Born on Friday which means. Dependence of a person's fate on his birthday. Monday babies addictions

Born on Monday

People born on Monday are patronized by the Moon. Since ancient times, people have said that on Monday those are born who can achieve everything they want in life, the main thing is to understand what they want.

Monday borns are sensitive, emotional, outspoken and open-minded. Very often they have mood swings. They easily adapt to the world around them and people, they know how to adapt to any person.
Can achieve good careers in the humanities and sciences, as well as the arts. They can often draw well.

They are very hardworking, but do not like to overcome difficulties. Sometimes they can transfer their problems to other people. They always strive to be strong people - behind them, like a stone wall.

They love their home and family. Very loyal to their partners spiritually, financially and sexually. Although they are quite sociable, they do not open their feelings to people, they can only open up to a very close person.

They have a rich spiritual world, good dreamers and dreamers, they can create an illusion about themselves for those around them, so the whole truth about them for others will remain a secret.

Born on tuesday

The patron saint of those born on Tuesday is Mars. He endows his subordinates with courage, aggressiveness, physical strength, and the desire to take first place.
Those born on Tuesday will strive to achieve everything in life on their own, they love to be independent, they do not like objections.
Through personal courage, success is achieved. They always finish what they have begun, but with the appearance of doubt in them, apathy may appear.

Their inherent impulsiveness can do them a disservice. Their selfishness creates big problems in friendship. What they do first, and then think, can also create a lot of problems for them.

They need a partner who can restrain their impulses and impulses. Or he knows how to endure it.

Born on Wednesday

Those born on this day are under the auspices of Mercury, the god of trade. Children of trade are always there where something happens. Boredom is enemy number one for them. Such people have an innate talent for trade and the successful conclusion of various kinds of transactions. They are able to make a brilliant career as a banker, financier. Their ruin, however, is frivolity.

SHE: The role of the hostess of the house, from morning till night busy with the preparation of delicacies for the household and in between crocheting, is not for her. A woman born on Wednesday, by all indications, should be in the center of attention of those around her. It looks like a bright butterfly, it seeks to shine, to be at any event.

She loves to flirt and break men's hearts, and does it according to all the rules of the art of flirting, to be convinced of the power of her charms or ... to speed up an important matter. He has a hot temperament and loves change, but at the same time seeks a lasting union for life. She dreams of a man who is able to arrange a brilliant future for her.

HE: A favorite of women. His masculinity appears everywhere. It is not easy to keep it in one place. If he decides to marry, after a while his chosen one will be surprised that her idol in life situations is an eternal boy. He loves to have the last word in disputes, he cannot easily allow himself to be persuaded.

Born on Thursday

Jupiter, the planet of happiness and prosperity, warms up those born on the fourth day of the week. This supreme god is extremely generous, and endows his wards with all kinds of talents.

People who were born on Thursday are said to have been born in a shirt - they are invisibly accompanied by a kind Guardian Angel. They believe in success and overcome obstacles with incredible tenacity. Self-confident, grateful and benevolent.

SHE: Nature has generously endowed her with delicate beauty. It just splashes with energy. In the society of the daughter of Thursday, the world is perceived differently - colorful and safe. She instantly understands those who are looking for support in her, enters into a position and gives practical advice. At the same time, he knows how to keep his distance in communication with others. When making a decision, she is guided by both mind and heart, but she does not always do the right thing.

HE: He never tries to stay in place. Burns with a desire to visit the most remote and exotic corners of the earth. Most men born on Thursday seek employment abroad. They try to use every opportunity to gain new knowledge, rightly believing that their fate is in their own hands. They are in no hurry to start a family - the youthful fever has not burned out in their blood.

Born on Friday

All those born on Friday are patronized by Venus. She gives them the gift of love - to love and be loved. This good gift will be with them all their lives, they will love and will be loved. She also endows them with beauty, even if born on Friday and not beautiful, he will still have charm, charm, charisma. When you talk to them, it will seem like they are seducing you, even if they don't. They are very talkative, love to talk and enjoy it. They live for the sake of people close to them, help them, make them feel how good it is to live, that they need to live and receive joy from life and feel happy.

They love comfort, stability, constancy. They love their families and loved ones. They know how to rally people around them.
They have a lot of luck in the financial sphere, and they often pass this luck on to their partners.

They themselves are able to choose where to make a career. But most of all they are lucky in those areas where you need to work with money.
There is no point in being jealous of those born on Friday. Only complete freedom and home comfort can keep them. And not squabbles and scandals.

