Natural stones and their importance for humans. Jewelry stones talismans - recommendations for selection. Semiprecious stones by zodiac signs

Symbols and meaning of stones

Long ago people attributed magical and mystical properties. Healing stones that have a healing effect, stones-talismans bringing good luck and success in business, stones-amulets protecting from damage and the evil eye, stones-amulets helping to maintain love and family well-being ... Symbols of stones originated many centuries ago. Absolutely all minerals - be they precious or semi-precious stones - had their own special and unique meaning. However, it sometimes happened that different peoples attributed completely opposite characteristics to the same stones. Nowadays, the mysterious power and miraculous properties of stones began to attract attention again.

The value of precious stones.

Diamond... The stone of hardness, fearlessness, innocence. Brings happiness to the owner, gives power over people.
Emerald... The stone of mind and composure. Defender of travelers and mothers. Brings happiness and comfort.
Ruby... The stone of power and strength. Patronizes lovers, preserves the reciprocity of feelings. Keeps you from evil spells. Mystical property: - darkens if the owner is in danger.
Sapphire... The stone of fidelity, wisdom, modesty. Calms, helps to find self-confidence. Brings longevity.

The meaning of semi-precious stones.

Aventurine... The stone of passion and good luck. Increases vitality, promotes unexpected actions. Patronizes Don Juans.
... The stone of longevity and health. Protects from evil spirits, saves from poisons. Patronizes women.
Aquamarine... The stone of beauty, love and fidelity. Retains love, gives determination and courage.
Alexandrite... The stone of prosperity and strength. Gives health, helps to overcome the hardships of fate.
Amethyst... The stone of peace of mind and youth. Protects from drunkenness, smoothes wrinkles.
Beryl... The wanderer's stone. Protects life, brings happiness, revives the mind.
Turquoise... The stone of happiness and true love. Protects from misfortunes, brings peace and tranquility. Patronizes soldiers and doctors.
Rhinestone... The stone of clairvoyance, faith and purity. Adds vitality and optimism. Relieves insomnia, relieves injuries.
Garnet... Lovers' stone. The Stone of Honesty. Brings happiness and good mood.
Pearl... The stone of love, purity and fidelity, spiritual and physical perfection. Associated with the goddess of love, conjugal happiness and childbirth.
Carbuncle... Stone of Wrath and Blood. Patronizes soldiers and pregnant women. Adds vitality, protects from wounds.
Coral... The stone of romantics and travelers. Protects from the evil eye, heals.
Lapis lazuli... The stone of sincerity and friendship. Patronizes dreamers and artists. Soothes, relieves anxiety.
... The stone of attraction. Eases intolerance and explosive nature. Adds sophistication and charm. Promotes eloquence.
Malachite... Stone amulet for children. Brings health, fulfills wishes.
Nephritis... The stone of life and change. Protects from the evil eye. Brings success in gambling.
Onyx... The stone of the leaders. Soothes, relieves of fears. Enhances all good traits. Attracts good luck and success.
Opal... The stone of reliability and deceptive hopes. Patronizes creative people.
Cornelian... Stone of joy and love. Protects from adversity and disease, awakens faith. Brings well-being, calmness and discretion.
Topaz... Stone of Lots and Trials. Gives beauty, wisdom and inner enlightenment. Protects against insomnia and the evil eye.
Tourmaline... Magic stone. Helps to awaken creativity. Brings happiness and success in love, retains youth and strength.
Chalcedony... Love stone. Softens anger, relieves despondency, brings a good mood.
Chrysolite... The stone of strength and courage. Brings good luck, protects from financial troubles. Warns against rash actions.
Zircon... A stone of strength and fortitude. Patronizes leaders, people of power and travelers. Protects from troubles, improves mental abilities.
Amber... Health stone. Brings happiness and joy, attracts love. Protects from enchantments and the evil eye.
Jasper... The stone of life and health. Stone amulet for mothers and babies. Develops the power of foresight, heals.

