Why dream of a wedding with a sign. Why is the wedding dreaming? What do you do at a wedding in a dream

From time to time, people have prophetic dreams. It has been proven that a person's subconscious is a source of a colossal amount of information about the owner himself, about his present and future life. Much of what is contained here is inaccessible to understanding. But periodically, the subconscious mind, with the help of images, episodes, viewing life situations, gives us a clue precisely in a dream.

Since ancient times, humanity has been deciphering prophetic dreams. There are different interpretations for the same event seen in a dream. Descriptions and interpretations of dreams are usually recorded in special books - dream books. Based on the experience of people of past generations, we propose to figure out what the wedding is about.

There are many options for events related to the wedding. A dream is interpreted depending on what exactly a person sees in a dream. The opinions of esotericists about marriage differ. But there is a consensus that the presence at a wedding event promises a new acquaintance. But, according to some dream books, the presence at your own wedding indicates the beginning of an unfavorable streak.

What does it lead to to see someone else's wedding in a dream

A wedding is a ritual associated with traditions, customs, omens, omens. The wedding ceremony is considered the starting point of a new life, a harbinger of favorable changes. It is believed that if a day before the prophetic dream, a person thought about the desire to change his life, then the dream only confirms the beginning of change.

Sleep is favorable for those who have decided to improve themselves, to change themselves for the better. Night dreams suggest that the desire to become different will change your life. But the wedding omen is not only about the positives. A person should remember that any decision implies responsibility, limitations. On the way to positive change, it is recommended to tune in to overcome difficulties, remove obstacles.

From a spiritual point of view, the dream of a wedding is interpreted as a union, a union of masculine and feminine principles, body and spirit, consciousness with the subconscious. Let's consider a number of specific situations about a wedding that a sleeper may see.

Interpretation of various dreams, one way or another related to the wedding

  • to be a guest at someone's wedding celebration; having fun, walking on a holiday predicts possible new business acquaintances, meeting like-minded people, fulfilling a dream, getting out of a difficult situation;
  • an unmarried person attending a wedding promises the onset of a long illness. To avoid this, jokingly or seriously, the authors of dream books recommend urgently changing their social status: getting married or getting married;
  • to get engaged to an unmarried / unmarried - to unexpected joy;
  • marriage with an unpleasant person - the end of communication with him in life;
  • a young, beautiful, sophisticated bride is a sign of an approaching danger for parents;
  • an old, ugly woman - a bride testifies to the danger for close relatives and for a sleeping person;
  • newlyweds - changes in life;
  • the wedding ceremony dreams of joyful events, making new friends;
  • to see a wedding procession means to know good news, good news; start preparing for important events;
  • to marry someone else's wife - to have criminal desires hidden at the subconscious level;
  • if you dream that your beloved is getting married, there is a risk of an accident for your beloved; indicates unfounded jealous feelings of a sleeping person in relation to his soul mate. Predicts an imminent break in relations;
  • being the organizer of someone's wedding means facing difficult obstacles;
  • accept an offer of a hand and a heart - to the implementation of what was planned, promised; achieving universal respect;
  • disapproval of marriage by parents: the same should be expected in real life;
  • to see a girl at her wedding with a guest in a mourning dress / suit - to an unsuccessful family life;
  • witnessing a cheerful, lively wedding means the beginning of troubles in the house, perhaps unhappiness with someone from close relatives;
  • if a man dreams that he is the groom at the wedding, the interpretation of such a dream is the opposite: this is a sign of long years of loneliness;
  • if a patient dreams of a wedding celebration, it is a sign of the development of complications;
  • a dream when a young girl sees herself as an elegant bride indicates a waking illness;
  • the dream of marrying an unfamiliar man means separation or parting with a loved one for a girl;
  • to be a guest at a wedding - to favorable changes;
  • being an animator at a festive event suggests that in real life you should work harder, work harder. Otherwise, the set goals will not be achieved;
  • a dream about a secret marriage of a girl - to gossip;
  • marriage with an old man - to a serious illness;
  • to be present at your wedding, in anticipation of the wedding night, is a false accusation of a person for what he did not do;
  • dances at a wedding suggest that in real life it is recommended to be more attentive to the opposite sex.

