The theme of the Great Patriotic War in poetry of military years. Writing on the topic of military theme in poetry A. A. Akhmatova, K. M. Simonova and S. S. Orlova Concept the topic in literary

In the poetry of the 30s and early 40s, the premonition of an impending military thunderstorm has already emerged. In Germany, fascism came to power, the sinister shadow of the swastika fell into Europe. Therefore, the whole progressively thinking intelligentsia took desperate attempts to block the road fascism. The poets fought by the weapon, which the nature gave them, - the word weapons. Poems and songs about the war appeared on newspaper stripes with the first messages about hostilities. The war, as the worst test, exacerbates human feelings, exposes the soul and, thus, facilitates the impact on a person with a word, filled with sympathy, promotion. And the impact of the poetic word increases. Therefore, you can imagine how the hearts of the soldiers who did not listen to the words Anna Akhmatova:

* We know that now lies on the scales.
* And what is performed now.
* Hour courage broke through our watch,
* And the courage does not leave us.

Love for the Motherland was a characteristic feature of poetess. And when the second came world War, A. Akhmatov alone responded to this misfortune. In his works, she sneaks the courage and heroism of patriots, describes the difficulties and horrors of the war ("oath", "courage", "not with those who threw the land ...").

* To someone who boldly fights for their homeland
* Not scary under the bullets are dead to lie down,
* Do not hurt without bed ...

The country threatened the danger of destroying, slavery, so the young and old men came to fight. For those who remained in the deposited cities, there was a big pain to part with loved ones. The poetess appeals to such people, saying that sadness and pain should be turned. In courage and power so that fascism is defeated:

* And the one says goodbye to Milm today
* Let the pain of their by virtue of it interpret.

Another poet, Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov, saw the war with his own eyes and knew well what it was. He, as he wrote in autobiography, "I had to put on a military uniform and not to remove it until the end of the war." In the poem "Major brought a boys on the boiler ..." describes the impression that made a "gray-haired boy" on the lyrical hero, who died a mother:

* You know this grief.
* And it crushed hearts.
* Someone saw this boy,
* Home will not be able to finish.

The poems of these wonderful poets make us think about the horror that brings the war in the life of a person creaches it and leaves bleeding wounds in the soul.

Poetry of military years.

