Protection or warning: why the icon is dreaming. Why do Orthodox icons dream in a dream? Why does Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker dream

Dreams in which saints or Deities are present are always well remembered and rethought by a person for a long time. There is an opinion that such dreams are more often visited by believers, those who pray to a certain saint or simply venerate him.

What if Nicholas the Wonderworker is dreaming?

Nicholas the Wonderworker is a well-known and widely revered saint. He is the patron saint of travelers and all those on the road. But with prayers they turn to him not only for help on the way, but also in all life problems. If a person sees in a dream that the image of Nicholas the Pleasant has come to life and gives him some information, then this is a prophetic dream. Special attention should be paid to the words of the holy elder. If they contain a warning about something, then it is unwise to ignore it. It is necessary to fulfill exactly everything that the holy elder said.

The appearance in a dream of a man of saints often occurs on the eve of difficult life trials. Thus, the sleeping person is given the support of the Higher Forces in his misfortunes and difficulties. This invaluable help instills in a person self-confidence and increases his resilience.

However, the saints are often much more concerned about not how difficult a person's life path is, but the state of his soul. Therefore, contrary to the widespread belief that saints can appear in the dreams of only enlightened people, Nicholas the Wonderworker is also the most notorious sinners. Thus, reminding them of the short duration of earthly existence and the need to take care of the purity of their souls. There are many examples when, after such dreams, a spiritual rebirth of a sleeping person took place, and he abandoned his previous aspirations and principles.

What portends?

If, in a dream, Nicholas the Wonderworker points to an object asleep, then it has a special meaning in a person's life. It can be the Bible, which is a hint that a person should not only pray more often, but also follow the commandments of God. If in real life the sleeping person often asks the saint for help in some problem, then Nicholas the Wonderworker may appear to him in a dream, which will be a good sign that informs that the prayer of the prayer has been heard. If someone in the dreamer's family is on the road and at this time one of his relatives sees Nicholas the Wonderworker in a dream, then the traveler is under his protection.

To understand what Nicholas the Wonderworker is dreaming of, you need to pay attention to what he says to the sleeping person. If the saint does not utter a word, this is of no less importance, because by his gaze and actions one can always understand what he wants to communicate to the sleeping person.

Seeing in a dream an icon of a saint that streams myrrh is an important sign, which informs that soon the sleeping man will face serious tests for the endurance of his spirit and the strength of faith. Therefore, in no case should you grumble at fate, since all difficulties are sent to a person in order to strengthen his soul.

The icon is a symbol of a person's spiritual life. Its appearance in a dream can act as both a positive sign and a warning one. Having seen such a vision, you should carefully remember all the details of the plot, and then turn to popular dream books.

Why the icon is dreaming: what the dream books say

Popular dream interpreters contain various interpretations of such dreams:

Who saw the dream

For a free girl, a dream about an icon promises an acquaintance with her future lover and an early wedding. For a woman, such a dream is a harbinger of a difficult stage in life. However, the difficult period will be short-lived and soon Fortune will smile at the dreamer again. A pregnant lady who sees an icon in a dream must forget the old grievances that prevent her from moving forward.
For married people, the icon in a dream promises serene times, a solution to old problems

If a child saw a dream, it means that in reality the baby has committed an unfavorable act and hides it from adults, while experiencing a strong sense of guilt.

For a man, a dream becomes a call not to try to change the course of current events, but to try to accept the situation as it is. Now the dreamer is unable to influence fate.

Dream plot

The icon never appears in dreams just like that. Even unbelievers who saw the face of a saint in a dream should be attentive to such a vision.

Whose image was seen

To decipher the vision, the face of the saint, which was seen on the icon, plays a special role:

Where was the icon

Remember where you saw the icon:

The appearance of the icon

What the icon looked like when seen in a dream:

What happened in the dream

To get a more accurate interpretation, you need to remember what you did in the dream:

Dreams about the faces of saints have various interpretations, most of them are associated with the immoral behavior of the dreamer and warn of serious trials. However, such a vision can give the sleeping person hope for the best.

Dreams almost every night show us mysterious, unsolved worlds.

Wherever our minds go to travel! And how many amazing, confusing symbols, ciphers and codes he meets in a dream.