Decoding a dream when a sleeping person sees his own wedding

On account of the interpretation of the dream with episodes of their own wedding, esotericism disagrees. Some authors are sure that a dream portends a serious illness, accident, death. But there are dream books where positive, happy events in life are considered the main interpretation. We have no choice but to choose an option to our liking.

Your own wedding can be a sign of sadness, a gift. If a dream with a fun wedding is fun; boring wedding - to sadness, tears. In Ancient Russia, girls were sure that seeing their wedding was a bad sign. But now people, treating life much more positively, interpret sleep as the beginning of only happy and joyful circumstances in life.

If a woman or a man is actively preparing for marriage, then it is not surprising that thoughts about the upcoming event will visit them even in dreams. In this case, the plot does not require special interpretation. And why dream of own wedding, if a person does not plan such a celebration, or has been legally married for a long time, is described below.

In the Russian dream book, the wedding symbolizes serious changes in real life. This applies to options when she dreamed of dreamers of both sexes. If a person sees himself as a guest at his own wedding celebration, then soon he will have to make a decision that will turn out to be fateful.

The sorcerer Longo suggests that such a plot speaks only of the desire of the sleeping person to forever connect his fate with his soul mate. If a person is already legally married, then changes in family life await him. They will be positive or negative, depending on how fun the holiday was in a dream.

In the work of Nina Grishina, it is noted that her own wedding, to which guests came in mourning clothes, is a harbinger of a whole year of failures, troubles and illnesses. You need to endure and overcome all troubles with dignity.

Miller is sure that the plot under discussion promises a person to get into a difficult situation in real life. You should not hesitate to ask for help from loved ones and even from complete strangers. In this case, a person can easily and quickly cope with difficult circumstances.

An erotic dream book suggests that the dreamer's relationship with his soul mate is at an impasse. You cannot continue to live in the old way. You need to either transform your relationship, or decide on a final break.

What is the dream of an unmarried girl, a woman?

If a very young girl is dreaming of preparing for the wedding, who in the process experiences discomfort or even a feeling of shame, then in reality she will not decide on such a step soon. If a similar plot gives the young lady pleasure, this is a clear sign that she has carnal desires, which are very difficult to deal with in real life.

An unmarried woman sees her wedding very sad and with few guests? Most likely, in reality, an unsuccessful marriage awaits her. You need to be very careful when choosing a soul mate and not look at your beloved through rose-colored glasses.

It happens that in her dream a lonely representative of the fair sex sees a wedding celebration with a stranger. Such a plot has nothing to do with her personal life. But he portends unexpected and dramatic changes in other areas. Perhaps it will even be a move to another country or a sharp change in professional activity.

A man saw his wedding in a dream

A man who is single in reality is going to his own wedding in a dream? This means that soon he will be offered a lucrative business contract. You can safely agree to such an offer. The result will pleasantly surprise the sleeper.

If the already married representative of the stronger sex in the plot of night vision married his wife again, then this is a very bad omen. Probably worsening of health awaits him. It's time to take care of the prevention of chronic ailments and visit a doctor. If a person who is married in reality dreams of a very cheerful wedding of his own, then it promises him pleasant changes in his relationship with his soul mate. A man will be able to get to know his spouse from a new pleasant side.

An often discussed plot young people see before changes in work. After such a dream, they can expect a long-awaited career advancement.

A wedding, at which many old acquaintances of a man are present as guests, is a sign that he has accumulated too many grievances against others. To further calmly continue your life path and conquer new goals, you need to deal with the past psychological burden.

Wedding with ex-fiancé, husband

It happens that in a dream, a former spouse or a young man suddenly appears in the role of the groom. This is a clear sign that a man wants to return his beloved and thinks a lot about her. It is possible that the ex-husband will call again to marry.

If a girl is in a bad relationship with her former lover, and you can immediately exclude the possibility of their renewal, then a similar plot suggests that you need to overestimate your thoughts and actions. It's time to finally learn from your own mistakes.