The years of the Great Patriotic War caused an unprecedented surgery of civil, patriotic poetry.
The feeling of the motherland aggravated. People appear, in which the image of the Motherland, Russia is filled with the historical depth ("Duma about Russia" D. Kedrina, "Field of Russian Glory" S. Vasilyeva, "Word about Russia" M. Isakovsky).
Of particular importance is the feeling of national self-consciousness (K. Simonov "you remember, Alyosha ..."). For many poets, the years of war were a new page of creativity, a turning point, which rebuilt their style (Pasternak, Akhmatova). At the beginning of the war, the poetry developed within the framework of journalistic and uniform genres, which were invited, campaign. Of particular importance in the poetry of the military period had a song. On the very first day of the war, the song V. Lebedeva-Kumacha "Sacred War" appeared, which became the poetic emblem of the Great Patriotic War. In the "Holy War" anger against the invaders, hate them were expressed with such force, which later became a stem of military poetry. Conscious character had a "brave song" A. Surkov. It was very important to reach the soul to the heart of the defender of the Motherland. A intimate lyrical feeling and civilian pathos joined the songs. The most intimate movements of the soul acquired the nature of the typical, common, love for a distant girl, longing for her merged with love for their native land. Written during the war "in the front-line forest", "Spark", "better there is no color ..." M. Isakovsky, "in the dugout", "lyrical song" A. Surkov, "Dark night" V. Agatova, "Nightingale "A. Fatyanova, the" cherished stone "A. Zharov revealed the soul of the people. In the songs found a place and hatred, freedom and "noble rage". At the beginning of the war in poetry there were two contrasting paints - black and white, two feelings - hatred and love. Gradually, the "poster" poetry enriched with shades of feelings, acquired more complex. It intensified its realism and at the same time individual, personal intonation. The war spoke not only in his general, unexplored essence, but also in specific details of military life. One of the most deeply lyrical books of wartime was the "front notebook" A. Surkov. Poems written during retreats are transmitted intermittent, heavy breathing of battles, the departure of the Soviet troops along with the residents of the left areas: the crowds of people without the end and the number went to meet them in the morning wound. I remember: the old woman was a goat, the girl in thin handms carried a small bush of Chashla Gerani. He drove them from the city horror night, the flame was roaring behind them.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe collection is hatred for the invaders and the feeling of revenge. Having poems on the cycles, Surkov invariably opens them with the heading: "I sing hate." The originality of the Surkov lyrics is to combine the chamber of the voice with high patter content, in the image of great events through the tragic details of the war. Surkov considered himself a soldier, the "socket" poet, the meaning of whose creativity - to reach the heart of the soldier, to support him by a simple sincere word.
Therefore, he denied the "beautiful" poetry, distracted from the terrible weekdays of war: I'm not measured with the usual measure, without a sense, all that the thunderstorm of the war is shocked. The one who walks close near death, in the world to see a lot is given. ... when the snow was bagging by the blood of Alo, with the soul of the soldier, that to throw sin, like a dead leaf on the autumn, opal of beautiful words dry husk. Close to the perception of war to Surkov was K. Simonov. One of the first military poems is dedicated to A. Surkov - "You remember, Alyosha, the roads of Smolensk region ..." This is a lyrical poem, in the center of which is the way of the Motherland. The poet understands that the Motherland is primarily the people, that "the gray old woman in the Saltchik plie, all in white, as a dressed old man." Motherland is being comprehended sincerely, emotionally. Simonov is proud that he is Russian that the Russian mother gave us to the light that I wish us into battle, the Russian woman in Russian hugged me three times. The poem is built on two threads - leaving east, retreating army and floating out of sight of the remaining enemy native land. In the poem "Motherland" of Simonov again refers to the topic of land, nation, the people. "Big" homeland, the whole country is reflected in the concrete "small" homeland, in that piece of land, ... where we were lucky enough to be born, where for life, to death, we found the handful of the earth, which is suitable to see in it signs All Earth. The gentle lyrical sense of love develops into a pathetic speech conclusion: yes, you can survive in a heat, in a thunderstorm, in the frost, yes, you can get cold and starve, go to death ... But these three birch trees can not give anyone. The favorite lyrical poem Simonov among the soldiers was "waiting for me", written as a fighter spell with his beloved. During the war, a very common genre was a ballad, which gave the possibility of an image of the heroic act in the deployed form. At the heart of Simonov's ballad "Son of the Artilleryman" lies one episode - the heroic deed of lamentage, which caused the fire of the battery. The drama of the event was deepened by the fact that the fire adjusts the father of Lenka. Ballads, as a rule, were devoted to specific episodes or specific people: "Ballad about the three Communists" N. Tikhonov, "Ballad on the battle banner" I. Selvinsky, "Ballad on Red Armycece Demin" A. Prokofiev. Love for a person-compatriot, pain for tragic fates, broken lives permeated Poems M. Isakovsky.
The poet wrote not only song poems, but also deep psychological reflections on the fate of the soldier, whose "enemies burned their native hut, thoroughly thoroughly." One Russian woman sounds the lines of the same name poem. The poet admires the power, endurance, the courage of a woman who "with his own fate one on one". The poem created the image of the faithful, pure girlfriend, his wife, sisters, whose works and prayers was supported by the military spirit: and will you really tell about it, in what years you lived, such immeasurable severity on the female shoulders lay down.
A large development during the war of war received a poem that could accommodate both the epic, orphanage, and personal, lyrical.
The most famous "Son" of P. Antocolsky, "Zoya" M. Aliger, "February Diary" O. Berggolts, "Vasily Terkin" A. Tvardovsky.
During the Great Patriotic War, all the poetry was combined with a single sense - love for his homeland.
A characteristic feature of poetry was the combination of drama and lyricism, simplicity and nationality of the tongue.

Philological science literary studies

Russian literature

Kiparisova S. O., Cofman O. S.

