Vitamins for women in winter. What vitamins should you drink in winter? Products for strengthening the immune system

During the frosty season, the most common vitamin deficiency in the body is lack of essential vitamin C... This immediately affects the appearance (bruises on the skin, dull hair) and well-being (increased susceptibility to diseases, apathy, gums bleed).

The lack of elements in group B is even more noticeable: swelling - B1, cracked lips, mouth ulcers and dryness - B2, skin rashes and peeling - B6, pallor and brittle hair - B9 and B12. Headaches, shortness of breath, heaviness in the legs, nausea, weakness, anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite are also signs of a deficiency of B-complex vitamins.

Sensitive skin, dryness, tightness, pimples, calluses, cracks, tired eyes - this is for vitamin A... (about retinol)

Sweating, weakness and soreness of the joints, irritability are companions of a home lifestyle without the sun and vitamin D in winter.

Ugly and unpleasant dark circles under the eyes, bleeding gums indicate low level of E vitamin.

Sources in Products

To stay awake, feel good and look healthy, you need to eat right. This is especially important for women - ailments affect not only performance, but also disrupt the subtle hormonal system. Consider what useful substances can be found (or put) in the refrigerator in winter:

Vitamin A... Retinol contains carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers, sea buckthorn, rose hips, peas. Also apples, soy, broccoli, spinach, parsley and green onions, grapes, dairy and liver, fish oil. (What other foods contain this vitamin?)

Vitamin B1... Sources of thiamine are wholemeal baked goods, oatmeal, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, fatty meats, and yolk.

Vitamin B2... Oatmeal, buckwheat, green vegetables, yeast flour products, bread, meat, kidney and liver, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese are excellent suppliers of riboflavin.

Vitamin B5... Look in cauliflower, leafy vegetables, peas, oatmeal, yeast, buckwheat. Pantothenic acid is also found in the heart, liver and kidneys, in fish roe.

Vitamin B6... Avocados, green vegetables, corn, soybeans, potatoes, grains, walnuts, meat, kidneys, and yolk help to obtain pyridoxine. (More about foods rich in all B vitamins -.)

Vitamin B9... Legumes, bran, barley, oatmeal, mushrooms, pumpkin, apricots, oranges, dates, nuts, salmon, milk, meat - these foods are rich in folic acid.

Vitamin B12. Complex and important cyanocobalamin contain soy, beef, eggs, poultry, seaweed, yeast, cheese, milk.

Vitamin C... Ascorbic acid, known since childhood, is offered not only by citrus fruits. A lot of this vitamin contains cabbage, especially sauerkraut, bell pepper, kiwi, black currant, cranberry and rose hips.

Vitamin D... How to get vitamin D in winter? It is found in butter and various milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream), as well as in fish oil. (about other foods with vitamin D)

Vitamin E... Liver, milk, yolk, nuts and vegetable oils.

What vitamins to give children in winter?

The diet of children for obtaining important elements practically does not differ from that of an adult - the same products are used.

To replenish the vitamin supply, you need to give babies more fruits, preferably fresh and without heat treatment, carrots and cabbage, boiled potatoes in the skins.

It is advisable to drink fortified teas - excellent helpers for the baby's immunity.

Busy adults will have to make time for regular walks, which strengthens and hardens the child.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

What vitamins are best to drink in winter? In any pharmacy, a wide variety of names and forms are offered to choose from - from ordinary tablets to delicious chewable or soluble, effervescent tablets. For children, there are preparations in the form of a gel. Such an addition to the diet energizes, improves condition and appearance.

Consider the most famous drugs that will help replenish vitamin reserves in the cold season.

Revit (Russia)

Vitamins, known from childhood, and very inexpensive. The complex includes the following vitamins:

  • vitamin A (retinol) - 1.4 mg;
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 2.3 mg;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 1.2 mg;
  • vitamin C - 40 mg.

