Marusin's birthday (4 years old): funny ideas of a loving mother. Marusin's birthday (4 years old): funny ideas of a loving mother's Birthday 4 years old girl celebration ideas

While the guests are gathering, invite the children who have already come to draw something as a present for the birthday boy on a sheet of Whatman paper (wall newspaper). Even in the hallway, invite the children to choose from the box a half of a figured cut postcard, and the other half will be waiting for them at the festive table - near a plate or on a chair. Thus, the problem of determining the place, who will sit where, is solved.

For 4-year-olds, the task can be complicated by arranging a game of pathfinders. Cut several (according to the number of guests) funny postcards into pieces, on each write a hint where to look for the next one, and hide them in accessible places. Keep the fragments small - the main thing is that the tips are funny and understandable enough. When all the pieces are found, the postcard must be assembled like a mosaic, and the number of the guest's seat at the table will be found on it. It is clear that you have the opportunity to cheat by giving each of the "desired" starting fragment to ensure the desired seating order at the table.

And it is best to start the holiday with the traditional "Loaf", after which the birthday man is awarded a birthday cap, a medal with the inscription: "Awarded ... for ... well lived years."

Round dance games can be continued, because children really like to lead a round dance.


Children walk in a circle holding hands. In the middle of the circle sits a child - "zucchini".

Zucchini, zucchini -
Thin legs
Red boots.
We fed you
We gave you to drink
Let's put it on your feet
We'll make you dance.
Dance as much as you want
Choose whoever you want!

"Zucchini" dances, and then chooses another child, who becomes a "zucchini".


Children lead a round dance with the words:

“We inflate the bubbles, these are the ones - look!”.

Gradually, the circle expands, and the children say:

Blow up, bubble
Blow up big
Stay that way
Don't burst.

When the presenter says “The bubble burst, the bubbles flew!”, The children scatter to the sides.

"The mice are dancing in a circle."

This is a cat and mouse game for the little ones. All stand in a circle, join hands. The “cat” (character or selected participant) squats in the middle of the circle and “sleeps”. "Mice" go in a circle to the music and sing:

Mice lead a round dance, a round dance, a round dance,
On the couch the cat is dozing, the cat is dozing, the cat is dozing.

They stop with their faces in a circle, shake their fingers at each other:

Hush, mice, do not make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.

They grab the head with their hands, shake their head:

How Vaska's cat wakes up -
Will break our round dance!

After these words "cat" wakes up and catches "mice". Who of the "mice" managed to sit on the chair - that one cannot be caught.

Game "Teremok".

Children must be at least six. You need to agree in advance who the mouse, frog, bunny will be ... Animals can be very different, not necessarily, like in a fairy tale. It all depends on the number and desire of the children. There should only be one trap bear. So, everyone joins hands, walks in a circle and sings:

There is a teremok, a teremok in the field,
He is not low, not high, not high,
Here is a mouse running across the field,
She stopped at the door and knocked.

"Mouse" runs into a circle with the words: "Who, who lives in the little house?" Who, who lives in the low one? ”- and remains in the circle. The rest of the children again go in a circle and again say the same words, but instead of a mouse they name a frog. Each time the named children run out into the circle and ask: “Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in the low? " They are answered by those standing inside the circle:

I'm a mouse ...
I'm a frog frog ... etc.
And who are you?

Hearing the answer, they say: "Come to live with us." One bear remains. He walks around the gathered animals, and when they ask him: "Who are you?" Children scatter, and the "bear" catches them. Caught becomes a "bear".

After the round dance, you can invite guests to play one of the outdoor games , moreover, if parents (guests) take part in all children's games, quizzes, etc., the interest of children in any game increases, pride appears in their parents who know how to play and are able to have fun with all their hearts, despite their age.

"Fox and Bunnies".

In one corner of the room there is a house of hares. In the opposite corner is the fox's house. Decorate the hare house with garlands and balls.

One of the mothers and the younger children represent hares. The second mother is a fox. The older kid depicts a dog, the other two are bears.

"Fox" is sitting in his house. "Dog" and "Bears" - at one of the walls of the room, away from both houses. “Mother-bunny” and “bunnies”, sitting in the house, “sleep”, then “wake up”, “wash”, etc.

"Fox" leaves her house, goes to the house of the "hares", knocks on the door and asks to let her in to live with the "hares", as she really likes their house - it is so elegant.

"Bunny-mother" comes out of the house and explains to the "fox" that there is no place for her in the house of hares. She invites the "fox" to decorate her house so that it is as elegant as the house of hares. "Fox" argues with "mom-bunny" and wants to enter the house, "mom-bunny" will not let her in, "bunnies" shout: "We will not let you in, we will not let you in!" "Fox" goes to his house.

"Bunny-mother" invites the "hares" to go for a walk "into the woods" (in the middle of the room). While the "rabbits" are jumping "in the forest", the "fox" sneaks into their house, "closes the door" and does not let them in when they return from a walk. "Mom-bunny" is upset, says: "Ay-ay-ay!" "Hares" repeat after her: "Ay-ay-ay!"

"Bunny-mom" asks: "What are we going to do now? Let's call the dog, let it chase the fox away. " All "bunnies" are called "doggy". She comes running, and the "bunny-mother" asks to drive the "fox" away. The "dog", accompanied by the "bunnies", comes up to the house, "barks". "Fox" jumps out, "scares" the "dog" and "bunny", all run off to the side.

The scene described above is repeated (the "bunnies" are upset). The "doggy" is also involved in this scene. "Bunny-mom" suggests calling "bears".

Two "bears" appear at the call of the "rabbits". They walk, waddling, approaching the "hares". Having listened to the request of the "hares", the "bears" come up to the house and "growl".

"Fox" is "frightened" and tries to quietly get out of the house. "Bears", "dog" and "bunnies" chase after her and, after a short chase, catch the "fox". "Mom-bunny" menacingly asks her: "Will you still go to someone else's house without asking?"

"Fox" promises not to do this anymore, and "mother-bunny" offers to make peace with her. After the scene of reconciliation, the "mother-bunny" treats everyone to sweets and invites them to dance.

The game ends with a dance.

Everyone walks in a circle, holding hands, mothers sing:

We will dance for joy
Let's all go in a round dance.
We drove away like a fox,
We will sing a song here.
Here the dog came running
She began to bark as best she could:
"Woof-woof-woof, woof-woof-woof,
Go away, fox, away! "

At the first two lines of the second verse, everyone runs to the center, then diverges. At the second two lines they say: "Woof-woof-woof!"

At the end of the dance, first the "bears" come out in the middle of the circle and dance. Behind them - "fox" and "dog". At the same time, mothers sing a song without words (la-la-la), and the guys clap their hands, after which everyone dances.

If space permits, play the Crested Hen game with the three-year-olds.

One of the mothers agrees with the children that now they will play at the mother-chicken and the children-chickens. She will represent a hen, children - small chickens, and another mother - a cat. The cat can catch the chicken and eat it, so they shouldn't get too far from the mother chicken.

The mother, representing a cat, sits on a high chair at the end of the room and pretends to be asleep. "Hen" with "chickens" walks around the room, saying:

A crested hen came out,
Yellow chickens with her.
The chicken coughs: "Ko-ko,
Don't go far. "

"Chickens" - children collect "grains" (tapping their fingers on the floor). Approaching the "cat", the "chicken" says:

On a bench by the path
The cat is lying down and dozing.

"Chickens" come very close to the "cat". With the words:

The cat opens its eyes
And the chickens are catching up.

Mom-"cat" opens her eyes, stretches, angrily "meows" and runs after "chickens" and "chicken".
"Hen" and "chickens" run to the other end of the room. "Chicken", spreading his arms widely, as if protecting the "chickens", says:

Go away, cat, I won't give you chickens!

In subsequent games, the role of a cat can be played by a child.

A very common game is "Our Favorite Bear".

It consists in the fact that presenter speaks to children :

"A bear came to visit us." Taking the "bear" in her arms, she shows it to the children, and they all admire it together. The "bear" waves his "paw" as if greeting the children.

Children answer:

"Hello, bear!" Then the presenter asks the children:

Who loves a bear?

After the children answer, the presenter asks:

Who wants to pet a bear?

Those who wish are stroking the "bear".

The presenter asks:

"Bear, do you love children?"

"Bear" "growls" and nods his head in the affirmative.

Will you stroke them?

"Teddy bear" strokes children on the heads.

Bear, will you catch up with the guys?

"Bear" again "growls" and again nods his head.

Some of the mothers run with their children from the "bear", he catches up with them. First, they run around the room, and then they hide behind a screen (can be made from a sheet). And when the "bear" approaches them, the children run after their mother to the opposite corner of the room and hide again, etc. (hide and seek is repeated at the request of the children).

After unsuccessful attempts to find the children, the "bear" steps aside, sits down and "cries".

Mom who ran away with the children (children):

Listen, guys, the bear is crying. Let's go to him, we will pity him.

Children come up to the "bear", say: "Don't cry, we are here."


Well, bear, you have already stopped crying, now tell us how you still want to play with the kids.

"Bear", as it were, answers something incomprehensible to the presenter's ear, she comically brushes him off (the scene is repeated several times). Finally, the presenter says that the "bear" wants to dance.


Well, dance, and we'll clap your palms!

The presenter sings, the children clap their hands, the "bear" dances.


This is how a fat bear dances
He waves his paw to the children.
For a long time the bear danced
Slipped and fell.

"Teddy bear" falls to the floor, one of the children picks it up and gives it to the presenter.

Leading (to the bear):

Ay-ay-ay, bear, you can't dance, you fall, and our kids dance well and don't fall at all.

Children dance together with the presenter, who has a "bear" in her arms, some kind of dance. "Bear" claps his hands and then brings a bag of sweets and treats the children.

If guests don't feel very free , they are shy, it is necessary to create a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, because at the holiday people have fun, even if they are unfamiliar, and do not sit in the corners. To help guests get comfortable and relax, for example, occupy them with well-known competition with chairs ... Of course, there are 1 fewer chairs than the participants, everyone runs around them to the music, and when the melody stops, they sit down. But one is not enough space. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. Try not to get carried away, otherwise only adults will reach the final.

For children of three years of age, the game "Do not yawn" is well suited.

All those present form a large circle, and the presenter (one of the parents of the birthday boy) explains the rules of the game:

“We start one at a time, one claps his hands, the next one crouches down, the next one claps his hands, the next one crouches down, and so on, after one. Clear?"

If the children answer that they understand, start the game, if it is not clear, explain again.

It is necessary to start the game at a slow pace, then, as the rules of the game are mastered, the pace increases. The one who is wrong is out of the game. The remaining three are announced as winners and awarded with prizes.

“Guess” is a game for children aged 3-5.

On the table there are toys of various shapes and textures, in the amount of 5-7 pieces. All children are invited to carefully look at the laid out toys, touch them with their hands and remember. Then, in turn, they blindfold, change the order of the toys on the table, ask to take any one and, feeling it, determine what is in the hand. It is very good if adults also play this game together with children.

"Who quickly?".

The game consists in the fact that two (three, four) people begin, on command, to wind the rope on a stick with both hands (option - a twine on a pencil), to which it is tied. Whoever gets to the goal faster (the box containing the prize) won.