Born on Saturday

Those born on Saturday are patronized by strict Saturn. Therefore, all those born on this day only dream of peace - a carefree life is not for them. Wards of Saturn are extremely hardworking, responsible, patient and judicious. They believe that their future depends only on themselves. Step by step, they move towards the goal.

SHE: Very feminine and therefore attracts male looks. Outwardly unapproachable, although a volcano of feelings is raging in her soul! Falls in love with all his heart, and does not apply to those who often change partners, like gloves. Always loyal and devoted.

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HE: If happiness goes to others by itself, then the ward of Saturn is constantly fighting for it. Very personable and serious, a good family man who does everything to create the best conditions for loved ones. Having fallen in love, he only says that about his work, which he is absorbed in, and about high earnings. Although, looking at him, you cannot say that he is really rich: such people do not attach importance to their own appearance. In life, he is looking for such a companion for whom home and children are the most precious thing in the world.

Born on Sunday

It is considered one of the most successful birthdays. Sunday is ruled by the Sun. Under the auspices of the Sun, a person who is born on this day will possess inexhaustible energy, brilliance that will beat over the edge. He will be able to realize himself wherever he wants, he will be lucky forever. In ancient times, it was believed that Gods play with a person born on Sunday. But unfortunately, in practice, it is these people, marked with the seal of fame and fortune at the time of birth, who most often become losers in life.

Fate gives them many gifts: charm, charisma, strength, fortitude, external beauty, intelligence, kindness, and the feeling of their benefactors becomes an Achilles heel for them.
After all, accustomed to receiving everything from childhood, they stop making any efforts to something, expecting to receive it just like that. And as a result, good inclinations atrophy and turn into egocentrism, a thirst to live without labor.

Such a moment comes after 33 years, at this age fate will begin to demand from them the return of debts for what they received for free. Friends leave them, tired of helping them. In them, problems begin at work and with a career. Often at this age they begin to take drugs, drink, divorce their wife or husband, and their social status decreases.

They need to have a good education and to have strict discipline in childhood.
People born on Thursday are suitable for those born on Sunday, they will be able to guide them in the right direction and develop talents.

Parents need to develop a love for work in this child, otherwise he will not be able to overcome this disadvantage. And he will use all his gifts of fate to live at the expense of others. Those born on Sunday can have a good career as an artist or singer.

People born on Friday are primarily distinguished by two points - seriousness and the desire to be creative in everything.

People born on Friday are naturally endowed with a good sense of taste, so they usually strive for everything beautiful, elegant, stylish, that is, the aesthetic perception of the world is very clearly manifested in them. This is manifested even in the fact that a person born on Friday will try not only to do his job well, but also to make it as graceful as possible. For the representatives of this day, good always means beautiful, filigree, and so on.

Another characteristic trait of a person born on Friday is titanic patience. But there is also a nuance here. This patience remains patience only for the time being. At one fine moment, he will not stand and then a real Armageddon will come in your personal life, with all the ensuing consequences, because during an emotional outburst, such a person practically does not control himself and will rage until he falls exhausted. Only then can one appeal to the mind of a person born on Friday, but not earlier. True, then such a person quickly restores everything.

A person born on Friday also has a certain amount of masochism - he likes to put off everything until the last day. He can do nothing for weeks - lie on the couch, read books or watch TV, not showing any desire to get down to business. But as soon as there are a few hours left before the delivery of the work, a person. Born on Friday, he begins to work like an instinct - not sleep at night, make heroic efforts, overexert himself and literally squeeze out of himself the implementation of the intended cause. As a rule, he succeeds, but then again a period of doing nothing comes.

Of course, every person born on Friday manifests this to a different degree, but what sets them apart from other people who also often behave the same way is that they even mess around nicely, or at least justify their idleness. creative thoughts. In short, they try to look "glamorous" in any situation.

A person born on Friday, experiencing the strong influence of the planet Venus, loves to enjoy paintings, good poetry, everything in which a manifestation of talent is felt. That is why there are so many people of art among people born on Friday.

Still people born on Friday pay a lot of attention to inner sensations, spiritual experiences. Sometimes this is good for them, and sometimes, on the contrary, it does not give them the opportunity to get well in life.

People born on Friday also have a good entrepreneurial streak. But in order to realize it, there must be suitable conditions. And besides, the entrepreneurial talent of people born on Friday will always gravitate towards art. Therefore, among them there are so many producers, people working in the field of art, those who organize shows.

In general, people born on Friday love coziness, comfort, delicious plentiful food. Often their dream (especially among women) is to build their own little "nest" and stay in it as long as possible.