The package contains 100 pills. Adults take 2-3 pills, and children 1-2 pills per day. It is recommended to take vitamins for a month. The cost of Revita is low, from 40 rubles.

Despite the fact that there are no microelements in this complex, vitamins are in sufficient quantities to make up for their lack in the body during the winter "fasting".

Maria, 32, speaks of Revita:

“At the end of winter, I always actively use vitamins from the pharmacy, as I do not receive enough food. I have been buying revit for 2 years already, I like it very much and give it to children ”.

Centrum (USA)

Mineral and vitamin complex with the following composition:


  • vitamin A - 3.5 mg;
  • vitamin C - 60 mg;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12) - 30 mg;
  • vitamin D3 - 1.2 mg;
  • biotin - 32 mg;
  • vitamin K1 - 0.25 mg,
  • folic acid - 0.4 mg.


  • Ca - 150 mg;
  • Fe - 20 mg;
  • R - 120 mg,
  • Mg - 95 mg;
  • small doses contain zinc, selenium, chromium, copper, chlorine.

The package contains 30 coated tablets. Take 1 tablet per day for a month. The price of vitamins is from 400 rubles.

Vitrum (USA)

One of the most famous mineral and vitamin complexes. Composition of the preparation:


  • vitamin A - 3.2 mg;
  • vitamin C - 65 mg;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) - 28 mg;
  • vitamin E - 1.0 mg;
  • folic acid - 0.4 mg.


  • Ca - 160 mg;
  • Fe - 18 mg;
  • R - 120 mg;
  • K - 40 mg; contains silicon, selenium, zinc, magnesium, etc.

Packages usually contain 30, 60 and 100 tablets. The course of administration is 1 month, 1 tablet per day with meals. The price of the drug is from 360 rubles.

“I always drink these vitamins in winter. I really like it, even the skin on the face gets better, peeling is removed. "

Natural or Medicinal?

It is impossible to argue about the importance of a balanced diet with a maximum of all essential vitamins and minerals, but in winter it is quite difficult to get the recommended dose of benefits. And to build your menu according to all the rules of compatibility and digestibility is also unrealistic, especially for busy city dwellers.

That is why modern medicines are so popular - they perfectly help to fill the lack of important substances.

But taking multivitamin complexes thoughtlessly and constantly is not worth it - they are too "universal" and can contain a large amount of what is already enough in your body. A consultation with a doctor solves such difficulties: the professional will determine the needs and prescribe only the necessary trace elements in the dosage format.

Brittle hair, peeling nails, drowsiness and many more unpleasant moments that bother us in the cold season can be avoided if you know what vitamins to drink in winter. , advice on the choice of certain nutritional supplements and other useful recommendations that will help your body to be in shape, learned the site.

What vitamins, what are they responsible for

If your skin is peeling and covered with rashes, then you do not have enough vitamins A, C, E and B. Hair loss and brittleness signals a lack of magnesium and iron, as well as vitamin B. But most often those people who suffer from deficiency break their limbs in winter calcium.

You can get the necessary complex of vitamins both through the use of certain foods, and in pure form, that is, in the form of tablets.

Undoubtedly, along with the correct healthy food, it is imperative to take pharmacy vitamins, since fruits and vegetables that are sold in stores in winter are not sufficiently saturated with the necessary elements.

Advice! Before you independently prescribe a complex of those or other vitamins, be sure to consult your doctor. An overabundance of certain nutrients can have a side effect!

Products for strengthening the immune system

The element, the deficiency of which is most often felt in winter, is vitamin C. Its task is to speed up the metabolism and maintain the human immune system in a normal state. An abundance of so-called ascorbic acid is found in tomatoes, broccoli, citrus fruits, sauerkraut and kiwi.

It's not sweet the human body in winter and from a lack of vitamin B. The skin begins to dry, the lips crack, and the eyes water. You can avoid these troubles by eating peas, buckwheat, beets, liver and nuts.