This game can only be played once. One child drives, but fun is guaranteed for everyone. They choose the driver and lay several raw eggs on the floor. Then they blindfold him. And then, gesturing to all the other children to be silent, quickly and quietly collect the eggs. Pretending that the eggs are still lying on the carpet, tell the driver in chorus: "To the right!", "To the left!", "Carefully, I almost crushed!" The ultimate goal is to walk across the room or take the prize lying in the opposite corner. The main fun begins when the bandage is removed from the child, and he discovers that he was trying not to crush the non-existent eggs.

"Relay with balls".

The guys start on all fours with balloons on the floor in front of them. Children blow on the balls, thereby adjusting the balls to the finish line.

Crush the ball.

Two are playing. Each player receives a round balloon in his hands. At the signal from the leader, the guys throw the balls forward and try to sit on them. The winner is the one who crushes his own ball first.

Since three-year-olds tend to show their character, take offense, it is recommended to prepare prizes for all young guests. It can be fridge magnets, pencils, balls, stickers, sweets ... By the way, at the very beginning, children should be handed out personal small bags so that the prizes received do not distract from new games and are not lost. The collection is replenished after each new competition. The “luggage room” is at the parents' place.

However, it's time to invite guests to visit cafe "Lick your fingers" (this sounds much more interesting than "Children, sit down at the table!") and treat them with cooked goodies.

At the same time, children and their parents can be offered riddles.

For example, these (select the appropriate ones):

Who came out into the rain with me,
For that I like a roof. (Umbrella)

The red nose has grown into the ground, and the green tail is outside.
We don't need a green tail, we only need a red nose. (Carrot)

A living castle grunted, lay across the door.
Two medals on the chest
Better not come into the house. (Dog)

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a man, but a story. (Book)

From branch to branch
Fast as a ball
A red-haired circus performer gallops through the forest. (Squirrel)

Hairy, green,
She hides in the leaves.
Although there are many legs
She can't run anyway. (Caterpillar)

Who in the cold winter
wandering in the woods angry, hungry? (Wolf)

And eared, and big-eyed,
And a lot to be scared.
Climbs into the bush And sleeps,
He will eat the stump and be full. (Hare)

Ponytail with patterns
boots with spurs. (Rooster)

A funny beast sewn from plush,
There are paws, there are ears.
Give some honey to the beast
And give him a den. (Bear)

These miracle bricks
I received it as a gift.
What I will make of them - I will break,
And I collect it first. (Cubes)

Hit the wall and I'll jump.
Throw it on the ground, and I will bounce.
I fly from palms to palms,
I don't want to lie still. (Ball)

The fat man lives on the roof
He flies above all,
Jam loves
And plays with the Kid. (Carlson)

The sentinel looks keenly
Behind the wide pavement.
As he looks with a red eye,
All will stop at once.
And the green eye looks
He tells you to go. (Traffic lights)

He is friends with the owner, guards the house,
Lives under the porch, tail in a ringlet. (Dog)

Along the river, along the water,
A string of boats floats.
The ship goes ahead
He leads them. (Duck with ducklings)

It's mixed with sour cream,
At the window he is chilled.
Round side, ruddy side.
Rolled ... (Kolobok)

Father had a strange boy
Unusual, wooden.
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key.
Everywhere his nose sticks in its long one.
Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Falling from the sky in winter
And circling above the ground
Light fluffs -
White ... (Snowflakes)

Though not a doctor, not a tailor,
He carries the needles with him
And he lives in the silence of the forest.
And he's a good mushroom picker!
If you meet, do not touch!
Who is this? Right, ... (Hedgehog)

Near the forest, at the edge,
Decorating the dark forest
Grew up motley like Parsley,
Poisonous -... (Amanita)

Play Black Box:

wrap any prize in several layers of paper. Write a riddle on each layer. The more layers, the more interesting. The riddle is read aloud, whoever solves it - removes the first layer of the wrapper, and so on - layer by layer. The winner is the one who, having guessed the riddle, gets to the prize.

A more democratic option, so that no one was offended, is the "black bag": the presenter names a word associated with the holiday (the name of the birthday person, for example, or the word "holiday" itself), and announces that there are objects in the bag whose names begin with every letter of this word. The presenter says: "What is in the bag with the letter" P "?" You can ask leading questions. The guesser gets the item. Then the prize for the letter "R" is drawn, and so on until the end of the word. The prizes, of course, are again the most common: gingerbread, comb, orange, marshmallow ...

After the treat has been tasted well, offer the children games and competitions, dances .

Games can be very different: joint construction from blocks, a constructor, counting sticks, throwing balloons, playing a train, catch-up. Even the game of hide and seek can be played in different ways:

You can hide in the classic way (everyone is hiding, one is looking for), another option is that the driver hides a toy, the rest do not peep, and then they look,

you can play hide and seek under a handkerchief ("Where is Sanya? Have you seen Sanya?").

Try to arrange "sports competitions": "who will run faster?" - for example, to the opposite wall or to the toy,

"Who knows how to crawl under a string?" - two adults hold the rope at a distance of 80, 60, 40 cm from the floor, and children crawl under the rope,

"Who is the most clever in our country?" - children and adults throw balls or small toys into a basket, box.

Do not forget to praise all the participants, because they tried so hard!

Children also like more challenging games.

For example, the game "Owl".

The driver is chosen - "owl", he stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the players lead a round dance around him and say: "Owl-owl, a big head is sitting on a tree, but suddenly it will fly!" With the last words, everyone scatters, and the "owl" catches them. The one who is caught first becomes the "owl" in the next game.

There is no need to prepare and carry out a lot of games. Children themselves know what to do for them: they play with toys, build houses from cubes, and they just run and scream with joy. Usually they don't need adults for all this. But if you see that the holiday “freezes” a little, the children do not know what to do, then you will have to show your imagination: arrange contests, dances or play outdoor games. But all the games and entertainment you have in mind should be organized with a minimum of accessories. Complex costumes or a bunch of objects to play with take time and distract children from the process itself.

As for contests, you can offer "forfeits" in the form of a seven-color flower or chamomile , on the back of the petals of which are written very simple or funny tasks: tell a poem, show how an airplane flies, a steam locomotive rides, depict an animal, jump on one leg, repeat a tongue twister, etc.

"Collect potatoes with a spoon!"

The game is played by two people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Each child has a basket and a wooden spoon. At the signal, you need to collect the potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in a basket. The child who has collected the most potatoes in a given time wins.

"Bite off the apple!"

Tie an apple by the stem and hang it at face level. The players approach the apple one at a time and try to bite it off, holding their hands behind their backs.


For this competition, you should prepare some delicate dish, such as jelly. The task of the participants is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches (no sulfur) or toothpicks.

"Funny competitions".

Arrange unusual competitions for the children's company. For example, you can organize "elephant races" (children will stomp like elephants and wave their arms like a trunk) or competitions in movement like a kangaroo, turtle-like (on all fours, as if there is a shell on the back), or you can run backwards or in a "bunch" two at a time.

"What's missing?"

We demonstrate a few small objects, then ask the children to turn away and remove one of the objects. Whoever first guessed what was missing won.

"Funny Face".

To prepare for this game, prepare in advance a sheet of Whatman paper with a funny character drawn on it, and cut out a large oval in place of the face. If possible, it is better to stick whatman paper on a piece of thick cardboard, for example, from a box from under a TV or refrigerator. Children alternately stick their faces into an oval and make faces. Who's funnier?

"Cats, lie down!"

Children are told that when they hear: "Cats, lie down!" - they should lie on the floor. And the presenter begins the story. You can say anything you want, the main thing is to remember as many words starting with "lo-" as possible, and periodically insert them into the story. For example: “Once upon a time there were cats, and they were very funny. Somehow a frog comes to them and says: "Cats, catch the mice!" (here all children usually throw themselves on the floor). And then the cats come to the stable. Cats, lo ... shadi and other animals have always been friends with each other. The cat's mother comes to them at night and says; "Cats, go ... go to sleep!" Well, and so on ...

How are they similar and how are they different?

Everyone must answer how they are similar and how they differ:

wolf and dog,

giraffe and ostrich,

chamomile and aster,

bus and trolleybus,

bike and car,

globe and ball,

pencil and pen.

You can choose a variety of questions - both for three-year-olds and for adults, for whom you can come up with humorous riddles.

"Dancing Animals".

Play music for the children - classical, pop, rock, whatever you like - so they can dance to it. Have the little ones move to the beat of the music. Invite the children to portray an animal dancing to the music. They can waddle like a duck, stomp like an elephant, step softly like a cat, quickly move their legs like a mouse, step majestically like a tiger, frolic like a dog.

"Merry Monkeys".

Everyone stands in a circle, and the presenter says: “We are funny monkeys, we play too loud. We clap our hands, we stamp our feet, puff out our cheeks, jump on our toes and even show our tongues to each other. Together we jump to the ceiling, bring our finger to the temple. Let's stick out the ears, the tail on the top of the head. We will open our mouths wider, we will make all grimaces. As I say the number "3" - all freeze with grimaces. " Children repeat all the movements behind the leader, and when he says "Three!" - freeze.


Each receives a "herring" cut from an old newspaper with a thread and, with the help of adults, ties it to clothes so that it drags across the floor. Everyone runs and everyone tries to step on the other's "herring" (and break it off), at the same time vigilantly making sure not to lose his "herring". Those who have lost the "herring" are out of the game.

"Attach the tail."

This game requires a large drawing of a donkey on a drawing paper, and the donkey must be without a tail. Paper tails are cut according to the number of children. At the end of the tail there is a piece of scotch tape. The drawing should be hung on the wall. Children are blindfolded one by one. Assignment: attach the tail to the desired place without touching the picture.

It is necessary to sign in pencil where whose tail is, in order to find out who did the best with the task at the end of the game, and give him a small prize. If someone has a controversial situation, then they can replay.

To calm down the playing-off children, at the end of the festive program give 1-2 sheets of Whatman paper and felt-tip pens to be "torn apart" so that the guests draw their favorite episodes of the party.

From this selection of games and contests, it is not difficult to compose a good game program according to the "hodgepodge" principle (that is, a little bit of everything). They fill the period from the sweet table to the end of the holiday. Back

If your child has an idol from a cartoon, fairy tale or children's film, arrange a themed party for him, where his favorite stories will become a reality, and the birthday person will become their main character.

Space-style party with laser battles

A breathtaking space adventure awaits your child at an extraordinary party in. The birthday boy and his guests will turn into super-heroes and together they will go to save the Universe from villains. Laser battles will not leave indifferent either boys or girls.

And adults do not have to think about a birthday scenario: a ready-made program is already included in the package offer. All guests of the holiday are waiting for:

  • meeting funny presenters;
  • entertainment program with contests and interesting tasks;
  • an hour of laser battles with exclusive game modes and smoke special effects;
  • a solemn part with a delicious treat and a beautiful cake.

If you wish, you can also add a bowling tournament, a master class, a themed quest, a show of transformers or neon soap bubbles to the festive program. Depending on the scenario chosen, your party will last from 2.5 to 6 hours.

Space battles are best suited for children aged 7 and older. If you would like to organize a birthday party for a younger child, LaserLand has 20 more different themes for a children's party.

Birthday in the style of Maleficent

In anticipation of the release of the second part of Maleficent, your child may want something fabulous and magical. Invite him to organize a movie-style birthday party. For a girl, this is a unique opportunity to visit Princess Aurora or the witch Maleficent.

For the holiday, invite professional animators who will be in costumes of fairies and wizards. Children can be offered a quiz on the content of the film. For correct answers, give gifts related to this topic, for example, chocolate horns. For the birthday girl herself, make a huge cake with a green field and meadows with fantastic animals and wizards.

