Day of the week of birth and character of the person. How the time and day of the week of a child's birth determines his character. Day of the week of your birth

Residents of the East attach great importance to the day of the week when a person was born. Thais are sure that he defines character and destiny of a person... The Thai legend of the twelve sages says that the colors of the days of the week correspond to the colors of the Thevada spirits in order to ward off bad weather and clear the path of man to these angels. Each day has its own "happy" and "unlucky" sides of the world.

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Editorial staff "So simple!" will tell you how, according to Thais, birthday affects a person's destiny.

Birthday meaning

  • Monday - yellow
    It is considered a day of reconciliation. Planet - Moon. The animal is a tiger. Monday is in charge of Chondra - a young and beautiful god of the moon. The moon gives a person the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions and survive, attracts solar forces into life. She governs our behavior and is often troublesome and troublesome.

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    The Buddha position corresponding to Monday is Buddha with his right hand raised at chest level and a palm that stops evil. By the way, it doesn't hurt to buy a similar figurine home if you were born on Monday.

    People born on this day are destined to be good mentors, to be able to express their thoughts beautifully and correctly, to be strong and rich. Doubt and confusion are the main character traits of those who have a birthday on Monday. Many of them cannot overcome spiritual contradictions.

    On Saturday and Wednesday before lunchtime they will be lucky, but Sunday is not the best day for important things. It is desirable to surround yourself with green, black and purple, and orange should be discarded. In relationships, these people value warmth and comfort, they are very devoted to their soul mate. They want to see only a strong personality next to them, therefore they sometimes suffer from loneliness, since few are ready to take responsibility for their lives.

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  • Tuesday - pink
    Those born on this day will be prone to easy victories, lucky and lucky. The planet Mars. The animal is a lion. Mangala is the four-armed god of war and celibacy, who is depicted in red and sitting on a ram. But good deeds are also not alien to him. According to Thai legends, if a king is born on Tuesday, he will certainly become invincible. No new business should be started on this day. Tuesday is considered a day of rest in Buddhism.

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    The image of the Buddha lying on the right side corresponds to Tuesday. Auspicious days for new beginnings and important decisions are Thursday and Saturday, but on Monday you need to be extremely careful. Purple, yellow and black are considered good colors, but white is undesirable for those born on Tuesday.

    Their character is characterized by stubbornness, perseverance, and sometimes aggressiveness. Oftentimes, those with a birthday on Tuesday need support. A successful marriage can bring many prospects in both work and social life. But the second half should be soft and unobtrusive, otherwise there will be no harmony in the union.

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  • Wednesday - green
    Wednesday is divided into AM and PM. If you are born before noon - you will be restless and poor all your life, if after - then, on the contrary, there is a chance to reach great heights. So, the color of the first half of the environment is light green. Planet - Mercury. The animal is an elephant with tusks. Asana - Buddha with a begging bowl and Buddha of joy.

    Yellow and green are considered lucky flowers, but it is better to refuse pink. The most favorable day is Thursday and Wednesday night, and Tuesday can be a hassle.

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    The color of the second half of the medium is dark green. Planet - Rahu. The animal is an elephant without tusks. Asana - Buddha meets animals. Green, orange and white are your lucky colors. It is better to refuse yellow color. Significant events in your life will take place on Sundays and Mondays.

    Those born on Wednesday are characterized by quick thinking and a keen mind. People of the environment are somewhat dangerous in marriage, they need to be given the opportunity to occasionally move away from the relationship, then in the future in this couple everything will be fine and stable.

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  • Thursday - orange
    Thursday is considered a meditation day for Thais. The planet Jupiter patronizes all those born on Thursday. The animal is a rat. Asana is a meditating Buddha. Ruled by Brihaspati - the god of poets and priests. Jupiter describes the social behavior of a person, his landmarks in society, that is, it endows us with the ability to relate ourselves to the world, determine our place in this world and determine the purpose of existence.

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    The most significant events will fall on Friday and Sunday, on Saturday it is better not to make important decisions. The colors blue and orange will bring good luck, while purple and black are best avoided.

    The people of this day are characterized by high organizational skills. They are making great strides in politics and governance. It will be comfortable for led people to live with them. Those born on Thursday need to give in and it is better not to fall for treason.

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  • Friday - light blue (blue)
    Contemplation day. Planet - Venus. The animal is a guinea pig. Asana - Buddha of meditation. Shukra is the white-faced god of purity, who is the mentor of demons. The Buddha position revered on this day is Buddha standing with both hands clasped to his chest. In the character of those who have a birthday on Friday, there is a playfulness and frivolity. They love to enjoy life.

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    Pink and white will bring the desired well-being, but light green will not. The second half of Wednesday is an unlucky day. People on Friday should not be tied to themselves, you must give them freedom of choice, then they will gladly give love to both family and friends.

    Jealous people with such people will not be able to be around for long. They are not discouraged and do not like to suffer. They are optimistic, cheerful and very charming.

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  • Saturday - black (purple)
    This is the day of protection. To be born on this day means to be incredibly lucky. Planet - Saturn. The animal is a dragon. Asana - Buddha under the protection of the king of the nagas. Shani helps - the four-armed black god, who sends problems to traitors and traitors, as well as gives wise advice to those who are looking for a mentor.