AQUAMARINE is a variety. The aqua color of this stone influenced the name: "aqua" - water, "mare" - sea. There is a legend in the East that says that aquamarines are the frozen spray of the ocean. The wave, hitting the coastal stones, throws millions of sparkling drops onto the shore like fireworks, which fall on the ground in bulk. Aquamarines, especially their deep bluish green color, are delightful and often used in jewelry. Such a stone will give its owners not only its beauty, but also help preserve love, because aquamarine has been called the stone of all lovers since ancient times. Lovers often exchanged aquamarine jewelry, believing that this stone is capable of transmitting the power of love.

Aquamarine, possessing medicinal properties, has a beneficial effect on sore throat, stomach and contributes to their healing.

AGATE is a type of chalcedony, a stone with a banded texture. Nature has drawn enchanted circles, mysterious lines on this stone, she transferred whole pictures to its surface. The amazing combination of red-brown agate flowers enchants. Agate is unique in its magical and medicinal properties. It opens up the internal reserves of a person, helps to remove toxins and poisons from the body. If agate is placed next to a woman in labor, then it will predetermine a successful resolution from childbirth.

CARBUNCLE- there were many legends about this stone in the Middle Ages. According to these beliefs, carbuncle has many magical and healing properties. Pregnant women used this stone as an amulet, believing that it would help them to safely endure pregnancy and facilitate childbirth. They also believed that carbuncle cures infertility. The carbuncle was the mascot of the captains and the military. It was believed that this stone protects against shipwrecks and helps its owner to survive on the battlefield. Carbuncle as a talisman endowed its owner with such qualities as sociability, sincerity; helped to maintain friendship for many years.

QUARTZ- it has many varieties. This type of mineral includes the species known as hawkeye, rock crystal,. A variety of this mineral, bearing the same name, differs from other species in its color: there is quartz of a pale blue and pale pink color. For many peoples, this stone was associated with the kingdom of the dead: quartz slabs were erected in memory of the departed loved ones, the same stone was lowered into the grave. Quartz has been used as a remedy for insomnia and nightmares. To do this, it was recommended to put a piece of blue quartz under the pillow. It was advised to use the same method in case of frequent appearances to a person in a dream of the dead.

OPAL- This stone got its name for its beauty: from the ancient Greek "opal" is translated as "enchanting". Perhaps due to its unusual brilliance, which gives this stone a magical charm, opal was considered a stone of fatal love. In general, this stone was endowed with conflicting properties. So, in some peoples of North America, disgrace is treated with distrust, considering it the cause of many troubles and troubles. For example, there is a belief there that opal pushes into the abyss of temptations and that often those who wear this stone break the law. However, this eye-catching stone is very much loved by the eastern peoples, and is revered by them as sacred. Opal is prized in the East for its healing properties. It was used as a talisman.

It was believed that this rainbow stone brings the gift of prophecy to its owner, makes it possible to see prophetic dreams. opals are traditionally considered to be unfortunate.

NACRE- a very "pure" stone (however, it is conventionally called a stone, as it is, it is a mineral-like substance - of animal origin, it is mined from some types of shells). Those who wear it as part of a pendant or other jewelry around their neck, mother of pearl protects against diseases of the upper respiratory tract; it is no coincidence that our great-grandmothers used fans inlaid with mother-of-pearl. The handle of cold steel decorated with mother-of-pearl removes blood poisoning from a person in the event of a stab or cut wound. In addition, mother-of-pearl averts envious glances; jewelry box inlaid with mother-of-pearl is reliably protected from thieves.

TIGER'S EYE- this ornamental stone of a beautiful golden brown color is a true feminine stone. Its activity is fickle and depends on the calendar. During the flawed month, the tiger's eye has a peak of activity, at this time it helps to build intrigues and protects the sexual sphere of its mistress from inflammation and hypothermia. On a full moon, the tiger's eye loses most of its strength, but it saves from mastopathy and migraines. The Tiger's Eye is an amulet of witches and great female Teachers. Those who know on which days to wear it and which days to avoid touching it receive a powerful source of additional strength and.

A man who wears a tiger's eye constantly for several years gains the ability to see at night like a cat, but can become an exhibitionist if Yang is stronger than Yin in him.