Dreaming of a failed wedding

In order to correctly interpret the plot with a failed wedding celebration, you must first of all remember why the holiday fell through:

  • If the groom simply did not appear at the event, it means that in reality there are obstacles in the sleeping person's life that prevent her from achieving her own goal. They need to be dealt with as soon as possible in order to move on freely.
  • It happens that the wedding will not take place simply because the groom was replaced by a complete stranger. This is a hint that in reality the woman is unhappy with her sex life. In intimacy, she lacks thrills and pleasures.
  • If a girl dressed up for a long time before the holiday and tried on several dresses at once, but in the end the wedding did not take place, this means that she should expect financial difficulties. The reason for unpleasant financial changes will be the inaction of the sleeping woman herself and her love for unreasonable spending.
  • It happens that the fair sex herself runs away from the holiday. In this case, for an accurate interpretation of the plot, you will need to remember as many details as possible. For example, what emotions the woman experienced in the process. If she was upset and upset, it means that she has things on her shoulders that she really does not want to complete to the end. If she was happy and laughed, then soon the girl would get rid of the burden of someone else's responsibility, which was very pressing on her.

To dream of a wedding with a loved one

A loved one as a spouse in a dream is already a good sign. There is a high probability that the couple's relationship will move to a completely new stage. It will be much more comfortable, quieter and more interesting than before. The litter will become much less.

If a girl's relationship with a young man in reality has only recently begun, and suddenly she sees her own wedding with him in nightly dreams, it means that a sincere declaration of love awaits the sleeping person soon. Another interpretation of a similar plot is the news of pregnancy.

Was the wedding with your loved one in a dream very happy and joyful? This means that the dreamer really loves this man very sincerely. There is stability and well-being between two people. It is likely that they will live together for the rest of their lives and will be infinitely happy at the same time.

If the marriage with a man who is a waking husband was unsuccessful in night dreams, you should expect problems in the relationship. It can be both banal misunderstandings and betrayal on the part of the stronger sex. It will take a lot of effort to protect your family from parting. Basically it is the woman who will have to act.

A wedding is a very significant event in life, and when you have it, as they say, “on your nose,” it is not surprising that dreams with a wedding often come to you. However, sometimes the wedding is dreamed of "just like that", as, in principle, and. In the old days, it was believed that if a girl and even more so a married woman dreamed of her own wedding and she was in a white wedding dress, expect trouble.

But in our time, such an interpretation is irrelevant, and if a girl dreamed of a wedding, she is happy, since this indicates that she will soon get married. If a married woman dreams of her own wedding, this is seen as pleasant chores ahead. We offer you ours.

Why dream of your own wedding? Only pluses!

A dreaming of your own wedding sometimes means that serious changes are coming in your life, and you need to be ready for them.

Your wedding in a dream, where you see yourself in the role of a bride or groom - regardless of marital status - is a warning that you will have to make a difficult decision that will affect your whole future life. If the solution to your problem is right, your life will improve. More interpretations depending on situations:

  • When you dream of your own wedding and you have fun in a dream, a pleasant surprise awaits you in reality.
  • If one of the spouses dreams of their past wedding and they are both happy, it means that they have a happy family life in reality. Sometimes a dreaming of their own wedding for spouses means a new round of their relationship - usually a good one, when one of them realizes their past mistakes and corrects them in real life and begins to pay more attention to the family.
  • When a girl or woman in a dream decides to get married, it means that she deserves all the good that is in her life, and the people around her appreciate her company.
  • Seeing your wedding in a dream means that your relationship has been decided and it is time to put the final point - to go to the registry office.
  • Why is a free young boy or girl dreaming of a wedding of their own? Perhaps, although they do not have a couple at the moment, they really want to change their position and "ring" a representative of the opposite sex, who still needs to be found. If they dreamed of their own wedding, at which they walk merrily, it means that in reality they will meet with a potential groom or bride at some friendly party, and this acquaintance may turn out to be fateful. By the way, do not forget to check yourself on later.

Why dream of your own wedding? Is there anything wrong with these dreams?