Your child will be greatly impressed!

Unicorn party

Snow-white, pink and rainbow unicorns delight children, no matter how old they are. So why not celebrate a children's birthday with this stylist?

Dress up girls in light, airy dresses, and boys in unicorn T-shirts. Holiday caps can become "horns". Decorate the room with rainbows, clouds, colorful balls, flowers.

  • Entertainment: invite an animator with a ready-made program, for example, a master class on making colorful cotton candy.
  • Treat: there are a lot of ideas for holiday cupcakes and cake, you just have to choose the cutest and most creative design!

The interior of this site is perfect for such a birthday.

A day of unusual excursions

Birthday can be made not only fun, but also educational. Organize a festive excursion around Moscow for your little birthday boy. Don't worry: you won't be bored, because there are so many interesting and unusual places in the Russian capital.

In order not to rack your brains with the excursion program, contact us for help. This company organizes tours for schoolchildren of any age. In the catalog you will find more than 100 options for excursions, during which children will be able to:

  • take a high-speed elevator to the 337th floor of the Ostankino TV tower and see the city from above;
  • take a ride on a retro train and visit the railway museum;
  • take part in an interactive game tour and, after being initiated into Muscovites, receive a diploma of an honorary resident of Moscow;
  • to conduct unusual experiments and experiments in the Experimentarium museum;
  • go to a real ice cream factory and taste several varieties of this delicacy;
  • go to the animal farm to visit the reindeer and huskies.

Having decided on the excursion program, do not forget to think about continuing the holiday. For example, to book a table or a separate room in a cafe: after walking around Moscow, everyone will definitely want to eat.

Slime Party

Recently, slime parties have become increasingly popular among children. Slimes are jelly toys that can be shaped, crumpled, twisted, stretched and cut. Slimes do not leave traces, but they very much attract the attention of babies with a bright shiny shell. Children will love these things. For a children's slime party, the Air Loft for hen parties and children's parties is suitable. There is a lot of space for the birthday boy, a large children's gang and parents.


  • Invite animators dressed as giant slime toys to the party.
  • Add large bubbles and glitter slimes.
  • Arrange a competition: who will throw the slime next and hit the target.
  • Invite the children to make their own slime.


For a treat, multi-colored cupcakes, bright milkshakes, jelly, reminiscent of the slimes themselves, are suitable. Of course, you can't do without a birthday cake! Make it look like a giant colored slime. Your child will definitely be satisfied.

Bloggers Costume Party

Toddlers are now very passionate about YouTube and no doubt they have a favorite blogger or more. You can organize your child's birthday in the style of a blogging party: ask all invitees, including adults, to dress up as your favorite blogger. But in what costume the child will come, let it remain a mystery until the start of the holiday.


Make different snacks according to the blogger's image. For example, a make-up girl loves sweets, which means that you need to make small cupcakes with marzipan figures of lipstick or brushes on top. Or your child's favorite blogger makes letplays (reviews of computer games), you can make gingerbread cookies in the form of a game console with buttons made of colored glaze.

Celebrate bloggers' fancy dress party at the Cozy Studio on Taganka. Here you will find all the things you need for kids' activities:

  • stage for performances;
  • kitchen;
  • light music;
  • DJ console;
  • speakers and more.

And here you are allowed to take pets with you to the event.

Face art party

Do you want to arrange a real holiday of reincarnation for your child? Invite face art masters to his birthday. Professional children's make-up artists will help every little guest in a few minutes turn into a cute tiger cub, a good fairy or a hero of your favorite cartoon. Children can be divided into teams, for each of which the masters will select their own drawing.

When the makeup is applied, hold a small competition between the teams, arrange incendiary dances, and then proceed to the festive table.

A spacious loft on Paveletskaya, which can accommodate up to 80 guests at the same time, will be an excellent platform for holding a children's face-art party.

Bubble party

You cannot surprise today's children with sweets - they have already gorged themselves on handmade cakes and organic pastries. So, we will "finish off" with entertainment! How about a giant soap bubble that fits a whole person? Or even two :)

Bubble Party, where guests are shown various shapes made of soap bubbles, always delights children and adults. You can order animators for such a performance. Or organize fun bubble games on your own. For example, the presenter blows out a lot of bubbles, and the children chase after them and do not allow a single bubble to touch the floor. Competitions can be arranged:

  • who will inflate the biggest bubble;
  • who will pass the obstacle course faster, blowing on the bubble and not letting it fall;
  • who will get a better picture of bubbles (for this you will need spray cans with soapy water and a Whatman paper).

Advice: for such parties, choose a loft with, in a dark room the bubbles are hard to see.

Culinary party

A food party is a great way to spice up a children's birthday and host an event that kids will both benefit and enjoy.

It is difficult to place a large group of little mischievous people at home in the kitchen, so renting such a spacious loft would be a suitable option:

The bright two-tiered room is designed for culinary master classes of any complexity: the loft has an equipped kitchen area, tables and chairs, a bar counter and the necessary utensils. And after the master class, the children will be able to go up to the second floor and swing on a wooden swing, as well as relax in comfortable sun loungers.

Paper party

Incredible, but true: 15 kilograms of paper cut into "noodles" delight guests of both sexes and all ages. You can bury yourself in paper, you can jump from a run into it, arrange merry battles ... The culmination of the holiday is rain of confetti and serpentine firing from a cannon.

Wonderful neon party

What child has not been delighted with the New Year's garlands glowing in the twilight? This darkness is not frightening at all, it is full of magic.

Light sources can be neon signs, glowing stickers, and various accessories. Ordinary lamps and natural light are prohibited. A loft with lighting will do:

The topic can be anything: space, the future, a chemical laboratory or an underwater castle.

Here are some ideas for celebrating a birthday like this:

  • you can play hide and seek in complete darkness or complete a quest;
  • make a glowing face painting or dance with an animator;
  • guess objects by touch and smell, or paint pictures with luminescent paints.

You can also use a quieter room:

This birthday option is suitable for older children - from 8 years old.

Child's birthday in the style of "Avengers"

If your child loves the Marvel Universe, they will definitely be in awe of the Avengers style holiday. The abundance of characters in the films of this franchise will allow each guest to choose a hero to their liking and dress in his superhero costume, at the same time you can arrange the first competition for the best outfit.

Entertainment. After choosing the most stylish superhero, you can organize an exciting quest to find the stones of infinity. A quiz based on films will be an interesting entertainment for the children. You can use a projector and include a cut of your favorite moments from "The Avengers" as a background.

Registration. When decorating a hall, divide the space into several worlds. For example, in different parts of the loft, you can create Asgard, Midgard, Avengers Tower, Thanos' hut and other places from the cinematic universe, in which you can hide the treasured artifacts for the quest.

Site selection. By the way, a spacious street art loft with a projector, a terrace and panoramic windows would be a suitable place for a birthday party in the style of the Avengers! In addition, there is ping-pong, so you can arrange a friendly duel between the "Avengers". The room will be able to accommodate about 50 guests.

Treats. It would be great to get creative with the holiday menu too! First, ask your child in advance which superhero is his favorite and decorate the cake based on his answer. So, for Thor you need a treat in the form of a hammer, for Iron Man - in the form of his suit, for Captain America - in the form of a shield, and so on. Another essential treat for such a party is shawarma (which you can make at home to be sure of its quality and freshness) - do you remember the final scene of the first Avengers? Also, recall that Tony Stark loves cheeseburgers, Ant-Man loves ice cream, and Scarlet Witch and Vision loves Hungarian paprikash.

Children's birthday in the style of "Styles"

Bright costumes, fiery music and a cheerful mood are a universal recipe for an ideal holiday. And all these components are combined with the children's party "Hipsters"! Such an event is a reason to dress up not only for children, but also for their parents, so enter a dress code for everyone.

Site selection.

Celebrate kids' fancy birthday in a two-level loft - there is plenty of room for even the funniest ideas (a selection of all two-level lofts). For example, you can choose the following author's studio with a children's area:

Bright paintings on the walls, live plants and unique decor, as well as a wooden table and a small kitchen - the interior of this loft is perfect for organizing dances, children's contests and, of course, a delicious feast.

Registration. Hang funny caricatures of dudes and bright posters of idols of those times on the walls. In addition, to decorate the space, you will need vinyl records, polka dot or checkered balloons and tablecloths with the same print. You can also make funny paper garlands with your own hands by cutting out silhouettes of bows, bright shoes, skirts and ties for them.

Entertainment. The desired mood can be set with unusual invitations in the form of musical records. Write the text in stylish slang and refer to your child's guests in an American manner: Alex, Ann, Stacy, and so on. In the invitation, specify the password that you will need to say in order to get to the holiday. And at the party, you can give the guys bright paper hats or ties as a pass.

Invite a choreographer to teach the kids how to twist, boogie-woogie, rock and roll, and other stylish dances. And after the master class, you can arrange a real dance battle! Forfeits and twisters will also be suitable entertainment. You can also offer the game "Dress the dude". To do this, you will need to prepare paper dolls - a girl and a boy - and the attributes of clothing for them. And the participants of the game, breaking up into teams, will have to assemble the ideal image of dudes at speed.

Treats. As a treat, you can choose snacks that are convenient to eat on the go, because our party is primarily a dance one. But, thinking over the menu, keep in mind that the dudes tried to imitate American youth in everything, so put small canapes, hot dogs, hamburgers and fries on the table. To remind you that the matter is still taking place in the Soviet Union, make a cut from Doktorskaya. And the main attribute on the table should, of course, be cola - the most favorite drink of the dandy.

Birthday in the style of "Moana"

The cartoon "Moana" is a story about the sea adventures of a brave girl and an unlucky strong man Maui. A tropical fairy tale has sunk into the souls of many children, so a birthday in the style of "Moana" will be a great idea for a bright holiday.

Entertainment. The guys will appreciate the quest journey across the ocean. Along the way, they will need to complete different tasks: find exotic fruits hidden by insidious villains, decipher a message written in the language of the Tui tribe, dance the dance of the natives to drive away evil spirits.

At the end of the voyage, you can arrange a master class on making your own amulet. The cost of such entertainment will be about 10 thousand rubles.

A treat. If little guests do not have allergies, they can be treated to fish, shrimp, squid dishes or order sushi delivery. For dessert, offer the children a cake depicting the sea, palm trees and the main character, as well as bananas, pineapples and mangoes. Pour colorful cocktails with cherries and umbrellas into coconut shells!

Room decor. You will need palm leaves, seashells, pink inflatable flamingos, artificial flowers and anything associated with the sea and the sun! The walls can be decorated with posters of cartoon footage, and the kids can wear Hawaiian necklaces. For the photo zone, paddles, wooden idols, paper flowers are suitable. You can buy Moana disposable tableware and other party supplies.

Site selection. Pay attention to this loft in blue tones. It is as if the waves of the ocean surround you - all that remains is to add themed decorations to the interior.

Snow-white tables and chairs will be convenient not only for a festive meal, but also for holding a master class. There is a large slate board and crayons for creativity, a children's area with a slide and balls, where children can play after all the adventures. The smallest guests can be seated in special highchairs.

In the kitchen you will find dishes, a refrigerator, a kettle, a microwave oven - all food can be brought with you. Catering and delivery of food from the restaurant are also allowed.

Birthday in the style of "Frozen"

If your child loves the cartoon "Frozen" and dreams of being in the image of one of the heroes, give him a birthday in this theme.