(Ryazan Higher Airborne Team School named after Army General V. F. Marghelova)

Military topics in poetry of the 20th century

The great school of courage and heroism will forever remain in the memory of people the Great Patriotic War, which received a multifaceted reflection in the literature of the 20th century.

The topic of war is inexhaustible. All new and new works appear, which again and again make it return to fiery events now sixtt five years ago and see in a modern person what we have not realized and appreciated.

The Great Patriotic War demanded from our people, from each person the tension of all his mental and physical forces. Again and again investigate writers of the origins of that victory.

War not only does not cancel, it makes even more acute moral problems, a sense of civil debt, responsibility. The clarity of the goals and objectives in the war cannot serve as an excuse for any moral illegibility. She does not relieve a person from the need to fully respond for their actions, to comprehend what is happening. Life in war is life with all its spiritual and moral problems in their complexity and contradictions.

Speaking about the literature dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, appreciating it, usually as a reference of artistic perfection turns to the poetry of the Great Patriotic War of the twentieth century. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people, which he led over four long years with German fascism, defending both the independence of his homeland and the existence of the entire civilized world, was a new stage in the development of Soviet literature.

During these two decades, the Soviet literature was gradually entered, along with various artists of the older generation, new names. In the midst of the war, in the summer of 1944, Konstantin Simonov, whose poetic glory was then in Zenith, printed an article by "We think about missing", in which I paid attention to the fact that among the front-line people, more and more literary people are revealed every month; They are the same workers of war, like millions of other people who have absorbed such a rich stock of impressions for their writing life.

The gloss of war gave birth to a whole generation of young poets, which then called front-line, their names are now widely known.

It is known that the Great Patriotic War did not find the poets by surprise: in the first days of battle, most of them went to the fronts - as soldiers, officers, military correspondents, sannicers.

The war against fascism was not material for books for writers, but the fate - the people and their own. Their life was then different from the life of their heroes. Very often writers, most of which became front journalists, had to be engaged not only by their direct responsibilities, many just found themselves in the ranks - to fight in the infantry

parts, in the militia, in partisans. The writer never heard so distinctly the heart of the people - for this he had to listen to his heart.

Every third of the writers who went to the front - about four hundred people - did not return from the war.

Mikhail Kulchitsky, Pavel Kogan, Nikolai Majorov, Boris Chatkov, Vsevolod Bagritsky and many others - they were all very young, most of them were not twenty years old when they died. Almost all of them went to the front by volunteers, and some were not taken to the front for health, but they still achieved their own.

Moussa Jalil - Tatar poet - In 1942, a seriously wounded was captured, concluded in a concentration camp, where he organized the underground group, arranged the shoots of Soviet prisoners of war. For participation in the underground organization executed in a military prison pitchcene. In 1956, the poet posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Through the Belgian partisan, the Moabit prisoner, Jalil handed over to the will of a notebook with his verses: "My songs", "do not believe", "after the war" and others. For the cycle of poems "Moabitskaya notebook" poet in 1957, the Leninsky was posthumously Prize.

The poetess Julia Drounina Sixteen-year-old Girl met the war, worked as a nurse, then fought, was injured, then fought again. After the contusion, November 21, 1944 received a statement with a statement - it is not enough for military service. Huge importance in his work, Yulia Drunina, took the topic of women in the war. In her verses, the deep contradiction of the very fact of the participation of a woman in hostilities is revealed.

Military Lyrics made the name of Constantine Simonov widely known. His poems were taught to fight, overcome military and rear told: fear, death, hunger, devastating. Moreover, they helped not only fight, but also live.

The cycle of poems about the war of Simonov usually opened with a laconic record "from the diary". Naked household details, he speaks of the transition from peaceful time to an unexpected military misfortune. Unusual sequel, bitterness, maternal tears, and then first death, and endless bombing - all this together taken ending with the phrase, in which surprise sounds, and the refusal of illusions, and irony, and, above all, maturity, calm masculinity. The most popular poem of the war years - "Wait for me ..." - the message of Simonov's beloved woman. The author did not believe that it would receive a public public. It was published in the truth in January 1942. After some time, "Wait for me." gained incredible popularity. He was rewritten, memorized for memory, read and sang. Dozens of poetic answers appeared on it.