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    Those who have a Saturday birthday are people of extremes: they either adapt or noisily defend their interests. Lucky colors are blue, cyan and light green; green is better to avoid. Happy days are Friday and Wednesday night, but Wednesday day is unfavorable for new beginnings.

    These are strong people who can endure a lot. They are characterized by great diligence, talent and extraordinary mind. Those born on Saturday are not always lucky in their personal lives, since they consider marriage to be the ultimate goal of relationships and lack initiative in family life. At a more mature age, they feel much more harmonious than in their youth.

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  • Sunday - red
    Restraint day. The planet is the Sun. The animal is garuda. Asana - Buddha in contemplation, this is the first position of the Buddha after his insight. Surya is the sun god with golden hair. Those born on Sunday are always warm, because they are under the auspices of the Sun and receive gifts from life. They say about such "darlings of fate."

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    Significant events for people born on Sunday will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays. In no case should you plan to start business and projects on Friday - this is a bad day. The colors of luck are pink and green, and all shades of blue are undesirable.

    Those whose birthday is Sunday may miss the opportunity to prove themselves, because by their nature they are quite lazy. Therefore, from childhood, they need to be taught to work and discipline so that in the future they become successful and happy. The main task of those born on Sunday is to meet an intelligent and demanding life partner with a domineering character.

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  • No matter what day of the week you are born, the main thing is to learn to perceive yourself as you are, to try to change only for the better and reach heights. So life will be filled with bright colors and harmony, regardless of birthday.

    Tell us in the comments if the birthday description suits you and if you believe in different horoscopes. And also share an interesting article with your friends on social networks!

    All who were born on Friday are patronized by Venus. She gives them the gift - love, love and be loved. This good gift will be with them all their lives, they will love and will be loved. She also endows them with beauty, even if born on Friday is not beautiful, he will still have charm, charm, charisma. When you talk to them, it will seem like they are seducing you, even if they don't. They are very talkative, love to talk and enjoy it. They live for the sake of people close to them, help them, make them feel how good it is to live, that you need to live and receive joy from life and feel happy.
    They love comfort, stability, constancy. They love their families and loved ones. They know how to rally people around them.
    They have good luck in the financial field, and they often pass this good luck on to their partners.
    They themselves are able to choose where to make a career. But most of all they are lucky in those areas where you need to work with money.
    There is no point in being jealous of those born on Friday. Only complete freedom and home comfort can keep them. And not squabbles and scandals.
    If you saw a person with a stately gait, handsome, stately and harmoniously built - in front of you is a person born on Friday.
    People born on Friday are distinguished by external beauty, just from the faces of such people and "drink water": their eyes are large, bright with long and thick eyelashes, their eyebrows are beautifully curved, and their mouth is beautifully shaped.
    Friday people have a deep sense of self-worth. They are always mistaken for bosses and admired.
    Those born on Friday are cheerful and like to joke, but their sense of harmony and peace does not allow them to offend another person or hurt someone.
    Such people, born on the day of the reign of Venus, are very fond of dressing up, beautiful dresses and things. They buy only the best for themselves: food, wine, dress, home furnishings and art.
    They are very partial to art, often having some kind of talent: they sing, dance, play instruments.
    They love to read and write poetry themselves, compose music, and can draw.
    It is very good if people born on Friday manage to get an education: these are nuggets and they will definitely make sense in life.
    Born on Friday are big dreamers, they look at the sky more often than at their feet. They love to admire themselves and nature. They appreciate beauty in all its forms. They are very impressionable and thoughtful.
    Those born on Friday are very compassionate towards other people, children and animals, towards all helpless creatures.

    Those born on Friday can be recognized by their wide-open eyes. Their eyebrows are raised, their gait is stately. Even an ordinary employee at work knows how to behave in such a way that he is mistaken for a boss. They love to joke, but so as not to offend. They love to sing and listen to music, read books, are not indifferent to beautiful dresses. They will not buy a new thing if it is not the best!
    They love to look at themselves in the mirror and at the sky. They love to dream and often take their own invention for the truth.
    They write letters to themselves, keep diaries, try to write poetry, can draw well. If they are given the opportunity to get an education, then they will make sense. My grandmother liked to talk about such people: nuggets. Those born on Friday are able to take someone else's child into upbringing, and not for the sake of fame, but from compassion to the helpless. If a person born on Friday observes a fast on Fridays, he will live a long time.
    born on friday
    can be recognized by wide-open eyes. Even an ordinary employee at work knows how to behave in such a way that he is mistaken for a boss. They love to joke, but so as not to offend. They love music, books, education, are interested in everything in the world
    They do everything well. If they are given the opportunity to get an education, then they will make sense. Those born on Friday are able to take someone else's child for upbringing, and not for the sake of fame, but from a personal understanding of mercy and justice. If they fast on Fridays, they will live a long time.
    They are charming, polite, affectionate, love sweets. According to statistics, many rich people or gifted people are born on this day. Often they are leaders in life.
    Women born on Friday are full of ideas, and they are waiting for the chance to implement them. Women are partial to beautiful dresses. They will not buy a new thing if it is not the best! External beauty is important for them - silk sheets, soft light; they love massage, long love games, in which they prefer a passive role. A beautiful voice, artistry persuade them to work in the fields of aesthetics, art and love.