Sometimes their own wedding, dreamed of by a married woman or a married man, at which they seem to be fine, but also want everything to end quickly, suggests that there are serious restrictions in their lives associated with marriage. Or that one of the spouses is too jealous. And further:

  • Why dream of your own wedding, which does not end in any way? Perhaps your relationship with your partner is just a dead end, and you need to either end it, or bring it to a new level. Try to test yourself on.
  • If in a dream at your wedding you are surrounded by a crowd of women and men, then your relationship with your loved one is confused.
  • When you dreamed of your own wedding, and you are preparing for the first wedding night, but it still does not come, you will be unfairly accused of an unseemly act.
  • If in a dream you see your own wedding, but it is not fun, not too good events await you.
  • If in a dream you see your wedding, but with someone else's spouse, whom you know well, your plans are doomed to failure.
  • Why dream of own wedding if the girl's parents do not want to bless her and greet her with bread and salt? This may mean that in reality, her prospective fiancé will not meet with approval from their side.

The wedding celebration is seen in dreams not only by young dreamy young ladies. Such a plot can become a frequent visitor at night, even for a man. The easiest way to figure out why your wedding is dreaming will be with the help of professional dream books.

To begin with, it should be noted that unmarried girls often dream of their own wedding, who dream of it and think a lot about this event. Of course, in this case, the plot does not really matter. You can safely forget about it. But under other conditions, a dream wedding can be an important harbinger. And not always favorable.

In Miller's dream book, a wedding means that in the near future a man or woman will be able to deal with the circumstances that hinder success. If a congestion has begun in business and you cannot in any way move closer to your goal, you need to look for the reasons for this. The dream suggests that it will be very easy for the sleeper to detect and eliminate them.

In the Women's Dream Book, it is noted that the wedding, which did not take place due to disapproval of parents in a dream, will fail in reality. The girl's mom and dad are categorically opposed to their daughter linking her life with the chosen man. They will do their best to prevent this. Before categorically rejecting the advice of loved ones, it is worth carefully analyzing and weighing their words. What if they turn out to be correct?

Tsvetkov's dream book suggests that seeing yourself as a bride in a snow-white dress is not the most positive sign. It is interesting that even a representative of the stronger sex can dream of such a plot. The dream suggests that a person has health problems. Particular attention should be paid to the state of the cardiovascular system.

Dreamed of an unmarried girl

If an unmarried young lady sees in her nightly dreams that she is getting married in parallel with her sister or friend, then it is with this woman that she may have a conflict in reality. The reason for it will be banal envy. If there is no desire to spend energy on a developing quarrel, it will be enough just to temporarily move away from the girl who is planning it. Over time, the passions will subside by themselves.

It happens that in the role of a spouse at a wedding celebration, a representative of the fair sex sees her colleague or boss. This is a wonderful sign. You can expect a career advancement or salary increase soon. True, the reason for such pleasant changes may be the management's sympathy for the dreamer, and not her professional merits.

If a girl dreams of a very quiet, sad wedding, at which she appears as a bride, such a plot can be considered a reflection of her inner state. Surely the sleeping person suffers from loneliness, feels abandoned by everyone and useless. While she has not yet met her soul mate, it is worth finding an interesting hobby and generally stop spending evenings at home alone. Otherwise, you can bring yourself to depression.

A man saw his wedding in a dream - what does this mean?

In many dream books, a man's own dream wedding turns out to be a sign that he has chosen the right life partner. This interpretation is especially relevant if the marriage in night dreams turned out to be very magnificent, joyful and solemn. If the second half has not yet become the wife of the sleeping person, you should not delay with the proposal of a hand and heart.

Also for men, the day of the week on which the wedding was seen matters:

  • On Monday - to large financial expenses, which the sleeper did not expect in advance.
  • On Tuesday - to change the place of work.
  • On Wednesday - to deception from debtors.
  • On Thursday - to a fleeting but very bright romance.
  • On Friday, any plot you see may turn out to be prophetic.
  • On weekends - to dramatic changes in relations with the second half.

The most negative version of the plot is the one in which the man got married with his chosen one. He promises a sleeping person a sharp deterioration in health.