By nature, people born on Friday are couch potatoes, so they make good family men. But this is what often prevents them, if necessary, from changing their lives. If they nevertheless deserve to go somewhere, then only after they are convinced that a hotel suite has been booked for them, there is a good kitchen and a warm climate.

Also, a person born on Friday is cautious. He will always reinsure himself once again before taking any action, will never take a step forward, not making sure that he can step back at any moment.

In general, people born on Friday are characterized by poise, or at least the desire for balance. They are characterized by outstanding diplomatic skills. Even in the most extreme situations, a person born on Friday tries to maintain a cool head and a clear mind.

Sunday is considered one of the luckiest days for birth. Sunday is ruled by the Sun. Under the auspices of the Sun, a person born on this day will have inexhaustible energy, brilliance that will beat over the edge. He will be able to realize himself wherever he wants, he will be lucky forever. In ancient times, it was believed that Gods play with a person born on Sunday. But alas, in practice, it is these people, marked with the seal of fame and good fortune at the time of birth, who most often become losers in life.
Fate gives them many gifts: charm, charisma, strength, fortitude, external beauty, intelligence, kindness, and this, the feelings of their benefactors, becomes an Achilles heel for them.
After all, accustomed to receiving everything from childhood, over time they stop making any efforts to anything, expecting to get it just like that. And as a result, good inclinations atrophy and turn into egocentrism, a thirst to live without labor.
The breakthrough moment comes after 33 years, at this age, fate will begin to demand from them the return of debts, for what they received for free. Friends leave them tired of helping them. They start having problems at work and with their careers. Often, at this age, they begin to take drugs, drink, divorce their wife or husband, and their social status falls.
They need to have a good education and to have strict discipline in childhood.
People born on Thursday are suitable for those born on Sunday, they will be able to guide them in the right direction and develop talents.
Parents need to develop a love for work in this child, otherwise he will not be able to overcome this disadvantage. And he will use all his gifts of fate to live at the expense of others.
Those born on Sunday may have a good career as an artist or a singer.
People born on Sunday are under the auspices of the life-giving Sun. Therefore, they literally seethe with inexhaustible energy, beating over the edge. They are always lucky in everything. However, it is they, who were originally darlings of fate, paradoxically, who are more often overtaken by failures. The fact is that Sunday people are given everything to the fullest from birth - intelligence, talent, vitality, dexterity, beauty and kindness, so they often tend to lead a carefree lifestyle and rest on their laurels, without making great efforts to ensure a happy future. And if until the age of 33 they keep afloat thanks to their talents and rich inclinations, then life begins to ask them in full - what they learned, what they achieved, relying on generous advances. Their many talents and abilities dry up over time, and the reluctance to work hard for a career and a strong family inevitably leads to a broken trough of illusions and hopes. As a result, Sunday people at their most decisive age are missing out on opportunities to gain material wealth and achieve success in the professional field.
To take place as individuals, to realize all their naturally gifted abilities, people of the Sun need strict discipline and a good education from childhood. They need to be brought up in an atmosphere of hard work, then in adulthood they will not become a burden for others due to their egocentrism and exorbitant ambitions. Only when they stop feeling sorry for themselves and focus their efforts on helping other people, on their self-improvement and acquiring professional skills, Sunday people can become happy and even famous in certain circles, and, possibly, very famous. Their happiness if they meet an intelligent life partner, born on Thursday, with an imperious and demanding character. It is such a person who will be able to direct and develop their talent for the benefit of the family and society.
People born on the day of the Sun were considered lucky among many peoples, because they already initially seemed to receive a charge of sunlight. It was also assumed that children born on Sunday will be long-livers, since they seem to have invisible help from the outside, especially during an illness. Many of their sorrows are short-lived, but their joys, on the contrary, are long-lasting.

From people born on the day of the Sun, doctors were selected, as well as people of creativity associated with such types of art as, for example, painting temples, ritual images, or people who could choose their own path, since they were given the freedom of choice.

Incredible facts

The day of the week you were born can tell a lot more about you than you knew before.

Seven days a week - seven different types personality.

What does the day of the week when you were born say about you?

If you do not know what day of the week you were born, you can find out , by entering your date of birth.

If you were born on a MONDAY

Monday is the day of the moon. The energy of the day is feminine, soft.

1. You think creatively, but have the tendency to keep a lot of good ideas to yourself.

2. You are very empathetic and empathetic.

3. Family and a few close friends are the most important things in your life.

4. You are an excellent negotiator and always try to make sure that all parties get what they want.

5. Your success is business leadership.

If you degenerate on TUESDAY

Tuesday is Mars day. The energy is fiery, active.

