13 sunny day characteristic. Sunny days calendar. Sunny Day - Feature

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General characteristics of sunny days

1st sunny day
Totem- Griffin. Those sunny days, the totem of which are mythical animals such as the Griffin, carry very interesting information. It is believed that people born on this day live to a ripe old age.
Recommendations: All undertakings will be promising only if you seriously and for a long time get down to business. If you are in doubt about something, then it is better not to start this business. A person should devote the morning and afternoon to active work, and the evening to fun and relaxation. It is forbidden to succumb to despondency and depression. Show creativity and initiative on this day, be generous. No gambles! Auspicious time for weddings. During the daytime, try to come into contact with water less. After sunset - bath time.
Cut hair and nails well.
Clothing: Dress in new clothes. Choose light and bright colors. More gloss is recommended. Avoid dull and dark colors.
Dreams: It is good to have vivid dreams.
Power Item: Lamp, fire.
Stones: Pomegranate associated with the preservation of faith and fire, the primary creativity.

2nd sunny day
Totem- Dog. Lives up to 20 years. This will add to life expectancy. Dedicated to: Good Thoughts.
Recommendations: It is good to shop on this day, to engage in trade, money transactions. Favorable contacts, communication, information, learning, mastering some skills. You cannot be silent, lie and be rude. Be merciful. Try not to tidy up the house, do the laundry, or receive guests. The day is good for travel. Do not come in contact with fire. Alcohol and heavy food are contraindicated.
Clothing: Dress well in new clothes. Recommended colors are yellow, blue and blue-green. Avoid all reds, oranges, and purples.
Dreams: Prophetic. It is good to see the road, travel, trees - signs of well-being, changes for the better, fulfillment of desires. A dream that has a continuation is certainly prophetic.
Power Item: Staff.
Stones: Cat's eye, eye quartz.

3rd sunny day
Totem- Elephant. Lives for a long time, and even if a person is initially given a short life, the Elephant evens it out to an average duration. With a long life, it increases to the maximum period - a person can live for about 100 years. At the same time, he will harmoniously distribute his resources. By the appearance of a person born on the day of the Elephant, it is impossible to determine his age.
Recommendations: The best day for prayer, temple visits, household chores and family. It's good to start building a house. The day is also good for the start of trials. You can start big business related to welfare. You can not make ill-considered spending. All creative endeavors are shown. Be sure to follow the culture of communication with people, do not swear. Bake pies and eat more bread. The day is good for music, singing and reading books. Marital relations are favorable. All operations on the body are contraindicated (if 3 ld or 21 ld - then you can). Make your own food.
Clothing: Stick to dark blue, dark red, and dark cherry tones. Yellow-green and poisonous colors are not recommended.
Dreams: Dreams related to matter, things are considered good. You should pay attention only to specific dreams, where it is clear where you are going, what you are doing.
Power Item: Hat, helmet, even an umbrella.
Stones: jet (petrified tree resin), which preserves peace and tranquility in the family.

4th sunny day
Totem- Snow Leopard. Lives for about 20 years, so the increase in life will be 15-20 years.
Recommendations: A critical day. You can't saw, plan, chop anything. Do not indulge in despondency and do not complete the work you have begun. Do not go out of business and do not avoid responsibility. This is a day of active beginnings and risk. It is good to argue, to protect the weak and the offended. Sports competitions are favorable. It's good to practice martial arts. Do not write letters on this day. You cannot gamble. Favorable time for purchasing and cutting stones. Do not eat animal food, you need to drink more fluids.
Clothing: Stick to reds and pinks. Avoid green and all poisonous colors.
Dreams: It is good to have dynamic dreams.
Power Item: A spear and combat gloves, a staff with a banner.
Stones: Ruby and rubellite (ruby stone from spinel) - stones of a warrior, protection, restores balance.

5th sunny day
Totem- A donkey. These animals live up to 35 years old like horses. The increase in life is about 30 years.
Recommendations: On this day, you need to work more with your own hands, work on the land, in personal plots. It is good to plant, water, cultivate plants, take care of animals. It is good to work with wood. You can't mess around. Day of Peace and Forgiveness, the conclusion of long-term contracts and the signing of important documents related to work. Travel, long trips and rush are not recommended. The day is bad for shopping. Better not to accept gifts on this day. Save light on this day. Fasting on this day is not recommended. Favorable time for conceiving a child.
Clothing: Stick to soothing, bedding tones. Bright colors are not recommended. It is good to wear copper products.
Dreams: Pay no attention to vivid dreams.
Power Item: Bag or basket, preferably leather or wicker, round like a pear, backpack.
Stones: Rhodonite, yellow agate - stones of peace and prosperity

6th sunny day
Totem- Jay. Belongs to the raven family. They all live long enough, at least longer than many other birds. Jay doubles its short life, and gives about 24-25 years with a long life.
Recommendations: You shouldn't strain yourself on this day. Rest and relaxation are shown. It is good to establish relationships between people, to help others. You can't swear and raise your voice. Be sure to pay attention to your children. Day of healing, preparation and purchase of medicines, health promotion and work on the physical body. Cleansing procedures and ablutions with cool water are recommended. You can't defile water. It is good to dig canals, clean wells, purify water. Drink more fluids. Ablution with cold water is shown. It is good to take decoctions, poultices. Any therapeutic intervention is encouraged, but not surgical. The day is good for receiving guests and sexual encounters.
Clothing: Stick to silvery blues. Black and all bright colors are not recommended.
Dreams: Seeing birds is a sign that you will soon receive good news. Swimming in clear water is good luck. Seeing clean water is a sign of a clean life. Cloudy water - to disease.
Power Item: A bowl or goblet with a lid. or a jug. Ideally, the bowl should be silver with your initials on it. On this day, the water was spoken into the bowl and it became healing.
Stones: White jade - a stone of healers, preserves peace, tranquility and balance within the body

7th sunny day
Totem - White Hawk or White Albatross.
The day is dedicated to the giver of immortality. Victory over death, gaining eternal life - this is what the best representatives of mankind dedicated themselves to. He patronizes plants, associated with him is the idea of ​​the Great World Tree - "the tree of all seeds", the juice of which became the drink of immortality, bestowing supernatural abilities and conquering death.
Recommendations: This is a day of big and serious things that must be thought out in advance. Sing songs and have fun on this day. Asceticism is contraindicated. It is good to restore ancient monuments, plant shrubs and trees. Do not pick leaves, do not pluck flowers. Renovation work and house cleaning are favorable. The day is good for travel and long journeys. Large purchases are not recommended. You can do jogging and strengthening the physical body. It is good to take a hot bath. Favorable for the conception of a child and love relationships.
Clothing: Clothes should be very light, try not to wrap up on this day. White, yellow, golden tones are recommended. Avoid all dark colors, especially brown.
Dreams: All plant dreams are auspicious.
Power Item: Barsman - a bunch of 7 branches, and for women - of 8.
Stone: Carnelian is a stone of immortality, life extension. Gives wealth, strength, strengthens physical potential, neutralizes and stabilizes the body as a whole.