Vitamin E is responsible for the emotional state. To avoid stress, depression and other overexertion, it is worth eating meat and spinach.

If you feel that your vision has deteriorated, then you do not have enough vitamin A. To replenish its reserves, you need to eat fish, eggs, milk, dill and carrots.

Should I buy "pharmacy" vitamins

A competent pharmacist can advise an ideal vitamin and mineral complex for the winter time, both for adults and for children.

As a rule, vitamins are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, and their composition is as balanced as possible, so you don't have to worry about an "overdose". The main thing is to follow the instructions in the package insert. Remember that uncontrolled drug use can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Other sources of vitamins

You can put your hair, skin and nails in order thanks to the cosmetics containing vitamins A, B, C and E, according to the journalist JoInfo Karina Kotovskaya. Vitamin A prevents skin aging, vitamin B restores it, vitamin C fights dark circles under the eyes, and vitamin E promotes cell regeneration.

You can warm up and protect yourself from colds by eating ginger, which contains vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins C, E and K.

A number of vital elements are present in mountain ash, which must be consumed in winter.

Also, you should not forget about currants in the winter season, which are a storehouse of organic acids, as well as vitamins C and A;

Vitamin drinks are popular today as additional sources of useful elements. Lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks, herbal teas, syrups and tinctures - all this will help the body cope with winter avitaminosis.

A simple recipe for a healthy vitamin drink

Rosehip syrup is a great source of nutrients. You can cook it yourself. In the evening, rinse half a glass of rose hips, pour boiling water over it and pour it into a thermos.

On an empty stomach in the morning, drink a glass of this drink, and you will not be afraid of colds. You can use it daily. It is especially recommended to drink rosehip infusion during periods of colds.

It is important to monitor your health all year round. However, in winter it is worth paying even more attention to this. Moreover, there are. Be healthy and remember that good mood is the most beneficial vitamin for wellness.

The cold season is stressful for the human body. Some animals hibernate during this period, but we cannot afford such a luxury. In order to overcome cold and frost without problems, you need to know which vitamins are best to take in winter.

If you eat a balanced diet and drink vitamin and mineral complexes from the pharmacy, then winter will not make itself felt in the form of colds, brittle hair and nails, pigmentation and dry skin and other unpleasant phenomena. All of this can be avoided. How exactly, read on.

Avitaminosis in winter is a common occurrence for our latitudes. The body cannot stock up on useful substances for the future, of which there are a lot in summer.

The surest signs of a deficiency of important components are:

  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • constant fatigue;
  • depression and bad mood;
  • unhealthy skin and hair color;
  • brittle nails;
  • peeling and dry skin.

These are not all negative symptoms. If you notice something like this in yourself, you know, it's time to make adjustments to your diet.

We change the situation for the better

First thought: “ what vitamins to drink in winter?". Is it worth it at all to run to the pharmacy and buy synthetic substances of dubious production? Try changing your menu first. It's not difficult at all if you know where to start.

According to statistics, men and women in winter most of all lack vitamin C (ascorbic acid). This powerful antioxidant is excellent at fighting colds, gives the skin a healthy look and color, and removes toxins from the body. During epidemics, doctors strongly recommend drinking ascorbic acid.

A little tip: as soon as the cold sets in, include in the diet more foods rich in vitamin C (onions, citrus fruits, sauerkraut). If there are blanks from summer and autumn, add chokeberry and currants. Take care of your health in advance and you can easily survive the epidemic season.

The second substance that is lacking in cold weather is vitamin D. In summer, it is synthesized in the skin under the action of sunlight, in winter you will not wait for the rays. And even if the sun appears, the body is still covered with heaps of clothing. The way out of the situation is to take dairy products, tuna, salmon, salmon, eggs, cheese and margarine.

In autumn and winter, the body's defenses take on a heavy burden, fighting off pathogenic microorganisms. In order for cells not to be damaged, they need antioxidants. The best of its kind are vitamins C, E and beta-carotene. If everything is already clear with the first one, then with the rest it is not very good yet.