Learning about the world around them, people did not miss the stones, which served as excellent helpers not only in the economy and defense, but also shared their secret power with people.

It is known that all materials are capable of influencing human behavior, character, health and other qualities. Stones have their own magical meaning, they are able to attract love or bestow unprecedented wealth.

Health stones

Even in ancient times, people noticed the healing power of stones. Many of them are able to strengthen the immune system, help to recover or completely recover from the disease. It is not for nothing that stones are used for various relaxing procedures, some types of massage. In addition, they are able to significantly improve the effects of cosmetics.

There is even a whole branch in Vedic medicine, according to which stones should be taken as a food supplement, after having ground to a powder state. If you are not yet ready for such feats, use the more familiar energetic effect of stones.

Emerald is considered to be a very powerful stone. He is able to bestow good health, improve sleep and protect against bad people. His actions will be greatly enhanced if he is in a gold frame.

Turquoise has a good health-improving and restorative effect.

Carnelian is able to relieve its owner of severe headaches, improve overall health and cope with other diseases. And also protects from the evil eye.

Opal should be worn by those suffering from mental illness.

Coral will help with skin conditions, cuts or injuries.

Alexandrite should be worn by those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. It will cleanse the blood well and help preserve the heart.

Stones to attract money

The magical meaning of stones in the sphere of wealth:

Chrysoprase. Business people stone. Very strong in financial matters.

Chrysolite attracts money. It will help you get things done, even if you have lost everything.

Citrine is also great for improving your financial condition, it is also indispensable in trading.

Rhodonite is not only a money talisman, but also an assistant to intuition and hidden talents. Perfect for creative people.

Carnelian will help in all endeavors and save you from poverty.

Stones for love

Aventurine is indispensable for those who are already desperate to find their love.

Lapis lazuli will help you find harmony in love affairs.

The red garnet should be worn by everyone who wants to find true love.

Jade affects the power of love.

Rose quartz is capable of bestowing charm on its wearer. There will be no end to fans.

Rhodochrosite has the properties of attracting true love.

To maximize the full potential of the stone, you must first clean it. For this, the stone must be placed in water. A clean stream or lake is ideal. If this is not possible, then holy water will do. Quartz cleans stones well. A universal method is to hold the stone over a candle flame. It is also recommended to periodically do this procedure in order to rid the stones of possible accumulated negative energy.

Stones accompany humanity throughout its entire existence. Since primitive times, they have been used to build dwellings, make utensils and tools, wear them in the form of adornments, and observe their influence on a particular action. With their help, ceremonies were performed to increase yields and improve weather conditions.

For centuries, the peoples of the world have composed myths and legends associated with the origin and magical properties of stones. In India, it is revered, believing that it is the blood of the Gods who are fighting on the heavenly Olympus. The inhabitants of Egypt have long attributed the varieties of stones to specific planets and consider their influence on a person depending on their astrological affiliation. In Arab countries, they were treated with special reverence, attributing powerful magical properties to them. Persian legends say that the history of the stones goes back to biblical times. It is believed that the Tempter Serpent created bright gems to distract Eve's attention from the flowers created by the Lord.

After a period of calm, stones with their inherent properties are gaining popularity again. They are successfully used in everyday life as adornments, which often act as magical items.

The role of magic and stone in human life

For centuries, people have tested and described the properties of minerals, created amulets and talismans of various shapes and purposes, in order to declare today that stones can have a healing and magical effect on a person.

The energy of minerals can have a fateful impact on human life. Turning to the stone for help, you can change character, get rid of bad habits, and also strengthen positive personal qualities. Magic objects made of stones are able to protect from misfortunes and troubles, to attract feelings, luck and prosperity. Some types of stones are used in magical rituals to learn universal secrets, return to the past and communicate with the world of the dead. Sometimes this is necessary to protect a person from fatal accidents or to get rid of generic curses.

Stones are effectively used in lithotherapy. Despite the denial of science, today we can safely say that minerals are able to heal severe ailments, affect the psychoemotional state and signal an impending illness before the first signs appear.