Simple and familiar objects in the world of night dreams carry a special meaning, mean a lot of important things, and can portend something significant, something that the dreamer should pay his closest attention to. What exactly do the signs tell us, how to interpret and understand them correctly?

A particularly interesting sign, which cannot be ignored, is the icon. The faces of the Saints, the icon of Jesus Christ, the image of the Mother of God, the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker - they dream for a reason, and always indicate something very important.

But in order to explain why the icon is dreaming, of Christ or the Mother of God, or other faces, it is necessary not only to remember the image itself, but also other details.

For example, was there one icon - or there were several of them, where they were, and also what the dreamer was doing. After all, the meaning of sleep depends on all this - and, as a result, the dreamer's further actions in reality.

Examples of such unusual, meaningful dreams are as follows:

  • You just saw some kind of icon - Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, or Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • You are dreaming about icons and images in your house, apartment, room.
  • The faces of the saints are dreaming in the temple, in the church.
  • You dreamed of an icon of the Mother of God.
  • I dreamed about the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Icon of Jesus Christ in a dream.
  • The icon comes to life in a dream.
  • The face of the saint weeps in his sleep.
  • The icon fell in your dreams.
  • You are flying on the icon.
  • Look at the images of the saints in the temple.
  • Shooting the image from the wall.
  • Pray while standing in front of the iconostasis.
  • Look at the icon in a dream.
  • Hold it in your hands.
  • Place a candle in front of the icon.

These actions are familiar and there is nothing surprising in them, it would seem, but remember all the details. You may be surprised to learn what the icon is dreaming of - and you will be able to apply the knowledge in reality.

See holy faces

The icon can mean different things. As a rule, dream books indicate their association with spirituality, holiness, faith - this is no wonder. But in what aspect to interpret what he saw in a dream, this will be indicated by the details.

1. Seeing an icon in a dream from the outside, as a kind of symbol, is a sign of light, spiritual joy, faith and peace in the soul. If there is confusion in your heart or you are suffering, faith will help you calm down. Soon, peace and tranquility will come in your soul, anxiety and suffering will disappear.

2. Curious about what the icon is dreaming of in your home. This is a very good and bright sign, which not only indicates that peace and kindness reign in your beautiful, strong family and cozy home, but also promises further prosperity and joy.

There will be happiness in your family nest, know this. For mother and wife, such a dream is especially good.

3. The icons hanging in a church or temple are dreamed of as a promising sign. You have faith and hope, and this will save you from any troubles. You can not be afraid of any evil and difficulties, your inner light will help you in everything.

4. The icon of the Mother of God, dreamed in dreams, suggests that you, without a doubt, have remarkable strengths necessary to cope with any difficulties and failures.

Perhaps now you do not believe in yourself and are counting on someone's help, but know that you yourself can overcome everything - your internal reserves are more than enough.

5. The image of the Mother of God for a woman is a sign of an imminent marriage, and for a family lady - the approach of great happiness in marriage, prosperity and light love in the house.

6. The icon of Jesus Christ in a dream is a powerful symbol and a decree that you are blessed by higher powers. You have support from above, and you are moving on the right path.

Even if it is difficult for you and you feel that your strength is not enough - know that it is not so. Go further along this path, everything will work out, do not be afraid of anything.

7. And the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker in a dream is a hint of real incredible miracles that can very soon happen unexpectedly in your own life. Believe it.

8. But such a dream, in which the icon cries, is a serious warning. It is possible that your conscience is not clear enough, or you intend to commit some bad deed. It's not too late, is it?

Think about it, do not do evil - so as not to regret yourself afterwards. You can't return anything back later, remember that.

9. An icon that fell in a dream is a hint of some serious mistake that you are about to risk making. If you are about to do something serious, think again if you intend to do the right thing. Such a dream will not just happen, believe me.

10. If you see in dreams how the icon comes to life, this is an allusion to your faith in the supernatural, in higher powers. This faith, if you do not rush to extremes, will be your support and support, it will be able to help you in difficult times. Keep it, but just don't forget about this, the real world.

What was the dreamer doing?

If in your dreams you not only saw an icon or image from the outside, in the form of a sign or a vision, but did something directly - put a candle, prayed and so on - this carries separate meanings.