Vitamin E is found in sunflower seeds, salmon, bananas, nuts, almonds, and peanuts. In order for the body to fully absorb tocopherol, it is necessary to drink it with fats. Beta-carotene, or the precursor to vitamin A, is found in carrots, green onions, lettuce, red peppers, black currants, broccoli, and other foods. Again, the substance will practically not linger in the internal environment if taken without fats.

Other valuable vitamins during cold weather

Vitamin F is very important for men. It helps the immune system by reducing inflammation and producing some antibodies. The substance has a number of useful functions: restores damaged tissues, eliminates flaking, dandruff, various rashes, strengthens hair and nails, and prevents baldness.

To make up for the lack of this vitamin, men need to consume 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oils (sunflower, camelina, peanut and others), various nuts, fatty fish, avocados, oysters, mussels and rapana per day.

The following vitamins are also important for a weakened immune system:

  1. Riboflavin (B2).
    A component deficiency is fraught with the appearance of barley, herpes, boils. The substance is found in leeks, fermented milk products, beef, apples.
  2. Pantothenic acid (B5).
    With a lack of substance, excessive oily or dry skin is noted, and damage to the epithelium takes too long to heal. The acid is found in nuts, eggs, yeast, potatoes, hazelnuts, caviar.
  3. Pyridoxine (B6).
    If it is not enough, the skin becomes covered with small pimples, sometimes dermatitis occurs. Beef, lamb, yeast, cabbage, milk, potatoes, soybeans, bran and beans can fill the gap.
  4. Folic acid (B9).
    Bags under the eyes, pale skin, weakness in the body and dizziness indicate a lack of this vitamin. You can fix the problem by eating buckwheat porridge (and best of all, raw buckwheat infused with kefir), jacket potatoes, beef, dates, oysters.
  5. Biotin (H).
    Vitamin deficiency is indicated by skin problems - dermatitis, rash, unhealthy color, sometimes eczema appears. To prevent these phenomena, it is necessary to lean on the liver, yeast, bananas, egg yolk, milk and cauliflower.

As you can see, almost all of the products on the list are available in winter. Nutrition must be balanced so that 2/3 of vitamins come from food, and 1/3 from pharmacy complexes. In cold weather, you still have to drink them in order to fully provide the daily rate.

Oh, this insidious winter ...

In the cold season, the relationship with food is not so simple. There is a tendency that the more food is stored, the less vitamins they contain. Therefore, there are much less nutrients in glossy apples, potatoes, cabbage and other goods that are sold in supermarkets in winter. This must be taken into account when drawing up the menu.

The preparation method also affects the concentration of vitamins. The most gentle type of heat treatment is steam cooking. You can also bake dishes in the oven. But anyway the best way to saturate the body with useful substances is the intake of raw foods.

In winter, this is somewhat problematic, and that is why it is better for you to drink preventive vitamin and mineral complexes.

It is desirable that it was dry freeze. Dry apples and apricots, they will be stored all winter. You also need to stock up on linden color, various herbs like thyme, rosehip berries. In winter they can be brewed like tea and drunk on cold evenings.

Make a vitamin bomb from honey, lemon, dried apricots, prunes, walnuts and other foods (optional). Only 1-2 tablespoons of this mass per day, and some of the vitamins will already be in the body.

Here are a few more rules to help you stay "in the flow":

  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • go for a walk, don't let sunny days pass you by;
  • ventilate your home;
  • exclude junk food (fast food, smoked meats, semi-finished products, flour products);
  • do not forget to drink clean unboiled water and green tea;
  • give up alcoholic drinks and cigarettes;
  • remember about the regular intake of vitamins with quality food and pharmacy complexes.

By following these prescriptions, you will involve yourself at a minimum cost. When choosing synthetic vitamins, consult your doctor. The specialist will analyze the existing problems and prescribe preventive complexes that are right for you.