    Day setting:

    My fifth day, be happy
    In harmony of Soul and Body,
    My Essence is non-aggressive,
    And I love any business.

    For those who wish and are interested in the composition of the word
    I propose to consider the main semantic load of the word "Friday":

    Pyat Nits A - identifying the main mistake, a weak point in personal world-building.
    AC IN TYAP - detection by the Astral Center of poor-quality constructions and the reasons for this poor-quality.

    The task of this day is to reveal the degree of love of a person, to find the Achilles heel of each, which leads him to the fall of his Humanity, creating a personal tragedy.

    From what time of day your child was born determines some of his character traits.

    A study conducted in a network of maternity hospitals and follow-up of children showed that children born in the morning, evening, afternoon and night time differ in characteristics.

    How does the time of birth of a child affect a person's behavioral characteristics:
    0:00-2:00 - this is the time of birth of curious children.

    2:00-4:00 - but in this time interval, hardworking individuals are often born who will always find benefits.

    4:00-6:00 - this is the time of birth of straightforward personalities and true leaders-leaders.

    6:00-8:00 - at such a morning hour, dreamy children are born, who are subsequently often interested in mysticism.

    8:00-10:00 - this is the time of birth of a charming child. often great humanists grow out of them.

    10:00-12:00 - it was at this time that most careerists were born.

    12:00-14:00 - and at lunchtime, risky adventurers are born, whose soul is looking for adventure.

    14:00-16:00 - the time of birth of those who are looking for difficulties and like to complicate even simple things.

    16:00-18:00 - the time of peace-loving and kind children.

    18:00-20:00 - the time of birth for strong-minded individuals.

    20:00-22:00 - as soon as stars appear in the sky, and children are born with the makings of stars and public figures.

    22:00 - 0:00 - Night owls are often children with inner harmony and a philosophical mindset. True, they sometimes have external reactions that are not clear to everyone.

    More details:
    Babies born from 6 to 8 am, are distinguished by impressionability, vulnerability, some anxiety. They are often immersed in their personal inner world, prone to long-term analysis of events. They are more theoreticians than practitioners.

    Born from 8 to 10 am children are distinguished by their benevolence and kindness. They are optimists. Their emotional development reaches greater heights than that of other kids. They feel and understand at the same time many people of different temperaments. Very early on, they have a tendency to help and support the people around them.

    Children born in the last hours of the morning - from 10 to 12 o'clock- are principled and have great willpower. They plan their lives for long periods of time. They have developed internal self-discipline, so they try to create order and harmony in the external world. There are many future leaders among such children, as their ambitions and self-esteem are also high. This happens because while the rest of the children are swinging in their development, or go on about their emotions, these kids clearly know what they want from other people and how they should behave and what character traits to develop in themselves.

    12:00 to 14:00- day children are born. Their leading trait is curiosity. They have two kinds of curiosity. The first is emotional, they strive to diversify their whole life and receive all new sensations and impressions. The second curiosity characteristic of them is intellectual. Children are so much and learn information in a binge. Moreover, their interests are transcendent. Highly educated and erudite people grow out of them.

    If your child was born from 14:00 to 16:00, then a reliable backbone has appeared in your family, on which all the traditions of value will be kept. This is an unbending personality. There are no insurmountable obstacles for him. Over time, this urge to overcome barriers on the way can turn into an end in itself. Therefore, it is very important to surround such a child with love from childhood and give him a lot of time. Perhaps even provide him with home education. Then the family will become a necessary value for him, and he will not wander in search of new unconquered peaks.

    From 16 to 18 hours children are born who are capable of deep long-term emotional attachments, of eternal love. They very early acquire the ability to penetrate into someone else's inner world and sensitively understand the slightest changes in the mood and hopes of people. They start looking for their soul mate early. Having met a companion, they devote themselves to their love.

    From 18 to 20 hours enterprising and responsive children are born. They are smart and always find a solution to any problem. They are successful in creating and maintaining any business endeavor. It is important for parents to teach them to take care not only of other people, but also of themselves. Because from an early age they easily understand the feelings and thoughts of other people and are so carried away by these processes that they forget about their own interests.

    From 20 to 22 hours bright and strong natures are born. They have a reasonably high self-esteem and try in every possible way to realize themselves in communication and various types of creativity. And with age, their aspirations are usually realized, because they are extremely energetic and it is difficult to move them off the intended path.

    From 22 to 24 hours impressionable and suspicious children are born. In their lives, emotions play a leading role, not reason. Calm and even slow on the outside, inside they experience a storm of emotions. They achieve internal balance and stability if they are accompanied through life by a reasonable person who listens to the child and constantly explains the true state of affairs, explains what stimuli or reasons led the baby to an inadequate solution to the issue. With such cooperation, over time, you can help the child develop logical abilities and the personality will achieve balance.

    From 24 to 2 am active inquisitive leaders will be born. Such children should be provided with the maximum amount of information and knowledge. They do well in school, because they are able to assimilate with ease knowledge in a wide variety of fields of science.