Entertainment. Order a dry ice master class: it smokes spectacularly, delighting the little ones. And the host will tell you interesting facts about this unusual substance.

Another option is a master class on making ice cream. Everyone will be able to prepare a delicacy to their liking and decorate it with syrup, fruits, chocolate. The cost of entertainment is about 10 thousand rubles.

A more active part of the program can be a snow battle, for this, prepare crumpled balls of paper and divide the guys into two groups. Set a timer for 3 minutes - the team with fewer "snowballs" thrown by opponents will win.

You can adapt the well-known game "Sea figure, freeze!" under the theme of the holiday. Let the children dance to the music, and when it stops, draw a frozen figure. The facilitator must guess who the participants are showing.

A treat. Salads and snacks in the form of snowmen and snowflakes, blue jelly, marshmallows, snowflake gingerbread - all this will perfectly decorate or candy-bar. For dessert, offer the kids a lot of ice cream!

Room decor. Prepare paper snowflakes, cartoon posters, artificial snow, turquoise tablecloths. The photo zone can be decorated with blue and white balls, put toys in the form of Olaf and deer, put carrot noses and deer horns.

Site selection. This snow-white loft with blue details in the interior resembles the ice castle where Elsa lived.

There are several professional loudspeakers and a projector to host interactive contests or a disco. Karaoke with two microphones will delight parents and older children.

In the kitchen you will find a microwave, kettle and cutlery, fridge and freezer, so you can bring your own food, including ice cream. If it is more convenient for you to order catering, the owner is ready to help with its organization.

Mexican style kids party

An incendiary Mexican party is a holiday that will be most interesting for children from 7 to 10 years old to have fun.

Entertainment. Start your evening with a Mexican Dedication. Arrange glasses of non-alcoholic mojito and place cards with Mexican male and female names under each so that they do not repeat. When the guests know their "callsigns" for this evening, hand them out the attributes of the holiday: mustaches on an elastic band for boys, ornaments made of artificial roses for girls.

Mexico is the birthplace of piñata, so feel free to use it as entertainment. Paint the children's faces with the Mexican carnival face painting. Arrange a comic version of a bullfight: call 2 guys, and glue a sheet of paper with any word on the back of the "bullfighter" with any word: "sombrero" or, for example, "quesadilla". The bull's task is to read the inscription without touching the bullfighter. And the fearless tamer needs to use all his resourcefulness so that his word is not read.

A treat. Build a candy bar with vibrantly colored macaroons, gingerbread and cactus-shaped cupcakes. Add traditional Mexican dishes like taco tortillas, nachos chips with guacamole and lemonades.

Room decor. Decorate the space with paper cacti, balloons and ribbons in green, orange, bright yellow and blue. Hang up garlands of colored flags and pom-poms. Striped self-woven paths will fit well into the interior. Create a photo zone with a guitar, sombrero and poncho. Add posters from cartoons about Mexico - "The Secret of Coco" and "The Book of Life".

Clothing. Long, loose colored skirts and white T-shirts are fine for girls. Boys - black pants with a red satin belt and a light top.

Site selection. A soulful loft with a huge terrace is perfect for such a party. An abundance of greenery, bright wood floors, furniture and a chic red hammock will transport you to hot Mexico. In this room, you can arrange a large party, and if there are few small guests, then there will be plenty of space for active games and running around. The total capacity is 200 people, your own catering is allowed:

Children's birthday in the style of "Trolls"

For kids aged 3 to 6 years old, a fun, colorful troll-style party will suit. When preparing the holiday, we will focus on the cartoon of the same name.

Entertainment. At the very beginning, hand out the main symbols of the holiday to the guests - multi-colored troll hairstyles. They can be made from tulle by attaching it to a hair band. Create troll friends with your children. To do this, make blank faces and give the children rhinestones, sparkles, colored yarn for decoration. The master class can be made more active if children decorate each other with ribbons and flowers in a race. The team that makes it prettier will win. The jury can be parents. Arrange the favorite dances of the trolls and combine them with the game. Let the guests move as long as the music is playing. As soon as it stops, the children need to freeze. Whoever failed, he must complete a funny task: sing a funny song or portray your favorite cartoon character so that he can be guessed.

A treat. Use a candy bar with colorful sweets. Make a cake with cartoon characters as the main decoration: Rose, if you have a girl, and Tsvetan, if the birthday boy is a boy.

Room decor. Decorate the entrance and windows with a garland of long colored ribbons. Hang posters of cartoon scenes and the famous troll tree on the walls. Decorate the chairs with flowers and balls. On the table, you can lay a green tablecloth imitating grass.

Clothing. Use the images of the main characters of the cartoon: dress the girls in cute blue dresses, and the boys in dark green T-shirts and ocher pants.

Site selection. A kind loft with an airy interior and homeliness on Kropotkinskaya will help create the right atmosphere for a baby's birthday in the "Trolls" style. The room is equipped with everything you need: there are speakers and a microphone, a kitchen with a microwave oven, a cooler and a coffee machine. Total capacity - 50 people, own catering allowed:

Children's birthday in a sports style

Sitting still is a difficult task for children. By organizing a birthday party in a sporty style, you don't have to hold back the child's energy. On the contrary, the task of all guests is to spend an active day.

Entertainment. You can start the holiday with a solemn formation, and then divide all the small participants into teams, hold "merry starts" and relay races. The scope of sporting events depends on the chosen venue for the holiday. Even in small spaces, it is possible to organize competitions in jumping rope, tug-of-war, throwing the ball into the ring and other games of accuracy and dexterity. Don't forget to give awards to the winners and honorable mentions to everyone else.

A treat. The main decoration of the festive table should be an original cake. For example, in the form of a soccer ball, a basketball court or a winner's medal. You can also put several sports cups on the table and fill them with sweets.

Room decor. To create an atmosphere, use any posters with sports stars, flags, fan scarves and jerseys, symbols of sports teams.

Site selection. In order for the child's birthday to be active, it is better to choose a spacious room for the holiday. For example, rent a large hall of a creative studio near the Ryazanskiy Prospekt metro station. The area of ​​the hall is over 100 m². This is enough for the kids to frolic. At the end of the holiday, you can arrange a disco: the site manager will provide musical equipment and light music.

Lego kids birthday

Lego is not just a popular construction set, it is rich colors and rich colors. Therefore, make sure that the holiday is as bright as possible. Provide a dress code for all guests: no white, black and gray tones in clothes. Only red, yellow, green and other colors of the rainbow.

Entertainment. Invite animators in Lego Man costumes. They will prepare an entertaining program and fun games for the little guests. The average cost of an animator's work in Moscow is 2500-3000 rubles per hour.

You can come up with themed contests for the lego-party yourself. Here are some examples.

  • Lego relay races. Divide the children into teams and run several contests. For example, you can pour the designer into large bowls and invite the children to transfer the parts with a regular spoon for a certain time. The winner is the one who completes the task more successfully.
  • Lego hide and seek. In the room, hide a few people from the construction set and invite the children to find them.
  • Homework. Each of the little guests should bring an unusual construction made from Lego to the party. The birthday boy will determine the winner and give him a prize.

A treat. Decorate the table with colorful sweets. Small bowls can hold colorful macaroons, lollipops, Skittles or M & M's. Order a cake with Lego details or characters from the pastry chef.

Room decor. Colors are also important here. Make festive garlands in the shape of cubes out of colored cardboard, print screenshots with the plots of the games. And from the details of the constructor, collect the numbers corresponding to the age of the birthday boy.

Wow! We are already 4 years old! We feel confident in the company of the guys. Even children a year older or younger are not very embarrassed if you get to know them quickly. New types of games appear: mom and dad, doctor, shop.

The kid already has a significant store of knowledge and there is a constant desire to replenish them. The child clearly expresses complaints about situations he does not like. It is possible that the baby has already experienced a number of quarrels and reconciliations, which had an impact on his psychological world.

Plasticine sculpting and watercolor painting can be boring, but they add cutting out of colored paper and coloring with felt-tip pens.

The child is more fully aware of himself as a person and correlates his “I” with the world around him: family, kindergarten, playground. He has more and more questions, some of them he repeats several times, because the answers are not immediately clear to him. In general, the development goes on as usual, and the birthday should be celebrated, as always, fun and healthy.

Let your baby know a couple of weeks in advance that his date of birth is approaching. As you will see, the child will immediately remember last year's celebration and will be actively involved in the preparation of the event.

Go for balloons together, think over the list of invitees. Coordinate the general decor of the room with the birthday person. Maybe he didn't like the flashing garland last time, which hangs around the whole evening and works only when the cake appears. Down with her in that case.

Rebuild the gift throne and floor play area. Ask your child to help cut out several garlands of colored paper, and together attach his drawings to the walls in the hallway and room. Create with the help of a child and listen to such a small and so important opinion.

On the morning of the holiday, traditionally gather the whole family at the table. Congratulate your child and make sure he eats everything, including a delicious holiday dessert.

Present a gift and enjoy this toy or new thing with your baby. Then go together to play in the room, for example, in your favorite constructor, toy cars, “mothers and daughters”.

Around the middle of the gameplay, a bunch of beautiful balloons filled with helium should appear in the nursery window. A small parcel with a note will be attached to the balls. The appearance of balls in the window will be provided by a smart dad. He made an agreement with the neighbors below and is now waiting for your reaction, so that, upon a signal, he can release the thread before the ball rises to your window. And you have stocked in advance a stick with a hook to drag the balls into the window.
Secretly from the child, you wrote him a note from an unknown "heavenly addressee", drew beautiful drawings and attached a large delicious candy. The note should be something like this:

“Hello baby (child's name)! I received your letter and was very happy. I am very pleased to see how you grow, enjoy life and share this joy with others. My letter will reach you in exactly one year - this is how far I live. So for your fourth birthday, I want to wish you health, strength and obedience. Be kind and love your parents. I am attaching my favorite drawing and delicious candy. "

Make up some unusual beautiful name and sign a letter to them. So, when in the middle of the game in the room you suddenly see a ball outside the window, do not forget to be very surprised.

Open a window or a window and grab the balls by the thread so that they do not fly away (dad slowly releases the thread from below).

Take the balloons into the room and ask if the kid remembers how you sent balloons with a note and candy into the sky on a walk last year. They flew, flew, until they were out of sight.

If the child does not remember, then tell the details of this episode, refreshing it in memory. Then unfold the message from a heavenly friend and read it loudly and clearly to the birthday boy.

Don't forget to give back the candy. It would be nice to have a camera on hand to capture the sight of a little man faced with a real miracle.

Most likely, the baby will want to write a response message to his unexpected friend. Help him with this and enjoy the creation of another family tradition. Discuss this event with all family members and put the child to rest. Let him dream of a cloud that writes the answer on a piece of paper, and then wraps delicious candy in it.

By the beginning of the second part of the holiday you and your baby are already in good spirits and in beautiful festive outfits.

Everything is as usual: together you meet guests, the number of which can increase up to 8 people, including children. Together you accept congratulations and gifts, together you make sure that the congratulatory ones write something in the notebook.

Listen out of your ears to your toddler's story about the balloon incident. Smile. If the little guests are not familiar with each other, then remember about the ball and play an acquaintance game (see Birthday at 3 years old).

Only now, instead of the last question, ask to tell a little about yourself and your interests. For example, the new boy Petya, who is almost 5 years old, loves to collect cars and play football. Already familiar girl Masha, it turns out, builds houses for teddy bears and hates plastic dolls. After everyone gets to know each other, sit down at the table.