1. If you dream of such dreams, in which you are flying, sitting on the icon - this fabulous and unusual dream is very successful. He says that good luck will save the situation, no matter how hopeless and hopeless it may seem. So, now is the very moment when you can safely rely on the help of higher powers.

2. Being in a temple in dreams, walking among the icons and looking at the faces of saints is a dream that portends you peace, prosperity and quiet, bright happiness. Whatever it is now - everything will work out very soon, no doubt.

3. If you dream of your hands removing the icon from the wall, this is a warning - you are ready to lose faith and be disappointed. Should not be doing that. Faith and inner light are what protects and saves you, do not lose this.

4. As the dream book points out, the icon in front of which you pray in a dream is an indication that in your real life there is now too much material, but little spiritual. Reconsidering your values ​​will be very useful - think carefully about the fact that you are a little lacking in spirituality. This is really important.

5. If you are just in a dream standing in front of a large icon and looking at it, in reality you have a serious choice. Listen to your own heart, it will certainly tell you the right path.

6. Holding an icon in your own hands in a dream is a very good dream. Happy unexpected news is coming soon - who knows, maybe it will change your life!

7. And if, in your dreams, you put a candle in front of the images, then you are probably in reality experiencing remorse because of some act that you have committed. If necessary, ask someone for forgiveness, think about how to fix everything. It is within your power.

Dreams with icons and the faces of saints are rarely dreamed of - and such dreams are very valuable. The signs they give should be taken seriously - and not passed by. Therefore, take into account the advice of the dream book - and do the right thing in reality. Author: Vasilina Serova

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The icon is an integral symbol of the Orthodox faith, in a dream it can be both a good sign and a warning. You may have to reconsider your plans and outlook on life, think about behavior. The nuances of the dream are of no small importance for the accurate reading of night dreams. Remember whose face was depicted on the dreaming icon, what you did with it, exactly where you saw what the atmosphere was like in a dream and after awakening.

Sometimes interpreters agree on the definition of a particular dream image, but sometimes the meanings are very different. Dream books seem to complement each other:

  • XXI century - night dreams promise good luck in business and good health;
  • American - admiration for the Lord, consolation in faith;
  • English - if you do not take your mind, retribution for sins will soon overtake;
  • Grishina - the near future promises wonderful events;
  • Winters - do not ignore the simple truths of life;
  • lunar - resist the temptation of fate;
  • Miller - meet an influential person who will help you realize your plans;
  • family - a decisive period in your life will begin soon, the choice made now will be fateful;
  • modern - it's time to make useful business contacts or resort to the help of a person who has weight in society;
  • Solomon - they will try to make you a participant in a scam, seducing you with a big jackpot, but even if everything goes well, this adventure will not bring you happiness;
  • Wanderer - in a desperate situation, unexpectedly get help;
  • Ukrainian - you are in the shadow of the guardian angel's wing, he will not let you make a mistake;
  • Fedorovskaya - make an unusual discovery;
  • French - for a fun party or good news;
  • Freud - the dreamer entered into a relationship that seems immoral to him, it is time to coordinate his desires and principles, so as not to burden love with pangs of conscience;
  • Tsvetkova - the icon symbolizes well-being, inner harmony, a clear conscience; successfully avoid temptation, the new project promises to be successful;
  • esoteric - you are favored by higher powers, the spirits of ancestors.

An icon in a dream can mean powerful protection against temptations.


Many icons in the house mean that confrontation between confessions will begin in the country. It will drag on for several years, many people will suffer, and cult religious buildings will be destroyed.

They removed the icon from the shelf - a dream speaks of a lost faith. There is also a more ambitious interpretation: a crisis of faith for most of the world's population. Humanity will reject the laws of God and find itself on the brink of an abyss.

Saints on icons do not always have round halos. There are shrines on which God the Father is depicted with a glow above his head in the form of a triangle (a symbol of the Lord's trinity). On some frescoes, halos are hexagonal.

They prayed in the temple - in a difficult situation God will save you. If you repent of your deeds, the Heavenly Father will not leave the prodigal child in trouble.


