What is the harm of hypodynamia and hyperdynamia. Physical inactivity - what is it? Initial stage with hidden effect

With joy he enjoys all the benefits of civilization and technological progress that the 21st century has given us. Today, you don't have to get off the couch to change channels on your TV. You don't have to go to a meeting with a friend, but just talk to him via the Internet. All this is undoubtedly convenient, but every coin has two sides. So hypodynamia is an integral part of using the benefits of modern civilization. What is this "beast" and how is it dangerous for humans? Let's try to figure it out.

What is physical inactivity?

In medicine, there is no term "physical inactivity", and therefore, there is no such disease.

Despite this, every year this term can be heard more and more often both in medical circles and in the lexicon of people of other specialties. And all under this collective term mean a sedentary lifestyle, which is the cause of the development of many serious human diseases.

In other words, physical inactivity is the minimization of a person's physical activity, which negatively affects all of his vital systems.

The history of the development of the disease

Half a century ago, only people with disabilities were forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle. But over the past fifty years, the situation has changed rapidly. So, for example, the physical labor of a person in manufacturing enterprises was replaced by automated machines. A lot of technology has appeared in everyday life that can facilitate daily everyday worries. And today people have been able to manage their lives without leaving their homes. We can order a dinner from a restaurant or a pizza home, although a couple of years ago it would have taken several hours to purchase food and 1-2 hours to process food to prepare food. Washing machines have completely replaced bulky basins from our everyday life, and ordinary household brooms and mops have replaced washing vacuum cleaners.

And despite such automated assistance, many are completely bewildered by the constant physical fatigue. Some, of course, write off such a state of their body to stress, but in almost all situations, the reason is physical inactivity.

Symptoms of the "disease of civilization"

The slow pace of life, in which a person is inactive and spends most of the day in a sitting position or lying down, affects the work of the cardiovascular system. Such people have an increase in blood pressure, heart rate and pulse increase. In addition, physical inactivity is constant muscle weakness, increased fatigue even after minimal exertion, as well as nervousness and emotional instability.

Such symptoms are familiar to many of us, but we do not even suspect that the fault is the lack of physical activity and atrophied muscles of the body.

Is the disease really to blame?

For those who have doubts about the fact that the reason for the violation of physical and psychological health is precisely physical inactivity, we will consider a couple of irrefutable facts.

Firstly, you can be convinced of the correctness of this opinion by looking at the life of athletes or people who are constantly involved in sports. Their pace of life is much faster than that of those who complain about the constant lack of time and enjoy all the benefits of civilization. They easily wake up after a night's sleep, go for a morning run and in good spirits start their daily duties. Moreover, such people have excellent health. Physical inactivity makes people not only physically weak, but itself is the cause of many ailments.

Secondly, if we observe the behavior of little children who are constantly on the move, we will kindly begin to envy them. They are full of energy and strength, and if we could get their potential, then in a day we would have time to complete all the things planned for the month. But, unfortunately, we were already like that and at a conscious age we ourselves reduced our muscle activity to a minimum.

Thus, it turns out that most of humanity was struck by the "disease of civilization" - physical inactivity. Everyone has their own reasons for this, but they are all based on the fact that such a useful technical progress has done us a disservice.

Consequences of the disease

It would seem, what at first glance can be dangerous for a sedentary lifestyle, while people suffer from incurable cancer and AIDS? But not everything is so simple. Reduced physical activity - physical inactivity - in addition to muscle atrophy is one of the main causes of disruption of the capillary system. At the same time, in humans, arterial and venous areas are significantly narrowed, and the number of smallest vessels is also reduced.

Another consequence of the "disease of civilization", from which more and more people suffer every year, is obesity. This problem has already made scientists around the world think about its solution. And while there is no panacea for overweight, this ailment destroys the health of both adults and children.

In addition to the above-described consequences of hypodynamia, doctors distinguish one more thing - a violation of mineral metabolism and a decrease in the level of calcium in bone tissues. Such changes in the human body cannot pass without leaving a trace, and in most cases are manifested by severe swelling of the arms and legs, as well as pain in the joints.

Treatment of hypodynamia

The main mistake that many people make when they realize that inactivity begins to destroy their health is increased sports. And in some cases it really helps. But still, for many, such a sharp change in physical activity only worsens an already difficult situation. After all, atrophied muscles and the cardiovascular system can simply not withstand such stress and react unpredictably to it.