However, not every stone is able to play a positive role in the life of its owner, therefore, when choosing such an assistant, many factors should be taken into account, including the pursued goal and its astrological affiliation.

Varieties of stones in magic items

Often, unenlightened people choose a magic item without distinguishing its purpose. They are waiting for protection, help and assistance, not understanding why a miracle does not happen. The reason is that the actions of the amulet, talisman and amulet, despite the general direction, are different:

  • Stones-amulets and amulets warn against troubles, diseases and the influence of dark forces. Sapphires, rubies and emeralds are considered effective guardian angels.
  • The action of talisman stones is aimed at attracting love, luck and moral wealth. Jasper, rose quartz, and citrine are good choices to achieve these goals.
  • Stones that provide material wealth can act as talismans, but their energy is directed solely to increasing cash flows. These properties are attributed to all green-colored stones, especially green-brown emerald, beryl and aventurine.
  • Healing stones with versatile healing properties and are able not only to heal an illness, but also to prevent it at the initial stage.
  • "Personal" energy stones are an attribute of magicians, mediums, psychics and healers. With their help, they establish contact with phantoms, travel in time, predict events and conduct magical sessions. Soothsayers and clairvoyants resort to rock crystal, emerald, amethyst, and eye quartz.

Some rules and principles for the use of magic items made of stones

In order for magic items to work effectively and for the benefit of the owner, it is necessary to use them correctly. They are made to order from natural stones and raw minerals, sometimes they speak for a specific purpose, pick a color and wear them on a specific part of the body.

Magic items are worn under clothing, hiding from prying eyes, or in plain sight as an adornment designed to attract the following benefits:

  • Hairpins and hairpins increase the flow of energy, while golden-yellow stones attract fame and improve the position in society, colorless and blue - contribute to an increase in intellectual and spiritual wealth.
  • Earrings, pendants and pendants are responsible for the financial sphere and raising money (orange gems), develop creativity and help to find love (minerals of pink and green tones).
  • Bracelets that are worn on the forearm or wrist are universal items, therefore, when choosing a talisman, one should focus on the properties of the stone;
  • Rings have a wider spectrum of action, therefore, depending on the goals pursued, you need to wear them on a particular hand. The left hand is responsible for the inner state and emotional comfort of a person, the right hand is responsible for the influence of external factors. Each finger has a specific task: little finger - has a positive effect on logic and mind, contributes to success in commerce; nameless - is responsible for success in love relationships; medium - increases willpower and self-esteem; indicative - helps to increase power and influence over people; big - helps to learn the art of seduction.

Amulets, unlike other magical items, protect not only their owner, but also his home. It can be both jewelry designed for direct contact with a person, and figurines, dolls, horseshoes and other objects of sacred significance and located directly in the house. In this case, protection from negativity is provided not only by the property of the stone, but also by the shape of the object, as well as the rite performed on it. In some cases, the amulet can play the role of a talisman (for example, a wedding ring or a pectoral cross).

In order for magical objects to work effectively and be useful, you should not allow strangers to touch them. You should also periodically cleanse them of negativity. To do this, it is enough to move the object over a lighted candle, immerse it in salt water for a couple of hours and rinse it with running water.

It is forbidden to use other people's talismans and amulets, as they can carry accumulations of negative energy of the previous owner. The acquired stones must be close to their owner for a certain time in order to accumulate his energy. The properties of magical items donated by loved ones or inherited are most clearly manifested.

25 popular magic stones

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Widow's stone

It is hardly necessary to explain to anyone what chakras are. In short, chakras are important concepts in Hinduism, Buddhism and many other religious, philosophical, medical, and spiritual practices. These are 7 main points located along the spine of a person, in which the centers of power or energy centers of a person are located. Translated from Sanskrit, "chakra" means "wheel", more precisely - a rotating wheel. This idea of ​​human nature has very ancient roots. Moreover, most of the people on earth are followers of this theory.