8th sunny day
Totem- Mongoose. They live long enough. They are associated with the destruction of snakes, can give a person an additional 18 years of life. and with a short life - 36-37 years. The peculiarity of this day is such that the more fatal the initial horoscope is, the more a person has the opportunity to live.
Recommendations: Do not live according to plan on this day, all plans can be realized with precision, quite the opposite. Don't bet on gut. Installations on this day are completely contraindicated. Contacts, hospitality, new acquaintances are favorable. Day of cleansing and baths, cosmetic procedures. Do not start lawsuits on this day and do not conduct real estate transactions. Unfavorable time for long-distance and sea travel. The best day for fortune telling and casting lots. Operations on the skin, mouth and teeth are shown (except for the Moon in Aries). Cut hair and nails well.
Clothing: Variegated clothing colors are recommended. Avoid all monotonous and gray tones, as well as reddish brown.
Dreams: One of the main things for prophetic dreams. It's good if the dream is very vividly remembered.
Power Item: Dart, spear.
Stone: Diamond or brilliant, lapis lazuli, jet, coal

9th sunny day
Totem- A lion. They live for about 40 years. For a strong and friendly family, you can get an addition to life up to 40 years.
Recommendations: The day is favorable for travel and long-distance roads, visits to the temple and prayers. Walk as much as possible. You should not sleep and eat a lot. This is fasting time. It is good to heal with fire and pass the corners of the house with fire. Previously, on this day, they threw everything obsolete and unnecessary into the fire. You can start a cycle of exercises to strengthen your body. Idleness and adventures are contraindicated. Don't throw your problems onto other people. You can have a little drink. It is better not to cook food, bake anything or bake pies. Everything must be prepared the day before.
Clothing: Stick to yellows, dark reds, and browns. Shiny clothes can be worn. Avoid all cool shades.
Dreams: It is good if you do not see or remember your dreams. It was believed that on this day one should stay awake rather than sleep.
Power Item: A hearth, brazier, or censer that drives away demons with white smoke.
Stone: Pyrope (or fire grenade) is associated with fire.

10th sunny day
Totem- Dolphin. Sentient beings live for about 60 years. The dolphin is associated with Neptune, and the minimum increase that it gives even to long-lived people is 13 years. And with a short life, there is a chance to get up to 60 years
Recommendations: Self-regulation and introspection is good. Get closer to nature. It is not recommended to work hard, strain. The day is not favorable for travel. You can't defile water. Washing, bathing and medication are not recommended. This is the best day to relax. More sleep is recommended. Try to spend more time indoors. We must abandon rudeness and try to be laconic on this day. It's good to slander water. Do not forget to say before going to bed on pouring water about all the bad things that happened that day in order to wash away all the negative information.
Clothing: A dark gray-green and blue color is recommended. It's good to wear something transparent. Avoid bright colors, especially reds.
Dreams: Prophetic.
Power Item: Bucket, scoop, anchor or trident.
Stone: Aquamarine, transparent dark blue-green.

11th sunny day
Totem- Swift or Killer Whale
A person born on this day can get few extra years if he does not develop creatively. People of this day are obliged to create works of art, write books. Maximum life is added to 8 years.
Recommendations: A day of acute and crisis situations that must be dealt with immediately. Do everything quickly on this day and with lightning speed. Systematic actions are not recommended. You can't hesitate, be lazy and sleep a lot. Do more with children, self-study. Remember your childhood. It is good to start any educational process. You can not be lazy and indulge in despondency. Play more, be in public. Receive guests, eat more. It is good to sew clothes and repair them. Wash and clean the apartment until it shines. It is not recommended to dig in the ground, plant and sow. On this day, it is good for the child to give a gift, do not deny him anything. It's good to throw lots.
Clothing: Stick to vibrant colors. Gloomy tones, blue and black are not recommended.
Dreams: You should not pay special attention to dreams on this day. Dreams come true only specific and only when you dream of relatives and close people; they are interpreted directly ..
Power Item: The comb, which does not allow the energy to go to waste, keeps it in the bundle and directs it where it needs to be.
Stone: Aventurine pink-yellow, with sparkles ..

12th sunny day
Totem- Snowy Snowy Owl Owls live for over 20 years. For the victory over the evil in oneself, a person is given an additional 27 years.
Recommendations: Dedicate a day to home, relaxation, family traditions, pets. The day is good for acquiring treasures, returning old friends, for reconciliation. Do not strain, show sincerity, kindness, peace, calmness and mercy. It is good to take baths, ablution, consecrate waters, springs. Divine power goes through the water on this day. It is recommended to swim, dive into water, drink well spring water. You cannot engage in social affairs. Don't waste a lot of time with words. The day is good for prayer and meditation. Talk less. Drinking, walking and having fun is possible only in a narrow home circle. It is good to drink white wine and juices. Intimate relationships can only be entered with the goal of conceiving a child.
Clothing: Stick to implicit, washed-out tones. Blue and silver are favorable. Discard all yellow and orange.
Dreams: Prophetic. It is good to see animals and birds in a dream.
Power Item: Ball of magicians, ball.
Stone: Adularia (a type of selenite), smoky. This is a true moonstone.

13th sunny day
Totem- Pegasus. This is a critical day associated with a winged horse with bird's legs. Pegasus is a mythical creature, therefore it lives for a very long time and gives an increase in life up to 50 years, but only if a person has chosen the path of a warrior and really fights against evil.
Recommendations: Travel day. It is good to sign important contracts, to conclude big deals. You need to throw lots, deal with logical problems. You can start a complex of healing, getting rid of excess weight. Day of exposure to spoilage. It is recommended to cleanse the body, get rid of damage and the evil eye. The day is good for intellectual work. Watch your words and control the thought process, because any nasty thought on this day can come true. The best day for any game .. Women are good at losing weight. Animal food is not recommended. It is good to start fasting and healing. Do not engage in intimate relationships or marriages, they can end in divorce. Even pets should not be allowed near each other for twinning. You cannot cut your hair and nails, shave or take a bath.
Clothing: Recommended colors are red, lilac and white. Avoid all faded and boggy tones, sandy yellow.
Dreams: Symbolic dreams do not come true, but specific dreams come true in the shortest possible time.
Power Item: A lash with seven tails, each with an iron head. Indicates 7 choices.
Stone: Jasperite (which contains a lot of iron). It is red with white and gray streaks - the stone of the fight against demons. It is attracted by a magnet.