After the festive feast, it's time for fun. The number of prizes for winning competitions may increase slightly, although parental praise remains the main thing.

First, let the children wish the birthday boy a happy birthday again. On beautiful cards with flowers on the back, depict the following: a piece of paper with schematic lines on it (this means that you need to read a poem as a gift to the birthday person), a note and a microphone (you need to sing a song for the hero of the occasion), a man moving in a dance (task - dance beautifully to music), etc.

Then invite all the children, except for your baby, to draw out a card and complete the tasks indicated on the back. Someone will read poetry, someone will sing, and someone will dance. Do not rush the children, some forfeits may take time to prepare.

In this game, the help of adults is simply necessary, you must not only explain to the child what needs to be done, but also suggest a forgotten rhyme or sing a melody.

Then defuse the situation. Offer an active game "Snowballs"... Prepare about thirty "snowballs" in advance from crumpled paper wrapped in foil. Place a box or bucket in the far corner of the room. From a distance, children need to hit the bucket with a "snowball".

If the task is too easy, it can be complicated. Ask a parent to hold the basket with their hands and catch snowballs in it. Whisper to children that you don't have to aim directly at the basket. Together with the kids, rejoice in the resulting mess.

Next, arrange baton with balloons... Let the baby squeeze the balloon between his legs and jump from one end of the room to the other, trying not to lose the balloon. It is very good if you have a long corridor, it is perfect for this competition.

Think about the good old game "Into the blind cat"... Tie the driver (who can be selected with the help of a child's rhyme) eyes with a tight bandage. He is a cat. All the rest are mice. The cat stands in the middle of the room and, focusing on the sound, catches mice. The mice squeak, giggle, gently tickle the cat and dodge its tenacious paws.

To make it easier for children, the person who has been touched by the cat can be considered caught. It is not necessary to hug and throw on the floor so that the mouse does not run away. The captured mouse becomes a driving cat. Adults will bring liveliness and energy to this fun if they play with children.

Offer a game for the whole company "I guess I'll catch"... Place various small items in an opaque bag: stuffed animals, bracelets, rings, notepads, a few markers, etc.

Let the children take turns putting their hands in the bag and feeling for an object. After the child has grabbed something in the bag, he must guess it by touch. If he named the item correctly, he takes it to himself. In case of an error, it waits for the completion of the circle and tries again.

At the end of the holiday, be sure to perform "Loaf" and turn off the lights at the climax. The garland is gone, you took it off.

Therefore, ask your dad to bring in a cake with candles and a couple of fireworks at the same time as the lights are turned off. These cake decorations are sold in toy departments and look like short tubes with plastic tips.

They burn quickly, but you should not let the baby blow out the candles right away. First, remove the used fireworks tubes and only then bring the cake with candles to the baby.

After the tea party, see off the guests with the baby, thank everyone and take the floor from them to come in a year. Then go to bed for a well-deserved rest.

The most optimal and joyful option for a child and his friends to celebrate a birthday at this age is a children's playroom. No bars, cafes and a bunch of balls can replace the child's enjoyment of the fun on bouncing trampolines and playful cars. And even with friends! Happiness, not life.

Believe me, if you arrange a celebration in the playroom, it will become incredibly difficult to capture the attention of children. Therefore, decide right away: either you yourself spend the holiday at home, or you go with the whole company to the playroom. The choice is yours.

At this age, children are very eager to be independent, but they still dream that mom and dad will compete and play with them, watch how they make progress, support if something does not work out.

You cannot do without balloons, soap bubbles and prizes. I know that many adults are still not indifferent to all these components of the celebration.

Play with your children, show them your emotions, give in sincerely, and sometimes, on the contrary, win. Show your child that in some contests he is much faster and more agile than you.

Favorite balls.
Inflate and throw balloons around the room. You can run, leave them, who is next, who is higher. Arrange fun air relay races, for example, jumping with a ball between your legs.

"One-two-three, give your name."
All guests are assembled. It's time to get to know each other. Very often the composition of the invited people changes and the little friends of the birthday boy do not know each other by name. Have the children say names in chorus on the count of three. Who is louder, you will hear. You should have a close-knit chorus of children speaking at the same time.

Decorate and revitalize the room funny airy people... How can they be done? Tie two balls together. On one, children, armed with felt-tip pens, will draw funny faces, and on the second, arms and legs.

In the meantime, cut into pieces of corrugated colored paper. From it you can make colorful bows or skirts, beautiful curls or a hat, which are easily glued or tied with a ribbon. A smart airy guest is ready. It will serve as a wonderful decoration, as well as amuse and entertain the children. After all, the little man jumps, flies, sits, stands and dances beautifully.

- Oh-oh-oh, nothing is clear. In my opinion, all the girls are called Masha, and the boys are Maxims. Right? No? Good. So, to whom I throw the ball, he calls out the name loudly.

The children introduce themselves, after which you find out from the children why everyone is smart and cheerful, in connection with what holiday they got together. In honor of this event, offer to arrange a fireworks - loudly and loudly clap, stomp, jump and sit down as many times as the birthday person is or how many guests have gathered.

Now is the time go to fairy land, for which you need to sit on locomotive and ride around the room.
Children stand in a column one after another, hold their shoulders and, under the guidance of adults, make several circles around the room with loud sounds that imitate the sounds of a train.

The first stop of the locomotive - in the clearing of riddles.
Children sit on the floor and close their eyes. At this moment, adults are scattering cardboard flowers everywhere, tying cardboard stars on ribbons, on the back of which riddles are written. Kids must pick flowers without opening their eyes, who is bigger. And to get the star, you will need to work hard: jump high or climb on dad's shoulders. After everything is collected, the children sit in a circle, the trophies are counted, one of the parents reads riddles, and the guys guess.

The journey the guys are going on is, of course, imaginary. How reliable it will seem to children is up to you.

Moving on. Necessary cross the brook.
Stretch a ribbon or rope, which will go down and go up higher and higher each time. And children have to jump or step over it. When the height reaches such a level that the children cannot step over it, invite them to “swim under water,” that is, crawl under the tape without touching it.

Next stop - in the country with a sweet tooth.
A rope is tied to two chairs, and candies are attached to it with the help of colored tape. You need to tear off or cut off the candy with your eyes closed. Once all the fruits have been removed from the candy tree, the children can move on.

Their path lies in magical forest, which can only be reached in bags, jumping from one end of the room to the other.
Babies are given two large identical bags or bags in which they move around the room. Adults insure the participants so that no one stumbles or hits sharp corners.

The game is more fun if the animals are portrayed by adults, and the children guess and name them.

In the magic forest, everyone turns into animals or natural phenomena. Ask the children to imagine themselves as a bunny, frog, cat, tree, breeze, sun. They need to make appropriate sounds, show the character and habits of the creature.

To warm up a little, visit sports country... Have an active game with the children, such as "Head, elbows, knees, cheeks".

The guys, together with the presenter, repeat the words "head, elbows, knees, cheeks" and show those parts of the body that they name. It turns out a kind of exercise for the hands. The pace is increasing. After some time, an adult begins to deliberately confuse children and point to other parts of the body. Guys must be careful not to fall into the trap.

Here are some more fun outdoor games that kids will love.

"Sticky hemp".
Two adults are sitting in the middle of the room, children are running side by side, moms and dads are trying to grab them without leaving their seats. Whoever was caught, he also becomes a hemp, which catches, sticks to himself the players.

"Day - Night - Hunter".
If the host says the word "day", everyone runs around the room. If it's "night," squat down and close your eyes. Hearing the word "hunter", they quickly climb onto a chair, into a chair, that is, into a house, and whoever did not have time, becomes the leader and catches the gaping players.

At the end of the holiday, when the locomotive drives passengers to the Teatralnaya station, you can play a famous fairy tale, for example, Teremok.
A teremkom can be chairs or a table under which children climb. Some of the adults will be the author, and the guys will play the main roles. They put on the appropriate masks, and everyone is responsible for their animal: “This is me, the little mouse,” “This is me, the frog-frog,” etc.

If the kids are shy, make two characters each: a frog mom and a frog daughter, a mouse dad and a mouse son. The guys have passed all the tests, the journey is coming to an end, it's time to remember the most important person of the day and wish him a happy birthday.

Musical congratulation.
Everyone stands in a circle and sings the song "Let them run awkwardly ...", one of the adults shows the movements, the rest dance, repeating them. If you find rattles and tambourines in a box with toys, take spoons from the kitchen, you will get a real musical orchestra. Continue dancing with round dances or repeating games. Jump and have fun from the heart, circle the children, taking them by the arms or sitting on your shoulders. They will be delighted.

Dance game "If you have fun, do it".

If you have fun, do it.
We clap.

If you have fun, we will smile at each other.
We smile at our neighbors to the right and to the left.

If you have fun, do it.
Clap our hands together three times.

The game continues, clapping is replaced by stamping, jumping, turning.

Do not forget about the main ritual - blowing out candles, a festive round dance and standing up on a chair to everyone's applause as many times as you are years old. Your baby has been waiting for this moment all day.


(2 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Birthday for a child should be memorable. A 4-year-old girl should have vivid impressions of the holiday, and for this, many points must be taken into account.

In order to choose the right place for a children's party, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • Financial opportunities.
  • The number of guests invited.
  • Availability of time to prepare the holiday.
  • Season and weather conditions.
  • Possibility of full supervision of children.

The most popular options for places to celebrate a children's birthday will be described below.


The birthday of a 4 year old girl can be celebrated at home.

The advantages of this place:

  • A budget option. Parents do not have to pay rent for the premises. You also don't have to pay extra for food, music and other additional services.
  • Self-creation of a festive atmosphere. Parents with a child will be fully involved in organizing the holiday: decorating the room, setting the table will bring positive emotions, the feeling of the holiday will continue throughout the day, and not just for several hours.
  • A familiar atmosphere for a birthday boy. Lack of strangers involved in organizing the holiday and leisure.

Disadvantages of the chosen location:

  • Time consuming, troublesome. It is necessary to prepare for a children's holiday for more than one day, you should purchase the following in advance:

You also need to prepare:

  • holiday dishes;
  • a room for a feast;
  • zone for games and entertainment;
  • area for photographing (if provided).
  • A responsibility. The parents of the birthday girl are unlikely to have the opportunity to relax and easily celebrate their birthday with their daughter. The following will need to be monitored:
  1. "State" of the table: whether everything is enough, whether the children are full, whether it is necessary to bring / take away something else.
  2. Entertainment. It is necessary to prepare in advance games, contests and requisites for them. You will also have to conduct these games on your own, involve all the guests, make sure that the children do not get bored and find entertainment for themselves.
  3. Security. There may be corners and objects in the house that are dangerous for children: open sockets, sharp corners, stairs, sharp objects, medicines. Also, children can conflict, something cannot be divided. The task of parents is to control the leisure and behavior of young guests throughout the holiday.
  • Limited space. Living space (especially if it is an apartment, not a private house) can limit guests and bring discomfort. Children will have nowhere to "turn around", it will be difficult to actively play. Also, a noisy children's company can bring inconvenience to neighbors.
  • Cleaning. After the children's birthday, you will have to be especially careful to put the house in order. Children often drop food on the floor, and there will also be a lot of scattered things and toys left after guests. You should be prepared for the fact that the child may even break something inadvertently.