Wedding with ex-fiancé, husband

If a woman managed to get married again, but suddenly sees in a dream a marriage with a former man, such a plot promises her quarrels and misunderstandings in family life. Probably, their main reason will be jealousy on the part of the last spouse. To avoid it, you will need to behave with dignity, give up even the slightest flirting and not react in any way to provocations from other men.

Sometimes a girl dreams of a wedding with her ex-spouse or boyfriend as a sign that soon she will receive news from him or find out some news. Perhaps she will even have a chance to resume a relationship with a man from the past.

Dreaming of a failed wedding

It happens that in her dream a girl gets married, but the whole process does not go as expected. This is a clear sign that in reality the fair sex should reconsider her views on life. She often makes the same mistakes, which is why she cannot actively develop and quickly achieve her goals.

If in a dream a man or woman is married / given in marriage forcibly, then this is a good sign. The plot promises a person a strong real love in reality.

Had to look at your own celebration in photographs? This means that in real life you should keep your mouth shut. Excessive talkativeness can bring trouble to oneself.

If in a dream the wedding did not take place, because the groom simply did not come to it, in reality the relationship between the couple is not as perfect as the lovers are trying to imagine them. A woman is afraid to disappoint her relatives, that for the sake of their peace of mind she is ready to keep silent about the existing problems and continues to idealize the soul mate, ascribing non-existent dignities to her partner. The dream suggests that the time has come to become honest both with loved ones and with yourself.

Had to cry in your sleep at your own wedding? This is a great sign. Soon there will be a reason for fun in reality. In exoteric dream books it is noted that in this way the soul of a person is purified in a dream.

"Ah, this wedding, sang and danced", only in a dream. Chances are good that many girls were upset, waking up and regretting that all this was not in reality. However, you should not be upset, because the dream about the wedding, most importantly, made you experience any emotions. But it is also important to know that there is a certain message behind this, allusions to your past, present and future life. And if you suddenly dreamed of a wedding, then you shouldn't shed tears because it happened not in real time. You need to immediately turn to the dream book, which will prompt and explain the dream to you.

Folk dream book

  • If you dreamed of your own wedding, then know that a pleasant surprise awaits you, some kind of surprise. It is only necessary at this moment to remember your physical condition.
  • If you are sick with something in a dream, this means that a deterioration in your health is possible. Therefore, be careful and careful.
  • If you were in a wonderful mood, then you need to wait for a pleasant gift that your soulmate or Lady Life herself can give you.

Dream interpretation of psychologist Z. Freud

A dream about a wedding suggests that you need to prepare for a surprise prepared by a loved one. If you can even figure out the essence of the dream, it can make it easier for you to “survive” the surprise. And you never know what it will still be? It is better to prepare for this in advance.

Miller's dream book

  • Seeing yourself in a dream at a wedding means that you will quickly find a way out of circumstances that can cause your anxiety and obstacles to your success.
  • You managed to attend the wedding as a guest - that is a very good sign. For those who are connected with entrepreneurship, wait for the news that your business will expand.

Astrological dream book

A single man or woman who is not in a love relationship in real life, seeing himself at someone else's wedding, can easily fulfill all his innermost desires. It can also be regarded as a sign of fate, which hints to you that your personal happiness is not far off.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

  • Many girls dreaming of family life will be sent such dreams by their own subconscious, they say, “It's time already! There is no need to stay too long! " And know, young ladies, such a dream can be a signal - it's time to make a fateful decision! However, do not forget that you should try to remember all your feelings and the brightest details of the dream.
  • If he feels unhappy or indifferent, this promises either a possible illness or disappointment in love.
  • Your own wedding can be a warning of some news from afar. True, if the guests were having fun, then the news should be good.
  • A married woman dreamed of her own wedding, it is important what mood she was in, and who was the groom.
  • If she gets engaged to her husband and is happy about it, then this portends either good events or a new upsurge in family relationships.
  • But a bad mood, on the contrary, speaks of an imminent discord or misunderstanding in the family.
  • If you saw the wedding of your own husband or your boyfriend, then you need to be extremely careful, as you will face heavy unfounded experiences and jealousy. You should consider the consequences! Or maybe you should stop and think? Where would he go without you, so smart and beautiful?
  • If a married lady is present at a wedding in a dream as a guest, it means that maybe, in the near future, she will have to take part in a large-scale event that can drastically change the lady's life. True, the event itself will cause a lot of trouble, but it will also bear a lot of fruit.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

  • If in a dream at your wedding you did not pay attention to your future chosen one, then this is a sign that good news awaits this girl.
  • If she feels anxiety during sleep, then soon her problems will be quickly resolved.