With the onset of the cold season, our body more than ever needs additional vitamins and minerals. Especially for you, the editors of the site have compiled a list of vitamin complexes that you can drink without a doctor's prescription. More details about each - in our material!

To begin with, it is worth noting that in the fall we are experiencing a deficiency of vitamins, which in the warm season we get from fresh fruit and vegetables.

On this topic

In order to prevent hypovitaminosis - a state of acute vitamin deficiency, you can resort to using vitamin complexes. Although we have collected in our selection mostly harmless drugs, before rushing to the pharmacy for them, we advise you to take a blood test for the content of vitamins and macro- and microelements. This is the only way you can act on the problem pointwise, instead of drinking multivitamin complexes that are not suitable for you. First, let's take a look at what vitamins you can find in pharmacies.

The first group of such over-the-counter drugs is multivitamin complexes, which contain countless amounts of all kinds of trace elements. Their main disadvantage is the balance and dosage of each of the active ingredients. Taking such multivitamin complexes without a doctor's prescription can lead to an excess of one or another vitamin in the body, which will negatively affect the functioning of the liver. This is exactly the case when a lack is better than an overabundance.

The second alternative is narrowly targeted vitamin complexes, consisting of 1-3 vitamins. Such drugs have an undeniable advantage: they have a targeted blow to a specific problem, do not contain extra vitamins, but only 2 or 3, the effectiveness of which increases significantly with teamwork. There were also some drawbacks: only a few such complexes can be drunk without a doctor's prescription, since the concentration of active trace elements is much higher than in the case of multivitamin complexes of five or more vitamins, which means that the load on the liver is higher.

Magnesium + B6

This vitamin complex is especially popular in the fall season: magnesium has a calming effect on nervous system, reduces anxiety and even helps fight nervous tremors. Vitamin B6, in turn, improves the sensitivity of nerve endings to magnesium and improves the absorption of this trace element. Bottom line: you can drink a monthly course of one tablet a day for peace of mind.

Selenium + Zinc + Magnesium

Shiny hair, healthy skin and strong nails are every girl's dream. Unfortunately, in winter, their condition deteriorates markedly due to vitamin deficiency. It is not difficult to solve this problem, the main thing is to find reliable and effective helpers. A triad of trace elements - selenium, zinc and magnesium - can support your beauty. We have already told you in detail about the magical properties of magnesium in the previous paragraph. Zinc, on the other hand, helps to maintain healthy and beautiful skin, and for people suffering from acne, zinc is the surest remedy that will help improve the condition of the epidermis. Selenium supports immunity and improves the functioning of the reproductive system, including helping to balance hormones.

D3 + calcium

It is not surprising that we are deficient in vitamin D in winter due to cloudy cold weather. Fortunately, it is possible to replenish stocks of this extremely important trace element with the help of special complexes. One of the most popular is D3 + calcium: in addition to the dose of the "solar" vitamin, the composition also contains a trace element important for the health of bones, nails and hair. These two components work great in tandem: they improve the mineralization of teeth, bones and are beneficial for connective tissues.

Drinking collagen

Drinking collagen is an absolute innovation in vitamin supplementation. There are now quite a few beauty complexes on the market, in which pharmacists add collagen and hyaluronic acid. Alas, for the most part this is just a marketing ploy, and you need to look for other means on the shelves: full-fledged liquid drinking collagen with a low molecular weight, preferably sea collagen, since it is absorbed much better in the intestines. The OM-X Plus Drinking Collagen from Dr. OHHIRA is an excellent candidate: in addition to marine collagen and hyaluronic acid, it also contains vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, blueberry juice and lactic acid bacteria. You can drink it without a doctor's prescription at any age.

Nutritional Coach, Sports Nutritionist, Evehealth Emeritus Author


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This article is based on scientific evidence written by experts and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed dietitians and beauticians strives to be objective, impartial, honest and present both sides of an argument.