1. You have a lot of energy and drive.

2. People are drawn to you and always help.

3. You are successful in building a career.

4. You sometimes worry about things that you cannot control.

5. You enjoy having good, quality things, so saving money is a real challenge for you.

6. You are honest and do what you think is right.

7. You are sensitive to criticism.

8. You know how to put people in their place.

If you were born on WEDNESDAY

Wednesday is the day of Mercury. The energy is light and positive.

1. You learn new things quickly and do your job well.

2. You are always organized.

3. You are very light on your feet, and others like how relaxed you look.

4. You enjoy learning from other people, you love communication.

5. You know how to get along with different people.

6. You like your job and the people you work with.

Day of the week by date of birth

If you were born on THURSDAY

Thursday is the day of Jupiter. The energy is blessed and blissful.

1. You are an optimist.

2. You are independent in your work.

3. You are a respected person. In turn, you respect people too.

4. You have leadership qualities and you know how to get to the top.

5. You don't like people who criticize you. Often you are offended by them.

6. People are drawn to you because of your natural charisma.

7. Your range of interests is very wide, but at the same time, you quickly get bored.

If you were born on FRIDAY

Friday is the day of Venus. Sensual, feminine energy.

1. You value beauty and harmony and try to create it around you.

2. You are the most creative person of all your friends.

3. When it comes to relationships, you are emotionally sensitive.

Surely you noticed that someone goes through life easily and calmly, and one after another blows of fate are pouring on someone. This happens for various reasons, but often simply because the first was lucky with the patron planet, and the second was not very lucky. Unfortunately, she is not chosen - it depends on the person's birthday.

The total value of the day of the week of birth

Knowing the day of the week when this or that person was born, you can determine the planet that protects him, well, and knowing it - the full characteristics of a person. For example, boys born on Monday fly in the clouds, they are dreamy and vulnerable; on Tuesday - bold, determined and ambitious individuals. Of course, a lot depends on upbringing and the environment, but the planet sets a general tone that can be clearly traced throughout a person's life and with which you just have to come to terms.

To find out your horoscope by day of the week, you just need to look at the calendar for the year you were born.

Surely you noticed that someone goes through life easily and calmly, and blows of fate fall on someone one after another. This happens for various reasons, but often simply because the first was lucky with the patron planet, and the second was not very lucky.

Monday - Moon

Anyone who is even slightly interested in astrology will immediately draw a conclusion for himself - these are people with a fine mental organization. They are gentle and sensitive, it is easy to hurt and offend them, a whole ocean of feelings and experiences rages in their souls, in which it is easy to drown. They have developed emotional intelligence, which does not always play into the hands of such children and adults - they pass everything that happens through their hearts, which has a bad effect on their mental and physical health. Such people often devote their lives to helping others and charity, becoming "healers" of other people's souls. The moon is a planet with negative energy, so Monday people collect it all their lives, but it is very difficult for them to live, seeing the suffering of other people around them. The suffering of others passes through themselves, leaving an indelible mark. If the "lunar" person does not learn to draw energy from different sources, then very soon he will deplete his supply, helping and empathizing with others, which will lead to health problems. He needs to learn not to accumulate negative energy in himself, to live in the present, not to "chew" the past and not to worry about the future. The moon is the patroness of home and family, so "lunar" people need to be at home more often, in the circle of relatives and friends.

Tuesday - Mars

Their character is in many ways reminiscent of a warlike patron: they adore speed, they are brave and decisive people, ambitious. Such people live at great speed, many events happen in their lives, they are in the flow of information and actions. They achieve a lot in their youth, many of them occupy leadership positions and start a family in years when others do not even think about it. But over the years, they begin to understand that initiative is punishable, it is better to think first and then do it, and, in general, the people said for a reason: “Measure seven times - cut one off”. "Martians" love to set unattainable goals for themselves, often go ahead to their goal, not noticing obstacles. For them, a goal is not just some kind of reward, but a goal in life for which they jump out of bed in the morning and are ready to work 24/7. Their main mistake is impulsiveness, inability to bring what has been started to the end, if the goal loses its relevance. Mars is a male planet, so even women who were born on Tuesday love male “toys”: sports, cars, shooting, and more. More often than not, "Martians" choose jobs that involve risk, such as serving in the army, or managing people.