Jung's dream book

  • As mentioned earlier, you need to remember as many details as possible. The first, the most essential, is a wedding dress. This image speaks of upcoming changes, some kind of fun pastime in the company of new acquaintances. It is worth paying attention to the condition of the dress. If it is dirty, then in life you need to be very careful and attentive in relation to your beloved. otherwise, in real life, you may lose it. It also foreshadows some upcoming social events. where you can make new acquaintances or friends. (Cm. )
  • If you dreamed that you yourself sewed a wedding dress for yourself, it means that you should not voice the tasks assigned to you ahead of time, otherwise they may not come true. (Cm.
  • Why dream of a red wedding dress - a dream about the desire for thrills with your partner. You should not be embarrassed, and if the opportunity arises, you should tell him about it.
  • If you dreamed of trying on a wedding dress, then in reality you can make additional income. which, in addition to additional income, it will still give you pleasure.
  • If you dreamed of a dress of gold or yellow, then this speaks of envy towards you, blue or green - the fulfillment of innermost desires, black - sad news, a wedding dress - an early wedding. (Cm. )

Ancient Roman dream book

However, there are also such dreams where a person does not understand the connection between one action and another. Like a funeral wedding ... or vice versa. So, there is some secret meaning here too! Seeing the funeral of the bride in a wedding dress will destroy your dreams. Sometimes, some people dream that they are at someone else's wedding, where people are present in mourning. As this dream book says, these people whom the dreamer saw can expect an unsuccessful marriage (marriage). Also, such a dream has another interpretation - a long-planned trip will fail.

Hebrew dream book

Newlyweds celebrate their wedding in secret from their parents - this speaks of a future meeting with a bad woman who will try to capitalize on your gullibility. Therefore, be vigilant, do not trust everyone in vain. (Cm. )

Dream interpretation of a shaman

  • When you dream of wedding festivities, then know that in reality some kind of incendiary party with friends awaits you, at which a fateful acquaintance can occur.
  • And what a party without dancing? If you dreamed that you were dancing at a wedding, then beware, as in real life intrigue, deceit and deception on the part of the opposite sex are possible.
  • True, if you are dancing at someone else's wedding surrounded by men and women, then be careful not to get confused in your own intrigues. And best of all, if you do not start them at all. (cm. )

Gypsy dream book

Gypsy wedding treats about the embodiment of your adventurous ideas. Besides. the dream suggests that you will not be deceived by your competitors. Therefore, if you dreamed about a gypsy wedding, then you are lucky. Soon you will have success and the embodiment of transcendental plans.

Astrological dream book

  • The most thrilling moment is getting ready for the wedding. So, if you dreamed of preparing for the wedding, this means that the goals that you have set for yourself will be difficult to achieve. But, if you wake up and remember that all your preparations went off with a bang, this means that your affairs will turn out well. If not, you will have to try.
  • If in a dream you take part in the preparation for a secret wedding, it means that due to your difficult nature, it will be impossible to achieve what was planned.
  • For a young girl, preparing for a wedding in a dream snails an imminent marriage. If she dreams of herself in a snow-white dress, you should beware, this promises a disease.
  • A dream in which a real bride dreams of preparing for her wedding ceremony means that the girl spends too much energy on preparing. She should stop a little, calm down, otherwise the bride will feel exhausted on her wedding day in real life.
  • Helping the bride or groom put on a wedding dress promises the birth of a child of friends. Gender can be determined by the one who dressed it up in a dream. Man - wait for the appearance of a boy, a woman - a girl.
  • If you are late for your own wedding, then this is a signal that the dreamer's wishes are not destined to come true. The dream in which the wedding was canceled predicts the appearance of problems to the sleeping person, which may be solved by making tremendous efforts.