To avoid such consequences and cope with the disease, it is necessary to correctly assess the current state of your body and only then begin to restore it. After all, hypodynamia is a condition in which the body has already turned on the "function of self-destruction", and before coping with the consequences, this process should be stopped.

Based on the characteristics of the body and the neglect of the disease, it is necessary to gradually increase motor activity. In especially neglected, severe cases, it is better to seek medical help and be examined first. Only after receiving the research results will specialists be able to correctly assess the patient's condition and develop individual complexes of physical activity. In addition, for an effective solution to the problem, a nutritionist will select the correct diet and a complex of vitamins.

Prevention of ailment

In order for the "disease of civilization" to be bypassed, one should be constantly on the alert. You do not need to succumb to momentary weaknesses and feel sorry for yourself. After all, the prevention of hypodynamia consists in constant physical activity, and not in passive rest on a comfortable sofa.

Even those whose work schedule involves spending a lot of time at the computer should not neglect morning exercises, walking and swimming.

In addition, the prevention of hypodynamia implies strict adherence to the daily regimen in combination with a proper diet. In other words, the "disease of civilization" will bypass only those people who are demanding but respectful of their health.

As a result of long-term limitation of physical activity, hypodynamia develops, often called "the disease of civilization." In fact, in official medicine, there is no disease called the term "physical inactivity". However, the lack of physical activity, no worse than any disease, has an extremely negative effect on the body. At first, physical inactivity is manifested by such symptoms as general lethargy, constant fatigue, drowsiness, decreased appetite, bad mood and irritability. But in the long run, physical inactivity can cause a serious disruption in the work of many organs and systems of the body.

Consequences of hypodynamia

When a person spends most of their time in a sitting or lying position, their muscles begin to weaken and lose their elasticity. Without proper activity, the muscles atrophy, their strength and endurance decrease. As a result, there is a disruption in the work of reflex mechanisms. nervous system and metabolic disorders. As a result, vegetative-vascular dystonia and.

Long-term limitation of motor activity causes changes in the musculoskeletal system: bone mass decreases, osteochondrosis develops, etc. In addition, prolonged lack of movement leads to cardiovascular diseases (ischemia, hypertension), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and indigestion. If physical inactivity is accompanied by overeating, excess weight is inevitable.

All of the above consequences of lack of physical activity generally reduce the quality of life and shorten its duration.

Prevention of hypodynamia

The main prevention of physical inactivity is, of course, movement. It should be borne in mind that reasonable physical activity must be complemented by a balanced diet and rejection of unhealthy habits.

Today, a variety of sports clubs and centers have become very common. Regular visits to these institutions usually make up for the lack of movement. So that sports do not become a heavy duty, you should choose the type of physical activity in accordance with your own interests. Some enjoy strength training, others like swimming in the pool, and still others like dancing classes.

If a visit to the fitness center is not available, you can, for example, purchase some kind of universal home simulator or video course for sports activities. Well, the simplest types of physical activity available to every person are walking and running.

Both a child and an adult just need moderate physical activity. A person who regularly plays sports or walks, remains healthy and vigorous for many years.

Sports or other activities can strengthen the muscle system, prevent the development of heart disease and diseases of the endocrine system, which can be attributed to diabetes.

And against the background of diabetes and sedentary image life develops physical inactivity. Essentially, this is decreased mobility, which can be both a consequence and one of the reasons for the development of diabetes. The result, in any case, is unpleasant.

There are a number of factors that can trigger the development of this disease. Among them are obesity, decreased physical activity. These two factors are quite common in a complex. After all, a decrease in physical activity, the so-called physical inactivity, leads to an increase in body weight and obesity.

What can cause physical inactivity

Modern scientists have noticed that a person began to move less. This is facilitated by the development of science and technological progress.

As a result, people began to move more often by cars in order to save time and increase the comfort of movement. Also, an increasing number of operations, both in production and in everyday life, have become automated.

A decrease in activity is observed not only among the adult population, but also among children. Most of today's children prefer to spend time in front of a computer or TV, rather than outdoors.

Among the main causes of hypodynamia are the following:

  • sedentary work;
  • full or partial automation of labor;
  • injuries and illnesses that lead to difficulty in movement.


A large number of symptoms may indicate the presence of physical inactivity. Doctors distinguish the main ones from a number of signs:

  1. feeling drowsy and lethargic;
  2. nervousness and bad mood;
  3. fast fatigue and slight malaise;
  4. lack or increased appetite;
  5. insomnia, decreased level of performance.