    2 am to 4 am affectionate and loving children are born. They are smart and talented, but they are not theorists and philosophers. Toddlers are practical and responsible. They know how to make money. In their chosen specialty, they will reach the level of skill, in creativity - the level of art. Often there are geniuses and prodigies among these children.

    4 am to 6 am independent and naturally brave children are born. They are by nature war. Already in early childhood, their steel stubborn disposition is manifested. It just won't work to educate them with pressure. But you can always agree on the rules and their observance. Because they do not recognize leadership over themselves, but respect the law and justice.
    Another important point in the upbringing of such kids is not to lose their respect, especially in childhood. He will obey the rules only if they are fair, and you yourself strictly follow them.
    Another trait through which they can be influenced for educational purposes is compassion for weak, narrow-minded people in childhood. They choose their own handicapped children and take care of them.
    Empathy is a framework in which you can keep them. Just do not hesitate to show your feelings, and do not be afraid to appear weaker than himself to such a child. He will become more serious if he protects you in some way.

    How a child's day of the week of birth affects a person's behavioral characteristics:
    Birthday Monday
    People born on this day are characterized by such traits as contradiction and devotion, they are ruled by the Moon. Anxiety and indecision are always present in the life of those who have a birthday on Monday. Due to the great spiritual contradictions that many people on Monday cannot overcome, they cannot achieve those heights in life that they could reach. They are open and emotional, sociable, listen and empathize with others. They have a rich imagination, which is not always shown to others. A person born on this day easily adapts and wants to see a strong partner next to him. Sometimes people on Monday suffer from loneliness, because few are willing to take responsibility for them. In a relationship, they value sincerity, comfort and warmth, and are very loyal to their soul mate.

    Birthday Tuesday
    People born on Tuesday are ruled by Mars, the planet of warriors. The character of such people is distinguished by assertiveness, stubbornness, and sometimes aggression. However, they may have doubts about the correctness and correctness of their conclusions. Basically, those who have a birthday on Tuesday need support and a strong shoulder. One can say about such people: “first he does, then he thinks”. The second half for a person born on this day can be a meek, gentle and unobtrusive person, in this case, undoubtedly, there will be a complete idyll in a relationship. Their union will be successful and will bring great prospects in work and in social activities.

    Birthday - Wednesday
    People born on this day are patronized by Mercury. They are successful in science and entrepreneurship, they enjoy learning and gaining new experiences, but they look more conservative than people who are open to everything new. Such people are persistent, from childhood they dream of achieving great success, all their lives they are organized in an organized way towards a certain goal. A measured and predictable existence, some of them get bored over time. In such a situation, they give an outlet for the negative energy accumulated over a long time. After that, everything returns to normal. In marriage, such people need to sometimes be given the opportunity to leave the relationship aside, after that in this couple everything will be calm and stable.

    Birthday Thursday
    Jupiter patronizes people born on this day. They are characterized by great organizational skills. They are successful in management and policy. Weaker people are drawn to them, which strengthens their leadership. People whose birthday is Thursday have developed intuition and are able to predict the future. The disadvantages of such people can be considered irritability, intractability and stubbornness, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity, despite the fact that they are natural and consistent. In the family, they are despotic and demanding. They will have a good alliance with people who are weakening and led by them. If fate has brought you together with a person born on Thursday, try to yield to him and not follow the principle. Also, these people are owners, they are hard to endure betrayal. Having learned about it, in 90% of cases they leave and it is almost impossible to return them.

    Birthday Friday
    People born on this day are patronized by the planet Venus. They are endowed with the art of enjoying life, loving and being loved. These people are optimists who do not tolerate suffering and despondency. In the character of a person who has a birthday on this day, there is a cheerfulness, flirtatiousness and frivolity. In their home, they create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, surround themselves with friends and family. Such people cannot be tied to themselves, you need to give them freedom of choice, in this case they will reward friends and household with love. Jealous and domineering people will not be able to stay with the people of Friday for a long time. Those born on Friday make money easily, it is comfortable and pleasant to work with them.

    Birthday on Saturday
    The planet Saturn patronizes those born on Saturday. Such people are strong and able to withstand a lot. They are characterized by hard work, outstanding abilities and intelligence. Gradual and slow-pacedness is what such people appreciate. They do not strive to lead, and the position of the boss is not particularly suitable for them. Those born on this day are not always happy in their personal lives. They perceive marriage as the ultimate degree of relationship and do not show initiative in family life. People on Saturday are characterized by extremes: they either adapt to a partner, or vigorously defend their point of view. They are tired and annoyed by haste. In adulthood, people born on Saturday feel more comfortable than in younger years.

    Birthday Sunday
    Those born on this day are always comfortable and warm, because their patron saint is the Sun. They are active and successful, about such, we can say: "darlings of fate." But failures in their lives also happen. Why it happens? Sunday people mostly lead a carefree lifestyle, not making efforts to secure their future life. For a certain period they receive gifts of fate, and later life begins to ask them in full. In the nature of such people, laziness is manifested, unwillingness to start a family and achieve success at work. They tend to go with the flow. It is necessary to bring up children born on this day strictly, try to accustom them to hard work, help in choosing a future profession. By instilling in them assertiveness and diligence, you will help them become happy in adulthood. The main goal of such people is to meet a prudent and persistent companion with a domineering character.