Modern dream book

Autumn dream book

  • Seeing the groom at the wedding is a love intrigue, joy, this dream speaks of new acquaintances. If the groom is without a bride, then this speaks of an imperfect relationship in your personal life. The groom next to the bride marks a harmonious and long-lasting intimate relationship.
  • A dream in which you do not have a couple at your wedding warns you of unpleasant upcoming events. If the chosen one left the newlywed, there is a possibility. that the planned wedding was not destined to come true.

Love dream book

  • Dreamed of a runaway bride? This means a collision soon with difficulties in your personal life. A dream about a failed wedding speaks of difficulties in business.
  • If the dreamer's own wedding did not take place, then you need to pay attention to the emotions experienced by the person due to the cancellation of the marriage and, thanks to them, try to unravel the dream for which you have to prepare. it is important to pay attention to what emotions a person experiences because of the cancellation of the marriage.

Psychological dream book

Muslim dream book

  • As for oriental weddings, if you married a sheikh or were a guest at one of the Muslim weddings, then know that this is a sign of acquiring money, and also promises the disappearance of worries, worries and troubles.
  • A wedding invitation is also a purchase or a receipt of money.
  • A woman sees in a dream an invitation to a wedding - to purchase new jewelry and clothes.
  • Being invited to a wedding in a dream is a sign that you are satisfied with the state of your affairs at the moment. If you dream that you are being invited to a funeral, then such a dream warns you of a possible danger and the need to exercise caution.

Slavic dream book

  • The most important attribute at a wedding is wedding rings. A wedding ring on your finger prepares you for a series of great events.
  • A young girl who saw a wedding ring in a dream promises a successful marriage, or the beginning of a new and vibrant relationship.
  • For mature ladies, this is a signal of the rebirth of family life.
  • Not a good sign to see a ring on a stranger's finger. This indicates a loss of credibility with a loved one.
  • Gold ring - expect material well-being, silver ring - quarrels and failures. (cm. )
  • It is worth knowing that: 1 - to put on a ring - to marriage; 2 - to lose - to failure, annoyance; 3 - to clean - to a new round in relations with a partner; 4 - to break - to betrayal or illness of the spouse.
  • The most unpleasant thing is to lose your wedding ring in a dream - definitely a harbinger of something bad. However, this is not always the case. Remember this!

Dream interpretation of Pastor Loff

  • The wedding bouquet also speaks to the mutual feelings of lovers. This dream speaks of a possible early marriage, or a fateful meeting. To see a wedding bouquet in a dream means to catch a lucky break, a fortunate coincidence.
  • But if you throw in a non-wedding bouquet, be aware that you may experience significant losses. A major financial loss may occur, primarily due to your inattention.
  • But to catch a bridal bouquet means to catch a goldfish. Dare dreamers, your treasure is somewhere nearby, it remains only to dissolve the nets.

Egyptian dream book

  • Seeing a stranger man in a dream as a groom with a bouquet in his hands speaks of that. that changes in personal life are coming. Chances are good that you will meet a good man who can become your husband in the future.
  • If a free girl had such a dream, it means the transition of their relationship to a new level.

Assyrian dream book

  • Dreaming of composing a wedding bouquet for the upcoming wedding celebration. It is a bad sign if there are dry flowers in the bouquet. This dream speaks of a serious illness. You need to be careful about your health.
  • If the bouquet falls out of hand, it speaks of empty hopes and expectations. Your dreams are not destined to come true. These are bad times for business endeavors and deals.

French dream book

If the bride's bouquet consists of roses - this is a love relationship and happiness in the family. Different colors in your bouquet - a pleasant acquaintance in the future. A bouquet of white roses is a great joyful event. (mass media )

Dream interpretation of the medium miss Hasse

Another important attribute - a wedding procession - means that in the near future, luck will smile on you, and you will be able to win someone's heart.


In general, all dreams come from our worldview and subconsciousness. However, not everyone knows that we have the ability to predict the future. Now, remember what déjà vu is? After all, this is our last dream, which exactly repeated itself in real time. If you can interpret your dreams correctly, then life will be much easier! Let only good dreams come true! And sweet dreams to you!