One of the most popular works of wartime is the poem of A. Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin". The success of the poem was just incredible. The soldiers waited for new chapters with impatience, they were cut out, reprinted, memorized by heart. And then there was no man who would not read and did not love "Vasily Terkina." The Hero of the Tvardovsky turned out to be the embodiment of the best features of the warring people, his peculiar "portrait" (there was no wings about Vasily Terkne as a "people-nation").

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will forever remain one of the most important dramatic events of the twentieth century. An impressive chronicle of the Great Patriotic War in Prose, poetry, films, picturesque canvases, monuments was created. A special genre of this chronicle has become a song.

Everyone knows the song V. Lebedev-Kumacha "Sacred War", which was first performed on the Belarusian station in front of the fighters leaving for the front, on the seventh day of war.

Probably, no military song remained unsuccessful. The most popular of them have been preserved so far, and everyone also reminds that it is not easy for the Russian people's people. These are songs: "June 22 at four o'clock", "Soldiers are coming" (words M Lviv, music

K. Molchanova); "We fly migratory birds" (the words M. Isakovsky, M. M. Blanter); "Eh, Roads" (Sl. A. Oshanin, Muses. A. Novikova); "Oh, my fogs" (Sl. M. Isakovsky, Muses. V. Zakharova); "On the way" (music. V. Solovyova-G-gray), "We are people of a large flight" (L. A. Fatyanova and V. Sidorov, Muses B. Mokrousov); "I returned to my homeland" (Sl. M. Mata-owl, music. M. Fradkin); "Why?" (Sl. L. Oshanin, Muses. A. Novikova); "Where are you now, friends-one-pilot?" (Sl. A. Fatyanova, Muses. V. Solovyova-gray); "Native Sevastopol" (S. S. Alymova, Muses. V. Makarova); "Farewell, Rocky Mountains" (Sl. N. Bukina, Muses. E. Zharkovsky); "Let's climb, comrade, one" (executes K. Shulzhenko); "Over the wave of a baby" (Sl. A. Zharova, Muses. K. Lisov), it is impossible not to recall such wonderful songs as: "Cossacks", "Letter to Moscow", "Nightingale", "in the forest for theft" (sl. M. Isakovsky, music. M. Blanter), "Cranes" (Sl. R. Gamzatova).

One of the most popular songs of the War Years, "Dark Night," was written by Nikita theological and Vladimir Agatov for the film "Two Fighters" in the spring of 1942. The film talked about the front friendship of two soldiers whose roles were performed by Boris Andreev and Mark Bernes.

The war went five years old, and every year gave birth to all new and new songs. They brought up hatred for the enemy, chanting their homeland, courage, courage, fighting friendship - all that helped overcome military difficulties, which did not have a number.

Reality - even heroic reality - needs to be confirmed and fastening the art that without this it is not quite complete and can not fully affect the consciousness of people. This is confirmed by our literature about the war, which caused a unparalleled feat of the Soviet peoples in the Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The poems of that time were taught to fight, overcome military and rear tolds: fear, death, hunger, ruin. Moreover, they helped not only fight, but also live.

The shocks of the war gave birth to a whole generation of young poets, which was then named Frontov, their names are now widely known: Julia Drunina, Konstantin Malenkin, Musa Jalil, Mikhail Kulchitsky, Pavel Kogan, Nikolai Majorov, Boris Zhattov, Vsevolod Bagritsky, etc. War times contributed to the creation of poetic Masterpieces and already known at the time of poets - A. Akhmatova, K. Simonova, A. Tvardovsky, V. Agatova, etc.

Poems created during the war years are marked by the sign of the harsh truth of life, the truth of human feelings and experiences. In them, sometimes, even sharp, even visiting to the dwelling rapist and offenders, the humanistic beginning sounds power. All kinds of poetic weapons: and fiery assigning publicism, and sincere lyrics of the Soldier's heart, and the caustic satire, and large forms of lyrical and lyrical epic poems - found their expression in the poetic experience of military years.