14th sunny day
Totem- Cow. The increase in this day is up to 40 years. To increase life expectancy, such people are contraindicated to be very thin (but at the same time, a person should not be overweight).
Recommendations: It is good to make material plans. The day is favorable for commerce, money and goods relations, shopping. Try not to make any proactive decisions. Any harmonious situation cannot be violated and defiled. You can't desecrate the ground: spit and urinate, throw garbage, blow your nose. Take care of animals, you can not offend animals, beat them, insult them. It is good to be engaged in construction, to mix building mortars. You can't go hungry. It is recommended to accumulate knowledge, be in high spirits, go to reconciliation, and have active rest.
Clothes: Give up leather clothes and fur coats today. Stick to a green scale. Avoid all colorful and flashy colors.
Dreams: Foggy and vague dreams are not interpreted. Vivid dreams come true very quickly, within a week.
Power Item: Wand or Mace is a symbol of pacification, great potential strength and energy. Sometimes a bull's head was carved on this mace. Sometimes it was made of wood, but bronze is better.
Stone: Amazonite (green with white blotches). Brings happiness and good luck in monetary relationships.

15th sunny day
Totem- Beaver. Added up to 17 years old. A person born on this day needs to work around the house, to be an economical organizer-business executive.
Recommendations: Do house cleaning and laundry. But you can't strain and lift heavy weights. The day is good for weddings and any kind of alliance. You can build and repair a house, dig in the ground. It is good to prepare medicines and tinctures. Wet cleaning of the whole house is obligatory. Take care of the animals. Avoid hard work, aggression, and drunkenness. You cannot burn fires in the forest. Work on this day should be a joy, otherwise give it up. And no money and financial affairs! Eat more citrus fruits. It is good to make vodka tinctures, liqueurs. The woman is considered the mistress of the situation on this day. Good day for washing, cutting hair and nails.
Clothing: Try to wear less clothes on yourself, avoid dress uniforms. Orange and silver tones are recommended. Discard the bright green.
Dreams: Prophetic, both symbolic and real.
Power Item: A wreath or a magic chain that is worn by a person as a magic talisman around the neck. Silver is best.
Stones: Zircon is a stone of mystical knowledge, a stone of great dreams. Has an orange-yellow color.

16th sunny day
Totem- Horse or Unicorn, Golden-Maned Horse with sad blue eyes. The task of this day is to preserve purity and virginity. The day is associated with solar cycles, so the addition here can be from 11 to 55 years.
Recommendations: The day is associated with a showdown. It is necessary to adhere to the law, the contract prescribed earlier. Watch your words, try to speak less. There should be clarity in all matters. It is good to start legal proceedings to restore justice. Favorable time for signing contracts, important negotiations and entering a new job. Try not to lead, it is better to be subordinate. You can't lie, break your oath and contract. This day is associated with tough performance and a ritual where work should not be a joy. Do not swear or smoke on this day.
Clothing: Blue tones are favorable. Avoid yellow and green.
Dreams: Symbolic dreams are not interpreted. Come true in the near future if you have colored dreams and specific ones.
Power Item: Belt woven from 3 threads (yellow, red and white)
Stone: Sapphire is associated with fidelity and oath, the highest law, a ritual stone. Wear on the middle finger.

17th sunny day
Totem- Rooster. This is a critical day. In fact, his totem is not just a Rooster, but a horse with a cock's head and wings. A rooster can add a maximum of 7, but under some circumstances up to 14 years old.
Recommendations: A critical day. Nothing can be planned. Fear is contraindicated. It is important on this day to perform ablution of the whole body. It is good to start a cycle of education, training, admission to study. Sign important documents, start long trips. Day of prayers and temple visits. The day is good for things that require a quick solution. Do not complete any business that day. It's good to make new acquaintances. You can't sit at home a lot. You can't sleep for a long time and look in the mirror for a long time. Sleep should be with light. Children need to be protected with mantras, prayers. Unfavorable time for cleaning the house, do not raise dust. Marriage contacts and feasts are not recommended. You cannot eat chicken meat. You can not offend poultry and pull feathers out of them. A person born on this day needs to be especially careful in choosing a name. It is better for them to have not one, but several names, at least three.
Clothing: It is good to change clothes, dress in everything new and clean. White, yellow, orange and dark red tones are recommended. Discard all dark, gray and blue colors.
Dreams: All good and pleasant dreams can come true exactly the opposite. A good dream indicates deception, you will be lured somewhere. And unpleasant dreams can come true.
Power Item: Spear, shaft, dart.
Stone: A bright red spinel that looks like a ruby.

18th sunny day
Totem- Crane. It evens life up to an average duration for short-lived ones (increases to about 70 years), and gives almost nothing to long-lived ones. The task of the people of this day is to find a "golden mean" in life, then they will receive an average life expectancy.
Recommendations: A day of fun and joy, entertainment, games and activities with children. Share information and experience. It is good to give gifts, play sports and strengthen the physical body. This is the day of justice, so you can start litigation for a fair decision. Privacy is not recommended. Sexual contacts are favorable. Good to drink, but in moderation. You can't shave and cut your hair, there is a lot of sweets
Clothing: Light-colored clothing is not recommended. Stick to strict colors, preferably dark and gray tones.
Dreams: Almost all dreams on this day are considered empty, especially those that are dreamed in sunny weather. Only those dreams that were dreamed in cloudy weather are important. They are implemented very quickly, within 1-2 days.
Power Item: Dark hooded cape and white gloves.
Stone: White jade and jadeite. These are stones of earthly joys, good luck, justice.

19th sunny day
Totem- Mouflon, mountain sheep. This day is associated with ancestors. Therefore, the life of girls is added as much as the mother lives, for boys - as long as the father lives. If the father is initially short-lived, then his time is added to the time of the son. People on the 19th sunny day need to take care of their parents' lives and all of their kind. The better they do it, the longer their life will last. As soon as there are no elders left in the family in a straight line, the person immediately becomes defenseless.
Recommendations: It's good to start treatment. Be vigilant and watch your words, you cannot make promises and vows. It is recommended to spend the day with your family. Not good for fun. You have to cry, be sentimental, relaxed and focused at the same time. Don't sign documents or give a written commitment. The day is favorable for individual work, for housework. It is good to remember ancestors, remember the past and forgive insults to your loved ones. Remember what good things you have done in the past. Do not prepare food on this day, it is usually prepared in advance.
Clothing: Try not to wear a lot of clothes on yourself. Green tones are preferred. Avoid yellows, oranges, and blacks.
Dreams: The things come true after a long time.
Power Item: Sacred key.
Stone: Jasper is greenish-brown in color and chrysopras, which is greenish in color.