The advantages of this place:

Disadvantages of the chosen location:

  • Troubles. Food and party supplies must be prepared in advance, as well as everything else must be transported to the resting place.
  • Dependence on the season and weather conditions. Rainfall or a sudden cold snap can ruin the celebration. Also, this option is only suitable for summer or warm autumn / spring.
  • Full control. Adults should not relax, parents should completely control their children, not lose them out of sight. Particular attention should be paid to safety, especially if the celebration takes place near water bodies or forest plantations.

In the cafe

Many establishments (cafes, pizzerias) offer services for organizing children's parties. In addition to food and space, for an additional cost, you can get the services of professional decorators and animators.

The advantages of this place:

Disadvantages of the chosen location.

  • Financial expenses.
  • Unaccustomed environment for children, strangers.
  • Limited space.
  • Lack of a dedicated play area.

Children's play platforms

Advantages of the chosen location:

  • Minimal hassle. You will only have to take care of food, which you will need to bring with you.
  • Special play and entertainment area. A large number of toys.
  • A lot of space.
  • Security. On such platforms, everything is initially provided for children (also a toilet and a washbasin).
  • Minimum liability. Children can entertain themselves. The children's leisure area is fenced and allocated.
  • Minimal cleaning.

Disadvantages of the chosen location:

  • Financial costs (rent of a playground + animators, decorators, artists at will).
  • Lack of involvement in the preparation of the holiday.

General organizational points

The birthday of a 4 year old girl needs to be arranged, relying on some important principles of preparing a children's holiday:

  • table setting;
  • creation of invitation cards;
  • creating decorations for the room.

8. Decoration of the hall. It is necessary to decide in advance in what style the room for the celebration will be decorated. Then you should prepare the decorations (order them from decorators or purchase materials for creating jewelry with your own hands).

9. Babysitting. It is important to provide adequate and constant supervision of young guests. It is necessary to secure the festive area as much as possible: close the sockets, put medicines and dangerous items out of the reach of an inaccessible place. It is better to immediately assign the role of "child controller" to one of the adults.

Room decoration

The birthday of a 4 year old girl will become a bright and colorful event if you pay special attention to decorating the room for the celebration:

  • Time to prepare the room. The party room doesn't have to be fancy all week. For a long time, parents and children will get used to jewelry, and they will become commonplace. It is best to dress up the hall directly on the day of the holiday together with the birthday girl. If a surprise is expected, then the room can be prepared in the evening after the child goes to bed.
  • Balls. Balloons are the best type of decor for a children's party, some of the benefits of balloons:

  • Other decor. As another decor, you can use the following:
  1. Garlands;
  2. flashlights;
  3. congratulatory inscriptions and posters;
  4. numbers corresponding to the number of years of the child.
  • Organization of a photo zone. On request, a photo zone can be organized. But it is better to think in advance about its necessity: does the space allow, will the children have a desire to pose in the designated place?
  • Homemade jewelry. The decor can be done by yourself with the children. The easiest way would be to make decorations out of paper: garlands, lanterns, posters.
  • Simplicity. Complex and intricate decor, somewhat stylized, is more interesting for adults than for children. If parents are guided by kids, then simple balls and tinsel will be enough for decoration.

Birthday girl morning

You need to make a holiday for the child in the morning.

Several ways to start your holiday:

What to give a child

Birthday is a day of pleasant surprises. Gift options for a girl who is 4 years old:

Sports equipment and outdoor toys

  • Children's transport:
  1. Kick scooter;
  2. bike;
  3. sled.
  • Water activities:
  • Sport equipment:
  1. balls;
  2. mini trampoline.
  • Sand games:
  1. sandbox;
  2. molds for sand;
  3. carts;
  4. buckets, shovels, scoops.
  • Team games:
  1. bowling set;
  2. basketball set;
  3. croquet set.

Educational, educational toys

  • Mosaics and puzzles.
  • Constructors.
  • Experiment kits.
  • Educational kits (counting, alphabet and others).

Goods for creativity

  • Modeling:

  • Paper art:
  1. colored paper;
  2. colored cardboard;
  3. tools for creativity;
  4. kits for applications and origami.
  • Drawing and coloring:
  1. paints;
  2. colored pencils / pens / markers;
  3. sketchbooks;
  4. coloring pages;
  5. brushes and accessories.


  • Fiction:
  1. fairy tales;
  2. poetry.
  • Cognitive literature:
  1. encyclopedias;
  2. books about the world around and phenomena.
  • Books about children's leisure.
  • Child development:

Toys for girls:

  • electronic toys:
  1. tablet;
  2. telephone;
  3. watch;
  4. musical instruments;
  5. microphone.
  • role-playing toys:
  1. play in the store (checkout, grocery cart);
  2. household appliances (iron, vacuum cleaner);
  3. style and beauty (dressing table, hairdressing set);
  4. kitchen (oven, dishes);
  5. doctor's set.
  • Interactive toys.
  • Sets of figures (animals, men).
  • Stuffed Toys.
  • Dolls and baby dolls, doll accessories:

Festive table menu

Principles of drawing up a festive children's menu:

Options for successful dishes for a children's party are presented in the table below:

Main dishes Salads Snacks desserts Beverages
Skewers on skewers Salads in cups and vases Sandwiches Candies Still water
Pizza Salads in tartlets Canapes Cupcakes Lemonade
Unsweetened pies Pancakes Keypops Compote
Cutlets Lavash rolls Cakes Juices
Stuffed tomatoes, eggs Jelly Milkshakes


It is better for a 4 year old girl to spend her birthday according to a certain plan-scenario.

Step-by-step instructions for a birthday:

  • Awakening:

  • Preparation for the holiday:
  1. room decoration;
  2. preparation of festive dishes;
  3. table setting;
  4. preparation of the play area (toys, attributes for competitions).
  • Meeting with guests:
  1. greeting guests;
  2. presenting gifts from guests;
  3. invitation to the table.
  • Feast and congratulations:
  1. festive lunch / dinner;
  2. congratulations from guests.
  • Games, contests.

Examples of possible games and contests for a children's party (10 ideas):

1. Finish the picture.


Purpose of the game: The child must come up with a continuation of the drawing. It is necessary to draw something on the sheet in advance (circle, lines). The one who succeeds the most wins.

2. Overflowing water.


  • bowls of water;
  • spoons;
  • banks.

Purpose of the game: Children pour water at speed with the help of tablespoons from bowls into jars to the marked line. The winner is the one who did the fastest and best.

3. Stringing pasta.


  • bowls of pasta;
  • threads.

Purpose of the game: Participants string pasta of various shapes and sizes on a string. The winner is the one who is the fastest to string the whole thread.

4. Running between the pins.


Purpose of the game: Place the pins in a straight line on both sides. 2 children participate at the same time. Everyone needs to run between the pins as quickly as possible. The participant who first completed the task wins. This game is also well suited for team competitions.

5. Guessing food.


  • a blindfold;
  • various foods and food.

Purpose of the game: The participant is blindfolded and asked to open his mouth. The child eats the proposed product and tries to guess what he has eaten. The winner is the one who guessed the most products.

6. Best dancer.


  • hat;
  • musical arrangement.

Purpose of the game: Cheerful children`s music is included. The presenter (adult) puts a hat on one of the participants, the child begins to dance. The rest of the guests are applauding at this time. Then the headdress is put on to another participant who will show his dance. The child who shows the most incendiary dance wins.

7. Little kids and a wolf.


  • chairs.

Purpose of the game: A participant is selected who will portray a wolf. The rest of the children will be kids. The kids have "houses" (chairs). In the houses, the wolf cannot catch the kids. When the participants leave the hideout, the wolf tries to catch them. The main task is not to fall into the clutches of the wolf. The kid caught by the gray predator becomes a wolf.

8. Dance of individual parts of the body.


  • chairs.

Purpose of the game: Cheerful music turns on, children sit on high chairs. The presenter announces which part of the body should be dancing at the moment (arms, shoulders). Children are trying to portray such a dance. In the end, friendship wins.

9. Musical chairs.


Purpose of the game: Chairs are placed in a circle (there should be 1 less of them than the participants). The music turns on, the participants dance. When the music stops, children must have time to take an empty seat. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. The last remaining player wins.

10. Make a couple.


  • Disconnected pairs of baby socks.

Purpose of the game: One socks are laid out on the floor. Participants must search for a pair of socks for each sock. The winner is the one who has collected the most socks in pairs.

  • Time for independent children's games. Children love freedom, so several times during the event it is necessary to give them time to organize games and entertainment on their own.
  • End of the holiday:
  1. the appearance of a cake with candles;
  2. tea drinking;
  3. children's disco.

End of the holiday

The wrong end of the holiday can ruin the whole experience of the event. The end of the birthday should not be blurred, it is best to do something symbolic and memorable at the end of the holiday.

Birthday ending examples:

The birthday will remain in the memory of the girl for a long time, if you follow the rules of this article. 4 years will be remembered not only for gifts, but also for a wonderful celebration.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Video about organizing a child's birthday

What to set on the table for a child's birthday:

Entertainment center LaserLand
From 6 years old

LaserLand is a network of entertainment centers in Moscow. The main entertainment in the centers is laser tag, the total area of ​​arenas for the game is 1900 sq. M. All arenas have a different design, mainly in a space style.
All centers host children's parties with any theme: from Disney Princesses to StarWars. In addition to the holiday, guests can order cakes and desserts (there is its own pastry shop), show programs and master classes. The pricing policy for children's parties is different, each guest will find what he likes and can afford.

Amusement Park "Immersion"
From 4 years

Immersion is a new format of entertainment for the whole family; the park is located in the main aggregator of family recreation in Moscow - in the Riviera shopping and entertainment center. The park has playgrounds, many sports and intellectual action games.

The total area of ​​the park is 3,500 m2. On the territory there are 5 thematic banquet halls, 12 performances with actors, special programs for children, etc. (game + banquet hall + show programs + food).
For adults - stag and hen parties programs.
The park has games for all ages - from the Kids' zone to an erotic performance (18+).

European Gymnastics Center
From 3 years

A child's birthday at the European Gymnastics Center is an interesting holiday format for children of all ages.
During the celebration in the large gymnasium, 2 coaches organize exciting relay races, fun starts, trampoline workouts, games in the pool with blocks, recreational activities and much more for children. Not only children, but also their parents will be invited to participate in competitions and activities.
The duration and time of the event are discussed with the administrator of the European Gymnastics Center. As a rule, holidays take from 2 to 4 hours.
During the celebration, guests will have free time for games, chatting with friends and treats.
Birthday information and registration -

Laser tag club "Legion"
From 6 years old

Celebrating a child's birthday in a laser tag club is always a great idea. The brand new Legion Club has 2 playgrounds and 3 banquet halls. It is conveniently located a 2-minute walk from the metro.
Children are entertained by professional instructors-animators who have dozens of game scenarios in stock. The club has a variety of play equipment: machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, grenades, tactical shields, control points, military bases, first aid kits, command posts, combination locks, bombs, etc.
And a very affordable price for the holidays - the average check for a three-hour birthday is up to 15,000 rubles.

Children's car park MOTOR CITY GRAND

From 0 years

In Motor city Grand, you can organize a holiday, the program of which includes a set of exciting tasks and tests. For the birthday man and his guests, animation programs have been developed for different ages, and there is a whole City of Racers with real attributes of the highway: a gas station, a car wash, a traffic police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and a fleet of children's electric vehicles.
Among the programs: Police quest, Transformers and dances of the missing crystal, School of spies or spy tricks, Fire alarm (program - Initiation into Firefighters). And also - Mafia or robbery in Italian based on the movie “Robbery in Italian” and the game “Crane Kranich or Bob the Builder”.