The writing

In the poetry of the 30s and early 40s, the premonition of an impending military thunderstorm has already emerged. In Germany, fascism came to power, the sinister shadow of the swastika fell into Europe. Therefore, the whole progressively thinking intelligentsia took desperate attempts to block the road fascism. The poets fought by the weapon, which the nature gave them, - the word weapons. Poems and songs about the war appeared on newspaper stripes with the first messages about hostilities. The war, as the worst test, exacerbates human feelings, exposes the soul and, thus, facilitates the impact on a person with a word, filled with sympathy, promotion. And the impact of the poetic word increases. Therefore, you can imagine how the hearts of the soldiers who did not listen to the words Anna Akhmatova:

* We know that now lies on the scales.
* And what is performed now.
* Hour courage broke through our watch,
* And the courage does not leave us.

Love for the Motherland was a characteristic feature of poetess. And when the Second World War came, A. Ahmatov was alone responded to this misfortune. In his works, she sneaks the courage and heroism of patriots, describes the difficulties and horrors of the war ("oath", "courage", "not with those who threw the land ...").

* To someone who boldly fights for their homeland
* Not scary under the bullets are dead to lie down,
* Do not hurt without bed ...

The country threatened the danger of destroying, slavery, so the young and old men came to fight. For those who remained in the deposited cities, there was a big pain to part with loved ones. The poetess appeals to such people, saying that sadness and pain should be turned. In courage and power so that fascism is defeated:

* And the one says goodbye to Milm today
* Let the pain of their by virtue of it interpret.

Another poet, Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov, saw the war with his own eyes and knew well what it was. He, as he wrote in autobiography, "I had to put on a military uniform and not to remove it until the end of the war." In the poem "Major brought a boys on the boiler ..." describes the impression that made a "gray-haired boy" on the lyrical hero, who died a mother:

* You know this grief.
* And it crushed hearts.
* Someone saw this boy,
* Home will not be able to finish.

The poems of these wonderful poets make us think about the horror that brings the war in the life of a person creaches it and leaves bleeding wounds in the soul.

MBOU "Evening (changeable) Secondary school № 1"

Methodical development lesson

literature on the topic:

"Poetry of the War Years"

Class 12 A.

Russian language and literature teacher

higher qualifying category

Kildyusheva E.Yu.

Almetyevsk 2014.

Literature lesson in 12as class

Poetry of the military years

Objectives lesson:

    Give an overview of poetry times of the Great Patriotic War;

    Show that poetry, as the most operational genre, combined high patriotic feelings with deep personal experiences of the lyrical hero;

    Rail in students the ability to empathize the lyrical hero;

    Develop a sense of duty and respect for memory of those killed during the Great

Equipment lesson: Record songs of the war years and the author's performance of the poem K. Simonov "Wait for me", poetic collections, presentation.

Type of lesson: Lesson for the formation and improvement of knowledge

Type of lesson: Lesson - Overview

During the classes

Epigraph to the lesson: / Slide number 3 /

I just saw a hand-to-hand.

Once - in reality. And thousand - in a dream.

Who says that in war is not scary,

He knows nothing about the war.

Yu. Drunina

    Class organization.

    The word of the teacher.

Today at the lesson we begin to study the literature of the period of the Second World War. / Slide number 4 /

Flower, in Rosinki all, to the flower a trick,

And the border guard held hands to them.

And the Germans, king coffee to drink, that moment

Sitted in the tanks, closed the hatches.

So all breathe silence

That the whole earth still slept, it seemed.

Who knew that between the world and the war,

Total five minutes left.

This day began not a quiet dear gar, but the crash of bombs, whistle bullets, steel crossed. All that was before, chopped tools, mixed with smoke and bloody-red fire. Many mothers will celebrate this day with a black number. The first hilly graves will appear on many glades.

It was June 22. Forty first year ... War ... And when a spacious sunny world filled a spacious sunlight from the sky along the whole of our western border from the sky, when each Tresting was trembling, on June 22, Moscow writers gathered, as in combat alarm, at a rally.