Our body needs vitamins most of all in winter. We practically do not see the sun; it is often hidden from us by heavy blue clouds. The mood is such that you want to wrap yourself up in a blanket and sleep.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the lack of vitamins in winter leads to daily overeating. The body tries to collect at least some crumbs of useful substances from "empty" food. Increased appetite forces you to eat more than the body needs. As a result, we begin to get better and become completely unhappy.

How to get out of this vicious circle? Of course, start taking care of your health and taking vitamins in your food. But what kind of vitamins are these and where to get them in winter? Store-bought vegetables and fruits, except for the highly overpriced, do not inspire confidence with their smooth and unnaturally beautiful sides.

We need vitamins B, C, magnesium and iron for strong hair and nails. If the hair is weak and lifeless, falls out strongly, and the nails are brittle and exfoliated, it is urgent to start taking multivitamin complexes containing these vitamins.

The skin is dry, peeling, redness, acne, acne appeared. Itching, fine wrinkles began to bother me, the skin on the body acquired an earthy tint and a flabby ugly look. Urgently sound the alarm! The body signals a lack of vitamins A, E, C, B.

Deterioration of vision, dark circles before the eyes, redness of the eyes will cease to bother if you take vitamins A and E.

A lack of calcium can seriously damage the body. Over time, fragility of bones appears, which leads to fractures of varying severity. Elderly people need to be especially careful in winter.

Where to get the source of vitamins? Of course, the ideal option would be to reconsider your diet. But vitamin complexes can easily solve the problem. It should not be forgotten that a lack of vitamins may not always be due to an unbalanced diet.

In rare cases, the reason may lie in a malfunction of the internal organs. Therefore, a doctor's consultation will never be superfluous. Vitamins in winter

What vitamins are best to take in winter?

What vitamins are lacking in winter? The list of them is quite large.

  1. Vitamin A. Essential in winter. In addition to protecting eyesight, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria. Immunity rises, general state normalizes, activity appears, so necessary in winter. Liver protection and healthy skin will be a pleasant surprise when eating: tomatoes, apricots, buckwheat, meat, dairy products, eggs. The following symptoms will tell you that you do not have enough vitamin A: sleep disturbance, cramps, muscle spasms, enlarged pupils.
  2. Vitamin C. Effective immunostimulant. Most often, the reason for drowsiness and a decrease in the body's defenses lies in the lack of vitamin C. And it is also an excellent antioxidant. A constant feeling of fatigue, lethargy, depression, joint pain, bleeding gums signal a lack of this vitamin. There is an abundance of ascorbic acid in strawberries, black currants, cabbage, rose hips, and lemon.
  3. Vitamin D. Without it, the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the intestines is impossible. Responsible for the strength of bones and teeth. In winter, people, and especially children, are in dire need of this vitamin. Sunny days too little, and children are at risk of developing rickets. Pediatricians have long noticed that children are deficient in vitamin D, and physical development from their peers. To prevent this from happening, there should always be on the table: fatty fish, eggs, butter and vegetable oil, seafood, dairy products (especially cottage cheese and cheese).
  4. Vitamin E. The body needs a “beauty vitamin” to cope with stress. By saturating the brain with oxygen, it helps maintain a clear mind and nerves of steel. It can be found in broccoli, eggs, carrots, vegetable oil, liver, spinach.
  5. B vitamins.
    • Vitamin B 1. We need it for energy and to normalize carbohydrate metabolism.
    • Vitamin B 6. It puts the nervous system in order, helps to avoid long-term depression.
    • Vitamin B 9. Its appointment is mandatory for pregnant women, especially in winter. And he helps men "to be always in shape."
    • Vitamin B 12. Prevents disorders of the nervous system, premature aging. Lethargy, drowsiness indicates a lack of this vitamin.

    In winter, the body is experiencing a lack of vitamin B. This is also a deterioration in the condition of the skin, tearing of the eyes, cracks on the lips. All this can be avoided if you regularly eat buckwheat, peas, nuts, beets, chicken or beef liver.