From 1 year

In the CHILDREN'S CITY OF BUILDERS on the territory of the Riviera shopping and entertainment center, three themes are presented: construction, pirate and marine. Children operate a tower crane, conveyor belt or conveyor belt, load and deliver soft bricks and huge Lego blocks to a construction site, build houses and erect skyscrapers from soft bricks, and frolic in the water play area, play naval combat and launch ships. ... And waterproof vests will keep you afloat even in the midst of the fun.

Children have at their disposal complete construction equipment (helmets, vests, trowels and hammers) and a whole arsenal of construction equipment. A whole brigade is working here, led by young foremen. In addition to soft bricks, there are large Lego blocks, with the help of which the guys build buildings and lay the wall of the glass house.

A building or pirate themed birthday program will appeal to both boys and girls.

ExitGames Entertainment Game Center

From 6 years old

Active and intellectual games are collected in a single space of the center:
6 children's quests with different plots For children from 6 years old: escape from prison, find a way out of the ship, become students of Hogwarts, investigate the mysterious disappearance of a scientist. On quests, children are accompanied by a costume animator.
Hide and seek in the dark: an active adventure based on the favorite children's game. In dark labyrinths, accompanied by sound and light special effects, children on commands will need to hide and search, explore the labyrinths and find hiding places and loopholes. The presenter accompanies the children throughout the game.
Laser tag for children from 10 years old: laser combat with safe pistols for active players. Children need to develop a strategy, hide in mazes and capture the enemy base.
Ball pool: a fun space with tasks for the little ones - from 3 years old.

Also, in the play center there are 4 halls for parties, where children can have a snack, dance to the X-box, play virtual reality and solve mini-quests. And for adults, the ExitGames team can offer a separate menu, mafia and poker.

Family amusement park "Fairy Tale"
From 3 years

The Skazka Family Park in Krylatskoye is one of the most modern and well-equipped children's parks in the capital. The total area of ​​the park is 7 hectares. Visitors to the park travel to different times and countries, moving from the only Ice Age animal park in Moscow - ICE Park to the largest Dinopark in Moscow, and then to the ethnocultural complex Husky Land, where they find themselves in the unique world of the Far North. From our days - at the time of Baba Yaga and Kashchei the Immortal.
"Fairy Tale" will help you organize a children's party, where the birthday boy and his friends will become the protagonists of an unforgettable adventure. Fascinating scenarios were prepared for the holiday: Alice visiting the Red Queen, traveling with minions, visiting Baba Yaga, Frozen, Fort Boyard, Dinoostrov; Fantastic show programs made of foam rubber and paper, soap bubbles, transformers and magicians. There are also themed spaces in the park where you can relax and eat deliciously.

Children's car park MOTOR.BIG CITY
1 to 10 years old

MOTOR.BIG CITY is the largest project of the network of children's theme parks. It has 1,200 square meters, 5 themed rooms for a party, painted in the style of European Cities (London, Paris, Rome), a cafe for 70+ seats, a delicious menu for children and adults.
This is a whole CITY of young racers, pirates and princesses, the largest fleet of children's cars, 10 new play zones, exciting quests, and the School of Superheroes. There are unique water installations for playing with water, of such a size that there is enough space for everyone.
Birthday in MOTOR.BIG CITY is an exciting adventure in the Big City and the best author's programs, both for kids (from 1 year old) and for older children (up to 10 years old). Children will learn to investigate crimes and compose a composite of a criminal, extinguish a fire and build high-rise towers, carry out the secret mission of the Transformer, pump muscles up to the size of the Hulk, beat off a fire attack with Captain America's shield, and receive the Infinity Gauntlet.
Available programs:
- Sightseeing adventure in the Big City,
- Police School,
- Fire alarm,
- Alice and the Princesses in the Big City,
- LOL,
- School of Superheroes MARVEL.

Darwin Museum

6 to 12 years old

Birthday at the Darwin Museum consists of an interactive tour of 1.5 hours and tea in a separate tea room. The cake and all the treats can be brought with you; one hour is allocated for the meal. There are 5 different themes to choose from. After the end of the program, you can take a walk around the museum and watch the interactive exhibition "Walk the Path of Evolution". You need to pay for the children's party in the museum, where you can also buy cute invitation cards for guests.

Children's club "Nora Bratza Rabbit"

1-14 years old

Children's Club "Nora Bratza Rabbit" is a unique atmospheric playground for holding children's parties, from the first birthday to graduation and New Years. Cozy, homely, but at the same time solemn atmosphere will make the holiday sincere and will be remembered for a long time.
The theatrical programs of the club are immersive performances in which children take an active part, going on a long journey across the ocean, saving the universe, solving mysteries and riddles.
There are no animators here. The staff consists of 15 professional actors, a director, screenwriter, costume props, props, vocal teacher, choreographer, sound engineer, decorators, and managers who are professionally involved in organizing the event.
The Burrow provided for everything: meeting guests (by the way, by Brother Rabbit himself), a children's snack, decoration of the hall and a thematic photo zone, a theatrical program and show, a ceremonial takeout of a cake with candles and fireworks, tea drinking and even giving gifts on the birthday throne. All you have to do is come and enjoy the holiday.

Experimentanium Museum
4 to 15 years old

Children's birthdays in "Experimentanium" are celebrated on a scientific scale, and birthday people are congratulated for free on the museum radio. Several different scenarios are offered to choose from, designed for children 4-6, 7-11 years old and adolescents from 13 years old. All programs last exactly 1 hour and are interactive games with a variety of riddles and tasks that involve active interaction with the museum's exhibits.
Additionally, you can order a festive banquet in the museum cafe (menu options - 370 or 430 rubles per person), and bring a festive cake with you (bringing drinks is prohibited).

Planetarium of Moscow
6 to 14 years old

There are several scenarios for birthday people in the Planetarium: "Save the Planet of Knowledge" (6-9 years old), "Expedition to distant planets", "Star team" (8-11 years old), "Intergalactic reconnaissance" (9-12 years old). You can take a course for a young astronaut and learn in just an hour how real space pilots are trained. Each program includes an excursion and competitions lasting 1 hour, as well as a session in the Big Star Hall (30-50 minutes) or 4D cinema (15 minutes).
All participants will receive prizes and souvenirs. Additional services: face painting and photographer services. A festive feast can be arranged in the Teleskop cafe (your choice is a sweet table with desserts and ice cream and a full-fledged dinner with hot, snacks and salads).

Adventure Museum "Living History"

From 7 years

The Living History Museum offers to celebrate a child's birthday by going on a journey through time. There are 7 historical eras and 7 extraordinary programs to choose from. Any program consists of an interactive part (1, 5 hours) and tea drinking (1 hour). Tea and dishes are provided by the museum, everything else can be brought with you. You do not need to come to the museum to book a holiday. The order is made by phone.
Programs: "Adventures in a Knight's Castle" (9-12 years old), "Treasure hunt" (7-11 years old) - children themselves will be able to try how it was: carry buckets on rocker arms, handle a grapple, spin on a spinning wheel, shoot from the present Luke; “The secret behind seven locks. Medieval Japan "(8-12 years old)," Expedition to Ancient Egypt "(8-12 years old)," The Treasure of Agra. Ancient India ”(8-12 years),“ The Great Journey to the Stone Age ”(7-11 years),“ Time Code. Ancient Rome "(9-12 years old) - you can try on the armor of a centurion and a legionnaire, dress up like beautiful Romans.

Museum of Animation
From 5 years

As part of the holiday, children will walk around the museum with a guided tour, shoot their own cartoon and watch it on the big screen along with other new animation products, take part in a master class and learn how to create cartoons in the computer program “Your Own Animator”. The birthday boy will receive a museum diploma and a DVD with his own cartoon as a gift, and all participants will receive a CD with a program for creating cartoons as a keepsake.
You can choose an economical or full version of the program. In addition to the activities already listed, the full version of the holiday includes a congratulation from the museum mascot - Grandfather the Cartoon, a ceremonial takeout of a cake, a children's disco and a tea party.

Museum of Soviet slot machines
Any age

There are no special programs for children's birthdays in the museum, but you can rent the entire room after hours or have a picnic on the museum balcony. In the first case, the museum will be entirely at the disposal of the birthday boy and his guests, who will be able to play slot machines as much as they like. The second option involves sitting on a balcony for 10 people, and the birthday boy and his friends will receive 15 tokens for games. During the holiday, a museum employee will be present in the room, who can tell about the exhibits, explain the rules of the game or help in operating the machines.
Parents can bring all the treats with them; also, in a local cafe, you can order tea, coffee, milkshakes or drink soda from a Soviet vending machine.

Museum of Fairy Tales "Once Upon a Time"
5-11 years old

During the celebration of the birthday, the birthday man and guests will be invited to the canopy of the magical house, where many miracles will await them. In the company of fairy-tale characters, children will complete tasks and pass tests, lie on the stove, try on heroic armor, taste rejuvenating apples and find a guiding star. The program is designed for 1.5 hours, after which the holiday can be continued at the courtyard with the parents. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and you can take pictures with the fairy-tale characters.
Parents bring treats for the festive table, half an hour is allotted for the feast.

Museum "Pinocchio-Pinocchio"
5-11 years old

The birthday boy and his guests will be invited to the magical land of Buratinia, where a journey awaits them in the company of fairy-tale heroes. On the way, children will complete assignments and pass tests, and then they will find the Golden Key, open the door behind the painted hearth and get to the magic theater "Lightning", where a festive concert will take place, congratulating them with games, contests and dances. The program is designed for 1.5 days, after which the holiday can be continued with parents in the Tavern of Three Pescars. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and with the fairy-tale characters it will be possible to be photographed for memory.
Parents bring treats for the festive table, half an hour is allotted for tea drinking.

Moscow City Museum
4 to 12 years old

The birthday program in the museum is designed depending on the age of the birthday person, his interests and the number of guests. The program is based on an entertainment program from animators - it can be a master class on designing a costume or a game quest in the halls of the museum. In case of good weather, a street quest will be held for the children, while parents can set the table in the meantime. All treats can be brought with you, and to create a festive atmosphere, museum staff can decorate the hall with balls and decorations. You can add any master class from invited instructors to the program. The duration of the holiday is 3 hours.

In the branch of the Museum of Moscow - Museum of manor culture- there are proposals for young birthday people. In the Servant's Wing for children from 7 years old, the program "Angel's Day" is held, which includes an interactive excursion, a festive tea party and a music program with ancient music and dances. The program is conducted by a tour guide in a historical costume, and all guests receive invitations in the style of the 19th century. The cost of the program is 13,000 rubles. The number of participants is no more than 15 people.

Birthday can be celebrated on Equestrian yard of the museum... The program for children 7-12 years old includes a tour of the World of Childhood exhibition, historical games in the children's room, visits to the stables and acquaintance with horses, outdoor games and entertaining quizzes. Additionally, you can order a ride in a museum carriage (100 rubles for children, 150 rubles for adults). The cost of the program is 13,000 rubles. To arrange a festive feast, you need to order the Tea Party in the Museum program (200 rubles per person).