Such symptoms occur periodically in all people, but they rarely think that they are associated with physical inactivity. Before contacting a doctor, it is necessary to analyze what kind of physical activity a person is exposed to.

Physical inactivity, lack of exercise, for a long time leads to irreversible consequences, namely:

  • complete or partial atrophy of muscle tissue;
  • violation of the structure of bone tissue;
  • metabolic disorders, begins to suffer;
  • decrease in protein synthesis.

In case of hypodynamia, symptoms are also characteristic: the working capacity of the brain is disrupted, concentration of attention decreases, frequent headaches occur, a person becomes angry and irritable.

Physical inactivity is characterized by increased appetite. A person does not consume food in a controlled manner, and as a result of this, body weight increases sharply. In the future, this can develop into obesity, heart problems and metabolic disorders. Also, physical inactivity increases the risk of occurrence.

Physical inactivity in children

This disease can develop in people of any age, even in children. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the physical activity of the child. A child of school age spends a lot of time sitting.

The result is stagnation in the blood supply to the legs. This leads to a deterioration in the supply of blood to other organs, including the brain. The child becomes irritable, memory deteriorates, concentration of attention decreases, and these are not the only symptoms.

At an early age, insufficient physical activity leads to:

  • violations of the formation of the skeleton in a child,
  • developmental disorders of the musculoskeletal system,
  • problems of the vascular system,
  • such children are more likely to suffer from respiratory diseases, which become chronic.

Also, decreased activity leads to a decrease in muscle tone. For example, due to the weakness of the muscles that form a kind of corset around the spine, curvature of the spine and scoliosis occurs as a result.

Physical inactivity is the cause of malfunction of internal organs. Few believe that physical activity and various diseases are interconnected, but this is the case.

Preventive measures in the fight against physical inactivity

All preventive measures must be aimed at increasing a person's physical activity. Such prevention of physical inactivity can consist of walking in the fresh air, morning exercises and jogging.

Prevention of physical inactivity in children is as follows. Children need to early years get used to physical education. Sports sections and physical education lessons can develop endurance and improve health in a kid.

A variety of exercise programs are gaining popularity in fitness clubs or gyms... Their regular visit will be an excellent prevention and guarantee of excellent well-being. However, lack of access to fitness clubs should not be the reason for decreased activity.

There are a number of low-cost, but at the same time effective methods of dealing with physical inactivity. These are walks in the fresh air, jogging. You can also purchase a small trainer or a simple rope.

The site provides background information for information only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Hypodynamia- surely this concept is known to each of you. This is not surprising, since physical inactivity is rightfully called the "disease of the century." But that's not all. In addition to the fact that physical inactivity is a disease of the century, this disease is also considered to be the reverse side of progress.
What is this syndrome? Why is hypodynamia dangerous? Why hypodynamia has become a phenomenon of the century?
.site) will help you know when you read this article. Carefully read all the information provided, since only having it, you can personally prevent the development of hypodynamia.

What is physical inactivity?

Let's start with the main thing, namely, with the answer to the question - what is hypodynamia?
The term " lack of exercise"Comes from two Greek words" hypo" and " dynamis", Which means" at the bottom" and " force". Physical inactivity refers to the weakening of muscle activity, which occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, as well as limitation of physical activity. Today, the problem of physical inactivity is discussed not just by a large, but by a huge number of doctors and scientists. This problem is especially often discussed in civilized countries and all because it is in them that the hypodynamia syndrome is getting younger every year. Modern medicine increasingly notes the problems associated with overweight people not so much in adults as in adolescents, and even in young children.

Why hypodynamia has become a phenomenon of the century?

The answer to this question is quite simple. It is explained in this way: today, almost the entire population of the world has forgotten what real physical labor means. The technique is progressing more and more every day. As a result, a person no longer needs to do something with their own hands. It is enough just to press the button and all the necessary work will be done by the developed mechanisms. Are these not the achievements of the century? Yes, of course, modern technology can be called the achievement of the century, but this achievement leads to the development of quite serious problems with human health, one of which is physical inactivity.

Why is hypodynamia dangerous?

The weakening of muscle activity is dangerous, first of all, because it entails the development of a huge number of diseases, some of which can be quite calmly classified as very serious ailments. The fact is that hypodynamia is a direct path to disruption of the work of not only all organs, but also all systems. human body... So, for example, it is hypodynamia that most often causes the development of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the central nervous system, as well as obesity. Serious metabolic disorders are also, in most cases, the result of physical inactivity. There are other health problems that arise against the background of this syndrome, but about them another time.