The icon in a dream is a mediator between the material world and the spiritual, reflects the desire of a person to become a part of the Universe, to feel unity with it. May predict the discovery of a prophetic gift or personify a penchant for religious fanaticism.

Such dreams sometimes reflect the pangs of the dreamer's conscience, an attempt to repent, to purify the soul - at least in a dream. Sometimes it works, these are the unique properties of the human psyche.

To pray in the temple in front of the icons - according to Vanga's dream book, God will help you in a difficult situation


The icons symbolize spirituality and repentance for sins. Interpretation of sleep details:

  • to pray in front of a face - to attach too much importance to money, worldly vanity to the detriment of spiritual development;
  • the myrrh-streaming image predicts a global calamity with numerous destructions and casualties;
  • falling to the floor - to a fatal mistake.

I had a chance to put candles in front of the icon of the Mother of God - you will be tormented by guilt and shame.

Whose image was it that I dreamed of

The icon of the Mother of God with the Christ Child is a sign from above. A woman is promised a successful marriage, the birth of children, who will become an inexhaustible source of happiness for the spouses. The image promises to the newlyweds a quick replenishment in the family. Medea's dream book, however, does not give such a rosy interpretation: succumbing to temptation, you are increasingly moving away from the true path.

The appearance of the icon of the Virgin is also important:

  • Kazanskaya foreshadows the imminent establishment of relations with the second half, as well as harmonious interaction with the people around;
  • Three-handed promises good health, family harmony and prosperity;
  • Seven-shot characterizes the dreamer as a spiteful and envious person, who almost drowned out the voice of conscience; in order not to finally get bogged down in sin, having subjugated the soul to darkness, it is worth clearing the mind of bad thoughts;
  • The sovereign advises not to hide anything from a loved one, if some secret gnaws at you, he cannot fail to notice it, begins to worry, not knowing the reason and, possibly, blaming himself for your depressed state; frank conversation will remove the stone from your soul and strengthen your relationship with your partner;
  • Vladimirovskaya urges people to stop hovering in the clouds and tackle urgent problems, make peace with family and friends.

Ancient images in a dream warn that you need the help of relatives.

The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker dreams of good luck in business and love

Icon of the Holy Trinity - do not hesitate to ask your relatives for help, otherwise you will not dare to take up a new business. A loved one will return your faith in your strength. The timely outstretched helping hand is symbolized by the dreaming icon "The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos".

Interpretation of the icons of various saints in a dream:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker predicts material enrichment and luck on the love front, fate favors you;
  • Seraphim of Sarov - hard times, but do not despair, instead, pray to the Lord, trust him, and then the black streak will quickly end;
  • Saint Luke and Panteleimon the Healer - good health, deliverance from a serious illness;
  • Matrona of Moscow dreams of happy love, fulfillment of desires, great luck;
  • George the Victorious warns of the intrigues of enemies, be vigilant to avoid trouble.
  • the face of Nikolai the Pleasant recommends listening to intuition, then you will be able to cope with the upcoming difficulties, during the period of trials, keep calm and do not lose faith, the problems will be miraculously resolved.

The image of Jesus Christ promises a change in fate. The further development will be significantly influenced by the actions committed earlier. The Vedic dream book indicates regret for the mistakes of the past.

The Burning Bush icon advises the dreamer to be wary of fire

The meaning of other types of icons:

  • Unexpected Joy - go to church and offer a prayer for people dear to you, especially if you have been suffering a lot lately, have lost faith in the future; listen to friendly advice, try not to succumb to gloomy thoughts, learn to enjoy the little things, over time everything will work out;
  • Burning Bush - check your home and office for fire safety measures, be careful with open flames;
  • Lord Almighty - a good opportunity will turn up to enlist the support of influential people, sponsors.

Faceless image - advice to think about your steps before taking anything. Try to tame your natural impulsiveness, do not be manipulated and do not say anything in the heat of the moment to avoid communication problems. And you don't get a single thing done to the end, because you are trying to get things done quickly with everything at once. It's time to bring order to both work and relationships with people.