A. Fadeev, and Zharov, Lebedev-Kumach acted with brief speeches.

"Writers know their place," A.Fadeev said, - in this decisive fight. Many of us will fight with weapons in your hands, many will fight with pen. " The pen was equivalent to the bayonet. Literature put on the front overcoat and stepped into battle.

"Do not try to twist the war. The voice will be heard if the speaker and writing is close to the heart of the warring person, "said A. Surkov.

940 Writers went to the front, 417 were not returned.

The literature of the period - the "brilliant and tragic era", as her poet N. Nikhonov, is the most important stage in the development of Russian art.

True thoughts, however, feeling the most important criterion for the literature of the military years.

Poetry was the most prompt, most popular genre of military years. Poems of many famous poets, such as M.Sakovsky, A.Surkov, K. Simonov, Lebedev-Kumach and others, were laid on music and became popular songs that we all know well: "Katyusha", "in the dugout", "Sacred War" and many others.

(Listening to a fragment of the song "Sacred War" on the background of slides, illustrating the events of the Second World War) / Slide number 5 /

It was the poetry that expressed the need for people in the truth, without which a sense of responsibility for their country is impossible.

Therefore, the goal of our lesson is not only to give an overview of poetry times of the Second World War, but also to show that poetry, as the most operational genre, combined high patriotic feelings with deep personal experiences of the lyrical hero.

    Overview of poetry times of the Second World War.

1. Typing the topic of the lesson with a record in the notebook.

2.- The poetess Y.Drunina has a poem consisting of one quatrain (the epigraph of the lesson is read)

Today at the lesson, reading the poems of war years, we learn more about the war and confirm or refute the word Y. Drunina.

3. Organization of students in pairs

In front of you on the tables, the texts of the poems of different poets of times of the Second World War.

Task: Prepare an expressive reading of the poem and give it a brief analysis. Before reading the poems, one student from a couple gives a brief biographical certificate about the poet prepared at home.

1 group poem A.Surkov "Washing with a sleeve ..." / Slide number 6 /

Surkov Aleksey


Erase sleeve

From forehead dense blood,

Before the boomer of enemy dota,

Covered deep moat,

He is aiming and again

Sen split machine gun.

The projectile explodes.

The earth flies by the rupture,

Fragments tongue bugs of frozen bumps,

And bullets fly all

As if in the ground

Fiercated machine gunner.

Mixed with blood flow

Soldier labor.

Rushing with clanging tanks on the clearing.

Metelitsa tags.

And the Red Star

Flickers on a snow-covered UCHAN.

And dynamite, and tol,

And the conducting metal

And the evil fever of the machine:

He entered this hell

He is in the flame to know

Your difficult debt of the infantry soldier.

Leading year after year

Cruel struggle

He, in the thunder of giant offensive,

Hundreds of years ahead

Satisfied with fate

Born and coming generations.

For the joy of labor

Cut in keeping

He is home to Victory Victory Wonderful.

My soul is proud

What I lived next to him,

What helped him his soldiers' song.


2 Group-poem of Y.Drunina "Zinka" / Slide No. 8 / Zinka.

1. We lay down the broken ate,

We are waiting for when it starts to brighten.

Under the cooler together warmer

On the Odrog, crude land.

You know, Yulka, I am against sadness,

But today she does not count.

At home, in apple zaughter,

Mom, my mother lives.

You have friends, loved one.

I have only one.

Behind the threshold is boils spring.

Old seems: every bush

Restless daughter waiting

You know, Yulka, I am against sadness,

But today she does not count.

We warmly worried barely

Suddenly the order: "Perform!"

Again near the raw overcoat

Sveta soldier goes.

2. Every day it became near.

Went without rallies and replacements.

In the surrounding, got under Ors

Our shabby battalion.

Zinka led us to the attack.

We made our way black rye,

For funnels and bouras,

Through mortar.

We did not wait for postathy glory,

We wanted to live with glory.

Why in Banding Blood

Sky soldier lying

Her body with his chinel

She slapped, squeezing teeth.

Belarusian huts sang

About Ryazan deaf gardens.