    And remember, no matter what day of the week you are lucky enough to be born, the main thing is to learn to accept yourself and your shortcomings, try to change for the better, making your life bright and harmonious!


    All this is very conditional, since the character is influenced not only by the time and day of the week of birth, but also by the month, year of birth - a complete horoscope. The name, surname, patronymic, and other factors also affect the character, up to the social status, the atmosphere of the family of the born and the economic, political state of the country of birth.

    By the way, in Asia, KS is very popular, because with KS, parents themselves determine the date and time of the birth of their child in order to influence the most beneficially his character and fate ...

    P. S .: My daughter and I coincided.
    The husband does not know what time he was born ...

    According to the system known since antiquity, the day of the week on which we were born largely determines our bioenergetic potential, main character traits, attitude to the world around us and people, the field of activity where we can achieve the greatest success, that is, in fact, the background of our entire life. So...

    Monday people

    Those born on Monday are ruled by the Moon. The people of Monday are restless souls full of doubt. If they could understand themselves, overcome spiritual contradictions, they would have reached significant heights in life. They are emotionally open, sociable people. But at the same time they are good at hiding their true feelings and rich fantasies. They very easily adapt to both the human environment and changes in life. But they really do not like to overcome obstacles, preferring at this time to be in the role of a follower, behind the back of a strong leader. It is such a person that they try to choose as their life companions. Not many are attracted by the prospect of leading another person for many years, so people on Monday sometimes suffer from loneliness. And it's a pity, because in family life they are good: they love comfort, housewives and are faithful to their chosen one to the end.
    Family is their strong point, one might say, a super task.

    Tuesday people

    Everyone born on Tuesday lives under the sign of Mars, the planet of warriors. And their character is correspondingly stubborn, persistent, often aggressive. However, they often need confidence in their own righteousness and dignity. Doubts about this sometimes lead to the fact that they can lose faith in themselves, in the correctness of their actions. Therefore, the support of others for the people of Tuesday is vital. Unfortunately, they are often impulsive and arrogant: first they act, then they think. Based on this, a person who is a benevolent and reliable advisor who knows how to gently and unobtrusively guide their efforts can become an ideal companion for those born on Tuesday. In this case, people on Tuesday will be able to achieve a lot in various fields of activity.

    People of the environment

    People born on Wednesday are patronized by the planet Mercury (god of trade, knowledge, intelligence, communication). And this determines the richness of their inner world and the breadth of the spectrum of hobbies. They are usually successful in marketing, science, advertising business, they study all their lives, gain rich experience, but they do not really like to advertise these properties, preferring to impress those around them as conservative people. From early childhood, people of the environment plan their lives, dreaming of achieving success in a certain profession, and then persistently move towards this goal. As a rule, fortune favors them, and they experience a sudden takeoff, reaching the target. But then there comes a moment, like the X-hour, when a person of the environment, being no longer able to cope with his passions and desires, radically changes his established position, giving an outlet for the long-held energy of desires. Having thrown them out, he returns to an ordinary, measured life. He is again controlled not by feelings, but by a cold, reconciling mind. Therefore, if next to the person of the environment there is a life partner who will allow him from time to time small adventures, will treat this with understanding, such a couple is guaranteed a long happy family life.

    People of thursday

    Those born on Thursday are guarded for life by Jupiter, the father of the gods, who rules the world, And often the people of Thursday, having reached maturity, become rulers, at least, good organizers, administrators for sure. They achieve success in politics, religion, government, management. They are usually attracted to those who feel the need for patronage. Many of people born on Thursday are blessed with the gift of foresight, that is, they can foresee the future. This sometimes scares them themselves, and they even try to fight it, suppressing the manifestation of such abilities in themselves. And in vain: after all, they are thus granted protection from above, so that they can bypass life's obstacles without loss.
    The stubbornness of the people of Jupiter, sometimes bordering even on stupidity, as it seems to others, often causes irritation when communicating with them. But in reality they turn out to be right, since they are guided by their own logic, which is often inaccessible and incomprehensible to the environment. It is sometimes difficult for their household to adapt to this character trait. After all, the imperiousness of people born on Thursday, their intolerance of other people's opinions (which they know how to listen to, but they still “do it their own way”) is a strong test of the strength of marriage bonds. However, for those natures who want to be led and like to rely on a strong partner, such an alliance can be beneficial. Thursday people are usually strong personalities and good family people. True, their partners have to experience the strongest injections of jealousy more than once, since they constantly attract other people to themselves. But the people of Jupiter avoid quarrels and scandals, trying to settle all conflicts peacefully. But when communicating with them, it is worth considering that all people on Thursday make concessions very hard and do not forgive their partners of insults and betrayals.