Where have you seen the face

Try to remember where the icon was in a dream:

  • in your home - to family problems; in someone else's - you have to help someone close to you out of trouble, work on character and fight bad habits;
  • in water - get ready for big changes in life;
  • in the car - for a successful trip;
  • in the sky, overhead - vanity, chores; it will take a lot of strength and patience to cope with problems;
  • in the church - a cloudless relationship with a loved one, a dream come true, success in a new undertaking;
  • at the grave - hard times, a conflict with friends, you or someone from your family will be overcome by an illness;
  • near the deceased - one of the relatives will become seriously ill, caring for him will require a lot of time and effort;
  • lay on the ground - until you make major mistakes, it is better to get off the slippery path.

Dreamed of icons in a house where they are not in reality? You should not get involved in disputes about faith, morality, political views. Be prudent, there is no winner in such disputes, only you will make new enemies.

Saw a holy face in the sky - gain strength to solve future problems

Description of the icon

A kind, bright face on the icon means the blessing of Heaven, the help of a guardian angel. Ominous, cold, frightening - you will be drawn into a knowingly losing venture. The revived one speaks of faith in the otherworldly, higher powers that give you protection and bless your family.

For the interpretation of the dream, it is important how the icon looked:

  • in the form of a pencil sketch - in the near future you will be interested in something new, an exciting hobby will appear, carry out your plans;
  • was drawn with chalk or embroidered with beads - the image reminds of the proverb: you can't easily catch a fish from a pond; you have to work hard before you can make your dream come true;
  • black betrays the dreamer's desire to choose an easier, but not too righteous path;
  • golden or luminous characterizes you as a righteous person, deeply believing;
  • the bloody warns: trouble is coming, in order to avoid it, you should visit the temple and light candles for the health of your family and your own.

An image with a cross is a good omen. The troubles are over. The saint depicted on the icon smiled - calm, peaceful times are coming. Success awaits in business.

The icon with the cross promises a cloudless period after the experienced trials

Have you seen an icon with which something bad happened? Interpreters see this as an unfavorable sign:

  • broken reflects an unrighteous way of life, which sooner or later will lead the dreamer to trouble;
  • broken predicts big health problems or even death;
  • a fallen woman dreams of a person who violated divine rules, who went against his own conscience; can personify sadness, depression;
  • crying warns of upcoming unfortunate or sad incidents, losses;
  • burning means the beginning of the testing period; according to the lunar dream book, a vision portends illness and death.

Dreamed of an icon with a demon possessed by it? You are in danger. It is better to postpone long-distance flights and trips, be careful, do not walk alone on the night streets, do not mess with strangers, avoid communicating with dubious persons.

Dependence of interpretation on the sex of the dreamer

It is also important who dreamed about the icon:

  • girl - meet your soul mate; to a new romance or an imminent wedding;
  • for a woman - a difficult life stage that will soon end, and fate will begin to delight with pleasant surprises;
  • pregnant - leave grievances in the past in order to start living in the present and move forward;
  • for a man - do not try to somehow influence the course of events, they do not depend on you; take care of the backlog of affairs so that they do not interfere with the implementation of plans;
  • to the child - the young dreamer is trying with all his might to hide the misconduct from the parents, worries about this, feels a sense of guilt.

For married people, the image promises serene times, a solution to old problems.

What happened in the night vision

If you saw an icon in a dream from the outside, you will start a quarrel with your family, not listening to objections and not going to make concessions to them. Still, it is worth listening to a different point of view, softening your temper. Try it and the relationship will improve immediately.

The meaning of the dreamer's actions with the icon:

  • admired the image - soon you will be torn between the desire to get out of the vicious circle and the fear of leaving the comfort zone;
  • held in their hands - wait for wonderful news, you will be able to get rid of all obstacles on the way to achieving the goal;
  • kissed - fortune will smile, it is worth hurrying up and taking the first steps on the way to realizing a dream;
  • drew - in the near future you will have to deal with a lot of cases, you should not grab onto everything at once, think over your actions, make a plan, then you will cope with all the worries quickly;
  • found - such a dream portends good luck, but you should not rush things;
  • gave it to someone - in reality this person needs your help, you yourself accepted such a gift - you yourself need the support of loved ones;
  • read a prayer in front of the images - things will go uphill, business partners will offer promising ideas; different interpretation: a choice is inevitable that will determine the further fate of your family;
  • repented - in reality you will regret your unseemly deeds;
  • bowed - a dream speaks of impending losses;
  • were on their knees in front of her - a wish will come true;
  • hid - you do not advertise your religious views, because you are ashamed of them;
  • cried in front of the face of the saint - a difficult conversation with a loved one is ahead, share with him that which has long haunted you, lies on your soul a heavy burden.