3. You know, Zinka, I am against sadness,

But today she does not count.

At home, in apple zaughter

Mom, your mother lives.

I have friends favorite

She had one.

Smells in the hut quashers and smoke,

Behind the threshold is boils spring.

And old woman in colorful dress

Icons have a candle lit

I do not know how to write to her

So that she did not wait for you.

An analysis of poems is given and conclusions are made on the subject of the lesson.

(The main idea, expressed in the listened poems, the war fills the life of each person, brings with his pain, suffering, death).

4. - Communication with the house, confidence that you protect your family, what you are waiting for you, gave the power to fight and believe in victory. Popular was the poem K. Simonov "Wait for me." / Slide number 10 /

Conversation for the analysis of the poem:

Why did the fighters in the trenches rewrite and knew the text of this poem?

What is the power of this lyrical work?

Conclusion: The poem sounds like a spell like a prayer. Such a feeling is created by repeating the words "wait for me."

3 Group-poem O. Bugoltz "Army" / Slide No. 7 /


I will say - the army ... I remember the day - in winter,

january Day forty second year.

My girlfriend went home with children -

they carried water from the river in bottles.

Their path was terrible, although not far away.

And a man in her cooler came up to them,

looked - and took out herds,

three hundredthgram, all iced,

and broke, and children gave someone

and stood until they filed.

And mother hand gray as smoke

tumbled before the sleeve of the sheel.

Touched, not spread in the face ...

I did not see the world of moving thanks!

We knew everything about the lives of our armies,

we stood with us in the city, in the ring.

They separated. Mother went to the right

fighter ahead - in the snow and on the ice.

He walked to the front, for Narva,

from hunger swinging on the go.

He walked to the front, painfully fell

shame of father, men and soldiers:

the huge city died behind him

in the gray rays of the January sunset.

He walked to the front, defeated nonsense,

always remember - no, not remembering - knowing,

that a woman looks like him

thanks to him, without turning.

He snow swallowed, he felt with annoyance,

that too heavy automatic

good to the front and got into ambush

on the extermination of enemy soldiers ...

Now you understand - why

no army on the whole of the land of love

there is no devotee to her people,

generous and invincible!

January 1942.

Poetry strengthened the soul of man, and the poems were created not only at the front. The voice of the blockade Leningrad became the poetess Olga Berggolts.

Later she remembered:

I think that will never be more people to listen to verses as they listened to the poems of Leningrad poets in that winter hungry, swollen, fir live Leningraders. " Truly, the greatness of the Russian spirit is the ability of people experiencing such physical and moral torments, respond to poetry, on art.

It is Olga Bergholz who belongs to the words that have become famous to the world, carved on a granite memorial Piskarevsky cemetery in St. Petersburg:

No one is forgotten, and nothing is forgotten!

I know no of my guilt

In the fact that others did not come from the war,

In the fact that they are older who are younger

Stayed there and not about the same speech

That I could, but I failed to save, -

It's not about that.

But still, nevertheless, still ...

Write, please, as each of you understands the last string of the poem, and can we turn her to ourselves? / Slide number 11 /

/ Independent work of students on the background of the melody of the song "Cranes" /

6. Check job. Reading students of writings is a miniature.

Conclusion based on read works: a sense of aggravated conscience is expressed in the poem, which makes people more humane. "But still, nevertheless, still" is the pain of the soul. "And the soul, in which there is pain, especially not for his own adversity and resentment, and the pain of the neighbor, the most fair, merciful and righteous pain." (B. Okudzhava)

    The outcome of the lesson.

Summing up the lesson, we again appeal to the poetess Y. Drunina. Whether the rights of the poetess, who wrote lines "Who says that in the war is not scary, he knows nothing about the war"? / Student responses.

Why did the poets of the military poult try to show the whole truth about the war and, above all, blood, pain, human suffering? (To show which price our victory is conquered.)

V. Homework: prepare for a seminar on the works of Soviet writers about the Great Patriotic War. / Slide number 12 /

VI Reflection (self-esteem)

VI I. Announcement of estimates for the lesson.