    Friday people

    People born on Friday live under the auspices of Venus. This planet endows them with a great gift - the art of loving and being loved. They seem to be born to enjoy life and generously give them to their loved ones. Despondency and submission, suffering are unbearable for them. In any situation, the people of Venus strive to bring optimism and joy. They are very charming, even when they are deprived of their bright appearance. Under various circumstances, they always strive to remain impressive and attractive.
    However, you should not trust their words too much: people on Friday do not attach much importance to them. Even flirting and seducing with skillful speech, in fact, they are far from striving to seduce: for them it is a game from which they get great pleasure. Friday people love their home, family, know how to create a warm, homely, touchingly cozy atmosphere, rallying family members around them. But they cannot be kept within the close confines of the family. They must constantly expand their horizons, learn about the multicolored world and themselves, then their life will be complete, and they will gladly present their happiness to family members and friends. It is impossible to tie them to yourself with everyday problems. They are comfortable only with those who give them the happiness of freedom and surround them with coziness, while not tormenting them with jealousy and suspicion. These are the strongest invisible chains that can keep them close for a long time. By the way, all those born on Friday are able to pass on some of their luck to both their relatives and business partners, since they are always lucky in money: they feel good wherever they can make a lot of money.

    Saturday people

    Those born on Saturday are the people of Saturn. They live under the weight of ancestral karma. Only the Sabbath people are strong enough to endure this, but for this very reason they should not be given unlimited power. Due to their enormous hard work, intelligence and talent, with a sense of responsibility developed from birth, these people are able to rise to unprecedented heights in skill and career. But their path is always gradual and difficult, without unexpected ups. Life credo is work, honor and duty, skill and patience, both at work and in the family.
    But often people born on Saturday are unlucky in their personal lives, because they hope that their life attitudes will automatically provide them with personal happiness, and do not make great efforts to achieve it. Having created a family, they are convinced that everything will work out by itself, and they are amazed when this does not happen. In a hurry to save the situation, they either become a slave of a partner, or, conversely, give free rein to their imperious ambitions. Neither one nor the other brings them happiness. Alas, people on the Sabbath need to behave at home as at work: slowly and gradually, step by step, with hard work and patience, build a family building, and only then they will be granted personal happiness and satisfaction in marriage. The people of the Sabbath are destined to work and work all their lives, but on the other hand, having reached the heights of respect in society and creating a strong family, such people in old age are much happier than in youth. And, being long-livers, they fully enjoy their happiness, nurtured by long and hard work.

    Sunday people

    People born on Sunday are under the auspices of the life-giving Sun. Therefore, they literally seethe with inexhaustible energy overflowing. They are always lucky in everything. However, it is they, who were originally darlings of fate, paradoxically, who are more often overtaken by failures. The fact is that Sunday people are given everything to the fullest from birth - intelligence, talent, vitality, dexterity, beauty and kindness, so they often tend to lead a carefree lifestyle and rest on their laurels, without making great efforts to ensure a happy future. And if until the age of 33 they keep afloat thanks to their talents and rich inclinations, then life begins to ask them in full - what they learned, what they achieved, relying on generous advances. Their many talents and abilities dry up over time, and the reluctance to work hard for a career and a strong family inevitably leads to a broken trough of illusions and hopes. As a result, Sunday people at their most decisive age are missing out on opportunities to gain material wealth and achieve success in the professional field.
    To take place as individuals, to realize all their naturally gifted abilities, people of the Sun need strict discipline and a good education from childhood. They need to be brought up in an atmosphere of hard work, then in adulthood they will not become, due to their egocentrism and exorbitant ambitions, a burden for others. Only when they stop feeling sorry for themselves and focus their efforts on helping other people, on their self-improvement and acquiring professional skills, Sunday people can become happy and even famous in certain circles, and, possibly, very famous. Their happiness if they meet an intelligent life partner, born on Thursday, with an imperious and demanding character. It is such a person who will be able to direct and develop their talent for the benefit of the family and society. How a birthday affects a person's character and destiny

    Each person who was born on a specific day of the week has its own characteristics. After all, birthday affects the character and fate of a person
    Each day of the week is patronized by a certain planet, which imposes on a person the emotional background of his entire life.

    So what do you know about your birthday ?!


    If a person was born on Monday, his life is ruled by the Moon, and such a person can be called lunar. Everything that happens to him, everything that he does, passes through his soul, therefore such people always have a lot of experiences, their soul is constantly working, cognizing the world on an emotional level. It is not easy to be a moon man, because his psyche is always tense.
    As a rule, they choose a humanitarian profession, are engaged in charity work, work with handicapped, suffering people. Such a person can become an excellent healer of human souls.
    The moon is a female planet with negative energy, therefore, a lunar person collects negative energy all his life. And the more the lunar man sees suffering around him, the more difficult it is for him to live. Such a person needs humility, faith in God, since only in this case human suffering will pass through him without causing significant damage to his psyche.
    So that a child born on Monday does not become a victim of his abilities, does not tear his psyche with other people's sufferings, you need to teach him not to retain negative energy in his soul, forget about the troubles that happened to him, teach him to live for today, solve today's problems and not to return in your memory to what you have experienced, to that which cannot be returned, cannot be corrected.
    The moon is the planet of the family, and it is very difficult for lunar people without a family. In many ways, their success in public life, the level of their income depends on the fact of the presence or absence of a family and on the climate at home, on the relationship with their spouse. A moon child needs a family and a home no less than an adult.