Did you buy an icon in a dream? Although you have resigned yourself to your difficult fate, you still have a reserve of strength to cope with problems. The main thing is not to despair. Reading Danilova: friends will not be able to help solve your material problems, so you have to cope on your own. Sold - to losses, primarily material. Upcoming events promise grief.

Destroying an icon in a dream or even dropping it is an unkind sign:

  • dropped - your hopes will not come true;
  • accidentally broke - a loved one will offend or do something that afterwards you will begin to regret bitterly;
  • chopped with an ax - make a fatal mistake.

In a dream, did you steal this sacred item? In reality, commit a shameful act, which, according to the Jewish dream book, will greatly drop yourself in the eyes of others. Someone has stolen your icon - someone from your acquaintances is using you in their own selfish interests, and you are well aware of this, so it's time to put this person in his place.

In a dream, someone asked to burn the shrine - they are trying to force you to go against your conscience. Do not succumb to other people's influence if you do not want to be tormented by feelings of guilt afterwards.

There is a sign: it is forbidden to hang an icon on the wall, it must stand on a separate shelf. The reason is probably that Judas hanged himself, so images of saints are not supposed to hang.

A dreamed gypsy with an icon means that in real life there is a person because of whom you constantly get into trouble. To avoid making mistakes, start making your own decisions.

The image of the icon in a dream is interpreted in different ways, but most often it has to do with the dreamer's moral image, warns of upcoming trials and temptations. The symbol can also inspire hope for success and a safe disposal of problems. The main thing is not to lose heart and rely on the Lord.

Dreams in which saints or Deities are present are always well remembered and rethought by a person for a long time. There is an opinion that such dreams are more often visited by believers, those who pray to a certain saint or simply venerate him.

What if Nicholas the Wonderworker is dreaming?

Nicholas the Wonderworker is a well-known and widely revered saint. He is the patron saint of travelers and all those on the road. But with prayers they turn to him not only for help on the way, but also in all life problems. If a person sees in a dream that the image of Nicholas the Pleasant has come to life and gives him some information, then this is a prophetic dream. Special attention should be paid to the words of the holy elder. If they contain a warning about something, then it is unwise to ignore it. It is necessary to fulfill exactly everything that the holy elder said.

The appearance in a dream of a man of saints often occurs on the eve of difficult life trials. Thus, the sleeping person is given the support of the Higher Forces in his misfortunes and difficulties. This invaluable help instills in a person self-confidence and increases his resilience.

However, the saints are often much more concerned about not how difficult a person's life path is, but the state of his soul. Therefore, contrary to the widespread belief that saints can appear in the dreams of only enlightened people, Nicholas the Wonderworker is also the most notorious sinners. Thus, reminding them of the short duration of earthly existence and the need to take care of the purity of their souls. There are many examples when, after such dreams, a spiritual rebirth of a sleeping person took place, and he abandoned his previous aspirations and principles.

What portends?

If, in a dream, Nicholas the Wonderworker points to an object asleep, then it has a special meaning in a person's life. It can be the Bible, which is a hint that a person should not only pray more often, but also follow the commandments of God. If in real life the sleeping person often asks the saint for help in some problem, then Nicholas the Wonderworker may appear to him in a dream, which will be a good sign that informs that the prayer of the prayer has been heard. If someone in the dreamer's family is on the road and at this time one of his relatives sees Nicholas the Wonderworker in a dream, then the traveler is under his protection.

To understand what Nicholas the Wonderworker is dreaming of, you need to pay attention to what he says to the sleeping person. If the saint does not utter a word, this is of no less importance, because by his gaze and actions one can always understand what he wants to communicate to the sleeping person.

Seeing in a dream an icon of a saint that streams myrrh is an important sign, which informs that soon the sleeping man will face serious tests for the endurance of his spirit and the strength of faith. Therefore, in no case should you grumble at fate, since all difficulties are sent to a person in order to strengthen his soul.