Wednesday - Mercury

Men and women born on Wednesday are under the wing of the planet of commerce and communication. “Mercurians” are real lucky ones, because Mercury is the planet of youth and lightness, and its “wards”, regardless of age, feel great and lead an active lifestyle until venerable old age. They make contacts easily, they have excellent contact with brothers and sisters, even better than with their parents, they have many friends. "Mercurians" are fidgets who love travel and trips, they need to be in a constant stream of new information. They need communication and changes like water for a flower, otherwise they will wither, fall into melancholy and sadness. The birth of a child on Wednesday obliges parents to become the most agile and curious in the world in order to provide decent conditions for raising a baby. Mercury is the patron saint of freedom, so there can be no talk of any restrictions, including from a loved one. People who were born on Wednesday do not understand the word “No!”, The ban simply provokes them to go against the will of the person who established it. The "Mercurians" make excellent politicians, journalists, writers, merchants, businessmen. They are cunning and dexterous, they easily make and maintain useful contacts, they have developed a commercial streak from a young age.

Thursday - Jupiter

Boys and girls born on Thursday are the lucky ones. The thing is that they are patronized by Jupiter, which astrologers call behind their backs "the planet of great happiness." In short, the planet patronizes large projects, so the "Jupiterians" set global goals for themselves and go to them with leaps and bounds, never for a minute turning off the road. If someone in childhood dreams of becoming a firefighter or a model, then the "Jupiterians" - the chief of the fire department or a top model. But in this barrel of honey there is also a fly in the ointment, because the "Jupiterians" tend to exaggerate everything, including their own capabilities. These people are able to make an elephant out of a fly and inflate a global problem from scratch. They grab on to ambitious goals, but often abandon them halfway through the fact that this pie was too tough for them. But despite this, most often their fate develops in the most wonderful way due to the influence of the day of the week, for which Jupiter is responsible. Jupiter is the planet of influential people, so in the life of the "Jupiterians" much will depend on the favor of important officials. And they will also have obvious problems with their personal lives due to the fact that for their global projects they will completely forget about their hearts and they simply will not have the strength to start a family.

Unfortunately, the patron planet is not chosen - it depends on the day of the week of the person's birth.

Friday - Venus

Women and men born on Friday live under the wing of Venus. The planet endowed them with difficult character traits - such people love comfort and beauty, they cannot live in melancholy and sadness, it is important for them to enjoy everything they do in their lives. If they are cold and hungry, there can be no question of any happiness and productivity, because the "Venusians" are very dependent on external conditions. These are sensual natures who cannot work where they do not like, it is difficult for them to communicate with unpleasant people, to be in an environment that is unpleasant for them. For them, beauty, pleasure and feelings have a downright magical meaning. It is for this reason that they need to pay a lot of attention to their loved ones (sports, diet, style, etc.) in order to feel at their best. Only that "Venusian" will achieve success in life who is confident in himself, and without the beauty of the body and soul, he simply will not have this confidence. Venus is also responsible for money, so people who are under her patronage must always have money, otherwise they will be unhappy. Venus is a female planet, so her “wards” easily find a common language with the fair sex, and women, like a magnet, attract men to themselves.

Saturday - Saturn

Saturn itself is not an easy planet, it is responsible for trials and limitations, so the life of a “Saturnian” cannot be called simple. The patroness will sprinkle him with a generous hand trials, small and not so, throughout his life, so that one can only console himself with the fact that steel is tempered in the fire. There is no point in resisting these tests; most likely, they will have to be carried like a cross until old age. Most "Saturnians" perceive life as an ordeal, a hard cross, where there is no place for love, happiness and pleasure. Their life is not easy from birth, from the cradle they live in some kind of framework and restrictions. The best thing they can do for themselves and their loved ones is to learn to be philosophical about everything that happens, and not to take everything to heart. They need to learn to be resilient both psychologically and physically in order to reflect the blows of fate. The harsh nature of the "Saturnian" alienates many people from him, but without him he will simply break. Many of them are workaholics who are able to work 24/7 at any job, just to achieve their goals. Saturn is the planet of bosses and for “Saturnians” normal relations with the Pope and bosses are important.

Sunday - Sun

These are sunny people, creative personalities, they have excellent organizational skills, they create, their heads are always full of brilliant ideas that they are ready to bring to life. It is fun and comfortable with such people, they are good organizers, but they are better at inspiring and instructing than doing something with their own hands. At their worst, people who were born on the last day of the week live in their dreams and do nothing to make those dreams come true. They have no practical vein, but they are full of creative talents - there are many famous artists, musicians and actors among such people. They are optimists, no matter what happens in life, they always believe that everything that happens is for the best. The sun is a planet of luxury, so often such people prefer to live expensively and beautifully, but they themselves are unlikely to be able to provide themselves with such a standard of living. They are noble and generous, wherever they appear, they bring light and happiness. Loneliness is hard to bear, they need to be surrounded by people with whom they can communicate and give them positive emotions.