    If a person was born on Tuesday, Mars rules his whole life and he can be called a Martian. The Martian loves speed, fast driving, as Mars is the planet of speed. High speed may not bring him joy, but in the life of such a person, many events develop rapidly. A Martian can achieve a lot in a short period of time, become a big man already in his youth, start a family early. The theme of speed runs throughout his life. Often such a person loses interest in matters in which he cannot achieve a result for a long time, loses interest in people for whom the process is more important than the result. One of the advantages of a Martian is his initiative and the ability to do any job quickly. Over the years, the Martian learns from his own experience that initiative is punishable, and tries to be less proactive. It is often said about people born on Tuesday that work is burning in their hands.
    Regardless of gender, Martians have many masculine qualities, since Mars is a masculine planet. A man born on Tuesday will strive for the title of a real man. Women can be brave, courageous, strong and courageous, often forgo women's clothing and wear pants. Both of them, as a rule, show interest in men's entertainment: they love cars, go to the gym or a shooting club.
    Martians are people of fire. They can be pyromaniac - campfire lovers or firefighters. Mars is a planet of aggression and war, and in potential any Martian is a brave soldier who does not need to be trained to fight. They can be both theorists and practitioners of military affairs. If you notice in a young Martian a love for fights, arguments, the ability to create conflict situations, seriously engage in his upbringing - teach not to destroy, but to create, since a Martian fighter can grow up to be an extremist. Throughout their lives, any Tuesday is a happy day for the Martians, when they can take on any business, solve the most difficult issues of their life. The year of Mars can also become happy for such people - the year when their next birthday fell on Tuesday.

    If a person was born on Wednesday, his life is ruled by Mercury and he can be called a Mercurian. Mercury is the planet of youth and lightness, and Mercurians, regardless of age, can feel young, look good, and remain mobile people until a ripe old age. They can become specialists in body rejuvenation. An actual topic in the life of a Mercurian may be the topic of friends-buddies, brothers and sisters, because it is Mercury who is in charge of friendly relations, determines relations with brothers and sisters. A Mercurian may love his brothers, sisters and friends, may treat them badly, may have many friends or not one, but this topic is important to him, worries him. Brother, sister and friends can give a Mercurian much more than parents.
    He needs change like air. He will feel bad if there are no changes around him, so from time to time it is useful to update the interior items in his room, to buy him new clothes and toys more often.
    The more mobile the Mercurian and the more varied his life, the better he feels. Most of all, young Mercurians need communication on an equal footing. They will feel more confident, insure themselves against possible complexes, if they can call adults by their first names without a middle name, they will refer to them as friends, using “you”.
    In the upbringing of a Mercurian, a prohibition is unacceptable, since Mercury is the planet of freedom.
    The Mercurian can become a good elementary school teacher, journalist, writer, bookseller.
    People of the environment have a rather bizarre combination of character traits. They are often peacemakers, strive for justice and harmony, for creation and balance. They hate enmity and bloodshed.
    The health of people of the environment is above average, and the margin of safety in stressful situations is great. They quickly regain their strength and again rush to conquer the peaks. People of the environment are often accompanied by injuries, especially the head. After thirty years, you need to take care of the intestines, internal organs and the spine.

    If a person was born on Friday, Venus rules his life and such a person can be called a Venusian. Being at the mercy of the planet of feelings and pleasures, the Venusian is very picky about the conditions of life, he can feel good only in comfortable conditions, he constantly needs new and new pleasures. He will not be able to study on an empty stomach or in a cool room. Venusians are almost always at the mercy of some strong feelings, they like to do things that cause pleasant sensations, for example, working or walking in nature, doing gardening, working with beautiful people. Venusians are sensual natures, feelings, as a rule, are more important to them than common sense. For the development of the abilities of a young Venusian, it is useful from an early age to be introduced to work on the ground, work with wild, garden or indoor plants; more emphasis in his training should be placed on biology and chemistry.
    Earthly Venus, the planet of beauty, makes the subject of the physical body relevant, and the Venusian is often preoccupied with his health and appearance. To be confident in himself, he needs to look good. Venusians have an innate taste and are able to decorate the world around them, often choosing a profession related to beauty. The more a Venusian is able to do with his own hands, the more confident he feels and the more he achieves in life. Venus gives us various desires, makes us choose, therefore Venusians are full of desires, very demanding on the quality of the purchased things. Being a planet of the earth element, Venus gives a love of money, the desire to receive a stable income. Venusians are willing to work honestly for a small but stable salary.
    Since Venus is a female planet, Venusians easily find a common language with women, they have many friends.
    Any events that happen to him on this day are good for him. It is on Friday that it is easier for the Venusian to decide on an important step, a responsible conversation, it is on this day that he receives great support from higher powers. Each year of Venus, that is, the year that began on Friday, is a happy year for him, when he has the double support of the ruler of his life, Venus.
    People born on Friday sometimes have conflicting traits in their character traits. They can be both good and evil, accommodating and stubborn in little things, In their souls there is often a struggle between truth and lies, between light and darkness. This is especially evident in those who were born at the hour of sunset.

    If a person was born on Saturday, Saturn rules his life and the person can be called a Saturnian. Saturn is the planet of trials and limitations, and, as a rule, Saturnians perceive their fate as a trial, a cross that must be humbly carried through life. The life of a Saturnian is difficult from birth. It is difficult for a Saturnian to enjoy life. The most he can do is to be philosophical about his difficulties. Saturn is the planet of evil fate, limitations, fortitude, and the life of a Saturnian is full of fatal accidents, he lives in limitations for a long time, fate tempers his spirit. The Saturnian lives in constant spiritual and physical stress, and the stronger his spirit and body, the easier it is for him to endure the blows of fate. In the upbringing of a young Saturnian, the main emphasis should be placed on hardening his spirit and body.