21st sunny day
Totem- Eagle with a wolf's head Eagle is a long-liver. It can provide a very large supplement, almost the maximum - up to 60 years. Anyone who initially has an average life expectancy will live up to 100 years, of course, if he matches his day. This correspondence is expressed in strength, ability to lead, organizational skills, teaching. Increases life and wealth earned by honest labor - the richer a person, the longer he will live.
Recommendations: Teamwork is beneficial. Day of throwing lots. Energy healing is beneficial. . There should be great concentration and concentration of efforts on the accomplishment of important matters. Shows collective work. The day is good for weddings and moving, moving to a new job. You can't sit at home and be alone. Marital contact should not be avoided.
Clothing: It is recommended to stick to dark blue and reddish brown colors. Avoid variegated tones and blue.
Dreams: Only those dreams that are quickly remembered are prophetic. All dreams are related not to you personally, but to your environment and come true only if you were interrupted in some kind of dream, on which you woke up.
Power Item: Lightning, bell, crest.
Stone: Bloodstone, dark with bloody veins, is a sacred magic stone.

22nd sunny day
Totem- Stoat. Evens life up to an average duration. If a person matches his day, then he is provided with an even longer life. Short-lived ones get up to 75 years, long-lived ones - 85 years. One of the conditions for increasing life expectancy is helping worthy people. It is necessary to contribute to the elevation of some kind of teaching, to preach.
Recommendations: It is good to understand your life path. It is recommended that you make drastic changes in your life. For example, an abrupt transition to another job. Nothing can be planned. It is favorable to travel and travel, make new acquaintances. Try to stay less under the roof of your house. Live this day according to your intuition. It's bath day. Hair and nails can be cut.
Clothing: Dim and washed out tones are preferable. Avoid all variegated colors, especially reds and oranges.
Dreams: The things that come true very quickly are usually interpreted directly. Seeing several dreams in a row is a sign of favorable changes in life.
Power Item: Wheel, throwing disc.
Stone: Jaspilit - associated with freedom and struggle.

23rd sunny day
Totem- White spider. It gives a very long life, especially for women, but for men it adds little - no more than 10 years. Men born on this day are advised to choose women taller than themselves as partners, and women, on the contrary, need to look for partners below themselves. The fact is that in all spiders, females are much larger than males.
Recommendations: The day is quite free and you have to live according to a free schedule. You can do important social events, the signature of serious documents, legal cases. You cannot retire, indulge in despondency and make repairs on this day. Get less rest. It is good to start a course of treatment. You can prune and cut trees. It's good to build fences, cut locks, set up alarms. Do not buy new things, because they will deteriorate very quickly. Sleep more. Blessed is the one who was overwhelmed by sleep at noon (an indicator of connection with his Guardian Spirit). It is not recommended to avoid marital hugs. The day is good for weddings. Sauna, hair and nails cutting are recommended.
Clothing: Preferably worn and gray tones of clothing, protective. Everything bright and colorful, a combination of black and white is not recommended. Try not to wear hats.
Dreams: Better not to dream on this day. If you have a lot of dreams, then you are on the wrong path, you are very far from the truth.
Power Item: A mirror or crystal ball on which to concentrate for immersion in a trance.
Stone: Serpentine (serpentine), associated with elemental spirits. Greenish-gray color, with variegated black inclusions

24th sunny day
Totem- Woodpecker. Provides little extra life. Long-lived - 5 years, short-lived - twice as long, that is, 10 years. A person born on this day must constantly think. If he is too lazy to think, he will get nothing. It's a tough day.
Recommendations: A critical day dedicated to prayer and fasting. You cannot give in to provocations, be rude and rude. It is not recommended to laugh a lot, to spend holidays. Avoid sexual intercourse, travel and travel, you should be more under the roof of your house. It is good to cleanse the body, take medications .. Shown to do house cleaning, repair and restoration. You need to be silent more, read books. It is good to be engaged in sewing and repairing clothes, any manual labor, jewelry work, stone turning is shown. You cannot work with land. It is good to poison insects. Do not spend this day in dark rooms. Do not open windows at night, so as not to attract dark forces.
Clothing: A combination of red and black colors is recommended, as well as a poisonous yellow-green color. Avoid grays, browns, and purples.
Dreams: It's good if you don't dream today. Sleep on this day is a sign of warning and temptation.
Power Item: Broom, stupa, spindle, fan.
Stone: Jasper, cherry.

25th sunny day
Totem- Serna. A day can add from 8 to 40 years. Those born on this day are obliged to educate both their own and adopted children - the more of them, the better. Honesty is also important. A short-lived person can get up to 40 years old, unless he is lying.
Recommendations: Adventures and new deeds are contraindicated. You can't get angry, kill animals and insects. Be kind and merciful on this day. Then they will help you in difficult times. Spend more time at home and family, children. Family holidays and any housework, renovation work are favorable. Get in touch with water more. Don't start any new business. It is good to make peace with the enemies, on this day the courts were appointed to sort things out. You can't lie. The day is associated with prayers. It is good to give flowers in pots on this day. Picking flowers is not recommended. This is Children's Day. Those parents who do not spend time with their children at 25 S.D. are bad. Try to fulfill the child's request. It is good to pay off debts. The day is bad for travel. On this day, talk to animals, talk to them. Desecration of the land and forest is not allowed. On this day, his real teacher can come to a person. Do not avoid marital hugs and love on this day.
Clothing: White, yellow and pink colors are recommended. Avoid blacks, blues, and browns.
Dreams: Pay attention only to specific dreams. They are prophetic. The brighter the dream, the faster it is realized. You can order sleep on this day, but you need to eat almost nothing from noon to evening. The less a person eats that day, the more prophetic the dream will be.
Power Item: A cloak, a rope, a lasso, a net in which all dark forces are entangled.
Stone: pink-lilac amethyst - a stone of purity, righteousness, manifests thoughts, helps from intoxication and all kinds of intoxication.

26th sunny day
Totem- Polar bear. Lives about the same as a person. This day aligns life to an average duration. This is one of the few days that gives you the opportunity to live only in your homeland. The further a person leaves the place where he was born, the less increase he can get.
Recommendations: Good for shopping. Give gifts that will delight yourself and others. Men must make a gift to a woman. Day of serious events and affairs related to money, the signing of business papers, transactions. This is a merchant's day. Invite guests. It's good to start business trips. Day of cultivation of the land .. Avoid spousal contacts, only the conception of a child is favorable .. You can treat teeth, do cosmetic operations, cleanse the body and skin
Clothing: Dress well in new clothes. Gold, white and red colors are recommended. Avoid blacks, blues, and lilacs. They put on a lot of jewelry, rings. Women should be in all their glory, men should admire them and rejoice.
Dreams: It is good to see a lot of dreams. All dreams on this day are related to property. Power Item: A bag, a wallet - everything related to carrying property.
Stone: White agate or true chalcedony.