Now I would like to dwell in more detail on the existing measures for the prevention of hypodynamia. Stop spending all your free time lying down! Say stop to a sedentary lifestyle! Forget all the delights of idleness! Finally, start leading a healthy lifestyle: eat right and on time, play sports, walk as much as possible, give up all your bad habits. In general, take care of not only your soul, but also your body.

Do not forget that you can walk to work or to the store, if they are not far from your home. Road transport is not a luxury, but just a means of transportation that should not be used every day, but only if it is really needed. It is quite possible that all these instructions will not seem so important to you. In principle, the right to choose is always yours. The most important thing is for all of you to remember that non-observance of all these rules can cause a great tragedy, and your tragedy. Think about it at your leisure and make the right choice for yourself!

Regular physical activity is essential for all people, regardless of age and gender. Systematic training strengthens the muscular system, including the myocardium, prevents congestion in the lungs, and improves blood circulation in the vessels. People who exercise regularly have good memory, high working capacity, and good immune status.

Physical inactivity is one of the most pressing problems in modern world... The disease called by this term does not exist in medicine, but this condition can lead to dysfunction of many organs and systems. That is why doctors all over the world every year pay more attention to physical inactivity among the population. The meaning of this term is not difficult to guess, "hypodynamia" means "decreased activity."

Causes of hypodynamia

Even people with disabilities need movement.

The main reason for physical inactivity in people in the modern world is obvious. Technological advances make a person's life more comfortable, but few people think that reducing physical activity, for example, when using a personal car, has a negative impact on health. In addition, physical inactivity is a constant companion of people in the so-called sedentary professions (programmers, managers, etc.). This problem is not spared by children, especially of school age, who, after classes (during which they also sit), prefer to spend their free time at home at the computer, and not on the street.

Of course, there are reasons due to which a person is forced to be limited in movement, for example, in severe illness or as a result of injuries. But even in such cases, patients need movement. It is not for nothing that ancient healers said: "Movement is life."

Symptoms of hypodynamia

Physical inactivity is a condition that is accompanied by a huge number of symptoms, most of which are the result of insufficient physical activity. The following main features can be distinguished:

  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • bad mood, irritability;
  • general malaise, fatigue;
  • decreased appetite;

Almost everyone can periodically feel similar symptoms, but few associate them with physical inactivity. Therefore, when these signs appear, you should think about whether you are spending enough time on physical training.

A prolonged decrease in physical activity leads to atrophic changes in muscles, bone tissue, metabolism is disturbed, and protein synthesis decreases.

Physical inactivity has an extremely unfavorable effect on the work of the brain, headaches, insomnia occur, people become emotionally unbalanced. Another sign of hypodynamia is an increase in appetite, as a result of which the amount of food consumed increases. Reduced physical activity and excessive nutrition can quickly lead to the development of obesity, which contributes to the occurrence of disorders of fat metabolism and. It is known that the presence of atherosclerosis significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is facilitated by an increase in the fragility of blood vessels, which is also a consequence of metabolic disorders.

Considerable attention should be paid to physical activity in children, especially of school age. With prolonged sitting at a desk, blood stagnates in the vessels of the lower extremities, which leads to a depletion of the blood supply to other organs, including the brain. As a result, thought processes, memory and concentration of attention deteriorate.

In addition, sedentary children have a weak muscular system. Due to the weakness of the back muscles, they develop posture disorders. As we can see, the consequences of hypodynamia can be expressed in the dysfunctions of many organs and systems, and often such disturbances are associated with low physical activity in the last place, although in reality this is not the case.

Prevention of hypodynamia

Daily morning exercises and outdoor walks are beneficial for all ages and can help reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases.

Obviously, preventive measures should be aimed at increasing physical activity in each person. Children need to be taught from early childhood to daily morning exercises, active games in the fresh air, compulsory attendance of physical education lessons at school, it is very useful to attend sports sections.

Recently, sports centers and fitness clubs have become widespread, regular visits to which are an excellent prevention of hypodynamia. However, the lack of access to sports facilities should not be the reason for insufficient physical activity.

Every day walks and jogging in the fresh air can be done by everyone. In addition, it is useful to have any exercise machine at home, not necessarily expensive and large, in every home there is a place for a simple rope, expander or dumbbells.