    From early childhood, it is useful to temper it in various ways. It is unacceptable to pamper him, you need to do everything so that he grows up as a strong person, self-confident, capable of solving his problems on his own. If a young Saturnian falls, do not rush to help him, let him get up and calm down himself. Feeling strong support and care from their parents, the Saturnian will not learn to be independent. The prohibition in his upbringing is very useful and even necessary, since it will help him at an early age to come to terms with fate and more easily endure its blows in adulthood.
    The harsh nature of the Saturnian can repel people from him, but thanks to this character, this person can become an excellent specialist in the field of strengthening the spirit and body, an expert in any field where physical endurance, strength of character, and high self-control are needed. Regardless of their physique, Saturnians are very hardy and are able to work for a long time without rest, lack of sleep, and malnutrition.
    These are real workers, ready for any job, just to improve their financial situation. A young Saturnian must be taught to work from an early age, even if he learns in his youth what a piece of bread is worth. It is useful for him to engage in sports that require endurance. The Saturnian can be a great coach in these kinds of sports. Saturn is the planet of conservatives, and Saturnians are often very conservative in their views, they hardly change their habits, "lag behind life." Thanks to conservatism, the Saturnian can be a great admirer of the classics, with great respect for traditions. Often, the Saturnians take on the function of the keeper of what should remain unchanged, for example, they become the curators of the museum, collectors of antiques. Traditions, rules and laws are important for the Saturnian, since Saturn is the planet-legislator. The Saturnian can become a keeper of traditions, an agent of the legislative system, an employee of the bodies that monitor the implementation of laws and regulations. The Saturnian is able to be content with little, can be very economical and often becomes an economist. He has the qualities that allow him to see unnecessary objects, he loves strict simple forms, is able to simplify life, relieve himself and others from unnecessary difficulties.
    Saturn is the planet of bosses, it is associated with relationships with elders in age or position, therefore, for a Saturnian, relationships with their own father, older brother, and bosses are very important. It is the father or someone who replaces him who will be able to teach the Saturnian a lot, to reveal his potential, to give the upbringing and education necessary for the successful implementation of his life program.
    Any Saturday is a happy day for a Saturnian, when he should take on the most difficult cases, make responsible decisions. The year of Saturn, that is, the year that began on Saturday, can also be a happy year. Although the year of Saturn is a difficult period for most people, the Saturnian in such a year has the double support of the ruler of his life and can achieve a lot.

    If a person was born on Sunday, the Sun controls his entire life and he can be called a solar person. Such a person will feel like a creator. As a rule, sunny people have more ideas than time to implement them. In addition, the Sun gives organizational abilities, so such a person is always looking for those who would embody his ideas, orders the implementation of his ideas to specialists, but the thought of an independent embodiment of ideas comes to him in the last turn. It is much more pleasant for a sunny person to imagine how ideas become reality than to get down to business for the sake of implementing their projects. Sometimes they say about such people that they are not of this world, since they live in a beautiful fantasy world. The greatest thing we can do for a child born on Sunday is to preserve and develop his fantasy and imagination, not to deprive him of the joy of inner creativity. From an early age, a sunny child should be taught drawing, singing, dancing, taken to the theater, to art exhibitions, and introduced to creative people. Let him not become a great dancer, singer or artist, but learning this will help him in life, make him feel more confident, start an independent life earlier and achieve more.
    Very often people born on Sunday show an interest in luxury, strive to live beautifully. If a child born on Sunday shows more interest in beautiful things than in creative pursuits, it is necessary to seriously engage in his upbringing, making him interested in any business. Sun people are very reluctant to engage in monotonous work and affairs in which they do not find joy. It is necessary to find a case for the child that would touch the strings of his soul and every day give him new emotions and information; it is better to teach him several things at once, then he will be interested. The sun is a planet of luxury, and, regardless of the requests of a solar person, he can live his whole life or a significant part of it in luxury or in the immediate vicinity of luxury, for example, being an employee of a museum or a jewelry company.
    One of the best manifestations of a sunny person is nobility, the ability to make generous gifts. Just as the Sun gives us its energy, the Sun man is capable of grand gestures. Those born on Sunday should appreciate this day, because it is on Sunday that they will be able to find solutions to the most difficult problems.
    The year of the Sun promises each person receiving joy, creative inspiration, but for a sunny person it will be not just a year of joy, but a year when he will be able to implement the most important projects, fundamentally change his life.
    People born on Sunday have a large life reserve of energy. They are kind and merciful. In a difficult situation, they always find a way out and help others find. However, some of them sometimes succumb to a depressive state of mind and hardly get out of them. This is mainly affected by those who were born in winter. Sunday people love changes in life, they can hardly endure loneliness, they have many friends and acquaintances, they easily find a common language with everyone. They always have their own point of view, they know how to defend it. People born on Sunday are easy to grasp science and always have a broad outlook.
    Being of high intelligence and independent character, they are leaders in everything that they undertake. They hate restrictions and rebel against them.