27th sunny day
Totem- Blue bird of paradise Those born on this day need to travel a lot, then the Blue Bird will give them the opportunity to live long enough. If a person corresponds to his sunny day, then, as a rule, he always lives up to some anniversary date, at least 60 years. The closer the life of such a person comes to an end, the happier it is. At this time, a huge number of the brightest and most eventful events take place. A person should, as it were, say goodbye to life on a high note and leave.
Recommendations: This is the day of strict observance of the rules in relations between people. Behave as if you were under the control of Heaven. You can't lie and smoke on this day. Treason is contraindicated. Be more outdoors and less indoors. Favorable for travel and travel, contacts and new acquaintances, physical exercise in the air. This is the day of money exchanges. Shows walks and loads on the legs. Women are not advised to use cosmetics. Be hospitable. It is not recommended to go underground and in mines, dig in the ground. Avoid sexual intercourse. You cannot shave and cut your hair.
Clothing: On this day, it is better not to wear many clothes on yourself. Blue, blue and gold colors are recommended. Avoid green and brown tones .. Dreams: Dreams are considered prophetic if a person slept in the open air, with open vents and windows. Especially prophetic are the dreams dreamed on a moonlit night. Come true quickly, within a week. It is good to see the sky, stars, rainbows for good luck.
Power Item: Key, network.
Stone: Lapis lazuli. It differs from lapis lazuli in that it has white veins on the blue stone.

28th sunny day
Totem- Crow. He gives one of the longest lives, but is prescribed to be a loner. The fewer close people around him, the better. The lives of short-lived people corresponding to their day can quadruple. Some people, 28 days of sunshine, live longer than 100 years.
Recommendations: Tough day. Give up all important things. It is not recommended to desecrate the land and kill animals. You can make hedges, dig the foundation of a house, plant plants. Blood cannot be shed and the air cannot be defiled. It is good to be engaged in healing, harvesting herbs and preparing medicines. Special attention should be paid to food preparation. Day of remembrance of the dead. It is not recommended to start serious treatment and operations. The day is associated with a change of name. You cannot shave and cut your hair. You can drink, but only for peace and you can't clink glasses.
Clothing: Recommended colors are black, dark blue and brown. Avoid yellows, reds, and oranges.
Dreams: It is believed that only nightmares and very specific dreams are prophetic. Dreams are meaningful only at sunrise.
Power Item: Shovel and comb.
Stone: Labrador (raven eye is black with blue reflections).

29th sunny day
Totem- White cat. Fluffy cat with blue eyes. The increase in life will be up to 15 years. "This totem does not give an increase to people who are gloomy, withdrawn, angry and envious. The ideal person of this day should be cheerful and friendly. Recommendations: It is good to buy, sew and mend clothes. The day is good for study and conversation, but remember to watch your words. Favorable time for restoration and renovation work. A good time to write and read books, to start the educational process. Day of fun, joy, laughter. The day is bad for travel and for all drivers. Loneliness is contraindicated. The day is good for conceiving a child. Sexual relations are obligatory, but only in the light. On this day, they used to read the book and cast lots. It's a bath day. It is recommended to do skin cleansing, hair and nail trimming. Massages, rubbing are recommended.
Clothing: Dress well in everything colorful and bright. The more variegated and more gloss, the better. The best colors of this day are golden, light lilac, yellow. Any monotonous scales, all very dark tones (brown) and green are not recommended. On this day, new clothes were bought and dressed, they especially watched the jewelry, in no case did they wear malachite.
Dreams: If you hear voices in a dream, then the dream is prophetic. It is better if the dreams are not colored, the sleep information is interpreted directly.
Power Item: Scissors, they were even used to guess, holding a book and cutting all kinds of threads. And all kinds of musical instruments, in particular the flute.
Stone: variegated jasper, reddish-yellow-lilac, with white streaks.

30th sunny day
Totem- Peacock. A peacock-like bird like the Firebird gives long life. Anyone who knows how to balance extremes, smooth out aggression, eliminate contradictions, complete the work begun, his life is much longer. The increase can be up to 50 years.
Recommendations: Complete old things. This is a day of serious and important events, everything must be taken seriously. It is better to spend the day with relatives, less to be in public. Long distance travel is not recommended. Watch your thoughts, speak less and do not throw words to the wind, do not plot anything bad. Animals and insects cannot be killed. Day of prayer and remembrance of the dead. It is advisable not to do laundry, cleaning, cooking. The best day to fast. Try to be more in the light and sleep in the light. It is good to buy clocks and mirrors. The best day to meditate, especially on a light source. It is good to get rid of old things, to put unnecessary things in a landfill.
Clothing: Any color of clothing is allowed except black.
Dreams: Only that dream comes true, after which you suddenly wake up and remember it to the end. Ideally, it is better not to dream at all - that means you have no problems. There are dreams - there are problems, but from which there is a way out.
Power Item: Rosary with 30 stones, preferably tourmaline, bell.
Stone: gold aventurine (brown with sparkles). And tourmaline (pink, almost transparent) is a stone of innocence, where, according to the Zoroastrians, there are huge deposits of light. This is a stone for testing the strength of any teacher, strengthens the family.

7 Lunar day

Start 04/02/2017 at 10:13 the ending 04/03/2017 at 11:07

Symbol of the day: rod, rooster, wind rose

Motto: "I walk integrity through wisdom, energy and creation"

Day of choosing the direction of the path. The wind rose helps you choose which direction to head in, where the wind is blowing from. There is a lot of energy and it is subject to our will and reason. The rooster is a symbol of dawn and a new day, he scatters the dark forces with his cry. So it is in our business: the clouds are parting and you can see the clear blue sky.

On this day, the word has very great power, both destructive and constructive. Everything that you say on this day tends to come true very quickly. Therefore, do not talk in vain, watch what you say. The universe today perceives your words as a call to action. On this day, you may be provoked to be more talkative. You better keep silent. Negatively, and primarily for you, lies and gossip.

But all good wishes also come true, and prayer has healing power.

The day is good for business activity, business, meetings with partners and negotiations. But be careful, deceptions are possible.

The lungs are especially vulnerable on this day. Beware of colds.

Dreams. On these lunar days, prophetic dreams come true very quickly.

Moon in Gemini until 21:26

Moon in Cancer from 09:26 PM

During this period, we become sensitive, vulnerable, sentimental.

Relationships, family, parents are important for us. We want comfort, the inner world is much more important to us than external events.

The mood these days can change regardless of us.

You should not make hasty decisions and not do rash actions on these lunar days.

The best thing to do is to take care of the house, to put things in order, to visit the parents. Relationship with mom is activated. The topic of family, traditions, homeland becomes interesting.

Well these days travel by water, you can also spend time near the reservoir.

13 Sunny Day from 06:32 Symbol Day: Stars

In the Avestan tradition, the day dedicated to Tishtriya - the Guardian of the Sky.

Tishtriya is a heavenly rider that brings rain, dispels darkness, hunger and death. By this name, the Zoroastrians meant the star Sirius, a bright night star - a guide.

This travel day. It is good to sign contracts, meet with partners, solve tasks. A great day for any games and physical activity.

It is good to purify, receive or conduct initiations, this is the time for renewal and obtaining new knowledge.