Each chakra has its own color, remembering the sequence of colors from bottom to top (from earth to space) is very simple, these are the colors of the solar spectrum and the rainbow: To every O hotnik f wants s nat G de with walking f adhan - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple... Chakras also correspond to 7 notes. The lower chakras in humans are the same as in animals - they are responsible for the energy of life. The upper chakras are responsible for the spiritual development of a person. The meaning and effect on a person of precious stones and crystals depends on their color in accordance with the color of certain chakras. Color is the universal language of the universe and its way of denoting the function of things through color. In the chakras - the key to understanding the meaning of the stones.

MULADHARA- red, element - Earth. Life energy, survival instinct, procreation instinct. It is also called the root or base chakra. Located approximately in the coccyx area. Responsible for the amount of physical energy. The energy of this chakra blocks the feeling of fear, as well as disappointment, resentment, low self-esteem.

Crystals - ruby, garnet, obsidian, coral and other stones of red and brown colors.

Svadhishtana- orange, element - Water. Sexual desires, the joy of life, the pleasures of the material world, creative energy - everything that brings pleasure and joy to a person. Located between the pubic region and the navel. Blocks chakra feelings of guilt, addiction, the effects of shocks and trauma.

Crystals - carnelian, amber, sun stones, tiger's eye, orange calcite, topaz, jasper.

MANIPURA- yellow, element - Fire. Power, freedom, confidence, intelligence, wealth. Located in the solar plexus area. Spiritual evolution begins from this chakra. Blocks chakra feelings of anger, anxiety, confusion. It is also called the solar or solar chakra.

Crystals - amber, yellow tourmaline, citrine, topaz, fluorite, as well as gold.

ANAKHATA- green, element - Air. Devotion, love, compassion, kindness. Heart chakra of love. The middle chakra of spiritual development. This is the center through which we love, feel the connection with all living things and receive healing. Block chakra envy, jealousy, difficulty in making decisions.

Crystals - aventurine. rose quartz, emerald, jade, peridot, turquoise, malachite.

VISHUDDHA- blue. Element - Ether. Self-expression. creation. Throat chakra of harmony. Good and bad are seen as part of a whole. Responsible for the truth, acceptance of responsibility, blocked by lies, cruelty, isolation, alienation.

Crystals - celestine, aquamarine, chrysoprase, turquoise, sapphire.

AJNA- blue. Element - Light. Intuition, the highest level of consciousness, wisdom, the ability to visualize and understand mental phenomena Located between the eyebrows - the third eye. Responsible for insight. Blocking with illusion, grief, hidden anger.

Crystals - lapis lazuli, fluorite, indigo tourmaline.

SAHASRAR- purple. The element is metal. Joining space, liberation. Also called the crown chakra. Top of the head. Blocked by low aspirations, earthly material attachments, passions and desires. According to other ideas, Sahasrara is a white chakra, which is a white lotus, consisting of all the colors of the spectrum. In this case, the 2 chakras below turn from blue to blue, from blue to violet. Or the type of chakras in a more spiritually developed person passes into such a phase.

Depending on these views, Sahasrara crystals can be like purple stones - amethyst, charoite. So is the main crystal - diamond, as well as quartz crustals, celestine and pearls.

Crystals help in working with weak chakras. Wearing a ruby, for example, increases the flow of energy, but an overabundance of energy makes a strong and energetic person too impulsive, pushes him to rash actions and to fatal passions. If you are depressed, the orange chakra, which is responsible for the joy of life, is not working well enough. Wearing orange stones will bring back optimism. Well suited for such a purpose, for example, carnelian - you can read more about it in the article. At the same time, men who are overly cheerful orange stones can turn into frivolous womanizers. Etc. Sometimes everything seems to be fine, a person is developed physically and spiritually - but he lacks communication skills, the ability to express his thoughts and feelings. He begins to be offended or, God forbid, scandal, although he just needs to discuss the situation. There will be less misunderstandings in your life as you develop your throat chakra. Blue crystals will come to the rescue. When we consciously choose and wear the right pebble or jewelry with a stone, designate and reflect on our problem - we are already working on ourselves, changing our life and making it more harmonious.