  6. Vitamin R. An excellent antioxidant along with vitamins A, C, E. In addition, thanks to it, the walls of blood vessels retain their elasticity. Its main sources are: cabbage, parsley, dill, rose hips, apricots, grapes, capsicum etc.

Not everyone dares to buy some vegetables and fruits in stores in winter. After all, they rarely bring at least some benefit, but mostly only harm. Therefore, you need to take care of vitamins in the winter season already in the summer or early autumn.

Of course, we will talk about freezing food for the winter. Some don't support this. It is believed that only shock freezing, produced by special equipment, is able to preserve all the useful vitamins and minerals in food. And home freezing is useless in this regard.

But this is not true. You just need to properly defrost food from the refrigerator to get the most out of it. Having decided to eat a summer fruit or vegetable, you should not immediately put it under hot water or microwave for quick defrost. It is necessary to put the product on the shelf in the refrigerator in advance so that it slowly defrosts without losing a single gram of useful vitamins.

What foods are suitable for freezing?

You can freeze whatever you want. The main thing is that there is enough space in the freezer.
The best vitamins to freeze in winter are:

  • tomatoes;
  • pepper;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • greens (parsley, dill, green onions);
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • black and red currants;
  • Rowan;
  • raspberries;
  • Strawberry;
  • cranberry;
  • cowberry;
  • gooseberry;
  • chokeberry
  • mushrooms, etc.

Frozen vegetables can be added to salads or soups. Fruits are ideal for compotes, milkshakes, fruit yoghurts, ice cream.

What foods can be dried for the winter:

  • rose hip;
  • currant;
  • Rowan;
  • mushrooms;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

Dried fruits can also be dried on their own or bought in a store. They are a storehouse
a variety of vitamins.

Besides, sauerkraut cooked with your own hands in autumn will replace fresh
vegetable salads both in taste and in the composition of vitamins. It contains a lot of vitamins C, K, B 6,
folic acid is all the vitamins you need in winter.

Vitamin complex

Of course, a person must receive the necessary vitamins from food. But this does not always work out. And then a vitamin preparation comes to the rescue. At the pharmacy, you will be amazed by their variety. From all this abundance, you can choose the best option both in terms of price and composition.

The most popular vitamin complexes:

  • Aevit. Contains vitamins A and E. Increases the body's defenses, normalizes the nervous system. In addition, it eliminates skin imperfections and saturates with macro and microelements.
  • Vitamin C. Replenishes the lack of vitamin C.
  • Alphabet. Manufacturers advertise it as the most correct vitamin complex. All vitamins and minerals are contained in such a form so as not to interfere with the absorption of each other. Therefore, multi-colored tablets should be taken 3 times a day. This is the main problem for modern man... Many people forget to take the vitamin on time and interrupt the course.
  • Multitabs. Indispensable for workaholics. Helps to cope with mood swings, stress. Boosts the body's immune system.
  • Complevit. Helps people with digestive problems. For this it contains vitamin B 12. In addition, the composition is correctly balanced and suitable for everyone.
  • Vitrum. A very effective remedy for combating vitamin deficiency. Doctors recommend taking it after severe illnesses that have led to a decrease in immunity.

A wide range of vitamin complexes for winter period presented on the iHerb website. You can find here the best vitamins in winter for children and adults. We recommend paying special attention to the following items:

What vitamins to drink in winter for immunity?

All complexes have proven effectiveness and strengthen the body's immune forces. Therefore, you will have to make a decision yourself.

Winter, in addition to troubles with possible vitamin deficiency, is a wonderful time of the year. How many winter fun is invented for a family vacation. Skating, skiing, cheesecakes, making a snowman will give you a great mood for a long time.

Proper rest, good sleep, a favorite hobby are also essential for well-being in winter, just like vitamins. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! , consume a sufficient amount of beneficial micronutrients!
Your health is in your hands!