On this day, they tried to eat a little, excluded animal food from the diet. It was recommended to eat bread, flat cakes, cottage cheese, cheeses.

Sunday is a day dedicated to God, as the main luminary, this is the day of creativity and holidays. The energy of the Sun helps to unleash creative potential, on this day it is good to spend holidays, walk with children, read new creative projects, and receive guests. Also, this day is associated with healing, since it was on this day that the cycle of restoring the body's strength began. This is the beginning of a cycle of creative programs. It was not recommended to spend the day in despondency, isolation and not to conclude adventurous deals.

Sun stones: amber, citrine, ametrine, pyrite, imperial topaz, heliolite

With love,

Astrologer Lyudmila Davidenko

A day dedicated to the guardian of rain - Tishtriya, he is the winner of the drought that comes from the demon Apaoshi. The main functions of Tishtriya, according to the Zoroastrians, were the expulsion of darkness, deliverance from hunger and death. It is with Tishtriya that the brightest star is associated - Sirius, which is the leader of the night sky. According to beliefs, it is Sirius who saves the lands from drought, irrigating them with torrential rain, as well as getting rid of insect pests. Tishtriya was also revered as a savior from induced magical effects.


Today one should not indulge in gluttony, the day is good for fasting. If this is not part of your plans, then try to just eliminate animal foods from your diet. Diversify today's menu with salted cheese, cottage cheese, bread and unleavened pancakes.



Signs must be treated with special care in the morning, and especially in the morning. So, if you accidentally find an object made of metal or silver, then strong patronage awaits you. A dropped knife predicts your victory over enemies. If in the morning you feel a sweetish taste in your mouth or smell an unusual pleasant aroma, then a pleasant acquaintance awaits you in the future.

If your back is itching in the morning, you should expect trouble. Itching in the neck - be wiser in spending, and if your stomach itches, you should take a more responsible attitude to your job duties, since there is a presence of getting into unpleasant situations at work. Broken dishes today warn you that you recently made a wrong choice that you will soon regret. Waking up salt is a sign of upcoming quarrels. If the howling of the wind is heard in your windows and doors, then in the future you will face unforeseen financial expenses. If you get caught in the rain or get dirty in the mud, obstacles await you on the way. The clock has stopped - be more attentive to what choice you will soon make, do not make mistakes! A negative sign portending death is the loss of keys on the 13th sunny day.


Today you should be attentive to specific dreams, because on the 13th sunny day, they usually serve as a warning sign. So, the fire seen today portends patronage and powerful protection. If you see yourself dressed in a hat, fur coat or cloak, then in the near future you will be lucky. A fish seen by a woman promises the fulfillment of desire. The keys that appeared in a dream symbolize the coming acquisition of self-confidence. If in the plot of a dream, you see yourself reading a book or writing a letter - this is a positive sign, portending new pleasant acquaintances, and the girl will meet her future husband. For a married woman, such a dream is not very favorable, since it promises a break in the existing relationship.

Totem: horse with wings, Pegasus.

The characteristic features of a person with a pronounced given totem are a slender neck, a massive nose, a dragging look, as well as a large forehead and jaw. Usually these are people of short stature, with thick, coarse and blond hair.

The horse man has a bold, freedom-loving character. He will not be afraid to tell the truth in person, no matter how cruel it is, which is why those around him do not like him. Differs in a high level of adherence to principles, will defend his convictions to the bitter end. However, he respects true leaders and will unquestioningly obey the stronger. He is independent, he is used to solving his problems on his own, inclined to introspection. In a relationship, he is usually a monogamous person and a leader. Among the Pegasus, there are rarely hypocrites and intriguers; these are people with a strong spirit and courage.

Signs of Hvarna: 3 moles in the form of a triangle on the inner side of the thigh.

Good deed: the eradication of evil, lies and hypocrisy. Fight for the truth. The 13th sunny day usually creates a situation for you in which you need to make a choice, since it does not tolerate duality and infantilism.

Antitotem: viper, Asp.

Sin: Atheism, worship of false gods.

Number: 5, 13, 33, 55, 128, 555, 1024.

Patron planet: Chiron.

Patron Star: Sirius.

Power Item: a chain with a metal ingot at the base, a whip with 7 ropes.

Patron stone: jasperite is a mineral that protects against the effects of dark forces.

Famous people born on the 13th sunny day

Rene Antoine Réaumur 02/26/1683 French naturalist

Halley (Halley) Edmund 10/29/1656 English astronomer and geophysicist

Casanova Giovanni Giacomo 04/02/1725 Italian adventurer

Blake William 11/28/1757 English poet and artist

Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus 27.01.1756 Austrian composer

Nelson Horatio 09/29/1758 Admiral of the British Navy

Skobelev Mikhail Dmitrievich 09/29/1843 Russian military leader

Polenov Vasily Dmitrievich 06/01/1844 Russian artist-itinerant

Any planet, since it is dual in terms of broadcasting information of different quality, is already a source of many problems. The purest (not defiled by Evil) of the planets are The sun and moon, because only they do not make loops and are considered the keepers of calendar cycles. But even the Sun has spots, and the Moon has a dark side, associated with demonic entities. Sometimes spots on the Sun obscure almost half of its disk, interfering with the manifestation of sunlight. Therefore, in the solar calendar, which is rightfully considered the keeper Hvarna, yet there are "thieves" of this divine grace. It is with them that several critical days are associated, close according to information to the satanic lunar days.

These five days sunspots: and the days- are related to the period of formation of sunspots. People born on such days are initially given a very great potential, which, with the wrong understanding and behavior, can be used by them for self-affirmation. Such a person has a tremendous temptation to pride, as a result of which his Hvarna (totem) can turn into antihvarna (anti-totem), and he will objectively work for the forces of Evil.

The solar calendar includes 360 days and is equal to the ideal solar cycle. After the invasion of the world of Angra Manyu (Destroyer Spirit), this cycle increased by 5.25 days, and therefore the last 5-6 days of the year are considered days of purification, fasting, prayer, when you need to get rid of negativity and problems. People born in the last days of the year (March 16-20) need to work out their Hvarna in prayers for others, for only then they will be given a reward.

WITH The sun manifests in a person the quality of reason, the conscious use of all the creative potential that he receives from Heaven at birth. Moreover, everyone has their own qualities and are associated, both with the Sun sign of the Zodiac, and with a solar birthday. The brighter and more extraordinary the personality, the more solar qualities it has.

Skillfully realizing and using these qualities in growth means giving the world the sunlight that we receive at birth. All this is similar to plants that, as a result of the phenomenon of photosynthesis, release oxygen, enriching the air space with it. That is why the Sun and the angel Amertat associated with it are the masters of the elements of plants. And since any Tree is considered the guardian of the Family, the Sun in each of us manifests all the best that has been accumulated in our family by our ancestors. That is why the Sun is exalted in the first sign of the zodiac - Aries, associated with the Fravashi (ancestors).