Museum-Estate "Kolomenskoye"
From 6 years old

The museum-reserve has several programs addressed to young birthday people. One of them, "Family Circle", will lead guests through the territory of the Tsar's yard and the House of Peter I. In the process, you can learn many old songs and dances and try on the royal outfits. The duration of the program is 1 hour 50 minutes. Also in the estate museum, interesting master classes are held, which can also become part of the holiday.
A festive feast can be arranged in one of the cafes and restaurants located on the territory of "Kolomenskoye". Guests are treated to tea and pancakes with jam.

Theater "House of Alice"
From 1 to 7 years old

"Alice's House" is a theater of unusual events for children and adults. A birthday party, bachelorette party or baby shower will be prepared and organized on any day of the week. The exquisite interior of "Alice's House" is made in the English style, and hundreds of thoughtful little things and unusual objects create the atmosphere of a real looking glass. Holidays are held here in the format of performances, with props, decorations and bright costumes. The visiting card of "Alice's House" is a tea party: "Traditional English tea party" and "Crazy tea party". In them, the Carroll characters are their own person. There are also programs for babies "Tea Feast with Princess Sofia" and "Peppa Pig: French Picnic". There are many scenarios for the holidays, most of them include animation, a mini-play, and a creative workshop.

Space Museum
4 to 12 years old

Three interactive programs have been compiled for the birthday people, which will interest children 4-8 and 7-12 years old. Depending on the theme, guests can visit different rooms: learn how to make tea in zero gravity, or find out what astronauts eat. In the arsenal of the museum there are three game excursion programs for birthday people: "Flight to the Moon" (4-8 years old); "Happy birthday, young astronaut!" (from 7 years old); "Meet Planet Earth!" (from 7 years old). Regardless of the option chosen, children will have a bright excursion around the museum and a banquet in the company of a cheerful animator. Duration of the holiday: 2 hours 30-45 minutes. Parents take care of the treats and drinks.

Sea Inside Cafe
Age: from 3 years old

For the birthday boy and his guests on the roof-veranda, they can arrange an adventure quest, during which the children will puzzle over riddles, go through difficult and funny tests and perform creative tasks. You can spend a holiday in an animation studio, where, in the company of professional merry fellows, children will transform into their favorite cartoon characters, or in a creative laboratory, where you can master a variety of artistic techniques and create real masterpieces. Another festive scenario - "A Day Without Barriers" - will allow children to do everything that adults usually prohibit: splashing water, running around like crazy, or smearing with colored paint.
You can bring your own cake to the party, subject to a deposit.

Uryuk restaurant chain
Age: from 1 year

The basis of the program can be a puppet show and master classes in soap making, pottery, painting on wood, modeling from plasticine or creating jewelry. You can organize an animation program on a pirate, circus or Indian theme, arrange a show of soap bubbles or scientific experiments, a disco. The duration of the programs is from 60 minutes.
Guests can bring their own treats or order them on site. The premises for the party will be decorated with balloons at the expense of the establishment.
Children's parties are held in all restaurants "Uryuk", which have children's animation: Uryuk on Prospekt Mira, on Marshal Zhukov, on Smolenskaya, on Pilyugin, on Vavilov.

Cafe chain "Khachapuri"
Age: 4 to 14 years old

There are no standard programs in "Khachapuri": each event is created before the holiday. You can have a small family meal at a separate table, or rent a separate room or a whole restaurant. The components of the program can be cognitive classes, arts and crafts master classes, outdoor or board games, contests, competitions and quizzes or a large-scale street quest outside the restaurant.
You can bring your own cake to the party. There are still a few restrictions: if the holiday is held in a common room, guests are not allowed to invite animators in costumes of fairy-tale characters or superheroes - this violates the concept of the institution.

Family restaurant chain "Ribambel"
Age: from 1 year

More than a hundred holiday scenarios have already accumulated in the club's arsenal, so that every young birthday boy can choose the most interesting one for himself: from mystical "Spies" to "Princess Kingdom". Each program can be supplemented with creative workshops, soap bubble shows, alchemical tricks, or the performance of robots or trained animals. The Ribambel Club Playground will surely appeal to children: little ones can “swim” in the pool with balls, and older children can explore the “magic river” and themed houses.
Ribambel organizes holidays on a turnkey basis: from organizing an event to a festive table with refreshments. Only a photographer or operator can be invited from outside. Usually a children's party lasts no more than 3 hours, but a 5-hour program can also be ordered.

Family cafe "Lilac" in Sokolniki Park
For any age

The basis of the holiday program can be a children's play, a concert or, for example, a science show. They offer fascinating master classes to choose from: kids are offered to cook festive dishes, cook scented soap, decorate T-shirts, paint gingerbread, create jewelry, paintings from seeds, crafts from feathers or salt dough, weave from beads, try themselves in pottery, the art of origami or macrame. You can invite a live statue or a cartoonist, magicians or trainers, a children's DJ, silent mimes or incendiary presenters and animators to the party.
You cannot bring your own treats to "Lilac", but there is a pastry shop in the cafe, where you can order a birthday cake of any complexity.

Bocconcino Restaurant
Age: from 2 years

There are several programs to choose from, differing in budget, duration and type of entertainment. The main components can be theatrical performances, music concerts and classes, and creative workshops. You can invite a children's DJ, decorate the hall with balloons or flowers, print personal invitations for guests.
Treats for guests must be ordered at the restaurant - the Bocconcino pastry chef will prepare a birthday cake.

Cafe network "Shokoladnitsa"
Age: from 5 years old

In "Shokoladnitsa" you can celebrate a baby's birthday, graduation in kindergarten, the end of a quarter or an academic year. Young guests will find a fascinating festive program from a real Wizard with a disco and contests, as well as a master class "Academy of Chocolate Art". There are other animation programs: "Laboratory-Choko" with exciting experiments and experiments, culinary classes "Chocolate Legend" or "Marmalade Adventure", after which the little ones will have sweet figures, created by their own hands. You can invite a clown, a fairytale character and a photographer to the holiday, and if you wish, you can spend the holiday on the road - at home, in the country, at school or kindergarten.
You cannot bring your own treats to the cafe, you can choose a treat from the children's menu.

Confectionery factory and cafe "Confael"
Age: 3-15 years old

Each festive program is based on a chocolate master class: guests will paint chocolate pictures or make sweets with their own hands. The duration of the programs is from 60 minutes. A fascinating lecture on chocolate, its history and recipes can be held for the birthday boy and his guests. The festive tasting of all three types of chocolate prepared at the Konfael factory will help to consolidate the information received.
Treats for the festive table must be ordered on the spot. Children can bake a cake themselves, which will be decorated with birthday candles and served with tea. If desired, the chocolate program can be carried out on the road: in this case, the parents set the festive table on their own.

Family cafes network "Anderson"
Age: 1 to 14 years old

The party can be arranged in any of the chain's cafes, except for the cafes on the ak. Tupolev and on Strastnoy Boulevard. A birthday at Anderson can be celebrated in a variety of ways: watch a puppet show, arrange a pillow fight, throwing cakes and much more (there are all programs for the birthday boy and his guests in the cafe). For example, for your birthday you can order "The Puppet Show Anderson" - an interactive performance in the best traditions of the Muppets and Sesame Street.
Of the restrictions: you are not allowed to bring your own cake - everything can be ordered in the cafe. It is necessary to book a room and time in advance, an advance payment of at least 30% is required.

Hamleys toy store in the European shopping center
Age: from 3 years old

Who hasn't dreamed of a birthday in a toy store? This dream can be realized in the Hamleys store in the Evropeyskiy shopping center. A huge selection of toys and professional actors and animators will help the birthday boy and his friends to be transported into a wonderful fairy tale. The mascot of the store, the cute bear Hamley, will also bring congratulations in person. There are several exciting programs to choose from: "Pirate Party", "Princess Ball", "Battle of Transformers" or "Bubble Show".

Moscow Zoo
Age: from 3 years old

You can also celebrate children's birthday on the territory of the Moscow Zoo. The program includes an interactive theatrical performance, a tour of the zoo, a quest around the zoo, a visit to a petting zoo, an animation program and a birthday cake. Activities are adaptable to any age. The total duration of the program is from 2 to 3 hours

Climbing wall "Skala City"
Age: from 7 years old

With the project "No clowns" you can celebrate your birthday at the rock-climbing wall "Skala City". Clowns, lively animators and fairy-tale characters with plastic noses will not be invited to the holiday. Instead, the birthday boy and his guests are offered a series of competitions with original contests and games. Several scenarios are offered to choose from. You can choose a small program: with a relay race, a climbing wall, an equestrian fight, a game of saboteurs or a colosseum. A large program for children 7-10 years old can be supplemented with jumping, and for children 10-13 years old - jumping and biathlon.
in Lianozovo, in Tsaritsyno or in Fili park .

Equestrian club "Izmailovo"
Age: from 4 years old

Communication with horses in the Izmailovo equestrian club will give children a charge of positive emotions and good mood. The events are held by professional hosts, and the horses and ponies are beautifully decorated to fully match the moment. On the territory of the club there is a cafe where you can arrange a festive feast, a banquet hall for 70 seats and a spacious forest clearing for a picnic. Guests are offered a children's menu and many additional treats such as a chocolate fountain.

Water park "Kva-kva park"
Age: from 3 years old

In "Kva-kva Park" you can celebrate a children's birthday surrounded by water splashes and fun attractions. Programs differ in duration, age of participants and cost. The shortest one - "Impromptu" (2950 rubles) - lasts only 15 minutes and consists in the adaptation of the child from the animator in the costume of a fairy-tale character. As part of the half-hour program "The Mystery of the Seven Seas" (3800 rubles), the child and his friends will be ordained to seafarers and will receive a festive cake. The cost of entrance tickets must be paid separately. There are also longer and more intensive programs for schoolchildren who already know how to swim. You can also order a photo or video filming, set a festive table for the birthday person and his guests.

Beauty salon "Victoria's Dreams"
Age: from 7 years old

A birthday in a beauty salon will make the dreams of little fashionistas come true. The Beauty Birthday program is designed for 5 or more participants aged 7 years and older. The birthday girl and her guests will be able to do a festive styling, light make-up and manicure, after which they will take part in an interesting master class. For example, you can learn how to create beautiful bracelets with your own hands. The administration of the salon completely leaves the gastronomic troubles on the shoulders of the parents, who need to take care of the food. There are no particular restrictions in Victoria Dreams. You can arrange a holiday in any of the two Victoria Dream salons in Moscow: in the flagship salon on Leninsky Prospekt or in branch on Petrovsky Boulevard .

Children's Center for Scientific Discovery "InnoPark"
5 to 13 years old

In the science park, children are offered several options for a holiday in the quest format: "Green Beard Riddles" for children 8-13 years old, "A Space Odyssey" (10-13 years old). There is also a version of the interactive game "Message from Space", the program is suitable for children from 5 to 10 years old. Duration of the programs: 1 hour. The program includes a visit to the mini-planetarium. Additionally, you can rent a children's room, hold a competition, master class, invite a photographer. There are discounts for the celebration on weekdays.

Scientific and educational center "Eureka-park"
Children age: 5 to 13 years old

In "Eureka Park" you can celebrate your child's birthday with 4 different exciting programs, depending on age and preferences: Musical journey (from 5 years old); Homemade animation kitchen (from 5 years old); Academy of Focuses (from 7 years old); The magic of light and color (from 7 years old) (Chemical program). The holiday lasts 2.5 hours, of which 1.5 hours is an interactive master class, in which children must do something themselves, and 1 hour is provided for tea drinking. Parents bring food, you can also order food at the restaurant (located in the same building).
Additionally, you can organize a disco and invite the presenter to play with the children.