauze. We make an incision on the ampoule - along the line of the alleged break. For this, a special nail file is used (usually attached to the package). It is strictly forbidden to beat off, break off, "bite off" the tip of the ampoule without this tool - there is a risk that small fragments will get inside.
  • Unpacking a disposable syringe from the piston side.
  • We connect it with a needle, without removing the protective cap from the needle.
  • If the medicine is in an ampoule - in dry form, we dilute it, according to the instructions and the doctor's prescription, with water for injection or another drug prescribed by the doctor.
  • Remove the cap from the needle and recruiting the required amount of the drug in the syringe.
  • Be sure to remove air from the syringe. To do this, lift the syringe with the needle up, lightly tap the syringe with your finger so that all the air bubbles rise closer to the hole (to the needle). We press on the piston, forcing the air out.
  • If everything is correct - a droplet of the drug appears on the needle hole. Remove the drop with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, put on the cap.

Advice: we carry out all the preparatory manipulations so that the baby does not see them - do not frighten the baby in advance. We leave the prepared syringe with the medicine (and with the cap on the needle) on a clean saucer on the shelf / table and only then call / bring the child into the room.

Intramuscular injection technique for young children - video how to give a child an injection.

  • With warm hands, massage the buttock "For an injection" - gently and gently, to "disperse the blood" and relax the gluteus muscle.
  • Calm down the kid, distract so that he is not afraid. Turn on the cartoon, call dad, dressed up as a clown, or give the kid a toy syringe and a teddy bear - even at this very moment, "give an injection" - for "one-two-three." The ideal option is to distract the baby so that he does not notice the moment when you bring the syringe over his butt. So the gluteus muscle will be more relaxed, and the injection itself will be the least painful and quick.
  • Wipe the injection site with cotton wool (a piece of gauze) moistened with alcohol - from left to right.
  • Remove the cap from the syringe.
  • With your free hand, collect the desired gluteal "Square" in a fold (for adults with injections, on the contrary, the skin is stretched).
  • Fast and abrupt but controlled movement insert the needle at a 90 degree angle. We insert the needle to a depth of three quarters of its length. The injection is intramuscular, so when the needle is inserted to a shallower depth, you reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug and create a "soil" for the appearance of a subcutaneous lump.
  • Thumb - on the piston, and with the middle and index we fix the syringe in the hand. Press the plunger and slowly inject the medicine.
  • Next is the place where the needle is inserted , lightly press with cotton wool dipped in alcohol (prepare in advance), and quickly remove the needle.
  • With the same cotton swab we press the hole from the needle , gently massaging the skin for a few seconds.

Do not forget to draw a fun kid iodine mesh on the pope (at the injection site) so that the medicine is better absorbed, and regularly massage the buttock, to avoid the "bump".

And the most important thing - praise your baby, because he with dignity, like a real fighter, withstood this procedure.

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There are times in life when a child needs to get an intramuscular injection on his own. It can be an emergency, when the ambulance is late and the baby needs help here and now. A foreign country, an uncomfortable daily routine, material difficulties - all this can become a serious incentive for a mother to learn how to give injections to her child herself. In addition, this is not difficult to do, the main thing is to follow all the instructions.

Preparation for injection

Even at the consultation with a doctor, ask your doctor about whether it is possible to replace the injection with a medicine in a different form. Indeed, instead of intramuscular medication, you can use a suspension. If the dosage form can be changed, do so. An injection for a child is a severe stress, and if you can avoid it, do so.

Often, injections are prescribed in the event that you need an early exposure to the drug. The medicine, administered as an injection, acts faster, is better absorbed, and does not damage the walls of the stomach. Check the dosage of the medicine when you write your prescription. If you do not fully understand the technique of mixing the medicine, ask that the first injection be given with you. Carefully observe the health worker - does the medicine need to be diluted, if so, what should the medicine be diluted with - novocaine or the anesthetic lidocaine?

After you know what and how to do, you can start to perform the procedure yourself. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap or rubbing alcohol. All preparations should take place in the next room, in no case in front of the child. This can scare and agitate the baby.

For children under three years old, you need to take small syringes, no more than two cubes. Their needle is thinner, which means that the injection will be less painful. If for some reason you need to inject a large amount of the drug, you can buy separately thin sterile needles and use them. You will also need rubbing alcohol and sterile cotton wool for the injection. It is better not to replace alcohol with vodka, since the concentration of alcohol there is less.

So, with clean hands you need to open the ampoule with the injection solution. Many ampoules have a special notch. If it is not there, there should be a special small file in the pack of ampoules, with which you can make this notch. To avoid cutting yourself with thin glass, use cotton wool to open the cap. After that, open the syringe, insert the needle into place and draw up the solution. Then inject it into the powdery medicine bottle. It is not required to open the bottle completely, just pierce the rubber cap with a needle. Then let the medicine dissolve completely, shake the bottle.