At the same time, all plants correspond to certain sacred animals, which, in turn, are totems of sunny days ... It is thanks to them, focusing on their habits and way of life, that each of us can understand the path to the disclosure of our original Hvarna and the acquisition of divine grace.

Zoroastrians have always believed that the world is complete and its present split state is only temporary. In order not to aggravate it, but, on the contrary, to contribute to the early restoration of harmony, they tried to live according to the calendar, which kept in itself the memory of the first creation. The integrity of the manifested world, the inextricable interconnection of its individual parts were absolutely obvious to the Zoroastrians. In their opinion, each Ized is accompanied by this or that star, corresponding to certain metals and minerals, representatives of the animal and plant world. They attached great importance to the symbolism of numbers, dreams and signs. Throughout the world around them, they tried to see signs from above, and observing the sky was no more important for them than observing the processes taking place on earth.

It is from this perspective that the sacred Zoroastrian calendar should be viewed. This is primarily a guide, the use of which will allow a person to avoid underwater reefs in the turbulent course of everyday life, as well as to look at himself and others in a different way, answer many questions and avoid some mistakes.

The annual Zoroastrian calendar allows a person to find out the solar day of their birth, regardless of the year of birth.

In order to learn how to use the calendar, you need to understand three fundamental points:

  1. The beginning of the year in the Zoroastrian calendar (as in the most ancient calendar systems) is considered the moment of the vernal equinox or the entry of the Sun into the zodiac sign of Aries... This happens, as a rule March 20 or March 21.
  2. The beginning of the day is the moment the sun rises. Novruz (or new day of the new year) begins with the rising of the Sun, which has already entered the first degree of the sign of Aries. In order to correlate the date of birth of a person with this or that day of the solar Zoroastrian calendar, you need to know exactly when he was born - before the sunrise, or after it. So, for example, the solar day of birth of a person born on May 8 before sunrise will be considered the 18th solar day, and a person born a few hours later, but after the onset of sunrise - 19 solar day.
  3. Each day of the Zoroastrian calendar described above repeats 12 times throughout the year, and information corresponding to, for example, 19 solar day will apply to April 8, May 8, June 7, July 7, August 6, September 5, October 5, November 4, December 4, January 3, February 2 and March 4. The originality of each of these days will consist in the imposition of the characteristics of the solar day on the characteristics of one or another month of the Zoroastrian calendar.

The date of Novruz is adopted as the beginning of the year: March 21 ... But since the duration of the tropical year is 365.24 days, and not the whole number of days, in some years this date is shifted, and Novruz begins on March 22. In this case, each sunny day of the calendar will come a day later.

In the XX century Novruz has come to the western European territory of the former Soviet Union

March 22 in the following years: 1901, 1902, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1922, 1923, 1926, 1927, 1930, 1931, 1934, 1935, 1938, 1939, 1942, 1943, 1946, 1947, 1950, 1951, 1955, 1959, 1963, 1967, 1971, 1975, 1979, 1983

In the XXI century Novruz in the same territory will come 20th of March in the following years: 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040, 2044, 2048, 2052, 2053, 2056, 2057, 2060, 2061, 2064, 2065, 2068, 2069, 2072, 2073, 2076, 2077, 2080, 2081, 2084, 2085, 2086, 2088, 2089, 2090, 2092, 2093, 2094, 2096,2097, 2098, 2100

Characteristics of sunny days

The sacred Zoroastrian patron saint of this sunny day is Tishtriya - the patron saint of rain. He is depicted as a rider galloping through the clouds. In mythology, Tishtriya defeated Alaoshi, the demon of drought. Tishtriya conquers darkness, prevents drought, hunger and death.

Influence and characteristics of 13 sunny days

The number 13 is the embodiment of evil, but evil itself can be overcome. To win, you need complete self-control, analysis of the situation, logical construction of judgments and actions. Evil should not be fought with its methods. Otherwise, the demons will definitely take advantage of this on the 13th sunny day.

It is dedicated to the stars. A labyrinth is used as a symbolism, with the help of which land and water are reunited. The labyrinth is positioned as the sea coast where the battle between Tishtri and Alaoshi took place. The walls of this labyrinth are cities and other settlements built on the coasts of rivers and seas.

On the 13th sunny day, it is customary to make forecasts for the future. As a result, chess is considered another symbol of the day, where correctly planned moves are the key to winning. Besides chess, it is not a sin to play dominoes and dice.

On the 13th sunny day, you should be especially careful about your own words and actions. Any outburst of emotions, momentary impulse or curse, thrown without intent, on this day can be realized.

For whom the 13th sunny day is favorable

This day is favorable for travelers, astronomers and astrologers. In order to have luck and luck on the 13th day, you should devote your free time to solving puzzles and puzzles. During working hours, engage in the logical construction of future long-term projects. The day favors only the confident, thoughtful, able to think logically and sensibly and reason people. The day is good for strength and cardio workouts. on this day, you should begin to master the program to reduce excess weight.
It will not be superfluous to visit an experienced magician and folk healer who can help get rid of the evil eye or damage, which are especially dangerous on this day. The 13th sunny day is ideal for the initiation process. Initiation should be resorted to only at the end of the spiritual cleansing procedure.

What not to do on 13 sunny day

On this day, rash acts, statements and statements are prohibited. All this will be immediately used by the demons as a weapon of victory.
You should refrain from going to the hairdresser, beauty salons, manicure and pedicure. It is necessary to bypass uninhabited, unlit places. You cannot keep windows closed. Any breaks in gender relations, termination of contacts, both personal and business, will be undesirable.
It is not recommended to write hand-made documents on the 13th sunny day. An exception is the signing of large contracts or official documents that are legally binding.
Sexual relations are also prohibited. Zoroastrians on the 13th sunny day avoided even verbal contact with spouses and objects of desire. It is better to postpone all marriages, weddings, because these relations have no future.
You cannot feel fear of threats, blackmail, psychological pressure. This test is imposed by the demons.

Clothes on the 13th sunny day

On this day, the Zoroastrians wore clothes of red, white and lilac colors. These are the colors of Tishtriya.
Under the ban were khaki, brown, yellow-brown, sand. These shades were considered symbols of Alaoshi.

Good deeds on 13 sunny day

Suppression of attempts to combine virtue and evil is recognized as Godly deeds on this day. It is unacceptable to do such a thing, otherwise the harmony in the world may be disturbed, there may be a duality of concepts and judgments.

Meals on the 13th sunny day

It is not conducive to gluttony and gluttony. It is recommended not to eat animal products. Unleavened bread and yeast cakes should be used as food. These foods should be round. In addition, it is allowed to eat feta cheese. Brynza is associated with the victory of Tishtriya.


Sinful deeds and thoughts for this day are denial of God, disbelief in the higher reason and the laws of nature.