If you are giving an injection to a child, make sure that he experiences as little pain as possible. To do this, you need to take a second needle, because the first becomes blunt when piercing the rubber cap. If you do not plan to use a second needle, do not remove the syringe needle after injecting the injection. Let the syringe stick out of the vial. And after the powder is completely dissolved, draw the dissolved medicine into a syringe.

Then place the syringe upright with the needle, tap it lightly to expel any air bubbles. If a small part of the air enters the muscle along with the medicine, it's okay.

How to prepare your child for the injection

For a young child, an injection is a kind of punishment. Unbearable pain that you must help him overcome. Do not fool the kid, do not say that it will not hurt. Especially if such a procedure is for the first time. Tell your baby that it will hurt a little, but your mom will be there and support you. Tell the baby that the injection is like a mosquito bite - you just need to be patient.

You can buy a medical kit with a syringe and other medical supplies for your child in advance. Show your kid how to use a spoon to check the neck of the dolls, how to give the bear an injection, how to treat toys. In no case should you frighten a child with a doctor, an injection and a hospital. The doctor should be a friend for the kid, a savior who helps him get rid of the disease.

To give an injection in a hysterical environment is highly undesirable. If the baby kicks, does not give himself an injection, does not want to hear anything, leave the child for half an hour. At this moment, mom should calm him down, hug the baby, show that she is there. In no case do not make fun of your baby's fears, do not tell others, they say, imagine, and Vasya is afraid to give an injection, well, what kind of man is he ?! This undermines your trusting relationship with your baby.

Promise your child that after the injection, mom will definitely give you a candy, give a new toy, read your favorite book. And in no case do not deceive him - keep this promise.

  1. Before the injection, it is better for the child to remove the pants so that the elastic does not squeeze the buttocks and legs.
  2. Despite the fact that the child has calmed down, he must be held. During the procedure, he may twitch, this will lead to unpleasant consequences. It will be better if you give the injection with a helper who will hold the baby. It is important to fix your baby's arms and legs.
  3. With sufficient experience of the mother and the small age of the child, the injection can be given without an assistant. To do this, put the baby on your knees and fix his legs between your knees.
  4. Massage your baby's buttocks with a few movements. This will allow him to relax a little.
  5. Divide the baby's buttock into 4 parts mentally. The injection should be done in the upper outer quarter of the buttocks.
  6. Wipe the injection site with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. Quickly but firmly and gently push the syringe into the designated area at a right angle. The needle should go in half or a little more. It is not necessary to squeeze the baby's skin, because the syringe is small, and there is no likelihood of touching the periosteum.
  7. Make sure that the child is not hysterical, calm him down. If he squeezes the buttocks, the muscles can break the needle. Do not show your child your fear, it affects his condition. Show that you are confident in the process.
  8. If possible, inject the medicine slowly. So it is better absorbed, and after the injection there are no bumps and seals left. However, if the child is crying a lot, do not prolong the procedure and try to finish it as soon as possible.
  9. After the medicine has been injected, carefully remove the needle and wipe the injection site with a cotton swab and alcohol.
  10. Hug and comfort your child. He suffered a great test that must be rewarded!

If the course consists of several injections, you need to alternate the buttocks. After the procedure, do not forget to throw away the needles and broken ampoules - the child may injure himself with them.

Dangerously! If the needle breaks during the procedure, call an ambulance immediately.

How to prepare a child for an injection at a clinic

Sometimes it happens that it is not you who should give the injection to the child, but the doctor in the clinic. Most often this is a vaccination. How to prepare your child for this?

When you go to a medical facility, you do not need to tell your child that you are only going to get help. Do not deceive the baby - the thread of trust between the mother and the baby is so easy to break, and it will be very difficult to restore it. Tell your child to get an injection to keep him from getting sick. If he is given just one injection, he will be protected from various dangerous diseases.

Don't say the injection will be painless. Tell the baby that the injection hurts a little, then he is so strong and courageous that he is not afraid of anything. If the child is nervous, do not laugh at him, treat his feelings with understanding.

Doctors who vaccinate usually treat children well and know how to establish contact with them. These rooms often contain toys that can distract the child. Let your toddler relax and explore new toys. Give him time and only then proceed with the procedure. After giving the injection, tell your child how proud you are of him.

Remember, the right approach develops a competent child's attitude to medical procedures. Do not scare him with doctors and injections, do not deceive the baby, do not show your own fear. And then it will not be difficult to give an injection to a child.

Video: how to properly inject into the buttock