Dreams at 13 Sunny Day

It is generally accepted that this is the day of prophetic dreams. Dreams should have a clear and realistic picture of what is happening. These are the dreams that should come true in the near future. Confused, devoid of meaning and logic, dreams are considered dangerous. Such dreams come from the devil.

Dreams are considered good in which there is a fire, as well as a source of light. If a woman dreamed of a goldfish, then this is a harbinger of good luck.
A dream on the 13th sunny day, in which you open the door or pick up the key to the lock, speaks of self-confidence, gaining protection. Loss of keys, wandering through the forest or steppe indicates that the defense is weakened.
Losing clothes in a dream means that difficult trials will soon come. It can be like the loss of a loved one or financial problems. To see yourself in armor, a rich fur coat or in a headdress means luck or long-awaited help is not far off.
An open book in a dream indicates an imminent romantic date or meeting with your chosen one. If a married woman writes something in a dream, then this is a harbinger of the end of a hateful family relationship.

Individual totems born on the 13th sunny day

Jasperite was chosen as the stone of the day. This mineral contains a large amount of iron ore. In this regard, it is easy to distinguish it by its magnetization property. The Zoroastrians recognized Shatavaesh as a magnet, the mountain from which everything around was attracted. The appearance of the stone has gray and white streaks. Jasperite is considered a talisman against Satan's minions.
The planet of the 13th solar day is Chiron. Sirius is defined as the star of this day. This is the alpha in the constellation Canis Major. The planet emits a white-yellow glow. Sirius interacts with Jupiter, Moon and Selena. Sirius bestows sacred and spiritual powers to humanity.
The lucky numbers are 5, 13, 33, 55, 128, 555 and 1024.
On the 13th sunny day, the Zoroastrians chose a whip - a seven-tailed whip - as an object of power. With the help of this sacred object, Tishtriya managed to defeat the demon, cutting through the darkness. Seven-tailed indicates seven options for the behavioral model of human life. In addition to the whip, a whip, arapnik, a brush, a club and a mace are considered analogs of an object of power.

Signs at 13 Sunny Day

If on this day you find something shiny, especially a metal product in the form of a knife, a throwing weapon, then this omen indicates that the enemies will reveal themselves and their insidious plans and then there will be an opportunity to punish them.
If on the 13th sunny day a close relative or friend first got in touch, then this is a sign that he is destined to play a key role in life.
Special attention should be paid to events in the country and in the world. What news will be heard, it means that a similar situation will happen in your own life.
If you receive white flowers as a gift on this day, then a date is soon possible, followed by a new personal relationship.
To see torn shoes on the 13th sunny day is a threat of imprisonment or participation in a criminal case as an accused.
To see a well, a spring and drink water from it is a sign according to which it is possible to obtain sacred knowledge or discoveries.
If the clock has stopped or is late on this day, then this is a sign indicating that you should change the course of your life, because at the present time the course has been chosen incorrectly. If the clock is in a hurry, then you should change the pace of your own life, not rush things.
Getting wet in the rain, listening to the rain knocking on the window or on the roof, and also hearing any knocking is a sign of monetary loss.
If you break the dishes, then this indicates the erroneousness of the decision made.
Salt scattered on this day speaks of upcoming strife and conflicts.
Metal objects that have fallen to the floor speak of good news.
Getting dirty in dust or dirt - to the appearance of serious problems, stumbling blocks. For women, this sign indicates a potential threat of sexual violence or harassment.
If a sweetish aftertaste is felt in the mouth in the morning, then this portends a win, success or victory.
If thirst is tormented throughout the day, then this is a sign of an attack by demons.
Finding a coin heads up - fortunately, tails - to problems.
If your neck itches in the morning, then unplanned spending is possible. If the back is itchy, then there will be problems with children or relationships. The lost key to the home speaks of the death of a loved one.

Totem 13 sunny day and anti-totem

The Zoroastrians chose Pegasus as the totem of this sunny day - a mystical winged horse with a golden mane and paws instead of hooves. Asp is considered the antithesis of the 13th sunny day - a large, black, poisonous snake.

Characteristics of a person born on the 13th sunny day

On this day, people with the Pegasus totem have the following appearance and character traits. These are fair-haired people of average height and build. The face is elongated. The eyes and nose are large. The eyes are dark green with a sadness. Hair is coarse, unruly. The neck is long and strong. Large lower jaw.

By nature, these are responsible, fearless, sharp in movements people. Often they do not know how and do not want to control their own desires and emotions. Straightforward, not tolerating secrets and intrigues. Uncompromising. For these traits they have few friends. Do not throw words. Defend their own beliefs and principles.

Born on the 13th sunny day, they strive for travel and business trips. Indecisive and shy up to a certain point. Having made a decision for themselves, they stop at nothing. They try to live according to experience and logic. They suffer from constant rethinking of values ​​and their own actions, often Samoyeds.

They have no attachment to a certain place, they strive to gain freedom. They can obey only those who show a stronger character and will, or physical superiority.
In view of internal impermanence, they strive for change. They love paradoxes, riddles. They try to be in a team.

Negative traits of character born on the 13th sunny day - anti-theme

The appearance of people with anti-theme is repulsive. Dark-haired, thin build, with long limbs. Stooped. All the time they slip away, spin. The eyes are sunken, motionless. They often lisp.
They pay a lot of attention to their own body, they are prone to narcissism. Women often spend time trying on dresses, trying to hide their own flaws in complexion.

They are very fond of intrigue, meanness. They try to do nasty things on the sly. They strive to maintain friendship with opposing enemies in order to push them even more. Sneakers and flatterers.

Those born on the 13th sunny day under the anti-theme do not know how to enjoy life. They love to participate in funerals, to watch the killing. Animals are not tolerated. Among the Aspids there are many necrophiles, murderers, marauders, and traitors.
Embittered, they see only negative in everything. Locked in their own world. Do not seek long-term relationships. They enter into marriage only for selfish motives. They do not strive for procreation. Asp mothers are terrible, purer than stepmothers.

Famous people born on the 13th sunny day

Giacomo Giovanni Casanova (02 April 1725), Italian adventurer
Edmund Halley (29 October 1656), English astronomer
Antoine Reaumur (26 February 1683), French naturalist
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 1756), Austrian composer
William Blake (28 November 1757), English poet and painter
Horatio Nelson (29 September 1758), Admiral of the English Navy
Friedrich Engels (28 November 1820), one of the authors of the utopia of Marxism
Michelangelo Antonioni (29 September 1912), Italian film director

Russian celebrities born on the 13th sunny day

Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev (September 29, 1843), military leader
Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov (01 June 1844), itinerant artist
Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (January 27, 1879), storyteller
Abram Fedorovich Ioffe (October 29, 1880), physicist, researcher of semiconductors
Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (28 November 1880), poet
Vera Petrovna Maretskaya (July 31, 1906), actress